Diocesan Directory 2017

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Diocesan Directory 2017 THE EPARCHY OF PALGHAT (Regd 108 of 1976) (Estd 1974) Directory2017-18 BISHOP’S OFFICE P.B. No.4, Noorani P.O., Vennakkara- 678 004 Palakkad, Kerala, India. Phone : 0491-2515277, 2526583 (Sec.), 2504583 (V.G.), 2525129 (Bp) E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.palghatdiocese.org 2017 Eparchy of Palghat Directory 2017-18 Published by Eparchial Curia Bishop's House P.B. No. 4, Noorani P.O. Vennakkara, Palakkad- 678 004. Edited by Fr. Aji Aikkara Page Layout Jobin Baby Data Updated as on 08th September 2017 Printed at Jim Offset, Palakkad INDEX GENERAL INFORMATIONS The State of Vatican City........................................................................11 The Church in Asia - FABC....................................................................17 The Church in India................................................................................18 Three Episcopal Bodies.........................................................................20 Common Ventures .................................................................................21 Office of the CBCI..................................................................................24 The Catholic Church in Kerala...............................................................26 The Syro-Malabar Church......................................................................31 The Major Archbishop............................................................................32 The Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church at a Glance................33 A Brief History .......................................................................................34 List of the Syro-Malabar Eparchies / Exarchate.....................................39 The Syro-Malabar - Hierarchy................................................................40 Eparchies Outside India.........................................................................48 Apostolic Exarchate ...............................................................................49 Apostolic Visitator ..................................................................................49 Synod of the Syro-Malabar Church........................................................50 Tribunals ................................................................................................50 Synodal Commissions ...........................................................................51 Bishops Emeriti of Syro-Malabar Church...............................................55 Latin Church in Kerala (Hierarchy).........................................................58 Syro-Malankara Major Archiepiscopal Church.......................................62 Syro-Malankara Major Archiepiscopal Church (Hierarchy)....................62 THE EPARCHY OF PALGHAT Former Prelate.......................................................................................68 Former Administrator .............................................................................68 Former Vicars General...........................................................................68 Our Bishop.............................................................................................69 Syro-Malabar Apostolic Exarch for Canada...........................................72 DIRECTORY 2017-2018 The Organs Of The Eparchial Administration Administrative Office..............................................................................73 Eparchial Tribunal ..................................................................................73 College of Eparchial Consultors.............................................................73 Finance Council .....................................................................................74 Liturgical Committee ..............................................................................74 Construction Committee ........................................................................74 Eparchial Reconciliatory Council ...........................................................74 Presbyteral Council................................................................................75 Pastoral Council.....................................................................................76 Directors of Associations, Organizations & Movements ........................82 Diocesan Priests....................................................................................85 Priests Working in The Eparchy..........................................................109 Churches in the Eparchy......................................................................110 Forane-Wise Data of Churches...........................................................118 RELIGIOUS CONGREGATIONS A. Religious Congregations for Men Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) .................................................127 Congregation of St. Theresa (CST) .....................................................128 Missionary Society of St. Thomas the Apostle (MST)..........................128 Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS) ......................................128 Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacraments (MCBS) ...........129 Order of Friars Minor Capuchins (OFM cap) .......................................129 Third Order Regular of St. Francis (TOR)............................................130 Vincentian Congregation (V.C).............................................................130 Malabar Missionary Brothers (MMB) ...................................................130 Order of Carmelites (O. Carm).............................................................130 Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) CSSR.....131 Rogationist of the Heart of Jesus (RCJ) ..............................................131 Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB)............................................................131 B. Religious Congregations for Women Congregation of Mother of Carmel (CMC)...........................................132 Franciscan Clarist Congregation (FCC)...............................................134 Congregation of the Holy Family (CHF)...............................................136 Dominican Sisters of the Holy Trinity (OP)...........................................138 Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (SABS).................139 Congregation of Sisters of St. Martha (CSM) ......................................140 Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate (ASMI)...........................................141 Congregation of Samaritan Sisters (CSS) ...........................................141 Congregation of the Sisters of Charity (CSC)......................................141 Daughters of Divine Providence (DDP) ...............................................142 Daughters of Presentation of Mary in the Temple (DPM) ....................143 Daughters of St. Joseph Sisters ..........................................................143 Deivadan Sisters (DDS).......................................................................143 Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen (OSF)..................................................144 Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart (FSSH) ..................................144 Medical Sisters of St. Joseph (MSJ)....................................................144 Missionary Congregation of the Daughters of St. Thomas (DST)........145 Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate (MSMI) ..................................145 Poor Daughters of Crowned Most Holy Mary (DCV) ...........................146 School Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (OSF).......................................146 Sisters of St. Ann (SAS).......................................................................146 Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (OSF)...................................................147 Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Marc (SJSM).............................................147 Sisters of the Destitute (SD) ................................................................148 Snehagiri Missionary Sisters (SMS) ....................................................148 Society of Nirmala Dasi Sisters (SNDS) ..............................................149 Ursulines of Mary Immaculate (UMI) ...................................................149 Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (MSI) ........................................149 Congregation of Sisters of Nazreth (CSN)...........................................149 Clarist Franciscan Missionaries of the Most Bl. Sacrament (CFMSS).150 Seva Missionary Sisters of Mary (SMSM) ...........................................150 Missionary Sisters of Jesus the Worker (MJL)....................................150 Eparchy of Palghat DIRECTORY 2017-2018 INSTITUTIONS Ecclesiastical Institutions Minor Seminaries.................................................................................151 Religious Formation Houses................................................................151 Pastoral Centre....................................................................................152 Priests’ Home.......................................................................................152 Retreat Centres....................................................................................152 Youth Centre........................................................................................152 Educational Institutions Colleges...............................................................................................153 Professional Colleges ..........................................................................153
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