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ACTIITY REPORT 2020 Copia M ACTIVITY REPORT 2020 ACTIVITY REPORT 2020 INDEX Introduction · 01 Official Records · 01 Activity · 02 Integration of Beneficiaries · 03 Needs · 05 Activity Summary Year 2020 · 06 Solidarity Aid in Food at Home · 07 Project Considerations · 08 Charity Shop · 08 Comparative Analysis Activity 2020 · 2019 · 09 Families and People Attended 2020 · 10 Single Parent Families · 11 Families and People Attended by Months · 12 Beneficiaries: Age · Gender · Months · Accumulated · 13 Postal Code · Place of Residence · 14 Country of Origin · 15 Continents of Origin · 16 Registration Families · Origin · Entities · 17 Organized or Participated Events · 18 Food Inputs and Outputs: 2020 · 19 Food Distribution: 2011 · 2020 · 20 Annual Differences: 2011 · 2020 · 21 Program “ Solidarity Aid in Food at Home” · 22 Food to Institutions: 2020 · 23 Supports Received · 24 Board of Directors · 32 Organization Chart · 33 Official Documentation· 34 “Participate and share, the reason for a commitment” INTRODUCTION MALLORCA SENSE FAM was born as a non-profit association in the summer of 2009, as a response to the poverty that the 2008 crisis generated, and with the objective and the will to make Mallorcan society sensitive to this serious problem. The headquarters, warehouse and center of Solidarity Distribution of Food, is located in Vinyet street, 9 bajo in the Son Espanyolet neighborhood of Palma. The Board of Directors is made up of 12 volunteers, and the association also has more than 120 volunteers, all united by a spirit of solidarity and who carry out their work in a totally altruistic way. RECORDS It is registered as “Associació Mallorca Sense Fam” with number 311000007135, in the First Section of the Register of Associations of the Balearic Islands on October 15, 2009, it began its activity in November 2009. In the Insular Registry of Social Services of Mallorca, on March 9, 2010. Registered in the Unified Registry of Social Services of the Balearic Islands, with No. 824. Declared of Public Utility with number 7135 by the Ministry of the Interior, on July 11, 2013 and by the Balearic Government on September 27, 2013, in the Registry of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands. In the Municipal Registry of Citizen Entities, REMEC Nº 1462/13, on March 20, 2013. In the Insular Registry of Citizen Participation Entities of the Consell de Mallorca, No. 57/2014, on March 6, 2014. Declared of Municipal Public Utility by the Palma City Council on May 23, 2018 with No. 523. with Nº 824. 1 ACTIVITY 2020 Mallorca Sense Fam activity focuses on the distribution and free delivery of food to the neediest families, it is developed through the volunteers that make it up and only one person, the driver of the van, receives a salary. Since the 15th of March due to the state of alarm, and the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the programming of the activity in the distribution of food has not stopped at any time, serving families every Wednesday, but it was clear that it had to be carried out in a totally different way than the one followed through the “Solidarity Supermarket” until March 18, 2020. Since March, the activity of each week is started by the Secretary of Mallorca Sense Fam, who prepares the lists for the programming of telephone calls, which a group of volunteers make on Monday and Tuesday of each week, to inform beneficiary families at what time they have to collect their goods. They are distributed, for safety reasons, in groups of 15 people with an interval of 15 minutes between each group. In the warehouse, on Monday and Tuesday of each week, in the morning, from 8 to 10 volunteers, are preparing the bags of packed food that will be collected on Wednesday, the day of delivery. On Tuesday afternoon, between 8 and 10 volunteers receive the fresh food, fruits and vegetables that come from donations or by purchase, arrive at the warehouse in order to prepare the bags for distribution and delivery. From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., on Wednesday of each week, the only day of delivery, a group of between 20 and 25 volunteers are organized into different groups so that the distribution is carried out safely and with the necessary sanitary measures, mask, disinfectant and safety distance. Outside the warehouse, on Vinyet street in front of number 9, taking up about 20 meters on both sides, which is limited by means of no parking discs, with the corresponding authorization from the Local Police of Palma, several volunteers are located. The reception and control of the beneficiaries, about fifteen in each group, keeping the distance of two meters present the collection flyer and a receipt and it is verified that they are on the list for that day. Next and in another area, in front of the warehouse entrance, they wait to be called to collect the bags with the packaged fresh food, baby food and personal hygiene and household cleaning items that the volunteers place on a table of four o'clock, which the beneficiary collects and places in their bags or shopping carts. 2 Next, the table is disinfected and the food is placed for the next beneficiary and so on to all assigned families, in the group of four established A, B, C and D that corresponds to that Wednesday. Inside the warehouse there are two volunteers who issue the new flyers for the next collection the following month and then file the receipt of the food collected by the families. In another space of the warehouse, the reception point for requests for help from new beneficiaries and for resolving incidents is located, work carried out by three volunteers. Also inside, a group of volunteers is in charge of preparing and completing the food packaged in the supermarket baskets that are delivered together with the fresh ones of the day, in order to make the distribution is quick and continuous, since the number of families served, each Wednesday can exceed 200 families. In months prior to the start of the pandemic their number was between 80 and 90. Regularly available: oil, rice, sugar, cocoa shakes, soluble cocoa, infant cereals, canned tuna and sardines, vegetable cream, canned fruit, cookies, canned beans, whole milk, follow-on milk, cooked vegetables, preserved tomato, children's fruit jars, jars of chicken, assorted pasta, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean pork, bread and bakery products, potatoes, oranges, seasonal products, and eggs. Families also have personal hygiene and household cleaning items such as: dishwasher soap, bleach, toilet paper, laundry detergent, shower gel, toothpaste, toothbrush, and hand soap. Mallorca Sense Fam acquires the rest of the food, which is received from FEGA (Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund) or FEAD (European Fund for the most needy), also from the Food Bank and from donations from entities, companies and individuals or of the collections of food, "Operation Kilo" that are held in supermarkets. INTEGRATION OF BENEFICIARIES Since March 15, 2020, the beginning of the confinement motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the process for the integration of families as beneficiaries of aid, has undergone a radical change as applicants cannot obtain the documentation that is required. The Administration, due to the closure of the Municipal Social Services Centers of the City Council, during the months of the state of alarm and confinement, are not able to carry out, on the part of Mallorca Sense Fam, the interview prior to joining one of the four groups and receipt of documentation. 3 A call center was established at the end of March by the Consell de Mallorca, through the IMAS, Institut Mallorquí d'Afers Socials, given the difficulties faced by families in requesting help. Phone number called Social Urgency 900 100 444, which collects the calls of the requests and after an interview with the applicant, the necessary data collected to establish if the need was real and then an email was sent to Mallorca Sense Fam, with the information collected and they were incorporated into a group, according to the possibilities of care in each case. Likewise, requests for help from the Palma City Council's Social Services Centers and from associations and entities with which they have collaboration agreements were incorporated. At the end of March 2020, the decision was made by the Board of Directors to offer all those over 65 years of age who, for reasons of confinement and because they are a risk group and could not travel to collect the food, deliver them to their home. In March, the number of beneficiaries of the "Solidarity Aid for Food at Home" was 62 families, 95 in April, 112 in May, 108 in June and 67 in July, once the state of alarm was lifted. It should be noted that this decision was greatly appreciated decision by this group. It is also a pioneering service, since when it started, Mallorca Sense Fam did not deliver packaged and fresh food, personal hygiene and cleaning items, to the home, by any NGO as this service already existed. Delivery of food prepared at home by the Red Cross and the Palma City Council. Since June 21 and once the confinement was lifted, they continue to be incorporated in the same way as the aforementioned and also, since the applicants can already travel, they go to our headquarters and their personal data and a telephone number of contact are noted. Every Wednesday at the end of the day, the requests received directly by the Secretary and the volunteers are gathered and will be added to those received by email each week. On Friday of each week, the team of eight volunteers and our Psychologist, who take care of the Social Assistance Area of the families, study each and every one of the requests and agree on the new incorporations.
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