Naval Documents of the American Revolution
Naval Documents of The American Revolution Volume 2 AMERICAN THEATRE: Sept. 3, 1775–Oct. 31, 1775 EUROPEAN THEATRE: Aug. 11, 1775–Oct. 31, 1775 AMERICAN THEATRE: Nov. 1, 1775–Dec. 7, 1775 Part 4 of 9 United States Government Printing Office Washington, 1966 Electronically published by American Naval Records Society Bolton Landing, New York 2012 AS A WORK OF THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THIS PUBLICATION IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. OCTOBER 1775 5 65 Lordship sent ashore a party of soldiers, under command of two officers, who marched through Norfolk to the place where the cannon were, destroyed 17 of them, and carried off two for their own use, without molestation. The above cannon we are confident were never intended for such a purpose; on the contrary, they belonged to sundry private Gentlemen, who had them -removed there for safety. Two companies of regulars are just arrived, viz: Capt. John Fleming's from Henrico, and Capt. Robert Ballard's from Mecklenburg. We hear from Norfolk, that Capt. Matthews, of the Norfolk minute-men, Mr. William Robinson and Mr. John Hancock, have been taken prisoners by Lord Dunmore, but for what we cannot learn. A large sloop from St. Eustatia, mounting 16 six pounders and a number of swivels, is said to be gone up the bay with a large quantity of gunpowder. Mr. [John] Goodrich of Portsmouth, whose vessel Lord Dunmore suspects of having brought in a supply of that article lately, is confined in irons on board a man of war. 22 Oct. (Sunday) [Beverly, October 22, 17751 At Cambridge I was ordered by Gen'l Washington to take the command of a detachment of said army and proceed on board the Schooner Franklin, on the 16th October 1775 his instructions and additional instructions, I send you a true copy of them.
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