
676 14 March 1970 Spinal Cord Compression-Harries BmRUR A patient with an acute paraplegia may develop gross dis- hamstring muscles. These procedures, which do not add to the tension of the bowel amounting to an ileus, presumably due to patients' burdens unduly, offer some useful relief both from disturbance of its autonomic nerve supply. Gastric aspiration spasms, spasticity, and pain. They do not disturb bladder Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.1.5697.676 on 14 March 1970. Downloaded from and intravenous fluids will then be necessary. Flatus may be function and obturator neurectomy makes micturition and de- relieved by the passage of a rectal tube. Constipation is a faecation easier. Another approach to the problem, particularly common feature of established paraplegia. If it does not re- if voluntary control of the bladder is absent, is to paralyse spond to simple measures such as magnesia, liquid paraffin, appropriate roots of the cauda equina by instilling hypertonic and suppositories it may best be managed by a twice weekly saline (10%) or (10-20%) in Myodil into.the lumbar colon washout or enema. subarachnoid space, the latter under radiological control. This results in a flaccid paresis in the selected segments and thus may also affect the innervation of the bladder. In skilled hands this method is useful, but its reliability in producing the de- Relief of Pain, Painful Spasms, and Spasticity sired result cannot be guaranteed. Postoperative pain and pain due to local invasion of bone by malignant tumours is treated along the usual lines. After Rehabilitation operations on the cervical spinal cord, however, it is wise to avoid morphine and its derivatives or substitutes because, After an operation for spinal cord compression there must immediately at least, depression of function of the phrenic out- be an active regimen of physiotherapy. Regular, twice daily, flow in the mid-cervical region may jeopardize respiration. supervised active movements for the normal limbs, thorax, and Codeine phosphate by injection (25-60 mg.) can safely be abdominal muscles are started at once, together with passive used in these cases. and where possible active movements of the paretic limbs. A particular problem in the management of severe spastic Much will depend upon the aetiology of the compression, paraplegia is the occurrence of involuntary flexor or extensor but in favourable cases re-education in walking should start spasms, which are often extremely painful. Much may be done in the gymnasium as soon as the return of power to the limbs to reduce their frequency and intensity by regular physio- permits. In some patients ataxia is a greater disability than therapy, by adequate rest and sedation, and by attention to any weakness at this stage, and much patience is needed to allow intercurrent in the bladder or elsewhere. There are time for progressive compensation to take place. no effective drugs available which will reduce these spasms nor Patients who are unlikely to recover adequate function for the spasticity except the liberal use of morphine and its sub- walking but otherwise have a fair prognosis should be pro- stitutes. In certain cases this may be desirable for short vided at an early stage with a suitable wheelchair which they periods and may tide the patient over a bad patch, while in can propel themselves. It cannot be emphasized too strongly advanced malignant disease it may be entirely justifiable ter- how important it is that the morale of such patients should be minal . In other patients whose general health is maintained during the difficult period of readjustment. This is good and life expectancy is not likely to be curtailed more best done in the company of others similarly afflicted-the definitive methods are available. These include obturator evidence for which is the success of the spinal injuries neurectomy to reduce adductor spasm and tenotomies of the centres. http://www.bmj.com/


With the help of expert contributors we print in this section Ascariasis notes on drugs in current use. Ascaris lumbricoides has a world wide distribution, with the on 28 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. highest prevalence in Asia, Africa, and tropical America. - I During the migratory phase the larval stages may give rise to a pneumonitis with pulmonary infiltration and eosinophilia. Most of the worms that affect man live unobtrusively in the The are still among the most effective drugs for gut and do little to impair the health of their host. Symptoms the treatment of ascariasis. and signs usually appear only with salts (the citrate, adi- heavy . Rapid pate, phosphate, or tartrate) can all be used, with little to air-travel and the greater immigration into Europe from the choose between them. tropics in recent years has The dosage is 150 mg./kg. with a resulted in helminthic infections, maximum single dose of 4 g. Neither fasting nor purgation is some of them long-standing and serious in their pathological necessary. Side effects are effects, being encountered in Britain rare; they include dizziness, to an increasing extent. paraesthesia, muscular incoordination, vomiting, and blurring While infections with particular types of worms are some- of vision. These toxic symptoms are usually due to over- times patchy in distribution and vary greatly in intensity in dosage or- occur when renal function is poor. The single oral different localities, some sort of infection is almost always dose of piperazine can be repeated on one or two occasions at found in inhabitants of the developing countries with warm intervals if necessary. Piperazine citrate or phosphate (An- humid climates. In non-endemic areas it is justifiable to treat tepar) is a widely used preparation all either as a syrup or in infections however light, while in areas where re-infection tablets. Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate (Alcopar) also causes a is likely to occur only heavy or moderate infections are worth reduction in egg load in ascaris infection, and it is useful treating. The main aim of treatment should be to reduce the when combined treatment for ascaris worms and hookworm is load of infection below the level of clinical significance. required (see below). Complete parasitological cure is unnecessary. However, in Tetramisole has been used successfully in South America, patients who are severely ill from other causes such as protein- South Africa, calorie malnutrition, and Ceylon for the treatment of ascariasis. A marasmus, tuberculosis, or sickle cell single oral dose of 2.5-5-0 mg./kg. is claimed to produce cure anaemia worm infections, however light, should be treated even rates comparable to those though reinfection is certain to obtained with the piperazine com- occur. pounds. More recently, satisfactory results have been reported 14 March 1970 Today's Drugs MEDICALBhmJOURNAL 677 with the laevorotatory isomer of tetramisole, . a larva in the eye. Usually there is a considerable eosinophi- Children under 3 years of age receive 40 mg., between 3 and 9 lia. Br Med J: first published as 10.1136/bmj.1.5697.676 on 14 March 1970. Downloaded from years 60 mg., and over 9 years 80 mg. in one single oral dose Thiabendazole 25 to 50 mg./kg. daily in two or three after food. The drug is well tolerated and the cost is comparable divided doses for 7 days is successful in a proportion of cases. with piperazine. If relapse occurs treatment should be continued for four weeks. Enterobiasis The incidence of Enterobius vermicularis infection is high- Taenia beef est among school children aged 5 to 15 It is saginata (the tapeworm) is the tapeworm most years. prevalent commonly found in Britain. Infection is acquired by eating throughout the world and is probably less common in the beef the larval tropics than in countries of the zone. It containing parasite, Cysticercus bovis. In the temperate is very gut the head from the common in crowded districts with faulty hygiene, in institu- emerges cysticercus, attaches itself to the mucosa of the small intestine, and there develops into an tional-groups, and among members of the same family. The adult :ova from the perianal are tapeworm. The terminal gravid segments are shed in the region transferred to night clothes, and the contained in these towels, and bedding, and infection may follow when these are stools, eggs segments are then handled. The intense pruritus around the ingested by cattle to start the cycle all over again. perianal regions The results in scratching and the hands become contaminated; ova treatment of choice is either 2 g. (Yome- are.then transferred either directly to the mouth or indirectly san) or 6 g. (Anthiphen) on each of two succes- by food and other objects. sive days. Both produce a 90% cure rate. The tablets should be crushed or chewed before Two anthelmintics have simplified and shortened swallowing to allow better con- treatment tact between the drug and the head of the worm. Slight colic of enterobiasis, these are:-viprynium embonate (Vanquin) and diarrhoea and thiabendazole (Mintezol). may occur. With either of these drugs the tra- ditional hunt for the head of the worm is and the Viprynium tablets or pointless (50 mg.) suspension (10 mg. of anhyd- test of cure has to be delayed three months when no gravid rous base per.^ml.) are preparations of a red cyanine dye, the segments should appear in the stools. latter being a again palatable preparation for children. The drug Taenia solium (the tapeworm) is in- colours stools red, and the suspension will stain if spilt. The pork rarely acquired digenously in Britain, and most patients seen here have con- single doses recommended are equivalent to 5 mg. of base per tracted their infection in the kg. (one 5 ml. teaspoonful 50 in tropics, usually in India. The [containing mg. suspension] adult form of the worm is a of man while per 10 kg.). The treatment should be repeated after 1 week. exclusively parasite the usual intermediate host is the pig. In contrast to infections Side effects are rare; nausea and vomiting occasionally occur. with T. The piperazine saginata, man himself can become infected with the salts are also effective against enterobiasis but larval stages or cysticerci of T. solium -have been largely superseded by viprynium embonate. by the swallowing of eggs on contaminated food or by autoinfection from the eggs of an adult worm in his own intestine. This condition is known as , and the lodging of cysticerca in the brain frequently causes epilepsy, which may persist through- Larva Migrans out life. It is important therefore that a person infected with http://www.bmj.com/ an adult T. Creeping eruption or cutaneous larva migrans can be solium is treated with the least possible delay. caused by the invasion of the skin by larvae of various species Both dichlorophen and niclosamide as given for T. saginata of animal . The species most usually involved are are effective in expelling T. solium. Because the dose is Ancyclostoma caninum and A. braziliense found mainly in smaller and side effects virtually nil niclosamide is usually dogs and cats. The infection is most commonly acquired by preferred. Meticulous hygiene of the hands should be ob- contact with ground polluted by animal faeces. It usually served during and for a few days after treatment. Both mep- causes itching and a local track is visible in the skin. Active acrine and male fern have been superseded by the above migration may continue for weeks or months. drugs. It has been said that neither dichlorophen nor niclos- on 28 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. amide should be Thiabendazole, 50 mg./kg. twice used for T. solium, for both kill the worm daily for two days, often which is then with liberation of results in a marked relief of symptoms and extension of the digested eggs. In these cir- tracks ceases. Because the drug is also cumstances vomiting and retroperistalsis may lead to cysti- absorbed into the skin cercosis. This has to it has been successfully applied topically as an aqueous 100/, conjecture date not been encountered in thiabendazole suspension. practice. Visceral larva migrans is a very much more serious disease. It is acquired by swallowing the fertile eggs of a very common Trichiniasis round worm of the dog (Toxocara canis) or one of the cat There is no really satisfactory drug treatment for either (T. catt), usually by children. Puppies and kittens, in which Trichinella or Fasciola the adults of spiralis hepatica, though the latter in- these parasites are common, are therefore a fection does sometimes respond to emetine hydrochloride 65 potential danger in households. The emergent larvae pass through mg. intramuscularly daily for 12 days given simultaneously the intestinal wall and are carried to various organs with chloroquine 150 mg. (base) four times daily. In trichin- and tissues, notably the liver, brain, and orbit, where they ella infections corticosteroids lodge. The infection may be life-saving in severely may cause a prolonged febrile illness ill patients, and there is evidence that thiabendazole may have with enlargement of the liver, or may present as monocular some usefulness blindness in the early stages. caused by the presence of a granuloma surrounding (To be continued)