Environment Categorization Report

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Environment Categorization Report KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Nation Religion King MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCE AND METHODOLOGY ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK ADB Loan No 3289-CAM CAMBODIA: UPLANDS IRRIGATION AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SECTOR PROJECT, CAMBODIA For (MOWRAM – CW07) – Upgrading, modernizing and extending the secondary and tertiary canals of Prek Chik Irrigation System (PC) in Battambang Province – Package 1 ENVIRONMENT CATEGORIZATION REPORT Phnom Penh, October 2016 Table of Content Table of Content ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................... 1 ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 A. Background ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 B. Sub-project Description ................................................................................................................................... 3 C. Rapid Environmental Assessment ................................................................................................................... 6 D. Environment Categorization ............................................................................................................................ 7 List of Tables Table 1: Summary Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................ 3 List of Figures Figure 1: Prek Chik Core Sub-project ........................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Location of Prek Chik Distribution System-1 ................................................................................................. 4 Figure 3: Photo of the Existing Canals .......................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Photo of Entrance Gate to Pagoda along SC3 .............................................................................................. 6 1 ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Development Bank EA Executing Agency EARF Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan FDERP Flood Damage Emergency Reconstruction Project GoC Government of Cambodia GPS Global Positioning System IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MoE Ministry of Environment MOWRAM Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology NR National Road PDOE Provincial Department of Environment PDWRAM Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology PMU Project Management Unit PIU Project Implementation Unit PPTA Project Preparation TA REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RP Resettlement Plan SPS ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) 2 Environment Categorization Report For (MOWRAM – CW07) – Upgrading, Modernizing And Extending The Secondary And Tertiary Canals Of Prek Chik Irrigation System (PC) in Battambang Province – Package 1 A. Background 1. The main purpose of the study is to conduct rapid assessment on environmental concerns for environment category of the proposed rehabilitation of Prek Chik Distribution System-1. The command area of Prek Chik Distribution System-1 is situated within three communes namely: Prek Chik commune, Bassac commune and Prey Svay commune, Moung District, Battambang province. 2. This sub-project will be loaned by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Government of Cambodia through Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology as executive agency. 3. This report provides the result of the rapid assessment of impacts for proposed construction of Prek Chik Distribution System-1. B. Sub-project Description 4. Prek Chik Distribution System-1 location is shown in Figure 1 that it is a proposed secondary canal situated in Prey Svay and Kear commune, Moung Russei District, and Prek Chik commune, Rukhak Kiri district, Battambang province. The proposed secondary canal location is an old existing canal. This system is composed of 40,200 m length of SC and 16,750 m of TC (See Figure 2). The command area of the project is 7798ha and the scope of work is show in Table 1. Table 1: Summary Scope of Work SC = Secondary Canal; SD = Secondary Drain 3 Figure 1: Prek Chik Core Sub-project Figure 2: Location of Prek Chik Distribution System-1 4 5. Summary of Environmental Condition a. Climate. The average annual rainfall ranges from 1,200 mm to 1,300 mm, with peak rainfall occurring in September – October and the lowest rainfall in January. Temperature is lowest in December – January with an average minimum temperature of 26 0C and the highest in April with an average maximum of 34 0C. The wind direction during the rainy season is prevalent from south-west to north-east and from the south-west during the dry season. b. Topography and Geology. The topography of the sub-project areas is flat to gently sloping alluvium, grading to pediment bedrock formations on the upland fringes. Elevation for both areas is between 20 and 30 m ASL. c. Water Quality. According to IEE of Prek Chik Main Canal, no surface water quality for the sub- project areas water bodies currently exist. For the ground water quality of Prek Chik Main Canal, coliform counts are in excess of drinking water standard, but suitable for animals and washing. Water is very alkaline and “hard”. There are no detectable heavy metals or pesticide residues. Nitrites and nitrates are elevated, but within standard, and may be a result of excessive fertilizer applications. Salinity is low. d. Air Quality and Noise. No ambient air quality data exists for the sub-project areas. As a result of ambient noise levels were sampled and recorded for locations along the Prek Chik main canals. The results show typical rural environmental noise levels for minimum measurements. Maximum noise levels are a result of trucks traveling. e. Flora and Fauna. The sub-project site is located more than 50 km away. The sub-project areas have been intensive farmed and irrigated for generations. No natural terrestrial or aquatic habitats exist and natural biodiversity comprises only common wildlife living among humans in agricultural regions, domesticated animals and feral pests and rodents. The vegetation comprises cultivated crops, agricultural weeds and tree plantations along road, canal banks and dyke walls. There will be no significant loss of native flora and fauna as a result of the sub- project. Figure 3 shows the conditions of the existing canals. Figure 3: Photo of the Existing Canals f. Cultural Site. Along SC3, one pagoda is along there and the enter gate is close to canal alignment. Avoiding impacts on cultural site will be considered during detail design. It is expected that the subproject will not affect to the pagoda (See Figure 4). 5 Figure 4: Photo of Entrance Gate to Pagoda along SC3 g. Chemical and Organic Fertilizer Using. As stated in Commune Database Book, 2015 farmers in Moung Russei and Rukh Kiri district using chemical fertilizer for rice crop in order to kill the insect and grass is 81.3% and 78.5% respectively. Table 2 shows the percentage of families using chemical and organic fertilizers in covered communes. Table 2: Percentage of families using chemical and organic fertilizers Districts Communes % of Families Moung Rusei Kear 71.5 Prey Svay 93.7 Rukh Kiri Prek Chik 82.6 2 districts 3 communes Source: Commune Data Book, 2015 C. Rapid Environmental Assessment 6. Prek Chik Distribution System-1 is subjected to environmental screening process using ADB’s Classification System. Based on SPS 2009, a project category is evaluated by the category of its most environmentally sensitive component, including direct, indirect, cumulative, and induced impacts in the project’s area of influence. The subprojects are classified according to the following Categories: a. Category A. A proposed project is classified as category A if it is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts that are irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented. These impacts may affect an area larger than the sites or facilities subject to physical works. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required. b. Category B. A proposed project is classified as category B if its potential adverse environmental impacts are less adverse than those of category A projects. These impacts are site-specific, few if any of them are irreversible, and in most cases mitigation measures can be designed more readily than for category A projects. An initial environmental examination (IEE) is required. c. Category C. A proposed project is classified as category C if it is likely to have minimal or no adverse environmental impacts. No environmental assessment is required although environmental implications need to be reviewed. 6 7. In order to categorize the project impact, environmental specialist conducted transect walk through the proposed sub-project location and using environmental check list of ADB (check list for
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