Us Involvement in Military Coups D'état
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ÖMER ASLAN ASLAN ÖMER U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN MILITARY COUPS D'ÉTAT IN TURKEY AND PAKISTAN DURING THE COLD WAR: BETWEEN CONSPIRACY AND REALITY IN TURKEY IN TURKEY U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN INVOLVEMENT U.S. A Ph.D. Dissertation BETWEEN BETWEEN AND by PAKISTAN CONSPIRACY MILITARY MILITARY ÖMER ASLAN DURING THE COLD WAR: COLD WAR: THE DURING AND COUPS REALITY D'ÉTAT Bilkent University 2016 University Bilkent Department of Political Science and Public Administration İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University December 2016 To my mother and father, Ayser & Kasap Yusuf (Aslan) U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN MILITARY COUPS D'ÉTAT IN TURKEY AND PAKISTAN DURING THE COLD WAR: BETWEEN CONSPIRACY AND REALITY The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by ÖMER ASLAN In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN POLITICAL SCIENCE THE DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA December 2016 ABSTRACT U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN MILITARY COUPS D'ÉTAT IN TURKEY AND PAKISTAN DURING THE COLD WAR: BETWEEN CONSPIRACY AND REALITY Aslan, Ömer Ph. D., Department of Political Science and Public Administration Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ioannis Grigoriadis December 2016 The external dimension of military coups d’état has hitherto remained an understudied subject in civil-military relations. It has either fallen victim to conspiracies or been entirely sidelined as a non-issue. The objective of this research is to conceptualize the ‘role’ played by the United States in four military coups d’état in Turkey and Pakistan. In order to broach a detailed discussion of US role in 1958 and 1977 coups in Pakistan and 1960 and 1980 coups in Turkey, this dissertation brings in military-to-military relations in order to complement civil-military relations. This study also brings into the analysis ‘socialization’ through military training and education programs offered by the United States and international organizations such as NATO, which supposedly function as ‘socializing platforms’ as underexplored subjects in civil-military relations. This study considers ‘signalling’ as an important conceptual tool to understand U.S. reaction, thereby U.S. role in, to military coups d’état. The study finds that while the trigger for coups d’état remained local, the coupists considered it very important to receive U.S. endorsement. It also shows that the US supported all four coups nonetheless, though in different ways. It argues that military training and education programs and NATO membership did not socialize Turkish generals into democratic norms but allowed detailed knowledge of Turkish and Pakistani armed forces and facilitated smoother transition to post-coup period. i Keywords: Coup D’état, Pakistan, Professional Military Education, Socialization, Turkey. ii ÖZET GERÇEKLİK VE KOMPLO ARASINDA: TÜRKİYE VE PAKİSTAN’DA SOĞUK SAVAŞ DÖNEMİNDE MEYDANA GELEN ASKERİ DARBELERDE AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİNİN ROLÜ Aslan, Ömer Dokt ora, Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Ioannis Grigoriadis Aralık, 2016 Askeri darbelerin dış boyutu sivil-asker ilişkilerinin ihmal edilen konulardan birisi olageldi. Dış aktörlerin rolü ya komplo teorilerine kurban edildi ya da önemsiz bir konuymuş gibi görülerek kenara itildi. Bu bakımdan bu çalışma Soğuk Savaş döneminin en önemli dış aktörlerinden birisi olarak Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Türkiye’de 1960 ve 1980 yıllarında ve Pakistan’da 1958 ve 1977’de meydana gelen dört askeri darbedeki rolünü kavramsallaştırmakta ve tartışmaktadır. Bu çalışma, ilgili literatürde ihmal edilen ‘ordulararası ikili ilişkiler’ hususunu gündeme taşımaktadır. Çalışma, ordulararası ikili ilişkilerin geliştirilmesinde ve yabancı ordu subaylarının sosyalleştirilmelerinde önemli etkileri olan Amerikan askeri eğitim programları ve uluslararası bir örgüt olarak NATO üyeliğinin etkileri üzerinde de durmaktadır. Bahsi geçen dört darbe sürecinde Amerikan rolü üç aşamada ele alınmaktadır: darbe öncesi, darbe esnasında ve darbeden sonra. Darbeden önce ABD’nin farklı şekillerde ve farklı aktörlerce gönderdiği olumlu veya olumsuz ‘sinyallerin’ darbeleri nasıl etkilediği tartışılırken, darbe sonrası askeri, siyasi ve ekonomik yardımlar da incelenmektedir. Çalışma, askeri darbelerin fitilini ülke içi nedenlerin ateşlediğini vurgularken, darbeye kalkışan subayların - üst düzey generaller veya orta kademe subaylar- Amerikan desteğini oldukça önemsediklerini göstermektedir. ABD’nin farklı şekillerde ve derecede de olsa desteklediği dört darbe de göstermektedir ki ABD’nin yabancı subaylara verdiği askeri eğitimler, bu ülkenin yabancı ülke ordularını daha yakından tanımasını iii mümkün kılmakta, beklenmedik darbelerde daha yumuşak geçişlere imkan tanımaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Askeri Darbe, Pakistan, Profesyonel Askeri Eğitimler, Sosyalleşme, Türkiye. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Several people and institutions helped me finish this dissertation. The wide access to numerous resources Bilkent University Library has generously provided made this research project feasible in the first place. In reaching my interviewees and getting to know many institutions that gave me critical assistance along the way, Sadık Şanlı and Dr. Mehmet Özkan have been big brothers. Yılmaz Çolak, the President of Turkish National Police Academy, supported my dissertation all along and allowed me to finish my fieldwork in Pakistan even as I informed him at the last minute. I am thankful to all my interviewees in both Pakistan and Turkey, who spared from their time to speak with me on this sensitive subject. I am grateful to Nadeem Khan and Behesti İsmail in Pakistan as well as Younis, Hafeez, Atif, and all other Pakistani brothers there for making me feel home and arranging contacts for my interviews. The head of Quaid-i Azam University Library in Islamabad welcomed me with open heart and gave me privileged access to some resources. I am grateful to İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri İnsani Yardım Vakfı (İHH) and Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı (YTB) for giving me chance to visit Pakistan twice and conduct my dissertation fieldwork. I am equally grateful to TÜBİTAK, without which National Scholarship Program for Ph.D. students, this life-defining project would have been very difficult, if not entirely impossible. I would also like to thank Assoc. Prof. Ioannis Grigoriadis, my patient and understanding advisor, for agreeing to oversee this research in the first place and helping me bring to its end successfully. I would like to thank all my committee members, past and current, as well as final jury members for their useful feedback, support, and guidance. No words can express my gratitude and love for my elder sister, who, with her family, has always been with me. My nephews, Ömer Akif and Muhammed v Asaf, have provided joy to our lives during times of distress from the moment they joined the family. I cannot thank my wife, Dr. Ayşenur Kılıç Aslan, enough, who, with all the things she has done, words she has uttered, and love she has shown, owns this dissertation as much as I do. She has brought baraqah (bereket) to my life. She taught me that doing some work with your loved one is incomparably more valuable and meaningful than doing a lot of work without. This is no small feat for someone who has a workaholic husband. My mother and father made me who I am. One can only hope that this meticulous research will bring me closer to start showing them my gratitude, love, and indebtedness. All the virtues therein belong to them and any remaining errors are mine. Ve billahi’t-tevfik. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………….i ÖZET.................................................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………….x LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................ xi LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………...xii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1 1.1. The Purpose of the Study ......................................................................... 1 1.2. Bridging the Gap ...................................................................................... 5 1.3. Some Caveats ........................................................................................... 8 1.4. Case Selection and Methodology ............................................................. 9 1.5. Organization of the Study ...................................................................... 13 CHAPTER 2: A SURVEY OF THE CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS FIELD .......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1. Domestic Factors ............................................................................... 14 2.1.1. Military-oriented Explanations ................................................... 14 2.1.2. Weak Civilians and Civilian Regimes ........................................ 18 2.2. External Factors ................................................................................. 21 2.2.1. The Cold War Period ....................................................................... 21 2.2.2. The Post-Cold War Period .............................................................