Sources and Select Bibliography
Sources and Select Bibliography I. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS (a) Unpublished The Papers of King George V, Royal Archives, Windsor. Conclusions of Meetings of the Cabinet, Public Record Office (P.R.O.), London. Records of Cabinet Ad Hoc Committees, P.R.O. Cabinet Papers and Memoranda, P.R.O. Cabinet: Registered Files, P.R.O. Records of International Conferences, P.R.O. Foreign Office Confidential Prints and General Correspondence, P.R.O. Records of the Prime Minister's Office, P.R.O. German Foreign Ministry Records (photostatic copies held in London at the P.R.O. and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Library). (b) Published E. L. Woodward and Rohan Butler (eds.), Documents on British Foreign Policy, I9I9-I939 (London, 1946 ff.), 2nd series, various volumes. United States Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States (Washington, various years), volumes covering 1929, 1930 and 1931. League of Nations, Official Journal. British Parliamentary Debates (House of Commons and House of Lords). British Command Papers. Labour Party, Labour and the Nation (London, 1928). --,Labour's Appeal to the Nation (London, 1929). --,Arbitration: Tory Record and Labour Policy (London, 1929). Jane Degras (ed.), Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy, 3 vols (London, 1951-3). 2. DIARIES AND PRIVATE PAPERS (a) Unpublished The Papers of Earl Alexander of Hillsborough (deposited at Churchill College, Cambridge). The Papers of Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (deposited at the British Museum). The Papers of Sir Austen Chamberlain (deposited at the University of Birming ham Library). A selection covering the period 1929-31 appears in Sir Charles Petrie, The Life and Letters of The Right Hon.
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