Fall 1988 $1.50
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Fall 1988 $1.50 3 5.• !ft • N. • - _ T The Keystone State's Official Boating Magazine - • ...,-;.-...c••••- .4.1111Wvar,-: -•• •'-'- , 7, • r 7 -•e. -Y.31LOT • • .• : - s ••• _ • *I. 1.4tti.t„'NVOCAi . • , • 1,••••.' • VIEWPOINT Thoughts on Combining Joint Legislative Budget and Appropria- Commission spends $18 million on its an- the Fish and Game tions Committee. This study is intended to gling programs. The boating program is determine whether or not there would be funded at an annual figure of $4 million. I Commissions significant savings in revenue or improve- believe that this is grossly under-funding a ment in services with a combined Fish and program that is as large and important as Boating is increasing in popularity and the Game Commission. ours. But without raising registration fees number of registered boats has increased "Wait a minute", you say, "I thought or finding some other means of funding five-fold since 1964. Today, Pennsylvania there was only one Commission now." the program, no additional revenue is ranks 14th in the nation with over 250,000 Many people have the same misconcep- available. registered boats. It has been estimated that tion. The fact is that the Fish Commission It should be apparent that the Boat the number of unpowered boats is about was formed as an independent agency Fund would be far behind hunting and 100,000. Factoring in these boats, our na- more than 125 years ago. The Game Com- fishing activities in priority. Despite sincere tional ranking reaches 8th behind only the mission came along a few years later. efforts of the managers of a combined big boating states of California, Florida, The Fish Commission's original man- agency, boating could take only its propor- Texas, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, date was to restore American shad to its tional share of importance. and Wisconsin. historic range on the Susquehanna River. For the boating program, little could be In recognition of this growth in promi- This goal was expanded over the years and gained from a merger. The programs of nence of boating, the Commission has responsibilities for boating were added at the Fish Commission are different from supported a name change to "The Penn- various times and consolidated with the anything that the Game Commission sylvania Fish and Boat Commission." We enactment of the Boat Law of 1964. does. believe that the inclusion of the word The reasons for including the boating Talk of a merger always assumes that "boat" in our title better reflects the Com- program with the Fish Commission's the participants of the respective sports are mission's duties and responsibilities man- other responsibilities become apparent the same people. It assumes that all boat- dated by law. when its other water-related responsibilities ers are fishermen or hunters. Some boaters However, most of you by now are aware are considered. Its law enforcement offi- may be fishermen and hunters but cer- of a study currently conducted by the cers were already on the water and familiar tainly not all are. More and more, we are with the safe operation of boats. A water finding that boaters are boaters first and resource-oriented education and informa- fishermen second. The boat has become tion staff was already in place. Land ac- the center for family recreation. quisition for access areas had been We all have a variety of recreational conducted for a number of years. And in pursuits, but that does not mean that we the early years of the boating program, the want them regulated by the same agency. majority of boats were used almost exclu- We want our sports regulated by the sively for fishing. agency that can give us the best possible Most of these same reasons support the return on our investment. Since the Com- continued inclusion of the boating pro- mission was given the responsibility for gram under the Fish Commission. boating, the boating community has What could happen to the boating pro- fought for the recognition that it deserves gram if a combined Fish and Game Com- and has received a program that is well- mission became a reality? Of the three respected across the country. The emphasis sports, hunting, angling and boating, of a combined agency would have a dra- boating is the only one that is still grow- matic impact on how the Commonwealth ing. An estimated 2.5 million Pennsylva- resources are managed and allocated for nians participated in boating last year. different uses. Where would boating be? About 1.2 million people bought fishing The study by the joint committee pro- and hunting licenses. This would lead to vides us with the opportunity to express the conclusion that boating is the more our opinions and have a direct impact on John Simmons important of the sports but a look at the the future of the boating program. I am Director combined budgets for fishing, boating and confident that the study results will share Bureau of Boating hunting places the situation in a different my belief that boating belongs with the Pennsylvania Fish Commission perspective. Fish and Boat Commission and not with a The Game Commission has an annual Fish and Game Commission. What do budget of over $35 million. The Fish you think? BOAT Fall 1988 Vol. 5 No. 4 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Fish Commission Leon Reed Suiting Up for Chilly Water Skiing by Bruce Kistler President In water skiing's bad old days, skiers wore scuba diving suits to extend Honesdale their season. Times have changed 4 David Coe Vice President Let's Get Personal by John Chadwell State College If you plan to buy a personal watercraft or if you'd like just to know Marilyn A. Black what's currently available, this information can help 6 Cochranton Leonard A. Green KIDS PAGE! by Cheryl Kimerline Carlisle Fall boating fun, boating rhymes and some boating words highlight this Ross J. Huhn installment 11 Saltsburg Calvin J. Kern Collapsible Boats by Richard Lebovitz Whitehall If you're curious about inflatable boats, folding boats and sectional boats, T T. Metzger, Jr. cave in to your desires and check them out here 12 Johnstown Joan R. Plumly Docking Under Sail by Bob Ricketts Jenkintown While docking your boat under sail, you probably discovered abruptly that William J. Sabatose a sailboat has no reverse gear. No problem if you apply this information 14 Brockport J. Wayne Yorks Equipment Storage in Winter by Stephen Knox Benton This topic saddens diehard boaters, but if you take care of your gear now, it'll be in tip-top shape and ready to go next season 16 Boating Advisory Board Thaddeus Piotrowski Preventing Outboard Motor Trouble by Virgil Chambers Chairman Tuning your engine now, or letting the dealer do the job, can keep you out Bloomsburg of trouble 19 Clayton Buchanan Pittsburgh Turns by Cliff Jacobson Helen B. Lange After you read this, you could rotate, spin, curve, revolve, flip, transpose Sharpsvil and zigzag 20 Judy Obert Greentown Getting Victims out of the Water by Virgil Chambers Solve the problem of getting someone who might be hurt aboard your Staff boat 26 Editor—Art Michaels Intern—Sherri Akens Water-n-Kids by Cheryl Kimerline Art Director—Ted Walke The Boating Safety and Education Division of the Bureau of Boating is Intern—Jennifer Bennett busy teaching kids the basics 28 Circulation—Eleanor Mutch Staff Assistant—Rose Ann Banal Staff Assistant—Charlene Glisan Boot Ponosylvania (ISSN0£188.1$61) 6 published Quarterly by the Penn. The covers Sytvailta Fish Commission. 3532 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109 1988 Nothing in this magazine may be reprinted without the written per• This issue's covers shows world-class personal watercraft operators negotiating rnission 01 the Pennsylvania Fish Commission Subscnpuon rates one year. S4 single copes are SI 50 each Second class postage* pad at Harnsburg. the race course during an event on the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, PA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Boat PennsyNanta °rap held July Won.Pennsylvania Fish Commission.P0 Box 1673. Harrisburg. PA 17105. 2-3. The race is part of the International Jet Ski Boating 1673 For subscription and change ot address, use above address Please Association tour. Chris Lauber took the photograph. If you're thinking Wow Thar months tof procassng new subsenpoons.renewals and changes of daddress Send all other correspondence to The Editor. Boat Pennsylvania. buying a personal watercraft, be sure to check out the article that begins on P0 Box 1673. Harrisburg. PA 17105.1673 Eddonal QueneS and contnbu. tons are welcomed. but must be accornparved by sed.addressed. stamped page 6. Runabout owners can find some useful information in the article envelopes Matenal accepted or publicahon rs subject to Pennsyhrana Fish Commisson standards and requirements tor editing and reNnsing Subma. starting on page 16, and sailors can find some heads-up docking ideas on sans are handled with care, but the publisher assumes no resportsaboty or the returner safety 01SubmiSSIOns at los paSSOSstOn Or in transit The anthers' page 14. Paddlers can take their turns with the feature beginning on page 20. crews. geaS and admen expresso:I tn thiS rnaqUine 00 not nOCOSSartly 'o- rient the opm,k or othoal pOSiten 01 Use Pennsytvarsa Fish CorturreSSiOn or its start Suiting Up for Chilly by Bruce Kistler It happens twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall: The frustrat- ing times that are either a little too early or a little too late in the season to enjoy water skiing because the water's too cold. There you are with everything you need—boat, skis, smooth water, warm sun—but you know that when you hit that icewater you'll wish you'd stayed on shore.