SACRED HEART (Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville) 222 Berger Street Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464

August 11, 2014 - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Office Hours:

10:00 am to 3:00 pm - Monday through Friday.


Sacred Heart P.O. Box 708 Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464

Parish Office: (931) 762-3183  School Office: (931) 762-6125 Fax: (931) 762-5128 Website: Email: [email protected]

Mass Schedule

“But when he saw how strong the wind was, he Saturday - 5:30 p.m. became frightened, and beginning to sink, he Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. cried out, “Lord, save me!” -Matthew 14:30 Monday, Thursday, Friday—8:00 a.m. Wednesday— 6:30 p.m.

Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 p.m. Holy Day : 8: 00 a.m.& 7:00 p.m. WELCOME

We, the Sacred Heart Community, welcome all our Holy Hour & Benediction visitors and friends to our Worship and our Liturgical First Fridays From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Celebrations. We are glad that you are here with us Rosary: 30 minutes before the Mass today. If you would like to join our church, or want to know more about our Parish, please call (931) 762- ForFor SacramentsSacraments 3183, or stop by the Parish office at any time.

For CallCall the the rectory rectory at at 931-762-3183. 931-762-3183. of the Sick:

Pastor: Rev. Joseph Mundakal C.M.I. For Confession: Saturday-5:00—5:20 p.m. Parish Secretary: Thalia Young For Confession: Saturday-5:00—5:20 p.m. Parish Pastoral Council: Blake Lay Sunday-7:30—7:50a.m. AnyAny other other times: times: Call Call (931) (931) 762-3183 762-3183 Book keeping (Regional) Terri Bailey

Religious Education: Suzy Brewer & For : Call thethe Rectory Rectory at at least least four four weeks weeks before before the Melissa McCawley thebaptism. baptism. Baptismal Baptismal instruction instruction for the parentsfor the and

Youth Ministry: Samantha Benefield parentsthe god-parents and the is god-parentsrequired. is required.

Music coordinator: Bob Augustin For Marriage: Call thethe Rectory Rectory at at least least six six months months before, before, for the for Knights of Columbus: Danny Piovarcy theregistration registration and the and required the required marriage marriage preparation. SHCCW—President Lane Rohling preparation. School Principal: Rosemary Harris Prayer requests: Call 762-3183 or send an email with details. School Secretary: Becky White Prayer requests: Call 762-3183 or send an email with details.  Last Week’s (8/03/14) Offertory: Mass Intentions for this week Cash: $ 259.55 SAT: 08/09/14—5:30 pm Helen Slankas Envelopes/loose checks: $ 6948.81 SUN: 08/10/14—8:00 am William & France Patt  SOH: $ 393.00

10:30 am SH Parish members Cemetery: $ 90.00 MON: 08/11/14-8:00 am Edward Niedergeses  Securing Our Heritage Report TUE: 08/12/14: No Mass Pledges to date $ 168,106.00 Pledges collected: $ 157,613..00 WED: 08/13/14:6:30 pm Larry Augustin  Non-pledged from parish: $ 38,267.00 THU: 08/14/14-7:00 pm Donations from out side parish: $ 69,455.00 Special Intention Thank you for your generosity! FRI: 08/15/14-8:00 am Special Intention 7:00 pm For the departed of our Parish SAT: 08/16/14—5:30 pm Gloria Smith  Holy Day of Obligation SUN: 08/17/14—8:00 am James Faria 

10:30 am SH Parish members This week we celebrate the As- sumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven, body & soul. Assumption is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please remember in your prayers There will a Vigil Mass on Thursday evening at 7 pm and Becky Coleman Connie Hollman  two Masses on Friday, August 15h—one at 8 am Emily Marks Larry Augustin  and one at 7 pm. Gene Hill Sr.


August 17: Sacred Heart School

Our Rosary intentions this week: August 24: Labor Day Festival:

If you will be out of town, or you are physically unable to help, this is the perfect

…. Robin & Mandy Hunt, Ronald & opportunity to do something nice for our Marie Hurren, David & Mary Ann Ih- school! rie, Chris & Crissinda Johns, John & Kathy Johnstone….. BENEFIT DINNER

…..Randy & Gina Jones, Mary The Loretto Knights of Co- Kazmir, Bob & Teresa Kelly, Gary lumbus will sponsor a ben- Kelly, Regina Kemper….. efit dinner for Emily Marks.

…..Todd Kemper, Al & Donna Kerstiens, Ann It will be on Sunday, Au- Kirchhofer, John & Ange Koeppen, Cassandra gust 10th from 4 until 6 pm in the Loretto Sacred Heart gym. The menu Kolb….. includes spaghetti, salad, garlic toast, & ….Jane Lamprecht, Blake & Anna Lay, Steve & beverage. Linda Lewein, Chris & Marina Libutti, Flo Cost for adults: $10; children 6-12: $5. All Lynch... proceeds go to Emily! LDF ANNOUNCEMENTS Get ready for our 81st Labor Day Festival!  The Planning Committee met on August 6th at 7 pm. ! The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 13th at 7 pm.  New! We will have a Mr. & Miss Labor Day Pageant at 10 am on Labor Day. Registration will begin after the Masses on August 30 & 31st and continue until 2 pm on the 31st.  The trailer is in place behind the recycling shed. Yard sale items may be placed there at your convenience.  Don’t forget about our Country Store. Wendi Cunningham will be in charge, and she requests that you con- sider donating home canned goods (veggies, fruits, jams, jellies, etc) , crafts, potted plants, or anything that can be sold under this category.  Committee Chairpersons! Please assess what you will need for your committee. Then call in your needs to Ruth Stewart (762-9762) or the school. (762-6125)  The yearly LDF collection (to cover any preliminary expenses) will be held on Saturday & Sunday, August 23 & 24th. We have already purchased new signs!  We are in need of items for the Auction. These can be timeshares, tickets to sporting or other events, mer- chandise...anything salable.  Flowers for the dinner table & tomatoes from the garden will be needed at the dinner.  If you have not been called upon to work at the festival, you may call any member of the Planning Committee (Korey or Kristy Whitehead, Karen White, Scott or Samantha Benefield, or the Church office ) t o volunteer your services. All help is deeply appreciated!

SHCCW MEETs! There will be a meeting of the Sacred WEDNESDAY LECTORS: AUGUST

Heart Council of Catholic Women on August 13: Bruce Beckman Wednesday, September 3. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss August 20: Thalia Young

the upcoming Fall Bazaar. All parish August 27: Wallace Coleman women are welcome & invited!

Liturgical Ministry Schedule for August 16 & 17 2014

Saturday, 5:30 pm Sunday, 8:00 am Sunday, 10:30 am

Acolytes Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers

Lectors Karen White Rosemary Harris Thomas Dancison

Scott White & Dan Brink & Jr. Akins & Ushers James Russell Hubert Rohling Jim Webb

Sacristy Mary Henn ****** Cathy Green ExOrd Eu Scott White, Jane Lamprecht, Julie Akins, Al Mnstrs Danny & Becky Patt Gary & Lane Rohling Kerstiens, & Joe Beckman

Shut-ins Team I Team II Jane Lamprecht & Rita ******* Mark & Rosemary Harris Wilburn From Father Joseph: Dear friends, I want to invite you to join with me on a Pilgrimage to Rome in Novem- ber 17-25, for the of Blessed -the founder of our Religious Or- der, of Mary Immaculate (CMI), and Blessed Euphrasia Eluvathingal a member of the Congregation of Mother of Carmel (CMC an Indian religious order started by Bl. Kuriakose Chavara and Rev. Leopold Beccaro, OCD.

The Pilgrimage Flyer with all the details can be found at the back of the church. Those who are inter- ested in joining me, please do what is required according to the information in the flyer !

Kuriakose (Cyriac) liturgy. In 1866, with the co-operation of Fr. Le- Chavara was born in opold Boccaro OCD, he started the Congrega- 1805, of devout Catho- tion of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. lic parents at Kaina- When a schism threatened the church in 1861, kary, , . Af- Fr. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the ter his school education of the Syro-Malabar Church then, took a strong in his native village, he stand and gave effective leadership in thwarting continued his priestly Thomas Roccos’ intrusion and saved the Syro- studies under Fr. Malabar Catholic Church from schism. Thomas Palackal at Pal- lippuram, Kerala, he Fr. Chavara has also written a number of books was ordained priest in 1829. in pros as well as in verse with unique spiritual vision. His counsel to the Christian families in In 1831 with Fr. Thomas Palackal and Fr. Thom- the form of the ‘Testament of a Loving Father’ is as Porukara, he founded the first indigenous re- applicable and relevant even today. As a man of ligious congregation for men, now known as the prayer and great charity, he lived in close com- Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). In 1885 munion with the Lord amidst his several reli- he made his religious profession taking the gious and social activities. Seeing his spirituality name Kuriakose Elias of the Holy Family. He that permeated all his actions, he was accepted started the first religious house in Mannanam, and referred to as a man of God. and then six more house in different parts of Kerala state. On January 3rd, 1871, Fr. Kuriakose Elias Chava- ra, after a short but painful illness, passed away This newly started Congregation made great at preserving his baptismal inno- strides in the spiritual renovation of the Syro- cence unto death. His mortal remains were Malabar Catholic Church. Seminaries for the ed- transferred from Koonammavu to Mannanam in ucation and formation of the clergy, introduc- 1889 and have been interred in St. Joseph’s Mon- tion of annual retreats for priests and people, a astery church. publishing house for the propagation of Catholic doctrine, a house for the dying and destitute, The process of of Father Chavara special attention to catechumens and schools for started in 1958. In 1984 he was declared as ven- general education, were a few among the vari- erable, and in 1986 as Blessed, and on November ous activities started by the Congregation under 23rd 2014, he will be canonized. the leadership of Fr. Kuriakose Elias. The CMI congregation has about 3000 members Fr. Chavara also introduced many valuable im- and serving God and His people in 27 countries. provements and reforms in the Syro-Malabar  On May 10, 1897 Rose became a postulant tak- ing the name Sr. Euphrasia of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and on May 24, 1900 Sr. Euphrasia made her perpetual vows to God with un- speakable joy in her heart.

Mother Euphrasia spent much of her day in

the convent chapel before the Blessed Sacra-

ment and she also nourished a great love and

devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary; as a re-

sult, she was naturally an apostle of the Eucha-

rist and of the Rosary.

Thus, with a pure heart Mother Euphrasia Mother Euphrasia Eluvathinkal gave her maternal love and tenderness to those who sought her help. She gave them the com- Bl. Euphrasia (Rose Eluvathingal) was born on forting words of Jesus' Gospel and interceded 1877 in the village of Kattoor, in the Diocese of for them. For each little kindness bestowed up- Trichur, India, as the daughter of Anthony and on her she would reply, "I will not forget it, not Kunjethy Eluvathingal. even after death".

Her mother's deep piety and great devotion to Mother Euphrasia had a profound sense of the Virgin Mary and the stories that her moth- Church and she personally felt the sorrows er had told her, especially about the Rose of and problems of the Church of her day. She Lima, had a strong influence on little Rose. offered her mortifications and for the

As a young child Rose began to detach herself conversion of schismatics and asked the novic- from earthly possessions and pleasure and es and children to pray for them. took a great interest in spiritual matters. This She prayed ardently before the Blessed Sacra- was all the more rooted in her at the age of 9 ment for the Holy Father, for Bishops, priests by means of an apparition of the Blessed Moth- and Religious. er, after which the young girl offered herself After Mother Euphrasia's death many of those totally to the Lord. who had obtained her help during her lifetime

Though her father wanted to send her in - now continued to beseech her help at her riage to a rich family, her intense prayer life- tomb. In 1990 her tomb was opened, and her including rosary, fasting and abstinence, mortal remains were moved to the convent chapel. changed her father’s mind and he himself ac- companied her to the convent of the Congrega- Pope John Paul II approved the Decree of the tion of the Mother of Carmel at Koonammavu. heroic virtues of the Servant of God in 2002,

Even though Rose had a strong desire to be a proclaiming her Venerable. On Sunday, 3 De- Religious, she was often afflicted with various cember 2006, she became the fifth Blessed of illnesses which caused her intense suffering. Kerala, India, and the sixth of the Nation of In- Once, during a particularly painful attack, the dia. Her strength came from Jesus, who had Sisters were resolved to send her home for ev- become her betrothed in spiritual matrimony as her letters testify. er, but through an apparition of the Holy Fam- ily she received a miraculous healing that per- Blessed Euphrasia also will be canonized on mitted her to continue following God's call. November 23, 2014. 

Sunday, August 10: 19th Sun./Ord.Time  Second Collection: Sacred Heart School Wednesday, August 13:  Mass 6:30 pm

 CYO 7:00 pm

 LDF Planning Committee 7 pm Interior Decorating Thursday, August 14: Real Estate Staging  Vigil Mass for Assumption 7 pm

Friday, August 15: Assumption: Masses at Interior Redesign 8 am & 7 pm

SHAI SEVIER, DESIGN CONSULTANT WELCOME BACK to our Sacred Heart School principal, Mrs. Rose- Mary Harris, and her teachers, 931-244-6385 staff, and students. We begin this www.ROOMSREMIXED.COM year with 83 (!) students. We’re wishing a happy, safe, and pro- ductive year to all on board!

Keith Rohling—Owner 931-766-9614 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS: Let them know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin !

Tractors, Implements, Parts, Salvage


4258 Gimlet Road Lawrenceburg, TN 38464

Local: 931-762-7831 Toll Free: 800-545-9967

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HQ HEADQUARTERS (931) 762-6892 SALON 909 N. Locust Avenue, Suite 105 Lawrenceburg, TN 38464

Julie Akins—Stylist Caroline Carter—Stylist Rita Beck—Stylist Kara Hemmen—Stylist Suzy Brewer—Nail Tech Tina Rohling—Stylist Rebecca Beckman—Massage Therapist