!!fw*í«"P'!^*s^^* p^^pp^^^pp i:;^^Pí^^^PPPi^^^*^^.í*^,«*-Sp.?t.t^S.tW gpiigii assa??. _1-___^__S ^idacT:or^e5pdnsa^êl.^ Sr Rua Camer.no 55-57, Rio de Janèi^ HffiuetmmfB 1xnzxlmn mmti A WEEKLY JOURNAL OP TRADE, FINANCE, ECONOMICS AND SHIPPING. VOL. 19 RIO DE JANEIRO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1928 N. 4 ^W'*?'. _S_^___^''¥!^*_3=«iffi_çÍIf*w^_&*i S^_&C*_rK!. ¦ M V. ALCÂNTARA 22,000 TONS GROSS L« THE ROYAL MAIL & PACIFIC LINES WÈÊÊ' REGULAR SERVICE OF MAIL & CARGO STEAMERS. * _S_>*._'_... ¦'r- BETWEEN i-s:**'? fi MBra*í_.*sfí,-'*3. BRAZIL/EÜROPE «. ALSO TO RIVER PLATE & PACIFIC PORTS. (61 THE LARdEST AND LATEST BRITISH MOTOR L1NER I i. ASTURIAS ** 22,000 OROSS TONS32,000 TONS DISPLACEMEN1 TO F URO PE "^ FROM SANTOS, Ilh Feb. 1928 Í FROM RIO, 8tli Feb. 1928 ftffl PASSAGE RATES AND FURTHER INFORMATION FROM. 110 CRANDE DO 8ÜL The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. RIO DE JANEIRO VICTORIA ll'" ; SANTOS BAHIA SÃO PAULO The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. PERNAMBUCO ¦¦-,•: -.-r.-ii-..':..'.;'v.-v;;:':.^ ¦.¦;¦_¦: ":¦:¦¦:¦¦ '¦*¦¦¦:¦ -¦:.-,.-'*¦ ._, .__,- ....ri... ;y- -¦-%-'¦-_ IPflwÇjWPp * ii(Li- 3'i^''i-r^i:'^3M^3''^3^3^^s^\3¦ y': WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. January 26, 1928. ÍT 3 LONA «3S m "Locomotiva" Barca Registrada émtmmt—w_—¦ ¦ L!—_—_*¦—¦» lOTPROOr WATER PROOF CANVAS FOR ALL PÜRPOSRS AWNING3, HATOH COYESS, 3AIL8, TENTB, gQ_AT POVggS. BA1LWAY WAGQON COVERS, CABT COVERS, TBAMOAB BLIjIPB, MOTQ.B-OAB HOODS, BUNBLINDS, FILTBBS for BUQAR FAOTQBI-iS, KTO, MANUFACTURED BY ¦¦¦ The São Paulo Alpargatas Compagy SOLE SELLING AGENTS EDWARD ASHWORTH & Ço. BUA S. BENTO, 26. tato» 676. RIO DE JANEIRO- SÃO PAULO BâHIA PORTO ALKQBl Rua do Carmo, 13 Rua Portugal, 5-1/ Andar Rua daa Andra*», 159~t«M CAIXA 559 CAIXA 43 OAIXA Mt Booth Line, Liverpool Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers Between Ws NEW YORK, NORTH, MIP*a 50UTM PRflZIL (calling at Barbados) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVRBt ¦ ps ¦¦.." MADEIRA, PARA', MANAOS, T-~v VIGO, OPORTO, LISBON, | (* Í3)3y,: ;-,;: MARANHÃO, CEARA', PARNAHYBA, IQUITOS. Agents for NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA PARA PERNAMBUCO Juliu» ron &ohsU« I BAHIA MANAOS NATAL ' RIO DR JAKKUIO \ N1UO CAIJEDELLO8. MAU Booih _ Co. (LMon) Ltd. A. Wtaarton Pedro» SANTOS CEARA Maceiór. b. Pátamu. RJO QRANDB DO »OLi PAHNAHYBA VICTORIAArjmckla 4 Co. IQUITOS FLORIANÓPOLIS GuUhtfifme H, Cha*!!» PORTO ALEORR PAKANAOUl i Empreza ds Melhoramento- Urbanos de Paranafnf. SIO P-UJICISGO DO IUL. IL Cm. BARBADOS : Unrl* ft Co* ÍAé. i ©OOTH AMERICAN SHIPPING CORPORATION 1T Battery Place^New York. f':"' >•-. >r*.».-. •<•- r __..^-_ January 26. 1923. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. III HIME & CIA. .52, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 52 Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Co., Ltd. t (esquina da Rua da Quitanda). I Caixa Postal 593 — Endereço telegraphico M FERRO. Lighterage Contractors, Tug Telephone 6075 Norte. Stevedores, and Launcli Owncrs, Salvage Operators. Import. de Ferro, Aço, Ferragens, Cimento, Tintas, Óleos, etc. 1 Fle-t—Over 200 Lighters: 22,000 tons total capacitjr. 1 1 Depositários dos productos da COMPANHIA BRAZILEIRA DE RAPID HANDLING OF CARGO GUARANTEED. UZINAS METALLURGICAS—com grande laminacâo de ferro em barras, vergas e cantoneiras, fundição de ferro e bronze, Salvage Tug "Emily" equipp-d with Modern fabricação de parafusos, rebites, pregos para trilhos, ferroí Salvage Appliances. de engommar, balanças, louça de ferro fundido estanhado e de ferro batido estanhado, de canos de chumbo, etc, etc. RIO DE JANEIRO — FABRICAS : — NOVA INDUSTRIA—Pontas de Paris, tachas para sapateiro, em ferro e latão, louça de ferro batido e esmaltado, etc. I 75, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 75; '¦¦¦l EMPREZA PROGRESSO — Fogões, caixas cPagua, ferraduras, » portas de aço, gradis, etc. P. O. BOX 1164. "SOL" Phosphoros marca — Metal Deployé. TELEGRAMS — "LIGHTERAGE RIOJANEIRO ^JACARÉ." — "Saccadura," Coalho Cimento white Brothers. Codes—BENTLEVS. A.B.C. 4th Ed., LIEBER'S, A. 1 Dynamite e Gelignite da "NOBELS EXPLOSIVES Co., Ltd." I LONDON — Dashwood House, New Broad Street, E.C. 2 Depositários do ferro jruza das Uzinas Morro Grande ESPERANÇA, BURNIER, RIO ACIMA. ENQUIRIES INVITED. J-__»-. \ •w1**** r THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED, Central Office, Avenida FRANCISCO BICALHO. (Estação Barão de Mauá). Telephone Villa 2200 —Cable Adress: LATESCENSE 1 Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes, Length of Line, 1,86(1 miles, with 292 stations serving an area of 200 000 square miles. TRAFFIC IN 1926. Passengers, No. 21,636,170Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 107,911Goods. Tons, 1,747,756. TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR From Nictheroy. 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapek_-ii.m, Porciuncula and hranche lines, daily. 7.00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 1 15.35—Passe:o—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Saturday. 16.40—Express—Rio Bonito, daily. To Macahé Mondays Wednes days, Thursday, and Saturdays. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, Itapejrrim nnd Victoria, Mond ays and Fridays, Beturn from Victoria Sundays and Thursdays. 10.15—Electric illunvnation and ventilation. Single fare Nictheroy/Victoria 50$400 Return fare, 03S700, Sleeping cars bet- ween Nictheroy and Campos, Upper Berth, 22$400, Lower Berth 288000. Lunch and dinncr served on restaurant cars bet- ween Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 34$900; return 55$700. From Barão de Mauá. 20.10—Night Express—Petropolis, Entre Rios, Bicas, Furtado de Campos, Ubá and Ponte Nova, Mondays and Thursdays. Beturn from Ponte Nova Wednesdays and Saturdays 15.10 Single fare Barão de Mauá Ponte Nova 54$000.Return fare 85Ç300. Sleeping car hei ween Petropolis and São Geraldo, upper Berth 22$400, Lower Berth 28$000.-_-_-___ RIO — PETROPOLIS WINTER. SUMMER. From lst May to 31 st October. From lst November to SOth April. .}..: ..*'WEEK DAYS. WEEK DAYS. A. B. A. B. Barão dc Mauá, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13-30 16..10 17.30 20.10 II de Mauá, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13.30 15.30 16.30 17.30 20.10 — Petropolis, Dept 610 7.35 8.40 10.10 15.55 19.30 — Petropolis, Dept . 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 12.30 15.65 19.80 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Barão dc Mauá, Dept. 6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 B de Mauá, Dept6.00 7 30 8.35 10.30 15.30 17.30 20.10 Petropolis, Dept. ... 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.30 Petropolis. Dept. .... 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19.30 20.50 I A. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. B. Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays only. EXCURSIONS SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. views during trip; 1 hour, 40 minutes, lst class return Petropolis.—2,700 fect above sea levei, magnificent climate, beautiful ' 7*500. Stone hallast. no dust.- _ • to Friburgo— 2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train,. Fare 13$300 lst class return,. smglc 8*300 (Saturday Monday.) information mileage books and GUIDE BOOKS AND TIMETABLES publisbed half-yearly:—Price $300—containing useful re: on reduced fares for excursions, pienies, etc: Company's Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage charges prices- nnd in tlns Guide; Delivery to dwelling-»; timber; illustration and price of model poultry coops; rates of advertising at stations map of L. R. system; advertisements, views, and sundry other articles of interest. -.. -r.p-.v- • :•• - WS " |n. REVIEW. January 26, 1928. IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN T.AM PORT & HOLT LINE "DE = THE LUXE" SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK, BHA2M. AND RIVER PLATE ™rttT MAILm* AMD" lUXUBIOUB„ PAttCRSER STEAMERS u „ «... Sâái- .,, MMtaiiw iMlfliiti Mi built fer travei UMN Hertfc ani ieuth A_nsr.ee, aatf •Her Mt ¦Ml»-» ••¦»"¦ tor troaleal anUela» ^«y^i(j- «^.i, „*, We partleatarly aJa** «VE8TB.8» "VABDTCR"."IDITAIBE". "VABBAN" OR IMBMM OR TRE TRATEI TS NEW YOBK VIA^NIDAD AND SAIL1NQ EXPECTED FOR NEW YORK PROM NEW YORK VAUBAN • • • • 19th Feb. VANDYCK. 6th Feb. VANDYCK. 4th Mar. VESTRIS... 20th Feb. VESTRIS... 16th Mar. VOLTA IRE 4th Mar VOLTAIRE lst April VAUBAN.. 2nd Aprd. VAUBAN.. 29th April VANDYCK. .. 16 Feb. *^*?_?^__iflB___3^'WC_ll_R—Éft^f—^*r *V1.-^"*'> "'fa1* *^^» .'¦**V:- \ ¦" _?*! JK__Srp_^«ft»j----------MB^--pRjM^_—______B_W_W__n_BB__. ^ i f/. ;f ^TT7"f ¦*. "ImÇnBfifl " ¦"'£?> 'í jí'' '"*_'"*'* J^*.**^^-^l*i-^tf^i_f-_-^^^T^¥^7^i''firT^fWi^^^---T>>J*^ jfa^p ¦ ^j ^^^jT^y^jn_.^^-____K----y------HBÊS^_—TB_____KfcS^T_!i-jBClft^j^^^'^a,y^7>^J'' ¦" v.,- ,-¦ ./*¦¦ ^ "VOLTAIBl" and "VANDYCK" câll at Pernambuco Northbound /r Lamport & Holt, Ltd. OfeePaels: P.t. HAMPSHIllEa Cs. LI*. • ••• S¦¦¦¦*¦ -_-=as—r. '.':——-_ Psrpaai-M WILLIA.Be mm...... Mt ii junino Msatovliss: M. REAL DE AZUA Bafeis : r. ITWEROOR • Oe., L»*. AvtHlda Rio Bramo, 21-21 •¦swss AItm I LAMPORT R HOLT, LTB. ¦mim ; r. •. „A«peH.Ri • es, lü. TEL. H. 0071 THE NORWEGIAN SOUTH AMERICA UNE. Regular ¦«nrice between, River Plate & vice versa Norway, Denmark, Finland, Baltic Ports. Brazil, FOR DENMARK, NORWAY, FINLAND & FOR Kl VER PLATE: BALTIC PORTS: in, s SALTA—loads Santos/R o early s/s LISTA—loads about lOth February February. for B. Aires. m/s PARA'—loads Santos/Rio end \E\ February. Fop fupth«p paptieulaps apply to the Agent - m Bl 8Â0 PE0B0 "¦9- ",0 0E JANÉ,"° FREDR1K ENGELHART PRAÇA DA REPUBLICA 51, SANTOS. REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN FLEET: 14 MOTOR SHIPS, TOTAL TONNAGE, 91,000 TONS. Ref alar Barrica between: — Finland, Sweden-Braxil. Finland, Sweden-River Plate. Finland, Norway, Sweden-Chilc and Peru. Sweden, Norway-North Pacific, and rice-veraa. SAILINGS FROM SWEDEN SAILINGS FOR SWEDEN ft FINLAND: From Rio: Pacific — 7th February; Kronp. Margaretta — 30th January. San Francisco — 25th February.
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