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1 1 Hatlio Times, November 22, 1929, SOUTHERN EDITION. A MINIATURE DICTIONARY OF MUSICAL TERMS (see pages 567 to 574) THE RAD gfteTfM E S THE JOURNAL OF TO,BI®^i«E!^T!NG CORPORATION > m 2 t NATION SHALL SPEAKTEACE UNTO NATION [ Registered at the 1 Vol. 25. No. 321. l G.P.O. as a Newspaper.] NOVEMBER 22, 1929. Every Friday. TWO PENCE. LISTEN TO ‘ LOUISE ’ THIS WEEK I % In order that listeners, after a preliminary survey of the week’s programmes contained herein, may be able to make notes of items to 1 which they specially want to listen, we publish below a diary of the week, with the chief programmes already noted; further favourite items may be noted by the listener himself in the space provided. n —1t I Sunday, November 24 j Thursday, November 28 9.5 Popular Orchestral Concert (London). 7.45 Halle Concert from Manchester (London) «* 9.0 From the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne (5GB). 9.0 Speeches from the Institute of Industrial Psychology (sG3;. «• ■ ■r m ^' Monday, November 25 Friday, November 29 9.35 The Virtuoso String Quartet and Betty Bannerman (London). 9.35 ‘ Roland ’ (London). 7.25 Libretto Opera, ‘Louise* (5GB). S.45 An Hour of Requests (5GB). >1 Tuesday, November 26 Saturday, November 30 y a £ 9.40 Vaudeville and Palladium Relay (London). 8.0 St. Andrew’s Night Programme from Edinburgh (London). ■>l 10.15 ‘ Roland ’ (5GB). 9.0 Revue, * You’re Through * (5 GB). >1 >1 a Wednesday, November 27 A MINIATURE MUSICAL DICTIONARY, f: 7.45 Libretto Opera, ‘ Louise ’ (London). which has been designed to provide a helpful o S.c Symphony Concert from Queen’s Hall (5GB). companion to the music notes of The Radio Times, ml be found on pages 567 to 574. * *34 •' xf. RADIO TIMES November 22, 1929. P OWER PURI TY '.'•; \\L y i m ? ^V6<c £ e 0*^ S*?V^£e^ “t&XfkZP * V>*V> V>**< V * PRICES. - y<°> *AC, vvV>^ *s «c V®«e >£ff %<>'** ^ 60 volt (reads 66) .. 7/11 100 volt (reads 108) . 12/11 120 volt .. 15/10 •*V»J» l£s*$%&.k® 36 volt .. 4/6 60 volt (Super power) 13/6 100 volt (Super power) 22/- 9 volt Grid Bias .. 1/6 4} volt Pocket Bat tery, 5d. each (4/6 doz.) Single Cell Torch Battery • m • • 4ld. LISSEN, LIMITED Worple Road, Islewortb, Middlesex. Factories also at Richmond (Surrey) and Edmonton. (Managing Director: T. N. Cole.) H.T, BATTERIES - • • November^, 3929. RADIO TIMES 535 ! 5 I LIVELINESS-REALISM j'o,s A <4 /> e e "e 3 ?o e OTHER LISSEN )> VALVES AND A PRICES. i L.210 ......... 10/6 H.210 ... 10/6 P.220 ......... 12/6 EXTENDED GRID CONSTRUCTION IN EACH. LISSEN, LIMITED, WORPLE ROAD, ISLEWORTH, MIDDLESEX. Factories also at Richmond (Snrrey) and Edmonton. (Manilas Director : T.N. COLE.) 536 RADIO TIMES November 22, 1929. iMSHI if: A ■' sill is® S;S'<s ! 88s MMMi m m A'_ - '«&0- Mmm «»i mmm;: ;>• :--V • ; mm. L fetes .v ■ v- m- & & Hear K*B at home- Your nearest K-B dealer will be glad to demonstrate any of these K-B receivers in your own home when convenient to you. K-B 161 ana 169. The KOLSTER- ALL-ELECTRIC l56-Th*kodlste*- BRANDES All - Mains Three - valve BR ANDES Four-valve Portable screened - grid Pentode Receivers, & PORTABLE Receiver. Including valves, royalty designed for operation off A.C. electric supply mains. Including valves and RADIO and all accessories £18.: 18 : 0. royalty £17 :10 : 0. For full particulars and name of your nearest Kolster- Brandes authorised dealer, send the coupon to Kolster-Brandes, Ltd., Cray Works, Sidcup, Kent. KotsterAll K-B products costing £5 or more can be obtained on Simple Hire Purchase Terms. ______ November 22, 1929. RADIO TIMES before you decide You will be under or to us. Send us the coupon below for details and arrange a demonstration. K-B 163. The highly selective Kolster- Brandeset III A. A popular three-valve R A T T C D V# Brandes Three-valve screencd-jrid Re- set arranged for one detector and DA I ! tK / ceiver.With PowerWith Pentodevalve, valve,£10 :£10 2 : : 15.6 two low frec*uencV Including kA. Q H EL S_ (including valves and royalty). valves and royalty £7 : 10 : 0 ^ ^ ^ COUPON of nearest K-B dea'cr in my district Please send me full particulars, and name Name__ Address. ,BT 22/tl Brandes Town Ccunty. CRAY WORKS . SIDCUP . KENT BRITISH MADE BY BRITISH LABOUR ill RADIO TIMES November 22, 1929.' 1SSEN0LX COMPETITION THE PORTABLE PORTABLE 1 1GRAMOPHONE WITH RECEIVER 1kPEDESTAL TONE #/ Tt * ■; m: rii m 0 m jo a# jg|8 lioui restrict ion by raagnciiu attraction. WITH PROVISION The fun you can get, the pleasure you can give, with this Lissen Tortable* for USING PICK-UP Gramophone. You can use it any time, anywhere; it will fill in odd moments No aerial—no earth—no loose wires—it splendidly, and because its tone is so will play as you cariy it about. deep and mellow you can give a con Tui.-J Compeli- in the pickup iea«i» into cert of the classic records that will delight the critical ear. 22iCectncr *■**i- a \•riiablQ ^Rwill »-sssgiro you PkWtasuch rc- Lissen have found a Have this fine Lissen tnarvcl <>f value-for- production , of gramo- way to put a horn of Portable Gramophone money, it is ran to in I’1*000 music ' as you its mo*t or too r<J before, really great length on sevcn davs’ appro- convenient-- J„v handsome case of into this portable T ; forma line receiving Uso this Lissen Pick-up with any morocco leather cloth: gramophone —a horn ^ i ” .-tat ion complete in it- "Uf uial tuning, instant gramophone and any radio set. Use it longer than that of -)^UI fl lends hear with old records or with the latest, many full-sized cabinet lt- “ J'ou arc not on* are u.«!, e.i all a. ml. no carlh, price masterpiece of electrical recording— models. The Lissen tiroly satisfied, Lissen the critical values arc complete, you will hear again the living voice sound-box is extremely will * refund every constant and perfectly r**r* *« n sensitive and in per- penny you have.paid— balance.!, and you g/*t J_Q 0 cash. of the artist, and every note of every feet track alignment, yOU simply send th«J volume, tone and se instrument recreated for you. so that there is tonal lectivity combined Or £1 down and machine back to tlio truth from every re factory within 7 days. 'A Because the Lissen If you want every cord. Finely adjust Se"-' "Mn- K^BR®. S Order to-day — send piiuty m use. aup-r-hidn case. .€19.19. Pickup responds faith- single record to sound able dial speed regula I'revision i» mad;.- co r auh. RADIO ami fully to the most min- much better tor enables you to play cash with order or fill t.i!,: Lisai-n Porj^blo Re- MUSIC DEALERS—write loan o-ircr hr u.o «*•; of a for attractive u-rins and ute indentation on tho those you hear at de every record at exact in coupon below for extended credit. t.raniophan.i, I- ic t n p grt your umi- put cn record—the needle ar- monstrations — if you recording-room speed. veil Horn .-.Hera lion ot our !Lit for Dcmcu^tra- wirinjc—you r.?u:v>7 j tiuti*. mature is so light that "ant radio - gramo- the needle-point actu- l,*,ono reproduction CASH PRICE 67/6 ally feels its way along that comes so near to or 5It deposit and 8 monthly instalments of 8/8 . the recording - groove, reality that in a dark And you’ll find your ened room you would records almost ever suspect the presence of the artist—get this lasting when you use, new \ this new Lissen Pickup, Lissen Pickup COUPON FOR and learn what perfec- bcause the needle fol i ion means. COUPON FOR EXTENDED CREDIT TERMS lows the groove and A n y Lissen radio dealer To LISSEN LTD. (Dept. R.T.). does not plough its will demonstrate it extended credit terms Worple Road, IsH-wortb, Kid Ox. way along. for you. ; To LISSEN Ltd., Worple RtU Deliver to mo at ray addros s below one Xsloworth, Middx. L.nuimla Portable Receiver at cow- nsit'DI terms priro of £13.12. 0. I I enclose 5/- deposit for one ••Eirlciv? 20.'- and acr*o to pay .tli? isseiio13- Portable Grainoiihouo Model balance of £17.12.0 to 70U at li:- Xo. 4 as illustrated, and agree to rate of 32 - y-r mot-tli, my cext icy. pay tlio balanco in eight consecutive incut to !» mu' - to you cu .......... montl o you at next. your |ii«!ssra-w-1 Signature Mn ... SI died (full name) .............. Permanent A<S4ri*-« ....... Address -.................................. Date ____________ _____________ Aro j-ou a Householder?.... ... ~.... i Pr-’vst Occiti-Ulon -.................... Pate I Are yea a hixjc&c-Uter ? ................ ncUiicr-* Xaino -............................... Il' tailvi’s Xanio and Addrv * ___ NEEDLE ARMATURE R. T PICK-UP 30^ LISSEN LTD. worple road, j ISLEWORTH, MIDDLX. ' ISOVK.MULic 22 , 1929. cno THE RADIO TIMES r Registered at the 1 Vol. 25. No. 321. IG.L’.O. as a Newspaper. J NOVEMBER 22, 1929. Every Friday. TWO PENCE. A POET LOOKS AT BROOKMAN’S PARK Below is a description of the new London Station—c The New Temple of Hermes ’—as seen by Richard Church, one of our finest younger poets.