Orientalia Christiana Periodica

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Orientalia Christiana Periodica Wolumen 81 Fasciculus I 2015 ORIENTALIA CHRISTIANA PERIODICA COMMENTARII DE RE ORIENTALIAETATIS CHRISTIANAE SACRA ET PROFANA EDITI CURA ET OPERE PONTIFICII INSTITUTI ORIENTALIUM STUDIORUM PONTIFICIUM INSTITUTUM ORIENTALIUM STUDIORUM PIAZZA S. MARIA MAGGIORE, 7 ROMA Nr. 1 / 2015 Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in abbonamento postale. D L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n' 46) art. l.comma 2, DCB Roma. Semestrale. Taxe perIue. ORIENTALIA CHRISTIANA PERIODICA Piazza S. Maria Maggiore 7 — 00185 Roma www.orientaliachristiana.it tel. 0644741-7104; fax 06446-5576 ISSN 0030-5375 This periodical began publication in 1935. Two fascicles are issued each year, which contain articles, shorter notes and book reviews about the Christian East, that is, whatever concems the theology, history, patro- logy, liturgy, archaeology and canon law of the Christian East, or whatever is closely connected therewith. The annual contribution is € 46,00 in Italy, and € 58,00 or USD 76,00 outside Italy. The entire series is still in print and can be supplied on demand. Subscription should be paid by a check to Edizioni Orientalia Christia¬ na or a deposit to ccp. 34269001. International Bank Account Number (IBAN): Country Check Digit C1N Cod. ABI CAB Account Number IT 54 C 07601 03200 000034269001 BIC-CodI BPPIITRRXXX Edited by Philippe Luisier (Editor), Rafa² Zarzeczny (Book Reviews) e-mail: [email protected]; Jaros²aw Dziewicki (Managing Editor) e-mail: [email protected], with the Professors of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Ali materials for publication (articles, notes, books for review) should be addressed to the Editor. SUMMARIUM ARTICULI Sameh Farouk Soliman, Some hymns attributed to Saint John of Damascus present in the Coptic liturgy. 5-16 P. Canart - A. Di Lorenzo, Frammenti di un Mineo di agosto nell’Ar- chivio Carrano di Teggiano*. 17-82 Frans van de Paverd, The Kanonikon by John the Faster. 83-137 Mariam de Ghantuz Cubbe, Les trois exp7ditions des Mamelouks contrI la Montagne libanaise en 1292, 1300 et 1305, et les Maro- nites.. 139-168 Tatiana Afanasyeva, The Slavic Version of the Euchologion of the Great Church and its Greek Prototype. 169-194 Georges Ruyssen, S.J., La Santa Sede e il genocidio armeno del 1915. 195-214 RES B03LI0GRAPHICAE Valentino Pace, II Salento medievale in un libro di Linda Safian .... 215-225 Vincenzo Ruggieri, Uno splendido epilogo sui Kellia: Kom QouIodr ‘tsdl. 227-234 RECENSIONES AMBrosio, Alberto Fabio, Vita di un derviscio. Dott´na e ´tuali del su- fismo nel XVII secolo (C. Greppi). 235-236 Danieluk, Robert - Bernard Joassart (edd.), Au service de la reconci- liation des églises. Jean Gagarin, Jean Martynov et Victor De Buck. Correspondance (C. Robinet). 236-237 Gigliotti, Valerio, La tiara deposta. La rinuncia al papato nella storia del diritto e della Chiesa (G. H. Ruyssen). 238-241 Johnson, Mark J., The Byzantine Churches of Sardinia (A. Zah). 241-244 Loosley, Emma, The Architecture and Liturgy of the Bema in Fourth- to Sixth-Century Syrian Churches (V. Ruggieri). 244-246 Kessel, Grigory - Pingg7ra, Karl, A Bibliography of Syriac Ascetic and Mystical LiteraturI (E. Braida). 247-250 Kollamparampil, Thomas - Jose Nandhdckara - Sebastian Payyapp²ly - Mathew Maniampra (eds.), Power of Positive Presence, Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Thomas Aykara CMI (S. Kokkaravalayil). 250-254 Michelson, David A., The Practical Christology ofPhiloxenos ofMabbug (R. A. Kitchen). 254-257 PetrA, Basilio, Divorzio e seconde nozze nella tradizione greca. Un 'altra via (T. Kwiecie´). 257-265 Pouchet, Jean-Robert, Vivre la communion dans 1’Esprit Saint et dans 1'Êglise. Etudes sur Basile de C7sar7e, r7unies et pr7sent7es par Etienne Baudry (E. Cattaneo). 265-268 Ruyssen, Georges H. (a cura di), La disciplina della penitenta nelle Chiese o´entali. Acts of the Symposium held at Pontifical Oriental Institute, RomI, 3-5 June 2011 (J. M. Pampara) . 268-272 St. Symeon of Thessalondca, The Liturgical Commenta´es (D. Galadza). 272-276 Widok, Norbert, Wiara - mi²oË7 - nadzieja. Studium w oparciu o Listy Ignacego z Antiochii (R. Zarzeczny). 276-279 SCRIPTA AD NOS MISSA. 280-281 ISSN 0030-5375 S I G L A AA Anaphorae Armeniacae (Roma 2001 ss.) AASS Acta Sanctorum (Antverpiae et alibi 1643 ss.) AB Analecta Bollandiana ACO Eduardus Schwartz, Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum (Berolini 1914 ss.) AfO Archiv fiir Orientforschung AO Anaphorae Orientales (Roma 2001 ss.) AOC Archives de TOrient Chr7tien AS Anaphorae Syriacae (Roma 1939 ss.) BBGG Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata BHG FranIois Halkin, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca (Bnucelles 19573) BHO Paul Peeters, Bibliotheca Hagiographica O´entalis (Bnucelles 1910) BiO Bibliotheca Orientalis (Leiden 1943/44 ss.) BO Josephus Simonius Assemanus, Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana (Romae 1719, 1721, 1725, 1728) (repr. Hildesheim 1975) Brightman Frank Edward Brightman, Liturgies Eastem and Western, I: Eastem Liturgies (Oxford 1896) BSAC Bulletin de la Soci7t7 d'Archeologie Copte BV Bogoslovskij Vestnik Byz Byzantion BZ Byzantinische Zeitschrift CCEO Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (Citt& del Vaticano 1990) (fontium annotatione auctus, 1995) CCG Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca (Tumhout 1971 ss.) CCL Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina (Tumhout 1953 ss.) CerVed Cerkovnye Vedomosti Chr7t Christianskoe 6tenie CICO Codex Iuris Canonici Orientalis (Cittó del Vaticano 1957-1958) COD Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Decreta (Bologna 19733) ConcFI Concilium Florentinum. Documenta et Scriptores voll. I-XI (Roma 1940- 1976) CPG Mauritius Geerard et alii, Clavis Patrum Graecorum (Tumhout 1974 ss) CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianomm Orientalium (Louvain 1903 ss.) CSEL Corpus Scriptomm Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (Wien 1866 ss.) CSHB Corpus Scriptomm Historiae Byzantinae (Bonn 1828-1897) 7tOIDR 6tenija v Imperatorskom ObS7estve Istorii Drevnostej Rossii DACL Dictionnaire d'Archeologie Chr7tienne et de Liturgie DDC Dictionnaire de Droit Canoni5ue Denzinger, RO Henricus Denzinger, Ritus Orientalium ... I-II (Wiirzburg 1863-1864) DHGE Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de G7ographie Eccl7siasti5ues (Paris 1912 ss.) Dmitrievskij Aleksej A. Dmitrievskij, Opisanie Liturgi7eskich rukopisej chranjaË7ichsja v bi¬ bliotekach pravoslavnago vostoka, I-II (Kiev 1895, 1901) III (Petrograd 1917, repr. Hildesheim 1965) DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers DSp Dictionnaire de Spiritualit7 DTC Dictionnaire de Th7ologie Catholi5ue Dz Henricus Denzinger et Adolphus Schónmetzer, Enchiridion ... symbolorum (Freiburg im Br. 196533) EL Ephemerides liturgicae EO 6chos d'Orient FCCO Fonti. Codificazione Canonica Orientale (Roma 1930 ss.) Funk I-II F. X. Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum I-II (Paderborn 1905) GAL Carl Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Literatur (Weimar 1898) II (Leiden 1912) GAL2 I-II Idem I-II (Leiden, 1943-1949) GALS I-III Idem, Supplementbande I-III (Leiden 1937, 1938, 1942) GAS Fuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums (Leiden 1968 ss.) GCAL Georg Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, ST 118, 133, 146, 172 (Citt& del Vaticano 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953) GCS/GCSNF Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller (Berlin 1897 ss.) / neue FolgI (1995 ss.) Goar Jacobus Goar, Euchologion sive Rituale graecorum (Yenezia 17302 repr. Graz 1960) GSL Anton Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur (Bonn 1922) HOr Handbuch der Orientalistik (Leiden - Koln 1952 ss.) Ir7n Ir7nikon JAC Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum JÓB Jahrbuch der Byzantinischen Gesellschaft (Wien 1951-68); deinde Jahrbuch der ósterreichischen Byzantinistik (Wien 1969 ss.) JTS The Journal of Theological Studies LMD La Maison-Dieu LOC Eus£be Renaudot, Liturgiarum O´entalium Collectio, 2 vol. (Francofurti 18472) LQF Liturgiegeschichtliche Ouellen und Forschungen, deinde Liturgiewissen- schaftliche Q. u. F. (1957 ss.) LTK1'2'3 Lexikon furTheologie und Kirche (1930, 1957, 1993) Mansi Johannes Dominicus Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima coU lectio (1759 ss.) MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica inde ab anno 500 usque ad annum 1500 (Hannover 1826 ss.) Metzger I-III Marcel Metzger, Les Constitutions Apostoli5ues, SC 320, 329, 336 (Paris 1985, 1986, 1987) Mus Le Mus7on MUSJ M7langes de l'Universit7 Saint-Joseph (Beyrouth) OC Oriens Christianus OCA Orientalia Christiana Analecta OCh Orientalia Christiana OCP Orientalia Christiana Periodica ODB The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (New York / Oxford 1991) OKS Ostkirchliche Studien OLP Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica OLZ Orientalische Literaturzeitung OS L’Orient Syrien PalSb Palestinskij Sbomik Pauly-Wissowa Paulys ReaJenzyklopadie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft PG Jacobus Paulus MignI, Patrologia Graeca (Paris 1857-1866) PL Jacobus Paulus MignI, Patrologia Latina (Paris 1841-1864) PO Patrologia Orientalis (Paris 1903 ss.) POC Proche-Orient Chr7tien PravEn Pravoslavnaja Enciklopedija (Moskva 2000 ss.) PS Patrologia Syriaca, I-III (Paris 1897, 1907, 1927) RAC Reallexikon fur Antike und Christentum RBK Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst REArm Revue de 6tudes Arm7niennes RByz Reallexikon der Byzantinistik REB Revue des 6tudes Byzantines RechBeyr Recherches publi7es sous la direction de 1’Institut des Lettres Orientales de Beyrouth Reg Venance Grumel, R7gestes des Actes du Pat´arcat de Constantinople (Paris 1932-47) Rhallis-Potlis G. A. Rhallis et M. Podis, luwaypuz tQv Qeiu)v Kai iep<l)v kovóviov (ev ’A0nvai<; 1852-1859) RHE Revue d'histoire eccl7siasti5ue ROC Revue de 1'Orient Chr7tien RSBN Rivista di Studi
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