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World War II Chart Template World War II Chart Template Name of Packet Reading and Author: The End of Illusion: Hitler and the Destruction ​ of Versailles, Kissinger Topic 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of War ​ th Major Theme: Different Types and Nature of 20 ​ Century Warfare ​ ​ Example: World War Two ​ Civil War Spanish Civil War, Germany and Italy sent “volunteers” to help spread fascism. Guerilla War Limited War Total War Historiography Topic 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of War ​ Major Theme: Origins and causes of war ​ Example: World War Two ​ Long­term Causes The Versailles Treaty was too constricting and hard on Germany. Hitler used the dislike of this to mask his ideology until people were convinced of his virtue. Short­term Causes The Spanish Civil War allowed for an increase in fascist regimes and allowed for Germany test the waters Immediate Causes Economic Causes Ideological Causes Economic downturn in Germany was blamed on Versaille treaty nations, increased public dislike for them and increased desire for war. Hitler’s belief that Germany should’ve won WWI or at least not have surrendered until the final man and his belief that he was a superior being and he would essentially become a world leader. Political Causes Hitler took complete power from the Weimar government a short 18 months after being appointed Chancellor. Realpolitik: Germany’s relations with its neighbors is based on the ​ relative power of each state. Religious Causes Historiography Mein Kampf was a repackaging of right­wing radical wisdom that ​ standing alone would’ve never received popular support. Demagogic skill is what got Hitler into leadership positions in Germany. Once Hitler abandoned the pretense of rectifying injustice ,his credibility vanished. Hitler’s extreme dismay after the end of WWI caused his later mind­numbing monologues of fighting to the end. Hitler believed and convinced his entourage that because he was such a rare, powerful, and amazing leader that his goals must be accomplished over his lifetime. History offers no other example of a major was being started on the basis of medical conjecture. Hitler’s megalomania turned a possibly peaceful evolution into world war. Hitler’s accession to power strengthened the UK’s desires to simply follow disarmament/appeasement Great Britain greatly overestimated the military power of Italy. Appeasement became an official policy, and rectifying the inequities of Versailles the conventional wisdom. Allies had no backbone. Great Britain went so far as to even praise Germany as “the bulwark of Europe against Bolshevism”. Neville Chamberlain discussed the obligations of the French alliance with Czechoslovakia and neglected to speak on Austria’s independence on purpose. The annexation of Austria simply caused the allies to want to try appeasement even more, hoping that Hitler would stop if he had all of the original Germans in the fatherland. Czechoslovakia was a pretty poppin place with lotsa “excellent” Czech designed weapons, a standing army, and a standard of living comparable to Switzerland (pretty damn good). Soviets protected Czechs but it was doubtful that Poland or Romania would’ve allowed for soviet troops in their lands. Great Britain felt reluctant to defend Czechoslovakia. Hitler and Chamberlain met, Hitler met in a far away area, forcing Chamberlain into many inconveniences in order to show his disdain. Chamberlain “persuaded” the Czechs to give up territory that was 50% German population to Germany. Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, and Daladier met in Munich for a meeting that essentially forced the Allies to accept Hitler’s Bad Godesberg program peacefully before he went to war to impose it. Allied victors made a “punitive peace and, after having themselves created the maximum incentive for revisionism, cooperated in dismantling their own settlement. Chamberlain was determined to never be blackmailed again and began a rearmament program. However his reputation collapsed when it was realized he had not created the “peace in our time”. The destruction of Czechoslovakia made no sense whatsoever and was a very clear indication that Hitler was beyond rational calculation and that he wanted war. All Hitler had to do was wait, but he was really bad at that. His blunder was incorporation non­German people into his population, which violated self­determination. Great Britain now resisted Hitler simply because he could not be trusted (finally, took you long enough Britain). Topic 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of War ​ th Major Theme: Nature of 20 ​ century wars ​ ​ Example: World War Two ​ Technological Developments Tactics and At the beginning of the war, Hitler offered reassurances of peace while Strategies he slow dismantled all restrictions from the Treaty of Versaille. Air Land Sea The Home Front: Economic & Social Impact Changes in the Role & Status of Women Resistance & Revolutionary Movements Historiography Topic 1: Causes, Practices and Effects of War ​ Major Theme: Effects and Results of Wars ​ Example: World War Two ​ Peace Settlements Versailles treaty was too hard on Germany, which made it easier for & Wars Ending Hitler to gain power with a repeating rhetoric of anti­versaille nations. Without Treaties Attempts at Versaille treaty nations simply continued with disarmament. Collective Security Lack of any type of repercussion for Hitler’s leaving League of Nations Pre­ and Post and announcing rearmament. WWII The allies accepted Hitler’s ideas that he would only rearm to 300,000 soldiers have the Luftwaffe be half the size of France. Despite these numbers being far higher than what the treaty of Versailles said the allies accepted anyways. Britain continued to demilitarize as some strange and idiotic attempt to get Hitler to do the same and to support the Disarmament Conference. France also convinced itself that demilitarizing was the best way to stop Hitler. The allies believed that simply postponing the war would be a gain… idiots. France did not want to connect itself too much with Russia because they didn’t want to fall from Great Britain's good graces, the countries between France and Russia did not permit soviet troops, and they were so paranoid about war that they didn’t want to talk with soviet leaders just in case Germany declared war on them Political Hoare­Laval pact: Aim was to give part of Ethiopia to Italy and Great ​ Repercussions Britain would give Ethiopia access to the sea through Somalia. However just before the plan was announced it was leaked by the press and failed. This caused Ethiopia to all go to Italy instead of half. Territorial Changes Post­war Economic Problems Historiography .
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