Sberbank of

(full corporate name of the joint-stock company)

Issuer code: 0 1 4 8 1 – V

as 3 0 0 9 2 0 1 9 of (indicate the date on which the list of affiliates of the joint-stock company was compiled)

Address of the issuer: 19 Vavilova , 117997 (address of the issuer – the joint-stock company – indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities where a body or a representative of the joint-stock company is located) Information contained in this list of affiliates is subject to disclosure pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation on securities.

Website:; (the website used by the issuer to disclose information)

Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Sberbank . B. Zlatkis (position of the authorized individual of the joint-stock company) (signature) (initials, surname) L.S.

“ 02 ” October 20 19 .

Issuer codes INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 7707083893 OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) 1027700132195

I. Affiliates as of 3 0 0 9 2 0 1 9

Item Full company name (or name for a Address of a legal entity or place of Grounds for recognizing the entity Date on which Interest of the affiliate Percentage of ordinary No. nonprofit entity) or full name (if any) of residence of an individual (to be as an affiliate the grounds in the charter capital of shares of the joint- the affiliate indicated only with the consent of became valid the joint-stock stock company owned the individual) company, % by the affiliate, % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Entity may manage more than The Central Bank of the Russian 12, Neglinnaya Street, Moscow 20% of the total number of votes 1 21/03/1991 50.000000004 52.316214 Federation 107016 attached to voting shares of the Bank 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 165 estate, room 3.1, Mozhayskoe shares that constitute the charter Highway, Novoivanovskoe 2 Sberbank Leasing Joint-Stock Company capital, the interest of this legal 17/08/1993 - - Industrial Community, Odintsovsky entity. District, Moscow Region 143026 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 32 Leninsky , floor 1, room shares that constitute the charter 3 Auction Limited Liability Company IB, room 12, Moscow, Russian capital, the interest of this legal 29/08/1996 - - Federation entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter 33 Oktyabrskaya Street, Nizhny 4 IKS Joint-Stock Company capital, the interest of this legal 23/04/1996 - - Novgorod 603005 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Chairman of the Supervisory 5 Sergey Ignatiev Russian Federation, Moscow 30/06/2000 - - Board of the Bank 6 Bella Zlatkis Russian Federation, Moscow 1. Member of the Executive Board 08/07/2005 0.000443 0.000463 2 of the Bank 2. Member of the Supervisory 08/06/2018 Board of the Bank Member of the Supervisory Board 7 Nadezhda Ivanova Russian Federation, Moscow 21/06/2002 - - of the Bank 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 12a, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Drive, shares that constitute the charter Sovremennye Tekhnologii Limited 8 block 1, building 6, Moscow, capital, the interest of this legal 24/12/2004 - - Liability Company 115432 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. CEO, Chairman of the 28/11/2007 Executive Board of the Bank

2. Chairman of the Executive 28/11/2007 Board of the Bank 9 Herman Gref Russian Federation, Moscow 0.003096 0.002961 3. Member of the Supervisory 24/06/2005 Board of the Bank

4. Part of the Bank's group of 28/11/2007 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 13/1 Al-Farabi Avenue, Bostandyk shares that constitute the charter Subsidiary Bank Sberbank of Russia 10 District, Almaty 050059, Republic capital, the interest of this legal 21/07/2006 - - Joint-Stock Company of Kazakhstan entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter JOINT-STOCK COMPANY 46 Vladimirskaya Street, Kiev 11 capital, the interest of this legal 27/12/2007 - - SBERBANK 01601, Ukraine entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Member of the Executive Board 12 Stanislav Kuznetsov Russian Federation, Moscow 29/01/2008 0.000594 0.000621 of the Bank Member of the Executive Board 13 Alexander Morozov Russian Federation, Moscow 19/05/2008 0.001744 0.001009 of the Bank 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Capital Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow, 14 capital, the interest of this legal 28/07/2008 - - Company 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

3 Part of the Bank's group of 15 Ashot Khachaturyants Russian Federation, Moscow 25/09/2008 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank – Automated System for 24 Novoslobodskaya Street, - 16 capital, the interest of this legal 14/01/2009 - Trading Closed Joint-Stock Company building 2, Moscow 127055 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Savings Capital Limited Liability 10 Arbat Street, 3rd floor, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 17 31/12/2008 - - Company 119002 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 18 Sergey Monastyrny Russian Federation, Moscow 31/12/2008 - - entities/persons

1. The Bank may manage more 14/12/2009 than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter BPS-Sberbank Open Joint-Stock 6, Mulyavina , Minsk 19 capital, the interest of this legal - - Company 220005, Republic of entity.

2. Part of the Bank's group of 14/12/2009 entities/persons

1. The Bank may manage more 21/12/2009 than 20% of votes attached to the United Credit Bureau Closed Joint-Stock shares that constitute the charter 2, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, 20 Company capital, the interest of this legal - - building 1, Moscow 127006 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 04/03/2011

19 Vavilova Street, Moscow, Part of the Bank's group of 21 SBK Limited Liability Company 18/12/2009 - - 117997 entities/persons 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow, Part of the Bank's group of 22 SBK Metall Limited Liability Company 18/12/2009 - - 117997 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 46 Molodyozhnaya Street, office shares that constitute the charter Promising Investments Limited Liability 23 335, , Moscow Region, capital, the interest of this legal 04/03/2010 - - Company 143007 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons SberLeasing Closed Joint-Stock 37 Pionerskaya Street, Room 19, Part of the Bank's group of 24 14/12/2009 - - Company Minsk 220020, Republic of Belarus entities/persons Member of the Supervisory Board 25 Sergey Shvetsov Russian Federation, Moscow 04/06/2010 - - of the Bank

4 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.040106 0.033965 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Market Fund Administration Limited 79 V. Lenina Street, room 8, 27 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 - - Liability Company Derbent 368602, Dagestan entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons The Bank may manage more than 12/05/2010 20% of votes attached to the

118 Varshavskoye Highway, shares that constitute the charter Raschyotnye Resheniya Joint-Stock 28 building 1, floor 12, room XLIV, capital, the interest of this legal - - Company Moscow 117587 entity.

2. Part of the Bank's group of 25/01/2012 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 52 Kosmodamianskaya shares that constitute the charter Strategy Partners Group Joint Stock 29 Naberezhnaya, building 2, Moscow capital, the interest of this legal 05/07/2010 - - Company 115054 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Regional Cash Settlement Center Joint- 160 Bogdana Khmelnitskogo Part of the Bank's group of 30 07/07/2010 - - Stock Company Avenue, Belgorod 308010 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 31 Svetlana Pismennaya Russian Federation, Belgorod 07/07/2010 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 32 Proyekt Ogni Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room A29, 27/08/2010 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 46 Molodyozhnaya Street, shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Investments Limited Liability 33 Odintsovo, Moscow Region, capital, the interest of this legal 11/10/2010 - - Company 143002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1 Grants Row, 2d Floor, Lower Part of the Bank's group of 34 SB LEASING IRELAND LIMITED 28/06/2010 - - Mount Street, Dublin 2 entities/persons 35 GARANT-SV Limited Liability 9 Generala Ostryakova St, Part of the Bank's group of 29/10/2010 - -

5 Company Opolznevoe , Yalta, Republic entities/persons of Crimea, 298685, Russian Federation 29A Tereshkovoy Street, Yaroslavl Part of the Bank's group of 36 Nord Joint-Stock Company 14/01/2011 - - 150003 entities/persons Almaty 050059, Republic of Sberbank Leasing Kazakhstan Limited Kazakhstan, 13/1 Al-Farabi Part of the Bank's group of 37 21/01/2011 - - Liability Partnership Avenue, Nurly Tau Multifunctional entities/persons Center, block 3V, 7th floor 13/1 Baturinskaya Street, Rostov- Part of the Bank's group of 38 SB Invest Limited Liability Company 11/02/2011 - - on-Don 344004 entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SVK Holding Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 39 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A33, 04/03/2011 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 40 Gros Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A31, 04/04/2011 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 6 Mulyavina Boulevard, office 418, Part of the Bank's group of 41 SB-Global Limited Liability Company 09/06/2011 - - Minsk 220005 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Technology Joint-Stock 10, Novodanilovskaya 42 capital, the interest of this legal 06/07/2011 - - Company Naberezhnaya, Moscow 117105 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 12/1 Dostyk Street, VPZ, Esyl Strategy Partners Kazakhstan Limited Part of the Bank's group of 43 District, Astana 010000, Republic 31/03/2011 - - Liability Partnership entities/persons of Kazakhstan Poseidonos, 1, LEDRA BUSINESS SBERBANK INVESTMENTS Part of the Bank's group of 44 CENTRE, Egkomi, 2406, Nicosia, 08/09/2011 - - LIMITED entities/persons Cyprus 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Loyalty Programs Center Joint-Stock 5, 1st Derbenevsky Pereulok, Room 45 capital, the interest of this legal 31/08/2011 - - Company 505/506, Moscow 115114 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 6 Ioanni Stylianou, 2nd floor, Part of the Bank's group of 46 SBGB CYPRUS LIMITED office/flat 202, 2003 Nicosia, 28/09/2011 - - entities/persons Cyprus 18 Leninskaya Street, village of Manzherok Ski Resort Joint-Stock Part of the Bank's group of 47 Manzherok, Mayma District, Altai 11/11/2011 - - Company entities/persons Republic 649113

6 9 Generala Ostryakova St, Opolznevoe village, Yalta, Republic Part of the Bank's group of 48 KIPARIS 2 Limited Liability Company 09/08/2011 - - of Crimea, 298685, Russian entities/persons Federation

1. The Bank may manage more

than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter Limited Liability Company Insurance 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 49 capital, the interest of this legal 18/01/2012 Company Sberbank Life Insurance 115162 entity. - 2. Part of the Bank's group of -


Gartenstrasse 24, 8002 Zurich, Part of the Bank's group of 50 Sberbank (Switzerland) AG 23/12/2011 - - Switzerland entities/persons 251 Little Falls Drive, City of Part of the Bank's group of 51 Sberbank CIB USA, Inc. Wilmington, County of New Castle, 25/01/2012 - - entities/persons 19808 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 52 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000598 0.000626 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 53 SA&PM (Cyprus) Limited Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 - - entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 54 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.012795 0.013388 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus Victoria Place, 31 Victoria Street, Part of the Bank's group of 55 Troika Capital Partners Limited 25/01/2012 - - Hamilton HM10, Bermuda entities/persons 6 Ioanni Stylianou, Floor 2, office Part of the Bank's group of 56 Troika Capital Partners Limited 25/01/2012 - - 202, 2003 Nicosia, Cyprus entities/persons 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 57 Joint-Stock Company Sberbank CIB 25/01/2012 0.336437 0.212007 117312 entities/persons SIB Finance Adviser Joint-Stock 19 Vavilova Street, floor 3, room Part of the Bank's group of 58 Company 25/01/2012 - - D.03.008, Moscow 117312 entities/persons

1. Part of the Bank's group of 25/01/2012 entities/persons 2. The Bank may manage more SB CIB Holding Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow 59 than 20% of votes attached to the - - Company 117312 shares that constitute the charter capital, the interest of this legal entity. 19/12/2014 SB Blagosostoyanie Limited Liability 12 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 60 25/01/2012 - - Company floor 11, Moscow 123112 entities/persons

7 8 Presnenskaya Embankment, Sberbank Asset Management Joint-Stock Part of the Bank's group of 61 building 1, floor 13, Moscow 25/01/2012 - - Company entities/persons 123112 SB Finance Holding Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, floor 3, room Part of the Bank's group of 62 25/01/2012 - - Company D.003.001, Moscow 117312 entities/persons 12 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 63 TD Soft Limited Liability Company 25/01/2012 - - floor 11, Moscow 123112 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 64 Sberbank Europe AG capital, the interest of this legal 15/02/2012 - - Vienna, Austria entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Sberbank banka d.d. 128a Dunajska cesta, 1000 Part of the Bank's group of 65 15/02/2012 - - Ljubljana, Slovenia entities/persons 128a Dunajska cesta, 1000 Part of the Bank's group of 66 PRIVATINVEST d.o.o. 15/02/2012 - - Ljubljana, Slovenia entities/persons Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Part of the Bank's group of 67 SBAG IT-Services GmbH 15/02/2012 - - Vienna, Austria entities/persons Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Part of the Bank's group of 68 ALB EDV-Service GmbH 15/02/2012 - - Vienna, Austria entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 69 Pronam Nekretnine d.o.o. Varšavska 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 15/02/2012 - - entities/persons Sberbank Hungary Private Company Rákóczi út 7, 1088 Budapest, Part of the Bank's group of 70 15/02/2012 - - Limited by Shares Hungary entities/persons Garay Center Ingatlanforgalmazo es Rákóczi út 7, 1088 Budapest, Part of the Bank's group of 71 Ingatlanhasznosito Korlatolt Felelossegu 15/02/2012 - - Hungary entities/persons Tarsasag Karolyi Ingatlan 2011 Korlatolt Rákóczi út 7, 1088 Budapest, Part of the Bank's group of 72 15/02/2012 - - Felelossegu Tarsasag Hungary entities/persons East Site Ingatlanforgalmazo es Rákóczi út 7, 1088 Budapest, Part of the Bank's group of 73 Ingatlanhasznosito Korlatolt Felelossegu 15/02/2012 - - Hungary entities/persons Tarsasag V-Dat Informatikai Szolgaltato es Rákóczi út 7, 1088 Budapest, Part of the Bank's group of 74 Kereskedlmi Korlatolt Felelossegu 15/02/2012 - - Hungary entities/persons Tarsasag 165g Bulevar Mihajla Pupina, Part of the Bank's group of 75 Sberbank Srbija a.d. Beograd 15/02/2012 - - 11070 Belgrade, Serbia entities/persons Jevrejska 71, 78000 Banya Luka, Part of the Bank's group of 76 Sberbank A.D. Banja Luka 15/02/2012 - - Bosnia and Herzegovina entities/persons Fra Andela Zhdvizhdovicha 1, Part of the Bank's group of 77 Sberbank BH d.d. Sarajevo 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and 15/02/2012 - - entities/persons Herzegovina

8 U Trezorky 921/2, 158 00, Praha 5, Part of the Bank's group of 78 Sberbank CZ, a.s. 15/02/2012 - - Czech Republic entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 79 Sberbank d.d. Varšavska 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 15/02/2012 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow, 80 Delovaya Sreda Joint-Stock Company capital, the interest of this legal 11/04/2012 - - 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 68 Sampsonyevsky Avenue, Letter shares that constitute the charter KORUS Consulting CIS Limited 81 N, Room 1N, capital, the interest of this legal 21/03/2012 - - Liability Company 194100 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more 25/09/2014 than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter 31A Leningradsky Avenue, Sberbank Factoring Limited Liability capital, the interest of this legal 82 building 1, Room 1, Moscow - - Company entity. 125284 2. Part of the Bank's group of 21/03/2012 entities/persons

12 B. Savvinsky Pereulok, building Part of the Bank's group of 83 Sberklyuch Limited Liability Company 21/06/2011 - - 9, Moscow 119435 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 84 Konstantin Altukhov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/06/2012 - - entities/persons Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye Joint-Stock 5 Uspenskaya Street, Krasnogorsk Part of the Bank's group of 85 21/06/2012 - - Company 143409, Moscow Region entities/persons Moscow City Golf Club Limited 1 Dovzhenko Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 86 25/06/2012 - - Liability Company 119590 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L - 87 SB Securities S.A. capital, the interest of this legal 14/08/2012 - - 1115 Luxembourg entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 88 Dmitry Bantsekin Russian Federation, Moscow 13/08/2012 - - entities/persons Southern Automotive Group Limited 13/1 Baturinskaya Street, Rostov- Part of the Bank's group of 89 29/06/2012 - - Liability Company on-Don 344004 entities/persons

9 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Setelem Bank Limited Liability 90 26 Pravdy Street, Moscow 125124 capital, the interest of this legal 31/08/2012 - - Company entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 91 Ernest Bakhshetsyan Russian Federation, Moscow 01/09/2012 - - entities/persons Service Desk Closed Joint-Stock 6 Mulyavina Boulevard, office 316, Part of the Bank's group of 92 03/10/2012 - - Company Minsk 220005, Republic of Belarus entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 93 Elena Kochikyan Russian Federation, Moscow 19/12/2012 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 94 SBK Retail Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A56, 27/12/2012 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 95 Alexander Kamalov Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 19/09/2012 - - entities/persons 78A Sacco i Vanzetti Street, room Solid-Cast Systems Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 96 128, Voronezh 394036, Voronezh 28/09/2012 - - Company entities/persons Region 1 Zapolotnyanaya Street, Letter V, Ust-Labinsk Meat Processing Plant Part of the Bank's group of 97 Ust-Labinsk, Ust-Labinsk District, 23/11/2012 - - Limited Liability Company entities/persons Krasnodar Territory 352330 1 Zapolotnyanaya Street, letter A2, Part of the Bank's group of 98 Yasen-K Limited Liability Company Ust-Labinsk 352330, Krasnodar 23/11/2012 - - entities/persons Territory 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 99 Gros Retail Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A58, 28/02/2013 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter ActiveBusinessConsult Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow 100 capital, the interest of this legal 29/04/2013 - - Company 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 101 Dmitry Teplitsky Russian Federation, Moscow 29/04/2013 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the PS Yandex.Money Limited Liability 82 Sadovnicheskaya Street, shares that constitute the charter 102 04/07/2013 - - Company building 2, Moscow 115035 capital, the interest of this legal entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of

10 entities/persons

Yandex.Money Non-Banking Credit 82 Sadovnicheskaya Street, Part of the Bank's group of 103 04/07/2013 - - Institution, Limited Liability Company building 2, Moscow 115035 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 104 Tatyana Shabanova Russian Federation, Moscow 04/07/2013 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Service Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow 105 capital, the interest of this legal 08/08/2013 - - Company 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Member of the Executive Board 106 Lev Khasis Russian Federation, Moscow 02/09/2013 - - of the Bank Regional Information Center Joint-Stock 21 Saltykov-Shchedrin, Room 13, Part of the Bank's group of 107 04/09/2013 - - Company Office 201-204, Oryol 302028 entities/persons AUTOMATED TRADING SYSTEM – 8 Ivana Lepse Boulevard, building Part of the Bank's group of 108 19/11/2013 - - UKRAINE Limited Liability Company 64, Kiev 03124, Ukraine entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 109 Igor Levitsky Ukraine, Kiev 19/11/2013 - - entities/persons Unified Information and Settlement 13 Shatskogo Street, Obninsk, Part of the Bank's group of 110 Center of Region Joint-Stock 27/11/2013 - - Kaluga Region 249037 entities/persons Company 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 111 SBK Uran Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A41, 11/12/2013 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 112 Valentin Shalamov Russian Federation, Moscow 11/12/2013 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 113 Elena Lokhmanova 20/12/2013 - - Moscow entities/persons Regional Unified Information and 114-a Lva Tolstogo Street, office Part of the Bank's group of 114 13/01/2014 - - Settlement Center Joint-Stock Company 229, Tula 300041 entities/persons Raschyotnye Resheniya Non-Banking 118 Varshavskoye Highway, Part of the Bank's group of 115 Credit Institution Limited Liability 28/01/2014 - - building 1, Moscow 117587 entities/persons Company 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK PROEKT Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 116 building 4, floor 10, room 1/1, room 30/01/2014 - - Company entities/persons 23-42, Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK STEKLO Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 117 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A34, 03/03/2014 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 118 SBK AKTIV Limited Liability Company 03/03/2014 - - building 4, floor 10, room 24 A44, entities/persons

11 Moscow 125167

37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK GEOFIZIKA Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 119 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A42, 03/03/2014 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, MST PROEKT Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 120 building 4, floor 10, room 33 A68, 23/04/2014 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Member of the Supervisory Board 121 Gennady Melikyan Russian Federation, Moscow 06/06/2014 0.000126 0.000131 of the Bank Member of the Supervisory Board 122 Nadya Christina Wells Switzerland, Chêne-Bougeries 06/06/2014 - - of the Bank Regional Information Center of Irkutsk 41 Krasnykh Madyar Street, office Part of the Bank's group of 123 29/05/2014 - - Region Joint-Stock Company 417, Irkutsk 664022 entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 124 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.128912 0.124599 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Insurance Broker Limited 15A Leninsky Avenue, Moscow 125 capital, the interest of this legal 16/06/2014 - - Liability Company 119071 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Limited Liability Company Insurance 7 Pavlovskaya Street, Moscow 126 capital, the interest of this legal 16/06/2014 - - Company Sberbank Insurance 115093 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK KARTON Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 127 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A35, 02/07/2014 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 128 SBK STROY Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A32, 03/07/2014 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 129 Maxim Kuznetsov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/07/2014 - - entities/persons NEFTESERVIS Limited Liability 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 130 07/07/2014 - - Company building 4, floor 10, room 26 A53, entities/persons

12 Moscow 125167

Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 131 DViktor Dubinin 08/07/2014 - - Novocherkassk entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 132 Evgeny Guguchkin Russian Federation, Moscow 01/08/2014 0.000007 0.000007 entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 133 Nikolay Andreyev 08/09/2014 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons Member of the Executive Board 134 Oleg Ganeev Russian Federation, Moscow 29/11/2014 0.000506 0.000529 of the Bank 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 135 NRK AKTIV Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 26, 11/12/2014 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 136 RPK PROM Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 23 A54, 11/12/2014 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 137 Igor Lysenko Russian Federation, Moscow 03/02/2015 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more 09/07/2019 than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter Agiou Andreou 332, Patrician 138 Arimero Holding Limited capital, the interest of this legal - - Chambers, 3035, Limassol, Cyprus entity.

2. Part of the Bank's group of 29/12/2014 entities/persons Russian Federation, 141707, FORMOVOCHNYE AVTOMATY Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 139 29/12/2014 - - Limited Liability Company , 6 Zhukovskogo entities/persons Street 6 Zhukovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 140 Binotek Limited Liability Company Dolgoprudny 141707, Moscow 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Region LAGOM Production Company Closed 107 Krasnoyarsky Trakt, Omsk, Part of the Bank's group of 141 29/12/2014 - - Joint-Stock Company 644012, Russian Federation entities/persons Khozyaystvennye Tovary Limited 30 Zavodskaya Street, Omsk, Part of the Bank's group of 142 29/12/2014 - - Liability Company 644065, Russian Federation entities/persons Premises of Baltika Company, 12, Letter D, office unnumbered, Part of the Bank's group of 143 Format-Neva Limited Liability Company 29/12/2014 - - settlement of Saperny, Saint entities/persons Petersburg 196644 6 Zhukovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 144 Sategor Closed Joint-Stock Company Dolgoprudny 141707, Moscow 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Region

13 6 Zhukovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 145 Sabon Limited Liability Company Dolgoprudny 141707, Moscow 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Region 6 Zhukovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 146 SMG Plastic Limited Liability Company Dolgoprudny 141707, Moscow 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Region, Russian Federation 92 Chernyakhovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 147 Lagom-Ural Limited Liability Company Office 213, Yekaterinburg, 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Sverdlov Region, 620097 Part of the Bank's group of 148 Elena Yershova Russian Federation, Omsk 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 149 Svetlana Zhuravlela Russian Federation, Omsk 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 29 18th Line of Vasilyevsky Island, shares that constitute the charter 150 RuTarget Limited Liability Company Letter A, room 1-N, Saint capital, the interest of this legal 02/03/2015 - - Petersburg 199178 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 151 Maxim Yanukovich 02/03/2015 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 152 Vadim Kafarov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/04/2015 - - entities/persons 2 Sevastopolskoye Highway, GORIZONT-SERVIS LIMITED Part of the Bank's group of 153 village of Opolznevoye, Yalta 05/03/2015 - - LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons 298685, Republic of Crimea Poseidonos, 1 LEDRA BUSINESS, Part of the Bank's group of 154 Panclub Enterprises Limited CENTRE, Egkomi, 2406, Nicosia, 03/03/2015 - - entities/persons Cyprus 19 Leninskaya Sloboda Street, Part of the Bank's group of 155 PanClub Joint-Stock Company 03/03/2015 - - building 5, Moscow 115280 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 156 LDmitry Larionov Russian Federation, Moscow 05/06/2015 - - entities/persons Themistokli Dervi, 48, ATHIENITIS CENTENNIAL Part of the Bank's group of 157 GABELLI CONSULTANCY LIMITED 09/06/2015 - - BUILDING, 6th Floor, Office 603, entities/persons 1066 Nicosia, Cyprus “Sklady 104" Lot, building 2, Belye Part of the Bank's group of 158 Sklady 104 Limited Liability Company Stolby Microdistrict, , 09/06/2015 - - entities/persons Moscow Region, 142050 1. The Bank may manage more Sberbank Real Estate Center Limited 32 Kutuzovsky Avenue, building 1, than 20% of votes attached to the 159 20/07/2015 - - Liability Company Moscow 121170 shares that constitute the charter capital, the interest of this legal

14 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 160 Nikolay Vasev Russian Federation, Moscow 20/07/2015 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 161 Grant Babasyan Russian Federation, Moscow 30/07/2015 - - entities/persons 32 Leninsky Avenue, floor 1, Room Part of the Bank's group of 162 GAMMA-S Limited Liability Company 21/08/2015 - - IB, Room 8, Moscow 119334 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 163 Irina Zubenko Russian Federation, Moscow 21/08/2015 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Tsifrovye Tekhnologii Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow 164 capital, the interest of this legal 07/09/2015 - - Company 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 20 Repischeva Street, Letter A, Part of the Bank's group of 165 SBK SKY Limited Liability Company 11/09/2015 - - Saint Petersburg, 197375 entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 166 SBK TRANS Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A46, 14/09/2015 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 167 Yuliya Gyarkina Region, , 14/09/2015 - - entities/persons village of Romashkino Part of the Bank's group of 168 Evgeny Borisenko Russian Federation, Moscow 29/09/2015 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 169 SBK OBUV Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A39, 23/09/2015 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Automated State Defense Order Tender 78 Profsoyuznaya Street, building Part of the Bank's group of 170 15/09/2015 - - System Limited Liability Company 1, Moscow 117393 entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 171 Felix Kordysh 15/09/2015 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons 46 Permyakova Street, Tyumen, Siberian Scientific & Analytical Center Part of the Bank's group of 172 Tyumen Region 625016, Russian 19/10/2015 - - Nonpublic Joint-Stock Company entities/persons Federation PROMSTROY GROUP Joint-Stock 17 Butlerova Street, floor 4, room Part of the Bank's group of 173 09/11/2015 - - Company 97, Moscow 117342 entities/persons 6 Dunina-Gorkavicha Street, Unified Billing and Processing Center of Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansi Part of the Bank's group of 174 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – 21/10/2015 - - Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, entities/persons Yugra Joint-Stock Company 628007

15 Uralmontazhavtomatika Public Joint- 211 Respubliki Street, floor 3, room Part of the Bank's group of 175 09/11/2015 - - Stock Company 96, Tyumen 625019 entities/persons 17 Butlerova Street, floor 4, room Part of the Bank's group of 176 Promstroy Joint-Stock Company 09/11/2015 - - 97, Moscow 117342 entities/persons 49 Tekstilnaya Street, office 302, Inzhpromstroy Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 177 Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, 09/11/2015 - - Company entities/persons 675000 Part of the Bank's group of 178 Oleg Natalchenko Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation 09/11/2015 - - entities/persons Special Department No. 6 of 409 Mira Street, office 106 B, Part of the Bank's group of 179 09/11/2015 - - Neftegazmontazh Joint-Stock Company Stavropol, 355000 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 180 Valery Bezyukevich Russian Federation, Moscow 09/11/2015 - - entities/persons Kapshagaypromkhimmontazh Limited 69a Satpayeva Street, Almaty Part of the Bank's group of 181 09/11/2015 - - Liability Partnership 050046, Republic of Kazakhstan entities/persons 4 Zavodskaya Street, village of Plant of Technological Farinovo, Farinovo village council, Part of the Bank's group of 182 Metallic Structures Joint Limited 09/11/2015 - - District, Vitebsk Region, entities/persons Liability Company Republic of Belarus 343 Suyunbaya Avenue, Turksib Kazmechanomontazh Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 183 District, Almaty 050054, Republic 09/11/2015 - - Partnership entities/persons of Kazakhstan Industrial zone, Rudny, Kostanay Rudny Kazmechanomontazh Limited Part of the Bank's group of 184 Region 111500, Republic of 09/11/2015 - - Liability Partnership entities/persons Kazakhstan Rudny, Kostanay Region, Republic Part of the Bank's group of 185 Alexander Nosov 09/11/2015 - - of Kazakhstan entities/persons ALMATY KAZMECHANOMONTAZH 92 Bekmakhanova Street, Almaty, Part of the Bank's group of 186 09/11/2015 - - Limited Liability Partnership Republic of Kazakhstan entities/persons 30 Lazareva Street, building 1, Nyagan, Khanty-Mansi Part of the Bank's group of 187 Terminal Limited Liability Company Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, 09/11/2015 - - entities/persons Tyumen Region 628186, Russian Federation INCASS.EXPERT Nonbanking Credit 20/11 Olshevskogo Street, floor 13, Part of the Bank's group of 188 and Finance Institution Closed Joint- 27/11/2015 - - Minsk 220073, Republic of Belarus entities/persons Stock Company Arkazhskaya Sloboda Limited Liability 7a Boyana Street, Veliky Novgorod Part of the Bank's group of 189 21/12/2015 - - Company 173000, Russian Federation entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 190 SBK-Avto Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 31 A62, 24/12/2015 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 EVROMAGAZIN 21 VEK Limited 25 Skhodnenskaya Street, Part of the Bank's group of 191 24/12/2015 - - Liability Company Moscow 125363 entities/persons

16 Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 192 Alexander Nikulin 16/01/2016 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 193 Vladimir Obruchev Russian Federation, Moscow 02/12/2015 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 194 SBK TOTAL Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A40, 25/01/2016 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Digital Assets Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 195 24/11/2015 - - Company 117997 entities/persons 6 Bersenevskaya Naberzhnaya, Part of the Bank's group of 196 SEGMENTO Limited Liability Company building 3, room 5Ch 10Ch, 2nd 16/12/2015 - - entities/persons floor, Moscow, 119072 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK PREMIER Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 197 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A55, 15/02/2016 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 198 SBK PLUS Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24 A49, 15/02/2016 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 199 Igor Krylov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/03/2016 - - entities/persons KUNGUR MACHINE 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 200 CONSTRUCTION PLANT Limited building 4, floor 10, room 24 A38, 14/03/2016 - - entities/persons Liability Company Moscow 125167 Sberbank Telecom Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 201 28/03/2016 - - Company 117997 entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 202 Ruslan Gurdzhiyan 28/03/2016 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons SAFE INFORMATION ZONE Limited 4 Olkhovskaya Street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 203 30/03/2016 - - Liability Company office 515, Moscow 105066 entities/persons , Moscow Region, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 204 Dmitry Samartsev 30/03/2016 - - Federation entities/persons 1 Zavodskaya Street, village of Klyuchishchi, Verkhneuslonsky Part of the Bank's group of 205 KLYUKER Limited Liability Company 01/04/2016 - - District, 422574, Republic of entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 206 Vladimir Mikhaylov 11/05/2016 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 207 Janette Spencer Nicosia, Cyprus 26/01/2016 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 208 Katerina Anastassiou Nicosia, Cyprus 26/01/2016 - - entities/persons Chairman of the Supervisory 209 Esko Tapani Aho Espoo, Finland 27/05/2016 — - Board of the Bank

17 SB Development Limited Liability 9 Varshavskoye Highway, building Part of the Bank's group of 210 25/05/2016 - - Company 1, floor 3, room 4, Moscow 117105 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 211 Yury Volkov Russian Federation, Moscow 15/06/2016 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK KZM PLUS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 212 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A36, 01/06/2016 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 213 Levon Melikov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/06/2016 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK RESOURCE Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 214 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A43, 08/07/2016 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 215 SBK BASIS Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 24А47, 05/08/2016 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK PARITET Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 216 building 4, floor 10, room 24 A37, 05/08/2016 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 217 Roman Kozlov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/09/2016 - - entities/persons Agiou Andreou, 332 PATRICIAN Part of the Bank's group of 218 PAGE DIRECTORS LIMITED CHAMBERS 3035, Limassol, 06/06/2016 - - entities/persons Cyprus 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK BALANCE Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 219 building 4, floor 10, room 26 A51, 08/09/2016 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Shturman Koshelev Limited Liability 4 Moskovsky Avenue, Voronezh Part of the Bank's group of 220 31/08/2016 - - Company 394026 entities/persons Shturman Skuratov Limited Liability 4 Moskovsky Avenue, Voronezh Part of the Bank's group of 221 08/09/2016 - - Company 394026 entities/persons Shturman Shcherbinin Limited Liability 4 Moskovsky Avenue, Voronezh Part of the Bank's group of 222 08/09/2016 - - Company 394026 entities/persons Oblachnye Tekhnologii Limited Liability 23 Vavilova Street, building 1, Part of the Bank's group of 223 04/10/2016 - - Company room 1.207, Moscow 117312 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 224 Andrey Tarasov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/10/2016 - - entities/persons Poseidonos 1, LEDRA BUSINESS Part of the Bank's group of 225 Sberbank Finance Limited CENTRE, Egkomi, 2406 Nicosia, 11/11/2016 - - entities/persons Cyprus Professional Consultant Limited Liability 15A Leninsky Avenue, office 302, Part of the Bank's group of 226 18/11/2016 - - Company 119071 Moscow entities/persons 13 Mineralnaya Street, Letter A, BALTIYSKIY BEREG TRADING Part of the Bank's group of 227 room 16N, Office 10, Saint 25/11/2016 - - HOUSE Limited Liability Company entities/persons Petersburg 195197

18 Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 228 Anna Sheveleva 25/11/2016 - - Saint Petersburg entities/persons 13 Mineralnaya Street, Letter A, Part of the Bank's group of 229 Ecopromex Limited Liability Company room 12-N, Saint Petersburg, 25/11/2016 - - entities/persons 195197 Part of the Bank's group of 230 Olga Efremenko Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 16/12/2016 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 231 Alexander Lapin Tula, Russian Federation 19/12/2016 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 232 Denis Timofeyev Perm, Russian Federation 19/01/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 233 Ivan Ponomarev Russian Federation, Moscow 19/01/2017 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 234 Dmitry Pozhidayev 14/10/2016 - - Semiluki entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 235 Lyazzat Idrisova Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan 01/09/2016 - - entities/persons Dresden Development Limited Liability 19 Nauchny Proezd, Moscow, Part of the Bank's group of 236 27/02/2017 - - Company 117246 entities/persons Terra Management 3 Limited Liability 19 Nauchny Proezd, Moscow, Part of the Bank's group of 237 27/02/2017 - - Company 117246 entities/persons SBKB INVEST Limited Liability 6 Mulyavina Boulevard, Minsk Part of the Bank's group of 238 20/02/2017 - - Company 220005, Republic of Belarus entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 239 Emma Gontar Minsk, Republic of Belarus 06/08/2016 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 240 Ivan Glazachev Russian Federation, Moscow 01/03/2017 - - entities/persons STD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 8A Strastnoy Boulevard, Moscow, Part of the Bank's group of 241 14/02/2017 - - Limited Liability Company 103031 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 242 David Jonathan Simons Russian Federation, Moscow 01/02/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 243 Yuriy Kozyrenko Russian Federation, Moscow 11/04/2017 - - entities/persons SB Commodity Trading Limited 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 244 14/04/2017 - - Liability Company 117997 entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 245 SBK LIST Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 28, 11/04/2017 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 246 Alexey Viter Russian Federation, Moscow 11/04/2017 - - entities/persons 55A Bakhchivandzhi Square, Part of the Bank's group of 247 Horeca Koltsovo Joint-Stock Company Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region 27/03/2017 - - entities/persons 620025, Russian Federation

19 Member of the Supervisory Board 248 Leonid Boguslavskiy Russian Federation, Moscow 26/05/2017 - - of the Bank Member of the Supervisory Board 249 Maksim Oreshkin Russian Federation, Moscow 26/05/2017 - - of the Bank Member of the Supervisory Board 250 Olga Skorobogatova Russian Federation, Moscow 26/05/2017 - - of the Bank 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Bankruptcy Technology Center Limited 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow 251 capital, the interest of this legal 23/05/2017 - - Liability Company 117997 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Bolshaya Vruda village, Leningrad Part of the Bank's group of 252 Sergey Kazakov 17/04/2017 - - Region, Russian Federation entities/persons Themistokli Dervi, 5, Elenion Part of the Bank's group of 253 Natiaco Holding Limited 23/05/2017 - - Building, PC 1066, Nicosia, Cyprus entities/persons 12 M. Gnezdikovsky Pereulok, Part of the Bank's group of 254 DokDok Limited Liability Company room III, office 10, Moscow 23/05/2017 - - entities/persons 125009 Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 255 Anatoliy Zinger 23/05/2017 - - Vladimir entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 256 Dmitry Petrukhin Russian Federation, Moscow 23/05/2017 - - entities/persons MedCenterPlus Limited Liability 4 Gagarina Street, office 412-1, Part of the Bank's group of 257 23/05/2017 - - Company Kaluga, 248000 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 258 Irina Lokteyeva Kaluga, Russian Federation 23/05/2017 - - entities/persons 26 Leninskaya Sloboda Street, floor Innovative Services Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 259 5, room XXIII, office 11, Moscow 23/05/2017 - - Company entities/persons 115280 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 32 Kutuzovsky Avenue, building 1, shares that constitute the charter 26/07/2018 Vydayushchiesya Kredity Microcredit 260 floor 6, room 6.С.01 Moscow capital, the interest of this legal - - Company, Limited Liability Company 121170 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons 18/05/2017 Part of the Bank's group of 261 Ilgiz Saltykov Russian Federation, Moscow 30/05/2017 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK-NEFTEGAZINVEST LIMITED Part of the Bank's group of 262 building 4, floor 10, room 28 A45, 24/05/2017 - - LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons Moscow 125167

20 Part of the Bank's group of 263 GKonstantin Golubkov Minsk, Republic of Belarus 19/06/2017 - - entities/persons 33V Internatcionalnaya Street, Part of the Bank's group of 264 Elite Estate Limited Liability Company room 1, Minsk 220030, Republic of 28/06/2017 - - entities/persons Belarus Part of the Bank's group of 265 Mikhail Golodov Russian Federation, Moscow 28/06/2017 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK PROGRESS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 266 building 4, floor 10, room 29 A52, 04/07/2017 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 267 Sergey Samokhin 30/05/2017 - - Yekaterinburg entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 268 Boris Galkin Russian Federation, Moscow 11/07/2017 - - entities/persons 8 Likhoborskaya Naberezhnaya, Part of the Bank's group of 269 Cominvest-AKMT Joint-Stock Company 14/03/2017 - - building 2, Moscow 125438 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 270 Alexander Khaletskiy Russian Federation, Moscow 14/03/2017 - - entities/persons Infrastructure Project Joint Stock 125ZH Varshavskoye Highway, Part of the Bank's group of 271 19/04/2017 - - Company building 6, Moscow 117587 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 272 Andrey Pichurin Russian Federation, Moscow 19/04/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 273 David Badalov Russian Federation, Moscow 09/08/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 274 Yuliya Fayzullayeva Russian Federation, Moscow 01/08/2017 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 275 Andrey Likhachev 22/08/2017 - - Region, Borodki village entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 276 Evgeny Zuykov Novosibirsk, Russian Federation 12/09/2017 - - entities/persons Poultry Farm Sinyavinskaya named after 187326, Leningrad Region, Part of the Bank's group of 277 the 60th anniversary of the USSR Joint- Kirovsky District, Priladozhsky 12/09/2017 - - entities/persons Stock Company urban locality Part of the Bank's group of 278 Artur Kholdoenko Vologda, Russian Federation 12/09/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 279 Elena Navolokina Russian Federation, Moscow 30/09/2017 - - entities/persons 48 Bolshoy Avenue of the AVRORA-MANAGEMENT Closed Part of the Bank's group of 280 Petrograd Side, office 306, Saint 22/08/2017 - - Joint-Stock Company entities/persons Petersburg 197198 Part of the Bank's group of 281 Dmitry Popov Russian Federation, Moscow 18/11/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 282 Andrey Korobko Russian Federation, Moscow 03/08/2015 - - entities/persons

21 BALTIYSKIY BEREG – Tomsk Limited 103 Frunze Avenue, office 810, Part of the Bank's group of 283 07/12/2016 - - Liability Company Tomsk 634021 entities/persons Russian Federation, Tomsk Region, Part of the Bank's group of 284 Alexey Popov 18/08/2017 - - village of Krivosheino entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK REGION Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 285 building 4, floor 10, room 1/1, 15/11/2017 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 286 Denis Lukyanov Russian Federation, Moscow 15/11/2017 - - entities/persons 9 Montazhnaya Street, building 1, DalneVostokBunker Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 287 office IV, room 16G, 3rd floor, 09/11/2017 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 107497 Part of the Bank's group of 288 Leonid Maevsky Russian Federation, Moscow 09/11/2017 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 289 Andrey Lykov Region, Odintsovsky District, 09/11/2017 - - entities/persons village of Borki Part of the Bank's group of 290 Pavel Philppov Saratov, Russian Federation 06/10/2017 - - entities/persons MEBE-Development Limited Liability 25 Leningradskaya Street, Part of the Bank's group of 291 27/10/2017 - - Company 141402, Moscow Region entities/persons Volkhov Combined Feed Factory Joint- 8 Murmanskoye Highway, Volkhov Part of the Bank's group of 292 12/09/2017 - - Stock Company 187403, Leningrad Region entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK DOLINA Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 293 building 4, floor 10, room 1/1, 18/12/2017 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 294 Viktor Bondarenko Russian Federation, Moscow 18/12/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 295 Mikhail Kazakov Russian Federation, Moscow 10/01/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 296 GDenis Gakal Russian Federation, Moscow 28/12/2017 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 297 Larisa Radchenko Russian Federation, Moscow 23/12/2017 - - entities/persons Vostok Freight Service Limited Liability 6 Mulyavina Boulevard, office 418, Part of the Bank's group of 298 30/11/2017 - - Company Minsk, 220005, Republic of Belarus entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 299 КIrina Knyazeva Ukraine, Kiev 01/02/2018 - - entities/persons Industry Transformation Technologies 32 Kutuzovsky Avenue, building 1, Part of the Bank's group of 300 31/01/2018 - - Limited Liability Company Moscow 121170 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 301 Alexander Barsukov Russian Federation, Moscow 31/01/2018 - - entities/persons SBK RESPUBLIKA Limited Liability 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 302 09/01/2018 - - Company building 4, floor 10, room 1/1, entities/persons

22 Moscow 125167

37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK-NEFTEGAZINVEST PLUS Part of the Bank's group of 303 building 4, floor 10, room 31 A63, 24/01/2018 - - LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons Moscow 125167 Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 304 Eldar Galimov 24/01/2018 - - Federation entities/persons 75 Ryazansky Avenue, building 4, Expo-Consult Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 305 floor 2, room VI, room 12, 24/01/2018 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 109456 Part of the Bank's group of 306 Masud Sultanov Russian Federation, Moscow 24/01/2018 - - entities/persons SBK SOYUZ Limited Liability 41 Bratskiy Pereulok, floor 2, room Part of the Bank's group of 307 14/09/2017 - - Company 7/7A/7B, Rostov-on-Don 344082 entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 308 Alexey Kazmin 26/01/2018 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 309 Paphitis Nicolas Nicosia, Cyprus 20/02/2018 - - entities/persons 110 Lobachevskogo Street, building Part of the Bank's group of 310 Sozvezdie M Limited Liability Company 1, floor 3, room I, office 12, 27/03/2018 - - entities/persons Moscow 119361 110 Lobachevskogo Street, building Part of the Bank's group of 311 Sozvezdie N Limited Liability Company 1, floor 3, room I, office 14, 27/03/2018 - - entities/persons Moscow 119361 DOKDOK TERRITORIYA 12 M. Gnezdnikovsky Pereulok, Part of the Bank's group of 312 ZDOROVIYA LIMITED LIABILITY floor 1, room IA, room 2, of. 6, 21/02/2018 - - entities/persons COMPANY Moscow 125009 Part of the Bank's group of 313 Dmitry Ryskin Russian Federation, Moscow 21/02/2018 - - entities/persons 28 Oktovriou, 249 LOPHITIS Part of the Bank's group of 314 BONALIDA LTD BUSINESS CENTER, 3rd floor 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 3035, Limassol, Cyprus Part of the Bank's group of 315 Koutsou Nansia Cyprus, Limassol 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 316 Peliskas Yannis Cyprus, Limassol 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 21 Nekrasova Street, floor 3, room Technopolis Novaya Tura Management Part of the Bank's group of 317 10, Kazan 420012, Republic of 22/03/2018 - - Company Limited Liability Company entities/persons Tatarstan Part of the Bank's group of 318 Alexander Rozovsky Israel, Tel Aviv 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 28 Oktovriou, 249 LOPHITIS Part of the Bank's group of 319 SIMELITA LTD BUSINESS CENTER, 3rd floor 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 3035, Limassol, Cyprus

23 Mosoblcomplex Limited Liability 4 Krasnopolyansky Proezd, Part of the Bank's group of 320 22/03/2018 - - Company 141730, Moscow Region entities/persons Lobnya, Moscow Region, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 321 Alexander Palmin 22/03/2018 - - Federation entities/persons 28 Oktovriou, 249 LOPHITIS Part of the Bank's group of 322 NEMELIX LTD BUSINESS CENTER, 3rd floor 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 3035, Limassol, Cyprus INVESTMANAGEMENTSTROY 112 Oktyabrsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 323 22/03/2018 - - Limited Liability Company 140002, Moscow Region entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 324 Alexander Godovsky Israel, Maale Adumim 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 28 Oktovriou, 249 LOPHITIS Part of the Bank's group of 325 CIVENTOR LTD BUSINESS CENTER, 3rd floor 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons 3035, Limassol, Cyprus 7 Professionalnaya Street, Part of the Bank's group of 326 D-TORG Limited Liability Company 141800, Dmitrov District, Moscow 22/03/2018 - - entities/persons Region Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 327 Vyacheslav Koifman 22/03/2018 - - Region, Dmitrov entities/persons 42 Bolshoy Boulevard, building 1, Part of the Bank's group of 328 DIALOG Limited Liability Company room 1680, territory of Skolkovo 06/04/2018 - - entities/persons Innovation Center, Moscow 143026 Part of the Bank's group of 329 Konstantin Pershikov Russian Federation, Moscow 06/12/2017 - - entities/persons 114 Tsentralnaya Street, Zelenaya Dolina Limited Liability Borschevoye village 393758, Part of the Bank's group of 330 27/03/2018 - - Company Michurinsky District, Tambov entities/persons Region Part of the Bank's group of 331 Artyem Evseev Russian Federation, Oryol 27/03/2018 - - entities/persons Mosty Baykala Limited Liability 38 Mikhalkovskaya Street, building Part of the Bank's group of 332 19/03/2018 - - Company 1, room 8, Moscow 125438 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 333 Tatyana Gromova Russian Federation, Moscow 19/03/2018 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building Part of the Bank's group of 334 SBK PROM Limited Liability Company 4, floor 10, room 1/1, room 31, 28/03/2018 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 18/20 Bolshaya Pochtovaya Street, MUSHA LIMITED LIABILITY Part of the Bank's group of 335 building 18, office 10, Moscow 22/03/2016 - - COMPANY entities/persons 105082 Part of the Bank's group of 336 Maxim Lobanov Irkutsk, Russian Federation 30/03/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 337 Andrey Pisarev Russian Federation, Moscow 10/05/2018 - - entities/persons

24 49 Sovetskaya Street, Istra 143500, Part of the Bank's group of 338 Planeta Limited Liability Company 27/04/2018 - - Moscow Region entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 339 Yury Trofimov Russian Federation, Moscow 27/04/2018 - - entities/persons Member of the Supervisory Board 340 Valery Goreglyad Russian Federation, Moscow 08/06/2018 - - of the Bank Member of the Supervisory Board 341 Aleksander Kuleshov Russian Federation, Moscow 08/06/2018 - - of the Bank 12 Suvorova Street, building 3, IMPERIA Management Company Part of the Bank's group of 342 office 8, Novokuibyshevsk 446205, 06/04/2018 - - Limited Liability Company entities/persons Samara Region Sinyavinskaya Poultry Plant’s Water 8 Severnaya Street, Kirovsk Part of the Bank's group of 343 12/09/2017 - - Services, Limited Liability Company 187340, Leningrad Region entities/persons Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, Part of the Bank's group of 344 Igor Movchan 12/09/2017 - - Russian Federation entities/persons Sinyavinskaya Poultry Farm Sinyavinskaya Poultry Plant’s Boiler administration block, Priladozhsky Part of the Bank's group of 345 12/09/2017 - - Station, Limited Liability Company village, Kirov District, Leningrad entities/persons Region Part of the Bank's group of 346 Evgeny Zaitsev Russian Federation, Moscow 17/05/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 347 Sergey Chetverikov Russian Federation, Moscow 19/05/2018 - - entities/persons Member of the Executive Board 348 Alexander Vedyakhin Russian Federation, Moscow 20/06/2018 0.000027 0.000029 of the Bank Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Member of the Executive Board 349 Anatoly Popov 20/06/2018 0.000243 0.000254 Russian Federation of the Bank Part of the Bank's group of 350 Irina Kudirova Nicosia, Cyprus 19/06/2018 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building Part of the Bank's group of 351 SBK TORG Limited Liability Company 4, floor 10, room 32 A66, Moscow 06/07/2018 - - entities/persons 125167 Sergiev-Posad, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 352 Dmitry Tishchenko 06/07/2018 - - Russian Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 353 Igor Merkulov Oryol, Russian Federation 17/07/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 354 Igor Shvedov Russian Federation, Moscow 30/06/2018 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building Part of the Bank's group of 355 SBK DSP Limited Liability Company 4, floor 10, room 33 A67, Moscow 18/07/2018 - - entities/persons 125167 SPETSIALNYE TEKHNOLOGII 22, 5th Sokolinoy Gory Street, floor Part of the Bank's group of 356 KONTROLYA LIMITED LIABILITY 4, room V, room 9, Moscow 13/07/2018 - - entities/persons COMPANY 105118

25 32 Kutuzovsky Avenue, building 1, MEDEXPERT PLUS LIMITED Part of the Bank's group of 357 floor 1, room 1.143, Moscow 05/07/2018 - - LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons 121170 Part of the Bank's group of 358 Mikhail Chaly Russian Federation, Moscow 05/07/2018 - - entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 359 Andrey Voynov 01/08/2018 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 360 VAlexey Vasilyuk Minsk, Republic of Belarus 09/07/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 361 Igor Kozlov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/08/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 362 Nikolay Redka Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation 12/05/2018 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more 29/08/2018 than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter Tekhnologii Kreditovaniya Limited 23 Vavilova Street, building 1, 363 capital, the interest of this legal - - Liability Company room 1.104, Moscow 117312 entity.

2. Part of the Bank's group of 29/08/2018 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 364 Vladimir Shcherbinin Russian Federation, Gorno-Altaysk 26/09/2018 - - entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 365 Maria Gorynina 28/02/2018 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 366 Dmitry Chirakadze Russian Federation, Moscow 03/07/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 367 Anatoly Filatov Russian Federation, Ryazan 29/08/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 368 Alexey Yevtushenko Russian Federation, Moscow 03/10/2018 0.000017 0.000017 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 369 Viktor Pavlyuk Russian Federation, Oryol 11/09/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 370 Vyacheslav Spirov Russian Federation, Moscow 16/10/2018 - - entities/persons PRAVO.RU NONPUBLIC JOINT- 11 Pozharskiy Pereulok, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 371 03/07/2018 - - STOCK COMPANY 119034 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 372 Veresegyhazi-Nagy Gertrud Hungary, Budapest 01/06/2018 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Member of the Executive Board 373 Svetlana Kirsanova 03/12/2018 - - Moscow of the Bank Part of the Bank's group of 374 Aleksander Khudoley Russian Federation, Moscow 26/10/2018 - - entities/persons PHBDIGITAL LIMITED LIABILITY 13 M. Pirogovskaya Street, building Part of the Bank's group of 375 26/10/2018 - - COMPANY 1, Moscow 119435 entities/persons

26 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 22/26 B. Strochenovskiy Pereulok, shares that constitute the charter 376 Sber Legal Limited Liability Company building 1, room IV, room 6 capital, the interest of this legal 30/10/2018 - - Moscow 115054 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 377 Tatyana Machkova Russian Federation, Moscow 30/10/2018 - - entities/persons Service Desk Techno Limited Liability 6 Mulyavina Boulevard, office 316, Part of the Bank's group of 378 14/11/2018 - - Company Minsk 220005, Republic of Belarus. entities/persons 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 379 Intercomp Joint Stock Company 27/11/2018 - - floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 380 Natalia Podvoyskaya Russian Federation, Moscow 04/12/2018 - - entities/persons Intercomp Private Employment Agency 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 381 27/11/2018 - - Limited Liability Company floor 4, room 23, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 382 Yakovleva Elena 27/11/2018 - - Region, Zhukovsky entities/persons Intercomp Outsourcing Limited Liability 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 383 27/11/2018 - - Company floor 4, room 21, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Intercomp Georgia Limited Liability 41 Vazha Pshavela Street, floor 4, Part of the Bank's group of 384 27/11/2018 - - Company Tbilisi, Georgia entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 385 Erik Ashkenov Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 27/11/2018 - - entities/persons 52 Abaya Avenue, office 501, Part of the Bank's group of 386 Intercomp Outsourcing Kazakhstan Bostandyk District, Almaty 050008, 27/11/2018 - - entities/persons Limited Liability Partnership Republic of Kazakhstan 52 Abaya Avenue, office 802, Part of the Bank's group of 387 INTERCOMP KAZAKHSTAN Limited Bostandyk District, Almaty, 27/11/2018 - - entities/persons Liability Partnership 050008, Republic of Kazakhstan 44 Dzhafar Dzhabbarly, building 1 Intercomp Outsourcing Azerbaijan (1st line), Yasamalskiy District, Part of the Bank's group of 388 27/11/2018 - - Limited Liability Company Baku, АZ1065, Republic of entities/persons Azerbaijan Limited Liability Company Private 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 389 Employment Agency International 27/11/2018 - - floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Company Personal Intercomp Accounting Center Limited 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 390 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company floor 4, room 23, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Byudzhetnyy Uchet i Kadry Limited 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 391 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons SOVREMENNYE TEKHNOLOGII 16 Krzhizhanovskogo Street, Part of the Bank's group of 392 05/12/2018 - - METALLOZASCHITY Limited building 3, Moscow 117218 entities/persons

27 Liability Company

Part of the Bank's group of 393 Alexey Sitnikov Russian Federation, Moscow 05/12/2018 - - entities/persons C-MARKETING Limited Liability 19 Vavilova Street, floor 3, room Part of the Bank's group of 394 16/12/2018 - - Company В03.016, Moscow 117997 entities/persons Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 395 Stanislav Andreev Region, Odintsovsky District, 16/12/2018 - - entities/persons Zarechye urban locality Russian Federation, Nizhny Part of the Bank's group of 396 Ivan Bychkov 27/12/2018 - - Novgorod Region, Bor entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 397 CAlexander Sorokoumov Russian Federation, Moscow 18/12/2018 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 398 Alexey Kirkorov 29/12/2018 - - Region, Mytischi entities/persons 6 Donskaya Street, building 1, Part of the Bank's group of 399 Dennitsa Limited Liability Company basement floor, room 1, office 20B, 14/02/2017 - - entities/persons Moscow 119049 6 Donskaya Street, building 1, Part of the Bank's group of 400 SKIF Limited Liability Company basement floor, room 1, office 19B, 14/02/2017 - - entities/persons Moscow 119049 Part of the Bank's group of 401 Gennady Artyshuk Russian Federation, Tomsk 28/12/2018 - - entities/persons 1 Severnaya Street, Liinakhamari, Russky Losos Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 402 Pechengsky District, Murmansk 21/12/2018 - - Company entities/persons Region 184402 Part of the Bank's group of 403 Pavel Tikhonov Russian Federation, Krasnodar 21/12/2018 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK MOTORS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 404 building 4, floor 10, room 33 A70, 26/12/2018 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building SBK TRADE Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 405 4, floor 10, room 33 A69, Moscow 19/12/2018 - - Company entities/persons 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 406 Vitaliy Tarasov Russian Federation, Moscow 12/02/2019 0.000002 0.000003 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 407 Olga Dubovets Minsk, Republic of Belarus 01/03/2019 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building PHARMA CAPITAL Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 408 4, floor 10, room 33 А73, Moscow 11/02/2019 - - Company entities/persons 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 409 Evgeny Malygin Russian Federation, Moscow 16/02/2019 - - entities/persons

28 11 Sikorsky Street, basement floor, Smart Construction Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 410 room 1, room 59, Skolkovo 11/02/2019 - - Company entities/persons Innovation Center, Moscow 121205 Part of the Bank's group of 411 Sergey Shurshalin Russian Federation, Moscow 11/02/2019 0.000105 0.00011 entities/persons 010 Lenina Avenue, room 29, Part of the Bank's group of 412 Avangard Limited Liability Company 144006, Moscow 13/02/2019 - - entities/persons Region Part of the Bank's group of 413 Artem Ponomarev Moscow, Russian Federation 13/02/2019 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 414 Tatyana Salomashenko Russian Federation, Cherepovets 12/02/2019 - - entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 415 Yury Beloded 07/03/2019 - - Federation entities/persons Russian Federation, Republic of Part of the Bank's group of 416 Andrey Urlukov 02/11/2018 - - Tatarstan, Chistopol entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 417 Kirill Kourov Russian Federation, Moscow 20/02/2019 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 418 Valery Zharkikh 18/02/2019 - - Voronezh entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 419 Alexander Denisenkov Republic of Belarus, Zhodzina 18/03/2019 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building SBK GRAND Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 420 4, floor 10, room 33 А71, Moscow 06/02/2019 - - Company entities/persons 125167 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building SBK KOMPLEKT Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 421 4, floor 10, room 33 А72, Moscow 05/02/2019 - - Company entities/persons 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 422 Shamil Kudaimetov Russian Federation, Moscow 29/12/2018 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 423 Andrey Smirnov Russian Federation, Zelenograd 04/04/2019 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 424 Tatyana Valitskaya Russian Federation, Moscow 07/04/2019 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 425 Aleksey Leonenko Russian Federation, Moscow 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons 63 Polyustrovsky Avenue, Letter A, Part of the Bank's group of 426 RM-Estate Limited Liability Company room 274-276, St. Petersburg 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons 194100 Part of the Bank's group of 427 Galina Yashchuk Russian Federation, Moscow 13/03/2019 - - entities/persons The Bank may manage more than Herikerbergweg 238, Luna ArenA, 428 Fortenova Group TopCo B.V. 20% of votes attached to the 01/04/2019 - - 1101CM Amsterdam shares that constitute the charter

29 capital, the interest of this legal entity. Part of the Bank's group of 429 Christofi Anastasia Nicosia, Cyprus 04/01/2019 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 430 Votsi Pampina Nicosia, Cyprus 04/01/2019 - - entities/persons 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 49 Istomina St., office 14, shares that constitute the charter 431 MukA Limited Liability Company Khabarovsk 680000, Khabarovsk capital, the interest of this legal 28/12/2018 - - Krai entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 432 Vyacheslav Kaverzin Russian Federation, Khabarovsk 28/12/2018 - - entities/persons 37a Leningradsky Avenue, building AURORA CAPITAL Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 433 4, floor 10, room 33 A74 Moscow 22/03/2019 - - Company entities/persons 125167 Member of the Supervisory Board 434 KNikolay Kudryavtsev Russian Federation, Moscow 24/05/2019 - - of the Bank Part of the Bank's group of 435 Alexander Zaretsky Russian Federation, Moscow 30/04/2019 - - entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 436 Irina Gorobets 18/04/2019 - - Federation entities/persons 55/22 Mangilik El Pr., Floor 3, Part of the Bank's group of 437 BiZone Kazakhstan Ltd. Office 334, Esil District, Nur- 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan Part of the Bank's group of 438 Sergey Maslikhin Russian Federation, Moscow 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons 32 Leninsky Avenue, floor 1, room Part of the Bank's group of 439 Delta Plus Limited Liability Company 07/05/2019 - - IB, office 3, Moscow 119334 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 440 Artur Aleksandrovich Russian Federation, Moscow 07/05/2019 - - entities/persons 4 Moskovsky Avenue, room 45, Part of the Bank's group of 441 Ice Berd Limited Liability Company Voronezh 394026, Voronezh 27/03/2019 - - entities/persons Region Chrysanthou Mylona, 10 Part of the Bank's group of 442 SBCP CYPRUS SPV LIMITED MAGNUM HOUSE 3030, 15/04/2019 - - entities/persons Limassol, Cyprus Part of the Bank's group of 443 Pittas Marios Larnaca, Cyprus 15/04/2019 - - entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Prospekt, Neftyanoy Trading Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 444 building 4, floor 10, room 33 A75, 29/04/2019 - - Company entities/persons Moscow 125167

30 Part of the Bank's group of 445 Maxim Andriasov Russian Federation, Moscow 29/04/2019 - - entities/persons Chrysanthou Mylona, 10 Part of the Bank's group of 446 SBPR CYPRUS SPV LIMITED MAGNUM HOUSE 3030, 16/04/2019 - - entities/persons Limassol, Cyprus Part of the Bank's group of 447 Anton Varekha Russian Federation, Moscow 23/04/2019 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansi Part of the Bank's group of 448 Alla Ignashevich Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, 30/04/2019 - - entities/persons Nyagan Part of the Bank's group of 449 Valentina Sklyar Vladivostok, Russian Federation 29/04/2019 - - entities/persons 51A/9 Bolshaya Polyanka Street, INNOVATSIONNAYA MEDITSINA Part of the Bank's group of 450 floor 8, room I, room 1, office 08/05/2019 - - Limited Liability Company entities/persons A3M, Moscow 119180 SberLogistics Limited Liability 24 Vavilova Street, build. 1, room Part of the Bank's group of 451 29/05/2019 - - Company ХХIХ, office 3, Moscow 119334 entities/persons Mishutkino Village, Naro- Part of the Bank's group of 452 Sergey Malyshev Fominsky District, Moscow Region, 29/05/2019 - - entities/persons Russian Federation 116, Gladstonos Str.,3032, M. Part of the Bank's group of 453 Vikay Industrial Limited KYPRIANOU HOUSE, Limassol, 17/05/2019 - - entities/persons Cyprus Part of the Bank's group of 454 Olga Pshenichnaya Cyprus, Limassol 17/05/2019 - - entities/persons RABOTA DLYA VAS Closed Joint- 46 Varshavskaya St., room 3N, St. Part of the Bank's group of 455 28/05/2019 - - Stock Company Petersburg 196128 entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 456 Leonid Kudryavtsev 28/05/2019 - - Federation entities/persons RABOTA DLYA VAS Limited Liability 33 Zastavskaya St., letter D, office Part of the Bank's group of 457 28/05/2019 - - Company 18, Saint Petersburg 196084 entities/persons 3 M. Drovyanoy Pereulok, building Part of the Bank's group of 458 28/05/2019 - - RDV-SOFT Limited Liability Company 2, Moscow 109004 entities/persons MEDIA ONLINE Limited Liability 109 Moskovsky Avenue, letter A, Part of the Bank's group of 459 28/05/2019 - - Company room 9N, Saint Petersburg 196084 entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 460 Lyudmila Kudryavtseva 28/05/2019 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 461 Yermek Serikbayev Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 09/11/2015 - - entities/persons Russian Federation, Khanty- Part of the Bank's group of 462 Dmitry Babich 10/06/2019 - - Mansiysk entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 463 Evgeny Guryanov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/06/2019 - - entities/persons

31 Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 464 Artur Davydov 09/07/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 465 LAND Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 33 А77, 21/06/2019 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167 Part of the Bank's group of 466 Marina Nastasenko Russian Federation, Moscow 01/07/2019 - - entities/persons MASTER SINTEZ LIMITED 9 Montazhnaya Street, building 3A, Part of the Bank's group of 467 01/07/2019 - - LIABILITY COMPANY Moscow 107497 entities/persons The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the STATUS Registrar Company, Joint- 23 Novokhokhlovskaya Street, bldg 468 shares that constitute the charter 15/07/2019 - - Stock Company 1, room 1, Moscow 109052 capital, the interest of this legal entity. Sber.Avto.Mobilnost Limited Liability 3 Poklonnaya St., room 124, Part of the Bank's group of 469 10/07/2019 - - Company Moscow 121170 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 470 Sergey Dianin Russian Federation, Moscow 10/07/2019 - - entities/persons Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 471 Sergey Mashurin 29/07/2019 - - Federation entities/persons Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 472 Mohamed Ali Vuadu 03/07/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Saint Speech Technology Center Limited Part of the Bank's group of 473 Petersburg 196084, Russian 01/08/2019 - - Liability Company entities/persons Federation Part of the Bank's group of 474 Dmitry Dyrmovsky Russian Federation, Moscow 01/08/2019 - - entities/persons 7 Universitetskaya St., STC BIOMETRICS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 475 Verkhneuslonsky District, Innopolis 01/08/2019 - - Company entities/persons 420500, Republic of Tatarstan Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, Part of the Bank's group of 476 Evgeny Marusov 01/08/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons STC-INNOVATIONS Limited Liability 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Saint Part of the Bank's group of 477 01/08/2019 - - Company Petersburg 196084 entities/persons 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Office Part of the Bank's group of 478 STC SOFT Limited Liability Company 01/08/2019 - - 103, Saint Petersburg 196084 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 479 Alexander Khrameshkin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 0.0000002 0.0000002 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 480 Sergey Sklyar Russian Federation, Moscow 13/08/2019 - - entities/persons 3 Batareynaya St., bld. A, office KASKAD-PRIMORYE LIMITED Part of the Bank's group of 481 304, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok 13/08/2019 - - LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons 690091

32 Part of the Bank's group of 482 Alexey Kuzmin Russian Federation, Moscow 19/07/2019 - - entities/persons 32 Leninsky Avenue, floor 1, room Part of the Bank's group of 483 SBD Limited Liability Company 09/08/2019 - - IB, office 2, Moscow 119334 entities/persons 105A Shishkova St., room IV, Part of the Bank's group of 484 Este-Agro Limited Liability Company office 2, Voronezh 394068, 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons Voronezh Region Part of the Bank's group of 485 Andrey Lyamin Voronezh, Russian Federation 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons Express Parcel Service Limited Liability 4, 4th Likhachevsky Pereulok, Part of the Bank's group of 486 06/08/2019 - - Company Room 20A, Moscow 125438 entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 487 Alexander Idrisov Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons 52 Kosmodamianskaya Part of the Bank's group of 488 KORANA Limited Liability Company Naberezhnaya, build. 2, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons 115035 Avdon s., Ufa District, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 489 Dmitry Minchenkin 03/08/2019 - - Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 490 Denis Panchenko Russian Federation, Moscow 19/07/2019 - - entities/persons Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 491 Artur Arustamyan 28/08/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 492 Vasily Zhamkov Russian Federation, Moscow 09/08/2019 - - entities/persons Part of the Bank's group of 493 Vadim Shapovalov Klaipeda, Republic of 23/08/2019 0.0000002 0.0000002 entities/persons

II. Changes that occurred in the List of Affiliates over the period from 0 1 0 7 2 0 1 9 to 3 0 0 9 2 0 1 9

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 1 Changes in the name of affiliate 27/03/2019 23/07/2019

33 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Part of the Bank's group of 70 BEVO-Holding GmbH 15/02/2012 - - Vienna, Austria entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Schwarzenbergplatz 3, 1010 Part of the Bank's group of 67 SBAG IT-Services GmbH 15/02/2012 - - Vienna, Austria entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 2 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 28/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.04101 0.035618 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.04091 0.035725 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 3 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 28/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 55 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.001194 0.001249 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 52 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000336 0.000335 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons


Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 4 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 25/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 57 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.023530 0.016136 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 54 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.02353 0.02462 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 5 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 28/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 60 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.321189 0.196965 117312 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 57 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.309238 0.182659 117312 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 6 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 26/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 144 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.125253 0.120771 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

35 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 124 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.126606 0.122187 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 7 Changes in the grounds for affiliate 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agiou Andreou 332, Patrician Part of the Bank's group of 161 Arimero Holding Limited 29/12/2014 - - Chambers, 3035, Limassol, Cyprus entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more 09/07/2019 than 20% of votes attached to the

shares that constitute the charter Agiou Andreou 332, Patrician 138 Arimero Holding Limited capital, the interest of this legal - - Chambers, 3035, Limassol, Cyprus entity.

2. Part of the Bank's group of 29/12/2014 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 8 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates - 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 461 Yermek Serikbayev Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 09/11/2015 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 9 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 10/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 197 Anatoly Brekhuntsov Tyumen, Russian Federation 19/10/2015 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 10 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 10/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Russian Federation, Khanty- Part of the Bank's group of 462 Dmitry Babich 10/06/2019 - - Mansiysk entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 11 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 03/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 288 Matvey Fisenko Russian Federation, Moscow 23/05/2017 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 12 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 03/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 463 Evgeny Guryanov Russian Federation, Moscow 03/06/2019 - - entities/persons


Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 13 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 405 Nikolay Shatokhin 26/11/2018 - - Federation entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 14 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 406 Andrey Shatokhin 26/11/2018 - - Federation entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 15 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MINILEN LIMITED LIABILITY 6 Nartova Street, office 11, Nizhny Part of the Bank's group of 407 26/11/2018 - - COMPANY Novgorod 603104 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 16 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

38 STROITELNAYA COMPANYA 7A Arkhangelskaya Street, office Part of the Bank's group of 408 26/11/2018 - - LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 15, Nizhny Novgorod 603033 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 17 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 09/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 464 Artur Davydov 09/07/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 18 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 21/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 37A Leningradsky Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 465 LAND Limited Liability Company building 4, floor 10, room 33 А77, 21/06/2019 - - entities/persons Moscow 125167

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 19 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 21/06/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bogorodskoye Settlement, Sergiev Part of the Bank's group of - Ilya Bibishev Posad District, Moscow Region, 21/06/2019 - - entities/persons Russian Federation


Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 20 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 01/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 445 Dmitry Kozlov Russian Federation, Moscow 15/01/2019 0.000026 0.000027 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 21 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 466, Marina Nastasenko Russian Federation, Moscow 01/07/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 22 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MASTER SINTEZ LIMITED 9 Montazhnaya Street, building 3A, Part of the Bank's group of 467 01/07/2019 - - LIABILITY COMPANY Moscow 107497 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 23 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 15/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the STATUS Registrar Company, Joint- 23 Novokhokhlovskaya Street, bldg 468 shares that constitute the charter 15/07/2019 - - Stock Company 1, room 1, Moscow 109052 capital, the interest of this legal entity.

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 24 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 10/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sber.Avto.Mobilnost Limited Liability 3 Poklonnaya St., room 124, Part of the Bank's group of 469 10/07/2019 - - Company Moscow 121170 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 25 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 10/07/2019 23/07/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 470 Sergey Dianin Russian Federation, Moscow 10/07/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 26 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 30/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 134 Podgornaya Street, building V, Derways Automobile Company Limited Part of the Bank's group of 35 Cherkessk 369005, Karachay- 25/11/2010 - - Liability Company entities/persons Cherkess Republic

41 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 27 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 30/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Russian Federation, Part of the Bank's group of 36 Hadzhi-Murat Derev 25/11/2010 - - Cherkessk entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 28 Changes in the location of affiliate 02/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SB Blagosostoyanie Limited Liability 10 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 63 25/01/2012 - - Company Moscow 123112 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SB Blagosostoyanie Limited Liability 12 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 60 25/01/2012 - - Company floor 11, Moscow 123112 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 29 Changes in the location of affiliate 03/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 66 TD Soft Limited Liability Company 25/01/2012 - - Moscow 123317 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 Presnenskaya Embankment, Part of the Bank's group of 63 TD Soft Limited Liability Company 25/01/2012 - - floor 11, Moscow 123112 entities/persons

42 Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 30 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 60 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.309238 0.182659 117312 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 57 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.337646 0.212270 117312 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 31 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 15/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 57 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.02353 0.02462 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 54 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.015421 0.016136 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 32 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.04091 0.035725 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 1. The Bank may manage more 26 14/05/2010 0.037827 0.033514 Liability Company Moscow 119002 than 20% of votes attached to the 43 shares that constitute the charter capital, the interest of this legal entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 33 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 30/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 144 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.126606 0.122187 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 124 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.130502 0.126264 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 34 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 55 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000336 0.000335 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 52 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000247 0.000259 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made 44 . to the List of Affiliates 35 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 29/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 226 Sergey Vershkov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/12/2015 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 36 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 29/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Saint Petersburg, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 471 Sergey Mashurin 29/07/2019 - - Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 37 Changes in the location of affiliate 18/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 414 Intercomp Joint Stock Company 27/11/2018 - - Moscow 111524 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 379 Intercomp Joint Stock Company 27/11/2018 - - floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 38 Changes in the location of affiliate 23/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Accounting Center Limited 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 425 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company Moscow 111524 entities/persons

45 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Accounting Center Limited 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 390 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company floor 4, room 23, Moscow 121357 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 39 Changes in the location of affiliate 23/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Byudzhetnyy Uchet i Kadry Limited 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 426 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company room 16, Moscow 111524 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Byudzhetnyy Uchet i Kadry Limited 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 391 27/11/2018 - - Liability Company floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 40 Changes in the location of affiliate 17/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kunaeva St., room 1108, Esil Part of the Bank's group of 474 BiZone Kazakhstan Ltd. District, Nur-Sultan, Republic of 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons Kazakhstan Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 55/22 Mangilik El Pr., Floor 3, Part of the Bank's group of 437 BiZone Kazakhstan Ltd. Office 334, Esil District, Nur- 29/03/2019 - - entities/persons Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 41 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 03/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 489 Yulia Khorina Russian Federation, Moscow 08/05/2019 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

46 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 42 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 03/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 472 Mohamed Ali Vuadu 03/07/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 43 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- shares that constitute the charter 95 DENIZBANK ANONIM SIRKETI Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi capital, the interest of this legal 28/09/2012 - - No. 141 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 44 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Part of the Bank's group of 97 Deniz Finansal Kiralama Anonim Sirketi Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 7 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank


Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 45 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Part of the Bank's group of 98 Deniz Faktoring Anonim Sirketi Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 8 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 46 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Deniz Yatirim Menkul Kiymetler Part of the Bank's group of 99 Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - Anonim Sirketi entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 9 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 47 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sanayi Mahallesi Teknopark Intertech Bilgi islem ve Pazarlama Part of the Bank's group of 100 Bulvari 1/3 C Kurtkoy- 28/09/2012 - - Ticaret A.S. entities/persons Pendik/Istanbul Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates

48 48 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- EKSPRES BILGI ISLEM VE TICARET Part of the Bank's group of 101 Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - A.S. entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 9 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 49 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Part of the Bank's group of 102 Deniz Portfoy Yonetimi A.S. Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 19 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 50 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Denizbank Kultur Sanat Yayincilik Part of the Bank's group of 103 Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S. entities/persons No. 141, 1. Bodrum Kat Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 51 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

49 Euro Deniz International Banking Unit 14.Serif Arzik Sokak Kosklu Ciftlik Part of the Bank's group of 104 28/09/2012 - - Limited Lefkosa- K.K.T.C. entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 52 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thomas Klestil Platz 1, A-1030 Part of the Bank's group of 105 DENIZBANK AG 28/09/2012 - - Vienna / AUSTRIA entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 53 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13/42 2nd Zvenigorodskaya Street, Denizbank Moscow Joint-Stock Part of the Bank's group of 106 Moscow 123022, Russian 28/09/2012 - - Company entities/persons Federation Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 54 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Part of the Bank's group of 107 Deniz Kartli Odeme Sistemleri A.S. Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 14 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank


Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 55 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Acik Deniz Radyo ve Televizyon Iletisim Part of the Bank's group of 108 Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - Yayincilik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S. entities/persons No. 141, 1. Bodrum Kat Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 56 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34394, Turkey, Esentepe- Deniz Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi Part of the Bank's group of 109 Sisli/Istanbul, Buyukdere Caddesi 28/09/2012 - - A.S. entities/persons No. 141, Kat. 22 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 57 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thomas-Klestil-Platz 1, 1030, Part of the Bank's group of 135 Deniz Immobilien Service GmbH 19/12/2013 - - Vienna, Austria entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 58 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019

51 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thomas-Klestil-Platz 1, 1030 Part of the Bank's group of 156 CR Erdberg Eins GmbH & Co KG 29/09/2014 - - Vienna entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 59 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 31/07/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 157 Ahmet Mesut Ersoy Austria, Vienna 29/09/2014 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 60 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Saint Speech Technology Center Limited Part of the Bank's group of 473 Petersburg 196084, Russian 01/08/2019 - - Liability Company entities/persons Federation

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 61 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

52 Part of the Bank's group of 474 Dmitry Dyrmovsky Russian Federation, Moscow 01/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 62 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Universitetskaya St., STC BIOMETRICS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 475 Verkhneuslonsky District, Innopolis 01/08/2019 - - Company entities/persons 420500, Republic of Tatarstan

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 63 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, Part of the Bank's group of 476 Evgeny Marusov 01/08/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 64 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STC-INNOVATIONS Limited Liability 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Saint Part of the Bank's group of 477 01/08/2019 - - Company Petersburg 196084 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 53 65 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 01/08/2019 05/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 Krasutskogo St., Letter A, Office Part of the Bank's group of 478 STC SOFT Limited Liability Company 01/08/2019 - - 103, Saint Petersburg 196084 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 66 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 38 Saturn-A Closed Joint-Stock Company 98 Letnaya Street, Moscow 125424 25/01/2011 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 67 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 122 Natalia Petrykina Russian Federation, Oryol 15/11/2012 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 68 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 24/07/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 171 Natalya Vakulenko Russian Federation, Moscow 29/12/2014 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

54 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 69 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 26/07/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 485 Aleksey Prokopenko Russian Federation, Moscow 23/04/2019 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 70 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 126 Vasily Illarionov Russian Federation, Moscow 01/10/2013 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 71 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 479 Alexander Khrameshkin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 72 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 13/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 281 Denis Kuzavlev Russian Federation, Moscow 13/06/2017 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 73 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 13/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 480 Sergey Sklyar Russian Federation, Moscow 13/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 74 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 13/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Batareynaya St., bld. A, office KASKAD-PRIMORYE LIMITED Part of the Bank's group of 481 304, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok 13/08/2019 - - LIABILITY COMPANY entities/persons 690091

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 75 Changes in the location of affiliate 16/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 13 Mineralnaya Street, Letter A, BALTIYSKIY BEREG TRADING Part of the Bank's group of 253 room 16N, Saint Petersburg, 25/11/2016 - - HOUSE Limited Liability Company entities/persons 195197 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

56 13 Mineralnaya Street, Letter A, BALTIYSKIY BEREG TRADING Part of the Bank's group of 227 room 16N, Office 10, Saint 25/11/2016 - - HOUSE Limited Liability Company entities/persons Petersburg 195197

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 76 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 482 Alexey Kuzmin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 77 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 09/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 32 Leninsky Avenue, floor 1, room Part of the Bank's group of 483 SBD Limited Liability Company 09/08/2019 - - IB, office 2, Moscow 119334 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 78 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 105A Shishkova St., room IV, Part of the Bank's group of 484 Este-Agro Limited Liability Company office 2, Voronezh 394068, 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons Voronezh Region

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made

57 . to the List of Affiliates 79 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 485 Andrey Lyamin Voronezh, Russian Federation 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 80 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 26/08/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Express Parcel Service Limited Liability 4, 4th Likhachevsky Pereulok, Part of the Bank's group of 486 06/08/2019 - - Company Room 20A, Moscow 125438 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 81 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 394 Anna Savitskaya Russian Federation, Moscow 26/09/2018 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 82 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

58 Part of the Bank's group of 487 Alexander Idrisov Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 83 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 06/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 52 Kosmodamianskaya Part of the Bank's group of 488 KORANA Limited Liability Company Naberezhnaya, build. 2, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons 115035

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 84 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 13/09/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 37A Leningradsky Avenue, SBK ALIANS Limited Liability Part of the Bank's group of 258 building 4, floor 10, room 1/1, room 19/01/2017 - - Company entities/persons 28 А60, Moscow 125167 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 85 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 03/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Avdon s., Ufa District, Russian Part of the Bank's group of 489 Dmitry Minchenkin 03/08/2019 - - Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made

59 . to the List of Affiliates 86 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 06/09/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bogorodskoye Settlement, Sergiev Part of the Bank's group of - Ilya Bibishev Posad District, Moscow Region, 21/06/2019 - - entities/persons Russian Federation Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 87 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 19/07/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 490 Denis Panchenko Russian Federation, Moscow 19/07/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 88 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 28/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 154 Irina Smagina Russian Federation, Moscow 19/11/2014 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 89 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 28/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change:

60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Part of the Bank's group of 491 Artur Arustamyan 28/08/2019 - - Russian Federation entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 90 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 12/07/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 333 Evgeniy Mitin Russian Federation, Moscow 24/01/2018 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 91 Changes in the date of grounds for affiliation - 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of - Alexey Kuzmin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of Alexey Kuzmin Russian Federation, Moscow 19/07/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 92 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares - 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of - Alexander Khrameshkin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of Alexander Khrameshkin Russian Federation, Moscow 06/08/2019 0.0000002 0.0000002 entities/persons

61 Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 93 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 30/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.037827 0.033514 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Financial Company Limited 29/16, Sivtsev Vrazhek Pereulok, 26 capital, the interest of this legal 14/05/2010 0.040106 0.033965 Liability Company Moscow 119002 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 94 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 30/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 55 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000247 0.000259 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 85 Fleet Street, Part of the Bank's group of 52 Sberbank CIB (UK) Limited 25/01/2012 0.000598 0.000626 4th floor, London ECY4 1AE entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 95 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 05/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 57 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.015421 0.016136 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus

62 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2-4 Arch. Makariou III Avenue, Part of the Bank's group of 54 SIB (CYPRUS) LIMITED Capital Center, Floor 9, P.C. 1065, 25/01/2012 0.012795 0.013388 entities/persons Nicosia, Cyprus

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 96 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 30/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 60 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.337646 0.212270 117312 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 Vavilova Street, Moscow Part of the Bank's group of 57 Sberbank CIB Joint-Stock Company 25/01/2012 0.336437 0.212007 117312 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 97 Changes in the ownership of the Bank's shares 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 144 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.130502 0.126264 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Bank may manage more than 20% of votes attached to the shares that constitute the charter Sberbank Private Pension Fund Joint- 31G Shabolovka Street, Moscow 124 capital, the interest of this legal 10/06/2014 0.128912 0.124599 Stock Company 115162 entity. 2. Part of the Bank's group of entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made 63 . to the List of Affiliates 98 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 09/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 427 Savinkova Lyudmila Russian Federation, Moscow 11/12/2018 0.000009 0.000009 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 99 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 09/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 492 Vasily Zhamkov Russian Federation, Moscow 09/08/2019 - - entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 100 Changes in the location of affiliate 09/09/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Private Employment Agency 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 416 27/11/2018 - - Limited Liability Company Moscow 111524 entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Private Employment Agency 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 381 27/11/2018 - - Limited Liability Company floor 4, room 23, Moscow 121357 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 101 Changes in the location of affiliate 30/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Outsourcing Limited Liability 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 418 27/11/2018 - - Company Moscow 111524 entities/persons

64 Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Intercomp Outsourcing Limited Liability 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 383 27/11/2018 - - Company floor 4, room 21, Moscow 121357 entities/persons

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 102 Changes in the location of affiliate 09/09/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Limited Liability Company Private 9 Elektrodnaya street, building 2, Part of the Bank's group of 424 Employment Agency International 27/11/2018 - - room 24, Moscow 111524 entities/persons Company Personal Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Limited Liability Company Private 29 Vereyskaya St., building 33, Part of the Bank's group of 389 Employment Agency International 27/11/2018 - - floor 4, room 27, Moscow 121357 entities/persons Company Personal

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 103 The entity was excluded from the List of Affiliates 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 498 Alexander Samokhvalov Russian Federation, Moscow 28/05/2019 - - entities/persons Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank

Item No Description of change Date of change Date on which the change was made . to the List of Affiliates 104 The entity was included in the List of Affiliates 23/08/2019 23/09/2019 Details of the affiliate prior to the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The entity/person is not affiliated with the Bank Details of the affiliate after the change: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part of the Bank's group of 493 Vadim Shapovalov Klaipeda, Republic of Lithuania 23/08/2019 0.0000002 0.0000002 entities/persons