

Colleen McCullough | 1120 pages | 07 Aug 2003 | Cornerstone | 9780099280521 | English | London, United Kingdom October Horse

Dubai Future Champions Festival (October 9th – 10th ) The October horse racing schedule continues with the last big event of the flat season at Newmarket. The Dubai Future Champions Festival will take place over two days on the Rowley Mile Course and the classy weekend is a must- watch for clues to next season’s Guineas races. The October Horse is named from the annual sacrifice to in the Campus during the month of October. It is the right-hand horse of the winning team in the two-horse chariot races. The customary competition for its head between the residents of the and those of the Sacra Via was no trivial affair; the latter would get to attach it to the wall of the , or the former to the Mamilian Tower. "The October Horse" marks the end of an era, both for fan's of McCullough's series, and (for the characters who populate her novel) the end of Republican Rome. Throughout her "first man in Rome" series, McCullough has traced the events leading up to the ascension of Octavius, 's nephew who would become the first ruler of the . October horse racing schedule packed with quality

The October Horse: A Novel of Caesar and Cleopatra (Masters of Rome, #6), Colleen McCullough The October Horse is the sixth novel in Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome series. The October Horse: A Novel of Caesar and book by Colleen McCullough. Further information: October Horse. The title of the book comes from a peculiar chariot race in Rome on the Ides of October, after which the right-hand horse of the winning team was sacrificed to the Roman gods. Then two teams, one from the Subura and the other from the , competed for the Horse's head. The October Horse (Masters of Rome Series #6)

The October Horse is about one of the world's pivotal eras, relating as it does events that have continued to echo even into our own times. Further information: October Horse. The title of the book comes from a peculiar chariot race in Rome on the Ides of October, after which the right-hand horse of the winning team was sacrificed to the Roman gods. Then two teams, one from the Subura and the other from the Via Sacra, competed for the Horse's head. Dubai Future Champions Festival (October 9th – 10th ) The October horse racing schedule continues with the last big event of the flat season at Newmarket. The Dubai Future Champions Festival will take place over two days on the Rowley Mile Course and the classy weekend is a must-watch for clues to next season’s Guineas races. The October Horse

The October Horse: A Novel of Caesar and book by Colleen McCullough. The year's best war horses were harnessed in pairs to chariots and driven at breakneck pace; the right-hand one of the winning pair became the October Horse, and was ritually killed with a spear by the Martialis, the special priest of Mars, who was god of war. Then the October Horse's head and genitalia were amputated. Further information: October Horse. The title of the book comes from a peculiar chariot race in Rome on the Ides of October, after which the right-hand horse of the winning team was sacrificed to the Roman gods. Then two teams, one from the Subura and the other from the Via Sacra, competed for the Horse's head.

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