
' Canadianprelate proposes apostoliccollege of

It\l., rtll llclntlnirtli ilxllir, \\'iis pt't'sitlrtl li*\i r)\'cf l)J (llrlrlirrlrl {lrlt,orrro Lr,r. oitlrl.,,\r'thlrislrqp oL llollgnlt, Ir|osr'lll \\'cl'(. :1.:)01 corlll(,il l.'a lhtlts. rt'lro l)(,g;ttl it scr:liorr ln' stlr:ti(,n (lis(.u\sion r.r[ [)r. DrCk'sil nftrI thc selrt'nlir hlt(l l]0t'll gi\'(,lt gt'ntral :llli)t1r\ itl.

RAISED DURING thl rliserrs. siun \\,crc ul:tn] puints u'lrirrlr l\'(!l'r' Editorirl, Pagc { i,Nll('r'to(l to l'ccul':rs lhc vatiotrs chaplot's uf llro schrttr:r cilllte ul) [ot' rlt'tailtttl strrrll, :ln(l srlloctc(l l'osi(lon. Dnll'iill'chs Ft'onr ;\rrriliar',r' Ilislrrrll I'r'inro tinl nrchlrislxrps sn(l l)ishops. Ilc Ii:tsballi ol Vollotli, Il:r11. carnrt srirl th{r ao110grl shorrltl bc plt'. it stljlgr'slion llral ;r r'lr:rplr:r' be sitlt'tl ovtrt b1' tlrc Popr :tnrl lutvc atltlt'tl on tltr' tollrtirrrts ol (lltut'r.lr scl)al'rtL' sccl'ctill'iats f0r' thc AII:IH i\ D TIrt;N?'S A Ittltl Sl;rlr'. llc sirirl llris ryorrl,l P PR O }'E I) l,atin lrrrl I{lrslr'in Ilita sros-. Itart' an illll)it('l ll)l rrillv rul (,oiltl "un' ll'ics rrlrclc ('irllrulir' ('lrrrr.t'h I)t,t:laring thilt lh(!ro \r'as lltt, is rlrtt' insisti'ncc ritt the Iloiiutn lis tt'sqrr.1'Ir'11,hrrl also in ilxtst in tt'lricll i{ ii pcct ol thc ('lrrrrch," Archbi;hop l)(,1's(,('ut(,(1. IIt'r'nruttiuk slitl tlro i)tr)ftosr'(l (!rll 'l'\y{} Seesuccessful s l;ftltrr r\ttt0l'ifitn passage l)t't'liil{'r-- .JI,i) lege *'ouhl lt'co tlx' llisltolts I't'otu (lulrlrnal lllrul Silvl ll('lll'i(lu('r, hnving lo urrt'k tht'ouglt lltc t\t't'ltltislttlp oI Slrrl ilgo. t'hilr'. llonratt Cttlilt ott ttuttty rliocesittt atttl Ilisltolt St,t'{io llcnrlt'2,\t'(.{'r} uattr.r's, lt rvorrkl also. lre ltlrlt'rl, of ('trt'nt;rt lt:lr. Jltxicu. -t'('('unl. estahlisir ihirl {lre autlx)r'ii.v {)f thc Itlt'tltlttrl tlurl lrrrr' (.{)nsi(l{'t'illi(}l}of liisltrrps is gilon lt1' (irul. \\:lur tlf schema0n liturgy tlte \:ir'(in lllr'1'hc t'rnlrrxliorl irr hartrh'rl ovur ittt'istlit:liort lo tlrr' l)r I,lr.elcsin lntlrcr.th:rn bt'ins I'c. n'llrtse sttt't't'ss{)rs aft: .'\p0slles. sct'r't'tl "{)n to tt s('l)llt'll{(' stlttrtlir, By MsGR.JAMES I. TUCEK lclt. ltt :t (1,n1('l'illltt,Iollilrr'- iolt,rl on, th{: I{olv }[ystery tltt'bisltopr. as tt't'll as to tltc J)l't'r\ lllg llll' ('()ull(:ll trrt.t,ling gil\(: lll(! ol tlrc l,irrr,lralisl." is lirll(rued ll.v llrtpc. tlrt: succrssol ol l)r'1t'r'. ('l'l'\' ---'l'lte VrVl'[('r\N Iirst Litsl (ios1rt,l ()l' lll{' }la\: its iut riraplels on th(r other sacrillltcnrs "arklirrorr lN MAKING his plopusul. .\r'ch. rlrtY ol'r'rrtittg llt' <:orrrrr:ill.'a- t,tirtrrltlt' of ;rn llt itnrl lhe sacrllnt:nlals. thc Divinc hishrrp IIet'ttuiniuk sairl ltt. :tccr,pl' thcrs on :rrlcntlrnrnls lrt tltr: .;rtrl a srrnq ll:rs. u.rrrrlrl lrt att { lllrre. lhc liturgical l car. sacr.ctl t'rl lltr' *r'ltr'tttl in gcnct'ltl' llttt t:ottstitutiou on lhe lilrrrgv t..rirrrtplr,ll llrr'''rlrrplrt'itltott.' nllr:lc iln(l n linaI chapter oll sa- | I | I ":;;'il: Int'ccirsl llre strcct'ssltrlpirs- rr-lrr,rr'p;rrlsol llrc llitrs at'r rirt. rlcrl alt lrrd saclrtl fuurishings. I u lii:l:];I, ;i5,ll,,J"i,ll::;i:l. s;tilrt 0l' tlte etttire scllcrrtit, Jrlir';rllrl l)t'l\r'{'r,t}llrr' Pticrl t'r'li' ( lla o Dr'c hr t r:s r\ r ott, \r'ls l ulrcrl on lhc f it'st r if icscon'tiltcnts I unilerstl {'hrrrch, Irllnl arrrl thc clroir'. tt ltit'lt tvottkl Ht'call.lr ailect Irtc atrtctulrttcnts. lrrtt tltc corrncil '['lr{,sr' t h c li trrrg ica l tifr: ol' t ht: 4. lrttri i. l)r'r']r'lll I it0 l)l'{!ns ofliee urttt|lrrrnitltrc gave ('lrrrrch in lhc [rrlrrlc. Itrttttil| 0r' s('t'llloll lrs :rrt iltlr,(r'irl the I ally,' of r ote s orilv fol' tlrc iu.L)nirtno(l t() 'l'ht' ltltt't ul llttr Iias:. ultrr arlrls titsl lottt' irali0ts, Frcsunli!l)ly l)e- lLlrlrr r,r'. llrr. r,uurtr,,il l.'atltlr.: Ii;tlhrts ur,t'etitst on tltt'ttntr,nrl. l(| tll( s(irt.nl;r rrtt r,rlrl:rrrirliun ol r.lrrsr lirc talll o{ thc t'ifth billk}t t'rrttlrl rk'cirlr, lr) rlisl)r'rli(' rlillr tlrt' lll('lll\ lr) (}tl, tlrr' li{111''11s(th('lltit { tltrr ltotrttll :rs llrr: t:rlluritirrtt ll tlrl \r.as nrll cornplcterl in t.intc {or (l st'lrclrrir orr tlrc l:ik'srcrl \.ir';1in lr1. fi 1l l'. ,\t't'ltlrt:itrrI l';ttrl .l 8 ) as tlt.'cttssiotr on tlrt' scltr,nrlr rrtl slr,r'ir,: ol "()r) llrr. l'-arllr alrrl llrl Jrrrlrlicatiun.'l'here \r'erc 3.?98 llolr,0flir:t: a rnirirrlilr vott'. th(' Nllulf ol llrt' (llrult,lt" ('lrlisliiilt llalltn:ttt i)t .\llxtltir \lt(l ht'l'(' ttl j Irr,r'nls ol lrlr'. l;rlillr r,orrnr.il fatllct's pr(.scnt, on nll ()ll (lr,\'()1t()lt \\':ls ('('lt(ht('l('(l sittttill;rttr,rrrtslt. tonlnlr.nllllg l(t lllc 'l'lttts Irrln tlrc lclr

'fhc Rtrnre cumnrrrnist rlaily l,'Urrita said that lhc plohibition Irad bccrr prourptcd h;' distribu- tion of au auti'l"fanco panrphlct rvithitt tltc couucil hall by a Sp:'ii- \rrnt io rlies ish .

The Chrncery Offiee By order of fhe Mosl Rev. Archbirhsp PAGE TWO ,I,ITE COUNCII' AIYD TITE AMI';RTCAN m What doesthe t].S. Protestant | :l*r*i."^,,"*I hope for from the council?

Bv ROBERT McAFEE BROWN flrlitor"s Nole-'J'he Pt'olcslanl tporld is genl.ilrely intersr-lal \\rlrrtdoas lhe l:,rotrstir't "'1,,,Yn,!1,','r"'l,,lur'ir"!,""!,'"1i{ii'',ilil'J,ii,rl,;?tfiilr:,:"i::ri";":;:r:*'?;:r:::rl II rvill ttc- hopc thnt Vaticnn ,,r.i,,r,,ut r,rily oJ Clr.islitrns. colnplish? Il lhi.s Council, lha Ctrlholic Church is tltat it can alf or

|rt,tir.t't|stt[fit'icnll1.sltrrtt:;'"..:,.jl nttnrbcr ill' Irlcnch. ll{,lil litttt,h|ltlrtittltr:ttt..i;i:;i'.'.,.i:i{rrri,irt.tl.rtll||tintt''....\lrr|.||tir|lIti-('|.{.i||(.tll;t|ttrrrs1rltr'l.tr.|---':j]....-, -i$H't, MANyspEc,Frc rrri,,,r'rs *i' l:,1'l',1,"iil',,iJ;l'i;"',,,';\l1ll"';1,"1,"lt.' rli'ir:rtsst'rl'tttitttl'rott's rvill lrc ;1 A A llii'.i,,,lliili*,i,,:l',,,;;jli:;l;;li i' I'.ug ?dN J.,lr*'*o'igi,::i' t I tb b r,, r.r,{,(,{.rPJ,,,,, ,,r,1iil,i,,,ili,.iiii* l.1ll,.ll],,t lm,,;pii"l":i,ii,pi;:l,,nlilliliijf':i{,1,,,;l,,jii 5ALES& SERVICF OF I li:ill.I;,1;,,,,illi,j,,li.,,li:li"'i:;:iil'"iili; llqn_l,r'."i ti'r' i'i riii't:i,iiiii,-'irl I ili'iiillLll iill',illl'i"' ",,, '".11"'". iil:l.."ill.;fllll;il, ,1i"1,,,.1'lil1 Goodall Simplicity 'Ihc 'n.m't,;r{ \rr iur1rilot. u" t1,il,\rilnrs \'tl ,iirdr rirl s1r. llortd,s l,trcst hthh+r - | 'l'ltc sillcil llllS cach I'r:irt llits lrr{)itglrt first. s{,ssr(rn of tlre corrnr.il r:ial interest; Hand & Power Lawn and Garden (\lstonl!iiltof|htd$oo.|'..Iili.;i;].i'i:ii.'i]"i,lil'.liii]ii;ll:,t,i;'i,'1i:l:idtlli';|;;l; Rotarys Power Equipment itt' ltus lrct'onre arr nclirlrn'lcilgcd tr'[otnr u'as ttot llein..l r'it'rvcd [tt' L,ft]. Nothing llrtt tlnrlrh toultl certler rtl r'<:ttrrrr'uiral stttdics, ils llte tlutltolir: {'lrtrlclr tnt'r'cl1 as arr rkr at ilrl e,nrnciI r.,otrltlhare r,r,'r'. i lpttllliclltirlttslll'cll()\\llinrllr'tttlr'cLilttct.rt:tlttrlrttet'.tlllrelll|L'(|toth(.ittttttttlilltt'|lprtllliclltirlttslll'cll()\\llinrllr'tttlr'cLilttct.rt:tlttrlrttet'.tlllrelll|L'(|toth(. ('{)nlltcts('{)illlrcts ('ltt'istrrll(l(}nl.('ltt'istr'll(l(}nl. (.rrtholics(.i{tholics Pennsylvania lambert llte $'rIltl.rr'rlltl. lls rt'rllr lht' t'cst of lrttt llrrrlllrltl tlrctlro -\ions illlr('nq nurrn0rr tlrarrthan lr :l I Cal|ForFreeE5limatG-Leyoutl]':ll;'.ll'l,.]:',.:.:::[:]ltstltltrt'l)tct}lllr'lll||t'L\|l.(.{Itl('tltL,lturclr\1':ls:l\flrctllit$.liat{:\tlI Hand & Power Hand & Powered attrl ttscfttl. sotut. rrf llrc rrronlis slrtt rlirl ltbottt her orvn lifc worrlrl olrs llrorrl lillt'r'lv ol f{)rs(:rer}r{-! ::1]:]..':j:|li]:.'..l':...llf,.l'l.'.:]'.,jl]:::|l:'.:1'.l.:ll'::l"ll:.-l.'l'.]:l:.':ll'']:l:::::;:]::i1'^'.1l,\.rc I Reels Sweepers Oivlsion of BARRISON & CLARS:E, !nc. I lnil.d In \lr ^rr,N rhrr nll.et I.. rctfltin,shi0 $th atl.r and lr.dorr ol $orslip n' sdl ,- 1'r'at {o celelrlatc its {ltorrsanrltl 3750N' college slA'5-9909 "',,,,'";.;,,,,,rirlrr,r,.rrerr ME 4-28?5 I inrs;, lllanshat'cl t:irlls ('o*rlc:il HTRBTRTA. DAUM CO. INC. 'clA\\,Il' 650 :A AVE K itcheni ol unrlcrslirrrcling RYREI'$MUililN|R5-$IIOHI lNpm06ffiE$s tuntl' fronr the lest of the chrtrch. Now lt lcccivcs rts lrllilc lrccntrsc upon ELANSHARD :rtrtl ltts rttfe at'e it iltr ikous-thc sacred pioturcs. living by chancc irt tltc itpHt'tnrent arc ltung. ltuling tlrc lllss ot' Irotuir tvherc l)ttpc I'itts.\ll n'a:; IHEltlIt.lNER the Faitlrfrrl tlrc plit:st antl min. I)(rrtt. llt intcntls t() l'cnlllitt here istcrs offcr thc snclificc bchinrl altct' tltc sccontl cttttllt:il scssit,tl INEVERY DEPARTI,IEI'JT, OOI.OTNOUTRIISEY '1 attd tvt'iic a MILK thc closcd dools ol tltis scrr:err. ctttls orl llt:trt:ntbttl' OUR9lst YEAR Dt:lieior.rr Golden Guernsey Milk h thc only nrilk cvor io Although thcy can not be scen, lruok, ultsin o perfecl roting in ovary totegery tlte people :rt'e able to follon' sinr:e during rotbnol ltllrrrshald snitl lrc 1r'as n()t slll' nrost oll tlte prnl et's are said Lc)fnpelitio{r. prised tu rt'ceit c a(:cre(lltiltlofl aloutl. "I Fronr its velvety-gnooth ltrsle lo lhe rich, ndluf.rl fed ilc- lruru tlre cottncil pt'tss o{ficc. Also consirlelably (-'ltut'ch menlr tound h rvery goldan glossful, Golden C'ucrnooy ir diff'er'ing feel that thc !ias leall.t' fronr lVestet'n tradition, is tht: X-\lll's appcal nolure'l nrcst ncarly perfect food, Conrcienfinrn nrolhcru resprrtrrlcrl trr,loltn ANN!VHffi$AffiY placticc that ouly onc pliest for n rnolc flee attilude," lte said. serve Golden Gucrnsey becours they wcnl their fomilies lo offels l\Iass, thc others in tlre hcva prolein, higher orner.rnlr of colcium, minarolr, ond loctosc. monnstery selving as assistants Servc refrcthinq Golden Guernsey lo yo{r fornily. h's tho ol in tlte cltoir. .\t (lonrrrrttrriorr l


:;..,i 'l::a al 4:::::::jti t?ti:ri:t:t:i

i. i, I i iF lT'S Al'L OVER-The enlire group of younEslers who received lhe sacramen| 6ps 5lrown in lhe sane. CRATEFUL SMILES-Two of lhe lhree young ladies above diverled iheir ailention from fuary with Falher Jarncs Doherfy. cenler, eelebranl of lhe Mrss, At far lefi is Falher Williant their breakiast lo please lhe photogrupher. The oiher prrlially cooperated, but lhe cupcakes were more altractive. Fchiirrger, pastor of St. Arrno's . Father Doherty, instruclor rt ihe Latin Schsol of Indianap- The rpecial dialogue fularr for lhe youngsters was held on Saturday olis, is Arclrdiocesan Dircctor of the Migrarrt AFoslol.ie, He directed n corps of nine girls frottt Saered morning, Sepl. 28, Hymns were sung by lhe children,s choir of gt, provided instruelionr youilis tluring an eight-waek lle.rrt eentral who religious for thc twiee weekly Anne'r School, Father Doherly preached a , stressing fhe ps1.ip{ beginrrirrg August ll. The girls are rricmbers of SHe's Lay Apostolale group whieh hagan the imporlance of frequent Holy Communion. At the esnelusion of proiect at New eastle iast year, More lhan 30 girls hrve signcd up for the eatechalieal Lay Arroslolate Mass, he congralulaled lhenr in Sprnish. Many ol the yorrnErfer:r naxt $utntner rtr

THE CHURCH AND THE 'TVORLD WorryFree Apartment Living - *'['i,1,0 Ffficiettcy, 1 antl 2 lteelroom arltart- RaJ'usacpt'oblun Llcatifir:u,ti,ortslutar{, gatst;old r.ncnts irt tiSi. I'ctct: antl I'lul 1.;rlish. Also closc to Cnl.lrolie[]hLrr<:h irr ol]rt:r 'l'lrr' il. hirslrct'tt l l{}l)i('()[ cr]lllt'{)ft'l'sy I l'ltc lirrrlit'llllt't' l"r)tll}(litli()llttlrtt' opittiott ilr i\lr'rit'0. lonr' in l,l;rsl ;\lIir:a, ir!iilntla lrt'ci|nre a pafts 0f thc city. Itcnlal l'iltcs l0 sult The Vatican ,,rlrrr.rill] .tt:,i.i rulrt.t t'\ t't it lt:ts[rt't'tt lrl r'st'ttlr'rl. rrrll r.ont.t,ntt.;rlr. llr0 lorr, rrl ('trtlrolrr.('ontnl(,nl rv;ts sr.l lrt, lr'prrlrlit'on Or:lrrlrcr 1). Alrotrt il() yottt'necds. Stop in lor listirrgs;rl (ialcinavc. ('ullrolit: ,l-l-riiri I l'ont' ['lrll \ | r]ilil lrilllli. li) s(,r!al)lL'Iilluf(." rlll ll\'{' lttotts 0[ Ilat lrrs i\r'liorr pt'r'r'r'nt ol thc corrn{ry's 6.8 nril- m 850 N. I'enu., or call l\ll-lrosc tltc t itltlilr ol llrt Sorrr:rlrlir'prrlr. ltt't'sirlonl, n'lro suitl tlta{ tlri' (latltolic. (iatlurlir: troltl, inclrrrlirrr-l crprrrrrlcrl srl)- ll{)n lx'(}l)l(' arc any rhy, including Sunrlay. It,' itilrl 0tlt,'t .\lilr'lrtt llitli(,n{ ":l('ti0ll n('('('ssiil'y lrospitltlill fr)il1{l l}ol {)r'gilllzair{}r}s f illl solllc 2.600 l)()fl {)l t'(tsr\iuclr :tnrl l)l'o- ('oul(' "lt(lnr tltc lrcirtl" rrf trlcri- sr'lrools irr tlgunrl:r. I{rlrrcation grlrns" ol. ln |nlrttlirtiott crtntt r':rtts lrtr';rrrsr lltct' rvrll ttol frtt'rr'l ]littislcl L. l(;rlrrlc Scltalir. r'eas- r\llcirrlv a rrrajol srrppoltt't of llrr' pclsclrrlion ol llroil fr'llorv srrrt'rl (':rlholics llrat govet'nt'trenI ('lllurlirs in Yrr[osluviu. lirhitt[,rvtl populalion contlol Plu,icc{s, tltt' 1tl;rt1:firl' sttllCt'visiort "ltt oj- l'glrn

1509 Main St. (Beech Grove) 5T d.63I2 At home Co ttrses itvitiliirrrlc for i\'[lss lcclor:s ENJOY WASIIINC:'I\lN -'t'lre Nation;rl Council of Catholic i\lel has puh- lishcrl a I\lass cornmentalor"s tlFt I.r'aining course pastors FOR Io airl in ASECURE AllDDJflillTE lll00ttlE tlevelopinE lay participation in the litulgy. on your InYeslmenlr lhrough our Nt.jCl\I cxecutivc tlircctor *Iar'- lin II. V/ork rlescriltcd thc cour.se "a as unique prrlgl'am for cncorrr'- Mrss,".l1 aging and revitalizing par.islr liturgic:rl participation. " ^fiF,llrRAcr 'fhc cottlsc rvas plepaled by RECEIVEA CHECK EVERYsIX MONTHS the NCCNI staff in collaboration YOU WII,I rviih thc national Liturgical eon- lcrence. Elljoy the pleasure of dining artid a It consists of sir rveekly train- Sond mo Intoiiilation on your Ll{s lncoma Mlsiiorr Contract (tecor setting of tinc art from t_he ing sessions on srtch tlrcrnes as personal your "'Ihe collcction of host, Stnrcturc antl Spirit of thc "IIorv i\Ir. C. E. Iicndall, l,,1ass," to Read ilie Wor.d IVRIIIIODAY "Why =U= of {iod" and Shorrkl I l}irr- FORFURTHER ticipatc Ar:tir,ely?" The lndianapolis Reslauranl ..=- one-State Kits containirrE DETAILSTo City wilh a N,alional Repulalion tlre coulse rna, tcrials for inrlividual nalircipants cost $5 ear:h, an{ ihp urarruals for I K.\l\lPiLr\ - LIg:rnrll's C:ttlto- ft 'r;l r:otrse directol's cost elch, lir:s rvct.r-'fLiassttt'o(l on the cr-rtt- 'fhc maicrials alo ar,ailable flont tinrrerl erislrt.tcc of tltcir st:ltrtrrls NCCtrl l'rrblir.ations. t:)t2 llnssa- tlrrling lhc 1'ear rvhiclr lor,rk Ilteir t:ltusetts Avcuut, N.\V., Wushing- (:ountr'y to tlte stattt: ll lt t'cltttb- tou, D.C. 20{)(}5, Iir'. i\ fot'ntcr Ilritislt pt-t,ttrrrtoratc PAGE FOUR THE CRITERION,OCTOBER II, 1963

EDITOR COX{MENTS FROM NOME Reformation of is the most crucial issue facing the council irs pt'iests are said to They are frightened by the revolutionary share in the episcopncy of thc I'ope movement broupht ties had issued a forbidding Catholie colleses and in the powcrs of tltclr bishops. on by the calling of the council by John XXIII. share universities to -granlhonorary degrEes without flrst-obtaln- tng ctearance from . Tire cardinals antl bisltops rvho waltt to elecetrtralize the Paul in hls address to tho members of the Curia. This action was allesed to have been taken because the Church, reform tlte Ilotttnn'ettria {uld sat tlp :r mcchanism in which he told them they must change theif thinkins td Jesuit-run University -Kueng.of St. t outs Ettri granted an honorary degree bv whititr the bishorrs ot tltc rvotld wottl(l helf the Pope give conform wlth the wlshes bt ttre councll. notea ttiaf to Father Hans whose (with book on Church rdform and dircction to lhe Ctn'ia stlcss with vigor tltat Pctar was not Curia's concern the council) was sirch as to show at lectures on freedoril withln the Church aDart fi'om the Alrostlt's, bttt otlc of lhcm, Thcy finrl abun' times some amazement and apprehension abouf JuCtr an were considered by the Curia to be close to heresy. cllnt nroof in tlr-e Scrilrtttrcs lhat lhc cnl'ly Chtll'ch was unexpected and sudden conciliai convocation and about the foundid upoll the Aposltcs antl tltat Pctcr rvas their head. gravlty of the problems that it would raise." This unbelievable decree was issucd on May-issiiante";;A; 25, when The lrnpoltance oi tlris distinctiott sltottltl be evident, If The membcrs of the sre indeed uneasv. Pope John was uneoRscious. Notice of its the btshops of thc rvorltl rlo not shafe thc rule sf the uni- They even fear that some of the leaders of the *ovCmeii never sent to the Catholic institutions in the United States. vcrsal Clrriieh ivitlt tlic Pollc atxl alI tlrcir powel's eome to to reform the Curia are clo$e to heresy. This rnav account those rcsponsible for it, when thev realized what a hor- rible mistake..they them from the Papacy,-thc lh-cn lltc ltomatt L\rt'itr its tlte ad- for some of the ntrange and devious m-sves ttrev hhve midd harl made, atttimpled at first to hlde ministrative iroely of l)opc colnplctely tlonrinates the that have alarmed many of thE concillar Fathers. r[, anci wnen they were confronted with copies of it. thev trishops. pleadetl with the press serviees not to repoit it. .i,9s.t,year, it-was an open secret that the Curial thinkers o-n rne Llr,_urglcal A theologieal tlisputc, [ltclcl'olc, bccomes extrelnely Qommlssion used delaying-before tactics in hone The rlamage was done, but no lesEon wac learned. Thc 'l'hc tliat. nothtng- pr&etical. vast rirajoli[y of llre liisholts of lhe rvorltl would be ready for voting the fifst sacond sessioll of Vatican Council II was scarcelv under scssion ended. ivitnt deeeittt'nlizntiott of tlte Cltttt'ch and to regain for them- way when the Rome newspapers reported that the writines selves Inany o[ tlte porvcrs tvhiclt lirey fecf that a local of three authors rvcrc banncit ny tne Vicariate (Chanceri) The same tactics are being employed now. I have Itishotl or a gl'oltp ol' bislrolls- ol' lhe sillltc llfltioll ot' ttlrl'itol'y Office of Ronre. By the timc thjs news reached.'London."i 'l'lttry learned that some ot the leaderl of the ieform rnoveincirt can bcst dccitle lrorv lu trsc. rvattt to tlcterttritte hcadlinc on thc front pagc of tha Drrily Express descrided flre fearful that the curial members oI the Tlreolosical "I)ope 'i'hiec whetiter irt their o\\'ll eotllltl'y lnQmborshiP of pricsts in thc it as: lJans Artiltors." Comrnission mfly bc.able to ttro rcrviiring-bT'ilr,; Rotaly sltould bc t'llcoul'agcd or lorbirltlcn. t'hcy arc tired -clelay "matii _schc-ma-on, the Church to conform"rvith suggestio?is of rvaiting -ycars fol llonrc to hancl tlrrtvn tlccisiolls ill lnaf- Wren the smoke had clearetl, it was discovered that a t!9-.bt_r]r9!lfr so that nothing may r'ragc cascs. lI be a6[ompristreA-dn letter from the Vie:rriatc had been shown-but not left with ille ,sunJeet tnls session. -Catholie 'Ihc boqk dealeys, tlirecting them not to displav the Pr.lcr alonc, thcl' n-rililttaill, is tltcr rock 0r fgttndation incmbcls of thc liotnan Crttitt nre not trgainst re- works of the Jcsuit Clrartlin i,L6tters More sensational and more harmful to the ehurch rvere an([-Xavier Rynne's urx)n \\hich t'hli.sI birilt IIis Chttlch. Caldillal Rttfiini catt Ior'tR ot' tleceutralizittiou itt princiPlo. ltttt likc tltc Southern ,,pope, Iwo other moves much publicized liy piesi.--: From Rome" anrl Itobcrt Kaiser's Council and proof cxistcncc of a xollltgie lvhites an(l inlcgration lhey thinlt ttorv is ttot thc timc and itre secutar lintl no Selilrtttt';tl for titc -of 'l'imc_rnagazine World." lt's slitl possible to hrry thcm, thoueh it is renortetl strch things tlkc l]ran.1'yculs of Tltey are Ap1y5{[,rr, Ii s'tlrltl^:rltnost seem that he, atltl those rvho thaI ])rcl)aftltioll. - reportcd in the miclrllc of Scptcmber thcy nrc sclling olrt fast. Wlrcn asked'abouithe rasulation. the rvorld illiu'med at the criticistu that hits bt:ctt conrittg tltcit' rvay. tlrat tlre sacreo l{r't't uith hint, u'ottkl sity tht}t tltc bishops of congrdgation oi s"minaries anrl d;i";i.si: the Vicariate said that the actioll was instigated by Xomeonti irr the l{oly Offiee. . QUESTIONBgX . woRhP, rir\A, YOUR ANpM|NE Popc Faul's roaetion to this retreat into tho last cen- rqK NEw tury was to appoint Cardinal Augnstine Bea to the Holy NFWMopEr A n6E f1 rl 0fficc. tilrltlinai Ilcil, a Ccr,mnn. i-s a leatler: of the reform \I',urls pastol' t Ouncfl newsmen movcrncnl ancl thc hearl of thc Sccrctariatc ]'or Church tJnity. IIc will now bc in a lrosition t0 ward off similar Inistitkes in thc futulc ()r' at lcilst to alert the Pope in time givcn rlew statr$ so thilt he cern stop thcm. nladc L_/ By These unfortunate mistakes have weakened the "ll::sig,nor DR. GARY MrcEOlN 'fhey Curia cause,. ale dranratic exanrplcs of how ntuell and why 'l'h-csc IIOIIE-IVhilc formal opening cere rnonies nnd the tiuria needs refor,ming. afc obviously not thb clnrification of procodurcs for the council's nerv people who can bring the Church up to date. No wonder scssion {ollow thcir imprcssive arrd dcliberatc course, I'opc Paul told thern thc ncrv Curia would havc to be I ltave joinetl my {ellorv crysl.al.gaee ls in ealne st tlained in ccnmcnical tltought. itrvtic'ntiotr of the grridance o{ thc IIoly Spilit noi only for the augrrst !'nthcrs lrttt ior I\'[any hishops finrl {hernselves in a painful position. our runvorthy sclvcs, Tlrcy havc closc I'ricurls in thc Culia rvhich they irow are c0nvilrce(l mtist bc I'efol'mc(1. I t'an atrpleciate their nre- (liclnr('rtt, I hirvc goorl Ir'ierrrls rvithin' ihe Crrria whom I l'espect highly. Tltey at'e urpul)lc, intclligcnt mcn devoted to their \\'ork arxl gellefously sactificing themselves for thc goorl of the f,:hrrrch in a lonely life that ferv are rea(iy to crnbracc. 'l'he nernlters of tlre ('rrria arc the victiurs of a. svstem "pontlcrorrs that has flrown \\'ilh its own vcllefahle age," as lhul VI said iu his t:rlk to thcrn iust before the eouncil rcconvcnctl.

Catholic journalists feel thrt Rorne toclay has n rroticept of their {unction distinctly rlifferent fr'orn that with rvhich it approachcd tltc opcrring session. 'fhen, tlrey w{!re still llurdcncd rvith thc wcight of tltc ccnttrry.old conflict bctwcen thc Vntican nnd Europe's prrrverful anti.clelical newspitpers.

If Vatlcan hatl ncvcr hrlly succcctlcd in hirling lronr hostile newsrnongers the inucl sccl.ots t of tltt: Church's workings, thcy had lnrgcly con. t'inctd lltc Catholir: iorrnalist that his Iirst rluty 'f'lne was to refutc thc unflientlly intclpreters of tjhtrlch Woulcl apprcciale any halp you can glvc ur, glinlrrrer goinf{s.on; his ncxt, to liurit his rcpolting of faels .\. I hrr r' onrrttt'

i\. I aln not suf(t $,hothrtr. your lostering o{ rny vanilv is a veniul sirr or. not. i\ly aceeptance ol rortr flrrltcly is only innocent conrpcnsation for the abtrso I tllic srr It'cclttently.

\ottr evitlcttt arlrliction to Question and Ans$'cr llluch discussion contcred on tlris sub,jcct bctrvccn tiut it at leastis a glirntllcr. Arttlout of glinlmers,glory crtltttlrtts is 1it'g1;x1,1r'not a sin-0nly an irnperfeCtion, trly qUestion eoncerns thc fcrl. lorving: {he sessions, almost all indicatir'g apploval of thc htts sltt'tttigitr timcs P:rst. 'fhe qicH00L idea of greater access to inforrnation. Cooldin- Father Bosler wrotc that thc '-PLAV ating Colnnission in July passed on proposals for I Bishops sang tha l\lass togethcr, fl ntore liheral policy governing pres.s relations, and "The (lown He said altal was in while the day-to-day operation will provide the acid the nidst of them and the eela- tast, it is lelt by the press that najor progrcss has hrant facetl the congrcgation. I Itrxttl'lletltr bcen madc. got get "Hootenatly" I u'orrltln't lic stt tliIiitlent about tlre possibilitles the thrill again I usetl to As rve wateheJ a segment the othel night, last ycar during thc lilst session Pcrhaps tlcvalopmcnt in t'e- ol xaining a plrnar'f intlulgencc. Evur iI i,'ort don,t the most signifieant that one of the pr(}minellt pal'ticipants' of thc council. It's at this council \\'e renretl-]ltct'ccl gaitr it in plcnar'1' llilnr,cr you mny gain a comfort- cent nronths regarding thc place of the press at the 'I'heorlorc one lIass, offcrctl by Bisholrs frorn I3ikcl, htts ll'tillly filtlls to his credit-includinS ing pitfi o[ rt. Bcsitlt's th('r'e are partial indulgenccs cotlncil was a series of statements by Father Entilc evcry part of thc world, that you whele hc playetl a Re(l i\rmy o{ficcr cluring the Berlin g|antet[ lirI thr-.rc silure olfcr.ings; Gabel, sccretery gcneral of iho International Catho- I for.gct the de= scnsc the true meaning of the occrlpatioil. Iic Press Union and himself a lbrmer editor of t n ils. catholicity of the Church. Antl position article tho Crced, sung togcthcr by hearls Lr Crolr. He formalizcd his in an of the Church of all nations, takos distributcd not only to Catholic newsmen arotlnd thc on a new anrl exciting meaning." world who are members oI the Union, brrt carrictl l'ather hit the nuil righ6 6n ths to an adtlitional attdiencc by America fnagazinu. head! This artrcle analyzes the phllosophical alrtl theo- logical reasons whr eatholles have a right to know Now then! Thcse leelings ex. place analogous to pressed try one who is an editor. what is taklng in the ehurch, a pastor, that of the citizen to know what is going on in his An(l rr()\\, ltr) rnorc rluestions altotrt itrtlttlgences antl ahove-a Pricst oi lVc thought thcy tt'et'c talking altotlt sollle qf people God, might well be cxpcriancod eommunity and in the nation. lnp fot'a ft:rv tlr.rtttlts. pltast,. on Madisott Aventte, but tlic resolutiott proceaded to claim by many of ns who are not pres- "cel'tain Galrcl argues, hootctlanics" had been ent at the co;neil, bnl who pos- The right to information, tr'atltcr st)ecificaily that of the is not a phenomenon peculiar to rlemoeratic soci' (Cotttirlttetion S) Q, What do you thlnk cf r prrish in r rmrll sibly might wish lo know, as I Pagc dc-- eties, but a trnivers&1, inviolalile and inalicnable town whieh hai a card ptrly on rn Embcr Dry iiiiiii1ii1iimiimitr1ii[iililiiiimiiiiinliilliiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli right wlrleh every Boeiety to whieh a tran belongs, and serves lefreshrtrenls-food? lwqr rrrl rur. I{orv could this most wondellul oplnloni expresred in lhese odltsriol columnr rrprcnnl inclttrling the Chureh, is ohligcd to rcspect. Srrttlc The Frl red' cvant have taken place if thc - nol nec€ssarllyTHF C'lthslic vlewPoinl' mal reject his thetireticnl argttntent, hrrl it is felt r Cafhollcvhwpoinl ilIass were not in Latin, but in offortt of lhe adilorr lo servo pvbllc oFlnionwlthin thr A. It ls all riHht il all thosc attcnding thc card " here that this vicwpoint will in practicc sct tlte Thcy rre cvery natlvs language ol every lhe Nafion. palty a|e past 59. l'vE0FEN GRouruPe,o!r tone for newshandling at thc eurrcttt scssion, Churchand within Bisirop from cvery I,.irt of thc THE CRITERION, OCTOBER II, 1963 PAGE FIVE .['lJIl . WIIAT OI,'I'HE DAY o \';lRDSll''ICK 'Politics'of A new Church image the council

By REV. JOHN DORAN r to the govcrnment dcccntralization, while the lilr- ion. eFals in Arnelica rvnrk lor it; thc conscn'atives in Ronrc are thc ld hokl absolutelv to ones wlio s'ish to cantinue the lul. No scnsilrlc Con. conccntratctl powcrs of thc Curia, nks that the govern' rvhilc thc conscrvativcs ill Anlet- oslrict itsolf in our ica scok tu plcvcnt thc bureau- tl tt rl plaint, rvhen onc h rr t'c lr ir rlicatctl socicty to cracy of an ovcr.cxlcndcrl fetlcral thinks of tle als, alxlut llle rlloil- and Iilo protoction, govclnnront hclc. Thus you car! surokc-fillcd .rler t't'sttlts llrll nilt tlcfcnsc anrl tliplo- scc that, thc tclms alc oplrositc5 l'()oms rntl nll coultl hc c\lx'('l- al ic tuntlcavor'. No Liher,al ax- rvhen uscd in Anrcliern t h e pllaplrcr- lrrilitics cd Ironr tltr: tpt llttt ntost slat't'y-evcd tvoukl anrl rvlten ttsr:rl in lcl'cretrr:r: ttt tlte ti;ili;t ivilli rvlticlr IalicanCortn' tlrt fiovottttllenl. supervision lry Vlrtiratr eouncil, thc i rrl u ge of 'lrr cil. li R'us onc lit:l rrf thr: k:g;rl rvay Io blorv pttt it pietolially: In thc rilililllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllillllillilllllllllllllllllll rlrlilies is lrc' of lltt'tnost IlIl{) s n()5{), Vatiean {lorrneil Rishop Kcnnedy rleclierl. llut :ll{}ri(}rls srlils()llS lrrqrre lhal hc lrlrd u eottvetsintt IJttt frctrvcen theiie trvo cx. rvottltl finrl himstrlI il collscl'va- therc is anothel Iol llre rrhl st1'lc oxpt'ricnct' otr tltc Iloot' o[ St. I rcnlps lir.'5 lhe vasl, f icltl of tive, [',ishop (ioklrvatcl I libcrnl, scnse iu rvhiclr spll r'r'rlicisttt: it I'ct0r's blsilicu. llgttmcntalion: rvhich t lr r n g s Yr:{: hoth of thcsc soctors fight such langrragr: \\ il s il I s rt llttr o shoultl bc takcn ovcl by thc fcd a r,alirl baitlc in thc lfltrirs otl thc is rlui{c applopliatc antl scnsilllc. litsl sr.lsott, llo rnay not hilvc bccn thc otrly rrnurtnt, rvhich ihiurls ('lrtrlelr arrrl of ruan- trlarr is corn- llolitics i.s concerncd rvi{h the \\'irh llrc ttistltrtt, rrI lttttd:i'lltl {}ire. iii tlrtr tltriitrrl St:tios l{cunteu- Itl nnt? Which lhings should plicaled hy thc fact ih:r[ he i:: govct'nmcnt of nran fol tlur tonr- 0llr\ fitll sr.c hu$' rroni: tltc pt'ssi= ical rliscrtssiotts, ltlctiottsly lcrv otlc local[1' or lly the statas? e.rsentially flootl, brrt :rlso rvound- nron soodi it alsii rlcals *'ith thc 'h 'l'hosc misis of l:tri stttttttttr ri'ltlll'nt're. Irnrl seci'et ltct:itlte lltc or(kr ol' thinlts slrrrultl ba tak0n rrl hy Originll Sin. rvlio 'l'hr) Iau' oI practicalitl', rvhat c:rn I'trpa (ll)rrllrt(l lltc t'oilttt'il Ilr0 rlil1' $illt ('Ortfr'rt'tl('{'srS(tllli- 't'ho Ite, fcdcral gf)1'(rl'hlrcnt? fir:ht for trtan's librrIty hrrd frr:rr- lcasonlblS, ba cxpoclotl. silli;t tlr:rtitatic antl stit't'ing cltll ililrs, itntl l('('lurt sct'h's sifrlllglllg legilititatr: lir:lrl the arlvo- tlom aro inflrrurcrtrl tnost ht' Ilislttrps ilt sokrtrrlt r:ottttcil lI'c l{)t' a!l-!i0t'nilnrt'n1o.'fhc llisholts rup all ove!' llttt lrlacrt. il'ltt' ltigh rrf lxrllr sirh,s lrrr'ak llrcir ntan's gootlttc:ss; tlrose rvho fieht collct'l'llurl n'itlr llrr, or)nllllolr :rn.l looL ltiiri ;rt Itis trrrt'rl lll(l ck'alc(l point canre \rheri l t:llrliit;rl of t(rll caclr othef, lo conil'ol hinr in lris evcr), ntov(l ttltiiturtc goorl, oi lhc sllvalion ol t lreir r)\1lr crrttrttissiorts ;tttri lhe Itornntt Cltttrch stoocl ott lhc 'l'lrr:y o at'c inflttunct'rl b5 his conlirrrral sottls itt lltis rvrlfl(l of nuls. lrrrrrnced lurt'k lrr tr)illillitlce stlge of Srnders'fheatre lntl, iii ln tlrc Val ican (lr-rttncil llrr: g511111-'hias torvurtl or,il. lirth sii!cs carr ill'L\ :lls(l allrrntlalrtly au,;rle that rt'lrern;tlir uhich u'r.rt rr'lt;rslir's of I hr. presence, no rlorrbl, ol I hc logitiinatc blttlr can hc fought. Itt'ing pilcs of ovitlcnr,r: Io strpport TOR-Felher Donrrd Paulur, trothittg is itcconrplislrctl b,y sirrtply 'I'lte rrltl thcolu::! rrrirnrr;rls, sha

Week-End "cat'Lfitrg Itt tltc pt't'ss llrll. tlrc cal I'alt'iat'clt ;\tltctlagor;ts, tltc rlut" of thc lt'solrrtiotr utt tlialogut' slt[)t(:nlr: lcatlcl of ICastcln Ot.tlto. "art ittvollt-'s officc rvhich *'ill lltr rlor.r. RETREATS .1tl t1c lr,-,ler.s 6f lll Or. tstaltlisltod to sttttll'tltc strbjct:t." ,.tor. ilroriox (.llrut,t,hcs For Men '.i1j;,1]]:'il l {rrilrcl Ih\!t'vt't" he itdtlctl' stutll. l,r l,c (,iu.r.rr,(t orrr. by all irr siqttifit::rnl. prritrl I'r'i. I ['.-1I.to Surr.6 P.M" ol'llrrr rnrltcl is ('ttrrtr: itt tlitd l)itrt::tt lirIrr 0trr' .s/orc. l{/r; ltlte listcd lLet'e just, tt lcr'; ul thjrt a rcstirrliott rtits takerr," t:ttttltltotl . . ." llt(: ittiln!! tl{'t|:: tu\tilabk: I"il'st (lottt.rrttorirtrt giJts. Sec Lr.sIt}l o lit'!)L' ('tttttiuuing, IoI (ill"l'S 'rO 'ltl[ ill e t ropo I i I n n lt rr.as stl'rlsso(l lr). obset.r,els Sl'lil:i{il.ll\s li\:lBl.U l:S TIDLP ll()l,f rr.'/r't'lirrtt i 11| l. a1r 1'6. :,1.'s1.111f I s. 'tllt: (Lttysostotrtos ATVERI{A J o[ illyla. soctotiil'.v .,frurrlalnr:ntll.r l'.\I'ilrrr rfltl:til.: llti 1'IIINKS Nf:uI) Is {iltu.,l,Tlls,r. lhal ;r flctor is rll lllrr c0nl(rt'(rlIo(,, l'trll(l uils sliltc- Lllil{ colltlr(.ls bclrvrcn Ortlurtloxy RetreatHouse \ l.;\ l.:lt i ril,r.-lrlrL't v],tt.\-\,\ l'c't: 'l 8140 wunffiionof irr: ir,.ri1 l:i.r-ct,utuly lorrler of the Plriladclpiria erohdloccs€ r"',..'.1,:r Spring Mill Rd. It'ol 1!jlr ln lrr':riilirtl ou ()ct. 1:i b.v Popc Paul Vt. llis graat loir :,_rt_::_!::11': I llt l.illlli'i:'l,ii"..l','li!,,f;,,01;i;:Reservatiols 0all: First Communion Cards (:olllit('I Enrl u,rlk \!;is.l:lrrlu{ t:ltilrllcn, lla ofttn tauglrt thern catechisrn lht'.r' lrrlrl. ll.r rvith tlrc (]lrrrt.lrtv.ttkr ltc itttlr,s" cL 5-1340 t)cr:{rl)itji\' ;il[l :rr' loltr](k'il t]re tliocrsln s1-stcnr o[ Cathollrt Alrosto[icl .Dcle.gnl.e scitttrrls ill ti!i\ ('riunll'1 ... ^rr rneItrlrcrshlp ln ottr rssoclAtiOn rvill l;illl"" Open All Day Saturday futirru r.turhlo lli\llup \rrurrt:trrris ln the lB NE.{R anct lllDftLI'i A rc|oLt het'e said that rvhilc 'CtW ' W r{ ft r ,{ ri ,s 11.\s-l' e{rrrntries Ir iln. lt'aq, Palcstine, lntlia, ].lgypt, etc.) to in lJr:ittin rrirtrtcrt lht' ('hulchcs rvcrtr nnanitltous ilr Cirlisl's.\iririt (And btirt{ ilr)(l $'rrr(ls t0 thC Citiklrett glownups} llteir call Ior tlialogut-' with llrtt (liltlllliiL'-q..,Iltrrnbo|sltip ol lltr.c ls sO iilLrtipensivC,Onl.y $t r \:rtiit:ln lhct' rr'r.r(, divirlerl on thc (HURCHSUPPIY t.!r :r sirr:lc pr:r'son; tol INDIANA !e:!r $5 e fanrilS'. I'elpetual ntentl;ership eluestitrrt of assitninf tleltrgnte- l' I' I'l' ftot Sft is S:lr) l'of a siugle pursrllr: Sl00 for n faniily. .Yotl share ln urt olrsclvr:rs to tltr-' Stcond \rltican {:,ll'il{|, iC S1': pfrl-r.rs and -\la\ses of the [lolv ['nlhet lnd the 1I,000 pricsls Council's scconrl scssiorr. lt rvas ME 7-8797 itl tll(,so rrrissirln0l'.v I1r, l,eonard fiernel I07 S. Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis rotttrtt it'c. tullintittcl.v rlccitlcd lhal caclr {lhttlch tttttsl. lualic its rrrrrr rle- Dr. Blanche Kernel :tI.\IrliIiIiN X, fVffff'fjS-r rjttrl,Dsert ir* t.n doltars I receiteil lieating rision. for nry lrilsi {'onuurrnion, I rorrld like lo rend lt {o r nrerty Dr. Faul I.!. Kertcl chikl irr {hr nrissions. OI'|t [i[FLT: lllaureen, vour klnd sacri- Dr. Jules Tirtder licc $'ill 5o to help a I'.tLl1STI.r-E nEEtTGllU chlltl liring in r f,l{flTsrcN(|rSG()()ss n:Ns s/lYS: eantF ltr the \r:ar Basl. 1{r hrlp lhem rvllh rehrollsg {g3;1 I lelnr); forxl {a packrgc rosts gl0) rnd uarnr blankets ($l). llc rlso rurr ir rchool for lhe HLIND t_.ilIl,DRRN OI. GAZA. SAVEIIOW TO GIVE GTNEROUSTY ON NIiX't' .\t(ir-'L[ rvri Hfi,rrnrrxilri ifiH troly soul,s. ou|r ptilli$'t's .r.iir\NKrrul tlit: FoR ttt.{ss s,rIpBNI}s. w Canttet f,alises !.ittetl I\Sllt\;t .\rCUt,t_s I{OURS I A.M.-5 P.r,t. (;ulo Closcd Wed. Aflornoonr Thc tl',\t's hlrrl the answel fof dark

Iluclosed please find. .. .for...... NAIIE . Irlered !r SraondClilJ mlllar al Port oftir., Indirn.tolir, lhd. USHER EDITOR, Bei', Ilaymonil T. Bosler: ASSOCIAII'I] nI)lTOR. Rev. Paul J. Cour'tnet'l 1\lAN- AGING IIDITON, T.r'ed TV, Funeral Hontezfnc. ',When the bishop asks all lo siand who promisg t_ogive $10 on Mission Fries: NE\\rS EDITOR, Faril G. 'The ftANClt CARDtNAt tPEttMAN, ?nrtdrnr Fo:i: ADVERTISING IIAN. Sunday, play Star Spangled Banner"" AGIlIl, Jamrs T. Brady" llrgr. Jorrpl f. fjor. lldT ire., Price ${.00. ycit. *.tt?,tto tcrd clf rornrrlcodou llf tt ISSI(}NS CATHOIIC NEAR EASI WETFANEAISOCIATION Published Weekly Excepl CTITII{IIIC Lrrl Week in December. E. Johns 46225 480 lcxington Ave. ot 46th Sf, Nqw yo* lt.N. y. Frank 136 WEST GEORGIAST" INDIANAPOLIS,IND- d"rfu,r_W crhief Enrollment 235 signed up Iitrncl Cy Cipher at Mariarl % for CYA perley \,\'ilI spcak CYO BASKETBAI-L - Entry hlanks for the Indianapolis - efy CYO basketball leagucs have B:rncluet 800 been mailed. llntry dealine for a[ "6?" Cadet and lcagues in Mon- lror tht filst tiurc in histoly, a day, Oet. 28, and for .Iunior- Senior and Freshman.Sophomore Edited by the Cleric Seminarians of Wesl Baden Collegt tr()n-Crlholic rvill lrtl the principal leagues, !-riday, Nov. 1, spcakt'i' :tt ihc :ttttrttnl CliO Ban' qtrc[, scltorlulctl for' ]-t'itlny, Nor'. CRITERIONAUIZ CONTEST'- l, irt thc Scccinit IIiglt *Scltool Illanks have heen mailed for the lrrtlitoliuru. Itichitrd lragtte, exc- annual Jtrnirrr CYO Criterion Quiz t.rr{ir,e rlit'r'ctor of tlttr tlttited l'und Cerntest.Ijeadline: October 29. (lltrrrtct' A of lrulinnltltolis, rvill btr limit has been set ol thrce tcams ride sprttiktrr' it. rvns an" The hus llre Fttcsl to each parish, nount'r'rl tlris rvrr-k b)' .lohn C. {l't\rnnor', l:itnqtrt't cltltii'trtan' Ey P. J. McDUNN, S'J. Iiilgcn trla)'lrc s()lrle pillllllts ilta lrr past t'r!ilts tho Pt'itteiPal lilio tlrat. But lis{cn, Stt'vc, I'rt' spt'lkt'r' ltits alrvrt]'s hccrr it Crttlto- gttl' Fol a tlteor'y oit tltis' r\ ltlts ln. prolatt 0f pl'rt'st, l() hllvc -sontc ittttltot'it1' or'r't' ltittt HIGHLIGHTS oI tlrc annuul :rt lt'nst till hc is orrt rtl ltiglt liuquct, u'lrirlr rvill br'girt lt. o:llt) st'ltrtrtl. I thittk llt'n 1'ott rtill :tt[- p.ur., inclutlr-' tltt-' irrvirt'r.littg oI tlte GrinsteinerFuneral Home ltit l[ll n'c dorr't lirro*'l'ltrtl it is St. John Iloseo nrctlrls as rvcll Ils Established 1854 Stct'rti llrll, nhltt :r drirg tlr;rt all :rbout J'cl. I'irlcnls ltrtr'e ltt't-tt 'l'lrt1' llrc St. {-ieor{e nnrl St, Anri liiiglislt chss slts. lh" llc(larthv lltt'ough it :rll, lttton' l'lt:ti GEORGEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLDD. UNGER nrt'tll[.s fol outstanrlin!: servit:c to tlrlks lrrttgt'L tlilltottl )illillu iltl\'- lllo sl{)t} ls. llElrorc 1.5374 160l Erst Now York St. antl tltr: of the thing tltan atll'brxl]' I linos, 1'outh, Pt'cscnlatitrn J rrrritrr'(l\'() oI thc Ycrr tluplt1,. \\c stttc ltittc lt:td holttt' 'l'hc Itogct': (l\'t) tll'licr.! iiic:rnwliile ln- teacltet's. Iittl ltr''s Itcrr, I gttcss' flor111"a,, lhis rvcck thrrt the tlttrtl Stdlrrr.^ ll(.]', Iiog. lltetc's th;rt (lomnrurrirrn Ilrcakfrsts dll Ctrtho- on tho cortlcr. Wltl'tlocsrt't bltrtid lic Yorrth Sun

i4ARR PFIIT|ON5, FI|,I IN, CTIF AND fiAIt DEAR FAIHER ROBERI: PLEASEptACE lv\Y PtllIlONS BFFOREIHE NAllOr.lAt SHRII'IEOF 5T. JU0E lN lHE COMING NOVENAT N EMPTOYI\ENT E HAPPYMARRIAGE fl IHANKSGIVING pEAcE a oF MlNo n coNvERstoN oF RUsSrA A -*: 6.H.Herrilr&nn, pEAcE o ftNANcrAr HErp 0 woRrD [f REIURT,ITO SACRAMENIS I ENCI.OSTT fOR II.IE CI.ARTIIA''ISTMINARY BUItDII.]G FUND Bloomington FsnerO,l Hornes I'ope Pirul saicl lhe ideals of St- 5l4lMadison Avenus Nanre .- givt' progr.:rnr EastStreet \'incint a trr follory Bloominglon Shoe 1505South Address of a turll' Clrr.islian lift'. Repair & Shoes 2.8188 sI I.I2ll Ciiy - Znne .- Strrte - uE '11{t f{t^Ag€e oF 6dDti MAIL TO: NATIONALSHRINE oF sT. JUDE I}TE autt 221 WestMadison Slreel, Sec. l8 Chicago6, lllinoir OROER


I'ltc popttlrritl' og n'". ttnnt "Conncil, 'u;riter's Kucng's Ilcforln anrl Rettnion," ancl tho subsequent etithusiarn gencraterl by the & nicture' St'iss tlleslogian's speaking tonr T irr thiu conntry, wili make peo' By JAMES W. ARNOLD rr lrrt't'ltssttd ltttsirtcsstllat! atttl his ple eurious rlot,rrtr.tl Girl t'-r'idny. abrrttt lris ncrv "Thc a book, 'l'lrr'plois arc Illorc thrrrr silglttly Council in Ac. flke, nnrl tltc stiting a {oggetl-iii tion" (Sheetl Lunrloii ilit'pott rvltarc tlte ellatae- antlWartl, of rles- Icls. irr vr.lilld tlcgrees $,1.50). nt'r'ltiurr. u\riril- lr flight to Ncw i'orli--r't rrtin,ls otte of thc hrur' rllcrls ol siruil;rt' tttovic tlrlntRs lhonrrl plant'. slriit, lraitr or st:tge' SOOTHING RELIEF colch.'l'ritrtslrol'tlrtion. or the Cottttcil" art: ltolh a bit rrnfortun" tha soap roncQuGl.ls ihlcal of it. lrrings ottt alc, irs irrrlioltinf; thal. Ilrc hook DUEIO in tr'ct.v rvlilr:r"s lrlootl' rttiglt[ lro l lunning coulmcntary, '*Xavier {rn tlie Fittterrr of thosc lry llynne" aitrl ltohert Kaisrr. But Fr. Kucug s'ishes to ilalre a ntttrh tlo(lpLrf attd tnote sr,tiorrs nnalysis. IIis irook, Ihcn, rvill ap- pcnl to a sntallcr lurlicncc than Itls rcactctl favor:rbly to the otlrr.lr' "The Itooks nttntiouotl. Ctlrncil irr Actiotr" is, lnrllier, evr:n more "tlreological" profassiou:rlly thau *'Tltc o il, Conrie lkrfolnr anrl Rc. Finally, there is a bricf tlis, ulliurl." s'hich sprrkc rlrite rlitcet. cussion of the tvork of the Coun, 11'to l;r5'tnirtt as rvrrll ns clclic. o 'l'lte hook is rlivirlcrl into fitc 'lhc Preferred Risk Insurance Serviee ttrl.ior sectiorts. Iirst, rallcrt "'l'ltc Cottncil's Progrlm," is srrb- "Andy"

ORDE,RTODrll'ff2.00 'I'hu.t lhter kt Plus! Popular ( lla lli "nI_,.1sYnGAs"o $ATTA4 ARIA Ridio*Sund.y 9:30 a.rl.-liour ot 51, trd'r' is ,..., .WSl l'1 rtIoaerl to Larger Quarters tuesday R.dio 9,J0 a.n'.-Wcrt Bdil.n Culluile* l','0rds and Music ..- -..-,,,..V"StI,t

5fiEt"BYVtU.I ARrA Sund.y Radio - l?:15 p.r,r.-Hour 6f 5t. Frdilci: ..,...WSVI DINNERSEAffi NIGIIT4 to 8:30 ifLI. (ITY AREA Iid io _0. ily 6,00 p.nr,-Tlre Rosary,.,..,...,.,.*lCl Ridio-Sundry 7:00 d,nr.-S"c[ed Hcdrl . - , ., ., .,.. ,VJ1T? - - 7r l5 a.m.-lhe f hristophers - , - .. , ,, .WIIZ Friday Fishr Saturdty FriedChitken enrollnrr:nl, 7r30 a.m.-Hour of lhe Crucified ,.,.,lVlTZ Adulrs$1.25 ChildrendOc Sunrlwielrcs & I?izea serued ull euening

Dorrttr lrelay . . . {llrly ;l Linrited srrpply .'luailable }'io ilroil orqrer NOADMISSION - PTENTY OFF-STREET FREEPARKING THE CRITERION, OCTOBER II, 1963 PAGE NINE tttttrtttttttttttttttltltltttttttttltttttttlttlttttttttttntttttttltt grges exr)a'$ion Successful of scllcma Doran of jrtnior colleges (continuedrrom page s) .ntjffyy.t,,i;I;;tl;,Iy,::: thc.. tleclarations anrl schcmata r,o(rrsvrr,r,r.,-, rro.. he.e-lo'ii;;;";;: ;i.i; tN A PRESS briofing followinc Ky._A carholic which favor this. others will see educat.r callcd here f;;"'ii;; e nino.-houriourney down o tlte cottncil assembly, the bislrop's meior highwry. the over prescnttendency of man ruualks hcro werc commentetl csta;lishmcnt of nrore CrtU"ii" junior ul)()n. collogcs. At ono poinl, lrrffic was to rttn amttk, anri will seek to I'nth0r trl0lli|nus gsvc priOsts' Such institutions nrake denands bockod up for more lhan a mile raisr: ttp walls unto his protcction. l'r'lforts ailtl religiorrs conrrrrrrni. on nr0npowor and financiel re- behind the equlpmanl pulllng Both sides wlll tlush their own criftmples in sotl!'ees that in many.cases are lhe woodan lrame tics ns which con= ,.lrt1c[ -tullding views with all rcasonable force, cek'brltion miglrt bc pructiced. niorc rea]istic', than the which weighr moro lhrn 100 This is as it should he. rerlttirctnents of four-year fons, I.'nllrrl l'r':r tt r:.i s (-\rtintlll col" lcgcs, llcrnard The Catholic conservatives ol ('.:is.li., of Crtlltolir: [.]nivorsity. saitl J. Kohlbrcn- Asked for his romrtrerit on the ncr', Amcrica, who would bo liberals irrltlcrl irs iulothcr exa !nplo tllo big move, Father Alberi Girour. Kohlbrcnnar, a profcssor paslor, t,rsr' irl rt'ltich an ol(l priosl would .of look a look el the llne oi wer{) we in lfomo, natufally hopo ,,glad. ctlttcation a[ Noh'a l)ama (lnd.) corr and said he wes to lrt' rrtrillllrl to ettlclrt'lttl nltrttt lrttt peopre that the side wSich emphasizes t'orrkl r'ottcolobt'nto o\ton rvltilo roirowinsiir,e*v wil win.rhar.'s the way st'ittcrl irr it cltitir, ioiniitg in tlrr' l?ll'iiill*.ii:Ji,,Xl.i,t?1'*il. il:.T"[f:I thc winrl is hlowing at the pres. IIc stitl thlt on tlrt rlrrosliorr rrf tt'rrlds of {,r}ns('critli{}rl. Ii'illll{rI cottcclt'ltt':ttiritt 1rr'lrtti in()rc tllitn Iltllanus enrphasizcrl thr. fact, "ulnni{cstllion onc ptirtsl offr.r's tlrt' sllrrr. \lirss) lrou'rvcr'. tllirt oI thc thlngts iit thr. ta\t terrrl lo lhc rrrril]'of thp plir'sthorrrl" s,r,ukl 'I'ic Tacker FIRSTSHOWING ffii I

I"rirncis Spolltirnti ol Nttw York (Thc F0UR lollott'ing lls liftorl florl t]rr'prl(os {}l rtrxrtlrttt Clt}tolic ttt'n,s- BEDRO0ffiS,$*!"ffi pr,rlllartcnt nlgucd lh:tt il oltlot uf trelutlvtliyourrin pkluGrqua!EE(tlCREtl... tAtt IRtfS,,. tOt!!ll0 ltFtAtlt,.. ftCtUnf I Thc tlatholi,' ll'l)r)l'1r'l' ol Iitllsus Citt'-Sl. .loseph, NIo.:) Pnper, (k!a(.r)tis irt tlur (llittt'<'h lrirs lxr. l00l( Vl:Wt.,, CoMElEll .,. CoMESlcl{l A nrrvrlournrw llfr ol rmfrur. tonfortrblr.ruburbrn I "'[onr you. r\s evt-'L.r'ontrttlro is crrltrrlllll hcp rrntkr'.strnrls, thc uln of llvlng rwrllt Publlcrnd Prrorhlrl Schoolrrrr [r.rby , Shotrh0 lurt rnhutri rwrv. ttti iui-iiritii I corrrrt ohsolc'te, lrtrl tlrttt its lc" 'r'"ili': ' Ind or'rlour" ' ' sollrlr Srr'ifties" ("Tlrnt rtits a cr.rrshing rerlark," snitl il\rm, {latly) is kaput. l':'i,"ll:'j"i:"iJl'l"l'n'.ii"i,;,:u]l'"'.t""":l"to-r'bh cstahlislrment as Ar! oltlet to :t"tiout I \\iith thc 3ssi.\latlcL'of il r'()uI)ltl uf tlitrlt'trrrrtlit'rl r:ttfa{r's ir'ont anrllltCt' rvhieh marrierl nren might bc nd. tlioccsc. rr't hclervith innuitulult ihc nt-n' .{ilo of I'ricstics. Snrttples: nritterl coulrl learl to a falling oif "IIollo. "'!'lris I'ttt l"ittlrcr Iiirni of lhc ltcctrllocls." is l,'ir{lrel I'ilt'h. in vocntions to the pliestlurod, Ilc "ljatht,r'l'lrrrftrr.of "li'tttlttt' rtf tltc illitcltft'i;trs." thr Itosrrtinians," $'as suppol'tcd in his stantl by "1":rllrcl (.'alrlinal {.\rttpun. oI tltt RctL.nrpttrnsl.t." l]anz oi thl NIet'ct'tlltt'iarts." :\nlonio Ilacci. n nrcnt. "Ahhrrl 'lrlllrcl lrr.r' of tlrc f-'urrl. :rnrl Clr.tlin:rl I)rrirr- of lhr"l'r'nliPr:ts." l'itt of tlre l'assiortisls," lFltltt'r "1.':ithcr' Illttcsto Iluffini, r\r'chltishop trI t \\':ri'tl rrf tlrr' lltrsqrilallt'rs." \\'ahii of llrc \Vltitti I,-n' ''Fulhi.r' "1,'ulhar' I'rlernro, Sicill'.) tlttrs." liall tif tlre ('unr)ns llt uullr'." trlartini oi tltc "t'aiht-r';\r'nolrl "l'-ilther PERHAPS THE in your Olivetians." of thc Ilcncrlictincs," Llhervcy nrost forct'lul I|enu:ntber lhem prayers s^poilkcr rrf tltt drv $,as el|rlin;tl ol tlrt' (lalrrrt'lilr.i," "Nrtnnics." l,co Sur.llt'rls, Arcltllisltoir trf tNDtiNAt0US il'ltrr llt'i;tirt frrr-pr ut tlrc qanrc uill lrc knorvtl ils l\te I t!IZABtIH eURRAll.B(r.55 lfltr n1rr, t\litlirrtrs'lllrrsst.ls, ilelgiurrr, rvho (nthc(jldl, ,.t. lloly r.0!5 I .'rr. "llotlrt'r (ftrrt[ctcnrrtr" l'.1i!l 0al offr'r': llttlr.('rus(.li(.1'(', oI tho Sistcl l.'olnratiorr lrty "Sistcr ,spokt'otr tlrrr stutc sulr.iect. lt nnd lllr'1'Srrrilli 0l lllc t'fnit(,10." slrorrlrl lrtr born irt ririnrl, Irc slirl, 'SINNER' llrat tltt' rlttcstion o{ n pclrntrrent VICTIM OF .\ [irlt ( lntl.) nronsilnol urrss'ctt'tl lti"- 'l'hc rlirconatc pcltrins to tho vcrl' nii:ht htrll to riil n st'll.slrlctl sinrrcl ltcr.ntl). bt'll.r'ingcr trrlrrcrl cortstitutiotr of lhc Chulclr. Il hls out l() l)r' jlrst llull-;urrl lttok ll)o ntrllrsisnot'f{)f slutrlr.r" $:l,lttf),s'i. ;\ n{)t rl'is0n nrclt'11' f |t'lln iht' trcccs. 'l'ltt wt'll-tlt't'ssttl nuur {rl lii sairl lrc trcttlotl corurst'l tk'spt'r':rlttl}', trro si11'of nrt't'ting locnl ncerls, lxrt 'l'ho s:tt in tltc l'fatot\' l):il lL)f llrrtt'lJ' an hrirrr. sinnt'r suitl hc glnt- I)roccr'(ls not. from nnlrrral, httt lrlt'tl. rlas hcuvrll ur rk'[]t lo utht l gnrnbhls. nr't'tlt'tl nrone5' batlll', Jloru supt'r'natulal rcRlisnr, hc 'fht'rt nnd li'lt lcrtrptr'tl trr slt'ul. The rrurttsi{nrrl *'rs sl rnpatht'tit:. ilrc sa id. "l,.nllrtr'. sinncr n';rchr,rl ir illt'r.iorr. Ilr'slrrl: ltr:t'r'itt ntl'Iock('t I l'ltc at'gutttt nt itt favol of ther lol'nliillont tliaerrirlitc. continrrerl lirrltl rr lrisltil, i lhiirli rorr lr;rrl lrr'tlt'r rrpcrr tirc strl't so \1'c r.ilrr sr.o (';ttrlitt:rl Strottrvts. is llasorl on llrc 'I.|[ n'hlt lott lt:trt'." ,\ l)rflitr" (i{}ilrl nrLllt. I.'irlhct" r\r:ls utlr\rurl :ts lhc f;rtt th;rt tlrc rvolk to bc r:ntlrrstctl E rvith L l,rt I thc crslr CAII1tr l;"1,',1fii,{t.1ifiiidj*''';ii']1,*#*ii:;f; sinncl lcf[ untl clr.'r'lis. ]lorrl: stlf.cvirlt'ut. wifh rindrfon. lirrpt,tct, ttt sttt'lt tlt'tlCotls w(lql(l ffi..y.ilhrind5|on.|iltp|lcl,.rclai,[-tg,mrlii"ini-..ii.i'r'*iiurtctarrte tsrmri A{nlnq ;.;. ;'h;i;i l)t1r(,(,o(l lil.h.n wilh ldrdita t.tblflatr and hlt..ln rrnqi rnd ovrn. tt, It'ont the ol'ilcr thr.y h:rttt i't'- r..hrd l.rrf !ilrli, rltding gtrlr dorrr'lo gry rslilnl Pilst()f ol tlvi Drllo." crivt'<1. Tlrcrc is no illl0sli{)lt r)f Vincenl's Hos' n'olk rvlrich coultl just as casill' $l5rl75 .- ---i-L rrl--l- Pricedfrom Itt rklnr. lll rlotlicatr'rl ll]'rrrcrt, lrtr 'l'lrr'tlurposo s;rirl. ni lhis r.cstora. lncluding Fully Landseaped Lot tion rrotrlrl br: trr attLilrtttr: _rll'ciltt'l' Plrrrlliqsn,'" to tlrr rliaconlto in ,ffi Iitr r\ntclicutr l,t lltc hicrnlclrl' o[ tlrt' Clnrre lr, n hilo NOTTIONEY DOWN VA s tttlLkinrl t'n ilt tllc sllnc tinrc nrnking it 1tos, $350 on FHA j Irrrirl't (lt'rt'ir, . .ll?,t N. t\'ll stlrlc for llst st'Antcrtts of lIrt MAIY T. nECXtIY,']l).5r tl- lidly tto\\ tel!t'l{'rf, 5Lrr!lt,rr! faitlthrl r.-nioy 0ct. anrlcr of thc lir ltr irt flrt';rlcr lhrrn- aliri(lhtft, Ilullr Rlr |.i0!' \irrr\, Ir,l]'1. ,,rrd tluncc lho (ifts rvhich llnr0ldr l,f0ll)0rs, J. 0. nilii | | irifi Ii,)llrefi' an opoll inlilalion to florv frorn the srtperiiatural riehr:s o[ thc ti,,ii HOMEBUILDING CORP. of St. Matlhewrs par . ltirli;inaprrlis, lItMtr' r, *rni*. it. sr. Fr,,!,0 {'lr u rclr. (lrur(ll c, ( ( rnlrtrtY. Srrr' (luccn 0tt. nlvitv Southorn Ave, rnd 5. Shannrn Dr, at St. Mrry.of. he-Woods College. vivots, wrlc, l$dbel; 501,\, .J.111 il, .l.."i lt Novp1111,..,'S-Itl. Two rpeakerr followod who i., liuqh L nnd frntlk C., brolh0r\, ll'rdl J. $T, 4-4660 erpresscd nnil Norhorl A. \lcbet. rlrocesitn (irrrncil o[ (' opposiflon lo ihc col. i;rfnlcl logialily of birhopr*Laiin Rile J JotlN 1.. ilifn0N, /1!,5-i. Jun',', ll)f 9. (r ilx'lerY. Slrt' Prlrlrrch Alberlo Gorl, O.F,M,, tnurqh, 0tl, 5t. Jol.tJlr Yivorr sislcr, M,rfy Rcin.cr. of Jerutalem and Archblshop Til.L lrtrl rlit'ct:lor of rkrtt'ltrp- Dino Staffa, secrelary of clrY llre j 0ffi[ttR G. A]N0tD, r$. Sl pdrrl': {lrtrr,lr. rn llt'hlll of tlte Wouds' S10 Sacr"ed Congregrlion of Somin- f),t. 7. St. Mrrt s t.,,' t :, \, j!,\"'r !a;tn, Fugrrn;n; r(ril', R,,iiirtl i[,] l',rr\'r1,1. arier rnd Univtrrilics. birlh nt hoilrrr; l)nrcill5. 11, anri f,1rr- I rr,,r 1.""1,1, ol Ioll City; hrntlrerr, lcbtt, Rry I'atriniclr Gori's opposition to ,trtrJ ( rrl, nll of Ioll i 1l!r il llts. l"rr\. il' lhc trra(rhitl( of collellinlity rvas lhony S.ll,r!tk, Mrc. Prrrl lldrlnniid', f,',! Ioroy Wrllirnrs; Mrr, \lalt'r VJitl't](,. l'6. lrasctl chiclly on tho ft ur of rr \tillr.rnr Aldridre, all of lell {'lv; rr,.l l"irt. tlt'tcriot'alitrrt of trnity bcclttsc of l.oul5c 5trrrlh, ol 0r!er\l'oru, liy. "nrolc nralkctl trcntls lo greatcr BR00KV tU. t " autottonry. I AtMA HlRl, /0. St. ,\\iclrael": flrrrrtlt. Srt'1. NT,OTILTILg ?5. Survrvcr.,. ll!\i)e|1i, t:Iof,l,rr ridrr(ir1f',. r\rchltishop Staffl liclrl {irat ilre Lrlrs, llrl (;il||lrin. j!\rs- loo tirlldron, rrrd gr,rof,villci l,'it'st Vatican Counr.i! tluglrt that l\irs. RaV S0itor. nll dl Si(i.r l,.litirli. ,rf 0ltiflrh,tril; \ntr, l)r f'.)rrl I Hi:1, sul)relne power ovrlr Indianapolis. the {nithftrl o{ 0rccnsbtjr!}; hrolhiit, 1,,!vrtr It.r.fs, trf is entrusted to l)eter nnrl lo Pcl,cr Ph0a'tir, Ari!,; nnd tlonr.!r B.r.ils, of (iir. tid0,lti, 0hio; sisld., Nlililrrd Schrridl, ,rl with alone. HERE AND THERF-'t'lre clrili to be srrlved bt'the r\ltar.Society Tlrereforc, lre sairl, it Floridd. rvould he "r'ctain of Sl. Mrrk'r parish, lrttliarrapolis. trrurolrts,cvcrrinq (5 8 p.rrr.) advisahlc to the 'f to rvill JortPtt wrrtr,9z,-ii. Michrct's Itrurrh, rloctflne" that. full and suprcrne ba prepared in lfathcl Kitchin's kitchcn. Actually, the food s'ill lro 5ept. 2d. Survivorr s0n. Rry, rrt BrooL- porvel is vested solcly in thc popc, v illc, t:atered to St. lllrk's flont the cafctelia of Chartrrnd High School, "irttlcpcntlcntly of consullatiorr u'hosc prirtcipal. Frlher. Robert L, Kitchin. forrncrly se r.r'r:rl as assist. 'l'hc rvitlr others." ant pastol of lht southsitkr plrlish. . . . liichnrond ('atholic lntur- parish r\clivities ot'{attiz.atiort is nolking rvith thc. Juvcnila Dit'ision of thc Iiichmontl I'ulict' ;rnrl othtr cir,ie acencics to fortnrtlnte a conl. Inrlliorski "'['orn ('orrrluct." munily.rvidr. ar{t' Cirtlc of i\ sccourl 5'car of lltonthly eonfet{.rnct's fot' ttttns in t[c Iltlinnapolis arca rvill gct untlcr- 'lhe r':ry at thc Latin School of Indianapolis on llontlal., Oct. t.l. spiritual conlcrcnccs .*,i!1 bc giucn b1' Falher Jorcph D. Brokhase, , ancl Falher Bernrrd Head. According to Fnthcr Ilrokhagc: "This is oul small rval'of shoiving our appreciation fgr the wonrlerful rvork done by thc Sister'.s in cncoulrging rcligiorrs vocations." , . . Spcaking tif thrr Latin Sr:ltool. the houst'of thc plicst-instnrctors there is spot'ting lr liew irppcafalrcc as a result of renrorleling tnd a coat of ehart'r.ral.glry parnt to thc cxlclior'. .. .'i'hc cul'rcnt scason of llarian Lcctures. pllt of thc nrlult education program at trIarinn Col. 'fhe lega, is being irttenrled hy f?I pel'sons. largcst single serics "Noa,(lhristiarr ,'paying attendancc-rvisc is Iteligions," rvhich drerv 93 customcrs." (Stutlrnts on the honor's progranl at IUf,rian ar.e allowctl to attentl any o{ llrt lt'ctures l:'ee of char:ge,) IfooterrulS'

(eontinued from traqe 4) "hrairllr'ash utilizcd to and subvcyi ," . . vasl seglltr)llts o[ young people's groups." ON YOUR DIAL Of course, the resolntion enrlcd rvith a {r'ancliosc ilt}l)cill to IIUAC to plcvent llrc folk nutsi(j ficltl ii'orn heing'riserl "unidentifiert fttrtlter as an tool of Comurunist psyr:6ologi- INDIANAPOLIS.INDIANA cal or cybernetic wtufare . . ," GRADE $e HOOL YCS:Sr. Anthony's $ehool, Clarksville, rvill host a Stu(ly bly for teachcls intct'cstcd in Grade Sehoo! yotrnq ehrisiian Stutleuts on Satulday, f)t:t. l?. stariing at 1 p.nr, Chairman Sirtcr M. Roselyn, O.S,B,, rcpot'ts that 2{ tlltholic schools in the rica have lrecn inr'ited ttr palticipitte. The plinclpal atldr,ess will be given by Falher providento Robtl Konslrnrer of Our Lady of High School, Clarksville. w.o. Ioi\ES * RUG CLEANERS 4440N. KEYSTONE

RURATlltN o"n,tilf,'i."J:;'"o'" Mixed Drinks t Wine a Cold lmported Beer Cold Chanrpagne Visit Our Unusual Carry-Out Dept. 257 Branrls of Lictuors antl 45 Blanrls of COLD BEE[{ NBW cIANT teE V-FlNt)Eft- Block. Bre and Cr'1'stalClear Ice eubes 2723 E. Michigan (at Rural) Free porking FAGE TEN THE CRITERION, OCTOBER II, 1963

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE sent Age" has trvo main subjects: Books the relation of Pope to bishops, anrl thc importance of the mis. sions. Riclunoncl parish plans Less readable than his earlier books, this new Kueng volume is yel rervarding and bound to tre recollection Oc t. r3 much discussed.

ItlClllttr)Nt)..-r\n Ii|cning ol Recollcctiotr for Itusltatrds anrl u'ives *'il[ he holrl at Iloly lrautil]' St. Michael's Bazaar Parislt otr Stritdal'. t)ct. 1li, fr{)nr ?:itO to l0 p,ttt. ]i1ll11r1 Jxn135 Illrne, assist:rttt pitslttr of St. r\tr- BROOKVILLE,INDTANA llrony's Clturch, Inrli:rnlpolis, rvill gir-r: lhc' collf(\l1rt1c('s. ll'ho t'r't'nt is sporrsorcrl by thc lloly Frttrtily Sunda/; (lltristiarr Oet. l"artrily llovtrttlr'nt. Tltc 20th progritm is open to all eottplcs oI ncighboring l..itin*: I'urkey llinner Thc St. Ilary's Guiltl uill spon. 'l'httrstlul', It:00 A.M., Il:00, l:00, l:00 p.M. sof ir t:rttl pll'l]' on t)ct. J?, in tltc scltrlol lurlil,rt'itttu, Adulis $L50 Children l5c

Il'llo Iii.,ltnu,*l D*tlol'I' Collllcil (Send Cash for" Reservations fo P,O. Box 68, Brookville, Ind.) of Catlttrlic \\rotur.n rrill lrold tlttir Ave Ulariu Guiltl fnll rricr'ting on l'hiii'srla1', t)ct. iupper 5 lo I P,M.: Usual Ganre: l?, itt tbc Y.II.L t'ltrb rvilh St- slates cilr'.l Farty

TERRE HAUTE 'lirn't'. Itr. ltlgolio l)c l,:r fot' nrcl ('rrbalt govol'tllllCnt of f ir:iai, prcscntly at lndilrnl Stltc Col' lcgc, sill be {ho gttesi sPcakcr at St. I'utricli's lloly Nrnte Socicty Thc nreetirtj oii illotld:t},, Oci. 1.1. Young-sav Pepsi Please sill hegin at B:30 p.ttt. at lnsure and Be Sure nteetin.r lrnatk the (-'lrrrr'clt an(l \fill ba {ollon'od lly a soeial lrottt'. ltttfLcsltntctrts rr.ill hc s(.'l'v(ll. SheetsIns. Agency | @tI7 l:ltIr l:r1' 1fus{*r't'{.1' 7ll Mrin sf. Fh.ts6l I Brookville.ind. \',,\1'l(lAN Cl'fY A l2tlr (lath- rlllr lirvirririi lras becti irainc(l ts ;rrr atrrlitof a{ [hc r.crrnrenir,alr:ottn' cil. IIc is Vitlolio Voroncsc, lor. ntct ltrltl {}l llirliiul (lutholic Ac. lrutt uttrl lot'tutL rliltctol gttrtt:rl ol { lrt' titritcrl N:rtions ll

Ir..lrli\N,\l)()l,lS St. llllli r CONTRIBUTORS 1r;rt'tsltnill lirrltl ;t trto'itt'oli lril:- sion, ocl. llJ-l?. (fouriurlrrtl tltt: fllI iRlItRl0N wtll tarry a lisl ol parirh nrission u ill lrc l"irllrt,r .\lr in nrrd orgrniratiolal(.,rrcspriliitIls,!ild olherj who hnvercporlcd ncws for lhc cuttcnlis\ue iii,'j'i..;ili;:ii';.i.ii;i:i|'i;|j|i;:.i'iii;i::\i::jiri|i'.i|l; Selrltrlrleii. {1.1".I1., iurtl li;rllrcr llo follorvirqpcr!oilr \ulrnritlcd itcnrs lor lhis Jost'plt llt'ttt'tlict Illr.i:rtt. (),lf,Il. iulil-i';i-liii..;i..|:i"i',4;:";'i;'"';'1.;,.*,,;..i..1l,,|i,..',;..11;i.,:;;i:ii4{:f|' Itt litrtottni'ilrl thc rrtisston. l'a. i'R\ f1i)Yll:.Irlli Pr,i\,r',,fii iiiiiitii;:i:iii;l:,iiiiiii,*if;iiit'itittliliiij;iiiiilii!;:iiillili,tw;; thlt' l,oo St'lt:rtt'r'. glrslot. strrtt'tl i:i55 Y/1RY{ illrti;rltll {rtli'Al,Frr rrtrrlJr"l rii,iiriiiiiji:iiiilitti;ii Lr,ll!.Rt)l;t RI ltR,iltY,(1.,r i,,ri t':ttlt rlt'r'li rlill lrr' lot lrotlr rrrt'tt '..ci ,\irtrl I lr$ 4,. ,,.. \^.\lltR I lrl. i,'r:. I,r ri.,"" TellGily Federal SAVD'r'nrEsArur.Y Putranide lil)tl \rtrlrrt'tt,c()lltfitf] li) th(' tl'ir{lt' REMoDEL tiottal ltrtitttgt'tttcttl ol sr'llirrirltt I rr<.cl.is * erumbins* Masonry lttt tttt'tt itrtrl \\(!nl{'lt. S,& L, [ssn, Dial BUtler 3-6688 | Our *Painting IrRoofing llt'r1rrit"rn of[r'rtrl * r wirins It00 TAXI, Inc. | siu'nn d r/trr,r.frser.s :ti's'l'.=fi * t Sr\l,lN,\S. (lalif. N(':ull t{}.{}{}0 ts,t:t 'Li' | corpentrv Flooring Courr Ave. pcrsons attenrlcrl a Solt'rrrrr Ilc- 135 W. rlttient llass hct'c lirr ilil llt.sic;rtt C & E DRUGS Jerrersonvitte, lnd. Lumber Co. TELL CITY Western Auto !Frederick lirtnr rr'orkt.rs rrllu st't'r'liillorl rn and SHaDY ACRES BU 3'6683 over 30 Years Cottttnttottg Il60t Sprins 51. a t'rrllision l)ol\r'o('ll 1 llrts rrnrl a NATIONAL Associate Slo' e PHARMACY BANK Scrvrce I .letfersonville llaitr nclr' ('llrirlar'. l.'allr('r IIunr. "Prescription "Drtve-ln hcllrl lltrltrrosa rrl ('ltlisI tltr'l(inq Specialisls" Banking Servree" nris-siun ollt'r'crl llrr: :\llss ( Scpt. li'rlc l)r'ltlcry S('l\'t('e FREE PARKING TELL CITY and CANNELTON 25) in thc aurlitoliunr o[ ['llma ll4 E. Main St. TE 9.680? L',rtlrolrc Iliglr Schoul. _l:llll 766CLEANERS Zoercher-GillickFunerql Honie

H. C6nnon - Ambulance Service - "Fine t*;{, Dry Cleoning" Kt 7-2srr rELL Cll'Y, rND.

1l0l Bundy Ave. 1720F. Ave. JA.9-4804 Hayes Pharmacy, Inc. PhelBrDrug Store "Yrittr Putxmize Gene lloyes litcscrrplrorr.ttorg" No. Side of Square l|rw Albrny, Phone WH 4-2285 Our Dt 2-332t r30l t. Martinsville Spilnq Sl. Ind. Slaie and Main Sfreetr Bakery and Op€n Evcnrnit by Appoinlmstrl dduerffsers wH'56619 8U.11394 Wiihiie& Son Patrtnixe Delieaiessen ()ur For MEN'S and B0Y5' Special Calces & I'ostrias "Funeral CLOTHING 379't HargoOil Company Home" lnCOLUMBUS.."See 5?5 Washinsfon 5t. Aduerlisors 1762 25th Sf. 372'! CLeancd 116E. Pike 5t. FUELotL Waltermann.Inc. I KOOLVENT Dd{ftrl llu'!;;Iil:ffi For Funerals ffifu,Ho"te I Aluminum Awnings 32south llth slreel ||ffibm I r,annv LAr.rRnAN.orvner X-j# Anrbulanceservice Hoosier Plumbirro L, r A | ,rro n"r. Rd.wesr ph.2_6265 - ou::*-]11-s uarase OLYMPIA DAIRY & Heating Co. i Drstrilrutor for l\Iaplchrr|st otl.t|ih,i|t" "Grade tvere'susre,',s r\" Dairy Irroducts Lauelttt:t+ l5th 8' Shclby 5t. $lH {'6457 I -' Ro Plurlbingllstnllations IIome Deliverjes SliANcH-2736fhsrletlowi I & Electric Cs. KeystoneBeverage New Phone 376.6366 ftoYos KN08S ERANCH Co.,lnc, Rislge Rd. Ph. EX" 8'421? I3B E. Jackson Fh. EX. ?.26t6lBlue 718 Pearl 51. Columbus, lnd.

Schlitr - C.Y. - Corlings Block Lntel I V. Funerul Ilome Patronize Duffy-Warble STORES ltaul Shrarler Red Top - Old Dutch - Fqlstsff CARPENTER'sREXALL DRUG SstablrstucrjJ840 5rh & WASHINGTONST. =- ?i39CENTRAT AvE- Two'WaYRadio ond eorlings Red Cop Ale our Oxygen EquiPmenl i,,",",,:i.':ll,T;.i;.1"1.",.. Phone _ ROBTRtHOslilN5 tut';;,t;; Phone ..- ATIIJULANCESIIRVI(]D wH {': Ornrrol Manrigor r2t4 GnfEXSlREEt Aclpertisers ltt **, r.to?;:o'""'" 379-44?7 372-785t lils oAK 5T, THE CRITERION. OCTOBER II, 1963


O IndianapolisParish Shopping List O

W ry JACK MATHEWS& sON PAT'S VERA'SREGAL MARKET * f.Y. taA0l0. lll"fl rt Sltr.tA StLVlCt * lIi Srvt Yolt 0olldri t\Y Frst,lr i.rd d,rltFt ond 2106E. l0th sl. (i Sa iilr (lr i lA0l0 olsPAr(ll€o + {rnlltdtr, Ilr::rbri l.f,l /r !-rqgr€xAct UEAI: Att..RrsH duI ft. 6{Sit irjo E, iorh :1, n.6.9;l + 5hst bi Phore =. frra oelivcry I =::__5.tt".:=: []isr:rrssi{f n {;rou cut ftowtts. PtAillt, Wolfe Shell Service Statiql I} FTORAIATTAHGTMIHIS rNCr'Attt& i'Ni rl0 lY. tath sr- ll J':ritt fD tftTir t!,ts [. MruloArr Io ullett seitson senic':Station Ot*glA {rr-. r-r-rb.: [ir+. B,rtirrr - i S{lilrtt 5c'v. lvJ\li-simnrifl 'l'lto ffi,fl r srnvlrl farri lJn)1('slalll(l:rihulict l)irr- ffi j ti44z ] torh uri IMIftSeF ;f . ,l.l50l cr ,.&{}15 hrrltlt rlill lrl tlre tltcrnc rrI llur St. tl"'lrini {rt 'l tonllrle' Autarnatllt I lrrrtrrirs ;\ 11rr Ou l0th lail | i rr lr s liis(,ilsslrtn PATRICiALOUISE --tI (i1or1P. rllrich rvill lrrgin ils l(itlr BEAUTY SALON DICK & FRANK CARDIS ]t'u'll ll uliun ('ollt'tlt'on Oclu- "\ttl,a0ilti. REAIESTATE I f(-lU" lr{,t. lti OELBO DRUGI, lo llretr llla,lirtrir MULHEKN'S STANDARO l52l N. Errrerson i CATAI.INA BA'T l'or lht'I't,ur ilil llc sERVrcE I FL 9'8265 t ""_' "lllll',:::l' *' t;rl'r'tt ltottt llrc \\'r)llis uf l't'otc.- NEAL ESTATE, , DIRK'S MARKET P*rsrRit{ohr irttti lltrohrgilrt llolrtlt r\1c.,\ft'r: N.erro(riloil i lu:o' (itrslavc r t\t:l lllll $I , Ar,:r'r,tlclv iilidr llr {)\\'n irlrrl l';rllrcr' RE}'T5,INSURANCE eurlltr 'Ird Srrvlcr si t osfs i I \\ r'ilr,l. S..l.. irrrllrl rlialrrlrrl ls ""'",,,'flii;':i'n'1,,;r."" tntrtlt' 'tuvtR'urLlvtnr €i JACOEMONZEL 'l .l,..ii'''i.,|i."'' I Jrr,r'1. lrl trrcr.linqs rvill lillio Thomas A. Welch Co. g. liillotlal Ot lji'ai)nl' I ,J, ,\.sh I tt. ,'90fd tltr llril. ft. -@t ;ti;rt'r' 1t1 ]lat'tltt s arlrrrinistllrlion i {;irr,jfirhe.:(.ittknO ii Orlrtr liflr ,:lr.lt I 104 lnland Bldg. ME 8.616 i -_-_,.,.,--.__._.. wrtchcl-ro.relry-.rJidlrond5-oxDart renairinl lrtt!ltltttrt ltl |i ('\'(!l'),tw() i I!.ltt. WOLMANDRUGs, INC. 1il5 rAil ttxlb $rEtft i $'ti'lis thfl)iljjlr0ttl lltr' s0:rsrlil. McKEF,l'lE ORUG ST'oRE 'l'r'tr rrvifl gron't Prilcriplion C.ni' I n":".rr,: '1. o[ llrt' ll scsrious uill llr: "tour FT€E OEIIV€Rt Frrlrl, $trfliltirir, Linter I :.eo6t |"r"".."j.'.t \l{ qrl{lv Nr trr} lr.rl lrr. ,lr':;rrrls Irrrrn \1'rrsl lltrltn ft 9.lt(Xl liaa l. llrthltrston ti, PRtSt illPjtrJN. I | I (U5\'i:llt5, l0\s l,.l:l.lIlild tAlllrS,- i JOHANTGEN'5 BUYING or SELLING ---;.,;;-;;;--:- l8:!5 S,Juth.rrlrrF Atl F! r'tgtl i sryr,ultrrfiIllrre I RURALPHARMACY R,:al Eslale .1,11rp -i lfr-'nr'[i[ srlrtrrlrrhrl plrnsqs, 51'.;1q _ i JELLED.MAGIC CALL Itl? il't'lh*r'\lrril i!- lfA 5-vl?l I u L)rip - No srrrrng - )ro,u*r ART'SDRUG$ H I hrrr lairk I ,ro,''tTti;,,," ARGUS I ,ffi f'r. llr,lr,{,illll'ris1 eRAuN,r sciorr | .u.., .rjr'. Ill", ,r.." \T@/ ,lll,i.ii,T lnguirt MARKET , . i ro:r rrri'l{ashinlror Siror dt. 6-Jilt ahovt aur I 16{ lt Joih ir tVA (.{l'1S ! home frrds' t Fine Meals * i in plrn,

New Sl, Jude'r Add"

5ot rii5iljc'r tii.,,rrt ai.. 6e!l)

,-i€:'l i:i. j lol:t. lii.itrtj:jt h9!r! l?ld co, ii.. arl! r.dief tati!dry ;eriet!, r!ncaet! : ,.r,.!, !!iarr! dte !:4ar,nlla, totdttd tiiloiR. '. I 1l tq'ir'\ Llttrr:\ atl r€/,, (!rirlr{rrC H'ir ranrrol ME 6-5515

CAPITOLGIASS l/0J yr llt0lttrr! COMPANY,INC" O Slore Fronls I Furnilure Tops I Window Glars I MirrorE i Alsynite Fibre Glass O Bailey Glass 5liding r00K Doors l, c BlruttrNous I Thermopane C,.q g> pAvtNO Et. -S LEADED GLASS S$ ExcAvarloNs El . STAINEDGLASS = E RoAD otltNc fland-Parntod Spoclut Deslgils ]\iade l'or (lhrrreh Windows F. S. GRADY Church Windows Reparred & SONS, Inc, {32 S. Missouri ME 5.1301 915 S. Sonrersct CH 4"3343 Indianapolis {P.O. Bor 2t00{, W.l. Striion) {,lriteriorr Aclvertising Pa[r'on i ;;- Alu,'ays -^-- -' -"-'-' = l i! * SECRETARTES * trl- 0ur Mr, Alberl'" li i':'---- il ,.,.r,x,Hi,;Hii,,iiiffiiig l'ays I I'utt'otrizt'our lil toR SAIE il *ll"hlift"l#l'{tiilin,i;ril:',,,,",..T'\tL p^ti,..ll,,l,r?1.f,,,11,, il rrs rJU/,r' lillll Norfh**,,1 l6lh, acrors from Holy Aclvcrtiscrs wri'eBox r0, c o cri' rlilu:rti.i,or',$ | fn11*l?#',.'.:,.'",;? jl,? lll U:f;: PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION. OCTOBER II, 1963 fl C.A. au6rC Cfoc.sto Ilouse Speaher Scho0lfinancial crisis outlined to Congress

\\IASI]IN(;'|ON. I}, C. L-'atholic pilrochiill sch00ls rvill be foreerl to trlttstt if ferleral aid is givcu otth' to .schools, lt llottstr sttl)' Dtrblic A Popular Drive-ln iornnrillec orr lirlrrt'atiott tt its told ltere'. Loeation Since 1929 Ca{holir.' lt'lrlcrs rtlto lt'stiiit'd Ir! thc pt'r!cal'iotts fittanetitl po"-t' lion of clrurclr-rclattrd sclttxtls itt LAUGHNER'S the nntion incltrtlt'tl Ilsgr. l"t'ctl' click (1. llrrcltrvitlt, rlit'cctot' rtf thc E(lilcfllioil ilcpat'tntotrl of lltc SIEER,IN r\ationtl L'rtlttrlic \\'clfat'c Con[t't'^ enee: \YilliarD R. tiliisirlitlo of thL' NC\Yfl Lr.{lll l)opirrt rDtnl : }lsgt'. lltaartrl..rat!l John Ii. II trDott.r.Il. sriI)r!r'ililr\n(lLrltl I5l5lY*tfieldDhd.. lllS L 10itSbmt ol Cathtrlic seltools lirt tltt' llirlcost' ?038l, Horrit $trftt.l&t af Piltsltrrrsir; lnrl ,lohn (;. !t rr-ir n€itrr.lt flt0 L lt'$t I)eetly.,lt'.. r:tlilot ol tho I'ills' bulgh []atholic. otlicill rlioct'sntl SMILES ncwsPilPt'f. MEAN HELP FOR CHILDREN-The 51. Mery'ii Child Center ir asurcd of its immedirfe "lrenny "TlriS IIa cottlcntlctl th:tt it is luture as r result si fhe :uccersfvi Tcsfimonial Dinner for Mrgr. Jemer P, Gilvin. held last wcek at T,5c sribcortrltrilL.r, :rilti,rll.lr.r'(l eqnStitules a subsidira. \\'l$r\ iln(l porrnrl foolislt" lo hanrli. lhe Indirnapolis Aihleiic Club, Morc thrn 110,000 wlr rerlirod for the rpccirl educrrion

ed as itisllops ,Iosel l{louch of j\lar llttr,le,iovicc; St cp a n'l'itclrta, SDrrllilint-l r\rllrrl'fl P,ot'e' hlerls S.D.l].. l(ing Csech releuse of Litonrelicr:, to tirr l-,uthct and Karcl "No on: hrs rskcd llis lJcarls, Ino(liultr si'/.c, for aid to O{r:enast'k. ()r'tlt'r' Aposiolic Arlnrinisli'a. \li\\' \'ollK'-- r\ l)t'()llrlllcnl St'r'rtllt' irt l?()9 iu itllr', leach religion,,, hc de. -scctrrirn"Bul / lol ol lhc I)ioccsc ol llr.ark:c f irics{. A rrsl lia cut, Clttltolit' lul gfoul) iulll()ullcc(l I)r'. liinil is lteittl ()[ lh(' S0utll. clrrcd. mrny wond oli K t'l lov c. hcrc tlt:rl its l0tiii itttrtt'tl ttill bt' oln ('hl'istilu l,carlersltip ('orller. rid,rnnor bcsiven ,,l..",ft l'1 r - - - " hcavy lhodiurn - platcd proscntr,(l lo l)l'. llurtin l.rrtlrt'r' r.ncr'. ln lntcflfiltlon cotlt- subicclr c h ll i s l,t o D llerun Rl'ottl) thlt .rG rcquircd by "sit. I- Kirrg, Jt'.. uolr.(l \(.itl\) liul)tisl Ilirttinii st'gt'cgrti0tr lltt'ottglt lhc shlr," "tftlll' chain, corrlcntpolal'y cru- intogr;rtiotr lt'atlct'. Iot' his irrs" unrl othcr non'r'iolt'nt tlcntou. lt ('zcchoslovitk gor,t'tnrncrtl otfi. Ilt said ttrat the ('ltristian itlt[]t'olt'h ltt t'rtt't:tl sl t'ittr()tls. state exc|qiscs cill ackttou,lodgetl tlrlt. Ar'r:hbish- cifix and ccntcr, 20 inch- su[[iciurt colrtlol pr()blclll\. ovcl the nar.o. o1t 13cnrtt ditl nol sign it krt'irlty PREVIOUS r-r'r'ipiontsot llrc St. rhial school Tlte St. l"t'ltttt'ir I'rucc llt'tlitl s.\'str,rrr ilrr.ougli rc- grlcrlgc to thc lcginrc llclonr lris cs long, Irrlrrcis I't'lcr. illcrlirl ltlvr: itt- tlttitctl cottlst's, llurklilrg n'ill br gr\'f n to l)r'. Iirng ut a l)cl'nlits rr'l t'il sr'. e lutlttl tlrr late Pupt Pius Nll: thc Itrnchcon hcrt' Slrturtl:rr'. l-or. 1). llll(l zr)rlailH IcgrrlatiOns {llirl COn. ('l'ltc ol'licial. llr'. .lrrsr'l llrusl, atcortling lo .lamcs l,.r'nch, chuit'. lult' St'ct'clltt'1' of Stltc .lohn l"os- trol buikling construclion, and hv tt'r l)ullt'si Iittiictl rr..ltrons rol]. htt:ttl o1' the t'cligittus ril'flir's ollict. Gift bqxe