PHOTO CONTEST CALL FOR ENTRIES SUMMER 2019 U. S. SUBMARINES … B ECAUSE STEALTH MATTERS Training: Preparing for Tomorrow’s High-End Conflict INSIDE Tackling Your JO Tour 2018 JOOYs Hit D.C. Cool Tech Making Training Easier Turning Innovation Into Reality U. S. SUBMARINES … B ECAUSE STEALTH MATTERS THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE U.S. SUBMARINE FORCE FORCE COMMANDER’S CORNER Training: Vice Adm. Charles A. Richard, USN Commander, Submarine Forces Summer 2019 4 Preparing for Tomorrow’s 68 o. N High-End Conflict ssue I Undersea Warriors, Strategic Innovation from the Deckplate 4 by Cmdr. Bennett Christman and Lt. Cmdr. Ryan Hilger In the last edition of UNDERSEA WARFARE Magazine, we talked about our progress toward instilling a warfighting culture in everything we do. I highlighted our use of competition to drive innovation, our standup of the Aggressor Taking Modern Learning Technology to New Depths Squadron, and a new way to solicit ideas and feedback directly from you via
[email protected]. A frequently repeated quote, and for good reason, is an admonition that can be traced back to Archilochus, an 8 8 by Staff of Submarine Learning Center early Greek lyrical poet and soldier circa 650 B.C. Archilochus said that in conflict, “we do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” “I am extremely Junior Officers of the Year “Deep Dive” Into the The theme for this edition of UNDERSEA WARFARE Magazine is training—one proud of the Force’s 14 Washington, D.C. Sub Culture of the most important things we do as Submariners to accomplish today’s mission and by Lt.