Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 210 South 7th Street ~ P.O. Box 748 Phone……………(405) 224-6068 Fax Web……..Holynamechickasha.org Email:
[email protected] Daily Mass: Tuesday to Friday 12:00 PM Sunday Mass Schedule a 9:00 AM (English) 11:30 AM (Spanish) 4:00 PM (Lindsay, Ok) Parish Staff Fr. Mike Wheelahan - Pastor Mrs. Lanny Stewart - Secretary Ms. Rosa Munoz - Religious Education / Pastoral Administrative Assistant Mrs. Alyson Kopycinski - Safe Environment Coordinator 405-320-1551
[email protected] Patty Lopez - Altar Servers Coordinator 405-779-4327 Nancy Nix - Liturgical Ministers Coordinator 405-313-9564 Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) - 4:30 - 5:00 pm Saturday Membership - Required to celebrate any of the Sacraments must be a member for 6 months. Baptism: Preparation classes are required of parents and godparents. Classes are the last Saturday of Month. Please call the office to register. Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least six (6) months before the wedding. Confirmation, First Eucharist and First Penance: Scheduled as part of our Religious Education. The Most Holy Body and Blood of El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo Christ June 6, 2021 6 de junio de 2021 DAILY MASS SCHEDULE The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will Levantaré el cáliz de salvación e invocaré el call upon the name of the L. nombre del Señor. Sunday June 6 — Psalm 116:13 Popes Intentions — Salmo 116 (115):13 LITURGICAL MINISTERS JUNE 13, 2021 People Of the Parish Tuesday June 8 9:00 A.M. English Mass Lectors: Gina Lynch & Rod Kennedy PM In Memory of Barbara CM ﴾Host﴿: Don Brown 12:00@ Kennedy / CM ﴾Choir﴿: Joan Brown Father Mike's Ordination Priesthood Chalice 1: LaNell James Chalice 2: David Elder ,﴿Wednesday June 9 Altar Serv: Louis Nix, Kendra Mobley ﴾Cross @12:00 PM In memory of Maggie Jackson Burtschi, Sydney Burtschi Osborn by Katherine Rempe Ushers: Braeden Jones & Tony Jones Usher-door: Ken Davis ﴿Thursday June 10 11:30 A.M.