

No. 234 am¿®v 2017

March 2017; No.234 1 I¿sΩektμiw

CONTENTS Prior General’s Message ...... 3 Editorial ...... 8 GZ\n¬\n∂p sKZtka\nte°v...... 13 t\mºv: a\:]cnh¿Ø\Øn\pw ]m]]cnlmcØn\pw...... 19 Human Formation In Major Seminaries...... 29 Cu ]cnjvImcw F¥n\p (B¿°p) th≠n...... 39 sk‚ v Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmkv Nmhd A¿ss°hvkv B≥Uv dntk¿®v sk‚¿, am∂m\w...... 44 am¿tXmΩ a°ƒ ]nXrk∂n[nbn¬...... 49 ]pkvXI]cnNbw...... 52 A\pkvarXn...... 63 Golden Records...... 74 \mev]Xp aWn Bcm-[\; Hcp ]p\¿hmb\...... 76 Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hn-t\m-Sp≈ a≤yÿ {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ...... 86 News & Views...... 91 I¿sΩebnse kuK‘nI߃...... 114

2 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Prior General’s Message

Back to the Basics

1. Time’s Up, Be Ready:

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances” (William Shakespeare). A missionary is called to be always on the move; Moving has been built into our genes and it is part of us. We will not get settled down till we complete our race. Hence seemingly painful “good-bye” expression of parting could be expanded and elevated as “God be with you” experience of blessing. “Please forgive me,” “I forgive you,” “Thank you,” and “I love you” – are the four simple phrases or eleven words that make the journey ahead graceful. A casual visit to the cemetery might teach us a great lesson that no one is indispensable. The antidote for those who think of themselves as above others is humility and to say heartily, “We are unworthy servants; we have done only what we ought to have done” (Luke 17:10).

2. After me Deluge: John the Baptist is the text book to be read during the point of transfer and transition. He was well aware of his mission as the one who prepares the way for the Lord (Mark 1:2). “After me comes the one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie (Mark 1:7). “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). That is why Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, of all who have ever lived, none is greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 1:11). CMI family is yet to become generous and great for graceful retirement and transition. Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great. (Mark Twain)

March 2017; No.234 3 I¿sΩektμiw

3. New Chapter Please: Let us begin again. Provincial chapters are around the corner. It is a time of discernment, conversion, purification and accompaniment. The chapter members shall do the homework and speak truth with a prophetic mind and pastoral concern. A leadership team that does not criticize, update and seek to improve the state of affairs of the province becomes irrelevant and sick. A healthy body is one that can recover, accept, reinforce, care for and sanctify its members. “But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Matthew 5:13). What makes an effective leader? The most important leadership competency identified by Sunnie Giles based on a global study is that the leader shall have high ethical and moral standards (HBR, March, 2016).

4. Gossip Circles: “ Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:6). We do a lot of damage to ourselves and others when we write off gossip as a small issue. The birds of the same feather flock together and get engaged in gossip. They lack courage to speak directly and find joy in seeing another fall. Such members threaten the harmony of the community and cause so many scandals to the young. “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

5. Mediocre, but Arrogant: The face value of the priests and the religious has come down and they are viewed as mediocre and arrogant. God deserves our best. God’s people deserve our best. “The only sin is mediocrity” (Martha Graham). Mediocrity literally means halfway up the mountain in a state of having given up. Life without constant striving is a life of mediocrity. “True disciples are not content with mediocrity, but rather they rejoice in the mission of evangelization” (Pope Francis). Mediocrity multiplies the same over

4 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw and over again and it breeds arrogance. When the serene shut their mouth, the mediocre shout at others with arrogance and justify their incompetence. A single person can bring great good to the entire body, but also bring great harm and lead to sickness. Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelations 3:16).

6. Poor, Yet Live Like the Rich: “The hypocrisy of those consecrated men and women who profess vows of poverty, yet live like the rich, wounds the souls of the faithful and harms the Church” (Pope Francis). Wanting more has become the sickness of the day. Is it not false security that a religious tries to fill an existential emptiness in his heart by accumulating material goods? Some glorify their bosses for their benevolence and they become victims of careerism and opportunism. The people of God have a great nose for sniffing out priests who serve the god of money more than God the father (Pope Francis). As the corporate leaders set the agenda for the modern governments, secular outlook and corporate mindset have plagued our religious ecosystem. We will bite the dust unless we become as wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). We shall listen to the warning of the Lord: “But I have this against you: You have abandoned your first love. Therefore, keep in mind how far you have fallen. Repent and perform the deeds you did at first” .(Revelations 2:4-5).

7. They Resist, but be Resolute: In any renewal and change process, resistance is natural. In his address on Roman Curia Reform, Pope Francis spoke of three types of resistance namely, open, hidden and malicious. Open resistance is often born of goodwill and sincere dialogue. Hidden resistance is born of fearful or hardened heart content with the empty rhetoric of “spiritual window-dressing.” They

March 2017; No.234 5 I¿sΩektμiw say they are ready for change, yet want everything to remain as it was before. Malicious resistance springs up in misguided minds. It hides behind words of self-justification and, often, accusation; it takes refuge in traditions, appearances, formalities, in the familiar, or else in a desire to make everything personal, failing to distinguish between the act, the actor, and the action. Resisting voices have to be listened to, welcomed and encouraged, but we shall be resolute in doing what is expected out of us. Like the resolute desk of the American Presidnet in the Oval Office in the White House, we need a resolute attitude and determination to make the change possible. ”A normal life is boring” (Eminem).

8. Stay Awake with Him: “Could you not stay awake with me an hour?” (Mathew 26:40). Staying connected with the Lord is the backbone of all that we do and all that we are. Like Martha, we are anxious and too busy with our workload. A constant danger with the zealous among us is that they become so immersed in the work of the Lord that they neglect the Lord of the work (St. John Paul II). Most of us are laid up with spiritual Alzheimer’s and have fallen into the temptation of trying to close or direct the freedom of the Holy Spirit. “This kind cannot come out, except by prayer and fasting” (Mathew 17:21). Those who depend completely on their here and now, on their passions, whims and manias, build walls around themselves and become enslaved to their own idols

9. Quo Vadis? Where are you going? ”Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). “The Church needs us, counts on us and continues to turn to us with confidence, particularly to reach the geographical and spiritual places where others do not

6 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw reach, or find it difficult to reach.” But are you ready to script a new story in your life? As a congregation we shall move to the peripheries where we are badly in need of in evangelization, formation, pastoral care and all what God wants from us. The best remedy for a sick church is to put it on a missionary diet. Missionary diet is the secret of our success and growth of our congregation. How blessed are you when you say, “Here am I. Send me.”

Lord of Mercy, Give us the discernment that you gave to our founding fathers to read the signs of the times! May the Spirit of the Lord encounter us to seek God’s will always and everywhere! Mother Mary, pray for us to sanctify ourselves and to work for the salvation of all!

March 2017; No.234 7 I¿sΩektμiw Editorial

The Challenges to Discipleship

The first few days of this year’s Lent have been unusually turbulent. The liturgical season of Lent itself is a turbulent one. It spreads through the public life of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Master. It is to go through a process of catharsis joining Jesus on the Way of the Cross to Calvary and to reach beyond the cave of Resurrection and to await the coming of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecost. It is the ideal time for renewal, reflection, return to the foundations of our faith, deepening the faith and reparation.

In , we have witnessed, of late, a media celebration and circus, unusual and unprecedented, around a grave scandal involving an influential priest, influential for the posts he has held or has been holding. This incident involving a priest who is deprived of his priestly duties subsequently and is under judicial custody, is awaiting legal procedures in this case of abusing a minor who gave birth to a child and sent for adoption subsequently. He has been in charge of a school and parish in the Diocese of Mananthavady when this happens and in a position of authority, influence and dominance. It has been shocking, shameful and painful for all. It is of a little consolation that the Church acknowledges the mistake and says sorry from all quarters. What the media has been exercising is a blanket criticism through and through adding colour, fumes and figments of imagination. Even Jesus Himself is sharp referring to such offences as has happened here. This is what Jesus has to say about scandals: “Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must happen that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh” (Mt. 18:7). It is a time for a collective examination of conscience;time for reparation and correction where it is required. Do I have the moral integrity and clean conscience to sit in judgement over anyone? No. We are all in the struggle of becoming

8 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw or reaching that status of purity and integrity wherein we respect all human beings, despite the consequences of original sin, created after the image of God and in charge of the universe and an environment which is our common heritage. I still remember the metaphor of the wounded healer heard years ago; and so are the priests and religious after the model of Christ – offering healing while they themselves are wounded one way or the other.

Jesus Himself has not guaranteed a Church free of scandals and offences. The so-called ‘talk shows’ in the guise of news on TV and the trolls in social media hold the Catholic Church as the defendant and has been conducting a trial and celebrating it with full vigour. Past and the present mistakes and pitfalls in history have been spilled in to the streets in the process. The almighty hosts of the shows with their team to do the homework on the history of the church come with some definite agenda, as it appears, even to lynch the church and score brownie points than keeping a balanced position when the whole Church stands defenseless. The Church will not and cannot deny its past. No religion or society of human beings can do that. Gravitation of all the people, the X and Y of them, who have their personal vendetta to spew their hatred and ill feelings against some persons belonging to the Church or Church institutions, join together in social media playing second fiddle to the action on stage to catch fish in the troubled waters. Those who consider the Church as a threat for their interests also jump in to the wagon seeing the time favourable for them. Official Church has condemned the incident and apologized profusely to the public after the example of Pope Francis. Can the disciples expect any better treatment than what is the master’s fare? “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebub, how much more the members of his household!” (Mathew 10:24-25).

And the media solutions are very drastic too. Some want the age old practice and tradition of priestly and religious celibacy discontinued. Some want the Catholic Church to be disbanded. Some

March 2017; No.234 9 I¿sΩektμiw want the lay leadership to take possession of the church property. Some even want the priests and religious to be neutered. Some others propose dietary controls to check sexual urge. Yet others have suggested some practical steps and caution to be exercised in relationships with the celibates. Some come out with steps and precautions for parents in bringing up their children. Will any or all of these solutions preempt any more incidents like this? Will any or all of it solve all the problems of the world with regard to gender difference and human psychology? The answer is obvious and a big NO. Human nature is such a complex and mysterious gift of God which is to be lived with its positives and negatives in each one’s life. It is a reminder that we are not angels yet and are made of clay. Traditional societies, while not idealizing or glorifying any of those societies or any particular aspect of those, have been supported by many systems which our ancestors in their wisdom had incorporated into the bringing up of new generations for their socialization. Modern civilizations with all their positive values have cut many of those supports believing that they have already attained the status of superman of Nietzsche and the present social system is the most ideal one to follow. It appears from some comments in the media as if the whole world will be saved if we destroy the Church and priesthood altogether; the last bastion to be conquered in their march towards perfect anarchy!

With this in the backdrop, the Seminar which has taken place in the month of February at Dharmaram College, Bangalore, on the occasion of commemorating sixty years of training candidates for priesthood, happens to be very contemporary and relevant to the context we live in. Rectors of various seminaries and professors and invitees joined together with the students to have a serious and closer look at the process of training. The greatest challenge of today, according to many of the presenters during the seminar, has been human formation. The finesse and sensitivities required, at the base of any religious, theological or ecclesiastical formation which may be called the ‘human formation,’ is the key for successful priestly and religious ministry. It is quite a challenge to impart them at a later stage

10 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw in life. The focus has to go back to the basic unit of Christian families as the nurturing ground for Christian life and human values. It takes us back to St. , our founder, and his concern for families as exemplified in Nalla Appante Chavarul and his special devotion to the Holy Family. Incidentally he has been instrumental in formalizing the process of priestly training among the Syrian Catholics of Kerala. The vocation happens in the families, vulnerable as they are in these days of exposure to all kinds of morbid social realities of sexual perversions and addictive habits, exposed as they are to estranged relationships, egotism, worship of money and power, temptations and inducements, counter values and fads projected through television, internet and movies and what not. Can we insulate the families from this ambience? Not possible. Can we isolate the seminarians from such a reality? A time has arrived wherein the so- called secular forces are dictating their values and making absolute claims which are in conflict with the traditional values upheld by world’s religions, especially the Catholic Church. Soon we may have to confront with a legal system and social trends dictating the religions to compromise on their tenets of faith and morals. Resolving those conflicts may not be easy. But the call ‘Follow me’ is divine and powerful to surge above the sum of all these fears.

Fr Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI General Councillor for Education and Media

March 2017; No.234 11 I¿sΩektμiw CMI EDUCATION SUMMIT 2017 MAY 12, 13 & 14


You Are Invited

CMI Educationists, Provincials, Education Councillors, Pro- fessors, Teachers, Managers & Administrators of education institu- tions are requested to register their names before April 15, 2017 and enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie of the CMI education fra- ternity and plan the future activities with more understanding, com- mon vision and mission. Resource Persons Lined Up: Rev. Dr. Ignacimuthu S.J. (former Vice Chancellor), Mr Johny Lukose (Journalist, Malayala Manorama), Mr Guilherme Vaz, Rev. Fr. Sagi Stephen SDB, and more… OnlineRegistration: www.cmiedusummit.in or send an email to [email protected]

Last Date for Registration: April 15, 2017 Looking forward to your wholehearted support and participation,

General Department of Education and Media Prior Generl’s House, Chavara Hills P.B;. No. 3105, Kakkanad P.O. Kochi 682030, Kerala, E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 8547414610

12 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw GZ\n¬\n∂p sKZtka\nte°v ^m.tPm¨ hnbm\n t\mºpImew h∂p. shffnbmgvNIfn¬ D]hmkhpw Ipcnis‚ hgnbpap≠mbn. s]klmhymghpw Db¿∏pRmbdpw sXm´SpØmbn. F∂n´pw Hm¿ΩbpsS NpacpIfn¬ {InkvXpaknt\mSp_‘s∏´ Hcp ssIsøgpØmWp sXfnbp∂Xv. Zm\ntb¬ {]hmNIs‚ ]pkvXIØn¬(5.5˛6) s_¬jmk¿ cmPmhpI≠ NpascgpØps∏mse˛ FXm\pw h¿j߃ apºv Hcp ItØmen°m ]{XØns‚ {InkvXpakv ]Xn∏nse FUnt‰mdnb¬ hmbn®p.. ImensØmgpØn¬ I¿Ømhp ]nd∂ B kZvhm¿Ø, cm{Xnbmaw ImØpt]m∂ CSb≥amsc amemJ Adnbn®p; Cu ImeØp \Ωƒ {InkvXpakv BNcn°ptºmƒ kZzm¿ØbpsS ÿm\Øv km¥mt¢mkpw a‰pw \ΩpsS{i≤apgph≥ ]nSn®p]‰p∂p F∂XmWt√m kw`hn°pI.. ImcyØns\mcp am‰w th≠nbncn°p∂p, AXmbncp∂p FUnt‰mdnbense Nn¥. c≠p Nn¥Iƒ \ΩpsS {In∫pIsf kPoham°p∂XmWv. H∂v: BSpamSpIfpw Ip∂pw hbepw F√m tNcptºmƒ Hcp ]q¶mh\Øns‚ {]XoXn AXp\Ωnep≠mIp∂p, a\pjyPohnXamcw`n® FZ≥ tXm´hpw AhnsSbp≠mb BZyImePohnXIYIfpw AXp \sΩ A\pkvacn∏n°p∂p. c≠v: CutimbpsS PohnXØnse Ahkm\m≤ymbw sKZvtka≥ F∂ ]q¶mh\Ønemcw`n°p∂p. Ipcnin¬ AXp ]cnkam]vXnbSbpIbpw sNbvXp. FZ\nemcw`n°p∂ a\pjy PohnXØns‚ at\mlcamb hi߃ Nn{XoIcn°p∂p≠pv {In_v. H∏w Xs∂, a\pjyhwiØn\p c£bpw,]pXpPoh\pw km≤yam°p∂ CutimaninlmbpsS ]oUmkl\߃°p XpS°w Ipdn°p∂ sKZvtka≥ F∂ ]qt¥m´w AXns‚ adp]pdhpamIp∂p≠v.

March 2017; No.234 13 I¿sΩektμiw FZ\n¬ k¿ΔPohPmeßfpsamcpan®v HcpatbmsS Ignbp∂ Hcp IpSpw_ambncn∂p ssZhw XpSßnsh®Xv. ]utemkv«olm sImtekqkpImsc Hm¿Ωn∏n°p∂Xps∏mse, (sImte. 1:15--˛20) IWniamb taevIogv k{ºZmb߃ ssZhw AhnsS sh®p a\pjys\ {Kln∏n®ncp∂p.Icbnepw ISenepapff kIe PohPmeßfpsSbpw tIm.Hm¿Unt\‰¿ a\pjy\mbncp∂p. ( krjvSn 1:28) bpZmbpw Xmamdpws]mse (krjvSn38) Iogv ta¬adn™ IpSpw_k{ºZmb߃, a\pjy{]IrXnbpsS ]cnanXkz`mhØn¬ \n∂v ]ns∂∏ns∂bmWv apfsbSpXØv. GZ\n¬ ssZhw \nban®m°nb a\pjys‚bpw {]]©IpSpw_Ønse klh¿Ø\Xev]ccmb PnhPmeß fpsSbpw apJamWv {In_n¬ hn`mh\w sNbvXncn°p∂Xv. kz¥w a°fn√mØ Ahÿtbm¿Øp hne]n°p∂(\ymb 1.11)hf√, ]pcpj\p XpWbmbn ssZhw \evInbhfmWv, AhnSpsØ lnXsat¥m AXp \ndth‰p∂Xn¬ Rm≥ kt¥mjn°p∂p F∂pcphn´ ]cnip≤ I\yIbmWhnsS k{Xo. shdpw {]IrXnbpsS BthiØn¬ apt∂dp∂ bqZm A√. X\n°p XpWbmbn ssZhw \evInbhsf sshImcnIambnt∏mepw t\mhn°mXncn°m≥ k¿Δ{i≤bpw sNepØp∂, AΩsbbpw Ip™ns\bpw I¨aWns∏mse Im°p∂ \oXnam\mb butk∏v F∂ ]pcpjs\bpw ]nXmhns\bpsamØv {In_n¬ \Ωƒ ImWpI. \Ωƒ AhKWn°s∏Sp∂p F∂pw kzbw hepXmIm≥ th≠ Icp°ƒ \o°m≥ sshIcpXv F∂pw a\pjyt\mSp ]dbp∂ {]tem`I\mb ]mºns\bpw, Bhiythfbn¬ R߃ \n߃°pth≠n amdn Xcmw F∂p kulrZw ImWn°p∂ krjvSnPmeßsfbpamWv \m¬°menIsfsbmØv, {In_n¬ \Ωƒ Hcp°nbncn°p∂Xp. ASpØ \mfpIfn¬ `qPmX\mb cmPIob ss]Xens\bt\zjn®v R߃ h∂ncn°p∂p( aØm 2:2) F∂ptI´t∏mƒ `bw sIm≠phnd® Hcp P\k©ba√ kZzm¿Øbdnbn°p∂ amemJamcpw, B XncpsamgnbpsS s]mcpsf¥msW∂p \ap°p HØpt]mbn At\zjn°mw

14 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw F∂phnthIw Im´p∂ CSb∑mcpw Dƒs∏Sp∂ {]]©kwhn[m\amWv AhnsS \Ωƒ Hcp°p∂Xv. Npcp°n]d™m¬. k{XoXzØn\pw, amXrØn\pw Hcp ]pXnb ZuXyt_m[w PohPme߃°v Hcp ]pXnb Bflob ssNX\yw, {]]©Øn\p s]mXphnsemcp ]pXnb ZnimkqNnI ChbmWv {In_n¬ Adnt™m, AdnbmsXtbm \Ωƒ Hcp°p∂Xv. GZ\nemcw`n® PohnX{IaØn\p hngvNbp≠mbn. h¿jßfneqsS B ]cmPbw BgØnepw hym]vXnbnepw IqSn°qSn h∂p. AXns\mcp {]Xnhn[nbp≠m°n, a\pjys‚ ssZhZØamb e£yØn¬ Ahs\ ÿncs∏SpØm\pff ssZhnIkwcw`hpw XpS¿∂p. A{_mlsØ sIm≠p ssZhw Bcw`n°p∂ \hoIcW{iaw Cutimaninlmbn¬ AXns‚ ]cnkam]vXn Is≠Øp∂p, GZ≥tXm´w, sKZvtka\p hgnamdp∂p. ]≠p C{kmtb¬ P\w, kmapth¬ {]hmNI≥ hgn X߃s°mcp cmPmhns\ thWsa∂p ssZhtØmS`y¿Øn®p. ( 1 kmap 8:30) ssZhw Ah¿°p cmPmhns\ sImSpØp `uanIcmPm°∑mcpsS ]cmPbßfneqsS Ahsc ]Tn∏ns®mcp°nbtijw Ah¿°p ssZhw bYm¿∞ cmPmhns\ \¬In. ssIbn¬ sNt¶mepw, Xebn¬ IncoShpapff {]Xm]imenbmb cmPmhmbncp∂p AXv. ssIbn¬ Hcp Rm¶Wbpw Xebn¬ apƒ°ncoShpta¥nb, ]SbmfnIfpsS ]cnlmkßtf‰phmßnb hn\oX\mb cmPmhmbncp∂p AsX∂ hyXymkap≠v, P\Øns‚ B{Kl߃°p A¿∞ap≠v; AhcpsS πm\pIƒ°pw, Nn¥Iƒ°pw bmYm¿∞yØns‚ aqeyap≠v. ImcWw, Ah¿ ssZhØns‚ Ombbnepw kmZriyØnepw krjvSn°s∏´hcmWv. ]s£ \Ωƒ A]q¿ÆcmWv. AXpsIm≠v \ΩpsS Nn¥Ifn¬ {]mtbmKnIXbpsS Ipdhp≠mIpw. kvt\lkº∂\mb ssZhw. kvt\lwaqew \ΩpsS Nn¥Isf hneaXn°pIbpw, \oXnbpsS t]cn¬ Xs‚ ss]XrIamb A[nImcap]tbmKn®v \ΩpsS Nn¥IfpsSbpw πm\pIfpsSbpw A]cym]vXXv°v

March 2017; No.234 15 I¿sΩektμiw ]cnlmcap≠m°pIbpw sNbvXp. Aßs\bmWt√m \ΩpsS kzmX{¥hpw ssZhØns‚ ]cam[nImchpw A`wKpcw kwc£n°s∏Sp∂Xv. X߃°pw cmP`cWw thWsa∂mhiys∏´ ]cmPnXcmb, C{kmtb¬°msc t]msebmWv {In_p]Wnbp∂ \Ωƒ. cmPm°∑mcneqsS, Ahsc ssZhw AhcpsS bYm¿∞ cmPmhnte°p \bn®p. AXpt]mse \ΩpsS {In∫pIƒ hgn, AhnSp∂p \Ωsf sKZvtka≥ F∂ ]q¶mh\Øns‚ kqNnXm¿∞ßfpsS Bgßfnte°v \bn°pIbmsW∂p ]dbmat√m. t\m°p∂nSsØ√mw acWw ImWs∏Sp∂t√m F∂p Ihn Hcn°¬ ]cn`hs∏´p. Ihn ]mSn, arZpeXrWZesØl∂am≥ Xn∂nSp∂n˛ ßZbaXns\ZpjvT≥sIm∂nSp∂partK{μ≥ A[lcnsb\tc{μ≥th´bmSp∂h\pw arXnbScn¬hcp∂p arXyphn≥ \rØsaßpw

Ht∂m¿Øm¬ AXpicnbmWpXmWpw. ]s£ AXn\p as‰mcp ImgvN∏mSp≠v. H∂v as‰m∂n\p BlmcamIp∂p F∂ hnNmcKXn°p Hcp adpImgvNbp≠v. ]p√ns\ am≥ Xn∂p∂psb∂p IcpXp∂t]mte, am\n\pPoh\mbnØocm≥ th≠n, ]p√v kzbw am\n\p ka¿∏n°p∂p F∂pw ]dbmat√m. AXt√, {InkvXphnizmknIfmb \ΩpsS AΩam¿ F∂pw \Ωsf ImWn®pXcp∂Xv. BSpIƒ°p th≠n Rm≥ Poh≥ ka¿∏n°p∂p F∂p ]d™p X∂pw(tbml. 10:15) Pohn®p ImWn®pw ]Tn∏n® I¿Ømhns‚ hm°pIfpsS s]mcpƒ AXt√?. t_Zvetlan¬ AhnSp∂mcw`n°p∂ kvt\lØns‚ {]{Inb KZvtka\nepw Ipcninepambn AXns‚ aq¿≤\yw {]m]n°p∂Xp \ap°v ImWmw. ]nXmth Atß Xr°cßfn¬ Fs‚ {]mWs\ Rm≥ ssIbmfn°p∂p F∂p Bflka¿∏Ww sNøphm≥ aI\p ]mThpw, {]tNmZ\hpambn Pohn®

16 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw I\yImamXmhv kv{XoXzØns‚bpw amXrXzØns‚bpw A¿∞]mTw Ipcnin≥ Nph´n¬ \ap°v ImWn®p Xcp∂p. CXm \ns‚ AΩ F∂ \n¿tZiw tI´ \nanjw apX¬ Ahsf Xs‚ ho´n¬ kzoIcn® tbml∂m≥(tbml.19:27) ]pcpjXzØns‚bpw, ]nXrXzØns‚bpw KncnirwJ߃ \ΩpsS ap∂n¬ AhXcn∏n°p∂p. ]oUmkl\Øns‚ cm{Xnbn¬ ]Xnhp t]mse IrXykabØn\p Iqhnb ]qt¶mgn (aØm .26.75) krjvSnPmeØn\p ssIhcp∂ ]pXnb Bflob ssNX\yw {]ISam°p∂p≠v. Xncp\mY\ph∂p ]nd°m≥ th≠ kuIcysamcp°n kz¥w InS∏mSØn¬ \n∂v amdnsImSpØ I∂pImenIsft]mte, B ]qt¶mgnbpw as‰mmcp Imcyw \sΩ Hm¿Ωn∏n°p∂p≠v. {]]©I¿Ømhmb ssZhØns‚ alXzØn\pw, {]]©Øns‚ \nb{¥WNpaXebpff a\pjys‚ {]h¿Ø\hnPbØn\pw klmbIamIØ°hn[w ssZhw Gev]n®ncn°p∂ GXp sNdnb ImcyhpwsNøp∂Xn¬ R߃ A`nam\n°p∂p. hgn amdmt\m, th≠nh∂m¬ acn°mt\m R߃ Hcp°amWv. Ipcnin¬ I¿Ømhpacn°p∂ thfbn¬,apIf‰w apX¬ Xmsg hsc c≠mbnIodnb tZhmebXncioebpw, Ipepßp∂ `qanbpw, ]nfcp∂ ]mdIfpw (aØm 27:51) ]pXnb {]]©kwhn[m\sØ°pdn®v \sΩ Hm¿Ωs∏SpØp∂p. GZ\n¬ sh®p kz¥w ]cnanXnIƒ A\p`hn®dn™p ]I®p\n∂ a\pjyt\mSv˛ \ΩtfmSpw˛Xs‚ kvt\lØn\Xncp sh°mØ ssZhw \n¿t±in®p, ho≠pw bm{Xbmcw`n°pI. (Repeat)F∂v. AXp sKZvtka\n¬ XpSßWw. KmKp¬Ømbnse Ipcnin≥ Nph´neqsS IS°Ww. h√ IrjvWarKhpw Ctßm´p h∂p Xn∂p Xo¿°p∂, shdpw \njv{Inbamb ]p¬s°mSn Bbncn°msX, ÿm]I≥ kzbw hntijn∏n®Xps]mse \nkmcamsW∂ncp∂m¬t]mepw (aØm. 3:16) hn[h ImWn°sh® sNºpImipt]mse(eq°m 21:3), £an®pw kvt\ln®pw, ssZhkvXpXn°pw, kz¥w Ab¬°mcs‚ KpWØn\pw th≠n(eq°m 10:37) Atßm´p kzbw ka¿∏n°p∂

March 2017; No.234 17 I¿sΩektμiw I¿Ω\ncX\mbnØocWw F∂v. GZ\n¬ \n∂p sKZvtka\n te°pff B a\ÿnXn am‰ambncn°mw ItØmen°m ]{XØns‚ FUnt‰mdnb¬ A∂p `mh\bn¬ I≠Xv. Cu Cuÿ Zn\w \Ωsf Hm¿Ωn∏n°p∂Xpw!.

18 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw t\mºv: a\:]cnh¿Ø\Øn\pw ]m]]cnlmcØn\pw ^m. sPbnwkv aTØnI≠w

hnip≤ aØmbn FgpXnb kphntijØn¬ A≤ymbw 4 XncphN\߃ 16 apX¬ 17 hsc, tbip acp`qanbn¬ ]nimNn\m¬ ]co£n°s∏Sp∂Xn\p apºv kv\m\w kzoIcn®v shffØn¬ \n∂v Ibdnbt∏mƒ kz¿§w Xpd°s∏´Xpw, ssZhmflmhv {]mhns‚ cq]Øn¬ tbiphns‚ ta¬ Cdßn hcp∂Xpw I≠p. Ch≥ Fs‚ {]nb]p{X≥ Ch\n¬ Rm≥ {]kmZn®ncn°p∂p F∂ Hcp kzcw kz¿§Øn¬ \n∂p tI´p. c≠p ImcyßfmWv kw`hn°p∂Xv, H∂v ImWp∂p; c≠v tIƒ°p∂p. ImgvNbpw tIƒhnbpw a\pjys\ kw_‘n®v hfsc {][m\s∏´XmWv. AXpsIm≠mWv hnip≤ Nmhd∏nXmhv FgpXnbXp, “ kwkmcn∏n≥, IqsS hkn∏n≥, ASpØncn∏n≥, IqsS\S∏n≥” . t\mºv BNcWØn¬ hnip≤ Nmhd∏nXmhns‚ Cu D]tZiw tbiphns\ I≠pw, tI´pw Znhtk\ Ipd®pkabsa¶nepw AhnSpsØ ASpØncn°m\pw H∂n®phkn°m\pw, kwkmcn°m\pw, IqsS\S°m\pw \ap°pw IgnbWw F∂v Hm¿Ωn∏n°p∂p. lrZb A\pXm]w Dff Hcmƒ°pam{Xta ta¬]d™ Imcy߃ sNøphm≥ IgnbpIbpffp. lrZb A\pXm]w ]m]t_m[Øn¬ \n∂mWv D≠mIpI. AXpsIm≠mWv hnip≤ Nmhd∏nXmhv FgpXnb Bflm\pXm]Øn¬ \mw ]mSp∂Xv.

“sh◊bmbv \S∏m\mbv Xs∂mcp shffhkv{Xw \∑bpw If™tøm ]m]n Rm≥ almaqV≥ ASnbs‚ ss]X¬ {]mbØn¬ Xs∂ awKesams°If™øtøm almZp:Jw ]m]nbmwaass]X¬ {]mbØn¬ Ip‰ßsf Xm]Øm¬ s]mdpXnsbt°Wp {]m¿∞n°pt∂≥”

March 2017; No.234 19 I¿sΩektμiw ]cnlmcsa∂Xp hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhn\p {]m¿∞\bmWv. t\mºpIme[ym\w, {]m¿∞\ F∂nhbneqsS tbiphns\ ImWm\pw tIƒ°m\pw \ap°v Hcp XpdhnthWw. tehycpsS ]pkvXIØn¬ H∂mw A≤ymbØn¬ _enIsf°pdn®v ]dbp∂p≠v. Zl\_en A¿∏n°p∂Xn\v Imen°q´Øn¬ \n∂v Xncs™Sp°s∏´ Imf°p´nthWw. AXns\ I¿Ømhn\p A¿∏n°p∂Xp hn[n{]Imcw \n¿hln°Ww. c≠masØ A≤ymbØn¬ [m\y_enbv°p Bdv ^eßfn¬ \n∂v IXncpIƒ tiJcn®v A¿∏n°Wsa∂v A\pimkn°p∂p. Imen°q´Øn¬\ns∂m, B´n≥]‰Øn¬ \ns∂m sXcs™SpØp kam[m\_en ka¿∏n°Ww. \memasØ A≤ymbØn¬ ]m]]cnlmc_ensbIpdn®mWv ]dbp∂Xv. sNøcpXv F∂ Iev]\ ewLn®m¬ ]cnlmc_en\SØWsa∂v I¿Ømhp ]dbp∂p. A©masØ A≤ymbØn¬ ]dbp∂Xv, I¿Ømhns‚ alXzØn\p \evtI≠ ImWn° \¬ImXncp∂m¬ {]mbv›nØw sNbp∂Xn\p ]cnlmc_en A¿∏n°Wsa∂mWv. Bdmw A≤ymbØn¬ cm{Xn apX¬ {]`mXw hscbpw _en]oTØn¬ _en hkvXp h®p Zl\_enb¿∏n°Wsa∂mWv ]dbp∂Xvp. t\mºn¬ \mw Hcp _enbmbn XocWw. Aßs\ \Ωn¬ ]cnh¿Ø\w \S°Ww. ko\mbv aebn¬ h®p I¿Ømhp tamitbmSp ]d™ \nbaamb Zl\_en, [m\y_en, ]cnlmc_en, {]mbv›nØ _en, kam[m\_en Chsb√mw t\mºpImeØv \ΩpsS PohnXØn¬ Pzen®pImWWw. CXp [ym\mflIPohnXØneqsS am{Xta km[n°pIbpffp. hn. Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ kaImenI\mbncp∂ Fentkhqk®≥ ]d™p “am∂m\Øv kIehnip≤cpsS Xncp\mfn¬ D]tZiambn P\ßtfmSp ]d™ {]kwKw lrZbw XI¿°p∂Xmbncp∂p. ssZhkvt\lhpw, ]ckvt\lhpw \nd™ kq‡ßfm¬ ]pWykwtKm]mwKØns‚ D®nbn¬ ]d°pIbpw DØa ]pWyZrjvSm¥ßfmepw, KpWtZmj ßfmepw, tijw BfpIsf ]pWyhgnbn¬ D’mln∏n°pIbpw

20 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw sNbvXncp∂p . AXn\m¬ Nmhd ]nXmhv [ym\k√m]Øn¬ FgpXn, “F∂m¬ ssZhw sNbvXsXms°bpw Fs‚ hitam? C{XSw h∂sXßs\? ho´n¬\n∂v Bcphnfn®p, ]´Øn¬ Fßs\ tIdn, sImth¥bn¬ Fßns\ IqSn? k`sbßs\ In´n? {]ntbmsc∂v Bcphnfn®p? ChnsS Fßs\ h∂p? CsXm∂n\pw \ns∂ sImffmtam?. C√, C√, C√ \n›bw. At∏mtgm Xncpa\ p \S°pw, \SØpw”. kz¥w a\ v tbiphns‚ a\ mbn tbmPn∏n°p∂ Hcmƒ°p am{Xta Cßs\ ]dbm≥ Ignbpffp. kz¥w a\ ns\ ssZha\ n\v hnt[bs∏SpØn ]cnh¿Ø\w sNbptºmgmWv ssZhmflt_m[w h¿≤n°pI. Rm≥ H∂pa√, F\n°v kz¥ambn H∂pan√ F∂ Nn¥bnte°v kz¥w a\ ns\ \bn°ptºmƒ henb ssZhnI ssNX\yw Hcph\n¬ DfhmIpw. I¿Ømhmb Cutim 40 Zn\cm{X߃ D]hkn®v [ym\n®t∏mƒ [mcmfw {]tem`\߃ D≠mbn´p≠mIpw. H∂pw \jvSam°msX F√m {]tem`\ßsfbpw AhnSp∂v AXn Pohn®p. Ahkm\w henb {]tem`\߃ D≠mbt∏mƒ ssZhnIi‡ntbmsS AXns\ IogS°m≥ Ign™p. t\mºv thZ\Ifn¬ \n∂pw, XI¿®Ifn¬ \n∂pw, {]tem`\ßfn¬ \n∂papff \S∂pIb‰amWv. hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmhns‚ PohnXØneqsS t\mºns\ t\m°n ImWptºmƒ DcpIp∂Xp a\ ns‚ IÆo¿IWßfmWv.F√m [ym\kabßfnepw “A∏m” F∂v hnfn®psIm≠v IÆp \ocv HgpIptºmƒ kabtam, BfpItfm, IS∂pt]mIp ∂Xdnbn√, _lp. fqbnk®≥ hn. Nmhd ]nXmhns\Ipdn®v FgpXnbncn°p∂Xv Cßs\bmWv sshIn´sØ [ym\w HcpaWn°qdmbncp∂s√m. B kabw apgph\pw kZm IÆp\o¿ Hgp°nsIm≠v ap´nt∑¬ Xs∂ ]chi\mbn \n∂ncp∂p. A\phmZØn\mbn sN√p∂h¿ kv°m∏pfmc apØnsIm≠v s]mbvs°m≈pI ]Xnhmbncp∂p. aWnbmIptºmƒ kao]Øv Dffh¿ hnfn®dnbn°pw. At∏mƒ ]mchiyw Xo¿∂v P]w sNm√n

March 2017; No.234 21 I¿sΩektμiw Ahkm\n∏n°pw. IÆp\o¿ Hgp°nsIm≠mWv apdnbnte°v t]mbncp∂Xv.” tbiphns‚ ]oVm\p`hßsf°pdn®v [ym\n®v tbiphn¬ ebn®Xns‚ ^eamWt√m ChnsS \mw ImWp∂Xv. a\ ns‚ Aenhpv ssZhkvt\lØns‚ BgØn¬ ]cnlmcIÆp\ocpIfmWv hn. Nmhd ]nXmhn¬\n∂v h∂ncp∂Xv. t\mºv: Bflobhf¿®bpsS AhkcamWv ssZhw {]tXyIw sXcs™SpØ hy‡nIfpsS PohnXØn¬ ssZhnI CSs]SepIƒ \ap°v ImWmw. ]q¿Δ ]nXm°fmb A{_mlw, Cklm°v, bmt°m_v, {]hmNI¿ kv\m]Itbml∂m≥, ]cnip≤ I\yIadnbw, hnip≤ ]utemkv XpSßnbh¿ CXn\p DZmlcWßfmWv. ssZhØns‚ hnfn A{]Xntcm[yamb AhÿbmWv; kvt\ltØmsSbpff £WamWv. hnfn°s∏Sp∂ hy‡nbn¬ kaqe ]cnh¿Ø\w hcpØp∂ {]{InbbmWv. I¿Ømhns‚ apX¬ ssZh`‡cpsS Np‰pw ]mfbaSn®v Ahsc c£n°p∂ A\p`hamWv CXv(k¶n 34/7). Bflobhf¿®bn¬ ImgvNb°p {]m[m\yap≠vp. D¬∏Øn 12/1-˛4 ¬ ]dbp∂p “v\ns‚ tZisØbpw _‘p°sfbpw ]nXr`h\sØbpw hn´p Rm≥ ImWn®pXcp∂ \m´nte°v t]mhpI.” A{_mlsØ hnizmknIfpsS ]nXmhm°m≥, A{_mlØneqsS `qapJsØ A\p{KloXam°m≥ ssZhw ImWn®pXcp∂ hgnbneqsS IS∂p t]mIWw. 1]t{Xm 3/12- ¬ ]dbp∂p≠v “v I¿Ømhns‚ IÆpIƒ \oXnam≥amcpsS t\sc bpw, AhnSpsØ sNhnIƒ AhcpsS {]m¿∞\IfpsS t\scbpw Xpd∂ncn°p∂p, F∂m¬ Xn∑{]h¿Øn°p∂hcn¬ \n∂v AhnSpsØ apJw Xncn®ncn°p∂p.” t\mºv: {InkvXobkl\ØneqsS ssZhlnXa\pkcn®v Pohn°ptºmƒ HØncntbsd {InkvXob kl\߃ AhiyamIpw. ImcWw t\mºv ss{IkvX

22 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw hsc Ipcnin¬ Ibdm≥ Hcp°p∂p≠v. {InkvXp \S∂ hgnbneqsS \S°m\pw Xbmdm°p∂p≠v. hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ PohnXØn¬ icocws\m¥pff kl\w t]mseXs∂ a\ pthZ\n® kl\ßfpap≠mbncp∂p. Ipcnin¬ Ibdm\pw, {InkvXp\S∂ hgnbneqsS \S°m\pw CXp ImcWambn´p≠v. ssZhØns‚ Bflmhv sXcs™Sp°s∏´hcn¬ hkn°p∂Xn\m¬, PohnXØn¬ A·n]co£Iƒ, Xn‡m\p`h߃, ]cmPb߃, hna¿i\߃, sX‰n [mcWIƒ, BflobkwL¿j߃, tcmK߃, XpSßnbh t\mºpImekl\ßfnte°v \sΩ \bn°pw. hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ PohnXØn¬ kl\߃ [mcmfw D≠mbn´p≠v. hmX∏\n, IÆn\p ImgvN \jvSs∏´Xvp, \S°m≥ ]‰mØhn[w ImepIfnse \ocvp, amXm]nXm°fpsSbpw GIktlmZcs‚bpw AIme\ncymWw, IpSpw_Øn¬ Bcpw Ahtijn°mØ Zp:Jmhÿ, k`sb hf¿Øp∂Xnepff IjvS∏mSpIƒ, ioivaIƒ k`sb ]oVn∏n°ptºmƒ D≠mb t¢i߃ F√mw Bflnbapt∂‰Øns‚ `mKambn hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhp I≠p. [ym\k√m]Ønse ssZhm{ibt_m[w t\mºneqsS ]nXmhn\p Ipcniphln°m\pff i‡n bm¿÷n°p∂Xmbncp∂p. X\n°mhiyapffsX√mw CutimbpsS ASp°¬ \n∂pw hmßphm\pff lrZbkzmX{¥yw, a\:km∂n[yw F∂nh hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ BXvaobXbpsS `mKßfmbncp∂p. ZnhyImcpWyk∂n[nbn¬ [y\]q¿Δw sNehgn®t∏mƒ, ssZhw hn. Nmhd ]nXmhns‚ lrZbclky߃, tIcfk`sbbpw, ssZhP\sØbpw kw_‘n®pff ssZh]≤Xn At±lØn¬ shfns∏SpØn. AXns‚ ^e߃ C∂p tIcf k`bnepw `mcXk`bnepw {]tXyIn®v t\mºpImeØv \ap°pImWm≥ Ignbpw. Bcm[\]cambpw, `‡n]cambpw [mcmfw Imcy߃ BhnjvIcn®psIm≠v hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhp t\mºpImeØp BflobX h¿≤n°phm≥ Ipcnins‚ hgnbpw [ym\ßfpsa√mw

March 2017; No.234 23 I¿sΩektμiw Bcw`n®n´p≠v.

CutimbpsS ]oVm\p`hØn¬ ]¶ptNcpI CutimbpsS ]oVm\p`hØn¬ Cu t\mºpImeØp \mw ]¶ptNcpIbmWv. bYm¿∞Øn¬ tbiphnt\mSpIqSn acn®v Dbn¿t°≠ AhkcamWv. tdmam 6/5˛11-¬ ]dbp∂Xpt]mse ]gba\pjys\ Dcn™pam‰n ]pXnb a\pjys\ [cn°phm\pff kabamWv t\mºpImew. C{kmtb¬ P\X 40 h¿j߃ acp`qanbn¬ A\p`hn® ZpcnX߃ \mw A\pkvacn°p∂p. acp`qanbnse A\p`hamWv hmKvZØ \mSn\p Ahsc A¿lcm°p∂Xp. ]gb\nbaØnepw, ]pXnb\nbaØnepw a\pjy≥ ssZhsØ I≠pap´p∂Xv acp`qanbnemWv. AXmbXp Hcp {]Xnk‘nbn¬. DZmlcWØn\p api BZyabn ssZhsØ I≠pap´p∂Xv tlmsd_p aebn¬ apƒ∏S¿∏n¬ Pzen°p∂ A·nbnemWv(]pd∏mSv 3/2˛6). Genb ssZhsØ Is≠Øn bXpw tlmc_nemWv (cmP. 19/13˛14) . acp`qanb\p`hsØ AwKo Icn°pIbpw t{]m’mln∏n°pIbpamWv Cutim Xs‚ 40 Zn\cm{Xßfnse acp`qanbnse X] psIm≠v sNøp∂Xv. C{kmtb¬ P\X bm{X Bcw`n®Xv s]kl `£WtØmsSbmbncp∂p. 50 t\mºn¬ s]kl `£Wamb hnip≤Ip¿_m\bn¬ ]¶ptN¿∂v CutimbpsS ]oVm\p`h hgnIfneqsS k©cn°m\pff i‡n t\Sm≥ \ap°pamhWw. t\mºv: kl\Øns‚ i‡nsb Adnbp∂p Np´ps]mffp∂ aW¬ImSpIfneqsSbpw. ]md°p´ßfn eqsSbpw, apƒImSpIfneqsSbpw, hnjP¥pIfpsS CSbneqsSbpapff bm{X Ah¿°v `b¶c kl\ambncn∂p. Xf¿∂p hoWpt]mIp∂ XcØnepff kl\w. ssZhØns‚ taLw Ah¿°pIqS]nSn®n√mbncp∂psh¶n¬ aW¬ Im´n¬ Ah¿ Aÿn]RvPcßfmtbs\. t\mºpImeØp CutimbpsS IqsS kl\Øns‚ Im¬hcn Ibdm≥ \ap°p IgnbWw.

24 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw acp`qanbn¬ `£Ww C√msX Ah¿ he™t∏mƒ Ah¿°p ssZhw a∂m sImSpØp. Nnet∏msg¶nepw `£Ww XyPn®v D]hkn®v \Ωfpw A\p{Kl߃ t\SWw,. t\mºpImew tbiphnt\mSpIqsS KZvtka≥ Nn¥bnembncn°phm\pff AhkcamWv. kl\hpw, t\mºpw, D]hmkhpw, {]m¿∞\bpw HØptNcp∂ X] ns‚ hgnbneqsSbmWv C{kmtb¬ P\w hmKvZØ `qanbn¬ FØntN¿∂Xv. ]m]Øns‚bpw, i{XpXbpsSbpw, Xn∑bpsSbpw taepff hnPbamWv t\mºpIme]cnlmcI¿Ωw hgn \ap°p e`n°pI. tami 10 Iev]\Iƒ kzoIcn®Xpw, Genbm\nhy DbcØnte°v IbdnbXpw, \n\psh c£s]´Xpsa√mw ]cnlmcØns‚ ^eambn´mWv. hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhp k\ymkkaqlsØ °pdn®vp ]dbp∂Xp “\ΩpsS Ffnas∏´ Iq´w a\pjy≥ D≠m°n bX√, adn®v ssZhamWv” F∂mWv. t\mºv: ssZhalXzØn\pw hnip≤n°pw t\mºv BNcWØneqsS ssZhØns‚ alXzhpw ]cnip≤nbpw a\pjy≥ Is≠Ømhp∂Xnepap]cnbmWv. ssZhØns‚ apJw ImWm\pff PohnXhnip≤n \ap°v e`n°p∂Xv t\mºns‚ A\pjvTm\ØneqsSbmWv. ]pd∏mSv 33/ 20˛¬ ]dbp∂p “Fs∂ ImWp∂ Hcp a\pjy\pw Poht\msS Ccn°bn√”. ssZhsØ ImWm\m{Kln°p∂ a\pjys\ ]mdbnSp°n¬ \ndpØnbpw, ssIsIm≠p ad®p ]nSn®pw ssZhw ]cn]men°p∂Xpw ImWm≥ Ignbpw. ssZhan√mØ kºØpw, ssZhan√mØ imcocnIkt¥mjhpw FSpØp am‰n temIØn¬ ZpjvSXbn√mXm°m≥ t\mºp \sΩ klmbn°pw. t\mºv: thZ-\bpw \n¿hr-Xn-bp-amWv t\mºv ico-csØ £oWn-∏n-°p-sa-¶nepw Bflm-hn\v ssZhm-cq-]n-bpsS \n¿hr-Xn-bm-Wv e`n-°p-I. Cutim-bpsS t\mºm-

March 2017; No.234 25 I¿sΩektμiw N-c-W-Ønepw \ΩpsS t\mºm-N-c-W-Ønepw s\mº-c-߃ D≠m- Ip-∂p-≠v. tbip-hns‚ t\mºm-N-c-W-Øn¬ ssZhn-IX IqSp-X¬ {]Im-in-°p-∂p. \ΩpsS t\mºm-N-c-W-Øn¬ ]m]-Øn\v ]cn- lmcw D≠m-Ip-∂-tXm-sSm∏w Bflm-hn¬ ssZhm-\p-`hw \nd-bp- ∂p. hnip≤ Ipcym-t°mkv Genbmkv ]nXm-hns‚ Bflm-\p- Xm]w F∂ ]Zy-Ir-Xn-bn¬ {]m¿∞-\m-\n¿`-c-amb Bfl-tcm- Z\w \ap°v ImWm≥ Ign-bpw. AXp-t]mse ]oVm-\p-`-h- ßsf°pdn-®p≈ Bflo-bm-\p-`-h-߃ \evIp-tºmƒ, ]m]-{]- h¿Øn-I-fn-te°v sNs∂-Øp-am-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂v Ihn ]mSn, am\- km-¥-c-Øn-eqsS hnip-≤o-I-cn-°-W-sasb∂v {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p≠v. t\mºns‚ Nn¥-bn-eqsS tbip-hns‚ ]oVm-\p-`hw apgp- h\pw D≈n¬I≠v Hcp KmKp¬Øm-Nn-{Xo-I-cWw Bflm-\p-Xm- ]-Øns‚ 8˛masØ Ihn-X-bn¬ \evIp-∂p-≠v. CXv Be-]n-°p- ∂-h¿°v hn. Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv B{K-ln-°p∂ Bflo-b-tcm-Z-\hpw Bflo-b-\n¿hr-Xnbpw e`n-°p-sa-∂p-≈Xv {i≤m¿l-am-Wv. Chn- sS-sbms° kpIr-X-߃ Hcp t\´-am-sW∂v Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv \sΩ Hm¿Ωn-s∏SpØp-∂p-≠v. hn. Nmhd `mc-s∏´ h≥Im-cy-߃ tXmfn- te-¥p∂ Hcp hy‡n-bm-bn-´mWv \mw ImWp-∂X.v ]pXnb Hcp kwc-`-amb Xm≥ \´p-In-fn¿∏n® k\ym-k-k`, tIc-f-k-`, tIc-f- k-aqlw CsX√mw Hcp ]pXnb Xe-ap-d-°p-th≠n cq]-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ kzmwio-I-cn-®-t∏mƒ henb `mcw Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p B Z¿i-\- Øn¬. hn. Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv tbmip-hns\ Is≠-Øp∂ {]{In-b- bn¬ Bflo-b-X-bpsS Db-c-߃ tXSn-bn-cp-∂-Xp-sIm≠v F∂pw kzbw\nb-{¥Ww {]_-e-am-bn-cp-∂p. CXv {]¿∞\, X]- v, ]-T- \w, -]-Tn-∏n-°¬, hN-\-{]-tLm-jWw, [ym\-{]-kw-Kw, AP-]m-e\w F∂n-h-bn-eq-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p. tIc-f-Ønse Hcp \√ hm‹n, B≤m- fln-I-t\-Xmhv F∂o \ne-I-fn¬ {]tim`n® hn. Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv t\mºn\v \evInb {]m[m\yw a\: ]cn-h¿Ø-\-am-bn-cp-∂p. Bflo-b-amb Hcp Z¿i-\-Øn¬ \n∂p-thWw \mw t\mºns\ a\- n-em-°p-hm≥. kn.-Fw.-sF. k`-bpsS BZy-]n--Xm- °-∑m-cmb ]me-bv°¬ tXmam-a-ev]m\pw t]mcp-°-c- tXm-ama- ev]m\pw D∂-X-ÿm-\-ß-fn-em-bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw hfsc efn-X-amb

26 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw Pohn-X-ssi-en-bm-bn-cp-∂p A\p-jvTn-®p-t]m-∂-Xv. Adn-hnepw t\Xr- Xz-Ønepw Ign-hnepw anI-®-h-cmbncps∂-¶nepw Pohn-X-am¿§w efn-X-am-bn-cp-∂p. CXv I≠v ]Tn-®n-cp∂ hn. Nmh-d-∏n-Xmhv X] pw {]mb-›n-Øhpw {]m¿∞-\bpw ]T-\hpw Iq´n-t®¿Ø Hcp PohnXw kz¥-Po-hn-X-Ønepw D≠m-Im≥ c≠p aev]m≥am-tcm-Sp- Iq-Sn-bp≈ hmkw Imc-W-am-°n. hn. Nmh-d-∏n-Xmhv ]d-bp-∂Xv ]me-bv°¬ aev]m-\-®-s‚bpw t]mcq-°c aev]m-\-®-s‚bpw efn- X-Po-hn-X-Ønse kl-hmkw Hcp X]- p-`-h-\-\n¿Ωm-W-Øn¬ FØn-t®¿Øp F∂mWv. hnip-≤≥ ]d-bp∂p “Cu ae-bm-f-Øn¬ ]´-°m¿°p-t]mepw Hcp X]- p-`-h\w C√m-bvI-bm¬ Gdn-b-\- ∑-Iƒ°v hnLv\-am-bn-cn°-sIm≠v h√ {]Im-c-Ønepw ]´- °m¿s°-¶nepw Hcp Z¿i-\-ho-Sp-≠m-I-W-sa∂v’’ Ch¿ B{K-ln- ®p-sh-∂v. BVw-_-c-Po-hn-X-Øn\v hncm-a-an´v AXn-km-l-kn-Ihpw IjvS-∏m-Sn-s‚bpw Zmcn{Zy-Øn-s‚bpw Hcp Pohn-Xw˛ t\mºns‚ {]Xn-Om-b-bmb Hcp PohnXw \bn-°m≥ BZn-]n-Xm-°-∑m¿ ]n≥X-e-ap-d-°mbn If-sam-cp-°n. aev]m≥am-cpsS injy-\mb hn.- Nm-h-d-∏n-Xmhv t]mcq-°c aev]m-s\-°p-dn®v Fgp-Xp-I-bmW,v Ct±lw Ip¿∫m\ sNm√n-b-t∏mƒ XpSßn R߃ ]Tn-°m≥ sN∂-t∏mgpw Znh-khpw Hcp t\cw, AXpw D®bv° am{Xw tNmdp- Æpw. sshIn´v Ipd®v I™n IpSn-°pw. ImeØv H∂p-an-√. Cßns\ Gdn-b-Imew Pohn-®n-cp-∂p. D®-`-£-W-Øn\v F√m- bvt∏mgpw Hcp Idn-am-{X-am-Wp-≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xv. ]me-bv°¬ tXmam-a-ev]m-\-®-\m-Is´ X]-t mSpw {]mb- ›n-Ø-tØm-Sp-sam∏w {]m¿∞-\bpw ]T-\hpw kzcq-]n∏n® Hcp Bflo-b-Po-hn-X-{I-a-ambn-cp∂p \bn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. skan-\m-cn-bn¬ [mcmfw kabw X\n®pw injy-scm-∂n®pw {]m¿∞-\-bn¬ sNe- h-gn-®n-cp-∂p. ]T-\-Øn\pw \njvT-bp≈ Hcp Pohn-X-coXn At±lw ]men-®p-t]m-∂p. sshIn´v 6 aWn-ap-X¬ epØn-\nb, [ym\-hm- b\, sIm¥-\-a-kv°mcw F∂n-h-bv°mbn am‰n-h® ka-b-am-bn- cp-∂p. hn. Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Kpcp-hmb n]me-bv°¬ tXma-a-ev]m-s\- °p-dn®v FgpXn “CXn-s\√mw Rß-tfm-Sp-IqSn Ct±-lhpw D≠m-

March 2017; No.234 27 I¿sΩektμiw bn-cp-∂p. CXns‚ tijw ]T-\-ÿ-eØv Rß-tfm-Sp-IqSn h-∂n- cn-°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. R߃ Dd-ßm≥ t]mbmepw Ct±lw AhnsS Ccp∂v Gdn-b-t\cw hmbn®n-cp∂p AØmgw Ign™v ⁄m\- kw-`m-jWw \S-Øn-bn-cp∂p’’ Cßs\ t\m°p-tºmƒ \ΩpsS ]nXm-°-∑m-cpsS ssNX\yw Xs∂ t\mºv BN-c-W-ØneqsS Bg-amb Bflo- bX \Ωn¬ cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-hm≥ IS-s∏-Sp-∂p. Bflo-bap-t∂-‰-Øn\v i‡n \evIp-∂Xv \ΩpsS XymK-]q¿Δamb t\mºv BN-c-W-am- Wv. t\mºns‚ ssNX-\y-Øn-eqsS \mw IS-∂p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ a™p-Ω¬ B{i-a-Øn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ ^m. Atemjykv acnb ]d™Xv “sshZn-I-cpsS Pohn-X-sØbpw ho£-W-sØbpw kw_- ‘n®v Nmh-d-∏n-Xmhv hfsc {i≤m-ep-hm-bn-cp-∂p-sh-∂mWv”.

28 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw HUMAN FORMATION IN MAJOR SEMINARIES Seminar cum Workshop 10-13 February 2017 Dharmaram College, Bangalore

Dharmaram College, on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of its foundation in Bangalore in 1957, conducted a four-day national level seminar cum workshop (10-13 February, 2017) on “Human Formation in Major Seminaries,” to appreciate and celebrate the gift of priesthood and to evaluate the effectiveness of human formation, and its relation to the intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation, so that we have ‘shepherds after the heart of the Good Shepherd.’ It was a providential coincidence that the seminar began on the birthday of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara who gave pioneering services in the field of priestly formation, beginning with the foundation of a seminary in 1833 at Mannanam, even before the community was canonically established in 1855.

The Concept The Church has always considered the formation of future priests as one of its most demanding and important tasks. This task has become all the more challenging in the socio-cultural context of today, marked by new and rapid changes. It is a demanding task for the formators to understand the changing dimensions of the culture and the candidates coming from that culture, and to accompany them in the process of becoming shepherds after the heart of the Shepherd. Formation involves various dimensions, namely, human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral. Pastores Dabo Vobis as well as subsequent documents of the Church has highlighted human formation as the basis of all priestly formation: “The priest, who is called to be a ‘living image’ of Jesus Christ, head and shepherd of the Church, should seek to reflect in

March 2017; No.234 29 I¿sΩektμiw himself, as far as possible, the human perfection which shines forth in the incarnate Son of God and which is reflected with particularliveliness in his attitudes toward others as we see narrated in the Gospels... In order that his ministry may be humanly as credible and acceptable as possible, it is important that the priest should mold his human personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity” (Paragraph 43). Moreover, they are to be inculcated in the capacity to relate with others, and to attain affective maturity, which involves an education in true and responsible love (paragraphs 43, 44). Pope Francis has reminded us that, “Human formation is therefore a necessity for priests so that they learn not to be dominated by their limitations, but instead to build on their talents” (November 2015). He has repeatedly emphasised the importance of cultivating human qualities of compassion, understanding and mercy, and thus to become “shepherds with the smell of the sheep.”Many formators feel that human formation of the candidates for priesthood must be given more attention. Although formation is an ongoing process which may never be complete at any given point of time, it is felt that even at the time of the major seminary studies, the level of human formation achieved by many is below the ideal presented and expected. This seminar cum workshop was, therefore an attempt to respond to this need, with special references to the Indian situation.

Organization This seminar was organised under the guidance of Rev. Fr Paul Achandy, CMI, our Prior General. In spite of his busy schedule, he was personally involved in the selection of the theme and the planning. Moreover, Fr Prior General participated in the whole seminar. The organisation of the seminar was entrusted to Rev. Fr Thomas Aykara, the Rector of Dharmaram College. Fr Rector made a detailed plan of the seminar, in consultation with the experts in the field, and assured the involvement and participation of the entire Dharmaram community, and all its constituent units. Various committees were

30 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw formed for working out the details, and to make necessary arrangements for the seminar. Although the plan was to have 80-100 participants, including the full time participants from Dharmaram, more than 140 priests participated in the seminar, including 25 from Dharmaram. Of these, 130 were major seminary professors from 46 major seminaries in India. Although the seminar was planned for major seminary formation and academic staff, a few novice masters and aspirants rectors from the CMI provinces also were invited for the seminar. Advisory Committee: This seminar was organised in collaboration with other major seminaries in India. Accordingly, the Rectors of a few major seminaries were invited to join the advisory committee of the seminar.

The members of the Advisory committee: Edward Mudavassery, SJ (Rector, De Nobili College, Pune); Joy Ainiyandan (Rector, St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor); Mathew Illathuparampil (Rector, St Joseph Pontifical Seminary, Aluva); Joseph Felix Michael (Rector, Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai); Joseph Mathias, SJ (Rector, St Peter’s Seminary, Bangalore); James Kadankavil, SDB (Rector, Kristu Jyothi College, Bangalore); Shaji Thomas Manikulam (Rector, St Mary’s Malankara Seminary, Trivandrum); Linus Neli (Rector, Oriens Theological College, Shillong); Anicento Pereira (Rector, St Pius College, Mumbai). The Advisory Committee members offered their whole hearted support, giving suggestions and guidelines in the planning and execution of the programme. Besides the heads of various units of Dharmaram, the deans and heads of DVK, the rectors of the CMI seminaries in North India, namely, Davis Varayilan, CMI (Rector, Samanvaya Theology College, Bhopal), Sebastian Alackappally, CMI (Rector, Darsana Philosophate, Wardha) and Antony Puthanangady, CMI (Rector, Carmel Vidya Bhavan, Pune), were invited to join the steering committee of the seminar.

March 2017; No.234 31 I¿sΩektμiw

The Proceedings of the Seminar The inaugural session, which was attended also by the students of DVK, took place at 11.00 am on 10 February 2017 in the BJTM Hall at Dharmaram College. The session began with a prayer led by the brothers of third year theology. Fr Thomas Aykara, CMI (Rector) welcomed the gathering, highlighting the CMI-Dharmaram legacy in priestly formation. In the inaugural address, Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, President of the CBCI and Catholicos of the Syro- Malankara Church, reaffirming the foundational importance of human formation, said: “Priestly formation without the basic human qualities and virtues will remain merely an academic exercise.” Rev Fr Paul Achandy, CMI (Prior General, CMI Congregation), in his presidential address reminded the participants that the art of parenting is a matter of education and training. Both the seminarians and the formators should remember that “I cannot be a good priest and religious, if I am not a good human being,” said Fr Prior General. We need to focus on the emotional quotient to face the challenges of VUCA by CMI: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of the contemporary society where we live and serve demands Contextualised Multiple Intelligence (CMI) — that was the message of Thomas C. Mathew (Vice-Chancellor, Christ University). The inaugural session was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Fr Anto Amarnad, CMI, followed by Dharmaram Anthem.

In the first session with Rev Fr Joseph Mathias, SJ (Rector, St Peter’s Seminary, Bangalore) at the Chair, the orientation paper on Human Formation was given by Rev Sr Katarina Schuth, OSF who has academic excellence and long years of service in the field of priestly formation in the US. The human formation programme in the seminaries is to enable the seminarians to grow in emotional maturity, to become men of integrity with a sensitive moral conscience leading to admirable moral behaviour. She also presented the year-wise, Organization and Implementation of Human Formation Programs at St Pauls Seminary Minnesota, US. Rev Fr Linus Neli (Rector, Oriens

32 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Theological College, Shillong) presented a paper on the Human Formation in the magisterial documents of the Church. Referring to 21 documents from the magisterium on priestly formation, Fr Linus insisted that both the formators and the seminarians should know the mind of the church and fulfil it in the local context as they participate in the great gift and task of priestly formation. Rev Frs Joy Philip Kakkanattu, CMI & Sebastian Mullooparampil, CMI (DVK- Dharmaram College), made it clear that Jesus in the Gospels is the model for human formation both for the formator and the seminarian. As formation is fundamentally a process of configuring to the person of Jesus, we need to learn and practice the human qualities of Jesus. The day concluded with a Bible service led by the third year theology students, followed by a dinner hosted by DVK.

On Saturday, 11 February, 2017, His Grace Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, presided over the Eucharistic celebration and preached on the theme of Good Shepherd and reminded the participants the importance of priestly formation.

There were three papers on different aspects of human formation in the third session, chaired by Fr Joseph Felix Michael (Rector, Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai). Fr George Manalel, VC (De Paul Institute of Counselling and Clergy Affirmation Centre, Ernakulam) spoke on Developing Human Qualities, reminding that it is not the instinctive pleasure principle thatshould guide us in formation but reality principle. Fr Mathew Illathuparampil (Rector, St Joseph Seminary, Aluva) presented an excellent paper on Formation of Conscience in the Seminaries. Fr Ittoop Panikulam, SVD (Gyan Ashram, Inter-Spiritual Dialogue Point, Mumbai) dwelt on Ongoing Human Formation of Formators. The papers were the result of their academic research and experience from the field, and were followed by clarifications and discussions. In the following session, Sr Virginia, SAB (Bangalore) spoke ‘Perspectives of a Religious Sister’ on human formation in major

March 2017; No.234 33 I¿sΩektμiw seminaries, in the light of her experience, especially as a visiting professor in various major seminaries. With great respect for the gift of priesthood, and expectations of the people of God, she pointed out some aspects where the formators and priests should pay greater attention to be gender sensitive and inclusive in their attitudes and actions. The papers in the afternoon session examined further into aspects of human formation and personality development. Fr Dinesh Braganza, SJ (JDV, Pune) spoke on Affective Maturity; Fr Gabriel Mathias, OFM (St Anthony’s Friary, Bangalore) on Psycho-Sexual Formation, and Sr Katarina Schuth, OSF on Integrating Sexuality, Celibacy and Intimacy. The papers were well studied with practical suggestions for improving the human formation programme, taking into account the rich resources in psychology and counselling. They pointed out the need of helping seminarians achieve affective maturity, and addressed the issues of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse by the clergy, and suggested methods to curb such incidents in future by focusing on attaining sexual maturity during the formation. During the evening session chaired by Fr Sebastian Alackappally, CMI (Rector, Darsana Philosophate, Wardha) Mr Sibichen K. Mathew, IRS (Commissioner of Income Tax; St Thomas Parish, Bangalore) and Dr Olinda Tims (St John’s Research Institute; Francis Xavier’s Cathedral Parish, Bangalore) gave the laity’s perspectives on human formation in seminaries. The sharing was particularly useful, as it was important to know the mind of the lay people and there was consensus that more lay people could be involved in the seminary formation. The day concluded with a bhajan session led by Fr Anto Amarnad, CMI, and the brothers of the first year philosophy, followed by a dinner hosted by Christ University.

On Sunday, 12 February, 2017, Bishop Mar Antony Kariyil (Bishop of Mandya) presided over the Eucharistic liturgy and spoke on the differences between the formation during the pre-and post Vatican II periods. Narrating his own experiences, he highlighted how

34 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw the formation in the post-Vatican II period has become more person- centred.

In the ninth session chaired by Fr James Kadankavil, SDB (Rector, Kristu Jyothi College, Bangalore), Fr Viju Painadath, CMI (Christ University-Dharmaram College, Bangalore) and Wilson Chakkyath, CMI (DVK-Dharmaram College, Bangalore) spoke on Relationship with One’s Own Seminary Community based on a survey of over 400 seminarians. Fr Konrad Noronha, SJ (JDV, Pune), basing on an online survey among seminarians, expanded the dynamics of Relationship with One’s Own Family, with the Pastoral Community and with the Wider Society. Msgr Tomy Tharayil (Auxiliary Bishop Designate, Changanacherry) spoke on the Impact of Internet, Social Networking Sites, etc. on Human Formation based on his studies and experience with seminarians. In the afternoon session the presentations were on other aspects of priestly formation and their relation to human formation. Rev Fr Aniceto Pereira (Rector, St Pius College, Mumbai) chaired the session. Fr Jose Mariadas, OIC spoke on Intellectual Pursuit and Human Formation, Fr Ajoy Fernandes, SDB (Prafulta-Matunga, Mumbai) on Spiritual Life and Human Formation, Fr Jacob Parappally, MSFS (Tejas Vidya Peeth, Bangalore) on Human Formation and Leadership Skills, and Fr Joseph Thannickal, SDB (OGFC at Nitika Don Bosco, Kolkata) on Formation to Maturity through Fuller Experiencing: Exploring Formative Potentials in Adversities, Failures and Sufferings.

In the evening session, Chaired by Fr Dominic Vechoor (Vice- Rector, St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor) three Newly Ordained Priests — Fr Lancy Dias, SJ (studies in Pune), Fr David Nesan (Chennai) and Fr Jobin Thayil, CMI (Bangalore) — gave a critical appraisal of the human formation that they had received, especially in the light of their present priestly ministry. The sharing was appreciated by the participants as they gave a window to how

March 2017; No.234 35 I¿sΩektμiw the young priests look at their long years of formation. The session was followed by a prayer session led by the brothers of D-Section. The day concluded with a dinner hosted at Dharmaram in honour of the participants, and cultural programmes staged by Dharmaram brothers.

The Holy Eucharistic celebration on the final day was in the Syro Malankara rite with Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathios (Bishop of Mavelikara) as the main celebrant. In his homily he asked both the formators and the seminarians to be compassionate and merciful in their life and ministry. In the concluding session, chaired by Fr Francis Thonippara, CMI (Director, Vinayasadhara, DVK), Fr Jose Nandhikkara, CMI (DVK-Dharmaram College, Bangalore) through his Briefing of the Seminar Sessions refreshed the participants and shared with the DVK student community the proceedings of the seminar. Sr Katarina Schuth, OSF, in her third and final paper spoke on Human Formation: Challenges Today, and Fr Edward Mudavassery, SJ (Rector, De Nobili College, Pune) on Human Formation in the Major Seminaries in India: Challenges and Responses.

The concluding session was held in the John Britto Chethimattam (JBC) Auditorium at DVK. Fr Paulachan Kochappilly, CMI (President, DVK) welcomed the gathering, underscoring the contribution of DVK to priestly formation. In his concluding message, His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry (Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church) spoke especially on the missionary dimension, pointing to the document, Priestly Formation in the Syro- Malabar Church. Rev Fr Paul Achandy CMI reiterated the importance of priestly formation and thanked and congratulated Dharmaram community, especially Fr Thomas Aykara CMI, theconvenors and others involved in the organisation of a very successful seminar cum workshop. Fr Thomas Aykara led the concluding prayerand the Major Archbishop gave his blessings on the gathering. Fr Shaji George Kochuthara CMI proposed the vote of thanks.

36 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

The seminar cum workshop was indeed a great gift of God with over twenty presentations from highly trained and experienced resource people who had direct contact with priestly formation. All the aspects of human formation were systematically examined, presented and discussed. It was indeed a rich experience to see so many Rectors and formators committed to the ministry of priestly formation with love and care. It was also rewarding to see how the sisters and lay men and women look up to priests with love and respect for greater maturity, care and holiness. We hope and pray that this seminar cum workshop and the follow-up would result in enjoyable and fruitful priestly formation and effective and faithful priestly ministry.

We are indebted to all the resource persons for presenting well-prepared papers and for actively participating all through the seminar. We should particularly mention Sr Katarina Schuth who came all the way from the USA, and who presented three papers for the seminar. In each session, after the presentation of papers, 20-25 minutes were allotted for clarifications and discussion on the papers. Besides, the session following each plenary session was dedicated completely for discussion in groups. The reports of the group discussions were presented in the plenary, followed by discussion. The leaders and secretaries of various groups deserve great appreciation. Fr Jomy George Pantiruvelil, CMI, offered his service as the secretary for the discussions in the plenary. The brothers of Dharmaram College deserve great appreciation and gratitude for perfectly arranging everything for the smooth functioning of the seminar. Reverend Fathers and Bro. Joseph Muttanolil worked day and night to coordinate all the work. The leadership given by Fr Thomas Aykara, our Rector is praiseworthy. Above all, it was a programme taken up by Dharmaram community with one heart and one soul! A fitting celebration of its Diamond Jubilee! The papers of the seminar will be published within a few months. Under the leadership of Fr Prior General and Fr Rector, we are also

March 2017; No.234 37 I¿sΩektμiw planning to continue this network of major seminaries in To be a priest and to be involved in the priestly formation are indeed God’s great gifts and privileged moments of grace. May St Kuriakose Elias continue to inspire and intercede for us so that the formation that we give and receive in the seminaries in India result in mature and integrated priests who follow the Good shepherd knowingly, willingly and lovingly. If only we knew the gift of God!

Fr Jose Nandhikkara, CMI (Member, Steering Committee) Fr Jose Kizhakkekuttu, CMI (Associate Convenor) Fr Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI (Convenor)

38 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw


Cu ]cnjvImcw F¥n\p (B¿°p) th≠n ^m. amWn IpgnI≠Øn¬

tkmjy¬ aoUnb ASpØImeØv tImaUn IogS°nbncn°bmsW∂p ]dbmw. Nncn°m≥ am{Xa√ Nn¥n°m\pw ]et∏mgpw klmbn°pw. Nne tImaUnIƒ sshd¬ BImdp≠v. ]ªnIv aoUnbbnte°v IS∂n´n√mØ AØcw Hcp tImaUn \ΩpsS k`bn¬ \S∂psIm≠ncn°p∂p F∂ptXm∂p∂p. Nncn°m\pw Nn¥n°m\pw hIbp≠v. GXm≠v sshdembnsIm≠ncn°p∂p. Ct∏mƒ \ΩpsS k`bn¬ \S∂psIm≠ncn°p∂ sXcs™Sp∏v {]{Inb Xs∂. Fs¥ CsXmcp tImaUnbmIp∂p?. tImaUnbmsW∂p tXm∂mØhsc AXn\p \n¿_‘n°≠. {]m¿∞n®pw BtemNn®pw \SØp∂ Hcp {]{Inb BbXpsIm≠pXs∂ k`bnse sXcs™Sp∏n\p cmjv{Soban√s√m, kYm\m¿∞nIfpan√. \mep ZiIßfmbn B {]{Inbbn¬ Rm\pw ]¶mfnbmWv. {]hniybnse thm´hImiapff AwKßfn¬ \n∂pw \n›nX FÆw AwK߃ {]hniym kwLØnte°v, s]mXpkwLØntebv°v sXcs™Sp° s∏´ncn°p∂p. {]kvXpX kwLßfnse {]mXn\n[yw IqSpX¬ \oXn]q¿ΔIw F∂pd∏phcpØm\mIWw, sXsc™Sp∏p kzmX{¥yw ]cnanXs∏SpØn, \nbat`ZKXn hcpØn, {]mbØns‚ ASnÿm\Øn¬ aq∂p afie߃ Xncn—vp GXm≠v XpeyX]men®pam{Xw {]Xn\n[nIsf sXcs™Sp°mhp F∂ \njvI¿j hcpØn. k`bnse ktlmZc∑mcpsS {]m[n\n[yhpw Dd∏phcpØn. c≠p ZiIßfmbn Cu {]{Inb \S∂pt]m∂p.

March 2017; No.234 39 I¿sΩektμiw sXcs™Sp∏pkzmX{¥yw ]cnanXs∏SpØnbmepw {]mbØns‚ ASnÿm\Ønepff aq∂p afie߃°v A{]amZnØw Iev]n°s∏´p k¥penXmhÿ ]men®pt]m∂p. Ct∏mgnXm ]pXnb ]cnjvImcw˛ 25%: 25%: 25%: 25%: F∂ A\p]mXØn¬ \memw `mKw CjvSm\pkcWw hn\ntbmKn°mw.(D -261c,ii). ‘IqSpX¬ \oXn]q¿ΔIw’ F∂p ]dbmhp∂ ]cnjvImcw Hcp tImaUnbmIpsa∂p ]e¿°pw t\ctØ tXm∂nbn´p≠mhn√. 35 AwK߃ sXcs™Sp°s∏tS≠ {]hniymkwL Ønte°v 8 hoXw c≠p afie߃°p tijw(16),Hsc afieØn¬ \n∂p 18/19 hsc {]Xn\n[nIsf ‘DNnXwt]mse’ sXcs™Sp°mhp∂XmWv. ChnsS XpSßp∂p tImaUn! CXp F¥n\pth≠n, B¿°pth≠n? k`bpsS t{]jnX apt∂‰Øn\p CsXßs\ klmbn°p∂p.? hnNn{Xw! hntcm[m`mkw!! Cu tImaUn Djmdm°p∂ c≠p LSI߃IqSnbp≠v. Ign™ c≠p s]mXpkwLßfpw (GS-36, GS-37) ]ca{]m[m\yw Iev]n® hnjbw Kvtfm_¬ anj≥! AXn\mWp k` B°w \¬tI≠sX∂p s]mXpkwL߃ HcphiØp Du∂n∏dbp∂p. k`bpsS hf¿®bv°v N{Ihmf߃ hn]peoIcn®ncn°p∂p F∂¿∞w. temIØns‚ AXn¿ØnIƒ hsc, AYhm AXn¿Øn hbv°msX. Cu k\ymk kaqlØn\p Hcp BtKmf anj≥kz`mhw cq]w \¬IpI. Cu {]Jym]\w k`mwK߃°p ]pXnb Bthiw \¬Insb∂p ]dbmw. ]pØ≥ {]oXo£bpw ]pXnb Znimt_m[hpw I≠phcp∂psh∂ {]XoXn. as‰m∂pIqSn. 2014 se s]mXpkwLw XpSßnb Znhkßfn¬ \Ωsfmcp kZzm¿Ø tI´pW¿∂p: k`mÿm]I≥ Nmhd]nXmhv hnip≤ ]Zhnbnte°p Db¿Øs∏Sp∂p. ItØmen°mk`bnse km¿h{XnI hW°Øn\p {]XnjvSn°s∏Sp∂psh∂v.AXn\m¬Xs∂ NmhdbpsS

40 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw ]n¥pS¿®°mcpsS henb DØchmZnXzw IqSnbmbn, k` Hcp Kvtfm_¬ anj\mbn amdpIsb∂Xv. NmhdbpsS hnip≤ ]Zhnbn¬ tIcfk`, `mcXk`Xs∂ Gsd A`nam\n®p. \ΩpsS k`bpsS t\XrXzØn¬ tZinbambn Kw`oc BtLmjam°n. \√XpXs∂. AhnSwsIm≠v ian®p Cu Ncn{X hntijØns‚ Bthiw G∂ tXm∂emWv ]n∂oSp≠mbXv. kn.Fw.sF k` Du∂¬ \¬Ip∂psh∂p Dds°]d™ Kvtfm_¬ anj≥, GXm\pwt]sc Batkm¨ anj\ntebvIb®p F∂XnsemXpßntbm? . BtKmfXeØnepff \ΩpsS anj≥{]h¿Ø\߃°p i‡n]Icm≥ k`bn¬ A\pZn\w HcpaWn°q¿ Bcm[\ \SØm≥ P\dmf®≥ \n¿t±in®n´p≠v˛ Chain Adoration(No.PG.630/2016). \√Xv. Bcm[\ am{Xw aXntbm? `mcXØn\∏pdØv Zim_vZßfmbn C∂p cq]s∏SpØnsbSpØ k`bpsS hnhn[anj\pIƒ AXn¿Øn°∏pdw \ndpØs∏´p˛ then°∏pdØpXs∂!. k`bpsS hnhn[anj\pIƒ hfcWw F∂p ]d™XpsImt≠m, kwL\n›b߃ {]kn≤oIcn®Xp sImt≠m anj\pIƒ hfcn√. hf¿ØpIXs∂ thWw. AXn\mhiyamb \S]SnIsfSp°Ww, [ocambnØs∂. \ΩpsS k` Kvtfm_¬ Bbn amdp∂p, amdpw F∂p]dbptºmgpw AXn¿Øn°∏pdapff anj\nse (IrXyas√¶nepw GXm≠v 1800¬ 311 = 17% ?)k`mwKßsf Dƒs°mffm≥, Ahsc {ihn°m≥ AhcpsS km\n[yw, kmIvjyw AwKoIcn°s∏tS≠XmsW∂p Xncn®dnbm≥ th≠ B¿÷hw \ap°p≠mtbm F∂p ]cntim[nt°≠nbncn°p∂p. Cu hnjbw D∂XkanXnIƒ {i≤n°msX hn´pt]mbX√. Ign™ c≠p s]mXpkwL߃ DZvtLmjn® Kvtfm_¬ anj\pff Du∂¬ {]hrØn]YØn¬ sIm≠phcp∂Xn\p, `mcXØn\∏pdØpff k`mwKßfpsS {]kvXpX ]¶mfnØw k`bpsS, {]hniyIfpsS, \bcq]nIcW, Xocpam\ kanXnIfn¬ Dd∏phcpØm\mhiyamb \S]Sn kzoIcn°Wsa∂v \n¿t±iw C°gn™ s]mXpkwLØn\p apºn¬ ]cnKWbv°p Dfft∏mgmWv c≠mw

March 2017; No.234 41 I¿sΩektμiw ktΩf\w,AcßpXI¿°p∂ tImaUn°p ]pXnb NmepIodnbXp F∂Imcyw IqSpX¬ ckmhlambn. Nncn°msXhø. tImaUn I≠p klXm]w tXm∂nbm¬ t]mepw. {Kq∏pIsfm, {Kq∏p{]h¿Ø\ßsfm C√mØ k`bn¬ AXn\pff ]gpXp≠m°p∂Xpt]msemcp tXm∂¬!. sXcs™Sp∏p {]{InbbpsS ]mh\Xbv°pw, hnizmkyXbv°pw aßtet‰m? {]hniymkwLØnepw, s]mXpkwLØnepw `mcXØn\∏pdØpff k`mwKßfpsS ]¶mfnØw Dd∏p hcpØm\pff hyhÿ Bhiys∏´n´pw ]cnKWn°mØXn\pff ImcWw hy‡a√. A\utZymKnIambn AS°w ]d™ptI´Xnßs\:“thm´p sNøp∂h¿ hnthN\m i‡nbpffhct√, thWsa¶n¬ C≥Uybv°∏pdØffhscbpw sXcs™Sp°mas√m”. A¿°p thWsa¶n¬? Cu tNmZyw \ne\n¬s°, Hcp adptNmZyw IqSn Dbcp∂p: F¶n¬]ns∂, aq∂p afie߃ krjvSn®p kwhcWw G¿s∏SpØnbXv F¥pImcyØn\p Bbncp∂p ? . Ct∏mƒ B k¥penXmhÿ t]mepw XInSwadn°s∏´ncn°p∂p. Cu afie߃ \ndpØem°nbm¬ Xs∂, AhKWn°cpXmØXmWv Kvtfm_¬ anj≥ F∂ ap≥KW\. ImcWw 27 cmPyßfnembn hf¿∂p sIm≠ncn°p∂ Hcp k`bmWnXv. \ΩpsS kpc£nX taJebn¬ (tk^v˛tkmWn¬)CXns\ Xf®nSp∂Xp henb ]mXIamIpw. AXn¿Øn°∏pdapff k`mwKßsf th≠hn[w Dƒs°mffm≥ B¿÷hw ssIhcn°p∂Xns‚ BZy]Sn F∂ \nebv°v \n¿ÆmbI kanXnIfntebv°v Ah¿ sXcs™Sp°s∏Sp∂psh∂p Dd∏phcpØpI, k`bpsS [¿ΩamWv. BcpsSbpw HuZmcya√. `qcn]£Øns‚ am{Xw Xmev]cy߃°p ap≥KW\ e`yam°p∂ Hcp kwLS\b√s√m Cu k`. Ign™ c≠ps]mXpkwL߃ \SØnb {]Jym]\w k`b°v ]pXnb Znimt_m[w \¬Ipsa∂p IcpXnb Ht´sd k`mwK߃ CØcw \S]SnIfmWv {]Xo£n°p∂Xv, tImaUnIf√.hnip≤ Nmhdbpw D‰pt\m°p∂Xv as‰m∂mhn√.

42 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw hfsc efnXambn ssIImcyw s®ømambncp∂ hnjbamWnXv.\memasØ 25%Øn¬ C¥y°p]pdØv hnhn[ `qJfißfn¬ \n∂p Ht∂m ct≠m {]Xn\n[nIƒ hoXw sXcs™Sp°s∏Sp∂psh∂v Dd∏phcpØnbncps∂¶n¬, Xe]pI™mtemNn®p krjvSn® Cu tImaUn Hgnhm°mambncp∂p. Hcp afiew IqSn D≠mbmepw k`bv°p Hc]IShpw kw`hn°n√. \m´nse F{Xtbm sNdnb k`Iƒ `wKnbmbn CXp sNøp∂p. Gsd ]Tn∏pw ]mcºcyhpw AhImis∏Sp∂ \Ωp°v [ocamb \S]SnIƒ IqSntbXocp. AXn\pth≠ C—mi‡nbmWmhiyw.

March 2017; No.234 43 I¿sΩektμiw sk‚ v Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmkv Nmhd A¿ss°hvkv B≥Uv dntk¿®v sk‚¿, am∂m\w

tUm. tPmkv tN∂m-´p-t»-cn- kn.-Fw.-sF. {_Z¿ B‚Wn h≈h¥d kn.-Fw.-sF.

A£c \KcnbpsS \ndpIbn¬ \hZo]w A£-c-ß-fpsS \mSmWv tIm´-bw, ss]Xr-I-ß-fp-sSbpw. F∂m¬ Ch-bvs°m∏w hnip-≤n-bpsS ]cn-afw ]c-Ønb am∂m\w ho≠pw A`n-am-\-ambn amdp-∂p. \q‰m-≠p-I-fpsS IY ]d-bp∂ henb ]pkvX-I-ti-J-c-hp-ambn sk‚ v Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmkv Nmhd A¿ss°hvkv B≥Uv dntk¿®v sk‚¿ F∂ ÿm]-\-Øns‚ DZvLm-S\w BZ-c-Wo-b-\mb tIcf Kh¿W¿ {io. PÃnkv (dn´.) ]n. kZminhw Nmh-d-b-®s‚ I_-dnSw ÿnXn- sN-øp∂ ]pWy-`q-an-bn¬ 2017 s^{_p-hcn 9 \v \n¿Δ-ln-®p. ]pWy- ]p-cm-X\amb ]pkvX-I-ßfpsS tiJcw apX¬ UnPn-‰¬ _p°p- Iƒ hsc Cu tiJ-c-Øn¬ D≈-Xn\m¬ CXv ]g-abpw ]pXp- abpw ssItIm¿°p∂ Ncn-{X-Øns‚ kph¿Æ \nan-j-am-Wv. hnip≤ Nmh-d-b-®≥ ÿm]n® sk‚ v tPmk^vkv k\ym-k-`-h- \-tØmSv tN¿∂v am∂m\w ssZhm-e-bm-¶-W-Øn¬ Ncn-{X-{]m- [m-\y-ap≈ Cu CuSp-sh∏v (A¿ss°hvkv) \ne-sIm-≈p-∂p. hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv ]Wn-I-gn-∏n®Xpw hf-sc-b-[nIw Ncn-{X- ߃ Dd-ßp∂Xpamb aμn-cØnemWv C∂v am∂m\w {KŸc£mKmcw ÿnXn- sN-øp-∂-Xv.

Ncn-{X-Øns‚ GSp-Iƒ Xpd-°p∂p ÿm-]I ]nXm-hns‚ 212˛mw P∑Zn-\-Øns‚ Xte-\mƒ (09/02/2017) cmhnse BZ-c-Wo-b-\mb tIcf Kh¿W¿, {io. PÃnkv (dn´.) ]n. kZminhw am∂m\w Xo¿∞m-S\ ssZhm-

44 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw e-b-Øns‚ A¶-W-Øn¬ h®v \S∂ {]uV-Kw-`o-c-amb NS-ßn¬ Bbn-c-°-W-°n-\v P\-ß-fpsS km∂n-≤y-Øn¬ inem-^-eIw A\m-—m-Z\w sNbvXv, XncnsXfn®v DZvLm-S\w \n¿h-ln®p. DZvLm-S-\-{]-kw-K-Øn¬ tIc-f-Ønse hnZym-`ym-k-hn-π-h-Øn\v XpS°w Ipdn-®Xv Nmh-d-b-®-\m-sW-∂pw At±-l-Øns‚ {]h¿Ø- \-߃ F°m-ehpw kvacn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xm-sW∂pw _lp. Kh¿Æ¿ ]d-™p. Cu kwcw`w F∂Xv At\Imbnc߃°v t\¿hgn IWn®v sImSpØ hn. Nmhd]nXmhns‚ Zo¿Lho£WtØmSv \Ωƒ ImWn°p∂ Hcp BZchmWv. tIcfw A£ckm£cX ssIhcn®Xv {InkvXy≥ anjWdnamcpsS ITn\m[zm\w sIm≠msW∂pw, ]≈ntbmsSm∏w ]≈n°qShpw, D®°™nbpw F√mw kmlknIamb Hcp hnπhamWv Nmhdb®≥ \SØnbsX∂pw At±lw ]d™p. a\pjytcmSv ImWn°p∂ tkh\ Xev]cX ssZhtØmSp IWn°p∂ B[chmsW∂pw, F√m a\pjyscbpw _lpa\n°pIbpw Hcp t]mse ImWpIbpw B¨s]¨ hyXymktam, PmXn aX h¿Æ hnthN\tam C√mØ a\pjXzØns‚ DZmØ amXrIbmWv Nmhdb®≥ kzoIcn®sX∂pw Kh¿W¿ Nq≠n°m´n. ssIsbgpØv {]XnIƒ F∂m¬ ]gabnte°p≈ hXmb\߃ BsW∂pw AhbpsS kwc£Ww \ΩpsS DØchmZnØw BsW∂pw AtZlw P\ßsf Hm¿Ωn∏n®p. Cu A¿ssIhvkv `mhn Xeapdbv°v apX¬°q´msW∂pw, hyXykvXamb ]T\߃°v hgn sXfn°psa∂pw BZcWnb\mb Kh¿W¿ Iq´nt®¿Øp. _lp. tIm´bw Fw.-]n. {io. tPmkv sI. amWn tbmK-Øn\v A≤y-£X hln-®p. _lp. G‰p-am-\q¿ Fw.-F-¬.- Fw. AUz. kptc-jvIp-dp∏v, kn.-Fw.-sF. k`m {]ntbm¿ P\-d¬ ^m. t]mƒ A®m-≠n kn.-Fw.-sF., Fw.- Pn. k¿hIemime sshkvNm≥kve¿ tUm. _m_p sk_m-Ãy≥ F∂n-h¿ Biw- k-Iƒ Adn-bn-®p. am∂m\w sk‚ v tPmk^vkv B{iaw {]ntbm¿ _lp-am-\-s∏´ sk_m-Ãy≥ Nma-Ø-d-b-®≥ kzmK-X-hpw, ss{IÃv k¿hIemime s{]m^k¿ _lp-am-\-s∏´ tPmkv tN∂m-´p-t»- cn-b-®≥ ktΩ-f-\-Øn\v \μnbpw A¿∏n-®p.

March 2017; No.234 45 I¿sΩektμiw am∂m\w A¿ss°-hvknse Ncn-{X-tc-J-Iƒ

am∂m\w A¿ss°hvkv hf-sc-b-[nIw Akp-e-`-{K-Ÿ - ß-fm¬ \nd-™-Xm-sW∂v ]d-bmw. hn. AKkvXys‚ IrXnIƒ (1555¬ ]mco-kn¬ A®-Sn® Cu ]pkvX-I-amWv G‰hpw Ime-∏- g°w D≈-Xv), am¿ tPmk^v Icn-bm‰n sa{Xm-t∏m-eo-Øm-bpsS tdman¬ \n∂p≈ Untπmam k¿´n-^n-°-‰v, Icn-bm‰n ]nXm-hns‚ I¿tkm¨ (ae-bmfw kpdn-bm\n `mjbn¬ Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-°p- ∂-Xv) `mj-bn¬ Fgp-Xnb thZ-Ø¿°w, DZ-bw-t]-cq¿ kq\-l- tZm-kns‚ Imt\m-\-Iƒ, hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Fgp-Xnb \mfm- K-a-߃, ]md-∏p-dØv h¿°n-b-®s‚ \mfm-K-aw, kn.-Fw.-sF. k`m- N-cn-{Xw (-Nm-h-d-]n-Xm-hv, t]mcq-°c A®≥ F∂n-h¿ Fgp-Xn-b- Xv) ^m. _¿Wm¿Uv Bet©cn-bp-sS Ub-dn-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ, amWn- °-Ø-\m-cpsS ss__nƒ Isø-gpØv {]Xn-Iƒ, ss__nƒ X¿÷na bXv\-߃, hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Fgp-Xnb Bcm-[- \-{Ia Ie-≠¿ (I-√-¥m-co-bw), Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv kpdn-bm-\n-bn¬ ]I-¿Øn-sb-gp-Xnb {]m¿∞-\-∏p-kvX-I-߃, Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv Fgp- Xnb A\-kvXm-kym-bpsS c‡-km-£yw, ac-W-ho-´n¬ ]mSphm\p≈ ]¿Δw (]m\) XpS-ßnb Isø-gpØv {]Xn-I-fpw, amWn-°-Ø-\m¿ ss__nƒ X¿÷na sNøm≥ D]-tbm-Kn® “Biblia Poliglotta” F∂ {KŸhpw, Nmh-d-b-®\pw kn.-Fw.-sF. k`m ]nXm-°-∑cpw D]-tbm-Kn® kpdn-bm\n Ip¿_m-\-]p-kvX-Iw (1774 ¬ tdman¬ A®Sn®Xv) kpdn-bm\n {]m¿∞\ ]pkvX-I- amb “JpZm-dm”, “]vio-Øm”, kpdn-bm\n Ip¿_m\]pkvX-I-߃, Bcm-[-\-{I-a-]-©mw-K-߃ (1878 apX¬) sk‚ v tPmk^vkv {] n¬ BZy-ambn A®Sn® “⁄m\-]o-bqjw” apX¬ F√m ]pkvX-I-ß-fpsSbpw tIm∏n-Iƒ IqSmsX Nmh-d-b-®-s\-°p-dn®v “Nmhd sd^d≥kv” F∂ t]cn¬ ]pXp-X-e-apd _p°pI-fpsS Hcp t{iWnbpw {]tXy-I-ambn Hcp-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. k`m]WvUn-X\pw Ncn-{X-Im-c-\p-amb _lp. πmknUv sP. s]mSn-]md A®s‚ Isø-gpØv {]Xn-I-fp-sSbpw A®Sn® ]pkvX-I-ß-fpsSbpw tiJcw ImWphm≥ \ap°v km[n°pw.

46 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw Xmfn-tbme {KŸ-ß-fmepw k`-bpsS ]ucm-Wn-IX hnfn-t®m- Xp∂ B[n-Im-cn-IX \nd™ Fgp-Øp-I-fmepw kºp-jvS-amWv am∂m\w A¿ss°-hvkv F∂v ]d-bmw. am∂m\w A¿ss°hvkv lmfns‚ {Iao-I-cWw Cßs\ A¿ss°hvkv lmfns\ aq∂mbn Xncn-®n-cn-°p-∂p: 1. sd^d≥kv dqw 2. k‰m°v dqw (A¿ss°hvkv dqw) 3. s{]msk nßv dqw sd^d≥kv dqw: UnPn‰¬ ds^d≥kv kwhn[\tØmSp-IqSn ds^d≥kv dqw {Iao-I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. tImlm tkm^v‰vshb¿ hgn Im‰temKpIƒ e`yamWv. k‰m°v dqw (A¿ss°hvkv dqw): ]q¿Æ-ambpw ioXn-I-cn® k‰m°v dqans‚ Xm]\ne 230 epw Cu¿∏w 50˛-55 epw Bbn {Iao- I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Hmtcm tcJIsfbpw hfsc hnZ-KvZ-am-bmWv {Iao- I-cn-®n-cn-°p-∂Xv. CXn¬ ssIsbgpØp{]XnIƒ, A®Sn® ]pkvXI߃, XmfntbmeIƒ, FgpØpIfpsS tiJcw F∂n- h-bmWv {][m\ Xncn-hp-Iƒ. Ch-bn¬ \n∂pw `mj, hnjbw, h¿jw, F∂nßs\ ho≠pw Xncn®ncn°p∂p. CXns‚ UnPn- ‰¬ tIm∏n-Iƒ sd^d≥kv dqan¬ e`y-am-Wv. s{]msk nßv dqw: tcJI-fpsS ]Wn∏pc F∂p-th-W-sa-¶n¬ s{]msk nßv dqans\ ]dbmw. sSIv\nI¬ s{]msk nßn¬ BZyw \S°p∂ ^ypantKj\p tijw, s]mSn XpS®v Htcm tcJIfpw {i≤m]q¿Δw ]cntim[n®v, tISp]mSpIƒ ]cnlcn®v, {]Xntcm[\S]SnIƒ°v tijw tcJIsf th¿Xncn®v I‰mtem§nßn\pw UnPnss‰skj\pw hn[bam°p∂p. . Isø-gpØv {]Xn-bn¬ \n∂v UnPn-‰¬ tIm∏n-bn-te°v am∂m\w A¿-ss°-hv-kn\v hf-sc-b-[nIw Ncn{Xw ]d- bm-\p-≠m-Ipw. Xqh-¬ t]\ ISp° ajnbn¬ ap°n Fgp-Xnb {KŸ-߃, Hme-bn¬ A£-c-J-\n-Isf tImdn-bn´ tUmIyp-sa‚p- Iƒ apX¬ hntZi \mSp-I-fn¬ \n∂pw I∏-ep-I-bdn t_kv sduam bn¬ FØnb A£-c-Iq-´p-I-fpw, B A£-c-Iq´p-Isf

March 2017; No.234 47 I¿sΩektμiw I≠v A®Sn ]Tn-°Ww, XpS-ßWw F∂m-{K-ln®v B{Klw Xs‚ ITn\ ]cn-{i-a-Øn-eqsS \S-∏n-em-°n, BZy-ambn am∂m\w aÆn¬ A®-Sn® NXp-c-h-Sn-h≥ A£-c-ap≈ ⁄m\-]o-bq-jhpw, XpS¿®°m-cmb ]pkvX-I-ß-fpw. F∂m¬ C∂v am∂m\w B{iaw hf¿∂v kn.-Fw.-sF. k` hf¿∂v Imew apt∂m´v \S-∂-t∏mƒ am∂m\w A¿ss°hvkv ]ucm-Wn-I-Xsb kwc-£n-°m-\p-ff ap≥I-cp-X-ep-Ifpw {ia-ßfpw \S-Øn-b-t∏mƒ ]g-a-bpsS X\na H´pw tNmcmsX Ahsb UnPn-‰¬ cq]-Ønepw kq£n-°m\pw Kth-j-I¿°v UnPn-‰¬ Bbn sd^d≥kn\pw {]m]y-am-°p-∂p. am∂m\w A¿ss°hvkns‚ ]p\cp≤mcWw am∂m\w sk‚ v tPmk^vkv B{iaØns‚bpw _mwKvfq¿ ss{IÃv k¿hIemimebpsSbpw Aa-c-°m-cpsS Zo¿L- ho-£-Whpw kt¶XnI klmbhpw AXn-ep-]cn Ncn-{XsØ, ]ucm-Wn-I-Xsb kwc-£n-°p-hm-\p≈ B{K-lhpw HØp-tN¿∂- t∏mƒ am∂m\w A¿ss°hvk,v sk‚ v Ipcym-t°mkv Gen- bmkv Nmhd A¿ss°hvkv B≥Uv dntk¿®v sk‚¿ F∂ t]cn¬ Kth-j-I¿°pw, Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m¿°pw `mhn-X-e-ap-dbv°pw D]-Im-c-s∏-Sp∂ hn[-Øn¬ F√m-hn[ k÷o-I-c-W-ß-tfmSpw IqsS \mSn\v ka¿∏n-°phm≥, k`bv°v ka¿∏n-°phm≥ Ign- ™p.

Contact Address: St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara Archives and Research Centre St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam P.O., District Kerala - 686561, India Telephone: 0481 – 2597237 Mobile: +91 8289998237 e-mail: [email protected]

48 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw am¿tXmΩ a°ƒ ]nXrk∂n[nbn¬

kss-`Iy-hm-cØn¬ Agn-t°mSv am¿tXmΩ ss«lnI - Xo¿∞-tI{μØn-¬ {]h¿Øn°p∂ am¿tXmΩ dnk¿®vA°m-Z- an-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ am¿tXmΩ ]mc-º-cy-ap≈ Ggv k`I- fnse (kotdm ae-_m¿, kotdm ae-¶-c, bmt°m_m-b,Hm¿Ø- tUm-Ivkv, am¿tØm-a, Iv\m\m-b, sXmgn-bq¿) {]Xn-\n-[n-Isf hnfn®p Hcp ZznZn\ skan-\m¿ kwL-Sn∏n®p. ap∏Xvt]tcmfw CuZznZn\ skan-\m-dn¬ kw_-‘n-®p. Ccn-ßm-e-°pS cq]X _nj∏v am¿ t]mfn IÆq-°m-S≥ skan-\m¿ DZm-Lm-S\w sNbvXp. [¿Ωmcw hnZym-t£-{X-Ønse dh. tUm. {^m≥knkv tXmWn- ∏m-d, Xo¿∞-tI{μw sdIvSdpw Fw. B¿. F. {]kn-U‚p-amb dh. ^m. tPmkv Nn‰n-e-∏n≈n, Fw. B¿. F. sk{I-´dn dh. ^m. tPmkv{^m¶v F∂n-h-cmWv skan-\m¿ πm≥ sNbvX-Xv. F√m k`-bn¬ \n∂pw ]WvUn-tXm-Nn-X-amb Ah-X-c-W-ßfpw D≠mbn. ¢m v \bn-®- hcpw hnj-b-ßfpw ChnsS sImSp-°p-∂p.

March 2017; No.234 49 I¿sΩektμiw am¿tXmΩ {InkvXym\nIfpsS ss«lnI ]mcºcyw F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm. sPbnwkv ]pfn Ddp-ºn¬, DZbwt]cq¿ -kq\ltZmkp hsc am¿tXmΩm˛{InkvXym\nIfpsS PohnXssien F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm.{^m≥knkv tXmWn∏md kn. Fw. sF., Iq\≥ Ipcnip kXyhpw k`m hn`P\hpw F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm. ASmbn tP°_v, Iq\≥Ipcnip kXyØn\p apºp≈ am¿tXmΩm {InkvXym\nIfpsS aXmflIPohnXw F∂ hnjbw dh.^m. F_n≥ A{_lmw, ae¶c k`bpw am¿tXmΩm ]mcºcyhpw F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm. tPmk^v heymØv, am¿tXmΩ {InkvXym\nIfpsS taep≈ hntZianj\dnamcpsS kzm[o\hpw am¿tXmΩ k`bpsS D¤hhpw F∂hnjbw dh. tUm. kÆn C. amXyp, blqZ {InkvXym-\n-Ifpw ae-¶c k`bpw F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm. kmP≥ kn.AeIvkv, ]uckvXy Akodnb≥ k`bpw am¿tXmΩm ]mcºcyhpw F∂ hnjbw am¿ At{]w sa{Xm-t∏m-eoØ, sXmgnbq¿ k`bpw am¿tXmΩm k`bpw F∂ hnjbw dh. tUm. h¿§okv hmg-∏n≈n, F∂nh¿ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. dh.tUm. hn¬k¨ tIm°m´v kn. Fw. sF. am¿tXmΩ {InkvXym-\n-I-fpsS Pohn-Xhpw kvamc-I-ßfpw Dƒs°m- ≈p∂ Hcp hoUntbm ]h¿ t]mbn‚ v Ah-X-cWhpw \S-Øn. Cu ¢m p-I-fn¬ am¿tXmΩ a°ƒ Fßs\ ]e-Xmbn. AXns‚ Ncn-{X-]-c-amb Imc-W-ß-fpsS Hc-t\z-j-Wam-bn-cp- ∂p.AXn-\p-tijw \mw Fßs\sbm∂m-I-Ww,Ime-L-´-Øns‚ AS-bm-f-߃ AXn\v \sΩ \n¿_‘n°p-∂p.^m.tSmWn \oe- ¶m-hn¬ Cu hnjbw at\m-l-c-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. hnhn[ aXßfpsS CS-bn¬ \mw Pohn-°ptºmƒ Ah-cp-ambn CS-]-g-Iptºmƒ F¥p kao-]-\-amWv \ΩpsS D≈n-ep-≈-Xv. Nne Icn-kvam-‰nIv {]N-cn-∏n-°p-∂Xv t]mse a‰p aXßtfmSv \ntj-[m-fl-I-amb Hcp kao-]-\-a√ \ap°v th≠-Xv. c≠mw hØn-°m≥ kq\-l-tZm-kns‚henb kw`m-h-\-bmWv a‰p aXßfnte-°p≈ Xpd-hn. {]kn≤ aX-kulm¿± h‡m- hmb tUm. hn≥k‚ v Ip≠pIpfØns‚ am¿tXmΩ {InkvXym-\n- Ifpw hnhn[aXßfpw F∂ ¢m n¬ N¿® hfsc kPo-h-am-bn-

50 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw cp-∂p. skan\m¿ Xocpam\߃ Hcp skj≥ hne-bn-cp-Øepw `mhn ]cn-]mSn Bkq-{X- W-hp-am-bn-cp-∂p.kss`Iy-hm-c-Øn¬ CØcw ]cn-]mSn kwL- Sn-∏n-®Xv XnI®pw Ah-k-tcm-NnXambn F∂v F√m-hcpw A`n- {]m-b-s∏-´p. hcpw h¿j-ß-fnepw Cßs\ c≠pZnhkw \o≠p \n¬°p∂ skan-\m¿ Xs∂ \S-Ø-s∏-S-Ww. skan-\m¿ Hcp Ub-temKv C≥ sse^v BI-Ww. CØ-hW ¢mkv \S-Øm≥ KÃv s{]m^-tkgvkv F∂ coXn-bn¬ h∂p -s]m-bvs°m-≠n-cp- ∂p. ASpØ h¿jw F√m ]m¿´nkn-∏‚ vkpw ¢ms -Sp-°p-∂- hcpw apgp-h≥ ka-bhpw Cu kl-hm-k-Øn¬ D≠m-I-Ww. km[n- °p-sa-¶n¬ aq∂p\meph¿j-tØ°v Htc {Kq∏v Xs∂ skan-\m- dn¬ kw_-‘n-°-p∂Xv Nn¥ Bg-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ klm-bn-°pw. Hmtcmk`I-fn¬ \n∂pw Npcp-ßn-bXv 5 t]sc-¶nepw kw_‘n- °-Ww. FIyp-sa-\nkw Bcp-sSbpw hnj-b-a-√m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ Ffp- ∏-Øn¬ AwK-ßsf In´p-∂-Xn\v _p≤n-ap-´m-Wv. ssZh-Øn¬ B{i-bn®v apt∂m´p t]mIp-∂p. skan-\m¿ Ahkm\w F√m k`-m Xe-h-∑mscbpw tXmΩm-«o-l-bpsS he-Xp-Icw ÿnXn sNøp∂, am¿tXmΩ {InkvXym-\n-I-fpsS Cu‰n√w F∂-dn-b-s∏- Sp∂ Cu ÿeØv sIm≠p-h-cm≥ km[n-®m¬ ss{IkvX-hcpsS sFIy-Øn-te-°p≈ \s√mcp Im¬sh-bv∏m-bn-cn-°pw.

^m. tPmkv {^m¶v kn. Fw. sF. Marthoma Ponthafical Shrine, Azhikode 9446827874

March 2017; No.234 51 I¿sΩektμiw

]pkvXI]cnNbw hnS ]dbpw aptº ^m.tPmkv ]mem´n, CMI a\pjys\ ka`mh\bnte°pw \∑bnte°pw \bn°p∂ XpeyXm`mhw ssIhcpØp∂, PohnXm¥ysØ°pdn®v Nn¥n°mØhcmcp≠v? acWsa∂ klbm{XnIs‚ IqsS Ncn°pIbpw, Nn¥n°pIbpw, Nncn°pIbpw, IcbpIbpw, NqXm´pIbpw ]¥bØn¬ G¿s∏SpIbpw Hcpan®v Ifn°pIbpw sNøp∂ \Ωsf \nXyIhmSØnte°v \bn°p∂ A¤pXhmXn¬ IqSnbmWv Cu klNmcn. \Ωnse kzØv, Poh≥, tZln, tZlØn¬\n∂p th¿]ncnbp∂ \nanj߃ \ap°pw {]nbs∏´h¿°pw AXpeyhpw, Aaqeyhpw, A\LhpamWv \nXyXtbbpw A\nXyXtbbpw _‘n∏n°p∂ B \nanj߃ hnizmkØns‚ ]S®´bWn™v, PohnXkacØn≥ k¬IrXyßfm¬ Xo¿°p∂ kºmZyw am{Xw IcpXnsh°mhp∂ Hcp a’c]co£bmsW∂pff Aht_m[w Ncaip{iqjIfn¬ ]s¶Sp°p∂ IpSpw_mKßf°pw, Iq´p°m¿°pw {]Zm\w sNøm\pw, t\¿Øhcp∂ hnizmk [mcbpambn acWZqXs\ A`nj‡\mbn IcpXp∂ klP¿°p {]XymibpsS shfn®w ]Icm\pff hnfnbmWv sshZnI\n¬

52 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw \njv]‡amhpI. acWwt]mseXs∂ A{]Xo£ambn B ZuXyw GevtI≠nhcptºmƒ ssI]nSnbmbn \nesImffp∂ Hcp {KŸamWv c≠p Ukt\mfw {KŸßfpsS ]n≥ _etØmsS ^m. tPmkv ]mem´n kn.Fw.sF AhXcn∏n°p∂ hnS]dbpwaptº F∂ Nca{]kwKkamlmcw. {KŸImc\p \μn, BiwkIƒ.

{KŸI¿Ømh v: ^m.tPmkv ]mem´n, CMI {]km[I≥ : ^m.tPmkv ]mem´n, CMI hne : 150 cq]

N.B : teJI≥ Ct∏mƒ Iq\Ωmhv B{iamKw 100 cq] aWn Hm¿U¿ Ab®m¬ {KŸw A{Uknte°v Ab®pIn´pw.

March 2017; No.234 53 I¿sΩektμiw t]mcq°c tIcfØns‚ `mKt[bw XncpØnsbgpXnb tbmKnhcy≥ dn≥kn F{_mlw tIcfNcn{XØns‚ KXn am‰n °pdn® hn. Nmhd Ipcymt°mkv Geobmkv A®s‚bpw,At±l Øns‚ Kpcp°∑mcpw {]tNmZ Icpambncp∂ ]mebv°¬ tXmam aev]m\®s‚bpw, t]mcq °c aev]m\®s‚bpw HØp tNcens‚ bpKambncn∂p 19˛mw iXIØns‚ ]q¿Δm¿≤Ime L´w. hnkvarXnbnem≠pt]m ImsX Ncn{XØnse Xncpti jn∏pIƒ X∏nsbSpØv kvac WIsf DW¿Øm≥ Dt÷zZn∏n °m≥, KthjWXzcsb D±o]n]o°m≥ a\:]q¿Δw \SØp∂ Hcp {iaamWv t]mcq°c tXmakv aev]ms\ °pdn®v dn≥kn F{_mlw cNn®ncn°p∂ Cu eLp{KŸw 18˛mw \q‰m≠nse tIcfNcn{XsØ°pdn®pw I√q¿°m´p]ffnbpsS ]mcºcysØ°pdn®psa√mw {]Xn]mXn°p∂ Cu {KŸw tIcfØnse ss{IkvXh ]mcºcysØbpw {]ISambn Nn{XoIcn°p∂p. hn.Nmhd Ipcymt°mk®s‚ {]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ t]mcq°c tXmakv aev]ms‚ Zo¿Lho£Ww, BflobXzcbpw. {]h¿Ø\ NmXpcyhpw, t\XrXzhpw, D∂Xt{iWnbnepff

54 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw kzm[o\hpw F{Xam{Xw kzm[o\n®ncn°p∂p F∂pw Cu {K\Yw hnfnt®mXp∂p. _.tPm¨ aÆmØd, _.tkmP≥ aTØn¬ F∂o kn.Fw.sF k\ymksshZnIcpw Cu {KŸcN\bn¬ {]tNmZIcambn h¿Øn®p F∂pw Cu {KŸØn¬ kqNn∏n®ncn°p∂p. dn≥kn F{_lmØns‚ Cu {iaw t]mcq°c tXmΩmaev]ms\°pdn®v ]Tn°m\pw, At±lØn¬ \n∂v {]tNmZ\apƒsImffm\pw IqSpX¬ P\lrZbßsf kzm[o\n°s´ F∂miwkn°p∂p.

C≥ssk‰v ]ªn°v 2016˛¬ {]kn≤oIcn® Cu {KŸØns‚ hne 100 cq].

Insight Publica Printers & Publishers pvt Ltd Nadakkavu, Kozhikode, Kerala

March 2017; No.234 55 I¿sΩektμiw

Im¿Ω¬ Ncn{XhgnIfneqsS Im¿Ω¬ t{]mhn≥kv, aphm‰p]pg

C∂ns\ cq]s]SpØnb C∂seIsf ad°m\mhn√. C∂v cq]s∏´Xv C∂seIfn¬ \n∂mWv. XmcXtay\ \ΩpsS kaqlØn¬ Zu¿e`ysa∂p IcpXp∂ H∂mWv Ncn{Xt_m[w. k`bn¬ ASpØImeØv IS∂ph∂ Ncn{Xt_m[Øn s‚ Hcp kvacWnI IqSn am¿®v 11˛mw XnbXn {]IminXambn. aphm‰p]pg Im¿Ω¬ {]hiybp sS Ncn{Xw. BZy`mKw k`bp sSbpw XpS¿∂v {]hniybpsS bpw, `h\ßfpsSbpw kw£n ]vX Ncn{XamWv Cu {KŸØn¬. _. B‚Wn Dcpfnbm\n°¬ A®≥ kºm Z\w \n¿hln® Cu IrXn `mhns°mcp apX¬°q´mWv. HØncntbsd k`mwKßfpsS Iq´mb bXv\Øns‚ ^eamWv. A\ptamZ\߃!

{]kn≤oIcWw : hnZym`ymk Bibhn\nab hIp∏v, Im¿Ω¬ {]hniy, aphm‰p]pg. h¿jw : 2017

56 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Fundamentals of English Grammar

Fr. P.A. Varkey C.M.I., M.A., B.Ed.

Communicative competence is one of the stated purposes of language. As long as we are able to communicate effectively what we intend to communicate, the language serves this purpose. Flawless communication makes communication faster, effective and enjoyable. The more competent one is with his or her linguistic ability, the higher level one can traverse in communicating ideas, topics, etc. The stronger and wider the wings for a bird are, the the higher and farther its reach will be. Grammar serves as the backbone for flawless and easy communication. It acts at the base of our use of language as the solid foundation. So many techniques are used to learn a language other than mother tongue. Even the word lingua, which acts as the root for language, means tongue. Mastery over another language is like acquiring one more ‘tongue.’ Even though English cannot be strictly called a foreign language, the importance of learning it is undisputed in almost all Indian homes. Since, immersion as a technique of learning English may not be possible everywhere, introducing English at the school level, the grade or

March 2017; No.234 57 I¿sΩektμiw class at which it is introduced is a matter of policy, is important. Here is a book of grammar by a veteran teacher, Rev. Fr. P.A. Varkey CMI, fine tuned and perfected with his long teaching stints at various levels of learning, schools, colleges, to formation houses. This book can ideally be used at higher secondary level of schooling and above. It comes with a lot of personal dedication and love of teaching from the author who loves the language and its nuances. Wish the author all success in his mission.

Published by : Deepika Book House, Kottayam 686001 Year of Publication : 2017 Price : Rs. 140.00

58 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw


The book ‘Journey of 34’ is an autobiographical sketch by the Golden Jubilarians of 1967 batch of Religious Profession. It is also a Book of Documentation printed by the Department of Research and Documentation of the Congregation. 34 mem- bers of the batch Sketched their life story in a very short way in this book but it is a re- corded short history of their lives, a gift to the generation as a reference book. Though this kind of presentation is a first attempt in our congregation, it proved its worth as a document and gives new inspiration for the coming batches to follow in this direction to become recorded gifts of the congregation. We congratulate the batch for their contribution. The Department of Research and Documentation also deserves special congratulations as it succeeded producing such a document after several attempts with previous batches.

The Guidelines given for the batch from the Department also are presented with this for the coming batches to follow.


GUIDELINES TO PREPARE A PERSONAL PROFILE (AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH) A BRIEF FAMILY BACKGROUND HISTORY -Place and diocese of the family -Parents and other family members -Position among the siblings -Date of baptism, First Communion, Confirmation -Something about school life- Places and Year of studies -The role played by the parents and others in our life -Inspirational experiences of the period A BRIEF HISTORY ABOUT THE VOCATION TO RELIGIOUS LIFE -The inspiration behind the vocation -Date of entry to the Aspirants House -Period of different stages and places of formation both in religious and priestly life, with dates, giving some sweet memories of the houses of our formation and of the masters. -Higher studies and specialization on any matter with some details -Inspirational experiences of the period A BRIEF HISTORY ABOUT THE LIFE IN THE CONGREGATION - Appointments to various institutions with designation if any and your contributions to the institution. - Leadership taken in various fields especially in the pastoral field and social field - Creative productions like books, audio-visuals, articles and so on -Special personal contributions in the congregation as you feel important

60 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

-Initiative in starting institutions, organizations, projects etc. -Any official duties undertaken outside the congregation. On what, Where, When and How long. -Any kind of sufferings faced with during the ministry and how they challenged your life -Some of the challenging experiences of the Divine Providence -Hopes and anxieties about our congregation and in personal life -Important Photos, if any, related to your life and ministry -Any similar additions to give more life to the document

N.B 1. Please write your life story within 15-20 pages in typing in English or Malayalam 2. This will be a rich material of our real presence by making it a recorded document of our congregation 3. Let it be our autobiographical gift for our congregation which formed us as we are now. 4. Fix an editorial board in the beginning of the Jubilee year to initiate and work out the project from among the batch members 5. Execute the project of printing the matter as a book with clear cut schedule 6. Let the final draft of the book be given to the Dept.of Research & Documentation for printing. 7. At least half of the printing cost be met by the batch as a share

March 2017; No.234 61 I¿sΩektμiw



All the CMI members are urged to contribute a copy of their published books, articles, manuscripts, etc., in any language, especially those related to our religious congregation and the Church, at the earliest, for preserving them in the CMI Archives for the use of posterity. Some of the works are already collected in the Archives. The completion of this collection is possible only with your generous cooperation.

Awaiting your good will and support,

CMI General Archives Chavara Hills, P.B. No. 3105 Kakkanad, Kochi 682030 Kerala, India

62 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw


ssZhZm-k≥ Nmhd Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®\pw ssZh-Zmkn Aa-tem-¤-h-Øn‚ A¬t^m≥km-Ωbpw aq∂p Z¿i-\-ßfpw tcmK-im-¥n-Ifpw (aZ¿ tacn D¿kp-em-Ω-kpsS {]kvXm-h-\bpw km£yhpw) `c-W-ßm\w ¢mc-aTw 1956 am¿®v 19 ^m. tXmakv ]¥-πm-°¬ kn.-Fw.-sF

Hcp \q‰m-≠ns‚ hyXym-k-Øn¬ Pohn-®n-cp∂ c≠p hnip- ≤-cmWv Nmh-d-]n-Xmhpw A¬t^m≥km-Ωbpw. Bflo-b-X-e- Øn¬ Chsc Iq´n-ap-´n-°m≥ ssZhw Xncp-a-\- m-bn. XocmtcmKnWn-bm-bn-cp∂ A¬t^m≥km-Ωsb aq∂p-tcm-Kß- fn¬ \n∂pw Nmh-d-]n-Xmhv hnap-‡-bm-°n. Cu A\p-{K-l-\n-an- j-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ ZrIvkm£n hnh-c-W-Øn-sem-∂mb aZ¿ P\- d¬ D¿kpe F^v.-kn.kn bpsS hnh-cWw _lp. ]¥-πm-°-e- ®≥ A\p-kvar-Xn-bn-eqsS ChnsS Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-∂p. Nmh-d-]n- Xm-hns‚ am≤y-ÿ-i-‡n-sb-°p-dn®pw Xe-ap-Sn-bpsS IYbpw ChnsS {]Xn-]m-Z-\-hn-j-b-am-Ip-∂p. Hdn-Pn-\¬ am∂m\w tcJm- tI-{μ-Øn¬ kq£n®ncn-°p-∂p. FUn‰¿

Nmhd Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®≥ 1805-˛¬ ssI\-I- cn-bn¬ `qPmX\m-bn. Ct±lw am∂m\w B{i-a-Øns‚ ÿm]I- cn¬ Hcmfpw tIcf kpdn-bm\n I¿Ω-eo-Øm-k-`-bpsS Imt\m- \nIÿm]-I\pw, kpdn-bm-\n-°m-cpsS hnImcn P\-dm-fp-am-bn-cp- ∂p. ]mh-\-N-cn-X-\mb Ct±lw 1871-˛¬ Nc-a-a-S-™XpapX¬ C∂p- hsc At±-l-Øns‚ ]pWy-Io¿Øn XpS¿∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p.

March 2017; No.234 63 I¿sΩektμiw

Ct±-lsØ [\y-s\∂pw, hnip-≤-s\∂pw \ma-I-cWw sNøp-∂- Xn-\p≈ \S-]Sn Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xn\v doØp-I-fpsS Xncp-kw-L- Øns‚ 1955 Unkw-_¿ 9˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse Xncp-sh-gp-Øp-aqew Nß-\m-t»cn sa{Xm-\-®s\ * Npa-X-e-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cn-°-bm-Wv. ssZhZmkn A¬t^m≥km-Ωbv°v Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen- bm-k-®-t\mSv henb `‡nbpw At±-l-Øns‚ a≤yÿi‡n- bn¬ henb hnizm-khpw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Ipcn-bm-°mkv Gen-bm- k-®≥ A¬t^m≥km-Ωbv°v aq∂p {]mhiyw {]Xy-£-s∏-Sp- Ibpw tcmK-im¥n \¬Ip-Ibpw D≠m-bn. A¬t^m≥km--ΩbpsS Imt\m-\nI s\mhn-jy-‰p-Im-eØv (1935-˛36) Nß-\m-t»-cn-bn¬ h®s{X c≠p Z¿i-\-ßfpw tcmK-im-¥n-Ifpw kw`-hn-®-Xv. Cu hnhcw ssZh-Zmkn Xs∂ Xs‚ Bfl-]n-Xm-hns‚ \n¿t±- i-{]-Imcw hfsc Npcp-°ambpw hn\-b-k-ºq¿Æ-ambpw 1936˛¬ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. aq∂m-asØ Z¿i-\hpw tcmK-im-¥nbpw 1937 s‚ Ah-km-\-Øn¬ `c-W-ßm-\-Øp-h-®mWv kw`-hn-®-Xv. Cu Z¿i-\-sØ-∏‰n ssZh-Zmkn Xs‚ Iq´p-Imcn Bbn-cp∂ ]tc- Xbpw ]pWy-N-cn-X-bp-amb sken≥ F∂ I\ym-kv{XntbmSp kμ¿`-h-im¬ {]kvXm-hn-°m≥ CS-bm-bn. Cu Ah-k-c-Øn¬ A¬t^m≥km-Ωbv°p e`n® tcmK-im-¥n-sb-∏‰n Ah-fpsS samgn 1937 am¿®v 28-˛mw XobXn I. \n. aq. k. _. hte-cn-b-\-®≥ tcJ- s∏-SpØnbn´p-≠v. ta¬ {]kvXm-hn® c≠m-asØ tcmK-im-¥nbv°p Rm≥ ZrIvkm-£n-bm-Wv. Cu tcmK-im-¥n-sb-∏‰n ssZh-Zmkn 1936 Pqsse amk-Øn¬ \¬Inb {]kvXm-h\ hfsc kw£n-]vX-am- I-bm¬ B kw`-h-Øns‚ hni-Z-amb Hcp hnh-cWw ZrIvkm£n F∂ \ne-bn¬ Rm≥ \¬Ip-∂Xv Bizm-ky-am-bn-cn-°p-sa∂p Icp-Xp-∂p. ssZh-Zmkn 1927-˛¬ `c-W-ßm\w ¢mc-aTw hI sk‚ v tPmk^vkv t_m¿Unw-Kn¬ {]th-in-®Xp apX¬ 1946-˛¬ Ahƒ Nc-a-K-Xn-b-S-™-Xp-hsc Ah-fp-ambn hnhn[ \ne-I-fn¬ ASpØ kº¿°w ]men-°p-hm≥ F\n°p km[n®n-´p-≠v. ssZh-Zm-kn- bpsS Imt\m-\nI s\mhn-tjy-‰p-Im-eØv Nß-\m-t»cn ¢mc-a-T-

64 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw Øn¬ Ahƒ Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ s\mho-kp-I-fpsS Kpcp-Øn-bm-bn- cp∂p Rm≥. ssZh-Zm-kn-bpsS {][m\ tcmKw c‡-{km-h-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ahƒ 1930-˛¬ k\ym-k-hkv{Xw kzoI-cn-®p. Ahƒ 1930-˛¬ k\ymk{hXw kzoI-cn-®p. ]pXp-°-\ym-kv{Xn-bm-b-tijw GXm\pw amk-߃ Ign-™-t∏m-gmWv Ahƒ°v Cu tcmKw ]nSn-s]-´Xv. AXp-hsc Ahƒ°p ]d-b-Ø° kpJ-t°-Sp-Iƒ H∂pw-Xs∂ C√m-bn-cp-∂p. Ahsf Hcp lnμp {_m“-W\pw, tIc-f-Ønse kp{]-kn≤ Bbp¿thZ AjvS sshZy-v m-cn¬ Hcmfpw, Hcp ka-bØv Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿ Kh¿sΩ-≠ns‚ Bbp¿thZ hIp∏v A≤y-£-\p-amb Hf-»-bn¬ (tIm´-b-Øn\p kao]w) Nnc´a¨ aq pw, thsdmcp lnμp-{_m-“-W\pw tIc- fØnse kp{]-kn≤ Bbp¿thZ AjvSsshZy mcn¬ Hcmfpamb hb-kv°c (tIm´bw) t]m‰n-bpw, Hcp ItØm-en°m Bbp¿thZ sshZy-\mb I√q-°p-t∂¬ aØmbn sshZy\pw (sh≈n-tb-∏- ≈n, ao\-®n¬), a‰pw NnIn-’n-®p. F∂m¬ tcmKw t`Z-s∏-Sp-∂- Xn\v ]Icw H∂n-s\m∂p h¿≤n-®p-h-cn-I-bm-Wp-≠m-b-Xv. IS»n Ahsf NnIn-’n® (ta¬ {]kvXm-hn®) Hf-»-bn¬ sshZys‚ A`n-{]m-b-{]-Imcw ssZhZm-knsb, A∂p aZ¿ kp∏o-cn-b¿ Bbn- cp∂ ]tc-X-bmb ¢mc-Ω-bpw, Rm\pw IqSn Fd-Wm-Ip-fØv P\- d-em-ip-]-{Xn-bn¬ sIm≠psN∂p Xma-kn-∏n-®p NnIn-’n-∏n®p.]tc- X-\mb tUmIvS¿ dmhp,(No^v saUn-°¬ Hm^o-k¿) tUmIvS¿ kn.-F¬. tPmk^v F∂n-h-cpsS \n¿t±-i-{]-Im-c-amWv ]tc-X- \mb teUo tUmIvS¿ an v {^m≥knkv BWv Hm∏-td-j≥ sNbvX-Xv. Hm∏-td-j\p tijw GXm\pw Znhkw A\-ßmsX InS-°-W-sa∂v tUmIvS¿ \evInb \n¿t±iw ]men-°m≥ ssZh- Zm-kn°v km[n-°msX h∂p. Xs‚ I\ym-{hXw A`w-K-ambn ]men- °p-∂-Xn-\mbn Bip-]-{Xn-bn¬ Hcp Akn-Âp tUmIvS-dm-bn- cp∂ Hcp ZpjvS-{]-tem-`-Is\ _e-ambn {]Xn-tcm-[n-t°≠n h∂- Xn-\m¬ ikv{X-{Inb Gsd-°psd hn^-e-am-bn-Øo¿∂p. GtXm ]Yy-t°Sv D≠mbn F∂p am{Xsa CXc tUmIvS¿amcpw, t\gvkp- am-cmb (D]-hn-bpsS) I\ym-kv{Xo-Ifpw, Rßfpw, a\- n-em-°n-

March 2017; No.234 65 I¿sΩektμiw bp-≈p. tcmK-Øn\p ]d-b-Ø° im¥n e`n-°msX GI-tZiw Hcp amksØ NnIn-’°p tijw ssZh-Zmkn `c-W-ßm-\-Øn\p aS-ßn. A∂v `c-W-ßm\w ¢mcaT-Ønse aZ¿ kp∏o-cn-b¿ _. ¢mc-Ω-bpw (ta°m´v), aZ¿ P\-d¬ _. _nbm-{Sn-k-Ω (hmte- °pfw ]pfnw-Ip∂v) bpw Bbn-cp∂p. XpS¿∂v H∂p c≠p sIm√- tØ°v Hf-»-bnse NnIn’ sNbvX-Xns‚ ^e-ambn tcmK-Øn\v Aev]w ia-\-ap-≠m-bn. Cu ÿnXn-bn¬ ssZh-Zm-knsb hmI- °m´v kvIqfn¬ 1932-˛¬ D≠mb Hcp Hgn-hn¬ Xmev°m-enI A≤ym- ]n-I-bmbn \nb-an-®p. AhnsS sh®v hb-‰n¬ AkpJw h¿±n-®p. B kvIqƒ h¿jm-h-km-\-tØmsS ssZh-Zmkn hmI-°m´p \n∂pw Im¬\-S-bmbn Ip∂pw aebpw Ibdn `c-W-ßm-\-Øn\v bm{X sNbvX-Xns‚ ^e-ambn c‡-{kmhw 1933-˛¬ hfsc i‡n-s∏´p. tZl-am-k-Iew A\p-`-hn® thZ\ ImWn-I-fpsS Ic-f-en- bn-°-Ø-°-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. InS-°p-hmt\m, Ccn-°p-hm-t\m, \nev°p- hm-t\m, ]mSn-√mØ hn[w ssZh-Zm-knsb Ae-´n-bn-cp∂ thZ-\- bpsS D{K-X-bm¬ Ahƒ°v aq∂p amktØmfw Atijw Dd- ßp-hm≥ km[n-®n-cp-∂n-√. Nne Znh-k-ß-fn¬ am{Xw Aev]w Blmcw Ign-°p-hmt\ km≤y-am-bn-cp-∂p-≈p. ta¬ {]kvXm-hn® Hf» \n¿t±-in® NnIn-’bpw th≠ ]cn-N-c-W-ßfpw \S-Øn-b- Xns‚ ^e-ambn aq∂p amkw Ign-™-t∏mƒ Aev]w Bizmkw e`n-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. Nß-\m-t»cn cq]-X-bnse ¢mc-k-`-°m-cmb \h-k-\ym- kn\n-I-fpsS Imt\m-\nI t\mhn-tjy‰v 1934-˛¬ Nß-\m-t»cn ¢mc aT-Øn¬ Bcw-`n-®p. t\mhokv ankv{Skv Bbn Fs∂ \nb-an-®p. a‰p ktlm-Z-cn-I-fpsS Iq´-Øn¬ As°m√w t\mhn-tjy-‰nse I¿°-i-amb Pohn-X-co-Xn-°m-h-iy-ap≈ ico-c-kpJw Ahƒ°n- - √m-Xn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ A[n-Im-cn-Iƒ Ahsf s\mhn-tjy-‰n-te°v Ab-®n-√. t\mhn-tjy‰p Ign-°m≥ th≠ kpJ-ap-≠m-I-W-sa-¶n¬ ssZhw {]tXyIw ISm-£n-°-W-sa-∂m-bn-cp∂p A[n-Im-cn-Iƒ ]d-™-Xv. s\mhntjy‰n¬ {]th-in-°p-∂-Xn\v th≠ BtcmKyw In´p-∂-Xn\v ssZh-Zmkn Xo{h-ambn {]m¿∞n-®p. Hcp sIm√w

66 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw Ign-™-tXmsS Ah-fpsS BtcmKyw kzev]w A`n-hr-≤n-s∏-´-Xn- \m¬ Ah-fpsS Xo{h-amb B{K-lsØ ]cn-K-Wn®v Ah-tfbpw ]nt‰-s°m√w 1935-˛¬ s\mhn-tjy-‰n-te°v Ab-®p. A¬t^m≥km- 1935 BKÃv amk-Øn¬ t\mhn-tjy-‰n¬ {]th-in-®p. t\mhn-tjy-‰nse \njvIr-jvS-amb {]Xn-Zn\ ]cn-]mSn A\p-k-cn®v Ahƒ G‰w Xo£vW-X-tbmSpw D’m-l-tØmSpw Hcm-gvN-tØ°v Iq´-{I-a-ß-fn¬ kw_-‘n-®p. F∂m¬ HcmgvN Ign-™-t∏mƒ Ahƒ tcmK-_m-[n-X-bm-bn iøsb Ah-ew-_n- °p-hm≥ \n¿_-‘n-X-bm-bn. Cu tcmK-Øn\v hb-‰n¬ \n∂mWv km[m-cW c‡-{]-hmlw D≠m-Ip-∂Xv. F∂m¬ A¬t^m≥km- Ωbv°v hb-‰n¬ \n∂p am{X-a√m km[m-cW ]Xn-hn-√mØ hn[w hmbn¬°q-Sn-bpw, aq°n¬°q-Sn-bpw, Nne-t∏mƒ sNhn-bn¬°q- Snbpw IÆn¬°q-Snbpw c‡w [mcmfw {]h-ln-®p-Xp-S-ßn. AtXm- Sp-IqSn he-Xp-Im-ens‚ CS-bn¬ apIƒ `mKØv AI-h-iØmbn Hcp {hW-hp-ap-≠m-bn. BsI-∏msS tcmKnWn henb Ah-i-X- bn-em-bn. Hf-», hS°pwapdn t]mØ-®≥, Hcp ItØm-en-°\pw Atem-∏Xn tUmIvS-dp-amb tPmk^v ]qhm-´n¬ (Nß-\m-t»cn) M. B. B. S F∂n-h¿ NnIn-’n-s®-¶nepw tcmK-Øn\v bmsXmcp Bizm-khpw D≠m-bn-√. tcmKnWn `b-¶-c-amb thZ-\-bmWv A\p- `-hn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. ]c-k-lmbw IqSmsX bmsXm∂pw sNøp-∂-Xn\v Ahƒ {]m]vX-bm-bn-cp-∂n-√. Cu hn[-Øn¬ tcmKnWn s\mhn- tjy-‰n¬ Xma-kn-®m¬ AXp a‰p \h-k\ymkn\n-I-fpsS {Iam-\p- jvTm-\-߃°v {]Xn-_-‘-am-Ip-sa∂p am{X-a√, tcmKn-Wn-°p- Xs∂ \h-k-\ymk ]cn-io-e\w ]q¿Øn-bm-°p-hm≥ km[n-°p- I-bp-an√ F∂v hnNm-cn®v Ahsf s\mhn-tjy-‰n¬ \n∂pw `c-W- ßm\w aT-Øn-te°v Xncn-®-b-°p-∂-Xn\v t\mhokv ankv{S v Bb Rm≥ th≠ Bte-mN-\-Iƒ \S-Øp-I-bpw A\p-hm-Z-Øn-\mbn Rß-fpsS cq]-Xm-[n-Imcn-bmbn-cp∂ ]tc-X-\mb Imfm-t»-cn-bn¬ sa{Xm-\-®≥ Xncp-ta-\nsb t_m[n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. hμy-]n- Xmhv tcmKn-Wnsb kμ¿in®v Ah-fpsS tcmK-ÿn-Xnbpw hninjy B≤ym-flnIssNX-\yhpw {Kln-®-Xns‚ ^e-ambn, ""Ahƒ AhnsSØs∂ InS-∂psIm≈-s´, Ahsf Xncn-®-b-t°-

March 2017; No.234 67 I¿sΩektμiw ≠m, Ahƒ acn-°p-sa-¶n¬ acn-®p-sIm-≈s´ '' F∂p Iev]n-®p. tcmKw aq¿≤-\ym-hÿ {]m]n-®n´v ]e amk-߃ Ign- ™p. c‡-{]-hmlw h¿±n-®p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p. A\-ßp-I-tbm, Xncn- bp-Itbm sNbvXm¬ c‡w {]h-ln-®n-cp-∂p. tcmKnWn AXy¥w Ah-i-bm-bn. ]c-k-lmbw IqSmsX H∂p-Xn-cn-™p-In-S-°p-∂-Xn\p t]mepw Ahƒ°p Ign-™n-cp-∂n√. ta¬∏-d™ tUmIvS¿amcpw sshZy- mcpw Ahsf ssIhn-´p. NnIn’ sIm≠v bmsXmcp {]tbm-P-\hpw C√m-Xn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ acp-∂p-Ifpw \n¿Øn. Hc- ¤pXw sIm≠-√msX tcmKn-Wn°v kpJ-e_vZn D≠m-I-bn-s√∂v R߃s°-√m-h¿°pw t_m≤y-am-bn. tIcf kpdn-bm\n I¿Ω-eo-Øm-k-`bpsS ÿm]-I\pw ]mh-\-N-cn-X-\p-am-bn-cp∂, 1871-˛¬ Imew sNbvX Nmhd Ipcn-bm- t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ ]pWy-Io¿Øntbbpw a≤yÿ i‡n tbbpw ]‰n-bp≈ {]kn≤n {]N-cn-®n-cp∂ Hcp Ime-L-´-am-bn- cp∂p AXv. Nmhd Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®≥ tIcf kpdnbm\n I¿Ω-eo-Øm-k-`bnse F√m B{iaß-fp-sSbpw s]mXp {]ntbm-cmbn k`sb `cn-®n-cp-∂p. X∂n-anØw At±lw km[m-c-W-bmbn Adn-b-s∏-´n-cp-∂Xv ""henb {]ntbm-c-®≥'' F∂ t]cn-em-Wv. ssZh-Zmkn A¬t^m≥km-Ωbpw, R߃ F√m- hcpw Nmhd Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s\ ""henb {]ntbm-c- ®≥'' F∂mWv ]d™ncp∂-Xv. {]kvXpX k`-bnse Hcp Z^v\ntØm¿ P\-dmfpw, sNØn-∏pg I¿Ω-eoØm B{i-a-Ønse sshZn-I-hn-Zym¿∞n-I-fpsS Kpcp-hp-am-bn-cp∂ s]. _. fqbn-k-®≥ (Fr. Aloysius of St. Joseph s]cp-amen am∂m\w) A°m-eØv Nß- \m-t»cn ¢mc aT-Ønse t\mho-kp-I-fpsS B≤ymfln-tIm-]-tZ- jvSmhpw, Kpcphpw Bbn-cp-∂p. Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ henb `‡-\m-bn-cp∂ At±lw A¬t^m≥km-ΩbpsS tcmK- i-a-\-Øn\v, Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ am≤yÿyw tXSp- ∂-Xn\v D]-tZ-in-°p-Ibpw Hcp {]m¿∞\ ssZh-Zm-kn°v sImSp- °p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ssZh-Zm-ks‚ Hcp Ombm-]-Shpw s]. _. fqbn-k-®≥ A¬t^m≥km-Ωbv°v \¬In. Ahƒ AXp henb hnizm-k-

68 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw tØmSpw, `‡n-tbmSpw IqsS kzoI-cn®v Xe-bn-W-bpsS ASp- Øp-h®p kq£n®p {]m¿∞n-®n-cp-∂p. ""B ]Sw I≠t∏mƒ XpSßn F\n°v Fs¥m-∂n-√mØ Hcp hnizm-khpw `‡nbpw At±-l-tØmSp tXm∂n. A∂p apX¬ AXn¬ H∂p Rm≥ FSpØv Fs‚ Acn-In¬ sh®v Ft∏mgpw apØn At±-l-tØmSv \a-kv°-cn-®p-sIm≠v InS-∂p-d-ßn-bn-cp∂p'' F∂mWv ssZh-Zmkn {]kvXm-hn-®n-´p-≈-Xv. ssZhZmknbpsS {]]n-Xm-a-l-k-tlm-Z-c\pw, Ipcn-bm- t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ ka-Im-eo-\-\p-ambncp∂ _. ap´-Øp-]m- SØp h¿°n-b-®≥, Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ Xe-apSn £pc-I≥ sh´n-b-Xn¬ \n∂pw Iqsd Xe-ap-Sn-\m-cp-Iƒ cl-ky- ambn ssIh-i-s∏-SpØn kz¿Æ-\q¬sIm≠p sI´n cP-X-\n¿Ωn- X-amb Hcp Acp-fn-bv°m-bn¬ ]mh-\-ambn kq£n-®n-cp-∂p. _. h¿°n-b-®s‚ ac-W-tØm-Sp-IqSn B Acp-fn-°m, At±-l-Øns‚ A\-¥n-c-h\pw, ssZh-Zm-kn-bpsS ]nXm-a-l-k-tlm-Z-c-\pamb, ]tc- X-\mb _. ap´-Øp-]m-SØv butk-∏-®\p e`n-®p. AXv At±lw ]mh-\ambn kq£n®n-cp∂ hnhcw s]. _. fqbn-k-®≥ Adn™ncp-∂p. _. sbutk∏-®-t\mSp tNmZn®v B Acp-fn°m hmßn A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bpsS InS-°bv°p kaos]h®v {]m¿∞n°p∂-Xn\v s].- _. fq-bn-k-®≥ F\n°p \n¿t±iw X∂p. AX-\p-k-cn®v Rm≥ _. ap´-Øp-]m-S-Ø-®\v Hcp IØb-®p. AXp In´nb DSs\ At±lw Acpfn-°mbpw sIm≠v Nß-\m-t»cn ¢mc-a-T-Øn¬ h∂v AXp Fs∂ Gev]n-°p-Ibpw ""B Acp-fn°m Npw_n-®p-sIm≠v A¬t^m≥km {]m¿∞n-°s´ Ah-fpsS kpJ- t°Sv B {]m¿∞\ aqew ]q¿Æ-ambn kpJ-s∏Spw'' F∂v At±lw {]kvXm-hn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. BI-bm¬ Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ ]S-tØm-Sp-IqSn At±-l-Øns‚ Xe-apSn kq£n- ®n-cp∂ Acp-fn-°mbpw A¬t^m≥km Npw_n®p {]m¿∞n-®n-cp- ∂p. c‡{kmhw kpJ-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-\mbn Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen- bm-k-®-t\mSv Hcp s\mth\ Bcw-`n-®p. A¬t^m≥k X\n®pw a‰p \h-k-\ym-kn-\n-Iƒ Iq´-ambpw s\mth\ Ign-®n-cp-∂p. s\mth\ XpS-ßn-bn´pw tcmKw ian-°p-∂-Xns‚ e£-W-߃

March 2017; No.234 69 I¿sΩektμiw I≠n-√. Zo\w H∂n-s\m∂p h¿±n®p hcp-∂-Xmbn tXm∂n. F¶nepw ssZh-Zm-kn-bpw Rßfpw AXy¥w {]Xo-£-tbm-Sp- IqSn s\mth\ XpS¿∂n-cp-∂p. GXp ka-bØpw acn-°-Ø° Ah-i-X-bn¬ ssZh- Zmbn FØn-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ Rm≥ ]Iepw, cm{Xnbn¬ t]mepw IqsS-°qsS ssZh-Zm-kn-bpsS kao]w t]mbn t\m°m-dp-≠m-bn- cp-∂p. At∏m-sgms° \∂m ASp-Øp-t\m-°n-bm¬ am{Xsa Poh≥ Dt≠m F∂v Adn-hm≥ Ign-™n-cp-∂p≈p. s\mth\-bpsS HºXmw Znhkw cm{Xn GI-tZiw aq∂p aWn-tbmsS A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bpsS apdn-bn¬ \n∂pw Btcm kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xv kao-]ÿamb Fs‚ apdn-bn¬ Rm≥ tI´p. s]s´∂v h√ ]mc-h-iyhpw A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bv°p-≠m-b-Xn-\m¬ A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bpsS kao-]Øp tcmK-ip-{iq-£-bv°mbn InS- ∂n-cp∂ kl s\mho-kmb kn. fqhokm (Hmen-°c Ipdp-º-\m- Sw, Ct∏mƒ Ipdp-º-\mSw ¢mc-a-T-Øns‚ t{ijvTØn) Fgp-t∂‰v kwkm-cn-°p-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°p-sa∂v Rm≥ Duln-®p. ITn\ an≠-S- °-k-a-b-amb ]mXn-cmbv°v a‰p-≈-h¿ tIƒ°-Ø-°-hÆw D®- kz-c-Øn¬ kwkm-cn-®-Xn¬ Akz-ÿ-bmbn Rm≥ DSs\ A¬t^m≥kmΩbpsS apdn-bpsS hmXn¬°¬ sN∂p t\m°n. At∏mƒ fqho-kmbpw A¬t^m≥kmbpw Dd-ßp-∂-Xm-bn-´mWv I≠-Xv. Rm≥ A¬t^m≥kmbpsS InS-°-bpsS ASpØp sN∂p. Ahƒ Dd-ßp-I-bm-bn-cp-s∂-¶nepw Ft¥m kwkm-cn®p sIm≠n- cp-∂p. Nne BwKy-ßfpw Ahƒ ImWn-®n-cp-∂p. F\n°v H∂pw a\- n-em-bn-√. Rm≥ A¬t^m≥kmsb hnfn-®p-W¿Øn. an≠- S-°-k-a-bØv kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xv F¥m-sW∂v tNmZn-®p. At∏mƒ Ahƒ Ft∂mSv ""CXm henb {]ntbm-c-®≥ h∂n-cn-°p-∂p. Kpcp-Øn-bΩ ImWp-∂nt√? Rm≥ Bio¿ΔmZw At]-£n-°s´'' F∂p ]d-™p-sIm≠v X\nsb Fgp-t∂-‰n-cp-∂p. At∏m-gsØ A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bpsS kwkm-c-hpw, BwKy-ßfpw Ipcn-bm- t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s\ t\cn´p I≠p kwkm-cn-°p∂ Hcm-fn- t‚-Xp-X-s∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p. A¬t^m≥km XpS¿∂v Ft∂mSv ]d™p: ""Fs‚ Zo\w kpJ-am-bn. henb {]ntbm-c-®≥ ChnsS

70 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw h∂p. Rm≥ I≠p. Fs∂ Bio¿Δ-Zn-®p. Fs∂ sXm´p. "Cu Zo\w kpJ-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. C\n taen¬ Cu tcmKw \n\-°p-≠m- hp-I-bn-√. F¶nepw a‰p ]e-hn[ tcmK-ß-fm¬ F∂pw ]oUn-°- s∏Spw' F∂pw Ft∂mSv ]d-™p. Hcp ]s£ CXv Fs‚ shdpw tXm∂-tem, kz]v\tam Bbn-cn-°mw. F∂m¬ F\n°v Ct∏mƒ Hcp hnj-ahpw C√. c‡-{]-hmlw \n∂p. XpS-bn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ {hWhpw Icn-™n-cn-°p∂p'' A¬t^m≥km ChnsS "" henb {]ntbm-c-®≥'' F∂p ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂Xv Nmhd Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s\ Dt±-in-®mWv F∂p ]d-tb-≠-Xn-√-t√m. A¬t^m≥km Ft∂m-Sn-{]-Imcw kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xp tI´p tcmK-ip{iqjnI-bm-bn-cp∂ fqhokm Dd°w sXfn™v Fgp- t∂-‰p. Fs‚ \n¿t±-i-{]-Imcw fqhokm A¬t^m≥kmbpsS XpS-bn¬ AXp-hsc ]gpØp s]m´n-s°m-≠n-cp∂ {hWw ]cn- tim-[n-®p-t\m-°n-b-Xn¬ AXp s]mSp-∂-\sh Icn-™n-cn-°p-∂- Xm-bn-°-≠p. Xncn-bp-I-tbm, adn-bp-Itbm sNøp-tºmƒ c‡w {]h-ln-®n-cp-∂Xv At∏mƒ A¬t^m≥km Fgpt∂‰p \S-∂n´pw D≠m-bp-an-√. BI-bm¬ A¬t^m≥kmbv°v B ]mXn-cmbv°v s]mSp-∂-\sh ]q¿Æ tcmK-im¥n e`n-®-Xmbn F\n°pw fqho- kmbv°pw t_m≤y-am-bn. DSs\ A¬t^m≥kmtbmsSm-∂n®v Rm\pw, fqho-kmbpw It∏-f-bn¬t∏mbn. Iqtd-t\cw D]-Im-c-kva-cW sNbvXp. AXn\p tijw R߃ aqhcpw t]mbn-°n-S-∂p. ]nt‰ Znhkw cmhnse DW¿Øp-aWn ASn-®-t∏mƒ F√m- hcpw DW¿∂v apJw Igp-Im≥ h∂-t∏mƒ, ImWp-∂Xpw, kzoI- cn-°p-∂-Xpw, {]`m-X-`-£Ww Ign-°p-∂Xpw Iq´p-k-tlm-Z-cn-Iƒ I≠p hnkva-bn-®p. {]`mX`£-Wtijw Rm≥ ktlm-Z-cn-I-tfmSv A¬t^m≥kmbv°v Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ am≤yÿyw aqew cm{Xn s]mSp-∂-\sh tcmK-im¥n e`n-®p-sh∂p ]d-™p. Xte Znhkw cm{Xn F√m-hcpw Dd-ßm≥ t]mb-Xp-hsc Ah-i- bmbn `£Ww Ign-°p-∂-Xn-\pw, ]c-k-lmbw IqSmsX \S-°p- ∂-Xn-\pw, Fgp-t∂-‰n-cn-°p-∂-Xn-\pw, A\-ßp-∂-Xn-\p-t]mepw ]mSn- √msX InS-∂n-cp∂ ssZh-Zm-kn-bpsS B{Klw A\p-k-cn®v Ipcn-

March 2017; No.234 71 I¿sΩektμiw bm-t°mk®≥ Ahƒ°v {]Xy-£-\mb hnhcw ]d-bp-I-bp-≠m- bn-√. ]n∂oSv s]. _. fqbo-k-®s‚ \n¿t±-i-{]-Imcw ssZh-Zmkn X\n°p e`n® tcmK-im¥n-I-sfbpw, Z¿i-\-ß-sfbpw ]‰n hn\- b-k-ºq¿Æ-hpw, hfsc Npcp-ßn-b-Xp-amb Hcp {]kvXm-h\ Fgp- Xn. AXp Rm≥ ImWp-I-bpw, AXn¬∏-d-™n-cn-°p∂ Imcyßsf√mw hmkvX-h-am-sW∂v B {]kvXm-h-\-bpsS ASn- bn¬ 1936 Pqsse 10-˛mw \p Rm≥ km£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cu {]kvXm-h\bnep≈ c≠m-asØ tcmK-im-¥n-bmWv c‡- {kmhw kpJ-s∏-´-Xv. CXn-\mWv Rm≥ ZrIvkm-£n-bm-bn-cp-∂- Xv. hμy sa{Xm-\-®≥ A¬t^m≥km-Ω-bpsS s]s´-∂p-≠mb tcmK-im-¥nbpw, AXns‚ Imc-Whpw Adn™v hfsc kt¥m- jn-°p-Ibpw, Ipcn-bm-t°mkv Gen-bm-k-®s‚ hnip-≤n-bpsS Hcp sXfn-hmbn Cu A¤p-X-tcm-K-im-¥nsb ]cn-K-Wn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ssZhZm-kn°v ta¬ hnh-cn® hn[-Øn¬ s]mSp-∂-\sh D≠mb tcmK-im-¥n°v (c‡-{kmhw kpJ-s∏-´-Xpw, {hWw Icn-™Xpw) Rm\pw kn. fqhn-kmbpw am{X-a√ A¬t^m≥km ΩbpsS kl- s\m-ho-kp-I-fmbn C∂pw Pohn-®n-cp∂ kn. A\-kvXmkym (Nß- \m-t»cn cq]X ¢mc-a-T-ß-fpsS Ct∏m-gsØ s]mXp t{ijvTØn), kn.-a¿Øo\ aWn-bw-Ip∂p aTmwKw(hn√-¥m-\w, Aºm-d-\n-c- t∏¬), kn. ske-Ão-\m Xot°mbn(sIm®p-I-≠-Øp-¶-c, Acp- hn-Øpd), kn. sIm®p-t{Xkym IÆm-Sn-bp-dpºv (]p©-°p-t∂¬, ]mem), kn. a¿§-coØm sImgp-h-\m¬ aTw(]g-b-]-d-ºn¬, B\n- °mSv), kn. doØm `c-W-ßm\w Ah-i-bmbn A\-ßm≥ ]mSn- √msX InS-∂n-cp∂ A¬t^m≥km Fgp-t∂‰v apJw Igp-Ip-∂- Xpw, ]n∂oSv It∏-f-bn¬ t]mbn hn.-Ip¿_m\ (]p√m-´p-Ip-t∂¬ `c-W-ßm\w) apX-embhcpw A∂p Nß-\mt»cn ¢mc-a-T-Øn-ep- ≠m-bn-cp∂ {hXm-\p-jvTm\w sNbvX-h-cmb ¢mc-Ω(A∂p aZ¿) kn. sIm®p-t{Xkym ]mtdSw, kn.-a¿Øo\ A™m-Wn¬, kn. ^ntem-an\m sNdp-I-c-°p-t∂¬, kn. doØm ]mtd-Sw, kn. _\o™m ]pØ≥]p-c-bv°¬, _. {_Po-ØmΩ amΩq-´n¬, {^mkn- kv°mΩ II, kn. knen-bmΩ Im™n-c-Øp-¶¬, kn. sken≥

72 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw apX-em-b-hcpw s]. _. fqbn-k-®\pw a‰pw km£n-IfmWv. dh. ^mZ¿ tdmap-fqkv Fgp-Xnb ""Aevt]m≥kmΩ'' F∂ ]pkvX-I- Øn¬ 27,28 F∂o ]£-ß-fn¬ c‡-{km-h-Øn¬ \n∂pw A¬t^m≥kmΩ hnap‡n {]m]n-®-Xns‚ Hcp Npcp-ßnb hnh- cWw \¬In-bn-´p-≠v. c‡-{kmhw ssZh-Zm-knsb A©p-sIm- √-tØmfw ]oUn-∏n-®n-cp∂p F∂pw, NnIn-’-Iƒ sIm≠v ]d-b- Ø° {]tbm-P\w e`n-°msX tcmKw h¿±n®v ssZh-Zmkn ac- W-h-{‡-Øn¬ FØn-b-t∏m-gmWv Ahƒ°p Hcp \nanjw sIm≠v c‡-{km-h-Øn¬ \n∂pw {hW-Øn¬ \n∂pw im¥n e`n-®- sX∂pw ta¬ {]kvXm-hn-®p-h-t√m. Cu tcmK-im¥n ]cn-]q¿Æ- hpw, imiz-Xhpw Bbn-cp-∂p. Ipcnbmt°mkv Gen-bm-k-®≥ Adnbn® {]Imcw c‡{kmhw CXn\p tijw Ahƒ°v Hcn- °epw D≠m-bn-´n-√. a‰p kpJ-t°-Sp-I-fmWv Ahƒ°v D≠m-b-Xv. Cu tcmK-im¥n Nmhd Ipcnbmt°mkv Gen-bm-k-®≥ aqew e`n-®-Xm-sW-∂mWv ssZh-Zm-kn-bp-sSbpw, R߃ F√m-h-cp- tSbpw DØa t_m≤yw. X∂n-anØw Ipcnbmt°mkv Gen-bm-k- ®s‚ \ma-I-cWw km[n-®p-In-´p-∂-Xn\v ssZh-Zmkn {]tXyI hn[w {]m¿∞n-®n-cp-∂p.ssZhZmkn tcmK-hn-ap-‡-bmbn \nXy- {h-X-hm-KvZm\w Ign™v `c-W-ßm-\Øv FØnb tijw ssZh- Zm-kn-bpsS B{K-l-{]-Imcw, ]tc-X-\mb Nmhd Ipcnbmt°mkv Gen-km-b-®s‚ ]qPym-h-in-jvS-߃ ÿnXn sNøp∂ am∂m- \Øp t]mIp-Ibpw Ipgn-amSw kμ¿in®v D]-Im-c-kva-cW sNbvIbpw sNbvXp.

`c-W-ßm\w Sr. M. Ursula of S. H 1956 am¿®v 19 ]mem cq]-X-bnse ¢mc-a-T-ß-fpsS aZ¿ P\-d¬

March 2017; No.234 73 I¿sΩektμiw

From Department of Research and Documentation


Nmhd]nXmhv ip≤oIcWmflm°sf Ipdn®v ip≤oIc-Wm-flm-°-ƒ°v th≠n {]m¿∞n-°p-I, Ah- tcmSp {]m¿∞n-°pI F∂Xv Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hns‚ Bflo-b-Po-hn-X- Øn¬ hfsc {]m[m\yw sImSp-Øn-cp∂ Hcp hkvXp-X-bm-Wv. Cu ImcysØ hnizm-kn-I-fpsS Bflo-b-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ Bg-s∏- Sp-ØpI F∂ e£y-tØm-sS-bmWv At±lw "acW ho´n¬ ]mSp- ∂-Xn-\p≈ ]m\' F∂ ]Zy-k-am-lmcw Fgp-Xn-b-Xv. ac-W-tØm- S-\p-_-‘n® hnizm-k-k-Xy-߃ lrZ-b-kv]¿inbmwhn[w Ah- X-cn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. CXn¬\n∂pw kv]jvS-am-Ip-∂p≠v At±-l- Øns‚ B≤ym-fln-I-X-bn¬ ip≤o-I-c-Wm-flm-°ƒ°v F¥pam{Xw {]m[m\yw sImSp-Øn-cp∂p F∂ hkvXp-X. cm{Xn-Im-e-ß- fn¬t]mepw knan-tØ-cn-bn¬ t]mbn {]m¿∞n-°p∂ ]Xnhv At±- l-Øn-\p-≠m-bn-cp∂p F∂Xv Cu Imcy-Øn¬ At±-l-Øn-\p≈ t_m≤y-sØ-°p-dn®v \ap-°p-d-t∏-Ip-I-bm-Wv. At±lw FgpXn ]q¿Øn-bm-°mØtXm _m°n `mKw I≠p In´mØtXm Bb Hcp IØn-s‚tbm ktμ-i-Øn-s‚tbm `mK-amWv ChnsS Ah-X- cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. ip≤o-IcWmflm°ƒ°p th≠n {]m¿Yn-°m≥ t{]cn-∏n-°p∂ Hcp Ipdn∏mWn-Xv. Bscbpw kwt_m-[\ sNbvXn- ´n-√. AXn-\m¬ B¿°v Fgp-Xn-b-Xm-sW∂v hy‡-a-√. ssIb- £cw Nmh-d-b-®-t‚-Xp Xs∂. Bcw-`-`mKw am{Xta I≠pIn´n- bp-≈q. H∏pw Xob-Xnbpw ImWp-∂n-√.CXns‚ aqew am∂m\w tcJm-e-b-Øn¬ kq£n-®n-cn-°p-∂p.

^m. tXmakv ]¥πm°¬ kn.Fw.sF

74 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw


]I¿∏v + ssZh-Øn\p kvXpXn-bm-bn-cn-°s´

\ΩpsS IqS-∏n-d-∏p-Iƒ, \sΩ P\n-∏n®p hf¿Ønb A∏≥, AΩ apX-emb Imc-W-h-\am¿, F∂n-h-cn¬ Bsc-¶nepw henb ZpxJØns‚ CS-amb XS-h-d-bn¬ ]q´-s∏´v, hni∏pw Zmlhpw A\p-`-hn®v, \ne-hn-fn®v Ic-bp-∂-Xmbn Adn-bp∂p F∂p Icp-Xp- I. Aß-s\bp-≈-h¿°v \Ω-fm¬ Ign-bp∂ klmbw \mw sNøp- ∂n-s√-¶n¬ \sΩ-t∏mse A[¿a-°m¿ Bcp-an√ F∂v Ghcpw ]d-bp-a-t√m. Cß-s\-sb-¶n¬, acWw hgn \Ωn¬ \n∂v th¿]n-cn-™p- t]mb \ΩpsS A∏≥, AΩ apX-emb Imc-W-h≥am¿ ,IqS-∏n-d- ∏p-Iƒ, kvt\ln-X¿ apX-em-b-h¿ ip≤o-I-c-W-ÿew F∂ FcnXobn¬......

March 2017; No.234 75 I¿sΩektμiw \mev]Xp aWn Bcm-[\; Hcp ]p\¿hmb\

tZhme-b-Ønse {][m\ ]oT-Øn¬ \n¿±n-jvS-amb Ae- ¶mc kwhn[m\ß-tfm-Sp-IqSn ]cn-ip≤ Ip¿∫m\ Fgp-∂p-≈n- ®p-sh®v \mev]-Xp-a-Wn-°p¿ \o≠p-\n¬°p∂ Bcm-[\ aq∂p-Zn- hkw sIm≠v SØp-∂-Xn-\mWv \mev]-Xp-aWn Bcm-[\ F∂- Xp-sIm-≠p-t±-in-°p-∂-Xv. C{]-Imcw D≈ Bcm-[-\-{Iaw D≠m°n C≥Uy≥k-`-bn¬ BZy-ambn \S-∏n-em-°n-bXv 1866-˛¬ Iq\-Ωm- hnse B{i-a-tZ-hm-e-b-Øn¬ hmgvØ-s∏´ Nmh-d-b-®-\m-Wv. CXns‚ {Iaw ¢a‚p ]m∏mbm¬ hnc-Nn-X-amb \nb-a-kw-ln-X- bn¬ \n∂p ae-bm-f-Øn-te°p eØo≥ `mj-bn¬\n∂p ]I¿Øn Nmh-d-b-®≥ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-I-bmWv sNbvXXv. At±-lw Fgp- XnbXns‚ ]I¿∏v am∂m\w B{ia CuSp-sh-bv∏n¬ kq£n-®n- cn-°p-∂p.

\mev]Xp aWn-bm-cm-[\ bqtdm-∏n¬ F∂p XpSßn F∂pw AXn-\p≈ Imc-Whpw Bcm-[\ \S-Ønbt∏mƒ F¥p kw`-hn®p F∂pw ]n∂oSsX-ßs\ [mcmfw ÿe-ß-fn-te°p hym]n®p F∂pap≈ sNdp-N-cn{X hnh-c-W-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-bmWv Nmh- d- ]n-Xmhv \mev]-Xp-aWn Bcm-[-\-{Iaw FgpXn sh®n-cn°p-∂Xv. 1866-˛¬ Iq\-Ωm-hn¬ Bcw-`n-®-Xns‚ ]n∂mse XpS¿h¿jßfn¬ \ne-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ F√m B{ia tZhm-e-b-ß-fn-te°pw {][m- \-s∏´ ]e CS-hI tZhm-e-b-ß-fn-te°pw Cu `‡-IrXyw hym]n-∏n®p. hfsc I¿°-i-amb \n_-‘-\-I-tfm-sS-bmWv Cu {Iaw tZhm-e-b-Øn¬ \S-Øn-b-Xv.

ae-bm-f-°-c-bn¬ \mev]Xp aWn Bcm[\ \S-∏n-em-b- t∏mƒ CS-h-I-I-fnepw P\-ß-fp-sS-bn-S-bnepw D≠mb B≤ym- flnI \ho-I-c-WtØ°pdn®v ]gb B{i-a-ß-fnse \mfm-K-a-ß- fn¬ hni-Z-ambn hnh-cn-®n-´p-≠v. Bcm-[\ \S-Øp-∂Xn\p≈ Znh-

76 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw k-߃ \n›-bn-®p-I-gn-bp-tºmƒ Np‰p]mSpap≈ {InkvXob IpSpw- _-ßsf {]tXy-I-am-bn kl-I-cn-∏n-®ncp-∂p. AI-e-ß-fn¬ \n∂p Bcm-[-\-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-hm≥ FØp-∂-hsc kz¥w-Ip-Spw-_- mwKß-sf-t∏mse hoSp-I-fn¬ kzoI-cn-°p-Ibpw D≈ kuI-cy- ߃ HuZymcy]q¿Δw Ah¿°mbn Hcp-°n-s°m-Sp-°p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-∂p. Bcm-[-\-bpsS Znh-k-ß-fn¬ ho´nse `£-W-ß- fn¬ Ch-scbpw ]¶p-tN¿Øn-cp-∂p. ]ecpw `£-W-km-[-\-߃ Ah-tcm-sSm-∏w sIm≠p h∂n-cp-∂p. Ah Hcp-°p-hm-\m-h-iy-amb ]m{X-ßfpw a‰p kuI-cy-ßfpw ho´p-Im¿ Ah¿°p-th≠n \evIn. ho´n¬ D≠m-°nb `£-W-߃ sImSpØpw kzoI-cn®pw F√m- hcpw AXn¬ ]¶p-tN¿∂p. AIse \n∂p h∂-hsc tZhm-e-b- Ønse `‡n-\n¿`-c-amb NS-ßp-I-fn¬ kl-I-cn-°p-hm≥ klm- bn-®-Xn-t\m-sSm∏w hoSp-I-fn¬ kmtlm-Z-cy-Øn-s‚bpw kvt\l- Øn-s‚bpw ]¶p-sh-°-ens‚ D’-h{]-IrXn krjvSn-°p-hm\pw {InkvXo-b-Ip-Spw_߃°p Ign-™p.

\mev]-Xp-aWn Bcm-[\m Znh-k-ß-fn¬ Bbn-c-°-W-°n- \m-fp-Iƒ Bcm-[-\-bn¬ ]¶p-tN¿∂p. Cu Znh-k-ß-fn¬ Ipº- km-cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\pw a‰p-ambn [mcmfw sshZn-Icpw tZhm-e-b- Øn¬ k∂n-ln-X-cm-bn-cp-∂p. Bcm-[-\-bn¬ h∂p ]¶p-tN-cp-∂- h¿ Ipº-km-cn®p hnip≤ Ip¿∫m\ kzoI-cn-°msX Bcpw aS- ßn-bn-cp-∂n√ F∂Xv \ho-I-c-W-Øns‚ henb AS-bm-f-am-bn- cp-∂p. \mev]-Xp-aWn Bcm-[-\-bn¬ ]¶p tNcp-∂-Xp hm¿jn-I- [ym-\-Øn¬ ]¶p-tN-cp-∂-Xn\p Xpeyambn Bbn-cp∂p sshZn- Icpw P\-ßfpw Dƒs°m-≠n-cp-∂Xv. AXp-t]mse ]™w, ]S, hk¥ F∂n-h-bn¬ \n∂v c£-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn-\p≈ D]m-[nbmbpw P\-߃ \mev]-Xp-a-Wn-bm-cm-[-\sb I≠n-cp-∂p. \me-]vXp-aWn Bcm-[\ \S-Øn-bn-cp∂ tZhm-e-b-ß-fpsS Np‰p-]m-Sp-ap≈ {]tZ- i-ß-fn¬ \n∂v Xn∑-bpsS i‡n-Iƒ AI∂p \n∂n-cp-∂-Xmbpw A\p-`-h-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. 1535-˛¬ C‰-en-bnse anem≥ \K-c-Øn¬ BZy- ambn \mev]Xp aWn-bm-cm-[\ Bcw-`n® kml-Ncyhpw C{]- Im-c-am-bn-cp∂p F∂mWv Ncn-{X-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ.1866 ˛¬ \mev]Xp

March 2017; No.234 77 I¿sΩektμiw aWn Bcm[\ BZyambn Bcw`n® Iq\Ωmhv sk‚ v ^nteman\mkv ]ffn C∂v \ΩpsS \nb{¥WØne√s√m. 1867 ˛¬ hmg°pfw, am∂m\w, G¬XpcpØv F∂n B{iaßfn¬ 40 aWn Bcm[\ Bcw`n®Xns‚ 150˛mw h¿jamWv 2017. 150 h¿jØns‚ Pq_nen \ndhn¬ \ΩpsS Nmhd]nXmhneqsS hf¿∂ hensbmcp `‡n {]IS\Øns‚ A\pkvacW tcJbmbn hcp∂Xpw \√sX∂p IcpXp∂p. ‘[ym\k√m]w’ F∂ Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hns‚ IrXn-bn¬ \me]vXp aWn Bcm-[\sb°p-dn®p hnh-cn-®n-cn°p∂ `mKhpw CXn-t\m- sSm∏w tN¿°p-∂p. (A.M.S.J 24/A. XI/1211)

Xøm-dm-°n-bXv: ^m. tXmakv ]¥-πm-°¬ kn.-Fw.-sF.

\mev]XpaWn Bcm[\ 40 aWn F∂ F{Xbpw Dbcs∏´ Cu {Iahpw `‡nbpw D≠mbvI Fßns\ F∂m¬ 1535 Imew anem≥ F∂ \Kcnbn¬hk-¥-bm¬ B s°m´-bn¬ 2000 P\w acn-®p. Bhp kv{Xo 5, Im¿semk P¿Ω-\nbn 10 {]wknkvIm Cu alm-cm-Pm- °fp XΩn-ep≈ ]S-bm¬ tNmc-sbm-gpIn Cu alm-sk\ \Icn hf™p InS-Øbpw Cu Imew 50 s\mbº h∂ {Iaw t]m¬ I∏p-in≥ : s]¿Ω sbusk∏ F∂ alm-flmhp \nXy ]Tm¿∞bv°p hnfn-bv°-s∏-´p. sIØpI Znhkw ]Tm¿∞ XpS- ßn-bmsd Cu alm sRcp-°-Øm¬ P\-߃ Ie-ßn-bn-cn-°- bn¬ Cu shInfw \oßmsX ^en-°-bn-s√∂pw \ocq-]n® sZbvh sXm∂n-∏n-\m¬ 40 aWn I¿Øm-hp-s]-£n-°-s∏-´-Xn-\m¬ Cu 40 aWn-s\cw ]c-ky-ambn s{XmsWm-kn¬ I¿Øm-hns\ sh®m- cm-[n-°Ww F∂p ]d-™-Xn-s\-sem-Icp sI´p ks¥m-jn® DS≥ sh≠nb Na-bßfpw 13 ]Xhn-bmbn knwlm-k-\hpw 100 hey- Xn-cn-Ifpw bnß-s\-bp≠ sa{Xm≥ sIm\-K-sk-\m-sØm-c-∑mc: bnßs\ hey-hcp P\-ßfpw Nm°p-SpØpw {]mbvi-NnØ Icp-

78 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw °-sfmSpw Nnecp Ipcnip Npa∂pw apƒap-Sn-sh®pw Igp-Øn¬ Ibdpw Iøn¬ Xqß-s∏´ cq]-hpw. . .40 aWn-bpw s{XmsWm- kn¬ ]°¬ ap´p-IpØn 1 aWn-°p 1 sNdnb ]Tm¿∞ 40-˛mw ]°w \n\-h. Cß-s\-bp≈ Adn-bn-∏m¬ Ghcpw bnfIn 1 aWn-bpsS Bcm-[-\-bn¬ I¿Zymƒ, sa{Xm≥, sImK-∑m-cp, Z¿i- \-]-´-°mcpw H°bpw CXn≥hÆw {Iaw s]msebpw Hmtcm aWnbv°p Hscm sIm{]n-b-°mcp apgp-h\pw Ah-cpsS Is∏m-f≥ apX-em-b-h-scmSp IqsSbpw {Iaws]se F√m-hcpw Xncn IØn- ®p-]n-Sn-®p-sIm≠pw: Cu `‡n-bm¬ a‰-hcpw XpS-ßn. Cu H∂m- asØ Bcm-[-\-bn¬ cmPm-°-∑mcp 6 amkw kam-[m\w \n›-bn- ®p-]m¿Øp. FwIn-epw Iqsd Ign™ ]S-Iq-SmsX kam-[m-\-am- Ibpw sNbvXp. hk¥ apX-em-bX Hs°bpw Xo¿∂p. A∂p-ap- X¬ Hmtcm ÿeØp XpS-ßn-bn-s∏mƒ kXy-cm-Py-Øn¬ Cu {Iaw sNømØ ]≈n-bn-√. sdmΩ, sP\p-h, bnßs\ {][m-\-I- cn-bn¬ B≠p apgp-h\pw Hcp ]≈n-bn¬ FSp-°pws]mƒ adp-]- ≈n-bn¬ sh°pw. CXn¬ sZmj-s]m-dpXn 3 Znh-khpw Ip. ip. Ip¿_m-\, apgp-h≥ sZmj-s]m-dp-Xn. Hcp hnio-Ø-b°p 10 Imehpw 10 aWvU-ehpw CX Znhkw F{X Ipdn sNbvXm¬ A{X Ipdn D≠.

Cx ax bx \mev]-Xp-a-Wn-bpsS {Iaw

AXm-bX \mev]-Xp-a-Wn-sb∂ s]cmbn aq∂p-Zn-h-k- sØbv°p hnizm-kn-I-fpsS Bcm-[-\-bv°m-bn´p ip≤x ]≈n h®n- cn-°p∂ {Iaws]mse ip≤x Ip¿_m\ Fgp-s∂-≈w® ssh∏m- \p≈ {Iaw. 1. aXx Cu {Iaw Ign-°p-∂-Xn\pw saev]-´-°m-cs‚ Xncn-®p≈ A\p-hmZw D≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww. 2. aXx Cu Znh-k-ß-fn¬ bmsXmcp hI shSnbpw sIm´pw Xsºdpw IqSmsX ip≤ ]≈n-bpsS ]m´p- Iƒ A√msX a‰ bmsXm-cp-hI ]m´p-Ifpw apS-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p.

March 2017; No.234 79 I¿sΩektμiw 3. aXx ]≈n BtLm-j-am-bn´ Aew-I-cn® ip≤x ]≈nbpsS {Iaws]mse-bp≈ Aew-Im-c-ß-f-√msX kz¥-s_m-[-Øn-\-SpØ Aew-Imcw hbv°m-sXbpw s{XmsWm-kp-sΩ¬ IS-emk A√w- In¬ XpWn A√w-In¬ ]´p-sIm-≠p≈ Ae-¶m-c-ßsf hbv°msXbpw \√ ]cn-a-f-ap≈ ]®-∏q-°sf shSn-∏m-bn´p - hbv°bpw F{Xbpw shfp-Øn-cn-°p-∂Xpw aXn-bmIpwhÆw apgp- ∏p-≈-Xp-amb th≠p∂ sagp-Ip-Xn-cn-Iƒ hbv°bpw thWw. Bb- Xn¬ Ipd-bmsX Ccp-]Xp.ip≤: Ip¿_m\ Fgp-s∂-≈n®p sh®ncn- °p∂ s\c-sam-°bpw IØn-bn-cn-°-Ww.- 4. aXx Cu {Iaw hey s{XmsWm-kn¬ Ign-s°-≠-Xm-Ip∂p. Bb-Xn-t∑¬ sImØp-cq-]-ßfpw Fgp-Øp-cq-]-ßfpw GXm-bn-cp- ∂mepw h®p-Iq-Sm˛ C{X-Xs∂ A√ ]ns∂sbm \nev°-s∏-´-Xm- bn-´p≈ s{XmsWm-kns‚ cq]hpw aqSp-∂-X-√msX Xqß-s∏´ cq]hpw \o°n ]m´p-Ip¿_m-\-bpsS s\c-Øn¬am{Xw sNdn-b- Xm-bn-´p≈ Hcp Xqß-s∏´ cq]w ip≤-am\ Ip¿_m\ Fgp-s∂- ≈n® h®n-cn-bv°p∂ knwlm-k-\-Øns‚ Xmsg Xq°n sshbn- bv°bpw shWw. 5. aXx ]≈n-bpsS Ps\-e-Iƒ H°bv°pw a™ A√-¶n¬ sNmI-∏-s\-d-ap≈ sImØn™ sh-bv°bpw ]≈n-bpsS hey-hm- Xn¬ hgn-bm-bn´ ]pd-sa-bp≈ Bfp-Iƒ°p AIØ ImWmsX Ccn-∏m≥th≠n ]®-N-I-emk sIm≠p≈ sImØn™ sshbv°bpw shWw. 6. \nb-an-bv°-s∏´ Znh-k-Øn¬ ImeØ aq∂ s]cm-bn-´p≈ ]m´p-Ip-dp-_m\ ]mSn ip≤xIpdp-_m\ AS-°n-b-Xns‚ sijw IqZmi sNbvX HmkvXnsb Acp-fn-bv°m-bn-bv°-IØp h®-s{Xm- sWm-kns‚ \Sp-hn¬ \ndpØn sh≠p∂ BNm-c-ß-sfm-Sp-IqsS Ip¿_m-\sb sNm√n-Xo¿°-Ww. Bb-Xns‚ sijw ]´-°m-c\pw Dugn-b-°mccpw FwK¿Øm-bpsS hi-Øn¬ t]mbn Ip¿_m\ Ip∏m-bhpw ssI Dudm-ebpw Ducn sh≈ Im∏ DSpØ Ahn- sSAhn-sS-Øs∂ hq¿ip-am-sN-ømsX Ip¥n-cn°w Zqa-°p-‰n-bn¬ C´p-I-gn-™n´ s{XmsWm-kns‚ \Sphp ASn-bnse ]Z-hn-bn¬- ap´p-IpØn aq∂p {]mhiyw ip≤x Ip¿_m-\sb hoin DSs\

80 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw ]m´p-Im-c. . . si_lvse»m≥ ]mSn-sXm-S-ßp-∂p. At∏mƒ ]´- °m-c≥ {Iaws]mse Bdmw ]´-°m-cs‚ Iøn¬\n∂p Acp-fnbv° hmßn-®p-sIm≠ {]Z-£Ww XpS-ßp-∂p. 7. aXx {]Z-£Ww ]≈n-bv°-IØ Ign-s°-≠-Xm-Ip-∂p. F∂m¬ ]≈n AXn∂p t]mcm-™-Xm-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ sh≠p- ∂ shSn-s∏m-Sp-IqsS ]≈n-bpsS ap‰-Øn¬ ]≈n-bn¬ \n∂ A[nIw AI∂p s]mIm-sXbpw ip≤ Ip¿_m-\-sIm≠p hmgp sImSp-°m-sXbpw Ign-°bpw Bw. 8. aX. ip≤ Ip¿_m-\-bpsS aosX ]menI ]nSn®p sIm≠p- s]m-Ip-∂-Xn∂ Bd A√w-In¬ F´-]-´-°m-c ]´-°m-c C√w-In¬ kq¿∏o-enk C´p-sIm≠ siΩm-»-amc D≠m-bn-cn-°-Ww. F∂m¬ {]Z-£n-W-Øns‚ {Ia-Øn¬Xs∂ ]men-I-bpsS ans∂m´ c≠p- ]-¥n-bm-bn´ hep-Xm-bn-´p≈ Xncn-]n-Sn-®p-sIm≠ F´p-]-´-°mcpw D≠msb aXn-bm-hq. Bb-h¿ ]´°mcp-Xs∂ Bbn-cn-°-Ww. {]Z- £n-W-Øn\p Bd A©mw ]´-°m-c-\-√msX kq¿∏n-eok C´psIm≠p Hcp ]´-kp-J-°m-c≥ Ipcn-ip-]n-Sn-®p-sIm≠ IØn- …m-fp-°m-cpsS \Sp-hn¬ {]Z-£n-W-Øns‚ ans∂m´p \S-°bpw c≠ Zqa--°p-‰n-°msc ip≤x Ip¿_m-\bv°p ]pdw sImSp-°msX ans∂m-´p-\-S∂ CS-hn-Sm-sX hoip-Ibpw {]Z-£-W-s\cw apgp-h\pw BsLm-j-am-bn´p aWn H°bpw sIm´p-Ibpw thWw. 9. aXx B {]Z-£-W-s\-csØ ]m´p-Im-¿ c≠p ]¥n-bm-bn´ i_-l-se-»≥ ]mSp-Ibpw ]´-°m-c≥ Dugn-sb-°m-c-scm-Sp-IqsS Xmgp∂ kzcam-bn´p emlem-em-lbpw a‰p akp-sΩm-dm-Ifpw sNm√p-Ibpw thWw. 10. {]Z-£nWw Ign-™n´p ]´-°m-c≥ s{XmsWm-kns‚ ]Z- hn-bn¬ ap´p-IpØn Bdmw ]´-°m-c≥ Aøm-fpsS Iøn-I-fn¬ \n∂ ip≤x Ip¿_m\ FSpØ DSs\ Xs∂ s{XmsWm-kn-sΩ¬ s]m°-ap≈ FS-Øn¬ D≠m-tI-≠p∂ knwlm-k-\-Øn¬ Fgp- s∂-≈n-®p-h-bv°bpw thWw. Bb-Xn-s∂m-Sp-IqsS ]m´p-Im¿ sIm√≥Z¿is\ ]mSp-Ibpw emhm ehp-d. . .l-_o-hm. . . . .F∂ samgn hcp-tºmƒ ]´-°mc≥ Fgp-s∂‰ dqipa sNøm-sXbpw ip≤-x Ip¿_m-\-bv°-]pdw sImSp-°m-Xbpw Ip¥p-cp°w [q]-°p‰n-

March 2017; No.234 81 I¿sΩektμiw bn¬h®v ap´p-IpØn hoip∂p sIm√≥ Zi-s\-]mSn Ign-™n´ ]m´p-Im¿ ]pWy-hm-f-∑m-cpsS epØo\ XpSßn AXns‚ H\o- km-Ifpw sNm√n-I-gn-™n´ ]´-°m-c≥ Fgp-s∂‰ ssIIq-∏n- s°m≠ Dugn-b-°m-¿ ]pkvXIw ]nSn-®p-sIm≠ amd≥ Aa- t°m≥\pw AXns‚ t…mem-Ifpw ]mSp-Ibpw shWw. Bb-Xns‚ sijw ]´-°m-c≥ ap´p-IpØn Aev]-s\cw [ym\n®p Xe-bn¬ sXm∏n-h-bv°msX s]mIm-˛-C-ßs\ Bcm-[\ XpS-ßp-∂p. 11. aX. aq∂p Znh-khpw aq∂p-s]-cpsS ]m´p Ip¿_m\ D≠m- bn-cn-°-Ww. F∂m¬ H∂mw Znh-khpw aq∂mw Znh-khpw H∂mw Xcw As√-¶n¬ c≠mw-Xcw s]cp-∂m-fm-bn-cn-∂m¬ B ]pWy- hm-fs‚ Ip¿_m\ ]mSp-Ibpw Bb-Xn-∂-SpØ \nd-ap≈ Ip∏m-b- ßsf DSp-°bpw thWw. F∂m¬ shZ-°p-kvXmbpw NnsØm-e- bpw Cßs\ Bbmepw F∏gpw sh≈-bm-bn-cn-°-Ww. F∂m¬ H∂mw Xcw c≠mw Xcw s]cp-∂m-fp-I-fm-Ip-I-bn-√w-In¬ ip≤x Ip¿_m-\-bpsS s\¿® Ip¿_m\ sh≈-\n-d-am-bn´p ]mSp-Ibpw shWw. F∂m¬ \Sp-Zn-h-ksØ ]m´p-Ip¿_m\ ip≤x Ip¿_m\ Fgp∂p≈n®v h®ncn°p∂ heys{XmsWmkne√ ]ns∂sbm a‰p sNdnb s{XmsWmkn¬ ]mSp∂X√msX B Znhkw H∂m¥cw As√¶n¬ c≠mw¥cap≈mXbncp∂m¬ s]cp∂mfns‚ \ndsØmSpIqsS s]cp∂mfns‚ Ip¿_m\ ]mSpIbpw BbvX A√msb¶n¬ kam[m\Øns‚ s\¿® Ip¿_m\ ]mSpIbpw shWw. 12. ip≤ Ip¿_m\ kvXm]n®Xns‚ sijw DSs\Xs∂ c≠v As√¶n¬ IpdbmsX ]´Imc≥ kps∏sekam{Xw C´p sIm≠p aZ_lmbnbv°IØ s{XsWmkns‚ apºmsI bmsXmcphI knwlmk\w IqSmsX hm®NIemkwsIm≠v aqSs∏´ Hcp h¶am{Xw h® AXns‚ sNsc ap´p-IpØn F{Xbpw `‡n-sbmSp IqsSbpw Bcm-[\ Ign-bv°bpw shWw. F∂m¬ ]´-°m-c-s\m- Sp-IqsS aZ_-lm-bv°-IØ A¬sΩ-\n-sZ-cn-i-\-°mcpw ]´-an- √mØ k\ym-kn-Ifpw Ds≠-¶n¬ Ahcpw kq¿s∏-ek C´n-cn- bv°-Ww. AXp-s]m-se-Xs∂ s{XmsWmk \∂m-°p-∂-Xn∂pw Xncn-am-‰p-∂-Xn\pw IØn-bv°p-∂-Xn\pw kq¿∏n-en-k-sIm-≠p≈

82 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw Bfp-Iƒ A√msX As∑-\n-Iƒ° bmsXmcp kwK-Xn-sb-Ip-dn® aZ-_-lm-bv°-IØ sIdn-Iq-Sm...... 13. aX. Bcm-[-\bv°p \nev°p∂ Bfp-Iƒ amdp-∂-Xn∂ HmscmaWn-s\cw hey-a-Wn-sIm≠p aq∂p sIm´p-Ibpw Bb- Xns\ k¶o¿Øn-ap-dn-bn¬ Hcp \mgn-I-aWn D≠m-bn-cn-°bpw shWw. 14. aX-˛-kvXm-]n-∏ns‚ s{XmsWm-kn¬ H∂mw Znh-khpw aq∂mw Znh-khpw D≈ ]m´p-Ip¿_m\ A√msX a‰ bmsXm-cp-hI Ip¿_m\ sNm√p-Isbm ]mSp-Isbm sNbvXp-Iq-Sm˛ AXn≥hÆw Xs∂ bmsXmcp s{XmsWm-kn¬ acn-®-h-cpsS Ip¿_m\ sNm√p- Isbm sNbvXp-Iq-Sm. 15. aX-˛-ip≤ Ip¿_m\ ÿm]n® Fgp-s∂-≈n®p Ccn-°p∂ s\c-Øn¬ saev]-´-°m-cs‚ hnsij A\p-hmZw IqSmsX ]Sm¿∞ ]d-™p-Iq-Sm. 16. aX-˛-]m-´p-Ip¿_m-\-bn-e-√msX a‰p bmsXmcp Ip¿_m-\- bnepw CS-aWn Inen-°n-Iq-Sm. ]n∂sbm ]´-°m-c≥ k¶o¿Øn bn¬ \n∂p ]pd-s∏-Sp-sºmƒ Ip¿_m-\bv°p sIdp∂p F∂-Xns‚ Ado∏n\m-bo´p k¶o¿Øn-bn¬ Xs∂ Aev]-s\cw Hcp sidnb aWn sIm´p-Ibpw Bw. 17. aX-˛-ÿm-]n-∏ns‚ XseZnhkw XpSßn aq∂p-Zn-h-khpw {XnIm-e-P-]-Øns‚ aWnbpw een-bmbv°pw da-imbv°pw ]m´p- Ip¿_m-\bv°pw D≈-sXms° ]e aWn-bm-bn´ BsLm- jsØmSp IqsS sIm´p-Ibpw shWw. 18. Ims\m-\-\-a-kv°mcw ip≤x Ip¿_m\bpsS Xncp-ap-ºmsI AXm-bX s{XmsWm-kns‚ ]pd-In-ep≈ {]m¿∞\ apdn-bn¬ FØn-°p-∂p. kq¿∏-sek C´p-sIm≠pw ]m´m-bn-´√ ]ns∂sbm Xmgv∂ kzc-tØm-Sp-Iq-Sbpw F{Xbpw \ofn-®-sIm≠ alm-`- ‡nsbmSp-Iq-Sbpw FØn-°bpw shWw. F∂m¬ \a-kv°m-c- Øns‚ Zo¿Lw sIm≠ {Iaw s]mse Ccn-bv°bpw sNømw. 19. Cu aq∂p Znh-k-ß-fn¬ ]≈n-bv°-IØ ]≈nbv°p sh≠nsb¶nepw a‰ bmsXmcp kß-Xn-bv°m-bn´pw [¿Ω-]m{Xw ]nSn-®p-sIm-≠ \S-∂p-IqSm CX-Xs∂ A√ ]ns∂sbm [¿Ωw

March 2017; No.234 83 I¿sΩektμiw sNmXn-°p∂ ]n®-°m-cp-≠m-bn-cp-∂m¬ ]≈n-bn¬ \n∂ \qdp- sIm¬ [qsc AI-Øn-\n-dp-Øp-Ibpw shWw. 20. bmsXm-cp-hI Aƒsa-\n-Iƒ° ]≈n-bv°-IØ Iskc s]cp-am-dn-IqSm CX-Xs∂ A√ ]ns∂sbm ]m´p-Ip¿_m-\bv°p ]´-°m-c\pw Dugn-b-°m-c¿°pw Ccn-°p-∂-Xn∂ Isk-c-b√ ]ns∂sbm iI-emk sIm≠p aqS-s∏´ Hcp h¶ BkvX-am-°bpw shWw. F∂m¬ B h¶ ]pdsa Nmcp-hm-\p≈ ]eI D≈-Xm-I- bpw-amw. 1˛mw Znhkw ip≤-am\ Ip¿_m\ ÿm]n-®n´ cm{Xn- bn¬ aWnbv°p hmgphpw ]m´p-Iq-SmsX Dudm-e-am-{Xw C´p-sIm≠p Hcp ]´-°m-c\pw Hcp siΩm-i-\pw Hcp [qa-°p-‰n-°m-c\pw s{XmsWm-kns‚ apºmsI Bcm-[n® hoin k°m-dm-cn-bv°-IØ ip≤x Ip¿_m\ h®-]q-´p-Ibpw shWw. ImeØp 5 aWnbv°p ]≈n-Xp-d-°p-∂-Xn∂ apºn¬ sa¬]-d™ {Ia-sØm-Sp-IqsS Xs∂ ho≠pw kvXm]n-°p-Ibpw shWw. AXn≥hÆw Xs∂ 2˛mw Znh-khpw cmhpw aq∂mw Znh-khpw ImeØpw Igns°-≠- Xm-Ip-∂p. aq∂mw Znh-k-Øn¬ X°-s\-c-Øn¬ BsLm-j-sØm- Sp-IqsS kvXm]n-∏ns‚ s{XmsWm-kn¬ Ipdp-_m\ ]mSp-Ibpw Bb-Xns‚ sijw ]´-°m-c≥ ap≥]-d-™-{Iaws]mse Im∏ DSpØ Dugn-b-°m-scm-Sp-IqsS s{XmsWm-kns‚ ]Z-hn-bn¬ ap´p- IpØn DSs\ ]´-°mc ]pWy-hm-f-∑m-cpsS epØn-\nb ]mSp-Ibpw ]´-°m-c≥ ap´p-Ip-Øn-s°m≠v AXns‚ Hm\o-km-Ifpw adn-bm- ivam-t…m-kv. . .h-cbpw sNm√nb DSs\ Fgp-s∂‰ dpipam sNømsX Ip¥p-cp-°w-sh® ip≤x Ip¿_m-\sb hoipIm AXns‚sijw shZ-°pkvX DSØ samfn-esØ ]X-hn-bn¬ sIdn ap´p-IpØn B 6˛mw ]´-°m-cs‚ ssII-fn¬ \n∂ ip≤x Ip¿_m-\ hmßn® sa¬]-d-™-{Iaw s]mse s{]Z-£Ww Ign- bv°m. Cu {]Z£nWw Ign-™n´ B 6˛mw ]´-°m-c≥ ip≤x Ip¿_m-\sb s{XmsWm-kns‚ \Sp-hn¬ h® kz¥ kvXe-Øn¬ ap´p-Ip-Øp-hm≥ s]mIp-∂p. As∏mƒ ]´-°m-c≥ Fgp-s∂‰ ssIIq∏n Dugn-b-°m-cc s]mkvXIw ]nSn-®p-sIm≠v amd≥ Aa¿t°m≥ . . . .sNm-√msX . . .t…m-km. . . Isf-sNm-√pIm F∂-Xns‚ sijw ap´p-IpØn shmIkvX DSpØ s{XmsWm-kn-

84 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw t∑¬ sIdn Xs∂-Xm≥ ip≤ Ip¿_m\ FSpØv temI¿°v hmgp sIm-Sp-°p-∂p. hmgp-sIm-SpØ s\csØ BsLm-j-sØm-Sp-IqsS F√m-a-Wn-bpw sIm´p-Ibpw shWw. hmgp Ign-™n´p B 6˛mw ]´-°m-c≥ sh≠p∂ BNm-c-ß-sfm-Sp-IqsS ip≤x Ip¿_m\ k°- dn-bv°-IØp h®p-]q´n F√m-hcpw s]mbn Cßs\ 40 aWn-bpsS {Iaw Ah-km-\n-°p-∂p. Cu {Ia-ß-fn¬ Gdn-bXpw 12 asØ sIsf-sa-sØmk F∂ ip≤ am¿∏m∏ ]c-ky-s∏-Sp-Ønb Xncp-sh-gp-Øn¬\n∂ s]mcpƒ Xncn-®-Xm-I-sIm≠ F{Xbpw kq£-sØm-Sp-IqsS Im¿s°-≠-Xm-Ip-∂p. F∂m¬ sijw P\-ßfpw sh≠p∂ `‡n- sbm-Sp-IqsS Cu {Iaw Ign-°p-∂-Xn\v Cu alm-Iq-Zm-i-bpsS s\sc `‡nbpw hW-°hpw Ah-cn¬ h¿≤n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\pw Cu {Iaw Ign-°p∂ X∂ c≠p Rmb-dm-gvN-apsº ]≈n-bn¬ Cu kwß- Xn-bv°-SpØ KpW-sZm-j-ßsf ]d-Ibpw {]sØy-I-am-bn´p ]≈n- bv°-IØp AS-°hpw shSn∏pw Ims°-≠p∂ ImcywsIm≠pw ]≈n-bpsS an‰-Øn¬ an≠-S-°hpw Ims°-W-Imcyw sIm≠pw F{Xbpw Xm¬∏-cy-am-bn´ KpW-sZm-jn-bv°bpw shWw. F∂m¬ ]≈n-bpsS an‰-Øn¬ an≠-S-°hpw s{Iahpw Im¿∏n-°p-∂-Xn∂ c≠ sZcn-i-\-Im-sc-¶nepw a‰ X°-Xmb c≠p-s]-cw-Inepw \nb- an® h®m¬ sIm≈mw.

March 2017; No.234 85 I¿sΩektμiw Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hn-t\m-Sp≈ a≤yÿ {]m¿∞-\-Iƒ

]e Bh-iy-ßsf tI{μo-I-cn®p hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xm-hn-t\m- Sp≈ a≤y-ÿ-{]m¿∞-\-Iƒ D]-tbm-K-Øn-ep-≈Xv ChnsS tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂p. F√m-h¿°pw Bh-iym-\p-k-cWw {]m¿∞-\m -Im¿Up-I-fmbn {]n‚p sNbvXp \¬Im≥ Ffp-∏-Øn\pw tcJ-s∏- SpØn kq£n-°p-∂-Xn\pw th≠n-bmWv I¿Ωe ktμ-i-Øn¬ tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂-Xv.

tcmKmhkvYbn¬ sNm√phm\p≈ {]m¿∞\ Rßsf krjvSn®v ]cn-]m-en-°p∂ ssZh-ta, Aßsb R߃ kvXpXn-°p-∂p. Bcm-[n-°p-∂p. Aß-bpsS A\-¥- amb kwc-£-W-Øn\v Rßsf ka¿∏n-°p-∂p. kl\sØ kvt\lam°n, c£mIcam°nb Cutimsb, RßfpsS kl\ßsf AßtbmSp tN¿Øv c£mIcam°m≥ Rßsf klmbnt°Wsa. imcocnIhpw am\knIhpamb \nch[n kl\ßsf kaNnØXtbmsS kzoIcn®v Cutim-bpsS c£mIc kl\Øn¬ ]¶ptN¿∂ Nmhd]nXmsh, ssZh k∂n[nbnep≈ Aß-bpsS am≤yÿi‡n hepXmWs√m. RßfpsS kl\\nanjßfn¬ {]tXyIambn Fs∂/ Rßsf AkzkvYam°p∂ Cu tcmKØn¬ \n∂pw (F\n°v/ tcmKnbpsS t]cv) ]cn]q¿WkuJyw ImcpWyhm\mb ssZhØn¬ \n∂pw hmßnXtcWsa. F¶nepw ssZhw Xcp∂sX¥pw kzoIcn®psIm≠v Fs‚ CjvS-a√ Aß-bpsS CjvSw \nd-th-ds´ F∂p {]m¿∞n-°p-hm≥ Rßsf i‡-cm- °-W-sa. Cu {]m¿∞\ Zp:JnX-cpsS Bizm-k-amb adn-b- Øns‚ hna-e-lr-Zbw hgn \nXy-]n-Xm-hn\p R߃ ka¿∏n- °p-∂p. Bta≥. 1.kz¿§. 1 \∑ 1 {XnXz.

86 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

IpSpw-_-{]m¿∞-\-°p-tijw sNm√p-hm-\p-≈Xv

]nXmhpw ]p{X\pw ]cn-ip-≤m-flm-hp-amb ssZh- ta, ssZhn-I-Po-h-\n¬ hf-cp-∂-Xnepw Aßsb al-Xz-s∏-Sp-Øp- ∂-Xnepw amXr-I-bmbn hnip≤ Nmhd Ipcym-t°mkv Gen-bmsb R߃°p \¬In-b-Xn\v R߃ \μn ]d-bp-∂p. hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xm-sh, Rß-fpsS IpSpw-_-Øn\p th≠n {]tXyIw am≤yÿyw hln-t°-W-sa. Rßsf kvt\l- Ønepw sFIyØnepw \bnt°Wsa. Pohn-X-t¢-i-ßsf AXn- Po-hn-°p-hm≥ Rßsf klm-bn-t°-W-sa. ico-c-Øn\pw a\- n\pw Bflm-hn\pw Bh-iy-amb Btcm-Kyhpw hnip-≤n-bpw Rß-fn¬ \ne-\n¿tØ-W-sa. Rß-fpsS kmº-ØnI {]Xn- k-‘n-I-fn¬ Rßsf klm-bn-t°-W-sa. amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ°v kt¥m-jhpw kam-[m-\hpw, `mcym-`¿Øm-°-∑m¿°v kln-jvW- X-tbmsS apt∂-dm-\p≈ Ignhpw, bph-Xo-bp-hm-°ƒ°v \√ Pohn- Xm-¥ pw DNn-X-amb tPmen-Ifpw, Ip´n-Iƒ°m-h-iy-amb ⁄m\-h-c-ßfpw Cutim-bn¬\n∂p hmßn-Ø-tc-W-sa. F√m- h-tcbpw kvt\ln-°p-hm\pw £a-tbmsS h¿Øn-°p-hm\pw, D≈- Xp-sIm≠v kwXr-]vXn-tbmsS Pohn-°p-hm\pw Rßsf klm- bn-t°-W-sa. Xncp-°p-Spw-_-Øns‚ `‡-\mb hnip≤ Nmh-d]n- Xmth, Rß-fpsS IpSpw-_-ß-fn¬\n∂v [mcmfw ssZh-hn-fn- Ifpw R߃°m-h-iy-amb Cu {]tXyI A\p-{K- lhpw...... Znhy-Im-cp-Wy- Cutim-bn¬\n∂v hmßn-Ø-tc- W-sa. BtΩ≥.

March 2017; No.234 87 I¿sΩektμiw

]T\ hnPbØn\p th≠n hnZym¿∞nIfpsS {]m¿∞\

F√m hn⁄m-\-Øn-s‚bpw Dd-hn-S-amb ssZh-sa, Fs∂ Atßbv°pka¿∏n-°p∂p. Aßv Fs‚ _p≤n-sb {]Im-in-∏n-°-W-sa, Fs‚ Hm¿Ω-i-‡nsb h¿≤n∏n°-W- sa, ]T-\-Øn¬ F\n°v IqSp-X¬ GIm-{KX \¬tI-W-sa, ]T-\-Øn-ep≈ Fs‚ XS- -ß-sf-bpw, hy{K-X-I-sf-bpw, `b- sØbpw AI‰n Bfl-hn-izm-k-tØmSpwss[cytØmSpw IqSn ]Tn-°p-hm\pw \√ hnPbw t\Sp-hm\pw Fs∂ A\p-{K-ln- °-Wsa. Fs∂bpw Fs‚ amXm-]n-Xm-°-sfbpw ktlm-Z-c- ß-sfbpw hnZym-ebsØbpw A≤ym-]-I-scbpw Iq´p-Im- scbpw Ft∏mgpw kwc-£n®p ]cn-]m-en-°-Wsa.hnZym-`ymkw k¿Δ-km-[m-c-W-a-√m-Xn-cp∂ ImeØv Rß-fpsS]q¿Δn- I¿°vhnZy \¬Im≥ {ian-®-h\pw, _lp-`m-jm-⁄m-\n- bpw,hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsSkvt\ln-X\pw {]m¿∞-\-bn-eq-sSbpw {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn-eq-sSbpw ssZh-Øn\pw a\p-jy¿°pw {]nb¶- c-\p-am-bn-cp∂ hnip≤ Nmh-d-]n-Xm-sh, ssZh-k-∂n-[n-bn-ep≈ Aß-bpsSam≤yÿywhgn Fs‚ F√m Bh-iy-ßfpw {]tXy- I-ambn Cu A\p-{K-lhpw ssZtØmSt]-£n®p F\n°p hmßn-Ø-c-W-sa.

1.kz¿§. 1 \∑. 1 {XnXz.

88 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw


God, the source of all wisdom, I surrender myself to you. O God, enlighten my intellect, strengthen my memory, give me more concentration in studies. Bless me to remove all fear, distractions and obstacles in my studies and to study with courage and self-confidence and attain great success. Protect and safeguard me, my parents, brothers and sisters, teachers. O Saint Chavara, through your prayers and services you are very dear to God and fellowmen. You are the one who provided the setting for our forefathers to sit together and study without the distinction of caste, creed or colour at a time when education was not very common. You knew many languages and you are a friend of students. O dear father, intercede for me before God, the heavenly Father, and obtain blessings from Him for all my needs especially for this particular favour…

March 2017; No.234 89 I¿sΩektμiw


]nXmhpw ]p{X\pw ]cnip≤mflmhpamb ssZhsa, R߃ Aßsb Bcm[n°p∂p, kvXpXn°p∂p. hnip≤ Ipcymt°mkv Genbmkv ]nXmhns\ amXrIbpw {]tNmZ\hpw hgnIm´nbpambn R߃°v \¬InbXn\p \μn ]dbp∂p. AßbpsS XncplnXw am{Xw At\zjn®v, PohnXImew apgph≥ \∑am{Xw sNbvXv hgn \bn® Cu hnip≤s\t]mse \∑sNbvXpw ssZhXncpa\ n\v hnt[bs∏´pw PohnXbm{X-bn¬ apt∂dp-hm≥ Rßsf klmbn°Wsa. Xncp°pSpw_`‡\mb hnip≤ Nmhd]nXmth, RßfpsS ZpxJßfnepw tcmKßfnepw, kmºØnI t¢ißfnepw kam[m\an√mbvabnepw, ]m]Øns‚ _‘\ßfnepw Xn bpsS ]co£Ifnepw R߃°p tamN\hpw ssZhm\p{Klhpw Cutimbn¬ \n∂p hmßnØtcWsa. Cu \m´nse Pe]mXIfnepsS _meyw apX¬ h≈Øn¬ bmsXmc]IShpw IqSmsX k©cn®ncp∂ Nmhd]nXmsh, RßfpsS F√m bm{XIfnepw {]tXyIambn Pebm{XIfnepw R߃°mhiyamb kwc£Ww \¬IpIbpw sh≈-Ønepw Ic-bnepw R߃ \SØp∂ F√m A≤zm\ßfnepw kar≤amb ^e߃ ssZh-am-Xm- hmb adnbw hgn Rß-fpsS IpSpw-_-ß-fn¬ sNmcn-tb-W- sa. BtΩ≥

90 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

News And Views

Darsana News

Renewal of Vows From 1_ 5 December, Rev. Fr. Cyric Kochalumkal CST was leading the fathers and brothers of Darsana in retreat to have a real introspection within themselves by his powerful words and admirable deeds. During that time all brothers met Rev. Fr Rector personally to inform their desire to renew the vows and gave necessary corrections which are essential for their religious lives. On the feast of Immaculate Conception, Fr. Rector presided over the Holy Mass along with all the fathers of Darsana community. Fr. Shepherd Thelapally CMI of Bhopal province gave an inspiring homily. 50 brothers offered their vow to God and submitted to Rev Fr. Rector, Sebastian Alakapally, the delegate of their own respective provincials. After the Holy Mass all extended the festal greetings to fathers and brothers.

Christmas Day Celebrations The main attractive character of Christmas in Darsana is its own simplicity and its fraternity towards other communities. After the renewal of the vows brothers were engaged in the crib work. We adopted the model of Colloseum for the crib, and the birth scene of Jesus was put similar to the concept of the origin of the world according to Vedas and Hindu Holy Scriptures. Brothers Vibin Mattoor, Franklin Edasseryil, Jerin Illikal and Bobby Makolil were the coordinators of crib committee. Stars and flying Santa were the other attractive features of the crib. On the eve of Christmas we started the Holy Mass at 11.30 pm. Rev Fr. Rector presided over the Holy Mass along with Fr. Martin Onasseril, and Fr. Martin Kuzhivelil. Fr. Martin Kuzhivelil gave the homely. On the day of Christmas many were busy with guiding the large crowd who came to see our crib and chapel. The large crowd to Darsana shows that Darsana is being accepted by the people of our locality.

March 2017; No.234 91 I¿sΩektμiw

Hyderabad Trip As part of the tradition in Darsana, all senior brothers along with Fr. Rector, Fr. Wilson Edattukaran and Fr Martin Kuzhivelil went to Hyderabad for two days of study tour. They started their journey on 28th December and returned by 31st December. The study tour was well appreciated by all the brothers. The trip helped our brothers to be exposed to the various traditions and linguistic dimensions of our country. They returned on 31st December.

Founder’s Day Celebration Darsana community along with CMC Carmalodaya province solemnly celebrated the feast of Saint Chavara on 8th January 2017. We started the ceremony with a procession which started from Marian grotto by 6.oo pm, saying prayers at the statue of St. Chavara, and it was followed by the Holy Mass. Fr. Benoy Chekonthayil presided over the Holy Mass and gave a memorable homely. Fr. Wilson, Fr. Francis, Fr. Martin Kuzhivelil, Fr. Martin Onasseril and Claretian Fathers were the co- celebrants of the Holy Mass. Fr. Tomy was the master of the ceremony. All the decoration works along with choir was led by CMC sisters and Darsana brothers. The Holy Mass was followed by agape in honour of the feast of our founder.

DKS and DSKS Valedictory Ceremony We celebrated the valedictory day of DSKS and DKS on 26th January 2017 at Chavara auditorium at 5. 30pm. In connection with the valedictory, we staged the famous drama Gladiator, the dramatic rendition of the Oscar winning movie in the of year 2000. All the fathers and brothers were involved in the success of the drama and the valedictory function. There were almost 300 people who attended the valedictory function. Fr. Wilson Edattukaran along with brothers Franklin and Sanju were the co- ordinaters of drama. We also distributed prizes to all the brothers, who put up excellent performance in the cultural and sports competitions during the Academic year 2016- 2017.

92 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Dharmaram News

Renewal of Vows All our temporarily professed Scholastics renewed their vows on the Feast of Immaculate Conception, 08 December 2016 after a three day long retreat and preparations guided by Rev. Fr. Joshy Cheruparambil CMI.

Visit of Bishop of Shreveport His Excellency Bishop Michael G Duca, Diocese of Shreveport, USA, visited Dharmaram on 5th December. Rev. Fr. Rector welcomed the Bishop and had an interactive session with the Dharmaram Community on Formation and Religious life. The creative suggestions given by the Bishop and the active involvement of scholastics made the session vibrant and fruitful.He presided over the concelebrated Divine Liturgy the next day. Some of our Fathers are rendering pastoral service in his Diocese and Fr. Philip Pazhayakari, one among them, accompanied the Bishop.

National Conference: Paradigms in Formation A three day long National Conference, ‘Paradigms in Formation: Approaches in Priestly and Religious Training in a Globalised World’ was organized during 16-18 December 2016, by Institute of Vinayasadhana, DVK in connection with its Silver Jubilee celebrations. It was Inaugurated by Rev. Dr Paul Achandy, CMI, Prior General and the key note address was deliveredby Rev. Dr Joe Mathias SJ, Rector, St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary, Bengaluru. Around 100 formation personnel from various congregations and dioceses joined the conference. The paperspresented and discussions followed were very relevant to the context as the horizons of priestly and religious formation are ever changing and widening depending orld. The seminar was organised under the leadership of Rev Dr Francis Thonippara, Director, Vinayasadhana and team.

March 2017; No.234 93 I¿sΩektμiw

Renovated Dharmaram Chapel The renovation works of our Chapel was successfully completed and we started using it from the Christmas Eve. Special thanks are due to Rev. Fr. Mathew Thenamkalayil,our Administrator, for his persevering hardwork, Rev. Fr. Alex Thannippara for his efficient and ever vigilant co-ordination, Rev. Fr. Joy Kizhakkayil, for his attentive assistance and very particularly Mr. Audley Mendez, our reputed and committed architect for his most sincere and edifying commitment to this great cause of ours.

Christmas Celebrations The Dharmaram Community celebrated Christmas with the supporting staff on December 23 evening. Fr. Rector delivered the Christmas message. Our Brothers and the staff staged many colourful Christmas programmes. Dharmaram Crib was blessed on the eve of Christmas. A team of our Brothers under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Jose Prakash CMI, visited nearby homes for the destitute and remand homes to share the joy of Christmas.

Centre for Science and Religion: Annual Lectures ‘Centre for Science and Religion’, Faculty of Philosophy, organized Annual Lectures on 14 and 15 December, 2016. Prof. Ram Puniyani, former Professor, IIT, Mumbai, writer and social activist, working on the issues related to preservation of democratic and plural values in the society, was the resource person. ‘Religion, Science and Society: A Critique’ was the major theme of the twodays. A special dialogue session on ‘Science, Religion and Violence’ was arranged for the members of the Faculty of DVK on 14th evening which was followed by a Dinner hosted in honour of Prof. Puniyani. During the lectures he pointed out certain evolving dimensions in the relation between religion and society, which is very much reflected in the present political scenario. Religion should be practised; but it should not be used to cater vested interests. Also, he suggested certain initiatives which we ought to take to foster peace and harmony in India.

94 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Founder’s Day Dharmaram celebrated Founder’s Day as usual on Tuesday, 3 January 2017. Representatives from various parishes were invited for the celebrations. It began at 11 am with a prayer session followed by a gathering and lunch. Dr. Mathew Mampra, was the chief guest who spoke on relevance of Chavara Spirituality today. Rev. Sr. Jeslet CMC spoke on Chavara: A Person who experienced the Divine Everywhere. A large number of our parishners were present in the evening at 5.30 to participate in the solemn concelebrated Divine Liturgy. It was followed by a procession to St. Thomas Forane church. Statue of St. Chavara was carried on a special chariot prepared by the parish youth. Rev. Fr. Rector and Rev. Fr. Thomas Kallukulam CMI, Vicar, together conducted the Novena and gave the final blessing at St. Thomas church. The Founder’s Day celebrations were concluded with Chavaranercha arranged by the parish.

Dharmaram Orchestra Dharmaram staged an Orchestra “Viva La Musica” on 8th and 9th of January 2017 as part of Founder’s Day celebrations. The programme was a grand success as many from neighbouring Religious communities and various parishes enjoyed the musical evenings.

Dharmaram English Drama Quo Vadis, a message driven performance of high quality was staged by Dharmaram Community under the leadership of College- section as part of Dharmaram LCA programmes. It was a wonderful performance staged on two days, 4th & 5th February. It was much appreciated by all. Frs. Viju Painadath, Master, Roby Vadana, the Animator and all the brothers of College-section deserve heartly congratulation. Jubilee Celebrations Dharmaram community celebrated the Sacerdotal Golden Jubilee of Fr. Kuncheria Pathil, Fr. Joseph Kanjiramattom and Fr. Joseph Madassery; Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession of

March 2017; No.234 95 I¿sΩektμiw Mar Antony Kariyil, Fr. Antony Puthenangady, Fr. Anto Thekkudan and Fr. Jose Thadavanal and Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee of Fr. Thomas Kallukalam and Fr. Geo Pallikunnel on 21 January 2017. Celebrations began with concelebrated Divine Liturgy followed by felicitation gathering and agape.

CRI Dharmaram zone supporting staff meeting Under the auspices of CRI Dharmaram Zone, a meeting of the supporting staff of all the Religious Houses of this zone was held on 28 January 2017, here at Dharmaram. Campus Superiors along with their supporting staff participated in this meeting. The meeting was the first attempt to unite all the supporting staff and to thank them in particular for their valuable services.

Newly Ordained Priests The arrival of our newly ordained priests made the Dharmaram campus jubilant and delighted. On Sunday, 29 January they had receptions and eucharistic celebrations at parishes where they had their pastoral ministry during their theological formation. The convocation ceremony on 31 January began with Concelebrated Divine Liturgy presided over by His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry. Prof Philippe Chenaux, Pontifical Lateran University Rome, delivered the convocation address. His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry, Chancellor of DVK admitted the candidates to the respective degree/diploma. The Samavarthanam – bidding farewell - of newly ordained priests from Dharmaram College, was held on 01 February. The Samavarthanam which was arranged in Indian Gurukula tradition was a heart-touching experience.

Human Formation: Seminar cum Workshop As part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, Dharmaram College (1957 - 2017) organized a National Seminar cum Workshop on ‘Human Formation in Major Seminaries’, during 10-13 February 2017. His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis, President

96 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw of CBCI, inaugurated the seminar. Rev. Dr Paul Achandy CMI, Prior General presided over the inaugural function. His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry gave the concluding message. The seminar was attended by 141 participants from the seminaries all over India. As most of them were Rectors or senior personnel from major seminaries, they represented a cross section of the Formation team in India. The resource persons were highly competent and well focused to the theme and the discussions were vibrant and insightful The participants highly appreciated Dharmaram community for the special and exemplary way of celebrating its Diamond Jubilee with such a unique and significant contribution to the Church, keeping away from conventional and publicity oriented celebrations.Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara, Rector, Rev. Dr. Shaji Kochuthara, Convener and other team members for their leadership and meticulous organizing. As per the directions of Rev Fr Prior General, a committee has been assigned to work out a model of human formation in our seminary, which could be made available for other seminaries also. Almost all the Major Seminaries in India collaborated very commendably and made it a grand success. The seminar papers will shortly be published as a book.

Carmel Vidya Bhavan Pune

Doctoral defence Fr.Tomy Kattampally C M I the professor in theology in D V K Bangalore was conferred doctorate from J D V Pune on his doctoral thesis “The divine necessity in the life of Jesus and his Disciples: An enquiry into the use of DEI in Luke-Acts” on December13, 2016. Many Scholars, professors and various people were present in this auspicious occasion which was conducted in J D V hall. The programme was followed by a sumptuous dinner in Carmel Vidya Bhavan. Congratulations Dr. Tomy. Christmas Celebrations Brothers of C V B attended the Christmas examinations well. A beautiful crib was made under the leadership of first year brothers

March 2017; No.234 97 I¿sΩektμiw based on the theme “Jesus as a gift to the world” in front of C V B.

Christmas Celebrations Brothers of C V B attended the Christmas examinations well. A beautiful crib was made under the leadership of first year brothers based on the theme “Jesus as a gift to the world” in front of C V B. The Christmas holy mass on 24th December was concelebrated by Fr. Antony Puthenangady, the vicar at 10.00 pm followed by a Christmas programme arranged by Carmel youth. The first years had gone on a trip to the famous Ajentha Ellora caves in Aurangabad.

Ordination and First Holy Qurbana of Deacons Seven of our deacons namely, Rejeesh puthiyaparampil, Sijo Theyyalakkal, Jithin Parasseril, Jithin Njaliyan, Clint Karkkamthottiyil, Renish Puthusery and Lebin Vennattuparampil were ordained and celebrated their first Holy Qurbana. Frs. Rector and Sony took part

Arrival of Newly Ordained Priests to C V B and Carmel Parish The newly ordained priests studied in C V B had come back to their alma mater to the joy and celebrations. They were felicitated in each of the wards of the parish and various organistions in the parish. On 29th January 2017, the new priests concelebrated the Holy mass in the parish. They shared their experiences and informed about their new appointments. shared their experiences and informed about their new appointments. They were also congratulated in C V B on 30th January. All the newly ordained priests cherished their memories on the deacons and wished them all the best. The brothers greeted them with a song. The programme culminated in the agape thereafter.

Bethany- C M I Sangamam A Bethany C M I sangamam was arranged as a continuation of the get together that was conducted in the previous year. It was arranged in Bethany Vidya Peeth. The prayer session and the interaction session just enhanced the bond among the two

98 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw congregations which were rooted in Indian and Eastern heritage

Chispa- Christ College Decennial Celebrations The decennial celebrations of Christ College-Chispa- was conducted on 12th February 2017. It was a scintillating programme under the guidance and leadership of the Principal Fr. Sony. Lieutenant general S S Mehta, Ex-Western Army Commander, was the chief guest of the day. Various other dignitaries also graced the occasion with their presence. A musical dance drama directed and supervised by Fr. Sony added flavor to this cultural extravaganza.

History of C V B and Carmel Parish Fr. Thomas Kadankavil studies on the history and whereabouts of Carmel Vidya Bhavan, Carmel Parish and Christ College as a part of the platinum jubilee celebrations of Carmel Vidya Bhavan.

Seminary Commission A seminary commission comprised of Bishop Gratian Mundadan, Frs. Kurian Kachappally, Winson Moyalen and George Edyayadiyil had come to C V B to review and analyse the seminary formation and the action plans taken by C V B in the wholistic and integral development of the scholastics who are sent here. They spent nearly three days here, meeting the inmates of C V B, conversing with the trustees, parish council members, Christ College staff and students, interacting with the J D V officials and nearby communities to collect certain facts and figures.

Parish Day Celebrations The parish day was celebrated on 26th of February 2017 which marked the inauguration of the Silver Jubilee of the foundation of Carmel Parish. Various games were arranged with regard to the celebrations. This year, tug of war was included as a new event. The parishioners took part actively in the events. Various organizations

March 2017; No.234 99 I¿sΩektμiw arranged the programme well. On 26th, a most solemn holy mass was concelebrated by Fr. Vicar followed by a delicious lunch.

Nirmal Province Jagdalpur

Jubilee Celebrations & Reception to the Newly Ordained Priests Memebers of the province came together in thanking the Lord on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Priestly Ordination of our beloved Fr. Sebastian Pereppadan CMI, the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Religious Profession of Fr. Thomas Medackal CMI, Silver Jubilee celebration of the Pri estl y Ordinati on of Fr. Jimmy Vadakkemury CMI, Fr. Mani Kadaplackal CMI, Fr. Tomy Valiyankal CMI and Fr. Mathew Kunnel CMI and the Silver Jubilee celebration of the Religious Profession of Fr. Sebastian Pulingappallil CMI, Fr. Roy Madamana CMI and Fr. Sunil Vallanattu CMI at 05.00 pm on Wednesday, 29 January 2017, at Nirmal Sadan, Dharampura, Jagdalpur. On the same day, we also solemnly receive the newly ordained Priests.

Christmas Gathering Province level Christmas gathering was held on Wednesday, 15 December 2016, at Nirmal Sadan Provincial House. Ms. Urmila Acharya, best teacher Rastrapati awardee gave the Christmas message. Fr. Provincial, Councilors and all the members working in different fields briefed their missionary works and activities

Retreat at Chavara Sadan Kolchoor Under the leadership of Fr. Regi Thekkummury CMI (Rector Chavara Sadan) annual retreat was arranged for the first year aspirants of Chavara Sadan from 29-30 December 2016 at Kolchoor. The retreat and counselling session was led by Mr. M.D. Paul and Mrs. Beena Paul from Bhopal. Thanks to the retreat preachers and congratulations to Fr. Regi!

100 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Visit of Bishop Michael Duca

Bishop Michael Duca, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Shreveport visited Fr. Provincial and the inmates of Nirmal Ashram Thellakom on 03 December 2016

Newly Professed

Congratulations and Prayerful wishes to the newly professed members of the province; Br. Sudhir Kerketta, Jonis Khalko, Nitin Lakra and Sanjeet Kerketta. They made their First Profession in the CMI Congregation on 08 December 2016 at Anudhvana Mission Novitiate, Mancherial. Fr. Provincial , Fr. Santhosh Kotheril, Fr. Biju Payyappilly, Fr. Jimmy Pathiraparambil and Fr. Manish Kongadan were present for the First Profession.

March 2017; No.234 101 I¿sΩektμiw

Chavara Cultural Centre, Kochi

Hmw]pcn A\p-kva-c-Whpw kn\n-am-{]-Z¿i-\hpw Nmhd aqhn k¿°n-fns‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ hnJymX Ne-Nn{X \S≥ Hmw]p-cn-bpsS kvac-Wm¿∞w A¿≤ kXy F∂ At±-l-Øns‚ kn\n-a-bpsS {]Z¿i-\hpw A\p-kva-cW {]`m-j-Whpw kwL-Sn-∏n®p. P\p-hcn 21 i\n-bmgvN sshIn´v 5 aWn°v Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dn¬ {]apJ kn\n-am-{]-h¿Ø- I\pw hna¿i-I\pamb {io.hnP-b-Ir-jvW≥ {]`m-jWw \S-Øn. XpS¿∂v tKmhnμv \nl-em\n kwhn-[m\w sNbvX, Hmw-]pcn, kvanX ]m´o¬, Aatcjv ]pcn, \kvdp-Zo≥jm XpS-ßn-b-h¿ apJy- I-Ym-]m-{X-ß-fmbn A`n-\-bn® Gsd {it≤-b-amb lnμn Ne- ®n{Xw ‘A¿≤ kXy’- {]Z¿in-∏n-®p. Hmw]p-cn°v anI® \S-\p≈ tZiob Ahm¿Uv e`n-®Xv ‘A¿≤ kXy’-bnse A`n-\-b-Øn-\mWv.

Nmhd Pb¥n {]`m-jWw:--:-˛Nm-h-d-b®≥ A-dn-hn-s‚ hym-]-\-Øn-eq-sS km-aq-ly]p-tcmK-Xn km-[y-am°n: tP°-_v ]p-∂qkv A-dn-hn-s‚ hym-]-\-Øn-eq-sS km-aq-ly]p-tcm-K-Xn km-[y- am-°n-b bp-K-]p-cp-j-\m-Wp hn-ip-≤ Nm-h-d Ip-cym-t°m-kv G-eym- kv Nm-h-d-b-®-s\∂p ap≥ Un-Pn]n tP°_v ]p∂q-kv A-`n-{]m-b- s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚dns‚bpw sk‚ v tPmk^v tImfPv Hm^v So®¿ FUyq-t°-j-s‚bpw kwbp-‡m-`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \S∂ 212˛ma-Xp Nmhd Pb¥n B-tLm-j-Øn¬ ap-Jy-{]-`mj-Ww \-S- Øp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-lw. X-t±-io-bam-b hn-Zym-`ym-k-Øn-eq-sS \m-Sn-s‚ ]p-tcm-K-Xn-°m-bn b-Xv-\n-® B-Zy-sØ tI-c-fo-b-\m-Wp Nm-h-d-b-®≥. ]-≈n-s°m-∏w ]-≈n-°-q-Sw F-∂ a-lØmb B-i- bw hn-tZ-i-Øp-\n-∂v C-hn-sS-sb-Øn-b-h-cp-tS-X√ F-t∂m¿-°Ww. tI-c-f-Øn¬ P-\n-®p tI-c-f-Øn¬ h-f-¿-∂p tI-c-f-Øn-\m-bn Zo¿- L-ho-£-W-ap-≈ Z¿-i-\-߃ cq-]-s∏-SpØn-b Nm-h-d-b-®≥, ]-≈n-°q-S-߃ ÿm-]n-°m≥ B-lzm-\w sN-øp-tºmƒ, X-t±-io-

102 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw bam- hn-Zym-`ym-k]p-tcm-K-Xn-bm-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-l-Øns‚ a-\-kn¬. a-\p-jy-s‚ hn-tam-N-\-Øn-\p hn-Zym-`ym-kw A-\n-hm-cy-am-sW-∂ Z¿-i-\-w A-t±-l-Øn-\p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. A-®-Sn-im-e-I-ƒ Xp-S-ßn-b- Xn-\p ]n-∂nepw A-dn-hn-s‚ hym-]-\-am-bn-cp-∂p Nm-h-d-b®-s‚ e- £yw. a-\p-jy¿ X-Ωn-ep-≈ A-I-ew {]-I-S-am-bn-cp-∂ Im-e-L-´- Øn¬ F√m hn-`m-Kw P-\-߃°pw A-dn-hp-t\-Sp-∂-Xn-\v A-t±- lw A-hk-c-sam-cp-°n. ]-sØm-ºXmw \q-‰m-≠n-s‚ a-[y-i-X-I- ß-fn¬ km-ln-Xy-Ønepw km-aq-ly-t£-a-cw-K-ß-fn-epw \-thm-∞m- \-Øn-s‚ k-a-kv-X-ta-J-e-I-fnepw tIc-fw kz-¥-am-°n-b h-f¿-®- bn¬ hn-ip-≤ Nm-h-d-b-®≥ \-¬In-b kw-`m-h-\-Iƒ Im-e-Øn-\p am-bv-°m-\m-hm-Ø-Xm-sW∂pw tP°-_v ]p-∂q-kv hy-‡-am-°n. sk‚ v tPmk-^vv tImfPv Hm-^v So-®¿ F-Uyq-t°-j≥ t^m¿ hna≥ Hm-Un-t‰m-dn-b-Øn¬ \-S-∂ k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬ kn-FwsF k` hnZym- `ymk, am[ya hn`mKw P\-d¬ Iu¨-kne¿ ^m. sk_m-Ãy≥ sXt°SØv A-[y£X h-ln®p. kn-Fwkn hnae s{]mhn≥kv kq∏o-cn-b¿ knÿ ip` acnb apJym-Xn-Yn-bm-bn-. sk‚ v tacokv _knen° hnIm-cn dh.tUm. tPmkv ]pXn-tb-S-Øv, kn-FwsF tk-{IUv lm¿´v s{]mhn≥kv ]mÃ-d¬ sk{I-´dn ^m. tPmbn Dutc-Øv, ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥-Nnd, sk‚ v tPmk^v tImfPv {]n≥kn-∏¬ kn-ÿ tUm. tacn tPm-k^v, ae-bm-f-hn-`mKw Akn-  v {]^-k¿ tUm._nμp tPmk-^v, tImfPv bqWn-b≥ sNb¿t]gvk¨ Imtcm¨ {^m≥kn-kv F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p.

28˛maXv Nmhd A¥¿ k¿Δ-I-em-ime {]kwK a’cw 28-˛maXv A¥¿ k¿Δ-I-em-ime Nmhd {]kw-K-a-’-c- Øns‚ A¥n-a-Xe a’-cw ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw. sF. DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp. k¿Δ-I-em-imem hnZym¿-∞n-I-fn¬ t\Xr- Xz-hm-k\ ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°p-I, hnip≤ Nmhd ]nXmhv Db¿Øn- ∏n-Sn® al-\ob BZ¿iß-ƒ ]pXnb Xe-ap-db°v ssIam-dpI F∂o e£y-ß-tfm-sS-bmWv A¥¿k¿Δ-I-em-ime {]kw-a-’c kwL-Sn-∏-°p-∂-sX∂v a’cw DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp- sIm≠At±lw A`n{]m-bs-s∏-´p. a’c-Øn¬ ]mem sk‚ v

March 2017; No.234 103 I¿sΩektμiw tXmakv tImtf-Pnse k®n≥ jmPn H∂mw ÿm\hpw, tIm´bw t_kn-en-tbmkv tImtf-Pnse Pb{in c≠mw ÿm\hpw, Fd- Wm-Ipfw alm-cm-Pmkv tImtf-Pnse ^mln≥ _n≥ apl-ΩZv aq∂mw ÿm\hpw Ic-ÿ-am-°n. hnP-bn-Iƒ°v sk‚ v tPmk^vkv B{i-a-tZ-hm-ebw kp∏o-cn-b¿ ^m. tPmkv X®n¬ kn. Fw. sF. kΩm-\-߃ hnX-cWw sNbvXp. 11111 cq]bpw t{Sm^nbpw , 7777cq]bpw t{Sm^nbpw, 5555 cq]bpw t{Sm^nbpw IqSmsX ^m. tPmkv ]¥-πmw-sXm-´n-bn¬ cNn® PohnXhnPbw F∂ ]pkvX-Iw F√m-h¿°pw kΩm-\-ambn \¬In. tXhc tk{I´v lm¿´v tImtfPv ]co£ sU]yq´n I¨t{S-f¿ tUm. hn. sP. sUma-\n-Iv, sk‚ v B¬_¿Svkv tImtf-Pnse A≤ym-]-I-cmb s{]m^. hn\o-Xv, s{]m^. _≥en _n. F∂n-h¿ hn[n-I¿Øm-°- fm-bn-cp-∂p. cXv\Ω km\p 84s‚ \nd-hn¬, BZ-c-hp-ambn {]ap-J¿ kmaqly kmwkvIm-cnI aWvU-e-ß-fnse \nd km∂n- ≤y-amb, \hXn BtLm-jn-°p∂ s{]m^. Fw. sI. km\phns‚ `mcy cXv\Ω km\p-hns‚ 84-˛mw P∑-Zn\Øn¬ {]ap-J¿ ]s¶-Sp- Øp. km\p-am-jns‚ Icp-Ømbn ]n∂n-ep≈ hy‡n-Xz-amWv cXv\Ω km\p-sh∂v {]apJ Xnc-°-Ym-IrØv tPm¨t]mƒ A`n- {]m-b-s∏-´p. kwKo-X- \m-S-I- A-°m-Zan ap≥ sk{I-´dn ]n.-hn. IrjvW≥ \mb¿,- d-h.^m. t]mƒ tXe-°m-´v, s{]m^. Fw.-tXm- akv amXyp, {ioIp-amcn cma-N-{μ≥, sI. -hn. ]n. IrjvW-Ip-am¿, kn. Un. A\n¬Ip-am¿, ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn. Fw. sF. F∂n-h¿ tN¿∂v D]-lmcw \¬In. ap≥ Fw. ]n. ]n. cmPohv cXv\Ω km\p-hns\ s]m∂mS AWn-bn-®p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚dns‚bpw Imcn-°m-apdn dknU≥kv Atkm-kn-tb-j-s‚bpw Fw.-sI. km\p ^ut≠-j-s‚bpw kwbp-‡m-`n-ap-Jy-Øn-emWv NSßv kwL-Sn-∏n-®-Xv. awK-eØv IpSpw-_-tbmKw {]kn-U‚ v s{]m^. apcfn awK-e-Øv, kp{]o-tIm-SXn ap≥ cPn-kv{Sm¿ inh-Zm- k≥ \mb¿, kn. Pn. cmPtKm-]m¬, jo_ Aao¿, tPm¿÷v amXyp, tUm. kn. sI. _me≥, cmP≥ Imc-°m-´v, tdmjv\ B\-

104 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw μv, A\n-Xv, KoX (k-Z-\w) sI. Pn. _me≥, AUz. cm[m-Ir- jvW≥ F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. XpS¿∂v Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-Ifpw D≠m- bn-cp-∂p.

Iym_n-\‰v tcJ-Iƒ, k¿°m¿ \ne-]mSv am‰Ww: Im\w cmtP-{μ≥ a{¥n k`m Xocp-am-\-߃ hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-a-Øn¬ \n∂p Hgn-hm-°p∂ \S-]Sn CSXp-]-£-k¿°m-dn\p Bizm-ky-a- s√∂ kn.-]n.-sF. kwÿm\ sk{I-´dn {io. Im\w cmtP-{μ≥ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚¿, B¿. Sn. sF. tIcf s^U-td-j≥, FdWm-Ipfw sk‚ v tPmk^v tImtfPv Hm^v So®¿ FPyq-t°-j≥ t^m¿ hna≥ F∂n-h-bpsS kwbp-‡m-`n-ap- Jy-Øn¬ \S∂ hnhcmh-Im-i-\-\n-b-ahpw a{¥n-k-`m-Xo-cp-am-\- hpw skan-\m¿ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±lw. Iym_n-\‰v Xocp-am\w FSp-Ø-Xn-\p-tijw hnh-cm-h-Im- i-\n-b-a-\p-k-cn®v B tcJ-Iƒ sImSp-°m-Xn-cn-°p∂ \bw k¿°m¿ am‰-Ww, 2009 se U¬ln sslt°mS-Xn -hn-[nbpw AXmWv ]d-bp-∂-Xv. cmPy-c-£-bpsS Imcy-߃ Hgn-hm-°m≥ hnh-cm-h-Im-i-\n-b-a-Øn¬ Xs∂ ]d-bp-∂ps≠∂pw At±lw Nq≠n-°m-´n. AUz. Un. _n. _n\p tamU-td-‰-dm-bn-cp-∂p. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn. Fw.-sF., Xan-gv\mSv ap≥ AUo. No^v sk{I-´-dn ]n.-kn. kndn-b-Iv, AUz. Fw. B¿. cmtP-{μ≥ \mb¿, sI. F≥.- sI. \ºq-Xn-cn, tUm. _nμp tPmk-^v, AUz. F. Pb-Ip-am¿, F∂n-h¿ {]kwKn-®p. hm≠Uv˛ {^©v ssaw {^©v Kh¨sa‚ns‚ kmwkvIm-cnI hn`m-K-hp-ambn tN¿∂v kmwkvIm-cnI hn\n-ab ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. \mS≥ Ie-Ifpw hnhn[ Iem-cq-]-ßfpamWv kmwkvIm-cnI hn\n- ab ]cn-]m-Sn-bn-eqsS km[y-am-Ip-∂-Xv. WANTED F∂ {^©v

March 2017; No.234 105 I¿sΩektμiw

ssaw BWv Ah-X-cn-∏n®-Xv. A¥¿t±-iob Xob-‰¿ {Kq∏mb AKARAKU s‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ temd-sb≥ t{_ms®‰v, _m¿t\_v tKm´n-b¿ F∂nhcmWv ssaw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®-Xv. hnjz¬ Xob-‰¿ tπ: kv{SnwKvkv Aen-tbm¨ {^m≥ssk-kn-s‚bpw Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dn-s‚bpw kwbp-‡m-`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ s^{_p-hcn 25\v {^©v hnjz¬ Xob-‰¿ tπ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. PmXn aX, h¿§, h¿Æ hyXym- k-an-√msX kmaq-ly-]-c-amb _‘w kYm-]n-°p-∂-Xns\ A[n- I-cn-®m-bn-cp∂p kv{SnwKvkv F∂ ]cn-]m-Sn. t\mƒkv, Pqen-bk F∂o {^©v Iem-Im-c≥am¿sIm∏w ae-bm-fn-I-fmb A`n-em-jv, Aar-X, AXpƒ F∂n-hcpw ]¶p-tN¿∂p.

D]-t`m‡r \nb-a- ]T\ inev]-ime D]-t`m‡r \nb-a-apƒs∏sS F√m \nb-ahpw Hmtcm-cp- Øcpw ]Tn-°p-Ibpw ]Tn-®Xv {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°p-Ibpw a‰p-≈- hsc ]Tn-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I-sb-∂-Xm-hWw D]-t`m‡r kwc- £W {]h¿Ø-I-s‚bpw BXy-¥nI e£y-sa∂v kwÿm\ D]- t`m‡rX¿° ]cn-lmc IΩo-j≥ saw_¿ AUz. tPmkv hnX-

106 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw b-Øn¬ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p.I¨kyq-a¿ hnPn-e≥kv sk‚-dn-s‚bpw Nmhd Iƒ®-d¬ sk‚-dn-s‚bpw B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \S-Ønb \nba ]T\ inev]-ime DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. ^m. tdm_n IÆ≥Nnd kn.-Fw.-sF. A[y-£X hln- ®p. I¨kyq-a¿ hnPn-e≥kv sk‚¿ P\-d¬ sk{I-´dn F. Aø- ∏≥ \mb¿, F.-F. jm^n (I¨kyq-a¿ Iu¨kn¬ sk{I-´-dn), h\nXm thZn I¨ho-\¿amcmb joe PK-Z-c≥, {]k∂ tKm]m- e≥ F∂n-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. hnh-cm-h-Imi \nb-a-Øn¬ Adn-™n- cn-t°≠ Imcy-߃ F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ AUz. Un.-_n. _n\p, D]-t`m‡r kwc-£W \nbaw ˛ {]mtbm-KnI Imcy-߃ F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ Fd-Wm-Ipfw Pn√m D]-t`m‡r t^mdw ap≥ {]kn- U‚ v AUz. F. cmtPjv F∂n-h¿ ¢m v \bn-®p.

Smh¬ & Sqdnkw cwKsØ A\¥ km[yXIƒ D]-tbm-K- s∏-Sp-ØWw: tPm¿Pv B‚Wn {Smh¬ & Sqdnkw cwKsØ A\-¥-km-[y-X-Iƒ D]-tbm- K-s∏-Sp-Øp-I-bmWv Sqdnkw ]Tn-°p∂ hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ sNtø- ≠-sX∂v bp.-F.-C. FIvkvtN©v C¥ym amt\-PnwKv Ub-d-IvS¿ tPm¿Pv B‚Wn A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Pohn-X-Øns‚ Ah-km\w hsc ]T\w D≠m-h-Ww, tPmen t\Sp-hm-\p≈ Hcp sNdnb ]cn-io- e\w am{Xta BZyw e`n-°p-sh-∂pw, Pohn-X-Øn¬ D∂X hnP- b-߃ t\Sp-hm≥ \nc-¥-c-amb ]T-\hpw ]cn-{i-ahpw Bh-iy- am-sW∂pw At±lw XpS¿∂p ]d-™p. Nmhd C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚ v B‚ v aoUnb ÃUo-kns‚ B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \S∂ {Smh¬ & Sqdnkw Abm´ ^ut≠-j≥ k¿´n-^n-°‰v hnX-c-W- tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v \S∂ skan-\m¿ DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp kwkm- cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p At±-lw. a‰p-≈-h-tcmSv \√-Xp-t]mse s]cp- am-dm-\p≈ Ignhv Sqdnkw hnZym-`ym-k-Øn-eqsS t\Sn-sb-Sp-°-Ww, AXv tPmen-bn¬ am{X-a√ kz¥w Pohn-X-Ønepw {]mh¿Øn-I- am-°pI F∂-Xm-bn-cn-°Ww e£y-sa∂v apJym-XnYn kn.-Fw.- sF. k`m P\-d¬ Iu¨kn-e-¿ dh.-tUm.-kmPp N°m-e-°¬ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p.

March 2017; No.234 107 v I¿sΩektμiw

Chavara Institute of Indian & Interreligious Studies (CIIS) 40 Years of Glorious Service in Rome (Fr. Isaac Arickappallil CMI, Director - CIIS)

Our Chavara Institute of Indian and Interreligious Studies Rome enters its 40th year of service. It was established in Rome in the year 1977 as a creative response of our CMI Congregation to the call of Vatican Council II to enter into interreligious dialogue and study of world religions (NA 2). The original name of the institute was Centre for Indian and Interreligious studies (CIIS) and from its very inception the Centre has been offering various programmes in interreligious studies and Eastern Christianity. Recognizing its unprecedented growth the Centre has been raised to the status of an Institute changing its name into Chavara Institute of Indian & Inter- religious Studies (CIIS) later. Considering its continued contributions in the field of inter-religious studies and further enhancing the academic excellence, the institute has been declared in 2010 an Extension Centre of Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK), Bangalore.

Programmes at a Prime Location The prime location of the Institute in the city of Rome very close to Vatican and in the vicinity of various ecclesiastical and secular universities helps the students and the public to make good use of its service. The activities aimed at fostering Indian and interreligious studies, dialogue and religious harmony are inter-religious prayer meetings, talks, seminars, extension lectures, lecture series, courses, inter-religious festivals, publications etc.. Promotion of research and studies in Eastern Christianity is another task of the Institute. Our library with rare volumes mainly in English on Indian religions and cultures, inter-religious topics, comparative study of religions and Christianity is really an academic treasure house for university students and scholars specializing in these areas.

108 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Our Yoga & Indian Spirituality Course given by Yogacharya Vincent Chakkalamattath includes both yogic spiritual theory and practice coupled with yoga meditation. We have Indians as well as Italians attending this course. We offer occasional courses in languages like Italian, Sanskrit, Hindi, German, Latin, etc. as per demands and needs of the students. Chandy Plammottil, Dr. Jossy CMC, Dr. Xavier Menacherry CMI, Prof. Iacoppo, Miss Rita Bagnoli, Anne Morgan are some of our language instructors. Our lectures and discussions on topics like Ayruveda, Yoga, Bharata Natyam, Indian Astrology, Indian Religions, Indian Alchemy, Indian Families and talks on Sri Aurobindo, Rabindra Natha Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Sts. Chavara, Euphrasia, Alphonsa, Mother Theresa, Mission in World Religions, etc. and inter-Religious celebrations of festivals like Christmas, Deepavali, Ramadan are powerful means in spreading Indian cultural and spiritual traditions and fostering interreligious understanding. The speakers include both foreign and Indian scholars like Dr. Claudio Maddaloni, Dr. Paola Ariodante, Prof. Scialpi, Captain Nemo & Fra’ Cercone, Miss Paola de Paolis, Tiziana Giansante, Dr. Nancy Myladoor, Dr. Joseph Pathrapankal CMI, Dr. Basant Gupta - Indian Ambassador to Italy, Dr. Illias Animon, Msgr. Santiago from Pontifical Council for Inter- religious Dialogue, Prof. Benedict Kanakappilly OCD.

Lecture Series: Placid Lectures and Chavara Lectures Placid Lectures and Chavara Lectures are the two annual lecture series at our Institute. The first one instituted in honour of Fr. Placid Podipara CMI (1899-1985), who was a prominent theologian and an eminent historian of the Syro-Malabar Church of St. Thomas Christians of India, tries to foster studies and research in Eastern Christianity.

The scholars who have delivered Placid Lecture Series include Archbishop J. Powathil (Church as the Mystery of Communion: A Tribute to the Ecclesial Vision of Fr. Placid J. Podipara CMI),

March 2017; No.234 109 I¿sΩektμiw

Archbishop M. Moolakkatt, “Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church”, E.J. Kilmartin S.J., (Particular Liturgy of the Individual Church: Theological Basis and Practical Consequences), B. McNeil (One City, One Bishop? Ecclesial Reflection on Eastern Catholic Churches), E.G. Sutner (Church Unity: Union or Uniatism? Catholic- Orthodox Ecumenical Perspectives), K. Pathil (Indian Church at Crossroads), N. Tanner (Is the Church too Asian), B.Spinks (Western Use and Misuse of Eastern Liturgical Traditions: Some Cross-sections in its History), Archbishop J. Perumthottam (Unique Features of the St. Thomas Christian Heritage: Its Preservation, Relevance and Challenges), Bishop Abraham Julios (The Challenges and Scope of Ecumenism with special Reference to Syro-Malankara Catholic Church), Bishop J. Kallarangatt (The Prominent Traits of Eastern Theology), Bishop P. Kannookkadan (A Historical and Theological Study of the East Syriac Lectionary), T. Kollamparampil CMI (Baptismal Covenant and Christian Witnessing), J. Aerthayil CMI (The Trinitarian Experience in Christian Prayer: An Oriental Perspective), P. Pallath (Unity of Christian Initiation with special Reference to the Syro-Malabar Church). Chavara Lecture Series at the CIIS is in honour of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871), the founder of CMI-CMC congregations and obviously in whose name the Institute is christened. Besides being a spiritual leader, noted social and religious reformer, eminent educationist, he was also a great pioneer and promoter of inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding. The objective of this series is fostering human development through inter-cultural studies and spiritual integration. The experts who have given Chavara Lectures include A. Amaladoss S.J. (Becoming Indian: The Process of Inculturation), N. Smart (Religion and Nationalism: The Urgency of Transactional Spirituality and Toleration), B. Bhatt (Ahimsa in the Ancient Religious Traditions of India), M.M. Thomas (A. Diaconal Approach to Indian Ecclesiology), P. Kochappilly CMI (Perspectives on Eastern Christian Ethics), J. Kuriedath CMI, “The Challenges and Prospects of the

110 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Church in India in the 21st Century), T. Kalam CMI (Church’sTeaching on Sexuality: Perception and Reality), J. Palackal CMI (Jesus and India: A Connection through the Aramaic Language), P. Kalluveettil CMI (A Mystic’s Metaphorical World).

Applause by the Embassy of India Right from its very inception the Embassy of India in Rome has been extending its good will and cooperation to our Institute in various ways. It was Mrs. Rukmini Menon, the then Ambassador of India to Italy who inaugurated our Institute lighting Nilavilakku, the traditional Indian lamp on September 15, 1977. Since then almost all the Indian Ambassadors to Italy and high ranking officials from the Embassy have visited our Institute on various occasions. And the present Ambassador, Mr. Anil Wadhwa is going to be the chief guest of the forthcoming Ruby Jubilee celebrations on March 25 & 26, 2017. Recognizing the Institute’s commendable service in the field of Inter- religious dialogue and propagation of Indian culture and heritage abroad, the Embassy of India in Rome has awarded it with a Certificate of Excellence on India’s Republic Day, 26 January 2016. The Embassy also donated more than 200 books on Indian Culture and nationalism to our Chavara library.

A Galaxy of Dignitaries at Chavara Institutes

His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alencherry - Major Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church, His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis - Major Archbishop of Syro-Malankara Church and President of CBCI, Archbishop Mar Joseph Perumthottam, Archbishop Emeritus Mar Joseph Powathil, Archbishop Mar Andrews Thazhath, Bishop Mar Raphael Thattil, Bishop Mar Stephen Chirappanath, Bishop Mar Joseph Kallarangatt, Bishop Mar Pauly Kannukkadan, Bishop Mor Abraham Julios, Bishop Mar George Madathikandam, Bishop Mar Prince Panengadan, Bishop Emeritus

March 2017; No.234 111 I¿sΩektμiw

Mar Joseph Kunnath, Indian Ambassador Sri Basanth Gupta, Very Rev. Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, Prior General, Rev. Fr. Varghese Vithayathil, Rev. Fr. Saju Chackalackal, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Thekkedath, Rev. Fr. Antony Elamthottam, Rev. Fr. Johny Edappulavan, Rev. Prof. Dr. Paulachan Kochappilly - DVK President, Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara - Dharmaram Rector, Rev. Dr. Thomas Chathamparampil - Vice Chancellor Christ University Bangalore, Rev. Fr. Thomas Manjakunnel - Provincial, Mother General Dr. Siby CMC are some of the dignitaries who enriched our Chavara Institute, Rome with their gracious presence in recent times on various occasions.

Ruby Jubilee: “Eurasia” and Interreligious Seminar

The inauguration of the Ruby Jubilee Year of CIIS was on Saturday, May 28, 2016 by V. Rev. Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, Prior General. Narrating a brief history of the Institute Fr. Isaac Arickappallil CMI, Director of the CIIS welcomed the audience and the function was concluded with an “Eastern and Western Musical Performance” titled “Eurasia”. The Western Musical team consisted of Italian Theatre artist Jannoni Sebastianini, musicians Paolo Rossi, Marcella Candillera, Massimo del Duc and Luigi Capano. The Eastern Music team was led by Rev. Fr. Anto Nayankara CMI.

112 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

The concluding function of the Jubilee will be on 25 and 26 March 2017 with an international inter-religious seminar on “The Concept of Mercy in different Religions and its Relevance today” with papers from internationally reputed scholars from different universities, including our Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore. Rev. Dr. Thomas Aykara CMI, Dharmaram Rector, Rev. Dr. Paulachan Kochappilly, DVK cine script writer, Svamini Hamsananda Ghiri, Vice President - Union of Hindus of Italy, Mr. Jawed Khan (Pakistan), Mr. Animon Illias and others are expected for the grand finale of the Ruby Jubilee. Mr. Anil Wadhwa, Ambassador

of India to Italy, His. Em. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation of Oriental Churches, His Em. Cardinal Tauran, President of Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue are a few of the dignitaries expected. The celebration of the 40th anniversary of Chavara Institute is an occasion for us to thank the Lord for the abundant blessings he has showered on us through the Institute in promoting Indian and inter-religious studies, Eastern Christianity and fostering harmony between religions of the world. May the Spirit of God behind all human endevours guide our Chavara Institute of Indian & Inter-religious Studies to carry on its mission further renewing its commitment.

March 2017; No.234 113 I¿sΩektμiw

I¿sΩebnse kuK‘nI߃

dh. {_. {^m≥kokv XcI≥ kn.Fw.sF (1928-˛2016)

Xr»q¿ tZhamXm {]hiybnse sk‚ v tPm¿÷v B{iamwKamb dh.{_.{^m≥kokv XcI≥ ktlmZc≥ BKÃv 9˛mw XnøXn cm{Xn 7.30 \v Aae saUn°¬ tImtfPv Bip]{Xnbn¬ h®v \ncymX\mbn. Xr»p¿ AXncq]Xbnse F¬XpcØv CShImwK ambncp∂ At±lw ]tcX\mb hdoXv˛tdmk ZºXnIfpsS A©masØ aI\mbn 1928 Pq¨ 10˛mw XnøXn P\n®p. kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ tN¿∂v sshZnI\mIphm≥ B{Kln® At±lØn\v ]T\Øn¬ apt∂dphm≥ km[n°mØXn\m¬ kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ Hcp ktlmZc\mbn Pohn°phm≥ Xocpam\n®p. 1953 Pqembv 16\v BZy{hXhpw, 1956 Pqembv 16\v \nXy{hXhpw A\pjvSn®p.tImgnt°mSpff ktejy≥ k`°mcpsS sk‚ v hn≥sk‚ v ÿm]\Øn¬ \n∂v sI.Pn.kn.bpw, sF.‰n.knbpw ]Tn®v Ip∂wIpfØv h∂p. kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ Ncn{Xw krjvSn®v 60 h¿jw ChnsS tkh\w sNbvXp. Ip∂wIpfw B{iaØn¬ F√mtaJebnepw {]h¿Øn® {_Z¿ sF.‰n.kn A≤ym]I\mbpw h¿°vtjm∏v amt\Pcmbpw, s{]m°td‰dmbpw, sF.‰n.kn _¿kmdmbpw, tÃm¿Io∏dmbpw, Du´papdnbpsS Imcyhpw ]dºv t\m´°mc\mbpw {_tZgvkns‚ Bkv]nc‚ v sdIvSdmbpw ChnsS tkh\w sNbvXp. kaqlPohnXØn¬ At±lw Hcp \nd km\n[y ambncp∂p. Ip´nIhnXIfneqsSbpw IYIfneqsSbpw kaqlsØ {InbmflIam°phm≥ {_Z¿ {i≤n®ncp∂p. Hcp ]cmXnbpw ]cn`hhpw C√msX, {]m¿∞\mPohnXØn¬ {i≤bpffh\mbn, FfnabpsSbpw emfnXyØns‚bpw {]XoIambn, Xs‚

114 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw BhiytØ°mƒ a‰pffhcpsS Bhiy߃ I≠dn™v {_Z¿ k\ymk PohnXw BtLmjn°pIbmbncp∂p. Pq¨ 22˛mw XnøXn Aae Bip]{Xbn¬ BbXn\p tijw, ]ehn[Ønepff tcmKßfm¬ ]oUnX\mb {_Z¿ BKÃv 9˛mw XnøXn tcmKw aq¿—n°pIbpw, _. s{]mhn≥jymƒ hmƒ´¿ tXe∏nffnb®s‚bpw, {]ntbmd®s‚bpw, a‰v A®≥amcpsSbpw km\n[yØn¬ im¥ambn Xs‚ Pohs\ ssZhØn\v ka¿∏n®p. BKÃv hymgmgv® D®Ign™v 2.30 \v Ip∂wIpfw B{iaØn¬ kwkv°mc ip{ipj \SØs∏´p. {]hniy Iu¨kne¿ _.A\n¬ tImt¶mØ®s‚ apJy Im¿ΩnIXzØn¬ A¿∏n® Znhy_enbn¬ _. s{]mhn≥jymƒ hmƒ´¿ tXe∏nffnb®≥ A\pkvacW ktμiw \¬In. IfnIq´pImc\pw kl]mTnbpamb _. ]mÿ \oe¶mhn¬ ]nXmhv Ahkm\ ip{ipjIƒ°v t\XrXzw \¬In. XYhkcØn¬ {_Zdns‚ PohnXØnse Hcp kw`hsØ∏‰n A\pkvacn∏n®p. 1970 ¬ k` apgph\papff {_tZgvkn\pth≠n Hcp h¿jw \ofp∂ tImgvkv 3 _m®pIfmbn ]mÿ \oe¶mhn¬ ]mXmhns‚ t\XrXzØn¬ \SØpIbp≠mbn.AXn¬ BZy _m®n¬ ]s¶Spt°≠Xmbncp∂p {_Z¿ {^m≥knkv XcI≥. ]s£ hbdnep≠mb Iym≥k¿ \nanØw AXn¬ ]s¶Sp°m≥ km[n®n√. AXn\m¬ A∂sØ {]ntbm¿ P\dmfmbncp∂ _.I\oknbqk®≥ ssZhk∂n[nbn¬ {_Zdns‚ AkpJw amdp∂Xn\pw ASpØ _m®nse¶nepw ]s¶Sp°m≥ Ignbs´sb∂pw {]m¿∞n°pIbpw sNbvXp. XpS¿∂v {_Zdns‚ AkpJw amdpIbpw ASpØ tImgvkn¬ ]s¶Sp°pIbp sNbvXp. [mcmfw kn.Fw.sF sshZnIcpw CShI A®≥amcpw, _.kntÃgvkv, _‘pP\߃, injy≥am¿, {_Zdns‚ CShImwK߃ XpSßn henb P\mhen kwkvImc ip{ipjbn¬ BZy¥w ]s¶SpØp. _. {^m≥knkv XcI≥ ktlmZcs\ ssZh Xr°cßfn¬ ka¿∏n®v \ap°v {]m¿∞n°mw. AhnSp∂v \nXy

March 2017; No.234 115 I¿sΩektμiw kΩm\w \evIn At±lsØ A\p{Kln°s´. {_Zdns‚ Bflim¥n°mbn k`m\nba{]Imcapff {]m¿∞\Iƒ \ap°v ka¿∏n°mw. ^m. tPmbv sshZy°mc≥ kn.Fw.sF {]ntbm¿, sk‚ v tPm¿÷v B{iaw Ip∂wIpfw

116 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

^m. t]mƒ tImgn∏m´v kn.Fw.sF (1939˛2016)

Xr»p¿ kn.Fw.sF tZhamXm {]hiybn¬ Xtem¿ DÆnaninlm B{iam[n]\mbncp∂ tImgn∏m´v _lpam\s∏´ t]mf®≥ lrZbmLmXw aqew sk]v‰w_¿ 7 cmhnse BdpaWn°v \n{Z{]m]n®p. arXtZlw Aae saUn°¬ tImtfPnte°v sIm≠p t]mhpIbpw sNbvXp. sk]v‰w_¿ 9˛mw XnøXn cmhnse 6 aWnbv°v Xtem¿ B{iatZhmebØn¬ arXtZlw sIm≠phcnIbpw tZhamX s{]mhn≥jymƒ _.hmƒ´¿ tXe∏nffnb®s‚ apJyIm¿Ωn IXzØn¬ B{iamwK߃ F√mhcpw tN¿∂v kaql_en A¿∏n°pIbpw sNbvXp. hnip≤ _en°ptijw A¥ntam] Nmca¿∏n®v {]m¿∞n°m≥ h∂hcn¬ cma\mY]pcw sa{Xm≥ am¿ t]mƒ Be∏m´pw, \nch[n sshZnIcpw k\ykvXcpw Aflmbcpw D≠mbncp∂p. sshIn´v 2.30 \v Znhy_entbmsS Bcw`n® arXkwkvImcip{iqjbv°v am¿ dmt^¬ X´n¬ ]nXmhv apJyIm¿ΩnIXzw hln®p. Xr»p¿ tZhamXm s{]mhn≥jymƒ _. hmƒ´¿ tXe∏nffn k`bpsS P\d¬ HmUn‰¿ _.B‚Wn FS∏pfh≥ F∂nhcpw a‰t\Iw sshZnIcpw klIm¿ΩnIcmbncp∂p. _.sS∂n ]mdb°e®\mWv Nca{]kwKw \SØnbXv. arXkwkvImcI¿ΩØns‚ kam]\ ip{iqjIƒ Ccnßme°pS cq]Xm≤y£≥ am¿ t]mfn IÆq°mS≥, am¿ ]mÿ \oe¶mhn¬ F∂o ]nXm°∑mcpsS Im¿ΩnIXzØnembncp∂p.

Ccnßme°pSbn¬ Acn∏mew F∂ ÿeØv tImgn∏m´v ho´n¬ hmdpÆn˛^nteman\ ZºXnIfpsS 6 a°fn¬ 5˛ma\mbn 1939

March 2017; No.234 117 I¿sΩektμiw

AKÃv 2\v _.t]mf®≥ P\n®p. hS°pwIc sP_n kvIpƒ, Ccnßme°pS ss{IÃv tImtfPv F∂nhnSßfn¬ ]T\Øn\ptijw 1967 \hw_¿ 17\p Xet»cn _nj∏v am¿ sk_mÃy≥ htffm∏nffn ]nXmhn¬ \n∂v sshZnI]´w kznIcn®p. 1968¬ Xr»p¿ tZhamXm s{]mhn≥jy¬ lukn¬ sk{I´dnbpw t{]mIyptd‰dpambmWv tkh\w XpSßnbXv. kmK¿ anjs‚ BZyIme anj\dnbmb tImgn∏m´®≥ _m•q¿ ss{IÃv kvIqƒ _¿km¿, ]m´pcmbvI¬ sF.Fkv {]kv amt\P¿, tZhamXm {]hiybpsS hnIm¿ s{]mhn≥jymƒ, Zo]nI Zn\]{XØns‚ Xr»p¿ k¿°ptej≥ amt\P¿, sIkv kp∏ocnb¿, IpμwIpfw, Ccnßme°pS, F¬ØpcpØv, Xtem¿ F∂o B{iaßfpsS {]ntbm¿ F∂o \neIfn¬ {]h¿Øn®n´p≠v. eØp¿ `qIºØnse kn.Fw.sF. ZpcnXmizmk]p\cp≤mcW Iymºn\v c≠ph¿jw t\XrXzw \¬InbXv t]mf®\mbncn∂p. ]›na P¿a\nbnepw, kzoU\nepw anj\dnbmbn anIhm¿∂ tkh\w Imgv®sh®n´p≠v. anj\dnbpw a\pjykvt\lnbpw \¿Ω`mjW {]nb\pamb t]mf®≥ a\pjy_‘߃°v Xs‚ PohnXØn¬ Gsd {]m[m\yw sImSpØncp∂p. emfnXyhpw Ipeo\Xzhpw \nd™p \n∂ _.t]mƒ tImgn∏m´®s‚ 77 h¿jsØ [\yPohnXw Bgamb ss{IkvXh hnizmkØn¬ ASnbpd®Xmbncp∂p. A®s‚ PohnXamXrI \sΩ {]tNmZn∏n°s´. _. t]mƒ tImgn∏m´v A®\pth≠n \ΩpsS k`m\nbaa\pkcn®pff( Un. 58) ip{iqjIfpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw \SØn At±lØns‚ Bflim¥n°mbn {]m¿∞n°Wsa∂v A`y¿∞n°p∂p. kt\l]q¿hw ^m. sk_n ]mea‰Øv kn. Fw. sF {]ntbm¿, DÆnaninlm A{iaw

118 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw ^m. ]o‰¿ ]mem°pt∂¬ kn.Fw.sF (1932˛2016) tImgnt°mSv sk‚ v tXmakv s{]mhn≥knse IqSØmbn eq¿Zv amXm B{iamwKambncp∂ _.]o‰¿ ]mem°pt∂e®≥ 2016 sk]v‰w_¿ 29˛\v I¬∏‰ ^mØna amXm tlmkv]n‰en¬ h®v I¿Ømhn¬ `mKyacWw {]m]n®p. hm¿≤IyklPamb tcmKßfm¬ AtZlw GXm\pw Znhkßfmbn NnIn’bnembncp∂p. I¬∏‰ tlmkv]n‰¬ Nm∏en¬ \SØnb {]m¿∞\ ip{ipjIƒ°ptijw arXtZlw IqSØmbn B{iatZhmebØntebv°v sIm≠p h∂p. Xmact»cn ap≥ cq]Xm≤y£≥ am¿ t]mƒ Nn‰ne∏nffn ]nXmhv B{iatZhmebØnseØn {]tXyI {]m¿∞\ \SØn. sk]v‰w_¿ 30 shffnbmgvN H≥]Xp aWntbmsS tacn°p∂v sk‚ v tXmakv au≠ntebv°v arXtZlw kwhln°pIbpw D®Ign™v 2.30 \v P\d¬ Iu¨kne¿ _. sk_mÃy≥ sXt°SØ®s‚ apJyIm¿ΩnIXzØn¬ arXkwkvImc ip{iqjtbmS\p_‘n®pff hn.Ip¿∫m\ A¿∏n°pIbpw sNbvXp. s{]mhn≥jy¬ _. tPmk^v hbene®≥, {]ntbm¿ _. tXmakv ]pd∏¥m\w A®≥, _. ]o‰d®s‚ _‘phpw ¢cojy≥ k`mwKhpamb _.tPmtam≥ Iq\Ø®≥ F∂nh¿ klIm¿ΩnIcmbncp\n∂p. _.kn_n s]m≥]mdb®≥ A\pkvacW {]`mjWw \SØn. kn.Fw.sF, k`mwKßfpsSbpw, am\¥hmSn, Xmact»cn cq]XIfn¬ \n∂papff \nch[n sshZnIcpsSbpw km∂n≤yØn¬ `uXnIicocw tacn°p∂v sk‚ v tXmakv au≠n¬ `qanZm\w sNøs∏´p. kn.Fw sF k`bpsS ae_m¿ taJebnse BZyIme anj\dnamcnsemcmfpw IpSntb‰ P\XbpsS BNmcy\pam bncp∂p _.]o‰d®≥. sshZnI k\ymk˛ka¿∏nX

March 2017; No.234 119 I¿sΩektμiw

PohoXtØmSpff HSpßmØ Bflm¿∞Xbpw hnizkvXXbpw Xo£WXbpw PohnXmhkm\w hsc \ne\n¿Ønb At±lw Ahkm\ \mfpIfn¬ aWn°qdpItfmfw \o≠ GIm¥ {]m¿∞\bv°mbpw kabpw Is≠Ønbncp∂p. anj≥ Xo£vWXsIm≠v Pzen®ncp∂ At±lw PΩp˛Imivao¿, cmPvtIm´v, I¿ÆmSI, Xang\mSv F∂o anj≥ {]tZißfn¬ kvXpXy¿lamb tkh\amWv ImgvNsh®X.v ]mem cq]Xbnse Ce™n ]mem°pt∂¬ ss]en˛I{Xn\ ZºXnIfpsS A©p a°fn¬ c≠ma\mbn 1932 P\phcn 25˛\p P\n® At±lw kvIqƒ hnZym`ymkØn\ptijw ]sØmºXmw hb n¬ H.Un.kn k`bn¬ tNcpIbpw XpS¿∂v c≠mw h¿jØn¬ {]tXyI A\phmZtØmsS kn.Fw.sF k`bn¬ {]thi\w t\SpIbpw sNbvXp.1959 sabv 16˛\v BZy{hXm\pjvTm\w \SØn. XpS¿∂v [¿Ωcman¬ \n∂v XXzimkv{Xhpw, ssZhimk{Xhpw ]q¿Ønbm°n. 1964 Unkw_¿ 1˛\p apss_bn¬ \S∂ BtKmf ZnhyImcpWy tIm¨{K n¬ h®v hmgØvs∏´ t]mƒ Bdma≥ ]m∏bpsS km\n≤yØn¬ ]utcmlnXyw kzoIcn®p. ]utcmlnXy PohnXØns‚ BZy\mfpIfn¬Øs∂ Xs‚ tkh\ afiew ae_m¿ anj\msW∂p Xncn®dn™ At±lw 1965˛¬ Aaem]pcnbn¬ Akn.hnImcnbmbn NpaXetb‰p. 1967˛¬ Xangv\m´nse s_°nbn¬ Akn.hnImcnbmbn tPmen sNbvXp. 1969˛72 ImeØv At±lw s{]mhn≥jy¬ Iu¨knedmbn sXcs™Sp°s∏´p.1972˛¬ Xe∏pg B{iaw kp∏ocnbdmbpw AhnsS Hcp sNdnb CShI F∂ kz]v\w km£mXvIcn®v 1973˛¬ {]YahnImcnbmbpw \nbanX\mbn.1979 hsc X¬ÿm\Øv XpS¿∂ At±lw hb\m´nse tXbne I¿jI¿°pth≠n \SØnb hnIk\ {]h¿Ø\߃ \nkvXpeamWv. 1979˛81 ImeL´ßfn¬ cmPvtIm´v anj\n¬ tPmen sNbvXp. 1981˛¬ aSßnsbØn ho≠pw Xe∏pgbn¬

120 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw hnImcnbmbn \nban°s∏´p. XpS¿∂v 1987˛90 ImeL´Øn¬ hb\m´nse dn∏¨ CShIbn¬ hnImcnbmbn tkh\a\pjvTn®p.1990˛¬ s_°nbn¬ Bbncn°ptºmƒ Imivao¿ anj\n¬ {]h¿Øn°m≥ k∂≤X Adnb®Xns\ØpS¿∂v 1992˛¬ PΩphnse tbip]m¬ B{iaØn¬ tbmKm¿∞nIfpsS sdIvSdmbn \nbanX\mbn. 1996 hsc anj≥ taJebn¬ tkh\w sNbvX ]o‰d®≥ Imivaocnt\mSv hnS]d™v \m´nseØn {KŸ cN\bnepw KthjWØnepw apgpIn. ]Øph¿jsØ {]bXv\Øn t\mSphn¬ ‘aXmflI kulrZ kwhmZhpw hmgvØs∏´ Nmhdbpw’ F∂ {KŸw {]kn≤oIcn®p. 2010˛¬ ]cnjvIcn® c≠mw ]Xn∏pw {]kn≤oIcn®p. 2013˛¬ hn{iaPohnXØn\mbn IqSØmbn B{iaØnseØnb _.]o‰d®≥ \nc¥chmb\bpw, FgpØpw, {]m¿∞\ PohnXhpambn Ign®pIq´n. kXyk‘hpw kpXmcyhpw I¿Ω\ncXhpamb PohnXØneqsS k`sb ]SpØpb¿Ønb _.]o‰¿ ]mem°p∂e®s‚ \nXyim¥n°mbn \ap°v {]m¿∞n°mw.

^m.tXmakv ]pd∏¥m\w {]ntbm¿, eq¿±v amXm B{iaw IqSØmbn

March 2017; No.234 121 I¿sΩektμiw

d^. ^m. t]mƒ kmhnsbm ]pXpt»cn kn.Fw.sF (1940˛2016) sjm¿Æqcnse sk‚ v.tPmk^v B{iamwKambncp∂ _lpam\s∏´ t]mƒ kmhnsbm A®≥ HIvtSm_¿ amkØnse BZyshffnbmgv® ]me°mSpff ]me\ Bip]{Xnbn¬ h®v D®bv°v 2 aWvbv°v I¿Ømhn¬ \n{Z{]m]n®p. At±lw Zo¿L\mƒ Iym≥k¿ AkpJØn\pff NnIn’bn embncp∂p. Ccnßme°pS cq]Xbnse A∂a\S ss{IÃv Z InwKv CShImwKamb tZhky˛t{Xky ZºXnamcpsS F´v a°fn¬ aqØaI\mbmWv _lp. kmhnsbm A®≥ P\n®Xv. Ct±lØns‚ Cfb ktlmZcn knÿ ensbm Bcm[\ k\ymkn\n kaqlØnse AwKamWv. kztZisØ {]mYanI hnZym`ymkØn\ptijw 1956˛¬ F¬ØpcpØv tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ {]thin®v vsslkv°pƒ hnZym`ymkw ]q¿Ønbm°n. XpS¿∂v hc¥c∏nffnbnse tbmKm¿∞n `h\Øn¬ ]cnioe\w ]q¿Ønbm°pIbpw, Aºg°mSv \hk∂ymk`h\Øn¬ 1960˛¬ BZy{hXw ka¿∏n°pIbpw sNbvXp. [¿Ωmcmw taP¿ skan\mcnbn¬ XXzimkv{Xhpw,ssZhimkv{Xhpw ]q¿Ønbm°n, 1968 saøv 20˛mw XnøXn At±lw {InkvXphns‚ ]ptcmlnX\mbn A`ntjIw sNøs∏´p. [m¿hm¿ bqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬ \n∂v _n.F ]m mb A®≥, Ccnßme°pS ss{IÃv tImtfPn¬ tlmì hm¿U\mbpw tkh\w sNbvXp. XpS¿∂v tdmanse _nªn°pw C≥Ãn‰yp´n¬\n∂v tk{I´v kv{In]v®dn¬ ssek≥tjy‰pw (L.S.S) D¿∫m\nbm\ bqWnthgvkn‰nbn¬\n∂v tUmIvS¿ Hm^v XntbmfPn (Th.D) _ncpZhpw t\Sn XncnsI h∂Xn\ptijw

122 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw t`m∏mense BjvSbnepff doPn\¬ XntbmftK‰n¬ {]os^Iv‰v Hm^v ÃUokmbn 5 h¿jw tkh\a\pjvTn®p. ]n∂oSv [¿Ωcmw tImtfPnte°v hcnIbpw \o≠ 30 h¿jtØmfw [¿Ωcmw tImtfPnse i_vZambn XocpIbpw sNbvXp. Un.hn.sI BIv‰nwKv {]knU‚ v, XntbmfPn Uo≥, sset{_dnb≥ F∂o \neIfnepw [¿Ωcman¬ tkh\a\p jvTn®n´p≠v. 2005˛2008 Imebfhn¬ sImbºØqcnse t{]jnX {]hniybpsS hnIm¿ s{]mhn≥jyembpw tkh\w sNøpIbp≠mbn. XpS¿∂v the¥mhfØnepff \hk∂ymk `h\Øn¬ Sow AwKambn 3 h¿jw, CutdmUnse Im¿Ω¬ B{iakp∏ocnbdmbn 5 h¿jw F∂nßs\ tkh\a\pjvTn®p. tcmKw aq¿—n®Xns\XpS¿∂v Aae Bip]{Xbnse hnZKvZ NnIn’°mbn 2015 Unkw_dn¬ sjm¿Wq¿ B{iamwKambn tN¿∂p. Pn⁄mktbmSpIqSnbpff Hcp PohnXcoXn, F¥n\pw GXn\pw ImcWw AdnbpI Ct±lØns‚ {]tXyIXbmbncp∂p. ]Tn°p∂ ImeØv F√mØns‚bpw DdhnSØnte°v CdßnsN∂v, DffXv DffXpt]mse a\ nem°phm\pff {iaw A®s‚ am{Xw {]tXyIXbmbncp∂p. sshZnI hnZym¿∞nIƒ°v ssZhimkv{Xw AXns‚ X\natbmSpIqSn a\ nem°n sImSp°phm\pw, Xs‚ Adnhv Ft∏mgpw ]pXp°nsIm≠ncn°phm\pw A®≥ \nXm¥ Pm{KX ]pe¿Ønbncp∂p. t\¿°mgvNIƒ hgn ]Ics´ F∂ Z¿i\ambncp∂p At±lw PohnXImew apgph\pw ]n¥pS¿∂ncp∂Xv. kXyhpw \oXnbpw shffw tN¿°msX {]mh¿ØnIam°phm≥ At±lw ]cn{ian®ncp∂p. \njvIf¶amb hy‡nXzØns‚ DSabmbncp∂p _lp. kmhnsbm A®s‚ hntbmKw k`bv°pw kaqlØn\pw Hcp Xocm\jvSamWv. \njvIf¶Xbpw, kpXmcyXbpw ssIapXem°nb A®s‚ ]WvUntXmNnXamb {]`mjWßfpw, ¢mkpIfpw At\Iw a\ pIfn¬ C∂pw ]®sISmsX

March 2017; No.234 123 I¿sΩektμiw

Pohn°p∂p. ]me\ Bip]{Xnbn¬ h®v At±lw Cßs\ FgpXn “Rm≥ Fs‚ kz¿§cmPyØnte°pff bm{XbnemWv, \n߃ F\n°v th≠n {]m¿∞n°phn≥” A®s‚ Cu Ahkm\hm°pIƒ \ap°v Hm¿°pIbpw k`m\nbamhen A\pimkn°pIbpw sNøp∂ (D 58b) XncpI¿Ω߃ \ap°v A®\pth≠n A\pjvTn°pIbpw sNømw. kz¿§ cmPyØnte°pff A®s‚ bm{Xbn¬ {]m¿∞\tbmsS \ap°t±lsØ klmbn°mw.

F∂v dh. ^m. {^m≥knkv ssXhf∏n¬ kp∏ocnb¿, sk‚ v tPmk^v B{iaw sjm¿Æp¿

124 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

_lp. ^m. kn¬sh-ÿ ]pXp-t»cn kn.-Fw.-sF. (1930-˛2016) NpW-ßw-th-en-bnse Ir]m`h≥ AwK- am-bn-cp∂ _lp. kn¬sh-ÿ ]pXp-t»cn A®≥ \hw-_¿ 5 i\n-bmgvN cmP-Kncn Bip-]-{Xn- bn¬h®v cmhnse 7 aWn°v A¥yIq-Zm-i-I- sf√mw kzoI-cn®v 86-˛mw hb- n¬ Cu temI- tØmSv hnS-]-d™v kz¿§]nXm-hns‚ `h-\-Øn- te°v bm{X-bmbn. Fd-Wm-Ip-fw˛A¶-amen AXn-cq-]-X- bn¬s∏´ FS-\mSv CSh-I-bn¬ ]pXp-t»cn tPmk^v˛^ntem-an\ ZºXn-I-fpsS \mem-asØ k¥m-\-ambn 1930 P\p-hcn 31˛\v P\n®v amtΩm-Zo-km-bn¬ B‚Wn F∂ t]cv kzoI-cn-®p. Ct±-l-Øns‚ tPyjvT≥ ^m. tPm¿÷v (hmdp-Æn-b-®≥) cq]Xm sshZn-I-\m-bn- cp-∂p. Fkv.Un. k`mw-K-ßfmbn-cp∂ kn. {Kmkn-b, ap≥ aZ¿ P\-dm-fm-bn-cp∂ kn. Aam-_-neokv F∂n-h¿ ktlm-Z-cn-am-cm- Wv. Bdv a°-fn¬ aq∂p-t]sc ssZh-ip-{iq-jbv°v \¬Inb ]pWy- s∏´ IpSpw-_m-¥-co-£-am-bn-cp∂p A®-t‚-Xv. {]mY-anI hnZym-`ymkw FS-\m-Sv sk‚ v. AK-Ãn≥, Im™q¿ sk‚ v. s-k-_m-Ãy≥ kvIqfp-I-fn¬ ]q¿Ønbm°n-b- tijw 1947 Pq¨ 5˛\v kn.Fw.sF k`-bn¬ tN¿∂p. am∂m- \Øv tbmKm¿∞n ]cn-io-e\w ]q¿Ønbm°n, Aº-g-°mSv \h- k-\ymk `h-\-Øn¬ 1949 HIvtSm-_¿ 15-˛\v BZy-{h-X-a¿∏n®v kn¬sh-ÿ F∂ \maw kzoI-cn-®p. XpS¿∂v Iq\-Ωm-hn¬ ^ntem-k-^n-bpw, sNØn∏pg-bn¬ ssZh-im-kv{Xhpw ]Tn-®p. 1954 HIvtSm-_¿ 15-˛\v \nXy-{h-Xm¿∏Ww sNbvXp. 1957 G{]n¬ 6˛\v sNØn∏pg-bn¬h®v ]pWy-t«m-I-\mb am¿. amXyp Imhp- Im´v ]nXm-hn¬ \n∂pw Xncp-∏´w kzoI-cn®v {InkvXp-hns‚ ]ptcm- ln-X-\m-bn. 1958-˛63 Ime-L-´-Øn¬ tdmanepw, 1972-˛75 Ime-L-´-Øn¬ \yqtbm¿°n-ep-ambn D]-cn-]-T\w \SØn tUmIvS-td‰v t\Snb

March 2017; No.234 125 I¿sΩektμiw kn¬sh-Ãd®≥ _mw•q¿ [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPv {]^-k¿, ]q\ Im¿Ω¬ hnZym-`-h≥ sdIvS¿, ]cn-bmcw kn. Fkv. B¿. kp∏o- cn-b¿, If-a-t»cn ssa\¿ skan-\mcn sdIvS¿, \oeo-izcw B{i- a-Øns‚ {]ntbm¿, tXm´ph im¥n-\n-ebw, ae-bm-‰q¿ tXmam kZ≥ F∂o ÿm]\ß-fpsS ÿm]I Und-IvS¿ F∂o \ne-I- fn¬ tkh-\-a-\p-jvTn-®n-´p-≠v. Ipd-®p-\mƒ Ata-cn-°-bnepw ip{iqj sNbvXp. 1983˛87 Ime-b-f-hn¬ cmP-Kncn Xncp-lr-Zb {]hn-iy- bpsS anj≥˛AP-]m-e\ hIp-∏ns‚ Iu¨kn-e-dm-bn-cp-∂p. Ign™ 6 h¿j-°mew NpW-ßw-th-en-bnse Ir]m `h\n¬ [ym\-\n-c-X-amb t{]jnX Po-hnXw \bn-°p-I-bmbn-cp∂p. {]m¿∞n°p∂ ]nXmhv F∂mWv A®≥ Adn-b-s∏-´n-cp- ∂-Xv. [ym\-\n-c-X-\mb Bfl-]n-Xm-hm-bn-cp∂p At\-I¿°v. Ah-km\ \mfp-I-fn¬ InS-∏n-em-bn-cp-∂-t∏mƒ t]mepw At\- I¿ Ir]-bn-te°v A®s\ tXSn h∂n-cp-∂p. {]m¿∞\bpw Iu¨kn-enßpw hgn At\-I¿°v kuJy-ta-Im-≥ A®-\m-bn. {]m¿∞\ Pohn-X-ssi-en-bm-°nb sshZn-I-\m-bn-cp∂p kn¬sh- Ãd®≥. A®≥ cq]w \¬Inb Ir]-bnse {]m¿∞\m{Kq∏pw, A®s‚ {]m¿∞\bm¬ A\p-{Klw t\Snb Bbn-c-ßfpw kPo- h-amb B {]m¿∞\m ssNX-\y-Øns‚ sXfn-hp-I-fm-Wv. F{X høm-Xn-cp-∂mepw Xs∂ ImWm-s\-Øp-∂-hsc kt¥m-j-tØmsS ]d-™-b-°m≥ A®≥ {]tXyIw {i≤n-®n-cp-∂p. HØncn IpSpw- _-ßsf Xs‚ Iu¨kn-enßv hgn Du´n-bp-d-∏n-°m≥ A®\v Ign-™n-cp-∂p. henb Bflob kº-Øn-\p-S-a-bm-bn-cp∂p _lp. kn¬sh-ÿ A®≥. A®s‚ injy-K-W-Øn¬ AXn\v sXfn-hm-Wv. PohnXwsIm≠v amXr-I-bm-hm≥ A®≥ {i≤n-®n-cp-∂p. Xs‚ ]mWvUnXyw hfsc efn-Xhpw lrZy-hp-am°n F√m-h¿°pw Hcp-t]mse ]I-cp-hm≥ A®≥ ]cn{ian-®n-cp-∂p. X\n-a-bp≈ A[ym-]-\-ssi-en-bpw, Hgp-°p≈ hmIvNm-Xp-cn-bpw, a¿Ωap≈ Bi-bm-h-X-c-Whpw A®s‚ {]tXy-I-X-I-fm-bn-cp-∂p. k\ym-k-

126 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw ssh-ZnI Pohn-X-Øn¬ Ft∏mgpw k¥p-jvS-\m-bn-cp∂ At±lw Xs‚ Pohn-Xw-sIm≠v At\-Isc {]tNm-Zn-∏n-®n-cp-∂p. hnip-≤n-\n-d™ Hcp sshZn-I-\m-bn-´mWv F√m-hcpw A®s\ IW-°m-°n-bn-cp-∂-Xv. A®≥ 1957-˛¬ Ip¿∫m\∏´-ta-‰- t∏mƒ Xncp-sskØv ]qinb ssIIƒ XpS® Xqhme Hcp \n[n- t]mse kq£n®v C{]-Imcw FgpXnh®n-cp-∂p˛ "Rm≥ acn-®p-I- gn™v Cu Xqhme apJØv hncn-°m≥ km[n-®m¬ `mKyw'. \o≠ 59 h¿jsØ ]utcm-lnXy hnip≤n hnfn-®-dn-bn-°p∂ \n[n-bm- WnXv. kZm kt¥m-j-tØm-sSbpw \nd™ Nncn-tbm-sSbpw Pohn®v IS-∂p-t]mb ]ptcm-lnX t{ijvT-\m-bn-cp∂p _lp. kn¬sh-ÿ A®≥. Htc kabw amXrImk\ym-knbpw kvt\l- \n-[n-bmb Bflo-b-]n-Xm-hp-am-bn-cp-∂p. tcmKm-h-ÿ-bn¬ Ir]- bn-em-bn-cn-°p-tºmgpw cmP-Kncn Bip-]-{Xn-bn-em-bn-cp-∂-t∏mgpw sa{Xm≥am-cpw, sshZn-I-cpw, k\y-kvX-cpw, Aevam-b-cp-sa√mw A®- s\-°≠v {]m¿∞n°pIbpw Biz-kn-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-∂p. ac-W-t\-cØv k`mw-K-ß-fp-tS-bpw, IpSpw-_mw-K-ß-fp-tSbpw kvt\l-km-ao]yw kn¬sh-ÿ A®\v e`n-®n-cp-∂p. A®s‚ `uXn-I-i-cocw \hw-_¿ 7 \v cmhnse 6.30 \v Ir]m-`-h≥ Nm∏-en¬ sIm≠p-h-∂p.- Ir]-bnse AwK-ßfpw hnizmknk-aq-lhpw tN¿∂v Znhy-_-en-b¿∏n®v {]m¿∞\tbmsS BZ-c-hp-I-f¿∏n®p. sIm®n {]hn-iym-[n-]≥ dh. ^m. ¢o‰kv πm°- e-ns‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ I¿Ω-ß-fpsS BZy-`mKw \S-Øn. XpS¿∂v 9 aWn-hsc s]mXp-Z¿i-\-Øn\v h®p. XpS¿∂v hml-\m-I-º-Sn- tbmsS arX-i-cocw Beph sk‚ v. B≥Wokv B{i-a-Øn-te°v sIm≠p-t]m-bn. 2.30 \v Znhy-_-en-tbmsS arX-kw-kvImc I¿Ω- ߃ XpSßn. amWvUy cq]-Xm-[y-£≥ am¿. B‚Wn Icn-bn¬ - sa{Xm≥am-cpw, sshZn-Icpw, k\ym-kn\o k\ym-kn-Ifpw Ds≠- ∂-Xp-Xs∂ apJy Im¿Ωn-I-\m-bn-cp-∂p. Fd-Wm-Ipfw˛A¶-amen klmbsa{Xm≥ am¿. tPmkv ]pØ≥ho-´n¬, ap≥ klmbsa{Xm≥ am¿. tXmakv NtIy-Øv, kn.-Fw.-sF. k`bpsS {]ntbm¿ P\-dmƒ dh. ^m. t]mƒ B®m-≠n, sIm®n {]hn-iym-

March 2017; No.234 127 I¿sΩektμiw [n-]≥ dh. ^m. ¢o‰kv πm°-¬, Ir]m-`h≥ kp∏o-cn-b¿ ^m. t]mƒ s\Spw-Nm-en¬, kn¬sh-ÿ A®s‚ _‘p-hmb ^m. Bt‚m ]pXp-t»cn XpSßn H´-\-h[n sshZn-Icpw kl-Im¿Ωn- I-cm-bn-cp-∂p. kaq-l-Øns‚ \m\m-Xp-d-I-fn¬ \n∂p≈ At\- I¿ I¿Ω-ß-fn¬ ]s¶-SpØv A®\v A¥n-tam-]-Nm-c-a¿∏n®p. kn¬sh-ÿ A®t\mSp≈ Bfl-_-‘-Øn-eq-∂nb kvac-W-Iƒ tN¿Øv [¿Ωmcmw tImtfPv sdIvS¿ dh. ^m. tXmakv sF°c Nc-a-{]-kwKw \S-Øn. At\Iw k`mw-K-ßfpsSbpw k\ym-kn\o k\ym-kn-IfpsSbpw hnizm-k-nk-aq-l-Øn-t‚bpw km∂n-[y-Øn¬ A®s‚ arX-tZlw Beph sk‚ v B≥Wokv B{i-a-tZhm-e-b- Øn¬ `‡ym-Z-c-ß-tfmsS kwkvI-cn-®p. PohnXw BtLm-j-am-°ns°m≠v At\-I¿°v hnip-≤n- bpsS amXrI ]I¿∂ Cu ]pWy-t«m-Is\ {]m¿∞\bn¬ Hm¿°mw. k`m-\n-b-a-a\p-kcn®p≈ I¿Ω-ß-fm¬ A®s‚ kz¿§- bm-{X-bn¬ {]m¿∞\tbmsS i‡n ]I-cmw. PohnXw Xpd∂ {]tLm-j-W-am-°nb Cu ]ptcm-ln-Xs‚ PohnX hnip-≤n-bpw, hN\m[njvTn-X-amb t{]jnX ssNX-\y-hpw, k\ymk \n¿Ω-e- Xbpw \ap°v amXr-I-bm-h-s´.

^m. t]mƒ s\Spw-Nm-en¬ kn.-Fw.-sF. kp∏o-cn-b¿, Ir]m-`-h≥, NpW-ßw-th-en-

128 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw

Fr. Patrick Kaipuzhavakel (1934-2016)

“The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want” With these words of trust in the Lord Fr. Patrick Kaipuzhavakel CMI (82), the eldest among the priest members of Nirmal Province slept in the Lord peacefully at 4.10 am on 27th December 2016. The funeral service was begun at 9.30 am on 31st of December at Nirmal Provincial House. The solemn Requiem Eucharist presided over by Fr. Provincial was celebrated at St. Joseph’s Cathedral Jagdalpur. Bishop Simon Stock Palathra CMI, a co- missionary of Fr. Patrick in Jagdalpur mission, was the main celebrant for the final ceremonies of the funeral service which were held at Cathedral and later at Nirmal Asram Cemetery in Nakti Semera. Fr. Thomas Vadakumkara CMI gave the funeral homily highlighting the 40 generous years of the committed life of the deceased missionary.A good number of priests, religious and lay people from different stations were present to pay hom- age to him and to take part in the funeral services. Fr. Patrick Kaipuzhavakel CMI was born on 24th July 1934 at Kumarankari as the fifth son of the Late Varghese and Thresiamma Kaipuzhavakel. He made his first religious profession in the congregation on 8th December 1955 and had his philosophical studies at Chethipuzha and theological stud- ies at Dharmaram in 1958-1962. After the ordination he was assigned to different monasteries and houses in the undivided St. Joseph’s Province like Kurianad, Pala, Kottayam, Mannanam and Vizhinjam and so on. During his term in Vizhinjam he had the privilege to construct the Church there. In between he also served as secretary to Fr. Provincial and the Bursar of K. E. College, Mannanam. In the month of July 1976 Fr.Patrick reached jagdalpur to serve the mission and was entrusted with Konta which was one of the farther- most stations of Jagdalpur mission situated at the southern part of Bastar. He had the pioneering task of building up the station from its

March 2017; No.234 129 I¿sΩektμiw nothingness which he did with his dedication and commitment. Later from 1981 to 1986 he was to take up another challenging mission at Mariguda. This station which, though had to undergo various atrocities in 1989, has grown today as one of the biggest centres of the diocese.

Another station where he made significant contributions was Narayanpur; during the period of 1990-1999 he constructed the presbytery and initiated a lot of good works for the betterment and benefit of the people. During the years 1987 – 1990 he served as the diocesan procurator and from 2000-2003 as the provincial councillor for finance. After retirement from active missionary assignments he pre- ferred to be in far away mission stations like Chote-Bettiya, Bande etc., where he supported the priest in charge to establish the centre and to initiate several beneficial programmes for the upliftment of the people around. Fr. Patrick was a committed religious and a zealous missionary who toiled day and night to build up the missions that were entrusted to him in spite of the limitations and inconveniences. The lack of conve- niences and facilities did not hinder him to venture taking up such assignments. The stations like Konta and Mariguda speak of the excel- lent and laborious work done by him to develop these centres to their present stature. In fact, he made remarkable contributions to the build- ing up of Jagdalpur mission during its hard and tough infancy. Fr. Patrick’s simple life, docility to superiors and readiness to take up any assign- ment in the mission as well as in the congregation were marvelous; his humility which was evident in the words which he used in normal con- versations like ente Arivinte kuravinte Valippam is to be noted. His love for the poor and the congregation was very much evident ex- amples of these great virtues Fr. Patrick bequeathed to the younger generation. The missionary zeal of Fr. Patrick never permitted him to sit idle but moved him to where he could do some good to the people of God. Till October last he was in Mardum rendering pastoral service when di- agnosis was made, and aggressive and advanced brain tumour was

130 March 2017; No. 234 I¿sΩektμiw found on 21st October. The remaining months and days were days of preparation for Fr. Patrick to die with Jesus so that he lives with him (Rom 6:8). After the diagnosis he remained serene and prayerful and his health deteriorated slowly day by day and the medical science had noth- ing more to offer than the palliative care. Due to breathing trouble and chest congestion he was shifted to M.P.M. Hospital, Jagdalpur on 26th December afternoon; he received the sacrament of anointing of the sick on the same evening and he slept in the Lord at 4.15 am on 27th December 2016. While continuing to pray for Rev. Fr. Patrick Kaipuzhavakel CMI, kindly perform the suffrages for him according to the D. 58b. May the good Lord grant Fr. Patrick eternal rest!.

Fr. Josey Thamarassery CMI Provincial Superior

March 2017; No.234 131 I¿sΩektμiw

For Private Circulation

Carmela Sandesam No. 234; March 2017 CMI Bulletin Phone : 0484-2881804 CMI Generalate, Chavara Hills 0484-2881816 P. B. No. 3105, Kakkanad P. O Kochi - 682030 [email protected]

ASpØ e°Ønte°pff am‰¿ 2017 sabv 15 \Iw Hm^nkn¬ In´nbncn°Ww

All rights reserved, Reproduction in any manner, in whole or part, without prior written permission prohibited. Editor: Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu CMI

Printed and Published by Fr. Sebastian Thekkedathu for the CMI General Secretariat for Media Of Communication

132 March 2017; No. 234