


Fez University Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin

A first version of this bibliography was presented to the Frühe Neuzeit (Max Planck Institute for History of , Berlin) in April 1996. I revised and expanded it during a stay of research in MPIWG during the summer 1996 and in Fez (november 1996). During the Workshop Experience and Knowledge Structures in Arabic and Sciences, held in the Max Planck Institute for the in Berlin on December 16-17, 1996, a limited of copies of the present Bibliography was already distributed.

Finally, I express my gratitude to Paul Weinig (Berlin) for valuable advice and for proofreading.


The principal sources for the history of Arabic and Islamic sciences are of course original works written mainly in Arabic between the VIIIth and the XVIth centuries, for the most part. A great part of this scientific material is still in original manuscripts, but many texts had been edited since the XIXth century, and in many cases translated to European languages. In the case of sciences as and mechanics, instruments and mechanical devices still extant and preserved in museums throughout the world bring important informations. A total of several thousands of mathematical, astronomical, physical, alchemical, biologico-medical manuscripts survived. They are written mainly in Arabic, but some are in Persian and Turkish. The main libraries in which they are preserved are those in the Arabic World: , , , Algiers, Rabat ... as well as in private collections. Beside this material in the Arabic countries, the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, the Biblioteca del Escorial near Madrid, the and the Bodleian Library in , the Bibliothèque Nationale in , the Süleymaniye and Topkapi Libraries in , the National Libraries in , , Pakistan... own invaluable treasures of manuscripts and scientific instruments. Some of the sources are now preserved in places as far apart as Hyderabad and Chicago. Newly-identified sources offer new informations and provide far more scope to the writing of the history of the sciences composed in Arabic, and promise to yield a far more accurate historical picture of the genesis and the development of the scientific disciplines in the world of in the classical age than has been possible hitherto. Credit must be given to the labours of of science who have deployed their efforts since the last century to document the scientific production of the Arabic-Islamic civilization. But the work done in the recent period is of a wider scope, and affords more occasions to write and re-write the history of the sciences called Arabic. In the following General Bibliography, I present a selected list of works related to the different fields of the history of the sciences written and developed in the lands of Islam during the classical period (VIIIth-XVIth century). The history of Arabic science is a of research in which hundreds of specialists deployed their efforts during the last 150 years; it is impossible to present here all of this work. Consequently, I don't have the pretention to be exhaustive. I selected only a little number of sciences (mathematics, astronomy, , mechanics, natural philosophy); I let aside all the rich production in , chemistry, alchemy, theology or kalam... In particular I had to neglect all the important material published on the in Islam, which deserves a special bibliography on its own. On the other hand, even within the sciences I choosed to cover, I outlined only the essential texts and I mentioned mainly the references to which I had access, directly or indirectly. I let aside a quite large variety of titles; I hope that I didn't neglect many of the important ones. Recent publications of original material and commentaries were somehow privileged, for the simple reason of access. It is more easy to know about books and articles published recently than to look for informations on texts published many decades earlier or on original manuscripts located in various libraries throughout the world. Several titles listed hereafter are mentioned only for their historical value, as indications of some aspects of past studies. The major part of the bibliographical references shall constitute a representative selection of the present state of the research. I mentioned the publications in all languages (Arabic, English, French, German, Russian), published in Arabic and Islamic countries or in and North America. My commentaries tend to draw supplementary light on the references and to recommend some titles. The following bibliography is composed of 502 references. The whole is divided in seven sections: 1. Manuscripts: My aim in presenting this list of Arabic scientific primary sources is to provide, firstly, a concrete illustration of the value of the material which constitutes the scientific heritage in Arabic, and to show how it is disseminated throughout the world, secondly. For a more accurate picture on the original manuscripts, it is recommended to consult the specialized bio-bibliographical sources, such as Ibn al-Nadim, Brockelmann, Hajji Khalifa, King and others. 2. The bio-bibliographical sources constitute the subject of the second section, devoted to general works on systematics and the reference tools for the beginner as well as for the ; these sources are diverse in form as well as in range: catalogues of libraries, lists of manuscripts and printed books, Arabic classical writings and chronicles on bio-bibliography. Sections 3-6 are devoted respectively to: 3. Mathematics and Optics, 4. Astronomy, 5. Mechanics and Engineering, 6. Natural philosophy (essentially on the Aristotelian tradition developed in the Oriental as well as in Occidental lands of Islam, in , Damascus, Samarqand, Bukharra, Cordoba, Murrakush and Fez). 7. Finally, Section 7 concludes this bibliography by a list of references on the question of the transmission of scientific knowledge from Greek to Arabic and from Arabic to Latin, plus other miscellaneous references on different topics (natural sciences, classification of the sciences...)

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1. Al-Battiwi, Abu-Miqrac, Commentary on al-Marghithi's astronomical poem: MS Cairo, Egyptian National Library DM 415, etc. See Colin & Renaud (1933). 2. Al-Jaddari, Poem on folk astronomy: MSS Oxford, Bodleian Library 411, 2; Cairo, Egyptian National Library, K 4311, etc. 3. Al-Khalili, Universal auxiliary tables: MSS Oxford, Bodleian Library Add. 9599, 31; Maghribi copy. 4. Al-Mahani, Risala fi l-mushkil min amri al- [ on what is problematic in the question of proportionality] by one of the first Arabic commentators on 's Elements (Xth century): MS Istanbul, Carullah 1502. 5. Al-Maghribi, Muhyi al-Din (XIIIth century), Tahrir of Euclid's Elements: MS Oxford, Bodleian Library or. 448 (copy dated 1260). 6. Al-Maghribi, ibn abi al-Shukr, for Damascus: MS Escorial ar. 932. 7. Al-Maghribi, ibn abi al-Shukr, Zij:: MSS Escorial 9090, 1; Dublin Chester Beatty 4087, etc. 8. Al-Mardini, Sibt al-Mardini, Risala fi al-camal bi-l-rubc al-mujayyab [Treatise on the work with the sine ]: Copy in my private collection, ff. 1v-9r. 9. Al-Mardini, al-Risala al-fathiyya bi-al-acmal al-jaybiyya [Treatise of the sine works]: MS Rabat D 2755, 156 folios. 10. Al-Qalsadi, Sharh dhawat al-asma'e [On irrational quantities]: Copy in my private collection; 9 pages of Maghribi handwriting of one of the algebraic of this Andalusian-Tunisian . 11. Al-Qustantini, Zij: MS Escorial 909, 2. 12. Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din, al Tadhkira fi cilm al-hay'a [Memoir on Astronomy]: MS Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale ar. 2509. 13. Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din, Tahrir Uqlidis [Redaction of Euclid's Elements]: MS Istanbul, Aya Sofya Ahmet III 3452. 14. Al-cUrdi, Mu'ayyad al-Din, Risala fi kayfiyyat al-arsad wa-ma yuhtaju ila cilmihi wa- camalihi min al-turuq al-mu'addiya ila macrifati cawdat al-kawakib... [Treatise on the means of observations and what is needed to be known and practiced in the knowledge of the return/motion of ]: MS Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 2544. 15. Anonymous, al-Iqtisar fi basti al-kusur [On ]: Copy in my private collection. 16. Anonymous, recension of Zij of ibn al-Shatir: MS Cairo, Egyptian National Library DM 533. 17. Anonymous, Kitab al-murasala fi al-jabr wa al-muqabala [Book of ]: MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Hunt 214. 18. Anonymous, Arabic of the Elements of Euclid: MS , Akademia Nauka C 2145. 19. [Euclid], Kitab al-Usul li Uqlidis [Arabic of Euclid's Elements]: MSS Rabat, Hassaniya, 1101; Hassaniya 53; Oxford, Bodleian Thurston 11; Escorial 907; etc. (complete and incomplete versions, e.g. Hassaniya-Rabat 1101 contains the complete text of the 13 books of the Elements, while we find in Hassaniya 53 only the first five books). 20. Hajji Khalifa, Kashf al-zunun can asami al-kutub wa al-funun [Removing the doubts concerning the names of the books and the arts; famous bio-bibliographical work]: MSS Subayhiya Library, Sala, Morocco, 7/223; 1/517. 21. Husayn Qus'a, recension of Zij of : MS Cairo DM 814, etc.

3 22. Ibn Aflah, Jabir, Islah al-Majisti [Reform of the ]: MS Escorial, Arabe 910 copy with the title: Kitab al-Hay'a li Abi Muhammad ibn Aflah al-Ishbili, wa huwa Talkhis Kitab al-Majisti; ff. 1-120. Still unpublished Andalusian work in theoretical astronomy. 23. Ibn al-Banna, Fi al-taksir [On fractions]: MS Tunis, National Library 9002. 24. Ibn al-Banna, Minhaj al-talib li-tacdil al-kawakib [Guide of the researcher for the of planets]: MSS Algiers, National Library, 1454; El Escorial, 904. 25. Ibn al-Haytham, Sharh musadarat Uqlidis [Commentary on the postulates of Euclid]: MS Istanbul, Feyzullah 1359. 26. Ibn al-Haytham, Qawl fi al-daw'; Maqala fi al-maraya al muhriqa bi al-dai'ra; Maqala fi al-maraya al muhriqa bi al-qutuc... [Discourse on the light; Book on circular burning ; Book on transversal burning mirrors...]: MS London, India Office, Arabic n° 734. Collection of works of ibn al-Haytham on different problems of optics and burning mirrors. 27. Ibn al-Raqqam, al-Zij al-Qawim: MS Rabat Hassaniya, Awqaf 260. 28. Ibn al-Raqqam, al-Zij al-Shamil: MS Istanbul Kandilli 249. 29. Ibn al-Raqqam, Risala fi cilm al-zilal [Treatise in the science of shadows (gnomonics]: MS Escorial 918, 11. 30. Ibn al-Sari al-Baghdadi (also known as Ibn as-): Maqala fi al-khata' min al-maqala al-thalitha min kitab as-Sama' wa al-calam [Book on the error of 's De caelo, Book III] and some specific questions of mathematics [Maqala jawab can burhan mas'ala muzafa ila l-maqala as-sabica min kitab Uqlidis fi l-Usul; Maqala fi al-raddi cala Ibn al- Haytham fi-ma wahima fi-hi min Kitab Shukuk Uqlidis]: MS Istanbul, Aya Sofia, 4830, ff. 122-161. 31. Ibn al-Shatir, Zij Ibn al-Shatir: MS , al-Waqfiyya Library 904. 32. Ibn al-Shatir, Nihayat al-sul fi tashih al-Usul [The end of the question in the reform of the Elements]: MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Marsh 139 Bp 7063. 33. Ibn Bajja, works: MS Oxford, Bodleian Library Pococke 206. Considered as the unique source (with the Escorial MS) after the loss of MS Berlin. But this one was re-discovered in 1988 by G. Endress. After this discovery of ibn Bajja's Berlin MS, P. Lettinck edited the unpublished parts of his commentary on Aristotle's . 34. Ibn Ghazi, Bughyat at-tullab fi sharh munyat al-hisab [Treatise of ]: MS Rabat, al-Maktaba al-cAmma K 444. 35. Ibn Haydur, Kitab al-tamhis fi sharh al-Talkhis [Commentary on ibn al-Banna's mathematical treatise al-Talkhis]: MS Rabat, al-Maktaba al-cAmma G 112, 128 folios. 36. al-Tunusi, Zij: MS Hyderabad Andra Pradesh State Library 298. Discovered 1978 in Hyderabad by D. King. 37. Ibn Luqa, Qusta, Irun al-Yunani al-Misri al-Iskandarani, Rafc al-ashya' al-thaqila ['s translation of Hero's Mechanics]: MS Istanbul, Library of Istanbul University, Aya Sofia AY 78. 38. Ibn Luqa, Qusta, Kitab fi cilal ma yacridu fi al-maraya min ikhtilaf al-manazir: MS Mashhad, Iran, Astan-e Quds 392, 1. Work on optics. 39. Ibn Mucad al-Jayyani, Kitab al-dawalib wa al-arha wa l-rawayis: MS Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Orient 152, 105 folios. Unpublished MS on machines. 40. Ibn Mucad al-Jayyani, Kitab majhulat qisi al-kurat: MS Escorial 960-1-54V; trigonometrical treatise, edited by Villuendas (1979). 41. Ibn Qurra, Thabit, Kitab ila al-mutacallamin fi l-nisba al-mu'allafa [Treatise to the learned men on the composition of ]: MS Istanbul, Ahmat III 3464. 42. Ibn Qurra, Thabit, Kitab fi 'l-Qarastun [Book on the steelyard]: MS Beirut, Library of the Catholic University; MS London, India Office 767, ff. 198r-208r.

4 43. Ibn Qurra, Thabit, Kitab fi 'l-Qarastun, MS Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, M. or. q. 559, ff. 218b-224a (6023 Ahlwardt Katalog). Reported lost since 1945, rediscovered in October 1996 by P. Weinig & M. Abattouy. 44. Ibn Qurra, Thabit, Kitab Uqlidis fi al-thiql wa al-khiffa wa qiyyas al-ajram bacdiha ila bacd, islah Thabit ibn Qurra [The book of Euclid on heaviness and lightness and the measuring of bodies one by another, revised by Thabit ibn Qurra]: MS London, India Office 744, ff. 98v-101r. 45. Ibn Qurra, Thabit, Kitab Uqlidis fi al-thiql wa al-khiffa wa qiyyas al-ajram bacdiha ila bacd, islah Thabit ibn Qurra: MS Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, M. or. f. 258, ff. 439-440b. Reported lost since 1945; rediscovered in October 1996 by P. Weinig & M. Abattouy. 46. Ibn Sina, Fi Ittikhad al-alat al-rasdiyya [On the instruments of observation]: MS Leyden 1061; on instruments of astronomical observation. 47. Ibn Tamim, Dunas, treatise on the armillary : MS Istanbul Aya Sofya 4861. 48. , Risala fi al-burhan cala al-muqaddima allati ahmalaha Arshimidis fi kitabihi tasbic al-dai'ra: MS Istanbul, Topkapi Saray 3342. 49. Ibn Yusuf, Ahmad, Risala fi al-nisba wa al-tanasub [Treatise on the proportion and the proportionality]: MSS Cairo, Dar riyada 6, ff. 1-25; Algiers, National Library 1446, ff. 54v-73v. 50. Ulugh Beg, Zij Ulugh Beg: MSS Damascus, al-Zahiriyya Library 9340, 171 folios; al- Zahiriyya 3096; al-Zahiriyya 3102; Cairo, Dar al-kutub al-Misriyya 4 Miqat, in Persian.

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51. ABD AL-RAHMÂN, A. J. (1981-1983). Printed Arabic Manuscripts. Basra (Irak). 2 vols. 52. AHLWARDT, W. (1878-99). Verzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Berlin, 10 vols. 53. Al-ANDALUSI, Sacid (1912). Kitab tabaqat al-umam, edited by Louis Cheikho. Beirut: Imprimerie catholique. New edition of the Arabic text by Hayat Bucalwan, Beirut: Dar al-talica, 1985. 54. Al-ANDALUSI, Sacid (1935). Science in the Medieval World: "Book of the Categories of Nations". Translated [in English] and edited by I. S. Salem & A. Kumar. Leiden: E. J. Brill, xxvi + 118 pp. See also the French translation by Régis Blachère, Livre des catégories des nations, Paris: Larose, 1935. 55. ANDERSON, Margaret (1984). Arabic Materials Translated into European Languages. A Bibliography. Toronto: University of Toronto, Faculty of Library and Information Science. 56. BENJELLOUN-LAROUI, Leila (1990). Les Bibliothèques au Maroc. Paris. General survey of the main libraries in Morocco. 57. BINBINE, Ahmed C. (1992). Histoire des Bibliothèques au Maroc. Rabat: Faculty of Letters Press. Similar to Benjelloun-Laroui (1990), by the Moroccan specialist of codicology. 58. BROCKELMAN, Carl (1943-49). Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2 vols., 2nd edition [first edition 1898-1902]; plus 3 Supplements, 1937-42. Leiden: E. J. Brill. A list of about 20.000 Arabic Mss and their editions known to European in the first third of this century. An Arabic complete translation was performed recently by Douriya al- (Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1984-1991, 5 ). 59. CHEIKHO, Louis (1921 & 1929). Catalogue raisonné des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Orientale de l'Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth. Beirut, 2 vols. 60. Convegno [1]: Convegno Internazionale 9-15 aprile 1969: Oriente e Occidente nel Medioevo: Filosofia e scienzei. Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1971. See the article of E. S. Kennedy, "Planetary in the Medieval Near East and its transmission to Europe", pp. 595-604. 61. Convegno [2]: La diffusione delle scienze islamiche nel medioevo europeo. Convegno internazionale, Roma, 2-4 ottobre 1984. Roma, 1987, 539 pp. 62. DSB: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, edited by Charles Gillispie, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 18 vols., 1970-1990. Many articles on Arabic scientists: "ibn al-Bana" (by J. Vernet, vol. 1, pp. 437-438), "ibn al-Haytham" (by A. Sabra, vol. 6, pp. 189-210), "al-Khazini" (by R. Hall, vol. 7, pp. 335-351), "Thabit ibn Qurra" (by B. A. Rosenfeld & A. T. Grigorian, vol. 13, pp. 288-295), "Nasir al-Din al-Tusi" (by S. H. Nasr, vol. 13, pp. 508-514), "al-Zarqali" (by J. Vernet, vol. 14, pp. 592-595) ... 63. EI1 : Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1913-36. Reprinted Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1993, 4 vols.

6 64. EI2 : Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edition. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1960-1991-continuing, 7 vols. to date. Two successive editions of the famous encyclopaedic work on various aspects of Arabic and Islamic history, culture and sciences. For an example on the differences between the two editions, see the articles on "al- Karastun" written respectively by E. Wiedemann (EI1) and K. Jaouiche (EI2). 65. Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, edited by Roshdi Rashed with the collaboration of Régis Morelon. London and New York: Routledge. Issued March 1996, 3 vols., 1128 pp.; vol. 1: Astronomy - Theoretical and Applied; vol. 2: Mathematics and the Physical Sciences; vol. 3: Technology, Alchemy and Life Sciences. A major work, presenting a general synthesis on the present state of knowledge in the field of Arabic sciences, by a team of international recognized specialists. Contains articles on all aspects of scientific activities written in Arabic, with emphasis on mathematical sciences. Some articles deal with the question of the transmission of Arabic sciences to the Latin West (astronomy, medicine, alchemy). For a critical evaluation, see Z. Sardar in Nature, vol. 383 (10 october 1996): pp. 492-493. The French translation of this Encycopledia is in press. 66. Al-FASSI, Muhammad A. (1979). Fahras makhtutat khizanat al-Qarawiyyin. Casablanca, 2 vols. Catalogue of the Library Qarawiyyin, Fez. 67. GRANT, Edward ed. (1974). A Source Book in Mediaeval Science. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press. See especially on Arabic sciences: p. 35 ff. ("the translation of Greek and Arabic science into latin"); pp. 106- 110 (al-Khawarizmi's solving of ); pp. 176-177 (Banu-Musa on the trisection of an angle); pp. 254-264 (ibn Bajja and ibn Rushd on Text 71 of Aristotle's Physics); pp. 314-315 (al-Ghazali's critics to atomism); p. 399 ff. (texts of ibn al-Haytham on different problems of optics, plus texts of Muslim authors on chemistry and alchemy, geology, physiology...) 68. HAJJI KHALIFA, Mustafa b. Abdallah (1941-1943). Kitab kashf al-zounoun can asami al-koutoub wa-l' founoun. Istanbul: Maarif Matbaasi, 2 vols; reprinted in Cairo 1941 and Beirut, Dar al-Fikr, 1982. Important bio-bibliographical source, by a Turkish author of the XVIth century. Translated to Latin: Hajji Khalifa, Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum.., edit. G. Flügel, Leipzig, 1835-1838, 7 vols. 69. HAMID, M. A. (1937). Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian Manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore, vol. 22: Arabic Manuscripts: Science. Patna (India): Government Printing. 70. HUISMAN, A. J. W. (1967). Les Manuscrits arabes dans le monde. Une bibliographie des catalogues. Leiden: E. J. Brill, x + 99 pp. 71. IBN cABD AL-MALIK (1972). Adh-Dhayl wa al-takmila li kitabay al-mawsil wa al-sila, edited by Muhammad Benchrifa, Beirut: Dar al-thakafa, 2 vols.; reprinted Rabat: al- Macarif al-jadida, "Publications of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco". 72. IBN ABI USAYBIcA (1882). cUyun al-anba' fi tabaqat al-atibba', edited by A. Müller. Cairo/Königsberg, 2 vols. Major bio-bibliographical source for the scientific activities in Islam to the XIIIth century. Edited recently three : Beirut, Dar al-Fikr, 1957; Beirut, Dar Maktabat al-hayat, 1965, Beirut, Dar al-athar, s. d. 73. IBN AL-NADIM, abu-Yackub (1871-1872). Kitab al Fihrist, edited by Gustav Flügel, J. Roediger and A. Müller. Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 2 vols. Reprinted in Cairo, 1348 H [1970]; new edition by Rida Tajaddud, Tehran, 1391 H/1971. 74. IBN AL-NADIM, abu-Yackub (1970). The Fihrsist of al-Nadim. A Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture, English translation by Bayard Dodge. London/New York: Columbia University Press , 2 vols.

7 The Fihrist ("Catalogue") of ibn al-Nadim, written in 377 H / 987-988), is an important source mentioning about 6000 books. For a partial German translation, see H. Suter (1892), "Das Mathematiker- Verzeichniss im Fihrist", Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik, vol. 6: pp. 1-87. 75. IBN AL-QIFTI (1903). Ikhbar al-culama' bi-tarikh al-hukama', edited by J. Lippert & A. Müller. Leipzig: Dieterich. Recently edited in Beirut (Dar al-athar) and in Cairo (1326 H). 76. (1955). Kitab tabaqat al-atibba' wa l-hukama, edited by F. Sayyid. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. 77. , Abderrahmane (1322 [1904]. Al-Muqaddima li kitab al-cibar wa diwan al-mubtada wa al-khabar. Cairo: Mustafa Fahmi al-Kutubi, 2 vols. 78. IBN KHALDUN, A. (1967). Ibn Khaldun: The . An Introduction to History, edited and translated by F. Rosenthal. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2nd edition, 3 vols. English translation of the great text of the XIVth-century Maghribi historian, in which are disclosed important informations for the history of sciences in the classical period of Islam. The Arabic text was printed several times in the last decades; see for example ibn Khaldun, al-Muqaddima, Beirut, Dar al-Kitab al- lubnani-Maktabat al-, 1967. 79. , abu al-cAbbas Ahmad (1310 H [1932]). Wafayat al-acyan wa anba' ahl al-zaman. Cairo: al-matbaca al-maymaniyya, 2 vols. English translation by W. Mac Guckin de Slane: Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, Paris, 1842-71, 4 vols. These last seven entries, as the ones under the names of Hajji Kalifa, al-Shahrastani and Sacid al-Andalusi, are Arabic bio-bibliographical and historical works in which are disclosed valuable informations on the works and the life of Muslim scientists and on the scientific activity in the lands of Islam in the classical period. 80. ISKANDER, A. Z. (1984). A Descriptive List of Arabic Manuscripts on Medicine and Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Leiden: E. J. Brill, xiv + 119 pp. 81. KAHN, A. S. (1982). A Bibliography of the Works of Abu'l-Rayhan al-Biruni. New Delhi. Reviewed by E. S. Kennedy in Isis,75 (1984): p. 611. 82. Al-KHATTABI, Muhammad A. (1980-1987). Faharis al-khizanaal-malakiya . Rabat, 6 vols. Catalogues of the Royal Library in Rabat. 83. KING, David A. (1981-1986). A Catalogue of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization, in collaboration with the American Research Center in and the Smithsonian Institution. 2 vols., in Arabic. Vol. I (1981) : A Critical Handlist of the Scientific Collections: Indexes of Copyists and Owners, xvii + 781 + xviii pp. Vol. II (1986): A Descriptive Catalogue of the Scientific Collections Arranged Chronologically According to Subject Matter (Arabic-Persian- Turkish), viii + 1299 + viii pp. Great work of cataloguing of manuscripts, comprising material on astronomy, mathematics, mechanics and optics, written in Arabic, Persian and Turkish and preserved in one of the largest repositories of Islamic scientific manuscripts, the National Library of Cairo. With a short English preface for the first and impressive critical apparatus in the second volume. 84. KING, David A. (1983). Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen. A Bibliographical Survey. Malibu (Calif.): Undena Publications- for the American Research Center in Egypt, ix + 98 pp. Survey of over than 100 Yemeni astronomical manuscripts preserved in libraries in Europe and Near East, followed by a list of more than 50 Yemeni and their works, including also treatises on , and practical mathematics.

8 85. KING, D. A. (1986). A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, Publications of the American Research Center in Egypt, 5. An English-language digest of the Catalogue published in 1986, with new bibliographical entries; 109 pages reproducing photographed folios from important manuscripts. 86. LOTH, Otto (1877). A Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office. London. 87. Al-MANNOUNI, Muhammad (1991). Tarikh al-wiraqa al-maghribiya. Sinacat al-makhtut al-maghribi mina al-casr al-wasit ila al-fatra al-moucasira. Rabat: Faculty of Letters Press, 358 pp. On the history of the fabrication of manuscripts in al-Maghrib from the to the present. 88. MANSOUR, A. M. & KHALIFA, Sh. A. & ABD AL-HADI, M. F. & AWADALLAH, Z. (1975). Directory of Egyptian Publications 1940-1956. Cairo: American University in Cairo, 440 pp., 13,769 entries. 89. MATVIEVSKAIA, G. P., ROZENFELD, B. A. (1983). The Works of Islamic and Astronomers in the Middle Ages (VIIIth-XVIIth Centuries). Moscow: Nauka. Valuable work; in Russian. 90. MIELI, Aldo (1966). La Science arabe et son rôle dans l'évolution scientifique mondiale. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 91. Nadwa: Nadwat al-makhtut wa cilm al-makhtutat. Rabat, February 27-29, 1992. Rabat: Faculty of Letters Press, 1994. Proceedings of a colloque held in Rabat on the "science of manuscripts"; contains articles on the technics and procedures used by Andalusian and Maghribian medieval authors in the fabrication of manuscripts. 92. NOSSEIR, cAida Ibrahim (1980). Arabic Books Published in Egypt Between 1926 and 1940. Cairo: American University in Cairo, 330 pp., 5,640 entries. 93. NOSSEIR, cA. I. (1990). Arabic Books Published in Egypt in the Nineteenth Century. Cairo: American University in Cairo, 423 pp. This volume completes the retrospective bibliography of Egypt from 1822 to 1956, during which almost 40,000 titles were produced. Each entry lists the author, the dates of his birth and death, the title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, and the current locations of the entry. The volume contains the 8,230 titles published in Egypt from the first book, which appeared in 1822, through the remainder of the nineteenth century. 94. RAHMAN, A. & ALVI, M. A. eds. (1982). Science and Technology in Medieval India: A Bibliography of Source Materials in Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy. 95. RENAUD, H. P. J. (1941). Les manuscrits arabes de l'Escorial. Tome II, fasc. 3: Sciences exactes et sciences occultes, Paris: Paul Geuthner. 96. SAVAGE-SMITH, Emilie (1988), "Gleanings from an Arabist's Workshop: Current Trends in the Study of Medieval Islamic Science and Medicine", Isis, vol. 79: pp. 246- 272. 97. SAUVAN, Y., GUESDON, M.-G. et TAMARI, T. (1987). Catalogue des Manuscrits Arabes. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale. 98. SEZGIN, Fuat (1967-1984). Geschichte des Arabischen Schriftums. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 9 vols. to date. Band I (1967) : Qur'anwissenschaften, , Geschichte, , Dogmatik, Mystik. Bis ca. 430 H. xvi + 938 pp. Band II (1975): Poesie. Bis ca. 430 H. xii + 808 pp.

9 Band III (1971): Medizin-Pharmazie, Zoologie-Tierheilkunde. Bis ca. 430 H. xxii + 498 pp. Band IV (1971): Alchimie-Chemie, Botanik-Agrikultur. Bis ca. 430 H. xii + 399 pp. Band V (1974): Mathematik. Bis ca. 430 H. xv + 515 pp. Band VI (1978): Astronomie. Bis ca. 430 H. Mit Gesamtverzeichnis der Bibliotheken und Sammlungen arabischer Handschriften. xv + 519 pp. Band VII (1979): Astrologie-Meteorologie und Verwandtes. Bis ca. 430 H. xv + 486 pp. Band VIII (1982): Lexikographie. Bis ca. 430 H. xiii + 389 pp. Band IX (1984): Grammatik. Bis ca. 430 H. xiii + 406 pp. The major bio-bibliographical reference work for Arabic sciences untill the XIth century (ca. 430 of the Hijra / ca. 1050). A volume on physical sciences was announced in the beginning of the 1980s. The whole nine volumes were translated recently into Arabic in Riyad University, Saudia Arabia. 99. SEZGIN, F., et al. eds. (1986). Beiträge zur Erschließung der arabischen Handschriften in Istanbul und Anatolien. Introduction in German and Arabic. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 4 vols. 100. SEZGIN, F., et al. eds. (1990-1995). Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Arabistik und Islamkunde von den Anfängen bis 1986 nebst Literatur über die arabischen Länder der Gegenwart. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 21 vols. Vol. 5 (1991): Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Philosophie, Medizin und Naturwissenschaften, xviii + 602 + 10 pp. 101. Al-SHAHRASTANI (1381H[1961]). Kitab al-milal wa al-nihal, edited by Muhammad Said Kilani, Cairo, 2 vols. 102. Simposio: La Ciencia en el Monasterio del Escorial. Actas del Simposio 1-4, 09, 1993. Madrid: Ediciones Escurialenses, 2 vols.; vol. 1: 754 pp., vol. 2: 566 pp. Vol. I: Catalogue of the printed scientific books in El Escorial, including material related to Arabic sciences; Vol. II: articles, including J. Vernet, "La ciencia àrabe en El Escorial". 103. TAQI DANESPAZUH, M. ([1970]). Fihrist mîkrûfîlmhâye ketâbkâneye markazîye dâneshgâhe Tehrân. Tehran: Ketâbkâneye markazîye dâneshgâhe Tehrân, 1348 H. Catalogue of Microfilms of Tehran University; in Persian. 104. VOORHOEVE, P., (1980). Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and other Collections in the Netherlands. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2nd enlarged edition, xxiii + 751 pp. 105. WIEDEMANN, Eilhard (1984). Gesammelte Schriften zur arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch- Islamischen Wissenschaften. 3 vols., xxix + 1935 pp. Vol. 1: Schriften 1876-1912, xx + 1-612 + 51 pp. of Arabic summaries; vol. II: Schriften 1912-1927, xii + 613-1210 + 47 pp. of Arabic summaries; vol. III: Schriften in Zusammenarbeit mit Fritz Hauser, viii + 1717 + 44 pp. of Arabic summaries. New Edition of numerous articles published at the beginning of the century, supplying the 1970 edition (see Section V of the present Bibliography). Most of this material was published originally in the Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen, 1902-1928. Wiedemann's work is still a major source for the history of Arabic physical sciences, covering a wide range of topics in science and technology (mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, machines...) His results require some modification and emendation in the light of recent research.

10 - III -


106. ABALLAGH, Mohamed (1994). Rafc al-hijab can wujuh acmal al-hisab li-ibn al-Banna al-Murrakushi (d. 721 H / 1321). Fez: Faculty of Letters Press, Dhar el-Mehraz, 360 pp. Edition of the Arabic text , enhanced by an introduction and analysis, of one of the most influential texts of mathematics of the late Maghribian scientific tradition. 107. Al-cAMILI, Baha' al-Din (1976). Riyyadiyyat Baha' al-Din al-cAmili, edited and analysed by Jala Shawqi. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. 108. BERGGREN, Lennart J. (1985a), "The Correspondence of Abu Sahl al-Kuhi and Abu Ishaq al-Sabi: A Translation with Commentaries", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, vol. 7: pp. 39-124. 109. BERGGREN, L. J. (1985b), " in the Islamic World: The Present state of the Art", Bulletin of the Studies Association, vol. 19: pp. 9-33. 110. BERGGREN, L. J. (1986). Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam. New York/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 211 pp. The first overview of the history of theoretical and in the medieval world of Islam. 111. BERGGREN, L. J. (1990), "Proof, Pedagogy and the Practice of Mathematics in Medieval Islam", Interchange, vol. 21: pp. 36-48. 112. BERGGREN, L. J. (1996), "al-Kuhi's Filling a Lacuna in Book II of in the Version of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi", Centaurus, vol. 38: pp. 140-207. Arabic text, with English translation and commentaries, of the work in which the Xth-century mathematician Abu Sahl al-Quhi solved a difficult problem inspired from Archimedes' On the Sphere and , as it was preserved in the extant manuscripts and in Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's recension of the Archimedean treatise . 113. BESTHORN, R. O. & HEIBERG, J. L. (1893-1905). Euclidis Elementa ex interpretatione al'Hadschdschadsaschii cum commentariis al-'Narizii. Arab. & Lat. Edit., Hauniae: Lib. Gyldendaliana. Arabic text with Latin translation of the six first books of Euclid with the commentary of al-Nayrizi (XIth-early Xth century (d. before 922 ?), the famous commentator of Euclid. 114. BRENTJES, Sonja (1987-1988), "Das Kapitel zur Zahlentheorie in den Problemen der Philosophie von al-Hindi", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 4., pp. 33-50. 115. BRENTJES, S. (1990), "Sur quelques travaux mathématiques d'ibn Fallus", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 40: pp. 239-257. 116. BRENTJES, S. (1992a), "Der Thabit b. Qurra, zugeschriebene Zusatz I, 46 zu Euklid I, 46 in Mss Leiden 399.1". In Amphora. Fetschrift for on the occasion of his 65th birthday, edited by E. S. Demidov, M. Folkerts, D. Rowe and C. J. Scriba. Basel: Birkhäuser, pp. 91-120. 117. BRENTJES, S. (1992b), "La transmission des Eléments d'Euclide dans des versions Hajjajiennes". Paper delivered to the Quatrième Colloque Maghrébin d'Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes, Fez, December 2-4, 1992. 118. BRENTJES, S.(1993), "Varianten einer Haggag-Version von Buch II der Elemente". In Vestigia Mathematica, edited by M. Folkerts & J. P. Hogendijk, pp. 47-67.

11 119. BRENTJES, S. (1994), "Textzeugen und Hypothesen zum arabischen Euklid in der Überlieferung von al-Haggag b. Yusuf b. Matar (zwischen 786 und 833)", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 47: pp. 53-92. 120. BRENTJES, S. (1996), "The Relevance of non-primary Sources for the Recovery of the Primary Transmission of Euclid's Elements into Arabic". In Tradition, Transmission, Transformation, edited by F. J. Ragep & S. P. Ragep, pp. 201-225. 121. CARATHEODORY, Alexandre P. (1891). Traité du quadrilatère, attribué à Nassirunddin-el-Toussy. Constantinople: Typographie et lithographie Osmaniè. 122. CLAGETT, Marshall (1961-1984). Archimedes in the Middle Ages. Madison/Philadelphia:University of Wisconsin Press/American Philosophical Society, 5 vols. Vol. 1: The Arabo-Latin Tradition, 720 pp. 123. DE YOUNG, Gregg (1984), "The Arabic Textual Traditions of Euclid's Elements", Historia Mathematica, vol. 11: pp. 147-160. Summarizes the results of a Ph. D. dissertation presented to Harvard University on The Arithmetic Books of Euclid's Elements in the Arabic Tradition (1981). 124. DE YOUNG, G. (1994), "Ibn al-Sari on ex aequali Ratios: His critique of ibn al- Haytham and his Attempt to Improve the Parallelism between Books V and VII of Euclid's Elements", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 9, pp. 99-152. 125. (1982). Books IV to VII of Diophantus' in the Arabic Translation Attributed to Qusta ibn Luqa, edited and translated by Jacques Sesiano. New York/Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer Verlag, xii + 502 pp. Edition of the Arabic text, with English translation, a historical introduction and a mathematical commentary of books IV-VII of Diophantus' Arithmetics of which the Greek original is lost. 126. DIOPHANTE (1984). Les arithmétiques, edited and translated by Roshdi Rashed. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2 vols.; vol. III: Livre IV, ccvi + 162 pp. ;vol. IV: Livres V-VII, cxxxiv + 197 pp. Arabic text and French translation, with commentaries. See also R. Rashed, "Les travaux perdus de Diophante", Revue d'histoire des sciences, Paris, vol. 27 (1974): pp. 97-122; vol. 28 (1975): pp. 3-30 and his edition of the Arabic text (Cairo: al-hay'a al-misriyya al-cammah li-l-kitab, 1975) . 127. DJEBBAR, Ahmed (1981). Enseignement et recherche mathématiques dans le des XIIIème-XIVème siècles. Etude partielle. Pré-publications mathématiques d'Orsay, vol. 81-02. Orsay: Université de Paris-Sud, 146 pp. General study on the mathematical traditions of research and teaching in the Maghrib at the end of the golden age of Arabic mathematics. Contains chapters on algebra, symbolism and . 128. DJEBBAR, A. (1987), "Les Mathématiques au Maghreb à l'époque d'ibn al-Banna", Colloque international de la Société de Philosophie du Maroc sur "Mathématiques et Philosophie" (Rabat, 1-4 avril 1982). Rabat: Okad, pp. 31-46. 129. DJEBBAR, A. (1984), "Deux mathématiciens peu connus de l'Espagne du XIème siècle: al-Mu'taman et ibn Sayyid". In Vestigia Mathematica: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Mathematics in Honour of H. L. L. Busard, edited by M. Folkerts & J. P. Hogendijk, pp. 79-91. Originally a paper delivered to the Colloque International sur "Les Mathématiques autour de la Méditérranée jusqu'au XVIIème siècle, Marseille-Luminy, 16-21 avril 1984; published the same year in the Preprints of the University Paris-Sud-Orsay. 130. DJEBBAR, A. (1990), "La contribution mathématique d'al-Mu'taman et son influence au Maghreb", Colloque Maghrébin de Beit al-Hikma sur "Le patrimoine scientifique arabe". Carthage-Tunis, 14-15 février 1986. Carthage: Beit al-Hikma, pp. 21-42.

12 131. DJEBBAR, A. (1990). Mathématiques et mathématiciens du Maghreb (IXème-XVIème siècles): Contribution à l'étude de l'histoire des sciences de l'Occident musulman. Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Nantes, 2 vols. 132. DJEBBAR, A. & RASHED, R., (1981). L'Oeuvre algébrique d'al-Khayyam. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. Edition of the Arabic text, with French translation, of some algebraical works of cUmar al-Khayyam, the famous mathematician and poet. 133. DJEBBAR, A. & ABALLAGH, M. (1987), "Découverte d'un écrit mathématique d'al- Hassar (XIIème siècle): Le livre I du Kamil", Historia Mathematica, vol. 17: pp. 147-158. 134. DOLD-SAMPLONIUS, Yvonne (1992), "Practical Arabic Mathematics: Measuring the Muqarnas by al-Kashi", Centaurus, vol. 35: pp. 193-242. 135. ENGROFF, J. W. (1980). The Arabic Tradition of Euclid's Elements: Book V. Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard University. 136. Al-FARISI, Kamal al-Din (1984). Tanqih al-manazir li-dhawi al-absar wa-'l-basa'ir. Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization. Treatise of optics published previously in Hyderabad: Da'irat al-macarif al-couthmaniya, 1347-48 / 1928-30, 2 vols. 137. FOLKERTS, Menso (1990), "The Arabic Euclid in the Latin West". In Actes du Deuxième Colloque Maghrébin d'Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes (Tunis, 1-3 décembre 1988), Tunis: Université de Tunis - Institut Supérieur de Formation Continue - Association Tunisienne des Sciences Mathématiques, pp. 85-94. 138. FOLKERTS, M. ed. (1996). Mathematische Probleme im Mittelalter. Der lateinische und arabische Sprachbereich. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 446 pp. Proceedings of a meeting on the history of Medieval Arabic & Latin mathematics held in Wolfenbüttel (June 18- 22, 1990). Contains articles on Arabic mathematics: J. Hogendijk, "Which version of Menelaus Spherics was used by al-Mu'taman ibn Hud in his Istikmal?", A. Djebbar, "Quelques commentaires sur les versions arabes des Eléments d'Euclide et sur leur transmission à l'Occident musulman", S. Brentjes, "Remarks about the proof sketches in Euclid's Elements, Book I as transmitted by Mss Paris, B. N. fonds latin 10257", "P. Kunitzsch, "Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen bei der Arbeit mit Texten der arabisch- lateinischen Übersetzungsliteratur (Mathematik/Astronomie)", B. Hughes, "Arabic algebra, victim of religious and intellectual animus". 139. FOLKERTS, M. & HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1993). Vestigia mathematica. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Mathematics in Honour of H. L. L. Busard. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Numerous articles on Arabic science. 140. HOGENDIJK, Jan P. (1985). Ibn al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics. Edited with translation and commentaries. New York/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 415 pp. Of the Conics of Apollonius, only the seven books and a part of the eigth were transmitted to the ; ibn al- Haytham (Xth-XIth centuries) attempted to reconstitute the last part of the eigth book. 141. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1986a), "Arabic Traces of Lost Works of Apollonius", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 35: pp. 187-253. 142. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1986b), "Discovery of an XIth-century Geometrical Compilation: the Istikmal of Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud, King of Saragossa", Historiamathematica , vol. 13: pp. 43-52. 143. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1988), "Le roi géomètre al-Mu'taman ibn Hud et son Livre de la perfection (Kitab al-Istikmal)", Actes du 1er Colloque Maghrébin d'Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes (Alger, 1-3 déc. 1986), Alger: La Maison des livres, pp. 53-65.

13 144. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1991), "The Geometrical Parts of the Istikmal of Yusuf al- Mu'taman ibn Hud (XIth century). An Analytical Table of Contents", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 41: pp. 207-281. The three last articles deal with the Book of perfection of the brilliant mathematician and King of Saragossa, al- Mu'taman, discovered by J. Hogendijk. 145. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1993), "An Arabic Text on the Comparison of the Five Regular Polyedra: "Book XV" of the Revision of the Elements by Muhyi al-Din al-Maghribi", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 8. 146. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1994), " in Islamic Civilization". In Companion Encyclopaedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, edited by I. Grattan-Guinness, London/New York, pp. 70-79. 147. HOGENDIJK, J. P. (1996), "Al-Mu'taman's Simplified Lemmas for Solving "Alhazen's Problem". In From Baghdad to Barcelona. Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet, edited by J. Samso & J. Casulleras, Barcelona: University of Barcelona, pp. 59-101. Pp. 93-101: Arabic text of al-Istikmal. 148. HØYRUP, J. (1986), "Al-Khwarizmi, ibn Turk, and the Liber Mensurationem: On the Origins of Islamic Algebra", Erdem, Ankara, vol. 2: pp. 445-484. 149. HØYRUP, J. (1995). On the Mensuration of the "Liber Mensurationem". Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Preprint n° 13. Hoyrup's work on the origins of algebra in Arabic is connected to his research on practical in Hero: see J. Høyrup, (1996), Hero, Ps. Hero, and Near Eastern Practical Geometry. An investigation of Metrica, Geometrica, and other Treatises, Preprint 1996/5, Roskilde University, 30 pp. 150. IBN AL-HAYTHAM, abu-cAli al-Hassan b. al-Hassan (1357-1366 H / [1938-39-1947]). c Majmu al-Rasa'il. Hyderabad: Da'irat al-macarif al-couthmaniya. Contains notably the famous Maqala (Qawl ?) fi al-daw' [Discourse on Light] (treatise n° 2). On this tract, see R. Rashed, "Le Discours de la lumière d'ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen)", Revue d'histoire des sciences, Paris, vol. 21 (1968): pp. 197-224. 151. IBN AL-HAYTHAM, abu-cA. al-H. b. al-H. (1985). Kitab fi hal shukuk kitab Uqlidis fi l-Usul wa sharhi macanihe. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch- Islamischen Wissenschaften. Facsimile edition of two manuscripts (Istanbul University ar. 800 and Leiden University Orient 516) of ibn al- Haytham's treatise on the Solution of the difficulties [doubts] of Euclid's Elements and the explanation of their meaning. 152. JAOUICHE, Khalil, (1986). La théorie des parallèles en pays d'Islam. Contribution à la préhistoire des géométries non-euclidiennes. Paris: Vrin, 1986, 266 pp. Covers the principal works in Arabic mathematics on the theory of parallels as it was developed in the antique and medieval commentaries on postulate 5-book 1 of Euclid's Elements: an-Nayrizi, al-Jawhari, Thabit ibn Qurra, ibn al-Haytham, al-Khayyam, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi... The original Arabic texts analyzed here were edited and published by Jaouiche in a separate publication (Carthage,Tunis: Bayt al-Hikma, 1988). 153. KAPP, A. G. (1934-35), "Arabische Übersetzer und Kommentatoren Euklids, sowie deren math.-naturwiss. Werke auf Grund des Ta'rikh al-Hukama' des ibn al-Qifti", Isis, vol. 22: pp. 150-172; vol. 23: pp. 54-99; vol. 24: pp. 37-79. 154. Al-KHAWARIZMI, Muhammad ibn Musa (1939). Kitab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabala, edited c by A. M. Musharafa and M. M. Ahmad. Cairo: The Egyptian University. 2nd edit. Cairo: Dar al-Katib al-cArabi, 1968. Arabic text with facing facsimile of al-Khawarizmi's founding text of algebra. On Musharafa's work, see R. Rashed, "Recherche scientifique et modernisation en Egypte. L'exemple de Ali Mustafa Musharafa (1898- 1950). Etude d'un type idéal". In Entre réforme sociale et mouvement national: Identité et modernisation en Egypte (1882-1962), edited by A. Roussillon, Cairo: CEDEJ, 1995, pp. 219-232.

14 155. KHEIRANDISH, Elaheh (1991). The Medieval Arabic Tradition of Euclid's "Optika". Ph. D. Dissertation, Harvard University. 156. KLAMROTH, M. (1881), "Über den arabischen Euklid", Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, vol. 35: pp. 270-326. A master piece of information on the Arabic Euclidean tradition, very highly praised by specialists; see W. R. Knorr (1996) (especially p. 210). Knorr opened the debate on the text of Euclid's Elements on the basis of the thesis defended by Klamroth in this article. 157. KNORR, Wilbur Richard (1996), " The wrong text of Euclid: On Heiberg's Text and its Alternatives", Centaurus, vol. 38: pp. 208-276. Reopening an old debate on the structure of Euclid's Elements, he defends the thesis of Klamroth who, relying on the Arabic Euclidean tradition, opposed to the text established and edited by Heiberg in the last century. W. Knorr defends this same argument in a paper ("On Heiberg's Euclid") he presented to the Workshop Experience and Knowledge Structures in Arabic and Latin Sciences, held at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin on December 16-17, 1996, forthcoming in the proceedings of the Workshop. 158. KOELBLEN [ROMMEVEUX], Sabine (1990). : Traité sur la théorie des proportions. Paris: Unpublished Monograph for the obtention of the "Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies". 159. KOELBLEN [ROMMEVEUX], S. (1994), "Une pratique de la composition des raisons dans un exercice de combinatoire", Revue d'histoire des sciences, vol. 47: pp. 209-247. 160. KRAUSE, Max (1936). Die Sphärik von Menelaos aus Alexandrien in der Verbesserung von b. cAli b. cIraq. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft d. Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philolog.-Historische Klasse, 3. Folge, Nr. 27, Berlin: Weidemannsche Buchhandlung. 161. KUNITZSCH, Paul (1985), "Findings in some Texts of Euclid's Elements (Mediaeval Transmission, Arabo-Latin)". In Mathemata. Festschrift für Helmut Gericke edited by Menso Folkerts & U. Lindgren, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 115-128. 162. KUNITZSCH, P. (1987-1988), "Harakat at-tarjama ila l-carabiya wa-min al-carabiya wa- ahammiyatuhuma fi tarikh al-fikr", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 4. "The movement of translation into and from Arabic and their importance in the history of thought". 163. KUNITZSCH, P. (1991-1992), "Letters in Geometrical Diagrams. Greek-Arabic-Latin", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, vol. 8: pp. 1-20. 164. LORCH, R. (1987), "Some remarks on the Arabic Latin Euclid". In , edited by C. Burnett, pp. 45-54. 165. LORCH, R (1986), "Abu Jacfar al-Khazin on Isoperimetry", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 3, pp. 150-229. 166. LORCH, R. (1989), "The Arabic Transmission of Archimedes' Sphere and Cylinder and Eutocius' Commentary", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, vol. 5: pp. 94-114. 167. NAZIF, Mustapha (1942-43). Al-Hassan ibn al-Haytham. Bouhuthuhu wa kushufuhu al- basariyya. Cairo, 2 vols. Ibn al-Haytham. His optical researches and discoveries, by one of the leading historians of science in the Arabic world. 168. PLOOJ, Edward Bernard (1950). Euclid's Conception of and his Definition of Proportional Magnitudes as Criticized by Arabian Commentators. Including the Text in Facsimile with Translation of the Commentary on Ratio of Abu cAbdallah Muhammad ibn Mucadh al-Djayyani. Rotterdam, Dissertation thesis.

15 169. RASHED, Roshdi (1984). Entre arithmétique et algèbre. Recherches sur l'histoire des mathématiques arabes. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Arabic transl. Beirut: Markaz al-wahda al-carabiya, 1989. English transl.: The development of Arabic mathematics. Between Arithmetic and Algebra, Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. 170. RASHED, R. (1991), "L'analyse et la synthèse selon ibn al-Haytham". In Mathématiques et philosophie de l'antiquité à l'âge classique, edited by R. Rashed, Paris: Editions du CNRS. 171. RASHED, R. (1992a), "Archimède dans les mathématiques arabes". In Archimede. Mito, tradizione e scienza, edited by Corrado Dollo, Firenze: L. S. Olschki, pp. 43-61. Illustrates some aspects of the presence and the influence of Archimedes in Arabic mathematics through the example of the determinations. 172. RASHED, R. (1992b). Optique et mathématiques. Recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique en arabe. Aldershot: Variorum Reprints, xii + 340 pp.. Fifteen previously published studies. See especially the "étude introductive": "Problems of the transmission of Greek scientific thought into Arabic: examples from mathematics and optics". 173. RASHED, R. (1993a). , al-Quhi, ibn al-Haytham. Géométrie et dioptrique aux X ème-XIème siècles. Texte arabe inédit établi, traduit et commenté par R. Rashed. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, cliv +315 + vii pp. Commented edition of eleven Arabic texts with French translation, concerned mainly with optics, geometry and anaclastics (burning instruments and optical magnification), plus a long introduction and notes. The conclusions deduced by the editor tend to a revision of the history of optics, but this was rejected by other specialists of the field; see the review of A. Sabra in Isis, vol. 85 (1994): pp. 685-686. b 174. RASHED, R. (1993 ), "Al-Kindi's commentary on Archimedes The Measurement of the ", Arabic sciences and Philosophy, vol. 3: pp. 7-53. 175. RASHED, R., (1993c). Les Mathématiques Infinitésimales du IXème au XIème siécles. Vol. II: Ibn al-Haytham. London. 176. RASHED, R. (1994), " et les mathématiques arabes". In Micrologus. Natura, scienze e società medievali: Le scienze alla corte di Federico II, Palermo: Sellerio, pp. 145-160. 177. RASHED, R. (1995). Les Mathématiques Infinitésimales du IXème au XIème siécles. Vol. I: Fondateurs et commentateurs: Banu Musa, Thabit ibn Qurra, ibn Sinan, al- Khazin, al-Quhi, ibn al-Samh, ibn Hud. London. 178. RASHED, R. (1996a), "Modernité classique et science arabe". In L'Europe mathématique: Histoires, Mythes, Identités, edited by Catherine Goldstein, Jeremy Gray et Jim Ritter, Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, pp. 69-81. Discussion on the notions of "modernity and "" in European modern sciences, in reference to the "modernity" of Arabic science, evocated by some examples borrowed from algebra and optics. See also R. Rashed, "Modernité et science arabe", Le cheval de troie, vol. 11 (1994): pp. 35-44. 179. RASHED, R. (1996b), "Les commencements des mathématiques archimédiennes en arabe: Banu Musa". In Perspectives médiévales arabes et latines sur la tradition scientifique et philosophique grecque, Actes du Colloque, Paris/Louvain: pp. 1-19. 180. REBSTOCK, Ulrich (1992). Rechnen im Islamischen Orient. Die literarischen Spuren der praktischen Rechenkunst. Darmstadt, xx + 328 pp. 181. REBSTOCK, U. (1993). Die Reichtümer des Rechner (Gunyat al-Hussab) von Ahmad b. Thabat (gest. 631/1234). Die Araber - Vorläufer der Rechenkunst. Walldorf-Hessen: Verlag für Orientkunde Dr. H. Vorndran, 152 pp.

16 182. ROSEN, F., editor (1986). The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: G. Olms Verlag. Reprint of the first edition London: Oriental Translation Fund, 1831. 183. ROSENFELD, Boris (1988). A History of Non-: Evolution of the Concept of a Geometrical Space. Berlin/New York/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. Deals partially with some of the material discussed in Jaouiche (1986) on the Arabic commentaries on Euclid's Postulate 5-Book I of the Elements. 184. SABRA, Abdul-Hamid Ibrahim editor (1961). Risala fi sharh ma ashkala min mousadarat Uqlidis, tasnif abi al-Fath cUmar b. Ibrahim al-Khayyami. : Dar al-Macarif, 81 pp. Edition of the Arabic text of al-Khayyam's treatise Explanation of what is problematical in the postulates of Euclid (on parallelism, proportionality and compounded ratios). 185. SABRA, A. I. (1976), "The Physical and the Mathematical in ibn al-Haytham's Theory of Light and Vision". In The Commemoration Volume of Biruni International Congress in Tehran, Tehran: High Council of Culture and Art, pp. 439-478. Reprinted with corrections in Sabra (1994), pp. 1-20. 186. SABRA, A. I. (1982), "Ibn al-Haytham's Lemmas for Solving 'Alhazen's Problem'", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 26: pp. 299-324. Alhazen is the Latin transliteration of ibn al-Haytham's first name, al-Hassan and "Alhazen's problem" is the famous optical problem (of which the simple case was solved by ) consisting in the construction of the point of reflection on a given spherical for given positions of the eye and the object. Ibn al- Haytham solved mathematically (by means of conic sections) the much more difficult case of the problem. 187. SABRA, A. I. ed. (1983). Kitab al-manazir li l-Hassan ibn al-Haytham, Books I-II-III. Edited with Introduction, Arabic-Latin Glossaries, and Concordance tables. Kuwait: The National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters. Preface in English, text in Arabic of ibn al-Haytham's Optics. Sabra's edition was made from the five known extant Manuscripts. 188. SABRA, A. I. (1989). The Optics of ibn al-Haytham. Books I-III: On Direct Vision. English Translation with Introduction, Commentary, Arabic-Latin Glossaries and Concordance. London: The Warburg Institute/University of London, 2 vols., vol. 1: x + 367 pp.; vol. 2: lx + 246 pp. Partial edition and translation of one of the most important scientific texts ever written in Arabic, the Optics of ibn al-Haytham, known in the West since the Latin translation of Risner in 1572. The rich critical apparatus as well as the extensive bibliography add to the exceptional value of this work. See the long review of J. L. Berggren in Physis, vol. 32 (1995): pp. 143-153. 189. SABRA, A. I. (1994). Optics, Astronomy and . Studies in Arabic Science and Philosophy. Aldershot/Brookfield (Vt.): Variorum, x + 323 pp. Collection of seventeen articles previously published, eleven of them dealing with different aspects of ibn al- Haytham's scientific work, while others are devoted to ibn Mucad al-Jayyani, al-Bitruji, ibn al-Sari... 190. SABRA, A. I. & MUZHIR, A. Lutfi, eds. (1977). Ibn Sina, Kitab al-Shifa'. Mathématiques, Géométrie (Ususl al-handasa). Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization. Arabic text of the geometrical part of 's encyclopedic book, al-Shifa'. 191. SAIDAN, Ahmad Salim (1975), "The Arithmetic of abu 'l-Wafa [al-Buzgani]", Isis, vol. 65: pp. 367-375. 192. SAIDAN, A. S., ed. (1981). Yacish b. Ibrahim al-Umawi, Marasim al-instisab fi macaalim al-hisab. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. 193. SAIDAN, A. S., ed. (1983). Acmal Ibrahim ibn Sinan.Kuwait.

17 In Arabic; on the scientific works of Ibrahim ibn Sinan, the grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra (d. 335 H/946-947). 194. SAIDAN, A. S. (1991). Handasat Uqlidis fi ayadin carabiyya. Amman: Dar al Bachir, 568 pp. On the Arabic tradition of Euclid's geometry. 195. SCHRAMM, Mathias (1959), "Zur Entwicklung der physiologischen Optik der arabischen Literatur", Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 43: pp. 289-292. 196. SCHRAMM, M. (1963). Ibn al-Haythams Weg zur Physik. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner. 197. SESIANO, Jacques (1980-87), "Herstellungsverfahren magischer Quadrate aus islamischer Zeit", Sudhoffs Archiv, vol. 64 (1980): pp. 187-196; vol. 65 (1981): pp. 251-265; vol. 71 (1987): pp. 78-89. 198. SESIANO, J. (1987-1988), "Un complément de Thabit ibn Qurra au Peri diairéseon", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 4. 199. SOUISSI, Mohamed, ed. (1984). Ashkal al-Ta'sis li al-Samarqandi (d. 600 H), Sharh Zadah al-Roumi. Tunis: Al-Dar al-Tunusiyya li-n-nashr, 186 pp. Arabic text (with introduction and notes) of the commentary of al-Samarqandi, the mathematician of the XIIth century, on some problems of Euclid's Elements, as it was explained and commented upon by the Turkish commentator Qadi Zadeh in the XVth century. 200. SOUISSI, M. (1994), "The Mathematical Works of the Maghrebian School and its Influence on the Occident", Studies in History of Medicine and Science, New Delhi, vol. 13: pp. 57-68. 201. TOMSON, William & JUNGE, Gustav (1930). The Commentary of Pappus on Book X of Euclid's Elements: Arabic Text and Translation by W. Tomson, with Introductory Remarks, Notes and a Glossary of Technical Terms by G. Junge and W. Tomson. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, "Harvard Semitic ", VIII. Reprinted New York/London: Johnson Reprint, 1968. Edition of the Arabic text, with English translation and commentaries, of Paris Mss Bibliothèque Nationale 2457, which is the only source to exist for Pappus' commentary on Euclid's Elements Book X. 202. TOOMER, Gerlad J., ed. (1976). Diocles on Burning Mirrors: The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original. Edited, with English translation and commentary. New York/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. 203. TOOMER, G. J. (1984), "Lost Greek Mathematical Works in Arabic Translation", The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol. 6: pp. 32-38. 204. TOOMER, G. J., ed. (1990). Apollonius: Conics, Books V to VII. The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Originals in the Version of the Banu Musa. New York/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2 vols.; vol. 1: xcv + 547 pp., vol. 2: 400 pp. 205. TUMMERS, P. M. J. E. (1994). Anaritius. The Latin Translation of Anaritius' Commentary on Euclid's Elements of Geometry, Books I-IV. Nijmegen: Ingenim, xxvii + 187 pp. 206. Al-TUSI, Nasir al-Din (1358-59 [1939-40]). Majmuc al-rasa'il. Hyderabad: Da'irat al- c macarif al- outhmaniya, 2 vols. Arabic text of several treatises of al-Tusi, comprising notably his revision of Euclid's Optica, Tahriral-manazir li-Uqlidis (vol. 1, n° 5), his revision of Thabit ibn Qurra's translation of Archimedes' Sphere and Cylinder (vol. 2, n°5) and Lemmas (vol. 2, n° 3), his edition of the book of geometric measurement of the Banu Musa (vol. 2, n° 1), and others. 207. Al-TUSI, Sharaf al-Din (1986). Œuvres mathématiques. Algèbre et Géométrie au XIIème siècle. Texte traduit et établi par R. Rashed. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2 vols.; vol. 1: cxci + 129 + xxvi pp.; vol. 2: cxli + 166 pp.

18 Annotated edition, with introduction and French translation, of mathematical texts of the other Tusi, Sharaf al- Din. 208. Al-UQLIDISI, (1985). Al Fusul fi al-hisab al-hindi, edited by Ahmad Salim Saidan. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. English translation: The Arithmetic of al-Uqlidisi, translated and annotated by S. A. Saidan, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1978. One of the most important Arabic arithmetical texts, enhanced by Saidan's annotations. 209. YOUSKEVITCH, Adolf P. (1976). Les Mathématiques arabes.VIIIème-XVème siècles. Paris: Vrin, 213 pp. French translation of the second part ["Die Mathematik in den Ländern des Islam", pp. 175-325] of the German original edition: Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter, Leipzig: Deutsche Übersetzung, 1964. An excellent synthesis covering all branches of mathematics developed and practised by Muslim mathematicians.

- IV -


210. ABATTOUY, M. (1996), "Au-dessus ou au-dessous du Soleil: Eléments préliminaires sur le débat dans l'astronomie d'al-Andalus à propos de la position de Mercure et Vénus". Paper presented to the First Moroccan-Spanish Colloquium of History of Science (Chefchaouen, Morocco, May 24-26, 1996). Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the Symposium. 211. AVI-YONAH, R. S. (1985), "Ptolemy vs. al-Bitruji. A Study of Scientific Decision- making in the Middle Ages", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 35: pp. 124-147. 212. BONINE, M. E. (1990), "The Sacred Direction and City Structure: A Preliminary Analysis of the Islamic Cities of Morocco", Muqarnas, Leiden, vol. 7: pp. 50-72. 213. CARANDELL, Joan (1984), "An Analemma for the Determination of the of the in the Risala fi cilm al-zilal of ibn al-Raqqam", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, vol. 1, pp. 61-72. 214. CARANDELL, Joan (1988). Risala fi cilm al-zilal de Muhammad ibn al-Raqqam al- Andalusi. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, Instituto "Millás Vallicrosa" de Historia de la Ciencia Árabe. Edition, with translation and commentary, of the most significant Maghribi treatise on . 215. CARMODY, Francis J. (1943). Alfragani Differentie in quibusdam collectis scientie astrorum, edition of the Latin translation by John of . Berkeley, private print. 216. CARMODY, F. J. (1952a), "The planetary theory of Ibn Rushd", Osiris, vol. 10, pp. 556-586. 217. CARMODY, F. J. (1952b). Al-Bitruji, De motibus coelorum. Critical Edition of the Latin Translation of Michael Scot. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. 218. CARMODY, F. J. (1956). Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Latin Translation. A Critical Bibliography. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. 219. CARMODY, F. J. (1960). The Astronomical Works of Thabit b. Qurra. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.

19 220. CARMODY, F. J. (1982). Al-Bitruji, De motibus coelorum and Innovations in ' De caelo. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press. 221. CARRA DE VAUX, B. (1892), "L'Almageste d'Abu-l-Wéfa al-Buzjani", Journal asiatique, 8ème série, vol. 19: pp. 408-471. 222. COLIN, G. S. & RENAUD, H. P. J. (1933), "Note sur le Abu Muqric -ou mieux Abu Miqrac- al-Battiwi (XIII ème siècle J. C.)", Hespéris, vol. 25: pp. 94-96. 223. COMES, Mercè, PUIG, Roser & SAMSÓ, Julio, eds. (1987). De Astronomia Alphonsi Regis. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 187 pp. Proccedings of the Symposium on Alphonsine Astronomy held at Berkeley (August 1985) together with other papers on the same subject. See especially J. Samsó: "Alfonso X and Arabic Astronomy", pp. 23-38; J. Vernet, "Alfonso X y la tecnologia arabe", pp. 39-42; M. Viladrich, "Una nueva evidencia de materiales arabes en la astronomia alfonsi", pp. 105-116. 224. COMES, M., MIELGO, Honorino & SAMSÓ, J., eds. (1990). "Ochava Espera" y "Astrofisica". Textos y estudios sobre las fuentes arabes de la Astronomia de Alfonso X. Barcelona: Agencia Española de cooperaciòn internacional/Instituto de Cooperaciòn con el Mundo Arabe/Universidad de Barcelona, 246 pp. Contains: M. Comes: "Al-Sufi como fuente del libro de la Ochaua Espera de Alfonso X"; J. Samso: "El original arabe y la version alfonsi del Kitab fi hay'at al-calam de ibn al-Haytham"; J. L. Mancha, "La version alfonsi del Fi hay'a al-calam "De configuratione mundi" de ibn al-Haytham (Oxford, Canon misc. 45, ff. 1r-56r)", etc. 225. DEBARNOT, M. T. (1985). Al- Biruni. Kitab Maqalid cilm al-hay'a. La Trigonométrie sphérique chez les Arabes de l'Est à la fin du Xème siècle. Damascus: Institut Français de Damas, xxvii + 314 pp. Edition and French translation. 226. DELPHIN, O. H. (1891), "L'astronomie au Maroc", Journal asiatique, vol. 17, n° 2: pp. 177-201. Classical study on different aspects of folk astronomy in Morocco. 227. DIZER, M., ed. (1980). Proceedings of the International Symposium on the in Islam (Istanbul, 1977). Istanbul: Milli Egitim Basimevi. Reviewed by E. S. Kennedy in Journal for the , 13 (1982): pp. 64-66. 228. FRANSIS, B. & AL-NAQSHBANDI, N. (1957), "Al-asturlabat fi Dar al-athar al- carabiyya fi Baghdad", , Baghdad, vol. 13: pp. 9-33. In Arabic; "the in the "House of Arabic Vestiges" [Dar al-athar al-carabiyya] in Baghdad", with 3 plates. 229. GIBBS, S. & HENDERSON, J. A. & DE SOLLA PRICE, D. (1973). A Computerized Checklist of Astrolabes. New Haven: Yale University, Department of History of Science and Medicine. 230. GOLDSTEIN, Bernard R. (1964), "On the Theory of according to Thabit ibn Qurra and al-Zarqallu and its Implications for Homocentric Planetary Theory", Centaurus, vol. 10: pp. 232-247. 231. GOLDSTEIN, B. R. (1967), "The Arabic Version of Ptolemy's Planetary Hypotheses", Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, New Series, vol. 57, pt. 4: pp. 3-55. 232. GOLDSTEIN, B. R., (1971). Al-Bitruji: On the Principles of Astronomy. An Edition of the Arabic and Hebrew Versions with Translation, Analysis and an Arabic-Hebrew- English Glossary. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2 vols. 233. GOLDSTEIN, B. R. (1979), "The Survival of Arabic Astronomy in Hebrew", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 3: pp. 31-39.

20 234. GOLDSTEIN, B. R. (1985). Theory and Observation in Ancient and Medieval Astronomy. London: Variorum Reprints. 235. HARTNER, Willy (1968-1984). Oriens-Occidens: Ausgewählte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2 vols. Reprint of numerous articles, some of them dealing with Islamic astronomy and its transmission. See especially "The principle and Use of the " (which was published in U. Pope, ed., A Survey of , 9 vols (Oxford University Press, vol. III (1939), pp. 2530-2554)) and the article "Asturlab" (published in EI2, vol. 1, pp. 722-728), both reproduced in Oriens-Occidens, vol. 1 (1968), pp. 287-311 and 312-318. 236. HARTNER, W. & SCHRAMM, M., (1963), "Al-Biruni and the Theory of the Solar Apogee: An Example of Originality in Arabic Science", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 14: pp. 5-25. 237. HUGONNARD-ROCHE, Henri, ROSEN, Edward & VERDET, Jean-Pierre (1975). Introductions à l'astronomie de Copernic. Le "Commentariolus" de Copernic, la "Narratio Prima" de Rheticus. Introduction, traduction française et commentaires. Paris: A. Blanchard, 228 pp. Numerous mentions and evocations of Arabic astronomical works, by Thabit ibn Qurra, ibn al-Shatir, al-Tusi, al-Bitruji... A good example of the insertion of the legacy of Arabic astronomy in the context of the first Copernican school. 238. IBN AL-HAYTHAM, al-Hassan (1971). Al-Shukuk cala Batlymus, edited by A. Sabra et N. Shehaby. Cairo: Dar al-kutub wa al-watha'iq al-qawmiyya-Markaz tahqiq at-turath. Arabic text with introduction and notes of ibn al-Haytham's Doubts on Ptolemy. 239. KENNEDY, Edward S. (1956), "A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables", Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, vol. 46, pt. 2: pp. 123-175. 240. KENNEDY, E. S. (1957), " Theory in Islamic Astronomy", Isis, vol. 48: pp. 33-53. 241. KENNEDY, E. S. (1966), "Late Medieval Planetary Theory", Isis, vol. 57: pp. 365- 378. Good introduction to Kennedy's research on the planetary theory of late Islamic astronomy (XIIth-XIVth centuries: Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Qutb al-Din al-Shirazzi and ibn al-Shatir), together with its eventual influence on Copernicus. This topic is currently developed in Saliba's work. See also V. Roberts, "The Solar and Lunar theory of ibn al-Shatir: A pre-copernican model", Isis, 48 (1957): pp. 428-432; E. Kennedy & V. Roberts, "The planetary theory of ibn al-Shatir", Isis, 50 (1959): pp. 227-235. 242. KENNEDY, E. S. (1976). The Exhaustive Treatise on Shadows by Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Biruni. Translation and Commentary. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 2 vols. Translation and commentary of al-Biruni's treatise Ifrad al-maqal fi amr al-zilal, published (as treatise n° 2) in Rasa'il al-Biruni, Hyderabad: Dai'irat al-macarif al-outhmaniyya, 1948. 243. KENNEDY, E. S. (1982-83), "Planetary Theory: Late Islamic and Early Renaissance", Awraq, Madrid, Istituto Hispano-Arabe de Cultura, n° 5-6: pp. 19-24. 244. KENNEDY, E. S. (1992), "The Astronomical Table of ibn al-Raqqam, a of ". Paper presented to the Fifth International Symposium for the History of Arabic Science (Granada, March 30-April 4, 1992). Review of ibn al-Raqqam's al-Zij al-Qawim preserved in the Royal Hassaniya Library in Rabat. 245. KENNEDY, E. S. & GHANEM, cImad, eds. (1976). The Life and Work of ibn al- Shatir: An Arab of the Fourteenth Century. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 170 pp.

21 246. KENNEDY, E. S. & KING, David (1982), " in Fourteenth Century Fez: the Versified Zij of al-Qusantini", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 6: pp. 3-45. 247. KENNEDY, E. S. & KENNEDY, Mary Helen (1987). Geographical Coordinates of Localities from Islamic Sources. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch- Islamischen Wissenschaften. A computerized sorting of some 10.000 sets of coordinates according to locality, source, latitude and . 248. KENNEDY, E. S., Colleagues and Former Students (1983). Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, edited by D. King & M. H. Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, xvi + 771 pp. Numerous articles on all aspects of Islamic sciences, in honour of Ted Kennedy. 249. KING, David A. (1973), "Ibn Yunus' Very useful Tables for Reckoning Time by the ", Archive for the History of Exact Sciences, vol. 12: pp. 342-394. 250. KING, D. A. (1974), "An Analog for Solving Problems of : The Shakkaziya Quadrant of Jamal al-Din al-Mardini", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 24: pp. 220-242. 251. KING, D. A. (1979), "On the Early History of the Universal Astrolabe in Islam and the Origin of the Term Shakkaziya in Medieval Scientific Arabic", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 3, n° 2: pp. 244-257. 252. KING, D. A. (1985), "The Sacred Direction in Medieval Islam: A Study of the Interaction of Science and Religion in the Middle Ages", Interdisciplinary Science Review, vol. 10: pp. 315-328. 253. KING, D. A. (1987). Islamic Astronomical Instruments. Aldershot: Variorum Reprints. 2nd revised edition 1993. 254. KING, D. A. (1990a), "Between Europe and : Aspects of the Traditions of the Lands of Islam". In Dall'Europa alla Cina: Contributti per una storia dell'Astronomia, edited by I. Iannaccone and A. Tamburello, Napoli, pp. 55-66. 255. KING, D. A. (1990b), "An Overview of the Sources for the History of Astronomy in the Medieval Maghrib", Actes du 2ème Colloque Maghrébin d'Histoire des Mathématiques Arabes. Tunis, 1-3 décembre 1988. Tunis: Université de Tunis - Institut Supérieur de Formation Continue - Association Tunisienne des Sciences Mathématiques, pp. 125-157. 256. KING, D. A. (1991), "Medieval Astronomical Instruments: A Catalogue in Progress", Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society, vol. 31: pp. 3-7. A report on D. A. King, A Catalogue of Medieval Astronomical Instruments -Astrolabes, Quadrants and Sundials, pts 1-5: Eastern (Islamic and Indian); and 6-10: European, in preparation. 257. KING, D. A. (1993a), "Some Medieval Astronomical Instruments and their Secrets". In Non-Verbal Communication in Science prior to 1900, edited by Renato G. Mazzolini, Florence: Leo S. Olschki, "Biblioteca di Nuncius, studi e testi, XI", pp. 29-52. 258. KING, D. A. (1993b). Astronomy in the Service of Islam. Aldershot (Engl.)/Brookfield (Vt., USA): Variorum, xvi + 333 pp. Fourteen articles previously published, treating different aspects of the interaction between scientific and religious imperatives in Islamic astronomy. They deal concretly with the problem how science was applied to three aspects of Islamic ritual: the regulation of the lunar ; the organization of the times of the five daily prayers; and the determination of the sacred direction (qibla) toward the Kacba in . 259. KING, D. A. (1995), "The Orientation of Medieval Islamic Religious Architecture and Cities,", Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 26: pp. 253-274.

22 260. KING, D. A. (1997), "On the History of Astronomy in the Medieval Maghrib". Forthcoming in a collective work dedicated to the memory of Jamal-Eddine Alaoui. Fez: Publications of the Faculty of Letters Dhar el-Mehraz. An expanded and updated version of D. A. King (1990). 261. KING, D. A. & SALIBA, George editors (1987). From Deferent to . A Volume of Studies on the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E. S. Kennedy. New York: New York Academy of Science, xxx + 569 pp. Contains 35 contributions, dealing with various aspects of Arabic sciences. 262. KUNITZSCH, Paul (1974). Der Almagest: Die Syntaxis mathematica des Claudius Ptolemäus in arabisch- lateinischer Überlieferung. Wiebaden: Otto Harrassowitz. 263. KUNITZSCH, P. (1983a). Glossar der arabischen Fachausdrücke in der mittelalterlichen europäischen Astrolabliteratur. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 111 pp. 264. KUNITZSCH, P. (1983b). Über eine anwa'-Tradition mit bisher unbekannten Sternnamen. München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 118pp. The last two monographs are part of the examination by the author of names and astronomical nomenclature in Islamic astronomy. For a review, see Isis, vol. 76 (1985): p. 435. See also P. Kunitzsch's edition and German translation of ibn al-Salah's Zur Kritik der Koordinatenüberlieferung im Sternkatalog des Almagest, Göttingen, 1975. 265. KUNITZSCH, P. (1986). Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest: Die arabisch-mittelalterlicheTradition . Vol. I: Die arabischen Übersetzungen. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, vii + 344 pp. Edition and German translation of two Arabic versions of the included in the books 7 and 8 of the Almagest. 266. KUNITZSCH, P. (1994) "Abd al-Malik 's Book on the ", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, vol. 9: pp. 161-194. 267. KUNITZSCH, P., & LORCH, R. (1994). Maslama's Notes on Ptolemy's Planisphaerium and Related Texts. München: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, "Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte", 1994, vol. 2). 268. LANGERMANN, Y. T. (1990). Ibn al-Haytham's "On the Configuration of the World". London/New York: Garland. Edition and translation with critical commentary and glossary. Originally a Ph. D. thesis presented in 1979 to Harvard University on ibn al-Haytham's Hay'at al-calam. 269. LORCH, Richard P. (1975), "The Astronomy of ", Centaurus, vol. 19: pp. 85-107. 270. LORCH, R. P. (1976-77), "The Astronomical Instruments of Jabir ibn Aflah and the Torquetum", Centaurus, vol. 20: pp. 11-34. 271. LORCH, R. P. (1980), "The Qibla Table attributed to al-Khazini", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, vol. 4: pp. 259-264. 272. LORCH, R. P. (1981), "Al-Khazini's Balance-clock and Chinese Steelyard Clepsydra", Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 31, n° 106: pp. 183-189. 273. LORCH, R. P. (1995). Arabic Mathematical Sciences: Instruments, Texts And Transmission. Aldershot/Brookfield: Variorum, xii + 354 pp. Collection of previously published studies on "the Arabic transmission of Archimedes Sphere and cylinder", "Greek mathematical texts in Arabic", "the astronomy of Jabir ibn Aflah and the manuscripts of his Islah al-majisti", plus other articles on abu-Kamil, al-Khazini, Habash al-Hasib and al-Saghani. 274. MAYER, A. (1956). Islamic Astrolabists and their Works. Geneva: Albert Kundig. With a supplement in R. Ettinghausen, ed., Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst. Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 1959, pp. 293-296.

23 A fundamental work on the subject. 275. MORÉLON, Régis, ed. (1987 a). Thabit ibn Qurra. Oeuvres d'astronomie. Texte établi et traduit par R. Morélon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, cxlii + 322 + xv pp. 276. MORÉLON, R. (1987b). La Version arabe du "Livre des hypothèses" de Ptolémée (Traité 1). Louvain/Paris: MIDEO. 277. MORÉLON, R. (1994), "Thabit b. Qurra and Arab Astronomy in the IXth Century", Arabic Sciences and Philsophy, Cambridge, vol. 4: pp. 111-139. 278. NALLINO, Carlo A. (1899, 1903, 1907). Al-Battani sive Albatenii, Opus Astronomicum. Arabice editum, latine versum, adnotationibus instructum a C. A. Nallino. Milano, 3 vols. Reprinted in one volume, Hildesheim/New York: G. Olms, 1977. Reprinted in in 1996. 279. NALLINO, C. A. (1939-1948). Raccolta di scritti editi e inediti, edited by Maria Nallino. Roma: Istituto per l'Oriente, 6 vols. Vol. V (1944): "Astrologia-Astronomia-Geografia", includes sections on folk astronomy in Islam. 280. RAGEP, F. Jamil (1987), "The two Versions of the ". In From Deferent to Equant, edited by D. A. King & G. Saliba, pp. 329-356. For a more recent discussion on "al-Tusi's couple", see Mario Di Bono, "Copernicus, Amico, Fracastro and Tusi's Device: Observations on the Use and Transmission of a Model", Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 26 (1995): pp. 133-154. 281. RAGEP, F. J. (1993). Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's Memoir on Astronomy "al Tadhkira fi cilm al-hay'a". New York/Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2 vols., xvi + 656 pp. Edition of the Arabic with English translation and commentary of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's major presentation of hay'a, the mathematical study of the sphere of the world, written and revised by al-Tusi in the XIIIth century. Review by D. Pingree in Isis, 86 (1995): pp. 313-314. 282. RAGEP, F. J. (1996), "Al-Battani, and the History of Trepidation in Islam". In From Baghdad to Barcelona. Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet, edited by J. Samso & J. Casulleras, pp. 267-298. 283. RENAUD, H. P. J. (1948). Le calendrier d'ibn al-Banna' de Marrakech (1256-1321 J. C.) Paris: Publications de l'Institut des Hautes-Etudes Marocaines, tome 34. 284. SABRA, A. I. (1978), "An Eleventh-Century Refutation of Ptolemy's Planetary Models", Studia Copernicana, vol. 16: pp. 117-131. 285. SABRA, A. I. (1979), "Ibn al-Haytham's Treatise: Solution of the Difficulties Concerning the Movement of 'Iltifaf'", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 3. 286. SABRA, A. I. (1984), "The Andalusian Revolt against Ptolemaic Astronomy: Averroes and al-Bitruji". In Transformation and Tradition in the Sciences, edited by E. Mendelsohn. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, pp. 133-153. On the encounter between the astronomer (al-Bitruji) and the philosopher (ibn Rushd) in the opposition to Ptolemy, in the XIIth century . Reprinted in Sabra (1994). 287. SALIBA, George (1984), "Arabic Astronomy and Copernicus", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol.1: pp. 73-87. 288. SALIBA, G. (199O). The Astronomical Work of Mu'ayyad al-Din al-cUrdi (d. 1266). A XIIIth Century Reform of Ptolemaic Astronomy. Beirut: Center for Arabic Unity Studies, Series of History of Arabic Sciences (2), 70 + 426 pp. Critical edition, with English introduction (70 pp.) of the Arabic text of al-cUrdi's Kitab al-Hay'a (pp. 25-404), based on all extant manuscripts.The English translation with commentary is forthcoming.

24 289. SALIBA, G. (1991), "The Astronomical Tradition of Maragha: A Historical Survey and Prospects for Future Research", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 1: pp. 67-99. 290. SALIBA, G. (1994). A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary During the Golden Age of Islam. New York/London: New York University Press, x + 341 pp. Fifteen previously published articles on the astronomical works of al-cUrdi, al-Tusi, al-Maghribi, ibn al-Shatir. For a critical evaluation, see the review by F. Jamil Ragep in Isis, vol. 87 (1996): pp. 154-155. 291. SALTZER, W. & MAYEMA, Y., eds (1977). :. Naturwissenschaftsge- schichtliche Studien - Festschrift für Willy Hartner. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag. Contains several articles on Islamic astronomy. 292. SAMSÓ, Julio (1992a). Las Ciencias de los Antiguos en al-Andalus. Madrid: Mapfre, 501 pp. The most extensive and complete recent work on history of sciences, and principally on astronomy, in medieval Islamic Andalusia. 293. SAMSÓ, J. (1992b), "La astronomia teorica en al-Andalus". In El Legado cientifico andalusi, edited by J. Vernet, J. Samso et al., pp. 45-52. 294. SAMSÓ, J. (1993-1994), "Ibn Bajja y la astronomia", Sharq al-Andalus, Estudios Arabes [Homenaje a Maria Jesus Rubiera Mata], n° 10-11: pp. 669-681. 295. SAMSÓ, J. (1994). Islamic Astronomy and Medieval . Aldershot: Variorum Reprints, xiv + 335 pp. Reprint of twenty articles on the history of astronomy in Andalusia and on the Arabic sources of Alphonse X's astronomy. After a general article on the main characteristics of the Andalusian Islamic astronomy and its influence in the Latin West, the rest of the articles are divided in three groups: 1. "the survival of the Latin astronomy and in al-Andalus", 2. "Mathematical astronomy and astronomical theory", and 3. "Alfonso X and Arabic astronomy". 296. SAMSÓ, J. & CASULLERAS, Josep, eds. (1996). From Baghdad to Barcelona: Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet. Barcelona: Anuari de filologia (Universitat de Barcelona) XIX (1996) B-2, Instituto "Millas Vallicrosa" de Historia de la Ciencia Arabe, 2 vols. Published in hommage to Juan Vernet. Articles on different aspects of Arabic science: Mathematics, astronomical tables, mathematical astrology, astronomical instruments, folk astronomy. 297. SAVAGE-SMITH, Emilie (1985). Islamicate Celestial . Their History, Construction, and Use. Washington, D. C.: The Smithsonian Institution Press. 298. SAYILI, Aydin (1960). The in Islam. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Publications of the Turkish Historical Society (Series 7, n° 38). Reprinted New York: Arno Press, 1981. The fundamental work on the subject. Still the only major monograph on a scientific institution in the broad context of Islamic culture. See the earlier work of A. Sayili, The institutions of science and learning in the , unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1941. 299. SCHOY, Karl (1988). Beiträge zur arabisch-islamischen Mathematik und Astronomie. Nachdruck von Schriften aus den Jahren 1911-1926. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2 vols. Reprints of many monographs and articles published in the first third of the century. 300. SÉDILLOT, Jean-Jacques (1834-1835). Traité des instruments astronomiques des Arabes composé au treizième siècle par Aboul l-Hassan 'Ali, de Maroc... Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 2 vols., 630 pp. French translation of the first half of al-Marrakushi's treatise on astronomical instruments used in the Islamic countries in the IXth-XIIIth centuries. Facsimile reprint by F. Sezgin, Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1984, 2 vols.; vol. I: 383 pp., vol. II: 376 pp.

25 301. SÉDILLOT, Louis-Amélie (1844), "Mémoire sur les instruments astronomiques des Arabes", Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de l'Institut de France, vol. 1: pp. 1-229. Summarizes the second half of al-Murrakushi's treatise, by the son of Jean-Jacques Sédillot. Reprinted Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 1989. 302. SMITH, Mark A. (1992), "The Latin Version of ibn Mucadh's Treatise On and the Rising of Clouds", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 2: pp. 83-132. 303. SMITH, M. A. & GOLDSTEIN, B. R. (1993), "The Medieval Hebrew and Italian Versions of ibn Mucadh's On Twilight and the Rising of Clouds", Nuncius. Annali di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, vol. 8: pp. 611-644. 304. SUTER, H. (1986). Beiträge zur Geschichte der Mathematik und Astronomie im Islam, edited by F. Sezgin. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2 vols., 1467 pp. Reprints of monographs and articles, especially: "Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke", Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 10 (1900), and "Nachträge und Berichtigungen", ibid, 14 (1902), pp. 157-185. For a long period, the work of Suter had been a major source on Islamic astronomy up to the XVI th century; actually it is replaced by the recent work of Sezgin, King, etc. 305. TOOMER, Gerald J. (1969). "The Solar Theory of al-Zarqal: A History of Errors", Centaurus, vol. 14: pp. 306-336. Demonstrates the importance of Maghribi sources for the history of Andalusian Astronomy. 306. VERNET, Juan, (1952). Contribución al estudio de la labor astrónomica de ibn al- Banna'. Tetuan: Editora Marroqui. Contains text and partial translation (to the introduction) of the astronomical tables of the XIVth-century Moroccan astronomer and mathematician ibn al-Banna al-Murrakushi. 307. VERNET, J. (1979). Estudios sobre historia de la ciencia medieval. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona-Bellaterra. 308. VERNET, J. editor (1981). Historia de la ciencia arabe. Madrid: Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Contains some important contributions. 309. VERNET, J. & SAMSÓ, J. (1981), "Panorama de la ciencia andalusi en el Siglo XI". In Actas de las jornadas de cultura arabe e islamica (1978), Madrid: Instituto Hispano-Arabe de Cultura, pp. 135-163. General survey on the scientific activities in Islamic Spain during the XIth century, the golden age of science in Andalusia. 310. VERNET, J. & SAMSÓ, J. et al. (1985). Instrumentos astrónomicos en la España medieval.Santa Cruz de la Palma. A catalogue of an important exhibition; in Spanish and English. 311. VERNET, J., and SAMSÓ, J., et al. (1992). El Legado cientifico andalusi. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 340 pp. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid, in April-June 1992. Contains also articles by specialists on the history of the various sciences practiced and developed in Islamic Andalusia: astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, technology, navigation... Very beautiful plates and photographs of original scientific manuscripts and instruments. More detailed analysis on astronomical disciplines (theoretical and applied) than on other branches (mathematics, physics) 312. VILLUENDAS, Maria Victoria (1979). La trigonometria europea en el siglo XI: Estudio de la obra de ibn Mucad El "Kitab mayhulat". Barcelona: Instituto de Historia de la Ciencia de la Real Academia de Buenas Lettras, xli + 187 + 47 pp.

26 Edition and analysis of the treatise on of the XIth-century Andalusian scientist ibn Mucad al- Jayyani, Kitab majhulat kisi al-kura. The work of Villuendas (originally a doctoral thesis presented to the University of Barcelona) had the merit of attracting attention on the importance of ibn Mucad's scientific achievements.

27 - V -


313. ABATTOUY M. & WEINIG, P. (Forthcoming). Arabic Writings on the Balance. A Selection of Mechanical Treatises by Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Muzaffar al-Isfizari, abu al-Fath al-Khazini... Arabic Text, English Translation, Historical and Analytical Commentaries, Introduction and Notes. Project of research in course of realization in the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, Berlin. 314. ABATTOUY M. (1996), "Arabic Tradition of Mechanics and Engineering: General Survey and Prospects for Future Research". Paper delivered to the Workshop Experience and Knowledge Structures in Arabic and Latin Sciences held at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, December 16-17, 1996). Forthcoming in the proceedings of the Workshop, edited by P. Weinig & M. Abattouy. General survey of the tradition of mechanics and engineering developed in the lands of Islam in the medieval period (VIIIth-XVIth century). Sets the stage for future researches and presents a preliminary and partial description of the main components of this tradition: theoretical trend (principles of statics), science of hydrostatics and specific weight, applied mechanics or cilm al-hiyal (science of ingenious devices), and finally the tradition of engineering. 315. AIKEN, Jane Andrew (1994), "Truth in Images: From the Technical Drawings of ibn al- Razzaz al-Jazari, Campanus of Novarra and Giovanni de' Dondi to the Projection of Leon Battista Alberti", Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, vol. 25: pp. 325-359. Comparative study. 316. Al-BIRUNI, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad b. Ahmad (1983). Maqala fi al-nisab allati bayna al-filizat wa al-jawahir fi al-hajm. Russian translation by M. M. Rozhanskaya & B. A. Rozenfled, Nauchnoye nasledstvo [Scientific Heritage], Moscow, vol. 6: pp. 141- 160. The most important Islamic writing on specific weights Book on the proportionalities existing between metals and jewels in volume; edited partially in al-Khazini's Balance of Wisdom, Book III. 317. BROWN, J. E. (1967). The "Scientia de Ponderibus" in the Later Middle Ages. Ph. D. Dissertation, Madison: Wisconsin University Press. Important work; deals partially with some aspects of the Arabic tradition of mechanics, especially with the textual traditions of Kitab fi 'l-qarastun and of the treatises (in Arabic) ascribed to Euclid: Book on the Balance and On Heaviness and Lightness. 318. BUCHNER, E. (1920-21), "Die Schrift über den Karastun von Thabit b. Qurra", Sitzungsberichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietät in Erlangen, part 52-53, pp. 141-188. Latin text of 's translation Liber Karastonis, with commentary. 319. CARRA DE VAUX, B. (19??), "Note sur les Mécaniques de Bedi al-Zamman al-Gazari et sur un appareil d'hydraulique attribué à Apollonius de Perge", Congrès d'Histoire de Paris, 5ème section, pp. 112-121. 320. COLIN, G. (1932), "La noria marocaine et les machines hydrauliques dans le monde arabe", Hespéris, vol. 14: pp. 22-60. 321. DAIBER, H. (1992-93-94), "Sciences and Technology versus Islam. A Controversy from Renan and Afghani to Nasr and Needham and its Historical Background", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 10, n° 1-2: pp. 119-134.

28 322. GOBLOT, Henri (1979). Les Qanats: Une technique d'acquisition de l'eau. Paris: Mouton. 323. Al-HASSAN, Ahmad Youssef (1976). Taqi al-Din and Arabic . With Kitab "al-Tourouq al-Sounia fi al-alat ar-Rouhaniyya" of the Sixteenth Century. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. On a mechanical work of the the XVIth-century Turkish scientist Taqi al-Din. In Arabic. 324. Al-HASSAN, A. Y., ed. (1979). Ibn al-Razzazal-Jazari:Al-Jami c bayna al-cilm wa al- camal al-nafic fi sinacati al-hiyali. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. A full critical edition of one of the most important treatises of machines written in Arabic: al-Jazari's Compendium of the theory and useful practice of the mechanical arts. See also of the same editor an article on al-Jazari's work in the Journal for the History of Arabic Science - Aleppo (vol. 1 (1977), n° 1) and the English translation of al-Jazari's work by D. R. Hill (1974). 325. Al-HASSAN, A. Y., ed. (1981). Banu Musa: Kitab al-hiyyal. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. Arabic critical edition of the three Persian brothers Banu-Musa's Book of Mechanics, an important treatise of the Arabic mechanical tradition. See the English translation of this text by D. R. Hill, (1979). 326. Al-HASSAN, A. Y. (1987), "Chemical Technology in Arabic Military Treatises. A Review of the Sources". In From Deferent to Equant, edited by D. A. King & G. Saliba, pp. 153-166. 327. Al-HASSAN, A. Y.& HILL, Donald R. (1981). Innovations in Islamic Technology, Research Monograph for the United Nations University, Tokyo. 328. Al-HASSAN, A. Y.& HILL, D. R. (1986). Islamic Technology. An Illustrated History, Paris: UNESCO-Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. A major study.; the most important and complete on the and engineering in Islam. Reprinted three times (1988, 1992, 1994) and translated into several languages. 329. HÉRON, d'Alexandrie, (1988). Les Mécaniques ou l'élévateur des corps lourds. Texte arabe de Qusta ibn Luqa établi et traduit par B. Carra de Vaux. Introduction de D. R. Hill. Commentaires par A. G. Drachmann. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 305 pp. + 115 pp. (of Arabic text). Reprint of the editio princeps of Qusta ibn Luqa's translation of Hero's Mechanics, as it was edited and translated in French by B. Carra de Vaux (1893), "Les Mécaniques ou l'élévateur de Héron d'Alexandrie, publiées pour la première fois sur la version arabe de Qusta ibn Luqa et traduites en français par M. le baron Carra de Vaux", Journal Asiatique, 9ème Série, vol. 1: pp. 386-472 ; vol. 2: pp. 152-209 and pp. 450-514; reprinted in a volume in Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894. In the 1988 edition, the commentaries are partial reproduction of A. G. Drachmann, The Mechanical Technology of Greek and Roman Antiquity (Copenhagen: Munskgaard, 1936), pp. 19-140. 330. HERON von Alexandria (1899-1914). Heronis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt omnia, edited by W. Schmidt. Leipzig, 5 vols.; vol. 2 (1900): Mechanik und Katoptrik, Arabic text with German translation by L. Nix und W. Schmidt. Another edition of ibn Luqa's Arabic translation, made from four manuscripts not taken into account by Carra de Vaux, with German translation and an introduction by L. Nix. 331. HILL, D. R., (1974). The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices. An annotated translation of al-Jazzari's Treatise, Dordrecht: D. Reidel. English translation of al-Jazzari's book. The Arabic text was edited susequently by al-Hassan (1979). This treatise, Kitab fi ma crifat al-hiyyal al-handasiyya was completed by Badic Az-Zaman Ismacil ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazzari in 1204 or 1206. Its manuscript is preserved in the Bodleian Library of Oxford. Hill's work was acclaimed by historians and the American Society for the History of Technology awarded him (jointly with Daniel Boorstin) the Dexter Prize on this occasion. 332. HILL, Donald R., (1976). On the Construction of Water Clocks. London: Turner & Devereaux.

29 An annotated translation from Arabic manuscripts of a treatise on water-clocks ascribed to Archimedes. Hill (1974) and (1976) are reviewed by King; see KING, D. A., (1987); Islamic Astronomical Instruments. 333. HILL, D. R., (1977), "A Treatise on Machines by ibn Mucad Abu cAbdallah al-Jayyani", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 1: pp. 33-44. Describes the contents of a treatise on machines, Kitab asrar fi nata'ij al afkar attributed to ibn Mucadh al-Jayyani (XIth-century). But subsequent research showed that the author of this text is the Andalusian engineer ibn- Khalaf al-Muradi. See A. I. Sabra, "A note on Codex Medicea-Laurenziana Or. 152", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, vol. 1 (1977): pp. 276-283; J. Vernet, "Un texto arabe de la corte de Alfonso X el Sabio", al-Andalus, vol. 43 (1978): pp. 405-421; J. Vernet, R. Casals, M. V. Villuendas, (1982- 83), "El capitulo primero del Kitab asrar fi nata'ij al afkar", Awraq, Madrid, n° 5-6, pp. 7-18. For the bibliography on this discussion, see Samsó (1992), pp. 249-257. 334. HILL, D. R., (1979). The Book of Ingenious Devices. An Annotated Translation of the Treatise of Banu Musa, Dordrecht: Reidel; reprinted Islamabad, 1989. English translation of Kitab al-Hiyal by the sons of Musa ibn Shakir, an important treatise on machines. 335. HILL, D. R., (1981). Arabic Water-Clocks. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science. After a chapter on water-clocks before Islam and another on the "Pseudo-Archimedes", the book deals with works written by Muslim authors: the eighth book of al-Khazini's Balance of Wisdom, a treatise on the Construction of clocks and their use by Ridwan al-Sacatti and water-clocks in the Ingenious mechanical devices of al-Jazari. 336. HILL, D. R., (1984a), "Technology and Mechanics (Hiyal)". In cAbqariyyat al-hadaraal - carabiyya, yanbouc al-nahda al-haditha [The Genius of Arabic civilisation, source of the modern renaissance], edited by F. R. Heese (?), Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2nd edition, pp. 203-217. General overview of mechanical and technical devices designed by Arab mechanicians. See in the same book an article of A. Sabra : "Exact sciences", pp. 149-169. The first edition of this book [The Genius of Arabic civilisation, source of the modern renaissance] was published in 1978 in Arabic. 337. HILL, D. R., (1984b). in Classical and Medieval Times, London: Croom Helm. Part 1: Civil Engineering (irrigation and water supply, dams, bridges, roads, building construction, surveying); part 2: Mechanical Engineering (water-raising machines, power from water and wind); part 3: Fine Technology (Instruments, automata, clocks). 338. HILL, D. R., (1987), "Islamic Fine Technology and its Influence on the Development of European Horology", Al-Abhath, American University of Beirut, vol. 35: pp. 8-28. 339. HILL, D. R. (1991), "Arabic Mechanical Engineering: Survey of the Historical Sources", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 1, pt. 2: pp. 167- 186. 340. HILL, D. R., (1992), "Tecnologia anadalusi". In El Legado cientifico andalusi, edited by J. Vernet, J. Samsó et al, pp.157-172. 341. HILL, D. R. (1993). Islamic Science and Engineering. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, xiii + 250 pp. 342. HILL, D. R. (1994), "From Philo to al-Jazzari". In Learning Language and Invention. Essays Presented to Francis Maddison, edited by D. W. Hackmann & A. J. Turne, Aldershot: Variorum, pp. 188-206. Concerning technical treatises on mechanical engineering from Hellenistic to Islamic times. 343. HILL, D. R. (1996), "Engineering". In Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, edited by R. Rashed, pp. 751-795. General survey of the tradition of engineering in Islam as it is described in Hill's other works.

30 344. HINZ, W. (1970). Islamische Masse und Gewichte umgerechnet ins metrische System. Nachdruck der Erstausgabe (1955) mit Zusätzen und Berichtigungen. Leiden: E. J. Brill, viii + 68 pp. 345. IBEL, T. (1906). Die Wage bei den Alten, Forchheim. Expanded as: Die Wage im Altertum und Mittelalter, Erlangen, 1908. General survey of antique and medieval balances; translation -with notes- of portions of al-Khazini's Book of the balance of Wisdom. 346. IBN QURRA, Thabit (1976). Kitab fi 'l-qarastun, edited and translated in French by K. Jaouiche. Leiden: E. J. Brill. Edition of London Mss of Kitab fi 'l-qarastun; the parts existing exclusively in Beirut Mss were edited and commented by W. R. Knorr, Ancient Sources of the Medieval Tradition of Mechanics. Greek, Arabic and Latin Studies of the Balance (Florence, 1982). Russian translation by B. A. Rozenfled et al. (1984) Thabit ibn Qurra. Matematicheskie traktati, in Nauchnoye nasledtsvo[Scientific Heritage], Moscow, vol. 7, pp. 237-242, 350-353. 347. JACKSON, D. E. P. (1970). The Arabic Version of the Mathematical Collection Of Pappus Alexandrinus Book VIII. PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge (Engl.) 348. JACKSON, D. E. P. (1972), "The Arabic Translation of a Greek Manual of Mechanics", The Islamic Quarterly, vol. 16: pp. 96-103. Contains essentially chapter 1 of the above mentioned doctoral dissertation. Book 8 of Pappus' Collection is devoted to mechanics. 349. JAOUICHE, Khalil (1974), "Le Livre du qarastun de Thabit ibn Qurra: Etude sur l'origine de la notion de travail et du calcul du moment statique d'une barre homogène", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, vol. 13: pp. 325-347. 350. JAOUICHE, K. (1976). Le Livre du qarastun de Thabit ibn Qurra. Etude sur l'origine de la notion de travail et du calcul du moment statique d'une barre homogène. Leiden: E. J. Brill, xii + 185 pp. Analysis of Thabit's book, with an Arabic edition of the text and a French translation. The conclusions of Jaouiche are rejected and criticized by Knorr (1982). Relying only on London Mss of Kitab fi 'l-qarastun, Jaouiche's work suffered from the neglect of other textual evidences, especially the one contained in Beirut Mss, which constituted the seminal part of Knorr's general reconstruction. 351. Al-KARADJI, abu-Bakr Muhammad b. al-Hassan al-Hasib (1940). Inbat al-miyah al- khafiyya. Hyderabad: Dai'irat al-macarif al-outhmaniyya. A treatise by the known mathematician on the prospection for hidden waters, a branch of engineering in Islam. 352. KHANIKOFF, N. (1860), "Analysis and Extracts of Kitab Mizan al-Hikma, an Arabic Work on the Waterbalance, written by 'al-Khazînî in the Twelfth century. By the Chevalier N. Khanikoff, Russian Consul-general at Tabriz, Persia", Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 6: pp. 1-128. Arabic text and translation of excerpts from al-Khazini's Book of the Balance of Wisdom. Khanikoff translated the text originally in French; when he sent his manuscript to the Journal of the American Oriental Society, the committee of publication ordered an English translation which was published finally, facing the Arabic text. The translation is in general inaccurate. Khanikoff's partial edition was performed on the basis of one Mss discovered in Iran and now deposited in Saint Petersbourg (Saltykov-Schedrin Public Library, Khanikoff collection, item n° 17). 353. Al-KHAWARIZMI, Abu' abd-Allah Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Katib (1968). Liber Mafatih al-Ouloum. Explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum, edited by G. Van Vloten. Leiden: E. J. Brill, viii + 328 pp. of Arabic text, 2nd edition. Book of the Keys of Sciences, first edition in 1895 reproducing Arabic text with critical apparatus in Latin. Written towards the end of the Xth century, this treatise is a sort of encyclopedia of the sciences. Its 8th maqala (book) is devoted to the description of various mechanical devices and their components (the lever, the fulcrum, the pulley, the wedge, the screw and other machines). Each entry focuses first on the

31 etymology of the device's name, then the device is described briefly and its construction and purpose are explained. 354. Al-KHAZINI, Abu al-Fath cAbd al-Rahman (1941). Kitab Mizan al-Hikma. Hyderabad: Da'irat al-macarif al-couthmaniya, 166 pp. Arabic text of the Book of the Balance of Wisdom published on the basis of two Indian Manuscripts (Bombay, Jamic Masjid (no number ?); Hyderabad, Deccan, Ayasofia , cat. I, 125) and a photocopy of Khanikoff's MS. Another incomplete MS was discovered in the Fourties in Jerusalem; it was transcribed and published in Cairo (1947). There exist variants of reading between all the existing manuscripts of al- Khazini's treatise and it seems that the Iranian MS, discovered and edited by Khanikoff is the oldest. Considerable parts of The Book of the Balance of Wisdom were published in Arabic and English in Khanikoff (1859); E. Wiedemann and T. Ibel provided German translations of other parts; see Wiedemann (1984) and Ibel (1908). 355. Al-KHAZINI, A. A. (1947). Kitab Mizan al-Hikma, Cairo: 1947. 356. KNORR, Wilbur Richard (1982). Ancient Sources of the Medieval Tradition of Mechanics: Greek, Arabic and Latin Studies of the Balance. Supplemento agli Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Anno 1982-Fascicolo 2 (Monografia N° 6). Firenze: Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza. Important work. General reconstruction of the history of medieval Mechanics, producing new and stimulating insights, particularly on the place of the two books, the Arabic Kitab fi-l' Qarastun and the Latin De Canonio. Edited, with English translation, the unpublished parts of Beirut Mss of Kitab fi-l' Qarastun. The conclusions of this work are firmly opposed to the ones developed by Jaouiche (1976). 357. LORCH, R. (1980), "Al-Khazini's 'Sphere that rotates by itself'", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 4: pp. 287-329. 358. NASR, Seyyed Hosein (1968). Science and Civilisation in Islam. Introduction by G. Santillana. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 384 pp. French translation: Sciences et savoir en Islam. Paris: Sindbad, 1979, 344 pp. 359. NASR, S. H. (1976). Islamic Science: An Illustrated History. London: World of Islam Festival, 273 pp. 360. PRICE, Derek J. de Solla (1964), "Mechanical Water Clocks of the XIVth century in Fez, Morocco". In Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of the History of Science, Ithaca, N. Y., 1962, Paris: Hermann, pp. 599-602. 361. RIZVI, S. S. H. (1993), "Muslim Contributions to the Science of Measurements", Islamic Thought and Scientific Creativity, vol. 4, n° 3: pp. 21-40. 362. ROZHANSKAYA, Mariam Mikhailovna (1987), "On a Mathematical Problem in al- Khazini's Book of the Balance of Wisdom". In From Deferent to Equant, edited by D. A. King & G. Saliba, pp. 427-436. Deals with the mathematical aspect of the so-called "problem of weighing": the selection of a minimal number of weights for weighing a certain load, discussed by al-Khazini in Book VI- chapter 1 of his Mizan al- Hikma. 363. ROZHANSKAYA, M. M. (1991). Abu' l-Fath cAbd al-Rahman al-Khazini (XIIth Century). Moscow: Nauka, 190 pp., in Russian. Bio-bibliographical study on the life and work of al-Khazini, the author of the encyclopedic Book of the Balance of Wisdom. The fifth chapter of Rozhanskaya's work is precisely devoted to this treatise, previously published in 1983 in a commented Russian translation by Rozhanskaya and S. Levinova. After an extensive debate on the manuscript tradition of the text, the sources of the work of al-Khazini are discussed: Archimedes, Menelaus, Pappus, al-Quhi, ibn al-Haytham, al-Biruni... Finally, the authors turn to the analysis of some theoretical questions concerning statics, hydrostatics and the theory of the lever. 364. ROZHANSKAYA, M. M. (1996), "Statics". In Encyclopaedia of the History of Arabic Science, edited by R. Rashed, pp. 614-642. General survey on the Arabic tradition of theoretical statics and practical mechanics, with special emphasis on the works of Thabit ibn Qurra and abu al-Fath al-Khazini.

32 365. ROZHANSKAYA, M. M. & LEVINOVA, I. S. (1983). "Al-Khazini. Kniga vesov midrosti" [The Book of the Balance of Wisdom]. In Nauchnoye nasledstvo [Scientific Heritage], Moscow, vol. 6: pp. 15-140. Complete Russian translation of The Book of the Balance of Wisdom. 366. SALIBA, G. (1985), "The of Mechanical Devices in Medieval Islamic Society". In Science And Technology In Medieval Society, edited by Pamela Long, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 441, pp. 141-151. 367. SCHIØLER, Thorkild (1973). Roman and Islamic Water-Lifting Wheels, Odense: Odense University Press. 368. SESIANO, J. (1979), "Note sur trois théorèmes mécaniques d'al-Quhi et leur conséquence", Centaurus, vol. 22, n° 4: pp. 281-297. 369. SHEHADEH, Kamal & HILL, Donald R. & LORCH, Richard, (1994), "Construction of a Fluting Machine by Apollonius the Carpenter", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch- islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 9: pp. 326-356. Arabic text and English translation of a little tract (previously translated in German by Wiedemann in 1905), dealing with the construction and use of a fluting machine, ascribed to Apollonius. 370. STCHOUKINE, I. (1934), "Un manuscrit du traité d'al-Gazari sur les automates du XIIème siècle", Gazette des beaux arts, vol. 11: pp. 134-140. 371. STEINSCHNEIDER, S. (1863), "Intorno al Liber Karastonis", Annali di matematica pura ed applicata, Roma, vol. 5: pp. 54-58. 372. STOREY, A. (1972). Persian Literature: A Bio-Bibliographical Survey, vol. 2, pt. 1: A. Mathematics, B. Weights and Measures, C. Astronomy and Astrology, D. . London: Luzac. 373. VERNET, J. (1989). De cAbd al-Rahman I a Isabel II. Recopilacion de estudios dispersos sobre Historia de la Ciencia y de la Cultura Espanola ofrecida al autor por sus disipulos con ocasion de su LXV aniversario. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona. Pp. 297-351: On various aspects of Andalusian mechanics 374. WEINIG, Paul (1996), " The Latin Medieval Tradition of Mechanics: Aspects of the Textual Tradition. Observations on the Collection of Manuscripts of the Science of Weights (XIIIth -XVIth centuries)". Paper delivered to the Workshop Experience and Knowledge Structures in Arabic and Latin Sciences held at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, December 16-17, 1996). Forthcoming in the proceedings of the Workshop, edited by P. Weinig & M. Abattouy. Survey of the Greek and Arabic sources of medieval statics discussing the problem of their transmission, their relations to each other and possible links to the medieval treatises in order to sketch the impact of the Arabic sources on the subsequent developments in XIIIth century Latin texts dealing with the balance" (from the abstracts of the Workshop). 375. WIEDEMANN, Eilhard (1910), "Über die Kenntnisse der Muslime auf dem Gebiet der Mechanik und Hydrostatik", Archiv für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften..., vol. 2: pp. 394-398. 376. WIEDEMANN, E. (1911-12), "Die Schrift über den Qarastun", BibliotecaMathematica , vol. 12, n° 3: pp. 21-39. German translation of Thabit's Kitab fi 'l-Qarastun. 377. WIEDEMANN, E. (1913-1916), "Mizan (balance)". In First Encyclopaedia of Islam, vol. 5: pp. 530-539 . An excellent survey on different sorts of balances known to Arabs and developed and used by them, as the steelyard, the hydrostatic balance dealt with by al-Khazini in his Book of the Balance of Wisdom ... Other topics treated in this article: "false balances", "specific " and the different methods adopted by the Arabs for leveling and weighing.

33 378. WIEDEMANN, E. (1970). Aufsätze zur Arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Hildesheim/New York: G. Olms, 2 vols. 379. WIEDEMANN, E. (1984). Gesammelte Schriften zur arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch- Islamischen Wissenschaften. 3 vols., xxix + 1935 pp. Classical work on different aspects of physical sciences in Arabic: mechanics (statics, machines, hydrostatics, specific weight), optics, classification of the sciences... Must be consulted with caution and needs to be updated by the results of recent works. 380. WIEDEMANN, E. & HAUSSER, F. (1918), "Über Schalen, die beim Aderlass verwendet werden und Waschegasse nach Gazari", Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, Leipzig, vol. 11: pp. 22-43. 381. WOEPCKE, Franz (1851), "Notice sur des traductions arabes de deux ouvrages perdus d'Euclide", Journal asiatique, 4 ème série, vol. 18: pp. 217-247. Arabic text of two works attributed to Euclid and preserved only in Arabic: Maqala li-Uqlidis fi-l'Mizan [Euclid's Book on the Balance] (pp. 220-225) followed by a French translation (pp. 225-232) and a treatise on the of Figures (pp. 233-246). The work on the balance is an important piece of the Arabic tradition of mechanics. 382. WULFF, H. (1966). Traditional Crafts of Persia. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press. 383. ZOTENBERG, H. (1879), "Traduction arabe du Traité des corps flottants d'Archimède", Journal asiatique, vol. 7, n° 13: pp. 509-515.

- VI -


384. cALAOUI, Jamal-Eddine (1983a). Mu'allafat ibn Bajja. Beirut: Dar ath-thaqafa/ Casablanca: Dar an-nashr al-maghribiyya. Commented bibliography of the works of ibn Bajja (), both published or in manuscripts. Collected before the rediscovery of MS Berlin by G. Endress in 1988. One of the first published works of the late J. Alaoui (1947-1992), former professor of in Fez University and the international specialist of the history of philosophy in the medieval Islamic West (Andalusia + Maghrib). 385. cALAOUI, J. (1983b). Rasa'il falsafiyya li Abi Bakr ibn Bajja. Beirut: Dar ath- thaqafa/Casablanca: Dar an-nashr al-maghribiyya, 202 pp. 386. Critical edition of unpublished philosophical texts of ibn Bajja, from the Oxford Mss. 387. cALAOUI, J. (1983c). Makalat fi al-mantiq wa al-cilm at-tabici li ibn Rushd. Casablanca: Dar an-nashr al-maghribiyya. 388. Critical edition of unpublished texts in logic and natural philosophy of ibn Rushd. 389. cALAOUI, J. (1984). Talkhis as-sama' wa al-calam li abi al-Walid ibn Rushd. Taqdim wa tahqiq Jamal-Eddine Alaoui. Fez: Manshourat kouliyat al-adab. 390. The first critical edition -with an extensive introduction- of the Arabic text of ibn Rushd's Epitome -or middle commentary- on Aristotle's De caelo. Published by the Faculty of Letters Press, Fez. 391. cALAOUI, J. (1986). Al-matn al-rushdi: Madkhal li-kira'a jadida. Casablanca: Dar Tobkal. The rushdian [Averroist] corpus: preliminaries for a new reading, the most important and recent study of its kind. Prolegomenas for the chronological ordering of the vast rushdian corpus. Very interesting and stimulating results for the understanding of the genesis of ibn Rushd's thought and the articulation of its different components.

34 392. Al-ASHcARI, Abu al-Hasan (1963). Maqalat al-islamiyyin wa ikhtilaf al-musallin, edited by H. Ritter. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner. A fundamental text of kalam, by the leader of al-ashacira, one of the most important groups of mutakallimun, besides the famous muctazila. 393. BADAWI, Abderrahmane (1959), "Makhtutat Aristu fi-l'-carabiya [Aristotle's manuscripts in Arabic]", Majalatma chad al-makhtutat al-carabiya, Cairo, vol. 5: pp. 59- 68. c 394. BADAWI, A. (1964-1965). Aristutalis, al-Tabi a. Tarjamat maca shuruh ibn as-Samh wa ibn cAdi wa Matta ibn Yunus wa abi al-Faraj ibn Tayyib. Cairo: The General Egyptian Organization of the Book, 2 vols. Edition of the Arabic text of Aristotle's Physics preserved in the famous Leiden MS. The basis of Lettinck's work (1994) is the same text, with the commentaries of the Andalusian peripatetician school represented by ibn Bajja and ibn Rushd. 395. BADAWI, A. (1968). La transmission de la philosophie grecque au Monde Arabe. Paris: Vrin. 396. BADAWI, A. (1972). Histoire de la philosophie en Islam. Paris: Vrin. 397. BADAWI, A. (1978). Aristou cinda al-carab. Kuwait. Aristotle within the Arabs. On the same topic see Peters (1968). 398. BADAWI, A. (1980) Rasa'il falsafiyya li al-Kindi wa al-Farabi wa ibn cAddi wa ibn Bajja. Beirut: Dar al-Andalus, 2nd edition. Edition of philosophical treatises in Arabic. 399. CORBIN, Henri (1993). History of Islamic Philosophy. English Translation. London/New York: Kegan Paul International, in association with Islamic Publications, for the Institute of Ismaili Studies. On the basis of the assumption that the key of Islamic philosophy lies in the religious principles of Shicism, the French orientalist H. Corbin analyses Islamic philosophy (VIIIth-XIXth centuries) in this theological perspective. 400. CRUZ HERNANDEZ, M. (1986). Abu-l-Walid ibn Rushd (Averroes). Vida, obra, pensamiento, influencia. Cordoba: Publicaciones del Monte de piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Cordoba, 426 p. Excellent general survey on the life and works of ibn Rushd and on his position in the history of thought, focussing on the philosophical and medical aspects of the Rushdian corpus. The scope of the book would have been different if the author built on the results of J. Alaoui's research concerning the of ibn Rushd's writings, published the same year in Casablanca in al-Matn al-rushdi. 401. DHANANI, Alnoor (1994). The Physical Theory of Kalam: Atoms, Space, and Void in Basrian Muctazili Cosmology. Leiden: E. J. Brill, viii + 209 pp. A shortened and rearranged Ph.D. Thesis submitted in 1991 to Harvard University: Kalam and Hellenistic Cosmology. Minimal Parts in Basrian Muctazili Atomism. Important work on the Atomistic cosmology of al-Muctazila, based on original Arabic texts of the Xth-XIth centuries that were published during the last two decades or used in manuscript. Refreshes the classical works of O. Pretzl ("Die frühislamische Atomenlehre", Der Islam, vol. 19 (1931): pp. 117 ff.) and S. Pines (Beiträge zur islamischen Atomenlehre, presented as a doctoral thesis, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Berlin, 1936). 402. DUNLOP, D. M. (1957), "Remarks on the Life and Works of ibn Bajjah", Proceedings of the Twenty-second Congress of Orientalists, Leiden: E. J. Brill, vol. II, pp. 188-196. 403. ENDRESS, Gerhard (1966). Die arabischen Übersetzungen von Aristotetes' Schrift De caelo. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften. 404. ENDRESS, G. (1977). The Works of Yahya ibn cAdi. Wiesbaden. Study of the production of one of the oriental Arabic translators and commentators of Aristotle.

35 405. ENDRESS, G. (1984), "Yahya ibn cAdi's Critique of Atomism", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 1. 406. ENDRESS, G. (1995), "Averroes' De caelo, ibn Rushd's Cosmology in his Commentaries on Aristotle's On the Heavens", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 5: pp. 9-49. 407. ENDRESS, G., ed. (forthcoming ?). Aristoteles, De Caelo. Die arabische Übersetzung. Announced in 1994 to be published in Leyden: E. J. Brill. 408. GIANNAKIS, E. (1993), "The Structure of Abu l-Husayn al-Basri's Copy of Aristotle's Physics", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, vol. 8. 409. GOODMAN, Lenn E. (1992). Avicenna. London/New York: Routledge, "Arabic Thought and Culture", xvi + 240 pp. A comparative study on ibn Sina in the perspective of a "philosophical appreciation" comparing the work of the Muslim philosopher to earlier and later thinkers, as and Aristotle, but also Hume and Russel. Deals essentially with ibn Sina's metaphysics, his theory on the ideas and immortality, with some interest also in his works on logic, rhetoric and poetry. Ibn Sina's medical work Canon of Medicine and his career as a physician are not neglected. 410. GUTAS, Dimitri (1988). Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Introduction to Reading Avicenna's Philosophical Works. Leiden: E. J. Brill, xii + 342 pp. 411. HEINEN, A. M. (1983). Islamic Cosmology: A Study of as-Sayuti's al-Hay'a as-saniya fi l-hay'a as-sunniya. With Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary. Beirut/Wiesbaden: F. Steiner Verlag, viii + 289 + 79 (Arabic text). Meticulous edition and analysis of an Islamic cosmological tract of the XVth century. Reviewed in Isis, vol. 76 (1985), pp. 124-125. 412. HUGONNARD-ROCHE, Henri (1984-1985), "L'Epitomé du De caelo d'Aristote par Averroès: Questions de méthode et de doctrine", Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littérarire du Moyen-Age, année 49, vol. 51: pp. 7-39. 413. IBN BAJJA, Abu Bakr (1978). Shuruhat as-Samac at-tabici, edited by Macn Ziyada. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr/Dar al-Kindi. Arabic edition of ibn Bajja's commentary on Aristotle's Physics. 414. IBN HAYAN, Jabir (1986). Kitab al-Sabcin. The Book of Seventy. Introduction in Arabic and English by F. Sezgin. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, xii + 395 + 16 pp. This facsimile edition reproduces the most ancient extant copy (XIIIth century) of an important piece of 's corpus, dealing with problems of chemistry and alchemy. 415. IBN MAYMUN, Musa [] (1856). Dalalat al-ha'irin ou Guide des Egarés, French translation by . Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose. Reprinted 1970 and in Paris: Verdier, 1979. Arabic text edited by Hussein Attay, Cairo, 2 vols., s. d. 416. IBN MAYMUN, Musa [MAIMONIDES] (1956). The Guide of the Perplexed, English Translation by M. Friedländler. New York, 2nd edition. Another English translation was performed by S. Pines, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 1963, 2 vols. 417. [IBN RUSHD](1983). Averroes. Epitome in Physicorum Libros. Edidit Josep Puig. Madrid: Instituto hispano-arabe de cultura, "Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi", A, Series Arabica-Averrois opera.

36 418. IBN RUSHD, [abu l-Walid] (1986). Metaphysics, a Translation with Introduction of ibn Rushd's Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics, Book Lam, by Ch. Genequand. Reprint. Leiden: E. J. Brill, vii +219 pp. 419. IBN RUSHD, abu l-Walid (1994). Sharh Kitab Aristutalis fi al-sama' wa 'l-calam. Commentary on Aristotle's Book on the Heaven and the , with an Introduction by Gerhard Endress. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch- Islamischen Wissenschaften, 12 + 228 + 4 pp. Facsimile edition. Originally, G. Endress (Bochum University) and Jamal Eddine Alaoui (Fez University) were working on a critical edition of ibn Rushd's Long Commentary on Aristotle's De Caelo on the basis of the codex unicus of Tunis National Library, collection al-Ahmadiya 5538, MS 11821. After the sudden vanishing of Alaoui, this edition is the first result of the collaboration between the two scholars over several years. 420. IRAQI, al-, M. A. (1971). Al-falsafa at-tabiciyya cinda ibn Sina. Cairo. Natural philosophy in Avicenna, in Arabic. 421. KRAUS, Paul (1986). : Contribution à l'histoire des idées scientifiques dans l'Islam. Jabir et la science grecque. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Reprint of Volume 2 of the two volumes published in the Mémoires présentés à l'Institut d'Egypte, Cairo, vol. 45 (1943). 422. LEAMAN, Oliver (1993). Moses Maimonides. Cairo: American University in Cairo, 202 pp. This book provides a clear and concise introduction to the philosophy of Musa ibn Maymun (1135-1204), a leading figure of the Andalusian philosophers and offers an insight into the rich cultural atmosphere of the Islamic world during Maimonides' time. 423. LETTINCK, Paul (1992-93-94), "Problems in Aristotle's Physics I.1 and their Discussion by Arabic Commentators", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo, vol. 10, n° 1-2: pp. 91-110. 424. LETTINCK, P. (1994). Aristotle's Physics and its Reception in the Arabic World. With an Edition of the Unpublished Parts of ibn Bajja's "Commentary on the Physics". Leiden: E. J. Brill, xi + 793 pp. An extraordinary rich and extensive work on the Arabic tradition of translation and commentaries on Aristotle's Physics. Detailed examination of the commentaries on the successive eight books of the Physics, with special emphasis on those performed by the two Andalusian philosophers ibn Bajja and ibn Rushd. Finally, after an epilogue on "The influence of Arabic philosophers on the development of dynamics in the Middle Ages" (pp. 665-673), the author reproduces the Arabic text, in critical edition, of ibn Bajja's Commentary on the Physics, as it is extant in the Berlin MS, discovered by G. Endress in 1988; some parts of this text are published here for the first time. Reviewed by A. Sabra in Isis, vol. 87 (1996): pp. 153-154. 425. PETERS, F. E. (1968). Aristoteles and the Arabs: the Aristotelian Tradition in Islam. New York/London. 426. PINÈS, Salomon (1938a), "Les précurseurs musulmans de la théorie de l'impetus", Archeion, vol. 21: pp. 298-306. 427. PINÈS, S. (1938b), "Etudes sur Awhad az-Zaman Abu l-Barakat al-Baghdadi", Revue des Études Juives, nouvelle série, vol. 3: pp. 3-64; vol. 4: pp. 1-33. 428. PINÈS, S. (1940), "Quelques tendances anti-péripatéticiennes de la pensée scientifique islamique", Thalès, Paris, vol. 24: pp. 210-219. 429. PINÈS, S. (1953), "Un précurseur Baghdadien de la théorie de l'impetus", Isis, vol. 44: pp. 247-251. 430. PINÈS, S. (1964), "La dynamique d'ibn Bajja". In L'Aventure de la science: Mélanges Alexandre Koyré, edited by I. B. Cohen and R. Taton, Paris: Hermann, vol. 1: pp. 442- 468.

37 431. PINÈS, S. (1979-1986). Collected Works. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2 vols. Vol. 1: Studies in Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdadi. Physics and Metaphysics, vii + 339 pp; vol. 2: Studies in Arabic Versions of Greek Texts and in Mediaeval Science, xi + 468 pp. Reprints of some of Pinès' articles mentioned above. 432. RENAN, Ernest (1985). Averroès et l'averroisme, edited by F. Sezgin. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 12 + xvi + 486 + 10 pp. Reprint of the third edition (Paris, 1876) of Renan's book on ibn Rushd. 433. SAYILI, A. (1987), "Ibn Sina and Buridan on the motion of the projectile". In From Deferent to Equant, edited by D. A. King & G. Saliba, pp. 477-482. Formerly published as "Ibn Sina and Buridan on the dynamics of projectile motion" in Ibn Sina, Ankara, 1984, pp. 141-160. 434. WOLFSON, H. A. (1976). The Philosophy of Kalam. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press. General study on al-kalam, the theological and philosophical debate in the first centuries of Islam; important source notably on the question of atomism in al-kalam's system. For an updated picture of the question, see A. Dhanani (1994 ). 435. ZIMMERMANN, F. (1987), "Philoponus's Impetus Theory in the Arabic Tradition". In Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science, edited by Richard Sorabji, London: Duckworth pp. 121-129. See in the same volume the article of M. Wolf : "Philoponus and the Rise of Preclassical Dynamics". On Philoponus Natural philosophy, see C. Wildberg, Criticism of Aristotle's Theory of Aether, Berlin / New York : Walter de Gruyter, 1988. 436. Ziyada, Macn (1972). The Theory of Motion in ibn Bajja's Philosophy. Ph. D. Dissertation, Montreal, McGill University. Translated in Arabic and published as: Al-Haraka mina at-tabica ila ma bacda t-tabica, Beirut: Dar Iqra', 1985, 219 pp.

- VII -


437. El-AMRANI-JAMAL, Abdel-Hay (1983). Logique aristotélicienne et grammaire arabe. Etude et documents. Paris: Vrin. 438. ANSARI, S. M. R. (1994), "Modern Scientific Methods in the Works of ibn al- Haytham". In Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Memorial Volume, edited by Nazir Ahmad & Asloob Ahmad Ansari, New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, pp. 248-271. 439. ARBERRY, A. J. (1964). Aspects of Islamic Civilization, as Depicted in the Original Texts. New York: A. S. Barnes. 440. BADAWI, A. (1985) "Taqwimun camun li-tahqiqi al-turath al-yunani al-mutarjam ila al- carabiya". In Acmal nadwat al-fikr al-carabi wa al-thaqafa al-yunaniyya, Rabat: Faculty of Letters Press. "General assessment of the editions of Greek works translated into Arabic", in Procedeings of the Colloque on the Arabic thought and the Greek culture held in Rabat (May 7-10, 1980), 584 pp. 441. BALTY-GUESDON, Marie-Geneviève (1992), "Le Bayt al-hikma de Baghdad", Arabica, Paris, vol. 39: pp. 131-150. A study on the , the library and scientific institution founded by the caliph al-Ma'mun in Baghdad in the first third of the IXth century.

38 442. BARANI, S. H. (1951), "Muslim Researches in Geodesy". In Al-Biruni Commemoration Volume, Calcutta: Iran Society, pp. 1-52. 443. BERGSTRÄSSER, G. (1913). Hunain ibn Ishak und seine Schule, Leiden. On one of the leading translators of the Greek texts into Arabic, Hunain ibn Ishaq (809-873). Summarized by Max Meyerhof (1926), "New Light on Hunain ibn Ishaq and his Period", Isis, vol. 8: pp. 685-724. 444. BERGSTRÄSSER, G. (1925), "Hunain ibn Ishaq über die Syrischen und Arabischen -Übersetzungen", Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Leipzig , vol. 2. Arabic text with a German translation of an autobiographical treatise written by Ishaq ibn Hunain in the form of a letter from which we get a rare and very rich glimpse on the process of translation of scientific Greek material into Arabic in the IXth century. 445. BURNETT, Charles (1977), "A Group of Arabic-Latin Translators Working in Northern Spain in the mid-XIIth Century", Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 1: pp. 62-108. 446. BURNETT, C., ed. (1987). Adelard of Bath. An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century. London: University of London-The Warburg Institute. Contains material on Adelard's translations from Arabic. See the articles of M. Folkerts, "Adelard's Versions of Euclid's Elements", pp. 55-65 and R. Lorch, "Some remarks on the Arabic-Latin Euclid", pp. 45-54. 447. BURNETT, C. (1992), "The Translating Activity in Medieval Spain". In The Legacy of Muslim Spain, edited by S. K. Jayyusi, Leiden: E. J. Brill. 448. BURNETT, C. (1993), "Al-Kindi on Judicial Astrology: The Forty Chapters", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, vol. 2: pp. 237-298. 449. BURNETT, C. & KEIJI, Y. & YANO, M., eds. (1994). Abu-Macshar, The Abbrevia- tion of the Introduction to Astrology, together with the Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath. Leiden: Brill. This work is part of a project in progress conducted by the three scholars on the translation and edition of a corpus of Arabic astrological texts: al-Qabisi, Kitab al-madkhal ila cilm al-nujum, al-Biruni, Kitab al- tafhim, abu Macshar, Kitab al-cilal wa al-duwal, al-Kindi, Kitab al-arbacuna baban, cUmar b. al-Farukhan, Kitab al-Masa'il, Ptolemy, (in Arabic), Kushayr ibn al-Laban: Kitab al-madkhal fi sinacati al- nujum. 450. BURNETT, C. (1995), "The Institutional Context of Arabic-Latin Translations of the Middle Ages: A Reassessment of the School of Toledo‚". In Vocabulary of Teaching and Research between Middle Ages and Renaissance, edited by O. Weijers, Proceedings of the Colloquium, 11-12 March 1994. London: The University of London, Warburg Institute. 451. BURNETT, C. (1996). Magic and Divination in the Middle Ages. Aldershot: Variorum. 452. BURNETT, C. & JACQUARD, Danielle (1994). Constantine the African and cAli ibn al- cAbbas al-Magusi. The "Pantegni" and Related Texts. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 453. BUSARD, H. H. L., ed. (1968). The Translation of the "Elements" of Euclid from the Arabic into latin by Hermann of Carinthia (?). Leiden: E. J. Brill. 454. BUSARD, H. H. L., ed. (1977). The Translation of the "Elements" of Euclid from the Arabic into latin by Hermann of Carinthia (?) Bppks VII-XII. Amsterdam: Mathematisches Centrum. 455. BUSARD, H. H. L., ed. (1984). The Latin Translation of the Arabic Version of Euclid's "Elements" Commonly Ascribed to Gerard of Cremona. Introduction, edition and critical apparatus. Leiden: E. J. Brill, xxciii + 252 pp. Pp. iv-xxv: on the Euclidean Arabic tradition.

39 456. CLAGETT, M. (1953), "The Medieval Latin Translations from the Arabic of the Elements of Euclid, with Special Emphasis on the Versions of Adelard of Bath", Isis, vol. 44: pp. 16-42. 457. CLEMENT-MULLET, J. J. (1858), "Recherches sur l'histoire naturelle et la physique chez les arabes", Journal asiatique, 6ème série, vol. 2: pp. 379-406. 458. COHEN, H. Floris (1994). The . A Historiographical Inquiry. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 1994, xviii + 662 pp. Part II, Chap. 3 is devoted to discuss the question: why the modern scientific revolution didn't take place in the context of Islamic and Chinese cultures and societies? The author tends to find the answer in social and historical considerations. 459. CRESWELL, K. A. C. (1958). A Short History of Early Muslim Architecture. London: Penguin Books. 460. D'ALVERNY, Marie-Thérèse (1994). La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen-Age, edited by C. Burnett. Aldershot: Variorum. Posthumous reprint of articles previously published, containing works on the transmission of Arabic science ("Les traductions à deux interprètes, d'arabe en langue vernaculaire et de la langue vernaculaire au latin") and reviews on newly published writings of al-Kindi and ibn Rushd. 461. D'ALVERNY, Marie-Thérèse (1995). Pensée médiévale en Occident: Théologie, Magie et autres textes des XIIème-XIIème siècles, edited by C. Burnett. Aldershot: Variorum. 462. DOZY, R. (1881). Supplément aux dictionnaires arabes. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2 vols. 463. ENDRESS, G. (1990), "The Defense of Reason: The Plea for Philosophy in the Religious Community", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 6. 464. Al-FARABI (1906). Ihsa' al-couloum. Published by C. Baeumker, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Münster, vol. 19. German translation of al-Farabi's Enumeration of the Sciences, the famous text on the classification of sciences. The Arabic text was edited by Othman Amine, Cairo, 1968. For a commentary on the contents of the treatise, see M. Mahdi (1975). 465. El-FAÏZ, Mohamed (1995). Analyse du "Livre d'Agriculture" de Qutama. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 466. FOLKERTS, M. & LORCH, R. (1992), "The Arabic Sources of ". Paper delivered to the Fourth International Colloque on the History of Arabic Mathematics (Fez, December 2-4, 1992). Forthcoming. 467. FOLKERTS, M. & KÜHNE, A. & SEGRE, M. (1992), "The International Computer Catalog of Medieval Scientific Manuscripts, Munich", Nuncius. Annali di Storia della Scienza, Florence, vol. 7: pp. 167-171. 468. GARCIA SANCHEZ, Expiracion (1994). Ciencias de la naturalezza en al-Andalus. III. Textos y Estudios. Granada: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-Escuela de Estudios Arabes, 433 pp. 469. GOODMAN, L. E. (1990), "The Translation of Greek Materials into Arabic". In Religion, Learning and Science in the Abbasid Period, edited by M. J. L. Young & J. D. Latham & R. B. Serejant, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 477-497. 470. GRÜNEBAUM von, G. E., ed. (1970). Logic in Classical Islamic Culture. Wiesbaden. See Muhsin Mahdi's article: "Language and logic in classical Islam", pp. 50-83. 471. HOURANI, George (1972), "The Medieval Translations from Arabic into Latin Made in Spain", The Muslim World, vol. 62: pp. 97-114.

40 472. IBN AL-cAWWAM (1988). Kitab al-Filaha. Libro de agricultura. Traducido al castellano y anotado por Josef Antonio Banqueri. Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura. Reprint of the 1802 edition of the Spanish text of the famous Book of Agriculture of the Andalusian author ibn al-cAwwam. Dates badly; to use with caution. 473. IBN FARIcUN (1985). Jawamic al-culum/Compendium of Sciences. Introduction in Arabic and English by F. Sezgin. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, vii + 171 + 6 pp. Facsimile edition of a very original reflection on the classification of sciences by an author of the Xth century. 474. IBN WAHSHIYA, Abu Bakr (1984). Al Filaha al-nabatiya / The Book of Nabatean Agriculture. Introduction in Arabic and English by Fuat Sezgin. Frankfurt am Main: Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 7 vols in 2071 pp. A complete facsimile edition of the much-discussed and major source on pre-islamic Mesopotamian agriculture translated by ibn Wahshiya (IXth-Xth centuries). Toufiq Fahd edited the Arabic text of this book (Damascus: Institut d'Etudes Orientales, 1993-1995, 2 vols; a third and last volume is forthcoming). 475. IHSANOGLU, Ekmeleddin, ed. (1992). Transfer of Modern Sciences and Technology to the Muslim World. Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Modern Sciences and the Muslim World", Istanbul, 2-4 September 1987. Istanbul: Organization of the Islamic Conference, iv + 442 pp. This book illustrates a new tendency in the history of science in the Islamic countries: the study of the transmission of science and technology from the West towards the lands of Islam, during the modern period, from XVIIIth century. Case studies of the transmission of modern astronomy to the Ottoman Turkey, modern science in the Indo-Persian sources, theories of the Earth's motion in the Arabic Near East, the process of penetration of European technology in Islamic countries and its effects . 476. JONES, R. (1992). Learning Arabic in Renaissance Europe (1505-1624). Leiden: E. J. Brill, "Brill's Studies in Intellectual History". 477. KHOURY, R. (1992). Chrestomatie de papyrologie arabe. Documents relatifs à la vie privéé, sociale et administrative dans les premiers siècles islamiques. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 478. KNOBLOCH, Eberhard (1995), "Zur Rezeption der arabischen Astronomie im 15. Und 16. Jahrhundert". In History of Mathematics, States of the Art. Flores quadrivii - Studies in Honor of Christoph J. Scriba, edited by J. W. Dauben, M. Folkerts, E. Knobloch and H. Wussing, San Diego/Boston/New York/London/Sydney/Tokyo/Toronto: Academic Press, pp. 237-261. 479. LEJEUNE, Albert (1989). L'optique de Claude Ptolémée dans la version latine d'après l'arabe de l'émir Eugène de Sicile. Leiden: E. J. Brill, new edition with French translation Published originally (without the French translation) in Louvain: Université de Louvain, 1956. 480. LEMAY, R. (1994), "Evolution du champ sémantique du terme ratio dans la littérature philosophique médiévale sous l'impact des traductions de l'arabe". In Ratio: VII Colloquio internazionale (Roma, 9-11 gennaio 1992), edited by M. Fattori & M. L. Bianchi, Roma. 481. LEVEY, Martin (1962). "Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking and its Relation to Early Chemistry and Pharmacology", Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, New Series, vol. 52, part 4. Including the translation of the North-African author ibn Badis (XIth century): Book of the Staff of the Scribes and Implements of the Discerning with a Description of the Line, the Pens, Ligs, Dyeing and Details of Bookbinding. 482. LINDBERG, David C. (1978), "The Transmission of Greek and Arabic Learning to the West". In Science in the Middle Ages, edited by D. C. Lindberg, Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 53-90. 483. MAHDI, Muhsin (1975 ), "Science, Philosophy and Religion in al-Farabi's Enumeration of the Sciences". In The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning. Proceedings of the First

41 International Colloquium on Philosophy, Science and Theology in the Middle Ages (September 1973), edited with an introduction by John E. Murdoch and Edith D. Sylla, Dordrecht/Boston: D. Reidel, pp. 113-145. On al-Farabi's major work devoted to the classification of sciences, Ihsa' al-couloum. For a brief survey of the classification of sciences in al-Farabi and ibn Sina, see J. Jolivet's article in Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, edited by R. Rashed, pp. 1008-1025. 484. MAQDISI, George (1981). The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and in the West. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press. By the Libanese specialist of the system of education in Islam. On the same subject, see the earlier study of G. Maqdisi, "Muslim institutions of learning in Islam and in the West" (Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, vol. 24 (1961): pp. 1-56) which was challenged by A. L. Tibawi, "Origin and character of al-madrasa", ibid, vol. 25 (1962): pp. 225-238. 485. MICHEAU, Françoise (1988), "Hommes de sciences au prisme d'ibn al-Qifti". In Intellectuels et Militants dans le Monde Islamique, Cahiers de la Méditérranée, vol. 37: pp. 81-106. 486. MICHEAU, F. (1991), "Au Proche Orient, les parfums du savoir". In La Bibliothèque, Miroir de l'Âme, Miroir du Monde, Autrement, Paris, vol. 121: pp. 47-54. 487. MICHEAU, F. (1996), "The Scientific Institutions in the Medieval Near East". In Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science, edited by R. Rashed, pp. 985-1007. 488. O'LEARY, (1948). How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs. London. 489. PARET, R. (1959-1960), "Notes bibliographiques sur quelques travaux récents consacrés aux premières traductions arabes d'oeuvres grecques", Byzantion, vol. 29-30: pp. 387-446. 490. RAGEP, F. J. & RAGEP, Sally P., with LIVESEY, Steven, eds. (1996). Tradition, Transmission, Transformation. Proceedings of two Conferences on Pre-Modern Science held at the University of Ocklahoma. Leiden/New York: E. J. Brill, xxxiv + 566 pp. After the programatic article of A. I. Sabra on the appropriation and subsequent naturalization of Greek science in medieval Islam, the book is composed of six sections devoted respectively to different aspects of the processes of transmission, transformation and naturalization of science. Here are the titles of the sections and the relevant articles on Islamic science: 1. "appropriated transmission and traditions" (Hogendijk on the relation of Arabic science to Greek geometry and Lettinck on the transformation of Aristotle's physics in Ibn Bajja's commentaries), 2. "selective transmission and transformations" (Dhanani on the similarity between Kalam atoms and Epicurean minimal parts), 3. "transmission and linguistic transformations" (Brentjes on the relevance of non-primary sources in the transmission of Euclid's Elements into Arabic and Kheirandish on the linguistic problems in the transmission of the Euclidean optics ), 4. "naturalization and cultural acceptance" (Berggren on the cultural environment of the Islamic acquisition of foreign sciences and King on the role of the and the muwaqqit in Islamic medieval society), 5. "naturalization and cultural resistance" (Feingold on the decline of the Arabic science in England in the XVIIth century), 6. "philosophical perspectives on transmission". 491. SABRA, A. I. (1976), "The Scientific Enterprise". In The World of Islam. Faith, People, Culture, edited by Bernard Lewis et al., London/New York: Thames & Hudson/Alfred Knopf, pp. 181-192. 492. SABRA, A. I. (1987), "The Appropriation and Subsequent Naturalization of Greek Science in Medieval Islam: A Preliminary Statement", History of Science, vol. 25: pp. 223-243. Programatic article. Reprinted in A. Sabra (1994) and in F. J. Ragep & S. P. Ragep eds. (1996), pp. 3-28. 493. SABRA, A. I. (1994), "Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islamic Theology: The Evidence of the Fourteenth Century", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 9, pp. 1-42. 494. SABRA, A. I. (1995), "Essence versus Locality", Distinguished Lecture at the 1995 meeting of the History of Science Society, Minneapolis , USA, October 26-29, 27 pp.

42 A plea for the study of Arabic and Islamic science in its historical and social context. Forthcoming in Isis. 495. SCHACHT, J & BOSWORTH, C. E. (1974). The Legacy of Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2nd edition 1979. 496. SCHRAMM, Mathias (1986), "Theoretische und praktische Disziplin bei al-Farabi", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 3: pp. 1-55. 497. SELIN, Helaine, ed. (1997, forthcoming). Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. To be published in May 1997.Contains on the science in Islam: "Religion and Science in Islam I: Technical and Practical Aspects" by David A. King; "Religion and Science in Islam II: What Scientists Said About Religion and What Islam Said About Science" by Anton M. Heinen. 498. STEVENS, Wesley M. (1994), "Sources and Resources for History of Science to 1600: A Survey of Computer-assisted Catalogues for Original Sources in Manuscript", Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza, Florence, vol. 9: pp. 239-264. 499. STROHMAIER, G. (1989), "Al-Mansur und die frühe Rezeption der griechischen Alchemie. Ein Beitrag zur Rolle nichtliterarischer Kommunikation", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, Frankfurt, vol. 5. 500. VAJDA, G. (1983). La transmission du savoir en Islam (VIIème-XVIIIème siècles), edited by N. Cottart. London: Variorum Reprints. 501. VAN ESS, Josef (1975), "The Beginnings of Islamic Theology". In The Cultural Context of Medieval Learning, edited by J. E. Murdoch and E. D. Sylla, Dordrecht/Boston: D. Reidel, pp. 87-103. 502. Al-YAcQUBI, Ahmad ibn abi Yacqub (1379 [1959]. Tarikh. Beirut: dar Bayrut, 2 vols.