#394 4 - 10 April 2008 16 pages Rs 30 OR ELSE: As campaign Weekly Internet Poll # 394 violence escalated, Chief Election Commissioner Q. Who still doesn’t want elections? Bhoj Raj Pokhrel Total votes: 8,264 summoned top leaders on Monday and warned them to follow rules. The very next day, Maoist attacked NC and UML rallies in Rasuwa and elsewhere, Weekly Internet Poll # 395. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.com seriously wounding Q. What do you expect the elections candidates. to be? KIRAN PANDAY Behave yourselves The ultra left and right are main threats to peaceful polls KUNDA DIXIT the Big Three to secretly assured a minimum electoral win Across the country the distribute seats among by Friday evening. Privately, Maoists have been telling voters ith only a week to go themselves. Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal they have special gadgets to find for elections, those who The violence continued this Dahal has told other leaders it out who they vote for, or they Whave the most to lose week and appears to be part of the will be difficult to control his have threatened entire VDCs with seem to be getting frantic. Maoist bargaining tactic. They cadre if there is a rout. Publicly, punishment if they let another Ultra-royalists have want guarantees that no less than however, Maoist leaders deny party win. threatened more bombs to 20 of their top leaders be allowed there is any deal. Baburam provoke communal violence. But to win from at least one Bhattarai reportedly told the EDITORIAL whatever they are planning, the constituency each. Prime UML his party doesn’t need What’s left of the right p2 nation is committed to elections Minister Koirala reportedly has “charity” from them. and it’s all systems go for said he can fix that. But the A deal may not be democratic, STATE OF THE STATE CK Lal 10 April. UML’s Madhab Kumar Nepal is but most analysts say the Maoists Observer observing observers p2 The Maoists are also getting under pressure from his own may need to be accommodated for nervous that the defeat of some of party not to give in to the the sake of their party unity and The challenge for the its top leaders would be hard to Maoists. long-term peace. They are more hundreds of elections observers, stomach for its hardline cadre. One source told us the worried about violence against including Jimmy Carter who The escalation in attacks by the Maoists are using their tried and candidates, and the Maoist arrives next week, is to focus not Maoists against NC and UML tested method of threatening to strategy of intimidating voters in just on polling day but the candidates in the past month resign from the government and constituencies where they are impact of voter intimidation followed failure of talks between boycott elections if they aren’t weak so there is a low turnout. during the campaign. 2 EDITORIAL 4 - 10 APRIL 2008 #394 Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd, Editor: Kunda Dixit CEO: Ashutosh Tiwari Design: Kiran Maharjan Director Sales and Marketing: Sunaina Shah marketing@himalmedia.com Marketing Manager: Sambhu Guragain Asst Managers: Deepak Sangraula, Subhash Kumar, Tanka Sitaula Circulation Manager: Samir Maharjan sales@himalmedia.com Hatiban, Godavari Road, Lalitpur editors@nepalitimes.com GPO Box 7251, Kathmandu 5250333/845, Fax: 5251013 Printed at Jagadamba Press, Hatiban: 5250017-19 Food insecurity www.nepalitimes.com Cost of food increases hunger in Nepal y now we’ve all heard about finally might be returning to more than 10 million people in WHAT’S LEFT OF THE RIGHT it, and certainly felt it as our normal levels. Nepal are undernourished. Many of rupees buy a whole lot less Unfortunately, that optimism these vulnerable populations can’t Throughout recent Nepali history, the extreme left and the extreme B right have always shared a sense of common purpose. food at the market these days. was short lived. Market prices for produce enough food to meet their Ever since king Mahendra coopted communists to counter the Growing energy expenses, key commodities have risen needs, are too poor to buy Congress in the 1960s, the autocratic monarchy and those with competition between bio-fuel and sharply over the last few months. additional food and/or do not have totalitarian ideals have seen democrats as their main enemy. The food demands, increases in the WFP estimates that the number of access to food because they live in two have often colluded to squeeze the middle. frequency and severity of natural Nepalis struggling with food remote communities. The Maoists were talking to the palace during Birendra’s reign. disasters, variations in global security has doubled to nearly The impact of the lack of food And Gyanendra just followed Daddy’s footsteps when he negotiated weather, and changing 8 million people. General is most obvious in Nepal’s with Pushpa Kamal Dahal in January 2005 to divide up the spoils instability, civil conflict and the children. The latest National and sideline the parties. When these negotiations failed, Gyanendra GUEST COLUMN increasing number of bandas are Demographic Health Survey finds staged his military-backed coup in February 2005. Dahal, who was significant obstacles to food that 39 percent of children under ready to embrace an absolute monarchy, never forgave Gyanendra Richard Ragan access for many families. five are underweight. Stunting rates for double-crossing him. But both are still untied by a deep loathing for the political Another worrying trend is that for children under five in Nepal are parties and their fecklessness. They reason that Nepal can never consumption patterns in China households are already adopting 49 percent. Wasting, a measure of be truly independent and would never prosper under a western-style and India are some of the reasons severe coping strategies that they acute malnutrition, has increased democracy. Up to there, many in Nepal may actually agree with for the rising price of food. would normally undertake only in the past five years to 13 percent them because they have seen the parties squander hard-won Coupled with other political, during lean seasons in a low crop and in some areas in the Tarai, it is freedoms. climatic and geographical production year: migrating earlier, as high as 20 percent, which is an What they forget is that we already tried absolute monarchy for complications, this makes Nepal’s selling assets, cutting the number emergency situation according to 30 years, and it was worse. And direct royal rule after Feburary population particularly of meals, using savings or seeking WHO standards. 2005 was an unmitigated disaster. vulnerable. Drought and other credit to purchase food, selling The Government of Nepal has There are two forces that still don’t want elections. The radical natural disasters in 2006 resulted land and even taking their committed itself to make both royal right because the polls will consign Nepal’s 240 year-old in a national 13 percent cereal children out of school. agriculture and food security a monarchy to the history books, and the ultra left which foresees defeat in the polls and therefore wants to either scuttle it or usurp production deficit. Over the last few decades, priority in their new Three Year votes through threats. The Madhesi militants are also against The following year Nepal was Nepal has become a food deficit Interim Plan. Yet, the challenge of elections, but don’t have the nationwide network to disrupt voting. hit again with drought and country. Yields per hectare have achieving food security is great and There may not be collusion yet between these militancies but massive monsoon flooding. not kept pace with population it doesn’t happen overnight. Much there is a convergence of interest. There is evidence the extreme Ironically, hidden amidst the growth. In fact, Nepal has the of Nepal’s crop land remains rain- right will stop at nothing to provoke communal violence through devastation was a silver lining: lowest yield per hectare for rice fed and prone to natural disasters terrorist attacks like the one in Biratnagar on Saturday. With nothing Nepal’s summer 2007 paddy and wheat in South Asia. Even which can severely impact crop left to lose, this lunatic fringe of Nepali politics may want to take the harvest bounced back with an during a good or normal harvest production, food availability and country down with it. estimated 17 percent increase over year, millions of families struggle access, particularly for the most Ultra-radical Maoists, who always felt their leaders snatched last year’s production. to meet basic food needs. Nepal vulnerable populations. defeat from the jaws of victory by engaging in the peace process, We collectively all breathed a relies on imports from How will families already also want to sabotage elections. That is certainly the feeling one gets looking at their deliberate use of violence against candidates sigh of relief. The calamitous neighboring countries and aid to living on the edge of poverty cope and threats against voters in the past months. flooding brought water to the meet the food gap. Vulnerable, with the current trend in rising As argued last week in this space (‘Their own worst enemy’, Tarai, resulting in a bumper crop. food insecure populations rely prices and decreasing supplies? The #393) this tactic will backfire on the Maoist party and deprive it of a Some suggested food production upon complex migration patterns government, WFP and the donors fairly decent showing in the polls. to travel to places where economic must step-up our efforts to International observers and Nepali activities and food are accessible.
Nepal provinces map pdf Continue This article is about the provinces of Nepal. For the provinces of different countries, see The Province of Nepal नेपालका देशह Nepal Ka Pradesh haruCategoryFederated StateLocationFederal Democratic Republic of NepalDeitation September 20, 2015MumberNumber7PopulationsMemm: Karnali, 1,570,418Lard: Bagmati, 5,529,452AreasSmallest: Province No. 2, 9,661 square kilometers (3,730 sq m)Largest: Karnali, 27,984 square kilometers (10,805 sq.m.) GovernmentProvincial GovernmentSubdiviions Nepal This article is part of a series of policies and government Non-Trump Fundamental rights and responsibilities President of the Government of LGBT Rights: Bid Gia Devi Bhandari Vice President: Nanda Bahadur Pun Executive: Prime Minister: Hadga Prasad Oli Council of Ministers: Oli II Civil Service Cabinet Secretary Federal Parliament: Speaker of the House of Representatives: Agni Sapkota National Assembly Chair: Ganesh Prasad Timilsin: Judicial Chief Justice of Nepal: Cholenra Shumsher JB Rana Electoral Commission Election Commission : 200820152018 National: 200820132017 Provincial: 2017 Local: 2017 Federalism Administrative Division of the Provincial Government Provincial Assemblies Governors Chief Minister Local Government Areas Municipal Rural Municipalities Minister foreign affairs Minister : Pradeep Kumar Gyawali Diplomatic Mission / Nepal Citizenship Visa Law Requirements Visa Policy Related Topics Democracy Movement Civil War Nepal portal Other countries vte Nepal Province (Nepal: नेपालका देशह; Nepal Pradesh) were formed on September 20, 2015 under Schedule 4 of the Nepal Constitution. Seven provinces were formed by grouping existing districts. The current seven-provincial system had replaced the previous system, in which Nepal was divided into 14 administrative zones, which were grouped into five development regions. Story Home article: Administrative Units Nepal Main article: A list of areas of Nepal Committee was formed to rebuild areas of Nepal on December 23, 1956 and after two weeks the report was submitted to the government.
Naravane Visit a Positive Step to Repair Ties but Has Little to Do with Boundary Dispute, Experts
WITHOUT F EAR OR FAVOUR Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 243 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 34.4 C 0.5 C Friday, October 30, 2020 | 14-07-2077 Bhairahawa Jumla POST PHOTO: DEEPAK KC Mountains on the Kathmandu horizon are seen in this view captured from Chobhar on a clear autumn day. Naravane visit a positive step to No risk communication strategy yet as repair ties but has little to do with Covid-19 infections and death toll soar ARJUN POUDEL those outside welcomed the decision, “In medicine, students are taught KATHMANDU, OCT 29 saying that the daily count of corona- ‘to do no harm’,” a doctor at the minis- virus infections and resulting deaths, try told the Post. “People were infuri- boundary dispute, experts say The Health Ministry has stopped daily along with advisories related to the ated at the way messages were given Covid-19 briefings starting Thursday, pandemic had enraged people as the in the daily briefings, even if they and adopted a biweekly reporting—on briefings carried nothing, reminding were correct and scientific. We were Indian Army chief is arriving in Kathmandu next week amid frosty relations between Nepal Sundays and Wednesdays. the general public of the government’s actually doing more harm than good.” Doctors within the ministry and failure to contain the pandemic. >> Continued on page 2 and India and on the heels of the controversy over the trip of a top Delhi spy last week. ANIL GIRI Naravane’s visit will now take place KATHMANDU, OCT 29 on the heels of the controversy over the Oli-Goel meeting.
NEPAL’S POLITICAL RITES OF PASSAGE Asia Report N°194 – 29 September 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... i I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 A. TURBULENT TRANSITIONS ........................................................................................................... 2 B. POLARISED PERSPECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 2 C. QUESTIONS AND CULTURES ......................................................................................................... 3 II. THE WAR THAT WAS ................................................................................................... 4 A. PEACE, PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 4 1. The compulsion to collaborate ..................................................................................................... 4 2. Unfinished business ..................................................................................................................... 5 B. STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS ............................................................................................... 6 1. Entering the game .......................................................................................................................
Interests and Power As Drivers of Community Forestry Community of Drivers As Power and Interests Devkota Raj Rosan
“The concept of Community forestry promises to bring the forces of the local Rosan Raj Devkota forest users into a joint effort to maintain sustainable forests. The analysis shown in Devkota’s PhD thesis refers to the limitations of this concept drawn by powerful stakeholders. The theoretical sound and empirical rich analysis Interests and Power as provides the information needed to improve community forestry by a realistic Drivers of Community Forestry power strategy in practice.” - Prof. Dr. Max Krott, Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy A Case Study of Nepal Georg-August-University Goettingen Rosan Raj Devkota Interests and Power as Drivers of Community Forestry Community of Drivers as Power and Interests Devkota Raj Rosan ISBN 978-3-941875-87-6 Universitätsdrucke Göttingen Universitätsdrucke Göttingen Rosan Raj Devkota Interests and Power as Drivers of Community Forestry This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License 3.0 “by-nd”, allowing you to download, distribute and print the document in a few copies for private or educational use, given that the document stays unchanged and the creator is mentioned. You are not allowed to sell copies of the free version. erschienen in der Reihe der Universitätsdrucke im Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2010 Rosan Raj Devkota Interests and Power as Drivers of Community Forestry A Case Study of Nepal Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2010 Bibliographische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar. Global Forest Decimal Classification: 922.2, 906 Centre for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Forestry (CeTSAF)- Tropenzentrum Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Büsgenweg 1 37077 Göttingen Address of the Author Rosan Raj Devkota e-mail: rosan_rd@yahoo.com This work is protected by German Intellectual Property Right Law.
NEPAL’S POLITICAL RITES OF PASSAGE Asia Report N°194 – 29 September 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... i I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 A. TURBULENT TRANSITIONS ........................................................................................................... 2 B. POLARISED PERSPECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 2 C. QUESTIONS AND CULTURES ......................................................................................................... 3 II. THE WAR THAT WAS ................................................................................................... 4 A. PEACE, PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 4 1. The compulsion to collaborate ..................................................................................................... 4 2. Unfinished business ..................................................................................................................... 5 B. STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS ............................................................................................... 6 1. Entering the game .......................................................................................................................
Baluwatar Keeps Mum Over Oli's Status Even After His Close Aides Tested Positive for Covid-19
WITHOUT F EAR OR FAVOUR Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 223 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 34.6 C 6.9 C Monday, October 05, 2020 | 19-06-2077 Nepalgunj Jumla Why Govinda KC’s demands matter even more today as country battles the pandemic Covid-19 has exposed Nepal’s fragile health system and the fasting doctor’s demands for years have been aimed at making health care services accessible to all. BINOD GHIMIRE KATHMANDU, OCT 4 Dr Govinda KC’s 19th fast-unto-death entered its 21st day on Sunday. There has been no word from the govern- ment, except a token call to “end the hunger strike”. The Oli administration has not only adopted a nonchalant attitude POST PHOTO towards KC’s hunger strike and his Dr KC has staged 19 hunger strikes so far. demands but has also made its disdain for the 63-year-old doctor public. has exposed our fragile health care Exactly what it has been doing with system,” said Dr Jiwan Kshetry, a the coronavirus pandemic. vocal supporter of KC who also writes Civil society members say the gov- extensively on health care issues. ernment’s failure to respond to the “Most of KC’s demands revolve pandemic effectively is exactly what around ensuring that people have easy KC had been warning of for years. access to health services.” Nine months into the pandemic, the KC’s demands this time include government has given up on its fight establishing one government medical against Covid-19.
WI THOUT F EAR O R F A V O U R Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 295 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 25.4 C -3.6 C Wednesday, December 23, 2020 | 08-09-2077 Dharan Jumla Nepal Communist Party’s fragile unity falls apart Factions led by Oli and Dahal are in bid to wrest control of the party, as both claim to have majority members on their side. MAY 16 Five- MAY 29 Dahal JULY third week Mid-AUG to mid-SEP NOV 20 Oli MARCH 4 point agree- makes public Dahal and Nepal Agreement between and Dahal Oli under- ment for party the agreement reach a written Dahal and Nepal; Nepal reach agree- JAN 26 Agni goes kid- Mid-JUNE to APRIL 20 unification between him agreement to relegated to fourth ment: Oli to Sapkota ney trans- SEP 5 Internal JAN second week mid-JULY Dahal lead the gov- Government MAY 17 Then and Oli to run remove Oli as rank; Nepal presents a elected as plant conflict surfac- Five Secretariat and Nepal unite Mid-OCT to mid-NOV ernment, issues ordinanc- CPN-UML and the government both prime min- note of dissent; Oli and the speaker es, Dahal member close to accusing Oli of AUG 16 Bamdev Dahal demands Dahal to run es related to the CPN (Maoist in turns ister and party Nepal have a heated of the announces Dahal form running the Gautam proposed implementation of the party as Constitutional 2018 Centre) unite 2019 chair debate 2020 Lower changes in ‘Dhobighat government as as party’s vice- the deal to make him executive Council and House ministers alliance’ per
NEPAL’S FALTERING PEACE PROCESS Asia Report Nº163 – 19 February 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................i I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1 II. CONSENSUS OR CONFLICT? ......................................................................................2 A. WHAT’S LEFT OF THE PEACE PROCESS?.......................................................................................2 B. THE MAOIST-LED GOVERNMENT: IN OFFICE BUT NOT IN POWER? ..............................................3 C. OLD NEPAL: ALIVE AND WELL....................................................................................................5 D. THE RISKS OF FAILURE................................................................................................................6 III. PEACE PARTNERS AT ODDS.......................................................................................8 A. THE MAOISTS: BRINGING ON THE REVOLUTION?.........................................................................8 B. UNCERTAIN COALITION PARTNERS..............................................................................................9 C. THE OPPOSITION: REINVIGORATED, BUT FOR WHAT? ................................................................11 1. The Nepali Congress................................................................................................................. 11 2. The smaller parties ...................................................................................................................