DIVERSITIES IN COGNITIVE APPROacH MAP maKING AND CARTOGRAPHIC TRadITIONS FROM THE INDIAN OCEAN REGION 4 Time Space Directions Designed by Soumyadip Ghosh © Ambedkar University Delhi All rights reserved AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY DELHI CENTRE OF COmmuNITY KNOWLEDGE LOTHIAN ROad, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI 110006 TELEPHONE : +91-11-23863740/43 FAX : +91-11-23863742 EmaIL:
[email protected],
[email protected] Time Space Directions. Delhi, Neeta Press, Shed- 19 DSIDC Industrial Complex, Dakshinpur, ND 62 2014 -1st ed. HISTORY ; DESIGN; MAPS; CARTOGRAPHY; INDIAN OCEAN About The Centre for Community Knowledge The Centre for Community Knowledge (CCK) has been planned as a premier institutional platform in India in interdisciplinary areas of Social Sciences, to link academic research and teaching with dispersed work on Community Knowledge. At a time when communities are faced with multiple challenges, the Centre for Community Knowledge, through its interdisciplinary approach, documents, studies and disseminates the praxis of community knowledge, so as to improve our understandings of our living heritage, and integrate community-based knowledge in the available alternatives. Drawn from living experience, and mostly unwritten, oral and practice based, community knowledge can play a crucial role in these transformative times in a number of areas, including the empowerment of marginal communities, adapting to environmental impacts and changes in public policy. The Centre also aims to foster a multidisciplinary study of marginal knowledge traditions in collaboration