

No. 232 sk]v‰-w_¿ 2016

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 1 I¿sΩektμiw


Prior General’s Message...... 03 Editorial...... 06 Rm≥ C∂p ImWp∂ RßfpsS k`...... 13 Hinganghat Mission Of Chanda...... 21 Fr Saju Chackalackal CMI...... 36 cmPKncn Bip]{Xn...... 37 St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary...... 43 Ncn-{X-Øn\v Hcp \pdpßv sh´w...... 47 k`bnse ]cnioe\ `h\߃ ...... 50 Chavara Research Centre and Archives ...... 59 kwLmXmt\zjI≥...... 65 A\pkvarXn...... 68 RmbdmgvNIfnse hN\ {]tLmjWw...... 77 BImitam£ßƒ km£n ...... 80 A`napJw ...... 83 _.tPm¿Pv Xm©\®≥ ...... 92 News & Views...... 101 Golden Records...... 125 \I¿sΩebnse kuK‘nI߃...... 129

2 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Prior General’s Message

Dear Rev. Fathers and Brothers A man was walking down the beach one day and came across hundreds of tiny starfish that had washed up on shore. He immediately began to pick up as many as he could and throw them back in the ocean. He repeated this over and over, until another man walked up and asked him what he was doing. Isn’t it obvious, said the man. All these starfish will die if we won’t get them back in the water. Please help me. The second man replied. What is the use? You will never be able to get them all back in the water. So what difference does it make? The man bent down, picked up just one starfish and tossing it back into the water said, it makes a difference to this one. There is a new virus: it is called “CNBD” virus. The religious community system is badly infected with this new virus: CNBD – Can Not Be Done. Any new idea or initiative will be blocked. That is why changing things in religious communities often men as changing people with all the pains and conflict that involves. Yes, We Can. These three words of Barak Obama made the history of American election different. “If you think you can’t, you are right, you can’t”, says Henry Ford. By God’s grace, yes, we can – this is the mantra we have to recite. What is impossible with man is possible with God (Lk. 18:27). With God all things are possible (Mt. 19:26). With St. Paul we can say, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”. (Phil. 4:13)

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 3 I¿sΩektμiw

The Lord had a very serious question to Elijah. “What are you doing here?” (I Kings 19:9) Elijah had a ready and purpose driven response, “Lord God Almighty, I have always served you – you alone.” “With zeal I have been burning for the honour of the Lord “(I Kings 19:10). Lord’s question to Elijah is still relevant to every CMI. What am I really doing? Every CMI community shall ponder over, “What are we really doing here?” Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind man told him, “Lord, I want to see.” (Mk. 10:51). Do we ask the Lord, Am I doing the right thing, Lord? Is this what you want me to do? The story is told that one day a beggar by the road side asked for alms from Alexander the great as he passed by. The man was poor, wretched and had no claim on the king. Yet Alexander threw some gold coins. A courtier was astonished at his generosity and commented; Sir copper coins would adequately meet a beggar’s needs. Why give him gold? Alexander lifted his head and responded, copper coins would suit the beggar’s need, but gold coins suit Alexander’s giving. Is there any lesson for CMIs from the Alexander the great? “ Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In

4 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (Acts:3: 2-6). Yes we have to discern the true and genuine needs of the people, walking an extra mile. Yes, People come to ask us based on their expectation of what we could offer: admission, appointment or money. Is there any lesson for CMIs from St. Peter at the gate Beautiful? Pope Francis said, a curia that does not criticize itself, that does not update itself, that does not seek to improve itself becomes a sick body. St. Mother Teresa challenges us “to give God a chance”. Is there any lesson for CMIs from Pope Francis and St. Mother Theresa? We should make a genuine diagnosis to identify the real need in the place of superficial appearance.”Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all will be given to you as well” (Mt. 6:33) When winds of change blow, some run for shelter; some build windmills. Any breakthrough in life demands a break with.. Even in a new setting, if we don’t change the direction we are headed we will end up where we are going (Chinese saying). We have no reason to be complacent to stop trying to become qualified for the mission we are engaged in. Life is an onward journey. There are many ways of going forward but only one way of standing still. We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of the Spirit calling for change. Be careful what you wish for, it may come true.

Fr. Paul Achandy CMI Prior General

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 5 I¿sΩektμiw Editorial

Living the Present

Someone said, ‘to live in the present is tense; that is why we call it, present tense.’ The tension that is part of the momentous life is of the difficulty in making choices. The momentousness of the choice makes every moment of our choices tense. The anxiety and tension of the moment generate the adrenaline which impels us to act. We have witnessed it on India-Pak border recently. We can choose to act or not to act in the present, which is our freedom. But if we choose to act, which way we act is so important. When sophistication comes in the way of our choices, it becomes all the more difficult to discern and make the right choice and not to be swayed and swallowed by the currents in different directions. The demands on a CMI religious, resulting from his response to the divine call and the Great Commission, can make him tense in more than one way. First of all, as CMIs, we carry the legacy of so many stalwarts from the past whose timely action steered the course of the history of Syro-Malabar Church and Church. St. Chavara Kuriakose Elias and Fr. Thomas Palackal and Fr. Thomas Porukara, the founders, have tremendously influenced and chartered the course through the founding of the first indigenous religious congregation in 1831 at Mannanam. It has been a tightrope walking which they had to undertake in seeing the seedling of a renewal movement kept alive and kicking. The equations of their relationships to various people and authorities had an influence in the way their thoughts shaped, namely, to the royal authorities of Travancore and the rest

6 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw of Kerala, the Italian Carmelite missionaries who were the ecclesiastical hierarchs and overlords of an erstwhile independent apostolic church, the British colonial superpower of the time to which we may have had the slender affinity as belonging to another Christian denomination, the subtle and historic linkage with the Chaldean Church to which the Church of St Thomas used to lean on to receive their bishops and looked at as a support to shake out the western missionary domination, and the Dominican spiritual tradition to which some of our founders, especially Fr. Thomas Palackal, had an emotional and spiritual bond. And we know the narrow escape of the CMI congregation from the ire of the Italian Carmelite hierarchs leading to the ‘Seven Dolours,’ if not more, of the congregation and the retaliations and resulting stagnation that followed as a consequence of airing the demand for bishops of the same rite and writing to the higher ups. Mar Louis Pazheparampil, one among the ‘Dolours,’ became the bishop of Ernakulam later is an irony in history and a vindication of their just resistance. Today, the congregation itself is no exception and a victim to the divisive and divergent opinions which prevail in the Syro-Malabar Church in terms of our liturgy and spiritual roots for which our forefathers had to suffer a lot. We hope and pray that in the days to come, this independent church will be able to hold all its members as one and make the full use of its potential. The establishment of independent Vicariates for the Syro-Malabar Church on May 20, 1887 once again shook up the equations and the role of the CMI members. There arose a realignment of powers that be. Providentially, the congregation was kept united under special privileges from Rome with a delegate who was not a choice of ours,

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 7 I¿sΩektμiw as Prior General. The emergence of diocesan clergy and ecclesiastical hierarchs to conduct the administration of the Syro-Malabar Catholics slowly defined and restricted the sphere of activities of the religious considerably. More of them turned their attention to education, social work, publication, healthcare, and many other ministries of evangelization. Even those religious congregations which never had secular education in their charism started opening schools and colleges in and outside of Kerala. The pioneering mission work in many of the present dioceses like Thalassery, Kothamangalam, Kanjirappally, Mananthavady, Thamarassery, and Idukki, not to mention Tamilnadu and Karnataka states, which were formed into dioceses in the subsequent years, was carried out by many a pioneering CMI missionary. In the creation of yet another sui juris Church, and its initial formation, namely, that of the Syro-Malankara Church also our fathers had a major role to play. The first Syro-Malabar exarchate, Chanda, established in 1962 outside the proper territory of Syro-Malabraians, was entrusted to the CMIs and a few more were added in the subsequent years to be developed and handed over to the diocesan clergy as and when they were ready to take over. Of course, more of an exception than a rule, the members from the congregation headed some of the ecclesiastical units as in the case of Mananthavady diocese once, and at present in Mandya diocese. However, it is not our ultimate mission and motto. The spiritual leadership and renewal of the people have been safely entrusted with the CMIs for so many years even after the establishment of the hierarchy, whether it was in the field of liturgical reforms, indigenization, retreat, devotions, prayer books, literature and spirituality, liturgical music, art, etc. Over the years,

8 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw many parallel or alternative organizations and systems came up at the diocesan level or inter-diocesan level. Yes, we lived the legacy of ‘doing all good which our eye could see.’ The congregation was founded to produce saints in an apostolic church that had been ‘sterile’ in that respect, to quote our own founder. And hence, ultimately, the congregation should be ready to run for the rescue of the mother church as and when that was demanded of us whether it is in Kerala, outside or wherever. It should be at the service of the universal church. Years went by and generations came one after another. The diversified missionary and apostolic fronts were shared by a few more religious congregations which were established here in later years and many more international religious congregations which opened their houses and institutions in Kerala and the rest of India. With the limited territory to operate within, one main reason behind the concentrated presence of CMI institutions in Kerala, and the number of religious bursting in the seams, it was quite natural that we had to look at the global front seeking education and missionary opportunities with the challenge of equipping ourselves to be ready to work anywhere in the world. The traditional character and mode of operation within India changed dramatically, in the fields of pastoral work, of education, publication and healthcare which were some of the areas that could be seen as the forte of our apostolic front. Many religious congregations emulated our tradition. The left-leaning society of Kerala, caught in a philosophical fix and freeze, empowered by the educational and literary revolution spearheaded by our own predecessors and the new media culture with stiff competition and rivalry contributed to shake up the traditional mode resulting in the educational front becoming stagnant, if not obsolete. The family orientation, size and

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 9 I¿sΩektμiw attitude of the people underwent dramatic changes with the community base becoming so diffused through migration and the family bond getting challenged drastically. The money order economy, international exposure, etc., changed the overall attitude of the people towards Church and religion altogether. The finesse required in character, the ethical base and foundation, etc., started taking a back seat in the training of new generations as our walk and talk started going in different directions. Our own attitude may have undergone changes through which some amount of alienation happened in our relationship and approach to our own people. Without our knowledge, whether good or bad, the generational divide and attitudinal evolutions of the emerging batches of CMIs also forced us to adapt our ministries, if not our attitude and approach to religious life altogether, in a new light. World is tired of “charming liars” and “trendy priests and bishops,” Pope reminded in his address to the newly appointed bishops while addressing them this month, September 2016. While adapting to the present, what matters is quality in the intrinsic sense, not the trends, and hence the commitment comes to the fore in planning for future. We have to identify the niche areas for our future ministry and the specific emphases we want to give to our ministry. The core competencies in our ministerial front are going to show forth to the world in the years to come. While all ministries are our legacy we will have to zero in or concentrate on some core ministries, not at the expense of other ministries and witnessing we do in frontier ministries or social involvement. What we identify, whether it is education, which all our founders were very keen on and were educationists themselves, or global mission, as our tradition enjoined us to reach out wherever

10 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw our presence was needed, counts so much for our future. Our missionary involvement extends from Ambikapur to Arunachal Pradesh and from Babel to Brazil. These could be long term priorities as our commitment to the mission territories under our care would require a host of services that are part of our commitment. If it is global mission, or if we include education as well, our formation should take up necessary steps to equip ourselves to the varying demands of global missions and the world of knowledge, in terms of culture, liturgy, language, mores, and so many other factors. “More effective Training for the Global Mission: Based on the experience of the members who have already launched into global missions, it is suggested that more effective pastoral preparation (i.e., including equipping them with language proficiency, initiation into local cultures and traditions, liturgical practices, etc.) is arranged for all those who are assigned for mission either in developed or developing countries….,” so it goes from our own Plenary Assembly documents (No. 61, General Plenary Assembly 2016, Prior General’s Circular). If it is education that we give singular priority, we can think of ecclesiastical and secular streams. In education, irrespective of secular or sacred, we need a large pool of educators, namely, effective and qualified teachers, educationists, administrators, life-long learners, scholars, etc., and this can be a decision that affects many of our ministries at this time and even in the selection procedure and recruitment of candidates to our congregation. Those who opt education as a mission, all the more should be able to pursue this field with specialization, passion, dedication and commitment. How do we earmark sufficient personnel and plan their training are at the heart of such a decision. The great vision of our founding fathers did

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 11 I¿sΩektμiw not have any division as secular or sacred in education, and it should act as real inspiration to surpass our petty ego, envy, reference group mentality and rivalry, at the same time recognizing the strictly spiritual dimension of ecclesiastical formation and training. We need a large pool of resource to choose from in terms of personnel as many of them get chosen to bi in the administration field limiting their productive teaching years to the minimum. Stringent norms and guidelines govern us in these respective fields, namely, the Roman Dicastery and Central and State Governments respectively and the demand to comply with those norms and more should be the priority. The future and prospects of secular education are very much dependent on the political powers that be in the governance of our country, given the trends of National Education Policy being revamped and even the history of the nation being rewritten according to the whims of emerging communal forces. What we perceive as the glitz and glamour of secular education could just be momentary with the entry of corporate world and business houses, international agencies and philanthropists entering the field in a big way where it becomes no more the exclusive, comfortable and safe zone of service for the religious who were significant players in the past.

Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI General Councillor for Education and Media

12 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Rm≥ C∂p ImWp∂ RßfpsS k`

kz¿§Øn¬ \n∂v Pqsse 16, 2016 F√mh¿°pw I¿ΩeamXmhns‚ Xncp\mƒ awKf߃. BZytaXs∂, "Rm≥ C∂p ImWp∂ RßfpsS k`' F∂v FgpXnbncn°p∂Xv F¥psIm≠msW∂v Hcp hniZoIcWw Xtc≠Xv AXymhiyamsW∂v tXm∂p∂p. kn. Fw. sF. k`bnse Hcp \√ iXam\w AwKßfpw Rm\mWv, Rm≥ am{XamWv Cu k` ÿm]n®sX∂v hnizkn°pIbpw ]dbpIbpw sNøp∂Xmbn Rm≥ ImWp∂p≠v, AXv kXyhncp≤amWv. Rm≥ Fs‚ {KŸßfn¬ HcnSØpw Rm\mWv Cu k`bpsS ÿm]I≥ F∂v ]dbpItbm kqNn∏n°pItbm sNbvXn´n√. ImcWw AXv kXya√. \mfmKaØn¬ Rm≥ FgpXnbncn°p∂Xpt]mse "" F∂m¬ CXn\p≈ {][m\nIfpw the°mcpw a\ pImcpsa√mw Cu c≠®∑m¿Xs∂''(AXmbXv, ]mebv°e®\pw t]mcq°c b®\pw). Hcp Z¿i\hoSv D≠mbn°mWm≥ Rm≥ B{Kln®ncp∂p F∂Xv icnbmsW¶nepw AXns‚ {]mcw` Nn¥Iƒ a\ n¬ DW¿∂Xpw AXv {]mh¿ØnIam°m≥ ap∂n´ndßnbXpw Cu c≠p ]nXm°∑mcmWv. AhcpsS acWtijw Cu k`sb \bn°phm\p≈ DØchmZnXzw ssZh]cn]me\ Fs∂ G¬∏n®p F∂Xv icnbmWv. ]t£ a‰p c≠p t]tcbpw Hgnhm°n Rm≥ am{XamWv k`bpsS ÿm]I≥ F∂v hnizkn°pIbpw ]dbpIbpw sNøcpsX∂v Rm≥ B{Kln°p∂p. AXv a‰p c≠p ]nXm°∑mtcmSpw ImWn°p∂ \μntISpw AhKW\bpamWv. aninlmbn¬ {]nbs∏´ IqS∏nd∏pItf, a°tf, RßfpsS a°fpsS (CMI & CMC) Xo£vWamb {]m¿∞\bptSbpw {]bXv\Øns‚bpw ^eambn Xncpk` Fs∂ ssZhalXzØn\mbn hnip≤cpsS ]´nIbn¬ tN¿°m\nSbmbn. AXpt]mse Ft∂msSm∏w Fs‚ Hcp aItfbpw. ssZhØns‚ Cu A\¥ImcpWyØn\v AhnSpsØ Rm≥ kvXpXn°p∂p, \μn ]dbp∂p. AtXmsSm∏w \nßfpsS

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 13 I¿sΩektμiw {]m¿∞\Iƒ°pw {]bXv\߃°pw lrZbw \nd™ \μn. Rm≥ kz¿§ÿ\mb ]nXmhns‚ ]°te°v t]m∂n´p 145 h¿jambn. kz¿§Øn¬ Ccp∂psIm≠v RßfpsS k`sb ho£n°ptºmƒ HØncn kt¥mjn°m\pw A`nam\n°m\pw A`n\μn°m\pw Hcp]nSn Imcy߃ Rm≥ ImWp∂p≠v. R߃ Bcw`n® k`bpsS {]h¿Ø\taJeIƒ hf¿∂v temIw apgph≥ hnIkn®v ]S¿∂v ]¥e®v \n¬°p∂ Hcp h≥ hr£w Xs∂ Bbncn°p∂p. k` 15 s{]mhn≥kpIfpw Hcp doPnb\pw Hcp k_v doPnb\pambn hf¿∂v hnIkn®ncn°p∂p. `h\߃ hepXpw sNdpXpambn ap∂qsdÆØn¬ Ihn™ncn°p∂p. RßfpsS a°fpsS FÆw aqhmbnctØmSv ASpØpsIm≠ncn°p∂p.

C¥ybnepw C¥y°p ]pdØv hnhn[ `qJWvUßfnepambn \nch[n AP]me\ tI{μßfpw Ahbn¬ kvXpXy¿lamb AP]me\ip{iqj sNøp∂hcpamb \qdpIW°n\v kn. Fw. sF. a°ƒ. Rm≥ XpSßnh® kwkvIrXkvIqƒ F∂ sIm®phnZym`ymk ÿm]\w hf¿∂v C∂ tπkvIqƒ apX¬ bqWnthgvkn‰n hsc hnhn[ XcØn¬s∏´ hnZym`ymk ÿm]\߃, Fgp∂q‰n A≥]Xnt\mSSpØv FØnbncn°p∂p. AXpt]mse Rm≥ Bcw`n® {]kn≤oIcW t{]£nXXzw Gsd AhKWn°s∏´p InS°pIbmsW¶nepw kmaqlytkh\ kwcw`w ImeØn\\pkcn®v hnImkw {]m]n®n´p≠v. CsX√mw ImWptºmƒ F\n°v AXnbmb kt¥mjhpw kwXr]vXnbpw D≠v. F√mw ssZhm\p{KlØns‚ ^e߃. AXpt]mse F\n°ptijw h∂Xpw I¿Ømhn¬ \n{Z {]m]n®hcpamb \nch[n a°fptSbpw Ct∏mgp≈ \nßfptSbpw Bflm¿∞amb ]cn{iahpw Xo£vWXbpamWv Cu hn[Øn¬ k`sb hf¿ØnbsX∂v Rm≥ a\knem°p∂p. F√mh¿°pw Fs‚ A\ptamZ\߃. C\nbpw ta¬]d™hsb√mw ImeØns\mØv hfcs´sb∂v \√ Xºpcmt\mSv {]m¿∞n°p∂p.

F∂m¬ {]nbs∏´ IqS∏nd∏pIsf, a°tf ""hyk\Øm¬ \ndbs∏´ lrZbtØmsS'' (hn. Nmhdb®s‚ kºq¿Æ

14 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw IrXnIƒ Vo l .4, P. 90) \nßtfmSv Nne Imcy߃ ]dbmXncn°m≥ F\n°p \nhrØnbn√. R߃ ÿm]n® k` C∂v hf¿∂v temIØns‚ \m\m`mKßfnte°pw hf¿∂v \nch[nt]¿°v XW¬ GIn \nev°p∂ Hcp h≥hr£amsW∂v tXm∂psa¶nepw hr£Øns‚ D≈nte°v FØnt\m°ptºmƒ D≈v {Zhn®v \miØnte°v hfcp∂ Hcp hr£at√ F∂v Dƒ`bw tXm∂p∂p. R߃ k` Bcw`n®Xv ssZhtØmSp≈ KmV sFIyØn¬ \n∂psIm≠v ssZhP\Øn\v ip{iqj sNøm\mWv. ssZhw D≈hsct∏mse ssZhtØmSpIqsS Bbncp∂psIm≠v tkh\w sNøp∂Xn\mWv. F∂m¬ RßfpsS k` ssZhan√mØhsct∏mse, ssZhØn\v PohnXØn¬ {]Yaÿm\w \evImsX {]h¿Ø\tI{μoIrXambn, temItI{μoIrXambn {]h¿Øn°p∂ Hcp kaqlambnØo¿∂psIm≠ncn°pIbmWv. AXns‚ e£W߃ hy‡nIfptSbpw kaqlØns‚bpw PohnXØn¬ {]ISamWv. Aßs\ ImWs∏Sp∂ Imcy߃ Rm≥ \n߃°pth≠n Ipdn°pIbmWv. Bfl]cntim[\ sNbvXpt\m°pI.

♦ZnhkØnse 24 aWn°qdpIfn¬ Hcp aWn°q¿ t]mepw ssZhk∂n[nbn¬ sNehgn°m≥ kabw Is≠Øm≥ {ian°msX {]h¿Ø\ßfpambn \S°p∂h¿. \n߃ Hcpan®v Hcp aWn°q¿ Xncpk∂n[nbnembncn°p∂Xns‚ t]cn¬ \nßfpsS {]h¿Ø\߃ \in°ps∂¶n¬ \in°s´ F∂p hbv°pIbmWv \√Xv. ssZhw IqsS D≈t∏mƒ H∂pw \in°pIbn√. ♦ssZh sFIysØ hf¿Øp∂ {]m¿∞\ k\ymk˛]utcmlnXyØns‚ Ahiy LSIamsW∂v t_m[yan√mØh¿. ♦kaql{]m¿∞\bpsS kabØv TV--˛bpsS "k∂n[nbn¬' Bbncn°p∂h¿. ♦ \nba{]Imcap≈ {]m¿∞\ am{Xw \SØn kwXr]vXcmbn Pohn°p∂h¿. kabaps≠¶nepw ZnhyImcpWyk∂n[nbn¬ Aev]kabw sNehgn°m≥ XmXv]cyan√mØh¿.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 15 I¿sΩektμiw ♦hn. _en 10 As√¶n¬ 15 an\n‰psIm≠v sNm√nØo¿Øv t]mIp∂h¿. Npcp°w Nne¿ AXpt]mepw sNøp∂ns√∂Xv ZpxJkXyw. F∂n´pw Ip¿_m\ IW°v IrXyambn sImSp°p∂h¿. k¶Sap≠v a°sf. ♦A\pcRvP\IqZmi kzoIcn°msX \S°p∂h¿. ♦]utcmlnXy ip{iqjbn¬ XmXv]cyan√mØh¿. ♦hn. Ip¿_m\ A¿∏Ww Hcp Znhkw sNtø≠ G‰w Ahkm\sØ Imcyw t]mse {]h¿Øn°p∂h¿. ♦{hX_‘PohnXtØmSv hnizkvXX ]pe¿ØmsX Pohn°p∂h¿. ♦B[p\nIam[yaßfpsS Zpcp]tbmKØneqsSbpw A√msXbpw {_“NcyØns\Xncmbn ]dbpIbpw {]h¿Øn°pIbpw sNøp∂h¿. ♦{_“Ncy{hXØns‚ ImXemb ssZhkvt\lhpw ]ckvt\lhpw C√msX Pohn°p∂¿. ♦Zmcn{Zy{hXØns‚ Bflmhpw icochpw C√msX, Zmcn{Zy{hXw Fs∂mcp {hXw X߃ FSpØn´ps≠∂ Hcp Nn¥ t]mepw C√mØhsct∏mse Pohn°p∂h¿. ♦Zmcn{Zy{hXw FSpØv ""a‰p≈h¿°pth≠n Pohn°p∂Xp sIm≠v'' e`n°mhp∂Xn¬ G‰w \√ hkvXp°ƒ D]tbmKn°m≥ X߃ ISs∏´hcmsW∂ hn[Øn¬, AXn\hImiap≈hcmsW∂ hn[Øn¬ {]h¿Øn°p∂h¿. ♦]mhs∏´htcmSv th≠{X ]cnKW\ ImWn°msX s]cpamdp∂h¿. ♦btYjvSw ]Ww ssIImcyw sNøp∂h¿, IW°n¬ kpXmcyXbpw, kXyk‘Xbpw ]men°mØh¿. ♦BtLmj߃ B¿`mSamt°≠Xv Bhiysa∂v IcpXp∂h¿. ♦elcn ]nSn∏n°p∂ P∑Zn\mtLmjßfpw _m®v ktΩf\ßfpw \SØp∂h¿. ♦k\ymk\nbaßtfmSpw A[nImcnItfmSpw hnizmk]q¿hamb ImgvN∏mSn√msX CjvSap≈sXms° sNøpIbpw CjvSan√mØXv sNømXncn°pIbpw sNøp∂h¿.

16 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw ♦sX‰pIƒ Nq≠n°mWn°p∂htcmSv {]Xntj[w {]ISn∏n°pIbpw X߃ sNøp∂sX√mw icnbmsW∂v ÿm]n°m≥ {ian°pIbpw sNøp∂h¿. ♦k\ymk\nbaßsfm∂pw X߃°v _m[Ia√mØ a´n¬ {]h¿Øn°p∂h¿. Aßs\ sNøp∂Xv ]m]amsW∂v t_m[yan√mØh¿. ♦]ckv]cw £an°msXbpw kvt\ln°msXbpw shdp∏pw hntcm[hpambn Pohn°p∂h¿. ♦Ip‰w ]d®nepw \ninXhna¿i\ßfpw tPmenbm°n Pohn°p∂h¿. ♦k\ymkPohnXØn¬ kwXr]vXnbn√msX PohnXw X≈n\o°p∂h¿. ♦kphntijØnse {InkvXphnt\mSv A\pcq]s∏Sm≥ {ian°p∂Xn\p ]Icw temItØmSv A\pcq]s∏Sm≥ {ian°p∂h¿. ♦k\ymk˛]utcmlnXy PohnØns‚ ASnÿm\ aqeyßfn¬ hnizmkw C√mØh¿. ♦]cnXymKhpw {]mb›nØhpsams° Fs‚ a°ƒ°v A\yambns°m≠ncn°p∂p. t\mºpImehpw t\mºn√mØ Imehpw XΩn¬ bmsXmcp hyXymkhpw C√mXmbncn°p∂p. ♦ssZhkm∂n[ymht_m[Ønte°v \bn°p∂ \n»_vZX RßfpsS `h\ßfn¬ \n∂v A{]Xy£ambncn°p∂p. ♦ssZhw \evInbncn°p∂ kabw F∂ hnes∏´ Zm\w hy¿∞kw`mjWØn\pw AekXbv°psams° ka¿∏n®v Pohn°p∂hcpw Fs‚ a°fpsS Iq´Ønep≠v. ♦tPmenItfmSv Bflm¿∞X ]p¿ØmsX Pohn°p∂hcpw sNøp∂ tPmen ssZhalØzØnt\°mƒ kz¥w alØzØn\pw t]cn\pw {]ikvXn°pw th≠n sNøp∂hcpw RßfpsS k`mwKßfmbp≠v. ♦k\ymkt{ijvT∑mcn¬ ]ecpw kaqlØns‚ Bflob{]tNmZIsc∂ \nebnep≈ ZuXyw \n¿hln°m≥ {i≤n°p∂n√.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 17 I¿sΩektμiw ♦Iogp≈hcpsS A{]oXnsb `b∂v kz¥w DØchmZnØ߃ \n¿hln°msX Pohn°p∂ A[nImcnIfpw D≠v. ♦A[nImcÿm\Øn\pth≠n {]Xy£ambpw ]tcm£ambpw cmjv{Sobw Ifn°p∂hcpw sXscs™Sp∏v {]NmcWØn¬ G¿s∏´v A[nImcnIsf krjvSn°p∂hcpw D≠v. Zb\obamWv Cu ÿnXn. ]cnip≤mflmhns\ hnfn®t]£n® tijw kz¥ XmXv]cy߃ \S∏m°m≥ {ian°p∂h¿. ♦kaqlØn\v Hcp amXrIbmbnØotc≠ A[nImcnIƒ ]e Imcyßfnepw Zp¿amXrIIfmbn Xocp∂p, ""then hnfhp Xn∂p∂p'' F∂p ]dbp∂Xpt]mse, ]WØns‚ D]tbmKØnemWv CXv IqSpX¬ kw`hn°p∂Xv. ♦sX‰pIƒ Nq≠n°mWn°m≥ XømdmImsX kvXpXn°pw ]pIgvNbv°pw th≠n F√mhtcbpw {]kmZn∏n®v \S°p∂h¿. ♦PohnXkuIcy߃ IgnhXpw h¿≤n∏n°m\p≈ Hcp {]hWX s]mXpth ZriyamWv. emfnXyamWv k\ymkZmcn{ZyØns‚ kuμcyw F∂ Imcyw ]t≠ ad∂pt]mbncn°p∂p. k\ymk, ]utcmlnXy ]cnioe\Øn¬ Ignbp∂ RßfpsS a°fpsS PohnXØnte°v Xncn™pt\m°ptºmƒ kt¥mjn°m\pw A`nam\n°m\pw HØncn Imcy߃ D≠v. AXpt]mse ZpxJn°m\pw HØncn Imcy߃ D≠v. F√mhcpwXs∂ Hmtcm hn[Øn¬ [mcmfw IgnhpIfp≈hcpw {]h¿Ø\߃°v ka¿∞cpw Ah sNøm≥ Adnhp≈hcpamWv. t{]£nX{]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ G¿s∏´ncn°p∂ \ΩpsS k`bv°v Ahsb√mw hfsc BhiyhpamWv. ]t£ AXn\p ]n≥_eambn \nevt°≠ B¥cnI PohnXØns‚, ssZhtØmSp≈ Bgamb _‘Øns‚ ImcyØn¬ \nßfn¬ ]ecptSbpw at\m`mhßfpw PohnXcoXnbpw Fs∂ Gsd thZ\n∏n°p∂p≠v. "imJIƒ ap¥ncns®SntbmSv tN¿∂p\nev°p∂ns√¶n¬ AXn\v ^ew ]pds∏Sphn°phm≥ IgnbpIbn√' F∂ \ΩpsS I¿Ømhns‚ XncphN\Øn¬ ]e¿°pw t_m[yan√. {InkvXobPohnXØns‚

18 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw DdhnShpw aIpShpamb hn. Ip¿_m\tbmSv th≠{X aXn∏pw `‡nbpw Ds≠∂v AhcpsS PohnXw ImWptºmƒ tXm∂p∂n√. A[nImcnIfpsS IÆn¬ s]mSnbn´pw Znhy_enbn¬ ]s¶Sp°p∂ps≠∂v ImWn°phm≥ Nne "hnZy'Iƒ {]tbmKn°p∂hcp≠v. ]utcmlnXy PohnXØns‚ ImXemb _enb¿∏WtØmSpw ZnhyImcpWytØmSpw Ct∏mƒ Xs∂ aXn∏pw kvt\lhpw Cs√¶n¬ Cu PohnXÿnXnbn¬ amdpIbmWv \n߃°pw ssZhP\Øn\pw \√Xv. A]q¿hw Nne¿°v F∂pw Znhy_enbn¬ kw_‘n°mt\m ZnhyImcpWyw kzoIcn°mt\m XmXv]cyap≈Xmbn ImWp∂n√. "Hsضn¬ HØp' F∂XmWv at\m`mhw. tcmKnbmbn InS°ptºmgpw ZnhyImcpWyw kzoIcn°m\p≈ B{Klw ImWn°mdn√. {]m¿∞\mPohnXØns‚ ImcyØnepw, AXv k\ymk ]utcmlnXy PohnXØns‚ G‰w {][m\ LSIamsW∂ t_m[yw ]e¿°pan√. FSp∏nepw \S∏nepw thjØnepsa√mw temItØmSv A\pcq]s∏SmXncn°p∂Xv Hcp Ipdsh∂Xpt]msebmWv s]cpam‰w. kphntijØnse {InkvXphnt\mSv A\pcq]s∏tS≠hcmWv, AhnSpsØ {]Xn\n[nIfmbn Pohnt°≠hcmWv X߃ F∂ Nn¥ Nne¿°v A\yamWv. PohnXkuIcyßfn¬ H∂n\pw Hcp Ipdhpw D≠mIcpsX∂ \n¿_‘tØmsS, e`yamb G‰hpw \√ kuIcy߃ D≠mIWsa∂ \n¿_‘tØmsS, Pohn°p∂hcpw D≠v. hnizmkclkyßfnepw k\ymk, ]utcmlnXy PohnXØns‚ aqeyßfnepw th≠{X hnizmkan√mØhcpw, kwkmcØnepw s]cpam‰Ønepw kXyk‘Xbn√mØhcpw, hkvXp\njvTambn sX‰mb Imcy߃°v btYjvSap≈ hymJym\߃ sImSpØv Ah sX‰s√∂v hnNmcn®v {]h¿Øn°p∂hcpw Fs‚ a°fpsS Iq´Øneps≠∂Xv thZ\mP\IamWv. A\pcRvP\ IqZmi kzoIcn°m≥ XmXv]cyan√mØhcpw A[nImcnIsf t_m[ys∏SpØm≥ th≠n am{Xw Bfl\nb¥m°fpsS ASpØpt]mIp∂hcpw D≠v. as‰√mhtcbpw Ip‰w ]d™pw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 19 I¿sΩektμiw \ninXambn hna¿in®pw \S°pI ]e¿°pw Hcp tlm_n t]mse Bbncn°p∂p. A[nImcnItfmSv k\ymtkmNnXamb _lpam\hpw BZchpw Nne¿°n√. ssZhlnXw shfns∏SpØp∂ k`m\nbaßfpw skan\mcn \nbaßfpw \n mcambn°cpXn ewLn°p∂htcbpw B[p\nIam[yaßsf Zpcp]tbmKn°p∂htcbpw ]T\Øn¬ Bflm¿∞X ]pe¿ØmØhtcbpw Fs‚ a°fpsS CSbn¬ Rm≥ ImWp∂p≠v. a\pjy_‘Ønep≈ A]mIXIfpw BhiyØn\p≠v. {InkvXob kvt\lw Hchiy aqeyamsW∂v t_m[yan√mØXn\m¬ £an°m\pw £a tNmZn°m\pw lrZb sFIyØn¬ Pohn°m\pw IgnbmsX shdpw kzm`mhnI a\pjysct∏mse Pohn°p∂hcpw D≠v. ]cnioe\Ønencn°p∂hcnepw ]cnioe\w Ign™hcnepw Hcp \√ iXam\w t]¿°pw hnip≤amb Hcp PohnXw \bn°m≥ X߃°v henb DØchmZnXzw Ds≠∂ t_m[yap≈Xmbn tXm∂p∂n√.

""B {]nbs∏´ IqS∏nd∏pItf, a°tf, Dd∏mbn´v hnizkn°phn≥ Cu \S∏n\p t]mbm¬'' Gsd\mƒ Ignbp∂Xn\p apºv ""Xºpcm≥ CSs]´v ÿm]n® Cu Iq´w'' k\ymkØns‚ ta¬hnemkØn¬ euInIPohnXw Pohn°p∂hcpsS Hcp Iq´ambn Xocpw. ssZhw \ap°p \evInb k\ymk, ]utcmlnXyhnfnsb ad∂v tXm∂ymkw Pohn®m¬ hnfn®hs‚ apºn¬ IW°p tIƒ∏nt°≠n hcpw F∂v \∂mbn Hm¿ØpsIm≈pI. kvt\ltØmsS, {]m¿∞\tbmsS \nßfpsS Ffnb ktlmZc≥,

Nmhd Ipcymt°mkv Genbmkv

(^m. tPmk^v Im™nca‰w)

20 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

HINGANGHAT MISSION OF CHANDA (1973 - 1980) from zero point with zerobudgeting)

Fr. James Kurissery CMI

After I came back to Bellampalli leaving B.Ed. course in company with Fr. Daniel Thottakara cmi at H.M.Patel English Institute in Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand in Gujarat in August 1973, the Regional Superior Fr. Joseph Velamparampil offered my priestly service to the Ordinariate of Chanda in the month of September. The Exarch Msgr Januarius appointed me to take up the initial work for starting a mission center in the region of Warora, Jam and Hinganghat - it was his long dream - with residence at Sumthana, assisting Fr.Eugine Thomas, whatever way possible.

I made my survey in Warora, saw certain available land, all lying idle, barren and dry without even a single shade tree in the neighborhood and came back to Balharshah, with a negative impression. The following day I contacted through Fr. Mathew Manikompel the Diocesan Finance Officer Mr. Appu Kottai, the Manager of Laxmi Talkies at Hinganghat to fix an appointment with him. Mr. Appu welcomed my visit promising he would do everything possible to start the mission in Hinganghat.

As agreed I reached his residence traveling by Dakshin Express from Balharshah, enjoyed a Malayalee breakfast with Appu’s family and both of us set out to see the available and useful plots on the western side of Madras – Delhi railway route, touching the present National High Way 7 (47). However I fixed my attention on Daga Gardens where the present mission campus is developed. I asked Mr. Appu to find out all the details of this plot. He said that he would

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 21 I¿sΩektμiw do it willingly. I came back to Balharshah and reported details to the Exarch. He was very happy over it, but he didn’t know wherefrom he would be able to arrange finance for its purchase. In the meantime search was going on to buy a land in Balharshah on the initiative of Fr. Manikompel and another one in Balapur at the interest of Fr. Sebastian Thattil.

Report came from Mr. Appu, that the owner Mr. Daga was quoting Rs.1,25000.00 for the gardens which is of 20 acres in area, with two deep wells with Pump sets installed, more than thirty orange and sweet lemon trees, two large Gooseberry trees, half an acre of guava trees, three acres wheat field, two out houses, cattle sheds and a strong steel gate, besides a few steel benches. Monsignor went with me and had a direct survey of the garden. He was very much impressed. I told him that nowhere in our mission we have a place to rest in the shade, nor a couple of fruit trees to pluck and eat. Let’s go for this garden. Again the money problem came up. However, he was wise and shrewd enough. He didn’t want to part with my proposal. He had a talk with St. Lutgardis in Sewagram, who was the Superior of Sisters of St. John the Baptist. He knew that she was not happy with the land in Sawangi which Fr. George Pullankav cmi, the Parish priest in Wardha had purchased for her Sisters . Monsignor suggested to Sr. Lutgardis to go and see the new land in discussion. Fortunately Mother Norberta the Superior General and Fr. Josef Schultheis the Superior General of Johannes Bund in Germany reached Wardha during these days. They all came to Hinganghat. Fr. Callistus also happened to be with them. Monsignor and myself reached there from Balharshah. It was an “Indo-German Sangamam” in a future paradise. To be short Monsignor suggested to divide the land into two of 16 and 4 acres between the sisters and the parish respectively. Willy Nilly I had to say “yes”. In the meantime I had tried for a land

22 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw of Dr.Chaterji which was seven acres in area, but he was quoting a higher price of Rs.6000.00 per acre. There was neither proper approach road to the land nor water sources. So I gave it up. The purchase process began by authorising Mr.Appu to initiate the bargain with Daga Family. In the meantime Sr. Lutgardis contacted Mr. George at Nagpur who was the area supervisor of ESSO Petroleum company. He knew Mr. Daga in Gondwana Club at Nagpur. Monsignor made on, Jan. 17, 1974, an offer of Rs. one lakh for the garden, every thing mentioned above inclusive. Dagaji accepted the offer after a couple of days and confirmed the sale deed through Mr. George.

The latter came to Chandrapur on his routine tour on Jan.22 and there I reached him a Bank cheque of Rs. 25,000.00 in favour of Mr. Daga issued by Monsignor Januarius as advance amount. The deal was getting finalized. Sr. Lutgardis communicated to Monsignor that she would prefer the land touching the National Highway. He solicited for my opinion; I told Monsignor that Sisters’ desire be agreed to.

On May 28 Mr. Kuriachan, the B & C Engineer at Hingangaht whom I had already befriended made arrangements with land surveyor to measure the land and divide into two plots. He represented me, whereas Srs. Rose and Prasada came from Wardha and in their presence the demarcation was made. After a week Srs. Lutgardis, Abhaya and Rose came from Wardha to Hinganghat with Mr. Dafade the Engineer and we decided on the required renovation on both the Outhouses at the gate. In June 1974 Sisters arranged cement purchase with “Air condition” George at Nagpur who was known to Sr. Abhaya from home. He arranged 100 bags of cement which reached Hingangaht by night. Engineer Dafade, Sisters and myself came to the garden on the following day

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 23 I¿sΩektμiw to see the cement. It was adulterated. We had to ask the good Malayalee friend to take back his generous supply. Those days there was shortage of cement and government control was there. Sisters had to purchase cement from other reliable sources for the renovation work.

Opening of school: At the insistence of local people we made arrangements in the month of August with Smt. Sheela Rani Chunnilal Khanuja to open St. John’s School in a section of her house. I reached the furniture from Balharshah on August 14 itself. Eventhough we were late to place order for it, Fr. Mathew Vathalloor of Bal Bhavan Workshop got it ready well in time. Sisters opened the School on August 15, 1974 hoisting National Flag on Independence Day. Sisters started staying there itself in a room adjacent to the class room. I continued my up- down motor bike ride between Sumthana and Hinganghat, some times spending a night or two with Kuriachan and Thankamma family (Jacobite but fully catholic in practice).

On September 22, 1974 Msgr. Januarius blessed both the Outhouses and Sisters occupied the one on the left at the entrance and myself the other one. The S.D.O. of Higanghat Mr. Deshmukh was present on the occasion of this simple blessing ceremony. During the tea Monsignor explained the vision and mission behind this new endeavour which could be realized only with the good will and support of the Government officers like Mr. Deshmuk and the local people like Mr. Appu Kottai. The S.D.O. promised his full support for this new venture. In the meantime the finalization of land registration was going on. It was required that the Society of Sisters gets permission from the S.D.O. for the purchase of land, since it didn’t have any landed property in India on its name. The application had already been submitted.

24 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Now comes up corruption oriented temptations. Mr.Appu told me that the S.D.O was asking for some money to pass the order of land transaction. I asked him to approach the S.D.O. through some people who were close to him. After a few days Mr.Appu reported me that Mr.Chunnilal and advocate Nagale the lawyer of Mr. Daga had met the S.D.O. But it seemed that he insisted on certain amount. I was forced to guess that some foul play was going on. I told my friend Mr.Appu that we didn’t mind closing down the school and arrange the Sisters’ service somewhere else. Paying bribe, I told him bluntly, is not our mission; we are here to preach truth and justice through our life; if we start our mission with bribe it will be great injustice to ourselves and we will be betraying our own mission. The message of paying something to the S.D.O. had already reached Sr. Lutgardis through Mr. Nagale and Mr. George. The fear struck all, that once the agreement was not carried out we would lose the advance amount Rs. 25000.00. I met the S.D.O. personally at his residence and reminded him politely the promise he had made to the Monsignor. He told me that he would pass the order.

Meanwhile Sr.Lutgardis and Mr. George had contacted Monsignor and intimated the situation asking for his advice. Monsignor chose the lesser evil telling them to decide what ever they felt proper. Naturally they took it for granted. The following day Mr. George had been to Hinganghat and told me about the conversation with the Monsignor and he had come to collect that particular amount from Sr. Lutgardis as she was that day in Hinganghat and to hand over the same to Mr. Nagale. It was around 4.30 p.m. I rushed to the Office of the S.D.O., met him there and got his promise confirmed. I told him that I wanted to get the order the following day itself, since the registration date had been finalized. He asked me to meet him on the following day afternoon at 2.30. I came back to the garden. Mr.George was waiting

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 25 I¿sΩektμiw for me. I told him that I would reach the order the following day before 5.00 p.m. The following day I went to the Office of the S.D.O. He was dictating his order to the clerk. I had to sit there for 40 minutes enjoying a cup of hot tea which he offered. The order got ready. Thanking him I rushed immediately to Nagpur on my Yezdi motor bike and handed over the order to Mr. George before 5.00 p.m. No single pie was paid. I am still proud of it.

Digging well: I brought Fr. Christian cmi from Ettapalli to Hingangaht on October 17, 1974 to locate spot for digging a well on Church land. He showed a point and we started the work. Alas, spread out black rock ! We went on blasting from a depth of 3 meters. The work went on up to 20 feet blasting all through. It seemed that there was no hope of any water source. I stopped the work. After some time a French Sister came to the garden, whom Sr. Lutgardis had invited to spot water resource for school premises. I made use of the occasion. The present well with plenty of water was her spotting.

Priests’ Residence: Before starting planning for construction of residence I approached the S.D.O. and he clearly told me that I didn’t require any permission for constructing residence, cattle shed and store room. I met the Exarch at Balharshah on Nov. 14, 1974 and submitted my plan for residence. He approved the plan and the estimate and sanctioned Rs. 60,000.00 for the same. We started the foundation excavation on January 5, 1975. After a couple of weeks, mason Mr.Felix and his team joined the work. In the meantime I contacted Fr.Werner cmi who was my Prefect and Philosophy Professor, for some financial help to beautify the chapel in the residence with mosaic tiles, something new in Chanda Mission those days. He was very much positive.

26 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Laying of tiles took place as planned. But it went short of 25 tiles. How to get it from Chandrapur? The main supplier those days was Chavan Tiles Factory on Mul road. I purchased the tiles and packed in five bundles, loaded on cycle rikshaw and reached the railway station. Now how to carry them to the platform on the other side. I didn’t have much money. I myself carried them bundle by bundle to the other side crossing over the rail and got into the passenger train in the evening. This was the way with the minimum sum I completed the present Priest’s house Jeevan Jyoti. Its blessing took place on July 6, 1975 by the hands of Monsignor in the presence of S.D.O., Thahsildar, B.D.O. and other friends of Hinganghat and a large number of our Fathers and Sisters from all over the Exarchate, even though the Exarch wanted to make the function very simple. The dance program by the little tots of our school made the evening really colourful, inspite of light shower.

Fr. Joseph Koyikara of Babupeth contributed a major item of expendicture of this evening by supplying chicken from his poultry and rice from his Khabarsthan field.Timely help of Fr. Callistus, who was those days posted in Lakadakkot, made the meals delicious and sumptuous. Small contributions from certain friends enabled me the beautification of the campus with rose garden, fish tank, cattle shed and a small Boarding. Fr. Felician cmi made an offer of Rs. 175.00 for the memory of his late mother Ms. Rosa Vadakumchery to install an altar in the prayer hall. Once the prayer hall was ready we wanted to celebrate the first Christmas there solemnly. Sr.Veena the Head Mistress of the school had by this time established some contact with the youth in the town. She told me that we could get the service of Datta Orchestra group for Christmas. I told her that it would be wonderful. But at the same time I insisted that she should try to give some coaching in the

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 27 I¿sΩektμiw

Christmas Mass hymns. She did it. More than 35 youth and their friends and a few parents as well as our close neighbor Poddar Family turned up for the midnight Mass. There were 23 Christians also besides our Sisters. In all more than a hundred people. The message given was on “insanieth” - humanism leading to divinism – “Aham Brahmasmi” and neighbourly love. Jesus is born raising the humans to the status of God giving him respect and acceptance. After the Mass some of the elderly persons told me that they had thought that I would be preaching on conversion !! Thank God, I spoke only of love, mutual respect and social acceptance. We had sharing of cake and tea. It was a wonderful Christmas night.

Social Service: The next thought was how to make an entry into the neighbouring villages. I had always told Monsignor that I would prefer to start a mission center with easy approach both to the town and to the villages, so that the facilities of the town are made available to the villages. We had already set in motion the contact to the town. Now how to make entry without making any commotion of conversion. Rumors were already strong in the villages that Americans were mixing anti-pregnancy powder in wheat and other edible items which are supplied by the government. It was a time when American Peace Corps groups were working in different parts of the country. I met the S.D.O. Mr. Khade and suggested to him the possibility of introducing CRS Food for work program. He said that it would be very beneficial to the people. This great man had a Christian background from Naginabad in Chandrapur.

After a few days Mr. Khade himself along with the Thahsildar and the B.D.O. came to me and asked whether we could work together. I said: “with pleasure, this is what I was dreaming of.” Then they told that the Government was running E.G.S.(employment guaranty

28 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw scheme) but it was not getting sufficient labour support as the daily wage was only Rs. 3.00. I told them that I combine my programme with EGS; we may pay the labourer 3 kg wheat per day and 1 litre of oil once a week. They said that in that case there would be plenty of workers. They took the responsibility of transporting the material to the work site. I put up the application to C.R.S. in Bombay with a copy to Fr. Pullankav the consignee for Wardha Zone. It was sanctioned and a truck load of wheat and oil cartons from Wardha reached my store in 15 days.

The Government officers introduced me and the scheme to the villagers. This was the entry point of our mission in villages in Hinganghat Tahsil. The program went on well for three months and as the monsoon started we closed it down. The farmers then started coming to me asking help for deepening old wells and digging new wells, cleaning land and making bunds. The M.L.A. from Samudrapur Mr. Devthale sent letters of recommendation requesting help from us for certain farmers. I kept contact with 13 villages helping them through the C.R.S. program. One evening there came to me a young man well dressed and started questing me regarding C.R.S. supply. He was behaving like a Police Officer. I asked him who he was and told him to behave decently if he wanted any information from me. He went on questioning. I told him to go and put his questions to the S.D.O. and he would give him answer. Finally he left the place. After half-an-hour he came back and asked politely in which all villages we were working and what we were doing. I mentioned to him names of some villages and asked him to go there and get direct details. He left a bit disappointed. The following week I had been to the S.D.O’ s residence to say hallo before I left for Bangalore to attend a seminar for the youth in NBCLC. It was 7.30 in the morning. Mr. Appu was waiting for Mr. Khade the S.D.O. He asked if I read the report against the mission

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 29 I¿sΩektμiw in the News Paper. I enquired: “What news” ? He said that there was a news item in the local News Paper telling that American food stuffs are sold in the market. I asked him not to take it serious. Mr. Khade heard our conversation from his room. He came out and asked what was the matter. Mr. Appu explained. Mr. Khade asked me to proceed to Bangalore and he would see to the news item. It was the emergency time.

I came back from Bangalore after a week. Sisters told me that certain man had come to meet me several times and he would be coming again that day. He came by noon, introducing himself as the proprietor of the press where the News Paper was printed. He said that the S.D.O. had asked him to get a letter from me accepting his apology on publishing misleading news. He made his apology telling that he was unaware of the news item. Both of us had sufficient interface and I told him there was no need of any letter; I would talk the matter with the S.D.O. Surprisingly two hours later somebody knocked at my door around 2.15. I opened the door. The Trio, the SDO, the Tahsildar and the BDO were at the door. The SDO asked me first : Father James, was that rascal of the press to you? I will teach him a lesson. What do these rascals think of themselves? “

He had already threatened him with a warning of closing down his press. I told the SDO to leave him alone without further action. That was the end of it. However I waited for a chance to make use of his service in our Gospel mission. A year later was the Episcopal ordination of Monsignor Januarius. Mr. Ravi Kottai the son of Mr.Appu proposed to me that we should get some supplement printed in his paper at his cost. I found it very enthusing. Ravi himself arranged everything. Four pages supplememt on Chanda and its new Bishop was brought out in red print. We were given 300 copies of it free of cost, which we distributed in Balharshah at the felicitation

30 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw after the new Bishop was garlanded by the famous elephant ‘RAMU’. Articles from Sr.Veena, Advocate Mr. Bhandekar etc. were there, with a lot of appreciation on Hinganghat mission unit.

Fund raising for School: The school strength rose up. More class rooms were required. We had to shift the school from the rented house to the Garden. There was no finance. Sr. Lutgardis was not very much in favour of starting the school. It was my pressure on the Monsignor which moved her to accept the proposal of starting school, and she agreed to run it only up to class 4. There was no fund foreseen for school buildings. We spread a news in the town that school may be closed down as there was no fund for constructing proper class rooms. I got a reliable news that Mr. Gopaldas Mohta family in Akola was willing to donate land for school in the town. Everybody in the town welcomed the idea, as it will be much convenient for the public. We made a study over it. This family had 20 acres of land in the heart of the town, which was attached to Income Tax Dept.The Mohtas said that they would get 3 acres of it exempted for educational purpose and will donate to us. Sr. Veena and myself proceeded to Akola, had one day stay there in their palatial house and discussed on their proposal. We fixed a date to meet again at Hinganghat. As it was planned both the parties reached the old garden of late Gopaldas Mohta and we had one hour meeting. Before this scheduled meeting took place Advocate Mr.Thrivedi of Wardha whom Sr. Lutgardis had delegated to make a draft contract together with the Lawyer of Mohta family, had done their job well and it was presented in our meeting. We found most of the clauses acceptable. The last clause that was most demanding read thus: “In case the school was closed down on any ground the entire property, with all our investment there, shall go to the donor of the land.” Out right we had to object it and there ended the grand offer !!

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 31 I¿sΩektμiw

There was certain Marwadi Society in Hinganghat. Its members approached us that they would construct the required buildings with necessary classrooms on our land, provided we were ready to name the school after their society and 25 percent of the admissions were left to their choice. Unfortunately we could not accept the second condition !

In the meantime effort was going on in Germany to find out sponsors. I challenged the Sisters and the Staff to make a fund raising campaign. One Saturday afternoon in March 1977 our team consisting of Sr.Veena, Sr. Sudhara, Mrs. Bhandari, Miss Joseph and myself set in motion the first collection. This was visiting all the shops and houses on the main road of Hinganghat. It was a grand success. In three hours door to door request we could collect Rs. 7600.00. After a week the Proprietor of Great Bombay Circus which had its show in the town came to meet me and handed over Rs.500.00 for the school. Mr. Appu also had come with him. I told them about the forthcoming Episcopal ordination of Bishop of Chanda. The Proprietor said that we should make it grand. I asked him why shouldn’t we garland the new Bishop by an elephant. He agreed to my suggestion and promised to do it by Ramu the famous elephant which had its role in film “Hathi mere Sathi”. On March 31, 1977 two elephants from Hinganghat reached Balharshah. Ramu accompanied by other elephant garlanded the Bishop at the grand reception after his consecration.

New life to Chanda Samachar: The Chanda Samachar (diocesan News Bulletin) was dormant for some time. The Bishop wanted to revive it. He came all the way to Hinganghat in the last week of October 1977 to convince me of taking up that job. I agreed on the condition that there should be an editorial board and the bulletin should cover not news alone but views

32 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw as well. This Team consisting of Fr. K.D. Chacko, Fr. K.S. Joseph, Fr. Koyikara and myself brought out the first issue before Christmas 1977.

Recognition for the School: The school buildings started coming up in the garden. Classes were shifted there. Sr. Lutgardis agreed to run the school up to Std.vii. Recognition of the school was next issue. I insisted that the parents should take the pains to get the school recognized. Sr.Veena the Head Mistress convened Parents’ Body meeting. Bishop Januarius was in the chair. I made the demand that the parents’ body elects a committee which will do all the work regarding the recognition. Three member Committee was elected. This committee went to Bombay, met the Education Minister Mrs. Prabha Rau and invited her to visit the school. She obliged. The visit took place. Without delay the school got its recognition. During this period the convent of Sisters and the Gruhini School were ready as residences and centers of activities respectively. Jeevan Jyoti started Boys’ boarding.

Proposed Balharshah Bal Bhavan Technical School: One fine afternoon in 1978 the Bishop and Fr. Mathew Manikompel came to meet me at Hinganghat. The Bishop explained to me that SEBEMO, an Austrian Agency had accepted the proposal of opening a Technical Training School at Balharshah. He wanted that I take over its responsibility.I told him that Higanghat would be a better site for it, as there were two large cotton mills there and Buti Bori the new industrial belt was coming up very fast, where the trainees might get job and the workshop might get sufficient fabrication work. However as it was planned for Balharshah, I had to say ‘no’ to the offer. This project was later handed over to Montfort Brothers. This is the present Montfort Technical School in Balharshah. Every thing happened for the growth of the church.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 33 I¿sΩektμiw

In the academic year 1979 – 80 I gave classes in Political Science and Socilogy to the Aspirants in Thukum at the request of the then Rector Fr. Mathew Vathallur riding 95 kms to Chandrapur on motor bike once a week. Obliging to the decision of the Bishop, I said farewell to Jeevan Jyoti on December 30, 1979 handing over charge of a flourishing mission station with a wide range of human contacts to Fr.Antony Cyriac Chirayath cmi. The Tribute given in the farewell meeting in Laxmi Talkies, in the heart of the industrial town, organized by Lawyers, Doctors, Business Community, Bank officials and other citizens of Hinganghat reads so:

To Rev. Fr. James, Jeevan Jyoti Church, Hinganghat. Sir, The well known adage “He came, he saw and he conquered” is really true as far as you are concerned. You came here in the service of the Lord five years ago, but in such a short span, you conquered our hearts, as much as your curtsey and ready smile, as by your deep sympathy and sense of service. You were a pioneer of the Church in Hinganghat region and during your stewardship the Church put its roots here and the good work has spread. What was once almost a jungle has now flowered into a beautiful garden with graceful buildings taking shape; thus rendering Nandgaon cross roads and the Church periphery into a spot of infinite beauty. Under your aegis different schemes for the benefit of the poor and the destitute have been implemented to render philanthropic service. It is for these reasons that gossamer webs of friendship and respect sprang up between you and ourselves and neither distance can diminish the intensity, nor can the years weaken them. We have no doubt that wherever you go, the good work will go and strong bonds will spring up to bind minds and

34 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw hearts together. We wish you a happy life in the service of the Lord and humanity.

Hinganghat Yours ever Dated 23-12-1979 (K.Appu, Family and friends)

Kaotha Mission: Leaving Hinganghat after establishing Jeevan Jyoti Mission center with a priest’s residence, Boys’ Boarding, perennial water source, cows and cattle shed, Fish tank, Rose garden, veg- etation and other plantations and cultivations, a wide contact with several villages and many parts of the town and maintaining regular service to the small Christian community, I took charge of Kautha Mission center from Fr.Panthenus Pookkat on December 31, 1979. During my short stay of five months there I did the maximum to give a renewed face to it. The first fridge landed in the house in January 1980. Following this I applied for telephone connection depositing Rs. 6000.00. The distance to the exchange in Pulgaon was six kilo- meters. To the reasons explained to the Bishop and the Provincial Fr. Philip Neri I resigned from Kautha on June 01, 1980 handing over the charge to Fr. Joseph Kozhikothickal

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 35 I¿sΩektμiw

Fr Saju Chackalackal CMI, Councilor for Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry

Rev. Fr. Saju Chackalackal CMI (51) has been elected the General Councilor for Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry on July 25, 2016. He is also elected to serve as the Secretary of the General Council. Carmelasandesam wishes him all the best and accords prayerful wishes for effective ministry in the new capacity. He belongs to Preshitha Province, Coimbatore and has been serving on the teaching faculty of Philosophy at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK), Bangalore for almost two decades. His checkered career includes responsibilities like President of DVK, Dean of Philosophy, Head of the Dept of Philosophy of Christ University, and Visiting Professor to many institutions, prolific writer, editor of Journals and books, etc. He did his doctoral studies at St Thomas University, Rome. He fills in the vacancy left by the sudden demise of Rev. Fr. George Thanchan CMI who left for his heavenly abode on July 4, 2016.

36 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw cmPKncn Bip]{Xn

^m. tPmkv ]mem´n kn.Fw.sF. Mob: 9447811845

Cu h¿jmcw`Øn¬ GXm\pw Znhkw \ΩpsS NpWßwthen cmPKncn Bip]{Xnbn¬ Ign°m\p≈ Ahkcap≠mbn. lrZbØns‚ ikv{X{Inbbpw, hm¬hv am‰n hbvt°≠ Bhiyhpambncp∂p, ASnb¥ncambn sNtø≠nbncp∂Xv. ]ns∂ c‡kΩ¿±Øns‚bpw {]talØns‚bpw {]iv\ßfp≠mbncp∂p. hfsct∏cpsS {]m¿∞\bpw, ka¿∞cmb tUmIvS¿amcpsS {]Xn⁄m_≤amb ip{iqjbpw, t\gvkpamcpsS \nc¥camb ]cnNcWhpw k¿tΔm]cn kuJyZmbI\mb tbiphns‚ ]cn]me\bpw Fs∂ ]cnhebw sNøp∂ A\p`hambncp∂p F\n°p≠mbXv. F√m‰n\pw ssZhØn\p kvXpXn! F√mh¿°pw \μn!

Kmw`ocyhpw DZmØhpw

AIse \n∂v ImWptºmtg Xs∂ Bip]{XnsI´nSØns‚ Kmw`ocyhpw DZmØXbpw ZriyamWv; B[p\nI hmkvXp inev]Øns‚ kmt¶XnI anIhpw, imkv{Xob Ignhpw {]IminXamWv. ASpØp hcptºmgpw AIØpIbdptºmgpw D≠mIp∂ A\p`hw Xo¿Øpw kvt\tlmjvafamWv. hml\Øn¬ hcp∂ tcmKnIsf tUm¿ Xpd∂v Xmßn∏nSn®v \SØnbpw, IqSpX¬ AhicmsW¶n¬ ho¬ sNbdn¬ CcpØn e£y ÿm\Øv FØn°m≥ skIyqcn‰n°mcpw thmf‚ntbgvkpw k∂≤cmWv.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 37 I¿sΩektμiw

apdn°IØpw, hcm¥bnepw ]cnkcßfnepw Zriyamhp∂ ipNnXzhpw {Iahpw thdns´mcp A\p`hamWv. Cubhÿ \ne\n¿Øm\p≈ A[nIrXcpsS {i≤ «mL\obw Xs∂. InS°hncnbpw tcmKnIfpsS hkv{Xßfpw {]XnZn\w am‰n ip≤nbm°p∂Xv cmPKncnbn¬ am{Xap≈ ]XnhmsW∂p tXm∂p∂p.

tlmkv]n‰epw tlmkv]n‰men‰nbpw (Hospital, Hospitality)

Bip]{Xnsb∂ hm°n¬ \n∂mWv BXnYyw F∂ hm°p≠mbsX∂v tXm∂p∂p. F¶n¬ cmPKncnbn¬ AXv Xo¿Øpw icnbmWv. tUmIvS¿amcptSbpw, t\gvkpamcptSbpw, a‰p ip{iqjIcptSbpw s]cpam‰w kvt\l]q¿ΔIamb ip{iqjbmWv. thZ\n°p∂ tcmKn°v Huj[tØ°mƒ kuJyZmbI i‡n Cu hn[ap≈ ]cnNcWØn¬ \n∂v In´p∂p≠v.

Bip]{Xnbnse hnhn[ Un∏m¿´vsa‚pIfpw Ahbnse tUmIvS¿amcpw, t\gvkpamcpw XΩn¬ØΩnep≈ klIcWhpw, HsØmcpan®p≈ {]h¿Ø\ßfpw BcpsSbpw {i≤ ]nSn®p]‰p∂XmWv.

tUmIvS¿ -˛ tcmKo_‘w

GXp tcmKn°pw tUmIvSdns‚ tkh\Øn¬ Dd®phnizkn°m\pw, hy‡n]cambn B{ibn°m\pw ]‰p∂ Hchÿmhntijw tcmKnbpsS ]£Øp\n∂pw D≠mhWw. Bflm¿∞ambn ip{iqjn°p∂ tUmIvSdns‚ tkh\w tcmKim¥n°v thKw Iq´pw. c≠p Iq´cptSbpw _‘w kulrZØns‚bpw klIcWØns‚XpamhWw. {]ikvX

38 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Zm¿i\nI\mb \o‰vsj ]d™Xv Hm¿°pI, Xm¶ƒ Fs‚ apºn¬ \St°≠m, Rm≥ Xm¶sf A\pKans®∂p hcn√. (you shall not walk before me, I shall not follow you )

Xm¶ƒ Fs‚ ]pdsI h∂n´v Bhiyan√; Rm≥ Xm¶sf \bn®psh∂p hcn√. (You shall not walk behind me, I shall not lead you)

C\n Xm¶ƒ°v B{Klsa¶n¬ Ft∂msSmØphcq, \ap°v tXmtfmSp tXmƒ tN¿∂p \S°mw. (If you want, walk along with me”)

ChnsS {]k‡ambncn°p∂Xv H∂n®p≈ \o°amWv. tXmtfmSp tXmƒ tN¿∂p≈ klIcWat\m`mhamWv. Cu at\m`mhamWv FhnsSbpw Ft∏mgpw hnPbw hcn°pI. NnIn’bpsS hnPbØnepw tcmKo-˛tUmIvS¿ _‘w, klIcWw Gsd BhiyamWv.

BXpcmebw -˛ {]Xo£m\nebw

GXp Bip]{Xnbnepw ip≤oIcWmhÿbpsS ^eapfhm°p∂XmWv. AXmbXv AicWcmbn hcp∂ tcmKnIfmbmepw, km[mcW tcmKßfm¬ hcp∂hcmbmepw Hmtcmhn[Ønep≈ ip≤oIcWw km[n°m\p≠v. ItØmen° hnizmka\pkcn®v acWm\¥c PohnXw kz¿§w, \cIw, ip≤oIcmhÿ F∂nßs\bmWv. CXn¬, ClØn¬ \√ PohnXw \bn®h¿°v \nXy ku`mKysa∂ kz¿§mhÿ; A\pXm]an√msX amcIamb ]m]mhÿbn¬ acn°p∂h¿°v \cIw; ho≠pw eLphmb ]m]mhÿbn¬ acn°p∂h¿°v ip≤oIcmhÿ; CXv XmXv°menIamWv. ]m]∏cnlmcw t\Sn°gn™m¬ kz¿§`mKyw. ChnsS Bip]{Xn PohnXsØ ip≤oIcmhÿbpambn _‘s∏SpØm≥ ImcWw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 39 I¿sΩektμiw GXphn[Ønep≈ NnIn’bmsW¶nepw AXnsems° HcpXcw ip≤oIcWap≠mIpw; H∏w Hcp {]ImcØnepw \ncmibv°nSan√msX {]Xymi \evIp∂ AhÿbmWnXv. F√m ]cnNcWßfpw Huj[ßfpsS D]tbmKßfpw hy‡n°v ip≤oIcWhpw, PohnXØn¬ {]Xymibpw ]Icm≥ ]cym]vXamWv.

N¶pw lrZbhpw H∂pXs∂ A¿∞Xe߃ hyXykvXw!

lrZb ikv{X{Inb Ign™ tcmKn Bip]{Xnbn¬Øs∂ hn{ian®p Ignbp∂ Hcp Znhkw ]Xnhp≈ du≠vkn\p h∂ tUmIvStdmSv, Xs‚ `mcysb ImWn®psIm≠v ]dbp∂p, tUmIvS¿ Ct∏msg¶nepw Fs‚ `mcybv°v t_m[yambn, F\n°v lrZbaps≠∂v; Ahsft∏mgpw ]dbmdp≠v, Fs∂°pdn®v lrZban√mØ a\pjy≥, lrZban√mØ a\pjy≥ F∂v.

N¶v icocØnse s\©IsØ Hcp apJy Ahbhw BWv, c‡Nw{IaWw \nb{¥n°p∂p. \nc¥cw kv]μn®psIm≠ncn°p∂p. lrZbamIs´ a\pjys‚ A\pIqehpw {]XnIqehpamb hnImcßfpsS DdhnSamWv. kvt\lw, kt¥mjw, A\pIº, B¿{ZX, IcpW, kam[m\w, klm\p`qXn F∂nhbpw, timIw, tIm]w, `oXn, DXv°WvT, BIpeX...... F∂o {]XnIqe hnImcßfptSbpw DdhnSamWv. {]XnIqe hnImcßsf(Negative Emotions)\nb{¥n®pw \nl\n®pw A\pIqehnImcßsf (Positive Emotions) ]cnt]mjn∏n°pIbpamWv a\pjy≥ sNtø≠Xv. Cub¿∞Øn¬ sshImcnIhpw, am\knIhpw, Bflobhpamb hißfmWv lrZbØnt‚Xv. lrZbwKaamb kzmKXw lrZ b]q¿ΔIamb £a Fs∂ms° ]dbptºmƒ a\pjy alXzØns‚ DØamwißsf, AYhm, ZnhyXsbbmWv \mw

40 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw kqNn∏n°pI. {]hmNI\mb Ckbmkv ]d™Xv, a\pjys‚ inemkam\amb lrZbw am‰n amwkfamb lrZbw ÿm]n°p sa∂mWv. (Ck. 36:25) lrZb]cnh¿Ø\w, AYhm a\ m¥camWnhnsS hnh£, ssZhw sNøp∂ {]hrØnbmWnXv.

\√ kadmbs‚ hnZKv[amb NnIn’ tbip ]Tn∏n® \√ kadmbs‚ D]abpsS CXnhrØw \s√mcp tcmKo]cnNcWØns‚ amXrIbmWv. (eq° 10 : 25 --˛ 37). hgnbm{Xbn¬ B{Ian°s∏´p sIm≈bSn°s∏´ a\pjys\ c≠pt]¿ AhKWn®p IS∂pt]mbn. F∂m¬ aq∂masØbmƒ kadmb≥, P∑\m i{Xphmbncp∂n´pw ASnb¥nc klmbw sNbvXv {]Ya ip{iqj \SØn kz¥w khmcn arKØns‚ ]pdØncpØn k{XØn¬ sIm≠p sN∂v IqSpX¬ ]cnNcn®p. henbXpI Nnehm°n Poh≥ c£n®p. CXv Xo¿®bmbpw henb PohImcpWy {]hrØnbmWv. AhKWn®v IS∂pt]mb c≠pt]cpw XßfpsS kpc£nXXzw ImØpsIm≠t∏mƒ, kadmb≥ kzbw dnkv°v FSpØp, kabhpw, [\hpw sNehgn®p. CXmWv {InkvXobw ˛ {InkvXp hn`mh\w sNøp∂ tcmKoip{iqj -˛ \obpw t]mbn CXpt]mse sNøpI. (eq° 10 : 37). ss__nfnse k{Xw tIhew bm{X°nSbnse HcnS°mehkXn am{Xa√, adn®v, Bhiy°mtcbpw Ahitcbpw ip{iqjn°m\p≈ CSamWv. AXpsIm≠v, \ΩpsS F√m BXpcmebßfpw bYm¿∞ k{XßfmbnØocWw; AhnsS Pohs‚ ]cnc£bpw km[mcW ]cnNcWhpw \S°Ww.

Xz°v tcmKn lrZv tcmKnbmhcpXv !

tbip A¤pXIcambn kpJs∏SpØnb ]Øp IpjvTtcmKnIfn¬ Hcmƒ am{Xw Xncn®ph∂v tbiphn\v \μn ]d™v ssZhsØ alXzs∏SpØn (eq° 17, 11-˛19). CXn¬

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 41 I¿sΩektμiw tbiphns‚ {]XnIcWw, kpJw {]m]n®h¿ ]Øpt]ct√, Hcmƒ°pam{Xta \μn ]dbWsa∂v tXm∂nbp≈t√m? IpjvTtcmKw icocsØ (Xz°ns\) _m[n°p∂ tcmKamWv. \μn]dbpI lrZbØns‚ `mhamWv. ]t£, AXp sNømØhsc kw_‘n®v Ah¿ lrZvtcmKnIfmb Ahÿbnembn F∂p thWw IcpXm≥. IrX⁄X a\pjys‚ D∂Xamb Hcp at\m`mhamWv. (Gratitutude is the best attitude).

kv]μ\w -˛ 2016

Npcpßnb ImeØn\p≈n¬ cmPKncn Bip]{Xn t\Snb {]ikvXn hensbmcp t\´amWv. e`yamIp∂ F√m kPoIcWßtfmSpw IqSnb {]h¿Ø\߃ tcmKnIƒs°∂t]mse ]cnNcn°p∂h¿°pw kwXr]vXn IcamWv. Pq¨ 11 \v \SØnb kv]μ\w -˛ 2016 Fsd {i≤n°s∏´ ]cn]mSnbmbncp∂p. ChnsS NnI’n®v kuJyw {]m]n® ap∂qdntesdt∏¿ HØpIqSn A\p`h߃ ]¶psh®Xpw, tUmIvS¿amcpsS A\p`h kº∂hpw ]WvUntXmNnXhpamb {]t_m[\ßfpw \n¿t±ißfpw t\gvkpamcpsS Iem]cn]mSnIfpw Xo¿Øpw {]tNmZIcßfmbncp∂p. ktΩf\Ønse apJy AXnYn {io. tPmWn eqt°mkv (at\mca \yqkv UbdŒ¿) {]`mjWw \SØn. lrZb ikv{X{Inb ta[mhn tUm. inhv sI.\mb¿, tUm. cmwZmkv \mbIv, tUm.tPm¿÷v hmfqcm≥, tUm. dns\‰v sk_mkv‰y≥ XpSßn Im¿UntbmfPn hn`mKØnse F√mhcpsSbpw km∂n[yhpw klIcWhpw BZy¥ap≠mbncp∂p. AXpt]mseXs∂, FIvkn. UbdIvS¿ dh.^m. tPm¨k¨ hmg∏n≈n, saUn.UbdIvS¿ tUm. tKm]n\mY≥ \mb¿ F∂nhcpsS Ignhpw \nc¥c Pm{KXbpw F√mhcpw ap‡IWvTw {]iwkn®p. tcmKo]cnNcWØn¬ ssZhØns‚ Ir]bpw a\pjys‚ Ignhpw F√mhcpw FSpØp]d™p. ssZhØn\p kvXpXn!

42 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Namibian Corner…

St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary

After a long gap here comes some Namibian News, where the CMI Congregation is involved in two fields of apostolate, running the National Major Seminary and working at the Namibian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. It was a historic movement from the part of the Namibian Catholic Bishops’ Conference to invite the CMI Congregation and entrust them the newly erected St. Chlarles Lwanga National Seminary in 1998. The CMI presence at that time limited just to one, Fr. Thomas Manninezhath, as the starting Rector of the Seminary. Eventually, the Seminary has grown into the present status of an International Major seminary with five CMI priests, one local OSFS priest and 24 residential students from the three dioceses of Namibia, and also from South Africa. There were also students from Botswana. There are also day scholars from two men and one women religious congregations. Now that tiny seed planted almost 18 years before has enormously taken the shape of a big banyan tree with its luxurious foliage and strong network of roots under the strong guidance of the present Rector, Fr. Benny Karuvelil, CMI (from 2008 onwards till the present time).

The Academic Scenario

St. Charles Lwanga Major seminary, named after the Ugandan saint Charles Lwanga and companions, at present offers complete training for diocesan candidates at three stages: one year Orientation program for the beginners, two year Philosophy courses and four year Theology program. The Philosophy and Theology programs are accredited by the Namibian Government, under the ministry of Higher Education and hence the Bachelors Degree as well as Diplomas we

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 43 I¿sΩektμiw issue are approved and accepted in many countries at the level of secular university degrees. The process of getting accredited was long and arduous. The Namibian Qualification Agency did and will do visit the campus and its infrastructure and check all the course modalities (including the course syllabus) once in three years. The academic year starts in the month of February and ends in November; December and three weeks in January are closed for summer holidays. The new academic year usually is inaugurated by the Apostolic Nuncio together with all the bishops of Namibia with a solemn Mass and other cultural paraphernalia from the students’ side. Similarly, the seminary graduation ceremonies are also staged at the end of the academic year in with due pomp and gaiety.

The seminary enjoys very good esteem from Rome, as the former Nuncio was never reluctant to praise our Seminary in public forums. The graduates from the seminary could enrol for higher studies in Rome and other universities abroad. Some of such Alumni are engaged in teaching in the seminary as part-time Staff members also. The Seminary has a fully equipped audio video room, named St. Chavara Hall, which is used for daily online classes by lecturers, as far as from the Netherlands.

The seminary also has a small but a modern and computerised library with more than 1000 volumes of books and an additional 2500 electronic books available for the students. The facilities are open also to students from other institutions or the Universities. And the most heartening thing is that most of the students make use of the facilities of the Library all throughout the day and even up to eleven O’ clock in the night. Psycho-Pastoral Involvements

Namibia, with its total population of around 2.2 million of which

44 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

35% is Catholic, is known as a Christian country and the city of Windhoek is blessed by the presence of many churches, catholic and non-catholic. The students are regularly helping out in the Holy Masses in our churches and they are also involved in teaching and preparing candidates for first Communion and Confirmation in different parishes and also in the Seminary itself. The students also render guidance and leadership, according to the available time, in many other special programs and occasions conducted in the parishes under the label of Catholic Women’s League (CWL), Altar Servers Association, Catholic Men’s League (CML), Couples for Christ, etc., visiting the patients in the nearby hospitals and para-medical institutions with consoling words and Christian messages are also being taken up during week-ends and other holidays. These voluntary and sometimes customary activities are serving as integral components of a total formation that is the need for today.

Namibian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (NCBC)

The second field of our CMI service is the Namibian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Fr. Thomas was the Secretary General of the Conference for the past seven years, till he left for his province in the month of March, 2016. At present Fr. Oliver Inchody is playing a commendable role as the Programme Manager of Caritas Namibia and National Director of the Catechetical department of NCBC. He is in the final stage of codifying a catechetical manual for the whole country, a task that was pending for almost 15 years now.

The CMI Presence

Four of our CMI members are full time staff at the seminary at present: Frs. Benny Karuvelil (Rector), Cyriac Kannezhath (Bursar), John Ettaniel (Dean of students) and Pradeep Aerthayil (Director of the

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 45 I¿sΩektμiw

Orientation students). Fr. Oliver Inchody is teaching as a part-time lecturer in the faculty of theology and at the same time working full time in the Namibian Catholic Bishops Conference (NCBC) Office. The CMI fathers are also actively involved in the pastoral activities in the parishes and other institutions around, offering more than one mass on some Sundays. The seminary chapel itself is serving as a quasi-parish and every Sunday the Holy Mass is attended by a good number of faithful, especially from the different embassies around. Our services are highly appreciated not only by the people but also by the other priests and religious around. We also cater to the intellectual and spiritual needs of many religious congregations by taking classes and giving retreats and other spiritual services.

Other News

The CMI community in Namibia has always enjoyed the paternal support of all our Prior Generals in the past all of whom have visited us. We were extrmemly happy to have Fr. Paul Achandy (Prior General) with us at the beginning of this academic year in the month of February 2016. He gave the opening talk on the inauguration day, in the presence of the all the Bishops of the country and also the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Apostolic Nunciature, as the Nuncio could not be present. All appreciated his insights and the Bishops thanked him for the services the Congregation renders to the country and the church in Namibia.

Fr. Thomas Manninezhath, who was the first CMI member here and the first Rector of the Seminary, and who also was serving as the Secretary General of the NCBC returned to his province after commendable service of almost 18 years. Prepared by Fr. Oliver Inchody, CMI Windhoek

46 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Ncn-{X-Øn\v Hcp \pdpßv sh´w kμ¿`w: I¿sΩe ktμiw, \º¿ 230, 2016 ¬ dh. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nn-d-bpsS "aX-ku-lm¿± Cuÿ' F∂ teJ-\-Ønse D]-io¿jIw ""c≠mw hØn-°m≥ Iu¨kn-ens‚ XpS¿®-bn¬ sIm®n-bn¬ Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿''. AXns‚ c≠m-asØ Jfin-I-bn¬ Cßs\ ImWp-∂p. ""c≠mw hØn-°m≥ Iu¨kn- ens‚ XpS¿®-bnemWv sIm®n-bn¬ Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿ ÿm]n-X-am-Ip-∂Xv''... (P. 21) [N.B. Id est post councilium, sed non est propter concilium]

Nmhd sse{_dn & Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿

Ncn{X ]›m-Øew : F.-Un. 1971 : Nmhd ]nXm-hns‚ Nc-a-i-Xm_vZn h¿jw. k`-bpsS kncm-tI-{μ-amb Imcn-°m-ap-dn-bn¬ iXm_vZn BtLmjw A\m¿`m-S-ambn, F∂m¬ kmc-h-Ømbn \S-Ø-W- sa∂v Xocp-am-\n-°p-∂p. Ac-sßm-cp-°m-\mbn BZyw Hcp kwhmZw kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. AXns‚ {]tabw : ssZh-hn-izmkw hf-cp∂p th¿kkv ssZh-hn-izmkw Xf-cp-∂p. [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPv XXzimkv{X-hn-`mKw s{]m^-k¿am-cmb B¬_¿´v \ºymw-]-d- ºn¬, sh¿W¿ N°m-e-°¬ F∂o A®-∑mcpw Fd-Wm-Ipfw tem tImtfPv {]n≥kn-∏¬ Bbn-cp∂ {io. ^nen∏v sI. Xøn¬, tIcf \nb-a-k`m kv]o°¿ Bbn-cp∂ {io. Ae-Ivkm-≠¿ ]d- ºn-Ød F∂n-hcpw, Cfw-X-e-ap-dsb hf¿ØpI F∂ e£y- tØm-sS sXcs™-Sp-°-s∏´ Un{Kn hnZym¿∞n\nbmb Ipamcn enkn am\p-h¬, {]oUn{Kn hnZym¿∞n amÿ tPm¿÷v AK- Ãn≥ F∂n-hcpw Bbn-cp∂p {]tab Ah-Xm-c-I¿. alm-Ihn Pn. i¶-c-Ip-dp-∏m-bn-cp∂p tamU-td-‰¿. hnjbw Bg-Øn¬ ]Tn®v,

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 47 I¿sΩektμiw dntl-gvkepw \S-Øn-b-tijw, ASp°pw Nn´-tbmSpw IqSn Ah- X-cn-∏n® B kwhmZw Gsd P\-{i≤ ]nSn-®p-]-‰n. Nmhd ]nXm- hns‚ Nca iXm-_vZn-bpsS tIfn-sIm-´m-bn-cp∂p Cu kwhmZ ktΩ-f-\w. If-sam-cp-ßp∂p : Nmh-d-bpsS Zo¿L-ho-£-Whpw alm-a-\-kvIXbpw {]Xn- _nw-_n-°p-∂Xpw sIm®n-bpsS P\-ssa-{Xn°v A\p-tbm-Pyhpw Bh-iy-hp-amb Hcp iXm_vZn kvamcIw F¥m-bn-cn°mw F∂- Xn-s\-]‰n ]cym-tem-Nn-°m-\mbn s]mXp-t{ijvT `h-\-Øn¬ Hcp HØp-tN-c¬ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p.

P\-d¬ lukns‚ Ab¬hm-kn-bmb alm-Ihn Pn. i¶-c- °p-dp∏v, IpSpw-_-k-tΩ-f\ bqWn‰v {]kn-U-≠p-am¿, {Km‚ v sjhen-b¿ PÃnkv tPmk^v hnX-b-Øn¬, {Km‚ v sjhen-b¿ AUz. tPm¿÷v h¿§okv IÆ-¥m-\w, kv]o°¿ {io. Ae- Ivkm-≠¿ ]d-ºn-Ø-d, ap\n-kn-∏¬ sNb¿am≥ {io. F.- sI. tijm-{Zn, AUz. ^nen∏v sI. Xøn¬, AUz. tPm¿÷v ]ø- ∏n≈n, {io. tPmk^v Nmt°m-f, tUm. tacn B‚Wn, P.W.D. Ex. F≥Pn-\n-b¿ {io. kn.- Fw. B‚-Wn, Fw.- sI. km\p-am-jv, {io. C.- ]n. sFkIv k¿, slUvan-kv{Skv _. knÿ \n¿Ωe F^v.-kn.-kn., dh. ^mtZgvkv B¬_¿´v \ºymw-]-d-ºn¬, sh¿W¿ N°m-e-°¬ XpS-ßn-b-h¿ £Wn-Xm-°-fm-bn-cp-∂p. {]ntbm¿ P\-d¬ s]. -_. I\oknbqk-®s‚ A≤y-£-X- bn-emWv Cu \n¿Æm-b-I-tbmKw \S-∂-Xv. hn⁄m\ IpXp-Inbpw Imem-XoX IÆp-I-fpsS DS-a-bp-amb Nmh-d-b-®\v DNn-X-amb kvamcIw Hcp ImenI hn⁄m\ hym]\ kwcw-`-am-bn-cn-°p-sa∂ Bibw BZyw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®Xv {io. C.- ]n. sFkIv kmdm-Wv. tIcf sslt°m-S-Xn-bpsS kman-]yhpw {io. ]n.- Sn. Nmt°m (]n- ∂oSv tIcf B`y-¥c a{¥n) t]mep≈ A`n-`m-j-I¿ Nne sIbvkp- Iƒ kw_-‘n-®p≈ Ncn{X hkvXp-X-Iƒ NnI-bp-∂-Xn-\p-th≠n

48 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Chn-SsØ sse{_dn D]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øm-dp≈ hkvXp-Xbpw A\p- kva-cn-∏n-®p-sIm≠v AUz. tPm¿÷v ]ø-∏n≈n sFkIv kmdns‚ Bi-bsØ A\p-Iq-en-®p. {]kvXpX ktΩ-f-\-Øn-emWv Nmhd ]nXm-hns‚ Nca iXm_vZn kvamc-I-amb Fd-Wm-Ipfw Imcn-°m-ap-dn-bnse Nmhd sse{_dn B‚ v Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dns‚ _oP-hm]w \S-∂-Xv. Nmhd sse{_dn B‚ v Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dns‚, Xptemw ASp-Øp-h-cp∂, I\-I-Pq-_n-enbpw Nmhd ]nXm-hns‚ Nc-a-Øns‚ itXm-Øc I\-I-Pq-_n-enbpw sIm≠m-Sp-tºmƒ Ccp-´n¬ X∏m- Xn-cn-°m≥ Cu Ipdn∏v klm-b-I-am-Ip-sa-¶n¬ Rm≥ IrXm¿∞- \m-bn. ^m. tPmk^v Gen-bm-kv, kn.-Fw.-sF.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 49 I¿sΩektμiw

k`bnse ]cnioe\ `h\߃ 1833˛1956

Fr. Gallus Cheruparambil CMI \ΩpsS]nXmhmb am¿ tXmΩm «ol BZy \q‰m≠n¬ tbmKycmbh¿°p ]ptcmlnX ]´w \¬In F∂mWt√m \mw hnizkn°p∂Xv. ssZhm\p{KlØm¬ Cu k`bv°v sshZnI£maw D≠mbn´n√. CXmWv tIcf k`bpsS \ne\n¬]n\pw A`nhr≤n°pw ImcWw. 19˛mw \q‰m≠p hsc tIcfØn¬ ]e `mKßfnembp≠mbncp∂ aev]m≥ skan\mcnIfnembncp∂p sshZnIcmIm≥ B{Kln®ncp∂hsc ]cnioen∏n®ncp∂Xv. 19˛mw \q‰m≠ns‚ Bcw`Øn¬ Cu skan\mcnIfpsS FÆw Ipdhmbncp∂p. 1831˛¬ am∂m\Øv Bcw`n® Aatem¤h adnbØns‚ Zmk∑mcn¬ A{K KWy\mb ]mebv°¬ tXmΩm®s‚ henb Hcp B{Klambncp∂ s]mXp sshZnI skan\mcn ÿm]n°Wsa∂Xv. 1833¬ am∂m\Øv B{iatØmS\p_‘n®v CXn\mbn Hcp ÿm]\w Bcw`n®tXmsS AXv km£mXvIcn°s∏´p. C{]Imcw Hcp s]mXpskan\mcn D≠mbm¬ Aatem¤h adnbØns‚ Zmk∑mcmb sshZnIcpsS ]pWyPohnXhpw \√ amXrIbpw AhnsS hcp∂ A¿∞nIƒ ImWpIbpw ZmkKWØntebv°v {ItaW Ah¿ tNcpIbpw sNøpsa∂v \ΩpsS ]nXm°∑m¿ hnizkn®ncp∂p. CXn\mbn 1838 ¬ _ehØmb Hcp _lp\ne sI´nSw ]nXm°∑m¿ \n¿Ωn®p. \ΩpsS ]nXm°∑msc A\pIcn®v Aatem¤hZmkKWØn¬ tNcphm≥ B{Kln°p∂h¿°v th≠ {]tXyI ]cnioe\w sImSp°p∂Xn\mbn Ahsc skan\mcn sI´nSØns‚ c≠mw \nebnepw a‰p≈hsc Xmsg\nebnepw Xmakn∏n°p∂Xn\v t]mcq°cb®≥ Xocpam\n®Xv Nne {]iv\߃°p ImcWambn. _. ]mebv°e®≥ ]≈n∏pdsØ ]≈nbn¬ \SØnbncp∂ aev]m≥ skan\mcnbn¬ ]Tn®v ]ecpw sshZnIcmbn. F∂m¬

50 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw tcmKnbpw hr≤\pamb B ]nXmhn\v aev]m≥ skan\mcnbn¬ hnZym¿∞nIƒ°p th≠{X ]cnioe\w \evIp∂Xn\v {]bmkambnØo¿∂p. hnip≤\mb Nmhd°pcymt°mk®≥ Cu ImeL´Øn¬ ]≈n∏pdØpt]mbn ]mebv°¬ tXmΩm aev]m\®s\ Ignbpw hn[w klmbn®ncp∂p. am∂m\Øv Bcw`n® s]mXpskan\mcn cq]Xm sshZnI¿°pw k\ymksshZnI¿°pambn ÿm]n°s∏´Xv A\pZn\w A`nhr≤ns∏´pt]m∂p. Ae¶mcimkv{Xw, XXzimkv{Xw, ssZhimkv{Xw F∂nhsb√mw a∂m\w skan\mcnbn¬ ]Tn∏n°p∂p≠mbncp∂p. 1957˛¬ eØo≥Imcmb sshZnI¿°pth≠n hcm∏pg sa{Xmt∏meoØ Iq\Ωmhn¬ ]Wnbn® B{iaØn¬ Xmakn°p∂Xn\v sshZnIsc e`n°mØXn\m¬ B ÿm]\w \ΩpsS B{iaambn hn´pX∂p. \ΩpsS k`mwK߃ AhnsS Xmakn®p XpSßnbt∏mƒ sshZnIcpw, hnZym¿∞nIfpw h∂v k`bn¬ tNcp∂Xn\v Xm¬]cyw {]ISn∏n®p. si∑m»∑msc AhnsSbpw ]cnioen∏n®pXpSßn. 1959 sk]v‰w_¿ amkw hsc \ΩpsS k`mwKßfmb sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIƒ a∂m\Øpw Iq\Ωmhnepw Xmakn®v ]Tn®ncp∂p. F∂m¬ si∑m»≥am¿ F√mhcpw Hcp ÿeØp Xs∂ ]cninen°s∏Sp∂Xv k`bpsS sFIcq]yØn\pw s]mXp \∑bv°pw D]Icn°psa∂v hcm∏pg sa{Xmt∏meoØbv°p tXm∂pIbm¬ Iq\Ωmhv B{iaw am{Xw ]cnine\ `h\ambn \n›bn°s∏´p. AXn\m¬ am∂m\Øp≠mbncp∂ \hk\ymknIfpw siΩm»Ωmcpw Iq\Ωmhn\v am‰s∏´p. ChnsS Hcp ImeØv \qtdmfw sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIƒ hsc D≠mbncp∂p. CXn\mhiyamb sI´nSßfpw a‰p kuIcyßfpw k`bn¬ \n∂p Xs∂ D≠m°ns°mSpØp. kpdnbm\n°m¿°mbn cq]X ÿm]n°s∏´ tijw 1889 tabv amkw 9˛mw XnbXn Iq\Ωmhnse B{iahpw \Ωƒ ]Wnbn® skan\mcn sI´nSßfpw hcm∏pg cq]Xbv°p hn´p

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 51 I¿sΩektμiw sImSpt°≠Xmbn h∂p. \ΩpsS hnip≤ ]nXmhns\ AS°nbncp∂ tZhmebw Dt]jn®v t]mtc≠n h∂Xnep≈ ZpxJw h¿W\mXoXambncp∂p. A∂v \ΩpsS sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIsfbpw \h k\ymknIsfbpw am‰n Xmakn∏n®Xv Aºg°mSv B{iaØnemWv. C{X A[nIw t]¿°v Xmakn°m≥ AhnsS kuIcyßfpw C√mbncp∂p. \hk\ymk `h\ambn Aºg°mSv B{iaw \n›bn°s∏´p.

1767 ¬ hcm∏pg Bcw`n® skan\mcn kpdnbm\n eØo≥ doØpIfn¬ s]´ F√mh¿°pambn 1866 ¬ ]pØ≥]≈nbpsS kao]tØ°v am‰n ÿm]n°s∏´ncp∂p. Iq\Ωmhn¬ \n∂p t]mtc≠n h∂ siΩ»≥amsc ]pØ≥]≈nbn¬ ]cnioen∏n°p∂Xn\v hfsc hnime lrZbtØmsS, AhnSpsØ A[nImcnIƒ kzmKXw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ A∂v tIm´bw cq]XbpsS sa{Xm\mbncp∂ Cutim k`°mcmb Nmƒkv sehn™p sa{Xm≥ \ΩpsS hnZym¿∞nIsf Cutim k`°m¿ \SØnbncp∂ awKem]pcw skan\mcnbn¬ hn´p ]Tn∏n®m¬ k`bv°p IqSpX¬ {]tbmP\w kn≤n°psa∂pw Aßs\ ]Tn®v hcp∂hscsIm≠v \ap°v X\Xmbn Hcp ]T\ Krlw \SØns°m≠v t]mI≥ {ItaW km[yambn hcpsa∂pw A`n{]mbs∏SpIbpw C¥ybnse ZeKmZpw \ΩpsS s]mXpt{ijvT\pambncp∂ AbpØn sa{Xmt∏meoØ S.J. AXns\ t{]m’mln∏n°pIbpw CXn\p th≠ A\phmZ߃ tdman¬ \n∂p kºmZn®p XcpIbpw sNbvXp. XmaknbmsX {hXw sNbvX F√m hnZym¿∞nIfpw awKem]pcw skan\mcnbn¬ tN¿∂p ]T\w XpSßn. Cßs\bmWv \ΩpsS sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIƒ 1890 tabv amkw 9˛mw XnbXn awKem]pcØp ]T\w Bcw`n®Xv. hnZym¿∞nIfpsS FÆw h¿≤n®tXmsS AhnsS Hcp sI´nSw ]Wnbn°p∂Xn\mbn ÿew hmßn®p. F∂m¬ Cu ÿew skan\mcnbn¬ \n∂v AIse Bbncp∂Xn\m¬ AXp Dt]£n®v skan\mcntbmSv tN¿∂v Hcp ÿew hmßn

52 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw skan\mcn ]WpXp. 1951 hsc ChnsS Xmakn®v \ΩpsS hnZym¿∞nIƒ ]Tn®ncp∂p. awKem]pcØp ]T\Krlw Bcw`ns®¶nepw BtcmKy°pdhp aqew Atßm´v t]mIm≥]‰mØ hnZym¿∞nIƒ D≠mbncp∂p. Acw`Øn¬ Ahsc Aºg°m´pw 1904 apX¬ am∂m\Øpw Ab®v ]Tn∏n®ncp∂p. 1908 apX¬ BZy {hXw sNbvXhsc \nXy{hXw sNøp∂Xp hsc hmg°pfØmWv ]cnioen∏n®ncp∂Xv. 1912 sk]v‰w_¿ amkØn¬ hmg°pfw skan\mcn \ndpØem°n hnZym¿∞nIsf aptØmen B{iaØntebv°p am‰n. CtXmSpIqSn am∂m\Øp Xmakn®v ]Tn®ncp∂hcpw aptØmen°ph∂p. 1916 ¬ aptØmen k`bpsS km[mcW ]T\Krlambn {]Jym]n°s∏SpIbpw , awKem]pcw Akm[mcW ]T\Krlambn XpScpIbpw sNbvXp. AXn\m¬ awKem]pcØn\p Npcp°wt]¿ am{Xta ]Tn°m≥ t]mbncp∂p≈p. aptØmenbnse Imemhÿ siΩm»∑mcn¬ ]escbpw tcKnIfm°nbXn\m¬ 1918 ¬ ssZhimkv{X hnZym¿∞nIsf a∂m\tØ°pw, XXzimkv{Xw ]Tn°p∂hsc sNØn∏pg°pw am‰n. Aºg°mSv Ae¶mcimkv{Xw ]Tn®hcpw sNØn∏psg h∂psIm≠ncp∂p. Cßs\ sNØn∏pgbn¬ siΩm»∑mcpsS FÆw h¿≤n®ph∂p. 1921 apX¬ am∂m\Øp ssZhimkv{Xw ]Tn®psIm≠ncp∂hscbpw sNØn∏pgbnte°p am‰n. 1934 apX¬ sNØn∏pg skan\mcn ssZhimkv{X hnZym¿∞nIƒ°pam{Xap≈ ]T\Krlam°n \n›bn®Xn\m¬ XXzimkv{Xw ]Tn°p∂hsc ho≠pw aptØmen°pw, Ae¶mcimkv{Xw ]Tn°p∂hsc ]pXpXmbn Bcw`n® Iq\Ωmhv ]T\KrlØnte°pw am‰n. F√m ¢m pIfpw sNØn∏pg \S∂ncp∂ Imeßfn¬ hnZym¿∞nIfpsS FÆw Adp]Xv Ign™ncp∂Xmbn tI´n´p≠v. aptØmenbn¬ \S∂ncp∂ XXzimkv{X ¢m pIƒ 1944˛HmsS \ndpØpIbpw. hnZym¿∞nIsf sNØn∏pgbntebv°v am‰pIbpw sNbvXp.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 53 I¿sΩektμiw [¿Ωmcmw skan\mcn Bcw`n°p∂Xphsc ssZhimkv{Xhpw XXzimkv{Xhpw ]Tn∏n®ncp∂Xv sNØn∏pgbmWv. siΩm»∑mcpsS FÆw IqSnbt∏mƒ Ae¶mcimkv{Xhpw XXzimkv{Xhpw Iq\Ωmhn¬ ]Tn∏n®n´p≠v.

]q\ skan\mcn kntemWn¬ Bcw`n®ncp∂ skan\mcnbn¬ \ΩpsS sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIsf ]cnioen∏n®m¬ k`bv°p IqSpX¬ {]tbmP\ap≠mIpsa∂pw Hcp ImeØv Cßs\ ]Tn®phcp∂hscs°m≠v \Ωp°v kz¥ambn \√ \nehmcØn¬ Hcp ]T\ Krlw \SØm≥ km[n°psa∂pw A[nImcnIƒ B{Kln®ncp∂p. cq]Xm sshZnI¿°mbn Im≠nbn¬ Bcw`n®ncp∂ skan\mcnsb°mƒ \√Xv Cutimk`°m¿°mbn am{Xw ]q\bn¬ Bcw`n°p∂ skan\mcnbn¬ \ΩpsS hnZym¿∞nIsf Ab°p∂Xmbm¬ AXn\p th≠ A\phmZ߃ icnbm°nØcmsa∂p 1943 ¬ Cutimk`m P\dmƒ \ΩpsS k`bnse P\dmf®s\ Adnbn®p. Cßs\ e`n® A\phmZa\pkcn®v 1943 ¬ \ΩpsS 5 sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIsf ]q\ Unt\m_nen skan\mcnbn¬ ]Tn°p∂Xn\mbn Ab®p. c≠mw temIbp≤w ImcWw, Cu skan\mcn Ipsd\mƒ AhnsS \SØm≥ km[n®n√. AXn\m¬ \ΩpsS siΩ»∑msc Im≠n skan\mcnbntebv°b®p. 1945˛¬ ]q\bn¬ skan\mcn°mbn hmßnb ÿew skan\mcnbn¬ \n∂v Aev]w AIse Bbncp∂p. CXv a\ nem°nb Cutimk`°m¿ skan\mcntbmSp tN¿∂p≈ 5 F°¿ ÿew 1948 ¬ \ap°v XcnIbpw ]Icw \Ωƒ hmßnb 5 F°¿ ÿew Ah¿ hmßpIbpw sNbvXp. Cu ssIam‰w aqew Cutimk`°m¿°v ]e AkuIcyßfpw D≠mbn. 1949 ¬ \Ωƒ ]pXpXmbn XpSßnb sI´nSw ]Wn 1951 ¬ ]q¿ØnbmhpIbpw. \ΩpsS siΩm»∑m¿ AhnsS Xmakn®v

54 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Cutimk`°mcpsS skan\mcnbn¬ ]T\w \SØpIbpw sNbvXncp∂p. 1952 ¬ ]cn. knwlmk\w CXv k`bpsS HutZyKnI ]T\Krlambn AwKoIcn®p. \ΩpsS sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIƒ C∂pw AhnsS Xma n®v ]Tn°p∂p. tbmKm¿∞n`h\w hnip≤amb PohnXkmlNcyßfn¬ hf¿Øs∏Sp∂ Ip´nIƒ°p X߃°p e`n°p∂ ssZh hnfn kzoIcn°p∂Xn\pw, AXn¬ \ne\n¬°p∂Xn\pw IqSpX¬ km[yXbps≠∂p a\ nem°nb \ΩpsS ]nXm°≥am¿ sNdp∏Ønse Ip´nIsf kzoIcn®v \√ kmlNcyØn¬ hf¿Øp∂Xn\v Xocpam\n®p. k`mwK߃ FÆØnepw ]pWyØnepw h¿≤n°p∂Xn\mbn anUn¬ kvIqfn¬ ]Tn°p∂hsc tbmKm¿∞n `h\ap≠m°n hf¿Øp∂Xn\v 1894 ¬ Iq\Ωmhn¬ Hcp tbmKm¿∞n`h\w ÿm]n®p. Ch¿ ASpØp≈ sk‚ v ^nteman\mkv kvIqfnemWv hnZym`ymkw sNbvXncp∂Xv. 1898 ¬ Cu hnZymebw FdWmIpftØ°v am‰nbt∏mƒ \ΩpsS Ip´nIsf am∂m\tØ°v am‰n. A∂v am∂m\Øv sslkvIqfn√mXncp∂Xn\m¬ Xma nbmsX Ip´nIsf sNØn∏pg B{iaØnte°pam‰pIbpw Ah¿ Nß\mt»cn sslkvIqfn¬ ]Tn°pIbpw sNbvXp. A∂phsc AhcpsS ta¬hkv{Xw \oe A¶¿°(DSp∏v)bpw \oe CSs°´pambncp∂p. sNØn∏psgh∂t∏mƒ \oe tfml am‰n ap≠pw tIm´pambn AhcpsS thjw. 1902 ¬ am∂m\Øv sslkvIqƒ Bcw`n®t∏mƒ Ip´nIsf am∂m\sØ°v am‰n. 1906- ˛t\mSv ASpØ ImeØv tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS thjw shfpØ tfmhbpw \oes°´pw Bbncp∂p. k` t{]hn≥kpIfmbn Xncn™Xn\ptijamWv tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS thjw ap≠pw j¿´pambXv. ap≥Imeßfn¬ sslkvIqƒ ]T\Øn\p tijw tbmKm¿∞nIsf \h k\ymk `h\Øntebv°p Ab®ncp∂p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 55 I¿sΩektμiw Ct∏mƒ ]vfkvSp Ign™mWv \hk\ymk `h\Øntebv°p Ab°p∂Xv. \ΩpsS k`bpsS Bcw`Øn¬ sshZnIsc am{Xta {hXm\pjvTm\Øn\mbn kzoIcn®ncp∂p≈p. k`bbn¬ AwKßfmIm≥ hcp∂h¿ Hcp h¿jw \hk\ymkw \SØnbtijamWv {hXmhmKvZm\w sNbvXncp∂Xv. Ch¿ hmKvZm\ ]{XØn¬ ]d™ncp∂Xv ""A\pkcWw, {_“Ncyw, Zmcn{Zyw F∂nh {hXw sNøp∂p F∂mWv. CXv \nXy{hXambncp∂p. AXn\m¬ {hXhmKvZm\ ]{XnIbn¬ Hcp h¿jtØ°v'' F∂ kab ]cn[n tN¿Øncp∂n√. Hcp ]s£ A\nXy{hXw Bcw`n®Xv 1860 ¬ \ΩpsS k` H∂mw k`bpsS k`bmbn AwKoIcn°s∏´Xv apXembncn°mw. 1885 ¬ \ap°v \¬Is∏´ \ymb {]amWØn¬ A\nXy{hXßsf∏‰n∏dbp∂p≠v. k`m hkv{Xw kzoIcn® \hk\ymkn Hcp h¿jw Ignbptºmƒ Hcp h¿jtØ°p {hX߃ A\pjvTn®ncp∂p. Cu Hcp h¿jtØbv°p≈ hmKvZm\w \nXy{hXw hsc h¿jw tXmdpw \hnIcn®ncp∂p. A©mw ]´w (k_v Uo°≥) kzoIcn®hsc am{Xsa \nXy{hXw kzoIcn°m≥ A\phZn®ncp∂p≈p. BZy{hXw sNøp∂Xn\v 16 hb v ]q¿Ønbmbncn°Ww F∂ \n_‘\bpw D≠mbncp∂p. hmg°pfw I¿Ωebn¬ taP¿skan\mcn.

19˛mw \q‰m≠n¬ hmg°pfw B{iatØmS\p_‘n®v Hcp taP¿skan\mcn D≠mbncp∂p F∂p ]d™m¬ Bcp hnizkn°pw? ]s£ AXv kXyamWv. 1859 ¬ hmg°pfØv B{iaw XpSßn A[nI\mƒ Ignbp∂Xn\v ap≥]v Hcp skan\mcnbpsS Bhiyw B{iahmknIƒ°v t_m≤yambn. ]´Øn\v Ip´nIsf e`n°Wsa¶n¬ skan\mcn XpSßp∂Xv Bhiysa∂v ImWn®v hmg°pfØv Xmakn®ncp∂ setb anj\dn A∏kvtXmen° _. Im\m´®t\mSv BtemNn®v

56 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw sa{Xmt∏meoØbv°v At]£ Ab®p. I¿Ωebn¬ skan\mcn XpSßp∂Xn\v Iev]n®psIm≠p≈ Iev]\ 1866 ¬ Xs∂ e`n®p. 1866 sk]v‰w_¿ 27˛mw XnbXn \m´pImcmb Ip´nIsf Cßs\ XpSßnb skan\mcnbn¬ {]thin∏n®p. ChnsSbp≠mbncp∂ Hcp ]gb sI´nSØnemWv Ch¿ Xmakn®ncp∂Xv. {ItaW Ip´nIfpsS FÆw h¿≤n®phcnIbm¬ 1867 ¬ Xs∂ skan\mcn sI´nSw ]Wn Bcw`n®p. I¿Ωe tZhmebw ]Wnbp∂ AhkcØn¬ Xs∂ 33 ao‰¿ \ofØnepw 7 ao‰¿ hoXnbpap≈ Hcp Ccp\ne sI´nSamWv A∂v ]WnXpSßnbXv. CXpIqSmsX 5 ao‰¿ \ofØnepw 5 ao‰¿ hoXnbnep≈ Hcp It∏fbpw skan\mcnbn¬ D≠mbncp∂p. Ct∏mƒ B{iaw ÿnXn sNøp∂ ÿeØmbncp∂p Cu skan\mcn. 1867 s^{_phcn 9˛mw XnbXn hnkoØbv°mbn sa{Xmt∏meoØ h∂ AhkcØnemWv skan\mcn°p inem ÿm]\w \SØnbXv. cma]pcw, ]mem, `cWßm\w, AcphnØpd, ]p∂Ød, FdWmIpfw, Xr∏qWnØpd, ssh°w apXemb Zqc ÿeßfn¬ \n∂pt]mepw skan\mcnbn¬ tN¿∂p ]Tn°p∂Xn\mbn Ip´nIƒ h∂ncp∂Xmbn hmg°pfw B{ia \fmKaØn¬ tcJs∏SpØnbn´p≠v. FdWmIpfw cq]Xbnse {]Ya sa{Xm≥ am¿ eqbnkv ]tg]dºn¬, At±lØns‚ ]n≥Kman am¿ AKÃn≥ I≠Øn¬ apXembhcpw Cu skan\mcnbn¬ D≠mbncp∂p. A°meßfnse {]K¤cmb ]e sshZnIcpsSbpw t]cpIƒ \fmKaØn¬ ImWmhp∂XmWv. ChnsS ]Tn®v ]´ta‰hcpsSbpw siΩm»∑mcpsSbpw t]cpIƒ \fmKaØn¬ tN¿Øn´p≠v. 1872 Unkw_¿ 21˛mw XnbXn 3 Uo°≥Ωm¿°pw 1873 ¬ 6 t]¿°pw (F√mhcpsSbpw t]cpIƒ \fmKaØn¬ D≠v) ChnsS h®v Ip¿∫m\ ]´w sImSpØn´p≠v. 1877 s^{_phcn 8˛mw XnbXn B{iatZhmebw IpZmi sNøp∂Xn\mbn A`nhμysa{Xmt∏meoØ h∂ AhkcØn¬ 29 t]¿°v sNdnb ]´w apX¬ Ip¿∫m\]´w hsc sImSp°pIbp≠mbn. {][m\ambpw cq]Xm sshZnIcmWv ChnsS Xmakn®v ]´ta‰ncp∂Xv. 1877 \v tijw Ct∏mƒ ImWp∂

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 57 I¿sΩektμiw tZhmebØn¬ h®mWv Xncp∏´w \evInbncp∂Xv. 1890 ¬ ]pØ≥ ]≈nbnep≠mbncp∂ skan\mcn tI{μskan\mcnbm°nbtXmsS Nß\mt»cn hnImcn A∏kvtXmen° eho™p sa{Xms‚ I¬]\{]Imcw ChnsSbp≠mbncp∂ skan\mcn \ndpØem°n. CXn\p tijw ioivabn¬ Dƒs∏´ncp∂ sshZnItcbpw siΩ»∑mscbpw GI kXyk`sb°pdn®v ChnsS ]Tn∏n®ncp∂p. skan\mcn\ndpØnbt∏mƒ k`bn¬ tNcm≥ B{Klhp≈hsc aptØmenbn¬ Ab®v ]Tn∏n®p. _m°nbp≈h¿ ]pØ≥]≈n skan\mcnbn¬ ]T\w XpS¿∂p. 1903 ¬ Cu skan\mcn sI´nSw A·n°ncbmbn.

58 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Renovated St Kuriakose EliasChavara Research Centre and Archives at St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam Fr. Jose Chennattuserry CMI

It was a felt need of the congregation to renovate the Archives and protect the books and documents from being lost due to apathy and negligence. The rich collection of the archives at Mannanam can be traced back from the first account book of our congregation dated from 1829 AD. The renovation work of the Archives got started from the last week of November 2015 and got completed by the February 2016. One of the important steps in this process was the development of the infrastructure so as to suit the needs of preservation process. It involved, partition of the hall into archives proper, work area (with fumigation chamber) and reference section. The flooring and the ceiling were completely redone. The wooden shelves were replaced with around twenty steel shelves. In order to control the humidity inside the archives, it was necessary to set up Air conditioning. The complete re-wiring was taken up with all new electrical fittings and fire alarm system. The digitization process necessitated the setting of new scanners for the same purpose. The reference area with computer systems will be available to the visitors so as to make use of the digital versions of all the scanned copies of the manuscripts.


1. We had taken up the conservation work with the guidance of Fr Ignatius Payyappally of Ernakulam-Angamaly

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 59 I¿sΩektμiw

Archdiocese. The trained students from Hill Palace at Tripunithara, Cochin was very useful for the conservation work and it lasted for about ten months. Cleaning of all documents, records and books (manuscripts and printed)was done with soft brush to remove both dust and insects which was the primary step of conservation. Once the records were cleaned and they were kept in the fumigation chamber for two weeks by using a chemical named Paradichlorobenzene for killing the silver fish.

1. Lamination with Japanese Tissue paper Single sheet documents, letters, damaged manuscripts and printed books were laminated using imported Japanese tissue paper. This particular lamination sheet gives better visibility of the written and printed matter. 2. Binding Single sheet documents, letters and damaged manuscripts laminated with Japanese tissue are to be fixed on acid-free (neutralized) handmade paper for binding. Records both laminated or non-laminated were then wrapped in the acid- free handmade paper either as bundles or as files. 3. Cataloging Re-cataloging and rearranging of the records and documents as well as manuscripts and library books were needed. Cataloging could be done either subject wise or title wise. Segregation in chronological order was also taken up. I. Digitization The existence of any Archive becomes meaningful when it is maximum useful. In the present situation, digitization is one of the best methods of making the archival material available to the users. Digitization was taken up by scanning of the important documents and manuscripts belonging to the period

60 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

up to 1945 AD. All Syriac documents and manuscripts were already digitized and digital copy is available in the Archives. All digitized materials are made available for reference. II. Preservation Archivists and conservators recommend wrapping the records and documents that are fumigated and cleaned with acid-free (neutralised) hand-made papers. Such wrapping can protect the fragile and old records by providing additional security. It can protect the records from dust and dirt, too. According to present western archival concepts, all records other than bound volumes should be placed in some form of secondary enclosure that give protection from dust, dirt and insects and make transportation safe. It can also help even out fluctuations in temperature and humidity causing damage to records and climate for the growth of insects. Therefore, records in the category of letters and paper documents were wrapped in acid-free papers.


Arrangements of Documents, Manuscripts and Printed Books are kept in open steel racks. - Documents and Manuscripts are segregated language wise (Syriac, English, Latin, Malayalam etc.) - Early printed versions or books are segregated language wise (Syriac, Latin, Malayalam, English, Tamil etc.) - Early printed Magazines are also to be segregated language wise - Palm leaves which are already treated with chemicals are kept in boxes made of acid free paper.

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The present Archives got its resourceful materials and rich collections from the early books and documents of the Monastery. The earliest of the collection from the Monastery is going back to 1829, the main account book of the Monastery. The assortment of collections incorporates Manuscripts, Printed Books and Palm leaves. Most of the manuscripts are in Syriac and Malayalam dialects. There are likewise many documents in English, Latin, Tamil and different languages as well. The accumulation is an awesome wellspring of data for any researcher about the life in Kerala in the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years. Extraordinary mention may be made of the first copies of all the books printed in St Joseph’s press, Mannanam, which was founded by St in 1846. These are affirmations of the considerable endeavours made by the CMI Priests, of their service, and its impact on the print media. The collection of palm leaves explains the antiquity of the collection also. Among the special collections, we have Catechism of Dr. Joseph Kariattil,First account book of St. Joseph Monastery Mannanam 1829 to 1930, Chronicles composed by St Kuriakose Elias Chavara in 1846. These are affirmations of the considerable endeavours made by the CMI Priests, of their service, and its impact on the print media. The collection of palm leaves explains the antiquity of the collection also. Among the special collections, we have Catechism of Dr. Joseph Kariattil,First account book of St. Joseph Monastery Mannanam 1829 to 1930, Chronicles composed by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara 1831 to 1870, Chronicles written by Fr Varkey Parpurathu, Raza of the Syro-Malabar rite prepared by Bishop Roz S.J, Diaries of Fr Bernard Alencheril, Canons of , Fr. Placid

62 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw collection, Kallantharium (Liturgical Calendar made by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara), manuscript notes by Manikkanathar for Bible translation, Syriac–Karsuni dictionary of John Perarios S.J.,Biography of CMI Founding Fathers, Palakkal Thoma Malppan and Fr. Thomas Porukkara and, moreover, CMI Congregations’ historical documents written by St Kuriakose Elias Chavara and Fr. Thomas Porukkara. First printed copies of Aatmanuthapam(1871) and Njanapeeusham, Anasthashyaudae reakthasashyam composed by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara and his letters, Biblia Poliglotta, the first Syro-Malabar Missal printed in 1774 in Rome and used by Fr Thomas Porukara and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara are some of the vital records and documents.


St Kuriakose Elias Chavara Archives and Research Center holds the copyright for its contents and due affirmation must be given if the materials are utilized by the scientists, researchers and historians. In acknowledgment of the need to separate between the different sorts of records held in the Archives and in order to maintain discretion and security, all material in the Archive is arranged by one of the following access conditions: 1. Access A. Open: Generally these materials are Published ones, and might be seen and utilized without confinement or restriction. B. Restricted: These materials may only be accessed by the maker, or successor, or higher authorities of the Institute. C. Privileged access: Access to records which are closed/ restricted, whether by virtue of being not exactly 150 years old, or in accordance with an extended closure instrument, might be

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 63 I¿sΩektμiw allowed on a privileged basis according to the discretion of the higher authorities. D. Closed: These materials may only be accessed by the Prior General/Provincial/or one who is deputed by them. 2.Information about individuals: Access might be denied to the individual records of people. Sensitive segment of a specific record/document may not be released. 3. Copies: The users are not allowed to take copies of the report by themselves. In any case, digital copies of the records will be given from the Archives as indicated by the nature of the report and circumspection of the higher authorities of the Archives for which the user needs to pay a fixed amount. 4. Appointments and Visits A. Appointments must be made with the consent of the Director (Prior, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam) in an application for all Research or Reference in the Archives with prior approval. B. Guests and Researchers are requested to attach a letter of recommendation from their University/Institution. C. Foreign researchers are asked to bring a permission letter from the discretionary delegates of their nation in India and also a copy of their passport and visa. D. Visitors and Researchers are expected to present a valid Identity card with photo identification (other than CMI members). Contribute to the Collection and Take up conservation work

We would like to invite the members of the Congregation to use our Archives at Mannanam as a centre of primary and secondary sources for doing Research on St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, other founding fathers, our congregation, Syro-Malabar Church, etc.

64 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

kwLmXmt\zjI≥ ^mZ¿ tPm¨hnbm\n Cu h¿jw Spƒkm cq]Xbnse sshZnI¿°pth≠nbp≈ inincIme ¢mkpIƒ ckIcambncp∂p. RßfpsS {]tZinI ( C.M.I Regional) \hoIcW skan\mdn\pan≥]mbncp∂p ¢mkpIƒ. Rm≥ tPmensNøp∂ tlmkv]n‰ense sshZnIcpsS ÿeam‰w, Ah[n°mew XpSßnb Np‰p]mSpIƒ \nanØw \ΩpsS skan\mdn¬ kw_‘n°m≥ F\n°pXcs∏SmsX t]mbn. ]£, B skan\mdns‚ ssNX\ysØ°pdn®v hfsc {InbmflvIambn Nn¥n°m\pXInb H∂mbncp∂p Rm≥ ]s¶SpØ ¢mkpIƒ.

eq°m kphntijI≥ Nn{XoIcn®Xpt]mse, (9:57˛62) Dt±i ip≤ntbmsS Kpcphns\ A\p[mh\w sNøm\p≈ ]cn{iaw AYhm injyXzw Bbncp∂p ¢mkns‚ hnjbw. ImeØns‚ Imevs]cpam‰w F√mbnSØpw tIƒ°s∏Sp∂p F∂Xn\p≈ sXfnhmbncn°mw, ¢mkpIƒ \bn®Xp Hcp s]¨aWnbmbncp∂p. Xocph ]ncn°p∂ tPmenbmbncp∂ tehntbmSv \{kmb\mb Cutim ]d™p, ""Fs‚ IqsS hcq'' (a¿t°m.2:14). a¿t°mkv kphntijIs‚ ssienbn¬ ]d™m¬ CSw hew t\m°msX, Hcp Np¶°mc≥ CdßnØncn®p. Ft¥m Hcp ss[cyw tehn°p {]tNmZ\ambp≠mbncp∂p. Aßs\ Hcpss[cyØn¬ (trust)Ipdapfs°m≠v, BthiIcamb Hcp Pn⁄mkbn¬ Cucne hncn™p, Xpd∂ a\t msS(Openness) Xm≥ tI´ B⁄mkzcØns‚ \m\m¿∞߃ tXSpI (Seeking) hgn XfncneIƒ hf¿∂v, klhmkØns‚ (Intentional disciple ship) NqSnepw shfn®Ønepw ]pjvSns∏´p, \ne\nev°p∂ ^eapfhm°phm≥ ]mIØn¬(tbml.15:5) Kpcp F∂ XmbvØ≠nt\mSv imJ F∂ t]mse H∂mbnØocp∂ Hcp

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 65 I¿sΩektμiw Ne\tam hf¿®tbm Bbn injyXzw N{XoIcn°s∏´p. IWzm{iaØnse iIp¥fbpsS imeo\`mhw hm°pIfn¬ {]Xn^en®ncps∂¶nepw, Kpcpÿ\obbmb N©eangn hmNmebmbncp∂p. ¢m pIƒ°v HcpImhy {]XoXnbpap≠mbncp∂p.

injyXzØn\p≈ {]mcw` {]tNmZ\w In´p∂h¿ XpSßn, Fs‚ icocw `£n°Ww F∂ XncpsamgntI´t∏mƒ, CXev]w IS∂ ]SnbmsW∂p ]d™v (tbml.6:60) h∂Xpt]mse aSßnbh¿hscbp≈h¿°p Hcp sagpXncn sh´amIm\p≈ hcamWp sshZnI¿. B t{]jnXXzw hnPbIcambn XpScm≥ klmbIcamIWsa∂ IcpXtemsSbmbncp∂p ¢m ns‚ {IaoIcWw. ¢m pIƒ°nSbn¬, hfsc {]tbmKnIhpw, sshZnI k\ymkPohnXsØ Gsd hn\btØmsS t\m°n°mWm≥ t{]cIhpamb Hcp Nn¥bpw AhXcn∏n°s∏´p. a‰p≈hsc injys∏SpØm≥th≠n Xncp\mY≥ ]Wnbp∂ AØmWnIfmb (aØm.28:19) sshZnI¿Xs∂ PohnXØn¬ ]It®m hgnap´ntbm \nev°p∂ Imcyhpw ¢m n¬ kwkmchnjbambn. hnfhns‚ \mYt\mSv {]¿∞n°m≥ Hm¿Ωs∏SpØnb Kpcphnt\mSp≈ hy‡n_‘w am{XamWm {]Xnk‘n°p≈ GI {]Xnhn[n F∂pw, AXv F∂pw ZrVXcambncn°m≥ {i≤n°Wsa∂pw HcΩbpsS lrZb`mhtØmsS FSpØp ]dbm≥ RßfpsS A≤ym]nI {i≤n®p. ¢m pIfpsS `mKambn Hcp XncpaWn°q¿ \SØm\p≈ \n¿t±iw Ah¿Xs∂ apt∂m´p h®Xpw Gsd {it≤bambncp∂p.

B\pImenI {]k‡nbp≈ as‰mcp Nn¥m]YØntebv°v hnc¬ Nq≠nbXpw ¢m ns‚ \∑bmbncp∂p. IhnIƒ ]mSpw t]mse,

66 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw IcpXphXnlsNøhø sNøm≥ hcpXne`n®Xn¬ \n∂nSm hnNmcw ]calnXadn™pIqS Bbpkv ˛ ÿncXbpan√Xn\oNao\cXzw.

\Ωsfms° \∑ sNøm\mWp kZm B{Kln°p∂sX¶nepw, Xn∑ sNøp∂Xv ]Xnhmbn t]mIp∂p. \nba ]me\hpw k\ymkm\pkcWhpw IWniam°Wsa∂p hnNmcn®m¬ Ahbn¬ Xs∂ DZvKaw h∂psIm≠mWncn°p∂Xv. Im¿Un\¬ \yqam≥ Nn¥n®ncp∂Xpt]mse BibßfpsS DZvKaw (Evolu- tion of doctrine) kw`hn®psIm≠mWncn°p∂Xv. \ΩpsS \hoIcWb⁄ßfnembmepw kwKXnbnXpXs∂.

h¿jw tXmdpw \Ωƒ kwLSn∏n°p∂ \hoIcW skan\mdpIfpsSbpw a‰pw Dt±iyhpw e£yhpw ChnsSbt√ \Ωƒ Is≠ØpI ItØmen°mk`mXeØnepw tIcfk`mXeØnepw \ΩpsS kaqlØnepw CXmWp ]cam¿∞w. ssZhnI {]ImiØn¬ FgpXpItbm kwkmcn°pItbm sNøp∂ hy‡nIƒ hgn ]pØ≥ Nn¥Ifpw A[nImcnIfpsS \n¿t±i߃°p ]pØ≥ hymJym\ßfpw D≠mbns°m≠mWncn°p∂Xv. a‰phn[Øn¬ ]d™m¬, ssZhXncpa\kv F∂ ]ZØns‚ AXncpIfn√mØ A¿∞Xe߃ tXSp∂ At\zjIcmWp \Ωsf√mhcpw. {hX]me\Ønepw kaqlPohnXØnepw IpSpw_w F∂ sIm®p Ifcnbnepw CXmWt√m hkvXpX. PohnXsØbpw kvt\ltØbpw Ipdn®p≈ ssZhlnXØns‚ ]pXnb A¿∞Xe߃ tXSn (aØm.13:52) \Ωƒ sNøp∂ kwLmXmt\zjWamWv skan\mdpIƒ, \Ωƒ At\zjIcpw.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 67 I¿sΩektμiw

A\pkvarXn ˛ 39 tIcfØnse ZnhyImcpWy`‡nbpw Nmhd]nXmhpw ^m. tXmakv ]¥πm°¬ kn.Fw.sF.

ZnhyImcpWyØn\v ]ckymcm[\ \SØpI, ZnhyImcpWy {]Zn£Ww \SØpI XpSßnb `‡n {]IS\߃ ]uckvXy k`m ]cºcyØn¬ s]mXpsh C√mbncp∂p. tIcf k`bnepw 19˛mw \q‰m≠p hsc Cu BibØn¬ hnXymkan√mbncp∂p F∂mWv Ncn{XØn¬ \n∂v a\ nem°m≥ Ignbp∂Xv. ZnhyImcpWy`‡n tIcf k`bn¬ hf¿∂p hcphm≥ ImcWambXv hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhneqsSbmbncp∂p F∂v ^m. tXmakv ]¥πm°¬ Ncn{X]cambn shfns∏SpØphm≥ {ian°pIbmWv Cu teJ\ØnepsS. FUn‰¿

Cutim, s]klmNcWØns‚ `mKambn A¥y AØmgthfbn¬ A∏saSpØv hmgvØn hn`Pn®v \evIns°m≠v AcpƒsNbvXp " CsXs‚ icocamIp∂p ' F∂v. A{]Imcw kw`hn®p. AhnSpsØ D∞m\Øn\ptijw Xs‚ _mlykm∂n≤rw Ahkm\n∏n°p∂Xn\v ap≥]v \ap°pd∏p \¬In "Rm≥ temImhkm\w hsc \nßtfmSv IqSn D≠mbncn°pw' F∂v. C{]Imcw \tΩmSpIqSn Bbncn°m≥, \Ω°v `£WamIm≥, \Ω°v Poh\mIm≥, \Ωnte°v hcm≥, \Ωnembncn°m≥ AhnSp∂v A∏ambnØo¿∂p. CXmWv ZnhyImcpWyw ssZhØns‚ IcpW \nXyPohs‚ A∏ambn \Ω°p ImWm\pw `£n°m\pw Poh≥{]m]n°m\papff ssZhkm∂n≤rambn Xo¿∂ncn°p∂p. tIcfk`bn¬ ZnhyImcpWy`‡n Fßs\ hf¿∂p h∂p F∂v Ncn{X]cambn a\ nem°p∂Xv \∂mbncn°pw.

68 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

I¿Ømhns‚ A∏kvtXme\mb tXmΩm«olmbneqsS ÿm]n°s∏´ tIcf k`bpsS PohnXw ]uckvXy k`IfpsS ]mcºcyhpambn \memw \q‰m≠p apXse¶nepw _‘s∏´mWv InS°p∂Xv. AXpsIm≠v k`bpsS 19˛mw \q‰m≠phscbp≈ Ncn{XØn¬ hnip≤Ip¿_m\°v _enb¿∏WsØ tI{μoIcn®p≈ {]m[m\ysa Iev]nXambncp∂p≈q. Znhyk{Imcnbn¬ kq£n®ncn°p∂ ZnhyImcpWyØn\v ]ckymcm[\ \¬IpI, ZnhyImcpWy {]Z£nWw \SØpI F∂nßs\bpff `‡n {]IS\߃ \S∏nep≠mbncp∂Xmbn ImWp∂n√.

ioivaIƒ aqehpw, A[nImcam’cy߃ aqehpw, kz¥ doØn¬s]´ sa{Xms‚ kvt\l]cnemf\w C√mXncp∂XpsIm≠pw tIcfk`mX\b¿ H∂ns\m∂n\v Bflobambn Po¿Æn®psIm≠ncn°bmbncp∂p. Cu Po¿Æmhÿbn¬ \n∂pw a\pjylrZbßsf ssZhØnte°v ASn∏n°phm\pff Ffp∏hgn hnip≤Ip¿_m\tbmSpff `‡n a\pjrlrZbßfn¬ h¿≤n∏n°pIbmWv th≠sX∂v hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhv BtKmfk`bn¬ \n∂v Xncn®dn™p. hnip≤Ip¿_m\tbmSpff `‡nbn¬ ebn®v, k{ImcnbpsS apºnembn cm{Xnbpw ]Iepw At\IaWnIqdpIƒ Nnehgn®ncp∂ Nmhd]nXmhn‚ t\XrXzØn¬]≤XnIƒ BhnjvIcn°s∏´p.

hnip≤Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp∂mfpw {]Z£nWhpw

1840 se hnip≤ In¿_m\bpsS Xncp∂mƒ Zn\w apXemWv a∂m\Øv Nn´tbmSp°pSnb k\ymk kaqlPohnXw Bcw`n®Xv. ]Wn ]q¿Ønbmbns°m≠ncp∂ tZhmebhpw kPohambn. busk∏nXmhns‚bpw amXmhns‚bpw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 69 I¿sΩektμiw Xncp\mfpIƒ kmtLmjw \SØnØpSßn. CXn¬ ]¶ptNcm≥ ]≈n∏pdw skan\mcnbnse siΩm»≥amcpw FØpambncp∂p. h¿jwtXmdpw sIm¥amXmhns‚ Xncp\mfn¬ sa{Xms‚ A\phmZtØmsS tZhmebØn\v ]pdtØm´v ]cnip≤Ip¿_m\bpsS {]Z£nWw \SØnbncp∂p F∂v am∂m\Øp kp£n®ncn°p∂ Nmhd]nXmhv hmßnb A\phmZtcJIfn¬ ImWp∂p. hnip≤Ip¿_m\bpsS {]Z£nWw \SØnbn´pffXmbn as‰mcpNcn{XtcJIfnepw I≠n´n√mØXpsIm≠v am∂m\Øp \n∂mbncn°Ww CXns‚ Bhn¿`mhw F∂\pam\nt°≠nbncn°p∂p. hnip≤Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp\mƒ BNcWhpw AImeØv ]Xnhn√mbncp∂p F∂Xns‚ kqN\bmWv 1843˛¬ ap´pNnd ]≈nbn¬ hn.Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp\mƒ \SØm≥ t]mb Nmhdb®s‚ IqsS AXpImWphm\pw AXn¬ ]s¶Sp°phm\pambn, ]pXnbXmbn am∂m\w B{iaØn¬ tN¿∂ Im™nc∏≈n°mc≥ Nmt°m®≥ F∂ sshZnI\pw t]mbn F∂v am∂m\w \mfmKaØn¬ FgpXnh®cn°p∂Xv.

1864-˛ apX¬ F√m B{iaßfnepw hn.Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp\mfnt\S\p_‘n®v 8 Znhkw ]ckymcm[\bpw Xncp\mƒ Znhkw Ip¿_m\bpsS {]Z£nWhpw \SØWsa∂v \n¿t±in®ncp∂Xmbn Nmhd]nXmhns‚ \mfmKaØn¬ ImWp∂p≠v. {ItaW ]cn. Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp\mƒ \SØp∂Xv tIcf k`bn¬ ]Xnhmbn.

40 aWn Bcm[\bpw tIcfk`bpw

]n∂oSv anj\dnamcn¬ \nt∂m a‰p ]pkvXIßfn¬ \nt∂m In´nb Adnhmbncn°mw bqtdm∏n¬ \S∏nepff 40 aWn Bcm[\sb°pdn®v 1537˛ emWv C‰enbnse anem≥ ]´WØn¬ Hcp I∏q®≥ sshZnI≥ BZrambn 40 aWn Bcm[\ Bcw`n®Xv.

70 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw 1551 ˛¬ BWv tdman¬ Bcw`n®Xv. 1592˛ ¬ F´mw ¢a≥kv∏m∏ " Graces Diuturnac' F∂mcw`n°p∂ \nbahen CXntemS\p_‘n®p \S∏nem°n. Ct∏mƒ A\pkcn®phcp∂ {Iaw 1736-˛¬ 12˛mw¢a≥kv ]m∏bmWv \S∏nem°nbXv. temIØn¬ ]e`mKßfte°pw hym]n® Cu `‡n 1857˛emWv sI∂cnIv F∂ sshZnI≥ hgn Atacn°≥ sFIy\mSpIfn¬ hym]n®Xv.

tIcfk`bnem°s´ hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhneqsSbmWv 40 aWn Bcm[\ Bcw`n®Xv. BZyw 1866˛ ¬ Iq\Ωmhv B{iaØnepw ]n∂oSv hmg°pfw, a∂m\w, G¬ØpcØv XpSßnb B{iaßfnepw Bcw`n®p. XpS¿∂v tIcfØnse ]e {][m\ CShI ]≈nIfnte°pw Cu `‡n hym]Iambn. ¢a‚ v ]m∏mbm¬ hncPnXamb \nbakwlnXbn¬\n∂v Nmhd]nXmhv ]I¿Øn D≠m°nb {Ia{]ImcamWv CXv tIcfØn¬ Bcw`n®Xv.

40 aWn Bcm[\ XpS°w apXse A\pXm]Øns‚bpw X] ns‚bpw Hcp Bcm[\{Iaw Bbn´mWv Bcw`n®Xv. Xncpk` AXn\v ]cym]vXamb \nbaßfmWv \¬Inbncn°p∂Xpw. "XncpI_dnS°mh¬ ' F∂ Hcp apd a≤y iXIßfn¬ hnizmknIfpsS CSbn¬ \S∏n≠mbncp∂p. I¿Ømhns‚ acWØns‚bpw D∞m\Øns‚bpw CSbnepff 40 aWn°qdpIsfbmWnXv A\pkvacn∏n°p∂Xv. I¿Ømhn‚ Xncphmflmhv acWtijw 40 aWn°q¿ icocØn¬ \n∂p th¿]ncn™ncp∂Xn\v k¥m]kqNIambn `‡P\߃ XncpI_dnS°mh¬ \SØnh∂ncp∂p. CXmWv ]n∂oSv 40 aWn Bcm[\bmbn ]cnWan®Xv F∂mWv Ncn{XImc≥∑m¿ {]kvXmhn°p∂Xv. ho≠pw `£W ]m\ob߃ Dt]£n®v 40 \mƒ I¿Ømhv D]hmka\njvSn®Xns\ A\pkvacn®v, A\pXm]Ømepw Xm]hrØnIfmepw ip≤oIcn°s∏Sp∂Xn\p th≠nbmWv 40 aWn Bcm[\ Bcw`n®Xv. F∂ A`n{]mbhpw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 71 I¿sΩektμiw D≠v. bqtdm∏n¬ 40 aWn Bcm[\ \SØp∂ ]Xnhp≠mbncp∂p ChIfn¬ \ns∂√mw a\ nemIp∂Xv 40 aWn Bcm[\bpsS {][tamt±irw a\pjylrZbßfn¬ Xt]mhrØnbpsSbpw A\pXm]Øns‚bpw{]IcW߃ hcpØn kz¥ ]m]߃°pw temIsam´p°papff ]m]߃°pw ]cnlmcw sNøpI F∂Xmbncp∂p. F¥mbmepw Nmhd]nXmhv \S∏nem°nb 40 aWn Bcm[\bpsS Dt±irw C{]Imcambncp∂p F∂v am∂m\sØ \mfmKaßfn¬ \n∂pw hy‡amWv.

F√mh¿jhpw henb t\mbºn¬ \SØp∂ 40 aWn Bcm[\°v am∂m\w {]tZiØpff kIe ss{IkvXhI IpSpw_ßfpw klIcn®ncp∂p. aq∂p Znhkw \o≠p \n¬°p∂ Bcm[\bn¬ ]s¶Sp°phm≥ AIeßfn¬ \ns∂Øp∂ kIe a\pjyscbpw a∂m\Øn\p Np‰p]mSpff hoSpIfn¬ kz¥w t]mse kzoIcn®v Xmak kuIcyhpw `£Whpw \¬Inbncp∂p. ]ecpw `£W km[\ßfpambmWv h∂ncp∂Xv. AXv hoSpIfn¬ thhn® `£n°pambncp∂p. hcp∂hsc√mw Ipºkmcn® hnip≤Ip¿_m\ kzoIcn°pI F∂Xv \mev]XpaWn Bcm[\bnse hfsc {][m\amb {]h¿Øn Bbncp∂p. At\Imbnc߃ ]s¶Sp°p∂ Cu Bcm[\ P\ßfpsShnip≤oIcWØn\pw hensbmcp]m[n Bbncp∂p. Nmhd]nXmhv e£yam°nbXv ^eamIpIbpw sNbvXp. Cu Bcm[\ `‡n]q¿Δw \SØnbncp∂ ÿeßfn¬ tIcfØnepw ]pdØpw `uXoI \mißfpw imcocnI t¢ißfpw Ipd™v IqSpX¬ im¥X A\p`hs∏´ncp∂Xmbn Ncn{X km£y߃ [mcmfw D≠v.

13 aWn Bcm[\ 40 aWn Bcm[\bn¬ \n∂mcw`n®XmWv 13 aWn Bcm[\. 40 aWn°q¿ XS apff kmlNcrßfnepw

72 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw ÿeßfnepw XpS¿®bmbn Ipd®p aWn°qsd¶nepw Bcm[\ \SØWw F∂Xmbncp∂p Imt\m≥ \nbaw 1275-˛ {]Imcw k` \n¿t±in®ncp∂Xv.

tIcfØnepw B{ia߃ IqSmsX hfsc°pd®v CShI∏≈nIfn¬ am{Xsa aq∂p Znhkw \o≠p \n¬°p∂ 40 aWn Bcm[\ \SØphm≥ kuIcrap≠mbncp∂pffp. AXpsIm≠mWv Hcp Znhkw ]I¬ am{Xw DƒsIm≈p∂ 13˛ aWn Bcm[\ {]NmcWØn¬ hcphm≥ ImcWw. 13 aWn°q¿ km[n®ns√¶nepw ]ØpaW°qsd¶nepw XpS¿®bmbn Bcm[\ \SØpIbpw A∂v F√mhcpw Ipºkmcn®v hnip≤Ip¿_m\ kzoIcn°Ww F∂Xpambncp∂p s]mXp XXzw. hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ Imew apX¬ Cu `‡m`ymkhpw tIcfk`bn¬ Bflob DW¿Δp \¬Im≥ \nanØambn.

XncpaWn°q¿ tIcfk`bn¬ hf¿∂ph∂ as‰mcp `‡n{IaamWv " XncpaWn°q¿ Bcm[\'. BgvNbnsemcn°¬ tZhmebØnsemcpan®pIqSn \SØp∂ HcpaWn°p¿ Bcm[\t]mse \ΩpsS IpSpw_ßfn¬ cm{Xnbn¬ \SØp∂ " XncpaWn°q¿' F∂ t]cnepff {]m¿∞\bpw D≠mbncp∂p. tZhmebßfn¬ km[mcWbmbn hymgmgvNIfnembncp∂p Cu Bcm[\ \SØnbncp∂Xv. s]klmhymgmgvN A¥r AØmgthfbn¬ ]cnip≤Ip¿_m\ ÿm]n®Xns\bpw KZvtkan\nbn¬ {]m¿∞n®Xns\bpw {]tXyIambn A\pkvacn°p∂p. hymgmgvNIfn¬ \SØnbncp∂ Cu Bcm[\ C∂v ]e]ffnIfnepw BZyshffnbmgvN Bcm[\bmbn am‰nbn´p≠v.

tIcfk`bpsS H∂c \q‰m≠n\nSbnepff Ncn{XsØ ]cntim[n°ptºmƒ, ]cnip≤Ip¿_m\°p≈ ]ckyhW°

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 73 I¿sΩektμiw `‡n Fßs\ IS∂ph∂p F∂Xv k`mkaqlØns‚ Bflob hf¿®°v F{]Imcw D]Imc{]Zambn F∂pw Ncn{Xw sXfnhpIƒ Xcp∂p. ]uckvXy k`IfpsS ]mcºcyØn¬s]SmØ Hcp `‡m`ymkamWv ]cn.Ip¿_m\°v \¬Ip∂ ]ckrmcm[\ F∂ kn≤m¥Øn\v AanX {]m[m\rw Iev]n®t∏mƒ, hn.Ip¿_m\bneqsS " Rm≥ temImhkm\w hsc \nßtfmSp IqSn D≠mbncn°pw' F∂ {InkvXp km∂n≤rsØ AwKoIcn®v AhnSptØ°v Bcm[\ A¿∏n°m≥ Ipsdt]¿s°¶nepw km[n°msX t]mbn. Ah¿°v Nmhd ]nXmhv hntZinbpw, kpdnbm\n Bcm[\{IaØns‚ ssNX\rw \jvSs∏SpØnbh\pw eØo≥ doØns‚ {]NmcI\pambn amdn. ZnhyImcqWymcm[\bneqsSbpw A\pNn¥\ØneqsSbpw am\km¥cØns‚ ^e߃ Dfhm°phm≥ \nc¥cw Blzm\w sNbvXv sIm≠ncnIp∂ ]cn. am¿∏m∏amsc sNhns°m≈m≥ IgnbmsX h∂m¬ AsXmcp sX‰mb hf¿®bmIpw F∂p Nn¥n°p∂hcmWv A[nIhpap≈Xv.

ZnhyImcpWyw DdhnSam°nb k\rmk k`Iƒ

tdmanse ]nbm msht\kymbnepff \nXymcm[\ It∏fbn¬ At\IaWn°qdpIƒ Nnehgn®v i‡nbm¿÷n®bmfmWv tXmakv Ipcrmft»cn ]nXmhv. At±lw Nß\mt»cn cp]XbpsS sa{Xm\mbncp∂t∏mgmWv 1908˛¬ I\ykv{XoIfpsS Bcm[\mk` tIcfØn¬ Bcw`n®Xv. Aßs\ I¿Ømhns\ ]cnip≤ Ip¿_m\bn¬ \nc¥cw Bcm[n°phm≥ Hcp kaqlw tIcfØnep≠mbn . ^m. amXyq Be°fØns‚bpw ^m. tPmk^v ]tdSØns‚bpw t\XrXzØn¬ ]cn. Ip¿_m\bn¬ tI{μoIrXambn 1933 ˛¬ tIcfØn¬ Bcw`n® anj\dn k\rmkk`bmWv Fw.kn._n.F v. ]cn.Ip¿_m\bn¬

74 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw A[njvSnXamb Bcm[\mkaqlamWv {InkvXob k`sb∂pw Bcm[\PohnXXneqsS t\XrXzsaSpØpsIm≠p a\pjysc im¥nbnepw kam[m\Ønepw \bn°m≥ Ffp∏amIq F∂ Xncn®dnhns‚ `mKamWv CØcw Bcm[\kaql߃ tIcfØn¬ hf¿∂p hcp∂Xns‚ ImcWw.

Icnkvam‰nIv {]ÿm\hpw ZnhyImcpWymcm[\bpw

tIcfk`bn¬ ASpØImeßfn¬, 1975 \p tijamWv Icnkvam‰nIv {]ÿm\w hf¿∂p h∂Xv. CXnt\msS AflmbcpsSbnSbn¬ {]m¿∞\PnhnXØn\p {]m[m\ytadn, [ym\tI{μßfpw, ss__nƒ I¨sh≥j\pIfpw tIcfØn¬ F√mbnSØpw kPohambn. ]cºcmKX {]m¿∞\Iƒ IqSmsX kzbwt{]cnX {]m¿∞\Ifpw D]tbmKn°phm≥ P\߃ ]Tn®p. {]m¿∞\{Kq∏pIƒ [mcmfap≠mbn. Cu {Kq∏pIƒ Ft∏mgpw {]m¿∞\ \bn°p∂Xv Znhyk{ImcnbpsS ap≥]nembn. ]cnip≤Ip¿_m\°pff ]ckymcm[\bpw ]XnhmbnXo¿∂p. A∏Øns‚ cq]Øn¬ Fgp∂≈n hcp∂ CutimtbmSp kwkmcn°pI IqSpX¬ B\μIcambn.


ItØen°mk`bnse hnip≤cpsS CSbn¬ A[nIamfpIfpw hnip≤ Ip¿_m\bpsS `‡cmbncp∂p. Znhy k{ImcnbpsS ap≥]nembncn°pI, AXn\mbn kabw Is≠ØpI F∂Xv Ah¿°v G‰hpw lrZyamb A\p`hambncp∂p. hnip≤ Ip¿_m\sb tI{μoIcn®v temIØn¬ \S∂nSp≈ A¤pX߃°v IW°n√. eq¿±nse ]cnip≤ AΩbpsS t{Kmt´mbn¬ \S°p∂ tcmKim¥nIfn¬ A[nIhpw ]cn.Ip¿_m\bpsS ]cky{]Z£nW kabØmWv. \ΩpsS

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 75 I¿sΩektμiw \m´n¬ ]cnip≤ Ip¿_m\bnep≈ `‡nbn¬, ]ckymcm[\bn¬ kaq]sØ hf¿Øphm≥ H∂maXmbn t\XrXzsaSpØv amXrI\¬Inb hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhv ZnhyImcpWy `‡nbn¬ hfmcm\pw, \ΩpsS km∂n≤yw a‰p≈h¿°v ssZhImcpWyam°n Xo¿°m\pw klmbn°s´!

76 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw {KŸ]cnNbw RmbdmgvNIfnse hN\ {]tLmjWw ˛ amt\Pvsa‚ v ImgvN∏mSn¬ SntPm amXyp hN\ {]tLmjWw, amt\Pvsa‚ v ImgvN∏mSn¬ F∂p tIƒ°ptºmƒ tNcmbvI tXm∂p∂p≠t√?. ss__nfpw amt\Pvsa‚pw Fß\m tN¿Øphbv°pI?. BtemN\bn¬ IS∂¬°qSnfIn hcp∂Xpt]msemcp AcpXmbvI. F∂m¬, \n߃ Pn¬kW®s‚ ‘RmbdmgvNIfnse hN\ {]tLmjWw amt\Pvsa‚ v ImgvN∏mSn¬’F∂ ]pkvXIØnte°p hcnI. Cu AcpXmbvIIsf, tNcmbvIIsf A{]k‡am°p∂ amPn°¬ dnbenkw A\p`hn°mw. CsXmcp hgnbmWv. hN\shfn®Ønte°p≈ efnXhgn. ^m. Pn¬k¨ tPm¨ s\SpacpXpwNmen¬ FgpXnb RmbdmgvNIfnse hN\ {]tLmjWw, amt\Pvsa‚ v ImgvN∏mSn¬ F∂ ]pkvXIw, aebmfØn¬ Ct∂hsc Bcpw \S°m≥ an\s°SmØ ]pXp`q{]tZiØneqsS ssZhN\Ønte°v Hcp \S∏mX Xo¿°pIbmWv. Kl\hpw k¶o¿Whpamb hN\s∏mcpfns\ \ho\amb BtemN\sb Iq´p]nSn®p efnXambn ]d™p Xcm\p≈ sNdpX√msØmcp {iaw. CXmWp Pn¬kW®s‚ ]pØ≥ ]pkvXIØns‚ Dt±iyhpw B{Klhpw. ]pkvXIw \n¿hln°p∂Xpw AXpXs∂. amt\Pvsa‚ v Fs∂ms° tIƒ°ptºmƒ ]≈n°pw hnizmkØn\pw tN¿∂XmtWmsb∂v sNdp A¶em∏v Cu ]pkvXIhgnbnte°p Xncnbm≥ Hcpßp∂hcn¬ kzm`mhnIw. F∂m¬ CXv ]t≠°p ]≠v {InkvXpXs∂ ]d™Xpw ]Tn∏n®Xpamb imkv{XamsW∂p Pn¬k¨ A®≥ ]dbptºmƒ Cu hgn ]ØSn \S∂phcm≥ tXm∂pw. \S∂p XpSßnbmtem, hN\Øns‚ BgØnte°p ]pkvXIw \sΩ Iq´ns°m≠pt]mIpIbpw sNøpw. ss__nfn¬ a\pjy\p≈ ssZhØns‚ BZyktμiwXs∂ amt\Pvsa‚pambn

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 77 I¿sΩektμiw _‘s∏´XmsW∂p ]pkvXIw ]dbp∂p. k¥m\ ]p„nbp≈hcmbn s]cpIphn≥. `qanbn¬ \nd™v AXns\ IogS°phn≥. `qanbnse F√m PohPmeßfpsSbpw ta¬ \n߃°v B[n]Xyw D≠mbncn°s´. (Dev]Øn 1: 28). amt\P¿amcpsS aq∂p ISaIfmWv Cu hN\ØneqsS A\mhcWw sNøp∂Xv.

(1) ]≤XnIfpsS \SØn∏n\pw ]q¿ØoIcWØn\pambn hn`h߃ h¿[n∏n°Ww (multiply the resources). (2) `qansb A[o\s∏SpØn {Iat°SpIƒ Ipdbv°Ww (Minimize the disorder). (3) F√m PohPmeßfpsSbpw ta¬ B[n]Xyw t\Sns°m≠p `qanbn¬ Nn´bpw {Iahpw \ne\n¿ØWw (Maintain order). hn`hßfpsS h¿[\, {Iat°SpIfpsS eLqIcWw, Nn´bpw {Iahpw \ne\n¿Ø¬ F∂nh amt\Pvsa‚ns‚ {][m\ ISaIfmWv. Cu aq∂p amt\Pvsa‚ v XØzßfpw {]mtbmKnIXeØn¬ sIm≠phcm≥ hN\w Bhiys∏Sp∂p. CXphsc \mw, Cu hN\samcp amt\Pvsa‚ v XØzambn Xncn®dn™ncp∂n√, Pn¬kW®≥ ]d™pXcpwhsc. CØcØn¬ ss__nfns\ amt\Pvsa‚ v coXn imkv{XØn¬ hmbn°m≥ ]pkvXIw {ian°p∂p. \ho\amsbmcp BtemN\mhgnbmWp ]pkvXIw apt∂m´phbv°p∂Xv. aØmbn, a¿t°mkv, eq°, tbml∂m≥ F∂o kphntij ßfneqsSbmWp ]pkvXIw IS∂pt]mIp∂Xv. Hmtcm A[ymbßfpw amt\Pvsa‚ v XØzßfp]tbmKn®v hymJym\n°p∂p. efnXamb ssienbnepw D]io¿jIßfnepamWp Nn¥Iƒ AhXcn∏n®ncn°p∂Xv. CXnse {]mcw`hnNn¥\w Zm¿i\nI kuμcy apƒs°m≈p∂Xmbn kotdm ae_m¿ k` taP¿ B¿®v_nj]v I¿Zn\mƒ am¿ tPm¿Pv Bet©cn ]pkvXIsØ {]iwkn°p∂p. kphntij`mKßsf amt\Pvsa‚ v

78 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw ho£WØn¬ hnebncpØm≥ Ignbptamsb∂ ktμlØn\p≈ DØcamWv Cu ]pkvXIw. \ΩpsS Nn¥Isfbpw Z¿i\ßsfbpw t_m[yßsfbpw IqSpX¬ DZmØam°m\pw Imcy£aam°m\pw B[p\nIImeØns‚ sh√phnfnIsf Gs‰Sp°m≥ th≠ IcpØp \¬Im\pw Cu {KŸw klmbIcamsW∂p I¿Zn\mƒ am¿ Bet©cn XpS¿∂p ]dbp∂p. RmbdmgvN {]kwKtØmsSm∏w ssZZhhN\sØ BgØn¬ a\knem°m≥ B{Kln°p∂ GsXmcmƒ°pw Hcp apX¬°q´mWv Cu ]pkvXIw. IpSpw_°q´mbvaIfnepw {]m¿Y\mktΩf\ßfnepw [ym\mhkcßfnepw ss__nƒ Z¿i\߃ \ho\ Dƒ°mgvNtbmsS ]¶phbv°phm≥ Cu {KŸw Gsd klmbIamIpw. sk‚ v t]mƒkmWp {]km[I¿ (sk‚ v t]mƒkv, t{_mUvth FdWmIpfw˛682031). t]Pv: 696. hne 400 cq]

^m. Pn¬k¨ tPm¨ s\SpacpXpwNmen¬ kn. Fw. sF. aqea‰w sk‚ v tPmk^vkv tImfPv {]n≥kn∏emWv. tXhc tImfPn¬ 16 h¿jw kmºØnIimkv{Xm[ym]I\mbncp∂p. 1990¬ sshZnI\mb ^m. Pn¬k¨ Cu h¿jw ]utcmlnXy cPXPq_nen BtLmjn°p∂p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 79 I¿sΩektμiw

Nmhdb®s‚ PohnXIYbpambv BImitam£ßƒ km£n ....

Nmhdb®s‚ PohnXIYsb kaImenI PohnXtØmSv CgtN¿°pIbmWv BImitam£ßƒ km£n F∂ \mSIw. tIcf k`bpsS Ncn{XØnse ip{I\£{Xambnjcp∂ Nmhdb®≥ I¿ΩwsIm-≠vv hnip≤ PohnXsØ ]p¬Inb alZv hyIvXnXzamWv. A\mNmcßfpsSbpw A‘hnizmkßfpsSbpw XShdbn¬ sXm´pIqSmØhcpw Xo≠q°qSmØhcpambn Ign™pIqSnbncp∂ P\Xbv°v hntamN\Øns‚ {]Imiambn Nmhdb®s‚ PohnXw. hnZybv°pam{Xta am\hhwisØ hntamNn∏n°m≥ Ignbq F∂v Xncn®dn™ Nmhdb®≥ tIcf aÆn¬ Hcp s]mXphnZym`ymk[mcbpsS sNcmXv sImfpØn. AXn¬ \n∂mWv C∂v ImWp∂ s]mXpkaqlw cq]w sIm- SpØXv. tIcfØns‚ F°metØbpw \thmXvYm\ bPvRßfpsS BZy {]Xy£ambncp∂ Nmhdb®s‚ PohnX ktμisØ ]pXpXeapdbn¬ FØn°pI F∂ e£yØnemWv BImitam£ßƒ km£n F∂ \mSIw ]ndhn sIm-≠Xv. AXym[p\nI kt¶X߃ D]tbmKn®v aƒ´naoUnbbpsS klmbtØmsS BhnjvIcn°s∏Sp∂ Cu \mSIw km[m-cW \mSI cwK]ivNmØeßfn¬ \n∂v `n∂ambn LED WALL s‚ ]ivNmØeØnemWv AhXcn∏n°s∏Sp∂Xv. ]pXnb ImesØ Hcp IpSpw_Øn¬ \S°m\nSbpff Hcp km¶¬∏nI IYsb Nmhdb®s‚ PohnX Ncn{Xhpambn hnf°ntN¿ØmWv \mSIw BJym\w \n¿Δln°p∂Xv. ss{IkvXh hnizmknIfpw amXrIm ZºXnIfpamb sFkIv kmapth¬ ˛ tdmkn Zº-Xn-I-fpsS aI- \mb tdmWn F∂ bphmhv ]pXnb Ime-Øns‚ {`a-ß-fn¬s∏´v, el-cn°v ASn-a-s∏´v hgn-hn´ Pohn-X-Øn-tebv°v t]mIp∂Xpw Ahs‚ XI¿®-bn¬ Bip-]-{Xn-°n-S-°-bn¬ Nmh-db®s‚ kvt\l am≤yÿw Ahs\ tXSn-sb-Øp-∂Xpw Nmh-d-b-—s‚

80 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw PohnX Ncn-{X-tØm-sSm∏w \mSIw hnZKv≤ambn Ncn-{X-tØmSv \oXn ]pe¿Øn Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Ime-sØbpw kmaq- lnI Ncn{X aplq¿Ø-ß-sfbpw \mSIw ssIb-S-°-tØmsS Ah- X-cn-∏n-°p-∂p.

\mSI {]h¿Ø-I\pw Xr-°m-°c `mc-X-amXm tImtfPv ae- bmf hn`mKw A≤ym-]-I\pw Bb tUm. tXmakv ]\-°fw cN\ \n¿Δ-ln-®n-cn-°p∂ \mS-I-Øns‚ cwK- `mjyw \n¿Δ-ln-®n-cn- °p-∂Xv At±-lhpw \mS-I-{]-h¿Ø-I\mb _nPp sk_m-Ãy\pw tN¿∂m-Wv. Ip´-\mSv X\na \mS-I-thZn Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p∂ \mS- I-Øns‚ No^v tImUnt\-‰dpw kl-kw-hn-[m-b-I-\p-ambn {]h¿- Øn-°p∂Xv \nc-h[n tZhm-e-b-ß-fpsS Unssk≥ cq]-s∏-Sp-Ønb {]apJ B¿In-sSIv‰v ssj≥ tPmk^v ambn-∏-d-∏-≈n-bm-Wv. Ne-®n{X Km\-c-N-bn-Xmhv _nbm¿ {]km- Zv, ^m. skUv. Fw. apgq¿ kn. Fw. sF, ^m. tdm_n IÆ-©nd kn. Fw. sF, ^nen-t∏mkv XØw-]≈n XpS-ßn-b-h¿ Km\-c- N\ \n¿Δ-ln-®n-cn-°p-∂p. \mSI kn\n-am-cw-KsØ \nc-h[n {]ap- J¿ Cu \mS-IØns‚ AWn-bd {]h¿Ø-I-cm-Ip-∂p. 2 aWn- °q¿ ssZ¿Ly-ap≈ Cu \mSIw CXn-t\m-SIw hnhn[ thZn-Iƒ ]n∂n´v P\-{i≤ t\Sn-°-gn-™p. h¿Ø-am-\-Im-esØ am[y-a- s∏-cp-°-Øn¬ bphX kmaq-lnI am[y-a-ß-fpsS ASn-a-Ifpw {Ib- tijn \jvS-s∏-´-h-cpambnamdp-∂p-sh∂ bmYm¿∞y-Øn-te- bv°mWv \mSIw hnc¬ Nq-≠p-∂-Xv. Un. sP. kwKo-Xhpw ab-°p-a-cp∂pw hgn-sX-‰nb _‘- ß-fp-sa√mw C∂ns‚ t\¿Im-gvN-I-fm-Wv. ChnsS ss{IkvX-hn-I- amb aqey-t_m[w bphm°-fn¬ Dcphw sImt≈-Xns‚ {]m[m\yw \mSIw FSpØp Im´p-∂p. GXp [qk-c-k-¶-ev]-ß-fn¬ ]nd-∂mepw hf¿∂mepw Pohn- ®mepw ss{IkvX PohnX ktμiw ssItamiw h∂p-IqSm F∂ alXv ktμi-amWv Cu \mSIw ]¶ph-bv°p-∂-Xv. Zp¿Zn-\߃ BK-an-°pw ap≥]v krjvSm-hn-tebv°v Xncn-bm≥ bph-Xsb \mSIw Xo¿®-bmbpw {]tNm-Zn-∏n-°pw. kzPo-hnXw Xs∂ km£y-ta-Ip∂

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 81 I¿sΩektμiw A\p`--ham°n am‰m≥ Blzm\w sNøp∂ Cu \mSIw Htc-k- abw Iem-aq-eyhpw ktμihpw hn\n-abw sNøp-∂p. ------hn.Nmhdb®s‚ ]pWyssNX\yw CXnhrØam°nbncn°p∂ Cu \mSI Iemcq]w F√mhcpsSbpw t{]m’ml\hpw AwKoImchpw A¿ln°p∂p, {]tXyIn®v \ΩpsS k`mwKßfpsS.


82 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

A`napJw : _. amXyp R≈Øphbene®≥

Nmhd ]nXmhns\ hmgvØs∏´h\m°p∂Xn\v cq]oIcn® cq]X tImSXnbnse t\m´dnbmbncp∂ Nß\mt»cn AXncq]Xbnse dh.^m. amXyp R≈Øphben¬, B.A, B.Ed. A\p`hw ]¶nSp∂p. A`napJw : ^m. sPbnwkv aTØn°≠w, kn.Fw.sF, UbdIvS¿, sk‚ v Nmhd sk≥{S¬ sk{I´dntb‰v, Nmhd ln¬kv. tNmZyw : amXyp A®s‚ amXm]nXm°sf°pdn®pw a‰pw hnhcn°mtam ? DØcw : A∏s‚ t]cv tPmk^v, AΩ adnbmΩ. 10 a°fmbncp∂p R߃. 9-˛asØ aI\mWv Rm≥. Im™nc∏≈n sk‚ v tUma\nIv s^mtdm\∏≈nbpsS ASpØmWv hoSv. amtΩmZnkmap°nbXv B ]≈nbnemWv. tNmZyw : P\\ XnbXn F∂mWv ? DØcw : 1928 BKÃv 12 tNmZyw : Ct∏mƒ F{X hb mbn? DØcw : 88 tNmZyw : amXyp A®\v \√ Hm¿Ωbp≠s√m? DØcw : Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ A\p{KlØmemWv Fs‚ Hm¿Ω \ne\n¬°p∂Xv. ktlmZcßfpsS Hm¿Ωsb√mw \jv´s∏´v Ipsd Ign™mWv acn°p∂Xv.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 83 I¿sΩektμiw tNmZyw : hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns\°pdn®v hmbn®n´pt≠m? DØcw : Bflm\pXm]w F∂ IhnX Fs‚ AΩ ]mSn Fs∂ ]Tn∏n®ncp∂p. Rm\Xv a\x]mTam°n ]mSpambncp∂p. ]e ]pkvXI߃ hmbn®n´p≠v. sNdp∏w apXte F\n°v ]pWyhmt\mSv henb `‡nbmbncp∂p. tNmZyw : Nmhd]nXmhv F∂p ]dbm≥ ImcWsa¥mWv? DØcw : hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns\ sa{Xm\m°m≥ {ian®t∏mƒ AXv kzoIcn®n√. AXpsIm≠v Hcp sa{Xms\t∏msebmbncp∂p P\߃ Nmhd]nXmhns\ IcpXnbncp∂Xv. tNmZyw : ssZhZmk\mbXn\p tijw \SØnb cq]Xm tImSXnsb°pdn®v H∂v ]dbmtam? DØcw : hnizmknIfmWv BZyw `‡n {]Ncn∏n°p∂Xv. Ah¿°v ssZhw sImSp°p∂ Hcp Bflob a\ p≠.v CXn\v thmIvkv t]m]vfn sb∂mWv ]dbp∂Xv. AXmbXv P\߃ ]nXmhns\°pdn®v ]d™pw {]m¿∞n®pw I_dnSØn¬ h∂pw s]mXpsh Hcdnhv D≠mbncp∂p. Pohn®ncp∂t∏mƒ Xs∂ Hcp hnip≤\msW∂v ]ecpw ]dbpIbpw tcJs∏SpØpIbpw sNbvXn´p≠v, kn.Fw.sF k` \maIcWØn\v Xmev]cyw FSpØp. am¿ amXyp ImhpIm´v ]nXmhv Nß\mt»cn sa{Xm\mbncn°ptºmƒ s]mXpP\ßfpsS B{Klw IqSn ]cnKWn®v Aca\bn¬ \maIcWt°mSXn Bcw`n®p. tNmZyw : Fs¥√mw ImcyßfmWv CXn\v {]tXyIw sNøm\p≈Xv?

84 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw DØcw : lntÃmdn°¬ IΩoj≥ dnt∏m¿´pw XntbmfPn°¬ IΩoj≥ dnt∏m¿´pw cq]Xmt°mSXnbn¬ AhXcn∏n®v AwKoIcn®v Ign™m¬ I_dnSw Xpd∂v ]cnti[n®v dnt∏m¿´v D≠m°Ww . CXv cq]Xm tImSXnbn¬ AhXcn∏n®v, km£n hnkvXmcw sNbvX dnt∏m¿´pw, hnPb {]ZamsW¶n¬ cq]Xbn¬ \n∂v HutZyKnIambn tdmanse tk{IUv tIm¨{KntKj≥ t^m¿ Zn tImkv Hm^v skbn‚kn¬ ka¿∏n°Ww. tNmZyw : Nmhd]nXmhv hgnbp≈ A\p{Klßsf°pdn®v Fs¥¶nepw H∂v ]dbmsam? DØcw : 1940 Ifn¬ Fs‚ ktlmZcnam¿ Nß\mt»cn t_m¿Unßn¬ Xma n®mWv ]Tn®ncp∂Xv. A∂v Nmhd]nXmhv hgn [mcmfw A\p{Kl߃ e`n®ncp∂ hnhc߃ Ft∂mSv Ah¿ ]dbpambncp∂p. tNmZyw : kvIqƒ Ip´nIƒ Nmhd]nXmhnt\mSv ]co£hnPbØn\mbn {]m¿∞n°pambncpt∂m? DØcw : Nß\mt»cn aTØn¬ h®v hnip≤ A¬t^m≥kmΩbv°v hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhv tcmKim¥n \¬Inb hnhcw s]´∂v F√mbnSØpw ]c∂p. hnizknIƒ {]m¿∞n°m≥ XpSßn. Ip´nIƒ Iq´ambn am∂m\Øp t]mbn I_dnSØn¬ Nmhd]nXmhnt\mSv {]m¿∞n°pambncp∂p. 1945˛¬ S.S.L.c °v Rm≥ tXm‰p t]mbncp∂p. \√am¿t°mSp IqSn ]mkmhm≥ Nmhd ]nXmhnt\mSv {]m¿∞n®v c≠maXv FgpXn. \√ am¿t°msS Rm≥ ]mkmbn. ]co£bn¬ hnPbn°m≥ Nmhd ]nXmhnt\mSv {]m¿∞n®m¬ aXnsb∂v A∂v R߃ ]dbpambncp∂p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 85 I¿sΩektμiw tNmZyw : skan\mcnbn¬ tN¿∂ Imcyw ]dbmtam? DØcw : Cu am¿°pambn am∂m\Øv sN∂v _. Zokvamkv, kn.Fw.sF. A®s\ I≠p. A®≥ Ft∂mSv ]d™p. Ip´nbpsS am¿°v \∂mbncn°p∂p. AhnsS Fs∂ kzoIcn®p. ]s£, kpJan√msX h∂Xp sIm≠v AhnsS \n∂v Xncn®p t]m∂p. tNmZyw : ]∂oSv Fßs\ sshZnI\mbn ? DØcw : Rm≥ ImhpIm´v ]nXmhns\ t]mbn I≠p. ]nXmhp ]d™p, Nß\mt»cnbn¬ A®∑m¿ IpdhmWs√m. AXpsIm≠v Fkv._n. tImtfPn¬ _n.F ]Tn®v cq]Xbv°pth≠n tN¿t∂m F∂v. Aßs\ ]Tn®v ]m mbn. Nß\mt»cn ssa\¿ skan\mcnbnepw, awKe∏pg skan\mcnbnepw ]Tn®v 1961 am¿®v 12mw XnbXn am¿ amXyp ImhpIm´v ]nXmhn¬ \n∂pw ]´w kzoIcn®p. tNmZyw : tkh\cwKßsf°pdn®v H∂v ]dbmtam? DØcw : Hcp sIm√w AXncºpg ]≈nbn¬ AknÂmbpw, B¿∏q°c sNdp]pjv]w ]≈nbnepw tkh\w sNbvXp. 1965˛¬ am∂m\Øv sk‚ v tPmk^v _n.FUv tImtfPn¬ \n∂pw _n.FUv _ncpZw FSpØp. Nß\mt»cn Fkv.F®v C‚¿\mjvW¬ C≥Ãn‰yq´ns‚ t_m¿UnwKv sdIvS¿ Bbn. CXv km[mcW kvIqfmbn \SØn Ip´nIsf Hcp°n hSt°C≥Uy≥ anj\ntebv°v Ab®ncp∂p. 40 sIm√w kvIqfn¬ ]Tn∏n®p. CXn¬ 20 sIm√w kvIqƒ amt\P¿ Bbncp∂p. tNmZyw : hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns\°pdn®p≈ Hm¿ΩIƒ hnhcn°mtam? DØcw : Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ IpSpw_Ønse Hc®s‚ apJOmb h®v hc® ]Sw t\ctØ

86 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw D≠mbncp∂p. Ipsd°mew Ign™v ASpØ Xeapdbnse NmhdIpSpw_Ønse Hc®s‚ t^mt´m FSpØv BZyw hc® ]Shpw h®v _. {_Z¿ s{_m°m¿±v kn.Fw.sF hc®XmWv Ct∏mƒ D≈ ]Sw. tNmZyw : ASnÿm\]cambn Hcmƒ hnip≤\msW∂v {]Jym]n°m≥ F¥mWv sXfnbnt°≠Xv? DØcw : hotcmNnXamb ]pWyw ssZhZmk≥ A\pjvTn®ncp∂psh∂pw, A\pIcWm¿lambn PohnXw \bn®v P\sØ tkhn®ncp∂p sh∂pw AwKoIcn°pIbpw {]Jym]n°pIbpw thWw. tNmZyw : CXv Ffp∏amb \S]Sn {Iaßf√m As√? DØcw : ssZhimkv{X]cambpw Ncn{X]cambpw imkv{Xobambpw BgØn¬ ]T\w \SØWw. tNmZyw : hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns\°pdn®v ]Tn°ptºmƒ {]t{XIw Hm¿Øncnt°≠sX¥mWv? DØcw : HØncn°mcy߃ D≠v. P\n® ÿew, AhnSpsØ BfpIƒ, B°mesØ kmaqly coXnIƒ, At±lØns‚ skan\mcn PohnXw, A\p`hnt°≠n h∂ t¢i߃, sshZnI\mbXn\ptijap≈ {]h¿Ø\߃, Bflob {]h¿Ø\߃, kz¥w PohnXw, kaqlØn\p th≠n sNbvX Imcy߃ F∂nßs\sb√mw. tNmZyw : kaqlØn\p th≠n sNbvXp P\ßsf hf¿Ønb Imcy߃ ]dbmtam? DØcw : hnZym`ymkw ItØmen° k`bn¬ hnip≤≥ XpSßnbXs√? kn.Fw.sF, kn.Fw.kn k\ymk k`Iƒ XpSßnbXv At±las√? C∂v k`bnep≈ `‡m\pjvTm\ßsf√mw, Ip¿∫m\bnse hmb\Iƒ, {]kwKw, [ym\{]kwK߃, Ipcnins‚ hgn, tdm°kv

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 87 I¿sΩektμiw ioivabn¬ \n∂v tIcf k`sb c£n®Xv. Cßs\ [mcmfw Imcy߃. tNmZyw : hnip≤≥ PRm\]obpjw, Hcp \√ A∏s‚ Nmhcpƒ, A\kXmknbpsS c‡km£yw, FIvtfmKpIƒ, \fmKa߃, kmlnXyIrXnIƒ, Bflm\pXm]w IhnXIƒ, B≤ymflnI IrXnIƒ Cßs\ [mcmfw {KŸßƒ cNn®n´p≠s√m? CXn¬ GXmWv Cu 88 h¿jØn\p≈n¬ IqSpX¬ kzm[o\n®n´p≈Xv? DØcw : Hcp \√ A∏s‚ NmhcpfmWv. ImcWw C∂pw Htcm hm°pw A¿∞hØmWv, ImtemNnXamWv. CXn¬ k`bpsSbpw kaqlØns‚bpw ka{Kamb hf¿®bv°v Du∂¬ sImSpØn´p≠v. tNmZyw : A∂sØ cq]X tImSXnbpsS LS\ Hm¿°p∂pt≠m? DØcw : D≠v. am¿ amXyp ImhpIm´v ]nXmhv Bcw`n®p. PUvPv : dh.^m. \n°tfmhqkv, dh.^m. tPmk^v (Cu∏®≥) Abncq¿]dºn¬ Uns^‚¿ Hm^v s^bvØv: dh.^m. ]ufnt\mkv PocIØn¬,kn.Fw.sF. (]n∂oSv PKZ¬]q¿ sa{Xm≥) t\m´dnam¿ : dh.^m tPmk^v Fw.kn. aS°°pgn, dh.^m amXyp R≈Øphben¬, _. aS°°pgn A®\v AkpJw aqew Rm\mWv tImSXnbpsS Ahkm\w hsc t\m´dnbmbn {]h¿Øn®ncp∂Xv. hnip≤ Ipcnbmt°mkv Genbmkv ]nXmhns‚ P\ßfpsS CSbnep≈ {]ikvXnsb°pdn®p hotcmNnXamb ]pWyw A`ykn®ncp∂psh∂pw tImSXn hgn sXfnbn®p. tNmZyw : tImSXnsb°pdn®pw A®≥ sNbvX Imcyßsf°pdn®pw hnhcn°msam?

88 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw DØcw : am∂m\w hnip≤ butk∏nXmhns‚ B{iaØn¬ h®mWv tImSXn \SØnbncp∂Xv. AXmbncp∂p Ipd®pIqSn kuIcyw. km£nIfmbn 30˛e[nIw t]sc tImSXnbn¬ hnkvXcn®n´p≠v. AhcpsS adp]Snbnse√mw bmsXmcp sX‰pan√msX IrXyambn tImSXnbnencp∂,v A[nImcnIfpsS ap≥]n¬ h®v Xs∂ FgpXn H∏nSnbn°pIsb∂ `mcn® DØchmZnXzambncp∂p Fs‚Xv. sNdp]pjv]w ]≈nbpsS NpaXebp≠mbncp∂XpsIm≠v tImSXn Znhkßfn¬ AhnsS \n∂pw \S∂mWv F∂pw am∂m\Øv tImSXnbn¬ h∂ncp∂Xv. _. eq°mkv hnØph´n°e®\pw, _. sdmatbm tXmak®\pw hnip≤ A¬t^mkmΩbpsS \maIcW tImSXnbpsS `mchmlnIfmbncp∂XpsIm≠v hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ \maIcW tImSXnbpsS \S]Sn{Ia߃ \SØm≥ Ffp∏ambncp∂p. ]ns∂ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ A\p{Kl߃ F\n°v HØncn In´nbncp∂XpsIm≠pw, Rm≥ ]nXmhns‚ `‡\mbncp∂XpsIm≠pw CXn¬ {]h¿Øn°m≥ F\n°v henb Bthiambncp∂p. tNmZyw : cq]X tImSXnbpsS \SØn∏ns\°pdn®v ]dbmsam? DØcw : HutZyKnI `mchmlnIƒ ss__nfn¬ ssIh®v kXy{]Xn⁄ sNøWw. Hcp \n›nX Znhkw DØchmZnXzs∏´hcpw £Wn°s∏´hcpw tZhmebØn¬ Hcpan®v tN¿∂v {]m¿XY\ ip{iqj \SØpw. A`nhμy]nXmhv apJy Im¿ΩnI\mbncn°pw. A`nhμy]nXmhns‚ Un{In hmbn°pw. A`nhμy]nXmhv {]kwKn°pw,

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 89 I¿sΩektμiw DØchmZnXzs∏´h¿ {]Xn⁄sbSp°pw, ss__nƒ hmbn°pw, s]mXp {]m¿∞\ sN√pw. Bio¿hmZtØmsS {]m¿∞\ ip{iqj Ahkm\n°pw. eLp `£WtØmsSbmWv Ahkm\n∏n°pI. ]ns∂ kuIcyamb Znhkw XpSßn \n›nX ÿeØv tImSXn \SØpw. tNmZyw : tdmantebv°v tImSXnbpsS tcJIƒ Abt°s≠? DØcw : tImSXn Bcw`n°p∂Xn\p≈ {]m¿XY\ ip{iqj t]mse tImSXn Ahkm\n∏n°ptºmgpw {]m¿∞\ ip{iqj \SØn tcJIƒ ]mbv°v sNbvXv ko¬ sNøWw. A`nhμy]nXmhns‚ IØpw AIØph®v thWw ]mbv°v sNøm≥. t]mÃpte‰¿ Cu ]mbv°‰pIƒ tdman¬ hnip≤cpsS \maIcWØn\p≈ tIm¨{KntKj\n¬ G¬∏n°Ww. hnZKv[ Sow ]e XhWIfmbn ]Tn®v N¿® sNbvXv In´p∂ Xocpam\߃ A\pkcn®v tIm¨{KntKj≥ [\y≥ F∂p hnfn°pw. hfsc imkv{Xobamb ]T\Øn\ptijw am{XamWv tIm¨{KntKj≥ {]Jym]\w \SØp∂Xv. tNmZyw : A¤pXsØ°pdn®v F¥mWv ]dbm\p≈Xv? DØcw : ssZhZmk\mbXn\p tijw {]m¿∞\bpsS ^eambn Hcmƒ°v KuchIcambn Hcp tcmKw acpt∂m a‰v NnI’Itfm IqSmsX kpJambXmbn imkv{Xnbambn sXfnbn°s∏SWw. AXmbXv Kuchamb tcmKw tUmIvS¿ ]cntim[n®Xns‚ dnt∏m¿´pw D≠mIWw. NnI’bn√msX ssZhZmkt\mSvam{Xw {]m¿∞n®ncn°Ww. s]´∂v kuJyw D≠mIWw, ]q¿Wambpw

90 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw kpJs∏SWw, kYncamb kuJyambncn°Ww. tUmIvSdpsS ]cnti[\bpsS ssUKt\mknkv B‚ v s{]mKt\mknkv dnt∏m¿´v thWw. t^mt´mItfm, kvIm≥ dnt∏m¿t´m XpSßnb tcJIfp≈ sXfnhpIƒ thWw. CsX√mw ASßp∂ k¿´n^n°‰v tUmIvS¿ XcWw. tImSXn \S°ptºmƒ Cu tcmKØns‚ hnZKv[ NnI’I\mb Hcp tUmIvS¿ kXy{]Xn⁄ sNbvXv tImSXnbnep≠mhWw. {Ia{]Imcw ko¬ sNbvXv tdman¬ FØn°p∂ Cu tcJIƒ ]cnti[n®v tIm¨{KntKj≥ ]Tn®v, tImSXn°v Cu tcmKim¥n acp∂p IqSmsX ssZhoI CSs]S¬ hgn \SØ∂n´p≈XmsW∂v t_m[yamIptºmƒ ]e sk£\pIfneqsS Cu dnt∏m¿´v ]cntim[n®v, hnPbn°ptºmfmWv [\y≥ ]Zhn Ign™v hmgvØs∏´h≥ F∂ ]ZhnbnseØpI. {]nb amXyp A®m, Cu {]mbm[nIyØnepw C{Xbpw Imcy߃ Hm¿Ωbn¬ \n∂v ]dbWsa¶n¬ Aßv lntÃmdn°¬ tImSXn \SØp∂Xn\v hfsc IjvSs∏´n´p≠v. kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS P\dmfmb s]._. t]mƒ A®m≠n A®\pw, Rm\pw, kn.Fw.sF k`bpw, A®t\mSv ISs∏´ncn°p∂p. \μn.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 91 I¿sΩektμiw _.tPm¿Pv Xm©\®≥ a\pjylrZbßfnse ambmØ Nn{Xw

2016 Pqsse 2 sh≈nbmgv® kn.Fw.sF P\dte‰nse ]mÃd¬ an\nk{Sn B‚ v Ghms©ssetkj≥ Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v Hm^oknse Iw]yq´dn¬ Ahkm\ambn _.tPm¿Pv Xm©\®≥ At±lsØ∏‰n FgpXn Fs∂ G¬]n®Xv Hm^okv Ãm^ns\ sIm≠v ssS∏v sNøn∏n®p. CXv hmbn®v sImSpØv ssS∏v sNøn∏n°ptºmƒ Fs‚ a\ n¬ c≠v Nn¥Iƒ h∂p. H∂v sa{Xm\mbn Xncs™Sp°s∏Sp∂Xn\v _tbmtU‰ A[nImcnIƒ Bhiys∏´Xmhmw. c≠masØXv, CsXmcp Nmhcpfm At±lw FgpXnX∂ 4 t]Pp≈ Hcp sNdnb t]∏dn¬ \n∂v ssS∏nÃn\v hmbn®v sImSp°ptºmƒ B sNdp∏°mc\pw CsX¥n\m Ct∏mƒ ssS∏v sNøn°p∂sX∂v F∂ tNmZyambncp∂p D≠mbncp∂Xv. thKw ssS∏v sNbvXv In´p∂Xn\p th≠n At±lw apdnbn¬ \n∂ndßn c≠v {]mhiyw RßfpsS ASp°¬ h∂p. 12 aWn°v ap≥]v At±lØn\v sImSpØ Cu tU‰Iƒ DS\Sn FhntSbvt°m sabn¬ sNøpIbpw sNbvXp. ssZhIcpWbpsS A\p`hkm£yw ^m.tPm¿Pv Xm©≥ kn.Fw.sF k\ymk ka¿∏W PohnXØn¬ 40 h¿jhpw ]utcmlnXy ip{iqjbpsS 30 h¿jhpw ]n∂nSptºmƒ a\ n¬ Db¿∂v hcp∂ `mhw Ah¿Æ\obamb Zm\Øn\v ssZhta

92 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Atß°p kvXpXn F∂mWv. ]pdtIm´p Xncn™p t\m°ptºmƒ F√mw \nKqVambncp∂ ssZhoI ]≤XnbpsS katbmNnXamb BhnjvImcambn´mWv A\p`hs∏Sp∂Xv. Hcp k\ymk sshZoI\mbn ssZhoI ip{iqjbv°Wbm≥ ssZhw hnfn°p∂p F∂ t{]cWbmWv \m´n¬ Xs∂bp≈ kn.Fw.sF skan\mcnbn¬ tNcphm≥ CSbm°nbXv. AhnsS \n∂v e`n® {]tNmZ\ambncp∂p t{]jnX{]h¿Ø\Øn\mbn hSt° C¥ybnteb°vv t]mIphm\pff k`bpsS Blzm\w. sshZnI ]cnioe\Øns‚ Gdnb ]¶pw \n¿hln®Xv hSt° C¥ybnse anj≥ skan\mcnIfnembncp∂p. H∂pw ap≥Iq´n πm≥ sNømsX Xs∂ kab kmlNcy߃°\pkcn®v I¿Ømhv ImWn®p X∂ hgnIfmbn´mWv A\p`hs∏´Xv. `mhnsb°pdn®v D¬°≠mIpe\mImsX A[nImcnIfneqsS shfnhm°s∏´ ssZhlnXw \n¿hln®p apt∂dnbXns‚ NmcnXm¿∞yamWv C∂\p`hs∏Sp∂Xv. sshZoI\mb tijw BZy\ntbmKw _olmdnse Um¬´wK©v cq]Xbnep≈ tKm{Xh¿§°mcpsS Hcp CShIbn¬ AP]me\ ip{iqj sNøm\mbncp∂p. Bgamb hnizmkhpw efnXamb PohnX ssienbpw \njv°f¶a\kpw D≈ B hnizmkn kaqltØmsSmØp≈ PohnXw Fs‚ Xs∂ BflobmSnÿm\w Dd∏n°m≥ Gsd klmbIambn. XpS¿∂p≈ 4 h¿j°mew a≤y{]tZinse kmK¿ anj\nse hnhn[ ÿeßfn¬ tkh\a\pjvTn®p. hf¿®bpsS BZyL´ßfnembncp∂ Cu anjs‚ hnhn[ßfmb {]h¿Øßfn¬ `mK`m°mIphm≥ km[n®Xv AhnNmcnXamb Hcp ssZh\ntbmKambn´mWv ImWp∂Xv.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 93 I¿sΩektμiw kmK¿ anj\nse tkh\ImeØmWv tdman¬ t]mbn D]cn]T\w \SØm\p≈\ntbmKap≠mbXv. k`m\nbahn⁄m\ob ]T\tØmsSm∏w bqtdm∏nse hnhn[ CShIIfn¬ AP]me\ ip{iqjsNøphm\p≈ Ahkchpw e`n®p. 7 h¿jsØ bqtdm]y≥ PohnXw BtKmf ItØmen° k`sb°pdn®p≈ ]pXnb AdnhpIfpw A\p`hßfpw \evIp∂Xmbncp∂p. Xncn®p \m´nseØn ]gb anj≥ cwKtØbv°v t]mIms\mcpßptºmgmbncp∂p _mwKvfqcnse kn.Fw.sF. s]mXpskan\mcnbmb [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPn¬ sshZnI ]cnioe\ cwKtØbv°p≈ hnfn. Bdp h¿j°mew Cu ip{iqjbnembncp∂p. AXn\p tijw kmK¿ anj≥ Dƒs∏Sp∂ kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS t`m∏m¬ t{]mhn≥knse s{]mhn≥jye®\mbn aq∂v h¿jw tkh\a\pjTn®p. 2008 apX¬ kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS FdWmIpfw Im°\m´p≈ tI{μ `h\Øn¬ AP]me\ ˛ t{]jnX hIp∏pIfpsS sk{I´dnbmbn tkh\w sNøp∂p. `mcXØnse 20 kwÿm\ßfnepw ]pdsabp≈ 30 cmPyßfnepw {]h¿Ø\ \ncXbmb kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS t{]jnX {]h¿Ø\߃°v GtIm]\hpw am¿§\n¿t±ißfpw \evIpIbmWv Cu ip{iqjbpsS e£yw. hnip≤ Nmhd Ipcymt°mkv Genbmkv ]nXmhn\m¬ ÿm]n°s∏´ kn.Fw.sF. k\ymk kaqlØnse AwKambn Xncpk`mip{iqj sNøphm≥ e`n® ssZhhnfnbn¬ A`nam\hpw kt¥mjhpap≠v. ssZh]cn]me\bpsS AZriyamb Ickv]¿iambncp∂p Cu PohnX bm{Xbn¬ Xmßpw XWepambncp∂Xv. AhnSpsØ A\¥ ImcpWyØn\p ap≥]n¬ \μn \nd™ a\t msS \n¬°ptºmƒ Cu ip{iqjm ]mXbntebv°p ssI ]nSn®p \SØnb F√mhscbpw IrX⁄XtbmsS kvacn°p∂p. hfsc

94 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw {]tXyIambn sImt´°mSv sk‚ v tacokv CShI kaqlsØbpw AXns‚ Bflob]meIcmbncp∂ hnImcnb®∑mscbpw sIm®®∑mscbpw, {]tNmZ\hpw amXrIbpw \evInb as‰√mhscbpw kvt\l]q¿Δw Hm¿°pIbpw {]m¿∞n°pIbpw sNøp∂p. \ΩpsS CShIbn¬ \n∂pw C\nbpw [mcmfw Ip™pa°ƒ k\ymksshZnI PohnXm¥ neqsS k`m ip{iqjbv°mbn apt∂m´phcm≥ \√ ssZhw CSb°s´sb∂v Bflm¿∞ambn {]m¿∞n°p∂p. 1957 Pq¨ 6mw XnbXn Xr»q¿ sImt´°mSv CShIbn¬ Nmt°m adnbw ZºXnIfpsS A©masØ aI\mbn P\n®p. F.Un. 1000˛Øn¬ \n¿Ωn®XmWv ]≈n. ]pcmX\ CShIbpsS ]ucmWnIX hnfn®dnbn°p∂ Cu CShI ]. I. adnbØns‚ \maØnep≈XmWv. 3 ktlmZc∑mcpw 2 ktlmZcnamcpw D≈ Xm©≥ IpSpw_w \√ {]m¿∞\bpsSbpw, Nn´bp≈ PohnXØns‚bpw `‡nbp≈ s]cpam‰Øns‚bpw Iehdbmbncp∂p. ASnbpd® hnizmkØnepw Ip´n°meØns‚ \njvIf¶Xbnepw, kl]mTnIƒ°v kap∂Xamb amXrI e`n°p∂Xnepw tPm¿Pv A®≥ H∂mw ÿm\Ømbncp∂psh∂v C∂v Pohn®ncn°p∂ IpSpw_mwK߃°v kt¥mjtØmsS ]dbm\mIp∂p≠v. Cu im¥Xbpw k¬kz`mhhpw hnthIhpw hnip≤nbpw hn⁄m\hpw tPm¿P®s\ 1973¬ kn.Fw.sF.Xr»q¿ tZhamXm t{]hn≥kn¬ tNcphm\nSbm°n.1978 P\phcn 5 \v BZy{hXw sNøpIbpw 1984 P\phcn 3 \v \nXy{hXm ¿∏Ww A\pjvTn°pIbpw sNbvXp. 1986sabv 6 \v A`nj‡\mbn I¿Ømhns‚ AƒØmcbn¬ _enb¿∏n®p. {]tXyIXIƒ H∂pan√mØ Hcp ka¿∏nX≥. bph {]mbØns‚ Ihns™mgpIp∂ kvt\lØns‚ ]p©ncn acWw hscbpw ImØp kq£n® emfnXyw \nd™ Hcp

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 95 I¿sΩektμiw sshZnI≥. A∂pw ]n∂oSpw BcpsSbpw {]tXyIXmßn√msX ssZhIcßfn¬ ]nSn®psIm≠v ]Sn]Snbmbn apt∂dnb Akm[mcW hy‡n{]`bp≈ a\pjy≥. a\pjyXzw F∂pw tPm¿P®\n¬ \nd™p \n∂ncp∂p. hna¿in°ms\m, D]tZin°ms\m {ian°mØ Hcp kz`mh {]tXyIX tPm¿P®\n¬ ImWmw. \ockßsfm \ncmew_Xztam tXm∂mØ CSs]SepIƒ. ]cmXnIfn√, tNmZyßfn√, DØc߃ am{XamWp≠mbncp∂Xv. Bthiw tXm∂mØ t{]jnX a\ pambn A[nIamcpwIS∂p sN√mØ anj\ntebv°v Imephbv°m≥ bph sshZnI anj\dn°v Gfp∏ambncp∂p. sk{I´dnbmbpw cq]XbpsS kmºØnI ImcyßfpsS \SØn∏pImc\mbpw tkh\w sNbvXv kmK¿ cq]Xbv°v F∂pw Hcp Hm¿Ωbmbn \ne sIm≈pw. tdmanse s]¥n^n°¬ C≥Ãn‰yq´n¬ \n∂pw Im\≥ tembn¬ tUmIvStd‰v _ncpZw kºmZn®p. Xncn®ph∂v [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPn¬ Im\≥ tem hn`mKØn¬ A≤ym]I\mbn tkh\w A\pjvTn®p. t`m∏m¬ kn.Fw.sF. t{]hn≥kns‚ t{]hn≥jymfmbn ip{iqj sNbvXp. hnIm¿ P\dmƒ, P\d¬ Iu¨kne¿ F∂o DØchmZnXz߃ Gs‰SpØv hnPb{]Zambn \n¿Δln®p. sk‚ vNmhd]n¬ {Knwsk‚dpw tPm¿P®\pw: Nmhd Ipcymt°mkv Genbmk®s‚ hnip≤ ]Zhn \SØn∏pIfpsS ]q¿ØoIcWØn\mbn `mcXsam´mIbpw hntZißfnepw `‡n {]Ncn∏n°phm\pw hnhn[ I¿Ω]≤XnIƒ BhojvIcn°phm\pw tPm¿P®≥ Ahn{iaw ]Wn sNbvXn´p≠v. {]m¿XY\Iƒ, ]S߃, ]pkvXI߃ XpSßnbhbpw, sk‚¿ `wKnbm°p∂Xnepw dn∏b¿ sNøp∂ ImcyØnepw ]pXnb ]pXnb ImgvN hkvXp°ƒ \n¿Ωn°p∂Xnepw ASnÿm\

96 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw kuIcy߃ D≠m°p∂Xnepw A®≥ Xmev]cy]q¿Δw t{]m’mln∏n®n´p≠v. Xm©≥ HcphnPbn (A WINNER) hnhn[ skan\mcnIfn¬ Im\≥ \nbaw ]Tn∏n°ptºmƒ kv^pSXtbmSp IqSn Imcy߃ a\k nem°ns°Sp°p∂ A≤ym]I\msW∂ kwkmcw At±lØns‚ injycnep≠mbncp∂p. GXp tNmZy߃°pw {]iv\߃°pw icnbmb DØcw e`n°m≥ A[nI kabw th≠. Npcpßnb hm°pIfn¬ DØcw e`n°pw. \√ hnthIhpw hnthN\hpw Xm©\®s‚ PohnXØn¬ hy‡ambncp∂p. Bhiyap≈nSØv D≈pXpd∂v kwkmcn°pw Bsc°pdn®pw s\K‰ohv Bbn Nn¥n°mdn√. F∂m¬ s\K‰ohv sskUv icn°pw a\ nem°n au\ambncn°m≥ Xm©\®\v Ffp∏ambncp∂p. hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ Xncp\mfpIƒ P\a[yØntebv Xm©\®≥ Cdßnh∂ncp∂Xv Xncp\mƒ AhkcßfnemWv. am∂m\sØbpw ssI\Icnbntebpw Xncp∂mfpIƒ°v t\XrXzw sImSpØncp∂p. F√mw hnimeXtbmsS I≠v IqsS tN¿∂v \S°pI At±lØns‚ \njvIf¶X H∂pXs∂. P\phcn 2, 3 XnbXnIfn¬ Xm©\®≥, am∂m\Øp≠v. \h sshZnIsc P\phcn 3˛mw XnbXn Xncp∂mƒ Ip¿_m\bn¬ ]s¶Sp∏n°p∂Xn¬ hfsc A[nIw {i≤mephmbncp∂p. Gsd°mew P\phcn 3mwXnbXn {]Zn£Ww \SØptºmƒ Im¿ΩnI\mbncp∂p. {]kptZ¥n Xncn hnXcWw sNøp∂ NpaXebpw Gs‰Sp°mdp≠mbncp∂p. ]Xn\mbnc°W°n\v `‡ P\ßsf Xm©\®≥ Xs∂ Bbncp∂p F√m h¿jhpw Xncptijn∏v apØn∏n®ncp∂Xv. B kabØv

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 97 I¿sΩektμiw tZhmebØn\p≈n¬ P]ame sN√pIbpw ]n¬{Kow sk‚dn¬ t\¿® `£Ww hnXcWw sNøpIbpwsNøpw, Ahkm\w 3 aWntbmsS Xm©\®\pw Rm\pw Hcpan®v hnfºpImcpsS IqsS \n∂v t\¿® `£Ww Ign°pw. HutZymKnI XeØn¬ D∂Xs\¶nepw sNdp∏ap≈ Xm©\®≥, Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ I_dnSØn¬ \SØnbn´p≈ F√m I¿Ωßfnepw henb Hcp ip{iqj°mc\mbncp∂p. sI.kn._n.kn. kn\Unse sa{Xm∑msc F√mhscbpw am∂m\Øv kzoIcn°m\pw, anj≥ h¿jw BNcn°m\pw, k\ykvX h¿jw hnhn[ ]cn]mSnItfmsS BtLmjn°phm\pw a‰v ]eXcw ]cn]mSnIƒ kwLSn∏n°phm\pw Xm©\®≥ im¥\mbn t\XrXzw FSpØn´p≠v.

Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ \maIcW \S]Sn Nmhd]nXmhv hnip≤s\∂v t]cp hnfn°m≥ Hcp A¤pXIcamb tcmK im¥n Bhiyambncp∂p. ssZhm\p{Klw sIm≠mWvv ]membn¬ sIm´mcØn¬ tPmkns‚bpw tacn°p´nbpsSbpw aIƒ acnb tdmkv tPmkns‚ tIm¶Æv kpJambX.v ]mem Aca\bn¬ h®v cq]X tImSXn \SØn CXv acp∂v sIm≠pw NnI’sIm≠pw kpJambX√m ssZhnI CSs]S¬ sIm≠v kw`hn®XmsW∂v sXfnbn® tImSXnbpsS DZvLmS\Øns‚ {]m¿∞\m ip{iqjbpsSbpw apJy Im¿ΩnI≥ Xm©\®\mbncp∂p. Nmhd ]nXmhns\ hnip≤≥ F∂v t]cv hnfn®t∏mƒ ]Sn]Snbmbn hØn°m\n¬ hnip≤cpsS \maIcW tImSXn Nmhd ]nXmhns\ hnip≤ ]Zhnbntebv°v \bn®psIm≠ncn°ptºmƒ Xm©\®≥ ]nXmhns\ kw_‘n® skan\mdpIfpw, ]pkvXIßfpw `‡km[\ßfpw kn.Fw.sF

98 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw ktΩf\ßfpw F√mw Xømdm°pIbpw hnip≤\msW∂v {]Jym]\Øns‚ NSßn\v hØn°m\n¬ {it≤bambn ]¶phln®psIm≠v ITn\m[zm\w sNøpIbpw sNbvXp. Nmhdln¬knse Xm©\®≥ ZnhkØns‚ \√ Hcp `mKhpw apdnbnencp∂v HutZymKnI Imcyßfn¬ G¿s∏´ncp∂ Xm©\®s\bmWv \mw ChnsS Is≠ØpI. k`m]cambpw ]mkv{S¬ Un∏m¿´psa‚ v kw_‘ambpw D≈ \nch[nImcyßfnte¿s∏´psIm≠ncn°ptºmgmbncn°pw k`mwKßfn¬ Nne¿ ]e hn[ kwibßfpambn hcnI. F{X AXymhiyap≈ Imcy߃ sNbvXpsIm≠ncn°pIbmsW¶nepw h∂hcpsS Bhiy߃ sNbvXp sImSpØXn\ptijta Ahsc bm{Xbm°pIbp≈p. GXp {]iv\hpw Bbn hcp∂hsc hfsc kvt\ltØmsS kzoIcn®v IrXyamb DØc߃ \evIp∂Xn¬ Xm©\®≥ AXnhnZKv≤\mWv. hnhn[ k\ymk k`Iƒ°pw D∂X A[nImcnIƒ°pw Xm©\®≥ Hcp am¿§Z¿inbmWv. Xm©\®≥ acn°p∂Xn\v aq∂mgv®Iƒ°v ap≥]v ckIcambn kwkmcn°p∂ {]tXyIX `£Wimebnepw D√mkapdnbnepw At±lw {]ISn∏n®ncp∂p. At±lØnse ckIcamb bphXzw F√mhscbpw kt¥mjn∏n®p sIm≠v, B Znhkßfnse kaqlw Hcp BlvfmZ kaqlambncp∂p. F√m AwK߃°pw Hcp t]mse Dt∑jw ]Icm≥ Xm©\®≥ ]¶nSp∂ Hcp a\ ns\ ImWm≥ Ign™p. B Znhkßfn¬ Nncn®p√kn®v `£Ww Ign°mØ Zn\ßfn√mcp∂p. Nmhdln¬knse ]mZw ]Xn™ hgnIƒ 2008 apX¬ F√m Znhkhpw Xnc°p≈ {]h¿Ø\߃°p tijw Ipsd kabw sshIpt∂cw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 99 I¿sΩektμiw Nmhdln¬knse hgnIfneqsS \S°p∂ ]Xnhv Xm©\®\p≠mbncp∂p. X\nsb Hcp N¥ØnemWv \S°p∂Xv. 2015 Pq¨ amkw apX¬ Rm\pw Xm©\®\pw IqSnbmWv \S∂ncp∂Xv. Kuchamb hnjb߃ kwkmcn°ptºmgpw Zo¿La√ F∂m¬ Bgw D≠v. k`m kw_‘amb Imcy߃°mbn [mcmfw ÿeßfn¬ bm{X sNbvXv Xncns®Ønb tijw ho≠pw Du¿Pkzeamb I¿Ω]≤XnIfn¬ Xm©\®≥ G¿s∏´ncp∂p. hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns\°pdn®v `‡n {]Ncn∏n°phm≥ Gsd km[\ßfpw ]pkvXIßfpw Gh¿°pw e`n°Ø°hn[w {IaoIcn®ncp∂p. BtKmfXeØn¬ hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhv Andbs∏Sphm\pw hWßs∏Sphm\pw B{Kln® Hcp hy‡nbmbncp∂p Xm©\®≥. At±lw Pqsse 4mw XnbXn s]´∂v \tΩmSv hnS ]d™Xv ZpxJØneqsS Hcp Hm¿Ωbmbn Ahtijn°p∂p. At±lw \¬Inb kvt\lØn\pw \∑bv°pw \μntbmsS \ap°v {]XypØcacpfmw At±lØns‚ kz`mh amXrI kzoIcn°m≥ \ΩpsS kaqlw Hcpßs´sb∂v Biwkn°p∂p.

Fr. James Madathikandam CMI Director, St. Chavara Central Secretariate Chavara Hills, Kakkanad.

100 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

News & Views

Dharmaram News

June 2016

1. Dharmaram Retreat

The new academic year 2016-17 began in Dharmaram College prayerfully with the Annual retreat (May 22-28) preached by Rev. Dr. Jose Mariadass OIC, former Superior General of the Congregation. The insights and reflections during the retreat helped the community to enter into the academic year with a new momentum and motivation.

2. Inauguration of Academic Year 2016 -17

Academic Year 2016–17 commenced at DVK, on Wednesday, 01 June with concelebrated Solemn Divine Liturgy in the Dharmaram chapel. Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara, Rector preached the homily. The Inaugural session at JBC auditorium, DVK, was presided over by Rev. Fr. Paulachan Kochappilly, the President. Rev. Fr. Benny Nalkara, Registrar welcomed the gathering and Rev. Fr. Rector took the floor to felicitate the gathering.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 101 I¿sΩektμiw

3. Elections: General Beadles and LCA Secretaries

Elections to the positions of the General Beadles and LCA secretaries were conducted on 10 June. “Meet the Candidate” programme was very creative. Bro. Bijo Manjalil was elected as General Beadle, Bro. Lijo Thekkanath as Assistant General Beadle, Bro. Augustine Mlavarayil as LCA Secretary and Bro. Tephin Kunnappillil as LCA Joint Secretary.

4. Feast of the Sacred Heart

The Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus was solemnly celebrated on 19 June. The Concelebrated Solemn Divine Liturgy was presided over by Rev. Fr. Rector and Fr. Thomas Kallukalam gave the homily. The presence of members of neighbouring Religious Communities and around thousand parishners during the Divine Liturgy and the Eucharistic procession graced the occasion. Bp. Antony Kariyil officiated the concluding benediction at JBC auditorium, DVK.

5. Chavara Lectures

102 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

The fourth annual Chavara Lectures was organized under the auspices of Centre for the Study and Research on Chavara on Wednesday15 June. Rev. Fr. Joseph Xavier SJ, Gregorian University, Rome, was the resource person. The theme was Life of St. Chavara as Mercy in Practice.

6. New Comers’ day

Dharmaram welcomed the New Comers formally on 28 June. Newly joined brothers and fathers introduced themselves to the community. The programme was coordinated by II year Philosophy students.

July 2016

1. Blessing of New Block : Christ University

New block for the faculty of Automobile engineering at the Kengeri Campus of Christ University, was blessed and inaugurated on 16 July, 2016. Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara, Rector and Chancellor, officiated the blessing ceremony.

2. Conference: Journal of Dharma

DVK, in association with Journal of Dharma and Globethics.net, organized a two day conference on ‘Feminine Genius: Women Leadership for a Just and Compassionate

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 103 I¿sΩektμiw

Society’ on 29 and 30 July, 2016. Rev. Dr. Paul Achandy, Prior General and Vice-chancellor, DVK, inaugurated the conference. There were different sessions and many eminent personalities attended the conference.

3. Hearty congratulations to Rev. Dr. Saju Chackalackal Rev. Dr. Saju Chackalackal, Dean of the faculty of Philosophy, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram was appointed the General Councilor for Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry on 24 July. This new appointment is certainly an irreparable loss for DVK and for the entire Dharmaram; but this is certainly for the good of the Congregation.

August 2016

1. New Dean for the Faculty of Philosophy Rev. Dr. Jose Nandhikkara was elected and appointed the Dean of the faculty of Philosophy. Best wishes and sincere prayers.

2. Bishop Jonas Thaliath CMI Endowment Lectures

Bishop Jonas Thaliath, CMI Endowment Lectures 2016- 17 was organized by Faculty of Theology on 3 and 4 August. Dr. Mrs. Lisa Sowle Cahill, Boston College, USA delivered six lectures on A Theology and Praxis of Women’s Empowerment

104 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

3. Blessing of New Living Quarters for Dharmaram Domestic Staff

The newly built living quarters for the Dharmaram domestic staff was blessed by Rev. Fr. Prior General on 06 August, 2016. All the members of the General Council, many Fathers and Brothers of Dharmaram were present.

4. Fr. Canisius CMI Endowment Lectures

Fr. Canisius CMI endowment lectures was inaugurated by Fr. Prior General on 06 August 2016. Fr. Paulachan Kochappilly, the president, DVK, presided over the function. Dr. Anto Karokaran CMI was the resource person. The theme was Mission: An Alternative Model. Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara, Rector, shared the memories on Fr. Canisius, during his concluding message. The programme was organized by Vinayasadhana, DVK under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Francis Thonnippara, the director.

5. Canonical Visitation: 18 July to 08 August

Fr, General’s Canonical visitation revitalized the whole Dharmaram community. The report of the ‘Study Committee for Restructuring Dharmaram for Effective Formation’ was discussed in the joint-meeting of the members of General Council and the Dharmaram Local Council, held on 06

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August. The discussions went well and gave the members more clarifications. During his concluding conference on 08 August Fr. General told that we must give space for God to work in our life. On 09 August Fr. General left for Wardha for Canonical Visitation there.

6. Year of Mercy This August 15 was a very special day to Dharmaram as we had our lunch together with the guests from ASVAS, where we serve free meal to around 400 people every day. People who are the marginalized, especially daily labourers and poor patients from nearby hospitals, had a delicious meal with us at Dharmaram dining hall as part of our Year of Mercy. Last year too we shared our lunch with them during Chavara Year Celebrations.

106 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Carmel Vidya Bhavan Pune

Jubilee Inauguration The golden Jubilee year of the religious commitment of Fr. Rector was inaugurated in our community and Carmel parish on 8th May 2016. The joy and happiness of Jubilee celebration would continue for one year and would reach its culmination as awe celebrate it officially on 8th September. Jubilee greetings to Fr. Rector…

Holidays Brothers in Carmel Vidya Bhavan had gone to their respective provinces for their vacation. The then second years had spent one month here to watch and ward the houses on an alternate basis. Fr. Rector had visited the houses of the then first years accompanied by their batch mates. It was a great experience for all the families and for all of us.

Perpetual Profession Eight of our brothers namely, Joffin Kollara, Cijo Chennadu, Paulson Kochukaniyamparampil, Jobin Tholanickal, Vikas Kunnathuparayil, Navin Challissery, Jithin Kuroor and Bibin Thymoottil were committed themselves before the Lord perpetually. This was done in their respective provinces. They spent one month in prayer and meditation in C S R Pariyaram followed by a retreat led by Fr. Jomon Kochukaniyamparampil. Prayerful wishes and hearty congratulations to all of them….

Arrival of New Comers Four brothers, namely James Vezhambuthottathil, Abin Changamcheril, Shijin Pulimoottil and Majo Chakkumpeedika had

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 107 I¿sΩektμiw arrived here for their theological studies. Hearty welcome to all of them…

Renewal Programme A renewal programme was arranged in C V B led by the Vicar general of our congregation Fr. Varghese Vithayathil and Fr. George Thanchan, the then councilor for pastoral apostolate, to reinstate the spirit of CMIness in the inmates of C V B. The four thrusts of our congregation and the recommendations of the plenary assembly were the major discussion theme. We worked out an action plan based on these and we are implementing them.

Beginning of Classes The Classes in J D V began on 6th June 2016 with a concelebrated Holy Mass in Papel Seminary Chapel led by Bishop Thomas Dabre of Pune Diocese. All campus superiors were present in that occasion. The official lectures began on 7th June.

Sent off to Deacons The deacons of C V B, Rejeesh Puthiyaparambil, Sijo Thayyalackal, Jithin Njaliyan, Clint Karkkamthottiyil, Renish Puthussery and Lebin Vennattuparambil were given sent off as they were moving to Kerala for their deacon ministry in different parishes which is for the first time in the history of Carmel Vidya Bhavan. They successfully completed their comprehensive viva voce exam. Dn. Jithin Parasseril of Bhavnagar province left C V B in March itself for his 4th year theological studies in Baroda.

New Comers’ day The four first year theological students were given a warm welcome to C V B . On that day, during Holy Mass Fr. Rector cordially

108 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw welcomed them to C V B and in the evening a bible service was arranged followed by a welcome gathering. The gathering was a fun oriented one. The celebration reached its peak with the agape followed.

Feast of Fr. Rector The heavenly Patron’s day of Fr. Rector was celebrated on June 13. On the occasion a most solemn Holy Mass was concelebrated. A grant agape enhanced the happiness of the celebration.

Sad Demise Beloved Father of Bro. Sinto Kavil slept in the Lord on June 13. Prayers and Heartfelt Condolences to Bro. Sinto and bereaved family…

Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel The community day of C V B was celebrated on 16th July 2016. We have our monthly recollection as a preparation for the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel. On 15th July, the campus houses were invited for a special high tea. On 16th there was most solemn Holy Mass and renewal of vows. For the renewal of vows, all the C M I fathers in P G and NVSE were present. The celebration was followed by an agape at lunch.

Birthday Celebration of Fr. Sony We celebrated the birthday of Fr. Sony on 8th August. Bro. Anu Vellappally gave the homily in the Holy Mass. We cut the cake and wished him in at breakfast. There was a small gathering in the night followed by a delicious dinner.

Christ College News

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 109 I¿sΩektμiw

Christ College is becoming one of the most prestigious institutions in Pune under the powerful leadership of Fr. Sony. He is really working hard to bring the institution to the lime light in the education scenario of Pune. The construction work is in progress and a new five storey building will be erected within a short span of time.

Parish News · The new office bearers of the Parish were elected and took charge for the year 2016-2017. New ward councilors were also elected. · A bulletin named “Carmel Voice” under the leadership of Carmel communications led by brothers, Jithin Kuroor, Cijo Chennadu and Abin Changamcharil is published from the Parish. The last bulletin was based on the theme “mother.” · The house blessings in the Parish were over. Fr. Rector, brothers and councilors took initiatives and efforts to complete it within the stipulated time. · Our Sunday school classes maintain their academic and religious purposes. This year we initiated English Holy Mass for the Catechism students on Sundays. · We celebrated faith formation day in our Parish. It was mainly organized and meant for the catechism students. On 23rd July, we had a cultural evening organized by Carmel Sunday school. The teachers and P T A were the driving hands behind this. On 24th July, the members of S V D congregation nearby, led classes and seminar based on bible and our religious faith formation

110 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Education Department News

tZiob hnZym-`ymk IcSptcJ \yq\-]£ hnZym-`ymk ÿm]-\-߃s°-Xnsc: dh.-tUm.-tk-hy¿ Acpƒ cmPv

tI{μ Kh¨sa‚ v Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-cn-°p∂ ]pXnb tZiob hnZym- `ymk IcSptcJ \yq\-]£ kap-Zm-b-ß-fpsS hnZym-`ymk Ah- Im-i-߃ Ih¿s∂-Sp-°p∂XmsW∂v a{Zmkv sslt°m-SXn ko\n-b¿ AUz. dh.-tUm.-tk-hy¿ AcpƒcmPv A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. sIm®n-bnse Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dn¬ \S∂ kn.-Fw.-sF. hnZym-`ymk am[ya hn`mKw kwL-Sn-∏n® tZiob hnZym-`ymk Ic-Sp-tc-J-sb-°p-dn-®p≈ skan-\m¿ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm- cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. \yq\-]£ kap-Zm-b-߃°p≈ hnZym-`ymk Ah-Imiw C√m-Xm°n ]Icw Kpcp-Ipe kwhn-[m\w G¿s∏-Sp-Øp-hm\pw AXp-hgn D∂X Ipe-Pm-X¿°p am{Xw D∂X

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 111 I¿sΩektμiw hnZym-`ymkw e`y-am-°p-Ibpw a‰p-≈-h¿°v AwK≥hmSn hnZym- `ym-k-hp-am-bn-cn°pw ]cn-WX ^ew. tbmK \n¿_-‘-am-°p-∂p- sh-∂Xv {]iv\-a-√, adn®v tbmK ]Tn-®n-s√-¶n¬ A[ym-]-I¿°v e`n-t°≠ B\p-Iq-ey-߃ hsc \ntj-[n-°p∂ AhÿbmWv Ic-Sp-tc-J-bn-ep-≈-sX∂pw XpS¿∂p ]d-™p. kn.-Fw.-sF. hnZym- `ymk am[ya hn`mKw P\-d¬ Iu¨kn-e¿ dh.-^m.-sk-_m-Ãy≥ sXt°-SØv A[y-£X hln-®p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿ Ub- d-IvS¿ ^m.-tdm_n IÆ≥Nn-d kn.-Fw.sF, sk‚ v B¬_¿´vkv {]n≥kn-∏mƒ tUm.-Fw.-F¬ tPmk-^v, knamwkv {]n≥kn-∏mƒ s{]m^.-F.-FIvkv FUzn≥, sI.-_n.-F. sXmSp-]pg s{]mhn≥jy¬ Iu¨kn-e¿ kn.-sa¿en sXßpw-]≈n F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. cmP-Kncn F≥Pn-\o-b-dnwKv tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂v dh.-tUm.-h¿§okv ]¥-eq-°m-c≥, tXhc Fkv.F®v tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂v dh.-tUm.- tPm-k^v Ipkp-am-ebw kn.-Fw.-sF XpSßn tIc-f-Ønse hnhn[ tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂p≈ A[ym-]I {]Xn-\n-[n-Iƒ ]s¶-Sp-Øp.

112 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochi News

CS-\n-e-°msc Hgn-hm°n t\cn´v hnX-cWw sNøp-I-sb-∂- sh√p-hnfn Gs‰-Sp°pw : a{¥n ]n. Xntem-Ø-a≥

DXv]m-Z-\-tI-{μ-- ß-fn¬ \n∂v t\cn´v kw`-cn®v KpW-ta-∑-bp≈ DXv]-∂-߃ Ipd™ hnebv°v hn¬°p-I-sb-∂-XmWv e£y- sa∂v `£y knhn¬ kssπkv hIp∏v a{¥n ]n. Xntem-Ø-a≥ ]d-™p. CS-\n-e-°msc Hgn-hm°n DXv]-∂-߃ t\cn´v P\- ß-fn-se-Øn-°pI hgn hne-°-b‰w ]nSn-®p-\n¿Øp-sa∂pw CXmWv G‰hpw henb sh√p-hnfnsb∂pw At±lw XpS¿∂p ]d-™p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚d-dn¬ \S∂ tIc-f-Ønse s]mXp-hn-X-cW k{º-Zmbw km[y-X-Ifpw sh√p-hn-fn-Ifpw hnj-b-Øn¬ skan-\m¿ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm- bn-cp∂p At±-lw. kssπtIm sNb¿am\pw amt\-PnwKv Ub-d-IvS-dp-amb tUm. Bj tXmakv sF. F. Fkv. apJy {]`m-jWw \S-Øn. D’-h- °m-e-ß-fn¬ hne-°-b‰w ]nSn®p \n¿Øp-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂p-s≠- ¶nepw ÿnc-ambn hne-\n--{¥n-°Wsa¶n¬ \ne-hn-ep≈Xns‚ ]e-a-S°v tijn h¿≤n-∏n-t°-≠n-h-cpw, samØ hnX-cW GP≥knbmbn {]h¿Øn-®m¬ am{Xta Itºm-f-Øn¬ \¬°p-

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 113 I¿sΩektμiw hm≥ km[n°q . ]pXnb k¿°m-dns‚ \b-a-\p-k-cn®v \ne-hn- ep≈ hne-bn¬ Imcy-amb am‰w hcp-ØmsX apt∂m´v sIm≠p- t]m-I-W-sa-∂-XmWv, AXn-\m¬ Ct∏mƒ Xs∂ kssπtIm amkw 30tImSn cq]m \jvSØn-emWv {]h¿Øn-°p-∂Xv F∂v tUm. Bj tXmakv Nq≠n°m´n. AUz.- Fw.- B¿.- cm-tP-{μ≥ \mb¿ A[y-£X hln-®p. eoK¬ sat{Sm-fPn sk≥{S¬ tkm¨ U]yq´n I¨t{Sm-f¿ dmw taml≥, Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿ Ub- d-IvS¿ ^m. -tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.sF., Sn.- hn.- eq-t°mkv, AUz.- Fw.- F¬. -tPm¿÷v ,AUz.- Un.- _n.- _n-\p, sI. C√ymkv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚d-dn¬ \S∂ tIc-f-Ønse s]mXp-hn-X- cW k{º-Zmbw km[y-X-Ifpw sh√p-hn-fn-Ifpw hnj-b-Øn¬ skan-\m¿ a{¥n ]n. Xntem-Ø-a≥ DZvLm-S\w sNøp∂p. AUz.- Fw.- F¬. -tPm¿÷v, dmw taml≥, tUm. Bj tXmakv, AUz.- Fw.- B¿.- cm-tP-{μ≥ \mb¿,^m. -tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.sF., Sn.- hn.- eq-t°mkv F∂n-h¿ kao-]w.

BZy At]-£-bn¬ Xs∂ IrXy-amb adp-]Sn \¬Im≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿°v Ign-bWw : hn≥k≥ Fw.-t]mƒ, apJy-hn- h-cm-h-Imi IΩo-j≥

114 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

H∂msØ adp-]-Sn-bn¬Xs∂ IrXy-amb hnhcw \¬Iphm≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ Xøm-dm-I-W-sa∂v apJy-hn-h-cm-h-Imi IΩo-j-W¿ hn≥k≥ Fw.- t]mƒ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚- dpw, tIcf B¿.-Sn.-sF. s^U-td-j\pw kwbp-‡-ambn kwL-Sn- ∏n® hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-a-Øns‚ Hcp ]Xn-‰m≠v t\´-ßfpw sh√p- hn-fn-Ifpw F∂ hnj-bsØ A[n-I-cn®v \S∂ skan-\m¿ DZvLm- S\w sNbvXv kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. 2011 apX-ep- ≈ At]-£-Iƒ sI´n-°n-S-°p-I-bm-Wv, IΩo-j-\n¬ AwK-ßsf \nb-an®n-√, {]mtbm-KnI _p≤n-ap-´p-Iƒ Hs° ]d-™-Xp-sIm≠v Hcp hy‡n-bpsS Ah-Im-i-߃ \ntj-[n-°p∂Xn\v \ymbo-I- c-W-an-√. H∂m-asØ At]-£-bn¬ In´p∂ adp]Sn-bn¬ ]ecpw Xr]vX-c√. AXn\v DØ-c-hm-Zn-bmb DtZym-K-ÿs\ in£n-°p- hm≥ B¿.-Sn.-sF. \nb-a-Øn¬ hIp-∏n-√. AXn\v am‰w hcp-Øn- bm¬ Xs∂ IrXy-amb adp-]Sn \¬Ip-hm-≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ Xømdmhpw. Fßs\ adp-]Sn \¬Im-Xn-cn-°m≥ km[n°pw F∂mWv Hcp DtZym-K-ÿ≥ Nn¥n-°p-∂-Xv. tcJ-Iƒ kq£n- °p-∂-Xn-\p≈ kwhn-[m\w Ct∏mƒ ]e Un∏m¿´vsa‚p-I-fn-ep- an√. Hmtcm Hm^o-knepw tcJ-Iƒ e`y-am-°-Ww. Iºyq-´¿ hmßn®p Iq´p-I-sb-∂-√msX tcJ-Iƒ Iºyq-´-dn-em-°p∂ \S]Sn D≠m-Ip-∂n-√-sb∂pw At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. apJy-hn-h-cm-h-Imi IΩo-j-WcpsS ap∂n-ep≈ At]-£-Iƒ Xo¿°m-\mWv BZyw {ian-°p-∂-sX-∂pw, a‰vI-Ωo-j≥ AwK-߃ IqSn h∂m¬ Hcp h¿jw sIm≠v F√m At]-£-Ifpw Xo¿∏m° Wsa-∂-XmWv e£y-sa∂v tNmZy-Øn\v DØ-c-ambn At±lw ]d-™p. _m¶v \mj-W-sse-tk-j\p tijw h∂ G‰hpw henb \nb-a-amWv hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-aw. ]qgvØnsh-®n-cn-°p∂ ]e Imcy- ß-fpw am[y-a-ß-fn-eqsS shfn-®-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-cm≥ km[n-®p- sh-∂Xv Cu \nb-a-Øns‚ {]m[m-\y-am-sW∂v AUz. hn.-Un. kXo-i≥ Fw. F¬. F. A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 115 I¿sΩektμiw Adn-bp-hm-\p≈ Ah-Im-i-amWv am[y-a-߃ \nd-th-‰p- ∂-sX∂pw AXv G‰hpw aqey-h-Ømb H∂m-sW∂pw AXns\ AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ Xøm-dm-h-W-sa∂v tUm. sk_m-Ãy≥ t]mƒ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. AUz.-Un.-_n. _n\p, tamU-td-‰-dm-bn-cp-∂p. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn. -Fw .-sF., aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚-Wn, tIcf ]{X-{]-h¿ØI bqWn-b≥ kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn kn. \mcm-bW≥, AUz. Fw. B¿. cmtP- {μ≥ \mb¿, Sn.-Pn. taml≥Zm-kv, sk‚ v tPmk^vkv tImtfPv Hm^v So®¿ FUyq-t°-j≥ {]n≥kn-∏mƒ dh. tUm. knÿ tacn tPmk-^v, sI.- F≥.- sI. \ºqXn-cn, sI.- F. C√ym-kv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

]p©ncn \nd™ apJhpw am\y-amb s]cp-am-‰hpw Sqdnkw cwKØv A\n-hmcyw: ]m{SnIv tkhy¿

]p©ncn \nd™ apJhpw am\y-amb s]cp-am-‰hpw Fb¿ sse≥/ Sqdnkw tPmen cwKØv A\n-hm-cy-am-sW∂v Fb¿ C¥y sIm®n tÃj≥ amt\-P¿ ]m{SnIv tkhy¿ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®- d¬ sk‚-dn¬ Nmhd C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚ v B‚ v aoUnb ÃUo-kns‚ Iym_n≥ {Iq, Fb¿t]m¿´v amt\-Pvsa‚ v k¿´n- ss^Uv tImgvkns‚ DZvLm-S-\-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v \S∂ skan- \m-dn¬ apJy {]`m-jWw \SØn kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±- lw. cmPyØv 100 ]pXnb Fb¿t]m¿´p-IfmWv DS≥ Bcw-`n-°p- hm≥ t]mIp-∂-Xv. AXn-\m¬ ]cn-io-e\w kn≤n-®-h¿°v anI® Ah-k-c-amWv Cu cwKØv D≠m-hp-∂-Xv. IrXy-amb Adn-thmsS {]h¿Øn®p sIm≠v \√ \ne-bn¬ Db¿∂p-h-cp-hm≥ Fb¿sse≥, Sqdnkw cwKØv HØncn km[y-X-bp-s≠∂pw At±lw ]d-™p. kn.-Fw.-sF. k`m kmº-ØnI hn`mKw P\- d¬ Iu¨kn-e¿ ^m.-B‚Wn Ffw-tXm´w A[y-£X hln-®p. Fb¿ C¥y skbn¬kv amt\-P¿ joe Ipdp-∏v, Fb¿ C¥y am¿°-‰nwKv amt\-P¿ _o\ tPm¨, ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-

116 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Fw.-sF., s{]m^.-F.-F-Ivkv.FUzn≥, PntPm ]me-Øn-¶¬, hnP- b≥ tat\m≥, Pb-dmw.kn, sUavdnkv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

BZy At]-£-bn¬ Xs∂ IrXy-amb adp-]Sn \¬Im≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿°v Ign-bWw : apJy-hn-h-cm- h-Imi IΩo-jW¿

H∂msØ adp-]-Sn-bn¬Xs∂ IrXy-amb hnhcw \¬Iphm≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ Xøm-dm-I-W-sa∂v apJy-hn-h-cm-h-Imi IΩo-j-W¿ hn≥k≥ Fw.- t]mƒ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚- dpw, tIcf B¿.-Sn.-sF. s^U-td-j\pw kwbp-‡-ambn kwL-Sn- ∏n® hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-a-Øns‚ Hcp ]Xn-‰m≠v t\´-ßfpw sh√p- hn-fn-Ifpw F∂ hnj-bsØ A[n-I-cn®v \S∂ skan-\m¿ DZvLm- S\w sNbvXv kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. 2011 apX-ep- ≈ At]-£-Iƒ sI´n-°n-S-°p-I-bm-Wv, IΩo-j-\n¬ AwK-ßsf \nb-an®n-√, {]mtbm-KnI _p≤n-ap-´p-Iƒ Hs° ]d-™-Xp-sIm≠v Hcp hy‡n-bpsS Ah-Im-i-߃ \ntj-[n-°p∂Xn\v \ymbo-I- c-W-an-√. H∂m-asØ At]-£-bn¬ In´p∂ adp]Sn-bn¬ ]ecpw Xr]vX-c√. AXn\v DØ-c-hm-Zn-bmb DtZym-K-ÿs\ in£n-°p- hm≥ B¿.-Sn.-sF. \nb-a-Øn¬ hIp-∏n-√. AXn\v am‰w hcp-Øn- bm¬ Xs∂ IrXy-amb adp-]Sn \¬Ip-hm-≥ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ Xømdmhpw. Fßs\ adp-]Sn \¬Im-Xn-cn-°m≥ km[n°pw F∂mWv Hcp DtZym-K-ÿ≥ Nn¥n-°p-∂-Xv. tcJ-Iƒ kq£n- °p-∂-Xn-\p≈ kwhn-[m\w Ct∏mƒ ]e Un∏m¿´vsa‚p-I-fn-ep- an√. Hmtcm Hm^o-knepw tcJ-Iƒ e`y-am-°-Ww. Iºyq-´¿ hmßn®p Iq´p-I-sb-∂-√msX tcJ-Iƒ Iºyq-´-dn-em-°p∂ \S]Sn D≠m-Ip-∂n-√-sb∂pw At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. apJy-hn-h-cm-h-Imi IΩo-j-WcpsS ap∂n-ep≈ At]-£-Iƒ Xo¿°m-\mWv BZyw {ian-°p-∂-sX-∂pw, a‰vI-Ωo-j≥ AwK-߃ IqSn h∂m¬ Hcp h¿jw sIm≠v F√m At]-£-Ifpw Xo¿∏m° Wsa-∂-XmWv e£y-sa∂v tNmZy-Øn\v DØ-c-ambn At±lw ]d-™p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 117 I¿sΩektμiw _m¶v \mj-W-sse-tk-j\p tijw h∂ G‰hpw henb \nb-a-amWv hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-aw. ]qgvØnsh-®n-cn-°p∂ ]e Imcy- ß-fpw am[y-a-ß-fn-eqsS shfn-®-Øp-sIm-≠p-h-cm≥ km[n-®p- sh-∂Xv Cu \nb-a-Øns‚ {]m[m-\y-am-sW∂v AUz. hn.-Un. kXo-i≥ Fw. F¬. F. A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Adn-bp-hm-\p≈ Ah-Im-i-amWv am[y-a-߃ \nd-th-‰p- ∂-sX∂pw AXv G‰hpw aqey-h-Ømb H∂m-sW∂pw AXns\ AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ Xøm-dm-h-W-sa∂v tUm. sk_m-Ãy≥ t]mƒ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. AUz.-Un.-_n. _n\p, tamU-td-‰-dm-bn-cp-∂p. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn. -Fw .-sF., aoUnb A°m-Zan sNb¿am≥ sk¿Pn B‚-Wn, tIcf ]{X-{]-h¿ØI bqWn-b≥ kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn kn. \mcm-bW≥, AUz. Fw. B¿. cmtP- {μ≥ \mb¿, Sn.-Pn. taml≥Zm-kv, sk‚ v tPmk^vkv tImtfPv Hm^v So®¿ FUyq-t°-j≥ {]n≥kn-∏mƒ dh. tUm. knÿ tacn tPmk-^v, sI.- F≥.- sI. \ºqXn-cn, sI.- F. C√ym-kv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

]cn-ÿnXn Zn\w BN-cn®p

A¥-co-£-Øn\v acw \¬Ip∂ ip≤n a\p-jys\ ip≤o-I-cn-°p- ∂psa∂v ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF. A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬sk‚-dn-¬ temI-]-cn-ÿn-Xn-Zn-\-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v hr£-ssX-\-´p-s°m≠v kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF. . aÆns‚bpw Pe-Øn-s‚bpw kv]¿iw \Ωsf ip≤oI-cn-°p-sa∂pw ]cn-ÿnXn Zn\-Øn¬ am{X-a√ F∂pw hr£-ßsf ]cn-]m-en-°p-hm\pw \´p-h-f¿Øp-hm\pw km[n-°-W-sa∂pw ]d-™p. Nmhd C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚ v B‚ v aoUnb ÃUo-kns‚ ]pXnb sI´nSw ]cn-ÿnXn kulr- Z-ambn kq£n-°p∂-Xn\pw ]cn-k-c-ß-fnepw sI´n-S-Øns‚ apI- fnepw ]®-°-dn-Irjn Bcw-`n-®p. s{]m^.-F.-F-Ivkv. FUvhn≥, tPm¿÷v h¿§o-kv, PntPm ]me-Øn-¶¬, hnP-b≥ tat\m≥, tPmfn ]th-en-¬ F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

118 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ Ie-bn-eqsS IqSp-X¬ at\m-ss[cyw t\SWw: t_Wn a‰p-≈-h-cpsS ap∂n¬ ss[cy-ambn \n¬°p-hm≥ km[n-°-Ww. AXn\v hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ Iem D]m-k-\-bn-eqsS IqSp-X¬ at\mss[cyw t\S-W-sa∂v {]ikvX kwKo-X-⁄≥ P.J.t_Wn A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚ v B‚ v aoUnb ÃUo-kns‚ Iƒ®-d¬ tU DZvLm-S\w sNbvXv kwkm-cn-°p-I-bmbn°pI-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. \ΩpsS kwkvImcw \Ω-fn¬ \n∂pw AI∂p t]mIp-∂p. hntZ-in-Iƒ Dt]-£n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂ NneXv am{Xw A\m-h-iy-ambn A\p-I-cn-°p-hm≥ {ian-°p-∂Xv sX‰mWv, \√Xv kzoI-cn-°p- Ibpw {]N-cn-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNø-W-sa∂pw At±lw A`n-{]m-b- s∏-´p. PntPm ]me-Øn-¶¬ A[y-£X hln-®p. {]n≥kn-∏mƒ s{]m^.- F.-F-Ivkv.-F-Uzn≥, hnP-b≥ tat\m≥, tPm¿Pv h¿§okv, _n.-_n.-hn-t\mZv, hμ\ Xºn F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dn¬ cmam-bW amkm-N-c-Whpw aX-ku-lm¿±-kw-K-ahpw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 119 I¿sΩektμiw Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dns‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ cmam-b-W-am-km-N- c-W-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v cmam-b-W-]m-cm-b-Whpw aX-ku- lm¿±kwKahpw ]n.-F-kv.-kn. sNb¿am≥ tUm. sI.-F-kv. cm[m-Ir-jvW≥ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp . kn.-Fw.sF k`m hnZym- `ymk am[ya hn`mKw P\-d¬ Iu¨kn-e¿ dh. ^m. sk_mkv‰y≥ sXt°SØv A[y£X hln®p. Iem-a-WvUew {]`m-I-c≥ cmam-b-W-]m-cm-bWw \S-Øn.. XZ-h-k-c-Øn¬ 80s‚ \nd-hn¬ \n¬°p∂ sI.-F¬. taml-\-h¿Ωsb ^m. sk_m- Ãy≥ sXt°-SØv kn.-Fw.sF. s]m∂mS AWn-bn®v BZ-cn- ®p.F.-sI. ]pXp-t»cnv sI.-F¬., tUm. (knÿ) hn\oX (U-b- d-IvS¿, sk‚ v sXtc-kmkv tImtf-Pv), knÿ A\oj (kp∏o-cn- b¿, Fkv.Un. tIm¨sh‚ v, DZ-bm-tImf\n), B¿.-sI. Zmtam-Z- c≥, Sn.-]n.-Fw. C{_mlnw Jm≥, ]n.cmaN{μ≥ (sk{I´dn, FdWmIpfw IctbmKw), sI.-F-®v. j^o°v, aptIjv Pbn≥, tim` sI.-F-kv. (_-lmbo˛-Hm-Ivkn-edn saº¿), _≠n knwKv, F v. IrjvW-aq¿Øn, kn.-Pn. cmP-tKm-]m¬ XpSßn aX-, km- -aq-lnI, kmwkvIm-cnI, cmjv{Sob cwKsØ {]ap-J¿ ]s¶-Sp- Øp. XpS¿∂v Xr∏q-Wn-Øpd cRvPnØv cmam-b-W I-Ysb Bkv]- Z-am°n Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-∂ tIc-f-\-S\hpw \S-∂p.

\ΩpsS D≈ns‚ \∑-bmWv A]-c\v kzmX-{¥y-am-th-≠Xv: sI.-F¬.-tam-l-\-h¿Ω

\ΩpsS D≈ns‚ \∑-bmWv a‰p-≈-h¿°v kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ shfn- ®-am-tI-≠sX∂v sI.-F¬.-tam-l-\-h¿Ω A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd I¬®-d¬ sk‚-dn¬ tZiob ]XmI Db¿Øn kzmX-{¥y-Zn\ ktμiw \¬In kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. ^m.-tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF.A[y-£X hln-®p. F√m-h¿°pw Ft∏mgpw A`-b-tI-{μ-ambncp∂p `mc-Xw. a\- nse ASn-a-Xz-߃, Agp-°p-Iƒ am‰n IqSp-X¬ kzmX-{¥y-tØmsS apt∂m´v t]mI- Ww. At\ym-\y-ap≈ ASp∏w \ne-\n¿Øp-hm≥ Ign-b-ptºmƒ

120 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw kzmX-{¥y-Øn\v AXn¿h-c-ºp-I-fn√mXmhpw F∂v At±-lw ]d- ™p. XpS¿∂v kvIqƒ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°mbn tZio-b-Km-\, tZi- `-‡n-Km\ a’-c-߃ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. tPm¨k¨ aß-g, ]n.-F. s^en-Ivkv, KmKp¬ tPmk^v, tPmfn ]th-en¬, jm\¬ tem∏- kv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

{]ta-b-ß-fpsS sshhn[yw apJ-ap-{Z-bm-°nb kwhn-[m-b-I-\mWv sI.- Pn. tPm¿÷v : sI. _n. thWp {]ta-b-ß-fpsS sshhn-[yhpw Ah-bpsS \qX-\-amb Ah-X-c-W- ti-jn-bp-sIm≠v ae-bmf kn\n-a-bn¬ kz¥-amb CSw Is≠- Ønb anI® kwhn-[m-b-I\mWv sI.-Pn. tPm¿÷v F∂v Ne-®n- {X-Im-c\pw am[y-a-{]-h¿Ø-I-\p-amb sI.-_n. thWp A`n-{]m- b-s∏-´p. Nmhd aqhn k¿°n-fns‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ \S-Ønb sI.- Pn. tPm¿÷v \mev ]Xn-‰m≠v ]n∂n-Sp∂ Ne-®n-{X-km-∂n[yw F∂ hnj-bsØ A[n-I-cn®v {]`mjWw \S-Øp-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. HØp-Øo¿∏n\v hg-ßmsX Xt‚-Xmb coXn-bn¬ am{Xw kn\n-asb hn`m-h\w sNbvX hy‡n- IqSn-bmWv sI. Pn. tPm¿÷v F∂v At±-lw Iq´n-t®¿Øp. sI. Pn. tPm¿÷ns‚ as‰m-cmƒ F∂ kn\n-a-bpsS {]Z¿i-\hpw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. NS- ßn¬ tPmfn ]th-en¬, Acp¨ B¿., cmPo-hv, jm\¬ tem∏kv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

tlmantbm saUn-°¬ Iymºv \SØn

sIm®n tIm¿∏-td-j≥, Nmh-d Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿, Imcn-°m- apdn dkn-U≥kv Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ F∂n-h-bpsS kwbp-‡m-`n- apJy-Øn¬ tlmantbm saUn-°¬ Iymºv kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. tIm¿∏-td-j≥ SmIvkv A∏o¬ Ãm‚nwKv IΩ‰n sNb¿am≥ sI.-hn.-]n. IrjvW-Ip-am¿ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. ag-°m-e-tcm-K- ßsf sNdp-°p-hm-\p≈ {]Xn-tcm-[-\-Øn-\p-th≠nbp≈ tlmantbm saUn-°¬Iymºv \S-Øp-∂-sX∂v At±lw ]d-

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 121 I¿sΩektμiw ™p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿ Ub-d-IvS¿ ^m.-tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF., tlmantbm saUn-°¬ Hm^o-k¿ tUm. sambvXo≥, Imcn-°m-apdn dkn-U≥kv Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ sk{I-´dn kn.-Un. A\n¬Ip-am¿, Btcm-Ky-hn-`mKw DtZym-K- ÿ-cmb F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn®p

Agn-a-Xnbpw tImSXn \S-]-Sn-{I-ahpw hgn \oXn-\n-tj-[n- °s∏ScpXv: F.sI.\-cm-b-W≥ Ip´n

Agn-a-Xn-aq-ehpw tImSXn \S-]-Sn-{Iaw aqehpw ]m¿iz--h-XvI-cn- °-s∏´ P\-Xbv°v \oXn-\n-tj-[n-°-s∏-S-cp-sX∂v FIvsskkv U]yq´n IΩo-j-W¿ F.-sI. \mcm-b-W≥ Ip´n A`n-{]m-b-s∏- ´p. Nmhd Iƒ-®-d¬ sk‚¿ kwL-Sn-∏n® \oXn-Zn\w ˛ PÃnkv t^m¿ hnIv‰nw-kv DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. \oXnbpw \nb--ahpw c≠m-bn-°m-W-Ww, \oXn \S-∏m- t°-≠Xv k¿°m-cp-tZym-K-ÿ¿ am{X-a√ AXn\v s]mXp-k-aq-l- Øns‚ IqSn Pm{KX thsW-sa∂pw At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. N{μ-t_m-kv, Pnj, dnÃn XpS-ßnb h[-t°-kp-I-fn¬ aZy-a-b- °p-a-cp∂v D]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp-∂p-sh-∂Xv, kaql-Øn¬ aZy-a-b-°p-a- cp-∂ns‚ hym]\w X-S-bp-∂-Xn\v DW¿∂v {]h¿Øn-t°-≠- Xns‚ Bh-iy-I-Xsb Nq≠n-°m-´p-∂p-sh∂v At±lw ]d-™p AUz-t°‰v Fw. B¿ cmtP-{μ≥ \mb¿ A[y--£X hln®p. sh≈w \nd®v ho¿∏n-®n-cn-°p∂ Hcp _eq¨ IW-°mWv t{]mkn- Iyq-j≥ Ip‰-]{Xw Xøm-dm-°n-h-bv°p-∂Xv. Hcp sam´p-kqNn aXn AXv s]m´n-°m≥. sXfn-hn-√mØXn\m¬ \nkm-c-ambn {]Xn-Iƒ c£-s∏-Sp-∂p. am[y-a-ß-fn¬ hcp-tºmƒ am{X-amWv Fs¥-¶nepw sNø-W-sa∂p tXm∂p-∂Xpw Cc-Iƒ°v \oXn e`n-°p∂Xpw, AØcw A\p-`-h-ß-fmWv C∂v \m´n¬ \S-°p-∂-sX∂v At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF., B¿.-Sn.-sF. s^U-td-j≥ kwÿm\ {]kn-U‚ v AUz.-Un.-_n. _n\p, Fd- Wm-Ipfw hnt√Pv B^o-k¿ {io. tPmk^v B‚Wn sl¿´nkv,

122 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw Fd-Wm-Ipfw ssh.-U-ªp.-kn.-F. {]kn-U‚ v {ioaXn amb sNdn- bm≥, s{]m^. F.--F-Ivkv. FUzn≥, tPmfn ]th-en¬ F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

Imgv-N ]-cn-anX-¿°v ]n≥XpWbpambn sSen skbn¬kv tI{μw Nmh-d-bn¬ Bcw-`n®p

skm-ssk-‰n t^m¿ do-lm_n-en-t‰j≥ Hm-^v hn-jz-en N-e-©v- Upw (F-kv. B¿. hn. kn.), Nmhd C‚¿\m-j-W¬ C≥Ãn-‰yq´v t^m¿ hnjzen Ne©Upw (kn.- sF. -sF. hn. -kn) kwbp-‡- ambn F≥hn-j≥ {SÃns‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ thm-U-t^mWns‚ k-l-I-c-W-tØmsS sSen tImƒ sk‚-dn\v XpS°w Ipdn-®p ImgvN sshI-ey-ap-≈-h¿°v am{X-ambn tIc-f-Øn¬ Bcw-`n-°p∂ BZysØ sSen skbn¬kv sk‚¿ BWn-Xv. kaq-l-Øn¬ hf-sc-b-[nIw \√ Imcy-߬ sNøp-hm≥ Cu kwcw`w XpS°w Ipdn-°-s´-sb∂pw πkvSp-hn¬ Adp-\qdn¬ Adp-\q¿ am¿°v t\Snb Im¿ØnI-sb-t]m-ep≈ ImgvN sshI-eysØ AXn-Po-hn-®-h¿ kaq-l-Øn\v Dƒ°mgvN \¬Ip∂ Xnf-ßp∂ \£-{X-ß-fm- sW∂pw apJym-XnYn Pn√m If-IvS¿ apl-ΩZv ssh k^-dp≈ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 123 I¿sΩektμiw sSen skbn¬kv sk‚-dns‚ DZvLm-S\w {]ikvX N-e-®n-{X Xm-cw ^l-Zv ^m-kn¬ \n¿h-ln-®p. bYm¿∞ temIsØ ImWp- hm≥ \nß-fpsS IÆp-Iƒ AS-°-W-sa∂pw 33 h¿jw Xm≥ t\Sn-b-Xn-t\-°mƒ F{Xtbm hep-XmWv ImgvN-bn-√mØ Im¿Øn-I-bpsS t\´-sa∂pw ^lZv A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. kn. Fw. sF. k`m ap≥ {]ntbm¿ P\-dmƒ dh. ^m. tPm-kv ]-¥πw-sXm- ´n-bn¬ A[y-£X hln-®p. ImgvN sh√p-hnfn t\cn-Sp∂ 22 bph-Xo bp-hm-°-fp-am-bn´mWv XpS-°w Ip-dn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv. hcpw am-k-ß-fnepw h¿-j-ß-fnepw C-Xp Iq-Sp-X¬ hn-]p-e-am-°m-\m-hps- a∂v Imgv-N ]-cn-an-X¿-°v A¿-∞-hØm-b Po-hn-X- am-¿Kw I-s≠- Øm\pw sXm-gn-e-h-k-c-߃ I-s≠-Øm\pw k-aq-l-Øn-\v D-W¿- Δp \¬-Im\pw C-Xp- k-lm-bn-°p-sa-∂F-kv. B¿. hn. kn. Ub- d-IvS¿ Fw.-kn.-tdm-bn, sk-{I´-dn kp-\n¬ sP. amXyp, Nm-h-d Iƒ- ®-d¬ sk‚¿ U-b-dŒ¿ ^m. tdm-_n I-Æ-©n-d F∂n-h¿ ]-d- ™p. ImgvN sshI-ey-ap-≈-h¿°mbn Iºyq-´¿ ]cn-io-e-\hpw Cw•ojv `mjm ss\]p-Wyhpw \¬Ip∂ tImgvkv kuP-\y-ambn \¬Ip-sa∂pw Ah¿ ]d-™p. hnKm¿Uv {Kq∏v sNb¿am≥ sIm- ®u-tk-∏v Nn-‰n-e-∏-n≈n, thm-U-t^m¨ tIc-fm _n-kn\-kv ta- [m-hn A-`n-Pn-Øv- In-tjm¿, A^vk¬ bqk-^v, tUm.- A≥km¿ kn.- F., Kncojv Io¿Øn, apPo_v d“m≥, A¬Øm^v lpssk≥ Xp-S-ßn-bh¿ N-S-ßn¬ kw-_-‘n®p. CtXm-S-\-\p-_-‘n®v ImgvN sshI-ey-apf-f-h-cpsS lm¿´v ‰p lm¿´v kwKo-X-]-cn]mSn D≠m- bn-cp-∂p. Beph ssªUv kv°qfnse 22 hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v kam¿´v sIbn≥ hnX-cWhpw \SØn.

124 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

From Dept. of Research and Documentation Golden Records - 35 Nmhd ]nXmhv I\y-mkv{XnIƒ°v Fgp-Xnb Hcp IØv 1870 sabv 25--˛\v Nmhd ]nXmhv I\y-mkv{XnIƒ°v Fgp- Xnb Hcp IØmWv CXv. t{ijvTØnbΩbpsS t]cnemWv CsXgpXnbncn°p∂Xv. Imt\m\ \a-kv°m-c-w sNm√p∂Xn\p≈ {IaØns‚ hniZoIcWw tNmZn-®Xn\v adp]SnbmbmWv FgpXp∂Xv. Hcp bm{X t]mbn aSßn h∂t∏mgp≠mb £oWsØ°pdn®pw Xe-th-Z-\-sb°pdn®pw Adn-bmsX Dd-ßn-t]m°p∂Xnt\°pdn®psa√mw CXn¬ kqNn∏n°p∂p≠v. aTw A{X ASpØmbn´pw AhnSw hsc \S∂p sN√m≥ ]‰mØXm¬ At±lw ZpxJn°p∂p. aTØn¬ sNønt°≠ tPmen°sf°pdn®pw AXm Fßs\ sNøn°Wsa∂pw hy‡amb \n¿t±i߃ Cu Ipdn∏neqsS At±lw Ah¿°v sImSp°p∂p≠v. sNøp∂ F¥p {]h¿Ønbpw BflnbXtbmsS t\m°n°mWphm≥ At±lw Ahsc ]Tn∏n°p∂p≠v. k\ymk PohnXØns‚ ASnÿm\ aqey߃ Fßns\ A`ykn°Wsa∂v \¬°p∂ \n¿t±i߃ At±lØns‚ F√m Ipdn∏SnIfnepw hy‡ambn ImWm≥ Ignbpw. ssZhmflmhn\m¬ \nd™ hy‡nbmbncp∂p At±lw F∂v At±lØns‚ Htcm IØpIfpw sXfnbn°p∂p≠v. IsøgpØns‚ BZy `mKw am{XamWv Xmsg tN¿Øncn°p∂Xv. ^m. tXmakv ]¥πm°¬ kn.Fw.sF.

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 125 I¿sΩektμiw

126 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

]I¿∏v anin-lmbv°p kvXpXn sabv 25, 1870 Cutim adnbw butk∏v C∂se Imt\m\ \a-kv°m-c-Øns‚ {Iaw tNmZn-®ncp∂Xv \n߃°v a\- n-em-Im≥ X°-hn[w Hcp hn[-Øn¬ Fgp-Xn- bn-´p-≠v. AhnsShsc H∂phc-W-sa-∂m-{K-ln-®p. F∂m¬ C∂se ChnsS h∂-t∏m-tg°pw h√mØ £oWhpw Xe- th-Z-\-bp-am-bn-cp-∂p. Adn-bmsX Dd-ßn-t∏m-Ip-∂p. AXn-\m¬ henb £oW-tØm-sS-bmWv Cu Ipdn∏v Fgp-Xp-∂-Xv. I¬∏-Wn-°m-tcmSv Xm¬]-cy-ambn ]d™v sh≈n-bm- gvNbpw IqSn h∂v Cu ]Wn-I-sfm-s°bpw Xo¿Øp Xc-W- sa∂v s{]m°p-tZm-cn-s\-s°m≠v ]d-bn-∏n-°pI. ]Øm-g-Øn\p Np‰pw Xd sI´n A-hnsS \n∂p XqWp sImSp-°p-I. hepXpw sNdp-Xp-amb ]Øm-g-Øn\p Xmsg NnXep ]nSn-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ X°-hÆw I¬®p-h-Sp--sI´n AXn-t∑¬ ]Ømgw shbv°-Ww. \new XnÆ X√-Ww. h√ s\t√m hntØm Ahn-sS-bn´v Af- °m≥ X°-hn[w X√n-sa-gp-I-Ww. then-°-IØpw ]pd-Øp-ap≈ ssXsØ-ßp-I-fpsS Nph-´n¬ Inf-∏n®v Nn∏n-thcp If™v XSw FSpØv Icn-bnse I´-bn- SWw, ssXsØ-ßp-I-fn¬ the-∑msc Ib‰n Ip‰n-a-Sepw s]mXpºpw tIm™m-´bpsa√mw ]dn-∏n®v sXßns‚ Xe sXfn-°-Ww. Cßs\ NphSpw Xebpw sXfn-bp-tºmƒ am{Xta Imbp-≠m-Iq. CXp-hgn sXßn\pw D]-Im-cw, hndIn\pw em`w. Cu the-I-sf√mw \S-Øp-hm≥ s{]m°ptZm- cn-t\mSv ]d-b-Ww. Iqen sImSp-°m≥ ]W-an-√t√m F∂v Abmƒ Icp-tX-≠. \mw the-sb-Sp-∏n-°pI. ]Ww Xºp-cm≥

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 127 I¿sΩektμiw Xcpw. CXp \ΩpsS hI-b-√. ]ns∂tbm Cutim-an-in-lm- bpsS ]{X-ta\n-b-s{X. \mw the sNbvXm¬ aXn.

CXv, t{ijvT-Øn-b-Ω-bv°v, {]ntbm¿ Blm Ip. Genbm {]ntbm¿ (H-∏v)

Hmtcm-cp-Ø-scbpw G¬∏n-®n-cn-°p∂ tPmen Ahch¿ t\m°-Ww. At\z-j-W-߃ t{ijvT∑m¿°v. tPmen sNøn- ∏n-°¬ s{]m°p-tZm-cns‚ IS-a. kaq-lmw-K-߃ A\p-k-c- Ww, Ffna, D]hn F∂nh A`y-kn-°m≥ D’m-ln-°p-I. A¬]-t\cw t]mepw Bcpw shdpsX If-b-cpXv. CXns‚ hne F{X A[n-I-am-sW-t∂m¿°p-I.

128 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

I¿sΩebnse kuK‘nI߃

Rev. Fr. George Thanchan CMI (1957-2016)

Born : 06.06.1957 First Profession: 05.06.1978 Ordination : 06.05.1986 Death: 04.07.2016

“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Rom. 14:8) Rev. Fr. George Thanchan (59) was called for eternal reward on July 4, 2016 at 6:45 am at SUT Hospital,Trivandrum in Kerala.

He hails from St Mary’s parish Kottekkad and was born on June 6, 1957 of Chackoand Mary as the fifth child. He has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. In 1973 he joined the CMI congregation in Deva Matha Province and took his First Vows on January 5, 1978 and on January 3, 1984 he committed himself perpetually in the congregation. He was ordained priest on May 6, 1986 after his philosophical and theological training in Dharmaram Pontifical Institute and Poona and his first posting was to Mandideep mission when Bishop Clemens Thottungal assigned him as Priest-in-Charge. He served as Secretary to Bishop Pastor Neelamkavil from 1987 to 1991 and then the Procurator of the Diocese of Sagar from 1988 to 1991. Thereafter he pursued his higher studies in Rome in Canon Law and completed his doctorate at the Pontifical Oriental Institute. He had been serving full time as Professor of Canon Law at Dharmaram Pontifical Institute

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 129 I¿sΩektμiw from 2001 where he served also as Master of students (2001-2005). In 2005 he was elected Provincial of St Paul’s Province, Bhopal. As Provincial he was an example for conciliation and growth, in matters relating to the diocese and for the life of the Province. After completion of his term (2005-2008) as Provincial, he was elected Vicar General of CMI Congregation (2008-2016) holding the Department of Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry. In the subsequent ministry also he has been holding the portfolio of Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry till he entrusted his soul to the mercy of God. Fr. George had been a powerful presence in the contemporary life of the CMI Congregation which has a long history as the first indigenous religious congregation. Unassuming and unimposing, he was well liked in the congregation and the society at large. Behind a reticent and withdrawing, jovial and pleasant face he wore all the time, he has been a diligent and ardent religious of powerful convictions who could prudently guide the community to accomplish so much in so short a time. As a professor, he was well respected and beyond questioning and was most clear when he answered the queries of students. He was a friend, model religious and philosopher for many who encountered him in the journey of life. Even amidst his administrative responsibilities he continued his teaching at various CMI seminaries and other centres of religious and priestly formation. The clarity of thought, practical sense and mastery he had in ecclesiastical law was so amazing that his opinion was sought as the last word by many religious congregations, especially for various legal matters and general chapters, and for tribunals handling ecclesiastical legal issues all over India. His consistent contributions to the General Chapters of the CMI congregation and the General Councils will remain as a sterling contribution and lasting effect. One of the thrusts of the last two General Chapters of the CMI Congregation has been the Global Mission and Fr. George was the tremendous force in

130 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw forming a policy for bringing the CMIs to take the Gospel to the ends of the world; he was supposed to have completed his visit to the recently started Brazil mission at the time of his demise but for some delay in obtaining a visa to that country. He coordinated many of the programmes of the canonization of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara held in Rome before and after canonization along with the fathers in Rome.

Fr. Thanchan was on a mission to Trivandrum, although it turned out to be his last helping mission of his earthly life, where he died. On July 3rd evening he visited his friend priests of the MCBS congregation at Kalagram in Trivandrum, an institution run by MCBS fathers. After supper he developed breathing trouble at night and was taken to SUT Hospital. Immediately Rev. Fr. Bino Pattarukalam CMI of Trivandrum Province rushed to the hospital and took care of him. He was in the ICU for medical care. Due to cardiac arrest, at 6.45 a.m. on 4th July, 2016, he breathed his last to join the heavenly CMIs. His Eminence Cardinal Baselios Cleemis, Major Archbishop of Syro Malankara Church, prayed for Fr. Thanchan in SUT Hospital. On the way to Kakkanad, the body was taken to Chavara Pilgrim Centre, Mannanam and prayers were held over there presided over by Mar , Archbishop of Changanassery. A memorial mass was celebrated in the chapel at Chavara Hills, presided by Bishop Emeritus of Chanda, Msgr. Vijayanand Nedumpuram CMI and a number of priests, nuns and the faithful. Mar George Cardinal Alenchery, Major Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church, prayed for Rev. Fr. George and shared his happy memories with him and his contribution to Syro Malabar Church. Then the deceased was shifted to Rajagiri Hospital mortuary. On July 7, 2016, the deceased was taken to the chapel at CMI Prior General’s House. Rev. Fr. Paul Achandy, Prior General led the first and second part of the funeral ceremony at Chavara Hills. Mar Antony Kariyil, Bishop

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 131 I¿sΩektμiw of Mandya Diocese presided over the mass and gave the message. Then the body was taken to Jerusalem Retreat Centre , for the final ceremony. Mar Raphael Thattil presided over the holy mass along with other bishops, major superiors and priests. Fr. Anto Amarnad Chittilappilly gave a very touching eulogy during the service. Mar officiated the crowning ceremony. The burial was held in Sagar Bhavan presided over by Mar and other bishops. Rev. Fr. Kurian Kachappilly, Provincial of St Paul’s Province, Bhopal, most of the CMI Provincials, and a large number of CMI members from all over the country also took part in the funeral services. The eloquent presence he has been in the life of the church was quite evident in the glorious funeral that was accorded to him in the presence of about 17 bishops including Major Archbishops of Syro Malabar and Malankara churches, about 400 priests, the religious and their superior generals and provincials, and a large crowd of the faithful who participated in the obsequies. Let us offer this noble soul to the mercy of God and pray that perpetual light shine upon his face and the Almighty grant him eternal life. Please observe the suffrages for the deceased of our congregation (D 58, 59 & 60) at the earliest for the repose of the noble soul of Rev. Fr. George Thanchan at your house. Each member is obliged to say a mass for the General Councillor when he dies in office.

01.08.2016 Fr. Paul Achandy CMI Kakkanad Prior General

132 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

^m. B‚Wn kv]ncnUntbm≥ ]≈n∏mS≥ kn. Fw. sF. Aºg°mSv B{iaw

P\\w: 06.02.1937 BZy{hXw: 16.05.1957 Xncp∏´w: 17.05.1964 acWw : 25.04.2016

Aºg°mSv(tIm´bv°¬) hn. AΩt{XkymbpsS B{iamwKamb _lp. B‚Wn kv]ncnUntbm≥ A®≥ 2016 G{]n¬ 25˛mw XobXn A¥yIqZmiIsf√mw kzoIcn®v 79˛mw hb n¬ Cu temItØmSv hnS ]d™p, kz¿§]nXmhns‚ `h\Ønte°v bm{Xbmbn. Aae Bkv]{Xnbn¬ h®mbncp∂p A¥yw. Bkv]{XnbpsS kao]Øp≈ \ΩpsS "km¥z\'Øn¬ c≠p h¿jambn At±lw NnIn’bnembncp∂p. B‚Wn kv]ncnUntbm≥ A®≥ Ccnßme°pS cq]Xbn¬ shÆq¿ CShIbn¬ ]≈n∏mS≥ IpSpw_mwKamWv. tZh n, Gey amXm]nXm°ƒ. 9 a°fp≈ henb IpSpw_Øn¬ At±lw 8˛mw asØ aI\mWv. _lp. tPmkv Np¶≥ kn. Fw. sF. At±lØns‚ ASpØ _‘phmWv.

At±lØns‚ k\ymk]cnioe\w hc¥c∏n≈n tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ Bcw`n®v, IdpIp‰nbn¬ \hk\ymkw ]q¿Ønbm°n, Aºg°mSv Pq\nbtd‰v ]T\w \SØn. sshZnI]T\w _mw•q¿ [¿Ωmcmw ]T\KrlØnembncp∂p. ]cnioe\Øn¬ At±lØns‚ Kpcp°≥am¿ ^m. Uokva v, ^m. {IntkmtÃmw, ^m. PqkvXqkv, ^m. a≥kpthkvXqkv F∂nhcmbncp∂p. ]cnioe\w ]q¿Ønbm°n 1964˛¬ sshZnI\mbn ]pdØph∂

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 133 I¿sΩektμiw _lp. B‚Wnb®s‚ PohnXw tim`\ambncp∂p. F√mhtcbpw kvt\l]q¿hw kzoIcn®v, \¿Ωkw`mjWw \SØn Ahcnte°v Cdßns®√phm\p≈ Hcp ]mShw At±lØn\p≠mbncp∂p. ]´w kzoIcn® h¿jw Xs∂ B‚Wnb®≥ hc¥c∏n≈n tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ Cw•ojv˛eØo≥ `mjm[ym]I\mbn \nban°s∏´p. tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS `mjm[ym]I\mbn At±lw \∂mbn A≤zm\n®p. tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS \njvTbp≈ A[ym]I\mbn cp∂p At±lw. ]n∂oSv I¿ÆmSIbnse [m¿hm¿ bqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬ \n∂pw _n.F. Icÿam°n F¬ØpcpØv tImtfPn¬ `mjm[ym]I\mbn. {]hniybnse ]p√q¿, IpμwIpfw, hc¥c∏n≈n F∂o B{iaßfn¬ At±lw t{ijvT\mbn´p≠v. _lp. B‚Wnb®s‚ ka¿∏W PohnXØns‚ [\yX \nd™p\nev°p∂Xv At±lw tbmKm¿∞n sdIvS¿ Bbncp∂ ImeL´ØnemWv. hc¥c∏n≈n tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ 9 h¿jhpw, F¬ØpcpØv 6 h¿jhpw At±lw sdIvSdmbncp∂p. hoSpIfn¬ \n∂pw tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ FØp∂ Ip´nIƒ°v B‚Wnb®≥ amXmhpw ]nXmhpambncp∂p. k\ymkPohnXØnte°p≈ Xo£vWamb B{Klw D]tZißfneqsSbpw, amXrIbneqsSbpw At±lahcn¬ P\n∏n®p. {]hniybn¬ At±lØn\v henb injykºØp≠v.

]utcmlnXytØmSp≈ AKm[amb aXn∏pw ka¿∏Whpw B‚Wnb®s‚ PohnXØn¬ F∂pw ]® ]nSn®p\n∂ncp∂p. hn. _enbpw _en]oThpw At±lØns‚ i‡ntI{μßfmbncp∂p. AhnsS \n∂mWv Xs‚ PohnXØn\mhiyamb Bflob Du¿÷w At±lw kºmZn®ncp∂Xv. B‚Wnb®≥ \√ Hcp kwKoX⁄\mbncp∂p. ]m´pIp¿∫m\bpw, hN\ {]tLmjWhpw At±lØns‚ PohnXØns‚ `mKambncp∂p.

134 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw tZhmebKoX߃ ]Tn∏n°p∂Xn¬ AXoh XXv]c\mbncp∂p. ]utcmlnXy ip{iqjIfn¬ At±lw G‰hpw {i≤mephmbncp∂p. B{iat{ijvT\mbncp∂t∏mgpw tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS Kpcp\mY\mbncp∂t∏mgpw, GXv tPmenbmbmepw AP]me\ Bhiy߃°v A®≥ kabw Is≠Ønbncp∂p.

Xs‚ ka¿∏nXPohnXØns‚ Ahkm\ 11 h¿j߃ B‚Wnb®≥ Nnehgn®Xv Aºg°mSv(tIm´bv°¬) B{iaØnemWv. ChnsSbpw At±lw Du¿÷zkze\mbncp∂p. \hk\ymknIfpsS Ipºkmc°mc\mbn´pw ASpØp≈ Im¿Ω¬ tIm¨sh‚n¬ Nmπbv\mbn´pw tPmen sNbvXp. ssZhP\Øn\v Ft∏mgpw At±lw kwe`y\mbncp∂p. kz¿§]nXmhns‚ `h\Ønte°p≈ Hcp°Øn¬ At±lw ChnsS Znhk߃ Nnehgn®p. Ahkm\ c≠p h¿jw B‚Wnb®≥ NnIn’m¿∞w Aae Bkv]{XnbpsS kao]Øp≈ "km¥z\'Øn¬ Xmakn®p. Ahkm\L´Øn¬ BgvNbn¬ aq∂v {]mhiyw At±lØn\v Ubmenknkv sNtø≠nh∂p. AhnsSbp≈ F√mhcpw At±lsØ ]cnNcn®ncp∂p. F√mhtcbpw At±lw kvt\ln®p.

_lp. sh. B‚Wnb®s‚ kwkv°mcI¿ΩØn¬ ]s¶Sp°phm\pw, A¥ytam]Nmcw A¿∏n°phm\pw [mcmfw t]¿ Aºg°mSv B{iaØn¬ FØnt®¿∂p. A`nhμy ]nXm°≥am¿ t]mfn IÆq°mS≥, am¿ ]mÿ \oe¶mhn¬, am¿ sPbnwkv ]gbm‰n¬ F∂nh¿ kwkv°mcip{iqjbn¬ Im¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. am¿ B≥{Uqkv km¥z\Øn¬ h∂v At±lØn\p th≠n {]m¿∞n®p. kn. Fw. sF. k`bpsS {]ntbm¿ P\d¬, At±lØns‚ injy≥ IqSnbmb _. t]mƒ A®m≠nb®≥ At±lsØ A\pkvacn®v {]kwKn®p. s{]mhn≥jy¬ _. hmƒ´d®≥, kn. Fw. sF. sshZnI¿, CShI sshZnI¿, _. kntÃgvkv At±lØns‚ ho´pIm¿,

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 135 I¿sΩektμiw

CShIkaqlw XpSßn At\Iw t]¿ kwkvImcip{iqjbn¬ ]¶psIm≠p. \ΩpsS k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ ip{iqjIfpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw \SØphm≥ Hm¿Ωn®ncp∂p.

^m. {^m≥kokv IWn®n°m´n¬ kn. Fw. sF. {]ntbm¿, hn. AΩt{XkymbpsS B{iaw, Aºg°mSv

136 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

dh. ^m. tPmk^v ap≠pthenapItf¬ kn.Fw.sF.

Im™nc∏≈n tacnIzo≥kv Im¿Ω¬ lukv B{iamwK ambncp∂ ^m. tPmk^v ap≠pthenapItf¬ Xs‚ 75˛mw hb n¬ \nXykΩm\Øn\mbn bm{X ]pds∏´p. XnI®pw A{]Xo£nXambncp∂p ap≠pthenb®s‚ th¿]mSv. HmSn\S∂v F√mh¿°pw ip{iqj sNbvXpsIm≠ncp∂ At±lw AXnthKw BtcmSpw bm{X tNmZn°m≥ ImØp\nev°msX \mYs‚ hnfn tI´v PohnX Xnc»oebv°p ]n∂n¬ ad™p. _n. ]n. NnIn’bnembncp∂ At±lw s]´∂p≠mb akvXnjvIc‡{kmhØn\v Iogvs∏SpIbmbncp∂p, tUmIvS¿amtcbpw tcmKoip{iqjItcbpw \n lmbcm°n s°m≠v.

AXncºpg CShIbn¬ P\n®v {ioIWvTawKew enkyq CShIbn¬ hf¿∂ ap≠pthenapItfe®s‚ amXm]nXm°ƒ sFkIv ˛ ImXdo≥ ZºXnIfmbncp∂p. 1941˛embncp∂p P\\w. IpSpw_Ønse BZyk¥m\ambncp∂ tPmk^v ap≠pthenapItf¬ Xs‚ ktlmZc߃°pw AhcpsS sIm®pa°ƒ°psa√mw F∂pw A®mbnbmbncp∂p. Ggv ktlmZcßfmWv At±lØn\p≠mbncp∂Xv. sslkvIqƒ hnZym`ymkØn\p tijw 1956 ˛ ¬ kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS am∂m\w ssa\¿ skan\mcnbn¬ tN¿∂p. aptØmen,

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 137 I¿sΩektμiw sNØn∏pg skan\mcnIfnse `mjm]T\Øn\pw, \hk\ymk]cnioe\Øn\pw tijw XXzimkv{X, ssZhimkv{X]T\w _m•qcnse kn.Fw.sF. taP¿ skan\mcnbmb [¿Ωmcmw s]m¥n^n°¬ C≥Ãn‰yq´n¬ ]q¿Ønbm°n. k\ymknsb∂ \nebn¬ 1961 ˛ ¬ \nXy{hXw A\pjvTn® At±lw 1968 ˛ ¬ sshZnI]´w kzoIcn®p. tIm´bw, aptØmen, Im™nc∏≈n F∂o B{iaßfnembn HXpßn\n∂p At±lØns‚ tkh\cwK߃. 1970 ˛ ¬ Zo]nIbn¬ ip{iqj PohnXw Bcw`n® At±lw apwss_bn¬\n∂pw tªm°v sabn°nwKn¬ ]cnioew t\Sn. Zo]nIbpsS tªm°v ÃpUntbmbn¬ amt\Pcmbn Bcw`n® Zo]nImtkh\ PohnXw, s{]mU£≥ Un∏m¿´psa‚ns‚ Xeh≥ Xehs\∂ \nebn¬ hscsbØn. shdpw Hcp amt\Pcmbncp∂n√ At±lw. 18 aWn°qdpw Poh\°mtcmsSm∏w Pohn®v Ahcn¬ Hcmsft∏mse ITn\m[zm\w sNbvXv F√mhcptSbpw kvt\lmZc߃ ]nSn®p]‰pIbpw sNbvX hy‡nbmbncp∂p ap≠ptheneb®≥. tIm´bsØ Zo¿LIme tkh\Øn\p tijw aptØmenbnte°v ÿew amdnb ap≠pthenb®≥ AhnsSbpw kpZo¿Lamb 16 h¿jw t_m¿UnwKv sdIvSsd∂ \nebn¬ tkh\w A\pjvTn®v henb injy kºØns‚bpw DSabmbn. t_m¿UnwKv Ip´nIƒ°v {]nb¶c\mb sdIvSdmbncp∂p ap≠pthenb®≥. aptØmen kvIqfnse A≤ym]Icpambpw hfsc \√ _‘w ]pe¿Ønbncp∂p.

Gev]n°s∏´ tPmenIsf√mw hfsc ka¿∏Wt_m[tØmsS sNbvXpXo¿°p∂ kz`mh°mc\mbncp∂p ap≠ptheneb®≥. GXm≠v 7 h¿jtØmfw tIm´bw kn. Fw. sF. s{]mhn≥jy¬ lukns‚ kp∏ocnbdmbpw tkh\w A\pjvTn®p. AXnYn kXv°mc{]nb\mbncp∂ At±lØns‚ B tkh\cwKsØ

138 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw {]h¿Ø\ssien {]hniym`h\Øn¬ AkabØpt]mepw FØp∂h¿°v Bizmkhw kt¥mjZmbIhpambncp∂p. \s√mcp k\ymknsb∂ \nebn¬ {]m¿∞\mPohnXØnepw, sshZnIs\∂ \nebn¬ sshZnIip{iqjmcwKØpw At±lw Xnfßn\n∂p. aptØmen B{ia skantØcnbnemWv At±lw A¥yhn{iaw sIm≈p∂Xv. arXkwkvImcthfbnepw AXn\p apºpambn hfsc henb P\mhen aptØmenbn¬ FØn At±ltØmSv BZchv {]ISn∏n®p. At±lØns‚ injykºØpw kplrZv hebhpw F{X hepXmbncp∂psh∂v hy‡am°p∂Xmbncp∂p acWm\¥c ip{iqjbpsS Ahkcw. arXkwkvImc ip{iqjIfpsS {][m\`mKamb kaql_enbv°v _. s{]mhn≥jy¬ tPm¿÷v CSbmSnbne®≥ t\XrXzw \evIn. klIm¿ΩnIcmbn P\d¬ HmUn‰¿ _. tPmWn FS∏pfh\®≥, Xncph\¥]pcw s{]mhn≥jy¬ _. tkmP≥ aTØne®≥, Zo]nIbpsS No^v FUn‰¿ _. t_m_n AeIvkv aÆwπm°e®≥, ap≠pthenb®s‚ CShIbmb enkyq ]≈nbpsS hnImcn _. {^m≥kokv sImSnb\®≥, Im™nc∏≈n tacnIzo≥kv Im¿Ω¬ lukns‚ {]os^IvSv Bb _. eqt°mkv ]dbcptXm´Øne®≥ F∂nh¿ _enb¿∏n®p. ap≥ s{]mhn≥jyepw _mw•q¿ {InkvXpPb¥n tImtfPns‚ {]n≥kn∏epamb _. tPmkvIp´n ]Sn™mtd∏oSnI _. ap≠pthenapItfe®s‚ BflobXtbbpw, tkh\k∂≤Xtbbpw, ka¿∏Wt_m[tØbpw {]Io¿Øn®v hN\ktμiw \evIn. kam]\I¿Ω߃°v ]mem cq]XbpsS klmbsa{Xm≥ am¿ tP°_v apcn°≥ ]nXmhv t\XrXzw \evIn. am¿ amXyp Adbv°¬ ]nXmhpw, am¿ tPmk^v ]≈n°m∏dºn¬ ]nXmhpw, am¿ hnPbmμv s\Spw]pdw ]nXmhpw t\ctØsbØn ap≠ptheneb®\p th≠n H∏okv sNm√n {]m¿∞n®p.

\ΩpsS {]nbs∏´ ap≠pthenapItfe®s\ \ΩpsS

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 139 I¿sΩektμiw {]m¿∞\Ifn¬ F∂pw kvacn°mw. \ΩpsS k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ _enIfpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw A¿∏n°Wsa∂pw At]£n°p∂p. {]m¿∞\bpsS sFIyØn¬ Im™nc∏n≈n ^m. eqt°mkv ]dbcptXm´w kn. Fw. sF. 15.07.2016 {]os^IvSv tacnIzo≥kv Im¿Ω¬ lukv

140 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw

dh. ^m. amXyp D∏mWn 1935-˛2016 tIm´bw sk‚ v tPmk^v s{]mhn≥knse CSa‰w Nmhd B{iamwKambncp∂ _lp. amXyp D∏mWn A®≥ 2016 Pqsse amkw 9˛mw XobXn shfp∏n\v 5.00 aWn°v Xs‚ 81˛masØ hb n¬ \nXykΩm\Øn\mbn hnfn°s∏´p.

FdWmIpfw AXncq]Xm hSbm¿ CShIbn¬ D∏mWn FΩm\pth¬˛adnbmΩ ZºXnIfpsS ]p{X\mbn 1935 P\phcn 20 \v P\n®p. hSbm¿ kvIqfn¬ {]mYanI hnZym`ymkw ]q¿Ønbm°n kn. Fw. sF. k`bn¬ tN¿∂p. 1958 sabv 16\v \nXy{hXw A\pjvTn®p. 1964 sabv 16\v A`njn‡\mbn. I¿ÆmSI bqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬ \n∂v amÿ _ncpZw kºmZn® amXyp A®≥ HmIvkvt^m¿Uv bqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬ \n∂pw kpdnbm\n `mjbn¬ D]cn]T\w \SØn. XpS¿∂v am·‰nIv sXdm∏nbn¬ Untπmabpw Icÿam°n. \s√mcp hm‹nbmbncp∂ amXyp D∏mWnb®≥ \nch[n CShIIfn¬ [ym\{]kwKw \SØpIbpw ]e CShIIfn¬ klhnImcnbmbn tPmen sNøpIbpw sNbvXp. aplΩ B{iaØnse kp∏ocnb¿ Bbncp∂ A®≥ Xo£vWXbp≈ hN\ip{iqjI≥ IqSnbmbncp∂p. sNØn∏pg B{iamwKambncp∂t∏mƒ B{iatZhmebØn¬ F√m Znhkhpw sshIpt∂cßfn¬ P]amebpw dwi{]m¿∞\Ifpw hN\ktμihpw D®`mjnWnbneqsS sNm√nbncp∂p. IpSpw_{]m¿∞\bpsS BhiyIX kaqlsØ

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 141 I¿sΩektμiw t_m[ys∏SpØp∂Xn\v At±lw I≠ Cu am¿§w Gsd {]iwk\obambncp∂p.

"]vinØ' ss__nfns\ kpdnbm\n `mjbn¬ \n∂v aebmfØnte°v hnh¿Ø\w sNbvXXv amXyp A®s‚ kpdnbm\n `mjbnep≈ anIhns\hnfn®dnbn°p∂p. CXv kotdm ae_m¿ k`bv°v hensbmcp t\´w Xs∂bmbncp∂psh∂v ]nXm°∑m¿ A\pkvacn°p∂p. "Adnhn¬s]SmØ taL]Sew' hØn°m≥ Iu¨knens‚ Un{InIfn¬ NneXv, Nne Bflob {KŸßƒ XpSßn [mcmfw Cw•ojv IrXnIƒ aebmfØnte°v hnh¿Ø\w sNbvXn´p≠v. IqØm´pIpfw tacnKncn tImtfPns‚ ÿm]I]nXmhmb amXyp A®≥ a[y{]tZinse tPymXn tImtfPnse A≤ym]I\pw Z£nWm{^n°bnse skan\mcn A≤ym]I\pw Bbncp∂p. IqSmsX Aa\Ic, ]mem, ]me{º F∂o B{iaßfnepw kvXpXy¿lamb tkh\w sNbvXp.

CSa‰w Nmhd B{iamwKambncps∂¶nepw Ign™ aq∂p h¿jambn InUv\n kw_‘amb AkpJsØØpS¿∂v Im™nc∏≈n tacnIzo≥kv Bkv]{XntbmSv tN¿∂p≈ {]im¥v `h\nembncp∂p amXyp A®≥ Xmakn®ncp∂Xv. 1969˛¬ sh√qcn¬ h®v AXohKuchtadnb lrZbikv{X{Inb sNtø≠nhcnIbpw ssZhImcpWyØm¬ Du¿÷zkze \mhpIbpw sNbvXp. Cu ssZhImcpWyØns‚ A\pkvacWm¿∞amWv "]vinØ' ss__nfns‚ hnh¿Ø\w \n¿hln®sX∂v {KŸØn¬ At±lw Xs∂ Ipdn®n´p≠v. ZrV\n›bw At±lØns‚ hm°pIfnepw {]hrØnIfnepw \ngen®ncp∂p. kpdnbm\n `mjbnse ss\]pWyw tIcfØnse \nch[n ssZhmebßfn¬ kpdnbm\n ]m´pIp¿_m\bneqsS At±lw ]¶ph®Xpw ssZhImcpWyØns‚ hy‡amb {]IS\ambncp∂p.

Pqsse ]Ømw XobXn RmbdmgvN D® Ign™v 2 aWn°v sk‚ v

142 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw hn≥sk‚ v B{iassZhmebØn¬ \S∂ kwkv°mc NSßn¬ hn. Ip¿_m\bv°v P\dmƒ _lp. t]mƒ A®m≠n A®≥ apJyIm¿ΩnIXzw hln®p. kwkv°mcip{iqjbpsS BZy`mKØv Im™nc∏≈n cq]Xm≤y£≥ am¿ amXyp Adbv°¬ ]nXmhv H∏okv sNm√n {]m¿∞n°pIbpw A®s‚ {]h¿Ø\ßsf Hm¿Ωn°pIbpw sNbvXp. kwkv°mc ip{iqjbpsS Ahkm\ `mKØv ]mem cq]Xm≤y£≥ am¿ tPmk^v I√dßm´v ]nXmhv apJyIm¿ΩnIXzw hln°pIbpw amXyp A®s\ A\pkvacn®v kwkmcn°pIbpw sNbvXp. ]cn. Ip¿_m\bv°nSbn¬ _lp. tPmk^v h≈n∏mew A®≥ A\pkvacW{]`mjWw \SØn. s{]mhn≥jy¬ _lp. tPm¿÷v CSbmSnbne®≥, CSa‰w Nmhd B{iaw {]os^IvSv ^m. t‰man Imcmwthen, amXyp A®s‚ ktlmZco]p{X≥ dh. ^m. amXyp IcoØd F∂nh¿ klIm¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. \nch[n sshZnIcpw ka¿∏nXcpw _‘pan{XmZnIfpw injyKWßfpw \m´pImcpaSßp∂ [mcmfw t]¿ ip{iqjIfn¬ k∂nlnXcmbncp∂p.

_lp. amXyp D∏mWn A®\pth≠n k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ ip{iqjIfpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw \SØphm≥ Hm¿Ωs∏SpØs´.

CSa‰w ^m. t‰man Imcmwthen 20-˛07˛2016 {]os^IvSv, Nmhd B{iaw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 143 I¿sΩektμiw

dh. ^m. tXmakv amfntb°¬ kn.Fw.sF

P\\w : 20.4.1954 Xncp∏´w : 11.5.1983 BZy{hXw : 16.5.1957 acWw : 20.7.2016 tIm´bw sk‚ v tPmk^v {]hiybpsS Aa\Ic sk‚ v ]bkv X B{iamwKambncp∂ _. tXmakv amfntb°¬ kn.Fw.sF A®≥ 2016 Pqsse 20˛\v ZnhwKX\mbn. ]mem acnb≥ sk‚dn¬ h®mbncp∂p A¥yw. At±lØns‚ arXicocw 2016 Pqsse 22˛\p ]mem sk‚ v hn≥sk‚ v B{ia skantØcnbn¬ kwkvIcn®p. t_m≤yßfpsS a\pjy≥, A\p{KloX\mb IemImc≥, Imcy{]m]vXnbp≈ I¿ΩtbmKn, ZrVamb kplrZv_‘ßfpsS hy‡nXzw, {InbmflIamb {]h¿Ø\ ssienbpsS h‡mhv, I¿Ω\ncX\pw kvt\lkº∂\pamb Kpcp\mY≥, ssZhm{ibt_m[w lrZbØn¬ kq£n® hy‡nXw, kaqlØn\v B¿Phw ]Icp∂ kPoh km\n[yw, Akm[mcWamb Hm¿Ωi‡nbpsS DSa, apJw t\m°msXbp≈ {]h¿Ø\ ssien F∂nßs\ _. tXmak®s‚ PohnXsØ kw{Kln°mw. ]mem cq]Xbnse ao\®n¬ CShI amfntb°¬ tPmk^v ˛ Gen°p´n ZºXnIfpsS A©v a°fn¬ aq∂ma\mbn 1954 \hw_¿ 4˛mw XnbXn tXmak®≥ P\n®p. {]mYanI hnZym`ymkØn\v tijw Icn°m´q¿ B{iatØmS\p_‘n®p≈ A∏kvtXmen°v t_m¿UnwKn¬ Xmakn®v F´v, H≥]Xv ¢m pIfnse ]T\w ]q¿ØoIcn®p.

144 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw ]Ømw ¢m nse ]T\Øn\mbn aptØmen sk‚ v B‚Wokv kvIqfn¬ tNcpIbpw H∏w tbmKm¿∞n `h\Ønse AwKambn amdpIbpw sNbvXp. Hcp h¿j°mesØ eØo≥ ]T\Øn\p tijw {]oUn{Kn ]T\w am∂m\w sI.C. tImtfPn¬ ]q¿Ønbm°n. sNØn∏pgbn¬ \hk\ymk ]cnioe\w ]q¿Ønbm°n 1975 sabv 16˛mw XnbXn BZyhrXw A\pjvTn®p. tImtfPv hnZym`ymkw tImgn°mSv tZhKncn tItfPnepw XXzimkv{X ssZhimkv{X ]T\߃ _mwKvfq¿ [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPnepw ]q¿Ønbm°n. 1980 Pq¨ 5˛\v \nXy{hXa\pjvTn® At±lw 1983 sabv 11˛\v {InkvXphns‚ ]ptcmlnX\mbn A`njn‡\mbn. XpS¿∂v tXhc tk{I´vlm¿´v tImtfPn¬ \n∂v sImtagvkn¬ _ncpZm\¥c_ncpZw Icÿam°n. aqea‰w sk‚ v tPmk^v tImtfPn¬ {]n≥kn∏embpw A≤ym]I\mbpw, FSXz sk‚ vAtemjykv tImtfPn¬ {]n≥kn∏embpw Xs‚ HutZymKnI PohnXØn¬ A[nI Imehpw A®≥ Nnehgn®p. sshZnI PohnXØns‚ Bcw`Øn¬ Hcp h¿j°mew ]mem sk‚ v hn≥sk‚ v B{iaØns‚ s{]mIptd‰dmbn tPmen \n¿hln®p. dn´b¿sa‚n\p tijw alcmjv{Sbnse N{μ∏qcnep≈ Im¿Ω¬ A°mZan kvIqfns‚ {]n≥kn∏embn tkh\w sNbvXp. CXn\nSbn¬ 1997-˛2000 h¿jßfn¬ At±lw Atacn°bn¬ AP]me\ i{iqj \n¿hln®p. 2010˛¬ hnZym`mk {]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ \n∂pw hncan® At±lw N°p]≈w, IqØm´pIpfw `h\ßfn¬ AwKambncp∂p. 2011˛2014 ]pXp∏≈n sk‚ v B‚Wokv kn.Fw.sF `hs‚ {]ns^IvSv Bbn DØchmZnXzw \n¿hln®p. 2014 apX¬ tXmak®≥ Aa\Ic B{iamwKambn hnhn[ ip{iqjIfnte¿s∏´ncp∂p.BtcmKy]camb _p≤nap´pIfp≠mbncp∂n´pw hn.Ip¿_m\bpw a‰v IqZmiIfpw ]cnI¿Ωw sNøp∂Xn\v D’mlw ImWn®ncp∂p. 2014 Unkw_dn¬ At±lw Atacn°bn¬ AP]me\ip{iqj°mbn

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 145 I¿sΩektμiw t]mbncps∂¶nepw BtcmKy]cambImcWßfm¬ A[nIw XmaknbmsX \m´nte°v Xncn®v t]m∂p. IcƒtcmKkw_‘amb Akzmÿyw C°meßfn¬ At±lØn\p≠mbncp∂p. CXn\p≈ NnIn’bv°mbn _mwKvfq¿ sk‚ v ^nteman\mkv Bip]{Xnbnepw Beph cmPKncn Bip]{Xnbnepw At±lw t]mbncp∂p. Xs‚ tcmKsØ°pdn®v IrXyamb Adnhv At±lØn\p≠mbncp∂p. PohnXØns‚ Ahkm\ \mfpIfn¬ H∂camk°mew ]mem acnb≥ sk‚dn¬ NnIn’bnembncp∂p. imcocnI thZ\Ifpw kl\ßfpw hln®v, A¥yIpZmi kznIcn®v, k`mwKßfptSbpw IpSpw_mwKßfpsSbpw {]m¿∞\Iƒ {ihn®psIm≠p≈ Hcp acWw kzoIcn°phm≥ tXmak®\v km[n®p. tamitbt∏mse a\ pcpInb {]m¿∞\ hgn ssZhP\Øn\pth≠n am≤yÿw hln®v, tXSns®∂hcpsS ]mXIsf ssNX\yhØm°n, sagpIpXncnt]mse DcpInbn√mXmbn, \∑IfpsS hgnØmcIƒ sXfn®v Xºpcms‚ ]mXbpsS Hu∂Xyw Db¿Øn ]nSn®v, {hX_≤PohnXØneqsS ka¿∏n®v, kn.Fw.sF k`sb Gsd kvt\ln®v, k`bpsS hnZym`ymk {]h¿Ø\߃°v KWyamb kw`mh\Iƒ \evIn tXmak®≥ kz¿§ob]nXmhns‚ `h\Ønte°v bm{Xbmbn. A≤ym]I\pw, ]ptcmlnX\pw, klrZb\pambn h¿Øn®psIm≠v At±lw Xs‚bpw a‰p≈hcpsSbpw PohoXßsf Zo]vXam°n. arXkwkvImcthfbnepw AXn\pap≥]pambn hfsc henb P\mhen Aa\Icbnepw ]membnepw FØn At±ltØmSv BZchv {]ISn∏n®p. At±lØns‚ injykºØpw kplrZv _‘hpw F{X hepXmbncp∂psh∂v hy‡am°p∂Xmbncp∂p arXkwkvImc ip{iqj°mbnFØnt®¿∂ h≥ P\mhen. ]mem sk‚ v hn≥k‚ v B{ia tZhmebØn¬ arXkwkvImc ip{iqjbpsS {][m\ `mKamb kaql_en°v Omμm cq]Xm ap≥ sa{Xm≥ am¿ hnPbm\μv s\Spºpdw ]nXmhv t\XrXzw \evIn. tIm´bw {]hniym[n]≥ tPm¿Pv CSbmSnbe®≥,

146 Sepetember 2016; No. 232 I¿sΩektμiw tImgnt°mSv {]hniym[n]≥ tPmk^v hbene®≥, Xriq¿ {]hniym[n]≥ hmƒ´¿ tXe∏≈nbne®≥, Omμm {]hniym[n]≥ B‚Wn Ip‰nbm\n°e®≥, _mw•q¿ ss{IÃv bqWnthgvkn‰n sshkv Nm≥kne¿ tXmakv NmØ≥]d≥ºne®≥, Aa\Ic B{iaØns‚ {]ntbm¿ kJdnbmkv If∏pc°e®≥ F∂nh¿ klIm¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. ap≥ s{]mhnjyepw _mw•q¿ {InkvXpPb¥n tImtfPns‚ {]n≥kn∏epambncp∂ tPmkpIp´n ]Sn™msd ]oSnIbne®≥ Xs‚ kl]mTnbpw kplrØpamb tXmak®s‚ PohnXsØ hN\ ktμiØneqsS shfns∏SpØnX∂p. kam]\ I¿Ω߃°v kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS P\d¬ Iu¨kne¿ sk_mÃy≥ sXt°Sa®≥ t\XrXzw \evIn. amfiy cq]X am¿ B‚WnIcnbn¬ ]nXmhpw, ]mem cq]X klmb sa{Xm≥ am¿ tP°_v apcn°≥ ]nXmhpw tXmak®\pth≠n H∏okp sN√n {]m¿∞n®p. at\mNn¥Iƒ ]hn{XoIcn®v, hn⁄m\w hnip≤oIcn®v, tbip`mhw [cn®v, Poh\pw PohnXhpw Xºpcm\p ka¿∏n® Cu k\ymk sshZnIs‚ PohnXw Fs∂∂pw hmgvØs∏SpIbpw hnip≤oIcn°s∏SpIbpw sNøs´. amemJamtcmSpw hnip≤tcmSpw tN¿∂v kz¿§obKm\w Be]n°phm≥ ssZh]nXmhns‚ ]°te°v ]pds∏´ncn°p∂ _lp. tXmakv amfntb°e®s\ \ΩpsS {]m¿∞\Ifn¬ F∂pw kvacn°pIbpw At±lØn\pth≠n k`m\nba{]Imcap≈ _enIfpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw A¿∏n°pIbpw sNømw.

Aa\Ic 08.08.2016 {]m¿∞\tbmsS

^m. kJdnbmkv If∏pcbv°¬ kn.Fw.sF {]ntbm¿ sk‚ v ]bkv X B{iaw Aa\Ic, cma]pcw

Sepetember 2016; No. 232 147 I¿sΩektμiw

Carmela Sandesam No. 230; March 2016 CMI Bulletin Phone : 0484-2881804 CMI Generalate, Chavara Hills 0484-2881816 P.B. No. 3105, Kakkanad P.O. Kochi - 682 030 [email protected] For Private Circulation

ASpØ e°Ønte°p≈ am‰¿ 2016 \hw-_¿ 15 \Iw Hm^okn¬ In´nbncn°Ww

All rights reserved, Reproduction in any manner, in whole or part, without prior written permission prohibited. Editor : Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI

Printed and Published by Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu for the CMI General Secretariat for Media of Communication

148 Sepetember 2016; No. 232