Abbas the Great, Shah of Persia, 289 Abbot of Unreason, 586 Abchases
INDEX Abbas the Great, Shah of Persia, 289 Afriea, British Central, heart of Boa eatea Abbot of Unreason, 586 to make eater brave in, 495 Abchases of the Caucasus, 534 --, East, sec1usion and purificatioa of Abduetion of souls by demons, 186 man-slayers in, 214; infanticide in, Absence and reeall of the soul, 180 293; propitiation of dead lions in, 5:1:1 Abstinenee, 136, 138 --, Nortb, charms to render bridegroom Abydos, 366; speeially associated with impotent in, 241; Midsummer ftres in, Osiris, 367 631 Abeokuta, the Alake of, 295 --, Soutb, rat's hair as a charm in, 31 ; Abipones of Paraguay, 254 continence in war in, :In; sec1usion of Abonsam, an evil spiIit, 55$ man-slayers in, 214; disposal of eut Abruzzl, the Camival in the, 303 hair and nails in, 235; magic use of Abscesses, eure for, 539 spittle in, 237; personal names tabooed Abyssinia, rain-making in, 66; rain- in, 247; rites of initiation in, 497; making priests on the borders of, 107 seelusion of gilIs at puberty in, 595; Acagchemem tribe of Califomia, 499 dread of menstruous women in, 604; Acaill, Book of, 273 story of the extemal soul in, 677 Acosta, J. de, 587 --, West, magica1 funetions of chiefs in, Acts, tabooed, 194-202 85; reverence for silk-cotton trees in, Adam of Bremen, 160 1 I2; kings forced to accept office in, Adon, a Semitie title, 325 176; fetish kings in, 177; traps set for Adonis, and Aphrodite (Venus), 7, 8, 328 ; souls in, 187; puriftcation after a the myth of, 324-7; in Syria, 327-9; joumey in, 197; eustom as to biood in Cyprus, 329-35; ritual of, 335-41;
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