How in Belgium's Journal Des Tribunaux the Interest for the Congo

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How in Belgium's Journal Des Tribunaux the Interest for the Congo 1 Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde “Une telle apathie est presque coupable”. How in Belgium’s Journal des tribunaux the interest for the ongo !ree State spar"ed o#f $1%%&'1()%*1 +,sum, - .orsque l’État Ind,pendant du ongo $10 * fut ,tabli en 18%&2 le roi .,opold 00 le consid,ra comme son territoire personnel. 3u d,but2 les politiciens et les avocats belges ne semblaient pas se soucier des ambitions coloniales de son sou4erain. .eur attitude changea au cours des ann,es 18()2 lorsque .,opold 00 et l’É0 furent internationalement accus,s de commettre des crimes contre l’humanit,. .e 5arlement belge chercha et trou4a une solution dans le pro6et d’annexion durant la premi8re d,cennie du 99e si8cle. Comment les avocats belges per:urent cette question ; < travers les re4ues 6uridiques2 qui re=>8tent et forment des opinions2 il est possible de reconstruire l’histoire de l’annexion de l’État libre congolais par la Belgique. .e Journal des tribunaux est le titre le plus important de son ,poque2 primus inter pares des re4ues 6uridiques2 il est li, ? toutes les associations des mondes politique2 juridique et colonial. @ots'cl,s - histoire du droit – histoire coloniale – études des re4ues – Belgique – Congo 3bstract - Bhen the Congo !ree State $ !S* was established in 18%&2 Cing .eopold 00 ruled it as its personal territorD. At fFrst Belgian politicians and lawDers seemed not to care about the colonial ambitions of its so4ereign. Ghat changed during the 18()s2 when the .eopoldian !S was internationally accused of committing crimes against humanitD. Belgium’s 5arliament urged to EFnd a solution in the annexation pro6ect during the fFrst decade of the H)th centurD. How did Belgian lawDers percei4e this issue ; Through means of legal periodicals2 which re=>ect and shape opinions on certain topics2 it is possible to reconstruct the annexation historD of the !S bD Belgium in 19)%. The Journal des tribunaux is the most rele4ant titles on this sub6ect2 as it is the primus inter pares of legal periodicals at that time and connected to all the rele4ant associations in the political2 legal and colonial world. CeD words - legal historD – colonial historD – periodical studies – Belgium – Congo 0ntroduction 1. 0n 1%%&2 the central 3frican ongo !ree State $ !S* was established as an independent state under the personal reign of .eopold 002 Cing of the Belgians $1%I&-1()(*. Ghe so-called “Cing of olonialism” con4inced the international communitD he was in4ol4ed in humanitarian and philanthropic wor" although he earned infamD due to the atrocities committed in the ongo basin H. 3nglo'Saxon and Belgian 1 0 want to than" 3m,lie Verfaillie $Ghent Uni4ersitD* and professor dr. Nathalie Gousignant $Uni4ersit, Saint'.ouis Bruxelles* for their valuable remarks on the fFrst drafLs of the text. All remaining mistakes are mD responsibilitD. H Mn Cing .eopold and his role in ongo see amongst others2 B. 1merson2 Leopold II of the Belgians : king of colonialism2 .ondon2 Beidenfeld and Kicolson2 1(N( O P. Vangroenweghe Q .. Vander4elde2 Rood rubber : Leopold II en zijn ongo, Brussels2 1lse4ier2 19%& O P. Vangroenweghe2 Leopold II en ongo : het "#enaarsdistrict en het roondomein $%%&'$()%2 Bruges2 Vangroenweghe2 1(%& O @. @assoR2 Le *ongo de Léopold II! $%,%'$()% : un r+cit histori-ue2 .i8ge2 @assoR2 1(%( O N. 3scherson2 .he ing Incorporated : Leopold the /econd and the *ongo2 .ondon2 Granta books2 19(( O P. Van ReDbrouc"2 *ongo, een geschieden02 Amsterdam2 De BeRige Bi62 2)10. lioSGh,mis – nT1H2 201N H Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde humanitarian lawDers2 authors and 6ournalists e7posed those crimes to the public putting pressure on Belgium’s Parliament to undertake action against the KingI. It lead to the anne7ation of C!S bD Belgium. H. Since Jean Stenger’s Belgi-ue et *ongo : l1+laboration de la *harte coloniale! the anne7ation pro6ect has recei4ed little attentionV. +ecentlD2 Vincent Viaene e7plored parliamentarD documents and a wide 4arietD of sources to reconstruct the discussion of la reprise du *ongo&. 0n his research2 he mentions the renowned Brussels attorneDs-at-law 1dmond 5icard $1%IV-1(HW*W and the *onf+rence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles $Brussels Xoung Bar 3ssociation* as breeding ground for Belgium’s colonial partD N. 0n legal historD2 these actors are connected to one particular legal periodical - the Journal des tribunaux which reported on important political and legal issues such as the colonial question. ScrutiniRing the articles brings a unique insight on the way lawDers thought about it%. I. 3t the end of the nineteenth and earlD twentieth centurD2 Belgium counted about twentD legal titles of which the generalist A i.e. not focusing on a particular legal branch or court A Journal des tribunaux $UG* too" the lead from its renowned predecessor La Belgique judiciaire(3 0ts pre-Second Borld Bar editors'in' chief 1dmond 5icard and .,on Hennebicq $1%N1-1(V)*1) propagated a strong Belgian State with its own colonial empire and hailed Cing .eopold 00’s wor" o4erseas. SecondlD2 the Journal’s collaborators were in4ol4ed in more specialist colonial titles. GhirdlD2 when in 1(W) the ongo gained its independencD2 the Journal des tribunaux simultaneouslD celebrated its N&th anni4ersarD11. !or this occasion a longer issue was published with o4er4iew articles on how the periodical can be used as a means to reconstruct the e4olution of certain legal branches1H. Brussels attorneD Pelfosse wrote a speciEFc contribution on colonial law and how “la mentalit+ de nos compatriotes! et plus sp+cialement de nos confr4res! 5 l1+gard de ce -ui 2ut jad0 et sera demain”1I. Pelfosse turned the pages of all volumes published between 1%%1 and 1(W0 and summariRed chronologicallD the most signiEFcant contributions on the ongo question. Howe4er2 he did not I In Britain2 the campaign against Congo !ree State was led bD 1. P. @orel, who was enforced bD no4elists such as @ar" Gwain2 Joseph Conrad and 3rthur Canon PoDle. 3merican politician Jeorge Bashington Billiams published alreadD in 18() an open letter to King Leopold II about abuses he had witnessed. V J. Stengers2 Belgi-ue et Congo : l1+laboration de la Charte coloniale2 Brussels2 La Renaissance du Li4re2 19WI. & V. Viaene2 Y Reprise'remise. Pe Congolese identiteitscrisis 4an BelgiZ rond 1()% [2 in *ongo in Belgi6 : koloniale cultuur in de metropool2 V. Viaene2 D. Van ReDbrouc"2 B. Ceuppens (dir.)2 Lou4ain2 Uni4ersitaire pers Leu4en2 2))(2 p. VH'WH. W Mn 1dmond 5icard and his 4ision on law and societD see - 3. Pe Brouwer2 Y 1dmond 5icard2 een 4eelzi6dig man $18IW' 1(HV* [2 Rechtskundig 7eekblad $hereinafLer R7* 19W&'WW2 p. IW( O .. Piercxsens2 Y Het onstuimige le4en 4an 1dmond 5icard [2 RW2 19II'IV2 p. 169 O B. Coppein2 Y ‘J’ai 4u ce que 4ous n’aveR pas 4u’. Proit et politique dans la pens,e 6uridique d’Edmond 5icard $premi8re partie* [2 Journal des tribunaux $hereinafLer J.* H))N2 col. H1-HI O col. I%'I(2 col. &N'&% O col. NW' NN O B. Coppein2 « ‘Un appareil concasseur et triturateur’. De kritiek van Edmond Picard op de wetge4ende macht in BelgiZ in de tweede helfL 4an de negentiende eeuw [2 Pro 9emorie2 H))N2 pp. (1-11) O B. oppein2 Y 1dmond 5icard $18IW'1(HV*2 avocat bru7ellois et belge par e7cellence de la deu7i8me moiti, du 909 e si8cle [2 in Les praticiens du droit du Moyen Âge à l1+poque contemporaine : approches prosopographi-ues2 Belgi-ue! *anada! <rance! Italie! Prusse : actes du colloque de Namur! $>! $& et $? d+cembre @))?2 V. Bernaudeau $dir.)2 Rennes2 5resses uni4ersitaires de +ennes2 H))%2 p. HH&'HIN O B. oppein2 Aromen #an een nieuBe samenle#ing3 Intellectuele biograCe #an "dmond Picard2 Brussels2 .arcier2 H)11 O !. +ingelheim2 Dn jurisconsulte de race! "dmond Picard E$%F?'$(@>G2 Brussels2 .arcier2 H)12 O 5. 3ron Q C. Vanderpelen' Piagre2 "dmond Picard3 Dn bourgeoi socialiste belge 5 la Cn du dix'neu#i4me si4cle2 Brussels2 @us,es roDau7 des Beau7' 3rts de Belgique2 H)13 O B. Van 1eckhoutte Q B. @aes $dir.)2 Henius! grandeur I gJne3 Ket <in de /i4cle rond het Justitiepale0 te Brussel en de controversi6le Cguur #an "dmond Picard/La <in de /i4cle autour du Pala0 de Justice de Bruxelles et le personnage d1"dmond Picard2 Ghent2 Knops2 2)14. N V. Viaene2 « Reprise'remise. De Congolese identiteitscrisie van BelgiZ rond 1()% [2 in *ongo in Belgi62 op3 cit32 p. VN'V%. % S. Vandenbogaerde2 Mectoren #an het recht3 Heschieden0 #an de juridische tijdschriNen in Belgi62 unpublished doctoral thesis2 Ghent Uni4ersitD2 FacultD of Law2 2)14 (commercial edition accepted for publication in 2)17 bD Die Keure*. ( S. Vandenbogaerde2 « "xegi monumentum - La Belgique Uudiciaire (18VH'1(I(* [2 .ijdschriN #oor Tijdschri2studies2 31, 2)122 p. VW'&%. 10 .,on Hennebicq studied law at the !ree Uni4ersitD of Brussels and became an intern at the o#EFce of 1dmond 5icard. He was elected president of the *on2+rence du Jeune Barreau2 member of the Bar Council, secretarD and later president of <+d+ration des a#ocats belges and in 19H& he became batonnier at the Brussels Bar 3ssociation. He was also responsible for the publication of La M+rit+ sur le *ongo2 a periodical published between 1()I and 1()N O G. 3ronstein2 Y Hennebicq2 .,on [2 Biographie nationale2 3)2 p. V51-V&%. 11 Ghe Journal des tribunaux halted publication during both Borld Bars2 making that onlD in 1(W) the periodical celebrated its 75th anni4ersarD. 12 Journal des tribunaux2 issue 4H71, March 2)2 1(W)2 p. H)1-H&H. lioSGh,mis – nT1H2 201N I Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde conte7tualiRe the Journal des tribunaux as an instrument of its editors2 using it as a 4ector to disseminate their opinion.
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