T-TP.T? and no or other insects are over ■who stated to’ that ha had amm ser of his bead, is passing by some cells. oat of of certain places from the ■Confederation Paris. whose frontiers were menaced oa th«* pation retch tho number of SO,OOO mm. On (he trained dotdien of the enemy -*ictonea BKESS-HASEKS. fleas found him front ETOOPEAH WAB3 OF THE CES- of patriotism upon ia his house who had escaped & the Rhino. The French Emperor who wire the 4th of October. the Saltan loaned his proc- to the enthusiasm and which them. ENfiLAND. etch of which lean band protraaos, with replied by a one aide by the victorious British, which Bats are not easy to and yet they have Ety. Hia locdahtp was somewhat s ghastly effect. The letter prose tells as they TTOY. rapid advance upon UpperSaxonv, witha view crossing the Pyrenees from tho Peninsula ; on lamation of war, and by the end of thtt month the hero of Caprera managed to inspire into tome, & Peculiar Fen inre in ttse Dre»»*Sak.' sometimes made excellent pets. The driver but called up tho malopartonhohomwh.* *ro Urging for 6cents for a candle. “The of cutting off thePrussian army before Bonsia another by the'allies, who were advancing by Hussion arm? under Frinco Gortchakuff, hie troops contributed in no slight decree# Trade at passed them uaqi (At 7Vm*<. army Pacha, May lac of iitf* ritr-iln>iir* of a comities once in his hay- tbo officers request, and eaye account,“« •fVom AntFork bad torender them any way ol on third by the and a TorJdeh under Omar faced The last week of eaw General Garibaldi London found requested dee. priMop, the beneath theTown eleven time assistance. Switzerland, and a Lombardy, lienroed I’diows ou Toricuan» and lofta jenng rat of a piebald color, which view. Thoofficer then to 3 The War Alarm. llall, and receives all classes of prisoners, who Within years the French Republic of Mmz OP JCKA. Prussians under Blucher, who were advancing each other on opposite banks of the Daunt*. drive the Austrians from North _he rod, 1789 hadceaeedto be. The tide of destiny had The pantoun campaign. and the of Como, the Orgudles. brought home for his children to play with. part of tbo establishment, are placed Are or «x together is the dark, tU- Duke of Brunswick was placed In chief by Frankfort. gain, by possession inexpressible.female i-Trept away the Directory it had overwhelmed, of Pmatian army, Aftera of conflicts, which, with the the From the Sne York Timu. Tbo little thing coon grow tame, and was a astonishment of the wb’J ventilatod cells. This reminds ns command the and the vete- THE ALLIES C« PABI3. series command of entireprovince. household, his hand u]lA great naming _ of the Bourbons, the Girondists, and Robes- ran Marshal Mnllendorf, the last of the exception of Cit&le, scarcely rose above the victoriesor juke. roar not genorally known aro favorite. the dfildrea him be laid the bad old ante-Hiward da>> only Gen- Hemmedinupon every aide, Napoleon stood tub It bo that there “liey,” after (heir brother. He lisa sboalder oi tha lady's The of English prison”, bat we are plad to hear pierre. The triumvirate of Consuls bid erals trainedunder the Great Frederick, was and seemed likely to character of skirmishes, the first important On the SdJune theAustrials began to arse- half a dozen dress-making eslabUshmeute vu eldest would confittmijs Foreign Policy of England. served to show that a man boldly at bay, at one tune operation of the campaign lie before the fireat full length, or run round ntaftf, and informed her that sba was his prSJ that Chicago is to hare a new jailshortly, cx- France possessed second in command. On the eve of the l-lth t reat the cordon of troops that surrounded opened with the nate Sardinia, and meanwhile the French ibis city, where the sowing upon drosses is A change of dress was itamodjttdl who was equally great as a General and as a of October, the hostile armies found them- siege of Silistria, the chief town possessed by assembled at had begun to almost entirely performed bv men. Tbo cliief and round after his own tail hko a cat. His oner. tciifire, and in all things fitting so largo and statesman, >iifp, One General was sent to intercept the force Alessandria ria-Uer often carried him or put eeac for, and miladTs dreseinp-msid wa.-, a city.” For ex- and that she bad no other fit to selves face to face at Jem. The French troops, through Belgium, an- Tnrkev on the banks of theDanube. On the act on the defensive. The Emperor caused of these in inan up-town street, noarßroa.*- in Lis pociet, thriving a one who reads this cope ability Thus it Swedes, then marching April him in bis dinner. Ikoj was always honest metamorphosed ialo an efftcm»te-lc>ok*|3 War meant. however, the engrav- withher or her ambition. numbering about 90.000 men. took op position at Lyons. 14th of the Russians ha&lbrown np bat- toe Ticino to bo crossed by a corps under wav, but as there are no indications of mascu- ex- trial, M'liat n planation, twenty will See came that in year grace 1800 Xapoloon other to stop the Austrians of great power on cept when Ui*ra w«a plnta-pajtliap Jutho bi-- fellow, and marched off toa new it ha the of on the heights which had previously beencon- Engeae, and the for- teries the north bank of the General Mtcxnabon on the 4th June. They line surroundings in the reception rooms, extraordinary thirty ing- lionaparte waa Font of France, and was defendedbr Itinee river, and commenced the bombardment, kef, ami then he had cot moralcourage enough most that he bad lived aJ EXTEWafENT. Consul sidered impracticable forartillery. Tb* Prus- tresses of Germany and the Ilhine wore still wereImmediately attacked by the Austrians, ladles who call to give orders rarely know resist nibbling the plums. family nine month*, peg COICT-ATTTE TOTIMI—JNTEBERTTNG had just established himself in almost sians and Saxons numbered about 126,003. fifty thousand Russian troops wore misled on whom theyvictoJlonriy repulsed. bat haraoJ Europe never to be free popularity, which seems to somehow e&- Prussians was The French 1514, the French troops marchedout stated, to prevent a which shortly work solely bv the piece, and earn from who contract ly the month or quarter to re- to la from the alarm hare TUIPLK AGAINST FRANCE. bulletin claimed that their March. further effusion of blood, that village iUelf, and it was in the Bi 2 to Up cat of regard the luly. war. all cajicd from him. Re has been everywhere, ALLIANCE own loss amounted and the allies marched in; the while flag of he bad positive to the 814 c&ia week, rising sometimes to $36 by work- move rats, mice'and roaches fromboleK res- of For time?apparently, itwill at in- It waa. nevertheless,the t»olicvof Bonaparte only to about 5,000, while that of the set the Sen- orders that the place should be taken, and the evening when the French remained masters of ing over hours at twenty-five an hour. of doer agitated presiding at charity dinners, laying 'corner* for Ho Prus- the Bourbons was once more up; cents fanrants, e*c. Some banters satah tervals be by threats or desolated by inaugurating at this period to affect a desire peace. sians was represented by 20,000 kilted and declared that Napoleon had forfeited the latter replied that he had orders as positive the field, and claimed to have placed 20,030 of Tbo cutteris also a man' and is salaried at 825 furnish live rats in large numbers, within stones, schools. ri«itlng bazaars, friendly to England, and, had ate enemy securing also THE POPE 0? THE SA3T. battles. There are periods during which the hat; to made ovcrluros wounded, SO,OOO to 40,000'prisonera,300 pieces and the people and the army were ab- that it must he defended, and that he would the hors decombat, besides ou aweek. Though not tied to especial periods twentv-four hours from order, for ;hs cxnioi- übiquitous and indefatigable. Ho been of the Whigs prevailed, they of throne, not it even if he had field of battle muskets and 30.000 usually friends of peace pluck up a heart. They thooi'wg the counsels cannon, and immense stores of warlike solved from their oath of fidelity to him. At surrender hut a thousand the 12,000 of labor, the moo reach their work at tlfions of deg pits. They do not k op tin little jt/gvoo matches, it la true, bat ha* would been accepted. Bui the great i maferu-i. The French men and all Russia was at tho gates, beaded knapsacks. Thus was cleared of 7 o’clock the TbeCmnO LamaofTbUH>i«|,»inniix* together pass eet example by doing have triumph was complete. Prague the Emperor bad been offered the pos- in morning, rest for dinner, rate on band, bnt catch them as required- It meet and resolutions, and ask an admirable even there, Pitt, convinced the Commons Fortress by tbo Czar in person. On tho 23d the Austrians, and the of opened between and 1, deport ».c (religion, Jiywierv rand no Am no one suppose'such a Premier, William after fortress capitulated tothe con- ~ salon of France, within the Alps and the of Jnno gates and at 6. They is generally believed, and ia perhaps true, that fontm-- the world if It is not time to learo the settle- mischief. could that to confide ina republic querors; the tbe Russians were compelled the The garrison of that city imme- vary in J'ge from 25 infallibility* shot, it was impossible chief cities of Prussia were aaon Bhone> iko Empire was invaded, the toretire, baffled, to allies. to 60, and have all served ce some bait or attractive scent in trap- ctll ment of disputes to arbitration. Pamphlets handsome and affable Prince to be a bad which in ten rears had committed more crimes invested, and division Napoleon'- When from work, and the defense of SiUstna diatelyrote upon the Austrians. Victor Em- an apprenticeship iu their n- when be fired again and again without a of annr, allies were disposed to concede thepossession their several native ping the verrola. Such la not, however, the Amost interesting paper in the last number exposing folly than Franco had done during her entire exist- on the 25tb Octolier. Monarchy only; became one of the most heroic episodes of a was declared King, and Lombardy countries, where tho use of tneu are written the of war, sermons touching a bird, be most bare done it on pur- of entered Berlin. The of the ancient and now, on manuel as dress- explanation as the writer heard it from the Of the Koyal Asiatic Society's Journal, hr ence, or, in the word of a man who bad never King of Prussia retired to Konsg>barg to col- of be wae compelled to chequered conflict. By tho treaty of the 14tb was annexed to Sardinia. On the 7tb of makers is verycommon. The apprenticeship skilled in this voca- Mr. arc preached and speeches delivered expound- i*mws. The beautiful Princess, it is said. t* de- and who bad alike viola- the Utb April, 1814, I and King entered Milan. Ups cf cue of the most VT. F. Mayer, of the British Consular respected a promise, lect the scattered of his of June, 1854, tbe Emperor of Austria under- June, the Emperor begins from the age of 0 to 13. • . service ing its sinfulness its and for while to woe her bnabaud bo u-efullv engag- remains armv. and renounce for himself and his children the Afterthe ion. and cost; a lighted ted engagement* made with foreign sovereigns the French, with little took to occupy the Danulian Principalities On ae 9th, the victory of Melegnano was latter period of life a dot Is not wanted. 11c ￿* China, dispels of the ed. Well she may be, fornothing inEngland, opposition, were al- thrones of Franco and Italy, and to receive in I never aee bait or drags. 1bare studied in much myitcry which wo really bchevo that a change has set in. and oaths tenderedto his own government, lowed to take possession of Silesia. against Russia, and the of toe war gained by General D’UilUara, and i& less easily managed ; his tastes are often it is said. Mince the calamities that attended exchange fur tbo dominion that had extended ( interest Baraguay the animal.” Here he drew himself up in the his enveloped the Laataistic h.trorchy of Thcu, with the suddenness of a vol- lu reply to thin, the three Consuls issued a the nrKsias rAMPAioy. centered elsewhere. alter a series of successes in the north by Gari- & direction, and his fingers her mainage, has so shocked heras the hisses from Cadiz to the Baltic, thesmall island of ■ biasediu different comcif'urnefls of superior knowledge, and Thibet Mr. Mayer's materialsare drawn from shock, the proclamation wCiing Frenchmen to anus in Franco was now on very EilfOUE begun to be made for the art- less acquire pliability. the canic nations are soon wild greeted the Prince at a theatre during the frontier of Rus- Elba, situated in the Mediterranean, oupoaite THE CRIMEA. aldij preparations prone to For proceeded with a lofty air. “No man that official reports of a former Offices*? which defence of the national honor. In it occurred sia. and the Em|»eror Alexander saw ne- a Tbe bombardment of Biuope, in November, decisive battle which was to decide the fate of first year he sets as waiterin the work-room. tho com- with only stopping trial, and which were ** the the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and forming understand tho rat needs such things; nor excitement, and the Mordaunt divorce the following: The Engli-b Ministry re- cessity of mating onegreat Italy. On the 23d of Jane the Austrians re- to but is at tho beck and misetonerat Lhassa, which describe the cere- li>lcu for tne of repeated cu Commemoration Hay at Oxford. effort to check tne territory comprising a district sixty miles in 1853, which Russia claimed &s a great victory, He is taught sew, be are fancy rat-trap? of any account. Look at to tramp armed men, and jects our offers ; the English Ministry has be- advance of the 1 passed the Mmdo in force occupied the po- of both foreman and men, when their attendant the eelecrionr-and she tamed at those hi-ses. she has victorious ooldierj of the em- circumf'-rence. and having a population of ' and the allies designated os a shameless mas- and call the a rut’s cest I It*', hid behind a null. It is monials upon in- {I c roll of artillery. Here is Europe again in Since /talc trayed the eocret of its horrible policy tu sever pire, and to prevent th«-m becomingmialeiw sacre, the western from the sitions of Fozzolenga. Solferino, and Cavriauo, wonts need supplying. During thesecond year, near new Dalai Ho say* f scarcely been scon at a theatre, shrinking into ; 14,C00 inhabitants. 1 roused Powers a chimney or a heat-flue so that it Is stallation of a Lama. and coutlmies, !*« France—to destroy its marine itsharbors— On tho morning of the 24th of Juoo Frauds is also employed “ this plight. Dreams of disarmament are gone. ol scuro part of t .o royal box.” of theenure continent oi Europe. The cam- >*xroLtos*a ntrrmn mois elux. mediatory position they still endeavored to bis sewing but be kept warm. It Knot! with soft stuff—- In the fourteenth century after Christ the the most to Wot itout from the map of Europe—to do- ps ign commenced the ) I IfcDC, with the indecisive battle of I’nltusk, and territory from Belgium, Sivoy. January, 1554. the English and french fleets awaited the attack of the allied armies, num- mings. By the latter duty, he gam*excellence catch rats ? Make a nest for them, tse by Indian Sivaism and indigenous as a and every country u looking to lb s week groat me*!rzl separated by overa which I bering, it is said, only 150,000. Shortly after matching colors. In the third year, his obscured organ, and tho onpoyout of all such novelties k*cp all the nations of Europe ■ was continued In Febrnarr, 1803, hv repeated N'keard Geneva h-d been shorn away, io I entered the Block Sea, a proceeding which put iu a Vox having a eliding door to a small Turanian superstitions. Caste and other Brab- too what are its moans of defence. The mo- divisions—to monopolize the commerce , by Mb sides a to further negotiations. War was sunrise the assault was begun upon the Aus- tewing ia also varied by taking dresses to la- Tut mgs in the Vov, or raw-dust, as woman doctote, shows Mias Sophia Jcr- capture* of’the townofEylau. which national pride had been deeply wounded 1 stop in the hQls belaud town of aperture. minical insticutioos flourished side by side with ment is huitablo for a glance at of them all and enrich itself wnh At this place the Russians nude the first’sne- and where public disaffection became every formally declared by France and England in trian position the thes. tut ho adds the agreeable task of trying or .both, and leave it in tho warmest part and the essential observ- Llake, a lady who was In the States a short ￿ • • I CastigUone. French, desperate deciding may tnutastic celibacy tue ruaiauNrou*T or England, their spoils,” “It is no ccpgfnl stand against . March, 1854—4 war undertaken on the one The after m them ou, and what alterations of a room that the rais frequent, covered of timeago, and who wrote a capital book about the French arms which dav more difficult to repress, when the news (be ances the Buddhist creed. Tbo Ssakia hier- longer for tho choice of tyrants that our na- been years, and ' side to preserve balance of in and stubbornly contested conflict, suc- be needed. During the entire throe years, be withan ohl carpet, the aperture left open. X havelately heardthe endpolicy sternly and her visit, toreply to some severe criticisms. had dene for claimed a victo- went like an clccttic shock over Europe that power driving them into the small archy, so- called from their beat of govern- tion tn going toarm; it is for (ho guaranteeof ry. remit o, Elba, aud, with Europe by preventing Russia from absorbing ceeded in receives no pay, but, when tho fourth year ar- <'no most disturb tho longer ■elaborately arraigned by distinguished foreign* The following part of her letter seems to me whoso however, they greatly exag- Napoleon bad escaped from 1 villages on the plains below. Step by No room: the ment, was a i neatly sovereignty feudatory to exceedingly tat: , ail they hold dear—it is for the honor of gerated. It was no: impetuosity, advancing upon Turkey, and pnvecuted on the other with rives, he is paid hv the week, at the rate of things are thus loft the Vetter. There will be CLma. early and it in not unin- toI‘uhmif an fair Anstrit, till the 14th of Juno, the characteristic was I was for the the Mocgol conquerorsof hi tho orsof diplomatic reputation, “ Mjhs Franco.” Russia, and England were anniversary of the l«attle Marengo, arms tbe OfetfLsibJo object of defending the ortho- step of theground fought by Aus- fromcl toii The following year he takes a time when you can walkin quietly, drop the to Allow me,” writes Blake, “to state of that the Paris. Lyons receive him with opun 1 day the struggle part of the fihccnlh century (141S-U7Ol a teresting to try for a moment get into their tho banded against tho Republic, hut neither the decisive and tauguinary couiiicl of Friedhml in March, the whole of Burgundy fol- dox faith against Mohammedan aggression. trians, and as the advanced rank as a piece-worker, and rises, in Germany sliding door, and curry off tho bos underyour j-a in a few words position that I and, as I Republic appalled. early became concentrated around the village of 812 813 a youcgjmonk nsmedTsunpk’aba emersod fr way of lucking at the matter. We were a party believe, most of my fellow-students i.or its cliicf were The closed a protracted struggle by a signal vic- lowed suit, regiment after regiment went Austria and Prussia held aloof from the strug- and Hungary, to the attitude of to arm with every rat inside that was in the an ol scare convent’somewhfreupon the China take. Wo alone been voted a gle, contenting themselves with entering into Solferino. About 5 o’clock in the afternoon, week; iu Poland, to or 86, and iu Bohe- huildmp,” of Vutr-c, mv two companions being represent- say to tho authorities of the medical profes- British Government had tory for Napoleon. The later* openriioua of over to his sta'.dird, and when Marshal 1 85 frontier ami began iodencuncethecorruptions credit of thirty-nine aod a half millions sterl- the campaign had cost the Russians replied summons lua old com- a treaty of alliance, whereby they werehound when the cannonade wasat its height,a storm mia to from 83 to 85. The best workmen are “At what hour of tho day or night do you which hod crept EuiHtism- atives of friendly powers. This was their ar- sion, £tate clearly what attainments youcon- treas- Key to the of of rain and thunder and lightning broke over inquired. into Clad m tbo 1necessary medical practitioner; ing, whilst the entire sum in tho French 40,000 men, twenty-seven Generals, and mander. and carried over to him the toa defense of each other and of Germany found tn Berlin. find all the rats In ?” we ycllor.' robes sacred to Bnddha he went from gument and complaint: England announces sider for a ury might have been counted by thousands. generally, whrt her attacked Russia or by the combatants, but delayed not tbe unflog- In the lack room of the New York estab- “You would not ask the question if youhad fix your standard where von please, 1.H48 officers kilted and wounded. After an army he had brought out to capture by rlace to place preaching the pure doctrines of th.-t the har no direct intercet h European Bonaparte reckoned on the enthusiasm of bis interview between the Emperors of France was no choice but for the England and France. TbeMcdilerrauean now plug course of the protracted fight, and itwas lielimeut referred toare a number of gitla studied the rat,” wa« tho somewhat evasive Such was success beforo hat define it plainly,- pat no ohstados in oar him, there flight left not evening, sewing Buddhism. b» that affairs. She accepts accomplished fact*, aul soldiers, and on the resources of his own ge- and Russia and the King of Prussia, the treaty Bourlon?. Early on the morningof the 20th become alive with transports and vessels of until9in tbe after a contest of working upon machines, who earn reply. ; his death the ‘Yellow Church’ had likon tho way: cither afford ns access to the ordinary 1 battle and to weekly, State, appeal nius, and in this instance did not calculate hi of Tilsit wan concluded, which changed situ March, Louia went oat and late war. Gallipoli, Pera ana Scutari became cen- sixteen hours, that the was over, from £0 812 and also several wom- of the faith, and no small or great, most toher means of medical education, or do not exact of 1715, King one of the mbst brilliant victoriejof modem making loops, and various place corrupt tho red-clothod signify vain. Leaving General Moreau, who was to further the territorial distribution of Europe. in the evening of the fame day, Napoleon ters for the rapidly-collecting troops, and en ruches, bows, ssakia dyna*lv had been expelled from tha for lint ibis does not that that we shall use roar special methods; in some extent his personal rival, and who com- Varna was transformed into ono hugecamp. times w«* gained bv tbe Ffaucu-Sartiinian ar- odds and ends of dresses. Tuo men do not FOHEXGZi GOSSIP. She ready with her either case subject ns ultimately to exactly the Its principal artMcs were the Prussian once more took possession the Tuueries. lolled and wounded of kingdom. The old sect still Ungers under tho chc is inactive. is alwafs manded troops whose attachment tothe First dominions on the cast of the Elbe should be The Congress of Vienna their labors for Years of unbroken peace bad rendered the my. Of a spectator wotk on machines. They receive ibe material designation of the Red ChutcU tu of tho other ordinary examinations and tests, and. if we found tbe conflict puts down tbe French toss at and dralted with written instructionsupon ” ports counsels. She will go from one to Consul were hut feeble, to deal with Austrian* annexed to the new Kingdom of Westphalia : the redistribution of Europe immatnrciy in- British War Deportment tbe moot Incompetent cut t “Lady (rodiva were a petticoat at the re- Thibecand Mongolia. There wereoaai points fail to acquit oimtclres as wo’J as year aver- 20.000 men; «Idle the Austrian could not bare of sire, and take the cheap position of a neutral, while ou the Rhino, horesolved toattempt his great that Prussian Poland should heroine subject terrupted, and, before dissolving, they drew in the world, and through the summer of 1354 all details scollops, etc. Each man cent celebration ia Coventry, and the ir. Tsutigk’aba’s teaching which in age students, reject ns; if, ou the contrary, Alps of formed a been less than twice that number. bailee his drees, and it for fitting; England, resembled shtfis driving a good trade with the com- difficulties, achievement of crossing the by the route to Saxony, and that the nty of Danuic, with tip a tbo movements troops prepares male oL*orve.s wore all disguttcJ. a striking manner tbo dogmas and ritual of tn spite of ail we reach your stand- of Mount St. and strike a plowat the Hurroandingderritnry, should be continuous series of blunders and THE PEACE OF VILLAFRANCA. and, when fitted, finishes it with rapidity at all too the Bernard, the restored that by appearing again in Franco Napoleon ; —The Prinee-id Mcttorcich. ia Paris, has re- tl:c Raman Church, and there Is no doubt baunls. Sow this has gone far. There ard, and fulfill all your requirement, been in modern *• continuance of hostilities Where women are employed, two is practically allies in Italy. There has to independence. On the part of Russia it was It’napartc 'had deprived himself of delays. Whtls timo was being wasted in After a without points. ceived eeven hnudrrd and forty applications that European miarionaries Lad penetrated urr questions probably, In which England question of wcnln' equality set- warfare no more striking instance of the pow- to the of useless camps and any very decided engagement, Napoleon 111. dozen arc often found upon a drea«, tled, to faras itconcerns onr case; give as, agreed recognize the Confederation of the the protection of the law, and construction from Wft nurses to take care of her just born into Thibet about the time of his appearance. is deeply interested, and for which er of a single will, and the contagious enthusi- Rhine, and that hostilities against Turkey his manifcßtcd to the universe 1 in general inactivity by tho allies, tbo Turks ami Francis Joseph had an interview at Vilia- working piece-meal -t its several parts. daughter. When Tnnnfik’oba tiled bo bequeathed his then, tho ordinary medical license or diploma, asm by a enterprise, than a of reverses in Asia, at Kars, franca, and there arranged, to the great snr- Women, from wont of training, are rarely per- tho would probably fight, and the question our ultimate success communicated great shouldlie immediately suspended. Thus wai» that therecan be neither peace not truce with suffered scries —A leading physician in Pari.-*, after asking authority, spiritual and temporal, to bio two and leave of tbe passage of Bonaparte's army of 40,001) men Prussia compelled to resign more than one- biro.’* was immediately concluded Kcrckdere, and elsewhere, which tended ariao of the Powers whowere anxiously watch* fect iu tho trade. Some will excel in one or a patient the questions according to formula, fis?dples. laying upon thorn the enuimaui tin. t whilethat is thecase, aha must Wvo an cmn- fadore In practice be decided by our- plains A treaty the the preliminaries peace. two departments, and bo deficient iu others. or to from Switzerland tothe of Lombardy. half of her and subject-*, and more between Great Britain, Austria, greatly toinspirit the Russians and to depress ng conflict, of as to sleeping and eating, next demands what ‘they ebou'd Vo VO'-n again, generation. after *iou and a definite policy. Hitherto, since selves and the public.’ This is oar position, territory Prussiaand basis the waa the resignation of or employer watch- tho language The First Consul hail not arrived a moment than one-balf of her revenues, while Russia llnst-la in which thocoatractingportios agreed their opponents. The expedition of the com- The of treaty A forewoman consequently newspaper ho reads, it the patient bo ner- renrta’ioc, to practise tho doctrines of tbo war in the Citmem (I but repeat and I appeal, not to the chivalry, but to the Lombardy to the French Emperor, agreed their progress, and many delays occur in jreat too soon. One of his Generals was sustain- was deprived of the previous existing barrier to maintain and enforce the Treaty of Paris, bined fleet to tbe Baltic, in 1354, oniy served who es vous ot excitable, tho mildest and dullest jour- ronveyaace.’ The soul of TaODgk'aba of my fellow-guests.;, England Iras been con- justice of the medical profession, to show us sea andlaud in tho city i to the impotence of tbe war vessels to make It over to Victor Emanuel, and the re* explanations and alteratcns. Men will not lie to tent to follow in tho wake of France. What- concede dose blockade by against the ambition of Napoleon. which excluded Bonaparte from the throne. I reveal nal is prescribed. bim»elf is believed have paseed into the el- that it is untenable, or else to itat another retreating to tho cautajon. then in use against the granite tention of Venetia by Austria, although it was annoyed In this manner. They wish written —lu persons who bad been the everoccttn, the English Ambassador at Baris of , was the rmoxscian and to the decree of outlawry issued fortifications Prussia. 1.601 derof two. lienee ozuae die double hier- once.” French frontier, and the Republic itself was In November. ISO", the French armies be- against him. Each of the contracting parties, that faced thorn at Cronstodt and elsewhere. agreed that that province should form part of Icslracttoni. and will not afterword bo molest- legally divorced, applied, during 1869, for per- archy, The same of tbo elder was call- ia invariably told tu confer with the French difficulty in tho way of the Boards was the I toe contemplated Italian Confederation, ed. their profits. Stewart, last * * what it to being invaded by the Austrians. gan toenter . TUo Prince of the Astu- moreover, agreed to keep constantly in the The capture of Botnorsund formed the one ItCrcduce* mission to remarry. Ot this number, all but ed Dalai or Ocean The other was known Government going amounting of ‘ and ascertain is probability, in many cases to a cer- UATTLR OF MABtNQO. &leoder victory of tbe Baltic fleet, whoso fruit- which waa to be placed under the bon* year, tried a gang men iu his establish- 255 allowed to try it again. &a the X’anshcn Erdcai or Teach- government Spain, rias was induced to conspire against his fath- field an army of 130.000 men until these etipu- 1 of were rrecioua do. Even a new in tho tainty, that they would be filledexclusively by wasas IV., less cruise was productive of great discontent oraiy presidency of the Pope. Italy ment, hut he could obtain no one their —Parisian waiters were formerly noted for Ibis twofold division power still cannot recog- Bonaparte's descent upon Died moot er,r, CCharles and enjoyed a lew months of lationa were accomplished, and until, by com- •• er.' of hv< result of a liberal revulutiuu. be men of oncjcaste and of one creed Great ef- e was not, therefore, yet free from own sex to suitably superintend them. Ho Mayer Franco is consulted, and then unexjtceted as it was sudden, and completely • rovalrcval dignity under the title of Ferdinand VU. monconsent, they should decide upon laying among tbe sanguine public, who had expected their extremepoliteness. Now thev are most- been maintained. would dis- nized until even forts wouldbo made, for example, in all the npset Gen- ISOS, compelled them to bumble the pride of tbe Czar. the dips to the Adriatic," and the Italians placed them in charge of a woman, and, as ly tbe recognition is grudgingly made, lest the majority of Church- thocalculations of tbo Austrian j InJn'MMay, both Kings were to down their arms. to insolent ana impertinent, Tbo fijaw *ay* tir.gutsh the oco us tho ilead of tbo email towns to secure a orals. They were equally unprepared for Uls | figrxsign their abdication, and to renounce all THE cmUtAN CAMPAIGN. were not a lilllo disappointed at what they she was deficient iu the system which they that, tbo other day, there occurred, at one uf Church.’ the otter as the •primate;' but Imperial susceptibilities should be wounded. and greater In largo racLurcaiucs of watckloo. con* teen they not men, still tlio towns to eo- further and while they hastened j title to the and Joseph Bonaparte, who Nvjolaon At length, in tbe autumn of 1854, tho allied considered an inconclusive issue of the hod accustomed, would remain. the most fashionablecoffee-housea,the follow- no accurate parallel can bo drawn from Italy asks England, as she is so friendly with majority to movements, I throne, These resolutions convinced that vigorously protested measuring fitting city enro a devoted secular education. to defend from an expected attack, he ' justj resigned the Kingdom of Naples in armies were on their way totbe Crimeo.whcre test. The Venetians The and of the firm ing between a guest and a any other system. The Pauaben Erdeui, France, to say a word about Romo, tho occu- tho former care, the majority might, partly had no other coarse was open to him except to left to the tender mercies of is done by women, When men are conversation In had promptly invested Milan, and with char- ; favoifavor of Joachim Murat, the husband of Mako.everything upon one effort oa the it w*b hoped a vitalblow’ might be struck at against being alluded to waiter; “Waiter; bring me the Journal ttse :orgh inferior in loth spiritual and secular pation of which is a scandal to tho world, but for peace, and partly for decency, admit a proceeded to reorganize thu great the supremacy of in Be- Austria, and addressed to the great Sardinian temporarily discharged during the dull season reading it, to England has to say save to recom- aclcrislic energy i CarolineCaro liimspanc.received the vacant crown. held of battle. The cnthtuiism at Paris Russia the Black Sea. Dehah." “I am sir,” was the wait- authority the Dalai Lama, Is more com- nothing Wesleyan, and a Congrogationalint, and would Milam to , the 14thand 18th of Septemberthe allies, Premier. Cavour. a vigorous remonstrance to tho firmare required to famish them with mend patience. Now, iVussis is watching Cisalpine Republic. Advancing from At tlthe end of 1»07, the royal bouse of Bragau- scarcely came up to his expectations, and the . tween er’h reply. pletely abstracted from worldlyaffairs, and. probably tolerate a Jew. but they would cer- surrender he . numbering over CO,OOO lauded within for- that effect. Italian unity was, however, des- sufficient work to enable them to earn 812 common in Paris for to therefore, events, and she Is ihe relief of Genoa, of whose za,z*, whicht\ occupied the throne of Portugal, had Senate seemed more disposed to bargain about men. —Uw parents entt’r accounted more sacred tluu bb co- determined tainly exclude a Catholic, a Unitarian, a Rit- the First Consul i, ! ty miles of tbe great fortress of Sebastopol, tined, a few years later, to receive assistance weekly. They add to their earnings in spare accompanied ITis residence ouTashi Lumbo. lngland Atcsr ciruave. bad not been apprized, beenetii conveyed under Rriliab escort to Brazil, a Iree constitution than to second his efforts an ordinary restaurant, by one regent. is the ualist, or a Broad-Church candidate, and treat took up a ;1 which they had come to reduce, and opened a from a somewhat unexpected source. Hum- moments by working at homo on such orders chilJrcn. who Motirt:in nf Rood while tbo Dalri, Belgium raHwaye waa crossed the I'o at Montebello, aud uandtd i vU« peninsula wa-» loft to the occupation to reorganize the army. On the flrat of June ] or twoof their share with'tbem Fortune. IVli.-n the affiar of tho the claim of any minor sect, like the Bwedeu- position to tho open plaiu of Marengo. > 0 imperial troops to campaign in which privation and pestilencecut bled inItaly, Austria was destined to a still as they can miicellancously procure. The what ia for themselves. The keepers In? ; -riridenccnponMount day, England like, close off tUtho the estimated num- the Imperial Eagles were cucc more distriba- > ordered 5 Potala -amme. ointurhii'g Earojic* tho other lioftrtsn, Quaker, Bible Christian, or the Learning then that capitulated, his ; down far tho greater number of victims. On deeper humiliation on her owu proper territory ohi&med by the men for making a , some of these eating-houses have decided ■irv't’ct-r. withPaita’a, country Sho bos guaranteed the ia- Genuahad nerber cof 120,000 men. Spanish patriotism, how- ted by Napoleon to his officeis. On tho 12lh | A of ccicectcd the grow frightenea. with silent »com. One of these sects, at all attention was to doing battle with the < at t,f September 20 tbo Russians were found posted of Bohemia. Sriccctess vary with the material. figured or- ; to charge, under these s.jyamnni'rt ancestors, Dbungniab.-l Uy- d(.iK.iiJtoce Belgium, and if she refused turned evrr,ever, was aroused tho sjiectacJo tho com- of June ho Icf: Paris on what he know to be a : completely finished circum-tauccs. full f of to events, the Unitarian, is always backed by jbo Austrians who were encamped at some dU- Princes, on the heights above the little riverof tbe Al- THE SCULKHWIU-IIOmTEIN WaK. gandie was shown, iu price tho olive branches, and is t’i<* .tnaiosometime* honored with the title of bo as a coward, pilsipulsory retirement of the native and struggle for existence, saving, as ha threw : with for great iiglil for it. she would slamixid pres**, the excluded would bo bitter critics, lance in front of liim. Fearing that they ought jhu \ whole country wap soon aolaze with insur- ma, and prepared to dispute the further ad- The events of Germany in IfiGG would be but everf way in a day and a quarter, hems, s:orm raised. Only children inanus are t j Merera lian ox Vrincaof tbo ChurvU. The and a trickster among tho uaiious. Her min- and confidence in tho hoards would bo the himself into lus carriage, “I go to measure . of the allies. Behind tho earthworks in hands, trimmings of waist and drapery, tho school escape him, bo advanced from his strong push rectirection. The Spaniards fought as they bad myself with Wellington.” The plan of vance imperfectly understood without a reference to go free. in importanceIs the UuiuX-chtu or isters know thU. and when destroyed before they bad fairly commenced tbo rucks of StradcUa into tho for centuries,and this strong position it wasestimated that Prince the question of the for a high iu the neck, with hrcloliea over the wasat saints, about iflQ muumlter. who would prob- I’rench journals wero threat- tiou among not c done tho soldiers of the battle adopted by Napoleon was to 1 Elbe Duchiei. which •—When Fclicien Parid Cairo. Mehe- Government to work. opencountry, and found to Uls great eatisfac- empireemp: experienced more reverses ib a few Welling- Menechikoff bad 45,003 to 50.000 men- Tho lime united two powers, shortly after to been- boectn, and bows, Ac. Tho price was 850. met AH asked lam to give lesions to his prin- ably correspond tcthe College of Cardinals ia ening a French occupation of Bms- Under the system of cumulative voting, tlhiilo the forces of commat.fler claimed stitfe, The price paid lo the maker, independently c f hierarchy. Thcv “ Austrians bod resolve upon bit- Russian had that he gaged deadly in an alliance of appa- a which was gladly accept- thcllcman possess the gift lion that tho 1 ramonthson than they had done for ’ years engage in cipal wives, request mUlm, I’rufcsia wan eoundod” by England however, by any elector or town coun- tonand lilnchcr, so that he could them tho cutting and sewing machine-work, was are which tlo. Melos, tho octogenarian loader of the in-loro.t*,iu Portugal followed the ex- separately. The former had his head quarters j cod'd hold such a position for throe weeks rent cordiality. Amid all the endless compli- ed l-y tho curious Frenchman. Anxious to see of icimlodimout- avid chosen in the «muo as to what eho would do iu such an event. enabled to votes—- 85.50. Uewasagnm. grizzly fellow cillor is accumulate all bis troops, began hie advance, and By »njpample of Spain, ami, aided by ~ agaiett 100,000 men. but. after a brief but de- cations of this unintelligible quarrel, thU much old of the interior of a lurcus. tnecomposer present- way as the Lamas.*' may reTy—l may here • tbe to to many Iro/ierial itVmeeele. and was in command of about 70, plain Fan tato—upua giro one candidate as votes as naparto to meet him by forming his t, of Britain aal «*y arm?* (•■<*o t cisive conflict he was, compelled to evacuate >8 clearly defined, that the territory of Schles- Ob For a stik drc&» a man receives 87. ed himself at tho pnhes tha next dav. and was The (Jcrmrimcucr 3fong Pan du-vrUvs at eoinpltie accuracy of wliat follows: Count individual must bo prepared hee tloet Great troops, of which barelyoue-half were Eng- and for oue trimmed from 815 to accord- tbciearc vacancies—an army into three distinct divisions, each sta- supplied from tho same source, the patriots , tbe earthworks which ho bad cuim-lered wig-llolsteiu had comoby a sort of mutual Bi>. introduced tofive eunuchs. Tho chief 'came full length the selection and iusUllatieu of Ffitraaik wen: over the history of the la*t few unpopular, and religious body very lish, the remainder being German. Belgian, 2l)th ing to the work upon it. None of tho men ap- I'll. very' a tinned about three-quarters Of a mile to thu b*rabecame drive tho -French several posted almost impregnable. On tbo of October agreement to form part of the Kingdom of forward and said, “You will give us the lo*- t’i-Dnlai Lama in yems. and pointed out that England had al- to deprived all every able to from and Harcvvcrian. Blucher was in tho j 30,000 pear appreciate their trade sufficiently to candidates, htrtb ia final!, Iki of and I, {*v tbe Rust-ions to tbe number of men Denmark; that nevertheless the advance of to born, and we have Income profleicnr wo T.cto were four whoso France, to give ctianco: rear of the other. Tho French bad in tbo fid positionsj- of iuq-ortaucc. About the cud of r.eighb >rl oed of Liege. Lis menrusting upon | rate, when ways l*uen ready l.» join with creed will liavo its own representative, pledg- to with, numbers } jujyJuly, Sir Wellesley, mad« a further stand at Balakiava—a battle commerce began to draw it closer to Germany, teach it to their sous. At any none of wid traiisydt them to tho principal Rives of each ca-c had hoB, Arthur afterward the rire/i Sambrc and Meuse, lie June 12 the j {earnedit, iiiatcountry wh'at Is called, her ed. at all events, to see that the conscience were, some hours after tbo battle had com- Dukeiv.A of Wc liugion. led UJKK) troops fettver taftnorahle from the gallant and fatal from which it was divided by a purely im- the latter have though several have Ilia llightuga.” tous phenomena; jurt,”and lhat the emiutricn which had most fathers who i entire French army vv.u> in luotiou, Napoleon daughters more proficient in the art than the At my clause is fairy worked, and that mcuced, reinforced by a reserve of iO.Qik) un- into Portugal. Reinforced by further arrivals himself advancing to tbo attack of tho Pros- charge made by the English light cavalry aginary frontier, and to which it was im- —A ynimggifl, convicted of childmurder, in birth iu their children not exposed to Russian massof sewing women iu this city, hut not Tbo troutof hfav.-n was fall cf defy shape*, withdraw are dorDossals, who bad just arrived from Egypt, item{rev England, he sustained an attack ty Gen- fii'J Ney being brigade upon tbe guns*. It peilcd'by a powerful element of Germxu- Austria, and sentenced to death, committed withthe exception of Belgium, eoased tocon- racial persecution. If the experiment suc- position. and Marshal detached seems very questionable whether this dear- hiuaking population. Hence it came that equal in shill totheir fathers. suicide in herci'il, aftersbehod boon informed The scats ran fromlie munrifaln*.and the Ajjtj The Austiuiib advanced to tho attack enderal Juno! ou bid position at Yimeira, ami with 43,000 men to drive tho from strangely to frtjrntfulttolri-v. sider England an ittin iu tho ca*o. Bel- ceeds. it will souti lie applied in other ways, of from English ly-bought victory at all advanced tbe the cause of Schleswig-Holstein was U'ien an that the Emperor Francis Joseph had changed Were claim runs the wo have 40,000 troops, confident success g*ingained a victory whose result wia the French their position at Quatro Bras. In the battle Too, m hi* despatch tbo Emperor, gium,said the PrußMiu *tato*iUiau, and profoundly modify every kind of local their superiority hi strength, especially £>•*: of Tho year wit- main putpo-u of the allies, the taking as thecause of fatherland, and the load- Tlie Ccrinnti‘)i X'nthrTlanili Let sentence to imprisonment for life. Jlen to Mcfend. It would nut injure us more evacuation Portugal. ISJU of Ligny, fought on tho L>th of June, the that night t.o intcrebt to election. cavalry and artillery. The immediate prize of uev.ecd in the IVniiisu'v ascriejof dcsultofv of Sebastopol, while the two battles ing powers of Germany yielded, or appeared r.ERjtAV op aksdi. —A London correspondent, in a lata letter, forwards attestations on the before had Belgium ld-marrow -, at any ralo uese Prussians lost *O,OOO men, and were coimiolied fhom the •* of the children “a brilliant it Fr«nc« Italy, which forwarded and success to yield, to ? the birth of one the victor would lio tho posse-sicin of engagementsCn..j between tha Imperial Generals toretire Ik fere the advance the of Inltennau it, in ISC4 the unanimous and enthus* Whore Is the GortnunV fatherland eiys: A ladies* croquet tournament for all it would net !■<; worth m war to prevent her. MiDlnm J’lnkncy. of French in which were foundno less costly, could only iastic desire of the when they took up England ia in progress this week on Wiratde- radiance of many coloia wa* m-nufoKteJ ia you boy and it wasprobable tint tue i«»uo of the bat- anands the-Briti-h troops, an 1 an ill-organized troajH. The British, with some tvic- people Is't rru!-»ta? Suabta? Is *t th.e You hare interests iu the East, and aro Ho began lifea poor at Havre tie Grace. difficulty, have from an entire misapprehension toright tho alleged wrong suffered by where Hows the Cormaon. and U i«, of course, a pictures- the air:" that on the night the child was bora have none, to tlo would change the destinies of Europe. struggletttru on th» part of native patriots to re- cccd-.d in maintaining their position at Qurtro occurred arms Where grows the vine, Rhine! dou. ofiiti auxiuu* about them. Wo Ho went into aUwyer'w oftice hw©ep hi* of tho .topography of tho great fortress now the Germans in at the hands of Is'[ gull Baltic's brine ? que sQ»tr. Imagine 5,t>00 of the handsomest the sound of music was heard, and miTk drop- enemy in France. She ia in- spare Under such auspices tho Austrian -troops ad- painjcaiu possession of their count ry*. A vigorous liras, hut on being apprised of the Itusrfiande- tho Duchies where ibu slums pillars but wc have an floors. He would *i>eud hie time in ranccd oarlyon the morning of tho Hth of tho under siege. Ruling the winter of 1554. Se- Denmark. The war, such as it was, formed a No; vet great ou.l far mure *raud and best dressed women of the realm, flashing ped upon tbo of the house, and that ti uwdy jcalauß of a*, ami watches tho progress into the l>ooks. Ho cultivated quito h contestt ui:t for possession ot Portugal com- at I.igny. Wellington ordered a rctrogade Must be theGerman's lauictlandl many other wonders were witnessed. Tbo limbing June, 1800, ujvin tho villago of Marengo. The early portion laid, during to bast'-pol became tbo centre of a formidable mere driving back of the Danes from tho for- tlironpb iunamerahle games of ‘Presbyterian of onr unity with unconcealed indignation. fondness for legal subjects. let him menmenced in the of movement toward Waterloo, in order re- them, weight Commissioners themselves found the child, Tricuds wan made at 7 o'clock; by 5) the military genius of Wellington line of iatrenebmeuts behind which cold and tified positions held by* by sheer they German’s land— billiards'—all witiiiu sight.” England uniat choose. Xf eho wants Us to have the money, and ho studied law. Ho was attack French wwhichnit the Lord cover his communication with the IVoufiians, the I7ow can then the I'rauce, tlurce subscribers to little more than a year old, sitting columns were dislodged and retreating di«- pcc: direase were more fatal lhauthe guns of tbe of men and metal. After completing Brunswick ? Hast thou scanned —At Nancy, tier in preserving the independence of at once very successful. Ho had an immense in became still wore ccmtdcuou*. Tho two fol- ai d to resume the united plan of aperauaas still Havana? a ago cross-legged in a dignified attitude, I'oint after point was gained l»y the lowingiowj interrupted. enemy. Tho spring of 1555 came, and Joint occupation by the peace of Vienna, of It where the ZuvderZeo extends? the theatre brought an action few weeks .Belgium, and in presening Franco from mak- command of language and of Uc order. year* witnessed a continuance of tha which BluchcrVrctrcat had tl*, continued without jurists and cab- giving teeming able to recognise them, and authorities. Austrians, and so certain did the result of tbe during battle ot PATTLS Of WMrCBLOO. investment gainingany the Seth of October, 1564, the Where Stynau 101 l the torn bends? against the Puector for only IU repre- . nrot struggle, THE iv; u-e «>f the Suez Canal and toattach to her- had sagacity in resorting to fust what protracted which the So, brother, no; thou hasi not spanned showing nut the “lightest titnv.Utv. They great battle appear that General Mclas retired tore- jlarossa,r( battl; very decisive advantage. Tho fleets continued inets of Germany were greatly exercised over sentations instead of Xl'.'. the number that ho self England must help us if wo are ho wanted. He never used a suporlmonH cita- Jja the siege of Rvlsjos, and tuo On the afternoon of the 17mol Juno, 1313, (hebembardment, land made constitutional the ques- Thi German's genuine lathcilaadl was to be placed a rotary in the chUd'phands whereupon fresh a that yotrs had rendered inexpa- tif yielded new trophies to ami the force the lep»l and rigUaof had announced. The cansu abont Lroughi'iuto war against onr will with Franco. tion, hut it there was in all the range of legal tronio oftSalamanca2 the Brit- the British and allied troopscame on the field, another to proceeding of electing Ger- called when it made that the lie appeared as though reciting sentences from bio of fcupporlitig fatigue "Die battle b-), arms,, added lust.v to mili- up position they one gallant attempt after tion. When the a was known de- She cannot eaj ecl a one-eidtd alliance. We literature anything he wished to mo in his would irii and fresh the and took tho from nhich outlying defences, with bat in- treated Is then the German's fatherland to verdict and to the the Sutra of Atnita Buddha. In addressing hia certainly have proved a crashing defeat for storm the man inlcr waa first mooted, Prussia it Stand fendant had consented a “ are not iuuis/ioijed to a strict alli- he hat! it. It wasa disputed point ijaryary renownol their leader. wore tocontest the numt momentous of ail tho At length, while Austria favored tho Westphalia? Pomerania? d.uuagr of mother ho prnnotmo d tb« word A-3la'*V.iLh argument, bad not tho reserves under Deasaix nrinmo:; different success. however, with coldness, Wfc-te Zurich's waveloss watersleeps; payment of sto each the plaintiffs. ance v.ith England which would give who was the stronger in logic, ho or Wooster. Bonaparte the tu eissia. battles ot modem European history. Later in early in September, nearly a year of Anguetonborg. The damages byan impartial 'effect distjoctm*-B. Hi* features wors comely at critical moment. That General q during morning claims of the Prince Where Westr winds, where Uanutw sweeps: The were assessed ar- Uu' what ehc wants in tho present In rhetoric he was for ahead. He bid allot arrived a During tho i'ctiin«ttiar campaign of ISOO, the evening, and tho of tho tho as- had declared, Not yell .ml well format, &tul his expre*-fan ••a-J judgoil from tho appearance of the that opportunity Napoleon brought up army. nfier t’.clr first erriv?.!, continued Prussian crown Jurists in Octo- Hi»tfouuditnow? Demand bitratorat 1 franc 23 centimes to each injured and Ul HQdlar emergencies; but wo must Choate's elegance of language, but a great field ithej,e Austrians seized tha to make Utb. his The by cit.imem-:!. and, a 18C5, mouths' inquiry, that the German's fotterland 1 irigbt and intellectual, in a degree superior t-a Ikj could only ataUt in coyoting retreat of to posted opposite to each sault the allies* after ber. after a nine Elsewhere subscriber. have cngagiiacntß in return. Such was the deal more of delivery. tho an effort regain their lost territories. The hostile forces were gallant of tlm Redan, tbo vested Austria dialogue from tho Paris it of ordinary children. Another caniii‘U. elegance c scries of vapiures the sovereignty waa in —Tins bit of ia “ superior. “By no moans,” said Rina- Joint ? his ptH-ace,a) of Tilsit had left Prussia reduced by other, ou twolines of a chain of heights run- Then say, where lies the German's land «.( the tender taken to lubskaricnf Count RUuu.Vfi rev.-.^catations. Ats a legal orator ho hada mysterious power, “ and ether forts, the welcome nows Prussia, and that If tho Prince of Augua- ? Figaro: “Monsieur Laboulavc. ia it true same sgo was up parto. tho battle, 1 think, is gained.” and, *,„ , kingdoms ning nearly parallel with each other, and sep- Malskof. and How call they that unconquered lau-l luj-cVu-3ib departure, Uowwli, wa* rao.]o from frequently called magnetism. He had medialf.e and tho two feudatory of I to 290,000 men British, tcnlmrg any allegiance yon just book?" the mountain to offer incense. No now an raJlringhit'fcattercd troops, as he well knew SaX( valley who&« average w«a ecamo frown tho of ever liad claim to tho la twhere Tyrol's preen mountains rise? that b&vo written another aeon, hovorej jMtriiiun by England—tl.j uumcdialo danger delivery, securing and , taxouy and Westphalia were established as a ara::d by a breadth Turks, Sardinian?, who were Duchies, with tbu of zips “Pea, mademoiselle." it viben a pair of crows were which attractive manner of how, by dexterous movement changing ‘ French, and of the it bad ceased peace The tiwit land I dearly prise, ‘’ls* on America?'' and a cf>ni•onidcrpoieo to the power of she house ot Ho- half tv mile. The number of each side did (Count *￿ and gambolled with tho who bavmg Iwuicmovol. holding the attention of his hearers until he gain around Sel-astapcl. that the great cita- . In January, ISOC. Ihsmark Hy freedom's purest breezes fanned— Yea, mademoiselle," Kow have youthough, crocnd child, 1 hi* base of operation*, he did tho battle. j,jenzoHcm.„ Wurtemberg uot exceed 72,000 men. The action com- Vested Af- i>iiTicn.Ty. brought to bear the power of subduing, their e Bavaria and acted del badat length fallen. On the day before announced to the Austrian Cabinet that the But no, ’U* not the Getsum'sland! really?" “Yes mademoiselle.” “Well, my likcwia* Indulged in frolic with tbo bird?*. and tdcp', as his custom, was upon tho field of u* against shertly I>eforj noon, on the fSih of ter to Tl:c tcQo of newspaper* like Ibe minds. Webster him in his ca-*e, a similar balance Austria, while ntuuccd tho final capture. 20,000 men of besiegers and encouragement given by them to tho adher- dear monsieur, one mare, "Was ft the child returned hit homo ho seated opposed victory. untouched, June, by cannonade on the part of the ? question pick.and Siaunbinl inward Spain, involving something ; | Ruailussia, as yet comparatively was a had : tiic year’s siege bad in- ents the pretender the Duchies was Where, therefore lies the German's land or your task to America that you himudf stride upon a grain exclaim- Tt.VyrujA, J't'tU and —a patent question, TUE M -V COALITION. besieged fallen of royal to rent, before after njp,ncrcly compelled to t’;e Dannbinn Frm»*h,’wh cb was instantly followed byian seventy Baptize that 2 that ancumt land! -’ he riding upon wbeu tborow firitUgao, vra-. uoubMidi to tbe a!>out apart of a cotton loom. There could be j evacuate volved the construction of miles of regarded bv I’rueria as an aggressive act,which and bold, wrote your hook? My dear monsieur’has ed that was a mr!o,and wanted TJie dcciMvoconJltct of Mareugo pared tho .,nt of Moldavia and Wailacliia. attack, loti by Jerome Bonaparte, on the o!J T»s rarelyAostrta, proud to return to his own which saying ho rated bor insolence, ah the range of tbo principalities I dazing that timo 1.C00,0C0shells a rig guard against. Tho Austrian ? retried. abode, last degree. SUu was for no driersubject in law. 1 way foran interval of peace, of which Franco »^ only resulted Flemish villa of Hongomunt, which was as ] ticuchcs. and it had Tit to inwcalili unmatched.In gloryold not yet and I‘mwia upbraided lor Ler cupidity. Too His argument covered two whole days. There TheJC Austrian cnniaipu of held and shothad teen fired into tho ton u from the Government replied by vindicating theirright Uhl none shallwrite her name on sand; Tho Italian town of Loretto recently pro repeated during several consecutive days. Tuc htood urgently in need. During an almost j frc«-h alion by au advanced post by the troops of Nissan and | child's couutetiauco Jtaily and ouo or two of tins beat was uo time du ing the whole of it when the inn a occaj of Vicuna mortars and cannon cf tho besiegers, and tbe to take an independent stand on such a ques- But aha U not the German's laud! nosed to pay its debtof £40.000 by the sale of Commissioners found the miiutcmtptcd struggle of leu yearn she had { ai.J wa* ended by .» paitvof British. Aftera v«rv severe con- . cast, weekly journal*, alone of Uio London Court House and all the ways around it were tthee French troop*. entire loss of men during these operation* was tion, which Prussia chose toanswer, Justthen, 300 majolica or vases, painted from original to be ofan elevated and and his delicti, hinglc-hamlcd, tho united strength of ,^ but indecisive l>at- lust, the post was left ia possession of the de- Say where ? prces, maintained tbe rigid of lUo Spanish to crowded full of the elite of Washington theQ sanguinary j probably not short of a quarter of a million. in an evasive manner. then Iks the German land designs byIlspbacl, Angelo, andJideaRomano. eyes Vrigbt andattractive beyond the fa/iiuii not Europe, and was left, by tho treaties con- t | R'agram. Tho Emperor Fran- fenders, and a Combined attack was made upon Baptize (hat great, that ancient laud? ordinary ComnjiM.iionura’ac- without tint obtaining tbo peculiar of gesture which at- tlec of Driven fromthe south side of Sebastopol, tho pbeuminahies The Italian however, after a of mortals/* The choose llicir King, He Uau a charm eluded with tho various botwoenlSOl cis provinces, disastrously | of sadowa. Is tAlsace? or Lorraine—that gem government, iviuuMdoii Franco. 1 eupposc nu of every one. Ho would i»owora was shorn of a few more and the EritflU centre. This ended Russian General resolved to hold the Prus- debate in Parliament, forbade the sale, connt of theprecocity of tfci-* childis corroborat- of sensible tracted the attention and mistress of »outik«eetctu French, cavalry | Disturbed by the enigmatical policy of Wrenched from me imperialrtladcm heated •. I 1802, undisputed became more than ever subject to the dicta- for tho but a lK>dy of British and, ed l>y lieutenant Samuel Turner, who sit tUo llngusb Liltcral tbiuka the Spanianlo nine tu not confine hitnscW but in the The treaty of peace with Great tho northern h ighte. calling for and obtain- sia, Am ina began toarm. On the 24th March hv wiles which pnnceW treacheryplanned? —An economical Frenchman recently sought Earofto. tiont{ol of Napoleon. Russia had to sumo extent hiving (•rocceJ-.'J too for i.i pursuit of re- i maintained No; German's infant i'acaheu Erdcni in ITHX having a King at all. under casting circum- course of his aigumtM ho would move about and tho . ing fresh b.-vics of men. ho Prussia informed the minor German States theseare not the land! to blrnd the useful and tho sentimental by Britain is known as that of Amiens, profited)fo by the territorial lucres of her neigh- tiring column, were driven back with severe grave 4th, morning. allowed stances. Tborepublican form of government before the Court. Isjt him talk upon what of relating to 1 himself during the winter of 1355-56 opposite that, impelled by the arm aments of her neigh- turning tho cf his lamented wife into an Cn the In the I was not failure tofulfill that portion it bors, and continued, up to 13U. in 'tha char- loss. Thun followed tho renowned attack of Where, therefore,Iks the German's land? has been equalled not sur- to visit Tcshoo hama, and I found him placed remarkably they would—you help . the lias answered w.l!; bui aro a subject bo could listen- pnrrcndcr was tho . t( infantry , allied troops, who faced him on the south- bor, the mast prepare for the defence of Si- that land! onion ted. lie if being the of the Island of Malra acter of ally of tho French Emperor. Her op- the Frcwrhcuir^asiersupon the s«(oares fortress, which Name r.uw, at last, mfgnty passed, by an economical Englishwoman who In great form njwn lain mtisnnd; on the loft proud and nearitivo race, and no surer way of ing, and listening convinced. As a man. all. Franco for re- . ern section of the was divided and must aleo endeavor to obtain guar- reason g» don the part of a position)0? was first excited bv the disxstrou? re- and artillcrv of tho British right, au attack lesia, Where'er resounds the German tongue— ride stood Litfathcr and mother, on the other Ilobvir/oUeru on the tUrouo entile! be perfectly kind and courteous toward by a deep a:tn of tho sea from tho town and the future, which it was in vatu to German God sung— makes her husband's epitaph servo as a huai- putting a he was of taken pos- j antees for Where hymns to are ** threatening with which swallowed uevval liostililies. Hanover was sultsu which the conmierriai restrictions estab- which, fur dauntless resolution and sustained tho nets in this wise: Pied, on tho 11th the officer {.articular!? appointed to wait upon found lhan by them war if alt. hut he had bn© weakness sfswon of by the French armies, and tho Napoleon standsalmost unequal- ramparts on the north. In March, ISSS, taped from her alliance with Austria. Mili- There, gallantMother, take thy sUiud, bulletin e>i!k Ibcro. TUo readiness of so up all the rest. He was the vainest person lished bv against Great Britain and desperate courage, assembled in Fans, with a view tary having proceeded on both Tlal is theGerman's lathe!laud! ultimo, at his shop in Fleet street, Mr.Ed- hi* person. The marend is a fabric of they placed bitu Gt-nusn Dukedoms wero laid under to tho , diplomatists preparations other, llugU-U organs to follow Ho vanity. While I begane have uj>oq her trade and nautical re- led ameug the achievements of armies to hostilities and a for shortly ward Jones, much respected by all who knew rcrhlors. piled one upon the until tho manv of oDiuion in alive. was vain of his contribution, tboKing of Prussia declining to * of frantic discuss the cessation of sides some time, both Powers were teal height OlUvier’o government disgust* the attache were sit- (North sources., Resistance to the ruler of Franca of the Find Empire. A succession treaty peace. required, however, nearly plunged adispulc to begun to That 1« his land, the land of lands. and dealt with him. As a man. bo was amia- is elevated to tue of four feet Ibo wako of was in Jtussia. I and another inlcrtcre for their protection. Holland. Italy, period charges-, met by unswerving and deadly resi.-t- of It into as who had claspedhands; cmltoUered silk covered of ting in his parlor, waiting for him tocome to seemed at this to be more thau over twelve months of negotiations at Vicuna and and at length, on the ISth of April, Where vows Laid less than ble ; as a batter, he was upright and moderate. from the thor; an rest Euroi>e. Spain and Fortugal were compelled to fur- j --anev, soon reduced the flucstcxvalryof Eoro(>e arm tirst, wrote valorlights the Hashingeye; I mav »ae, quite confidently, that the Liber- dinner. He ninein, after a long while, black 1 hazardous.lftJ Ho held Prussia iu a species of at Paris to arrange the basis of a lasting Austria agreed the Prussian demand to be- Hi- virtues were above allpnco, and his bearer the top eul the rides were decorated nut r.jsh their imcunizty quota tothe French Gov- vassalage: Confederation of Rhine ;o mere handful of men, and deprived X«po- , to Where love and troth in deephearts lie. pieces as a body, are fur I’russia, and and dirtyas any man. Without saying a word a the tnc a and. after at*, tbo thirty-four articles to disarm, on the that the brand; bats were cidv XI 4s each, lie has left a with of bilk of various colors, al* bens cinment. and a further aid of 515.00d.0v)0 WJ| creation; hod repudiated of onlymeans by which ho could have peace: gin again condition And zealenkindles freodani's for France, if a tuerlo should come Tin' he walked up to the sofa, jerked off his hat. I was his own and ho icon t*'.o of ticsty left things very much as they were would follow, by ntep. In is fatherland! widow to depforc his lowj, and a largo stock to enppen.jcd from tbo upper edge and hanging was obtained by the sale of Louisiana to the the Empress Josephine to marry Maria Lou- parttally repaired tho disastrous termination of other Power step TV.of the German's down. I advanced, and, as ia the cnrtonu jlnijM-Tur'e wyiiiH baa encouraged numerous threw ft and his sword down. At last Mrs. • Kfotc the opening of tho war, with tho excep- meantime, an offensive and defen- be sold cheap for the benefit of his family*. “ *TheFirst Consul h&d been eon* (* the United States. is!, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. iho diy' By o’clock in evening 25,C00 resented & white pelotig hardkerrins f, and financial speculations iu wUbh certain classes PutkneT returned, and asked, What is the his dignityfortcuyoirs.then forltfe. tion, perhaps, that Russia’s plana of aggrau- alliance had been concluded between That Is the German’s fatherland! Ho was Mistcced to the other world in tho Iv-s mixed and all suoli I have been insulted, i firmed iu In challenging hostilities with Franca, men lay dead or dying on tho field,butstill the to have sive Great God! look down and bless that land! prime of his life, and jiiat as bo bad conclud- sresented5ilivcicdinto tin*Lama"?binds the »1 jvernor’a aid tip, » proved prema- Italy; whenjAustria lido more or matter!'" “Matter! still latsr the 3d of May, 18 H, the procceJe ’. dizimcht were been Prussia and and insisted noble coarse, l*ru>sla, Jlis- and on Russiat; had, therefore, to look to Eng- desperate conflict Blucbcr was ture. necessity And giveher children souls an ertenrjvo purchase of foil, which bo got presents of a string of peals an I coral, whilo people. of denonuca madam! That is what is the matter." Alibi* “Govcmiuent of the Republic” wasconfided to . ‘ meanwhile forciug his way from Wavre. at a ou the of making preparations for while existence roils. ed sot down Ivifurc him. body else and i land only tor support, with the questionable BAVOT, Vouetia, To cherish so cheap that tbo widow can supply kata at a the nther thiors wre matk, the IloU.-u7oUcm, and e very (our narrator »aysl my sword that of my | Jtonapartc, hereditary Emperor.” ATSTT-U AND THE HOUSE OF the defense of although disarming iu kve with heart, and aid with hand. “Napoleon Tir(respect of aid from the dissatisfied Uema- distance of fourteen miles, In spite of the ef- And more moderate charge than any otherhotwe in Having performed the ccr.-ruony of who disturbs Fi>.«nh sensibilities. But the friend, as if bv magic, leaped from their seab- desultory hc»tilitiw, and {j , The polity of armed neutrality followed by Bohemia, Count ISismarkreplied that the dm* Their universal fatherland. i After an Interval of 0 whom Napoleon bad himself placed on forts of Marshal Grouchy, who had boon de- London. His dirconsolate family will cany the exchange of lun-Uttrobicfv with auger vtmlJ W general if it were discovered ird* toavenge the insult. 1 ventured toa?ic, ' earlyin ISO by Sotte, during the Rtthsian war was nut for- armament must he general. Tue haughty the great demonstration made 3, ' .Sweden. early tailed to intercept him. At C:3J o'clock Austria father ami matter, rro teak tbo English tlovcnuasut was taking any Turning to me, he said, “Sir! Is thj the throne of Nevertheless. in by at least ono of Great Powers en- ofI‘russia from the meeting ot the on the badness with pr.rv:*. Jity.” bis that “How?" ! foiming a vast camp at Boulogne for inva- 1812, preparations gigantic the Second Divi-ion of Prussian gotten tbe withdrawal onr seat* on the of Tcshoo ar.U-l’rus-iuu side. On these subjects the of roy name, my position, my coun- the for a confiict tho in it, nor was the alliance of the little federal Diet, atFrankfort, and new negotia- EATS. —Apropos of the death olLord Chrondon, ri.Tht not a roan ' tioti ofEngland, tho Emperor fonnd himself col One division afters lOtlterof the army had formed a commuLtcutioa wiU> tho gaged Z-vr'a. On the delivery of a itpccrh of eon- pres- and tbc public often go, (or a time, ta insulted when he is to get ut» at 9 o'clock powerful league commenced. Kingdom of Sardinia in that struggle tions early in May. on the Schleswig-Holstein Fianro (which is not renowned forthe c irro-:'.- try, called upon to face tho of Frenchp armv was marched through Germany; IcftVirp of the Briti-h, and it liccamo appa- destined Chat stories} giatut&tic.cs .n th*; name of thetioveraorfien- opjKJcito directions. to a little girl(a itossiau Trio- *1 r to wilhvut result in the territorial future of ditiiculiy,* did not improve the relative posi- T. W. UteßlnvonN about ihc cces of its reUus tho following anec- < quite to pay homage Austria, Russia and England, which the latter the principal cities and fortresses of Prussia rent that a desperate effort must be mono to bo •* ctal of I t he little creatureturned, look- cc«oV* I ventured suggest tliat we were foiming against him. Europe. Ou New Year’s day, 1859, tbo French tions Cf the two Herman Powers. Matters Little Itoikntx. dote; In IS4T Lord Clarendon r«*rtived a “ ;x»wcr succeeded iu gmriaoued Loops, and turn tbo tide ot battle before they g*lcadf»tlj toward ice with the appearance “ Wf Iused tho word tuwfc“ inreferring to the at a gentleman dross in les.- i had were with French should let fall a f«w significant expres- were brought toa climax when at the oituog Our Young visit from an exiled Prince. *My Lord,’ says i: invited 11. Can the fiietof OctoVmrhepaesed theRhine, and effectually tne fortune of tho day. Empcior From Folks. ot much while I *{- he. and nodded ?" ■On treatiesm of alliance were formed with Austria decide an- the visitor, * I willgo straight to the point. I attention struggle which has been threatened during than tlirce hours * entered Bavaria with «n army of ICO.tWO men. The Bin-dan Emperor, The “ Old had up to this moment sions in his public reception of the Ambas- of Mav 9. cf the Federal Diet, Austria If von have rats in your house or barn, how repeat**.! *U>w u.ovamenta of thu days: to every day, arilftr Tio-sia. on the Guard” tv-reign want 500.<’00 francs (tlOO,i'Uj,. which 1 will with llio last few but a word would have Housed to l«thc and. after bath- “Yon are but tho vanguaril of tho great na- ham), alary twnmeuioevory no share in tho battle. They sadors of po»tr-% that convinced tho com.cVd that her representative in Holstein many different ways of catching them will ha head, though he understood and ap- (•0 coined taTon: olio found which «*■* big would throw tliin gauze himself ■ other ordered of taken remained uf struggle instructed to convoke the Estates. to vou if tho dream of my life i j re- an was ing. he a over ; tion." Emperor; “ifit be necessary fpop dominion?, Hie day drabu up under Napoleon's woild of tho imminence a be- h«d teen 1 rtcommended to you First, yon will be ad- return proved every word, hat could not ut- and umnluou© enough to cover the reality. »pd have body servants throw fitio salt said the f throughout his and. alter coni- during and Aiu-tria. It had been the bear the wither of the 1 alized.n Lord Clarendon, without a word, two at ; will iu a moinem ri*e at my voice, to Uis- !|j understanding nezr 7 twein France in order to popu- vised totn- traps, and perhaps you will catch reply. The parents, who ftco-d Lit tbo?© two giant*. Froseia and Franco, had beard, ho said, “silt would it ingtoanQ with Great Britain. own eye, the French centre. At o'clock pcliev of tho of to ex- Danube as to their ultimate uis- gives the visitor a check for tho amount. ur a him. He salve the now league winch British gold and j onset of hi» formidable assailant. ihcv were placed under the command of the traditional Douse lation of the onerat: but no more will ever get into the hr all tbrs time, eyed their son with a look of eomoto aud tl«s whole European «jet* preserve was (hit his com- awaited the it Sardinia to Uio in Schleswig was Three years afterward, tho dream being real- Mow*. the skin." ft true : l.atiedhaih woven.” I\ t), Cth of June. Ifili. Napoleon JauntUsg aud unfortunate NVy, and received nd tbe boundaries of oast pct&L The Prussian General trap, audit will eccm as if a groat many new affection, and a oinUs expresKvo of heartfelt th-uici.t, it ©vials. will bo broken. Aus- pletion line, much that there \On th« aid and tbo erection of ordered to march his troops into Holstein as ized, the Prince tolls the noblo Lord that the as now was so so was a \ WATTLE OF ArSTEEUTZ. _ ) Vistula, and, Ins oidm. charge. For the last timo the shout south, to arm at a rats had come from other houses to nibble at jcy at the propriety of the jotxcg Lama's con- triaw.u;hi jitij (Jeruiau jiiM-n.’arioujoining paiuted. This was i J crcrossed the announcing to Rate, focu should convoke you tw-rrowed half million is riow at his service. to to her rumor spread that ho nut / / kingdom comprehending North with a as the Au-trian Govuuor bait, ns; ’ Advancing at the head body , Kingdom r,-nr w*s the tho or to attend the funeral. Then ‘ duct. His whole regard stmturned lur Franco; Italy would Insist true, for our has, and again. j of tho main of i determination of Mfitotinc tho of I Ccv heard from and the Austri- Put as tothe interest,’ he says, laughing. rival against umator time future vie" to tbe acquisition of entire tbi* Estate*. This was done, will run aw»y ’’ tcdate, jvossce- of and the will potion, and eome rat • and never once >otinu' to- h.tuu th© price of hot nciuraluy. his head into a basin and give; ; bis army. Napoleon took undisputed ' ofQ Boland, invited too Poles to soldiers a hundred battles, the enough resist, trv Ob replies L'.rd Clarendon. •we will speak w:b tilctit 1 uji.ji a© s«eu him plunge ; . He to . f jk-t'tnsnla. Tbo ovcithrow of Charles Alocrt ans not being strong to retired rml the wall, and you will wish you had naid his an if under t!»:irinfluence at reserve,ready tocome in with rubbing no sic.ii of Vienna. afterward,proceeded tally round his standard. Tne Poles Old Guard advanced before a continuous meeting of die in of that by-and-hr.* This interest, remarks parents Uub£u stand* iu his face such a that paint in the : join the army that advancing into Moravia musketry, only hopeless in 1548 pnt*a stop to his projects ia this ditec- fn-m their Jointoccupancy. At the live. Ibcn uaebody advice* you to lid tleiizce; and with whatever pains his man- Tbo Spaniards fight rotu on it. Ho hi* was CJcaught at the bait, and assembled a national sierm ot thol and to Prussia was id it '■ Figaro ncatlv, was paid in loW, at tho re- correct, u.muuU.v.* effect. world could in paraded 7 - to Russians, and being joined ; “ tioo, hut Li- sen. Emanuel, inherited the Federal Diet of Juno 11, with water, and cover tho surface with ner* tnav have been formed so spleudidlv, as Franco well know, on their in making this show. He liked to 4 meet tho after : Diet~ to proclaim the rc-cstabbdimr*r.l of their dWordctaud death. All i« lost for tho pres- the Federal peace, a pail quest of Lord Clarendon, and consisted in the efforts hear ‘ by two divi.-ions, French found instantly riding Ids poiicv and his determination, and only charged having disturbed fo that the rat take the water lor Eng- vet I must own that hie behavior on this occ*a- o«*u K'nl", and, if (lio IVctuii tv«k‘;w» crossed rumors of himself. Ho was 51 r other tlio ancient monarchy. As ho advanced into Bus- ent,” said the Emperor, and Austria, was re- roral, shall commercial treaty between Franco and such when in - on plain ; experience Held, waited the occasion tocarry it into effect. This and on the motion of it dry land, and he But I have never eitin appeared perfectly natural and apoaiane- tbc Fvrenee*. there would Ih* hot work. And, Si. CO when iti Washington, 1 tbemselvcaconfronted the of Anster- j Napoleon b gan to tho effort off the bcarocly drew rein till ho was mobilize entire drowned. land.” iVtcrai-urc and • ' road and Olmuir. via,, dhposition on the part of tho King of Sardinia solved, June 14. to the Federal teen a that did not know land otie, and not directed by any action or sign pood heavens for ©bat nn object I doubt lie looked like 00 when ho worn bu, ou the between Vienna 1 of the taeiics adopted by tho enemy of burning th.te to the frm.tiurof France. Blucher and exception of con- yet rat at Althcn. Belgium, offer* at 1 I though hr the main Ixxly of tho alljes. The Emperors lay the Fntsfians did work pursuit was a scarce of endless disturbance among force, with the the Prussian from waterbolter than that. Then somebody •—The authorities '* of authority. Te?hoo Lama is this time Hi wanning her i dcstroviug everything that m path his tho ot most •houiiet to wln-tbor England could stilt company. was not very fond and " during the -coming great fair, into He 11 of Russia and Anslna were on tbe ft>Vl. and Napoleon, thoroughly, driving tho men from tho dissatisfied Italian subjevtaof Austria, and tingent. elec willtell you to who away the meal and to about 19 months of ago. He did not speak a lum!* at the lire. Meanwhile, much depcn'ls of society, and would not romalu longer ofn) the invaders. Never.” said discomfited to which the Emperor the lady who can drink the greatest quantity expressive signs and r their Generals commanded a combined force J was a war prosecuted with such forocity- point to i-mn: with all ih»tiu‘en»ityor ani- gave xh-u frequent acts THE SEVEN DATS’ WAR. pnt a piece of cheese on the end of a shingle, word, but made most nj on tho self-control of jHimdar li-irublicati than 10 o'clock at a party. When Joseph chose to as demanding declaration, »©e-»a« on of beer"in a given rime." himself astonishing dignity “ TlioFrench were about . rnnriE consider Immediately after the Federal balance the shingle like a conducted with kadetvin Spain CastelW. If they out Lot u» 1 1 of 75.CHX3 mon. equal Theso people treat their own country as if mosity which both General and soldiersfelt and to —The French people, having been granted like I'Ut ho came he would say. iu numbers, and superior both in confidence Smolensko. toward their French opponents. either diplomatic orannedinterference. Great Hanover, Heese-Cawel, and Saxony were oc- the side of a pail, and to rest the outer end on and decorum. si-ido the Fn-uvU interference, oppose the go s Ibcv were its own enemies.” to the right to petition to the Corps Legtnlatif, and home tun! have a chat," which our narrator and At sunrise on the 2d of Decern- TUE i’EACEof Fanis. Britain proposed a conference with a view cupied by tbo Prussian troops,resulting in but a shelf or something, eo that the rat shall After a solemn mass on tbo summit of Fruit c simply because they know a foreign was willing to do. he got tboro,r discipline. Viazmay, and Borodino became in tarn tbesceae htstilitics, as aprelimmary, Aus- with the army of the edge make enrioae requests. lime, they &?k the most When ’ bor, ISOS, the commenced, and continiiod 0] to tbo solitary apd averting but, one insignificant collision walk quietly along till he gets inside Mount fotala, tbo names of fourchildrenwere mler would bring civil war, they may afreet ho would Kgiu to unmake himself. Ho was battle , of sanguinary combats, followed by a doubtful Perpetual banishment that Sardinia should disarm, Tbe rapid occupation of tue King- will into the prohibition of tho farther boildtogaf railroads, 4 , with varying fortune till sunset. Tbo stub- vj rock-bound island of SU Ilelena, in tho South tria instated Hanover. The of the pail* when he go plump placed inan urn. and tbo lot fell upon a boy tbo danger, if tbo Prince himself dooa not get in every direction. Ho wear 8 1 victory for the French, and by a continuous was and on tbe 28th of April. and the Prussians his weight will bring down because they exercise a pernicious effect pa fuel laced would the • horaly contested field ended with the or- through Atlantic, ended tho career of the man before demand refused, dom of Saxony followed, water. Of course companies vears of ago. tbe son of a poor Tibetan frightened and retire of his own accord. fashionable ciavatof that day, which was an6 advance a country that lud been declaration of war was by Aus- with about 160,000 men into balanced shingle before he roaches the rural scenery; and that railroad to too detly'retreat of tho allies, after leaving, how- . whose name Europe had trembled for nearly a 1859,a leaned began an advance the cars, seller, who was thereupon declared bo However it may cud for the moment, piece of silk, about a yard and 1 ■ reducedn to a desert. and troops ordered to enter Sardinia. territory of Bohemia. To meet is whether a tolerably shall do away with smoking and cause to ejec- immense a ever, tlio part of their artillery ; quarter of century, and Louis XVHL tria her the Austrian bait, hnt the question In-ad of the Yellow Cborcb- Wbea the feeling between FmesU and Franca greater J THE OCCtTATIO* OF MOSCOW. a re- announced her in- Benedek,had hi provided’ a vehicle for non-smokers, be- tbo half square. It was folded diagonally, corners? s of Franco. The On the Ist of May Prance this force, the AustrianGeneral. rat willever venture on the shingle at bad been ratified by Emperor, tbo and baggage, and an immense camber sumed hie place on the throne of *‘ shrewd tion tbo will ho cmlittfrcd, and every coun- turned in. and that witha long piece of ( 1 Repeated battles proved as disastrous tothe tention supporting her ally, and of pre- mustered and the South German known people and they cause x majority’ of travellers indulge in the titled slain, behind them. Its results wero thus Treaty[ of I’ari*, signed on the 20th November, of 190.000 men, all. I have to tryr this, Ccmmieeioneraproceeded toinstall tbe child, . as tbeir *• try ©ill l>c set on ruining iteolf by arm* padding, or. as it was commonly called, pud-i “For- 1 strength of the Russians tothat of within its bounda- venting a Wow being struck which would es- contingent of 150.000 men was daily expected. and you eae.’ But they have weed. scarf of an Image of the ’ •1 summed up by tho victorious Emperor. \ enemies, resolved to abxndan Moa- confirmedFrance present said, Wait, will is said to be a very de- to whom a sill:, Louis I’.Uuc and bin friend© hero ding, purpose. l 1 ®' and it was at Alps, contrary totho King command good many years, Victoria a which was made for that It* ' tv stand of colors, Iho standards of tbo Jmpo- . ries. The fortreises ofLandau. Saar-Loms, tablish the foot or tbe On the Suth June William took now been waiting a with i —Queen Endbba of-Bocndless and bitterly condemn the conduct of tho Imperial then folded and drawn tightly round the cow to the invader. Two hundred thousand wish of friendly nation and to the wish of combined forces at Reichenberg. It think they now believe, cided opponent of woman suffrage- So strong- as em- was Rureian Guard, a hundred and twenty ;i; ages PtulipvilleI' and Maricnburg were ceded to the a of his never a rat. And I 1 upon subject a rosary of leads had been presented Government. France iu Louis Kapoleoa** nock, his more than ordinarily so. His whole0 rial persons,P of both sexes and of ali and tho Sovereign, a state of things which would give the a few once said, that Iv doe? ene feel this that she re- ! pieces of canucn, twenty Generals, and more I were withdrawn from allies,1 besides seventeen of the principal towns waa intended to troops whata great mathematician it■ emphatically her com- blems of his futurerank. Mens Pao thus hand*. bn*. they >ay, converted every loading drees was faultless and beautiful, as wcß as0* t condition,1 the doomed ￿nljecl the whole of Italy to a foreign in- days' rest, the 2d of Julyit became Euclid's Go- recently testified most than £O,OOO prisonens, arc tho result of this a of French Flanders, which wore bat on is easier to learn any problem in ports upon tbe ceremony: , ” Napoleon, looking at the spires and and fortresses 1 written by a literary people iuEurope into enemies. The Germans most fashionable. The only thing that city,*J and fluence.” posses of the Alps,” said the of General | mendation of a pamphlet conformity ' forever glonocs day. Their infantry, »o vaunt- I Kremlin, was shortly able tot< I o occupied bv foreign troops for five years “The evident from movements ometry than to catch arar. the woman aut- “Your servants, in respectful are the natural allies of Franco. Louis A*apo- him was his thin hair, though he waskl*' ”owers of the to document, "are not in our hands,and an immediate was ever had with lady of London, denouncing upon the Dilm troubled ed and so superior m numbers, baa been un- *• ata the expense of Prance. A celebrated treaty, the Benedek tint attack The moat singular adventure I with tbe rules for attendance has taught his people consider them tight ®lav, All this is yours.*’ The French thus ch- important key to frege movement, and tho women engaged in Jeon to not Laid. After he bad all his !* i able toresist tout onset, and henceforth you knownk a« the Holv Alliance, was in 1315 con- it is moot for ua that the meditated bv the Austrians. On the rats was this: that after trying in vain Lama, appointed detachments of tba Cbmasa Italy thinks Nice, aud “ ained possession of a well-provisioned city, kept Turin, at only.” July it. Victoria a hig’ulv comphmentary encampment, ana foes. of llomc. of clothes off, be would fall hack into hia chair ; have no rivals to dread. Thus in two months cludedc between the Sovereigns of RossU« should be it and Turin morning of ‘the 13th of it was re- catch them in rat-traps. I got rid of them at ordered garrison troops to form an Savoy, and’ is sullenly determined leave her to bring glass •J ■iffording safe and comfortable winter quax- EtmortAN aspect the stbcuole. by letter to sent to tho authoress, together the body guards to and tell his servant Jhim a of ’ jjjethird coalition has been vanquished and Austria and Prussia, by Under certain or solved to anticipate tbo Austrian General last by means of a mouse-trap. This was the be to discharge duty of donnS if she ha© success. Bel- “ers,and their Emperor looked forward tothe which. Prance and with a considerable sum of money, to be used the iSIU neutrality a chance of poach drink," which was no other than mostil • peace of Preßbarg (allowed mysterious phrases. It was VThtn the conflict between Aus- being the first to assnme the offensive, and happened; On rooting into a house two davs be remained there. On ditiwreed.” Tbe Russia by the opening of spring, veryV sacred and wiv it general of the pampb- the to the ginmis in eouttant dread of invasion. Well- excellent punch, made with old peach brandy. ' of Anstcrlitz, and l>y it the hmmli- subjection of united themselves tria was seen to Ds inevitable, the most ex- Prince Frederick Charle* advanced with the that had been fer eome mouths vacant, wo for the more circulation embodiment “ the victory [hn had left behind supposed that the Powers | vonreervanlaescortedtbe German*assure me ;bat all Germ»U' the retreating commander good authority, & let. Potala, where reverent tufoimed He would tunttoour narrator and say: Mr. theAu-trianEmnirobecamecomplele. * the repression of any revolutionary treme comrlications wow. on second armv, at o'clock, against the enemy. to hear the rats at night in tho collar, inoDasterrat Mount a -r* aiion of men who wore how to set in furf tend- n?etl sessions nesr Belfast, Ire- wiltuec against France. If that be so , r" itm instructed to from It was at 3 At a quarter performed, and the ceremo- Austria 1U will you have glass of peach drink ' , J,j and Germany alike it sttlTerod a di- “ ( dominions. predicted as about result it. The first army commenced the attack making os much noise as if a carpenter were nrcetrations were the Fnueiana will bo in Fans “ would sit111 italv his crisis of the fate ot their country encies in Ihtir respective and defensive alliance at a few weeks ago, tho plaintiff ina case before the sa- and warcomes, Yes. I think I will.’’ There wo ! minutlon of lerritorv, andtbe Emperorreturn- ‘ desultory and protracted struggle rela- said that an offensive o’clock, near the village of Sadowa. and 10 at work there. So we tried in vain to catch land, nial observance* «cre fulfilled md of Eorojv. Now in one part of The Franco and Rnsaia, on casually mentioned that he knew he your Majesty’s elevated aacci- before tboautumn. and talk until very late. ied to Parin to receive tho title of tbe Great, * tivet to tho succession to the Spanish throne had teen formed between o’clock the armr of theElbe advanced against them; and as there were also mice, we set a trial turkey hta cred eScy of TOM VISIT TO TOIt STATES. told I like veryT and annoint to the King- . 1lie city, and now iu another, the terrible aimed nothing ebcnlJ lose hiscase because “the Pure. On tbo 16th.your SJE. BVOUES* On one occasion I him would to tnhiect Princes consequent upon the will of Ferdinand and that between them they at the Austrians from Vechanetz. These were, moose-trap. One morning the cook found a fact that tcr tbo'Emperor Mr. Hughes is certainto bo received in the much to hear him in tha Senate, and 1 would crested. igencv *of flame was employed against Ices thanreconstructing the map of Europe. to the number of afraid of the loM him so. Inquiry developedthe reverently tookthe golden scroll con- dome ho had newly . ' “■ excluding bis brother Don Carta from however, still much inferior moots in the trap; but she was turkey was servants baud#, oi tu.*commnea ei- fneudly is the conqueror, andinspiteanainspiie of tin*combined ef- j TIL. bv an month with lie he was 1 i conqueror,* * were even to in the village near infallible bestowed by your Majesty next Iw glad if he would let me know when NATAI. HATTI-E TJULfAtAllL *'•••-»* ii terms of the compact defined Austrians, was till the arrival of creature, set trap for me fcaiting tlie mandate Elates 1 or ’ vethe crown in i*vor a/ infant Isabelli, can The the and it not little and the aside *Uice mwnw nota stroucpolitician, and iu some affaire he going to speak upon any He re- orts?t< of the soldiers. and the shooting at cue the to be a restoration of Savoy to France, and of the Crown Prince, few hours I went kept for consultation, siring upon the Dalai Lama’s embodiment, together blunder; he has question. Not content with bis victories on land. Ny ' incendiaries, was 1 ***■carcelv merit the Utle of an European war. the vanguard of the army take out the mouse. In a either noudmg his -hew or ©coma to me to often but plied : “Ido not know that 1 will have much I timetin of 200of the iioeiiw , itanmitg of her ancient boundary: o’clock, tpoear cer- mouse questions bv with the sable cape, tha coral court rosary, American cirduu- , poUon determined to disputewith Great Bri- ■ ** neither can the French lierolntion of IS3O, tbo at 1 that victory began to out to look for It; but trap, and_aU ooddiog ri--toooeightar«mMii- of not soonKH converted ft toiling sea of fire. It { Q mining from » 10.00(1 taete in silver, Vei na staunch defender to sav this term. Ido know of any topic * lain the supremacy ocean. On tho 19th into -* iu< of thecity was still farther reeled the Republic; shll rumors was discov- of the enemy, and bear the car- erea the tucker monastery at Mount Poiala, and deposited not shrunk from to state, j teven frigates, and curht corrcttes. left Cadiz aud the desolation ofif events which, in 1501-2, prepared the way gerated natmt of these did, the solid columns disappeared, and we ceased to trhj aright- hot. if the breed of such birds the In literature he has done great some© the need mo to set them right." Our narrator increasednt by the exasperated conqueror giving e ered, but the opening of the campaign found leaving tbePrnssians comparatively unscathed. penter's work in tne collar. I have always be- ths lawyers would with devout care in due order m * under the command of Admiral Yilienmwe, tor[or the Second Empire. i“Knghmd, couch by Introducing, with told Webster did )ik«j ■ hie soldiers »n eight days' to pillage possessed the gravest appro- o’clock, Austrians were in fullretreat, rats away the trap into shSldSdiiP'l ball called In Tn Kang. Tbe English people, Once of thv», who not English Adtai- tii< OtTHTTOy. Europe still by Dv i the lieved that the dragged trumpets, some of the ** H f and proceeded westward. The ahftbat By the end of October the THE EASIEUX certainly did to their foes. The total loss decided they ate their poor inteUectnal and pillows were then arranged upon tha flourish of him. He said* “it :!1 exactly so, onlyhe Nelson, hiving trader command remained. Emperor tensions. Russia stipulate cloeelv pursued by some hole, and as -eminent and highly be-t of l»ow England to rah Lord his FrenchPr army were in full retreat, with their _0On the 2d of Jamurv, 1526, the upon frontier of Ger- was eelimitedat 40,000 man: should their last meal m ““ Wales, civan, and on the arrival of tbej Dalai Lamvb productions was a great fool sat it.** vearelS’cMhe-liue,came in sight ascended of all the place a heavy army the of the Austrians little cousin that it be ronugroral gentleman, the Prince; of and tbo twenty-seven *nd tboir progress hie’Nicholas I. the throne . in tbe ball vonr servants writers. Ilia “Tom Brown*© School Days w After a sight's hard study, come 1 :Usupplies cut off to mauv ready to interfere, should the States of of the Prussians at 10,009. Retreating so inhospitable a boose. pleasant recollectionslol his embodiment Eng* be would of the cnemv near Capo Trafalgar on the every by the van- Ru*Ruseiaa. His ascension was notified for- that to ana seems to'retaio Secretary the Hut’okbt’a rev- an admirable book. It is as popular with into court, and. in discussing a question, would October. The French harassedla on side ** the Confederation interfere iu behalf of Aus- to the left bank of the Elbe, the Austrians One reason why rata aro able live tocr in AmericaIn 1860. Ha and the Princess of ** •* * the 21st of in these terms: to the scroll, embodying liidi iad» as Itobinson Crusoe.” Mr. Hughes in the course of hisargument say: I momirp of ous3U bodies of Russian troops eijpeign powers Called tria. England and Prussia began to draw continued to fall back with a view to protect thrive in spite of everything is that they show what was a “garden party erently read oat the golden think* Admiralarranged his ahips in one line, form- the leading south- irh[phcntance of the dominionsof the Emperor vn the o f care latelr called mandate, to tbe perusal of ba*> never written anything since like that. He your Honors wilt find an authority for—that—- leeward, and so vboi*i hovered around reads also more closely together, and kept rapidly in- the capital. Anotherconflict ensued bucb sagacity in obtaining food- A laoy at Chiswick, and the Court Circular givea a vour Majesty's if tho of East, about 601—yes—1 ing a crescent, converging to But fir*t of December the ngor of AleAlexander, the Emperor Nicholas inherits creasing their armaments, in order tobe ready neighborhood Olmu z, ending also dtsia- told me that she,had discov- Vhich the embodiment listened in a kneeling v.iU not break down he has usual speech- in—the first should attack of the doable column of the which directed the policy of his cf my acquaintance hit of the roval, princely, ducal, noble, am- After tbo ifying to do. When be first entered Parlia- sav about CW—and on the right-hand side." awaited the theLi winter commenced, and the solaicrs of the theLhe principles for the very emergency. Austria de- trouelv for the Austrians, and as the Prussians ered rata dnnk sweet oil. Her husband bassadorial, and and gentle- pcsture. facing toward the eaut* British that advanced against him. predecessor, and he professes the grave “ bow honorableladles with ven- ment he in this respect, he knew it, haring just examined it. vessels rmpiro*B had. to face tuch hardships as have augustauj fended her position the ground that Lom- advanced, there seemed every probability of apothecary, and bad a number ofwt- “had the honor of receiving invita- roeding was concluded, hereceived wasa disappointment While hoursa desperate conflict was waged, fidelity contracted on was an * 3 menthat performed tbo tut he has l>ecome almost fluent practice. All was for effect, in to make For four probablyir never been experienced in civilized sassame to the engagements btidy was during many centuries a fief of their occupying Vienna without serious oppo- tlesof sweet oiL some of The report concludes “Re- erationthe imperial gifts,and by this done order having selected her ad- enemy, Kuseia, same for rights con- saw ?J“t o tions.” byaaying; gennfiections and When bo first gotinto the bouse of Commons populace think he knew not only Uw, each ship in succession warfare.ira Harassed by a deeplcas de- by the respect all the German Empire, and that she had sition. nearly emptv. TUev watched *°d were in marquees upon the ceremonial of three the the vensary and grappled with herat close quar- supplies by existing treaties, the same attach- % freshments served prostrations direction or be was elected with enthusiasm. Tbo work- the location on the prived of regular of food, and tmpor- seesecrated received Venice in exchange for| tttk mreoFjosotaircaa. tolowS"SfeLMii,. and. among other novelties, was an tine in the but he knew page. ter*. Early To the afternoon the Spanish Ad* line of retreat was mentme to the tniTinw which insure the general second S£ through it, lawn, imperial abode, thus testifying bis ingmen of the large I- rniungh the place which nowreturn# Talk by Professor Parsons, of morea< than 50,000 reparsed Turkey- By the astonished world that 'political to bnng about a tho inauguration of the new water works at for little leetorr Hoorn -1 the-hnehad struck their colors, and that the OEBXAST. asettiemeotBt* of Greek aifairsia long ernment make efforts to to Cbaneelfon at tbe bead of tbe Thibe- him, fur UavU'g given offence to tho small fieadijiq. BtVtnSES tS wiUreplace thoeo treaties which have so was no* con- Marlev-!pi<* rtmmtfn* for °2?en f retreat from Russia his star began m ZS29, law. The traditions of the first Kapelcon have to in that itajesty’s formulas, Riving ©hurt weights in their dealings, but I 1^ Too Hotf rscssu ABBATcn Ao.viswr ravsev. Withsvi the 810sion of territory on theBlack Sea, and disre- sia; It had, moreover, a conflict with Italy veryby* to sequence of tuo report His having performed Hi© (Hot H 'rather. in the Shade. to pale, the Princes who had heretofore been resuscitated, and Europe is not ignorant w M™. way, Dr. bufwibfu and lamas Wlittvc real reason wa© one of expanse. Tlio treaty I‘resburg leftNapoleon master o and herpreexisting engagement with the sustain, (he Hungarian Legiog. under stones lack con- health was worse. By the Nelaton * ™ too* of began to that his P«Jgarded ot the struggle which is and vatnraHsis aav that these » Em 1 bnnTnet Whatever the entbusaanx,—aud gets Guessing. liew*mewird Ms beck perceive of the importance ‘impoaaiblpatient, obeisances, , that Boon for Prinks.) of Western'Europe. Emperor, he ruled a wattedn at to ” Successive advances made KJarka, was just thenpreparing for hostilities. hardly be repeated declares bun to he an of en- boJx-rcd,—a man cannot in these days repre- talxn tru'h Cooling . As over, and to desert the power which Western* Powers- about tobegin,*' but they would to weu that opened, end the cwmomai France which extended from the tothe davla was by Russia in her protectorate of her Eastern 21st of July an armistice of five daya fiSSSon:- and who is always in incha lurry get bright sent a largo without Tho rrinnple adopted hero is that on which Rhino them owed then existence. Prussia by the cutrxiGs c* On the so often if they were not true, Ibelieve by his efforts to Ihronement *l3thna to constituency Pyrenees; as King Italy bo controlled a manvm of »« particularly her endeavor aanneru. agreed on, before the ternination his convalescence is retarded spending money. He has fovmded hia method of of the defection by uniting its arms tTelchbor. and the May, Napoleon HL loft ■was Treatyof njv old friend’s account, at any rate. . than the doctors daT-».»»ttendsdbeUiontmoet must live in a large Jlr. Ouendorf pedum territory extending from tho Alps to the Adri- bex gam wjth closedo np the Dardanelles to other nation-. On 10th of 1559, of which the basis of the final story of a good woman in Eng- help nature in doing more house: ho must leaching languagcs-t. e. that ettry and England, and Sweden ; in ihere w a ted everything di«c some of his constituents t ; eat thoseh of Knesi* suspich-'o Paris on the I2th he arrived Genoa, and agreed upon. The ptc'cribe. At one time, in the midst of a severe occasionally: public atic one brother on the throne of Naples, \et the military viewed m Europe with Increasing whore Prague was mutually land who heard for two nights a tombia hnb- wtlL totbo universal there arc rooms to hire, conlavi* il* oum ansxecr. on that of Spain was shortlvib after followed suit. Probably the true cause oi I on the 15th ho arrived at Alexandria, important stipulations in that a-Sreo- attack of the gout, be was found by his at- J tti* wa and. if hi© name is every charity Fjckt Cn.viJArc. My first \a a hat, lay sec- and another Holland. of the Emperor scornedat nrst Mil « «;and alarm. ditUiona cf the allied armies were in most Lob in her cellar, eo that she collected her luciler matches to body of clergy taowl- absent from his vassal, and be held the position of self* genius5« With an western jealousy of Boseis was her im- i certain cent were tbst the to defend her. On thethin] night tendants applying lighted JgS* list, ho I* voted j„ whole is what yon pat a *’ every * 1 ! campaign neighbors j>aniim«moas. And Mr. ond a box, and my Swiss Republic. werepf( totnnmpb over obstaJo- contiguous acquiskion of position. The first battle of tbo Kingdom mlb soles of hia feat as counter-irritants. At accoidmpjy tmgjo £?£** to' State, that Hughes ie -lot a rich constituted Mediator*'of the of raw conscnoto tmmecso and Montebello, the 20tb should bo united her maid found that a barrel of sweet wine bad the he edge; nun. Hchis a permanent hatin.—Answer. Hat-box- and Wurtemberg anavir chiefly composed and - was fought at ou ConMemlion when troubled with a headache, theartah“ Lama has new Bavaria owed subjection to ooeapu* territory»ei both in Europe Ada, talbctto existing Germtnic entirely emptied by rata. They bod first another, • of the ctlice under government, and, pojaiblv. , This gained tbe third prize. . „ gained ’the battle of Laden. ;of May, by the allied armies, nnm- » l j had hitherto maintained , Rhine,111 tho Alp#, and the J[i Turkey {j 'seme time insisting that they bad come S»“"“Ilx! fen’aipuslefcrops d’etre Indeed, progress chads education. Brescia a j p;tion bis protectorate » maludef tbe i«eople don t buy them. The fact is, there is a oisd is whole M night cap.—AS* Austria. . 1 ejected, and tho quarrel to extend oyer • tenons,the honors of the day were unquesriom ' Bucklacd stai keeps theremains of the cask ne 1 the cl cap, and my neutrality in tho struggle which had ! fullvfu i ginto actual occupation, Originariugin a chrome , Vf> impatience has become quite feverish; ornot, as Mr. Mayer suggests, the sentiment that America ia wof after (fcwicnl)—Night cap. cautious I the % | ably (o the allies. On the 21sl S’rSe^'re’Snclna SfbJS to show what these little animals can do. h®ca** Whether uncial mw rn Europe. Shehad quietly submitted j submittedBt to arbitrament dispato concerning the of the holy | ! found real with deal, seems to that be will diebefore system Tsnngk’aba was deslgnea ton?ct country; that since the war {tallied its charming convolved • I dnyo tho altos custody ! made by * Hate certainly use their tails a great think y of an unknown This the first prize for to some violations of her territory, and Frol- I NapoleonN endeavored to ; Jerusalem, a diplomatic quarrel be- ; Slay tho passage of the Ream was | iv establish his son on the throne, and oirec rule Tibet we cannot say. been opened. American . . \ of Dresden l’»places at in th< In^AS^bM^^S they dip them into bottles or nut. « the Chinese upon rneu’ti even have | simplicity and pointed wit. Wiiliira b,a CTcn teajl roth S> vendyc the Elbe, and by the victory i tween Russia and Turkey commenced j division of the Frarco-bardinian army whether he begins to benefit by a change ol auror can be no that the long min- are taken at all the of * guinea, crick m. ; the coaswut va wmsfairiy {acej Austrians. observe* rat climbing or epnnmag, or but there doubt ncwvpaiK-raand periodicals j IhimnK. 11a pig «ae made out theEwclorUeot seemedsC to succeed, but gj i of the fierce opposition of the • ' iritfly sketched, luce been the chief tou a i overtaxes his ? the eewaonot likely iuMarch,lSs3. ilattcrswerebtoughttoacumax . ( treatment, occurhavevirtua»? of reading uocteute ; what As- . pck-oii for i Silesia, at Berhn, u Ui© order the com on Ida legs, you will se& that hi| j medical JgMjgw orities whichperiodically r May* changes rising of clubs and by most the M.rt ofa pig would he resemble of the dyeMty thri defeatsIt ofbis Generals m ; 'or On the Slit the allies, struggles territorial of hind mentally, taking hands the inheritance I were b\o the demand on the part of the Cxar natioui aud very It ts thick ana bodily cod placed the executive power iu the ibioogbout tbo Kingdom. Hence, a growing • kwvb—A guineapig. Hanover* Oeorjte lit- then eit on the SIand atKulm. deranged his plans, which . over mindj of Victor Emanuel, attacked the Ana 1 the prteent century. Tno senes tail helps bun much- with hia ScOTlunM, can aa » person of 9 craamog j right to extend his“protectorate" Europe during working oorj And there bo seeing America . Thii was considered too recondite by tho in the Emperor hnl ny tho U.000,^ Irians, who had toretake the j>o*i alrcpg, and the naturalist. Cqnar, says that it walks,and cigarette to octoc one two Chinese residents. imj alienee ol J Itone of EocUnd. The French I cooclusivelvPt overthrown to. J otOof Christian subjects of Turkey. Supported i endeavored ‘ begun with the Napoleonic wars has not the human It i ipgaUof which thou a Uuie doubt that theimparial protection te now larger vithportnittof «s men, ino- . rrehident of the Lazy Huh, and the proposer . didole»t of lyeipuc, to -to* I to lion occupied hy them at Palaestra. Th' hut standing as wa do upon the has as many muscles as hand. ] wiabwa Abretini*, keeping to bv England and France, the Saltan refused, i ot € t doted, only upon the Tibetan* tbev w • e i ' w?s fined in sherry cobbler* KZtion of lh|e; iiw oeen rPrtueiana found their revenge for I) • AueliiaußTctited, wvthalotsof 1,250aen. 2 v set-ms very surprising that ratei should be so the restraint though ~ 1 cn aitd clnlorcn, a* i early of how they a , to this demand, and the war, for whton i thresholdof a struggle whose magnitude may the hierarchy. , Ihi# week | ItmiiLt, Why Do- and an infimiuoD j. Saxons and accede * . the conflict was «itn> t they Eve on such dirty rood, and rid themselves oi heard of for the flrtt time. is a man who, when at veicntmcutm Jona. At Leipeic the |«j months steadily pr®P*r next dtvthe renewed, . Europe has yet witueaa- clean, when wooia eko.cb- ver, fa oofnj to Dt'ol, like at trified with aroused thoutmost i over tlie enemy on | Russia had been for Meanwhile Garibaldihad com exceed anything that places. Cate seem tolowa soma Any casualty to the imperial power tbc illustratedp»j»er. Hie Grsphxr, a gentleman a Government. On the Ist of Oc* Wurtembergetsv passed to I• ing.f was openly begun by the passage of her r tituilar result. ft cd. it would be premature to speculate upon m such dirtv as signal revolt* * Q or,i ? I’rossiau - Emperor forood when theyhare tocemd a be accepted iu Thibet &e fer fconos highly wrjuißbt. . card-table, going to deal—for whist As- the tithe field ofbattleTand the was u principalities toi xsenced his sense of brilliant successes m [. power at dose of oju- of their instinct of cleanliness lSingiiear Belgrade square, ing in thovVeet, pwrn—Because the to ana ■ troop* Into the tfanubiaxi of body of the distributionof die a live but rate clean a tiou. :•** in tne he I* poitg toDeal. ISCfs pm- toti hastily toward the Khine,only Ltmhaidy. At the head a “j tolive as rate j from poll?® offlesr. toalfrtrl the atteoiion. One A scene Srt»r. l*nuwanAmbi£*dorHret, «*!**“® retreat , . tury which opened a vista of such endless aud visit a short time iiuna This obtained the 'i ed the following demands : e revolted, wish* |i Julv. 135 A , old of Ital I* as cate; 1 1 second prize. the had also followed, , disciplined volunteers, the *po*Uc eating, lbs domestic I'rieonat Chicago,” in whim u bearded srij* ’ I delay, reoasa the Rome . uthat Bavariaos.who tuj * J August, a more regiments unexpected change. alter ( The first prize bad not been given when our French artu>, without x, etl to dispute the passage with him. Ou . la few occu* • unity virtoiy aftvr victory again? wearing a ©bawl over bis nboaldcro.and riio establishment* of Northern e making the first division of the army of iau achieved Yank*-© jailer, G - parcel left- No adjournment had been pro- .the 3130th of October, ISIS, his troops re-entered I t by s lc>tig,lantem-jvwftd f-w/ i jated up to 5». m. Lott lounging. GermanConfederation; thiM, the separationa invbts high, aud wearing a 1«U cap on one ©ido -1 f