The Vanderbilt Hustler Students Check out the CD Collection at Cool Tunes for a Cool Cause Held Yesterday

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The Vanderbilt Hustler Students Check out the CD Collection at Cool Tunes for a Cool Cause Held Yesterday WEDNESDAY THE VOICE OF APRIL 12, 2006 VANDERBILT 118th YEAR SINCE 1888 No. 36 TThehe VVanderbiltanderbilt HHustlerustler ACFEE CD profits go to charity Committee releases AcFee allocations Homecoming Committee New groups receiving funds receives substantially less Group ’06-’07 Allocation money for ‘06-’07. Alliance for Cultural Diversity in Research $750 BY SEAN SEELINGER Alternative Winter Break $500 HUSTLER EDITORINCHIEF Brazilian Student Organization $3,000 Seventeen student organizations received AcFee funding for the fi rst Caribbean Student Organization $500 time this year while only two groups Cricket Club $500 lost funding. Emerging Green Builders $200 Aft er several weeks of interviews English Graduate Student Association $500 and deliberations the Student Fi- Kelly Hocutt / The Vanderbilt Hustler Students check out the CD collection at Cool Tunes for a Cool Cause held yesterday. WRVU and Vanderbilt Student Com- nance Committee released its al- FUTURE $500 munications raised $572 for a Mississippi elementary to replace items that were destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. locations of $1.33 million worth of Iranian Students Association $500 Student Activity Fee funds. JUNTOS $100 Engineers without Borders lost funding for failing to use the $500 Korean Students & Scholars Association $500 STUDENT LIFE they were given last year, said senior LOOP $500 Mary Ellen Neighbors, Student Fi- Make-A-Wish $500 nance Committee Chair. Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Society $500 Global Health Council lost fund- Senior survey has ing because they told the committee R.E.A.L.I.T.Y $125 that they planned to increase their Rhythm & Roots Performance Company $1,000 involvement in political activism, Scholars Bowl $1,500 Neighbors said. Groups involved with politi- Big winners by percentage many diverse roles cal and religious activities cannot receive AcFee funds based on the Group Percentage increase ’06-’07 allocation Results to be used to attract employers, recruiters. committee’s constitution. Vibe 500% $3,000 Th e largest cut, however, was to Math Club 300% $400 BY BECKY TYRRELL Bill Fletcher, associate di- Data is currently being the Homecoming Committee, which HUSTLER REPORTER rector of the Career Center, compiled about the under- National Black Law Students Association 200% $1500 will receive 88 percent less funding Th e survey information elaborates on the role the sur- graduate class of 2006 from than this year, $17,000. TAAL 169% $700 Vanderbilt is collecting from vey plays. various surveys, including the Neighbors said that the group’s India Association 167% $800 students now could determine “Th e trend in employer rela- Graduating Student Satisfac- budget was not properly itemized, a whether employers are calling tions has been more investiga- tion Survey, the VCC e-mail requirement to receive AcFee funds. Biggest winners by dollar amount tomorrow. tion of where to expand target surveys of the senior class and Furthermore, their application Group Increase ’06-’07 allocation Th e VU Graduating Student campuses,” Fletcher said. “Our campus recruiters, and faculty also listed expenses related to the Survey is important not only peer institutions are larger and advisor feedback. Music Group $44,186.13 $413,636.13 Commodore Quake, Neighbors said. for the university to evaluate mostly in the Northeast where “Understanding the many “We went by their application and Great Performances $8,100 $188,100 progress, but also for providing many companies are located, ways our graduates will use their application was lacking,” she Speakers Committee $7,750 $150,000 relevant data to employers try- and they want to know why their degrees is critical to Van- said. “Just because they are Home- Model UN $6,500 $20,000 ing to decide whether or not to they should come down to derbilt’s mission of establishing coming doesn’t mean we could give recruit at Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt.” Please see SURVEY, page 3 them a lot of money.” Habitat for Humanity $4,000 $9,000 Following the recent restructur- Groups loosing all funds ing of the Vanderbilt Programming SPEAKERS SPEAKERS Board, the Music Group will cover all Engineers Without Borders Quake expenses. Th e Music Group Global Health Council has received requested funding for Petroski the concert. Biggest losers by percentage However, out-going Homecom- ing Committee co-president Jodi Group Percentage decrease ’06-’07 allocation concludes Please see ACFEE, page 2 Homecoming Committee 88% $17,000 BLUEprint 47% $896 » More AcFee: Turn to page 2 for a com- lecture plete listing of the AcFee allocations. Lambda Theta Alpha 38% $1,000 LAMBDA 33% $7,500 AcFee distribution VPB 26% $4,770 series 0.2% Biggest losers by dollar amount 2% BY ALLY SMITH 3.7% Group Decrease ’06-’07 allocation HUSTLER REPORTER 6.3% 8.2% Homecoming Committee $128,100 $17,000 Civil engineering and LINDSAY BRETSCHGER / The Vanderbilt Hustler 8.3% LAMBDA $3,485 $7,050 history professor Henry Students listen intently to the keynote address by Dr. Louay Safi , discussing 5.6% Petroski will give a lec- “Islam & The West Overcoming the Deepening Divide. This event on Monday International Awareness Committee $2,500 $7,500 ture tonight based on his evening was one of many during Islamic Awareness Week. Vanderbilt Off -Broadway $1,800 $21,700 most recent book “Success 66% VPB $1,680 $4,770 through Failure: Th e Para- dox of Design.” His speech Speaker addresses winds up the Chancellor’s AcFee distribution changes for ‘06-’07 Lecture Series, which brought six speakers to Middle East tension KEY KEY campus this year, includ- ing Al Gore. Academic Interest Academic Interest Islamic Awareness Week offers array of activities. Petroski, who has writ- BY JESSICA BLACKMORE sored by the Vanderbilt Mus- Arts Arts ten more than 11 books, will discuss the role of fail- HUSTLER REPORTER lim Students Association. And Cultural Cultural ure in motivating and cre- While tensions escalate be- his message brought a political ating innovative thought. tween the United States and perspective to MSA’s weeklong Greek Greek He will use the design of Islamic countries, the accom- objective to build bridges, nar- bridges to illustrate his plished political writer and ac- rowing the division between Programming Programming thesis, said Vanderbilt bio- tivist Dr. Louay Safi delivered Islam and the West and “Break- medical engineering pro- insight and a message of hope ing the Muslim Stereotype.” Service Service fessor Robert Galloway. regarding the current cultural “Th e predominant goal for Even though Petroski’s divide. this week is to bridge diff erent Special Interest Special Interest background is based in en- On Monday, Safi ’s presen- cultures and to bring it into a gineering, Galloway said tation served as the kickoff to platform where people can dis- Activities Activities Please see LECTURE, page 2 Islam Awareness week spon- Please see SPEAKER, page 3 OUR VIEW COLUMNWINE QUOTABLE POLL WEATHER INSIDE Read why we feel Read outgoing Read wine columnist “The economy is working really well for many In the Bubble 2 THE that Committee SGA President Kate Goodloe Harman’s people, but if you look just over the horizon and Chair Mary Ellen Morgan’s thoughts thoughts on wine below the surface there are some troubling issues.” 6633% In History 2 Neighbor’s attempts on how SGA will deal for special occasions. Crime Report 2 WALL to increase transpar- with the on-going This week he discuss- — New York Senator Percentage of Opinion 4 ency in the AcFee sturggle of internal es several wines in Hillary Rodham Clinton Americans who are allocation process accountability and the $25-30 category for an immigration 76 59 Our View 4 are a step in the right external visibility including Caymus’ policy that would HI LO Life 6 direction, but there is next year. Conundrum. lead to legal » Extended forecast on page 2 more to be done. See Page 5 See Page 8 status and Fun & Games 10 See Page 4 permanent citizenship. » The Washington Post/ABC 2 NEWS The Vanderbilt Hustler | Wednesday, April 12, 2006 WORD OF THE DAY THIS DAY IN HISTORY FORECAST 1861 The American Civil War began as Confederate forces fi red on Fort THURSDAY Sumter in South Carolina. Morning Showers EQUIPOISE High: 83 PAGE 2 1862 Union volunteers led by James J. Andrews stole a Confederate train near Marietta, Ga., but were later caught. (This episode Low: 62 Today is Wednesday, April 12, 2006 n. 1. state of being equally balanced inspired the Buster Keaton comedy “The General.”) FRIDAY 2. equilibrium 1945 President Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Partly Cloudy IT IS THE THERE ARE Springs, Ga., at age 63; he was succeeded by Vice President Harry High: 83 th S. Truman. Low: 62 60 14 12 29 1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the fi rst man to fl y in SATURDAY space, orbiting the earth once before making a safe landing. day of classes class days class days calendar Partly Cloudy until exams until Rites of days to com- 1983 Chicagoans elected Harold Washington the city’s fi rst black mayor. High: 87 Spring mencement Low: 67 Source: Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language Compiled by the Associated Press AcFee Allocations for 2006 — 2007 TODAY IN THE BUBBLE Compiled by Katherine Foutch Gee presents Greek awards Name of Organization Allotment ‘05-’06 Received ‘06-’07 Pct. Change Ecuador-From the Andes to the Esmeraldas Aero Club 600.00 627.00 5% Alex Hill will present his 8-week homestay/teaching internship in the Andes of Coto- African Student Union 1,500.00 2,000.00 33% paxi. He will address the perception of the government through the eyes of common Alliance for Cultural Diversity in Research NEW 750.00 n/a people. Coordinated by international Student and Scholar Services, the event will be Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc.
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