Drivers of Rift Valley Fever Epidemics in Madagascar
Drivers of Rift Valley fever epidemics in Madagascar Renaud Lancelota,b,1, Marina Beral´ b,c,d, Vincent Michel Rakotoharinomee, Soa-Fy Andriamandimbyf, Jean-Michel Heraud´ f, Caroline Costea,b, Andrea Apollonia,b,Cecile´ Squarzoni-Diawg, Stephane´ de La Rocquea,b,h,i, Pierre B. H. Formentyj,Jer´ emy´ Bouyera,b, G. R. William Wintk, and Eric Cardinaleb,c,d aFrench Agricultural Research and International Cooperation Organization for Development (Cirad), Department of Biological Systems (Bios), UMR Animals, Health, Territories, Risks, and Ecosystems (Astre), Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier, France; bFrench National Agricultural Research Center for International Development, Animal Health Department, UMR Astre, Campus International de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier, France; cCirad, Bios Department, UMR Astre, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, La Reunion,´ France; dCentre de Recherche et de Veille sur les Maladies Emergentes´ de l’Ocean´ Indien, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, La Reunion,´ France; eMinistere` de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de la Peche,ˆ Direction des Services Vet´ erinaires,´ Ambatofotsikely, BP 530 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar; fUnite´ de Virologie, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, BP 1274 Antananarivo 101, Madagascar; gAnimal Production and Health Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 00153 Rome, Italy; hWorld Organization for Animal Health, 75017 Paris, France; iInternational Health Regulations Monitoring Procedure and Information Team, Global Capacity and Response Department, World Health Organization (WHO), 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland; jEmerging and Epidemic Zoonotic Diseases, Pandemic and Epidemic Disease Department, WHO, Geneva 27, Switzerland; and kDepartment of Zoology, Environmental Research Group Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, United Kingdom Edited by Burton H. Singer, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, and approved December 8, 2016 (received for review May 18, 2016) Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a vector-borne viral disease widespread the slaughtering of viremic animals (11): Blood aerosol produced in Africa.
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