Sources and Select Bibliography


(a) Unpublished The Papers of King , Royal Archives, Windsor. Conclusions of Meetings of the Cabinet, Public Record Office (P.R.O.), London. Records of Cabinet Ad Hoc Committees, P.R.O. Cabinet Papers and Memoranda, P.R.O. Cabinet: Registered Files, P.R.O. Records of International Conferences, P.R.O. Foreign Office Confidential Prints and General Correspondence, P.R.O. Records of the Prime Minister's Office, P.R.O. German Foreign Ministry Records (photostatic copies held in London at the P.R.O. and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library). (b) Published E. L. Woodward and Rohan Butler (eds.), Documents on British Foreign Policy, I9I9-I939 (London, 1946 ff.), 2nd series, various volumes. United States Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States (Washington, various years), volumes covering 1929, 1930 and 1931. League of Nations, Official Journal. British Parliamentary Debates (House of Commons and House of Lords). British Command Papers. Labour Party, Labour and the Nation (London, 1928). --,Labour's Appeal to the Nation (London, 1929). --,Arbitration: Tory Record and Labour Policy (London, 1929). Jane Degras (ed.), Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 3 vols (London, 1951-3).


(a) Unpublished The Papers of Earl Alexander of Hillsborough (deposited at Churchill College, Cambridge). The Papers of Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (deposited at the British Museum). The Papers of Sir Austen Chamberlain (deposited at the University of Birming• ham Library). A selection covering the period 1929-31 appears in Sir Charles Petrie, The Life and Letters of The Right Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.C., P.C., M.P., 2 vols (London, 1939-40). BIBLIOGRAPHY 225 The Papers and Manuscript Diary of Lord Dalton (deposited at the British Library of Political and Economic Science). Extracts covering 1929-31 have been published in Hugh Dalton, Call Back Yesterday: Memoirs, I887-I93I (London, 1953). The Papers of Arthur Henderson, 1929-1931 (deposited at the Public Record Office, London). The Papers of Ramsay MacDonald (deposited at the Public Record Office, London). The Papers of Lord Passfield and the Manuscript Diary of Beatrice Webb (deposited at the British Library of Political and Economic Science). A selection from the Diary covering 1929-31 has been published in Margaret I. Cole (ed.), Beatrice Webb's Diaries, I924-I932 (London, 1956). The Papers of Rose Rosenberg (deposited at the Public Record Office, London). The Papers of Lord Vansittart (deposited at Churchill College, Cambridge) and the Papers of George Lansbury (deposited at the British Library of Political and Economic Science) were examined but found to contain nothing of value for this study. Despite the introduction of the 'Thirty-Year Rule', the Cabinet Office continues to retain many of the latter's Papers, which were forcibly obtained from Mr Raymond Postgate at the end of the Second World War. (b) Published Charles Gates Dawes, Journal as Ambassador to Great Britain (New York, 1939). Hermann Punder, Politik in der Reichskanzlei: Aufzeichnungen aus den Jahren I929-I932 (Stuttgart, 1961).


Norman Angell, After All (London, 1951). Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, A Great Experiment (London, 1941). --,All the Way (London, 1949). Julius Curtius, Sechs Jahre Minister der deutschen Republik (Heidelberg, 1948). --, BemUhung um Osterreich: Das Scheitern des Zollunionsplans von I93I (Heidelberg, 1947). --, Der Young-Plan: Entstellung und Wahrheit (Stuttgart, 1950). P. ]. Grigg, Prejudice and Judgment (London, 1948). Basil H. Liddell Hart, Memoirs, 2 vols (London, 1965; in progress). Herbert Hoover, Memoirs: The Cabinet and Presidency, I920-I933 (London, 1952). Sir Esme Howard (Lord Howard of Penrith), Theatre of Life, z vols (London, 1935-6). Sir lvone Kirkpatrick, The Inner Circle: Memoirs (London, 1959). Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, Money Talks: Fifty Years of International Finance (London, 1968). Lord Lloyd, Egypt since Cromer, 2 vols (London, 1933-4). Hans Luther, V or dem Abgrund, I930-I933: Reichsbankpriisident in Krisenzeiten (, 1964). Sir Walford Selby, Diplomatic Twilight, I930-I940 (London, 1953). H 226 MACDONALD VERSUS HENDERSON Philip, Viscount Snowden, An Autobiography, 2 vols (London, 1934). Henry L. Stimson and McGeorge Bundy, On Active Service in Peace and War (New York 1948; London, 1949). Arthur C. Temperley, The Whispering Gallery of Europe (London, 1938). Lord Vansittart, The Mist Procession (London, 1958).


C. F. Adam, Life of Lord Lloyd (London, 1948). A. Andreades, Philip Snowden: The Man and His Financial Policy (London, 1930). Gregory Blaxland,J. H. Thomas: A Lifefor Unity (London, 1964). K. R. Bopp, Hjalmar Schacht: Central Banker (Columbia, Mo., 1939). Sir Henry Clay, Lord Norman (London, 1957). Ian G. Colvin, Vansittart in Office: An Historical Survey of the Origins of the Second World War based on the Papers of Sir Robert Vansittart (London, 1965). Colin Cross, Philip Snowden (London, 1966). Richard N. Current, Secretary Stimson: A Study in Statecraft (New Brunswick, N.J., 1954). Mary Agnes Hamilton, Arthur Henderson: A Biography (London, 1938). Edwin Alfred Jenkins, From Foundry to Foreign Office: The Romantic Life Story of the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson M.P. (London, 1933). Elting E. Morison, Turmoil and Tradition: A Study of the Life and Times of Henry L. Stimson (Boston, 1960). Sir Harold Nicolson, Dwight Morrow (London, 1935). --, King George the Fifth: His Life and Reign (London, 1952). E. N. Peterson, Hjalmar Schacht: For and Against Hitler: A Political-Economic Study of Germany, I92J-I945 (Boston, 1954). Benjamin Sacks, J. Ramsay MacDonald in Thought .and Action (Albuquerque, N.Mex., 1952). No biographies of value have appeared so far on Hoover, BrUning or Curtius. Even the six-volume life of Briand by Georges Suarez is extremely thin for the years covered by this study.


(a) Books Mary Margaret Ball, Post-War German-Austrian Relations: The Anschluss Movement, zgz8-zg36 (Stanford, Cal., 1937). Reginald Bassett, Nineteen Thirty-One: Political Crisis (London, 1958). Edward W. Bennett, Germany and the Diplomacy of the Financial Crisis, I93I (Cambridge, Mass., 1962). Donald G. Bishop, The Administration of British Foreign Relations (Syracuse, N.Y., 1961). BIBLIOGRAPHY 227 Karl Erich Born, Die deutsche Bankenkrise I93I: Finanzen und Politik (Munich, 1967). K. D. Bracher, Die Aujlosung der Weimarer Republik: eine Studie zum Prob• lem des Machtverfalls in der Demokratie, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart and Dusseldorf, 1957). Gwendolen M. Carter, The British Commonwealth and International Security: The Role of the Dominions, I9I9-I939 (Toronto, 1947). R. A. Chaput, Disarmament in British Foreign Policy (London, 1935). Catherine Ann Cline, Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party, I9I4-I93I (Syracuse, N.Y., 1963). W. P. and Z. K. Coates, A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations (London, 1944). G. D. H. Cole, A History of the Labour Party from I9I4 (London, 1948). G. A. Craig, From Bismarck to Adenauer: Aspects of German Statecraft (Balti• more, 1958). Robert E. Dowse, Left in the Centre: The Independent Labour Party, r893-I940 (London, 1966). Erich Eyck, A History of the Weimar Republic, 2 vols (Cambridge, Mass., 1962-4). L. A. Fabunmi, The Sudan in Anglo-Egyptian Relations: A Case-Study in Power Politics, r8oo-I956 (London, 1960). R. H. Ferrell, American Diplomacy in the Great Depression: Hoover-Stimson Foreign Policy, I929-I933 (New Haven, 1957). Arthur H. Fumia, The Diplomacy of Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations and the Prelude to World War II, I9JI-I938 (Washington, D.C., 196o). John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash, I929 (London, 1955). Jurgen Gehl, , Germany, and the Anschluss, I93I-I938 (London, 1963). Brigitte Granzow, A Mirror of Nazism: British Opinion and the Emergence of Hitler, I929-I933 (London, 1964). Charles A. Gulick, Austria from Habsburg to Hitler, 2 vols (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1948). Akira lriye, After Imperialism: The Search for a New Order in the Far East, I92I-I93I (Cambridge, Mass., 1965). W. M. Jordan, Great Britain, France and the German Problem, I9I8-I939 (London, 1943). Louis P. Lochner, Herbert Hoover and Germany (New York, 1960). S. Maccoby, English Radicalism: The End? (London, 1961). Hanns Leo Mikoletzky, Osterreichische Zeitgeschichte vom Ende der Monarchie his zum Abschluss des Staatvertrages, I955 ( and Munich, 1962). Kenneth E. Miller, Socialism and Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice in Britain to I93I (The Hague, 1967). Charles Loch Mowat, Britain between the Wars, rgr8-I940 (London, 1955). William Starr Myers and Walter H. Newton, The Hoover Administration: A Documented Narrative (New York, 1936). Robert T. Nightingale, The Personnel of the British Foreign Service and Diplo• matic Service (London, 1930). Raymond G. O'Connor, Perilous Equilibrium: The United States and the London Naval Conference of I930 (Lawrence, Kans., 1962). Lionel Robbins, The Great Depression (London, 1934). 228 MACDONALD VERSUS HENDERSON Hans Ronde, Von Versailles bis Lausanne: Der V erlauf der Reparationsverhand• lungen nach dem ersten Weltkrieg (Stuttgart and Cologne, 1950). Jean Schwrebel, L'Angleterre et la securitt! collective (Paris, 1938). Robert Skidelsky, Politicians and the Slump: The Labour Government of I9Z9- I93I (London, 1967). A. J.P. Taylor, English History, I9I4-I945 (London, 1965). Arnold J. Toynbee et al., Survey of International Affairs, I929 (London, 1930). --,Survey of International Affairs, I930 (London, 1931). --, Survey of International Affairs, I93I (London, 1932). William Rayburn Tucker, The Attitude of the British Labour Party towards European and Collective Security Problems, I9ZO-I939 (Geneva, 1950). F. P. Walters, A History of the League of Nations, 2 vols (London, 1952). Gerald E. Wheeler, Prelude to Pearl Harbor: The United States Navy and the Far East, I9Z9-I93I (Columbia, Mo., n.d., 1963 ?). J. W. Wheeler-Bennett, Disarmament and Security since Locarno, I9Z5-I93I: Being the Political and Technical Background of the General Disarmament Conference, I93Z (London, 1932). Francis Williams, A Pattern of Rulers (London, 1965). Elaine Windrich, British Labour's Foreign Policy (Stanford, 1952). Arnold Wolfers, Britain and France between Two Wars: Conflicting Strategies of Peace since Versailles (New York, 1940). Ludwig Zimmermann, Deutsche Aussenpolitik in der Ara der W eimarer Republik (Gottingen, 1958).

(b) Articles Hugh Dalton, 'British Foreign Policy, 1929-1931', Political Quarterly, II (1931) 485-505. Robert E. Dowse, 'Left-Wing Opposition during the First Two Labour Govern• ments', Parliamentary Affairs, XIV (196o-1) 8o-c)3, 229-43. Franklin L. Ford, 'Three Observers in Berlin: Rumbold, Dodd and Fran~ois­ Poncet', in Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert, The Diplomats, I9I9-I939 (Princeton, N.J., 1953) 437--76. Ernst Geigenmiiller, 'Botschafter von Hoesch und der deutsch-osterreichische Zollunionsplan von 1931', Historische Zeitschrift, cxcv (1962) 581-95. Wolfgang J. Helbich, 'Between Stresemann and Hitler: The Foreign Policy of the BrUning Government', World Politics, xu (1959-60) 24-44. H. Stuart Hughes, 'The Early Diplomacy of Italian Fascism, 1922-1932', in Craig and Gilbert, pp. 21o-33. Donald N. Lammers, 'The Second Labour Government and the Restoration of Relations with Soviet Russia (1929)', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, XXXVII (1964) 60--']2. Thomas W. Lamont, 'The Final Reparations Settlement', Foreign Affairs (New York), VIII (1929-30) 336-63. H. Lauterpacht, 'The British Reservations to the Optional Clause', Economica, X (1930) 137--']2. Conyers Read, 'More Light on the London Naval Treaty of 1930', Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, XCIII (1949) 290-308. BIBLIOGRAPHY 229 F. G. Stambrook, 'The German-Austrian Customs Union Project of 1931: A Study of German Methods and Motives', Journal of Central European Affairs, XXI (I96I-2) I5-44· M.S. Venkataramani, 'Ramsay :MacDonald and Britain's Domestic Politics and Foreign Relations, I9I9-I93I: A Study based on MacDonald's Letters to an American Friend', Political Studies, VIII (1960) 231-49. D. C. Watt, 'American Strategic Interests and Anxieties in the West Indies: An Historical Examination', Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, CVIII (1963) 224-32. Henry R. Winkler, 'Arthur Henderson', in Craig and Gilbert, 3II-43· --, 'The Emergence of a Labor Foreign Policy in Great Britain, I9I8- I929', Journal of Modern History, XXVIII (1956) 247-58.

(c) Unpublished Dissertations Eleanor Farrar, 'The British Labour Party and International Organisation: A Study of the Party's Policy towards the League of Nations, the United Nations and Western Union' (London University Ph.D. thesis, 1952). Peter Richards, 'British Policy in China, with Special Reference to the Problem of Extraterritoriality, 1929-I931' (London University M.Sc.(Econ.) thesis, 1967). E. A. Rowe, 'The British General Election of 1929' (Oxford University B.Litt. thesis, 1960, deposited at the Bodleian Library). George W. Shepherd, 'The Theory and Practice of Internationalism in the British Labour Party with Special Reference to the Inter-War Period' (London University Ph.D. thesis, 1952). P. M. Sheppard, 'Anglo-American Relations during the Administration of Herbert Hoover, with particular reference to Europe' (London University M.A. thesis, 1955).


Daily Herald. Nation. New Leader. New Statesman. The Observer. The Times. Index

Addis, Sir Charles, 36 Berthelot, Philippe (French Secretary• Adli Pasha (Egyptian Prime General of the Foreign Ministry), Minister), 171 44-s, 139 Admiralty, the British: and the Op• Borah, Senator William E., I08 tional Clause, 76; and naval dis• Brailsford, H. N., 54 armament, 107, 109n2, 112-13, Briand, Aristide (French Prime Min• 115, 121-3 ister and Foreign Minister): at the Alexander, Albert V (First Lord of the First Hague Conference, 45, so-3; Admiralty), 17; and the Optional at the Second Hague Conference, Clause, 76; and naval disarmament, 6o; and the proposal for European 107, 112, 113n2, 115n2, 122, 126, union, So, 83-7; and naval dis• I36, 140-2 armament, I28, I30, I3In2, 135, Amulree, Lord, 17n 139-40; defeated in Presidential Arbitration, see Optional Clause; election (1931), I9I; and the General Act Austro-German Customs Union Australia, and the Optional Clause, 76 crisis, I 92-3 ; and the international Austria: reparation liabilities liqui• financial crisis (I93I), 201 dated at Second Hague Conference, British Honduras, American offer to 62; and Customs Union crisis, 72, purchase, I 17 142, 185--96; financial crisis in, I9I• Brockway, Fenner, 93 n 6 I92, I94-6 Bruce, Stanley (Australian Prime Minister), 76 Baldwin, Stanley (Leader of the Bruning, Heinrich (German Chan• Conservative Party), IS, I48 cellor): appointed Chancellor (Apr. Balfour, John, and illegal German 1930), 63; reliance on Article 48, 63; rearmament, 72 n and change in German foreign Balfour Note (I922), see War debts policy, 64-72; and the proposal for Bank of England: loan to Austria, I 9 5 ; European union, 84; and the and the international financial crisis Austro-German Customs Union (I93I), 207, 211; and the British crisis, 189 ; at Chequers meetings financial crisis (I93I), 2I5. See also (June 1931), 194; and the inter• Norman, Montagu national financial crisis (1931), 199, Bank for International Settlements 205-6 (B.I.S.): proposed in Young Plan, Bulgaria, 62 36; establishment of, 6o; and re• Biilow, Bernhard von, 187 parations, 6I-2 Busk, D. L., 187n2 Belgium, and reparations revision, 37 Berm, William Wedgwood (Secretary Cabinet Committees: on the Optional of State for India), 76 n 3 Clause, 76; on the proposal for Berlin, British leaders visit to (July European Union, 85; on Anglo• I93I), 2I4 Soviet relations, 159 n 3; on Anglo• Bermuda, American offer to pur• Egyptian relations, 170 chase, 117 Cadogan, Alexander, 28--9; and naval Bernstorff, Count Johann Heinrich, disarmament, I06 95.98 Canton, 183-4 232 MACDONALD VERSUS HENDERSON Cecil of Chelwood, Viscount, I 8-zo, ceeds Stresemann, 57 ; at the 74, 77ni, 93n3; criticised by Second Hague Conference, 6o; and Snowden, I9; criticised by Mac• the stiffening of German foreign Donald, I9-2o; supported by Hen• policy, 65, 70-I, 92; and the derson, I9-2o; on Foreign Office Austro-German Customs Union officials, 20 n 3 ; critical of Snowden crisis, I 8 5n, I 86, I 87 n, I 89--90, at the First Hague Conference, 45 ; I93, I96; at Chequers meetings and the amendment of the League (June I93I), I94; and the inter• Covenant, 87-9I; and a projected national financial crisis (I93I), 2I3- Mediterranean Pact, I 29 n I ; and 2I4 disarmament, 8I-3, 94-8, Io6, I23, Curzon, Lord, I8nz I3I n3 Customs union project, Austro-Ger• Chamberlain, Sir Austen, I8nz, 74; man, 72, I85-96, I99; effect on critical of Henderson, I 6; attitude Franco-Italian naval disarmament towards France, 33; and the Op• negotiations, I42, I99, 20I tional Clause, 78; and the amend• Czechoslovakia, I87, I90 ment of the League Covenant, 89- 90; and the General Act, 93; and Daily Herald, u6n6 relations with Egypt, I66-8, I7o; Dalton, Hugh (Parliamentary Under• on the international financial crisis Secretary, Foreign Office), I8, 20, (I93I), 203n, 2IOn3 73, 93-4, I4I, I68-9, I7I n I, Chequers meetings (June I93I), 70, I95 n 2; attitude towards France, I94 3 3 ; on reparations revision, 40; on Cheron, Henri (French Minister of the First Hague Conference, 48 n, Finance), 36n I; encounter with 54-5; on MacDonald's visit to the Snowden, 42-4 United States, u8; on the London Chiang Kai-shek, I74 Naval Conference, I22; and Anglo• China, British relations with, I74- Soviet relations, I48-so, I52, IS6, I84 I6I-2; and Anglo-Egyptian rela• Churchill, Winston: and reparations tions, I7I; on the international revision, 36 n I, 37; and the dis• financial crisis (I93I), I99 n 2, 205, missal of Lord Lloyd, I66n3, I68 209, 2I I; on Henderson, 223 Comintern (Third International), ISS, Darmstlidter und Nationalbank IS8-9 (Danat), 200 Conservative Party: and the Optional Dawes, Charles Gates (American Clause, 78; and the General Act, ambassador in London), 22, 40, I03, 93-4; and Anglo-Soviet relations, IOS, I08, III, II5n2 I45--7. IS6 Dawes Plan (I924), see Reparations Conwell-Evans, T. P., 79n revision Coolidge, President Calvin, I02-3, Disarmament, general: Preparatory IOS Commission and, 8I, 94-9; Third Craigie, R. L., 22, I38-4o Committee of the League of Nations Creditanstalt fiir Handel und Ge• Assembly and, 8I-3; Germany and, werbe, collapse of, I9I-2 67, 69--7I, 94--9· See also Hender• Cripps, Sir Stafford, 74 n 3 son, Arthur Curtius, Julius (German Foreign Disarmament, naval: previous history Minister): critical of Snowden, 43; of, Ioo-s; Anglo-American negotia• and Rhineland evacuation, 52; sue- tions on (I929), I03-I8; London INDEX 233 Naval Conference, II9-23; Franco• disarmament, IOI-2, Io6, I I9-2o, Italian negotiations, I33-43 I 24, I 27-43; and relations with Dollan, P. ]., 54n2 China, I74n2, I77, I79n2; and Dominions, British, 86; and the the Austro-German Customs Union Optional Clause, 77; and the crisis, I42, I 87-96, I 99; and the General Act, 93 ; and naval dis• international financial crisis (I 93 I), armament, I2I-2 I97-2IJ. See also Reparations re• Dovgalevsky, Valerian, ISo-s vision; Rhineland, evacuation of; Draft Treaty of Mutual Assistance Disarmament, general (I923-4). 26 Franqui, Emile, 46 Duff, Patrick, 25 Fuad, king of Egypt, I7I

Garnett, Maxwell, I 29 n I Economic Conference, International Garvin, J. L. (Editor of the Observer): (I930), 84 opposed to French quest for secur• Edge, Walter (American ambassador ity guarantees, 29, I 29 n 2; on in Paris), I98 Henderson and Rhineland evacua• Egypt: British relations with, I63-73; tion, 55; on MacDonald and Anglo• differences between MacDonald American relations, I 29 n 2, 220 n and Henderson about, 24, I64-6, General Act of Arbitration, Concilia• I68-7o tion and Judicial Settlement, 93-4 European union, French proposal General Election (I929), results of, IS for, So, 83-7 Geneva Protocol (I922), I8S, I88 n 2, I96 Financial Assistance, Convention for, Geneva Protocol (I924-5), 26--7, 78-So 73-4, IJOn4 Fisher, Sir Warren (Permanent Under• George V, king, 53, II9i invites Mac• Secretary to the Treasury), 23 Donald to form a government, IS; Fisher, Sir William W. (Deputy and Anglo-American relations, IOS; Chief of the Naval Staff), n8n3 and Anglo-Soviet relations, I s6 n 2, Fleuriau, Aime de (French ambassa• I 57, I6on 3; and Anglo-Egyptian dor in London), 203 relations, I64, I67ni, I69ni, I70 Foreign Office, British: attitude to Germany: Labour Party's attitude Labour Government of officials in, towards, 33-4; fall of Muller's 20-I; rivalry with the Treasury, 23, Coalition (Mar. I930), 63; Briining 38; attempt to establish economic appointed Chancellor in, 63; elec• section in, 24-5; and the proposal tions of I9JO, 65; change in foreign for European union, 85; and the policy of, 64-72; and Customs amendment of the League Cove• Union crisis, 72, I8S--