Code of Canon Law 1983

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Code of Canon Law 1983 The Code of Canon Law 1983 Table of Contents BOOK I: GENERAL NORMS.......................................................................................................... 8 Title I: Ecclesiastical Laws .................................................................................................... 8 Title II: Custom ..................................................................................................................... 10 Title III: General Decrees And Instructions........................................................................ 11 Title IV: Singular Administrative Acts ................................................................................ 11 Chapter I: COMMON NORMS........................................................................................... 11 Chapter II: SINGULAR DECREES AND PRECEPTS ...................................................... 12 Chapter III: RESCRIPTS ................................................................................................... 13 Chapter IV: PRIVILEGES.................................................................................................. 15 Chapter V: DISPENSATIONS ........................................................................................... 16 Title V: Statutes And Ordinances ....................................................................................... 17 Title VI: Physical And Juridical Persons............................................................................ 17 Chapter I: The Canonical Status Of Physical Persons ................................................. 17 Chapter II: JURIDICAL PERSONS ................................................................................... 19 Title VII: Juridical Acts......................................................................................................... 21 Title VIII: Power Of Governance.......................................................................................... 22 Title IX: Ecclesiastical Offices............................................................................................. 24 Chapter I: The Provision Of Ecclesiastical Office ......................................................... 24 Article 1: Free Conferral ............................................................................................... 25 Article 2: Presentation.................................................................................................. 25 Article 3: Election.......................................................................................................... 26 Article 4: Postulation .................................................................................................... 28 Chapter II: LOSS OF ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICE .......................................................... 29 Article 1: Resignation ................................................................................................... 30 Article 2: Transfer ......................................................................................................... 30 Article 3: Removal......................................................................................................... 30 Article 4: Deprivation.................................................................................................... 31 Title X: Prescription ............................................................................................................. 31 Title XI: The Reckoning Of Time ......................................................................................... 32 BOOK II: THE PEOPLE OF GOD................................................................................................. 32 Part I: Christ’s Faithful ............................................................................................................ 32 Title I: The Obligations And Rights Of All Christ’s Faithful ............................................. 33 Title II: The Obligations And Rights Of The Lay Members Of Christ’s Faithful ............. 34 Title III: Sacred Ministers Or Clerics................................................................................... 36 Chapter I: The Formation Of Clerics............................................................................... 36 Chapter II: THE ENROLMENT OR INCARDINATION OF CLERICS............................... 41 Chapter III: THE OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF CLERICS ........................................ 42 Chapter IV: LOSS OF THE CLERICAL STATE ............................................................... 45 Title IV: Personal Prelatures................................................................................................ 45 Title V: Associations Of Christ’s Faithful .......................................................................... 46 Chapter I: COMMON NORMS........................................................................................... 46 Chapter II: PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS OF CHRIST’S FAITHFUL .................................... 47 Chapter III: PRIVATE ASSOCIATIONS OF CHRIST’S FAITHFUL ................................. 49 Chapter IV: SPECIAL NORMS FOR LAY ASSOCIATIONS............................................ 50 Part II: The Hierarchical Constitution Of The Church .......................................................... 50 Section I: The Supreme Authority Of The Church ............................................................ 50 Chapter I: The Roman Pontiff And The College Of Bishops........................................ 50 Article 1: The Roman Pontiff........................................................................................ 50 Article 2: The College of Bishops................................................................................ 51 Chapter II: THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS............................................................................. 52 Chapter III: THE CARDINALS OF THE HOLY ROMAN CHURCH.................................. 53 Chapter IV: THE ROMAN CURIA ..................................................................................... 55 Chapter V: PAPAL LEGATES .......................................................................................... 55 Section II: Particular Churches And Their Groupings...................................................... 57 Title I: Particular Churches And The Authority Constituted Within Them ..................... 57 Chapter I: Particular Churches........................................................................................ 57 Chapter II: BISHOPS......................................................................................................... 57 Article 1: Bishops in General....................................................................................... 57 Article 2: Diocesan Bishops ........................................................................................ 59 Article 3: Coadjutor and Auxiliary Bishops................................................................ 62 Chapter III: THE IMPEDED OR VACANT SEE................................................................. 63 Article 1: The Impeded See .......................................................................................... 63 Article 2: The Vacant See................................................................................................. 64 Title II: Groupings Of Particular Churches ........................................................................ 66 Chapter I: Ecclesiastical Provinces And Ecclesiastical Regions................................ 66 Chapter II: METROPOLITANS.......................................................................................... 66 Chapter III: PARTICULAR COUNCILS............................................................................. 67 Chapter IV: EPISCOPAL CONFERENCES...................................................................... 69 Title III: The Internal Ordering Of Particular Churches..................................................... 71 Chapter I: The Diocesan Synod ...................................................................................... 71 Chapter II: THE DIOCESAN CURIA ................................................................................. 72 Article 1: Vicars General and Episcopal Vicars ......................................................... 73 Article 2: The Chancellor, other Notaries and the Archives..................................... 74 Article 3: The Finance Committee and the Financial Administrator........................ 75 Chapter III: THE COUNCIL OF PRIESTS AND THE COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS..... 76 Chapter IV: THE CHAPTER OF CANONS ....................................................................... 77 Chapter V: THE PASTORAL COUNCIL ........................................................................... 79 Chapter VI: PARISHES, PARISH PRIESTS AND ASSISTANT PRIESTS ...................... 79 Chapter VII: VICARS FORANE......................................................................................... 85 Chapter VIII: RECTORS OF CHURCHES AND CHAPLAINS ......................................... 86 Article 1: Rectors of Churches .................................................................................... 86 Article 2: Chaplains....................................................................................................... 87 Part III: Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life ............................. 88 Section I: Institutes of Consecrated
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