Stem Cells and Cancer Bariloche, Argentina, March 6 - 10, 2010
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IPSEN_CANCER6_Couv 13/09/10 15:27 Page 1 CANCER SCIENCE 6 er em Cells and Canc e 6 – St er Scienc Canc 2FI0119 Stem Cells and Cancer Bariloche, Argentina, March 6 - 10, 2010 65, quai Georges Gorse - 92650 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex – Tel.: 33(0)1 58 33 50 00 – Fax: 33(0)1 58 33 50 01 ondation Ipsen COLLOQUES MÉDECINE ET RECHERCHE F IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 2 SCIENTIFIC REPORT BY APOORVA MANDA VILLI IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 1 IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 2 2 Fondation IPSEN is placed under the auspices of Fondation de France IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 3 3 w5 Fore ord by Inder M. Verma 7 PART I: The identity of stem cells 9 Hansv Cle ers LGR5 stem cells in self-renewal and cancer 13 Peter Dirks Interrogating cancer stem cell function in brain tumors 17 Fred H. Gage Somatic diversity generated in neuronal stem cells 23 Sean Morrison Not all cancers follow a stem cell model 29 PART II: Understanding stem cells complexity 31 Jeremy Rich Implications of cancer stem cells in brain tumor biology 37 David T. Scadden Niche-initiated oncogenesis 43 Lewis Cantley Maintenance of embryonic metabolic networks in tumors 47 Robert A.Weinberg Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the stem-cell state CONTENTS 53 PART III: Targeting cancer stem cells 55 Catriona Jamieson Wnting leukemia stem cells down a Notch 61 John E. Dick Stem cell biology meets cancer research 65 Irving L. Weissman Normal and neoplastic stem cells 71 Max S. Wicha Targeting self-renewal in breast cancer stem cells 77 Hong Wu PTEN, stem cells and cancer stem cells 81 PART IV: Novel approaches 83 Rudolf Jaenisch Mechanisms of pluripotency and reprogramming 89 Inder M.Verma Stem cells and glioblastomas 95 Jane Visvader Mammary epithelial hierarchy and breast cancer 101 Abbreviations and glossary 105 Participants 108 Group picture 109 Fondation IPSEN IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 4 4 F OREWORD by INDER M. VERMA IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 5 5 Cancer stem cells (CSC) are cells found within tumors and that possess characteristics associated with normal stem cells, specifically the ability to self-renew and differentiate. CSC have the capacity to both expand the pool and to differentiate into the heterogeneous non-tumorigenic cell types that appear to constitute the bulk of cells within most tumors. The existence of CSC has important therapeutic implications. Most therapies target the rapidly dividing cells that comprise the majority of cells within a tumor. If CSC are refractory to these therapies, treatment is unlikely to be curative and relapses are likely. The CSC hypothesis argues for therapies that target the minority stem cell population that fuels tumor growth. As with many emerging hypotheses, the idea of CSC has not been met with universal acceptance and is a controversial topic in cancer biology. The subject was therefore ripe for the Fondation IPSEN’s 6th cancer series meeting. The meeting opened with an introduction to CSC by Irving Weissman, who drew on his experience with hematological cancers. Hans Clevers presented LGR5 as a marker for active stem cell populations in multiple adult tissues and cancers. Single sorted LGR5+ cells can initiate crypt-villus organoids that maintain cell hierarchy. Pyloric LGR5+ cells generate entire gastric units within 10 days and maintain multipotent stem cell activity over at least 20 months. Many research teams are intent on identifying and characterizing these resilient CSC, in order to design therapies that can target them. For example, John Dick showed that, based on expression analysis, gene signatures derived from leukemia stem cells and normal hematopoietic stem cells turn out to be the strongest predictor of overall survival compared with signatures obtained from bulk leukemia blasts. Catriona Jamieson discussed the importance of combining different molecularly targeted therapies to block the abnormal differentiation, self-renewal, survival and homing capacity of CSC. Existing therapies against many cancers are not based on a full understanding of CSC, which have a close relationship to their microenvironment. Jeremy Rich argued that CSC are at the center of a nexus, and must not be studied in isolation. David Scadden proposed that tumors' dependence on the interaction between CSC and their microenvironment offers the potential for intervention in treatment and prevention strategies. A major impediment in using embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells to study human diseases is the inefficiency of gene targeting. Rudolf Jaenisch discussed novel approaches for the genetic manipulation of these cells. I suggested that the use of Cre-loxP controlled lentiviral vectors is a new way to generate mouse models for glioblastoma and other cancers. Glioblastomas may originate by reprogramming of the terminally differentiated glial cells by oncogenes. IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 6 6 Cancer cells invariably express a form of pyruvate kinase, PK-M2, that is normally found in embryonic tissues and in cells that have the capacity for self-renewal. Lew Cantley discussed the role of PK-M2 and other metabolic enzymes in maintaining high rates of growth in cancer cells. Cell lines from different tumors exhibit divergent gene expression signatures and differentiation behavior that correlate with specific neural progenitor subtypes, suggesting distinct CSC phenotypes from different patient tumors. These human and mouse tumorigenic stem cell lines are valuable tools for defining heterogeneity within the same stem cell pool and between stem cells from different individuals. Peter Dirks discussed the possibility that stem cells differentially express neurosignaling pathways, creating a stochastically heterogeneous pool. Fred Gage suggested that characterization of somatic neuronal diversification will not only be relevant for the understanding of brain complexity and neuronal organization in mammals, but may also shed light on the differences in cognitive abilities. Although some cancers appear to follow a CSC model, Sean Morrison proposed that other cancers, such as melanoma, do not follow this model, and so it will not be possible to cure them by targeting rare CSC. As with most cancer series meetings, there was lively discussion, carried on during drives to scenic interludes in the beautiful surroundings of Bariloche, the crown jewel of Patagonia, Argentina. As in all the previous meetings, Jacqueline, Yves, Astrid and Sonia made the experience memorable with their organization and hospitality. Apoorva worked diligently, taking copious notes, following the speakers with questions and clarifications and cajoling them to provide high-resolution figures. The outcome is yet another well-summarized and highly readable monograph of the presentations and discussions. Inder Verma IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 7 7 PART I: The identity of st em cells Hans Clevers LGR5 stem cells in self-renewal and cancer Peter Dirks Interrogating cancer stem cell function in brain tumors Fred H. Gage Somatic diversity generated in neuronal stem cells Sean Morrison Not all cancers follow a stem cell model IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 8 8 IPSEN_CANCER6_Partie1.qxd 13/09/10 11:11 Page 9 The identity of stem cells 9 LGR5 stem cells in self-renewal and cancer A report on a lecture by Hans Clevers Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands The intestinal epithelium is the most rapidly self-renewing tissue in adult mammals. Current models state that crypt stem cells reside at the +4 position immediately above the Paneth cells in the small intestine. Using an inducible Cre knock-in allele and the Rosa26-LacZ reporter strain, lineage tracing experiments have shown that LGR5+ crypt base columnar cells represent the stem cell of the small intestine and colon. The expression pattern of LGR5 suggests that it marks stem cells in multiple adult tissues and cancers. Single sorted LGR+ cells can initiate crypt-villus organoids that maintain cell hierarchy. Intestinal cancer is initiated by Wnt pathway-activating mutations in genes such as APC. Deleting APC in in LGR5+ stem cells leads to their transformation within days and causes the growth of adenomas within 6 weeks. In the stomach, LGR5 expression is confined to a small population of cells at the gland base. Pyloric LGR5+ cells generate entire gastric units within 10 days and maintain multipotent stem cell activity over at least 20 months. HansClevers presented LGR5 as a marker for active stem cell populations in several different organ systems. In the small intestine of mammals, the presence of villi enormously extends the surface epithelium. Cells in the villi are born in crypts, and live for only a short time. There are about 200 rapidly proliferating cells, called the transit amplifying cells, with a cell cycle of about 12 hours. The assumption in the field has long been that, in contrast to these rapidly proliferating cells, stem cells of the small intestine cycle slowly and may even be quiescent. The leading candidates for these stem cells were cells located at the +4 position1. However, experiments have since shown that, in fact, the little-studied crypt-based columnar (CBC) cells are the workhorse stem cells of this epithelium. LGR5, a gene that encodes a G-protein coupled receptor, seems to mark these CBC cells2. The ligand for LGR5 is as yet unidentified, but LGR5 is closely related to well-studied receptors for luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and thyroid hormone. LGR4, LGR5 and LGR6 are other members of this class, and LGR6 also seems to mark stem cells in a large number of tissues. LGR5 was originally discovered as a Wnt target in colon cancer cells. One of about 300 such genes, it was carefully mapped by expression analysis, and then picked up in the rare small cells at the base of the crypt.