Scholastic Examines Therole of Faith on the Notre Dame

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Scholastic Examines Therole of Faith on the Notre Dame ' Notre Dame Archives ' Univof Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame,IN46556 , \4\'.h,at·s could possibLy be ,cooLer than roller d isco':or dinosau'rs? . :\~y ," \ . .' . ••• 71#11>" Nil",; "J' IlidS 09.4 10' til" prilit . eo".I". gO.IJIIJ A~.)fl\~~() L.~T~~I~f7 AT•• ;. '.- . ";" CLUBBING CONTROVERSY Annie Robinson Are local nightspots friendly to same-sex couples? THE FAITH FACTOR Nick Kolman-MandIe Scholastic examines therole of faith on the Notre Dame . campus. ELEVENTH-HOUR ALTERNATIVES Claire Sobczak Tight on time and money? Scholastic suggests some Spring Break road trips without rules. STAGING HATRED Katie Galeone "The Laramie Project" and the entire Spring ArtsFest focus on themes of tolerance and reconciliation . .FOILING THE COMPETITION Mike Laskey S~ruor Alicja Kryczalo excels in fencing - as a three-time NCAA champion - her studies.· LUMBERJACKIE ErikPowers The author welcomes football Head Coach Charlie Weis back to life under the Dome. From the Editor . .. 2 Cribs ..............18 Senior Farewell . .. 3 Snapshot. 20 Staff Editorial. 4 Campus Watch. 25 ND Notebook ......... 5\ Scholastic Interview . ... 40 24 FEBRUARY 2005 SCHOLASTICMAGAZINE CLUBBING CONTROVERSY Annie Robinson Are local nightspots friendly to same-sex couples? THE FAITH FACTOR Nick Kolman-MandIe Scholastic examines therole of faith on the Notre Dame . campus. ELEVENTH-HOUR ALTERNATIVES Claire Sobczak Tight on time and money? Scholastic suggests some Spring Break road trips without rules. STAGING HATRED Katie Galeone "The Laramie Project" and the entire Spring ArtsFest focus on themes of tolerance and reconciliation . .FOILING THE COMPETITION Mike Laskey S~ruor Alicja Kryczalo excels in fencing - as a three-time NCAA champion - her studies.· LUMBERJACKIE ErikPowers The author welcomes football Head Coach Charlie Weis back to life under the Dome. From the Editor . .. 2 Cribs ..............18 Senior Farewell . .. 3 Snapshot. 20 Staff Editorial. 4 Campus Watch. 25 ND Notebook ......... 5\ Scholastic Interview . ... 40 24 FEBRUARY 2005 SCHOLASTICMAGAZINE 1I , Vol. 146, No. 10' FEB 24 2005 I 2005·2006 EDITORS IN CHIEF ELECTED .SCHOLaSTIC I Scholastic welcomes current juniors Jim Ryan and Mo Ertel as the 2005-2006 editors in chief. Editors In Chief Mike Borgia I Ryan, an American Studies major from Dallas, Texas, and Ertel, an English major from St. Annl. Robinson Charles, Ill., have spent the better part of their past three years in the palatial underbelly of Managing Editor I Jennifer Osterhage South Dining Hall, toiling away at Scholastic. Executive Editor Ryan could not be reached for comment, as he is busy working as Scholastic's foreign correspon­ Megh.n Gowan dent in Toledo, Spain for the semester. When asked for comment about her impending initiation Executive Design Editor into the realm of the magazine editrix, Ertel asked, "Can't you just make something up?" Nick Abrams General Manager Christopher Kelty News Emlty Paladino, editor Ailsa Flnetll, ..slstl/lt CampusUfe THANKS & FAREWEll Lauren Wilcox. editor Katie Solan. assistant Sports Christopher MeskJII, editor Annie Robinson, co-editor in chief, will be returning to the Mike Borgia, co-editor in chief, hopes to be working in the San Francisco Bay area to pursue a career in communications•. "real world" next year in journalism, P.R or marketing, but would Entertainment Losing my religion? Nick Kolman-Mandie, editor In a short time, she hopefully will overcome her debilitating· settle happily for breathing and eating, A seven-year trip to Beth Murphy, assistant inferiority compiex to Christopher Kelly. One thing she won't graduate school in English is also a possibility. If all else fails - or It just doesn't make sense: How could students poss.ibly leave Not;re Dame Departments miss about South Bend is her penchant for frequent Ice slips, even If It doesn't, he hopes to found a cult around Bill Belichick, feeling less spiritual than when they started? We deCIded to delve mto how Erik Powers Design religious identity is formed among students. at No~e Dame. Nelt Ryan, assistant Scholastic's Nick Kolman-MandIe looked mto this paradox, surveymg current David Redenbaugh, assistant Amy Meyers Meghan Gowan, executive editor, will be wed in our very own Jennifer Osterhage, managing editor, plans to return to the Notre Dame students to see how faith fits into students' lives and examining the Jana Stewart Basilica to an NO grad over the summer. She anticipates with St. Louis area to pursue a career in PR or communications. In the Julie Ruffin forces that shape the spiritual lives of students. Scholastic also conducted its own great excitement marital bliss, as well as the $16 hand towels meantime, she will continue to play the find-a-postion-when­ Illustration from her registry, In the fall, she will attend Georgetown Law and it-becomes·available game. She will sorely miss late nights in the unscientific survey with a random selection of students in hopes to seeing if a Christine Graham (hopefully) become the proud mommy of a puppy named Lucy. basement of SOH, when everything becomes funny at 3 a.m. student's commitment to his or her faith waned considerably or strengthened Photography dramatically- or did something in between - during his or her four-year Phil Hall, editor Brenna Mannion, assistant tenure at Notre Daine. Please see Page 11 for Kolman-MandIe's in-depth look Copy at one of the most central topics at this Catholic university. Mo Ertel, chief Jennifer Wadkins, assistant Phil Hall, photography editor, plans on going back to New York Nick Abrams, executive design editor, is going to pursue a Emma Grall City to attend the International Center in Photojournalism. From successful career in graphic design. With no specific job at press Drew Dodge there, he hopes to work overseas as a conflict photographer, time, he promises not to return to South Bend and be one of Doug Schlarman finally making learning Arabic worthwhile, but will probably end. those creepy older guys. He has plans to move back to his home We humbly present ••• Distribution up taking photos of puppies and children at Sears. town of San Diego, discovered by Germans in 1904 ... Bryan Lowery look for Juniors Mo Ertel and Jim Ryan as the new incoming co-editors in chief of Advisor ISSUE II Robert Franken '69 on Scholastic. Both have worked for Scholastic since their freshman years. This past MAR 17 year, Ertel was Scholastic's copy chief and Ryan was assistant managing editor. Jen Wadkins, copy editor, will graduate this year with a Nell Ryan, design, Is futureless. She has plans to pick up several And we bid you adieu. Thanks for the long, strange year. We're a tough act COVER DESIGN lengthy list of people she hates solely because of their writing new hobbies with her free time after graduation. The list includes to follow, but we wish them well as they toil until the sun comes up. And re­ NICK ABRAMS. abilities, a degree in two fairly useless majors, and no job. Her sleeping and making a list of potential new hobbies. aspirations to be a trophy wife have been scrapped, so she will member, when you see the Grab 'N' Go ladies start-their days, you know your C()VER PHOTOGRAPY move to London, adopt a cat, and be a bum. night is almost over. PHIL HALL Christopher Kelly, general manager, will be working in Nick Kolman-Mandie, entertainment editor, has decided that Manhattan with the consulting firm McKinsey & Company after if he ever plans on pursuing a career as a journalist, he'd better graduation. His favorite Scholastic moment was when he realized learn to live like one. He'll be spending next year doing service laundering the magazine's money would be much easier in the work. living with the poor and disadvantaged in Latin America, ~1;r "general manager" position. and developing much·needed character. - Duce Quosi Selllper VictunlS Annie Robinson Mike Borgia Vwe Quasi eros MoritrlrtlS Editor in Chief Editor mChief Published biweekly at the University of Notre Dame and printed at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 46556. The entire contents of Katie Solan, assistant campus life editor, plans on finding a Emily Paladino, news editor, plans to be swept off her Scholastic Magazine is copyright 2005 University of Notre Dame. All I' Job in a big, wonderful city somewhere, hopefully one in which foundational appendages by a mysterious man on a motorcycle rights reserved. No contenu of this magazine, either In whole or: in deadlines can be deftly avoided. Considering there is a small sometime before graduation. She will travel across the country part, may be reproduced In any manner without written consent of • chance that such a job does not exist, she hopes to work in with him. and use her political science major to work for a the publisher. Scholasric Magazine does not ..sume liability for unso­ licited manuscripts or material. All correspondence should be sent broadcast or print journalism •. ' magazine about vacuums. to Scholastic Magazine, laFortune Student Center, Notre Dame, IN 46556, To be published In the next issue, letters must be received by 5:00 p.m. Monday before the issue. It Is never OK to stealluice boxes from the homeless. All letters must Include the writer's name, address and phone number. All letters must be signed. Names will be withheld upon request 1n certain instances. Scholastic reserves Mike Iselin, assistant sports editor, will be moving to Chicago Beth Murphy, assistant entertainment editor, will be heading the right to edit letters for space. Requests for corrections made where he will start working at Oeloitte & Touche in August as a to Africa for two months for service work. Barring the event that more than 21 days after publication cannot be guaranteed,Th.
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