
PTE/12/37 Cabinet 9 May 2012

Parracombe C of E (VC) School

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Please note that the following recommendation/srecommendations areis/are subject subject to considerationto consideration and and determination by the CabinetExecutive (and (and confirmation confirmation unde underr the the provisions provisions of ofthe the Council's Constitution) before taking effect.

Recommendations: That: (a) Cabinet approves the instructing of our insurers to reinstate the buildings damaged by fire; (b) Cabinet approves a maximum of £150,000 from the Insurance Fund to meet its liabilities in respect of the reinstatement.

1. Summary

This report highlights the further consultation undertaken in respect of the potential rebuilding of Parracombe C of E School following a fire in Autumn 2011 and the financial basis for recommending that insurers are instructed to reinstate the school.

2. Background

At the meeting on 14 March 2012 (PTE/12/20), Cabinet were updated on Parracombe C of E Primary which suffered significant fire damage. Due to concerns over future pupil numbers and the need to consult wider, Cabinet resolved:

(a) that approval be given to a wider consultation with the community on the future of Parracombe C of E Primary School; and

(b) that approval be given, subject to planning consent, to the provision of a temporary classroom or other alternative provision at Primary School to accommodate KS2 pupils currently at Parracombe C of E Primary School.

All ’s buildings are insured on a reinstatement basis with the Authority responsible for an excess of £150,000.

3. Proposal

Following the Cabinet meeting, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Resources have visited Kentisbury, Parracombe and , whose primary schools make up the West Federation, to hear the views of the community, as well as discussing the options in further detail with the Local Member. The Federation has confirmed it no longer requires additional accommodation at Kentisbury School preferring instead to continue to use the accommodation unaffected by the fire in Parracombe with some minor improvements which can be funded from the Capital Programme.

In addition, further work has been undertaken to assess the financial implications on the Authority for the rebuilding of the school against consolidation of pupil provision on the Kentisbury School site. Based on this assessment and the wider consultation highlighted

above, it is proposed that Devon will instruct the reinstatement of Parracombe school and identify £150,000, being its liability, for the following reasons:

• The Council has a presumption against closing schools unless a decision is made on educational grounds. The main findings of an Ofsted inspection in January 2011 were ‘Parracombe is a good school where pupils achieve well’;

• A swift commitment will provide the West Exmoor Federation with the opportunity to attract the numbers it feels will choose to attend the provision in the future

• The Authority is likely to be liable for some element of rebuild costs at Parracombe as well as having to provide additional accommodation at Kentisbury which is estimated to require funds in excess of DCC’s current liability and potential settlement figure;

• The commitment to a rebuild will ensure no further investment is required at Kentisbury School in the interim;

• An assessment of the impact on school transport indicates a potential annual liability of approximately £15,000 per annum.

Therefore on the basis that instructing insurers to reinstate the school results in the lowest financial exposure to the Local Authority and meets its policy on small schools, it is proposed that insurers are instructed to reinstate the building.

4. Consultations/Representations/Technical Data

As highlighted in the March Cabinet report, the Federation has undertaken some informal consultation which indicates support for the rebuild. There has been an on going dialogue with the Local Member who strongly supports this proposal. In addition, representations were received from Nick Harvey MP, Exeter Diocesan Board of Education, Bishop of Crediton and Arts College.

However, it should be noted that representations from some Kentisbury parents with KS2 pupils have highlighted concerns about the current arrangement of Parracombe School delivering KS2 and the travel implications for the students.

5. Financial Considerations

The capital cost of the proposal is £150,000 which can be met by the Insurance Fund.

6. Sustainability Considerations

There are no major sustainability considerations for this proposal.

7. Carbon Impact Considerations

There are no significant carbon considerations for this proposal.

8. Equality Considerations

The school will comply with relevant policies relating to Admissions, Transport and Special Educational Needs to ensure equitable entitlement for all.

9. Legal Considerations

The proposal will ensure the Local Authority meets it statutory responsibilities to provide school places for all children.

10. Risk Management Considerations

The proposal will minimise the financial risk to the Local Authority.

There remain concerns regarding the long term viability of the school due to falling rolls. The Federation will need to increase parental choice to ensure provision is sustainable and continues to provide a good standard of education.

11. Discussion

The proposal has been based on the Authority’s presumption against closing schools and the financial implications of the rebuild.

12. Options/Alternatives

The recommendation has considered the option of relocating the school onto the Kentisbury School site.

13. Reason for Recommendation

The recommendation provides the West Exmoor Federation with the provision they indicate is integral to the long term development of the Federation as well as representing a low risk financial solution to the Local Authority.

Dave Black Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Electoral Divisions : Rural

Cabinet Member for Resources: Councillor John Clatworthy

Strategic Director, Place: Heather Barnes

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Simon Niles

Room No. AB2 Lucombe House

Tel No: (01392) 383149

Background Paper Date File Reference

Report to Cabinet - Parracombe 14 March 2012 PTE/12/20 C of E (VC) Primary School

sn240412cba Parracombe C of E Primary School hk 02 300412