Generating Classical Chinese Poems from Vernacular Chinese Zhichao Yang1,∗ Pengshan Cai1∗, Yansong Feng2, Fei Li1, Weijiang Feng3, Elena Suet-Ying Chiu1, Hong Yu1 1 University of Massachusetts, MA, USA fzhichaoyang,
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] hong
[email protected] 2 Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, China
[email protected] 3 College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, China
[email protected] Abstract Since users could only interfere with the semantic of generated poems using a few input words, mod- Classical Chinese poetry is a jewel in the trea- els control the procedure of poem generation. In sure house of Chinese culture. Previous poem this paper, we proposed a novel model for classical generation models only allow users to employ Chinese poem generation. As illustrated in Figure keywords to interfere the meaning of gener- ated poems, leaving the dominion of gener- 1, our model generates a classical Chinese poem ation to the model. In this paper, we pro- based on a vernacular Chinese paragraph. Our ob- pose a novel task of generating classical Chi- jective is not only to make the model generate aes- nese poems from vernacular, which allows thetic and terse poems, but also keep rich semantic users to have more control over the semantic of the original vernacular paragraph. Therefore, of generated poems. We adapt the approach our model gives users more control power over the of unsupervised machine translation (UMT) to semantic of generated poems by carefully writing our task. We use segmentation-based padding and reinforcement learning to address under- the vernacular paragraph.