!!fw*í«"P'!^*s^^* p^^pp^^^pp i:;^^Pí^^^PPPi^^^*^^.í*^,«*-Sp.?t.t^S.tW gpiigii assa??. _1-___^__S ^idacT:or^e5pdnsa^êl.^ Sr Rua Camer.no 55-57, Rio de Janèi^ HffiuetmmfB 1xnzxlmn mmti A WEEKLY JOURNAL OP TRADE, FINANCE, ECONOMICS AND SHIPPING.

VOL. 19 RIO DE JANEIRO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1928 N. 4 ^W'*?'. _S_^___^''¥!^*_3=«iffi_çÍIf*w^_&*i S^_&C*_rK!. ¦



¦¦-,•: -.-r.-ii-..':..'.;'v.-v;;:':.^ ¦.¦;¦_¦: ":¦:¦¦:¦¦ '¦*¦¦¦:¦ -¦:.-,.-'*¦ ._, .__,- ....ri... ;y- -¦-%-'¦-_ IPflwÇjWPp *

ii(Li- 3'i^''i-r^i:'^3M^3''^3^3^^s^\3¦ y':


3 LONA «3S m "Locomotiva" Barca Registrada émtmmt—w_—¦ ¦ L!—_—_*¦—¦»



¦¦¦ The São Paulo Alpargatas Compagy


SÃO PAULO BâHIA PORTO ALKQBl Rua do Carmo, 13 Rua Portugal, 5-1/ Andar Rua daa Andra*», 159~t«M CAIXA 559 CAIXA 43 OAIXA Mt

Booth Line, Liverpool Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers Between Ws NEW YORK, NORTH, MIP*a 50UTM PRflZIL (calling at Barbados) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVRBt


PARA PERNAMBUCO Juliu» ron &ohsU« I BAHIA MANAOS NATAL ' RIO DR JAKKUIO \ N1UO CAIJEDELLO8. MAU Booih _ Co. (LMon) Ltd. A. Wtaarton Pedro» SANTOS CEARA Maceiór. b. Pátamu. RJO QRANDB DO »OLi PAHNAHYBA VICTORIAArjmckla 4 Co. IQUITOS FLORIANÓPOLIS GuUhtfifme H, Cha*!!» PORTO ALEORR PAKANAOUl i Empreza ds Melhoramento- Urbanos de Paranafnf. SIO P-UJICISGO DO IUL. IL Cm. BARBADOS : Unrl* ft Co* ÍAé. i ©OOTH AMERICAN SHIPPING CORPORATION 1T Battery Place^New York.

f':"' >•-. >r*.».-. •<•- r __..^-_


HIME & CIA. .52, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 52 Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Co., Ltd. t (esquina da Rua da Quitanda). I Caixa Postal 593 — Endereço telegraphico M FERRO. Lighterage Contractors, Tug Telephone 6075 Norte. Stevedores, and Launcli Owncrs, Salvage Operators. Import. de Ferro, Aço, Ferragens, Cimento, Tintas, Óleos, etc. 1 Fle-t—Over 200 Lighters: 22,000 tons total capacitjr. 1 1 Depositários dos productos da COMPANHIA BRAZILEIRA DE RAPID HANDLING OF CARGO GUARANTEED. UZINAS METALLURGICAS—com grande laminacâo de ferro em barras, vergas e cantoneiras, fundição de ferro e bronze, Salvage Tug "Emily" equipp-d with Modern fabricação de parafusos, rebites, pregos para trilhos, ferroí Salvage Appliances. de engommar, balanças, louça de ferro fundido estanhado e de ferro batido estanhado, de canos de chumbo, etc, etc. RIO DE JANEIRO — FABRICAS : — NOVA INDUSTRIA—Pontas de Paris, tachas para sapateiro, em ferro e latão, louça de ferro batido e esmaltado, etc. I 75, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 75; '¦¦¦l EMPREZA PROGRESSO — Fogões, caixas cPagua, ferraduras, » portas de aço, gradis, etc. P. O. BOX 1164. "SOL" Phosphoros marca — Metal Deployé. TELEGRAMS — "LIGHTERAGE RIOJANEIRO ^JACARÉ." — "Saccadura," Coalho Cimento white Brothers. Codes—BENTLEVS. A.B.C. 4th Ed., LIEBER'S, A. 1 Dynamite e Gelignite da "NOBELS EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd." I LONDON — Dashwood House, New Broad Street, E.C. 2 Depositários do ferro jruza das Uzinas Morro Grande ESPERANÇA, BURNIER, RIO ACIMA. ENQUIRIES INVITED. J-__»-.


•w1**** r THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED, Central Office, Avenida FRANCISCO BICALHO. (Estação Barão de Mauá). Telephone Villa 2200 —Cable Adress: LATESCENSE 1 Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes, Length of Line, 1,86(1 miles, with 292 stations serving an area of 200 000 square miles. TRAFFIC IN 1926. Passengers, No. 21,636,170Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 107,911Goods. Tons, 1,747,756. TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR From Nictheroy. 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapek_-ii.m, Porciuncula and hranche lines, daily. 7.00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 1 15.35—Passe:o—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Saturday. 16.40—Express—Rio Bonito, daily. To Macahé Mondays Wednes days, Thursday, and Saturdays. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, Itapejrrim nnd Victoria, Mond ays and Fridays, Beturn from Victoria Sundays and Thursdays. 10.15—Electric illunvnation and ventilation. Single fare Nictheroy/Victoria 50$400 Return fare, 03S700, Sleeping cars bet- ween Nictheroy and Campos, Upper Berth, 22$400, Lower Berth 288000. Lunch and dinncr served on restaurant cars bet- ween Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 34$900; return 55$700. From Barão de Mauá. 20.10—Night Express—Petropolis, Entre Rios, Bicas, Furtado de Campos, Ubá and Ponte Nova, Mondays and Thursdays. Beturn from Ponte Nova Wednesdays and Saturdays 15.10 Single fare Barão de Mauá Ponte Nova 54$000.Return fare 85Ç300. Sleeping car hei ween Petropolis and São Geraldo, upper Berth 22$400, Lower Berth 28$000.-_-_-___ RIO — PETROPOLIS WINTER. SUMMER. From lst May to 31 st October. From lst November to SOth April. .}..: ..*'WEEK DAYS. WEEK DAYS. A. B. A. B. Barão dc Mauá, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13-30 16..10 17.30 20.10 II de Mauá, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13.30 15.30 16.30 17.30 20.10 — Petropolis, Dept 610 7.35 8.40 10.10 15.55 19.30 — Petropolis, Dept . 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 12.30 15.65 19.80 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Barão dc Mauá, Dept. 6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 B de Mauá, Dept6.00 7 30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 Petropolis, Dept. ... 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.30 Petropolis. Dept. .... 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.50 I A. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. B. Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays only. EXCURSIONS SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. views during trip; 1 hour, 40 minutes, lst class return Petropolis.—2,700 fect above sea levei, magnificent climate, beautiful ' 7*500. Stone hallast. no dust.- _ • to Friburgo— 2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train,. Fare 13$300 lst class return,. smglc 8*300 (Saturday Monday.) information mileage books and GUIDE BOOKS AND TIMETABLES publisbed half-yearly:—Price $300—containing useful re: on reduced fares for excursions, pienies, etc: Company's Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage charges prices- nnd in tlns Guide; Delivery to dwelling-»; timber; illustration and price of model poultry coops; rates of advertising at stations map of L. R. system; advertisements, views, and sundry other articles of interest. -.. -r.p-.v- • :•• - WS " |n.

REVIEW. January 26, 1928. IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN T.AM PORT & HOLT LINE "DE = THE LUXE" SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK, BHA2M. AND RIVER PLATE ™rttT MAILm* "AMD  lUXUBIOUB„ PAttCRSER STEAMERS u „ «... Sâái- .,, MMtaiiw iMlfliiti Mi built fer travei UMN Hertfc ani ieuth A_nsr.ee, aatf

•Her Mt ¦Ml»-» ••¦»"¦ tor troaleal anUela» ^«y^i(j- «^.i, „*, We partleatarly aJa** «VE8TB.8» "VABDTCR"."IDITAIBE". "VABBAN" OR IMBMM OR TRE TRATEI TS NEW YOBK VIA^NIDAD AND

SAIL1NQ EXPECTED FOR NEW YORK PROM NEW YORK VAUBAN • • • • 19th Feb. VANDYCK. 6th Feb. VANDYCK. 4th Mar. VESTRIS... 20th Feb. VESTRIS... 16th Mar. VOLTA IRE 4th Mar VOLTAIRE lst April VAUBAN.. 2nd Aprd. VAUBAN.. 29th April VANDYCK. .. 16 Feb.

*^*?_?^__iflB___3^'WC_ll_R—Éft^f—^*r *V1.-^"*'> "'fa1* *^^» .'¦**V:- \ ¦" _?*! JK__Srp_^«ft»j------MB^--pRjM^_—______B_W_W__n_BB__. ^ i f/. ;f ^TT7"f ¦*. "ImÇnBfifl " ¦"'£?> 'í jí'' '"*_'"*'* J^*.**^^-^l*i-^tf^i_f-_-^^^T^¥^7^i''firT^fWi^^^---T>>J*^ jfa^p ¦ ^j ^^^jT^y^jn_.^^-____K----y------HBÊS^_—TB_____KfcS^T_!i-jBClft^j^^^'^a,y^7>^J'' ¦" v.,- ,-¦ ./*¦¦ ^

"VOLTAIBl" and "VANDYCK" câll at Pernambuco Northbound /r Lamport & Holt, Ltd. OfeePaels: P.t. HAMPSHIllEa Cs. LI*. • ••• S¦¦¦¦*¦ -_-=as—r. '.':——-_ Psrpaai-M WILLIA.Be mm...... Mt ii junino Msatovliss: M. REAL DE AZUA Bafeis : r. ITWEROOR • Oe., L»*. AvtHlda Rio Bramo, 21-21 •¦swss AItm I LAMPORT R HOLT, LTB. ¦mim ; r. •. „A«peH.Ri • es, lü. TEL. H. 0071

THE NORWEGIAN SOUTH AMERICA UNE. Regular ¦«nrice between, River Plate & vice versa Norway, Denmark, Finland, Baltic Ports. Brazil,


in, s SALTA—loads Santos/R o early s/s LISTA—loads about lOth February February. for B. Aires. m/s PARA'—loads Santos/Rio end \E\ February.

Fop fupth«p paptieulaps apply to the Agent - m Bl 8Â0 PE0B0 "¦9- ",0 0E JANÉ,"° FREDR1K ENGELHART PRAÇA DA REPUBLICA 51, SANTOS. REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN

FLEET: 14 MOTOR SHIPS, TOTAL TONNAGE, 91,000 TONS. Ref alar Barrica between: — Finland, Sweden-Braxil. Finland, Sweden-River Plate. Finland, Norway, Sweden-Chilc and Peru. Sweden, Norway-North Pacific, and rice-veraa. SAILINGS FROM SWEDEN SAILINGS FOR SWEDEN ft FINLAND: From Rio: Pacific — 7th February; Kronp. Margaretta — 30th January. San Francisco — 25th February. Kronp. Gustaf Adolf — lOth February. Valparaiso — 27th February.

Johnson Line Agenciei, Foi fwrther particularly apply to the Agents:—Williams & Co.f Pernambuco; H. Gueudeville & Co., Bahia; Santos; Edward Wigg & Sons, Rio Grande; or 84, RUA VISCONDE INHAÚMA, 84, RIO DE JANEIRO. I HJISZ fj!"fí :":-':'m B^¦Mmj_^j'^n' (ititeintó U'¦ - Intólímt 'klm %tmxv 0'¦*, 35J_W-Wi¦ íifef. *fk A WEEKLY * JOURNAL OF TRADE. FINANCE,. ECONOMICS, AND SHIPPING &

Vol. 19THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1928No. 4

... . -»i ¦¦ ¦¦!¦¦¦¦—^—.n i ¦mwM^miiiii i mm9m-UmmmWÊiammtmmmmmmtmmmmWm^mtm_mmmmmimÊmmmmmmmWmmmmÊm^ .<.! The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills & Granaries, Ltd



BUENOS AIKES ROSÁRIO SAO PAULO BELLO HORIZONTE 443 Calle Sarmiento fiGO, Calle Sarmiento Rua Boa Vista, 13 Rua Curityha, 434 FLOUR MILLS: Rua Gamboa No. 1 —™~¦""— ²TIIE MILLS MARKS ARE:— "Buda Nacional," "Nacional," "Semolina," "Brazücira," "Guarany" AWARDS:- Gold Medal: Paris 1889First Prize Brazil 1908 First Prize Brazil St. Louis 1904First Prize Brazil 1910 trisF Prize Tarin 1911Hors Concours — International Centenary Exhibition of Brazil 1922.

'¦ ¦ ¦-.-

'. .-;¦' COTTON MILLS: Rua Gamboa No. 2-36 Grand Prize — International Centenary Exhibition ot' Brazil 1922.



Grand Prize — International Centenary Exhibition of Brazil 1022. Hors Concours—Exposição Industrial e Agrícola do Estado de Minas Gcrncs-Juiz de l'ói:i. 1927. Hors Concours l Exposição tle Agricultura, Industria e Commercio. Momhvo th) .TurvlBello Hor zunte, 1027. MASSAS ALIMENTÍCIAS AYMORÉ LIMITADA. ilors v,*.r.cou rs —Exposição Industrial e Agrícola do Estado de Minas Gcrncs-Juiz de Eóra, 1027. Hors Concours (Exposição dc Agricultura, Industria e Commercio. Membro do Jury Bello H n-i/ontc, 1027. These factories are equipped with the most modern and hygienic machinery, every care being taken in the manufacture of their produets. • ¦ Mim r ir "^«"^^ «-1ATL -i mmB_mmmammmmmm Telegrams "EPIDERMIS' Telephones NORTE 1450/1 Post Office Box No. 486 AGENCIES IN EVERY STATE IN BRAZIL.


A&$^h£6$& Capitai, . • • • • £2,000,000 Capitai, Fai» up . . . £1,625,000

HEA» OFFICE; 20, King William Street, London, E.C.4. BRANCHES AT: Santos, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. IN U.S.A.: Srazilian Warrant Co. (Inc). New York, New Orleans


ESK)Ot2.'ZrZ7. __\J__W-Wmm-mWmmVammmmWBKmtm

lÉ-% ''•"".^^"íi":'i-íÉlpI

january 26,1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. RE AO THE BRAZAM BVERY SATÜRDAY The Pusiness Puilder of Drazil A Weekly Encyclopedia 50$000 per year in Braxil 7OS000¦ Blsewhere BRAZILIAN AMERICAN Dona Uiza), Gloria Rua Cândido Mendes, U-Z, (Antiga Phone Beira-Mar 2057

_E=»__RiisroEi IISTE KEGULAR SERVICE OF FAST VEESSELS BETWEKN Orleuns Braail. New York, PhiladeiplH» and New

:-•'. Swí. & Boston 8tb February. M.S."BRAZILIAN PRINGE" loads for New York. Trinidad S.S.f,HlGHLAND PRINCE" en rouie from New York.

EB?'* . fisSi* ______§!*- JKBfS cfc CO., LIMITED =:flOÜLDBR BROTTHERS - Antônio, 35, SANTOS Rua da 149, RIO DE JANEIRO Rua Santo Quitanda, ' '¦->lei. Add.» '«PKINCKLlINt;


- - ^ *', -

¦' ... •*• -- ¦,.¦¦•'••'•••-*•¦•¦ w^gp^gi^^vf;: . •* •«.

WILEMAN'S DRaZILIAN REVIEW. íoi .1 January 26, 1928* ":¦?§$$_____* -frdam r*m__\ -KÊID1IÊWI ¦¦rt •y -tHHÍíbflDHIR.9 3B«HZ1X1H1B MAIL FIXTURES fia

EsUbÜHhed 1MB. FOR EUROPE. ¦M F. Wileman. January I Editor—H. aaaa¦ 20 DUCA D'AOSTA, Navig. Gen, Italiana. »g OFFICES: 55-57, RUA CAMERINO. 30 INFANTA I. DE BORBON, Cia. Transatl. Hespanhola. (P. O. Box) 809, Rio d* Janeiro. Caixa do Correio 30 WURTEMBURG, H.A.L. TELEPHONE: NORTE 1B66. :;i DARRO, Royal Mail. -REVIEW," TeL Address: Riojaneiro.. 31 WE11RA, Norddeutschc Lloyd. February to the Editor. Ali Communications to be addressed 1 CEYLAN, Chargeurs Rétínis. 8 CAP ARCONA, H.S.A.D.G. Subscriptions (Payable in Advance): Brazil, 100$000 per annum. 4 AUGUSTUS, Navig. Generale Italiana. (i SIERRA MORENA, Norddci tschcr Lloyd. Abroad, £5 per annum. 7 ÁVILA, Blue Star Line. Scparate copies 2$000. — i ZEELANDIÀ, Royal Holland Lloyd. 2$500 per copy. Back Numbers 8 ESPADA H.S.A.D.G. Advertising Rates on Application. 8 FORMOSE, Chargeurs Reunis. m 8 MARTHA WASHINGTON, . AGENTS: '___& 8 ASTURIAS, Royal Mail. ' "''™a_rMM NICTHEROY:— 10 RAUL SOARES, Lloyd Brasileiro, Waddington, 138 Rua da Conceição. Luiz '_¦ 11 CONTE ROSSO, Lloyd Sabaudo. SAO PAULO:—A . . . 14 ÒESEÂDÒ, Royal Mail. «Anglo-Brazilian Chronicle." Caixa Postal H C. T. Nash, c/o 14 GENERAL MITRE, H.A.L. ¦¦'m_H 3124. 15 MÂLTE. Chargeurs Reunis. yf,M LONDON.— 17 MONTE CERVANTES, II. S. D. G. r-f"'Pi E.C.3. •'¦'*-.. V y G. Street & Co., 6 Gracechurcb Street. 18 SATURNIA, Cosulich Line. NEW YORK:— 10 ANDES, Royal Mail. 79 Wall Street. «The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal," 20 CANT. GUIMARÃES, Lloyd Brasileiro. COPENHAGEN:—_¦ . _ 21) FLORIDA, Transportes Maritimes. Gazette," 38 Vestre Boulevard. «The Scandinavian Shipping 21 GELRIA, Royal Holland Lloyd. 21 WESER, Norddeutscher Lloyd. 21 PRINCIPESSA MARIA, Lloyd Sabaudo. or Notiee.—The Editor is not responsible for Correspondence 21 ARANDORA, Blue Star Line. or with a Articles signed with the writer's name or initials, 22 M EDU ANA, Chargeurs Reunis. "Communicated." Tbe Editor pseudonym, or that are marked 25 RENI V. EUGENIA, Transatl. Hespanhola. with tbe view. muit likewise not necessarily be held in agreement 20 GlULIO CESARE, Navig. Generale Italiana. therein contained or with the mode of expression. 27 SIERRA VENTANA. Norddeutscher Lloyd. In accordance with Brazilian Press Law no correspondence 28 , H.S.A.D.G, Review unless autbepti or contribution will be publistaed iu this 28 DESNA, Royal Mail. % thoutfb cated by the date, name. and address of the contributor. 29 CUYKA, Lloyd Bra/.ileiro. '„ not necessarily tor publication. 20 ÒESIRÁDE, Chargeurs Reunis.

STATES. concernir,» FOR THE UNITED Anuouncements of births; deaths and marriages "Review" free of February •ubscribers and friends are inserted in this ,.-; 1 PAN AMERICA, Munson Line. charge. 15 WESTERN WORLD, Munson Line. 19VAUBAN, Lamport & Holt. 20AMERICAN LEGION, Munson Line. RIO CAPE LINE, LTD. FOR THE RIVER PLATE. January from Rio de Janeiro and Santos to Direct Cargo Service 29WESER, Norddeutscher Lloyd. and East African Ports. South 30CONTE ROSSO, Lloyd Sabaudo. 30 MEDUANA, Chargeurs Reunis. THE JAPANESE STEÀMER February MARU 1 CQRDOBA, France-Amerique. WAKASA BA DEN, H.A.L. Reunis. (Under Contract) DESIRADE Chargeurs ARANDORA, Blue Star Line. sails on the 9th February for . FLORIDA, Transporta Maritimes. London, Cosulich Line. Cape Town, Mossel Bay Port Elizabeth, East SATURNIA, Royal Mail. Durban and Delagoa Bay. ANDES, H.S.A.D.G. ¦ (5MONTE SARMIENTO, - For further particulars apply to: GELRIA, Royal Holland Lloyd. VANDYCK, Lamport & Holt. YOUNG Lloyd. CUMMING SIERRA VENTANA, Norddeutscher Italiana. Agent for the Rio Cape Line, Ltd. AMERICA, Navig. Generale 82, Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 32 10DESNA, Royal Mail. AMERICAN LEGION, Munson Line. Telephone—Norte 2864 10 CESARE, Navig. Generale Italiana. :RIO DE JANEIRO: 13ifcjLIO 14YTGO, h.s-;d.g.

- ' rri- ' t- ¦' '-•'-:¦•¦æ:¦:•¦ i'r I*•• ¦ ¦ ¦ .' ' -r • ' - ,« - * * ¦ is-.' L . » ^1WHK^-^-**''•'r^r^f ':r ¦¦'^SS-W''r ' 'il*3mt'*r9f ¦ &&_Byvm " vSÍWF'*'

January 26, 1928.*. 104 \VÍLEMAN'S BRaZILIAN REVIEW. íakEB


füii. ii


\ •:'¦¦ | / ' íí f llll I V II ':i •¦ (P1IV iii I IW»rTK!iri^^ ri atai [umK ffl-MÍH rJl líií^!tJi&-~S^SnTT^

/íí^$ •Tsr, 5^' £fep£ ^^ m sen ^J'H ///l\f lí m «>¦/¦/¦/ 7/ 3^ ®7 JfJ 3* K ^^^ •' -^. •ti ^^^©/! VÍS /A « H': i» .»>" m 4«w 3r V,' @ ? tt\; First Slass ©nlv! The tremendous suecess of lhe luxurious and excellence as to a new generosily "First put and super-modern ships of lhe Bine Star meaning into the expression Class." Line proves again íhaf il pays to do things No emigrants carried. supremely well. 1 he ships go directly into London, saving the cost and bother of a long railway journey I he line carries first-class passengers only, aíler landing in one of the other porís, and and has concentrated ali its efforts in make lhe trip to England in 2 weeks, gívirig "quickest being the them accommodation, space and food in such route."

The ships Touch at B. Aires, Montevideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Madeira, Lisbon, Plymouth, Boulogne and London. NEXT SAILINGS FOR EUROPE: ?FOR RI VER PLATE: ÁVILA Feb. 7 ARNDORA... Feb. 3 ARANDORAFeb. 111 ANDALUGIA ..... Feb. 27 A LM EDA ...... March 6 ALM EDAFeb. 17 BLUE STAR -Agente: LINE WILSON, SONS & Co. Ltd.—Rio de Janeiro—Avenida Rio Branco, 37. — — FRIGORÍFICO ANGLO S/A São Paulo Rua Quitanda, 10 — Santos — Rua 15 Novembro, 206.

PUBLICIDADE snternAcionau ;< tfi

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¦_!-.. .". ¦_: . . ** ** ¦'' *'r - -• <: ,

¦ - /¦"*¦ I Januairy 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 105

'% CABLES "ELITE" " l r $0 ^^_ óocieowpf AftownA Iwoiez.^^^^ CORRESPONDENCE I: CAIXA 1391

l___3fíl^^__^_§;>^'%- LONDON __WiV* _í_aÉ_^^^__sS8S___§__E?^____. 186 Bishopsgatc St. BRANCITES AT: PARIS RIO DE JANEIRO 5 Av: de POpera IV. Senador Vergueiro 147 y NEW YORK l^SHíillí^SlIíSP^iM SANTOS Broadway 760 Rua dn Commercio 21


New Departments:___ -Beauty Salon—Information A Trarei Bureau TEA ROOMS & RESTAURANT, WITH LOUNGE ADJOINING (3pd FLOOR)

17ALMEDA, Bluc Star Line. NOTES. 18FORMOSA, Transports Maritimes. 18GOTHA, Norddeutscher Lloyd. THE YEAR 1927—A RETROSPECT. 19ARLANZA, Royal Mail. 19HOLM, H.A.L. Yet another year lias passed into history with its records of 20ORANIA, Royal Holland Lloyd. disappointments, of hopes deferred and unfulfilled aspirations, 21VESTRIS, Lamport & Holt. and now-we are launched into another cycle of days, hopeful in 24SOUTHERN CROSS, Munson Line. spite of ali, and in the face of idisappointment and experience, :/___!_ 25ATL ANTA, Cosulich Line. exacting from lhe future, as usual, far more than it is likely or ,':' :_'jí ií. 25MENDOZA, Transports Maritimes. ablc to períorm. It was thus lhat we couched our sentinients at 27ANDALUCIA, Blue Star Line. tlie close of the tragic year of 1921. 27MONTE OUVIA, H.S.D.G. The year 1927, however, witnessed the end of the tragedy, rWÈà 27CONTE VERDE, Lloyd Sabaudo. hringing with it promise of better things to come, and in this 28LUTETIA, Chargeurs Réunis. our anticipalions have not been altogether disappointing. 29SIERRA CORDOBA, Norddeutscher Lloyd. That there is still much to be done, much to improve and H 29ALCÂNTARA, Royal Mail. reform before the aspiration after Truth and Justice can be 29BAYERN, H.A.L. satisfied, is not to be questioned. But, as we previously stated, as Rome was not built in one day, so the abuses accumulaled AN O T I C E S. through long years of error and misgovernment cannot bc swept away in one blow. Each separate reform, every sincere attempt IMPORTANT NOTICE. to improve, however, makes lhe course easier and more smooth, more and ALL CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER MAIL MATTER FOR and advance certain secure. THIS REVIEW SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO The record of tlie past year was one of real action on the pari of the present administration, but of general uncertainty, H. F. WILEMAN in view of the obscurity of the President "Wileman's of the Republic's designs. Editor of Brazilian Review" Politically, the year was notable for the termination of hostilities CAIXA POSTAL 809 — RIO DE JANEIRO. and tlie virtual recónciliation of eontending factions, thanks to Dr. the of Washington Luiz. WheUier such ¦•-'<. i)acific purports ¦ .-;¦:; WE BEG OUR READERS TO TAKE CAREFUL NOTE OF THE purports have so far been fully realiscd, we, as a foreign Journal, ABOVE ADDRESS TO AVOID DELAY IN DELIVERY OR LOSS are not in a position to discuss; suffice it to say that the country OF CORRESPONDENCE. is now settled down to labour, with renewed hope in peaceful -¦'•/. the future. The despair which was much in evidence two years BIRTH. ago, has given place to expectancy, or rather, to hope of beÜer Penney. At South Shields, England, on the 3rd January, to things to come, in spite of some disappointment experienced in the wife of W. A. Penney of Pará, a daughter. 11)27. Is it not better that we should be disappointed to the

¦__;--/rr... 1.'

WÍ_-ÈMAN'$ brazilian review. Jantiary 26, 1928. fjfe".'- I SCOTT & URNER ITD. THE ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Anglo-Brazilian Chronicle

, (Generally known as the A. B. C.) Design & Execution ot Reinforced the Ideal Newspaper for the Home. It is an Wharves, is Concrete Buildings, Bridges. Piers, Engüsh Weekly on sale regularly every Saturday Water Tanks, Silos, etc. morning in Rio, São Paulo and Santos, and has subscribers in every part of the country, as well Projects & Execution of Foundations & as throughout the world, serving thereby as a sure link between the scattered British Colonies in Piledriving Work. Brazil. It provides its readers with ali the news Projects & Construction of Cold of local and foreign interest, and in the two and a half years of its existence has secured for itself Storages & Packing Plants. the rcputaüon of always "delivering the goods". Steel Frame Design & Erection of IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE A. B. C Buildings & Bridges. One year's Subscriptión: Abroad 35$000 Hydraulic Engineering Work. Brazil 25$000 General Building Works of ali Classes. São Paulo:Rio Representative; Rua Boa Vista 16, 8th Floor, Room 9, D. S. Fox. Avenida Rio Branco, 109-5° Rua Barão de Itapetininga 37-A Caixa Postal 2124. Tel. Central 4751 Rua Quitanda 161 RIO DE JANEIROSAO PAULO

ESTABLISHED 1884 XTbe lErínancíal IRews Hamburg-Amerika Linie DAILYTWO PINCE OFFICES: Regular service 111, Queen Victoria Street, London, E. C. 4. with modera mi Telephone6830 City (4 Unes). passenger and cargo Telegrama"Finews, Cent, London.9* steamers between THE FINANCIAL NEWS is the oldest and" most influential Daily Financial news- &'¦•< in the world; It is acknow- Hamburg, Antwerp, Brazilian ;¦ {>aperedged to be the most Potent Authority on Finance, and an Advertising Médium of unique value.¦¦ and River Plate Ports. SPECIAL FEATURES International Flnanoo; Banking; Insurance; Mining; Rubber; Oll; Fíiglneerlng; Shipping; Land and Estatet; Mlscellaneous Industries; -I6BIT8 with

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January 26, 1928. WILEMAN-S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 107

Dr, Washington Luiz's ambitious policy to estabilise ex- ¦ -.„ change and establish conversion of the currency at the arbitrary nfermos low rate of 5 29/32d resulted in a loss to the country of gold ¦ M resources, i.e., that derived in gold from exports, of £16,396,000 0r i^^^_W___W de los or 18.8% during the first ten months of the past year. Were ^m^_à^S9§wk exchange to have been stabilised at a levei about the average for 1926, the balance in favour of exports for the ten months ending October last would have amounted to about £21,000,000 and pos- "LOIDU" Único producto Italiano defatua mu dial Que. sibly to well over £30,000,000 for the whole year, whch would have fricciooando en las sienes. refuerza ei uervio óptico, reduced the adverse balance of international payments to an quita ei cansaucio de los ojos. evita ei uso de lentes insignificant amount, and if the entry of foreign loan and in- incluso septuagenários, recuperaudose en poucos dias (lustrai capital be iaken into consideration, the balance of pay- una vista envidiable No mas míopes, presbitas ni U vista debiles. inents would have been actually in favour of the country, as PEDID HOY MISMO EL shown as follows:— INTERESSANTE LIBRO GRÁTIS £ Dlrecclon General: UGOMARONE Estimated balance in favour of Exports in 1927 on Plazza Fal cone al Vomero, 1 (Itália) NAPOLI basis of average exchange of 7 3/16d for 1926 32,000,000 tmnnmtt^o **m*mA Entry of loan capital in 1927 33,000,000 Ditto, Industrial Capital (British and American)...9,000,000 end than despairing ever? To go on hoping is our blessed pri- vilege. . im. Total resources 74,000,000 ECONOMIC SITUATION. Economically, the was past year Foreign obligations:—services of foreign loans, in- disappòinting in view of the fali in the favourable balance of terest on foreign industrial capital, dividends, in- trade, i.e., the balance in favour of exports. visible imports, private remittances, etc 33,000,000 Up to the close of October, last returns available, the balance in favour of exports amounted to £5,540,000, as against £11,391,000 Favourable balance of payments 41,000,000 during the same period in 1926 and £13,466,000 in 1925. The favourable balance for lhe whole of 1927 is not likely to exceed On lhe basis of actual average exchange for the year 1927 £10,000,000, as compareci with £14,378,000 in 1926, £18,432,000 in of 5 27/32d, the result is as follows (estimated): — 1925, £26,766,000 in 1924 and £22,641,000 in 1923. The marked £ decline in this balance in 1927 was lhe consequence of the fali Balance in favour of exports 10,000,000 in and coffee, on the one band, and a exchange prices of grcater Entry of foreign loan and industrial capital, 1927, increase in the volume of imports than that in exports, as shown "ut supra"  42,000,000 as follows: months movement recapitulated from our ¦ (Ten --: issue of 12th inst.):— Total resources  52,000,000 January to October Foreign obligations, "ut supra" 33,000,000 Inc. or Dec 1927 1926 % Favourable balance of payments 19,000,000 Volume of Exports, tons.. 1,648,769 1,508,967 + 139,802 +9.2 Ditto, Imports, tons 4,590,595 4,133,754 + 456,841 +11.0 On the basis of average exchange for 1926, there would be Bal. against exports, tons. 2,941,826 2,624,787 + 317,039 +12.0 the considerable favourable balance o-' .41,000,000, whilst on the Sterl. Value, Exports, £1,00070,818 77,705 ²6,887 — 8.8 basis of actual average of 5 27/32d for 1927, tlrs balance is re- Ditto, Imports, £1,000 ...*-.'. 65,278 66,314 ²1,036 — 1.5 duced to £19,000,000, which is entirely accounted for by entry of Bal. fvour exports, £1,000. 5,540 11,391 ²5,851 —51.4 loan capital. Were this capita] to be excluded, the favourable AVer. sterl. value per ton of balance of £19,000,000 would tuni to £14,000,000 against the —16.7 total expts. (£ and decs.) 42.9 51.5 8.6 country. In other words, Brazil is actually living finaneiaily on Dilto, Imports 14.2 16,0 1.8 — 9.0 the contingency of foreign loans. The time will come, however, Unit Value of Coffee, per when Bra/.iTs borrowing power will be curtailed, for she has m bags (£ and shillings)... 4.1 5.3 —21.3 borrowed quite enough and cannot stretch her credit much further without (langcr. Then this country will again feel the financial The fali of exchange from the average of 7 3/16d. in 1926 pnch in view of the fatal turn in the balance of payments, io 5 27/32d. in 1927 (12 months), was instrumental in reducing unlcss, of course, foreign industrial capital flows into the country the favourable balance of trade to a marked extent. Were the freely and makes good the decline in loan capital, which is doubt- currency value of exports for the first ten months of 1927 to be fui, so long as there is no assurance of continuity of policy, for converted into sterling on the basis of lhe average rale of ex- there is no knowing what may happen to stab:lisalion when a change for 1926, the equivalent in sterling value of exports for new President, with aspirations of his own, comes into power. that period would have been greater than that registered above, Possibly, the whole of the actual earefully construeted mechanism as shown as follows:— may be destroyed by a mere expression of opinion of a President Actual elect, just as Dr. Washington Luiz disturbed exchange profoundly (10 months) after his famous platform speech in 1926. Value of Equivalent The foregoing comparisons of the favourable balance of trade Exports in in in relation to 1926 and 1927 average exchanges, show that the contos Sterling to: country was just as well preparcd to stabilise the exchange rate 8d, as at the tumble- currency £ and, conscqucntly, the currency, at 7d or even !-' Actual re.urns-on basis of actual offi- down rale of 5 29/32d, which has not only affected foreign capital ciai average exchange of 5 7/8d. for long employed in the country scriously, but has undoubtedly 10 months, 1927 2,913,143 70,818,000 restricted employment of new industrial capital and the inflow On the basis of official average ex- of immigration. * it, and change of 7 3/16d for 10 months 1926 2,913,143 87,214,000 Nothing, however, is as bad as imagination depicts 1927 lias been got through somehow, not only without disaster, in spite of the Shrinkage . ²16,396,000 but with íoroetlrng that promises prosperMy, ²18.8% The depreciátion of coffee which Ditto, % , factors above mentioned. threatened to weigh so heavily on planters and to disfurb the ¦>•>-< ¦ *]xjm___m*r- '. >*r ,'.

:.v-:'/V* .;;.-:-.-' .'"; ././"' "'¦ .. . *.,".,¦* * *.¦¦¦¦ * :¦*¦*¦- H 1 26, 1928. 108 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January

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January 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. m 109

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Happy whole écòi-omy f)!' lhe country, has given plaee to animation in as the Executivo has been in many respects, in some othcrs virtue of the coffee defense policy adopted hy ali producing it cannot be congratulated. But five years ago this States, whilst that "bete noiiy" the.^fear of furiher issues of country stood on the hrink of hankruptcy and has since battled incessantly with paper money, lias heen relegáteo' to tlie Greek Kalends once again misfortúne and diff-culties, some of them of üs and the couníry has heen savèd discredit and disas.er that a own and some of othcrs' contriving. As yet, though some return to the courses thal nearly landed it in hanUruptcy in past light seems to he dawning, this country is not hy any rrieans oul of the wood, and ainhilious schemes material years, almost against its will, would entail. of develop- ment are prematuro. The new works that were authorised by ForlunaUiy there") :s always amongst this country's com- the Budget for the current year would, if undertaken, cripplc munity a leaven of cool-headed and men who may he prudent the country again. Fortunately, however willing some spirits counted to resist íemptation and to face fer.rlessiy a policy of may hs to emhark on an adventurous policy, it is impracticahle financial reconstruetion. Glariug errors were committed, hut withoui money, and, consequently, thc President has exercised Dr. Washington Luiz has proved himself a man of broad-minded his power of veto hy eliminating new works and unnecessary ideas and not above recognising hs own errors. improvemenls from the 1928 Budget. is only himself When it is cohsidered thal ihe'President not STABILISATION AND EXCHANGE. From the exchange point of intimately coffee industry, hut comes from connected with the view, lhe year 1927 was notahle for the creation of Stabilisation a State in which planting interests overshadow every other, and of ilie currency and conversion at a future date hy law No. «5,108 that he and his followers are largely idcnl?flcd with coffee, the of December 18, 1926 and Decree No. 17,tfT8 of January 5, 1927, ic. istence to the policy of intemperate inflaiion does the Govern- which lastes tahlished regulations for the execution of the first ment iniinite cred.t and is evidence of a degree of firmnc_s not named law creating the Stabilisation Department (Caixa de Es- altogether unexpected. Whatever the short comings, some of ¦cabilisaçao). them grave enough. in the character of such a people and the The Regulations referred to in decree No. 17,618 of January niethóds fundamental hy which of Government, the principies f.th, 1927 provide, amongsl other items:— holh are nnima.ed must he sound and may he trusted to gra- "Art. 1. A monetary standard, gold, measured in grammes dually correct and eliminate the ohjeclionahle features that at ¦and minted on thc basis of 900-1,000 fine and 100-1,000 alloy present obscure and obstruut progress, pull tlie country together is hereby adopted. (Art. 1 of law No. 5,108 of Decemhcr, 1926). and, in the end, make it a true asylum for human liherties. Ali. 2. Ali the paper-money actually in circulatiòn, amount- The unscrupulous class that hulk so large and hring so much ing to 2,569,304:3501500 shall be converted into gold on the discredit on couniry"s institutions, are not half so important basis of 0.200 milligrammcs per milreis. (Art. 2 of law No. lhe V rK as they may secm, and fail in every really important enterprisc. ,5,108 of Decemhcr, 1926), They are not the country, nor even a majority, and some day» Sole Par. The 0.200 milligrammes of gold, the basis of • 'íi will hs driven ignominously from influence. But so long as thc head value of the m.lreis, are based on 900-1,000 fine and 100-1,000 and lhe hear.—the admhrstration and thc People—are themselves alloy. sound, however, such traffickers may impede, they cannot really Art. 3. Thc method of conversion referred to in Art. 2 stop the vehicle of progress. and the exact daie on which it hecomes cffective shall be de-

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«Kr. •-, *-- ^ - • ¦ ¦ ,-,. . /-- '. "-:y3_

january 26, 1928. 110 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

ITHE WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LIMITED. Establlshed In Brull 1174 DIRECT ROUTE UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. EATERN TELEORAPH COMPANY Cable Sta.lons In South America. House, Moorgate E.C. 2 WESTERN TELEORAPH COMPANY LONDON: Electra Pari (Belém), Boulevard da Republica N. 48 Liverpool: K 13, Exchange Bnild i gs. MaranhSo (S. Luiz), Av. Don Pedro II N. 24 Ceará R. Floriano Peixoto N. 22 55 Spring Oardens. (Fortaleza), Oscar Manchester: Pernambuco (Kccile), Praça Oencral Arthur ,W/«^ ___mwzúw _\M''*"*"m^l}\\. Maceió (Jaraguá), Rua Sá e Albuquerque. N. 95 _Y/__m\_\*w_\ /\««."-k__* >^iL Olasgow: 40, Royal Exchange Square. Bahia íS_o Salvador). Rua Sâo João N. 7 mfH L w r3____I______--^5^^-»" ^-___áfifc^*»VÍ___V Victoria: Rua Pereira Pinto N. 6. Newcastle-on-Tyne: Maritime Buildings, King Rio de Janeiro. Avenida Rio Branco N. 117. Street. Santos: Largo Senador Vergueiro /_____\ ______iffEL^-Tnr^^*^\l Sio Paulo: Kua 15 de Novembro No. 39a. Pirmingham t Ouildhall Buildings; Santa Catharina (Florianópolis), Rua Joâo Pinto Z_Y_A'm''"\ r______tlmwmttS^Ê . Kl _____ +________T________¦___ PIPr_H*iT-» Bradlord: 4, Commercial Street. Rio Orande do Sul: Rua Andrade Neves N. 94 _____W,—?,•'•" 72-A, Wellington Street. URUOUAY: ",<^^i",""*-*r*-,3'^T_ll_K__fc_Í Leeds: Montevideo, Calle Cerrito, 449. æ_¦_.<»_> "—HI ___»._.••«••-, I \______f'y'"** v __r______Pf_"*_iT*^_. Cardiff: 33, Merchants* Exchange, Bute Docks RIVER PLATE TELEORAPH CO. _¦___. / nt).h»MBoa> ^M\W_MmJÊàáiáÊààÊ^.^"— AROENTINA : ¦ æHmWÍ_i*v^ ' ,•%***$t____r______¦ «^¦ Madrid: Calle de Ia Colegiata 13. San Martin Nos. 333 c 337 «Vlfl3W_n_iHk^i'*''rZ'ÁitW—mV.£*\~_ » JVs'ai>iv*^______W^^K—~—___•lm \^_\m—______M9»v.__\~__w*'l >¦* --,iiM__i ___r____i ______*V_P'T1l1!C__l-_t/# Rua do Arsenal. WEST COAST OF AMERICA . m~______H-S______nLS •_'«»¦i.i-»ii/_|B_| **_í_V_U ___r___fl ______*____•_¦____¦ _L /_r Lisbon. TELEORAPH COMPANY %~_l ______HPfC_ m Ha /# THE WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CHILI:. __ Arica. Pisagua, Iquique, Antofogasta. La Serena- vWB &_j;_\m_\W_f' COMPANY. Coquimbo, Concepcion, Coronel, Talcahuano. Valparaiso: Calle Prat,217. New York: 195 Broadway. . antiago: Calle Huerfanos, No. 944. Boston: 169, Congress Street. ERÜ : •>:' ¦' ¦ ¦ atlao, Lima, Mo llendo. Halifax: 140, Hollis Street. PLEASE MARK YOUR TELEGRAMS:- To South America From South America to ali Parts: riPFAT nniTAINViaEastern-Madeira BRAZIL Via Western. ffi"S.N*;:::::::.:rrr SÈff" ii n URUOUAY: To Brazil nFRMANY Madeira " ii Belgo-Eastern-Madère Europe &c Madeira RFiniiiM Eastern-Madère AROENTINA 6» PARAOUAY: To Brazil ii Rio dc la Plata HOLLAND Ti:!: :....:...... ; Malta-Madeira ii Ítai 9 ....!...!!....!.. To Europe 8x. Ascencion or Via Madeira- épAlM Eastern-Madeira ii st- CHILI Eastern PORTÜÔAL ..' Vincent " Punta Arenas •i Radio-Eastern NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA and WEST Western etc Union PERU 8» BOLÍVIA Cable West Coast 1ND1ES. AGENCIES. PARIS: B.B. Le»... Roe .. BloMIe., 73; BBOSSBU: 58 ^m^^^__^f^W^^Wllioj, **»©»*•»»¦;,' Caleloils Bani 5; PORTO ALEGRE: W. JarAlnt, Bétüclo J1®""010, HEAD OFPICB OF TBE COMPANY: ELEOTBA B0Ü8E, M00B0ATB, LOMPOH, E.O. 2.

X ALL ABOUT COFFEE. THE BY WTLLIAM H. URERS, UA. SCANDIMV1IN SHIPPING GIZETTE Editor of "The Tea and Coffee Trade Jounud." Beid Ollice: 294., Amalie.a.e. CQHIHMEI. Telegrama. "ViKinexpo" The Frnit of 20 years' Ixperlenêe and Study In th* FUlá. Godes: A. B .0. 6th Ed

A sumptuous volume of 860 royal octavo pages, containlng 30 sbapters and 415,000 words; 777 illustrations, inciuding 17 pages ln colour and 102 portraits, 29 maps and diagrama, a coffee thesaurus, a coffee chronology givlng 492 important datei tn The Leading Shipping Paper coffee history, a coffee bibliography of 1,348 titles, and an lndei with more than 10,000 references. in Scandinavia, Published by í% F0REM08T AM0NC THE TRADE 01 EtIQFE ! THE TEA ft COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL COMPANY, J8URNAL8 vt>, WaU Street, New Yorl». Advtrtising Agent iq Brazil: Prlce 915.00 nett, plus carriage. "Wileman's Wi WILEMAN, Brazilian Agents for Brasil: H.F. Review"

WilemaiVs Brazilian Review. RUA CAMERINO, 55-5?


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January 26, 1928. WILEMAN-S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. lll HOTEL Corner, Ruas MONTE ALEGRE & RIACHUELO CHEAPEST, NEW and UP-TO-DATE HOTEL RIO DE JANEIRO. ~*i — ~ i~i_ m . r terminecl by an Executivo Decree six months prior to its pro- change throughóut the year, the official sight rate flucluating clamation. between 5 13/16d. and 5 7/8d., as shown as follows:— Art. 4. Until such time as the decree referred to in Art. 3 "vice- has not been issued, the exchange of gold for notes, and Official Average Exchange, Rio on London, in Pence. versa," on the basis provided in Art. 2, and its sole par., shall — 1925 ²— — be effected in the "Caixa de Estabilisação." (Art. 5 of law 5,108 1926 — 1927 — Sight referred to above). 90 daysSight 90 daysSight90 days "Caixa Art. 5. The de Estabilisação" created in virtue of Jan. ... 5 7-8 6 7 23-64 7 31-645 27-325 81-32 law 5,108 of December, 1926, is especially intended to receive gold Feb. ... 5 21-32 5 25-327 17-64 7 25-645 _7-325 31-32 bull.on or gold coin, national or foreign, and to deliver against March ... 5 37-64 5 45-647 9-64 7 17-645 27-326 31-32 same notes payable to bearer of an equivalent value to the gold April ... 5 25-64 5 33-646 81-32 7 3-325 53-646 61-64 received as determined in Arts. 1 and 2 of these Regulations." May . . . 5 3-16 5 5-167 9-32 7 13-325 53-645 61-64 The Stabilisation law providos for the creation of a new gold .lune ... 5 29-64 5 37-647 21-64 7 29-645 53-645 61-64 the "Cruzeiro." currency denominated 6 mos. . . 5 33-64 5 41-647 9-32 7 13-325 53-645 61-64 It is not the design of the Government to institute the July ... ó 21-32 õ 25-327 43-64 7 51-045 13-165 15-16 "Cruzeiro" at present, but only when conversion. can be effected August . . 6 1-61 6 9-647 21-32 7 25-325 53-645 61-64 frcely, i.e., when gold deposits warrant conversion on the foi- Sept. ... 6 45-64 6 53-647 37-64 7 45-645 lowing basis:— 27-325 31-32 Oct. ... 7 23-64 7 - 200x6 31-647 1-64 7 9-6457-86 Nov. ... 7 1-4 7 3-86 3-8 6 1-25 55-645 0gr.202982.6=0gr.200: x==5.911d=5 29/64d. 63-64 Dec. . . 7 1-16 - 0.202982 . 7 3-165 15-16 5 7-85 7-86 The estabilisation levei of exchange, conse

.. r ¦*: . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' -.<_¦,*_*¦:•.. ,;-.-•-'¦-Vr, ¦-..-..:.-. .*v §PP.

112 wn.EMAN'S RRA2ILIAN REVIEW. January-20, 1928.

spcculauon and exhaust speculators in exchange in this country low exchange, are already tightcning tlie vicious circle of the for a long lime to come. cost of living and lhere is no knowing the extent to which it THE BANK OF BRAZIL. As already stated above, tbc tcé- will rise, in spite of the fact that, from the domestic point of vision of the National Treasury cum Bank of Brazil contract of view, it bas already rcached a sulfcring liniit, wbilst salariès and April, 1923, whicb crealed tlie Bank of Issue, is still pcnding, v/ages remam the same. and not until that is effectcd, is the Government in a position lo COFFEE. The coffec trade expcricnccd its ups and downs utilise lhe Barik's gold reserves for Stabilisation, and that only during 1927 until ali coff.ee producing States carne to an agree- "modus after the notes issued against tbat gold have been withdrawn ment with regard to the òperándi'' of lhe defence of from crlculation. coffec policy. In August last, the Government ordered tbc illcf.nl trans fer Commcncing in January, 1927, with a decline, whicb lasted "Caixa of the Banks gold lo tbc de Kstabilisaçao." On July 31, until middle of Fcbruary, coffec prices rose again until mid 1927, tlie Bank of Bia/il's gold reserves amounted to £11,823,733, April, reacting during the reinainder of that nionth; only to fali which declined to tÍO.824,741 on August 31, £10,000.000 on Seplem- again until June SOth, wben Rio 7s rcached 31.800 per arroba. ber 80 and to £7,600.000 on October 31. Since then, this reserve From that date until Aug. 5th. prees of 7s rose virtually steadily lias been raised again to £10,000,000, the amount necessary to until it rcached 34$000, which was followcd by another reaction guarantee the Bttnk of Brazil not. circulation, in viriue of the to 31.500 by Scptembcr 16th, rising to 32$200 on September 23rd, "Caixa refunding by the de Estabilisaçao*' of £2,500,000 illigally from which date to the close of the year, 7s fluetuated between transferred from the Bank. Tlnis the abriormal situation created 32$O00 and 34.*800, lhe year closing at the last quoiation, with by íbis transfer bas been rcnd.ju.sted in time to prevent de- the markets undècided, but*w»th béttér tendeney. moralisation, Quotations of exchange and coffec at the close of the last Tbc position of lhe Bank of Brazil continues very strong, week of cacb nionth of the past year v.ere as follows:— Government is aboul to liquidaie tbc particularly now that the Rio 7s. major part of tbc buge Treasury dc.bt to tbc Bank amouniing Spot Rio 7s.SantosSantos Exchange Stoie Rio7s. per lb.4s. Reisis. cents to about 800.000 contos, whicb sbould make mÓricy easier. N.Y. Reis per f.o.b.per 10per lb. 19:7 Peiice Doltars cents Arroba centsKilos.f.o.b. The position of the Bank of Brazil at the dose of the past Jan. 23 31/828$290153/838820014.8027.820018.0 year compares with that on December 31, 1920, as follows:— Feb. 25 31/328.200145/837$5ÓÒ14.0025$80010.80 In contos of reis Mar. 25 61/648.. 310161/438J40Ò15.0026$0Ò017.00 19271920Inc. or dec. Apr. 28 59/6488350153/437$00014.4025.00016.30 Capital 100,000100.000 — May 27 15/168$330153/435$O0Ò13.8023$4Ó015.05 Reserve Furid . 142.594131,457+ 11,187 June 30 55/048$410141/431$80012.7024*00015.70 Bills Discounted . 745,985082,437403,548 July 29 15/1086330141/433$20013.2025870010.80 Loans in cuircnt a/c 237,963250,700—12,743 Aug. 20 15/168$330131/23l$60012.5025*70010.8;) Talai Discounts and Loans •••983.048933,143+60,805 Scpt. 30 31/328.270137/8*32$40012.90S0$15019.40 Casb in Hand 269 550 . 175,700+93,784 Oct. 28 63/0481245151/234$30013.0033870021.50 Dcposits at Sigbl 870.124800,885+15,239 Nov. 25 5 123/1288§280141/28f2$00012.2082827520.10 Ditto, Fixed 209.207135,078+ 74,189 Dec. 30 5 225/2,568$215141/434880013v4031$95020.20 Perccnt. of Casb to sigbt Depts.30.7%20.3% C.old Reserve- 300,001347,211—47,210 In September last, in viituc of the Coffec Convcntion beld Bank note circulation 502,000592,000 — in San Paulo during the còffee Bi-Cenlenary celebra.ions, the différent colfec producing States carne to an agreement in con- Judging by the movement of discounts and loans, on the onc neclion with lhe défence of coffec, 011 the following basis:— hand, and total deposits, and casb reserves on the oi ber, tbc 1)—Entries of coffec at Brazilian expor, markets shall follow Bank of Brazil òpèrated in 1027 in a conservative mannér, with the same crileriuni a.s establishcd in the previous Convcntion, tbc objeel, no dottht, of rcadjusting tbc ratio of casb to sight i.c, entries during cach nionth shall be limited lo the quantity deposits, whicb al tbc close of 1926 was below tlie safety limt. of coffec shipped at the respective ports during the previous ns shown above. month; Tbc Pròfit and Loss Account of tbc Bank of Brazil for Dc- 2)—-Stocks ai cach port shall not exceed the following limits; cember 31, 1027, bas not been publisbcd up to tbc lime of writing, Vicloria, 150,000 bags; Rio, 860,000 bags; Santos, 1,200,000 bags; hut no doubt the result for lhe second balf of lhe past year will Paranaguá. 50,000 bags; Bahia, 60,000 bags and Pernambuco 50,000 be as satisfactory as that for the first balf, wbcn tlie stcrcotyped bags; dividend at the rate of 20% per annum was paicl and a certain 3)—-The percentages of entries from différent sources at anirunt place.l to tbc Reserve Fund. lhe port of Rio de Janeiro are as follows:— 30 per cent. for State THE MONKY MARKET AND INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS. of Rio coffees, 55-Y. per cent. for Minas, IT.. per cent, for Es- '. -: Moncy continucd throughout the banks tigbt past year, with pirito Santo, 2% per cent. for Sa() Paulo; foi* the port of Victoria, offering as inucb as 9% per aniuini for largc deposits and nominal tbc limits are: 110,000 bags of Espirito Santo coffee and 40,000 iates for discounts, wbicb wcre obtaincd difficulty. Ncver- with bags of Minas; the port of Símios will be permitted to receive theless, the situation improved during second balf general the 80 per cent. of Sao Paulo coffec and 11 per cent, of Minas, which of tbc in the industrial ficld. Failures past year, particularly shall provai! untl the percentage for cach State can be fixed in declined and Ibe.outlook at the dose of was niucb more the year accordance with their respective prodúction; with a tendency towards renewcd activity. The .promising, 4)—Entries at the port of Paranaguá of Paraná coffees is textile industries atiempted to obtain further by an protection limited to 2,000 bags per diem during twenly-five working days intemperatc inercase in import duties on foreign manufactures, of cach month, or a total of 50,000 bags monthly up to 31st De- whicb, however, failed. in view of the decision of the Federal cember, 1027. From January, 1028, onwards, entries shall be (.ovtrnmcnt not io revise the Customs Tariff lo prevent a risc limited to the quantity of co! fec exported from lhe port of Pa- in tlie cost of living, in spite of tbc support of a strong scct!on raiiaguá during tbc previous nionlb; of Congrcss. 5)—St) that tbc maxinium stocks niay be completed at cach tigblncss of moncy and restriction of credi'1 wçrc instru- Tbc of the above ports, as determined in clause 2, a supplementary mental in raising tbc cost of living to a certain extent in 1027. fino,a is hereby establishcd which shall be calculated 011 the day Virtually, Federal taxation in 1928 bas not been increased, hut that any of the States deems convenient so that they may com- the of tbc Tciiants' Law, whicb bas Municipal taxes, abrogation plòte tbcir maximunis witbin 25 working days. This supplementary rise wbolesale increases in rents, and the given to proposed quota shall be suspended once it is verificd that average New in the Muncipal tax on export s. and last, bul not lcast, increase York quotations during the previous week declined 10 points, and

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r ,:¦*. v- t,r. '':-,• '.•¦'t• i -> -- >> .' t •.- January 26, 1928. WmȧAN'á braZíLÍan ReVIÊW.

SEEl OS AKA SHOSEN KAISHA. m. s. " SANTOSMARU" will teil for NEW ORLEANS & GLAVESTÓN Los Angeles and Japan 16tk FEBRUARY FIRST CLASS RIO / NEW ORLEANS 1:000$000 FIRST CLASS RAIL FARES, NEW ORLEANS to:— New York S48.34 Chicago $33.76 San Fraucisco $79.84 Vancouver, B. C. $102.01, Toronto $47.56 Travei by railroad and see the U. S. A. t ROUND THE WORLD TOUR — 6:200$000 Duratiou of Tour — 5 months. For full information apply to: Antunes dos Santos & Cia. — São Paulo and Santos Wilson, Sons & Co, Ltd. — Rio de Janeiro. ¦

re-established immèdiàteiy the referred average again rises to the have impi-oved with this country during the last twelve months previous levei. The average; during the quotalíons last week there can be no doubt. Fiharicially, economically and morally of Augüst shall serve as the í)asis íor the effeets of tliis clause. Bràzi] is on a highér plane, though politically she has ber fail-, It was further resolved- at the September Conventión that mgs; life is somewhat easier—certainly casicr here than in many eaeh State should contribute with a tax of 2U0 réis paper per Muroiicancounlries—and the future scems more securc. With bag of coffee exporled for propaganda purpòses, the serviee of ordinary good íortune, the year that has now commenced should which is in lhe charge ot Instituto the df Coffee of Sao Paulo. próVc the assurance of still betier Ihings, Eaeh Stace may have its own representativo in the propaganda It is lliis year—1928—that will for many to come decide* serviee. years the future of this country. On the financial and economic policy Following the Conventión, ibe States of .Minas, Rio and Victo- now adopted depends the future of Brazilian prosperity and good ria enacted their own coffee defenee laws and regulations, details na me. Let us hope, as we believe, that lhe spirit of true pa- of which have been published in this lleview, íinally and an acl of triolism and self-sacrifice will preside over the councils of the Federal Congress invested the Federal Government with lhe power State and guide its determination to lhe welfarc and honour. of to control the mpvement of coffee. Brazil and ils people..... . ; a The coffee industry, consequently, is not only protected by K&*t* .<,j; the laws and regulations of eaeh of the coffee p.roducing States and their respectivo Institutes of Coffee, bui is now under the Exchange—A Retrospect. We have again been requested to jurisdiction of the Federal Government. publish lhe following retrospect of exchange, which has been to the appointment Dr. .Prior of Rolim Telles to the Pre- brought up to date to close of 1927.• • ¦ . sidency of the Institule of Coffee of Sao Paulo, lhe Santos market The Official sight rate of exchange averaged since 1835 ns bècame hostile to the Santos Coffee Exchange, refusing to have follows (from 1835 to 1899, the sight rate was obtained by' any dealings with it and threatened to eslablish their own in- dedücting l/16d. from lhe 90 days rate):—• . . dependent Exchange, which culminated in lhe complete paralysa- Hon of business in futures and the firm to firm transactioiis. Rale of Premium Deprcciation Equiv< of On the advent of the prcsent Sao Paulo Government, how- exchange on goldof paper £1 sterling ever, interests of both sides were reconciled and new regulations 18115 39 3/10 0.11 0.10 ¦ 0$124.402 ruling the Santos Coffee Exchange "Caixa and the de Liquidação" 1836 38 3/8 0.10 1.01 6*254.071 of Sao Paulo were issued, thus putting an end lo an incident 1837 291/2 0.40 0.30 8§135.593 which might have had serious consequences for the market. Santos 1838 28 0.50 0.30 8.$571.428 soft and hard types of coffee were likewise created. 181I9 31 8/10 0.30 0.20 71852.761 At a meeting members of the of the New York Coffee and 1840 3015/16 0.31 0.20 . 7$757.575 Sugar Exchange held Deccmber on 28lh, a new conlract, submitted 1841 80 1/4 0.40 0.80 7£983.884 by order of lhe Board ' of Managcrs, was approved, which will be 1842 20 8/4 0.00 0.30 8?971.902 known as Contract D, and calls for 250 bags Santos coffee, grad- 184,'i 25 3/4 0.00 0.80 - 9§320.388 mg from Type 2 Type to 0, inclusive, provided lhe average grade 1844 25 1/8 0.70 0.40 9$552.288 shall not be above Type 3 nor below type 5. Nothing in the 1845 258/8 0.70 0.40 9S458.128 contract, however, shall be construed as prohibiting a delivery 1840 267/8 0.40 0.46 8S930.232 averaging above No. 3 at the No. 3 grade. Further details of 1847 Ti 15/16 above par 8?590.604 the new Contract are given in Messrs. Nortz & Co's Circular 1848 2415/10 8.277.63 9§624.060 published in* the Coffee sectíon of this issue. 1849 2518/16 4.004.39 9$297.820 CONCLCSION. That the past year closed with far more 1850 2811/16 above par 8$366.0'13 than in promising prospects December, 1926, there is no shadow 1851 291/10 above par 8$258.065 of doubt, and that the Government prcscnl is now doing its best 1852 273/8 above par 8§767.123 to redeem its the promise of previous year to pull the country 1853 287/16 above par 8S439.560 out of whát seemed lo be hòpeíess chãos, is certain. There are 1854 27 9/16 above par 8-5707.482 some captious and hypocriticaj crities, as we had oceasion to 1855 27 1/2 above par 8?727.272 state some ago, whóm nõthing years will satisfy. In their cyes 1856 27 1/2 above par 89727.272 there is no improvemerit bécause improvement does not go far 1857 269/10 1.64 1.62 98035.294 enough; and no reform, '25 because there are abuses yct uneorrected, 1858 í/2 5.88 5.55 9$411.704 and. contempluous of the preçent, despairing of the future, sys- 1859 25 8.00 7.40 PÇ600.000 lematically porlray everything in the blackest of coíours. Well, 1860 25 3/4 4.85 4.62 9*320.388 let them go their wáy if they derive any satisfaction in so me- 1861 25 1/2 5.88 ^i rirt 98411.764 lancholy a creed. For our part, we prefer to trust to the capacity 1862 25 1/4 6.92 6.48 98504.950 of liuinan nature for improvement the world over! That things 1863 273/16 above par 8$827.586 V ¦-.¦.¦¦¦ m

'-..-'¦ " REVIEW. January 26, 1928. 114 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN

Rate ofPremium Depreciation Equiv. of exchangeon goldof paper£1 sterling de ¦—¦1 1864... 26 11/161.171.158*992.97. wssmis-—=—____=___=_____=sss=^^=s==^^=^ io sana-me Ü 1865. . . 24 15/168.277.639*624.060 lf 186(J24 a/1611.6210.419.922.480 Hon. CHAPI*AIN—Ven. Archdeacon 18ü722 3/81*0.0717.1210*726.256 Morrey Jones. 18tí8 1816 15/1659.4137.2614*169.741 Seanien'8 Institute 186y 2222.723/444.0018.5130.5510*909.09012*800.000 Rna Saccadura Cabral. 61 187ü Rio de Janeiro t871 2423 31/3212.6411.2210*013.037 Subscriptions and donations are badly needed l87., ". '. 15/168.277.639*624.060 to defray the cost of upkeep of the iuBtitute. Another 1873 ; 26 1/323.723.589*219.687 five contos of réis per annum would place us upon a j874 ...25 23/324.985.749*331.713 sound financial basis. 187527 5/32above par8*837.744 If you are not already a subBcriber, why no* 1876 25 9/326.796.369*493.201 become one? 6,474 seamen visited the institute Ias1 1/210.209.259*795.918 year and 526 meai Tickets were issued to the des- 187724 titute. 1878"¦''2221 15/1617.7115.0410*463.215 187U 5/1626.6821.0611*260.997 1/3222.5418.4010*893.617 1880 22 OliSERVATIONS: 1822 1932 chãos in the Imperial admi- 27/3223.6019.0910*987.124 to 1881...21 nistration. 188221 3/3228.0021.8711*377.777 1883 ' 21 1/225.5820.3711*162.790 1846 mint value of lhe gold mlireis was reduced to 27d. 1884' 20 5/830.9023.6111*636.363 1850-51 epideinic of yellow fever. 1885. . 18 17/3245.7031.3612*951.096 1864-70 commercial crisis and commencement of Paraguayan 188G18 5/844.9631.0112*885.906 war, which ended iu 1870. 1887 \ ] , 22 3/820.6717.1210*726.256 1875 commercial crisis. 8188 ...25 3/167.196.719*528.535 1888abolition of slavery. 1889! . . 2226 3/82.372.319*099.526 1889Pròclámation of the Republic." 1890' 1/220.0016.6610*656.666 1895-1898 Commercial crisis, which ended in the debacle of 1891.'.';. [ H 27/3281.8945.0216*168.421 1898, when exchange at one time dropped to 5%d. 1892. 1131/32125.6055.6720*052.219 1906 Conversion law passed and Caixa de Conversão es- 1893...11 17/32134.1457.2920*813.008 tablishcd, and exchange fixed at 15d. 1894, . . 10 1/32169.1562.8423*925.233 1910 Exchange raised and fixed at 16d. 1895, , _ 9 7/8173.4263.4224*303.797 1914-18 The Great War. 1896200.0066.6626*666.666 1920Violent oscillalion in exchange. The year opened with 1897\ ...7 21/32252.6571.6431*346.938 90 days* rate at 17%d., rising to 18%d. on 6th Feb., dropping 1898'"..].;¦'[¦';¦'¦.' 7 1/8278.9473.6133*684.210 to 17%d. on llth March, to 14 7/16d. on 22nd June, rjsing to 1899. . 7 3/8266.1072.6832*542.372 15 9/16d. on 24th June, declining steadily to luu. on 3'lst Dec. •1900. . . 9 23/6471.1524.6625*642.738 Financial, economic and commercial crisis; record adverse balance •1901. ...11 17/64139.5758.2721*303.745 of trade and payments.< •1902! 55/64127.6756.7620*237.155 ...11 1921Continuation of the crisis, still further aggravated by 61/64125.8844.2720*078.431 1903 ....'.1112 continuous fali in exports and increase iu the adverse balance 1/8122.6855.0919*793.814 !904 Y !¦ .' of trade. Chãos in the exchange market and restrictions on 25/3271.0841.5515*207.920 1905....15 inter-bank transactions and fali in exchange to 6%d. 1/3268.4240.6214*970.760 1906....16 1922-23 Reeovery of trade balance, which, however had no 5/6479.06 44.1515*917.114 1907....';..-1515 influence on exchange, which continued to fali steadily owing to 1/6479.8144.3915*983.350 1908. . . effects of the previous yeai*'s crisis and the considerable adverse 5/6479.0644.1915*917.114 1909....15 balance of payments and budget deficits which had and still 1910] . . 15 5/6479.0644.1915*917.114 have to be covered. Restrictions on banking transactions were 31/3269.0840.8515*029.354 1911....15 lifted in 1923. Speculation again became active. 1912. . 1668.7540.7415*000.000 1924 Like 1923, 1924 was another disastrous in the 1913' . . 15 61/6469.4140.9715*058.823 year history of exchange, which fell to 5d. sight on July 12th. 1914'- . . 14 21/3284.2245.7116*375.266 A serious revolution broke out in July which caused exchange 1915' . . 12 29/64117.0853.9319*296.482 to collapsc and finally to fluetuate wildly. The revolutionary move- 1916. . . 1159/64126.7855.9020*157.480 ment continued in the south well into 1925. Visit of 1917....12 23/32130.4156.5920*480.000 Lhe Brilish Financial Mission and publication of its report. Appointment 1918....12 55/64127.9856.1320*263.852 "Geddes" of a Brazilian Committee for the 1919....14 25/6489.8947.3316*879.120 purpose of studying budgets and possibilities of reduetion of 1920....14 15/3286.6046.4116*587.473 expenditure. 1925. The year 1925 opened with exchange 1921....8 9/32126.0469.3328*981.132 weak and on 18th *May fell to as low as 4 63/64d., reacting, however, 1922....7 5/32276.1673.4933*537.117 immediately after, since when rates recovered steadily, 1923....53/8402.3380.0944*651.163 the year closing with the offieial sight rate on London 1924....5 61/64353.5978.0040*314.960 quoted at 7 3/8d. (31st Dec). The collapsc of exchange during the 1925....6 1/16345.3677.5539*587.629 first half of the year was due chiefly to the stagnation of 1926....71/8278.9473.6133*684.210 the coffee markets, which supplicd no bills, owing to the Coffee 1927....5 27/32362.0378.3541*069.518 Roasters Campaign in the against high prices in virtue of valorisation and against control of entries. From 1935-1845, inclusive, par value of milreis was 43í_d. (•) For 1900, 1901 and 1902 the rates stalcd rcpresent the aver- Another important faclor againsl exchange during the first London: for ali other half of that year was the turn in age Bank Sight Rate on previous and 'period the balance of overseas trade, lhal closing subsequent years the average official Sight Rate on London. wilh £1,213,000 againsl exports, as againsl £10,707,000 in Commencing with 1900 rates of exchange are those adopted by favour of same at the close of the same the Commercial Statistics Service. period in 1924. LJ

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January 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 115

On the recovery of the coffee markets and consequent large Floods in Minas Geraes. Details of the great floods which shipments of coffee during the second half of the year, which laid waste part of the produetive district of Montes Claros are coupled with the influence of withdrawal powerful of Treasury now to hand. According to despatches, the town of Arassuahy inconvertible notes from circulation by the Bank of Brazil, and has been completely destroyed by the flooding of the river Je- the entry of new industrial capital into the country, exchange quitinhonha, leaving thousands of inhabitants homelcss and in took a firm upward movement, thus recovering from lowest a pitiable state of misery. of 4 63/64d. to 7 3/8d. point by 31st December, the year The Federal and State of Minas Governments are forwarding closing ãith of further prospects still rises in the future. At aid to the afflictcd zone, whilst local Journals have opened sub- one time it looked as if exchange would have risen to 8d., but sçription lists in aid of the victims. a decline in coffee business, together with an effort on the part of the Bank of Brazil to stabilise rates, exchange fluctualed between 7 7/32d. and 7 27/64d. More Gold for the "Caixa dc Conversão." The s.s, "Vauban," The 1925 year was marked by a serious tightness of money which arrived at this port on 24th inst., brought 6,000,000 dollars owing to deflation, and on the recovery of exchange by a gold from New York consigned to the "Caixa de Estabilisaçao," industrial crisis which culminated in many serious failures. which is the last shipmentjo bc received on account of the last 1926.The past year was marked for a steady exchange up 41,500,000 dollar loan issued in New York. to the close of September, but on Dr. Washington Luiz's declara- tion of his stabilisation of exchange policy, rates fell to pieces, the year closing with sight quoted at 5 55/64d. The Man Who Did Not Advcrtise. Mark twain, in his young Money was likewise tight during the first half of the year days as editor of a Missouri newspapcr, received on one oceasion, and many more failures were registered. a letter from a superstkious subscriber, who explained that he 1927.The fcature "Caixa of the year was the creation of the had found a spider in his paper and asked whether that was a dc Estalrlisaçao" and, the stability of exchange. Money con- sign of good luck or had. The reply carne as follows:— tinuetl and "Finding tight interest for discounts and deposits high. a spider in your paper was neither good fortune The closed year with the sight rale at 5 57/64d., the average nor had for you. The spider was merely looking over our paper for the twelve months being 5 27/32d. to see which merchant is not advertising, so he can go to that storc, spin bis web over the door, and lead a life of undisturbed peace ever afterwards."

Lord Bledisloe, the British Minister of Agriculturc, arrived at this port en route for England on 24th inst., sailing on the same. The Brazilian Minister of Agriculturc entertained Lord BOOKS RECEIVED. Bledisloe at luncheon at the Jockey Club. In the course of a speech, Dr. Lyra Castro, the Brazilian Justiça (Justice). The Military Revolt in Sao Paulo. By Minister, stated that it is always a cause of satisfaction to the José Carlos de Macedo Soares. A Complete account of the revolt Government and the BraziPan people to welcome distinguished of 1924, which paralysed the life of Sao Paulo for many weeks. guests, specially when such visitors come to^ see for themsclves This book deals likewise with aceusations of certain publie men the great possibilities offering here, for the mutual benefit of and the triais of those said to have heen implicated in the Revolt. both countries. Canada and the Twentieth Century. Bk Donald M. Marvin, "We have much to give," said Dr. Lyra Castro, "in exchange M.A. Ph. D., Economist of the Royal Bank of Canada and J. per capital, experience and conf:dence of the oid world countries." Edwin van Buskirk, B. Sc, M.B.A., Assistant Economist of the Ever since our independence, it bas been a hahit of ours to col- same bank. Published by the Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, laborate with England in every respect to consolidate that which Canada. Bcautifully printed and profusely illustratcd, giving an was still vacillating. The sh'ps which carricd our produce, the impression of Canada's vast resources and great poss;biIitics. flag which they flcw, were Brtish. The gold that we required Yet More Surviors of a Glorious Era. A confinued story of for the war of Independence and for the internai organisatíon further famous sailing ships which are still engaged in ocean of the new State was loaned to us by England, for she then service. With a foreword by S'r Walter Runciman, Bart. trusted us and has never vacillated in that trust throughout our Published by Syren and Shipping, Ltd., London. Price one good and had times." shilling (post free). Printed on fine art paper with beautifuT In his reply to Dr. Lyra Castro, Lord Bledisloe referred to ilhistrations of 47 famous sailing ships which have done honour the great economic possibilities in Brazil, to the Braz:lian par- to the flags they fly and to the men who have manned them. ücipation in the Great War and to the difficülties experienced This intensely interesting pubVcation gives an alluring account by Agriculturc through the ravatíes of an-mal and plant descases. of the history and exper«encc of these glorious survivers of the "so Referring to the frozen and chilled beef trade with the United deep, which, in Sir Walter Runc-man^s words have largely Kindom, Lord Rledislocs stated that the reason why the Argentine contributed to making our (British) Mercantile Navy the finest meat had the preference in England was due, largely, to the and the most efficicnt in the world." selection of the best British breeds for breeding purposes, which he trusted would be followcd by Brazil. TO THE ADVERTISER.

The State of Rio Grande do Sul is, actually, in the Brazilian Your aim in placing announcements in a paper is primarily lime light. The new President elect of that progressive State because you know that what you offer meets the eye of persons took the reins of office yesterday under great acclamation. most likely to he interested. Once readers are interested it Though the oceasion of change of Governments in this rests with the advertiser to push the enquiry into good business. "Wileman's country, so common in a Republican redime, calls generally for Brazilian Review" numbers amongst its readers little commenf, the present event in Rio Grande is of special every coffee, banking, export and import house of any standing interest. in view of the fact that for 25 years that State has been in three continents. It is rare for an advertisement to be with- unintemwtedly under the administration of the same President, drawn. The inference is obvious. unnrecedented in the history of the Republic. Dr. Borges de Medeiros, the retiring President, was an able, fearless and honest WILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. administrator, who made Rio Grande dp Sul the prosperoys State it is to-day, CAIXA (POST OFFICE BOX) 809.

<.-'.. ¦¦ *-*trs*\æ*,,.-•

•*'*¦ .

116 WILEMAÍPS BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January. 26, 1928.

REPORTS & MEETINGS OF COMPANIES. BRITISH SUB8CRIPTI0N LIBRARY Central Bahia Railway Trust. Trustees have dcelarcd tlivi- "A" dends for the half-ycar, payable on Feb. 1 next, on cer- RUA SACHET No. 89 - 2nd FIoop "B" dif.cates at £4 per cent. per annum and age expectations oi the coritinuance of the increase:, in gróss . MONEY. revenue • whieh had characterised lhe few past years. Offirinl Exchange «i * In spite of anticipated 'n Quotations, Câmara Syndicaland Vales:— Ss:Zv • expèndituije lhe curren; year on . capital exlensions of from £8,000 to 1" 10,000, the directors were Pence PenceSight Gold • able. after carrying £11*,00Q from revenue account Io reserve, .<> '.íanuary 00 days Sight SovereignsDollarsVales lí) .. 5 123-128 5 115-128 41S8008.3384$566 . rceominend a distribution qf a dividend to the Ordinary share .íanuary 20 Holiday. holders of 5 per cent.. free of tax, as compared with 21*. p< r •; January 21 Closed. cent. for the previous year. '.'. January 23 5 123-128 A resolution adop.ing Hu- repòrl and accounis and approving 5 115-128 41$8008*3324$566 January 24 .5 123-128 5 115-128 ¦lhe dividend suggested, payable on litb February, 1928, was carricd 41S8008$385..... January unaniinously. .._., _,'*- 25 .. 5 123-128 5 115-128 4P?8008*3334$566

Average . 5 123-128 5 115-128 41*800 8*334 4*5(i(; Kquivalent 5.0(50.937 Nipppn Yusen Kaisha. At lhe balf-yearly general meeting 5.898.437 * of tlie. Nippun Yuseti Kaisha, held at Tokyo on 25th November • last, the Presitlent (Mr. Takcshi Shinur) said he was glad .br .nel profit foi lhe six months ended SO.th September. 1927, THE DAILY MOVEMENT OF EXCHANGE amounted to a little over 3,000,00p yen. showing an increase of more ;han 250,000 yen compared with lhe nel profit for the Thursday, 19th January, 1928. lhe Bank of Brazil and foreign term, and be was thus previous enabled to reeommend a dividend banks quoted 5 31 32d.. with buyers at (> l/128d. The market _Òt8. cent. annum carry over was per per and a surplus of 537,000 yen. steady and unchanged throughout this period.The New In spite of various adverse elements. n addition to the dcep- York-London rate carne $4.87 3/4 and Paris-London124 03 to rooted depression in lhe shipping trade, such as the financial the E. panic of last March and April, the inercasing disturbances in Friday, 201 h January. 1028. Holiday. ., Chj.na, t.he aggressivcness of competing lines, etc, Prcsident Saturday, .íanuary, the 21st 1028. Rates unchanged.The New W- , contiuued, there was. an increase in the. freight earnings, and York-London rate carne 84.87 11 32 and Paris-London124 00 lo , lhe passenger. earnings showed a marked increase, especially on the K. , the San Franc'sco line—a weR-car^cd ccjho of the considerable Mouday, 23rd .íanuary, 1028. [\ates unchanged.The New ,. improvements whieh have been made in ihe servee since the York-London rate *?4.87 carne 1/2 and Paris-London124 0'. lo . .•linids. amalgamation with the N.Y.K. the £. VVith regard to the building the contraei for the Tuesday, ;>;_f"t^;,'d prograrnme, 24lh .Íanuary, 1Í)2S. Raies unchanged.The New Ihird of lhe ihree nCw San Francisco liners had been awarded York-London rate carne $4.87 1,2 and Paris-LondonPU 01 to to the Yokohama Dock Company. lies des. two vessels for com- the t. bincd and cargo traffic ihe Japan-Shanghai run 25th passenger qn Wednesday, January, 1028. Rates unchanged. The New were in lhe course of construction. Furfhermorc, it had been York-London rate carne *4.87 1/2 and Pari?-London 124 01 to decided to build two improvei maÜ liners to replaee the old ones the £.

te - t. - '..::'' '"/ '•>.*':. " ¦ '" ¦'.-.'¦ , _-;- '¦••:.:"' ¦ --¦¦¦'"'':.:.¦ ¦f '-.*.- ' ' *-¦' ¦;•;.-"_¦:¦ •:¦. .*. .*.' >-*¦¦ ¦' .-¦* i* .-". ! .;-' . ¦¦ii,:*(.ii'**í-i-: :-' -t "Si '.'-.. ¦¦.'¦¦¦: ¦' • "¦' ' ¦ ¦ 'i-¦''*'..' ¦ -T ¦-*,' 1 Í5 #.**"* 1 ¦.**? •

¦*¦¦'¦_ '*"/:* ' '•¦'V'-".-*-ni .'- ¦¦ '''¦>'*'' . . . ^#T. *'j ¦ I January 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. :'ÍÍ7

THE CALORIC COMPANY, FUEL OIL ~mir'i ‡¦ 1 — *¦*, _*, _,__¦*— 4?7 AVi._< IDA DIESEL OIL FOR RODRIGUES Al VES. 437 TeFcphon* Norte 4497 FOR .INDUSTRIES "RIO ™ TNTFJTNAL RALWAYS 9E JANEíRO. Teíoaraphlc "Petrolortn" STEAMERS Addrea* ÇpMíiUSTION P. O. Box 1965. BNGINKS

Pael 011 Statlona at:—PAIU, PERNAMBUCO, BAHIA and SANTOS BARGE3 8TEA1VTER'S BUNKERED D.RUM3 Tarik Cara \J THROUGH PIPE UNE ALONG THE QUAY8. Tank Trucka Complete éstlihatea furnlshed for oil Burning Installatlon., Land and Martne.

-Qt THE EXCHANGE MARKET. "Caixa" Thc movement at the during the week shows *'%.-.'.«,-, , 7. .,'.'.' _..-t\. . lie following chahgcs, as compãred with the week:— Rio de Janeiro, January 25th, 1928. previous 90 days closing drawing rates:-— Incr. or Decr. -Jan. 21 on Rio-N.Y. Jan, 14 GoldMilreis Bk.ofBrazil OlherBks. Milreis N.Y.-Lond. Sterling , . . ²£32— 1:261$ Pcnce.Pence. to Doi. Doi. to £ January Dollars . . . ²$7,125— 59:558*$ 22th, 1928 ... 131/32 3 31/32 8$265 4.87 1/2 January Francs -I- fcs.330+ 484$ 18th, 1928 ... 5 31/32 5 31/32 8$26?jo 4.87 5/8 Sundry Specie ²+ 300$ Risc or fali — -1/8 Total Specie ²— 60:035$ The Bullion ²-I- 466:160$ exchange market ruled firm throughout thc week ending this afterríoon and unchanged at 5 31/32d., the market closing Grand Total . ²+ 406:125$ paralysed owing to thc absence of takers and Lhe lack ,of interest on the pari of banks for cover. There There was again little change in the general movement at is liUle to add to our pasi remarks in conncction wth "Caixa" exchange, lhe during the pasl week* Bullion, howevcr, shows an for rales are not likely to show any change at this increase of 461:1(>0$. juneture in view of the stròiíg position of the Bank of Brazil, which coiitrols lhe markei v/ith ease owing to largc Ioan cesources al l**w üs dispósal, whieh togethei* with the Bullish factors mentioned in oue last issue, should keep the markei firm for some time, thoúgh no rise of any consequence is likely to be witnesscd. Money continues tight, some banks st ill offering 9 per eent. for deposits, whilsl ered'i is noi easily obtainable, in spite of the cohfparatively large cash reserves in the banks.

"Caixa Gold in the de Eslabilisação" (Stabilísation Office). "Caixa" SHIP AND SAIL The gold in deposit in the and its equivalent valuc in "Caixa" currency, and notes in circulation on 21st and 14th BY January, 1928, are as follows:— 1

Deseriminíition -Value of Gold- — Equivalent MUNSON of.gold in respectivo currencies in milreis currency STEAMSHIP LINE. Specie & bullion: Jau. 21Jan. 14Jan. 21Jan. 14 *:->•;-. í ! . ;y Sterling '¦ *_*. .... €3,619,532 £3 619,564 147.243:085$ 147-244:346? Twelve Days to New York *»-- 7,.. U.S. Dollars . . $25,715,918 $25,723,043 214.959:355$ 215.018:9133 Fortnghtly Sailings by ' t Francs fcs.9,030,795 fcs.9,030 465 14-565:724$ 14.565:240-:* S.S. PAN AMERICA Sundry ²²5.651:8771 5 651:5775 S.S. AMERICAN LEGIONf S.S. WESTERN WORLD Total Spece .-'.*.²___ 382.420:041$ 382 480:076$ S.S. SOUTHERN CROSS Gold Bul; niar:)grs.grs. A11 speed records for merchant ships '^7 Fine gold . . 9,792,919.3B0 9,709 010.583 54 405:107$ 53-938:947' between Rio de Janeiro and New Yox*k are hcld by lhese 21,000-displacement ton vessels. •.,*". Combining express <-.'•'¦' Total deposits . — 436.825:148$ epeed with great steadiness. 486.419:023$ they offer the discriminating traveler the comfort and luxury of the best boleis. Circulation:— `-•* •'Caixa" For rates and further information address. ,____/• • Notes in circulation.... 436.819:270$ 436.413:320*? " •*•*'______v ;j):vis:onal coins in circulation.. 5:878$5:703*? I The Federal Express Company. Total erculation... 436.825:148$ 436415:023$ RIO — SANTOS — SÃO PAULO. \ —rpW—¦kmiitfmiimm¦¦* i.«i' m t '" .'* ¦:_.'

118 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928.

mm-: ,T8, FROM RIOAND SANTOS, IN ll.Mt. Av. per No. of daya.Coffee Mang'eseMeatSugarBeana p , CottonRiceHidesLardSundry*Total dien. Total. 12 months, 1918 18,0992,0463,2309671,641 ²2371,3501,0001,18129.64181 Monthly average, 19181,60317126981137 ²2011283942,47081 Weekly average. 19183478?621982 ²26192157081 Total, 12 months, 1919 67,880WWÍU381^991^97" 1,924526"H6Õ12,19377881,374SIM Monthly average, 19195,65778262108100 160 44125183656,781228 Weekly average. 19191,30518602523 37 102942151.565223 Total. 12 montha. 1920 51,037Wlp57TJõl556" 3,004 2^8531.11643236266.392182 Monthly average, 19204,25316423810046 2503219337305,582182 Weekly average, Í920 982375523U 68 7422t-277182 Total. 12 montha, 1921 31,635TfitiU673626~ 3913Õ64692Õ7Í1Ô35,8_498 Monthly average, 19212,6378411480 33 2639172,98998 Weekly average. 1921 6072026___ 7 69098 Total. 12 montha, 1922 41,815"~631914281~ 796 238799874ípíl128 Monthly average. 19223,4845376_*__ 66 313,750123 Weekly average. 1922 ...... 8041318_ 16865123 Total. 12 montha. 1923 43/731)44ÕU322944" 78Õ 564734617647^655Í3Í Monthly average, 19233,6453711134__ 65 39398,971131 Weekly average. 192384126fi__ -Hfe. 15 916131 Total, 12 months, 1924 65,4258921,08380T~ o/- 83²833751567^435185 .... Monthly average, 19246,4523190— 285.818185 Weekly average. 1924 1,25821²__ A²1.297185 Total 12 months. 1925 67 58469472912f" 1.16649424jfcMlfi Monthly average, 1925 6.5325861__ 9741²6893194 Weekly average. 1925 1.2961314²__ 0²1,359194

1926. §Month January 6.2919516²— 15 33²²8,489208 SMonth Fcbmnry 5.OR4116²— ²15²²6,217isa SMonth March 4,95697B__.— ²a16²²6,068163 §Month April 4,85122²²__ ²12²4,888163 SMnn»h May 4,5317221²— ²13²²4,629150 SMonth June3,924121²— ²12²²4,065136 SMonth July 5,59710426— 15 1424²5,781im SMonth August 5.3946661²— 19²²5,542179 SMonth of September 5,50057²— 1924²²6,607187 SMonth of October 5,63293²— 20a30B5>784187 SMonth November 4.3586519²— ²41²4,488150 SMonth December4.74437__.— «-IO4,847IM ~37 Total, 12 months, 192660.852945170²— 64 271+14— 62,311 176 Monthly average 5.0717914²— 5 3 22 — 1 5,194 176 Weekly average 1,170183—1 -4 % 5 — % 1.198 176 1927. SMonth of Jannary — 5,68448—.__.— __ ?i_ * 5,739185 SMonth of February 4,444305__²____ 19 —. __ 4,498166 SMonth of March 4,7633611²— — _ 35 __._.> Z 4,844156 SMonth of April 3,6331436²— — - 30 — 1 3,714IU «tr.. SMonth of May 3.5703031²— 2 13 41 _ x 3,688119 .'* SMonth of June 4,3269260²— '¦ ¦. 5 - 11 31 _ 5 4,530151 SMonth of July 4,39831112²2 4 __ 72 1 .1 SMonth of August 4,620149 4,30747138²— 17 _ 40 1 .A of September 4,550147 SMonth 5,0063940— 48 — 58 _. ... SMonth of October 6,4939262— 5,197173 9 1 63 — 6,726217 SMonth of November 5,3745617— — — 53 Week 5,502183 en(flng 8th December. .90216B²— _ 12 - Week ending 15th December.1,844²49______ 935134 3 1,896271 Week end'ng 22nd December1,285²5____._ __ 7 __ 1,297185 Week ending 29th December558²— _ * 5 27 Z 60687 SMonth of December 5,9012566²— —. 5 58 — 6 055195 1928. Week ending 5th Jannary ..1,55228²-, _ _ í_"' 21 — 1,607229 Week ending 12th January..1.207²19²______10 1,236177 Week ending 19th Jflnuary..1.0291611 2 1,058151 lst to 19th January 2,2772636²______'Sundries 12 _____ 2,351124 SSubject to alteration. compriseCocoa,Tobacco,Cottonseed and Mandioca Meai. '•"•.'"''-.• ¦ ''v' "'¦-,'¦''• :'-'v..**'.-; '.-'!'.'' •• '¦ \-''¦,?'--'Alí •l' .,',,....... •._'.«', .^-;*;,.í\S?pp January ª'¦'¦''';¦¦¦¦'¦,; V;')'? 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. - 119 • V.-.íí*-

AVERAGE SIGHT RATES OF EXCHANGE AT RIO DE JANEIRO. Dollar. Pranc. Llre. Marl.. -Argentina. 1926. Uruguay. Spain. Belgium. Denmark. U.S.A. France. . tfan.bg. paper—peso—gold January...... 6$749 peso. peseta. franc. kroner. $256 $273 1$ü0Ü 2$811 6*383 6$959 February. $968 $3U1 . . 61809 $251 $274 1$621 21809 l§Ü/8 6$374 7$037 $963 March 6$949 1249 $309 1$680 $279 1$656 2$777 6$301 7$097 April 71171 1244 $980 $294 l$8l)2 $289 1$648 2$878 6$õ02 7$381 May 6?808 1$028 $263 1$885 $215 $263 1$624 2Ç745 6$2Ü1 June 7$U17 $y.4 $212 61457 $191 $237 1$541 11790 2$617 5$914 6$549 1$022 £11 July 61443 $159 1$534 $191 1$735 $216 2$621 5$935 6$458 1§U16 August 6$521 $163 1$706 $165 $215 1$554 2§649 6$021 6$.)45 September 1$0U1 $180 1$740 61608 $189 $242 1$576 2$695 6§124 6$644 1$010 $180 October .. 7$184 $211 $297 1$711 1$762 2§944 6$690 7$214 1$088 November 7$856 $200 1$913 $271 $331 1$«68 3$209 7$293 7$859 1$195 $219 1$950 December ...... 8$476 $336 2$022 $377 3$496 75962 8$629 1$296 — $238 21260 \2 months 7$001 $229 $274 1$319 2$853 6$473 7$114 1$365 $229 1$793 January, 1927 .... 8$567 $339 $372 2$037 3$560 8§U81 8$718 11382 February, 1927 . . . . 8$459 $238 2$290 $332 $366 2$009 3$545 8$043 8§601 1$425 $233 2$260 March, 1927 81444 $330 2$006 $382 3$591 8$153 8$585 1$476 April, 1927 8$493 $333 $235 2$253 $425 2$018 3§616 8§208 8§724 1$505 May, 1927 8$479 $332 $236 2|271 $459 2$011 3§609 8$208 8§593 1$496 June, 1927 8|494 §332 2$014 $236 2$269 §477 31625 8|225 8§571 11468 July, 1927 8$497 $236 2$276 $333 §463 2§020 3§6__8 8í_,>._ _í4oy 1$465 August, 1927 8$478 2*279 §332 §462 2§018 3$027 8$254 8$526 September, §235 2§275 1927 . . . 8$441 $330 $459 2$013 3§624 8§237 8§519 1$451 $235 October, 1927 .... 8$388 §329 2§004 2§267 $459 3§603 81179 8$584 1§453 November, 1927 . . . 8$402 §234 2$256 $330 $458 2$007 3$605 8§187 8§726 December, 1$431 §234 2§262 1927 . . . 8$360 §329 $451 2§Ü00 3§593 8$164 8$700 1§400 §234 2§252 12 months, 1927 . . . 8$457 §332 §437 2§013 3§610 8$182 8$608 1§448 $235 2§268

BANKING MOVEMENT Balance Sheets for Rio Cifty only:- L. & S. America. 27,022 Movement of Principal Banks aa on 31st December, 1927. 63,975 50,546 27,599 53.5 Br. of S. America (In contos of rela). 16,141 44,811 38,154 22 269 42.3 Royal of Canadá.. 13,177 Balance Sheets Including Movement of ali Branches in Brazil 44,736 31,373 14,893 42.0 Canad. of Comm. 3,439 10,110 8,696 1,997 39.5 Nat. City of Discountso/o N.Y. 16,790 77,926 71,798 10 286 23.4 CashandSightFixed of cash to Dd. Sudamerikan. 9,746 LoansDepositsDeposits Sight Dpt. 36,658 19,751 22,295 49.4 M'til Rio Jane.ro. 30,678 85,779 Bank of Brasil .. 269,550983,949876,124209,26730.8 92,012 5,531 33.3 Pelotensa 14,965 27,962 Italo-Belge .... 9,77653,09529,40410,07233.2 9,805 6 213 152.6 Boavista 9,737 50,043 Holland. v. Z.A. 4,29428,8937,29210,15558.9 31,849 9,841 30.6 Dd. Uberseeische. 19,95976,33639 44935,47050.6 Total 141,695 442,000 Brasil. Allemão 16,3897624824,45038,54267.0 353,984 120,924 40.0 • Portug. do Brasil 16,62059,39257,3178,10029.0 Incr. or Decr.:— Franç. et Itallien. 70,107266,390129,352132,77954.2 Dec. on Nov:— C ei. S. Paulo 98562385,884320,76658,48530.7 L. & S. America.. + 336 ²2,195 ²3,102 Com. E.. S. Paulo 76,259274,659191,57956,14839.8 923 Br. of S. America.-f- 862 Hyp. Ag. Minas. 21,843106,13777,02737,46528.4 + 1,502 + 298 58 Royal of Canadá. + 3 907 ²5,221 + 1,696 1,717 Canad. of Comm..+ 264 + 1,196 + 450 + 83 Total 603,359 2,310,983 1,752,760 596,483 34.4 Nat. City of N.Y.— 3,768 ²1,578 + 3,882 1,684 Dd. Sudamerikan.— 1,385 + 1,838 2,528 >.<•'_ Incr. or Decr. :— + + 175 M'til Rio Janeiro. + 6,671 + 4,46» Dec. on Nov:— + 5,314 387 Pelotense+ 3,849 ²841 ²60 + 491 Bank of Brasil .. + 38,124—37,385—220,754+ 3,216 Boavista . . + 757 —11,934 ²1,012 14 Italo-Belge. . . .— 1,166+ 2,717+ 564+ 3,978 Hollandis. v. Z.A.— 2,348+ 2,864— 844+ 286 Total ...+11,493 —2,770 +9,994 —4,034 Dd. Uberseeische. + 1,544— 910+ 1,914— 543 Brasil. Allemão .— 2,929— + 792— 3,293 Portug. do Brasil-f 2 247—11,310+ 3,374— 298 Franç. et Itallien.+ 6 964+ 5,280— 30— 4,653 C. e Ind. S. Paulo + 3,359+ 3,288+ 21,813—14,195 IMPORTANT NOTICE. Com. E. S. Paulo. + 9,862—18,250+ 4,062+ 665 Hyp. e Ag. Minas— 2,785+ 3,136+ 2,889+ 1,082 Please note that ali correspondence, etc, to "Wileman'8 posted Brazilian Review," whether to the Editor, Total ..+ 52;872 —45,579 —186,220 —13 755 Manager, H. F. Wíleman, etc., should be addressed to "Caixa Postal 809, Rio de Janeiro.*

tf - ?p. ' ¦ i . ' ' L. - -.-¦-' ** v * ¦¦••;•* .:¦¦-. < ."* _¦ ,'¦

120 > .VILÊMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, ___.._. íl!'

THE STOCK MARKET 21 a. '28 14Jan. '28 21 Jan.'27 Untformisadas 685S0OO6685000— «Municipal 1906, buyers 145S000143S000— «Ditto, 1920, buyers 136S500136S00O— X_&S$è\ • Bank of Brazil 393S0003905000— Brazil Fundlng, 1898, 5 per cent. 921/2 921/289 mim1 Ditto, 1914 new 871/4 86 7/878 7/8 x*______v? Converslon, 1910, 4 per cent.. 62 1/4 6157 1 '4 Ditto, 1908, 5 per cent...... 94 93 5/888 1/2 Federal District, 5 per cent... 82 1/2 781/274 3/8 Brazil Railway 251/2 25 1/2- ROYAL HOLLAND LLOYD Brazil Traction 229 1/22311/4IU 3/4 S. Paulo Railway 1/21951S3 196 REGULAR Leopoldina Railway 591/2 591/253 5/8 SERVICE WITH COMEORTABLE Dumont Coffee, 6 per cent. pref. 6 3/4 6 3/48 FIRST CLASS PASSEN0ER STEAMERS St. John dei Rey Mining Ord.. 10 1010 TO• Rio Flour Mills 85 8586-3 Bank of London and South LAS PALMAS—LISBON—VIGO America CHERBOURG—SOUTHAMPTON 10 3/8 10 3/89-6 AND AMSTERDAM Royal Mail Ordinary 91 1/2 9184 War, Britith Loan, 5 per cent, Next sailings for Europo. 1920 101 1/2101 1/2101 1/4 ss. ZEELÀNDIA Consola, 21/2 per cent 55 5/855 3/855 5/8 7 February French rente, 3 per cent 67.0564.3053.50 ss. GELRIA 21 February Ditto, 5 per cent 88.2085.1064.20 ss. ORANIA 6 March Ditto, 4 per cent 73.5071.0052.50 ss. FLANDRIA 27 March «Closing Rio Stock Exchange. PREQUENT SERVICE WITH MODERN —STEAMERS THE RIO MONEY MARKET CARGO

*.•* .'¦ TO AND FROM Exchange rates at sight, Rio on:— BRAZIL AND THE ARGENTINE 21Jau.'28 14 Jau. '27 21 Jan.'27 FOR ALI, INFORMATION APPLY TO THE London pence... 5 3/4 5 13/16 5 7/8 5 29/32 5 113/128 5 57/64 GENERAL AGENTS $341 S346 $328— $331 $330- S331 m. 5370 naiy...... S366- $441— $445 $443- 5446 SOCIEDADE ANÔMALA Belgium 1$184- 1S189 1S163- 15168 18179- MARTINELLI Portugal S440- $450 $410— S414 $414- $418 RIO — SANTOS — SÃO New York 8S570- 8§590 8$335— 8S350 85360— 8$.18 . PAULO Canada 85560- 8S580 8$340- 8S350 85360 B. Aires, gold... 8*085- 8§120 8S150— 8$200 8$ 130- 8$ 180 B. Aires, peso.. 3554o- 3S544 3§570- 3S577 35570— 3$600 RAILWAY NEWS. Sweden 2$297- 2$305 2S244- 2$252 ...j Norway 2$225- 2$240 THjS LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY. 4$180- 4S190 3S930— 3S944 Japan -TIMATED WEEKLY TRAFFIC Spain I-.389- 1S405 18425- 1^432 1S440- 1$443 RECEIPTS. Roumania 5050 5055 LReceipts for WeekTOTAL Hamburg (re nt- Year Week Ended ²from mark) 2$028— 2$040 1$987- 1S998- 25005 2S000 Exchange Sterling Montevidéo 8t698- 85770 83620— 8§640 85600- 85625 1 BCurrency. | ist january Holland 3S429- 3$435 3$364- 3$379 1927 Value of fsterling 1411i Jan.1.837:000$ 5 61/64£ 45.566 £ 88.769 1927 at sight rate... 40S421—40S581 405421-405581 ; 15 th Jau.1.303:000$ 5 13/16£ 31.557 £ Value of 1 sove- 61.339 reign, buyers.. 418500 41$500 «ncrease. 534:000$ 9,64£14.009 Discount London 3 15/l6o/o 4 1/4°/. 4 I/80/0 £27.430 Do. Bank of Eng- Decrease. ²— B_____ land 4 l/2> 4 l/2o/0 5o/o Do New York... 3 We 3 l/2°/o 3 3/4o/o THE SAO PAULO RAILWAY COMPANY. ESTIMATED WEEKLY TRAFFIC RECEIPTS.

S. PAULO STOCK EXCHANGE. Receipts for Week TOTAL Vear Week Ended.___ from S. Paulo, 2lBt January 1928. Currency. Exchange j Sterling lstJanuary SELLERS BUYEftS 1928 22 ml Jan. j 1.661:9081000; 5 31/32 £ 4J.331- 6-1 £ 164,817-19-0 State of S. Paulo l Trea-sury Bonds... 790$000 1927 23rd Jan. | 1,707:113-400. 5 7/8 Ditto, 1921 £ 41,788-14-3l.fi 166,708*8-0 855Í000840CCOO I ————-———-_-______,—______. S. Paulo Municipal Bonds 6°/ 755J00- Increase. - Ditto,1909 80S000785500 . 3/32_ _ Ditto, 1910... 8850008*.$00O Decrcnse. 45-205$400 £ Ditto, 1913 ²785500 457.8.2 I>890.9.0 Ditto, 1918 9O$O0O— Ditto, 1925 87$0008Q$000 Banco Commercio e Industria ²700$000 Loose Leaf Ledgers Banco Commer. do Est. de S. Paulo 294$0002go$ooo and Transfers. Banco de S. Paulo *>/_) (60 121$000120S000 WE ALWAYS CARRY A LARGE North-Weatem Bank of S. Paulo.... 10OS0O09.Ç0OO STOCK OF LOOSE LEAF LEDGER Cia. Armazéns Geraes ae S. Paulo.. —'1555000 AND TRANSFER ME- Caixa de Liquidação. TALS. ORDERS PLACED CAN BE EjXECUTED Mogyana Railway Co.. 20350002005000 IMMEDIATELY. PHONE OR CALL Paulista Railway Co... 284S0002815000 Market tetive IMPRENSA INGLEZA. RUA CAMERLNO 55-57, RIO DE JANEIRO. Telephone No. 1966.

%..„ -",*y,> ¦•.•-<" U< -"¦¦ ; ..... - ,, ....., -.,¦..;_ ,__¦. _ '¦. '"y-í' '-r¦:¦_•:'.•¦:•> * .¦• ¦ ' .'' *!? '-¦.'..'* ->'¦-'..';l. ¦ .:;;•;'<>'' ¦''¦' !. ¦' '"'-*' "'¦ ' ¦"'¦'tàfcÇwKSaSjB«K ¦ ' --v,-í*- ;,-T ¦:•¦.¦ s-j-j ¦¦.-¦¦ V ;-' -' v" ¦ ;. .¦.¦'¦¦'¦¦.¦'*_¦¦-.¦¦ " "¦ ."'""¦ ¦. 'V*¦.^'¦^**f '¦""".,*"'' 'V ''.''V ¦-.¦*¦'"•.¦ TíJ ' V* s.I January 26, 192#. WÍLÉMAN'S '¦''¦¦ BÍIAZÍLIAN REVÍÈW. ¦i ¦. íãi RAILWAY Time-table, until furthep notice Trains Ieaving SANTOS for SÀO PAULOTrai,*» i~« • ^a^ « Bƒw,-wTrains Ieaving SAO PAULO for SANTOS tantos S. Panle Remarks S. Paulo Santas depart arrlve depart arrlve Remarks

s. I 6.209.00 Daily. S. s. 3 7.3410.00 Daily. Buffet Car. 2 6.00 8.39 Daily. Excursion tickets not availale S. 4 745 9.55 Daily, s. 5-A 8.1510.19 Mondays & days following holidays only. Pullman except Sundays 8c Holidays. Buffet Car & 1 numbered seats. Car and numbered seats. S. 6 8.08 S. 5 8.2510.19 Week days, except Mondays 8c days 10.03 Daily, except Sundays & Holidays. Pullman following lio- numbered seats. Car & liclays. Pullman Car & numered seats. s. s 8.11 S. 7 10.2512 55 Daily. Restaurant Car. 10.34 Daily. S. 9 S. 10 10.00 12 42 Daily. Restaurant Car. 12.4715 24 Daily with Pullman Car on week days only. S. 12 12.15 S. 11 14.0016 27 Daily, Buffet Car. 14.46 Daily. Pullman Car only on Working S. 13 16.3118.25 Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Pullman Days and not on Saturdays from April lo Au- S. Car. gust inclusive. Buffet 15 16.4719.02 Daily, Buffet Car on week days only t* numbered E. 2 i 14.00 Car. seats. Excursion tickets not 16.05 Saturdays only during April, May, available. August. Pullman June, July, and S. 17 17 1819.45 Daily. Car 8c lst cíass coaches o. ly.J S. 19 18.5021 05 Daily, Restaurant Car. Numbered seats.' Excursion tickets not availa- S.14 14.30 17.12 Daily. Pullman ble. numbered seals. on Sundays & Holidays Car on Sundays and Holidays ex- only. cept on Saturdays of Aprill to August S.16 16 15 18.09 Daily except on Sundays 8c Holidays. Pullman tíe numbered seats. ar S.18 17.00 19.34 Daily. Buffet Car. S.20 18.50 21.11 Daily. Restaurant Car. Excursion tickets not available. Sundays and Holidays only. Sundays and Holidays only."™ F. I 8.1510.25 Pullman Car 8: numbered seats. F. 2 5.50 8.08 2nd. Class coaches only. F. 3 16.1018.24 Pullman Car & numbered seats. F. 4 6.35 8.53 lst. Class coaches only. F. 5 18.1520.31 Second-Class coaches only. F. 6 7.10 9.29 2nd. Class coaches only. F. 9 19.2521.54 F. 8 7 35 9.47 lst. Class co-cbes only. F. 10 Buffet Car F. 11 20.0522.10 First-Class coaches only. Pullman Car & numbered 8.00 10-05 lst. Class coaches only. Pullman Car & numbered seats. seats. F. 14 19.20 21.49 Pullman Car. calling —"TRANSIT7 PASSENGERS;—~theslopesof at Santos usually have ample time to ascend so.netimes called the forest-clad mountain range SAO PAULO the «Chicago of South America, and whose af €^rra ú, kuown r Prosperity bids fair at uo distant date A- Mar' J sP«ial trains will, at an iiour's notice, be placed nained„,,„„¦ American — to rival thal of its above at their disposal at a cost of 200 milreis for 4U ¦leland contemporary s a briirht breezv'W^iSSti! citv ZiUnt*ri " n„» ti ment impost passengers, plus Oovern- 2,700 feet above ea-levd, and diSt of 1S50Ü per passenger travelling. Above üiat. number 6S100 b^.Sao Pano o 11 50,5" each person.y Uai way from Santos. It possesses wide streets iioortaS pub lc bu.ld.ngs, theatres, excellent shops, etc, • c .. oThe üet.u.rn *ripJasts 3 hours in al1» giving time for luiich at the top ightng services and elect c tn... way 3 of the Serra («Alto da Serra»).. • and is notable for the unusúal architectureaiTd floral ¦ * r'3Íá*nti*1 SUbUrbS' Tlle Passengers arriving early at Santos can also usually visit-the city of cha,nSe0blSand.e Sa,,Ílatio» i« Scct andtlíi Sao Paulo ; Ieaving Santos by the 8.25 train, they reach São Paulo at 10.19. A"« a motor drive türougli t|,is |arge city wiUl over 7üüj0u0 iniiabitauts, ~!THE PORT 0F SANTOS possesses wharves alongside which ali ocean the 12,15 train will land them in Santos at 14.46 in good time to catch the going steamers are berthed. steamer sailing at 15.30 or later. Its auavs and soa. * ^ ^^ f°r U,e rapid ^tcTof^l 5B- Iliè aao Paulo Kailway, whose first section began in 1860, lias been cripüons8oííSS"8 assiduously consohdated and improved since then, and has long enioyed a BUSINESS IN SAO PAULO is, naturally, deserved reputation as second to none in the world iu point of solidity and STATE for the most part, of security.. . xi í-\ • an agricultural and pastoral character . T.üovcrnraent is always ready to encourage The lnclined Planes on the Serra represent a triumph of engineering of énterpr ise.The Secwtarv science and Agriculture rephes proniptly to ali inquiri es through tlie si ecial «Ínfoí perseverance. The geological characteristies of the ground are mabon and Publication Sectiou» of this such as to render construction and maintenance of railway lines over it a Departmen work deniaiidmg the uünost patience, skill and care. 1/5/27. E. A. JOHNSTON, Superintendeu!.

Wbilst COFFEE. the tehdency remains very firm, foreign buyers are still holding back, and should this general lack òf interest Rio de Janeiro, 25th January, 11)28. continue, we may well experience a temporary set-back, Closing Quotations:— as prices appcar to have been forced too high. SPOT. Exchange unchanged and steady. -New York- Santos Rio SantosRio Companhia Registradora e Caixa de Liquidação do Rio de Janeira 7s 4s7s 4s7s Quotations for the week ended 21st January, 1928. January 18, 1928 248853 33$00015.0c 22.0c 20}ic (Per 10 kilos). January 25, 1928 248036 33$00014% c 21 %c 20.0c Highest Lowest Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers Fali $817 ²().%c O.YiC O.Vie January 25$300 25$075 24*850 248800 Ditto, % 3.2 ²0.8 1.11.2 February 25S350 25$250 248900 248850 OPTIONS. Rio Santos — New York — Ma reli . 25$450 25$375 258075 258000 Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar.May. April 25S500 25S400 258100 2580(10 January 18, 1928 . 248800 34$975 34$975 13.67c 13.45c May 256700 25$375 258150 258000 January 25, 1928 . 248800 13.43c 13.30c 34$475 34§475 June 25$650 25$375 258200 258025 ¦ m Total sales of futures during week 57,000 bags. Fali²8500 $5000.24c 0.15c L>Uto, % ²1.41.41.7 1.7 THE TEA & COFFEE TRADE Rio and Santos, per 10 kilos; New York, per lb. JOURNAL Published monthly on the lOth, at 79, Wall Street, Néw York. The Santos Coffee Market (week ending 191b January, 1928). The International Organ of the Tea and Coffee Trade. The market remained firm, both for options, as well as By Subscription, $4.00 per annum. regards "firm to firm" business, closing with January at 348825, Advertising Rates on Application. February at 348875, and March at 348750, whilst March 4's, good- bean Subscriptions and Advertising received by:— soft, bas been dealt in as high as 358300 per 10 kilos. The drought up-country has broken, so that further damage, (Agents for Brazil). for the time-being, is unlikely. WilemaiVs Brazilian Review. '.=.•¦-"?>

12) W1LRMAK'S BRAZftlAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928.

at Santos; COFFEE PRICES CURRENT. 120,381 bags going to the United States, 71,087 bags to Europe and Mediterranean, 4,959 bags to the Plate During and 776 thc week ended 19th January, 1928. bags to the Cape. For the erop to January 19, clearanccs overseas at the two Jan. Ave- 13 14 16 17 16 19 rtge ports amounted to 7,808,048 bags, of which 2,071,867 bags or 27.9 per cent were cleared at Rio and 5,736,181 bags or 72.1 per cent RIO—mllreis at Santos. 10 kilos Compared feret N. 6 24.853 24.921 25.534 25.534 25.534 :5»534 25 318, with the previous erop, clearances overseas at the two ports for the erop to January . N.  24.172 24.240 24.853 24.853 24.853 24.853 24.637 19, show increase of 472,398 bags or 6.4 per cent, accounted • N.  for by decrease of 89,876 bags 23.151 23 219 23.832 23.832 23.832 23.832 23 616 or 4.1 per cent at Rio, but increase of 562,274 bags or 10.8 » N.  per futures, cent at Santos. Of Spot No. 7 .. total clearances overseas at the two ports for the current erop to January 19 of 7,808,048 'ebruary 24.475 24 800 24875 25.075 24.800 24.800124 bags, 4,235,323 bags or 54.2 tanjtary...... 604 per 24.6501•-.4.850! 24.950 25.075' 25.175 24.900 24.925 24 945 cent went to thc United States and 3,572,725 Ma»ch UM a' 25 0501 25175 25.375 25.050 bags or 45.8 per 25.125 25. 104 cent lo other April 24 850 25.075 25.200 25.375 25.050 20.200 25 125 overseas destinations. May 24.850 25.0751 25.250 25.375 25.050 25.225 25 137 Junc 24.825 25.C00 25 075 —bags 25.200 25.H.0 25.200 25 116 Coastwise Clearances Sa leu . 4.0Ü0 31.000 10.000 19.000 15.000 0.000 14.666 at the two ports for erop to Jan. 19, amounled to SANTOS-Milrcls 80,811 bags, as against 104,509 bags for the last per 10 kilos. erop, a shrinkage or 23,698 Spot pr bags or 22.7 per cent. No.  31.5UÜ 32.000 33.000 33.000 33.0C0 33.000 32.583 ot No. 7 30.530 31.000 32.000 Clearances 32.000 32.000 32.000 31.583 overseas from the ports of Rio and Santos during Futures. tre week ended 19th January, 'edruary.. 34.150 34.500 35.000 35.200 34.975 34.825 34.775 1928, and Crop to Date. tmuinry 34.200 34.450 35.000 35.375 34.y75 34 875 34.812 March... 34.250 34.625 Week 35.475 35.475 35.0ü*J 34.750 34.929 Crop to Sales nil 1.000 7.U0U a.uuu 2.000 nil 3 250 19 January ended 19Jan. N YORK, cents Flags:— Bags % Bags Bags per Ib. British Spot Rio No. 6 153/8 to U.S. 924,481 80.6 15 3/8 15 3/8 15 1/2 15 1/2 15 1/3 15 1/2 To Europe . .. 64,532 5.6 35 No. 7 Sundry - 147/8 14 7/8 14 7/8 15 15 15 15 # .... 158,312 13.8 1,523 Spot Santos 4 . No. 213/4 21 3/4 21 3/4 22 22 22 22 -ri •••••'••••*1,147,325 n?íal 14.71,558 No. 7 . 20 20 20 20 1/4 20 1/4 20 1/4 20 14 other FJags—American 2 206,556 28.345,834 Optious: — Brazilian » » 13.68 13,72 1,163,650 14.940,505 March.. 13,85 13.82 13.67 1370 13.74 Ilaliau ‡May 13.57 13,60 13,08 13 05 13.45 13.62 13.57 * . 659,170 8.41,938 ‡September» 13 31 13,35 Iá,á5 ld.JU 13.20 Sçandinavian ‡December» 13 25 13 29 588 462 7.519,430 13.23 I3,»»7 13,^7 13.23 13.10 13 12 13.20 D"tch 492,093 Sales 40.000 40,000 80,000 40.000 30.000 25.Q00 42.500 6.36,141 French 583,049 7.58,900 HAVRE 50 Kilos Gcrman 583,393 7.525,246 francs Japanese March 240,253 3.134,142 4901/4 4931/4 498 502 501 493 1/2 496.33 Belgan May 476 47Í 1/4 482 1/4 485 1/4 484 3/4 477 1/4 480.45 124,170 1.613,508 September 4581/4 4581,2 463 3/4 466 462.10 Spanish i«j,825 December 467 1/4 459 0.2— 4*47 4471/2 452 3/4 456 1/4 455 44(1 1/2 451.10: Finnish jq2 Sales S.000 3,000 15.0U0 Ó.0U0 4.000 3.000 6.000 Total HAMBURO- Rpfg 7,808,048 100.0 197,202 per 1/2 kilo Optioni: — March 73 1/4 78 3/4 79 1/2 80 80 1/2 80 May 79.50 F.O.B. Value 16 i/4 76 3/4 77 1/2 78 7b 1/2 77 3 4 77-45 for Rio and Santos for the week ending Jan. 19, September ... 73 73 1/4 7á 3/4 74 74 1/2 73 3/4 73.70 averaged £5.216 per bag, as against £4.804 for December 71 1/4 71 3/4 72 1/2 73 73 1/2 72 3/4 72.45 the preveious week SalesI and £4.195 1.000 1.000 4.UU0 4.000 9.000 8.000 4.500 for thc same week last year. For the crop to Jan. 19, f.o.b. value for Rio and Santos averaged £4.323 per bag, as* against £4.801 for the same period last crop. Entries nt thc ports of Rio and Santos during the week ending January 19, amounted to 221,417 Coffee Loaded bags, as against 224,808 (embarques) at Rio and Santos for the week bags during the week, or a ending Jan. previous shrinkage of 3,391 bags' or 19, was larger, and amounted to 308,981 bags, as 1.5 per cent, accounted for by decrease^ against 174,489 of 4,781 bags or 10.3 per bags for the previous week and 139,445 bags'for cent at Rio, but increase of 1,390 bags or 0.8 per cent at Santos. thc same week last year. Compnrcd with the same week last year, entries at Rio and* Coffee Sales Santos show shrinknge of 36,705 bags or 14.2 per cent, of which (declarcd) at the ports of Rio and Santos during 5,808 bags or 12.4 cent thc week ending Jan. 19, per at Rio and 30,837 bags or 14.ü per were likewise larger, and amounted cent at Santos. to 238,263 bags, as against 204,170 bags during the previous week and 99,960 bags For the erop to Jan. 19, entries at Rio and Santos amounted during thc same week last year. to 8,363,548 bags, of which 2,463,632 bags or 29.4 per cent at Rio and 5,899,916 Stocks at Rio, Santos and Bahia bags or 70.6 per cent at Santos. on January 19 (excluding Compared interior stocks), show shrinkage of 80,582 with thc same period last erop, entries at the bags, as compared with two January 12, accounted for by decrease ports for thc erop to January 19, show increase of 700,733 of 9,504 bags at Ri0 and 78,060 bags at Santos, but increase bags or 9.1 per cent, accounted for by shrinkage of 1,399 of 6,982 bags at Bahia bags Total or 0.1 cent at Rio, but increase stocks at three ports on the same date were per of 702,132 bags or 13.5 per distributed cent. at Santos. as follows:—

Rio dc Janeiro o^o -,o7 Clearanccs Overseas at the two ports for the week ending Santos 881,284 January 19, amounted to 197,202 bags, as against 251,220 bags Bahia 76,647 for thc previous week and «80,378 bags for thc corresponding week last year. Total stocks, three ports, Jan. 19, 1928.. Of total clearanccs overseas at the two 1,306,068 ports for the week Ditto, January 12, 1928 of 197,202 bags, 22,308 bags were clearcd l,386?65u at Rio and 174,894 bags Ditto, January 20, 1927 1,274 810

'"J-'--'¦¦¦¦¦¦ tov.< -¦:¦:¦ £¦:¦' __

January 26, 1928 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 123 COFFEE CLEARED FROM THEPORTS OF RIO AND SANTOS. Total Crop°19_í_f,or2fiPo7t0 19 Ja?""ryo_ 1925-26 °""1926"271927-28Inc.orDcc.Week19 ended Jan. United States 6,768,390 6,935,3794,043 9174,235 France 1,306,455 323°+ ^S4.7120 289 French Possessions 143,898 1MA.2B1a?5781Mm245<25447.28625 Italy ]\'\ 1,014,172 Fiume «umr??'ííJ103004 19>992te*i 9,800 *'**4<375«25a3,750.85.7_ United Kingdom 18,005 British Posses: discriminated) 2794.60451.8 (ex 16,653 }3,78613,6049 8,8834436,5654 2,87830.5 Canadá 28,460 22,23712,06217,4255 1,450 36344.5_ Tangiers 750 South África 200.286 1R7M?187,691125.486113117,9761887,510A ««.4- Egypt ...( 66,207 6.0775 Belgium 281,989 o2'-í5426755ÍU1316<43838.5- Holland 974,688 lllnei898,667128'176491.019509.555173'02218,5364484(í 35.012,508 Denmark 158,924 3.86,141 Norway . . 42,310 ?5'?«ín1'73990-23«r>21,50419.2- Sweden 482,212 aVAJ,2fi6(5829'0832>415 9*1350 444,592275 415254118²21297 7 16 869 Spain and Colonies 29,197 49,96220.37649,07028,694140.8- Portugal and Islands 34,221 34,97220,64320,7841410.785 Plate and Pacific 407.021 458,594237,288227.559²9,7294.14 Japan and East 959 798 !'2475011,252751148.0' 92 Finland 101,370 111,88489,02150,6143840743.1625 Syria 500 1,00143850²38889.0— Switzerland Greece and Crete 23,055 24,84916,91711,7485*46930.6- Smyrna 5.375 8,9506 3885,115²1,27319.9— Roumania 11,437 10,8667.2753 259²4,016552— Bulgária 1,575 3,1262,3759381,43760.5— Palestine 25 Dantzig, Port of 2,375 3.0001,6871,000²68740.7— Turkey 21.615 37,06826,32031 2724,95218.8— Germany 551,908 849,275448,618492,5404-43,9229.823,946 Tripoli 126 689564188²37666.7—

Total 12,705.247 12,832,903 7,3.15,650 7,808 048 + 472,398 6.4 197.202 Coastwise 153,887 171,110 104,509 80,811 — 23,698 22.7 2,657

Grand Total 12,859,134 13,004,013 7,440,159 7 888,859 448,700 6.0 199,859

The Movement of Coffee at the Port of Santos during the 2,500 bags were dedueted from stocks at the close of December month of December, 1927, and the first half of the 1927-28 crop last for local consumption. was as follows:— Santos 4s were quoted at 31 $000 per 10 kilos throughout the In bags of 60 kilos month of December, unchanged, as compared with November last. Crop DecemberNovember 1 July-31 Dec. Êntries . . 758,3151,031,613 5,424,299 Visible Supply in the United States. The United States stocks Shipments (embarques) . .. 948,835783,865 5,318,349 deliveries and visible supply on Jan. 24, 1928, were as follows, Glearances 950,655842,760 5,347,397 in bags of 60 kilos: stocks 514,000 bags, deliveries 161,000 bags; Stock (close of month)..:.. 957,7101,152,500 visible supply 1,178,000 bags including afloat, as against 529,000 Sales (declared) 975,000655,000 5,327,000 bags, 195,000 bags and 1,105,000 bags respectively on January 17, Clearances are descriminatèd as follows: and 573,000 bags, 158,000 bags, and 1,114,000 bags on Jan. 25, 1927. Crop December November 1 July-31 Dec. Overseas . . 949,879842,057 5,339,761 Havre Stocks on January 21, were as follows, in bags of 60 Coastwise 776703 7,636 kilos: Brazil sorts 216,000 bags, other sorts 160,000 bags, total 376,000 bags, as against 215,000 bags, 150,000 bags and 365,000 bags Total 950,655 842,760 5,347,397 respectively on January 14, and 67,000 bags, 133,000 bags and 200,000 bags on January 22, 1927.

COST AND FREIGHT QUOTATIONS. The quotations are as follows:— American, Brazilian and Cost and Freight Prices. Rio7s. Near Victoria Victoria R'o 7s.Rio 7s.SantosSantosRate SpotMonth 7/8s. 7/8s. f.o.b. ResCents4. Reis4. CentsFreight Exchange St oreN. York Reis per Cents PerPer lb.PerPer lb.Cents N. YorkOptions Arroba Perlb. Arrobaf.o.b.10 kilosf.o.b.Perbag 1928. Pence Dollars cents cents January 7th 127/128 81225 14 3/4 13.30 278000 12.30 35.00013.5031165020.0060.00 January 13th 8$210 14 3/4 13.54 278200 12.70 35$50013.7032$75020.6060.00 January 19 th 6 1/128 8$210 1513.65 28$500 12.90 36850013.903_$25020.9060.00

(NOTE. Quotations for the whole of the year 1927 have have been puhlished in supplement form. Any reader desiring to obtain a copy of this supplement need only apply to the Editor),

£*¦*¦-,¦„. '.<•'¦¦• ¦(' ...... ,. .,..,,. . ... JSSHBF*":*.>•• ;' *

iSS 124 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928.

- •¦-. 'T*?*,* C,rcu,ar of December "New i i f°'8 30, 1927 Contract and, during the day, March and December ** Y°,k C°ffCC & SU1Í- ***& sold about even. The nmeeting H : 7,1 £.- At . continued willingness of various interests to receive the Victoria o£ the meròbers „f the New York Coffee and Sutfar \x coffees which were lendered in December was rather unexpected • - because ins ** «*&£ —D this transaction in itself shows small possibility of „• :ru,Ro" ^°f was approved. cltr l l Xw,"a,'d '*,l,,mv"ns ^n^crs, c"""'"ciD- The new profit. Carrying charges begin immediately on Exchange de- ^ & *» *°1 Jiver.es and, in view of the fact that Victoria shippers 1cantos T:íT coffee, grading 1IUI"fromTv,,(.ijpe 2 ... Tv r • i • continue ii,*¦-..¦;-..«» ^ to lype 0. inclusive, nrov ded Io offer at about íhe the average grade sh-ili «A»u LP,aí»«-. pioyiaea parity of our market, there seems to be ah')Vt' b|)c :{ below Noihi.w ¦,c noi- Tvpe 5 no immcdiate prospect of a premium for this class of coffee. , ,H.vc-, Therefore, it would appear thal the only opportunity for « avernging above No. profit 3 grade. n.-,s s is No 4 on this business is wait ">th differences or ' lo for a market improvement, which deduetions for other grades as follows:' could have been secured just as well by transferring the December No. on . . contracts lo a later month. 80 points above However, as a mensure of support NO,. 3 ....rn • . for the market it was very 50 points above successful and, instead of a spell of No weakness tBasisn each time following thc circulation of tenders, we had °' !> a steady market which • 50 points below gainéd strength as the month progressed. } On December 21 st a cable ...." 100 points below was received here stating that re- ceipts in Rio were subject Thc coffee to suspension because thc stock in to be fair to good roast, sOfl. Rio exceeds The present con 360,000 bags. Beginning December 22nd no receipts ™ were reporled and a cable was received ~ore, wfth here stating that entries thc s„,ne differenees lha, have would he _ , suppressed entirely until the stock is reduced to 250,000 he Present „„,,. Sanios eoffee „„,v he delivered „gSt Con" bags. On December 27th, wít_ a iwcl A. ns usual, without 352,(100 bags stock, receipts reference to the roast or drink Were resumed. As We received a cable from Mr. Paul Nortz on ls well known. the present contract was drawn up many December 22nd stating that the next crop &" years ago, when the large., Rio was estimated at erop of eoffee produeed 2% million bags. crop was he Rio The following day a cable was received here a„d for thai reason Rio No. 7 was se.eetod as the bas s stating that an estimate of 2% million bags "Centro had been published hy the do Com méreio de Café do " I S.„rto. has no, only Rio de Janeiro." produeed the Iargesl erops of c„rr0, Another cable from <;•;; - Rio stated that the market was very firm pas, 25 years., ¦ea,, has on account 'Mlf produeed ,„„,, than one- of purchases for account of the Institute of the world s produetion amounting and, roughly, three times the' to 10(1,001) bags current month. >.»"„,. grown in Rio. Morepver, i„ the smal, We have pas, „„an,i received a number of letlers rece.ülv from friends >n the interior of Brazil and they ali agree that nn extent that was ali oul of lhe crop prospecfs proportion to the amount of eoffee for next year are very unsatisfactory. ';;;::: utp\ pn,ciic""-van "lhe Mr. Paul Nortz writes: w* ->• cu™<«- wealher for the next crop js Very unfavorablc. yen. pnces rhere have been under After the influence of Victoria, with lhe very heavy rains '"•'* yí"'"' CS,Í"""<'" !" '•2nn-00n some time ago, we now have a very dry ua«' ""< ot • totãl spell. The development of thc world_S_ s produet.on" of young branches leaves much to 30,000,000 bags,^sürely a case of hc dcsired. Vjagglng lhe [.il Furihermore, although of no significance the dog, There was a feeling in great at many „,„„,,.,, ., , end of November we had a - rae, was outgrown much delayed cold wave." and. in answer ,„ the deo.and Recent articles "Wlleman's J; > theçon t adc 4a' in lhe Brazilian Review" indicate for some hmc. it has been decided to introduce lhe that thc situation so far as money new eontraet hn, ,„ ,,„,. ,„, is concerned is somewhat old one as weii. ObjeoHons I, v easier, but there heen raised ,„ have heen many failures and much commercial the pas, ,, ,u,enl_,d (.„„h,u, „„ :l paper has been protested for non-acceptance the possible difficulties lha, mighl and non-payment arisc oxving to the differences In thc last issue received there is an arfele commenting on the balance sheet of the Bank <>f lu- fact thal m.lhons of Brazil for October 31st, 1927 and *;>' of bags of eoffee are imported scvcrely w> h yenrly criUcizing whal is referred ;«, as a sofl doscrjplion, we do noi believe an illegal act whèrebv thal the graders and L2,5GOO00 of gold the deposit to guarantee the Bank's note circula- hnve »'<.n had heen translerred lo the "Caixa anv d,fh,„n.v in an-iv„, ,,, settlemenl de Kslabilisaçao» where . whenever „ wil probahly be used question comes up. to serve a similar purposc for that .nstduhon, therehy doing double With fixed differences as duty. The article continues: provided in this new eontraet the We are of the opinion d, r,,,,os „, that the Governnienfs departurc «,,„, „„ ,„„ m,,SS!1,i|v al>vays from '^ Ke. d.fferenee the caulious policy adopled up t() rccently m value hetween grades; therefore, demands an contract if the explanation, for, unless this disturbing were in force lo-dáy and deliveries prpeess is fully Justified, were made, i, is Uio future of stab.lization e,y hkely Ll.nl the tenders of the currency will be hindered wonld grade very close to 5, hecause lhe by nt he laek of confidence."• present time the aetual difference in value hetween No 4 The daily offers from Victoria and No. á is nearer 100 lhan fifly al about our parity have served points, wherens, if No Vis to check thc advancng -dèivcred against the new tendency of our market at contracl, the penalty will be onlv times Con- nta. 50 sidermg íhe aeüvity 0f lhe Defcnse po However, this will no doubl he taken Committee in Santos'and in care of in the "<>, .t l. rather shange pr.ee of the new conhae. when that we lu.vc heard of no trading begins, T, is expected "n "TT"1 move to regulale 1hat the new coptracl will |Je nu-ch "f ihe Vicl "'h'c'"" <;ost aml mor, satisfactory to the '.""' '•"i'"i«hl««- coffee trade in general, as il **?tym '¦<">< will more nearly approxtíate the IX.niglier. Í,'TÍ BÍM, are 5„,newhat value of consuming WI,\\ tll descnbcd Santos 4S are ofer.vt ni «,.;,. grades of coffee and, therefore, will ')ir, oi.tud at prices ¦ ranguig flncluate fromO" 21%cto tn 21%c. Ríon, Uth those grades rather than with "Tradintr 7s are very firm and are not Rios and Victorias belpw U:10 offered the new contract will O & F, althongl, „„ a,co„n, ()f begin earlv next year, the exact date ||)c.™ |n- to Ingh „rn,.s asUed for Rios, sales announced later and i. will then be neeessarv have been Umitod V when transmit- ¦ Hs have „,,,, tor . mg orders to state whether M,_n, a| ,275(. ,„ ^^ f.p ; lhe old or the new eonlract is re- " ferred to." demand ,s aga.n .omew_, qüiéter due to ihe holiday sea Thc but pnces are firm for desirahle liquidation of December c(,ntracts continued coffee There has ni until lhe -Her in ,he O.io.nhian «al day for trading on si.na.ioa as a„ reeen December 23rf; üp to a day or two arrZs^Z H'fore d.sappeared, leaving the avaMahle that dale December sold al à —i ..-,-.'"i'i'»««.ssuppíies as scarcefÉl! as ovpv premium varying from 10 lun. ,s a httle .'o 15 po nls above March. more interes, in eoffee for laier On lhe last day, however 17 notices husness shipoen, »lúi were .ssued, ,s ,,,„,e,ed l,v the searci,y „r causing the reiiiaining lon.us who did not ,M,,,, >>frJ ££ wish to cen ber-January shipment Mcdelli„ receive, to sell out their contracls Excelso so](1 \t tíf and, as ali the urgent short n.zales at 28%c, ^e" covering had Honda-Girardot a, 28^ been completed by that time, premiums disappeared For unrv r S Uary slrpment. Honda-Girardot l. sold -nl'"o -- i----i ^«_aiat ^oc,-._ucaiamanga28c Buca at 2f)C-26%é,

^ . ¦-, ». i-. *,*•**».. , , -.;¦-..' i*?.» ,

¦._"-*¦"¦* "«#*..,• *\ '¦ - mfa »¦ '*¦

January 26, 1928.! WILEMÀN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. fi$ -¦__-_-_-_-_-______^..,..-..-. _____ --——.. .,_.1—

Good Washed Guatemala sold 25%c at for Dccember-January COFFEE SAILED. shipmènt and 25t fòr January-February shipment. Honda coffee on thc~ spot'i.s ífiroted at 29%c, Mffniífülès at 29t_c, Mèdellins at During the week ended 19th January, 1928 30c, good Santos 4s are valued at 21-%c-22c, Rio 7s át 14-Wc and In bagt of slxty kilos. Victoria 7/8s at 13% to 13%c. EUROPE fr TOTAL We look fòr a demand UNITED RIVER OTHER CKOP good aftcr the turn of the ycar which PORTS MEDITER- COAST CAPE POR STATES PLATE PORTS TO DATI .§9 should result in a continu-Ancè of the present finn tendencv RANEAN WEEK -*U*l_fa Rio 6.078 11.469 2.650 3.986 775 24.958 2.144.907 Santos.... 114.303 59.618 7 973 174.901 5.743.992

COFFEE STATISTICS. 1927/1928.' 120.381 71.087 2.667 4.959 775 199.859 7.888.859 1 1926/1927.. 33.841 41.680 2.820 4.997 63 198 BNTRIBS. 7.4401594

During the week OUR OWN STOCK. ended 19th January, 1928. 77 In bags of sixty kllòs. RIO- Stock on Jan. 12 1928. 357.64 FOR THE WEEK ENDED FOR THE CROP TO Entries during week ended Jan. 19 1928. 4142 399.065 19 Loaded (Embarques), for week ended Jan' 19 1928 50.928 Jan. Jan. 12 Jan. 20 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Local on 1928 1927 .927 1928 1927 consumption Jan. 12 1928 STOCK AT RIO ON Jan. 191928.*. 348.137 Central & Leopoldina) SANTOS —Stock on Jau. 12 1928 959.344 By rail 41 421 43.718 47.277 2.298.830 2 339.805 Entries for week ended Jan. 19 1928 179.993 Coastwlse. 3 2.487 15 164 802 129.226 1.139.337 Loaded (embarques) during same week Jan. 19 1928 298.053 STOCK AT SANTOS ON 19 1928 881.284 Total Rio. 41.424 46*209 47.292 2 463.63. 2.469031 Jan. BAHIA —Stock on 12 1927 69.669 Jan. -& Santos ... 179.993 178.603 210.830 5.899.916 5.197.784 Entries during week ended Jan. 19 1928. 10-080 79.745 Total Rio & Santos. 221.417! 224.808 258.122 8.363.548 7.662.815 Ciearances during saine week 3.098 Stock at Bahia ou Jan. 19 1928 76.647 Stook ab Rio, Santos and Bahia Jan. 19 1928.. 1.306.068 The total entries by the different S. Paulo Railways for the Crop to jan. 19 dodododoJan. 12 1927.. 1.386.650 were as follows: dodododoJan. 201928... 1.274.810 Per Rciiiainiii Past Sorocabana Total atTotal at at lundiahy and others S. PauloSantos S. Paulo 1927/1928 4.405 325 1.480.816 5.887 1415.899.916 1926/1927 4.083 036 1.112.392 5.199.4285.197.784 MANIFESTO OF COFFEE.

RIO DE JANEIRO. f-s _(._ SALES OF COFFEE (DECLARED). During the week ended 19th January, 1928. During the week ended 19th January, 1928. Jan.19/1928Jan. 12 1928 Jan.20 1927 4-/1—C. Sa lies—-Mont evidéo McKinlay & Go. 100 Rio.... 47.263 44.170 22 960 Santos 191.000 160 000 77.000 12/1—Ouessant—Havre . Ornstein & Co 250 Total 233.263 204 170 99.96 Dltto Alfred Sinner & Co. 250 Ditto—Nantes Ferrari, Souza & Co 125

625 12/1—Alcântara—Lisbon . ... McKinlay & Co 50 COFFEE LOADED (EMR ARQUES). Ditto—Durban McKinlay & Co 100 Ditto Ä Ornstein & Co SO During the week ended 19th January, 1928. Ditto—Cape Town Alfred Sinner & Co. 250 In bags of sixty kilos. DlttoÄ McKinlay & Co 50 DittoÄ Hard, Rand & Co 25 DURINO WEEK ENDED FOR THE CROP TO Ditto—East London Hard. Rand & Co.... 250 Ditto—Port Elisabeth ... McKinlay & Co 25 McKinlay & Co 25 Jan. 19 )an. 12 Jan. 20 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Ditto—Mossel Bay 1928 1928 1927 1928 1927 mê 825 Theodor Wille St Co'. 1,250 Rio.... U/l—Ant. Delfino—Hamburg 50.928 32.239 40.417 2.294.676 2.341.298 Tude Irmão & Co.... 250 Santos 253 053 142.250 99.028 5.874.985 5.441.263 DittoÄ Ditto., Hard, Rand & Co. .. 54 Total Rio 8- Santos. 308.98! 174.489 139.445 8.169.661 7.782.561 1.554 * &vm 14/1—Lima—Halmstad . Rebello Alves & Co250 VALUE OF COFFEE CLEARED FOR FOREIGN PORTS. DittoÄ Theodor Wille & Co ....125 Ditto.. McKinlay & Co125 Co1,000 During the week ended 19th January, 1928. Ditto—Stockholm Ornstein & Ditto E. G. Fontes & Co750 In bags of sixty kilos. Ä Ditto Hard, Rand & Co500 Ditto Rebello Alves & Co-.*..125 Jan.12 Jan. 12 Jan. 5 Crop to Jan. 12/1928 Dltto„ McKinlay & Co125 1928 Ían.5928 1928 1928 Ditto Langard Menezes 24 Bags Bags £ £ Bags Ditto—Carlskrona , Theodor Wille & Co125 RÍO; 22.308 52.626 85.251 194.170 2.071.867 7.I6Í.955 Ditto—Helsingfors Ornstein & Co375 Ditto„ Theodor Wille & Co. ....125 Santos 174.894 198.594 943.427 1.012.805 26 590.581 _5 736J8I Ditto E. G. Fontes & Co125 Total 1927/1928. 197.202J 251.220 1.028.678 1.206.975 7.808,048, 33.752 526 Ditto—Helsingborg Hard, Rand & Co125 do 1926/1927 80.378 499.183 337.161 2.237.744 7.335.650 35.222.078 Ditto—Gothenburg Ornstein & Co375 Pitto„ E. G. Fontes & Co.250 ?5*_' r.^'^:*"-^ "*** ' P?iJÇ*§Jpr*-^^^^»*i\i\y' * - ' -lP||j||

¦¦".- ¦¦-'¦'t^#í11 126 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW, January 26, 1928.

Ditto Alfred Sinner ft Co 250 Ditto McKinlay & Co 250 CHARQEURS RÉUNIS ET SUD-ATLANTIQUE í 5,024 15/1— Steigerwald—B. Aires Theodor Wille ft Co 850 PASSENOER SERVICE Ditto—Rosário ...... •. Theodor Wille ft Co...... 100 The Lnxurioua Liner pob umi pu ti PM IUMPI

¦<-'*¦ ' ':;-r'' 950 í H>.•-,***' v 15/1- -Valparaiso—B Aires Pinto Lopes & Co 1,000 March. 6 LUTEM March. 17 Ditto „ Tude Irmão & Co 325 Ditto m Norton Megaw & Co 114 Ditto Alfred Sinner & Co.. 100 "Cuisine"-Maximum Ditto Ferrari, Souza & Co. 47 The Best Comfort. Ditto—Montevidéo Fraga Irmãos & Co... 200 Ditto„ Vivacqua Irmãos & Co 100 WttoÄ Serafim Fernandes ... 50 11 & 13 Avenida Rio Branco. 1,936 TELEPHONE: NORTE 6.207 16/1—La PlataMarú—N. OrleansOrnstein & Co .. 750 DittoÄ ‡Klo McKinlay & Co 500 dc Janeiro —— DittoÄ E. G. Fontes & Co 500 Ditto Pinto & Co 250 10/1—Ouessant—Havre ...... Theodor Wille & Co2,000 2.000 Ditto Picone & Filhos, Ltd1,000 16/1—Tunisier—Ajutwerp Ä Theodor Wille ft Co 1,125 Ditto Almeida Prado & Co1,000 DAto Sion Ä „ & Co 785 DItto Ä E. Johnston & Co500 Ditto . McKinlay ft Co 250 Ditto Hard, Rand & Co 83 4,500 10/1—Mendoza—Marseilles . . Hard, Rand & Co1.125 2.243 DittoÄ E. Johnston & Co1,125 17/1—Mcnapier—B. Aires Pinheiro Ladeira & Co 1,000 DittoÄ Naumann, Gepp & Co. ...500 -N. Ditto Ä Cia. Prado Chaves500 17/1—Elkhorn- Orleans E. G. Fontes ft Co1,250 DIttoÄ The Asiatic Trading Co...125 Ditto Oswaldo Tardim & Co700 DittoÄ Jessouroun Irmão 125 Ditto Pinto ft Co500 Ditto Pinto Lopes & Co500 Ditto 3 500 Cia, Santista de Exportação300 10/1—Jaboatão—N. Orleans .. Vicri S/A6.500 Ditto„ Cia. Paulista de Exportação2,2e0 3,250 Ditto„ Almeida Prado & Co2,000 17/1—Demerara—Lisbon . .. Ornstein & Co. 35 DittoÄ...... A. Ferreira ft Co1.000 DIttoJ A. S. Michelet1,000 18/1—Pssa. Giovanna—Genoa Fraga Irmãos & Co Ditto„ Cia. Paulista Ditto 375 de Exportação757 Ä Battermann ft Co 375 Ditto„ Theodor Wille & Co750 Ditto__ McKinlay & Co ¦ Ditto„ fe"5"' Leme DittoÄ 125 Cia. Ferreira645 Ornstein & Co DittoÄ...... Sion Ditto 125 & Co500 Tude Irmão & Co Ditto_. Ditto—Llvorno 125 Cia. S. Paulo de Export.500 Theodor Wille & Co 125 Ditto, Lima Nogueira & Co500 Ditto—NapLas Castro Silva & Co..'. DittoP Ditto 250 Sampaio Bueno ft Co500  Tude Irmão & Co., Ditto„ Ditto 125 Rangel Oliveira & Co500 Ä Ornstein & Co 125 Ditto„ Naumann, Gepp ft Co500 Ditto Ä Rebello Alves & Co Ditto__ Ditto—Tunia 125 Oliveira. Osório & Co250 Theodor Wille ft Co 63 DIttom Roge Ferreira & Co 250 Ditto„ Andrade .Tunrrueira & Co..250 ¦ . 1 938 Ditto„ Soe. Nacional Exportadora250 18/1—Southern Cross—N. York American Coffee Corp Ditto„ DItto 533 Baccarat & CoJ50 ü. Pinto Lopes & Co....].'..' 295 19.152 828 10/1—Lima—Stockholm . J. Aron ft Co1,450 jjp.'Ã.-- ."- Ditto„ Franco Soares ft Co1,157 Total Overseas 22,308 Ditto„ Cia. Prado Chaves838 il* Ditto„ Leon Israel & Co500 Ditto„ Hard, Rand & Co4OO SANTOS Ditto„ S. A. Levy375 Ditto„ Andrade Junqueira ft Co.250 Ditto„ Baccarat ft Co250 Ditto„ Nossack During the week ended 19th January, 1928. & Co250 Ditto„ S. Nacioanal Exportadora250 Ditto„ Rangel 9/1- -M. Olivia—Hamburg Cia. Prado Oliveira & Co. ...:250 Chaves.'.. 1,772 Ditto„ Almeida Ditto S. A. Levy Prado & CoJ25 1,750 Ditto„ Cia. Paulista Ditto Nossack & Co*.',!! de Exportação125 Ditto 1,000 Ditto„ Cia. S. Paulo de Export..125 Lima Nogueira & Co.V..'.. Ditto„ Ditto 875 Ennor & Cia., Ltd.12J Martins, Wright & Co. ... 750 Ditto„ Martins, Ditto Theodor Wright & Co....125 Wille ft Co 627 Ditto—Gothenburg Cia. Paulista Ditto Leon Israel & Co.' de Exportação625 625 Ditto„ Franco Soares & Co625 Ditto Ä...., Hard, Rand ft Ço...... i.i Ditto„ Ditto 375 Cia. Prado Chaves625 J. C Mello ft Co.-..> 250 Ditto„ Hard, DHte Cia. Paulista Rand & Co(25 de Exportação 250 Ditto. S. A. Levy5qq Ditto P Naumann. Gepp ft Co 125 Ditto„ Leon Israel & Co375 DItto S. Nacional Exportadora.. Dittow Ditto 125 Cia. S. Paulo de Export.250 E. Struckmeyer & Co. ... 125 Ditto„ Lima Nogueira Ditto—Oslo Theodor Wiíle & Co...... 250 & Co 350 Ditto„ Andrade Junqueira Ditto—Stettin Leon Israel & & Co..125 Co.... 250 Ditto„ Theodor Wille Dittom & Co125 .... Naumann, Gepp & Co125 0,249 Ditto—Ge_le Franco Soares & 9/1—Avon—B. Aires Freire Barros Dittp_ Co250 & Co. 100 Cia. Paulista de Exportação125

¦*'¦:' mm^Wssstj BHh8K';''* *'¦'' ¦ r-'*-í!?_^!^Rí^_nÇ^^^_P''3«.í.!'.i ¦':"'.';íShM_^


Dltto-. 0.....»_* Lima Nogueira & Co125 Ditto Nossack & Co,.. 1375 Dl tto—Helsingborf Hard, Rand & Go.250 ¦^ Dltto >••••••• Cia. Leme Ferreira 1,550 Dltto ...... S. A. Levy...... 125 Ditto Ditto—Malmoe A. S. Nacioanal Exportadora 1,500 S. Levy125 Ditto Hard, Hand Ditto Leon Israel St Co 1,250 Ä A Co125 Dltto E. Struckmeyer Ditto © Nossack & Cof..125 & Co 1,250 Dltto Cia. Brasileira de Ditto— NorkotpJnf Theodor Wille & Co125 Café... l.OUO '-7. Dltto A. Ferreira _fc Co, Ditto—Carlskrona Theodor Wille & Co125 750 Ditto Raphael Sampaio St Co... 750 . ___. Lima Nogueira & Co.125 Ditto The Asiatic Trading Co... 750 Ditto Almeida Prado 6t Co 750 12,470 Ditto Bartholomei Serra & 11/1—West Selenè—Boston .. Hard, Rand & Co2,250 Co.. 501 Dltto S. A. Levy 500 DlttoÄ American Coffee Corp2,000 Ditto Dltto Oliveira, Osório & Ço. .. 500 Ä Leon Israel & Co2,000 Dltto Ennor Dltto Raphael Sampaio & Cia., Ltd.. 500 Ä & Co...2,000 Dltto Theodor Wille Ditto Naumann, Gepp St Co 340 & Co500 Dltto Freire Barros & Co Ditto—Philadelphia .... Theodor Wille & Co2.500 300 Ditto Cia, Paulista de Exportação 250 Dato . Ä A. Ferreira & Co1,500 Ditto Silva, Ditto Cia. Leme Ferreira & Co 250 Ä Ferreira750 Ditto Leite & Santos Ditto Martins. Wright 250 Ä & Co....440 Ditto Sampaio Bueno & Co Ditto Ennor & Cia., Ltd250 250 Ä uitto E. Johnston & Co Ditto Ä Freire Barros S. Co250 250 Ditto S. Mogyaua Export., Ltd. 250 Dltto Baccarat & Co 250 14,440 11/1—Zijldijk—Rotterdam . .. Hard, Rand & Co 1,250 JJitloÄ Theodor Wille & Co 1,000 14/1—Darro- -B. Aires ___ma Nogueira ¦-¦: Ditto & Co 340 :**__! Ä Cia. S. Paulo de Export. 877 Ditto B- ••• • Eugênio lauher Dltto Ä Leon Israel & Co Dltto 158 848 •• J. B. Oliveira 100 Dltto Ä E. Johnston & Co 600 Ditto  Negrão & Co 500 Dltto P Naumann, Gepp & Co. 14/1—Tunisier- -Antwerp 598 ... 441 Cia. Leme Ferreira 2,206 Dltto Ä Almeida Prado & Co 250 li UlO Hard, Kand & Co. •••••• 2,137 Ditto  Martins, Wright & Du lo Co.... 250 Naumann, üepp & Co....- 1,712 Ditto Ä Sampaio Bueno __. Co..... 125 Dltto Nioac & Co 1,125'605 , >* Dltto Nossack & Cot.. 6,141 Ditto Ferreira 13/1—Ant. Delfino—Hamburg Rmvo & Co 500 Theodor Wille & Co 2.919 Dltto Theodor Wille DittoP Ditto & Co 5u0 Cia. Prado Chaves 2,413 E. Johnston & Co Ditto Ä...... Leon Israel & Co 2,000 Dltto 375 Ditto Andrade Junqueira & Co.. 375 Ä Cia. S. Paulo Exportação. 1,250 Ditto ...... S. A. Levy Ditto  S. 250 A. Levy 1,036 Ditto J. Aron & Co. Dltto Ä Almeida Prado St Ditto 250 Co 750 Raphael Sampaio & Co!!! Dltto Ä Lima Nogueira & Co 625 Ditto 125 Ditto J. B. Oliveira Ä Hard, Rand __. Co 500 45 Ditto Ä Raphael Sampaio & Co... 500 Ditto P Bartholomei 10,165 Serra & Co.. 250 15/1—Atalaia—N. York Sion & Co Dltto  Cia, Paulista de Exportação 250 DIUO„ 4,025 Dltto Theodor Wille & Co!!!.'!! Ä E. Struckmeyer & Co. ... 250 Ditto„ Sampaio 2,809 Dltto Bueno & Co..!!! 2,750 P Nossack & Co 250 üuio„ Leite & Santos Ditto Ä Sion & Co Ditto„ 1,500 Ditto 250 Cia. Leme Ferreira  Freire Barros & Co 125 Ditto„ 1,250 Dltto A. Ferreira & Co Ä Naumann, Gepp & Co 125 Ditto„ Almeida 1,125 irado A Co.....! 1,050 Ditto„ Andrade Junqueira & Co.. 1,000 13,493 Ditto„ S. Nacioanal 14/1—La Plata Marú—N. OrleansSilva, Exportadora 750 Ferreira & Co 4,150 Ditto„ Naumaah, üepp DittoÄ Hard, Rand & c_o 750 & Co 3,875 Ditto„ Nossack & Cot.. Ditto Ä Martins, Wright 750 & Co.... 1,850 Dltto„ Arbuckle & Co..!!!!!!!.'.! Ditto Ä Picone & Filhos, 044 Ltd 1,750 Ditto. J. Aron & Ditto „ Lima Nogueira Co7.7.. 500 & Co 1^550 Ditto_ Ferreira Ruivo Ditto  E. Johnston & Ditto„ & Co 400 Co 1.500 Martins, Wright & Dltto Ä Cia, Paulista de Exportação Ditto_ Co..!. 350 Ditto 1,500 S. Mogyana Exportadora. 250 Ä Sampaio Bueno & Co 1.250 Ditto„ Cia. S. Paulo de Export. 250 Ditto Ä S. Nacional Exportadora.. 1,000 Dltto Ditto Cia, Paulista de Exportação 250 Ä Nossack & Co,.. 1,000 Ditto„ Ditto Franco Soares & Co 250 Ä Almeida Prado & Co 750 Ditto Ä J. Aron & Co Ditto 750 21,253 P M. C. Coelho & Co 750 DiltoÄ A. Ferreira & Co 500 15/1—Formose—Montevideo Lima Nogueira & Ditto Ä Theodor Wille Ditto—Buenos Co 150 Dltto & Co 250 Aires Lima Nogueira & Co Ä Naumann, Gepp & Co 125 DHto 250 E. Struckmeyer & ... w* Ditto—Galveston Co..... 250 Theodor Wille & Co 275 DUto 3,000 Ä Naumann, Gepp & Co 2,000 Total Overseas Ditto Ä Almeida Prado & Co 174,894 Ditto 1,625 Ä S. Nacional Exportadora.. 1,250 Dltto ...... E. Johnston SANTOS—COASTWISE. Ditto & Co 1,000 Ä Sampaio Bueno & Co 250 Ditto—Sgangai Eduardo M. Hafers...... 42 During the week ended 19th January, 1928. Ditto—Yokohama Hachiya & Irmão Ditto—Kobe 25 Hachiya & Irmão 25 7/1—Itaquera—Rio Grande ... Oswaldo Machado 5 H/l—Elkhorn—N. 32.142 10/1—C. Vasconcellos—Rio ... Cia. Leme Ferreiraa1 Orleans ... Naumann, Gepp & Co 4,500 Dittom S/A Ditto„ Yicri 2,750 11/1—Itapacy—Itajahy Cia. Prado American Coffee Corp Chaves~ 1 Ditto Ä•.-.... 2,250 Leon Israel ___ Co 2,000 Total Coastwise ~

_.._.,.>*,•,, I,j______

¦ s>

¦ ;«. . *%y w W1LÊMAN'S brazilian review. January 2tí, ld28.

VICTORIA. Rio Santos Total Mello & Co., J. &T-* 16,323 16,323 During thc week ended 19th January, 1928. Mac Kinlay & Co10,933 I 10,933 Mac Laughlin & Co— 7,400 7,400 13/1—Poconé—Havre Ornstein ft Co1,125 Martins Wright & Co— 30,426 30,426 Ditto r Vivacqua Irmãos & Co250 Mourão Tapié & Co— 606 606 Ditto—Antwerp Cruz, Sobrinhos & Co125 Mogyana Export. Ltd., 6 —,, L617 1,617 Ditlo—Alsace Vivacqua Irmãos & Co125 Naumann Gepp & Co — 50,350 50,350 Ditto—Hamburg Ornstein & Co500 Nioac & Co— 6,215 6,215 Ditto „ Vivacqua Irmãos & Co....6'J Norton Megaw & Co1,538 - 1,538 Ditto  O. „ Santos & FilhosSOO Nossack & Co— 15,336 15,336 Origenes Tormin & Co— 400 400 2,688 Ornstein & Co73,524 73,524 M/l— Zijldick—Rotterdam Hard, Rand & Co 750 Pereira da Silva & Co— 750 750 Picone, Filhos lfi/1—Lima—Gothenburg & Co— 14 777 14,777 . .,,.Hard, Rand & Co125 Pinto & Co4 Ditto m o. 489 4,489 Santos & Filhos 125 Pinto Lopes & Go17 Ditto—Stockholm Hnrd, Rand 329 17,329 & Co375 Pinheiro Ladeira & Co1,075 Ditto O. L075 „ Santos & Filhos375 Rabcllo Alves & Co3,213 Ditto A. 750 3,963 „ Prado & Co250 Roberto Silva & Co_ Ditto—Abo Vivacqua Irmãos & Co....125 600 600 Sampaio & Co., Raphael — 11,388 11,388 Sampaio Bueno & Co— 19,659 19,659 1.375 Struckmeyer ( 17/1—Jaboatão—N.Orleans Vianna Leal 7,830 7,830 & Co3,^50 Serafim Fernandes & Co574 :N DUtoÄ O. Santos & Filhos1,250 574 DittoÄ Silva Ferreira & Co_ 30.342 30,342 Oliveira Brothers 500 Sion & Co455 DittoÄ Hard, 29 525 29,980 Rand & Co£00 Theodor Wille & Co62,172 DUtoP Ornstein & Co250 67,221 129,393 Toledo Assumpção & Co Ditto Vianna Leal & Co125 125 125 Tude Irmão & Co10,054 10,954 Vicri, Soe. Anon_ 17 692 17,692 5 875 Vivacqua Irmãos 18/1 — La Plata Maru—N. OrlcansHard, & Co26 339 26,339 Rand & Co..4675 Eugênio Tauber Ditto— Galvestòn Hard, 615 615 Rand & Co...25Ü Soe. Nacional Exportadora Dltto O. Santos Ltd... 21,191 21,191 & Filhos 250 Comp. Leme Ferreira 18,936 18 936 Ramon Sanchez & Co 147 5,175 Rangel Oliveira 147 1,750 1,750 Rocha & Co.__ Total Overseas 15,863 2,461 2,461 Comp. Commissaria Mineira 685 Comp. 685 S. Paulo tle Exportação..— 5,334 Negrão 5,334 & Co__ 1,133 Ferrç-'ra Ruivo 1,133 & Co_ 5,0S9 5,089 Oscar .Marques Rotundo SHIPPERS OF COFFEE CLEARED AT & Go. ..8,375 8,375 THE PORTS OF RIO Oliveira Ozorio & Co_!_."' 4 338 4,338 Arcns & Lagen AND SANTOS DURING 1 000 1,000 THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1927. Barboza Albuquerque L000 1,000 Zcricner Bulow & Co_L 2 Rio Santos Total Leite 2 & Santos 125 Sundr>'3,903 125 Alfrod 250 4,153 Sinner & Co19.295' 10,205 Alme;da Prado & Co 4fi,557 46 557 Tolal American 328,915 916.128 1,245,043 Coffee & Co9^9 51,337 52,326 American ' Warrant & Co_1 250 250 Arbuckle & Co2,18(1 24,153 26,330 Arou & Co. -2,225 33,578 35,803 Asiat;c Trading Corp. Tbc 21,942 21,942 UaSTLNATION Barreto, OF COFFEE CLEARED AT THE Holl & Co__ 2(57 267 PORTS OF RIO Battermann & Co5.574 AND SANTOS DURING 5 574 THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1927. Baccarat & Co___ 2 015 2,915 Bartholomei Serra & Go_ 6,375 6,375 Barros Co. Rio Santos Total & (__ 751 751 Aabo Barros 1,150 & Co., Freire dc— 2.200 2.200 Ahus 1,150 Carlos Martins . 753 752 Alcnxandria 444 444 Castro Silva 3,750 & Co4,511 4,511 Aalborg 1875 5,625 Comp. Brasileira 125 de Café -L 7,625 7,625 Algiers 125 Comp. Paulista 5,289 de Exportação..._ 9,008 9 008 Algoa-Bay 5,289 Comp. Santista . . . 1,575 de Exportação...8.300 8,300 Amsterdam 1,575 Comp. Prado Chaves . . 18,283 _ 25,462 25,462 Ancona 28,983 47,266 Cohen Arrigone4,600 L374 250 1,624 4,600 Antofogasta . . Camargo Coelho & Co., 0— 8,350 8,350 25 2.5 Ennor Antwerp & Co. 7,041 7,041 11,080 10,843 21 923 Ernest Meyer Baltimore . , ,. 3,000 1 q70 1070 10,702 13,702 Ferreira & Barbados . . . 125 Co., $ ..1_ 21,200 21.200 125 Fontes & Co., E. *23,525 Barcelona 23,525 Bari 1,847 1,847 Fraga Irmãos & Co . "^863 Bcyroutb 450 450 Franco Soares & Co_L 6,863 11,718 11,718 Be:ra 100 100 Gomes Flho & Co3500 ...... '.' 3,500 Bergen 50 50 Hard Band & Coj)V>i 1000 68.117 77,738 Bilbao 650 1,650 Hampshire & Co., F. 6_L 125 4,021 4,021 Bjqyfnborg 800 925 Hafcrs, Eduardo M. _ . , , 40 236 2,306 Boné . 40 Israel & Co., Leon 3754 64,047 189 189 Jessouroun •...v_L 68,701 Bordeaux . . . . & Co. . 7.751 2,313 2.825 4,638 Junqueira 7,751 Boston Carvalho & Oo 731 30,700 30 700 Junqueira 731 Braila & Co., Andrade_ 6 125 126__ 126 Johnston 6,125 Bremen & Co., (1,117 36,656 37,773 9,412 9,412 Lage Breste . & Co2,625 .2,625 125 125 Levy, Soe. Anon B. Aires 22,777 37,245 37,245 0,183 31,960 Lima Nogueira & Co Calapiata .... 125 15,331 15,331 Candia 125 '. Michelet A. S. '.760 188 ..; : • 1,376 2136 188 ' Cape Town . . 1,800 í-• 1,800 ¦¦¦¦¦'¦¦''¦¦¦ KKwíf'?ÍS ;/¦.y

' * * ' Ty r * * V

January 2$, 40$}. W1LeMaN'S BftAfcÍLiAN RÉVIÈW. í1*- 129 ——————, Rjo SantosTotal Rio SantosTotal Carlskrona — 125125 Scville* Casa Blanca1,564 ²1,564 Salonica ''.'.[ 2,3002,300 ^\\^[ \tf\] @m ²500 Carlskarm— 125125 ban Sebastian 5050 Catania . . 125 ²125 ' : ‡'.''.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.125 ²125 Constantinople ²2,563 b.lk%e Franc . 2.563 sco (Califórnia) 24,21224,212 Constanza 751 ²751 Southampton439 444 Corfú . 125 ²125 Sfax • • •.'••.'..'.'à.'.'.'.'^124 ²124 Corral . . 325 325 San Pedro (Califórnia) _ Stettin///_ 9,1709,170 Copenhagen . 4,250 13 83418,084 Stockholm5 250250 Christiansund 75 ²75 4qq 16 49721,897 Dantzig . 125 ²125 Suderham '125 ²125 Sundsvall Dede-Agatch 125 ²125 . . ....'.'...'.'.'.'.2,750 ²2,750 Stugsund . .' |25 Drammen 250375 . — 5050 Svendborg 125 ²125 East-London ²900 900 Susak . . '.'.'.'.'.'.'.2,228 ²2,228 Famaguste ²63 63 SousseJ25 ²125 Fiume 188 ²188 Scattlc . — Galatz 818 ²818 2,6002,600 Taeoma 375375 Galveston 6,0006,000 Tangiers 125 ²125 Gani ²175 Carleby175 Talcahuano 425 ²425 Gefle ...... 5.125 2,0007,125 Tocopilla . 25 ²25 Gijon t — 500500 Teneriffe . æ1,200 ²1,200 Genoa 0 876 16 53326,409 Thisted 375 ²375 Gibraltar . . 300 ²300 ateste 30,033 10,79847,431 Gothenburg 2,125 12,35614.481 Trondhjcm 1,575 1251,700 Halmstad — 125125 Trinidad . . 50 ²50 Hamburg . 17 930 54,42672,356 Trippli . . 188 ²188 Havre 39,439 62075101,514 Tunis .. 1 753 ²1,753 Huelva . . — 200200 ümea 1,125 1251,250 Helsingfors 5,579 1,1306,709 Ulcaborg 250 75325 Hudiksvall 375 ²375 ülvborg 125 ²125 Helsingborg . 250 4,6214,871 Valencia 725725 Hernoesand . . 875 ²875 Valparaiso 1,975 ²1,975 Jacksonville 2,500 12,50015,000 Varberg 400400 Jaffa125 ²125 Vancouver 3,1503,150 Iquique . 420 ²420 Vejle Jutland . 250 125375 Kalmar F250 ²250 Venice . . 1,125 5001,625 Kobe — 140140 Vigo _ 125125 Kotka 1,225 ²1,225 Viborg . . 1,650 ²1,650 Las Palmas 490 125615 Winipeg 625 ²625 Luderitz-Bay . 50 ²50 Wasa 375 ²375 Leixões . 1176 1,178 Yokohama — 4040 Luléa1,125 1251,250 Yxpila . . 550 ²550 Livorno 375 1,7502,125 Limassol ²62 . 62 Total 328,915 916128 La Valette 689 ²689 1,245,043 Lisbon 275 276 Lourençò Marques . 425 ²425 Marseilles 7,126 7,75314,879 Malaga — 400400 PERNAMBUCO MARKET REPORT. Malmoe 125 2,6312,756 ²576 Melilla 576 (From our Correspondent). Messina 450 ²450 Mersina62 ²62 Pernambuco, Mcthovik . 1,252 ²1,252 14th January, 1928. Montevidéo . . 4,325 2334,558 Montyluoto 438 ²438 SUGAR. Market steady, with a demand principally from the Mossel-Bay 550 ²550 North. No large further sales have been reported for the South Mostaganem ²125 125 and stocks are beginning to accumulate again. Brutos and So- Nantes 375625 250 menos are firm and there is a demand for these types from Naplas 6 300 1,9718,271 the Ncufarwasser 375 ²375 South. The rains last week have done a wpnderful Íot of good New Orleans 32,926 188,626221,552 to the present and new crops and thc opümists are basing the New York 11,365 314,441325,806 present crop larger than last year's. Norrkoping 625 250875 Quotations (nominal) for unbagged are:—Usina lst 13$000 Nykiobing-Mors 250 125375 to 13*600; Usina 2nd 12$000 to 12$600; Branco 9$800 to 10$500; Norfolk— 2,7502,750 Odense — 125125 Somenos 8$800 to 9$500; Bruto Secco 5$800 to 6$500; Bruto Ornskoldsvick . . 750 B750 Mel lado 4§500 to 5$000. Oran . . '.4,625 ²4,625 Entries from 7lh to 13th January were 158,138 bags, of which Oscarsramn — 125125 23,818 bags carne by water, rest by rail. Oslo 2,275 2,1784,453 Patras500 ²500 Total entries during December amounted to 694,031 bags, Palermo 1,125 2501,375 against 585,098 bags during same month last year, an increase Phelippeville 1,004 ²1,004 of 109,933 bags. Total entries to date September-December, 1927 Durban 800 ²800 amount to 2,254,462 bags against 1,993,488 bags during same Punta ²415 Arenas 415 last year an increase of 260,974 bags. Pireus563 ²563 period Shipments from 2nd to 8lh January were:—Manaos 420 bags; Philadelphia— 7 2257,225 Portland — 1;6501,650 Pará 1,560 bags; Maranhão 115 bags; Ceará 1,290 bags; Vietoria Puerto Montt 200 ²200 500 bags; Rio 19,549 bags; Santos 28,158 bags; Antonina 1,200 Handers 125 ²125 bags; Pelotas 1,719 bags; Porto Alegre 6,219 bags; R. G. Sul Reykjavik ²150 . . 150 Sundries 170 bags. Rauno227 ²227 1,250 bags; Rotterdam 15,44621,425 . . 5,979 COTTON. Market unchanged since last week and quiet, Rodi 125 ²125 ••.-: ranging for Firsts Sertão 53$000 and for Mattas Rosário 2,275 6952,970 prices õlfOOO, "-.•" ÜSÍ '•"'-.

*¦* '.

130 WILEWAlTS BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928.

on which basis a fair amount of business has been done, with PA* A RUBBER STATISTJCS. the South. For month December, 1927- Entries from 31st December to 5th January were 2,663 bales. (ln tons of 1,000 kilos). Total eutries for December were 16,011 bags against 20,341 bags Stock on 30th Nõvember, 1927« 2,038 Receipts during during same month last year a decrease of 4,330 bags. Total December, 1927 2,900 4,938 entries to date September-Dccember, 1927 amount to 58,554 bales, Exports:Ü.SA. Europe.South. against 57,844 baies dur.ng same of last year. period Dec. Shipments from 2nd 8th January were':—Santos 853 bales; to 2 — Orotava ²232— Rio 101 bales; Par 128 bales.. 10 — Alban ²194— COFFEE. Some 400 bags sold during the week on basis of 10 — Caxambú— 11— — 35*000-35*500. The market however is weakish. 15 Sherdan1,116²— 15 — Hildebrand²217— Entries from 31st December to 5tb January were 1,503 bags. ./•-* 29 — Aidan . . ²274— MAIZE. Market dropped a little, ranging between te" prices 31 — Francis923— 14*500-14*700 on which basis some 25,000 bags were sold. 31 — Justin²373— Entries from 31st December to 5th January were 12,305 bags. Sundries²²31 FARINHA. Market paralyscd. æ Entries from 31st December to 5tb January were 1,970 bags. Total ... . 2,039 1,301313,371 BEANS. For good quality, prices paid were 49*000 to 50*000, Stock on 31st DeCember, 19271,567 some 800 bags being sold on this basis. Inferior qualitiefc fetch- ing betweeu 42*000 to 44*000. In first hands: Entries from 31st December" to 5th January were 1,215 bags. Upriver Fine 150 tons; Tapajós/Xingú Fine and Little cargo offering for foreign Coarse 20 tons; FREIGHTS. Unchanged. Tocatins/Xingú Rail 150 tons; Islands Fine 120 tons; Islands ports. Coarse 10 tons; Cametá 100 tons; total 550 tons. WEATHER. Gencrnlly fine and very hot, with occasional light rains. In second hands: EXCHANGE. Market quiet at the beginning of the week, Berringer & Co. 10 tons; Suter Baumann & Co. 20 tons; Ranni- & Bank rate at 5 61/64d, private at 5 127/128d. On Friday the ger Co. 340 tons; Suárez Filho & Co. 30 tons; F. Chamié 30 tons; Bitar Irmãos 300 tons; Pará Plantations 220 took an upward turn and Banks are drawing here at tons; market Banco Ultramarino 56 tons; Sundries 11 tons; total 1,017 5 31/32d with restrictions. There is no private paper and the tons. market on the whole is very quiet. RUBBER. Cable Quotations for Pará Hard Fine. Quotations on Jan. COTTON. — 4*4d. lb.; Pará ;21st, 1928, were as follows: London ls. per The Pernambuco Market 4*300 per küo, as against ls. 4%d. and 4*500 respectively on Jan. closed on 18th January, 1928, steady, Hth, 1927, and ls. 5d. and 4*400 on Jan. 22nd, 1927. with first sorts uoted at 53*000 buyers, against 52*000 buyers on the previous Wednesday, and 360000 buyers on 19th January I New York Rubber Quotations (By Cable). Prices were quoted last year. The movement during the week ending Jan., 24th 1928, as follows (per lb.):— at Pernambuco for the week ended 18th Jan., —January-— 1928, was as follows, in bales of 80 kilos:— 18th 19th 20th 21 st 23rd 24th Stock on llth January, 1928 Upriver Fine Washed & 7,900 Entries during the ãeek Dried41 % 41 % 41 % 41 V£ 41 % 41 Va 1,500 Upriver Fine . 32 32 % 32 31 % 31 % 31 % 25 Available Upriver Coarse25 % 25% 25% 25Vi25 Vi % 9,400 26 Deliveries during the week Caucho Bali 26 Vi 26Vi 26% 26V426 % % 1,600 28 Pará Island Fine 28 % 29 28 % 2828 % Vi 23 Stock on 18th January, 1928 Pará Island Coarse23 % 24 23. % 2323 % Vi 7,800 Ditto, 19th January 1927 Plant: Smokcd Sheets 39% 40 Ví* 39 % 3940 39% 4,400 Plant: Látex Crepe 40% 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 Vi 40V6 For the crop to date, entries amounted to 73,300 Stock Orient rubber in U.S.A. on 24tb January, 100,130 tons bales, as against 52,900 bales for the same last crop. Market Steady. period The movement at Pernambuco for the month Rubber Movement and Prices (By Cable). The move- of December, Pará was as follows:— ment o*f rubber at Pará during the week ending Jan., 21, 1928. was as follows:— Kilos Stock on 30th Nõvember, 1927 8,900 Stock on January 14, 1928 4,477'f?n Entries during December 24,200 Jan., 21.878,416 Entries during tre week ending >: .i- Available 33,100 . 5,355,852 Available . Deliveries in December 21,100 during the same week:— Clearances >i ¦•; To United States 688 651 t* 9 To Europe 119,784 Stock on 31 st December, 1927 12,000 To Sundry ports 6,020814,455 Ditto, 1926 10900 ¦ on January 21, 1928'.' 4,541,397 Stock The Rio Market closed on 18thJanuary, 1928,steady, with kilo: prices quoted as follows:— Spot prices were quoted on Jan., 21,1928, as follows, per 18 Jan. 192811 Jan. MJan. 21Jan. 14 192819 Jan. 1927 Sertão Fine 41200 4*500 Sertões . . 46*000-47*00046*000-47*00032*000-33*000 Sernamby Fine 3*200 3*300 Mediums . . 45*000-46*00045*000-46*00031*000-32*000 Isknd Fine ..3**00 3*400 , 41*000-42*00041*000-42*00028*000-29*000 m 3*150 First Island Sernamby 3$100 Paulista 43*000-44*00043*000-44*00029*000-31*000 Caucho Bali . 3*50° 3*600 -

January 26, 1928. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 131

The movement at Rio de Janeiro during the week ended 18th The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the month of December, January, 1928, was as follows:— was as follows:— ww Stock on llth January, 192829,319 Stock on 30th November, 1927'i.94,858 Entries during the week 8,146 Entries during December 273,437

...—_ )*•¦••>-.;•'- , Available ...... 37,465 Available 368,295 Deliveries during tre same week 5 331 Deliveries in December 181,227

Stock on 18th January, 192832,134 Stock on 31 st December, 1927 187,068 Ditto, 19th January, 1927 27,229 Ditto, 1926 346,756 The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the monthof December, The movement at Sao Paulo the ended 18th Jan., was as follows:— for week 1928, spot quoted as follows, per bag of 60 kilos:— . Stock on 30th November, 192719,402 -.-V 18 Jan. 1928 11 Jan. 1928 19 Jan. 1927 Entries during December24,855 Whith crystals . ... 58$500-59$000 57$500-58$0O0 — -49$000 Demeraras — - ²— - ²— - — Available44,257 Somenos 50$500-51$000 51 $000-51 $50X1 33$000-33$500 Deliveries in December 19,227 . . Mascavo 36$000-37$000 36$000-36$500 — -48$000 Stock on 31 st December, 192725,030 Ditto, 1926 24,967 QUOTATIONS OF COTTON AND SUGAR IN FOREIGN MARKETS.

During the week ended 19th January, 1928. SUGAR Jan. COTTON - 13 14 16 17 18 19 The Pernambuco Market closed on 18th Jan., 1928, steady, perlb. with as follows, 15 kilos: Usinas quotations per lst sorts, 13$500 Liverpool 12.30 p.m. pence... to 14$000; Crystals, nominal; Demeraras, nominal; 3rd sorts, Pernambuco and Maceió Fair 9$800 to 10$500; Somenos, 8*800 to 9$500 and Brutos seccos, 5$800 Spot 11,05 10,89 11,02 10,81 10,78 10,75 American Fully Middling Spot. 10.90 10,74 10,87 10.66 10,63 10,66 ¦> to 6$600, as against Usinas lst sorts, nominal; Crystals, nominal; American Futures March 10,14 10,12 10,16 10.00 9,94 9,96 . . Demeraras, nominal; 3rd sorts, nominal; Somenos, nominal and ‡» May 10,08 10,07 10,11 9,94 9.89 9,92 æ> july 9,99 9,977 I0,nl 9,84 9,81 9,84 Brutos 5$600 to 6$500 on the previous Wednesday. ‡• October.... 9,01 9'59 9,63 9.46 9,47 9,52 The movement at Pernambuco for the week ended 18th Jan., 1928, was as follows, in bags of 60 kilos:— New York American Middling Uplands Spot - cents 19,45 19.36 19,15 19.10 19,23 19,30 Stock on llth January, 1928 869,800 American Futures March 18.93 18 86 18,66 18,60 18.70 18,82 May...... 18,76 18.78 18,91 Entries during the week 153,000 ª» 19,04 18,96 18,69 ‡* juiy •••••• •• 18,79 18,72 18,54 18,50 18.59 18.76 ª» October.... 18,20 18,11 17,93 17,98 18,07 18.24 Available 1,022,800 177,100 Deliveries during the same week SUOAR: London Close-Per cwt. Stock on 18th January, 1928 845,700 » Futures 16/1 1/2 16/1 1/2 15/6 15/101/2 16/9 15/9 January* 16/ - - Stock on 19th January, 1927 499,000 æ> March... 16/3 16/1 1/2 16/1 1/2 16/ 16/11/2 > May •••• 16/6 16/4 16/3 16/4 1/2 16/3 16/41/2 W> August. 16/9 16,7 1/2 16/6 16/7 1/2 16/6 16/71/2 For the crop to date entries amounted to 2,523,300 bags, as against 2,050,500 bags for the same period last crop. New York Close-Per lb.cents > Futureslfarch 2,_7 2.67 2,fi7 2,67 2,67 2,70 The movement at Pernambuco for the monthof December, » t May..... *• 2,80 2.75 2,76 2,75 2,75 2,78 » july ...... 2.88 2.82 2,84 2,83 2,84 2,86 was as follows:— » > September 2,95 2,90 2,92 2,91 2,91 2,93 Stock on 30th November, 1927799,400 Entries during December 665,200 COTTON, SUGAR, BEANS, RICE, MANDIOCA MEAL and  LARD. There were no clearancès overseas of these commodities Available 1,464,600 week ended Jan. 18. at the ports of Bio and Santos, during the Deliveries in December 519,600 7 Stock on 31 st December, 1927 945 000 COCO A. Ditto, 1926  655,300 Clearancès overseas of Cocoa at the ports of Rio and Bahia, 18, in bags of 60 kilos, were as foi- The Rio Market closed on 18th January, 1928, steady, with during the week ended Jan. prices quoted as follows, per kilo: white crystals, $985 to 10000; lows:— 5, ss Bahia, Hamburg 250 bags; Jan. 6, Demeraras, $833 to $867; Mascavinho, $767 to $800; Mascavo, $583 From Bahia: Jan. bags; Jan. 7, ss Aldabi, Rotterdam to $617. ss Am Bettolo, Genoa 1,750 N. York 416 bags; total * 500 bags; Jan. 8, ss Caslilian Prince, The movement at Rio dc Janeiro for the week ended 18th 2,916 bags; valued at £10,693. lan-iary, 19?8, was as follows.*— Kulenkampff & Co's, Stock on llth January, 1928 225,781 The Cocoa Markets (Messrs. Wessels, 15, 1927, the foi- Entries during the week 107,845 of New York, report, under date of December lowing:—_!."""_. advices reached here Available A--. 333 626 PRINCIPAL CROPS: No new reliable this season of Accra and Deliveries during the same week 48,424 recently as regards the probable output indicate a rather slower Lagos October and November clearings result of heavy October .... Stock on 18th January, 1928 285,202 movement than last year, most likely the outeome of the crop Ditto, 19th January, 1927 305,598 .-,.:,;i; rains Irrespective of the final present mt- ¦ <. sfâ_W*& l# iik 4::$r *m. 132 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928. 'i^SNUÚri mt.-,-,.; *_. heavy arrivals at • l • sbipning noints should-ÀhniiiA bek duei duringi the*. sixty daysP°»"s next á fdvôfable average cost of their total holdings. However, sight must not bc lost of the fact that interests..must Recent Bahia rcpor,s agai„ those samç be s(aU> tftc m ió Fterminate accumulating fairly substantial ¦a her carlic- than usual quantities r:ght along, apd once „„„ ,„ ,oj- thc ^ g period of héáviést arrivals is finishèd they will have the woiid\s " "T market largely to themselves until the new Bahia and "b0"1 30°-(lfl0 '"'«* *•"»« »cxt Sanchez mônthr A,,Cr<-'n»„C"',sul'»-,, «• four cròps begin lo move, i.e. eárlicst towards the end li.enlion.lhat ¦ • of ctZl,: g&ff lhe 1927-28 April. • • ; ¦', ' ''"'" "ffCC'C" """'vonibl.v by lhe a.by »ut«.,,„ Sao Paulo Killings. posi,i„„ fnvors 1)uyers which £ rc , The Armour of Brazil Corporation, Sao i t «enerally lowcr tendency. Paulo adyises us that Prices wcrc m____. ,„ __J* their kills during the month of December, luctuat,,,,,,. Belween ,he. «th 1927. were as follows:— „„d ,„„ Ku,-(1J,C. 1>rinci »1 v -....don and liverpool; showed « almosl (lnilv (lcc|ilJ „ Cattle:-" Heads nu. lcl ouclied a:-„ te, f()1. th0_ wjth ,1]c Sicers 6,513 fPades Accra, Bahia and, Sanchez, selling betwcõn 12V>C to !**<, Cow*29 « .lock. ()., the 13.1, Europe rallicd sniartly „.;„, a co,Leq„e,, Ca,vcs rceovory here of ;., . 26 6,568 *c lo » i„ _.„ grado». Thc ,„J^ /; ajenewal of liberal offiré under which prices declined again Hogs 6,750 """'kC' " ".nvenient in quotations Tolal t> ''!'"Accra cocoa. Mrms , 13,318 with direct Coasi conncetions were alte.natey sellers and buyers according to Coast or London and -vírpoo, cahles. Prices fo,- .„ .___ _¦______wt„,, j^M™ HIDES. fluetuatious |„ values of West Clearances overseas of Dry Africau cocoa. Thc 1,-,,/c shippe s or Salted Hides at the ports of were repor ed ,o have aeccptcd hids Rio and Santos, during the for „nihcd J^ ^ week ended Jan. 18, in units and Accra and Lagos, but did not show tons of 1,000 kilos. were as follows:— any particular desire to press •sales. Manufaclurers again From Ri© (|e Janeiro: hought forward sh^pment in declin- Jím. 14, ss Ant. Delfino, Hamburg L "»« markets. Spot cocoa was Matluas (400 dry) 4 tons; rather neglected and will likclv Hamburg, Thomson &- Bramer (500 not be in demand before lhe termination dry) 5 tons; total (900 dry hides) of the castomary •><-,ll|.>yearlv 9 tons; valued at £852. myentory.- From Sanios: Jan. 9, ss Monte Olivia, Hamburg (1,000'salt) The majorily i4 0f thc trade remains bearish, because- tons; valued at Í'9U9. coçoa nl 12Mc to 13c i.s not cheap; the period of largos, arrfvals of West African ocgun, cocoas has MANGANÊS E. Clearances overseas of produclion Mangonese Ore aí the ports of Rio exceeds consumption by an amplo margin; and Bahia, during the week visible ended Jan. 18, in tons of 1,000 kilos stocks are inci;easing everywhere; were as follows:— i 5 thc owners of apprcciable quantíties of old crop cocoa FronvRio de Janeiro: Jan. 18, ss Mistley should be .nlerested in accuinulating Hall, Baltimore, new crop stocks at as low Cia. Meridional 7,300 tons; valued at £15,625. prices as possible. There are hnrdly any ln.lls lef, in our market. certainh- none tbal show thc courage of their conviction TOBACCO. by purchasing large Clearances overseas Leaf quantiües nl present prices. The of Tobacco at the ports of Rio and seeptics, who distrust lhe Bahia durmg the opinion of thc majority, week ended Jan. 18, i„ tons of 1,000 kilos, reflecl: as tol were cocoa lows:— prices are l%c to 2c lower than a year ago- From Bahia: Jan. 5, ss Balra, the cheapesi purchases have Bremen (1,068 bales) 75 tons- often been made when the Jan 7, ss Aldahi, Rotterdam pressurc of arrivals was most (12 bales) 1 ton>; total (1,080 bales) pronounced; /6 tons; valued at £3,957. : 3 production should always he ahead of consumption in order to excessívely preveni high prices, but in any case nobòdy can statc CLEARANCES OF SUNDRY PRODUCE by how much the former exceeds the Iatier at the increase present- Bananag in Bánches in visible stocks is seasonal, at best v.s.h.e present From Santos: Jan. 8, ss Mosella, stocks represem four to six weeks consuming-require B. Aires 6,729 bunches; loiviev.deo 1,650 bunches; Jan. ments of lhe world. At all events visibles are 9, ss Andalucia, London 13,996 not as important bunches; ss Avon, perhaps as invisihle.s and lhe latter B. Aires 4,148 bunches; Jan. 10, ss Biela, are mere conjecture Certain 4,000 ditto >s that neither bunches; ss Flandria, ditto 5,536 bunches; manufacturers, importeis nor dealers appear ss Mercatoi:, ditto to 37,298 bunches; Jan. 16, ss carry as large supplies as during perods of lower Formosa, ditto 3,232 bunches; prices- ss Stuartslar, Loiiclôh there should he little doub; that 13,909 bunches; Jan. 13, ss Pan Anierica, inasmuch as lhe British 'iZ\Tu Accra interests fnilcd to bThCS; Jan- 14' S^ Espafla' ditt0 take advantage of higher markets they toi 3,818 bunches; should now like to buy as cheaply X to'18 January, as possible in order to obtain lun hei ^»^m'm* 192?, 124,161


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;'.:'^'_^Ék_^_I «li*uj_íy*<í^l$Í8 ^íllíÇ^fAN^ BRAZILIAN, REVIEW. .*•* 133 :' ':

*•:*':•. *¦¦* 'i'"Íi ... 榕¦* -^__S_ ...us.«.a_>-aÃ'-*. .cs •::~^S*ft^,P:_Rf-í,^NíGs"/'*--í-. í-7 :_\*.v. r_ r , 5 Lamport & Holt,. Limited. / *•¦ — ¦ ¦¦ ólí* 'Conditions."»& 'sniíiif.^ü? i"'*'"¦* VOLTAIRE, left Rio 22nd- January for Pernambuco, Trinidad, Current Freight Rates and The Conference rates Barbados and New York. ior^i^ipegfc^l^c^as from lst VAUBAN, leaves-Rio 25th January for Montevidéo and B. Aires. January, 1928, from the of Sao Frauc sco do Sul, Paranaguá, ports VANDYCK, due R o Gth February for Montevidéo and B. Aires. É_P Santos, Ko de Janeiro and Vic\ôr*fò**^Sli_mn 1: for Havre, Bor- VESTRIS, due Rio 20th February for Montevidéo and B. Aires. •1;deaük, Wò_Wi$, R^té-*_fâtti'> A-tfstSi^mj-ftamburg, Bremen, United TINTORETTO, leaves Santos 23th January for Rio Grande. Kingdom, Islands, Portugal, Spain ah*ti Maísé-lles extra); (5/- BOSWELL, due Rio 9th February for Santos and Rio Grande. ...(l-_._ti.rP 2^Cí>penhageri; column 3:"—Oslo, Bergen, Helsingborg, MILI.AIS, due Rio 17th February for Montevidéo and B. Aires. Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo, Helsingfórsj Hango and Abo:— BALZAC, left Vctoria 23rd January for New York diréct. Per tèn-of 1^000 kilos,'except whére otherwise mentioned:— '"fhe..fàte_. RAPHAEL, leaves Santos 2nd February for New York diréct. quoted iri ea.umu&* L 2 and 3 are subject to 10% B1ELA, leaves Santos títh February for New York. l_J!Ít»_rge,'íi.s'icÜstomftTy:).t'^_.. _uf_í- .'*".?>.. ,OVi. 7: >í BONHEUR, leaves Santos llth February for New York. fun: o-.-1-í,". Iií,•>.*¦' 3i>*. •.«, iaui*-*. iííOS ijâfsòi..nj Col. 2 Col. 3 RAEBURN, leaves Santos 21st February for Viçtoria*and N. Yorlc. Cotton 120/- 125/- 130/- PHIDIAS, leaves Rio 25th January for Santos and Rio Grande. Sugar 35/- 40/- BRONTE, due Rio 28th January for Santos. '70. lílí ...liubbet. .'V. ri. y. d.t860^i(i £5/- 70/- BROWNING, due Rio llth February for Santos and Rio Grande. Cocoa (per 800 kilos)::...... - -60/-, 65/- 70/- THESPIS due Rio 25th February for Santos. Hides, vypt -*¦'• *.*. •!• -.?:* •• • • • • Oi 65/- 70/- 75/- V; .,: .iBkix fHides & :Skins. (800 ks.) ... .'62/6 67/6 72/6 Nlppon Yusen Kaisha. — Lamport & Holt, agents. '•'•?.CV .•¦'li.tu.V^^i*^.'. A "C-r '.•'iV.*.'".''*..*'* •_ ti- 25/- . 30/- 35/- WAKASA MARU, leaves Rio 9th February for Cape ports and ¦Òbffee Far East. • ti ti-ieièM'^rès àrè as fóíioWs :^Ptüs 10% primage—per 'RottèiHiam^ 1,000 kilos: HáV*rè,s -.ntvverp/ Amsterdam, United Blue Star Line—Wilson, Sons & Co., Ltd., Agents. Kingdom, Hamburg, Bremen^ IsIândá;uSpain, Portugal and Bor- AVELONA. safléd Rio 24tr January for Madeira, Lisbon, p.ymouth, deaux* 70/--^l Mà-rseíUés"^Ó/-;" tieniíiarfc,''77/6d.; Norway, 80/-; Boulogne and London. Sweden, 85/-; Finland, 8$/*^ To'S_ü.h,Afr can ports on through ÁVILA, arrived B. Aires 24th January from Loqdon. bills of ladiÁg^-llat^per 1,000 kiíoslesV 10%' deferred rebate — ANDALUCIA, arrived London 2.r)th January írom B. Aires. Algoa Bay, Çajpetpwn,. Uurban.. East London, Mossel Bay, Port ARANDORA, sailed St. Vincent-, C.V. 26tíi January for Rio (due m Elizabeth, •.:¦'. 90/-; Beira and Delagoa Bay, 100/-; Luderitz Bay and 2nd February sails 3rd), Santos, Montevidéo and B. Aires. .l.Watfish.Bay;.rl_0/-: (there is usually an extra charge of 10/- per ALMEDA, i-n London, sails lst February for Boulogne, Lisbon, each set of Bills of Ladiug to cover Customs House ' **-°4_H expenses Madeira. St. Vincent C.V., (due Kith February sails 17th), San- :!.7$M uãt. (&pç*..Tato)4-í.<. Vi^íí^**!;;'^ ÍHi r\3.i:^5:rr.r- tos, Montevidéo and B. A'res. Group 1:—Alexandria, Alicante, Barcelona diréct ship- (for ¦:< ¦ .jn§í9t to th^port.fi *afee 8j{..7Q/_...+. .0%,: less 10% deferred rebate Osaka Shosen Kaisha—Agents Wilson, Sons & Co., Limited.. r. is applicable), Cadiz, Cartagena,. .Casablanca, Ceuta, Gibraltar, LA PLATA tyARU, saled V.ctoria 181 h January for New Orleaiis, .w^isg^^Said, Rabat, San- Galveston, Christobal, Los Angeles, Yokohama and Kobe.. s r tander, Seville, Suez, Tangiers, Taragona, Valencia, Vigo, 70/- SANTOS MARU, arrived B. Aires 18th January from South Afri- -'"çí l>j^lOí%4:20^--f.(Group 2:—-Bourgas, Braila, Galamata, Candia, Canea, ca and Far East.. . „ r Cavalla, Chios, Constantlnople, Constanza, Corfu, Dedeagatsch, HAWAII MARU, sailed Christobal IOth January for Los Angeles, . Gala^z? Mytilene, Patras, Piraeus, Kettimo, Salonica, Smyrna, Yokohama and Kobe.,. .. -

Varna, Vathy, Volo, 70/- -f 10,%+ 25/-;; Group 3:—Adalia, Alexan- MANILA MARU, sailed Colombo 14th January for Durban, Cape ¦ ¦'¦%& t dret.tef Batuníf Beyrouth, Caifa,, Cbflkis, Cherassunda, Dardanelles, Town Rio (due 12th February sa ls 13th), Santos, Montevidéo Dikeli, Famagusta, Finika, Haiffa Ineboli, Jaffa, Jeddah, Kerasund, and B. Aires.. . ^Jlhodes, Samos, Samsoum, Scalapoya,, Sulina, Syros, Treb:zonde, '^^Rebate: Chargeurs Reunia & Sud-Atlantique. The 10% '• 'to. LUTETIÀ, expected from the Plate 28 January. V," -;---ílí i rPayable òn shipméãu' the above-mentioned ^£e£fe*J fp^.aíe CEYLAN, expected from the Plate 1 February.^AT ¦¦¦: porttf, is on the ter^ninal r^te only, that is, 70/-. 'NOTE—Change AJ. SALLANDROUZE DE LAMORNAIX, expectep from the Plate in Marseüíes rate to 70s. '^f-'•'¦> *4<*. I47 5 February.• f . : FORMOSE, expected from the Plate 8 February.. .:.: , STEAMERS' MOVEMENTS. í:i.i:i; y LIEGE, expected fr.om Europe 26 January.-.:> hiit.tr i fii..i The Royal Ma: 1 Steam Packet Company. MEDUANA, expected from Europe 30 January.VVu\ AMIRAL TROUDE, expected from Europe 2 February. ..: IOL* -». .•tf*) '¦'êktêêtéi^fô^í&vf JRÍM, Ri"oi:,*_étíir':J{muary for Santos and DESIRADE, expected from Europe 2 February. *•'"**•' '•"'' !**.«r-"T-*>J_oK ¦ *; ».*l* ¦•• Plate;X"":?*-¦:*.'''H*» LEODIUM, expected from Europe 11 February, . .ANDES^ due (iy^for Santos and B. Aires. Stoltz & Co., Gen. Agents. ÀI^A^ZORÀ.due R-Ojiptj} March for Santos and Plate. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen—Herm. CORDOBA, in Bremen.. „. A.ILA.-.ZA dueJtfa 18tfr'February for Santos and Plate. SIEBRA left Bremen 21 st January for braz. ports. AVON, left Rio 21st January for Lisbon dlrect. SIERRA VENTANA *"'_'\ "duo * ü -âJ^PA >


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: ¦¦¦..'".¦'¦¦¦...¦ .ri_ 4t.%>' __f ú'9. '¦ %m ! pi '':'' ' *_'¦ 26. MU. 134 WlLEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. JanuAry __—.

Munson Steamshlp Lines—Federal Express Company, Agents. PERNAMBUCO, leaves Hamburg 24th February for Paranaguá. at Rio. AMERICAN LEGION, leaving N. York Jan. 28, due Rio Feb. 10, OSTPREUSSEN, discharging : * ¦' :' __ ... v&msT ¦ ¦¦¦ "• ---^ ¦•- ?.-«.-í j3JÉf.;-.-" 15. éf_-*.*S~r~-_ Santos 11, B. Aires Hambnrg-Amerlka Ltnle — Theodor Wille * C«* Agents. PAN AMERICA, leaving B. Aires Jan. 26, due Santos 30, Rio Feb. - i," N. York 14. ALBINGIA, loading at Santa Fé,. . .' ...'.'.;,(._' , -: SOUTH ER CROSS, left Bahia Jan. 20, due N. York 31. BADEtt, due Rio lst. February. for Santos São Francisco do Sul, WESTERN WORLD, left N. York January 14, due Rio 27, Santos Montevideo and B. Aires._¦_.-.. 28, B. Aires February 1. BAYERN, due Rio 28th February for Santos, São Francisco do Sul, Montevideo and B. Ahres. Mc Cormlck Steamshlp Co. (P.A.B. Line)-—F. Express Co., G, Agt. DENDERAH, leaves Hamburg 28th January for Brazü. HOLLYWOOD, in the Pacific Ports of U.S.A. FRANKEWALD, leaves Hamburg 25th February for Brazü. .. WEST CAMARGO, left Puerto Columbia Jan. 20, for Pacific Por- GENERAL,BELGRANO, left Bahia 22nd January for Hamburg. ts of U.S.A. GENERAL MITRE, left Santos 20th January for Montevideo and WEST NILUS, due Santos second half of January to lóad for B. Aires. Pacific Ports of U.S.A. HARBURG, loading at Bahia Blanca. WEST NOTUS, due Santos second half of February to load for HOLM, leaves'Hamburg 28th January for Brazü and Argentina. Pacific Ports of U.S.A. LEGIE, dischargmg in the River Plate. Prince Line —Houlder Brothers & Co., Limited, Agents. LIGURIA, leaves Hamburg lOth March for Brazil. BRAZILIAN PRINCE, loads for Trinidad, N. York & Boston 8th NIEDÉRWALD, left Hamburg 18th January for the R. Plate. February. PARAGUAY, left Antwerp 13th January for Brazil and Argentina. SÀRDINIAN PRINCE, loads for Trinidad New York and Boston . SACHSENWALD, leaves Hamburg llth February for Brazil. 29th February. STEIGERWALD, d!scharging in the River Plate. CORSICAN PRINCE, en route for New York. WASGENWALD, discharging at Santos. CASTILIAN PRINCE, at New York. WUERTTEMBERG, leaves Rio 30th January for Hamburg, HIGHLAND PRINCE, left New York 13th January direct for Rio. PLANET, discharging in Chüean ports. *# INDIAN PRINCE, in The River Plate. RHODOPIS, left Rjo llth January for Chüean ports., MONGOLIAN PRINCE, February loading N. York/Brazilian ports. Johnson Line — Luiz Campos, Agent. rhe Norweglan Sonth American Line — Fredrlk Engelhart, Agent. LISTA sailed from Kristiansund N. I4th January for Brazil and VALPARAISO, left Gothenburg 20th Dec. for Rio, Santos and Oi River Plate. B. Aires. BAYABD, due to sail from West Norway 2nd February for Brazil PEDRO CHRISTOPHERSEN, left Gothenburg 5th January for Rio, and River Plate. Santos and B. Aires. BRAZIL, due to sail fsom Aalborg abt. 31st Januaiy for Brazü SUÉCIA, due to leave Gothenburg 2nd February, for Rio, Santos, r_.il/ aud River Plate. Montevideo and B. Aires. EB! CRUX, loads East Norway beg. February, West Norway 2nd Half PACIFIC, due to leave Gothenburg 7th February for Rio, Santos February 'for Brazil and River Plate. and B. Aires. ' _¦_?¦¦¦ SALTA, loads Rio 28th January for Cohenhagen, Finland, Norway SAN FRANCISCO, due to leave Gothenburg 25th February for Rio, and Baitic Ports. Santos, Montevideo and B. Aires. BORGLAND, loads Santos/Rio abt. 26th February for Copenhagen, SAN FRANCISCO left B. Aires 17th January due Rio 29th, for Finland and BHic Ports. Victor a, Sweden and Finland. PARA', loads Santos/Rio abt. early March for Copenhagen, F'n- LIMA, left Rio 14th Januarry for Victoria, Bahia, Sweden and land Norway and Baitic Ports. Finland. KRONP. MARGARBTA, left B. Aires 21st January for Santos, Hamburg-S. American Steamshlp Comp.—Th. Wille & Co., Agents. Rio, Victoria, Bahia, for Sweden and Finland. OAI> ARCONA, arrived Rio 24th January for Santos. Montevideo KRONP. GUSTAF ADOLF, due to leave B. Airres 31st January and B. Aires. at Santos, Rio, Victoria, Bahia, for Sweden and Finland.'- CAP POLÔNIO, left Pará 21 st January for La Guayra, excursion VALPARAISO, due to leave B. Aires 19th Feb, loading Santos trip. Rio Victoria, Bahia, for Sweden and Finland. CAP NORTE, arrived B. Aires 22nd January. PEDRO CHRrSTOPHERSEN, due to leave B. Aires 3rd March, ANTÔNIO DELFINO, left Rio 14th January for Hamburg. loading Santos, Rio, Victoria, Bahia, for Sweden and Finland. MONTE CERVANTES, arrived Rio 25th January for Santos, Mon- Koninklljke Hollandsche Lloye»—E. Johnston tevidéo and B. Aires. 9t Çò_, Ltd., Agents. MONTE OLIVIA, left Ro lOth January for Hamburg. GAASTERLAND, loads for Rotterdam on 3rd February. MONTE SARMIENTO, left Hamburg 20th january, fo» Brazil and Rotterdam Zuid Amerika Lijn—E. Johnston & Co., Ltd., Agents. Argentina. ALWAKI, loads for Rotterdam and Hamburg on 13th February. ARGENTINA, left Hamburg 17th January, for Braíil and Argen- WAALDUK, loads for Rotterdam on 24th February. . . tina. ". -'. BILBAO, loading in the R. Plate. Wilhelmsen Steamshlp Line — E. Johnston A Co., Ltd., Agents. ENTRÉBIOS, iu Hio Grande do Sul. CUBANO, arrived from New York on 26th January. St, ¦ ¦; ¦ . "for &£¦..» . ESPAflA, in the Plate. THODE FAGELUND, loads New York 17th February. «'-.rr,''* LA CORUffA due Rio 27th January for Hamburg. PARANÁ', left Hamburg 14th January for Florianópolis. Rio Cape Line — Cummlng Young, Agent. -_0. "fo '¦'* HIO DE JANEIRO, arrived Rio 25th January for Antwerp, Rotter- WAKASA MARU, leaves Rio 9th Februar|f dam, Bremen and Hamburg. _p7^_f_W?. KAMAKURA MARU, leaves Rio 7th April. SANTA FÉ, in the R. Plate. SANTA THERESA, arrived Bahia 25th January for Victoria, Rio Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab — Cummlng Young, Agent. and Santos. For Denmark, Finland and Baitic Ports: TENERIFE, in the River Plate. MARYLAND, leaves Rio lst February. VIGO, left Hamburg 24th January for Rio. ARGENTINA, leaves Rio llth February. ,-«VÍ<~*r1 ¦ ¦ li*. 1ÉS* a •. VILLAGARCIA, left leaves Hamburg lst February for Rio. BRASILIEN leaves Rio. 28th February.»» BAHIA, left Bahia 5th January for Hamburtf. NEVADA, leaves Rio m«ddle of March,>jf.

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