Itasy" Volcanic Region (Centre of Madagascar) General Geology by Geophysical Methods (Magnetic and Audionagnetotelluric) *

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Itasy ?*"":, r-* IC/88/359 INTERNAL REPORT (Limited distribution) / .:.-' /International Atonic Energy Agency The concerned region is north-trending in the centre of XALAGASCAR im- and mediately north tho volcanic mountains nass of ITA5T,about 100 km far froa the \ « \^ Uni^etf'Natiftns Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization capital in about 13 bi long Mi 9 km wide, limited bj LABORDB coord nates j X > 422 X* - 431 ^___ "" INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS T - T9"2 I* - 805 aa indicated in SOAYlXANDRXANA geological nap (Fig, I ) STRUCTURAL STUDY IN "ITASY" VOLCANIC REGION (CENTRE OF MADAGASCAR) GENERAL GEOLOGY BY GEOPHYSICAL METHODS (MAGNETIC AND AUDIONAGNETOTELLURIC) * The volcanic formations of nVUJT, north SQAVHrAKDRIAHA, are composed of mountains mass about 30 km long and 10 kn vide (from east to west).Its different eruptions so as those of the mountains mass of ANXARATRA ,mark oat recent xonea Jean Bruno Ratsimbazafy ** of instability of the nalagasy High Plain. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. The different outflows of the region of TTAST ».r«,with the baealtio out- flows in the north extreme of the island,the most recent of KADAGASCAR.They are of quaternary age* The short eruptions provided multiple cones and domes separated eaoh other by craters and barrage lakes;between them is the adgmatitio and gneisaio underlying substratum.They gave 3 types of lava: - trachytes constitued by domes * ordanchitos -i lrt 1 overflows - basanitolds \ °«» "«' After these eruptionstthere were S series which were emitted at different MIRAMARE - TRIESTE times : October 198B -the first serie with trachytes and basanitoi'ds -the second aerie with trachytes,ordanohiteatbaBanitoIds The rocks of these 2 series were mixed with ultra-vulcanian projections at the end,and placed in the petrological point of view,on the magmatite variation diagram, tthey are ranged in the alcaline seria. TECTONICS * To be submitted for publication. ** Permanent address: Geophysical Observatory, P.O. Box 3843, In general tectonical point of view,on Madagascar eoale,the voloania region of Antananarivo 101, Madagascar. -1- The direction of reconnaissanoe magnetic profiles was ohoBen East-West Itasy is placed in the recant instability son* of the Malagasy High Plain.This for being perpendicular to the assumed H3 structures.ait because of the topography, instability con* is linked to the north-soutb-trending Bagmatic reactivation axis the effective direction was HE-SB in th« central ions of Xadagaaoar as described by HOTIHA (1972 ) and confirmed Sampling of 500 n was adopted,and measurements of total na&tetio field P . by seinological work of Professor RAKDTOKtlRAIWIBE (1977 ). The region of Itasy were enregistered with the sensor of the magnetometer at 2.5 m above ground level, la the Boat seiaMlogical son* after the Alaotra Lake (in the north east ) so the data were obtained with the minimum of journey: Three structural anomalies aonos (the first in the extreme north by . On the west part and east part of the Rj reconnaissance profile (west of the 3j the Aqdranomana Lake,Tsarazaza and Hahatsinjo,tha second in the west part on the Taia^fakalika station and east of the Se Ampaitimwiga station) the average top of Kaaigie mnmtainland the third on the south boundary of Ambohitriraanjaka ) value of F is about -5001 .This is to be related to the substratum which is eon- seen to indicate three eastwest—trending faults.These faults are confined by our oonstited by ndgmatlc gneiss.Between the stations 37 and Eg,the P values vary from results obtained by studying aerial photographs of the concerned xone with a -6ool£ to -iSOolfj these anomalies appear to be related to tha rtrombolian puys stereoscope. On the reconnaissance profile R2 (Fig.l ),the P values vary from -IO95»*to +8551 between the milestone 125 and the entrance of Ana*4avory town.while on its east sad PREVIOUS GEOPHYSICAL WORK west parts its value is about -300If The two reconnaissance profiles define the sone to be studied which is Previous work about the aiaantation of the Itasy lavas indicates limited by Laborde coordinates as specified above. that almost of then hare a themoremanent aiaantatlon,the sense of which is that of the actual earth magnetic field.But a prelevement site in Itasy region,wMoh Detailed magnetio surveys is of Prepleistocene volcanls> has a reverse aimautation (its sense is opposite t When interest is focused on the above delimited tone,more detailed mag- of that of the actual earth magnetic field ).This particularity doesn't absolutely netic surveys were made.The points of nsasuraments are 50m spaced.More than I,J00 exclude the possibility of inversion of the earth magnetic field at this epoch, points of measurement have been carried out.They are distributed along: but it oust be confirmed by complementary research work. -.8 east-«est-trending profiles (KOV84,J»85P6,JH85P5,J»85P3|JM85P2,JH85PI, TJ,^) - i west-southeast-eastnortheast-trending profiles (MS85PI,JH85P4,T5) GEOPHTSICAL 3RIDIES - 5 north-Bouth-trendlng profiles (Tj.TjfTyT^Tg ) FiB-2- To attenpt for placing in a prominent position a favoured direotion constituted Reconnaissance magnetic surveys were made over the IPANJA region by northeast-southwest-trending strombolian pays,surveys were made on 5 profiles and its vicinity.Is a part of a geathernal program,more detailed .magnetic surveys (Il,l2,...,15)perpendicularly to the alignment of these puys were carried out and reconnaissance resistivity data were obtained from audio- These detailed aagnetio surveys.with sensor at 2.5" above the ground level, nagneWtelluric (AKF) surveys.Later,AIR1 soundings were made in the sones where define much greater detail of the magnetic field.Bi particular points,the Intensity great Magnetic anomalies (more than 1000 If) appear. of anomalies can reach +2000lf(such aa on JN85P5 and K335PI) and fall down at - 2872 0*(on JN85P3),-*7281f (on JN85P2),-228l)f (on J»85Pl).The elements of these Ground magnetic surveys anomalies well correlate with volcanic rocks.with highs and lows reflecting general- Two reconnaissance magnetic profiles (Sj and R? ) oriented HNW-ESK, ly normal • and possible reversed remanent magnetiEation.To be assured that these values are not due to the action of lightning currents on superficial rooks,sensor long of about 17 kn each one,were carried out.They are separated by 1 km. Pron the. was elevated at 8,5m above the ground level. Soaronono village on the west to the Ampahiaanga village on the east,is the first profile.South of it,the Booond is from Amparaky village (on the west) to Antanetim- One can conolude that the sources of the aagnetio anomalies are relatively boahangy (on the east) Fig.2 and is longing the ancient main road Antananarivo-Tsi- deep. roanomandldy -2- -3- Audiomagnetotelluric surveys boh anomaly of a profile, assumed to be due to a 2-D dyke.waa interpreted by; tha method of KDULOKZINE,L/U«BTAfflrE and 1* tha suitable method because of the Audlomagnatotelluri<s(AMr) soundings were Bade in the zones of magnetic geological contort(alignment of atronbolian pays on a relatively great distanoe). anomalies: 52 AW stationa were established.Scalar resistivities were calculated In each case,the depth H and the thickness of 2-D dyke has been determined. for an east-west orientation of the telluric Una and of 12 frequencies in the range 4,IHE to 2t3OOHx.This survey la used to confirm the presence of a vain and PROFILE AHOHLLY NUMBER DEPTH H (Meter) THICKNESS E(Heter) its elta in tb» magnetic anomalies cones. NOV84 (I) 200 500 Instrumentation JH85P6 (2) 6 10 For tha nagnetlo surveys a proton magnetometer CBOK0THICS was uaed(Fig.l). It JK85P5 (4) 65 180 measures tha scalar total magnetio field F. Readings are done in If (gammas) .The JS85P5 (5) 110 65 sensibility of tha magnetometer is about IY for a measurement value about 35000f. KSS5PI (6) no 606 Its working principle 1B baaed on the nuclear Magnetic resonance. JH85P4 (10) 160 390 For the AMP survey,we handled a reaiativimetar ANT ECA 542.0 composed of JM85P3 (E) 80 330 two selected chains of measurements with an acquisition and microprocessor comput- JM85PI (14) 50 170 ing system. The realstlvimeter function can be nsad when handling magnetic sensor The values of E and H are determined approximately about I0m.No more accuracy is and telluric line at the entrance.Ths amplitudes of the signals are checked at ovary got because it is Halted by the plotting of the tangents (at tha maximum and sonant bytwo galvanometrio indicators. The signals are acquired and processed by the nininun of the anomaly) and of the symetrio and the antieymetrio curves.But In the aloroproceasor then the values of apparent resistivity ,electrical field t any case,an order of values of E and H is obtained. Because of the high negative - and magnetic field H (produced by tha telluric current) appear on a numerical indi- ananolies values(remanant magnetization certainly),tha slope and the magnetic suscepti- cator. l*e AKT equlpnent la constituted of: (Fig.4) bility of the dykes camot be estimated. - a magnetio field is an inductive sensor with flux counter-reaction The correlated profiles NOV84,JN85P6, JB85P5,»S95PI (Fig.5 ) show that positive - an electrical sensor with 2 electrodes and one or two telluric lines anomalies essentially occur on the north side of the work tone.Those on the south - a measurement box there detected signals are processed and digitised data picked up aide,JH85P4,JH85P3,JN85P2,JW85PI include each one a high negative signature(-200OY) The profiles Ij,13,13,I, on the wast of the previous profiles include positive lfflSULTS OBTAINED , anomalies and negative anomalies on the southeast part of Ij and Ij (Fig.6).
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  • Infected Areas As on 2 August 1984 — Zones Infectées Au 2 Août 1984 for Cntena Used in Compiling This List, See No 12
    Wkly Epidem, Rec No, 31-3 August 1984 - 243 - Relevé èpuièm, hebd. N° 31 - 3 août 1984 INFLUENZA SURVEILLANCE SURVEILLANCE DE LA GRIPPE P a p u a New G u in e a (19 July 1984), — Seven strains of P a p o u a s ie N o u v e l l e -G u in é e (19 juillet 1984). — Sept souches du influenza B virus were isolated, mainly from young children, virus grippal B ont été isolées, suitout chez de jeunes enfants, au cours de during outbreaks in the Eastern Highland Province during J une poussées qui se sont produites en juin et juillet dans la provmce des and July. An additional strain was isolated from a child in the Eastern Highlands. Une autre souche a été isolée chez un enfant dans la Southern Highland Province where influenza also was reported province des Southern Highlands où l’on a aussi rapporté une forte inci­ widespread. Similar illness has been reported in other highland dence de la grippe. Des affections similaires ont été signalées dans provinces. These were the first isolates of influenza B virus since d’autres provinces des Highlands. Ces isolements de virus grippal B November 1982. étaient les premiers depuis novembre 1982. Infected Areas as on 2 August 1984 — Zones infectées au 2 août 1984 For cntena used in compiling this list, see No 12. page 92 - Les critères appliqués pour la compilation de cette liste sont publies dans le N° 12, page 92. X Newly reported areas - Nouvelles zones signalées. PLAGUE - PESTE Province Ouest Mandya Distnct MALAYSIA - MALAISIE Africa — Afrique Haul-Nkam Département Mysore Distnct Peninsular Malaysia Rafang Arrondissement South Kanara Distnct Kedah State MADAGASCAR EQUATORIAL GUINEA Maharashtra State Kuala Muda H D istna Antananarivo Province GUINÉE ÉQUATORIALE Akola Distnct Sabah Antananarivo- Ville Fernando Poo Province Aurangabad Distnct Kota Kinabalu D istna 3e Arrondissement Ratnagin Distnct Artvommamo S.
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