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] T 1 f e v i1 ^ BBEnaEE -Senatee-sayfcr; ------G o o i lni'OTEsiirg^ ' l "B oise FoUowis “p a i l 7 Today’s forecastast: Mostly cloudy with a chancc of showciw ers (jy thundershow ers. Leroy can< T h e A ssociated Press H ighs 80 to 85. P a g e A 2 BOISE — Calling Con]ongrcssman Larry B S S sE I Craig “a partner in leader?Icrship." President take h EatonE toI the U.S. Senate wouldd bbc "a major.step . — — ..WASHINGTON — Idfllio • Republican lowarU i a Republican future More than'600>0 Imourners Thursday at- David H. Leroy Thurslursday sailed through "Larry and 1 share thc1C .same outlook." W S i i tended funeral seiserviccs for banker and Senate confirmation hearingshci for one of the Bush I said at the SlOO-a-pli•plate fund-raisi'" fv rancher C urtis EatiEaton, one of.Magic Val- ugliest jobs PresidentIt George( Bush has lo dinner t thal wrapped up his V,. ley 's leading cconme - A6 P a g e B I was one' that invited ‘ failure. its i back on world leaders!:rship, nor to fun- “My guess is you . tdamcntally weaken the ddefenses of this I g jg Q ig g are not going to bc country." c able to find any place During an I S-minutc sp> 1/ cynicism ubout govcmnmment. No mailer how States ^ Senate." hard you try. you urc goinggo to bc accused o f Bush was joined on the ti podium by Craig and other Republieaicons running for ^QSSi P leas>ase se e LEROY/A2 Imajor slate and fcderulII oiTiccsi in this fall's election, and his; lastI. act before . Torvill and DiDean to perform Icaving,was to sign u statete Blue: Book lhat State boj)ard w 5 ill bc placed in the Centc.itennial time cap- One of the woworld’s best-known ice sulc later this month, dancing teams isis takingt time off from a ; His tight schedule forcei-ced him to worldwide tour to icomluct a seminar and. beforc dinner was even setserved, and Bush perform in thc Sunlun Valley Ice Shows this revokes1 1license ' tltold lhe crowd. “I hopele you'll forgive weekend. Skatersrs fromi across the coun-.. m e." try and Canada arearc attending the seminar The dinner followed a fprivate 51,000- in hopes o f Icamning in some of Torvill and of physicician a-pcrson [ rccepiion whcrcc pparticipants had Dean's skills, tltheir pictures taken withth the president. P a g o D l B y K irk MitcheU cCampaign olTiciuls cxpec to well Times-Ncws writer 0over SIOO.OOO for theireir race against Museums higlighlight exhibits LDemocrat Ron Twilegar, The Blaine Courounty Historical Museum BOISE - The Idaholo Slate5 Board of Pro- Bush opened the stop wiwith an onti-drug fcssional Discipline hahas revoked a Twin bbriefing from Boise civicic leaders at City and the Glenns FcrFerry Historical Museum AP UMrpheW ^ arc just two of thethc museums in the area FalLs family doctor’s’s licenseI to practice I"Hall. He assured them they thc could count showcasing exhibitibils this summer. medicine, but thc orderler allows him to con- oon continued federal suppcrjport for their cf- BoforoTO flying to Bolso, ProslQIdont Bush, socond fromom right, jolnod threo P a g e D l tinuc practicing if hele does not prescribe fforts in the war on drugs,gs, but it will bc form eror prosidonts - Ronald Roagan,F Richard Nixon3n andi Gerald Ford controlled subslunccss andai takes classcs on ^1thcir program s and not thoihose fashioned in ^ ^0 dedicationd of tho Rlchclard Nixon Library andd BirthplaceB In Yorba VWashington thal will win ll pain management. 1 the fight. Lindoa. crc . *. . ble, he said, with tlic mcdical carcrc of' 13 of Kramer’s laid. “ W e can leam from thche stales, Hundreds of people wewcrc on hand to we do in terms of the de- patients, thc release saidaid. g 'c can help thc states. ... I g Fire crews gaigaining greet the president whenn ,Air Forcc One ^ 80 back n^and side, eductiucation of these kids and Thc board chargcd thithat Kramer provided || landed at Gowen Field abioboul 4 p.m, and knowledgeable and hopefullJlly more going afierler theI white-collar as well H elped by fav.favorable weather, fire “health carc below thc communiiy slan- a along the m otorcade rouroute downtown, scnsitizecized to the local problems.” as the regular narcoticnan traffickers thc bct- crews gained inI ththeir battle against two dard.” There,7 were only a handfiidful.of protesters But Bu.shBi was.cncouragcd by thct] por- tcrchancc-wc havhavc of gctting-cooperation------major fires in ccntentral Idaho. Bosses an- It found cxccssivc'pi: prescription of con- s, scattered wilh the crowds.is- O ne group ob- lion of theth com m unity’s p rogram1 thaltJ cm - on interdictionI urnund really cutting down on ' ticipate containmnent en today. trolled substances andid thc prescription of j, jected to the udministrationion policy in Cen- phusized:ed education of young scholool chil- lhc now of dmgirugs into here,” Bush said. . P a g e B S narcotic drugs lo maintaintain a level ofaddic- ti tral Aniericu and anotlothcr criticized dren aboibout drug and alcohol abubusc. He Please see BUSH/A2 Pleases e s e e KRAfVIER/A2 |__ WSM ayTIM oolecule blS spread Idaho in Sth1 pplace Mom1 Gorbachhev, 79, sa With incomes5 g:grow ing -the fastest in W estern statc-s, IdaIdaho is fif^h in thc na- rough boddy, researcrcliers say tion ina survey. son dound .witli the CPF to-healthy.. ' arbund'the-hoiiae ui : and bakes her own Gorbachev G losi visited hisus birthplace .researchitfiling thc ehem istiy o f h o w•the t] A ID S T ccHb, T he AIDS AIC viniSr which would nor* PleasQ recycle'cle this newspaper bread, even thoughgh a collective farm ^ 3^ years ago. the ncw.spapcr=r rcponcd.r vims, culled cn human immunodcdeficiency mally ottuck tJie T ceils with case, was un- _____ ■ ______t vims, oro r ! H IV , is able to attach itsitsc lf to T- “blc to cause an infection. ;

S^Casgi-:::. ~ iO iuII.I/' iTiillE; V I !■ •i:------|: A-2' 'nrho»-Now3,Twin FallFalls. Idaho' Ffiday.’July 20.'1S■1390...... ' ; ■ ■ • = 1 ^ l o w v a c r a s B TL W eatith er — sun*vivors wm m m m B j j j reunion The Accu-Wefeather® forecast foror noon, Friday, July!y 20.: Lines sheshow high tompornluroD. •• -y . SIOUX CCITY, Iowa (AP) — A 80 ',0 0 t year after• tlthey tumbled out of thc smokc-chokiokcd fuselage of a 'shat- y / tc rc d ju m bbo o jet into a hot com field,1, /V\ C survivors of United Flight 232 re- - "OT )ML ______-T7.^. ^ ______turned Thunlursday to give prayers ofiL th a n k s a n dd sympathy.s; A m e mlorial o r scrvicc, forced into jll f^OQ_J_- an airport hahangar by h eavy rains, co- incideii withith tJic m om ent a year ago / / ^ '0 when thc piplane lumblcd in flames 70V A \ wiiile attentempting an cmcrgcncy fe la n d in g . Tn M a n y cric;ricd quietly as the Rev; 1J G re g o ry \ v \ W h e n Air Ail National Guard jets 1 0 0 > W ^ A roared off■ to form a “missing man” f o rm a tio n ,. some sc claspcd hands over S B j B H j H FRONTS: ears and hcliicld clenched fists to their © ntoulh.s. APLaMrphota . y g ^ y .. V ~ T ~ ^ " I t ’s b ecen er an emotional roller At loast ona person ddiod an d 63 w oro h u rtt wlw hon an o x p io slo n r all of us, but cvcn so, thc COLD WARMRM STATIONARY ______<01990 A ccu-W oalli,11,or, Inc, co„slcrfoi;d ® wrockod this chomlcacal p lan t In C in cin n ati,,O Ol hIo. ------re m e m b c ning n i has been an important Prossuio part of \\ielie healing proccss,” said ® ® m] i [13 123 E3 3 0 di _: __ i United Capt.ipt. Al C. H aynes, w ho led HIGH LOW SHOI■Howens RAW. T’Sro n mfil rLunnics snow ice• SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLCLOUDY the crcw ofo f the D C -10 in guidingI Chemiccal plant[t blast * th c p la n e lo lc the airport, whcrc it phiaNrI Vi.i AsaxhM Plpi3 Cinphic cartwheeledcd while attempting an cmcrgcncyy hlanding. - lold Ihc crowd of several: injures scores iiin Ohio ■ nn Temperature:res Portland. Oro. 93 9; 59 ..... H a y n e s lo ... „ St. Louis 95 74 hundred itt v. wa.s im portant for all in- Max Mi Jj CINCINNATI (AP) — Explo- cut by shatterittcrcd glass at a supermar- sa lt Lako City 86 SC 64 .01 v o lv c d to} I deal with thc painful F riday, Ju ly 20 Albuquorquo 93 ( a chemical ket. Uif diylimc cmililioni mil Iuk'i ? - San Francisco 70 58 ..... memories ofofthe crash. sions ripped dirou^ c Accu-Wcuhci* fartcMl Utt d . Allonla SI 7 \1 l l ••’2 Soattlo 85 8£ 60 ..... ‘‘Som ehow o plant Tliursday, killing; cone person. About 2 200 0 0 people work at thc Boslon 93 7 lovv, w c m ust find a w ay to CANADA _ ...... ^ S p o k a n o ,,, . .8888..53 „,,,,...... la k e th e m1 a away from our presentIt injuring at least 63 othercrs and shot- BASF Coip.rp. [plant, which makes lin- Chicago ----- 68 •€ ans and coalings for paper Z gI m W ashington 91 ” and m;ikc: 1] them part of thc past,"” tering windows in house;SC.S ond busi- '"E* “ r Dallns 92 G building contained about Donvor 83 6 Haynes said.lid. nesses up to a quartcr-tr-mili: away. 3 6 4 ... Twin Falls 50 chemicals■cals, including explosive ‘ •...... ^ ' c a '7 71 .27 urvivors said returning to0 authorities said. DosMolnos 07 7 ,« Min Pep ,M „ n y »un ind vami.shes. workers al I Coour O'Atono I 00" e cra.sh helped them dealII Fire Chicf Bill Millei ii) Dotroil 91 6 Yoslorday 80BO 63 .... ° r • h ', ‘ said. Honolulu 892 7 ,-3 Last yoar 8888 58 ..... With tragedydy. there were reports of a .set 2 ^ 2 . 1 3 9 , : and explosive solvenLs Houslon DO 7 93 55 ..... “ 1 w a n tecd d my boys to know thatIt but later said it could n i leaked froiT^a mixing vat ' Indiannpolir. 081 72t Today's sunsot-9:1010 p.m. Sioux Cityy i.is u placc whcrc normalll firmed. He said at least ■ K ansas Cily 91g 7 ..... Tomorrow's sunrise;e 6:19 things happippen. that it's a placc of ignilcd by a spark, said if was missing. Four of t Adcock, an asisstant health LasVogas 109 6 mending as well as catastrophe,” were listed in critical conc ^ c C Q ^«■«''« Los Angotos 91 7 ' " f ^aner. But he stressed this said Drowntvnell Bailey of Bowmar,r. Thc two explosions, w hich .shook . ^ Memphis 92 7 y a hypothesis. ils I d a h o . C o lo . buildings more than a mil Miami Booch 8 G 7 llic away, IS- M iller sild;aid he had been told none 16 67 ,76 IX Min P ep B a ile y ’ss wwife. Francie, was one of ------Milwaukee 86 G nited a fire that took 2i2« hours 10 ,1,^. micals in the building was 12 66 .52 Bo'50 92 ..... l l 2 p c o p bc vwho died when thc plane I Minneapolis 82,9 73 £ Burioy 85 ® contain enough so that■t firefighters believed to0 be toxic. QQ 52 ..... crashed nftctfter an engine broke apart, Now Orloans 89>4 774 ., H agerm an 90 ’ could enter the four-s•-story brick Federal and state officials sampled Now York 94 7 88 50 severing a hydraulic syslem that -■■ ii ld.il.DF.Hi I B7-I 1 Q7 Idaho Falls . 8£ ^ building. .. thc air in thehe IEvanston neighborhood I Oklahoma Cily 91 6 97 Q2 c o n tro lle d1 tthe plane. Tlicrc were i2 71 69 Lewiston 97 , Thc blast sent fireballsIs 50, feet into about five: miles mi northeast o f down- Omaha 62 7 82 46 ..... 296 people)lc aboard the July 19. 2 88 '...... McCall 82 ’ the sky. A column of tlthick, black town "to get a better handle on lhe wvij PhoonU 11216 e64 Pocaiollo 89 89 5 1 '..... 1989, crash.ih. I £ ...... ' Pillsbufgh 86 ( J, smoke poured from thc buildingbi into chcm icals involved,” in' said Reuvcn 30 69 Salm on 92 92 52 ..... S u rv iv oirs rs and their fam ilies, plus I Twin Falls I ' Portland, Mo, 90 ( . thc surrounding residcncniial neigh- Carlyle, a spokesman for Gov. Sioux Cityly rescuers, were allowed ; borhoodi'Somc' Df the ininjured'wea*-'RichardCclcselcste...... I "yil i l to w a lk a r oound u the crash site, f c F orecasts F a r m1 ssubsidy i cut ______gfio—>» r-^gi/m rUin fL.n.i r s . F Bus]sh______Icy, Rupc^ jOTmc_Md Goodin, , _ failsJn-ln Senate vote .’iouily wilh a slight chancc of Today mostly eioii ,f sl,owL-is C o n t in u e:d d from I A1 in, W a.shington that hi :rs. I lighs K5 to 90, N orth wind>ids 5 to 10 ,, iddcrN cw s Scrvicc and thundershowers, very interested in hearingg couldn’t squeeze 10 mil lly cloudy in the evening withll, U slisl,, ' m ,«■ Weatheher summary mph. Tonigiit partly I 'o w y o u rre c approaching that, esfie-;- his political fund-raisin showers olhcnvise fair. Saturda chance of thuiidcrsho Z l^llc" , "asiiincINGTON — Senate de- A southwest flow of>f uuir continued lu push moistur 10s, Cially .startin;ling w ith lhat age group.” president to address th Ilighsinthcmid-HOs. , new, five-year farm pro­ southem Idaho Thursdayday. w hile u dry w esterly nir flc md Wood River Volley: A lth o u g’h h Bush’s slop was fo-)- W ard said. flow rc- Camas Prturie nnd' .-nl snm..- o f Openedved Thursday with oppo- moincd over the nonhemlem part ofthe stale. cloudy with a chancc of shovow ers and Craig’s campaign to suc-:- T w ilcgar tried to stea Todiiy moslly cloi , . n e n ls o f theihe bill’s S54 billion price Wng into southern Idaho prtu :ly cloudy. retming n g GOP Sen. James Me- C raig’s tim e in the sp o tlig h t by Thc moisturc moving irtxluccd ihundersliuwers, Higi: lighs KO to K5,'Tonight partly ^ an early battle to deny an evening thumlcrshower. Lo\.ows 45 to Clure, othericrldaho Republicans prc--* holding his own news variable clouds and a fi a 10-year veteran of Cc 03t: Soulhem lilaho — Sundaysy through ‘h*-’ visibilitylity they will get from be- lg aside Presidenl Bush's w eather should continuelue ini thc nonh through todny.^ ' Extended forccaat: changing his voting putteItems 10 sen- Brashing i light chiince of mouniain thundiidcrstomis, mg with the:hcfprcsident. veto the bill if its cost does nshowcrs fell ul Mountain Hom cratc more public suppiiport for his '0 At 3 p.m.. light rainshi om e and ratic State Chairman Con- not come: dodown, the Senate’s voied ;r KOs and 90s. Lows in thc mimid-50s lo ‘ Democmti Q U S ; Senate bid. Mnlad. Tlic afternoonI wiwinds nround thc stntc were it ley Ward said s: it vms an honor lo 66-30 to put on hold un amendment between 10 to 20 mph. md Ncvoda: have thc presidentpn in Idaho, but he<5 "Larry Craig is castingJg some atyp- to cul o ff'subsidies sub to thc wealthiest Aficmoon temperaturetures were in thc 70s ;ind 80s : Northern Utnh snd Js in the uiah — Today an.and tonight piirtly cloudy withith a slight also took a'shota' at thc Republicann ical votes and saying soromc interest- one-half pcrcpcrcent of all farmers, who south, while thc nonh1 hahad readings in thc HDs lo niii ms. Gusty chief exeeuti mid-')Us, chancc of nftemoon>011 und evening ihunderstomi; :utive, saying it was unfor- ing things this election ycyear,” Twilc- average moniiore lhan S500.000 in an- As of 3 p.m., Hailey shoshowed thc coolcst at 75 ;ind 1. ar thundcrsionns. Highs in theIC low 90s. tunate Bushish could n ot speak to all J Lewis- variable winds near t 11 gar said, accusing Craigi ofc making a nual income.me. iutuniay mostly fiiir with a sligiightcliuricc -Id a h o a n s instcad-of'just ine those pay­ ton thcwamicst ui 95. Lows in the fiOs. Sutu '■ lot of statements aboutIt u balunccd • Tliu propo:nposjil was thc first in a se- near thc mountains. Highs in the low ing SlOO orOr S l ,0 0 0 dollars to altend Thc hottest icmpcratuniturc in ihc sl.itc Thursday wasi s ‘)7‘ d e - o f ihundcrM onns itci budget but still votingg for federal rics of amenmcndmcnts to cut the cost ; )f measurable rain is 20 pcrccnt:nt through th e C ra ig fur grees at Caldwell andJ L country. fomiii, Oregon,J^cvii nst Kramer from thc Idaho rhrusku. South D akota, M inncsoa .B . Inwii. M a tk u so n1 , ccxccutivc dircclor o f theIC • Take 150 hours of Heavy thundcr^iiomism is also caused Hooding; it Phamiacy, which receives in anil Nchm-in. Illinois and Oliio, Idaho Boardird of Pharmacy. mcdical education durin , , , Missouri. Wisconsin. copies o f ull prescriptions o f con- around thc ClevelandI suburbssul of Wiinensvillc Heigh lundcrsiomis also fell in partss (,.r Texas. Many of)f 1thc controlled drugs arc•e three years. Ights and sh o w ers and thuntl bslanccs that arc regulated Shaker Heights. Someic p people w ere sir.iiided in theii iippi, Alabama. Tennessee, Gciicoreia. il,c sIfcpinBg [pills, pain pills and mus- ♦ Complete an appro’roved educa- ™l>.'la licir cars, i.ouisiana. Mississipp i;dcral Drug Enforcement the N ational W calher ServiccSei said. rida, as well as West Virginia,:,. VirBiiiia. rolaxcRi.rs, he said. tional program in pain nm anagement Carolinus and I'lorida ;hool Creek in ihc sinith-centr. ••lie w oould u l not be able to (prc-;- w ithin one year. Adniinistratio•ation. Flooding along Scho< ntral Ne- Delaware. Marylandnd anda Maine. braska town of Suttonin liled to an undclem iined inmi umhcr of Heavier raiiif.ill1 duduring the six hours ending; ;at 2 p.m. evacuations, and thrcate::atcned to foa'c the cvaeiution on o f up HDT included 1,377 ininch lit M ason C ity. Iowa. 1.0.05 inch in lo 10 more homes, saidlid itown Civil Defense Director id ,S3 inch in I'on Henning. Ga. tor Larry Columbus. Ga.. nnd ,!• T. Nuss. Fircfightcn! builbuilt w alls o f .'iiindbags. round the nation al 3 p.m, FD' Tcnipcraturcs aroiii DT ranged JL iS F* J o y ------More heavy rain was■as cxpcctcd.c Tlic weather sen’ic ■\’ice pre- trom 5X degrees in Cut U.ink. Mont., to 1100 in Palm ulong School Creek in nonlieas dieted flash flooding uIui cast C lay Spring-;, Calif. Continuedid fromI A l years, however, this pcposition has "T his isi nnnn entirely new approach ------' h a v in g m otiotivcs you never cxpcclodd been vacant. to trying lolo getgi the states or an Indi- If.” "I have iio illusions ththat this will an tribe lo3 participate,pa ll is an inier- GOLD HILL. Ore. (A ayor Joe DeYoe declared a muniiori. »f Mayor halts (Al’) - Just as but Mayc ly Yucca M ountain inn be an easy task,” Leroy scsaid in an in- csting excrcis:rcisc in fcde'rali.sm and thc guano sales w o re startin nn guano sales this week afli,lkT.iwon,- ting to tako off. the um on ] has been, choscn by,y terview aficr thc hearing.g. "It is polit- federal systeystem calling for volun- m ayor o f G old'H ill has s cicphoned t'roni D elaw are to w a rn 11,0 N e v a d a b= guano sales s stt)pped selling the an telcf as thc sole candidate for)r ically sensitive. It is emcnotional, and leers.” saidd Leroy.Li natural fertilizer until he vn gritty siibsiance could be>L- sprcadine ConBres.s a., lie is sure it docs mu brown j ‘ , repository' site st charactcrization. Oneic it will be a very exactingigjob.l think "Ifyou thinkthir you are going to bc- transmit disease. Iisease liisioplasmosis, for safety llie d ise ' hettclimarkk for Leroy's future suc- it is a very worthy cndeaeavor despite co m c a hero;ro ini Nevada or elsew here, ------1 c e ss se t b;by Johnston would be,c thc fact thal there is no'o'promisc of think twice.’ice." Johnston cautioned, winning S20 million for monllis, SI0(I.21I per vcjr; S\ii^uniby only. b r e a k in g thrthrough a bevy of Nevada[a succcss. It is w orthy pipulling time Despite wim . To lepoil l.ilc iicws ii:ul s|>i>ils i C irculatiotion rcsulifa^J' S5.'in per nionlh. SlfrZD.for lg (into il) and expending; soms e politi- N evada inn exchange c) for the stale’s let 5:30 :ind on ii.cel.auK. call 5 ir 3 nioniln. la w su its allciltcmpting to slop thc siting Allen Wiljon. circulationiondirecU.r ' 7JJ.IW31. 532.-1(1 for II luonihi. SM.KO pci;icr ycji. Slu- im d d e tc nmine n ii scientifically whetherJf cal energy and politicalal capital on being .testedJlcd as a nuclcar waste Circulation plionc linesnes arc open l>c- ilriii ;mil scrMtcm.in rale, by ', Johnston said he is re- If you do nol re- y only: , N e v a dla a site ! is suitable, it." repository, Jc twccn 7 and 10 a.m. only. If S7.50 per iiuwilh for daily and Si: an ogre in N evada, cetvc your paper by 7 a.m..n.. callc the ntimher /Advcrtisinfi • " Y o u canan't get thc no answer or Leroy will have ann .authorized gardcd as an i md a staff of Johnsionin also al w arned L eroy nol to for your area: If you wj>wi^l^ Io pl.icc ail ad'.eiti'.cnicttl. Mai! informaiion tiy; yes ansanswer until you dig thcIC budget of S2 million ant Jerome-Wcndcll-Gcxxlinj;linj;-HnKcnn.-m call 733-0‘J3 J*J31. CLl'Mllcd ;icls,. lmII 7.VV Tlie nm c:..N c«i(U l’S 631-0•080)15 pub- h o le s a n dJ ido thc charactcrizationm 10. T he position is indedependent of "bvcr-promisimisc.” saying Leroy does 536-2535 0‘)31 Monih;uliy ihrounli I'nJ.iy li»m 7 .i m hslicd | Aiily al 132 Tliiid St. [d the federal D epartm entIt of Energy, not have Jiethe federalf checkbook to go Durlcy-Rupcrt-Paiil-Oaklcikicy until 5 p ni. ii I'alb, Idaho, S330l. ,hy I''"' iccc.ssary," Johnston told n. uihI Salurdajs fioni 7 -.i.m. un- | f you get that done, I don’t*t Leroy will not Iw movining to Wash- out nnd bargain, barg adding tliat llio.se 67jl-2552 III nle«cc IT ington, D.C.;-and;'saJs■ lie hopes to fiscal dccisiolisions rest witli Congress, .i.ccl.d.iys only’ ' .■ jal Twill l';ilU by Tlic TimcN-Ncvicwn. o n k ia l k n o w th at.you t.y will get a gold star i 543-464H city nnJ I'ouiilv newspaper pwNuam p to fro m N e vada, a d but you will sure getct keep his law firm.phicticticc intact for In addition,on, Johnston said "ovcrr riler-RoRmoa-llullistcrIcr Subseripdfpdcm rales vSccliiin (iC-Uis'oflhc Idiho <-,Klt.Cu lim n - (. - thc duration of his appoi:ointment. Al- .promising" exaggerates c die danger 326-5375 lioinc ddi this committcc.” icli\cry: daily ;iiul SunJay. ST.40 ■ . ,day is licicby dcsisn.ilcd n.s ihc!ic (lav o f thc , iQijT >.. th o u g h .h e .has n o t.y e:t.determ t. ined .associatedi .with .wi nuclcar.waste.siting,.. .. • ' -----Tv^’ln raitsona allmhcrarrrarras ...... pcT.Mjrck; ita ’ «ccK on wliiclrifual rioi!cc:ri.V;•w!l!W nLlv...... I n - 1987.7. Rcp. M orris’Udall, -E>- per wcrkr^tinihy. ' \ te how h e will divide his timetit between which he charaelcrizcdcha ax less prob-' 733-OH44 ...... Sl.OO per WIwcct. St*ll Mih-.cnplinni niu.it [IIslicJ--- ...... /Viz.. aulhoihorcd thc NucIcai^‘Waste . be paid in ;iiJ ro'Im;i.slcr. plca.sc scnil tluuIuui^;c o f ud- P o lic y A m ei st ■ the two jobs, Leroy cmimphasized he lematic tlianlan toxict waste chem icals, News> wlierrr c;imeiI iidvnncc and .uc .iv.iil.iblc I'niy ncndments Act, which first ilrcs% lumi lo; f>.C). llox .S4H.. T1 .„ , |..lb , on v l.sio n cdd ian honest broker solicit-t- would give the negptiatiator position Leroy lashas held 1 position.s as 9 pro.s- Clark Walworlli, managinjiKinK edilor duly and1 hSiinJiiy, SiO.IO per monlh. |Idiho S33U3. to “every hour it needs." ecutor, slatelate atlomcy general and Ifyou liave a neus tip.ortisliiot.,lkio or ■ S3l.;i)for3 in g c o m mmunities u to volunteer to r 3 numlhi, Sl<2A() lor 6 monlln. I may come lieutenant1 'governor■■gi of Idaho. In someone in llic editorialI dedepartmeni. c.ill S12-I.K0 per CopyrlQhl C 5990J house nucicclear waste in permanentnt Senate confirmation icr vc:ti; daily only. SS.35 i>cr U«sleV>ll>y N*w*p«p*r« 733-0931 between 9.-30 a.m.i.ni. nnd 5:30 p.m. monlh. S25.05.05 lor inomhv S50.10 for 6 repositoric.?es and "monitored retrievalal before the scheduled AuAugust recess, 1986, he made mai an unsuccessful bid ------' s to ra g e faci!icilities.” For thc past 2J4 according to Senate aidescs. for governor.tior. 1 • •

.. Ffidiiy. F July 20. 1990 Tlmos-floS'Nows, Twin Falla. Idaho A-3 Mation" Bush,:3 ex-pnesidents.> join in historic] :dedicattion of Nfeon Lilibrary- YORBA LINDA, (Calif. (AP) — [— ------to resign, urged visitoitors to the S2I "Most ofofl Ihe crowd was on tne sub- Richard Nixon, ii poiilolilical outcast no million library to "ionook at Richard urban slretiireets surrounding lhc spa- more, biskcd Thursda;sday in the praise i Nixon (he man," cious libnlibniry grounds 25 niiles o f three other men whwho held Amcri- ______N m m _ iu id __ Uuili.ill,-!—llu a i— tlu:.—iuullieait-uit-uf-downlown LoH-Angclcs.' c a ’s highest ofTice dmduring a ccrcmo- quintessence of Miclclddic A m erica" W ithin thc thi building, llierc • were ny where thc wordd Watergate\ was I who touchcd a cord wii,vilh m illions o f 2.400 seatsleats for hivited visitors and m entioned o n ly once.:e. ' citizens. ■ bleacherr spaccsp for 1.•)()(). Tliat mention, almoImosl in passing. "He loved America’,':i’s };oi)d. quiel. Many slaKvaris sli from thc Nixon cume from George Bush.Bu: R t decenl people; lie spokiikc for them; he adiniiiislrafaraiion showed up. Fomier ,_i_. _.-.„Thc.-prcsident,-and-.nd-ibnnct-prcsu. ------A 'H ■•• • ■■reltrdccply.'.iirtheii Itv! - Sccreiaric^-ricrrrf-Slatc-Hcnry-Kisrtingci------dents Gerald I'ord andanc RonaJdKca-, - .. ...J| I T ~ L - • - F ord; -Avhij-'ScrvcU--i- -inst—Ntxoff’r and Wtlliailiiain Rogers were in lhe au- gan, along with thcircir wives, joined ,'jl tenn. began his spcetech with "Mi. silence, as as was Alexander Haig. . , to give thc new Nixoixon Library and President, Mr, Presidcilent, Mr. i’resi- Ni.\on‘si chief ch of slulT-in thc final Birthphice a festive: scnd-ofT.sc It w as ( I B dent. If I overlookedrd a president, year, andnd W' illiam Sim on. N ixon's an occasion as red. whilewh und blue as fffl will he please stand up.p." secrelar>'y oflheol treasury. y (he thousands of balkalloons tliat were fff __ He lold Nixon, ■‘ Thi^lis day is a cel- Some: protcslcrs pr siiowed up and I released at (he end1 ofo the 2^4-hour fi ebration richly deservek’cd bv viHi anil Iwti werere ejecled. e Outside on Yorba ' I ccremony. ' by I^ut.” Linda lh.;Boulevard, people- waved I Never before havc'c ffour presidents lj R eagan .said, "the wovorld is a lietler signs siiying siiyi "H e ’s .still Tricky I of the United Statesi shshared the same Jjf I place, a safer pUicc.■e. Iiecausc of Dick.’'and'md "Richard Repent.'’ I plutfomi. Jimmy Carleir1cr,thc flf\h liv- Ib I M B ' 8 Richard Nixon." , i-vangeli;ijclisl Hilly G raiiam , an old I ing president, sent hlis is ircgrctii. . . - T he lilu-.ir>', ndjncen-•nt to thc finn- N'i,\on Iricnd trier and frequeiil guest in H Busli said lhat visitositors for years to // ; square-fbot house whciicrc Nixon was lhe Ni.vonon W \ hile Mouse, spoke in his n comc will leam of Nix'Jixon’s s ix crises ___ bom 77 years ago. tell;lts lhe sior>- o f opening: prayer pr of "the upheavals I — thc title of his firstirst book — “and APLM«rptvoU Nixon's life, irom Iiis 1 boyhood and uncertii;enuinties through which the • I the seventh crisis, Wat.Vatergalc." through thc political olofl'ices he held world p.isse.issed" during the Nixon era. I None of (he olhcr:r sspcokers men- Formior or Prosldont Richard NixcIxon, contor, and grandeJchlldron C hristophor, toloft, and Alox poor from>m . — congrcs.snian. senal<;ilor. vice presi- Beforee the tl ceremony, in lhc cool I tioned the scandal thattha drove Nixon a windcidow of tho g00-squaro-fo<•foot homo whoro Nixonn w a s bom . dent and president. Tiiulie L-.\hit>ils also o fth e lihraiihrary. Nixon was asked how'; [1 from ofTicc in 1974. includc a trenlnicnl o!'\r W ;iicrgalc, lhe iie fell. n ■ E'or Nixon, it w asas ;a major mite- only in1 rcrcccnt years has been invitedtcd com cd so w arm ly." his ow nI way, w sought lo do right andIind scandal that was Ni.NoiiIll’s iiiidoiiig, "1 feel:1 as as good as lhe resl of them . II stone in his relentlessess drive for ac- to iheirr fifunctions. Bush led the tributeles to thc 37th thus achichievc good. ... Each won-on- l l i c audiencc in 'H:'H)-dei;ice heal look,” Nixo^Jixon said poinling lo his fel- , I ccptance. Thc man whowl; was elected "Thiss i i.'; a very spccial day for all president. dercd. 1 sisuspect. how they could be outdoors was said.1 by librar>' low presidesidcnls, with the most votes:s iin history had of us,” hihe lold a crowd of more thanlan "To occupy this ofTiiTice is to feel a wcirtiiy oof f' God. and man." spokesman, Tred tiorerell (o num ber NixonI toured toi the library Wednes- been shunned by feIlo\How Republicans 10,000."I. "Nothing we hiive ever seenecn kinship with these uncnd other presi- Bush,. wwho as chaimian of thc Rc- 40,000. Police, howcvever, csiirnatcd day for ihelhe lirst time and was asked | at their national corconventions and matches:s this moment, to be wel-/el- denw,” he said. "Each;h o f whom, in publican1 PartyI’ in 1974 urged Nixon

I Briefi]l y ______House rest(stores funds to fightfi drugs ...... WA,SllltiO_TQl;J., -Tlitf.iloiise.o.n.Tliursiirsday. rcstored..a proposed..I-- ...... - S231 m illion cut:ut in tlie administration'>n's drug programs, but Saturiirday Hours Democrats and RepRepublicans denounced drug\ig policy director William1 ] J. Bennett for his; jabjal that prompted the changnge. 8 a.ri.m.-9 p.m. "Bill Bennett hajhas lost his effectivenessi wm ith the C ongress," .said Rep. Cluirles Rangengel. D-N.Y., chairm an of thell House select commit- Sundiday Hours Ice on narcotics.. ’’’nie fact lhat he has now no' seen fil to insult thc Congress nitjier (hathan consult the Congress is iunfortunate." j-s2S*s®^ 11 a.ia.m.-5 p.m. Tunding for Beniicnnett’s programs was inchicludcd in the S170 billion appropriations biiliil Ifor the departm ents o f Labor,La Heallh and Human Services and Gducatication. Proposal tcto sell organs ra•aises outcry MILWAUKEE-: — A proposal lo sell thc organsot of dead welfare re- cipicnts lias promptnpled such outrage thal somDme people fear it will un- dennine other plansm s lo solve a serious organn ddonor crisis. M ilwaukee Coun:)unty Board Supervisor T.'. Anthony/ Zielinski made lhe proposal in ann cieffort (o reduce (he countyity's burial expenses. But a \ ^ flood of criticism1 p(persuaded him to drop thehe plan, and il now has no chance o f passage.e. Still, sonic ofasenservers arc worried thal (hehe polilicat bac^ash from Zielinski’s plan willvill doom.olhcr proposals to help relieve donor organ shortages. One suchuch proposal woulcJ havc allallowed welfare recipients (o sign fonns pennitmitling the county lo donatetc thcir organs afier death. I “ Bills^oiOala^prMd s& irirbaUoiit costs ■ WASHINGTON-iN — W ealthy A m ericans; and ai Texans would hear a c g greater burden off (1the savings and loan bailailout undcr separate bills Illed in Congress Thursday.Th Rep. Joseph P. KtK ennedy II. D -M ass.. argue;ued thal wealthy investors used federal protcctiection for up to $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 in ideposits to reap subsian- tial intercs( income, ne. Now lhat scores of S&LiLs have gone under, poor i and m iddle class to;taxpayers are unfairly beini:ing asked lo pay, he said, Kennedy proposed:d Ilegislation that w ould raiselise SlOO m illion in bailout costs over five yeanears by imposing three neww taxes; a 7.5 percent sur- lax on interest, divid■vidends and capital gains forthosefor wiih income morc o 7 than SIOO.OOO perer :year; a 5 percent surtaxIX on■ corporations earning more ihijn S75.00010 pper year. - I (■

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Solocno»Au(ju5l 1. 1900 'W f te re Your• Vivision Is Precious BBi e y o n d M e a s u r e " A'4 Timos-Nows. Twinn F{ Folio, IcJaho - Friday. July'2 20 0 , 1990

- Nation8 ------i------—

Westeiirn statees’ persoonallnc:ome sh(l o w s g r eeatestjuim p I FiPitbuU kiU s WASHINGTON (AP(A?) — Personal fastest in thc United States, to Orc-'rc- pcrcent in C onnecticut,It. aw ay fronX)m thc Snow Belt states; oof f 6 .8 perccnt; Great Lakdkes states, 5.5 6 - mm < onth-old girl incomcs arc growinjving fastest in gon andid California’s 8.2 pcrcent.rnt. Econom ists w ho foiTallow regional the N orth,th, he said. pcrccnt and New Englg l^ d , 5 .2 per- Western slutcs and sloslowest in N ew That com])mparc3 with a national avcr-cr- patterns said Thursdayly’s report pro- The states sta w ith the slowest in- cent. JICAGO, (AP) — A 6 - England, thc, govctivcm m cnt said age over:r theI p eriod o f 6.9 pcrccnt. vidcd cvidcncc that the t bi-coastal come gro'jowth, in addition to Newlew Economist Mark Zanicdi of Region- mon^-oh-old girl was killed by a Tliursday in a reportrt indicating i the Incomcne growth rates in otherrtcr cconom y o fth e 1 9 8 0J, s,: in which Cal- Hampshirelirc, were: North Dakota, 2.3 al Financial Associatinlcs, a West "'‘Shb”"ibor’s pjt bull terrier as 1980s phenomenon of the bi-co^stal stales inn tlthc top 11 includc: Hawaii,aii, ifomia and thcr Norththeast enjoyed pcrccnt;, South S Dakota, 3 pcrcent;:nt; Chester, Pa., consultinjng finn, said a infant slept in her bed- cconomy is ending. 9.9 -perccrccnt: Alaska, 9.8 percent;nt; morc pro^crity thann thc nation's Montana,a, 4 pcrccnt; Indiana andmd booming casino industrsay and relalcd I, policc P' say. Eiglit o f the 11 state:ates with fastest WashingUIgton, 9.6 pcrccnt; Idaho. 9.2? .2 heartland, is over, M aine, 4.‘4.4 pcrccnt; Massachusetts,:tts, construction are keepcping Nevada incomc growth bctwctween thc first percent;; Kansas,J 8.9 perccnt, andnd “Wc arc returning tolo an econom ic 4.6 pcrccn:cnt; West Virginia, 4.9 per-wr- growing. ^ TionntDnna K enny w as bitten on quarter of 1989 andid the January- Utah, FloFlorida and Minnesota, 8.4 P?ttCTn_that w e saw ..l5i5_to.20 years ccntondRlRhodc-Island.3 pcrcent _ Strong lumber export□rts, a flood o f - 'J " ead, neck and arm s by the — ...... M arch period Of this yc.year are located' percent: ago." said economist RobertR Dye of By rcgi:gion, incomcs in thc Far orders for civilian aircrcraft to Boeing “°S. wn in the West, the Comrrmmcrcc Depart- Incomene growtli in New Englandnd Thc Wefa Group, a Bala B Cynwyd, West grewrcw 8.5 pcrccnt; Southeast,ast, Co. and heavy migratiouon o f Califor- caring for the child at thc m c n t said. states, byby comparison, was lacklus-is- Pa., forccasting firm. 7.2 pcrccnent; Rocky Mountain states,tcs, nians looking for a molorc affordable time oftof the attack Wednesday, Tiic eight had growl5wlh rates rcng- ter, ranginjjing from 3.G pcrcent in N ew:w Growth has shifted toU the Sunbelt 7.1 pcrccnent; Southwest and Mid-At-At- place to-live arc fuelirling growth in policeesaid sa . ing from Nevada's 12.2 pcrcent. the Ham pshinlire to a near-average 6).8 .8 states of the West aniUld South and lantic stateatcs, 7 percent; Plains states,Ics, th e N orthw est, he said.

Income, GEDAYS H I m SB ibulGus Reductions growth[by 1 B PLI■LUS Bonus Cash ’^ r p T T i^ B k ' S I H ■ BaiBack Offer on GE W a ^ . r Deep Door state, arrea l g Refrigerators y / ^ ______Savow ro with our Brand Central ro- WASHINGTON (AP;AP) — Here is duccil£d Iprices—savo again wilb a state-by-state listingg o f percentage ge mail-ln rebate. cisrt lor complata doUllt. changcs in personal inconcome from the first quarter of 19§9 thro;hrough die Jan- I S 6a: n m o r e I™ n m o r e T J uary-March quarter of 1990, foi------lowed by a growth rankanking for cach .state during this period. I , ,

National figures andid a regional list ^i follow the state list. r I WHY PI A Y 1 V I0 RRE? I i Slate Clig Cl Rank Ala. * -5 5 ..9 32 FaFactory Installed [W e’ve addedi more featureses to our H i s Alaska ♦ 9 , m aker just *30 moro |:aaaaai Aril. + 7. Ark. *7.4 -^7. 15 I best sellingI KenmoreI refrigigerators 9 1 1 Calif, * *H.8 .2 11 Colo. * 6 ,8. 24 / • Conn...... — ...... *<«...... 2 3 - • . SAVE *50 S A V E » 1 70 ...... Del. . * +66 .2. 30 19,9 cu, ft.' top mouount 21,7 cu, 11.1 lr( D.C.' +^ 6 ,1, - Iru sh e tJ Ice & W ale r “*r:tv- Fin. *8 ■►8 .4. K f Rfirc?; Ga. * +7. 7 .2 18 /< hrough the Doorl [rj:? Hawaii * +9. 9 .9 2 9 9 I r ^ m Idaho * +9. 9 .2 5 K whin- i ■. Ill- * 66 .4. 2 6 f l 599E 9991Color aitra. Ind. *4.4 +4. 4 6 Ji Througli July 21 Through Julylyzi 21 f f H Iowa ^*5. 5 .4 3 9 2 s B Kmi. ■ * + 88 -9. 6 ■ I $ 1 7 PEHMOKTH*ON } $ 9 | PERMOKT!]HTH* ON j Ky. * 7 .2 19 ■ Ji I f SEARSCHARGE L l SEARSCHACHARGE I U . * - 7 ..4 13 C : «60001-9.5 m ,ILT— space Sa«Saver Only O4D001-19-8 cu. IL1-LI-AII Iroillew side- Maine * +-J. 4 .4 4 5 ” - Z1H-ln-wldo...... S2» bySlda Reliloeralorr ..^...... JS99 n;5:-j Md. * *7. 7 .1 2 0 650asoai______2 ^ s lc*mtktrkoM,i Mass. * ♦ 44, ,6 4 4 _ _ Midi, •-5.1 +5. 41 a dDJUSTABLE j GLASS SHELVESS f f CRUSHED ICE. ICE PLUS GAaON/6 PACK Minn, ‘-S + 8 '4. 9 GALLOrON/6 PACK STORAGE ON DOOGOR! ADJUSTAETABLE DOOR STORAGE Misi, *5.9 +5. 33 raWffffiB Mo. + 6 . Moni, *-4.0 +4, ^ 47 Neb. *5.4 +5. 38 A Ncv, +* 121 2 .2 I, ■ le N,n. *3.6 +3, 48 • i I NJ. *6.3 + 6 , 28 N,M, *6.7 H-6 . 25 I y / I ' , z ^ ...... -'-N:Y.- ...... '•"■*•7'.*-7-.9 1 2 - - ...... - n aSSaM YHBHM IM N.C, t-6.2 +6 . 29 •• 1 p i s N.D. *2-3 * 2. 50 Ohio *5 -► 5, T 4 0 3170t 41621 Okla, *5^9 +5. 3 4 (Mir. #WV'WWAB310) (Mir, #D0DOEC900) Ore. * + 8^2H , 10 ------Pn, ------*h6 ;, I------3-1------— R.I. •■5.0y$. 42 S.C. *7,4 +7, 14 H I H K e n m o g n m o r e ^ ^ B S.D, +*3.0 3. 49 AST 2 DAYS ■ 1 ^ 1 ] Tenn, *6.9■* 6. 22 Texas ••7.2 +7. 17 upper rack withith foldI down lence t Ulah t-8.4 7 H2*Ievel-wash and extendedIded lower rack______i ] Vl. H.H +5. 37 ■ Dishwasher Va. '7 + 7. .4 16 Wnxli. -9 ■►g. .6 4" ^■Pow Bf miser a , cle; extra powerful W.Va. -4 + 4. .9 43 I------M Manutaclurer's R» JH I Z19«9 • • Southwest; Arizona. Newcw Mexico.I t3kla- I Throuhrouflfl July Zt S?^rtr3l I Through July 28 >oma and Texas. I wwio.mo. Color aura j ^ t ^ E1 Whj'ia!’l'oior'oi!>1»Ua ■ iir Through July 21 I ‘Powcr-Mate Jr. • Rocky Mounlain: Colorsdcrado. Idaho. Mon- rn Ad;usl;i|uslable gloss B***g g 3 i ^ W58110, SSO bana. Utali and Wyoming, shelve;elves- e-pack ^ J i g n i J H l V k Aulo heioht ad- ^lass sheihelvcs. ^ luslincnl; aclivoVfl “ value, Normally • Southeast; Alabftma, ArluXrkamas. Florida, )0 f slo ra o c , .T? »mu« t . taaitnita IS teuii M toftv Rtn at tba; Yourmononey^ worth n«KM. ll n ttctwKati rttotist. whit* fainnXf Uxt CndR cftirtn ±KL- tichitfri Umllta eSn. Prlcn Men selves,” said Cheney, a hardlinehai con- taen Dct u OlMSvonrcrurtf. n MMtoctel.«.ifm,.BatuSSnS5tsifttfyn nu*. TWII svKJStl StM M lecal tntrasnMUlI a n d a wwhole f lot more. se rv a tiv e . F(Friday. July 20, 1990 Tlfnos-Niis-Nowo, Twin Falla. ldat>o A-5 World WeU-ssuppliedi Khmer:r ^ i i g es - i n v a ^elarge aareas insside-Canmbodia - SIEM REAP PRO>:OVINCE, Cam- if they arcan shut out ofa polilical scP;cP"^ve strong'' Diincscc support and Wcdnesda;day it was withdrawinging don'l need, any more guns g or mon- bases aree fullfi of ammunilion and bodia (A P) K hmer RougeJ guerril- tlcmcnt.t. have stockpiled cachescs of^ w eapons. __rccognitioi:ioii o f the'guerrilla coalitionion ey." said Col, Khan Sav,ivoeun, a com - captured'^fic:■^ficavy weapons werc seen los hnve seized large56 areasi deep in- A rccci:ccnt fivc-weck. 450-milc Inpnp ammunilion arTd’fundsds in case for- dominated;ed by lhe Communistaist mander of Sihanouk's anny!ai in the north,rth. side C am bodia in rccc:xcnl months and throughh thet country’s north by thishis eign aid is Cut. K hm er RoRouge. 'Hie coalition also io:iO: -"U .S. support for the th non-Com- The—Ciiir"hincse uid is channeled say they will fight asIS long1' as needed reporler:r found the Khmer Rougejge The United Statescs announced eludes thehe non-Cdnununist forccsi olof munisls is very imporortant p.sycho- throughthc thc Tliai border. But as tiic Princc No:Sorodom Sihanouk and. Sunbon logically for lhe noron-Communisl guerrillass pushpu deeper inlo thc coun- =— " Sanri. resislance. But it mean-ms nolliing for iry, they rely rcl on the hidden caches ■f The_U.SJ.S. move was prompled by the Khmer Rouge.” and food] fromfn recently seized vil- r fears o f a return to power of thc .Ta Pok, a Khmer RougeR( brigade lages, 'K hm er ~Rouge. Tlie' 'C om m unistnist cominarider in 'this northwesleni ' Thousand;ands of soldiers and civilian ■“— J: Sroup kilt79. hus cunnol wait arounund for docu- Rouge ndand government Iroops liolcd T he 30,000-nian 30 Khmer Rougeuge__, nienls to be signed. up at SLAcnvcnii key forward outposts - anny Iready conirotfiliuirdrcds of oi "The Vietnamese wi!.vill only listen defendingg Sieni Si Ricp city was heard in Ihc couniry's south, wcsir'csl to strength, and if iheyey don'l listen every ,ay. day, The guerrillas mined Ih. and il operates in vinuallyilly they will lose everythi;hing," Ta Pok roads, allaclHacked supply convoys and H H l/ p.irtsi ofoi the country. said. "O ur .strategy iis to isolate overran tiovcnimcnlgovi artilleiy bases. In ;ir jungle command posts, se- Kom pong Speu. Batl.ittamb:iiig and niorK hmm c cr Roiige com m anders said:aid' Kom pong Tiiom .' Dulut we already "Wc.aK^vwinning more easily than ' s s ^ r recently’ they w ere stepping up the thc have mosl of Kompoilong Speu and we e.\^>^lct;flcd. There is nothing that fighl to foiforce thc Vietnaniesc-backedked Kompong Tiiom. We arear d.iing very, can stop us." us.' said Khmer Rouge di- If P I W J f J ■ govcm mnenI ei inio polilical conccs-;cs- very well," vision coninuinucr com Mil Lot. in sions. ■^]he guerrillas have'e sei/;cd arge charge o)f f ureas a around the ancienl “The Khmer K Rouge have every-.•ry- quantities o f weaponuns in rcceni tem ples of o f Angkor Wat in Siem thing ley want from China. The>hey fighting. Dozciu- of hidden h junj:le Reap provin>vince. 5 p |« i10 GALLON DEELUXE EtiBAQU.UARIUM STAR]ITER SETS AM InciudlnIding: Tank. Hootl. Filter, Air Pur•limp. Bulbs, H eater, « » ■ ■ ■ APLMarpMta J l—5ft’ Ttiennomoter&TcstIstKlt D i p Aftor yoars of livingng In Junglos along tho ThaiTh border, a Khmor Rouglugo family rotum s. I R D S ^ ^ ALLOOTHER AQUARIUMMS ON SALE! Qf]NSALEf^ :Bus accidi d e n t O i l usted Chinnese reforrm er BE SURE & ElENTER OUR DRAWING!FOR: F( kills 1, injnj u r e s ■ AKCC IR egistered Bicliomn F r i s e PunpyaoAro APPROVED HOME ONLY) imored to tbe reinstaated — ^ ______11-S1D: 0 G ift C ertifificate 1-$5B G lftlft Certificate 2-$125^lrG IffC eflificaless many stuu d e n t s JING (AP) — Media reportsjrts "Wliat I wanl to adviIvisc you, there NO RAIN(INCHECKS _. SUBJECT TO> STOCK£ ON HAND • PRICESCES O O pp THRU 7-31-90 , _ . from MoIlong Kong and Washington.ton are so m any rum ors. TheTl honest ad- ____ . OXFORD. Engloncnnd (AP) - A ,^3, o„s|,Listed Com m unist Party leader.der vice I give you is not nc to believe, WKm. double-deckcr bus O rrffFFA UII .' a m ^ f o o d TI s carryine 58 2 I1110 Z Zi' iyang is being rehabililaledlied There are loo many rurumors. Rumors E lAtVIS PET FOOD REP. WILL WII BE IN OUR STORE I American tccn-agcrsrs ata O xford Uni- flustered claims of ignorancenee arc rampant. Be carefulul. T hai’s all." ... 1 PRICE p sN ' SAT. JULY 21 ST TO ANSW4SWER ALL YOUR PET ■ vcrsity overturned on o: a highway Ti,„„da.Jay from a Forcign Ministryilry Jin refused to dcn>ny the reports 1/2 NUTnmONQUESJESTiONS.------1 EXPIRES JULY 3 1 S t I Thursday, killing at1 Icileasl one porson spokesmiinan. outrighl. However, lhete official Xin- ILUDINB MARINE i it DC pncjcmco at tiuc of PuncH*5£, • and • seriously injurirjnng 32. policc -i 1,^^,aven't seen such a report." Jin hua News Agency latiater quoted an _ — _ -jCOUPOlPON I — ------— J said. G uihuaa saids al thc ministry’s weeklykiy unidenlifled Foreign M ^ inistry ofTi- Twenty-four olhcrs::rs sufTcred lesser news conference.coi "1 advise you nol cial as sjiyfng the repepons w ere ‘‘a tlTC Lynwoiv o o d injuries, they said. to bclievieve Ihis kind of nimors too loo groundless rum or" und un that Zhao its & Plar1.113 Shoppingg (C en ter was slill being invevesligaled, Jin ■ “ I saw a lot o f pipeople running easily, X L - ^ WE'VE GOI301. WE LL GEI IT OR IT S NOT AV/WAILABLE 733-010 5 0 6 aboul. TTiere w eree bodies1 every- . After:r i lhe news conference, wor-'or- made no such .stalemerent at the news where and I went to0 hhelp,” said one c ”might be misunderstood, the conference, witness, John Wclchrich. "I got o n e , nom iallyilly unilappable Jin told rc- The Hong Kong-basiised Soulh Chi- chap out and saw ano'mother giri badly porterss ii in flu.stcred [-ngiish: ‘‘I miust ust na M om ing Post quole lhe ll purchaser oblaia in in g a ROME (AP) —- Women’ could conservation plan frofrom the Soil Consersrvation [iii** volunlccr for serviccicc in llie Italian Scrvice (SCS). - " v ^^ E -i i ******* 5 0 ] JEANS lhe last all-male military, one of the FINANCING AVAIL-[L A B L E • No dow n poDayment, i Gray, Black & Stont[onewash, in button fly aimed forccs in Europrope, under legis- „ , f pre-shrunrunk q u ality . Iation approved by/ a parliamentary 9.25 APl^, 40 y e a r repcjpaymenl term for qu[u alified M UDENT (701) SIZES com m iitcc. FmHA Farm Ownorslrship loan applicantnts. 10% uS J ADULT & STUD Thc bill passed WeeV cdnesday by the cJfdown, iO.75 APR, 255 ;year repayment teterm lor 1 ^ Defense Committee:e of ' thc Senale Ofopplicanls not meetingng the Farm Ownersh;hip loan i ^ ?! O N L Y, Y ^ 2 ^ also would rcduce IheIhc draft for men crcriteria but who will1 r'remain operators of3f fa m ily L ;;;1 from 12 mon^s to0 10 I months and si:size farms. ofier allcmativc scrservice in such - iiiAiJiL-i mswims§H~i fields as civil dcfcnst:nse und environ- C*CONTACT FmHA al i5V Main St.. Goodiding, ID, 5 o3 : 1 J E A N S 93-1-446893 for further inioliormalion, mental protection. t O u r best selliidling 501 jeans! ibers of Italian Increasing numbei Ki Indino, Black, Grey,Gft plus Stonewash joining the police The1 ' Government reseriorves thc right to roj<}joct a n y women have been joii and newV ElE l e c t r i c w a s h ^ ^ ^ o o forccs in rcccnt years,irs, but thc armed orand all offers. NT (701) SIZES * 3 2 “ forccs have rcmainiained closed to ADULT & STUDENT them. Elsewhere in^ Europe,E women FmHA is an Equaual Opportunity Lende STUDENT (701) SIZESIZES « 2 9 ” have jo in ed thc miliTiilitary in many HI ^countries. miJIU tsiSPEKEBTBTI Good Jul]Jly 19, 20& 21:Ist O nly | | | 5 0 J E A N S n W hitewash, Black, ■ ■ DISCOV)VER WHY PEOPLEE SAY, Stonewash Blue. )ULT SIZES L n ^ r J vd nuf Qsrii : r r • a\ B 1 K 5 5 ( M K ( ^ ^V 1 B6VS-—n M 50 NkIght Trial O? % / p Zipper fly, in W In digo & 0Slo6 J E A N S ADULht lL*g heavy welgln denim . ^ Black & Indigo ...... — Buy!' Serta Elitite , Buy UlJlfra PillowV . p ONUONLY n f f ” Set 1 0 N L Y ^2 S ^ Seie .* 5 9 9 ”5 il ), Black, Gray & Snowwash Extra Firmn IDouble or Queenn Size Dououble or Queen Sizze r-f.\ 1 *1 | W ^ ONLY^ZOf^ 3et A Frame fo r . J-] 00 - L -L i . I Zipperfly,stralRhtl(ii ONLY ^25^ And Ge 1“ AndCd Get A Frame For ‘ Prew ash Bl . SIZES 4 -7 C ial You'll■II Feel At Eas€je At - - SIZES 8 -1 4 C Thest folk around here read>jdy handicapped by thc stalele s.sales lax - Idaho Naticlional Engineering Laborato:itorycs- Only one IdahJaho radio reporter would bec “T hey .set the pools,’ols,” he suid. 'They would votc.no if.Uicyy werev asked lo raise woul)uld be especially hostile to thc idea. scntial forr inational security? D o n ’t ycyou and allowed and oiiljinly one Idaho television camm . w ould only allow usIS oneoi from each media." tlicir sales lax by u petpenny. Bul who's to And An taxpayers thcm.wlvcs aren'tarc likely Congrrssmmnn Cniig disagree on remoncdics But Fish urged mele lolc come to Boi.sc any- s;iy they shouldn’t haveive llie opportunity? tobc bc cnlhusinslic. Sales taxes: anarc painful- for the bud)idgct deficit? ...... • ■ Filling thc rosl o f thc room w ould be re- way. After all, I coulduld be there to hear the Idalio cities arc reheating rc an idea ly visiblevii - we nil get a rcmindeid er o f llicm A s it tumimcd out, when Bush wentIt tolc Boise poncrs reprcsenlenling the two national wireI president's scheduleded 101 -minute address to • they've liad in liicir leglegislative fridge for whenicnevcr w c spend m oney. Thursday,, I didn't. I thought readersrs mightr services, the teleelevision networks, thc natioiIon. thoseattcndingaSlOO-100-a-plate'dinner. more llian a decadc:: a local-option .sales In In Twin' Falls, the next year•or or so might like to kno\ow why. I , , al new s magazinzincs and thc country's majoror 1 wasn’t the only IdahoIda reporter to dcclinc tiix. 'riie proposal, if approvedapp by Uic Leg- be anan especially tough time to0 sellS' a new On Wcdrdnesday I learned thal onlyly tthree or new spapers. T Th. hese are the sam e reporterss the invilation. ishituic, would Ict cilieilie;; and countics a s k . tax.:. LocalL voters soon w ill bc aslasked to ap- four Idaho0 reportersi w ould gel closeic cenough ^ h o follow Ihele presidentp w herever he goescs "In general the staffaff lhat arranges Ihe visil voters for an extra penn;:nny of sales lax. prove)vc money for an expandedJ cmcrgcncycr to Uie preshsldcnfto talk w ith him . I wa:wasnt bcitUoisoorDliBisiiiarcki N.D, Forgive me iif is rude to anyone notot w orking for th e New------Among the oHlcialsils backing the idea 911I system s and for a major scfschool con- one of then I'm wrong, Samim Donalclson, bul these guy.syjj Y ork Tim es or the Wa;Washington Post,” said are city leaders in Twinwin Falls. Cily Man- structuction projcct. And a federal:ral tax hike E arlier in thc week, thc While Houfausead- probably ca n 'tt lctell a field o f sugar beets Dean Miller, a formerie r Timcs-News reporter • ager Tom Courtney sajsays rising demands mayly bcI on the way. if wc'rc readingre: thc vancc leamm had scheduled ihe preside « from a field of potatoes.pt who covers Idaho politlolitics for Spokane's and declining revenuec aare putting ihe city presicisident’s lips accurately. tim e minutejte by minute, from 4:15 p.n1^ 1., By Thursday.ly. (even the "pool" reporters^ Spokesman Review,/. "f"For Idaho reporters in.an ever-tightening sqisqueeze. Despite De; all those doubts, thchc local op- ' when Air ForccF' One was to land at GowenG< ^^ere relegatedd tcto waiting outside thc room. il's ju s t a w aste o f time Thai extra penny wouvould Ict the city pay tionn ideai< has some merit. Field, lo 66:05,: when the president wowould vvhen i c^rllcd:cd Ben Bagdikian, a leadingg Although Idaho repo'cporters arc complaining, for services llial cilizen?:ens want, while cut- \ A local1 sales tax spreads thcc taxta burden leave Boisese City Hall for the B oise C(Conven- critic andnd fonner dean of the School□I it's the Idaho public: lhatihi should feel jilted. If ting property taxes. CoiCourtney says. Next toall all consumers, In contrast witlwith proper- tion Centre,re, to 7:35, when Air Forcec (One of Journalism at lliei University of CalifoniiIlia they didn't buy a lickelckcl to Craig's fund-niis- winter, he and otherr cofficials of Idaho ty taxes, ta which lean heavilyly on large w ould lake:e o ff again. at Berkeley, he.h.e.labelcd the president’s limilllit- ing dinner o r pay S1,0C1,0 0 0 to have their pic- eilics will ask ihe Legii:gislalure once again propc)pcrty owners, it would comcmc iilo.ser to II was cle:lcar thal my only chancc lo ask pr^ss arrangergemcnis "standard fare." ture taken wilh the prcsidenl,prcf their only to authorize the local opioption. spreaiending thc load among all ofofthosc bc- Bush uboutut Idaho issues might bc atIt a late- "It used to beDC tthat the prcsideni took ad-I- chance at seeing Bu.shi.sh was' during his trip W e're not sure an adaddilional sales lax ing' served.sc aflcm oon roundtablert discu.ssion withth 1Boise vantage of haviniving a session, depending onn from the airstrip to downtown.dow would be the wonderr drugdi that thc cities Trufruc, sales taxes arc naluraliirally .some- M ayor Dirkirk K em pthom c's d rug task:k force., ( the length of thehe visit, witli.the local media,ia," Firsl reports were; llialtlu Uie president’s car hope for. It has somc seriousser dniwbacks. whutlUt regressive. But a pcnny-or’-on-thc-dol- But thc VWhite liouse advance teamim had Oagdikian.n, vwho reported on the Whitetc w ould Slop so that Busi13ush could shake hands - I'or one. it would creaTcate a patchw ork o f lar taxta; for dircct local servicess is not bur- olhcr plans. Hou.se for thc WashingtonW: Post during thcL- with the crowd, ’nieJ WhiteW Mouse advance uneven lax niles acrossss thet stale. Some ur- densoisom e. B ccausce (o f the small room at C ilyy Hall,I I Hiscnhowcr, KenCennedy, Johnson and Nixonn staff quickly squashedled thosei rumors, cas would have il while)ile others didn’t-a Thirhe bcsl thing about the localcal option is was told onDnly “expanded pool covenn; adminislmlions.IS. A Bush aide did proi:iromise, however, that facl lhal w ouldn’t e.scape esi budget-con- lhatIt localli taxpayers would contrcntrol it. Tliat w ould bc allowedal inlo the roundtable ■ But within thc;hc past 15 years, BagdikianI the p resident's cur wou,vouid slow dow n. ______sdaus-catb-uiuccs------______^______fact^lt,_byJtsel/^-caQu'gh. r^soiuanJbiJcgis:: ____ cuiisioiiJIi.[icjutcJiugJirotJcLbcLi-luscd ------^-satdr-Thc-Whitcn'tc-Housc'hasbccome-cx------You can bei retailersrs vo'" any given lown lators3rs to give serious considerati'ration to ihc The Timcs-•s-Ncws anci to every otherr idahoic ircmcly skilledJ in controlled exposure to thi:hc Michelle Cole is The Times-Ncws' polili- would howl about givgiving a 1 perceni cities'ies’ proposal next year. ncw spapcrr -“ except for The Stalcsmarlan and j„ ; „i.that will protect Ihe prcsidcnunt c;ll writer. competitive advantage;e to iheir competi- An;\nything that moves taxing'lg' authority tors in the nexl town. from111 ’the Statehouse to the voting;ing booth is Retailers near ihe OregonOr( border - nl- al lea:cast w o n h a look. ______• ^ ^ 1' pi' » ' S , ^ Goil'il WxJlDHWe 11 N iattioN gpm o'ftu T hleH n iejjs-News w n WTWM41T0ro ' ■ ' fONMYou... Slcplicn ilai Harlgcn Clark Walworllitrill Allen Wilson g^.AreVooot;? Publisher MiUiiiging cdiloJilor Circuluiion manage

Tlicriic nicmbefs ofthc editorialII tboard and writers o f ediloililorials arc Stephen Hurtgcn:n andi C lark W alw orth. = 1 Write to0 US The Timcs-Ncws; \w elcom es letters Lett.etters considered libelous, obsceneob; or from readers on subjecijects of public inter- in badDad taste will hc rejected, as1 willwi mate- est. To make sure youriur leller is published rial e>expressing racial, ethnic orDr religiousr J promptly, here are a fewfe\> guidelines to re- bigotr‘'try. member: WeVc do not publish verse or pocpoetry, and . • . Each letter should-itii-iiicludc,Uie-writcr-'s_^y 5w'gcnet^lly-rcmovo j,5 or limitit rreligious ...... _ 1/j- - - signature, mailing addrtIdress and telephone quy,a,nations. Articles taken fronrom olhcr number. Typewritten:n letters are pre- publicilications will not bc reprinted,:ed. ^ fcrred, because ihey alioillow faster handling with less chance of errorrror. iecausc of space constraints,nts, please it Ictlers to 400 words. Longcnger letters Letters may be brou,rouglil to-our Twin J . . 2 Falls ofllce. niain.^ to I‘.0 . Dox 548. 1 0be shortened. Thc Timcs-Ns-Ncws xc- Twin Falls. 83303, or sent by fax to .'CS thc right to edit all letters, (208)73-J-5538. We^e look forward to hearing fromfroi you! i ^ —

Letters5______Bushh finally^ facing crisis{ - Be cautious aboui)ut Gorbachev ow at the Ashland llieater lasl■I year,yc and .she your readers■s iconcerning the Clear Springs , . . saidid thalt there was no comparisonDn betweenfc Trout-Magicic Valley Road Race on July 7. Il's nice to be optimisticitic aboul our future ,],a,at show^ and ihis one. Tliis one: wcwas so much Thc eovcra:rage on race day and ihe accon; ! .p a - in hhis term aas presidident but allow me lo injcct a notnote o f caution. O ur bcltcitier! Director Robin McCracken;cn addedi mar- nying photosas taken by Andy Arenz weree eespe- rcccnl collective swoon oviover Mikhail Gor- veloi:lous touches - a cowboy wailinging afler cially apprcci;cialed. It seem s fillingng ilhat President Bush spoke bachev is as unseemly ass ihthe behavior of those scpli’s demise and a pharaoh whc^vhodidalcr- ll has beencn a pleasure to work with yotitotir at thc dedicationin iio f R ichard N ixon's presi- C a r l P . L e e u b s d o r f in the ‘30s who would ally:lly the United Slates ^ificlc Elvis1 impcrsonalion. staff again thithis year. Thank you again. dcntial libniry this week. with I litlcr's ’‘Nationalism.sm." 'I'l, The Jump Co., thc youngest oif f WMagic Val- PAULA ElEDMONDS-HOLLIFIELD Not only wass Bush,I3i in his days as Rcpub- Tlie same people who) laughedlai as President ’* It hardly helps thatt the president’s son is y's many talented theater groups,ips. is very dc- Twin FaUsUs lican national chai:liuiniian. one of the fonner Nixon used foreign travelel loti h'ead offthe Wa- nol now facing any char:hargcs o f crim inal rving o f the standing ovation it receivedre lasl Local CooiKrrdiniitor, president's chicfcf ddefenders, but the appear- tergate impeachmenl procc'Dccedings now nive at wrongdoing but nitlierer iiis accused o f using ght. I'm nol going lo apologizec to anyone for Clear Sprirrings Trout-Magic Volley Road ance com es as BushBu; is entering Ihc most how Mr. Gorbacliev upslag;lages President Bush. ving about this show because it is lops! Riice his position as'the direclreclorofa savings nnd prolnictcd crisiss ofo: his administration. And i We must be remindedith th: at Ihe Soviet leader Tickets jj j are available al Judi’s; IncInc., Welch " ioan institution to helpIp gguin fnvorable treat- was Nixon who) wrotew ihc book aboul the is perilously closc to beinging mi "cmply vessel" ^usi.usic and Andrew’s Hallmark. menl for business friendends. Bush shoiould read our lips significance o f ho'how one deals with crises, at home. Half ofthe evilI empireen would chiwse MARY COOK Tlie crux of the argumijumcnt lhal m any to go iheir separate way amand his military com- Bush is not faciiiicing anything like thc diffi- Tyrin Falls Open letterIcr to President Bush: Ij D em ocrats have m adele forfc .several years is manders are niuttering worvords o f mutiny. Lest Where didid wc hear these famous last wi elopcd Nixon during and fol- words: cuilics tiiat cnvcio that wealthy Americansans have benefited nt thc we forget, the current figurgurcs at the Pentagon i„„, ress will push me to raise taxesCCS and lowing his 19722 rcre-eleclion campaign, list need facts on nuclealear Issue expense of others fromim suchs Reagan-Bush reveal thal the Soviet Unioinion has 580.000 hem, ‘Read rny lips: No new’ la: But a combinatilation ofthe .savings and Ukiii .‘V economic policies as: tax cuts and dercguln- troops still in l-astem Iiuro|urope. 380.000 o f them David Da Vreeland. thc Cliff Clavcnvcn ofthc nu- cs.'" situation and thcIC ppersonal involvement of hi: lion. slill in Germany, ll has beebeen suggesied thal clear-•ar world, once again must cnlighlighten us all Shame onn you.j Mr. President, for waververing ^naInally dimmed the cxtraordi- Mr. Gorbachev lias no plac)lace to send these as lo '■ And Neil Bush. ;us evidencedevi by the zest lo the tmth aboul nuclear issues,ies. Tlie prob- on your solcncmn pledge lo the American' pc nary aura lh;it haslas enveloped ihe president forces. The Soviet Unionn hhas no housing or lemn is,i: thc only way hc knows howowiodeal picllamemfcnbarrassed for you. wilh which top Deinocr:ocrais have pounced, is sincc he took officffice. jobs for them. So Mr. Gorborbachev comes lierc. wilhih issuesi is to make personal attaiittacks. His ar- W hy do yoyou refuse to rule out a lax in- a perfect political .symbcmbol for that case, I'l T heir impact ha:has been exacerbated be- is lionized and yet makes:s nno concessions on tidesles arc full o fhalf truths and namlame calling - crease? Thc; bbudget deficit is not caused h) This puls the prcsidcndent in a difTieult posi- cause they comle c aagainst a backdrop o f an conventional forces ih liurt■urope. a truerue graduate o f Propaganda 401.01. revenue shortjrtfull. The federal govemniciil tion. as hc recognizes. econom y that appcppears to be nmning out of In my opinion, Gorbaeluicliev is nothing but a The Tlv truth stands by itself. Readid aboutal Han- cxpcctcd to collcctci S1.073 trillion this yeai "This is nol easy for met as a faihcr." he c ofa slowdown ranges from small-town b u lly -n o t a:i prprogressive democrat, ford,rd, Read about ihc INUL. Get infonncdinfi and which is S82.<2.8 billion more lhan last year.;,r. ’ steam , iividcncc o said last week. "It's ca.s>ea.sy for m e as a presi- A transcript of his meetinging wilh bu-iincss lead- invol tho reduced growtl)Wth rate estim aies in Mon- k’olvcd. Find oui for yourself whavhal is really Thut is an 8.41.4 pcrccnl incrca.se! dent because the systemicm is going to w ork. 1 ers in Minnesota is revcaliraling. He doesn't in- happi ppening. Find out what has alrcacready hap- W hat is wovorsc yet, a tax increase willI ncnot re- d ay’s m id-year feefcdcral budget review to thc will not intervene." vite open American investrcstment -- he Ihrealens: penetncd. Find out about the Dep;utmctment o f Ener- ducc the $3 trilliontr fedcnil deficit. Sincec 1'1980. analyses sliowingng :a third o f the stales in re* “Those who are with ususi at this time have a g y’s 's acc-in-thc-hole ; "sovereign imrimmunity." Congrcss hasas spent S 1.50 for every new' didollar cession. Bush hus managedI lo handle1 this matter good prospect o f cooperati(ration in our counlr>', in Daviiivid Vreeland. an alleged physici*sicist, com- raised. Furthehemiore, ihc Grainm-Rudman 1 ciuile deftly by displayinlying bolh parental con- tionship o f these events is ■ our markel becausc o f ilsIs Irtremendous potcn- paresrcs plutonium lo coffcc. That’ss lillike compar- sets the feder:cral deficit this year at S74 billiiillion’ , ccm nnd olTicinl dispasslassion. Bul some asso- threatening thc mostmo crucial elements in the tial. Out tho.-ic who standd onot the sidelines - mg^ cocaincc< lo Kool-Aid! Onc-lhini'lirtictli ofa and additionanal revenues will allow the ^ ciates are already sufllcifllciently concerned thut - wlio would wail and see,r, whow don't want 10 thousjusandlh o f an ouncc o f plutoniurlium, if ingest- Congrcss to1 meetn this target at a higher ratirate of extraordinary RepiRepublican .success oflhe last they sought lo pressureire tNeil into nbandonint; risk their dollars - well,jhethey will remain, 1. . , ed.. willw causc cancerl-Wcstill-havcavc-B long-way- - spending, decadc - tho reconcord period of economic re- • clTort.s to fight Uie ca.se. Ihink. observers for yearsrs Ulo come. W e'll make togo go in this valley towards becomiiiniing nuclcar Raising taxaxes is dearly not ihc solution,un. The covcry after thc: severese 1981-82 recession In the m onths nhead,id, fpressures on the surc llial is s o .. lilcrai stand againsUiigiicr taxes- jrates. All wc need is thc facts,i, mman. only solutionin is to eschew thc dangerouss _____ . .and.lhe_GOPJa.stai president urc likely to0 grow.gr Mr. Gorbachev's domcsilesiic agenda is lo .save CAROLYN CA HONDO spendthrift fiscalfis policies o f the past tiiatIt Thc soaring cosl :osl o f S& L bail-out is ' And how Bush handleidles those pressures in the power ofthe Communi:unist Pany. His foreign Buriey Bu threaten ourr economye and imperils our chichil- pulling a strain on the federal budget while a personal sctisc may' be ns importnnt as agenda seemed to be to divdivide Washington. drcn's future, thc slowdown iss costingcc it revenue. whal he does. JOSEPH E. EYRE Resestaurant lost good cusustomer Accorainnlg to a rcccnt USA Today poll.:''■.six That increases:s thell pressure fora massive Jerome out o f 10 respspondcnts opposed nny new ta>taxes fyjeral deficit redi MyM> friend and 1 decidcd to try o r eduction packagc at a time Bul he will help himstmselfifhe remembers '" The Wiithlinn

I ■ ...... JJi

Friday,ly, July 20. 1990 Tlmos-Nows,'W3, Twin Falls. Idoho A-7 World - Q u a k | H U n d €.er increasisieg pres5isure fromn Iraq over■ Ioil quotaas, Kuwaiit looks foor help M ANAM A.\. 1Bahrain (AP) — Tiny jg I Saudi responsesses has been fears tha( Kuwait appeakilea to its Arab neigli- U "H~ ' tlie quarrel couliiouUrdisrupt"an OPIiC’ death: bors for hclpTlTliursday in the face of B H confercnce, setet toti begin next Thurs- a bairagc of thrthreats from un increas- H day in Geneva.va, on production and ingly belligcrcnrent Iraq. Ca . pricing policy. In Baghdad.d. Iraq's President Sad- [1iR u m allo | j5 L | Both Kuwaitlit aand the U.A.F.. have dam* I lussein1 lightenedi his already I en.or„„dumum senl (o the Arab Red Cross, al least 490 peopledied pec '. ' , i # ' ' ' and nearly 1,100 wcrc injurijurcd in the ■ J I glut h:ive robbed il of League hendquaquarters in Tunis. The temblor, which measured 7, in revenues in the pa.st teitensions, and its diploin:itsIts fanned Kuwait News's Agencyi quoted the R ichtcr scale. Jdam this week accused ououl across the M iddle Fas(. m em o as .suggcsIgcsting that a commit- A t least 138 people wereere killed in ' ars of'stabbing Iraq in :Saudi Arabia’s King I-':l-'ahd has tee be formed1 lo resolve the question Baguio, including two Amcimcricans. f \ ■ th a poisoned dagger." bebeen in touch w ith bolhh parties, "on the basis ofo f treatiesi and existing About 250 people were;re bclieV 'd ■ ughl to defuse the dis- diplomatic di[ sources said. documenls." buried tn ruins of seven othother hotels sday. •‘For the time being, Saudadi Arabia Iraq this week'cek accu.sed Kuwait of wanls tempers to cool.’’ s and in a factory in Bag3aguio tfint 1 Arab League help in w: said one border incursioirsions including tlie caught firc afler thc quake.:e. Rescucrs: ■ ’ angstanding bor<^er dis- soisource who spoke on condndition of pumping of S2.452.4 billion w orth o f oil T w q. It enlisted the help of anonym an ity. in the p:ist decacecade from :in Iraqi oil feared mosl were dead. Defense Secretary Fidel iaudi Arabia in easing A nuijor factor in the Kuvuwaili and field near the boiboundary. ■ said there were indications l deaths may havc occurreim d in lhe I - M m Jl c u t s o ^ ” ■ northcm provirice bl'Nucva*iviT Vizcaya Ihan thc 27 so far reported.d. AP Iraq says falli )0D“ He said aboul 900 molorilorisls were on by the oilal g perks of tho buildings in Dagupiupan may bo condomno believed stranded by hlandslides U p •“ ■’O ''" S14 billion in' (AP) — Russian fcd- ke and army engineers 2020 Filipinos working fbr thc DEHYDIDRATOR along lhe national highwayay alongc lhe by the quake year, and Sadd;dent Boris N. Yeltsin, zalion were missing and feai border between Nueva Ecija Ei and worked to tryry to dear one highway, zali quota violatorsopular support by de- • Horizontal nlrflrflow helps prevent flavorr mixingmi and in the hotel. U.S. ofllcials Nueva Vizcaya province; alabout 100 Highways Sec>ccrctary Fiorcllo E stuar in i thc back '*with: privilegesi enjoyed by allows even dryingg oni cll trays • no tray rotatiitation required that the exodus was dc- American Am woman was killed m iles north o f Manila. com plained th; Kuwait sougitc, has abolished those • Adjustable thcrmostistot maintains prccisc tcmp(mpcraturc control name was w ithheld. Tlie Philippine air forceree planned laying clearint;ing operations. nan putc on Thursd:the republic’s ofTicials. • Fnn forccccd air • Ftill one year warrairran ty "The rescue effort (at the I air m issions Friday to resciescue aboul President C orazon A quino im- It solicitedI Thursday. y 100 motorists believedd stranded posed price^ controlsc Tlmrsday on is is over,"c said John Mitchell settling its lon^ m o d e l s : along a highway near BagJaguio, MO rice, pork ancind other staples in lhe man mai from Miami. Fla., w putc with Iraq,: did not appear lo apply miles north of Manila. quake-afTected(ed areas. among am( Americans senl by t inftucntial Sauing officials o f the n:i- E D -7 0 0 (-1 As many as 30,000 peopliople ftcd on American rcscucrs n halted rescue government gov for the rescue imcnt and Communist iq;, ...... SALE foot from Baguio resort for the low- operations Tinriiursdny at the N evada "Nobody's "Nc alive in there.” in M oscow , which is blocked by Motel in Baguiguio after recovering the Rcscuc R efforts conlinued Yeltsijnital o f the Soviet Union lands along a highw ay blo ED-600 (9 sQ.rr.) • landslides, an official raid.d. ■ bodies o f Richichard Finley, an ofTicial Hyall, Hy: where more than 50 jssian federation, the Scores of people crowdc(/ded aboard o f the U.S. Agency Ag for International were wci believed trapped, ir 15 Soviet republics, nv. 'i:ir>.oo...... SALE military aircraft which were wet flying Development,It, and Alice Laya, wife five five A m ericans. M ario Say* official lod. e that was signed by ED-900 (16 SQ.rr.) , relief supplies. The U.S..S. military, o f form er Edueducation Minister Jaime miner mir who volunteered to ,sc MOSCOWlished (. all kinds and. also ftew aboul 250 Americ;;ricans from Laya. susurvivors, r said the stench c K«.-i7n.oa...... SALE' larcddcad ilcgcs to ofTicial!; in lhc ' 3 MODELSS TtTO CHOOSE FROM B aguio to C lark A ir Base. Bolh had bebeen attending an agen- was wa.' so strong that “it can ti ration a s o f Aug. 1. say- All roads to the city wenvere cut off cy conference.ICC. Officials said about stomach," stoi nouncinglhcpilatc social justice,” the 11,= ruline elite,reported, , V luxuric.s for thc Liberian rebels; I s launch majojor attack near■ ccenter of capit were privileges “on ?11 a firS! Tass reported T MONROVIA. Liberia1 ((AP) — tpward the city'sdt; only working hos- bushed bus government troops t incamed payments, on Rebels on Thursday launclinclied what pital...... ■ iaki(ake a key intersection on thcwho w as The decreelenefils, di (an sourccs said. Forces ofy-Ocha t a t^c dccrce O ne w itness reported a true!ruck loaded month-old civiivil war. NatNational Patriotic Front ofscarch for yeltsin abolisl wilh government woundedled rushing Earlier Thursday, Thi rebels am- amiambushed the troops, killingof death forms of privilc X COINVERI TER- I turn your Russian federati ing they "violat ■ i , . new s agency rej I I Abolished w FREEI I I trying lo power, on unc hcroacito undeserved ben II airpon, served and • ur• — ■ m ilitary w orking and liv EMIUMMTV jp s were ^PRI : Junction, , the mili- ^ f the rebel i r C o b hl i n g A u gg i u s t 1 I jf Liberia lg thrce. lOWTIAME FREIE PREVVIEW IRDAY-MONI«D A Y , JU L Y 2 1 - 2 3 O N ^‘Cin g E O Stop in andid discover thhe value of qu[uality coolinf ______\T H IS W EEK EEND! from our fuull line of dejspendable, quiuiet Am ana Room Air Conditioners,C s. There's one,e to m e e t yoi: m m m needs, at a p r ie e y o u c£:an afford. pm Karate Kid III 7:00pm Short Cinircuit 2 7:00pm Allanlan Quartermaine pm When Harry 9:00pm The 'Burtr b s A nId d !T h e L o s t City Met Sally . . . 11:00pm BillantJTTed's 01[G Gc o ld I SHIpm Just For ExcellentIt 9:00pm Troopoop Beverly Hills — j ■ j SATU! Laughs Adventurjre 11:00pm Thretiree Fugitives n QwrimE. SUS f c ' : l u s i v e s ? e ii m e g u r I B tec Ihein. Thoro you (Jon'l. ^ T h e ' ^ f s ^ C h a n n c l I 7:00pr 9:00pr' iM @ W W i I^ mi m%m I m i S i m @&ai, 11 © c f © i113 i FS canu m m i 11:00pr I I STARTING ^ ^5 volt-- 5 0 0 0 BTU wm mi i UP@ 1 FROM ' Room Airir Condition) Quality coolingg iat a comfortable p / a C l &a[iw Q M S m E k m f I-EXCI ; I Haro you too 3 W qsOee Q S S 3 0 : m \ Where t!t/?e (SMsSesmee r i s a < I ^ in gI . . - J F R E E I? L 6 w m -s 'i ° SJ 'sa(S3 II good on itorvlco swilchoartos. Limited limo olfor oxpliplroa 8/10/90. D E L I V E R Y V FINANCI ier I/ price. ' £ OOO : — J) 3 T O R E CING A-8 "nmoo-Nowo, Twin/vin Falls. Idaho Friday, J u l /2 20. 0 .1D90 I. West Legisl:Iation inntroducced to raitify waiiter p act WASHINGTON (A(AP) — Legisla- lo dcvch/clop new water storage pro-iro- users can continue (o1) idraw from the River ncnlear the city o f Salmon. tion ratifying thc rccci^ccntly negotiated jccts, they the have allocated llic avail*'ail- natural flow o f the Dlailackfool River. Tlial. actionai keeps alive thc pili ' agreement on walcrcr riglitii for tlie able watit’atcr supply, in a.way that cn-cn­ Tlie bil! includes prc)rovisions to en- projcct1 totc eliminate winter icc buil Fort Hall Indian RcReservation has siires, toto the extent possible, that thethc sure tribal water righjhts do not ad- up on thctin river thut hus cau.scd s( been introduced in1 bothb houses of needs of each party arc met," Mc-Vic- vcrscly affcct historijric non-Indian vere /loinooding in thc city in the pas ------Congress— ' ------—- — Clure sai'said. water uses in the areaca, and lo mili- resultinglg in millions of dollars ( Thc bills, offeredJ b>by the members "Tliisis agreement provides a pro-:ro- gate the impact of tthe Shoshone- damage. o f thc Idfllio’s congrcsjrcssional delega- cess forDr thei delivery o f w atcr’to In- B annock claim to 11515,000 acre-fcct Bccausluse that rcach of the river : tion on Wcdncsday-w;’-willi thc support dian andIld non-Indian alike." ' of water from the SniInakc River, the protected:cd, tniditional m ethods cat of the Bush administnistnition, culmi- Tlic settlement,.partsei o f the historicDric governm ent ■■ w ill - imake nearly iiol be; used, i and llic U.S. Ann nate fiv? years of' negotiationn be- water rightsrig adjudication of thc en- 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 acrc-fcct off storage water Corps ofof Fnginecrs has been testin twccn statp and fcdcraeral olTiciuls, pri- tire Snaklake River Basin, entitles thc available for non-Indialian usc. screensj toK keep the icc from buiU vate water users andnd leaders of the tribes toto 5H 1.000 acre-fect o f xvatetater Also on Wednesday,ly, a Senate sub- ing. lliche project got a lute start i Shoshonc-Damiock TrTribes in easlem cach ycaiear with ii provision that dur-lur- committcc eannarkcd:d S50U.OOO to 1989 win.vhen it was first authorizci Idaho,------jn g loww water' years ihc rcservalionlion - continue flood-cnntrolol work on the and noI progresspi was made last wir “Instead of seekingng federal dollars will tapp stonige> water so non-Indianlian Deep Crcck rcach of ol the Salmon tcrbecauiause o f mild conditions. • ENEL sulabcontractoor fouiid to) 1have cont£aminated eequipment IDAHO FALLS (A(AP) - A gov- spokesm:;nian Brad Bugger said,aid. dcrcd afler the subconlnlmclor brought naled itenlems at the INEL in 1986. ernment chcck has found To six items “Right now iti , w e’re not sure howV it a corc drilling bit iiinto the Idaho 'H ie contaminatedcoi items, tools an contaminated with radioactivity rn at Jiappcticdled. • Chcmical Processing; PPlanl nt the sile ...fittings,:. eme itted from 100 to 10.00 thc Idaho Falls shop1 of a subcontnic- Buggergcr declined to identify Ihc ihc . on July-13. Tlie bit wset off a portal cotints perpc minute of beta-gamma n ...... tor at the Idaho Niitioitional-Fnginccr- subOoiilniilractor e.xccpt to .say he works>rks radiation m onitor nndJ Ifixed contatni- diation and ai posed no health risk t ing Laboratory. on II projiroject basis for MK-Fcrguson.ion, nation on thc bit wa?'as measured at the publiiblic, ofTicials said, Tlicy .sai "W c’rc conductinglg ia histiiriciil in- tlie consinstruction contractor at the 3,000 counts per minutlute. the mnnllniles of many common camj’ vcstigation to try to[) determine d how INI£L. The subeontnictor sisaid he had last ing Iant; contamination occoccurred." INI-L The government g( chcck was or- used thc bit and somec (other contatni- counts perpe minute.

I MEII s A DEL ^ F e aituring tr Fine Mcxic:ican Food ^ • WINSLC Also Am erican DDi i s h e s J MK. s FRI & SALE i SATURDAYr OUTSIDiDB & INSIDE ; I Vest Main Streetet • Jerome, ^ SPECIAL PUURCHASE ^ONLY ONE GROUUP LADIES $088 ( I B ttjl KillIBKSHiKiX i BLOLJSE S ' HJSTW ONE GROI)UP ONU' . Ji | L - ’;MOPEItiSs *89** : JR'S & LAD!)IES n C o m c in a n dI ssign tip for a j»air of la(:(!-ijp o r Bwrcculnr Justinin u()p(M- liDots (valinluc SlKKOO) to be P R I N T ■T-SHIRTS M givcn away An\ t i g . I eeretV Reg. 9.99 43dss' M ifi WCTERN ROSS'WESlITERN WEAR ■ ONE GROI)UP LADIES .ONIY i H ^ WEAR 207 East Mailain • 324-4500 FLEECE FAhNNY $ 7 8 8 I W A R ^V\ERS Reg. 19.99 ^ H GREATTBARtUINSONTHESI SIDCWALK! A SST CO LO RS, SlSIZE MED.ONLY ■ ALL IN-STOREIE MERCHANDISE WILLW BE 30°/. OFF ONE GROI)UP JUNIOR NOW (fc. The One & H BOTHFBIDAYSSATOII is ^ small B l i z z ; w-iiii ™ L I m STRIPE ^ Now Onli i 23 West Main Reg. 22.00 ;i a^^W ITlMTVOOe x iw c K T - ;______, 1 2 3 ^ ^ \NTS ‘J e r o m erome, Idaho , Good Thru 7/2 i 501 S o . Lincoln Lil (iporcoupoi 08-324-7556 : ENTIRE STOCK5 r> SV\/IM SUITS,, TANK TOPS, 30% TO I I# SHORTS - ME\ENS, LADIES, ~7( JUNIORS, KIDDS______/_}^ 0 % OFF I ITS OUR ONE GROI)UP IMOV)WONLY :l W s I d E wvaL ; k ICE CRE/ SCMAL nllRoss' SIDEWALI.K SALE! II BOYS & Gil’IRLS *>QQ ' h o y C u t . 3 $788 i si4 ‘J9BTTnCT WHITE CAr ^ 6 19H H W ra n j gfers...... slart at ' J vNVAS ~ / I sSrttE | n j | l K b EH o t h c:rs n b y 3. 8.98 & 10.98 w ' ^ 4 ’'^’.rc g . $ 3 5 .0 0 SHOE^: s . 1 S'mm H H S ilv e: r la k c , ISm V ra tig lc r...... n o w "A2 2 ''“..rcg. $40.00 IflBM astoptBd Joan18C€8ssorl88i a Tops, botts,ts, Otc. 84.68 8ml up MANYrSALE PRICEIED ITEMS I i ■ ' W e s te r n Starting at NCIOT LISTED \A/^A/ITH 1 Short Sleeved ^ I BACCK~TO~SCHHOOL I m E E M IN MIND!!!n______| rI^ its by Lc'I'igrcc ~ 30% Off ^ UryuliiBB Flj£/W k7il^ 3 -fHSffl Wm ™ Wsi^ly Woro Ungdvsptteod Speclectoto ftoll______>r-' L jD ilM lllJ U ^ ROFs r »4.g m p e « ^ l W ONEJE G R O U P ^ . ALMl le a th e r w m foot I BOIDTK STORES:; I ______— ^ ■'C'Trc; UnliPGd ^ ^ 30% Off IDENIM JACKE ® Men’s & Boy's |- S S — — p FRIDA & S A T'URDAY I I tg' 207 EAST MVIAINj S T R E E T i V . V Ik B XSI] JEROME,E . ID A H O r I , JULVY 2 0 th & m A f WEJIH'i 3 2 4 ~- 4 5 0 0 I kWENCDELL&JE 3 tESB ' • ‘ : ~~~~ ■ i''i i^. _J M aillie Vi V

IApoiiiBid M oree than 6(00 p ay 1last rep!)sects to• C u rtis1 ]E ato n - B y C inig L incoln th e Viralley Timcs-News writer. T W IN FA LLS -- CCurtis T. Eaton was a conan- servative banker wilhilh his family in his heart andnd, •• •■■ USDA, othi:heirs discuss . at least oncc, so muchich mud on his clothes that hihe . .... had lo be hosed off. IfciBtolRAaktBE control of'insects ii here Eaton, 73, died Sundny Sui ot the Magic Valle;le y . ^^Regional Mcdical Ccnrenter. . _ TWINFALLS- U.S. Agriculture. De- . "T heirs w as undI isIs li family of equals," .^i(aid • ■ .1 partm ent ofTicialss aand local ofTicc hold- Father Frcd Elwoodk1 iin an eulogy. "They neve crs will mcci this! mmoming at the Canyon gnined a son-in-lawV oor duughter-in-luw, only ai Springs Inn to disciiscuss federal assistance extra son o r daughter.';er." JO control grasshoploppers and crickcts ori He was a 33-yearur veteran o f the T w in Fall:ills - - •. Conservation R cscnserve Program lands, banking industry. Thc meeting will^ill begin nt 9:30 ih the M orc than 600 peopleople altcndcd E ato n 's funer Aspen Room. al at the Firsl Chri:hristian Church, filling Ihilhe Several nationalal clectedt ofTicials havc church's sanctuary andani .spilling inlo several othth- complaincd that insinsects from CRP lands er room s. arc invading croplar■lands. Elwood rend fromm ana essay w ritten by Ealon': soil. Curtis H. Eaton,m, andi prepared by his famih Campers leaviiving average duiing his final days;I'S; 1He is survived by his wife Wilma; his son; andid hisI daughter, Georgina M of 5 campfireses burning daily W olvcrton. TWIN FALLS - rofits. earnings report,t. says. The two peop:ople broke through lhe manufacturer has rcponcdrted. weslcilem operations, couldn’t bc rcached for "N o, I don’t dc see any doom and gloom,"gl "Muny buildcnders and developers simply ceiling und openedled a rear ganigc door TJ International is thele pparenl company of comniinent. Bul Howard Linskcskey, manager McAlindinlin said. "If you look at secondj can’t find constrnstruciion financing at any and wheeled out twtwo molorcyclcs worth Norco Windows, whichch operales a manu- of hethe Twin Falls Norco planl,ll, soid the dip quarter carrlamings, a lol of companiess arci re- price,” he said.. "TJ"T Intemational's business $10,098. facturing plant in T w in1 Falls.Fa in prcirofits w o n 'l have an cfTectct on lhe local porting dedleclincs." in lhc Easl, partilarticulariy lhal of its Dash- Helmets, gloves'CS and other clothes The company said ThtThursday thal TJ In- operaration. TJ C hicficf Excculive Officer Walt MMinnick wood window suisubsidiary in eastern Cana- worth SI.004 were•e aalso taken. temational's earnings duriduring lhc April-Junc Ththe plant laid off about halfilf o f its w ork- blam ed thc;hc performance on continucijcd con- da. has been especipecially h ard hit.” Twin Falls youi)uth citcd for quarter dropped undcr S5S5.3 million - a de- ers lastla: winter, yet by spring Norco'sNi Twin traclion of the housing market due toli high Please see SA LES/82 ' DUI after wrec•cck, hospitalized ^ JEROME - A TTwa in Falls youth w:is Burley kkidnappei iv sentenc hospitalized and cilicilcd for driving undcr 'ongress sllates pow(^er plant the influence foliovlowing a one-car acci- dent on Interstate 8484. to 7-20 yearsy in pjenitentia - Phillip Jenkins, 118. was taken lo St. earing in Pocatello.1 > Aug. 30 ; Benedicl's Familyly M cdical C cnlcr and B y A nita D ennis ' lhc CIepisode bccausc he wasS d: . . . h e i Times-News wrilcr lime, on to Mugic Vallclliey Regional Medical i Ncwfl Scrvicc BLM. which ownawns thc 15,960-acre site No\low. Solo is “ sorry and1 rremorseful," SMesN Ccntcr. Idaho StateIte Police reported, bul where they wantml to build thc eight-unit BURLEY - Before a sileni courtroom, Byingnglon said. ; Jenkins was nol iherc lh Thursday afler- WASASHINGTON — In a menove to plant, Sth District Judge Gcorgt3rge Granata Jr. sen- "MiMany times in our discu;cu».on., Mr. . ; noon, a spokc.swoma>man snid. ct "lhc clcancst air In lhc n;nalion." Federal regulatijiations rcquirc the com* lenced Burley kidnapper5cr Alvaro Irbe Solo Soto5 1has thought of his own, gig,ris and has (. • He w as drivingJ a pickup eastbound al J Congressman Richard Su>lallings plelion of unn environmentali impact lo lhe ma.ximum prison1 termte possible undcr beenII ini tears considering the im,m p a c lth ,s 20 ; a high speed at 1:35:35 a.m . Thursday when sday announced a congrcscssional statement before>rc such a deal could bc a plea agreemenli’seven;n toI 20 yc;irs in thc minututcs will have on his famil>„Iy 1I.C rcst of : he losi control nndnd lhe Iruck rolled one hearing on ihc proposed Tiu’iiousand struck, creatingg aran opportunity for those slate penilentiary, theirr lives,"I he said, and a half times,. a dispatcher said. The gs Pow er Piani in northeast: Nevada^ who dislike thc1C pproject to move in for . Gmnata also senlenccdced Solo, 26. to five Juiiilie Soto. Alvaro's wife, litcslined tha. ; accident occurredI alat m ilcposl 165. )C held in Pocalcllo Aug. 30. the kill, lo 10 years in pri.son onin a charge of a.ssuull her hihusband h:is always proviiividcd for her ~ ^ . ; A passenger, Frcdred Martin Jr...17, Twin ' : hearing witl examine thee down- Politicians —— liInduding Senate candl- with intent lo commil le\lewd and lascivious and tltheir five children in their;ir six years of • Falls, was not injureured. shc .said. The roll- implications of thc polluilo'njh likely date Rep. Larryy CCraig, R-Idaho. and At- conduct. Thc .sentenceses will run concur- marriiriagc. ^ over is under invcsti]:sligation. causcd by the plnnl, as well:ll as the tom cy G eneral1 JimJir Jones — havc cager- rently. Tlichey-moved to Idaho lasl 1 i" ■ ns thc Bureau of Land M:Manage- ly climbcd on boardboa thc anti-power plant In delcnnining the scntlogical and ihose waivelivers. to waive immunil;m iiy. report on the staters plansans to oversee opera- Envir'ironmental Sciences' Lat-abomtory at The statetatc feds the waivers arc•c broad "If CongressIS h hasn’t specifically waived . T tions at Ihe Idaho Natiirational Engineering INEL:l , enough to require INEL to 'compl;ply with sovereign immunilunity, the department is sim- Laboratory. . Tlulie main emphasis of the ovoversight pro- state regulo;ulations, said Lee Caldwelldl. stale ply not subject:t tito regulatory aulhority by Officials with lhe stale':lie's INEL Oversighl gramn is environmental monitolitoring, which deputy aitcattorney general' assignedI to the Ihc state," Caldwedwell said. Program w ere in tow n lo10 discuss issues in- indueudes reviewing existing dalJala, dclcrmin- oversightt piprojcct. Tlie immunitylity waiver included in thc ; Obituaries B2 volvcd in m onitoring thithc federal Energy., ing Utlic needs and m ethods for fo collecting "Thc*slatiIlatc is intent on seeing thoi: compli-c federal Rcsourccrcc Conservation and Rccov- : IdatioA/Vest B3 D epartm ent facility in IdalIdaho. 'V additiitional data, getting informrmation to thc ancc withth those regulotions docs occur,"' c cry Aci, which:h governs( clcanup at some ; Idaho B4 The meeting was partIrt oi f a plan to m eet publiclie and coordinating nctivilii'ilies w ith stale shc snid. , siles indudingg pparts of INEL, has been regularly with thc publicllic to discuss public reguliilalory agencies. But inI a fight over enforcementI actionsi qucslioncd in the courts. Thc U.S. Circuit : Sports B5-8 concerns, Oni•ne o f Uic thorniest issuess uto bc settled, by llic statetatc, thc slate would likely1 lose1 to Court of Appealscals is splil on whcpicr thnt ^ ■"""Though agrceincTtts“hT~hnvc~faecn'~in ' p b ce~ h cT w r i.-i ihc'iiniuuiiity u f^ fc c d c iiil“facTii- ^uvcicigiirrinmiunitjnn-courtrahc-said ii lid;------=------PFease see iNtL/B2 7 I,-. B-2 Tlmoa-Nowo. Twin FallFqIIo, Idaho Friday. July 2 0 ,1 9 Rupeil^ Coen ccived free optical," hehearing' and plan td the; fair’s f: agenda in coopera-I- tain restrictions applied bytheldahob; S48.673 onn a a 1991 model. ’ ' ' R U PiiR T - Drivers caican no longer prcs.sed supiUpport not only for nn up-- ; spinal c ams. tion wilh thithc policc dcpartm enl lo0 Fi.sh & G am e Departmtmcni. The cross Ciie centcr line to make lert coming hcalealth fair at the Snake Riv- Mead said several pro!oblcms were rccord chchl]drcn’.s fingerprints,i. council will announce aI bidb date lat- • Approvj:ijvj:d an expense account -^land turns or U-tumss ono F Street - cr Pla?j., butb also for designating; i detected in children wholio otherw ise M eade saidd she ; will chcck with thec cr. ofSS.OOO for Public Works .Director nnd O Street to park oion the other August 65 1through 11 as “Child’.s5 i might no have received suchsi exams. Soroptimistst Club, which has been Lcs Hutchinsclinson to purchase used ve- side of tlic road; - --- Health W'eck.” ee ...... ■ Local ire and .shcrifi•ifT’s'-depart- involved witlnth such a program beforec • Referred bids on a new aerial hides for thcthe city flccL Thc Idaho Thc City Council TiTuesday ap- Donna MMcadc, mall manager, toldI i ments gi 'C presentation;ms on child and may airalready have ihc suppliesrs buckct truck for thc dcc;:ctric depart- TransportatiotItio n Department is selling proved thc inifilc changingc and signs the council:I1 Tuesday that last year’s.s. : .safety. R maid McDonallaid w as on needed, ment to thc superintend;idaiit of lhat 1984 to 1987?87 modds at sales in Rig- will be posted soon. first such hihealth fair, designed to e.s-- 1 hand wtti free punch ancind balloons, In olher bubusinc.ss. thc council: department for his rcvic'icw and rcc- by and Pocalecalcllo. ■ City Attorney Donaldlald Chisholm pecially berjcncflt needy Children, was< : and kids articip;ited forir prizes in a ommcndalion. W.H. Pin£ngrce Co. of suggested Ihc council pos[io.sl a w a rn in g a su c c c ss. bike! parud •. — • Voted tcto pul up for bid somee Salt Lake City bid S52.57570 on a hew • Voted1 toto, donate 51,500 to the li-; noticc in local papers rem•cminding citi- She saidd Ithe mall hopes to make itt Tills yc: 's schedule wiwill be sim i- farm property:rty thc cily has been leas-:- 1991 unit and S50.870D on a u.sed brary in Rupe.upert from funds raised at zcns.of the new law, bccaccausc he said an annual e\event. - 1lar. says fvi :ade. ing from thcic Bureau of Reclamation.I. 1991 dem onstrator unit that tl the city the city surplurplus auctjpn. - •;

BrieflyIf ___ B ti-M head sss a y s h ^ m aly ; miss 199»90 goals Appeals court Uu] p h o l d s Nickels inI suits ‘0 Idaho'lo setllc inin Melba.1 y BOISE>E (A P) — Prcs.surc to culal tthe federal budget crcasiising manpower, BOISE — Tlie Idahclaho Court of Appeals has unheldui ^ tTOup o f Amc:m es friends' 1 a.s established;d a trusl m;»y dclrIclay the Bureau of Lant-and Munagemcnt’s Jammison. who oversees nboutDUt 12 million acrcs of lower court nilings; in a law.suit between AlfnIfrcdJ. fund a, D.L. Evansns Bank.I Con ibutions canI bbe left at chancess c of meeting ils goals forbr the Idaho range, publiclie land in Idaho, said thche budget1 crtinch may BLM D in Nickcis ofTwin Falls,lls and Emcsl F. Durbano ofOg-ol ‘he Buricy. Rupertrt oro AlHion b anchc.sT' )ireclor C y Jam ison says, postpcpone meeting tho.sc goals in tht e 1990s. Tlic fin: den, Utah. finiinciaily beleaguered BLN5LM "m ay be in for Qu)ut his long-term deadlinee is thc silver anniver- )Ugh times in the nexl fewV yiyears," Jam ison on sao" o: Nickels won a def;Jcfault judgment of S35,00.0 0 0 in Schaer re-electected school board hih e a d o f thc T aylor G razing A ct:t in 2007. Wcdnesdrsday told 100 members of the Idaho Cattle "WcVc’ll stand up and takeake our shot before dam ages nnd legal fees fee. from Durbano over thcIhc sale CASTLEFORD3 - Fred siiacr was rc-cle:lcctcd as Associatic ition. C ongrgross." he said. "W e're askiniking for improvements o f a used airplane. The Tlii court agreed wilh lhee resultr chairman ofthe Schijchool Doari al its meeting; 1Tuesday "Bul if if lh at’s the w ay il is. w e’ll’11 stand1 up and take j,, our general areas: range,:, wwildlife, cultural rc- but ordered dislrid courtcoi to recalculate the dam;images, night. it, becausiuse that’s reality — that's th s the w ay the cookie go^rj-eces and recreation. And Congre.ss Coi gives us the becausc Nickels* lawsu.vsuilonlyasked forSI9,285.85. Mary Potucek waskvas elected v ce-chaimian. crumbles.'cs." cy for those things whcihcrer wcw ask for it or not." New trustees Dav)avid Sm ith j nd Denny Ree;:e.se w ere Earliercr this year, he announced:d ana ambitious pro- iproving slrcamside habilatat areasai on public lands ; Dance today benicncflts cowboy Ame:l e s -sworn in nnd plaqiaques w ere >resentcd lo 01outgoing gram forbr improving Idaho ranpelicelands, and he set . melables for meeting the: goalsg of bettering lolher BLM objective. Jamaison iso said. , ; RUPERT-A benefilefit dance and auction for formfo er n^'^'^bers D an Deboi:boer and Joe "Wisccaver in1 aapprcci- tigl't time wildlife: habitat.h: a commended Sho.shone; DistrictD: Manager K. ; Minidoka County rcsi•csident Jim Ames will be3c held I'tion o f their tim esp: spent on lhe Board. lo reach them, the plun1 ccalled for nearly Lynna Bennett1 and local cattlemenncn for restoring T hom from 9 p.m. to I a.m.J. Ictoday at the Rupert Elks loilodge business,;ss. thc board m oved lo csU'slablisli a , :c school doublinglg tIhe Id;iho BLM budget ondont dramatically in- Creek:k near Shoshone, and simlilar ilar projects. Admission is S5 pericr person and music will be pro- non-tninsportationn 2 zone — an area where vidcd by tljc Shecphciihcrdcrs. The auction willII beI at •fJnspotlation willII nnot be olTored ~ for theic area o f ______10:30 p.m. A uction itciitems have been donated hy area school d istrictt .south.so o flh e 2 300 North line businesses. Tliat area extendsids more lhati 30 miles soutllorth. Twile;egar says Ci>aig’s recorrd won’t bafS“ . , . „ lo succccd retiring reli GOP Sen. James' ganizing the benefit. lort for his bid to advance Twilcgar said lhat afti ;u cow- allcmativc formm cof education or a differentnl sdiool u 5 5 ^ vould see “lefi-wing spe- C ham berlain said AmesAn is a weli-known area i Senate. (opposing a clean air billJ r a ^ ^ a M cClure woul ncton's ‘listricl." Kilmer said>aid. boy. Ames worked1 forf( Morgan' and Shillingi “Larry Crai!raig is casting some atyp-- I by the Senate. Craig vol'Oled for an ^lal interests>ts .... pouring millions of ed that the board will begin Owyhee Famis east: of Minidoka, whcrc he wa:.vas the ical votes antand .saying some inleresl-• < even tougher measure in1 t thc House, out-of-slalc: dollars" dc into thc Demo- ] cnttic operation forema:m an. date school districtid policy,; and public inputIt will be ing iiiiiigs this[j,j, clcclion year," Twilc-• 1 H e also .said Croig cast aI ppreliminary cratic campaiglaign, Twilcgar said. He and his wife. Bcniadinc, Be IcH the area inn 19B4 invited. and lived in Wyomingng and; Colorado before rctut ■turning C’om on pilcd from sta ff aod wirerc rq x irts i n e CL; _____ C o n lin u edjfro fr m ^ B I some additional clout ancnd EPA in- Hill said. ConConcems will have to be' TJ ______waiver grant;ints slates regulatory au-. volvcm’ ent. tacklcd onee at a time, but the pro- thoritv. INEL will have lo sign;n an enfor- gram pcrsonnonncl welcome sugges- cablc agreement with thcic Slate and tions, question;tions and concems from ther deprcss< Continued from B1 :sscd the company’s finan- s S i.io ,- But the recent I designation off tthc EPA on some cleanupup activities thc public, he said.^ , , , , , c ia l p ic tu reefor f the llrst half of 1990. INEL on thche Environmental Protec- ; With the housing marl • al thc site. T o contactict thet oversight program sales rose S9 million to Minnick said that despi;pite the de- tion Agency'cy’s Superfund National for its fourth straight annu I The oversight of INELZL is a big call Sheila IsonIso at 1-800-232-INEL imiul cliclmj., s|72.6milliiillion, up 6 pcrccnt. profits pressed p housing market,. heh remains Priorities Li;Lisl will give the slate: jjob. program administraralor Steve (4635). Minnick predicted littleItlc iniprovt;- p rccnt_lu^/)^million, a de- optimistic0 that financial pcperformance ^^^^'rriditT6rthc'"balance“bTi!iniiTs year liT" early Sl nilUion during thc would v improve next yc; cilhcr lhe United States:.orc=n.d,., t if thc year. 'Strength 's of further grow the com pany’s prim ary nu 'Skzt Eatco n _____ IVr-shirorc earnings dropped the com c pany's m arkel share aiand ils effi- Thc second-quarter cai fu,- :enlage to 96 ccnts from cient c m anufacturing oper.it“itions. C onlinuetjI frfrom B1 'touch." Elwood said. "Fli.slis comrnon was h’i^ wayajTof , 'sayih'^;nough is” handed to people pc attending lhe fu- ‘touch w;is uncommonly sirsimple." enough.'" neral. Fromn Iit. Elwood drew a pas- F o r t h e > r e c o r c f l ______saue he .saidaid typified E aton's ari-. O fien. in his hom e Iatcate at night W illetta Warbcrg Wai and Burt Huish ______proach to life. wilh visitors, he would saj!ay 7 ‘'rthink sang three songsson - “l-nends l-orev- “He belicvi 1 1 will go to bed ~ these pcciCoplc might er." "W ind Beneath Bei my Wings” and Recent court aclion in T' w in F a lls Bryon Stro:trolberg, IH. W endell, grand lained t: 120 d:iys. cved that a person could 1 1 want to go home," Ehvooi)od said, “ll "In the Gardenden" at the funeral. County included the follovllo w in ii' ’’y pos'^es.session o f stolen propeny. pub- walk wilh kin^ings and keep a common \ lie defender appointed,ap prelimin.iry hearing Divoree complaints filed: Driving under iho ia flu cnse« u niings; requested, Judy Rac Hanicdl vs. Roben:n D. Uiimedl. C C O Jerry L. Durgcss. 3«. 1511515 Kimberly Gerald Way/ayne Laughlin. 43. 251 Harri- David A. Blackmer v,s, Sammdra Leather- a u l t ______;ioad No, 9, son Sl.. felonymy driving under the influence, bury b' Hlackmer. Patrick Joseph Grij;ilva, 33,3J, 284 First Sl. bond sel at S20520,000, Fverelt Lee Hurst Sl, v,s. Laurena F, E.,Hnnscn the Im m igration and Natv James O'D'Dell. c 20. Twin Falls. fltM-de- Hurst. 11 C o n tinued1 fnfrom B1 J iturdlization h;ive to worr>orry when we send our W alluce C. Je n « n . 20. lO.S105 l ourth Ave, grcc btirgliiry,ry, public defender appointed, Francisco Monreal vs. Sara N Service plans lo deport Sot:oto lo Mex- kids to school.ool, to thc storc. But peo- S. bond set aiSi.;51.500, Anna Turner vs. Patrick Turrimer, 1° 'y**’ ^ iicar-miss car accident in' ico\ for this offense. pie like Mr.•. ScSoto have causcd many Jose Lopez Torrcro, 50. Juckluckpol, Nev, Lisii Campbell vs. Jeffrey CaCampbell. Burlcy. Byington asked for a three ll: to 10 people to worr'orry." Barm s said, D w ayne.D, Torkelson. 26. 60S North Felony »enteBtenccs: Julia Ann l-Acrett v.s. Marlark Ahm Ev- An em ptyy car c was struck, but had . St.. Filer. ' year sentence for Soto, lo10 be cvalu- “This littletie i girl who is not 10 is, Clarence Kirkpatrick, K 46. 1534 Pon- ei the car beenn slmcks 15 minules earli- ^ ■ Fclice l-lainc W;ills. 2').9. .315 Poplar, deros;i St.. gra : ated aficr six monlhs. Withith crcdil for going to haveave to live with this the grand theft by possession, one lan and children would { Castleford. U> three yearsrs ini the state penilenliary, sus- Child suppon com pkinta Tde ; time served, that six mon:)nths would rest of her life,life. She's a very changcd' hit, But the driver was j. Drivins under the mflucnIracc rongn. penJcJ.iwoycyears' probation, .r Sl.iie o f Idaho, Bureau o f Cl be up next week, nnd thec INS1 could little giri." Henry V.’. Ga.«;kins. 33. no. address. F Sanchez. charged wiiiitii ' Ah Alexander St.. U‘>n felatncdI120d.iys, 12 Fi'cdcnd Land Bank of Spokane med, but it is a great in- Al Barrus did not call anyly witnesses, in sentencing,ng. Based on a court psy-* iK a n o llk c r.il. I3o>.glas Lee Le, Wuchul, 19, 38K M artin lion: li Federal Land Bank o f ' also charged wiih obMnicling iii penalize him (Soto) for and1 made a short rccom■mmendation chiatrist’s evaluation. eva Granata said legal consuinpiion and no insiinsurance bail St.. charged wilh w aggravated a,ssault on a John Ji Mclanson: all unknownn defendants! P^^' nol happen," Byington for1 a seven to 2 0 year pprison term that under sinsimilar circumstances in SCI al S5D0 forobslm ciing an omcer. pnb- P»l«;e otlicer:r,^plcaded j guilty to obsirncting Notice N o f iment to sue. Walker:er allegs vio- '^h.it did nc I lie defender denied, pleadedI inninnocent “ "iflicer, n '' a misdemeanor, six I.iiion l.i o f due priKcss rights of "propeny" said. for what he called an ""absolutely ihc future, a similarsi: crimc "may very monlhs in thehe county jail, credit for 177 rights. ri Regardlessss of Granata's scnlencc, atrocious'• crimc." .well’’ reoccur,:ur. Felony filinga: days time served, se r remainder suspended. Dairyland Insurance Co. vs, s .;Anna Ange- the public dcfilefenders;iid Soto’s fami- "Many of us choose to tc live in a T hc girl'sI's parents attended the Johnny D. Johnson, 24, 957;57 lUuc Lakes icnlenced;ed on 11 charge of felony rob- lesley; !e Dennis Wilcox and KuiCurcn Wiicox; |y would be.• aaffected for life ‘-cause small-town : environment siso we don’t hearing. Boulevard, felony driving umicinder the intlu- 'w > io' si; six years in the st;ite peniten- D.ilc H Arroway; and Ciuarrinleee NalionalI In- ■' ence, bond set at St.500. prehnchniinary hear- iiys credit lime ser%’ed. lo m n surance si Co, Complaint forr declaratory ^ ing reqiicMcd. ' with above, jurisdiction re- ju ______^ , . S p nin i g s------

C o n lin u ed fromfrt B1 vwill then have a 30-dayy comment of Supervisorsiors for their reccnt vote, Servicc?es ______the exemptiorions would cost the U.S. period P and Ihe BLM is c?icxpcctcd to to transfer water w: from the Snake, RUPERT - -nie tinive^ivcside servicc day and Iron:om 10 to 11:30 a.m , Frid;iy Treasury lensns of millions of dollars. *■issue its final decision onin the land- River to thec Columbia C River to the for O rville V. "B oots”’ FtFreeman, HH, at thc Benroiiron-Horslcy Funcnl Home, I Stallingss w;is appointed to the swap in December. Los Angeles;s B:Basin. o f Rupert, vvlm died Monelonday. will be 132 W, 30000 N. in Malad. Burial will ObitManJg' conference cocominittcc on the bill by Opponents say if BLMM docs not “It is not JustJusl power, bul it is olhcr. at 11 a.m. today ;it thc RnRupcn Ceme- follow at thcthc St, John Cemetery in Sl. ------House Speak,akcr Thomas Foley. D- slop the plant, they cxpeceel thc next resources is as well," \ Stallings said.. roundT' of fights wiil focus < tery, with the Rev. Carlirl B ookout o f John. Idaho, sS andra G. Gom ez Wash. s on thc nu- •There is no0 waterw; for export lo L.A.. thc Rupen FirM C hristianan (Church olfi- very concerned that we ^merous permits lhat will bcrcquit;edb< T o think ;hal thal they merely extend ciatiny. Friends may call;all beforc thc JEROMI: - Sandra (iomez from various govemment considered a dumping nt agencies ,h,.ir pipelinesncs into Southem Idaho; gnivcside servicc at thc; HHansen Mor- 5. of Jerome, died Wcdncsd before moving to thc courti another slate’s re.source “ , or U tah to meet me their needs is just. tuary Chapel. 710 SixthiSt, St. in Rupcn, KUPIiRTIT - The funcml for Homer ']I I . 1990. at Sl. B enedict’s Stallings struck a populiulist tone at Medical Center in Jerome foiloilow.ng a "“ ‘I*" llings said. “Ilie one con- O, Cox Jr..r.. 56. of Rupcn. who died solation IS the th» prevailing wind will Thursday's * news conferc:rence, con- , Monday, will wil be III 11 n.m. Saturilay sudden illness. jets tired of being the' A vigil scrvicc will be al 4 p,m. to- carry most o f the wiLste to Utah, so *'tending the Thousand Spriirings power , S''-'' BURLI-Y - Thc funer;iu-f;t! for I.o,iis at the Hanscnscn Monu;iry Cb:ipel. 710 , plant is pjirt of a pattern of polilical- Jumping grouiround of thc nation. Wc Dcschamps. KK. of Hurleyrley, who died sixth St. in I day at the I lovc-R obcnson■n Funeral we can takee sonic s mc;isure of com- P in Rupert, with Harold Colc J-.'! ly powerful heavily popukiloled slales aking nuclear waste for a' Sund^iy. will be at noon>n todayt at the olViciating. F Chapel in Jerome, with the RcRev. Keith fort in that, ;. Friends may call this afler- in the West using the pub:iblic land- , num ber o f years yci and now to take' Mnlnd i'ifst W.ird LDS^ CChnpcl. Wlih noon and cvevening and before the fu- M. . K uipcr ofHciating. Fricnends ni:iy “But there:re will be some days " resource-rich, .states like: :Idaho for the.se coal-firedIred plants so other states,- Bishop Rex DanielsIs ollkiaiing. ncral Saturd:ird:iy at the Hnnscn M onu- call from 2 to 4 p.m. \od.iy a'at the fu- w hen the wint'ind is blowing up north, Friends nmy call from 7 ton 9 p.m . to- ary ClKipel.1 neral ch.ipcl. Buriarwill follow fu in and will blo\liow the waste inlo the •'their own needs. ■ in the countrmtry-can rgel-power is- •- MMexico. Snake Riverer V alley an d there is He chided the Los Angegeles Board wrong," Stallinillings a d d ed . some indicatiiation it could carry into the Yellowstoiitone Park." he said.. i^ospitaIals Hie Idaho0 Air/ Quality Bureau has c.stimated thc:ic project would emit 38 MAGIC VALLEY RE(REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTSTER Birtha tons of sulphiphur dioxide, 94 lons of Adicicted A daughter to Mr.kir. and Mrs, Danny Basham1 of< Twin • nitrogen oxideides, four tons of particu- Perc Petersen and Mn.,Jrs, Danny B asham , both of Twin1 Fails; and a son to Mr. o S / s . Vlr. and Mrs. Michael Pcblcy of..fRupert. 24 lonsins of carbon monoxide Falls;-Mrs, Ben Babcock;k uof ilagcmian; Mrs, Michacicl Peb-: ' W H IITE ,and 46,000 tclons of c;irbon dioxide ley and Mrs. Raymond1 SaSani.s. lioth of Rupcn; Mrs,..Craig C CASSLMlA MEMORL^L HOSPITAL per dav. _ , Casperson 'and Mrs. Udw;dwin Hudson, bolh of Kimb.nbcrly; A dm itted Emery V, Kay of Jcrom•omc; Mrs. R odolfo Zam hraniano of Sonia Gonzalez and David I’adron, bolh o f Bur. Eden; ClifTord Martin of IBiihl; and Mrs, Ron:ild Coo JJ^rt'bS- InApril.BiBureau of Land Muiiage- •ook o f m ona T arin und Alon/..on/.o Van Ti.sscll. both of Rupe ■ G ooding. aid Helwich of Munaunaugh; and Ruth Pcierson of Manti, olTiciablals agreed to reconsider MOPKTUAiR Y Released Umh, an cariy drafi-af\ o f the environmental Mrs. John Albers nndnd daughter, Howard Blake,:, Mrs.I R eleased impact statcmsm ent w hen Uieir evalua- Paul Carlson. Mrs. Kent:l D Diirrington. Darrell I'lorkc. TrishaTr Marsha Bunn. Mich:ichacl Hylton. Darla Manindalc,lie. Horold lion o f air qun]uality camc under heavy & CREAMATORYY . Obenchain und Paul M,I, I!B um ctt. all o f T w in i'all.,i;?; Mrs.,I Thiel, Alisha Wugcmacman nnd Tani Essig and bab)lby. all of criticism, C raig Black and dailyliKilhter, Cieorge Diincan and] JohnJ Burley; Ranionn Tarir'arin nnd baby of Rupert; .andnd Aaron Subseiiucntl:ntly, tliey extended thc‘ ,c; Mni, M ichaci Bull and d:iug Piitkinson. all of Jerome; f lugliter TIiomnsofRoy, Utah,ih. deadline forr atan internal rcport lo ear- The Chapel by' thc1 Park • 733-6G o f Hansen; M rs. R onaldI CcCook of Gooiling; Alejandro C 6GOO o O niz ly Scjilembcr.:r. of Buhl; Mrs. Kenneth SteStevens of Kimberly; Mrs, RunInndall fiiitha 136 4th Avenueje East The reportrt wy ill B c^ubject to an in- Wapner of Filer; and AuMitn tin \V a lk e r o f Declo. Ab;iby to Mr. imdd MMrs. liulojio Tarin of Rupert. teragency rcvi:view and becomc public Twjin Falls, Idahiho Jerr)rry D. Holman ______som etim e’inn INovember. The public . FtFriday, July 20. 1990 Tlmojs-N.!J5-Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho B-3 ' Ida:aho/West

Idaho► fire ereews gain1 grouncd ; G Rr ^ R ^ t r i ai s r c h contai]inm ent expectec< sd quick]ly ■ The Associated Presss stubborn•n lower1 cast flank, with dry timber, "T he firc f did not make much:ch T liat bhize was also burningbi in rel- Favorable weatherher conditions growth duedi to the higher humidity,"y," ativcly low-valuc timinber, but gave hundrcds o f fircfijefighters a boost spokeswokvoman M arge Leonard said.I. Forest Ser\’icc wa.s stillinvestigating in Idaho’s backcounUjntiy Tiiursday, AboutIt 1001 miles to the cast in thehe the cau.sc o f ihe firc. ' •' ■ fS -' and firc bosses said thcthey cxpcctcd to Challis National N Forest, thc last of Neither fire wa5 thrtireulening uny contain bolh wildfildfircs Friday 160 rcinfinforccments moved onto tlicJic structures, and lielicoptptcrs dropping evening. lines arou•ound the 2 0 0 -aere blaze eastast water from huyc suspepcnded canvas ; '•nie weather hus? bbeen coopera- of tlie North N Fork of Big Creekck buckets w ere backin;ing u p ' bolh live," Boise Naticational Forest ubout 300 mr iles wcst o f Challis. ground assiiults, I >:pokcswoman Lynclte:tte Davis said. AboutIt twt o miles o f firc line had to Land managers nioi ^ [‘It’s been on opporturlunity to get in be cut,, but b spokeswomSh Jenniferfer cITorts on both blazes,the tf first major - - und get some supprcssi(ssion done." Callun said, sa "Now thal we've gol;ol wildfires in Idaho thisi year,> because ' I Thc lightning-sparkarkcd Mormon those crc:rcws up there, they shouldlid of the severe dr>’ condidiiions in thc 1.' truck Firc, burninglg in relatively make gooood headway.” backcountry. low-value limber somcmc 17 miles cast Fire bosses bc were pounding thehe OfTicials .said thc sl. forests bf Cascadc, was being;ing held at 440 head of f thai1 firc on thc northeastast and range arc as dry' now i they Ucrcs as over 450 firefi;•efighters battled wiih chcihcmical retardant from air werc a year ago when fircfi blackcncd (iteep, rugged terrain1 to carve tii^ fi- tankers in it a bid lo keep it from)m 2 0 0 .0 0 0 acres and caust S io o mil- pal half mile of firce liline in on^the spreadingng into a new drainage denseise lion in losses,

Ada shheriff, statete m ay reacich agreemilent BOISE (AP) —- TThe Idaho pcpartment ofjf iCorrcc- Wc agreed thattha I w ould^akc every off:ffort to tions may ask forr a litlle more ficxibility by giving them out," Vemornon said. its overcrowded prison pri system at least 300 idays to Killeen said thc“pacithe is a compromi-se byy I pick up state-sentenccnccd prisoners from countyIty jails, pending a final dcidecision by the Idaho Suprctrcmefourt. . Corrections Direcrector Richard Vcmon saidlid a ‘‘30- Fourth Dislriclicl Judge DufT McKee rule June day rule" would hcl|help solve a legal dispute withwi Ada Idaho law placeses tthc burden of housing stat inmates County SherifT Vau/aughn Killeen. Correctionsms would on thc state, ask th c L egislature•e tot( adopt the statute next sc:session. McKee orderedred Vernon to clear out thcejailback- _ AP L«t*rpholo Vernon has appcapealed a 4th District Court1 decision’d log and collect future ful state-sentenced inmailatcs within that requires the spc(ipecdy retrieval of a backlog3g of stoic seven days. Dltnltrhtrios I, contor, patriarchh ofc tho Graok Orthodox)x Church, blossos Sann FranciscoF as San prisoners held in thedie A da jail. Killeen raisedd tlthe legal challenge in Marcirch, claim- Franciscisco Mayor Art Agnos,8, right,1 and a socurlty a(agont look on. Tho splrltiIrltual lo ad o r of tho A s an interim soli solution. Corrections has agagreed to ing his overcrowdw ded jail w as being illegallylly weighed w orld’sd’s 250 million Eastom1 Orthodox0 Christians anirrlvod in tho city lato WoWodnosday to bogln remove 18 rcmainin,ning prison-bound inmatess byb Sept. down ;vifh store ir c inmates, who often wait rn a four-cr-day visit to NorthornI California.C — 1 and pick up newV arrivalsar w ithin 15 days.' ...... a ' ' prison cell to bccbccome available, U tah aadm inisstrator sjsays Jap}anese, IndiansI $ pursui]n g c o ldfusion : SALT LAKE CITY‘Y i (AP) — Researchers "There is no question ... they the; arc progress- ing themrm together. Normally, fusiosion has oc- more energy,;y, in the form o f heat, corom ing chem ist at T exas A&M,A& in Japan and India are•e rireporting excellent re- ing inj much more rapidly tharhan we are," he curred onlyoi uner extremes of heatat und pres- from the devic:vicc — called a cell — than.n they Meantime, Willll s; said, a m atrix o f 32 cc*lls suits from their coldId fusion experim ents, said sai ," ...... surc, put into it. under observationn atut the NCFI was continu- leaving no doubl thetie fledgling science is "They have a rcscarch cn\environm ent that In Jap;ipan, more than 20 0 scienti;ntisls work- In India, aboutabc 70 .scientists working’ iin 15 ing to producc cxcc:xcess heat al a rate of be- ■‘very much alive,” a Utah administrator stimulates sti work, becausc theyhey are not under ing in about at 50 difTerent groups; oion various groups al threhree separate labs ulso haveve dc- tween 5 percent and 2 0 percent greater than says. attack.alt aspectsi (o f cold fusion have detecitectcd neu- tected tritiumm and; neutron generation asIS w ell Ihe energy put in. Friiz Will, directorir ofc thc National Cold "At the same lime, whiw hen significanl irons ancind tritium, bolh considered•ed a signa- as heal, W illII said.s: j^. Tlic institute was^’as founded after the Utah Fusion Institute, said1 ThursdayTl that a rcccnl progress pn is obtained elsewhek'herc, the unpro- lure o faa nuclear process. Will said,id. In a relatedcd announcement.i Will saidi anal-i Legislature appropriopriaied S5 million. Sincc lour of laboratories inn bboth nations had con- ductive du controversy continuesues in the U nited In addddition. Japanese researcheriers are be- y.ses o f 50 palladium paf rods, som c used irin fu- then, altcmpls to obtainob corponite nnd gov- j vinced him that reseatsearchers had achieved States, StJ whether or not therec is i* cold fusion," ginningi to focus on generation1 cof exce.ss sion cxperimeimcnls, had found no cvidcncncc of cmmcnt sponsorss Iuhave met with little sue- j solid evidence that fusicision was occurring.______hchc said. heat, thc1C same evidence cited by fusionfu pio- tritium conlamlamination. cess. Moreover, hc said tinthe "excellent coopcra- Will blamed skeptical phyiihysicists and bi- neers B,3, Stanlcy Pons ofthe Uni\nivcrsity of I:arlicr thisIiis year, Kevin W o lf o f Texas T Indeed, said Will,/ill, the institute’s applica- tion” between nuclearear physicists, electro- ased as< editors of somc scientifiitific publications Utah andnd his Brilish colleague, Marlanin Fleis- A«S:M Univcrsersity found that somc pulladadium tion for u 5172,000)00 grant from the Electric chemists and materialslls scientists$ in those na- for foi "deceiving the govemmeiment. the media chniann,n, he had usedd inii his work may already! 1 have Power Research In:Institute may have been tions stands in sharpI contrast co to thc aniago* and ani thc public nt large about)ul the true status The pair p ignited an ongoingg scientific contained tnicc“ices of tritium, jeopardized by a UrUniversity of Utah physi- nistic attitudes between:cn such scientists in the of of cold fusion and have harmcim ed the progre.ss furor inn March I 1989, when they announcedat W ill .subseqi>equcntly ordered an anulysi/sis of cist who called anin EPRIE official to counsel United States. _____ o fcf o ld fusion-work-in-«ho-U.SJ.S.,—hc-Kuidi ------they-hadid achieved a sufituincd nuckclear fusion all the palladiudium at thc institute.------.. - h i d against opprovirjv in g thc funding.------i—As-a.rcsult-WiU saidrlidrthc-Japanese and In- Researchers I long have soujjought the keys lo reactionn in an experim ent involvin/ing clectri- He said ThiThursday that enrly resultsJ indi- i Will would nott naname thc physicist, but he dian scientists are pro,progressing at a much a practical[ application for fuslfusion, thc power cally chi:hargcd palladium and platilatinum ini- caled there waswa: no excess tritium in 50) ssam - said he had talkedd to him and confirmed that brisker clip than llietfle tf U.S. counterparts, that thc lights the stars. rnersed1 iin a beaker of deuteriumTl ^o^ i ^ c ^ ar^^ ^ c s . includinging a dozen that had been useised in thc call was made, who have been hard pressedpr to obtain seed Conventional < nuclear ener^lergy, or fission, heavy w;.water. ;rimenls and eight used in1 cells c EPRI. however,r, hhus yet to dccidc on thc _____ money. Icl alone respectICCI, for IhdrolT om ,_____ snisplits atoms: fusion nroduccses enertiv< by fus- Pons aand Fleischm ann said they t l:ih(>r:itnry n f Intin Rn rWri« id______

Judge delelays ------______Announcmg TiiT h e O pening O f: iM, m s E M I - A N NUAL r STOR) R E W ID E sentencee in CREEfMDE T f S murder caset POCATELLO (AP)) —- An eastern [ <1 Idaho judge will spendid thcI next scv- CARECCENTER eral weeks mulling overvcT inform ation, / A Residential Carc H) — A 5-ycar-old 5-y A da , i r M(4en's Suits & .Spjport Coats Booys Assorted Par'an ts & Shirts ■ County boy has died fr

I' ...... - FriFriday, ^ l y 2 0 ,1 9 9 0 71mos-Ncs-Nows, TW n Falls, tdaho B-4 ______I______^ Idaho state ftaces chaallenge ini 2nd 3year ofllottery BL ^ “ BOISE (AP) — In one1C year of op« third statec ilhat doesn’t see u fall-11- Players will pick fi^five numbers Thc schoohool building account will eration,. Idaho Lottery/ sales have off." from a field of 32. Wcel;ekly jackpots rcccivc 13.2i3.25 pcrccnt, or S 8 million, brought in morc than twiwice whal of-. Of 33 .sir.states with lotteries, onlyly -• w ill range about 525,000DO to S5O.Q00. Each schoolool district will gain a por- ficials predicted, but they th facc an- Florida andUld W isconsin continued:d Thc Idaho Lottery, n;narrowly ap- tion of lliee funds.fu enormous challenge ina the second full steam1 alicada afler thcir first of-T- proved by voters in Uie: 11988 general Thc stale'lale’s Permanent. Building year. fcrings. election, exceeded cxpecictalions from Fund willI cam ca thc sam e am ount to Tlie Idalio Lottery, vwhich cele- "I think :tl they were creative. They;y lhe beginning, paying ofoff its Sim il- finance new!ew stale structures. bratcd ils first birthday' con Wednes- worked att it.il You can ’t sit o n yourur lion startup costs in less le than six Thc rest3t oftheol S60 million covers day. lopped S60 million,n. far beyond laurels,” HecIcdrick said. weeks and chugging past p: the S25 operationI and ani promotional costs for -tlie S25 m illion ofUcial;als originally Thi.s fall,II, lhe slate w ill start ilsis m illion sales m ark at fouilur months. the lottery,y, ast well as commissions expected to d e a r. ow n lotto3 gome, c^allcd “ Idaho’s's Of lhc S60 million in i first-year for the 1,400,400 retailers who sdl tick- "All bul. t\YO .’itutes havc h .seen a Fanliistic. Five.”Fi' Idahols answer tolo ticket sales:., ets. fall-olT the secorii -yeacar" in pro- the Oregon3n Megabucks game willill About 48 pcrccnt, o r S285 million. The monc]3ney, to bc distributed July cced.s, .said Idaho Lotte:tery Director use the saname computers' as Lottolo was paid oul in prizes.. Tlie1 average 27. is dcsperiperatcly needed in Mcridi- Wally Hedrick. "We inteitend to bc Ihe Amcrica. nationw ide is about 50 percent.pc an, said Hedrledrick. Gem apiipeals couirt lets Bus driverr jailed afteier fast run : COEUR d ’A L EN E (A:AP) — A bus spokeswomaiiman Liz Dunn said from Dick Sagnoss digsIgs doop in his cart for a cold ico croam. murder iconvictioon stand driver jailed aflcr passescngers com - the firm ’ss headquarters h at Dallas, plained thal he took therem on a high Texas, BOISE (AP) — Even:i though1 evi- do no mqrcc tthan speculate that Klinele speed ride across thc Idadaho Panhan- Greyhoundlund driver Nick S. Eisen- ISU edilucation piirofessor dence of drug deals wasIS im properly had dealt in ir drugs with Brazzcll.I. die has been fired. Grey:yhound Line barth, 29,, of of Spokane, Wash., was admitted in the murderer trial of a Moreover,, theth evidence was unfairlyy officials said Thursday, booked forar investigationii of reckless Boise man, il wasn’t enouough to over- prejudicial,I, castingi Brazzcll in thele Four passengers w eree injured, in- driving, thche sherifTs5 department re- turn his conviction, the Idaho I< Court role ofa drufrug dealer," thc c o u rt said,I. eluding one who wasi hospilalizcd1 iL.asc,aiii. doubless as ice cre;earn m an of Appeals says. The cvidctdence was undisputed tliatIt aflcr the wild ride on liInlcislalc 90 ^ passc.ig.inger w ho had been lei ofT The court on Thurscrsday unani- Brazzcll shc POCATCLLO (AP)\P) — In win- guiding lishis cart to the city's gath- shot Klinc twicc with a on the Butte, Mont., to SpokanoS| run ailed Cocur d ’Alene policc mously upheld the convic'iction of Jer- shotgun, and am Williams’ testimonyy th e Kootenai Counly ShcnfTs SI Of- ter, Dr. Richard Sagncss Saj helps cring placeiccs to peddle pnilines I.m. T hursday to complain ry Brozzell o f .second-degegree murder was prcscntirnted only to support a fice said in a new s release train tliL* tcacliers o)f f tomorrow(i as and crcam,im. peanut butter and chicle was being driven in in an Ada County slayir'ing, and the first-degreee mr urder claim, "W c are sorry it hap]■ppcnccl. Thc a professor in Idaho:ho State Uni- chocolate,:, chocolalec chip m int ... 5 manner by a driver who vcrsiiy’s College off Education.E( the lisl goesDCS on. sub.sequent life sentencee ordered by "Tlic juryry rejectedi the slate’s first-t- driver did not act accoreli:ding 10 G rey- " reck'-■ss m, 3 let other passengers off, But ill summer, he becomcs a ” H e’s doing do: this very willing- 4ih District Judge Alanin Schwartz- degree mureurder allegation and re-;- hound policies, and'theficreron;. ha.s esaid. liero lo small childlildren and a ly," mnininitnined Donna Sagncss, man, with a minimum of)f 10 years in turned a verdict vc of sccond-dcgreee been terminated,” G reyhound the release so friend lo the calorie-di:*deprived. who ownss aa local ice crcam shop, prison. m urder, whii'hich was consistent wiilih They eall him Dr.•. IceIc Crcam. But shc conceded cc the cart has Court records show Bnizzell Bi and thc cvidcnccice showing an unplannedd I I ■ " il’s a real lough1 w.way to spend been a good)od way to keep her hus- • another m an, M ike Williilliams, w ere hom icide,"’ theIt court said. .i. lhc summer,” Sagnesness chucklcd band out oo f f trouble. charged with killing Tony T( Kline. In other decisionsdc Thursday: • ns he leaned over hi;his icc crcam “He’s worthwc what 1 pay him, The men wcrc chargcdd separalcly, • Thc CoiZourt of Appeals upheldd m 2 ------cart-at-..downtownn Pocatello’s -which—is—i —nolhing,"- shc said, and Williams latcr_madee a plea bar- the,awardinging of.Sl,.in.damagcs.in.a... ' Sim plol Square. “ I su]suppose some "He’s goodod wilh the carl, bul we gain and testified againstt IBrazzcll. Ada Countyty lawsuitI between W. Eu- people think it’s beneirnealh my dig- havc to watvatch him when he's in His appeal contended,. among:i oth- gene and Alicc A Strate and Cam- nily to be doing this,lis, but I think thc store. He'llHi cat everything, in- er things, thal the judge; errede in ad- bridge Tclcplcphonc Co., and dismissal th at’s nonsense.” eluding thehe flavors that nobody mining evidence of Braz;izzell's prior of Cambridgedge’s countcrsuit. It's not that lie is; tryingtrj lo cam else will eat,ca like brandied frujl- d m g activity. • Tlic Idaho Id Supreme Court a few extra dollars for foi ihnt resort cake.” Hie prosecution , contiItendcd that agreed with;h thci Industrial,Commis- vacation or that he needsnet the cash Sagnesss admitsa his love of ice the dm g evidence w as im|mportant bc- sion that a a laborer, George Cole,: cause of Bmzzell’s testimimony ihat he was not entitltitled to disability benefits ^ bccausc his universitydty salary will cream, cspeipecially w hen it’s free. noi gel him through1 thelh summer, keeps him1 ono lhe job. had few prior cont:itacts with from Stokcly;ly Van Camp, which for- Sagncss claims hislis ■ wife makes "W hen II was \ a kid, 1 worked al Williams, and becau.se it showed a merly opcraliralcd a Gem County can- him do it. a soda foun■untain. The ow ner .said, drug-related m otive for th(thc killing. nery. I'or a few hours a day. a few 'Eat all you'OU want, because even- "There was no evidenence of uny The courtirt unanim ously upheld a Inmsactions involving drugs i bc- commi.ssionn findingI thut Cole didn’i: ® days each week, thele formerl col- tually you’lu ’ll get tired o f it,’" he lege dean turns ice creamcre vendor, recalled. iwcen Kline and Bnizzell,ll,” the court prove a 1982 19 on-lhe-job injury said. "Consequently, lhcc jury could caused backk problems.f THESE; C O U P O NV i 5 ARE zjscseaggggj y 2 2 , 1 9 9 0 ICC apprtroves brand:h line bid 1 GOOD THRU ] by Interminountain Wittnclvlin«s-iiv-fioiithwhwoHt-ldoliO:------th«>-^iul«-inv:nv«lv«.-s-jiomtM>uildingMn— 0 ____S ------The long-awaited sasale by the eluding thehe old Pacific Fruil Express 5 )n]uncilon wllti onoiner | Union Paeillc Railroadtad should bc repair shoplops in Nampa and some couraiooaoTKnu compleled by lale sumummer. Inler- .specialized:d freight cars used to - 2 i 7-22-00 ■ ' niDuniain Western expccpccts to move transport logs.Io| I f 1 AN.Y IT E ^ CASH VALUE lf»« I ils headquarters from Boisc Boi lo Nam- Union Pacific P. will continue to OFF pa ill Septem ber and sta:tart r openitions own m ainn lineI tnickagc through the EM IN STORE J by Oct. I, officials said.d. area, and1 thct sale will not affect^ 1 "Nampa is the hub of the openi- Amtrak paslassenger service or includc linn." said BiU Glynn.1. head1 o f the iJie U nion1 PacificP depot in Boise. m company's railroad subsidiary. OfTicialsIs were.- uncert:un how "Mosl of the branch1 1lines either many Unioilion Pacific em ployees will I'l iginate or tenninale theithere." be hired ayby the nesv owners, ■ WRITE COUPON I With federal approvalal iin hand. In- "Wc willill advertise all the jobs lhal ITEM I icrmountain Western Pref’resident Rudy w e have andani anyone who wants can I : YOUR OWN >«3 Cl nol incijdo lobacco, ONE CO U PO N PER ITEJ(Y ot alcoholic otodueis. Kussmann .said he hopeoped thc sale apply for thoseth' jobs." Glynn said. m usl nol occeD ptice of r • . Ooflsni■m, Mav nol bo usod In iniuncilon wllti flnolt^or 0 rscourm OOOO THRU i i r f \ 2 i 5 7-22-00 I ANY ITEf AIR CWM VAUJE 1.70t __ _ _ conjunc r v I OFF CONIDITIOI►NERS ►ANIV EM IN STO RE I M/4 R O P I WRITE COUPON TEM I oes nol Includo lobacco, ^ m i M J U Lvc;r C harge] ANY !T E ^ 7-22 00 M ii C«H VALUe'lCO« ‘ ElcMicklo.sti thc ivories and tho auciiicnences! Il’s ^ iki M i H I ■ ■ ■ ■ H 9000 T:B T U 's tlu; Clin; andI only,( tinly /.any Dnnniny Marona! M ^ O F F iji n000 EB T U 's ; O ITEM C o m i n g n e x t . . . 3oa nol includo lobacco, iiry or aicotioilc products. Btttch Baker usl nol ocoed price ol Fi«OiM ASS L; O W A S ; YOUR OWN im. c May rot bo usod In n August 14-19(Si.21-2G ON E COUPON PER injunction ITE with anolher g The I'hiniingos ■■ 'Upon n • i couroieocgTmu h _ UJ______August ZH:H*Sc;pteinber 2 & Scpt'eteniher-l.» ^ 2 i _ . ANY-ITEI 7-22-00 I ^ K c;M y<:Clinton di the Piiri)leIc ^ 5 0 ■ is CWM VAUJC l-»e 0 ^ 9 5 - 1 S(;ptc;inhor 11-1(> ^2HI2]3 QB aBfflrffiBwaBwiiBiuiiS M io n HusiiiLHVA'I'IONS, CALL TOI■OLL-FHIili': M OFF : 1-8()0-«21-1103 EM IN STO RE I. l»r n iMt p.m. il!iiiii-r «how«. Srolli I t w m i-..f.ll.iTlHli1 lc..... = .... i 705 Bl BLVD.N : BLUEWE LAKES pBMALL 1 # ! I ELAKEB k m sgl . M g e I ■ ■ ||ij c S & I F IiES0nTC;\Sli\'0-JACKP(ffOT,KE\AD.\ ^ v M £ - i y j I r

_ s is i ’ f Wlorniling R o s eB d r a IW S 5 i m o nith s ii n p r iison

The Associated Press f fi:, line - CINCINNATI ■— Peteetc Rose lost his com posure, tlitui he lost his fa'cdom. ' Thursday’s scorcD res '' Baseball's all-time hitslits leader finished TF his fall from fame on Thursday Thi when hc was sentenced to five montlonths in prison and | 9 N ' ' ' an additional three monthinths in a halfw ay B house for cheating on hiss tataxes. g u e ’ American Leagu He wxs also fined S50.C50,000 and ordered . Dotros 1. Ooston 0 1 .0 0 0 DAlUmora 4, Cnlc«eo 1 to 'd o hours of concommunity servicc New Vbr1( al MImesoU with inner-city children dutduring his one-year ^ 5MtS« M MJ~«ulu)«, minncJelay Jol. b - " -M t Onfy garnM tc^edlJ>«d probabtion after getting out of prison. »'• Rose, w hose 4,256 hits hit; in 24 major- National Leagueu e Icagllc seasons would seenecm to m ake him a S k .' ' ' PhllKMphla S. ClncinnaU12 2 certain Hall o fF am er, willvill now have to go : Hew Yort 0. ASanta 2 ] StLoul«0.5anOtooo3 , before thc baseball writers:rs who■ vote in Jon- ; Onfy gamo* Kf>«dulMt uary 1992 as an cx-con1 as well as having been banned from baseballtail for gam bling. , Rose had hoped to avoiivoid jail, but U.S. District Judge S. Arthurur !Spiegel said the Today severity of thc tax crimcscs rmandated prison, in part to serve as an examjumple for others. LEOION DASeiAJJ. T*rtn Fafla 'A* al Nampa (2>, RodaoF Parti, nampa, 0 pm. Thc fonner CincinnatiIti manager's i voicc klaho Foni *0' el Wood RWTW{2), AWnaoo Parti. 4 pm. cracked with emotion1 a;as hc expressed I DuN SI MalM {7). 2 pm. Jorema al Poealello U*’ (2), HantweA Park. Poealello. 0 ■ sham e over his guilty picaIca oni tw o counts o f ' ' L failing to report more thanhun 5354,000 in in- come from thc sale ofautoiutographs, mcmora- bilia and gam bling winninglings. f S B “ I think I'm pcrccivcd:d aas a vcry aggres; 'i j j j 7 p.m. - Ctannel 13.0«f;MF: DDrtOah open, aecond roound. , - ; 1pm-Cl>annat13. LPaLPOA port: TIM Pnar-Mora Youn- j' ' sive, arrogant type of individual,” in Rose tiown ClaatJc. Mccod rounb. I said, standing behind a podiumpo a few feet ...... £J0p.m.-Ctannoi13.Ma). Major laagua baaotua: Aaanla at New Ycrt Mat*. in front of Spiegel. “Butut I w ant p co p lc to B:30 p.m. — CKannt113,, Ma|,Major laague ba»eball: Toroolo ai know that I do have cmc:motion, 1 do have ; OaUanC, O.OSp.m.-ChormolO.Opv'Open Mremonie*. feelings, and I can bc hunhurt like everybody else. I “And 1 hope no one hahas to go through what I went through thehe last year and a half. I lost my dignity,, I losl m y sclf-rc- AP La»erpholr> G regL eM ol[ond hangs spcct. I lost a lot of dear;ar fans and almost lost somc very dear friendsnds.” P eto3 RosoI is oscortod by a fodoralt marshal, right,It, as ho arrivos at fedorarai court In CinclnnatlThThursday morning.•• - ...... on as Tour• theats up His wife, Carol, sat bcbehind him as he probahably w o n 't be eligible for caeariy release. But Rose’s’s ba.seballI rccords couldn’t’t save and gambling caminm ings from iyS*J^87, spoke. Rose’s voicc crackceked again when he accordrding to the Bureau of Prisorsons. him from aa prisonp record, l l i e charges carriciirricd a m axim um six-year BORDEAUX, FraFrance — Just when mentioned thc hardship) oton his family. Hc porir Rose, the hometown boyloy who was "Today,, wcw are nol dealing with thelie leg- jail lenn and S500.0)0,000 fine, Spiegel’s deei- things got a little; fflat at thc Tour dc accepted responsibility for what he's done, rookieie of the year for Cincinnainati in 1963 end,” Spiegecgcl .said, "H istory and thee tine- sion w as in linee wilh\s federal senicncini; Francc Thursday, itit b 1970s,1 sentencing cam e in a crowded all-time greaireals of baseball, time for the offensesises. 125-miIe straightawaiway coursc from Pau port during this ordeal,” RoseR said. "It had courtntroom just a few blocks frfrom River- "With regi■egard to Pete R ose, the indi\Jividu- "After carefullyly cconsidering all of these to Bordeaux, Greg:g LeMond remained to be very tough on herr wlwhen your 5-year- frontt Stadium,< where he becameme baseball’s al, he hass brokenI the law, admitteded his factors, I have concluded con that Mr. Rose five seconds behindid Italy'sI Claudio Chi- old son (Tyler) wouldI cccomc home from aji.timime hils leader in 1985. guilt, and sta:stands ready to pay the pcnalialty." must serve some timetim in a prison selling for appucci in thc overallrall standings with jusl school and tell her that hishi' daddy is a jail- Spic>iegel praised Rose for hiss baseballb ac- Rose pleaileaded guilty April 20 lo0 two his crime in orderIcr ito maintain respect lor three stages lo go. bird.” plishm ‘cnt.s with the Reds,, Philadelphia P: counts of failingfai to report incomc. HcHe ad- the law and as a d di-'tcncnt to oihers wim Eric Breukink olof thc Netherlands Rose, banned from baselaseball lasl Aug. 24 philUclies and M ontreal Expos, calcalling him a mitted he: hid h S354.968 in incomc: froni m ight consider cheating elie on their laxes,",!- ‘ snuek pa.st 1988 charhampion Pedro Dclga- • for gambling while mamlanaging the Reds, -‘livining legend" and "the idol oof f m illions,’’ m em orabiliailia sales, autograph appcarnirnnccs Spiegel said. do into third whenI hchi camc in sccond in ...... -±c-18th-of-21.stage:iges..Oiimni_Bugfio_pf____ Italy won in a sprintrint finish with 147 of thc rem aining 157 cyicyclists, Nofmaim7UpstiaiirAlleiMl-—I:—<§ Bugno crossed inin 5 hours, 41 minutc.sj Steinbrem ner cIlaimsj 33 seconds, avcragi•aging a leisurely 2 2 ' ------— niph:------LeMond was placilaced 32nd while Chi- nsharerBSritislrC^peirtex appucci was just thrcc thr slots ahead, but.., H i ee’s p e r ^3ctly innnocent both finished 19 sccoiiconds behind Bugno, The A ssociated Press T he AssO'ssociatcd Press m unching on a .sanesandwich, he .spoke at a hotel suite on ParkPark Avenue, aboul 10 Idaho State SerSeniors Golf ST. ANDREWS, Scotliotland — It could >■ NCWV ^YORK — George Steinhreirenner blocks from Vincencent's office. Around only happen here, al therO 01 ld Course, Association platlans tourney lg and him were newspapipapers with screaming Only here, on thc famoinous double greens -still insisisisls he did nothing wrong L*s Com m issioner Fay Vii/inccnt headlines — "Bos;Joss Still I'cars Spira" JA CK PO T — Thc’he Idaho State Seniors that frequently covcr moimore than an acre, believes vith an and such. Golf Association wilwill conduct its annual can a golfer producc thc; long-rangelo pulling / - , will agrct•ree iflie looks at his ease wii T h e transcriptss ststiowed an uiisynipa- Jackpot toumamenlicnt July 25, s;iid heroics Michacl Allen maimanaged on Thurs- 3 unbiased:ed eye. iVC had a fair hearing, if theic fads thctic Vincent grilli;rilling Steinbrenner on ; spokesman Bob Skrc(e o f Steinhrenncr’s dealingsI’S wilh “ 1 want to de-fuscfuse this,” he said, "Il’s ; event. A llen, w ho .spent fourr yearsyi on thc Euro- t o “ Ifw c e Win- gotten out of propooponion, it really has." pean circuit before joininining ihc American M t.i.. K arc constcr Howard Spira and Dave haol Allon puttod brilllan he said. "Nobodydy likes going tlirough TVvin Falls golfi)Ifer records tour as a 31-year-old rookie roc this season. r have a fii York Yainbrenner presented his side: ai day anything like ttiis," was tied with Greg Normarman at 6 -under par irsday. 2nd hole-in-ontme of carcer d o n ’t beiiranscripts of his hearing withth Vin- "At firsl, the conconimi.ssioner requested 6 6 . Niclick Faldo played a ground ba public, thal all of us not,)t comment.ci I gol clob- I TWIN FALLS — Twin Fulls golfing But Alien wasn’t alontlone as g o lf turned yard bbump and run with an 8 -ir Bul !)n till July 5-6 w erc m ade pi is expecti:d in a sport shin and slack; : veteran Wally Younjiung scorcd the sccond into a ground game onn thistl ccnturies-old out, downd< and'uplhe"slopcs of :ks and pioase'seoiSTEINBRENNER/BG Sl r hole-in-onc of his amateuran: golfing carccr course stretching along the coa-st o f Fife. Please see' nounce w r at Twin Falls Munieiilicipal golf coursc. APL««p»0O > Young converted:d hisli five-iron tcc shot gam bler on thc par three, 172-72-yard hole. lantly field. Burleyr ^m atei;ur will I Stcinbrtronger field thilis year ball, a 40-45 after tran Kctchum’s Boaloardbin plans By L a n y H ovey A familiar nar igo rctums as Ken roundout o a solid field of veterans, S-iron, in and Timcs-News writer ■ Cromwell of 0(; the Magic Valley challi ihould be Twin Falls' Jasuii I to hold skateboboard contcst , ofthe Valley ' Drcs.scd : illcnging those vclenms .shou Amateur title sev ing inlo back prob- Meyerhrhoeffer, a fonner state ctianilianipion. and Scotl i-rling. i KETCHUM —- The Boardbin of BURLEY — A lypicall)ally strong cham pionship fii]lighl will lems. will head.e tl O P E N /B 6 I______:nl. both :ollegecol players, I Ketchum is sponsorisoring a street skate- mark a resurgcnce of thc Burley Amateur Golf' Touma-1 Hopes for a lo ith Glenn Blakeley e feel il will be a good touni;)umamcnl. T he course is in I board competition. SaturdaySa from 11 a.m. ment this weekend. and Tcny Spack im pions, and M ike good condition." says Tracyacy Fnuik, assistant prol'es- [ to 2 p.m. Tlie annual affair, slatedIted Saturday and Sunday at Burley Ceriello Jr. boast st I. Municipal Golf Coursc,:, slshould sec thc field retutrim to thc Twin Falls’ Jii Slate amateur after ; field will be fiighted by handicaphan and all fiighls will i ; The competitionin will be on Fourth 2 0 0 -m an area after a dipp laslla year. the first roundlamcT'from 1: a few years agoakes Country Club ^lie f id in gross only, ! ; Street in Kclchum nextnc to Desperados. But although the total[al num ber o f players w ass off■ last mates Chic CultOgden, Utah, w ho w on' headthi up ihe Twin July, there has been veryi:ry little letdow n either wayay in the Falls’ delegation.several times before running Socia:ial highlight w ill be a barbccrbecue al the cliiblioiisc fol- ‘ ' Registration is Itat 10I a.m. and everyone champion-ship fiight. Jackpot’s LyniJ the oul-of-siate contingent,i:'s Scott Holloway lowingg play Salurday. I is invited to partici[icipale. Prizes will be local tillist again ride with • ' awarded. ickman, bolh former champ > . C oippilcd iromm StafTs and w ire reports wly-reiest!tated Toeyly Collies Jim Purves, who led the sla Gooodwill Gaames get j la.st week, and Blue Lake utter and D ave Driscoll hci on. 1 start ovei;r agate ime Miami j: QU undeiir way, midniis starjynn Reiersgord and Boise's>ciated Press m ade the Pro Bowl.owl. His best clianeeee tot> make the Dolphins ap- Thc A ssociated Press3 .stars; such ! as Mary Slancy ant Watchingig him piay, cr lliis pears to be as a receiverri out of the b;iek- ■ Reypo9 olds will be missing, nioi Collins, reinstated eariier suspen- field, Troy Slradfoidford, who filled lhat tole you se e9 a£ balloon bEMTLE — Thele Goodwill( Games top foreign f< names like pole' N e w/ the NFL after a tw o-year su that’s beeren blown up begin Friday, slightlylly off track but in Sergei;ci B ubka o f tlic Soviet Unio iwo-timc drug violator, has^ ffinally ihe past three scasi;casons, is coming ofl' knee surgery and is unsi{ thc‘.swim. Stevec Cram of Britain and mid cam lhat will try him out. insignecl. to th e bursirsting point r starter Collins, who appappeared to be in good toii- While many ofthc1C \world’s top track tancce champion Said Aouita of wiiliI-year-old Collins, a fonner; and sudde:lenly iet go, and field stars arer p.passing up these co, w England, agreed to a oneme-year dition, participatedited in the team's 12-m im ite and the ailair escap es, games, thc U,S. swimim teami was told to Swirvimming, volleyball and ^ The A ssoeiasviiii liic M iam i D olphins anand be- nm in the momiiiming and covered the ic- point tow.ird thc Good\lodwill G am es :is its tics all al were scheduled for Fricmd Bulch :outs Thursday. quircd distance, making it do 'those Olher_leaim:-told. hiin-llicy------big meet of the year. first co f 17 days o f compclitioiilong w ith 'I'ony .;ill_b^jiidgecl_..on_a._‘iay-.b: Cc '.by-day, llc said five oil: loony circlrcies until it 'rh at m eans Americaiican swimmers such' cvcntiIts. Track and'ficld'b'eginsle oi v.iullcr • month by•week th basis,'" coach Don1 Simla weren't intcreslediled after he was allowed r fails to ejearth limp as Malt Biondi, TomDm Jagcr and Jarict day., when\ opening ceremonieslion, miler e made a decision to give himli an back in the league.-ue July 11, Evans, headliners at al the 1988 Seoul licldalat Musky Stadium, niddle-dis- found a teanlily based on his accomplislishnicm.s -O n ly • three I,r team s show ed any iii- and exh(hausted. er in thc National Football Lc Olympics, will be in lop form w hen Bioiondi, winner of seven meo f M oroc- The 31-yc tcrosl in mc, soj coeoaeh Shula tias given mc wilh New 1 their sport gets the gar;i;ar;ics rolling. five goldg — at Seoul, and Jagcr, e fulfills all our requiremen ’ to play when a lot of other :)pponunily to com pete for'’-I a nosi'’ "Tliis is our peak; meet,”nn said Evans, and goldg mcdalisl two years I gymnas- contraci wil ' ■ people wouldn’t,"’t," :said Collins, who said hc ; 999 liirteam .” w inner o f three goldJ mmedals in distance been1 the lop two freestyle spriMday, the workou w as "close to dealdeath" during his boul with : —Columnist c Tony cvcnls. at Seoul. "We'Vc've been training the wv. orld for more than fouilion in 21 “ H e,ws in rushed for 4,647 yardsds and drugs. “He's stuckuck his neck out for me and I ^ ______Kornhnheiseron John for it sincc M arch." ■ ______Evansns is the premier longer; on ' Satur- wcck-by-wt:6| P.ISSL-S in vcvf-n yninN wi At uie same nine.lie, Am erican track racerT ini thc world. cs wilt be «aid. "WeH isr bcsl season w as 1983 wl.vhen he ofT. I’m here IcVI.V pprove to everyone in this M chnroe opportunily or 1,049 yards on 219 carritries and Teague that 1 cann stillsl play.' medals — as a player i er. a silver =‘nd if he f ago. have has. thc opp prim ers in tion on o u n bur years, Collins i :r distance cam-hi 2(^\ Patriots. Hi: _____ 1 rushed for 'ii, l

B-6 Tlmos-Nows. Twin FallFall3. Idaho Fridoy. Juty 2 0 ,11990 9 Fired coaach plans; ito begin diirug treatnnent R ippken staars, Oritiol^ bea^ S o x i CLEVELAND (AP)I — Cleveland elliical beha:havior." tthe last three or four montrlhs. He li>d BALTIMCMORE (AP) — Cal Rip->- ! to tell more lies." , Slalc fired basketball cccoach Kevin Mackeyy didd nol attend Tliursday’s t L . . ken tied at major-lcaguctr record withh innotcnt to Mackcy on Tliursday,, anda he will- news confcifcrencc. On Tuesday, her Mackcy has pleaded ii lonsccutivc errorless gamc.c soon begin ircatm ent fo foi r d m g and ' said h e hasIS been,f living a double life,, c driving w hile into.xicated.d. consump-.. . shortston3p and drove in two runsIS ' otor vehicle „ -.t, „ r- ,*• alcohol abuse at a Hou;'ouston center one as a family fi man and popular• t tion of alcohol in a mot^ ^ with a Iirrfl-ii:l-inning double ns the Bul-I- in Luca.s. co.ich, thc oi I and violation of thc openc conu.,ncr run by N BA player John I : olhcr as a m an addictcd to c 'rioles beat thc Chicago0 :d last Friday alcohol andid drugs. c ordinance. Muckcy was arrested I A White Sox[ 4-4^1 Tliursday night, as he und a woman drove)ve aw ay from Mc wass arrested a wilh n 36-ycar- Mackcy last week hnd s was only thc sccond for)r - r ' a reputed dmg house.. A urinalysi.s old woman,in, Alma Massey, who has; r new two-year contract w r b l s c n its last 14 road games.>. ^ 3 ^ ) ' I- ,-m revealed Mackcy was dniinink nnd that a history of soliciting, ■ police said. ssalaries of 585,000 and"■‘.f.o.™ ?: S "X .c"s: Sox won six of tlicir first voiJcd, .^d it lie had cocaine in his systckery of standards ppf f moral and “.seemed tos ;o start to get o ut o f hand inI f Muczyk said. - I since Aprilil 13, matched Kevin El- . stef’s stringig of successive games at1 ' - shortstop wilwitliout an iniscue. Elsler Judge alJillows CellItics to br€•eak contr*' set thc markrk with thc Mels frohi July W S t f 1: r , 1988 to Mayay 1989. BOSTON (AP) — A jjudge gave David Mazz izzonc’s mling boiring himI Volk ^ said. “However, wi snapped a 1-for-ll slump lite B oston Ccltics permission from playinying for. anyone but thc; unfortunate t it has come ti w ): R ip k '" p ' , w ith the scor;ore tied I-l.in thc first in-,1- ...... Thursday lo break guard gu Brian Ccltics throirough'tlic 1993-94 scoson arc b hoping for an amiablelere.olUlion „|„g his two-run, oppositc-fieldd I------^— Shaw’s contract with anin 1Italian bas- and an appippcals court decision up- toi this situation." double offT Adom Peterson (0-2). APUMtptKHs * kelball team and imposedscd a S5,000- holding it. Thc Celtics had no ). Ballimorc's,’s other two runs camc on a-day fine on Shnw ifhche doesn’t do On Thursursday, Mozzonc granted ccomment on whether ^ Yankoos' 2nd basominan Stovo Sax can’t hancandlo lino drivo. the letter j,y’ p:Phil Bradley and Mickey il him self the Celtics’:s’ motion that they be al- vwould be sent, but Laur CntToll, Tettlcton Mctrodome,le, jalldwcd eight hits in 7 . Shaw’s two-year contnntract with II lowed to servesc as S h a w ’s agent in. S Shaw’s ottomcy,..said s:she under- chieaRo's i’s only run ofT Mitchcll 3 a g u e 1-3 innings. Mcssaggcro, which hass oone year to notifying IIIII Mess^aggcro that the Ital- sstood thc team would takece thot step. s 11 American Lei 1^-. . u ■ • a first-inning double by , After givinivmg up a run m the sec- - m n. allow s him to rescindind it between ion contractact be ‘‘rescinded. He also Shc also said Shaw haclad a dav to ?, y - — ------ituro. y blanked thc Twins on June 20 and July 20.. IiIn January, m lcd that Shaw Sl be fined S5,000 for' d decide his next step befonS the fines R°bmVcntu, glc to Mike Grcenwcll. ond, L c^ I 1 thc next 5 1-3 innings be- - Shaw signed a five-year,:ar, S6.2 mil- ' contempt fofor cach day after Friday tbegin, Shc said he p With one out in the DetroitDi sixth, five hits in thc : relieved by Grcg Cadaret ’ ' lion deal with Jhc Ccltics.ics. for whom that he doesn't do< comply with the vwould be in compliancc ^w T - h S ' n g c r . l . RR ed Sox 0 Trammell renchcd firstI \with W in- fore bemg rei crs at first and third with he played as a rookie in11988-89. IS origina! dcciccision. dd ay’s decision by sendin;ing a letter, DETROITIT (AP) — JcfT Robinsonn field single, his third hit: ofthe0 gamc. with mmiere thc eighth, He hasn’t rescindedd Ithe Itolian '.‘We arcc pleasedp with the judge’s t:then deciding to play forr tthc Ccltics pitched a twcwo-hittcr for eight inningss With Sheets at the plplale. Tram- one out m the forccd a double-play contract despite Federalral Judge A. action,” Celt'citics general manager Jan co r for no one. and L arry Sheets’ S' sixth-inning sin-,- mcll broke for sccond,, and Sheets Cadaret f< glc scorcd1 AlanJ Trammell all thec grounded thc ball througugh the hole grounder bebefbre Dove Righetti ' im Nachring. pitched thele rninlh, his 499th carecr ' i r k n '''first base, lifting Detroitit vacatcd by shortstop Tin: Manley n. Trammell never slowed:d down ond appco^cee, and earned his 2 0 th ' R obinsonn (7-7), who struck outIt easily beat ccnter fidelder Kevin save m 2212 opportunities.< The ap- The Baltimore Sun w on’t knockick m e out.” The Winnipeg Blue Bombers B< of four and wawalked five, lowered hiss R om ine’s throw . pearancc moved mo’ Righetti post Holl : M anley,, \who was suspended last the tl C FL pul him on theirr nnegotiating earned runn average from 5.67 to of Fomcr WhWhitcy Ford to first place , Dexter Manley is dowr)wn,-but he’s-N ov. 18-forbr a minimum of one year lisl li this-weeki-bul the-CfGFL- honors -5r25-with eight ci innings-of shutout--t_. Jfankeesi, Twins 1. ...------on-the-Y-aakialcccs’-aJI-timc-.lisL-fot—____ not out. and had askisked Togliabuc to lift his N h FL contracts and he’s ninot eligible pitching, MINNEAPOLIS (AP)P) — Tim pitching.appei Thc Washington Rcdsk:Iskins' defen- suspensionn cearly, took the blame for to ti sign w ith them as loilong as thc Robinsonn outdueled Grcg Harriss Leary snapped an cight-g-game losing In the fifth,ilh, Yankees rookie Oscar sivc lineman, who foundind out Tues- his plight. RedskinsP have him underr cconiract. (7-4), w ho} allowedi eight hits andJ streak and N ew Y ork sco::orcdbothof Azocor singleigled and went to third on " day that National FootbiJtball League "It's partirt o f the w reckage o f my M anley’s agent. Bob WcVoolf, plans pilchcd thcc isecond complete gamc; its mns on a fifth-innin,ing error by “ single by3y Roberto Kelly. Deion 7 Commissioner Paul Toglitgliabue won’t past,” he said.sai “I know I causcd my to K contact Tagliabue next;t w eek, and o f his careerc rin i 61 starts, Minnesota shortstop Grcgeg Gagtic. Sanders thencn drewc a walk to load thc . lift his dmg suspension1 bibeforc Nov. own problcnIcms. I did n ’t have to wind Manley N hopes that somethithing can be Tlie onlyy hits Robinson allowedi Leary (4-12), who hadn’t h. won b»scs, and1 AsAzocar and Kelly scorcd , 18, com m ented on his latilatest sctback up in this situalion.siti It gives mc relief worked w oul. were a first-rst-inning single to Tom1 since May 23 when he h( beat thc when Stevevc Sax’s grounder went for thc first tim e T liursdayiay . lhat I ’m abiible to look myself in thc “I'm shooting for CaiCanada," he Bmnansky’ andai a fourth-inning sin-- T w ins 12-0 on a fo^ur-hi-hitter in thc through Gagmag n e’s legs for an error. •i'm extremely frustiustrated.” he mirror andd say,s 'Yes, I’m the cause said. s; “What’s son of dislisnirbing is said in a telephone interilcrvicw from o fit. I did it.it.;," that tl this is lhe land o f frcreedom and __ ^ Houslon where he's doin^ling volunteer Bul Manicnley was disappointed thal opportunity. o I ihink I papaid a dear I f | | work in a drug clinic.. "“I was jusl the NFL’ss pposition is lhat he can't pricc p und 1 don’t undcrsirstand Ivaw v-*-ne wins} 6th strjaight fo])r Mets sick. But I have lo find a \w ay to pull pluy in tlthe Canadian Football someone si can take my livelihood myself up by the bootsiDtstraps. You League beca:cause he’s still under con- aw a ay. I w ant.people to be bi fair and . NEW YOIORK (AP) — The Shea scored twicc/icc as the Philadelphia might knock mc down,kvn, but you Iract to thc2 RRedskins. give g m e m y rights,’ Stadium slcaicambalh was no sweat forr National Lea»ague Phillies snajsnapped the Cincinnati David C oncic T1 hursday night, — Reds’ four-gai•-game winning strcak 5-2. I “I like Ihcic hotI weather,” Cone said1 John Franco gol the laslast four outs Daullon hithit a solo home mn in the after winninging his sixth straight game; for his 20lh save in 23 op(ipportunities. first inning,lg, driving a Jack A rm - w ith a 6-2 dcdecision over lhe AtlantaJ “niai's another big difTcrencc," d strong pitch:h ovo' er thc i^ight field w all, ’ Scoress a n d ste:ats Braves. “WhVhen I had a good mn in1 'Cone. said. '‘My last fewew wins the added a tripleripic in the Phillies' two- — — 7 1988, it was'as during a heal spell in1 1bullpen has come in andnd saved the run fifth inninining and an eighth-inning TUERSI.REESOXQ Jciualb J100 C4r«nd 33 0 11 SffiSHMvUS DOSTCN CnROT CiCreti: 1 0 0 0 EV>»id 11111 tJrem Oartj, IrtUtl July." gam e for m c.” single. 3 I J J EliWu 44 0 1 J IcT'Klt.US J4-37-71 T he gamTie e sla rle d in 91-d e g re e The Mets relumed fromim a 6-6 road Pot Comlbs bs (6-7) allowed 11 hits •6 rna T>cr>«su 4 0 0 0 Mn«iic 73 0 10 Dl»«UcCtbw.US - trip and have now won i Doj?* MoVviViu.li 3 30 0 0 ■omne 40 i 0 iinj*re 2 j 0 0 0 An>rto^,US temperatureses wilh very humid con- 1 1 16 of their in seven^plusilus innings beforc Roger 3 0 0 0 4 40 0 0 IKmeip JOOO Cnp 1 0 0 0 39-35-71 ditions. Bulil ■Cone looked as hot ass lastI 18 home games. OvDvcrall, they McDowcll. pitchcdpil thc last two for JOOO trirrVu 4 41 JO 01k0«{p(40I0 ---—« «Oft----»«1« p OOOC-" • ttaftnotOftjn jnrlrl the July wcateather.wilh a sizzling fast-- iare 30-14 at Shea Stadiumtm, . . ' his 14th save,vc ani d first since June 2. (V I - Itt\ ('* 3 0 0 0 B«7rr>1» 3 30 10 I'»>»J;^ 10 0 0 lrr,W«ir«,US 39 35-71 ball that heilelped him reach double; “ It w as a long trip wilvilh the All- Daulton’s's homeh mn, his fourth of ' Doer » 41 M 3 0 0 0 TcMi m ? J TcMi »3t a a S ____ ~ . \ ] Star hrciik in the middle." H firrdson__ihcL-ycar. w as i Oraum « « «S 0 «l « « t!3J* I * Bairud 3 0 0 o' l»rx)t'tf 3 3o: 0 AMi M 00} CCU-J fr«]C04ln.US 3! 39-71 straight gamem c. Isaid. “ It w as good ju st to3 getj back.” strong in .24 124 innings this year.Arm- . n &« NrfriOW J «00 30 ) 10 HwYBt JM 010 C3<-4 D;y*,C«n),li " o t i n fl*' 3 two-mn homer. “He’s al-. 3) on Gregg Jefferies’ RBI R double ^ ® taen MJCOO P H R ER DO SO D»«C«t>.US 39-34-73 w ays toughh iand even tougher with1 Jand Mark Carreon’s mn-si-scoring sin- C ardinalslls 8,f Padres 3 Atvti •manu SunOi, » JJ al „5 M l. OCO 00101 Cd-I litrML>3 J 4 3. 3 4 J Djy«froU.Sa*A*rj men on ba.se.se. We knew coming it wc; 1 glc to third base, UIS (AP) — Todd Zcile 5«8. il 4S 5tl 11 i "Il was nice to get oul CMlmi 4$ il m^ 12 OP-OoiKrJ IMV-toEre.CKeolJM a KirM J 7 3.731 7 JjmMS»ra.lVt>r 37-35-73 wcren i goinjling to scorc a lot o f runs Pendleton hit home runs NnYort PiUCorr.Sw lead and give C onc a bre;realher.■ 'Jef- a„fie!5fe fJJ P M RIRtDl SQ SO Ccn«W,M I 7 3 0 J7 7 3 11 kUMllVn),Sout in the ljb04r«ICllrdi>M 0 0 0 T-74Ji-J3{Ia tljfnun, Qrtjr Padrcs 8-3. 17, third'in lhe Nutional1 i fifth, moved to sccondI on a w.ld home mn. his team- ; IUb-cn4.CrKigo1 CMo'Sl rj 0 0 0 KMIonUS 3137I 72 Vrt4». fru, fcrt, JSazrd,m . C«A£t«i 39'34lj2 “ Som etimmes e he doesn't know how ■ ^ c i S r ' c ^uz i r in 1976. Pendleton’s MDMU 4 0 10 CoteTwf < 4 1 1 0 ikf>wan«K,^>u CkMr (Cldura 13J nJ J-4)« Kimj 39-39I 72 •idented he: is,”i; Manager Bud Har-. ' base umpire Fred Brockl:klander and : sixth, was only thc third ^ rd 4{).4 K » n w I. Pa 00 TCr»'''‘ Oio oi**iu 4 17 0 ll«Mal Itarwxd. Aci»3iL> " Pettu^^ 53 35. I aOJ - tYV*T«3B40 10 lfcO*»cJ 44 17 3 Jqr*iUrt3.U5 j5-37-;7 relson .said,"I.-“ “ He is thought o f as be-. I left thc game in thc seveventhinmng by a Cardinal]nal hitter i n '14 games. Ou93(>^»?|il!l*tr<7i(lUK>j4«)515J4 ii tk-nn 51 3» !!SM 1< .MSait lb 3 0 10 Cuwwlb 44 17 1 CJTt FV)». Safli Mica : with a neck injury. 50 41 549 54 41 S«min1b 0 0 0 0 Cdhnib COOOO Wrrra SoCiiUa jj-jslj? r the best pitchcrs by the ’ Nn (UPort Ml «>bTw:(i(«nMn : 44 44 500 I » XJn»l 3100 W.C 44 3 7 1 ftooar C^Kr^«n, Drtan 34-39-72 players arounlund the league." “ I w asn’t very sharp wi»i,h n,y eon- oruee Hurilurst (5-8), who served up ; i:i eolpn CfKtga 40 53 435 - 15 Tnteiu * 1 I 1 •4 112 ft»,™n>jn3^US . trol tonight,” Leibrandt J.J) •! (0«o 4.r), 6 JJ SUcu. J« iJ PararIC 4 111 A 33 0 0 0 llilZ ’u Cone wa.,IS breezingt along with ] , sa,d. My ,jo,h |,„n,ee rruns, had beaten Sl. , Airacd 4 0 7 1 UT>rvrf 44 0 0 0 P<4 3 3 110 JitlSU^US average. But I'm kcepinj;ng us in the (EtWl M)«(UKCTM 7. S1. CrcmiS “T 54 37■ i636 - P^ct. 1 0 0 0 t4«Wap COOOO ftrfrinxr. 4/g 39-3j l 73 homer withh twot out in the sixtU^n- * eJSpn 544 a Stf>Mp OOOO OPne cOOOO MCtoKAUS 39-36-73 ning. It w ass MN urphy’s 15th hom er o f I gam e." Ito* (C*\fliu»3*fiOi« - Dn Durun nmr 39:37-73 W infield. by Kevin Elster. . . . , ler Joe Carte:arter walked and Garry I'hW Ri»S»*irM5,CraraaI 'S».U^ ■ ...... «t 'oMOCO jco-j DcetuM.u:; ■ - ■ ■■ The victory moved theeMe.HWith- ! „ Zmlncl J 0 0 Q 4 0« t ( ® MtwTcrtlAijruJ Oom 09 1 1 I-«lU»^IW*i ....“ I’m on a a good roll,” Cone said, 1 tripled--to ..stmt San ' SuS) '4011 UiUr* 3011 Sl lon a, Sm C>>0D 3 - I ACHnMktx 35-3a-7j “ That 1-4 record rci looks like a Tong, !in iVj games of first-placece Pittsburgh Dl vcnth. k-.-W'6 4 0 7 0 40nnn Jl 0»j e»r« K»a»»3 C-AiMn, Tv-iMri. OSnCi DP-3P- Zm; D>ip> PiM foM, **5) HtlasU’(t)iran3vn3-l|,0J5 JnOrrti 1 9 0) 09 0 1 SMrtCmAutnU SUuH TonVMcd.US Ill Opeien_____ ' $». yiHxr Ul B a leu»>a«Ut'J|. a« U*7mW,S.17 « 7 3 3 1 4 VVrr C 4«At uiTw»i 'oio 'wa 'oa^ Hmttjm 1 2J 1 0I 0 1 1 PMlKMr,iytMt J9J5-7J _ Cjgr. IOIW44- DProai 1 1,J 0 0 0 0 J DW Oarw, Dnm 37-39-7J C onlinuecji fromfr B5 imy target,” Norman, the; 1986I O pen O f his .shothot on thc final hole, Fal- WMIiT.iuiS rO-lljrj* SO—iUiRJJ PHUJtSMIMI ^ ^ [*J»317 «i »• Tn7n Myw Im, iVtx :iNCINHAT1 WP-4ivw« 3907-73 o f Sin and1 inlo ir the cup for an 18lhI ‘ cham pions, .said. ” I figured fij that do said, “ThcThc ball bounced left to P K Rtnco X l>T(we-»ll#|T« UT<)Kra.US 3M 9I n hole eagle-2. “ ^ 0,US»d i 1 JO Bititrtl S SMCk/^sv Kaltii 34^40-74 N orm an 2-putted2-| from well off thc: t touch with the lead, then up thec slslope, bounced about a i| c ! ^ ^ JJ 0 Q 0 0° ( O DaAKC S 7 J J UU>U 55 0 3 1 U^UartnScM' lol an unu.sual occurencer Faldo, who has won theth last tw o fool in the aair i r and ; disappeared.” » 0 iwi.'i- 4 0 11 S^36 S DnUW»4rs,&t>n 3!'” ~74 U>n^ Da** » I 0 1 0 CDm» ci 4 3707-74 on n course'Ve'w here iherc’s little defi-- ! Masters and was an ovcvcnvhelming J ‘ CU»fjl 2 0 0 0 Dia 4:; I: British Ope3 e i l 35o»l74 ways end 'unand the rough begins —- 1 his Inst-hole eagle to finislish at 67 — quite .so go<^.3<^. He got his third shot • "n'J. 7>«,„ 50 11 » » c 3 ' Dm] Jtrm, btin 31-31-74 for a birdie: on01 18. ; a shot behind the co-lcadeiJers. into thc Roadoad Bunker, tliat dreaded CxUtUM OtnnXi 4 0 0 0 lOtmiA 11 0 0 0 ST ANCAEW3, SaM W - C<«MC<«]i tant Uatt Udttt. Srtit>n w . ifcCcT. fra. S»c- Ccrt«p 4 0 0 0 JRi»3c 00000 THnlar 4rj.a»i RlUW» 0 0 0 0 Mr«np . 1 1 0 0 0 1l0M)te>nC««<^craPtErahp|lrrip|lrr<^cnr» Mi CUoTt. CttMi 18lh, did not make a bo- “ I had it going at the flaFlag more of- to play away'ay from thc hole. From a (XrcirifJ7 0 0 0 0 S,-03}'T>0,P»'^0UCan«|Mra>MrWM) »OraPiltn.U5 Qnup 00 0 0 0 lbf>MlM«\US 33 3aoa-74 gi-T “nd didid nol have a "5” on his; t ten llian not and then I goiJOI that good share of thehe 1lead, he made double Ot!)OirS4.1iWfTEJOX1 1 0 0 0 Cngtormcv^om** 343<,3J —66 Mo' 36oa-74 card in his 666 6 . Ibreak on 18,” Faldo said.ll. "Obvious- bogey nndI droppeddn buck inlo a tic OtCAOO 0M.T1U0RI OOOO »fcir^(Vt>n 3503-67 35 ;;»»»>«'0»r<0^-'‘‘ra*l. L»'ii K'-aoTn m l 1 iinWoo«r«n,bT» 3«14-ea H 0 »gPoi«aUS l|:ii Steii 4 0 0 0 ] ]1 J0 ®I lOO-ni»K^ II, Oxme 10 JU-JU-C*w. Pom. D«ai' 3503-aa 35 BoaCM-r-cnl£rtjr inbreniierr______r»lt 4 0 t 0 iKMllK 4 '111 ' ' irtjr 30-0xk«v Ill-tWUkr |*)*) 1 ' CM«itCrC:i(iE).0«4kn|1) S-Airrsmrs ' 33-35-6J33 CJWlFrtractvJaeMia 4104I 75 C o n tin u e d 1fr from 8 5 sioncr is free to hold arany type of witli mc,” SteiSteinbrcnner said. igs<1£ JOOO 'JO; HI n- •» H R EBER DO 90 l*Ti»*«,US 34-35-at 34 Kame>TMM,^u^ i*»w;9 3 0 10 0 0 0 1 D«rrl4XCiradi . 34.35-69 34 PiUWr;.IHar 37o i l 7s bercd by tryirying to abide by what I1 hearing 1 he w ants." Tlicre hasIS beenb speculation Stcin- CcrtnVthl I 1! 7 7 1 4 OqTira.HMZMard 3504-6( 35 MIUMM.SaiCir»Trt ->001f *5 ■ &»i»a • kUtUcOrtw.US 35J4-69 3} 3MiIj5 ’■■ can:an certainly lalk about1 • S tcinbrcnncr said hin lulawyers still -sion in courtirt He1 did not say whether TOM 31 1 ; 1 TcM 7»*i‘* ’ * Arr»tngUI-5 « J J J3:3. OinwltmrdUS 34-36-JO 34 ,Rx»*i*.Ca'.-««,A.'3 35-40-75 w hal’s publi(blic. 1 haven't said any-. wanted ' to present at leas:ast 20 m ore tljat was true,uc. 3 1 1 »»*.Pii.,U5 34.3J-I0 34 P*«HidC»yvC.«» OiCMJi ICO 000 00&- 0 1 0 DcrPoolrr.US 34 34 36-J9 0«i)«3i.US 3101-7S ‘^ "" 8 ot>OUt Itil the commissioner." witnesses ' to Vincent, altalthough tlic DaDrM ‘ 301 000 Ka- ^ < ’ • •’ ADt(rSacii»w, 0>mrt 3505-79 35 UftriM«i.EM3x 37.3»-7a Stcinbrcnninner insisted he did nol; hearing I phase might be done al- H C-fWtjWoP-OM,?: I, n-rcr. J Urt»»»-»i3n, U*«tTy. fW. OMiiTvSc- r^ UUItMUl 35-35-J9 35 Bt*0«1~,M»«ZMlrt lI»-O(c»80 6.!W&-ot« .'&-V«r»x».Cn4icn*)- iiT!.cia*jcMrrt.>vair» HOPna,nrMiM 3a-3«-79 3a W»r»C Pl>j«.Sa^'Art» leak the 372-]'2-page transcript and .said[ ready. • He said he d id nol l*rl «1-PUofc, (4), TcOrt>^ 111) ^ T-J43 Ua^ffUwi,U3 3333'37-ro UvtUaiXMw 3t-ja-79 he hlid “ no id'idea” w ho did, talk t with Vincent, who is 1 f> H R □) CO X UURalUS Ja3a'3(-70. »YmnCuK;nTac,iw lu iis . I O*aoo • JCTjtowvn: 35-35-70 jl^io-n “The. com[nmissioner n .says our pe6-, mer t home in Harwich Port,Pi Mass., | P«»wL»3 e 5 4 4 3 . > AH>WTA HEWiJEW YORK 35-35-70 35 RuiMlVW.tMx 37.49-77 pie did,” hele .said. “No w ay did we; reviewing • the matter with wi deputy | oU l »* SELL » TRADE IWBisa* . . 34,31—70 34 PaJl)Cra.ffa>< u4j«i«wj: e jj 7 1 1 j j Mr^e>l naar>Rite!r,0»4 [UioaSJOOO lUgaSilS _1 1 J 0 0 UiB»nUid«»bl-__3839-34-70 RrfarieoJt&<»i ja^jo-?!' 1 niling-is is- || »>fV7>ji.u DammmlUCcn »l l>t7>r.-.n ■ Km~C..-' Cer^Pslra .MJanaa 5.*3 HAM »iWSS 105SI5 rtnCCMT CO Twin Falls AiVMWi CanUwi Un'i9d&iriteodifam ttr4»S«n u> OAK>Hrai rm Wl eigriCalafi * Frnw.W II • J l5 as Kan DtfatK M't U? OnjUxn rdin* ■ 4<<1 waxMM 3J 9 XJ !5 ■ f.xi^iaxr.?! DmIrrVHt <0 I iX J Ti Ra*>Rsct«l • IVDocB irrAit I 10 u< »o DcCCiefi TTjfM: , cm ItetiAfB OM W ' MarU* 2 t JCO 7 0 nnrcjck R*«)j llran 5 IJ « 9S J 5 538 IoMTi*rt ITOC 0 RorMWacn .CodBcCMWcmanln l0laiQ uaA ianpa . lUanrl-Nui U9i Cmm>i 0 9 001100 l^ I» jtt irANtt MI Uaa^Cli^kMtemAr• An CanlV* « '• xe liO0 UvfrM WfMStlr PUrCR TtW TU A'.TIUCt S»>«vO»*in « ts .SB 1J52S CkjaMn Jkn-.Sv' S71 PlArtH ICAli KWCRIKS UOaySram SJ^VtUn E>? . 5C jarrrrCota • M5 U»a5^ . RoiCM>Mk 4 QcRMViOig DatnCUH Dan SCO KnnC>t.^'-x — U) S M U Qaliaanjjianjjrm J nrw«{rUaaan INWMOI 50) II CKOonw Utvtar 5U Cv>Tr<«u« laniJ.'M J !>^T«. iaela«Pc*» Cc^So^Ai :^;':;v :a-::;: PWVIH ' ftAU ' KDur Jcrra»»rS««' Dcrt 0 ,li* • r«rw,NS -• CM LrnFbM LLrxnit t's MUAa, OalMMJv Slg>iCM 4.'9 n>JJ u ,0 Tnrt!»)« T7 sji uvwiKrmTtaSt 1 SMrrlrra* Sl(SIgitlCjan CJ Ka'v;w'» . • jy.,-' '•} '■ - ‘ '•• •tfllWccre rtm^llran M3 DugVMM FnnilO tlOId TTUM: UrMOi Ol (tmlC.-'k■k ’ IrTtud ta SMUpen TC8T 51} OmsMm W^atJttiT'H m 400 Cjo'I •' CirvllAm IteiSlun W515 TTAJ^a: Maajua SaitfiOawi 001 PillUnte Fanairo STet TVnSdwt* Jnttif r,*‘,,cf.vr.r rvTWtKo ii4 TtW WNS LOMt.»J£3 PEBCDT C8 . ANOY Am-HZmo TVn— 5aaU/«1«S CKmOrrvi;! SM KO 00 CsadScAilto<-|t>l11> LaV'* S23X Cau Ov.i MO^ Uwl Ij^UairfcnRm OmIlalCcn 7 2J na 05 Kotsy's playors do notlot savo all thoir finossoso for tho gamo. Horo r«rw-*KB IM PrefWtWi a 3 nt OS PlAYEn , TD tktOu'wl lUrtSlwn .ur2, ^PlATDl TIAU IO e 433 40 O u lI M DarOarW.at»3 ' K3 ono employs a gracofuoful movo tb catch a flyly Iball in warm-ups to ijnjrfrtcr TCCY ■'“ ■ r S & , 9 *00 *0 Carv 3cfiMi»rs« 'Uaclto 731 tho ontortainmont of'toammatos, to right. Ud \1rca hUsi 2 UJ . C«»jD(»»xt TOJT # T»p«T(uarc * 7 »4 45 Mftrt Osrriji'alij Im S«>.i:.thv W O riri l,a 51« CmUTiSn a Kr, 1 « U3 45 0«l4aea«» 5c Ccn,r«J»«> HxfaMn {jyM Dnnl Pdjrl TC3T 7 C anivt t » ICO 70 Mlin«fT*g IWM04 C77 Co«jCA^WciilWcr^'ini • » CMM. ^ LbYrtM VititUan onnmrc lwbjchI* ur ' IVowOnn \‘in«lRU) or Ur Trerz«t TVOkU Laa«uaDaavAMn«a* tKnOorri^i I1AUH cm Oua Rin^linan U} UrM q UMCK (M ft Hdl'—- Hotsy S(sets blisttering TncrD)*:* M3 J AVtRAGE U««nJir»er W VMMlVTd IXmOte^Vi MUX UvfiScArfAMdttnClM^Ji niiw S3« ^ ^lxn«i»,Sf«l 6H ;.->ar,u Ttr,Oirfk< TajtcrTruOrTrucl»^) SCO ■“ rr»r-, V. TtAJI w a lOJKS PCnaKT PfW CD lu llb OsTwltalCctalOn 4» CoadSoMAaapQaaaatoCla*?- UmiAljigaUwtltraftrn GonllW' 17 ] UO 00 PafrWnts Plc»fMXrFa09i 474 CO 30 K ^llrA x Sc«Ma»B•daOarr 45S TIAU MNS; lO^Ms rtnaur ca s».!h-^ii:-Aii:.^ pace inI ‘A’ Leaague riArtR TDJJ lOutfMiJj a 13 7. (M C 40 RaniaRaaca Dmllrf 4J9 lUrwira » J 919 go >Vrjr.r...v.r. 0»y»U! f.™ -m 19p VitrrI"** 13 7 tS3 40 AijtiUna C;AV 400 0>at«crakw 99 J 615 JS s-.v,lwm iMtta r«n«,W) liS lin « * 13 7 UO UO <0 / W <00 SraUrtMAtie 99 4 5M JO By Knreo Irwis IM thUI IS DKdOcrra 9 11 4i0tU 10 u«taWiaxi c«ou? iMCcn 750 CoadSiftXVWtnarfiatfiClaa^DaO^Af.r«B«i is rolling over the Twin Falls Fa M en’s TLUJ w a loscts PwaiiT > Cm)W«n XarCUrt.^latiHol TV A4«tiru!~V-nr ' & ISMaSiir IS < eco 00 3 PlA-tTH lEAU AVIAVtRACC . DraiKli D«twr . Dan Siltvticlan IJJ Thli«Jien SofmlMD•MDari M7 P«iaJc*rr 0«0«T<>ar\»iCrA «S7 OrtilU Euriy in thc season Hots;otsy two TC8T U 8 7CD JO TVOxia iJ 7 WO JO] ll^lUUcMm BirtMinjJXMM 571 JtfrUa* GAV UO OtnlMaiqw D games — one of them a forfeit — k lUar.} 9 11 4M 70 0 CrMDatf; ITIX 5W KastiUXr PniPmViw■Crml 03 QaBltara TrrrrwniVC 417 3JJ Cot»jU;GMCm / ' but.since llicn it has easily;ily r e m a in e d ^ 9 II *u) raa SosShMT RxkCnat J47 DoiScM SoMMOiatoxr, eis WMjU-M »*) undefcaled. Thc closcstI Iclc.im 10 it, Tiiriiier's'Nalional Bank,Ik. has lost only Ihrcc games, but twcIwo o f those L losses havc been to HotHot.sy. Both ■ ■ ■ ■ games w ere callcd in the fiftfth inning after Holsy moved ahead;ad by m o re ^ i I Ihan 15 runs. Holsy is a team of tl:the future. J - / I Tlicy havc m any young playerspin wilh |H / a lot o f talent. "These guys havc m orere italenl Ihan . any team I’ve ever seen in Twin Falls," said Ken Petersen, ( three Hotsy veterans. w A I lot.sy has beaten m any^y o( f the lop j. j teams in lhe state this year,rar. bul it has M yet 10 put it ail logetlier iiin a single j toumameni. r / m Thc state loumamentt cicom ing up in Augusi is w hat thc tearcam is gong ------:— after. be compelilivilive. I’m nol just there for "This bunch has lhe besl3cst opportu- fun times butut to win.- T hese guys are nity we've ever had," saidaid Petersen, all striving fotfor the same thing." "W e’ve beaten thc top leaileams at dif- Fcdcrico reresponded a bit dilTcr- WARBAHTY fercnt times ihis year so0 v w c have a good chance at state." "1 love plaplaying on Hotsy cause 1 Even if H otsy do esn ’l1 com cc e aw ay like l.-iughinglg iat.c.vcryoncJ! ------' p s * "w ith thc'slale“championshnship, ll can Hilling lhclie ball is one o f H otsy’s count this as a building yeayear. ______greatest strenrenmhs. Krumm.^ Victor Holsy ha^ jblaycd iii iTvlive touma-"valdcziTJickck Baumcrt and Federico ments this year, placinglg second: ir are am ong thethe league’s lop hitlers. MAXf^POWER C one and fourth in the oneanolher The ,^aguc; homeh runs. Valdez and n team plays thrce times a w eek for ndson rank in fourth and S T A R T E R S &ft LimiME league and mosl weekendsnds.ltravJs „„|,,„specli>:tively. A L T E R N A T O}RS f WARRWJT] to toum am cnls. . Whal make:kes this team special? Rcmnnufaclurcd. For mmosi domeslic R a n d lx » This paints' a picturc■ o; “T licy've: beenbi in a winning atmo- vehicles. With exclwngiige. lime com m itm cnl and dediicciication. )re. Il’s contagious. They REG. TO 54.99...... 4 4 .9 9 REG. OVER 49.99...... 2 0 % OFF Does time ever becomiame a prob- ],avc winningng altitudes and they jusl liiiir i^poi lem? NEWBBRA KE PA D S go out and do it," Petersen said. I m p a l SPARK PLUG WlriRES PROTECT/:TAf\IT "It’s thc choice I've m;made." said "\Vc play! togeilicrtc oulside o f .sof\- Onginal equ'iQuipment replacemerit € \ RcmjnuUcloicii for _ For most domestic and Impoiwrt C A R W AiS SI H ! • left-ficldcr Gary Krumm.n. "1‘ know it ball and doI otherol ihings beside soft- most import x cMcs ^9 Shoesoes wilh exchange. lakes a lot of time and somsor etim es it ball. W e’re Wiin excnmaa. —J SHOES OR veiiicles. Stainless steel termiminals 8 oz. Protectnrrt.nt. »>rW 080i 'r - ' re a family.” Krumm Extra thick insulation. Far 4 .1 may seem like too much,h, butI if you added. "Ini lhe ll heat of thc battle REaULAR TO 44.99 ^ . SEMI-META:TALLIC O F F 16 \6gz. Car Wash,sh. fi>25W0 nECULAROVERM.99...... 200FF PADS...... or 8 cylinders^ Lifnit 2 at salo pril want lo gel serious you1 gotta gc put m sometimes youyo act before you think price lhc tim e." but everyoneme is an athlete on the Corky Fcdcrico, formeimer all-stale and eververyone understands." running back at Twin, FallsF High Fcdcrico said s; he doesn'l have a School and a three-yearar starter at problem wilhilh anger. a * Idaho Suite University, isIS known to -xhe onlyy timt e 1 get mad is if l hit m m Hotsy as a good hitter andIind team co- „ good ballI and a some guy makes a ' median. circus catchII oon il. O therw ise I never "I’d ralher bo fishing; or spending get mad." time with my family onin weekends.\ but 1 love home toumannaments and Is winningng stale and going to na- tionals in Ihei:leir future? league.’’ Federico said. *Sri|f|W ttr^W iCla I . : Even wilh lhe gruelingng schedule. las chosen to “If this team tc stays logeiher, I every player on Hol.sy has MOTOR OIL \ ^E |te JWHMM give his time to soflball. •...... think.w c-urere a; ycaraway from winr -Lirnit IS Quarts ...... -ut . - MOTOR I GS M ONTH BATTERY P V o > / WAOHROEK.E. When asked why he cho:hose lo play ning state. Wc W arc loaded wilh tal- . Jl S3lo price. 3 “ - Limit 12 Qujrtujrls QAS-MATICS0 SH O C K S m concluded. 10W-30, S i 31 s.Ve piice. Uplo4;$OCA'S. for Holsy. Krumm said.1. ""I want lo enl," Krumm WM exchortgc. ■__ 23r. iT)ore tluid ap.ii utp^cilv Hun . ww-40. n n e 30WT..10W-:W30. ^ ffS S f 1 MMiC Plus! 20W-S0.. _ J OR 10W-40 75 MONTH.. 4 9 ^ ^ l a CAS MAGNUMS.....

I------* d Effective d a t e ' g th ru M d w^ July 29.1990 ■(l^ CM M B ! _ . FILTERS NEW SPARK EVERY THURSDAY ' 2 .V S.VC pr.ce WATER < PLUGS ■; CONONSIGNMENT-TWIN FALL.LLS iil 3H PUMPS Limit 16 01 , I RECUL Wiin exchjnge sjIo pricc. 'H K jK ADVEfVERTISEMENT-CLASSIFIE -lEDS J ) OVER C ARBURETOlT o n s MAGICm VAUEY AUCTIONSJS 3.99...... ^"1 REGULAR 0Vt RESISTOR.. 3 9 ’’ ^ Rem.mit.iclfii'(l IVWl W't. 1 SS' T & 3R D MONDAYSYS ; : - BU'3UY SELLS TRADE-FILEF.ER . •: THESHOCKIN:iNG rni!-: ADVEiVEftTISEMENT-CLASSIFII FIED FILER AUDIJCTION GAUERY & TRAmrmNG POST ; i SATUTURDAY, JULY 21, 1990U r BlLLSTOM[)MBAUGH-SHOP&TOOL{)LS - BUHL i AD'ADVERTISEMENT-JULY 19 i wTlBUS V .' ' MAJ1ASTERS AUCTION SERVICIICE W \ \ \ S P E I surUNDAY. JULY 22, 19S990 f \\ \\ \ CLA • BOB & GLORIA EGG:GGLEST0N-HOUSEHOLDLD-MISC.-BUHL j \\ \ SEA AD'ADVERTISEMENT-JULY 220 0 : »V ERS ^ A £ l □ o r o n j K ' S ' i i : ? ; I L L i i / ' -. p.lircov Ol01 buckets or CAP/noTon'fn ', SJ I MASMASTERS AUCTION SERVICIICE : pmriNuu r OR BOXER - O JW ttT , ■- • Strolc•lc Hcncii .Bi.KK. . SPARK PLuaa \ 'r p i - . p W t h uURSDAY, f JULY 26,151990 j ■ Qfo.v-i.V'l. or Dhit' 011’’;^ V ' ^ - t - FRIENDS OF THEFHE CASPERS-FARM:MACACH. - TOOLS - J ’ £ HOIHOUSEHOLD-TWIN FALLSIS- . . . • a i f n ii ■ . • ! '■ 1 - A[ADVERTISEMENT-JULYY ---L s s t w i n N FALLS 780. BilBluelakes Blvd ...... 73-J 4 -2 6 7 3 = OPENMON.-SAl WALL AUCTIONEERS OVER S<800 STORES TO SERVEEYOUl Y 5AT. 8 A M -9 P M , SUNDAY« • 9 A M -4 P M . . . 1 SATUTURDAY, JULY 28, 19901S 3 : { MESEROLES MARKf=IKET-COMPLETE FIXTURfJRE LIQUIDATION & • :f: REAL:AL estate-GLENNS FERf:rry : V AD'ADVERTISEMENT-JULY 23 . ■ ___':i \ ■ MASMASTERS AUCTION SERVICIICE '

i • ...... • . B-B 'nm as-Ncivs, Twin Falls,alls. Idoho ■ Friday, July 20,1), 1930

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f3iaa*4DOOR n o , 9 93 5 . f30O7A3DO ^ 3 ; 22 ^ 9 i 5 #Tioi' n a3 , 6 9 5 1 m '"•aMMraDOOR ^ 7 , 8 9 5 1

: 1 9 9 0IGEOPRIZH.Z C - 1 9 8 9} 1BUICK CENTURK Y , , , 1.988 9 TOYOIAs'l/^/ 4 T O N . r ~ 1985 MERCURIRY TOPAZ ' ^ “ $ 7 «aia4-4DodR . ^ i q | s 93 5 •2 1 1 1 -4 DOO■oo. m , 9 3 9 5 1 1 m 7 , i 9 5 | _ ■ 3137A-4DOOR ^ 3 7 9 9 5 1

1 9 9 0 PON'iNTIAC SUNBHID0 V 1,98919 OLDS C PTLAI^ r ~ ~ ' SUZUKISAMUiu M r ~ ^■jVlSBB J K E P CHI:h e r o k e e • 313 0 -4 DOOR ^ 4 , 9 9 9 5 , «aiia ~4 i ^ ^ 0 5 , .T IMist-a I DOOR ' 5 , 9 9 5 | h . . i'lfa^woAr'abobk , °6.995l 1 9 9 0 PONTITIAC BONNBVn^ 1 9 839 9 FORD TAURUSi ~ ' i d988 ( GMC l/2>TO'ON 4 X 4 1978 CHEVROL3LET 2 TON



^ ’ •T1648 • VAN •3130-3 DOOIoo„ n o , £ 9 9 5 | | _ ^ ISA. a w x n i^ ______^ m •T10S8B • 4 DOOR H , 4 9 5 | • I I -1 n 7 , 8 9

1990 CHEVRCROLET 1/2 TON 4 i g s ^ C H;HEVR0LET CAM 1987 FORD BROlONCO :i£f^:;CiaDBSRbtELe t C A PR IC E $ 1 1 ITIO40-PICKUP n S , 9 93 5 ■ »ia -vsbos 840A - WAOON JL . ^1 , 9 9 5 | I ntM ^'4'D TO S^'' ...^5.495l

1 9 9 0 GMCG] 1/2 4X4 . I r 1 9 89 9 'CHEVROLET S]5 1 0 2 1 99 1 8 Z .C B E T O STjrOVA I 1973 LINCOLN,N 1«A R K IV

1 9 9 0 PLYMb TOrORONADO $ 1 $ 1 o #T10B2-VAN n 7 , 6 99 5 ' «TtMaA-PtCK 9 . 9 5 1 ___ WOOD . 4 DOOR A ^2 , 9 9 5 l _ •OSSilA'aiXMR \ »5.995l 1 9 9 0 CHIHEVROUEEt'SlO» ^ J 1989'9 TOYOTA 1/4 T

, •T3887A . PICKUP 9^ 5 •TIOB • PICK, c ^ ^ 7 , 19 9 5 ___^‘4aaA-4DOOIl' nc0 , 9 9 5 | •T301BC-PICKUP ^ 3 , 9 9 5 |

1 9 8 9 BUIUICK SKYLARK L978:'P6iW^F$6oi 1977 JEEP C J 7 1983XSEVROLiiL E T B LA ZER . $ 1 * / f *3004 - 4 DOOR n 0 , 4 99 5 • a 4 is o b ' PK- ^ 4 .9 t l 5 | ____ -0417A-PICKUP J1 , 9 2 9 | ^: nmiA-WAOOif ■ ■■ ^.2951

1 9 8 9 CADIDILtAC DEVILLEE'- 1 9 8 9 CHEEVROLET E SIO BBLAZER igST^FORDjJBRCRONCO 983 CHEVROLETET CELEBRITY ^i 3 , 7 9 5 | •3071 - 4 DOOR ^21.999 5 •T3710A-WAC ^ 1 3 , i2 9 5 | ^ 6 i 9 9 5 l l •T3SfllA-4DOOR

1 9 8 9) 5SUBARU DL ~ i n ^FORD ESCORT 986 CHEVROLET5T A ST R O i aoF-iso ,

•3003 - 4 DOOR ^ 7 , 9 99 5 •a ios a DOC ^ 6 - , ^4 9 5 1 ..• CM03A-VAn 9 , 5 9 5 l P f*T9 n ^ - r ^ ^ ? ^ ^ , 4 9 5 |

1 9 7 8 GMrMC SUBURBAN:: 107-»77 MOTORHOMIBE 1 9 7 4 M E R C U R ?f

T i e w s . WAOOW, * 3 . 6 S T1G3&A • com n 9 , i9 9 S | I „n8eac-4t>ocni ^ 1 , 9 9 5 1 •T380a0 -4 DOOR ^ 3 , 4 9 5 5pp2vi3:.:] W ® m J f t © , ( T R ^ / HtS::TpiQD(H; m.-'- •’ ■•■• : ■■■ ■Vr;.‘ • : ' ,■'.■• ■ •• • - . ,•■•*' ■ 3 5 1 5 1 _ ( 3 1

® @ c D lJ r^::©g3aa m i ■ , \ , fc •• ! I' Fnc u s / ten n

B ooth,eg'wl]lii iskey Sheep1 only p a r t 0□f earijy days recenlit in , B y Lorayno O rton Smilhlith Two Dror three of them regainedI Special to Thc'Timcs-Nc•News Iheir sightIt in i: a few days, but one boy Basqulie life rcmoined1 blblind for sevc^l months. TW IN FA LLS - “‘When Wl thc law Rogers5 alsoa! remembers Ihal'boot- B y TcrreU W illiama ' caught up w ith n moo:loonshiner, h is leggers usually usi backed thcir cars Timcs-News.coaesponderid en t ^ cabin and pickup truckck w ere set o n into porkin{in g spaccs so they could get fire right after thc still sti was de* out in a hurry.hu When she sees a car • HAGERMAN - In Idahdaho. we expect thc lone stroyed,” Ralph Asscndjindrup of Buhl parked thatlal way, she jokingly accus- shepherd tending his flockock ofslicep on a grassy says. "But one of lhe; bbiggest prob* es peoplele of wanting to make a hillside to bc Ba.>ique.-ShiSheep buyers hove said Icms lhat moonshinersers faced was “bootleggeiger’s getaway." lhat ewes tended by Biisqiisqucs grow better wool, marketing: Fruit jarsi fifull of home "PeoplejIc ju st look at m c as if I’m; WM havc healthier lambs, are art fatter und stronger brew sometimes couldd bcb found al a crazy,” sho*sho lays. "No one remem- than other cwcs. hamburger stand, butut most sales bers those>sc tim es after all these But most Basques nevelever handled sheep be- tended to be private. years." fore coming to Idaho,, “ They I w ere not .sheep "Y ou’d m cel someon:onc, say, in a Prohibiliclilion will always be a con- herders in Spain," sayslys Glorianne Elorriaga pool hall," Assendrupup says. ‘‘The troversiol1 fwriodp for Americans, butt BBBlMiffWfnftrffiM Cortabitarte of Hagemiattlian. a Basque desccn* dealer w ould say, 'Comc3me on out. I’ll it did have^c its i gallant side, Pholo>olo cowrUtyI et GtofUno* Cort»bB»rt»’ dant who is married lo to ai Basque immigrant, give you a sample.’” MoMoney was cx- Francests H: arris o f Hansen recalls • epherders that camc here 3 noar Hagorman aroundmd 1935. “Most of lhc eariy .shceph' changcd and lhc buyer:r thenU drove to thal the wife w of a former Hansen\ Folix M adarlota wMcitchos a flock of shoop r didn't know anything uboiibout iierding sheep.’' anotlicr location. Thererc Ihe found thc busincssmaman made moonshine in the Many Basques arrived'cd in this area between booze wailing, perhapsps seti againsl a backyard1 ofo the family home. When 1900 and 1950, leaving'itlg their impoverished ; pow er pole along an isol;solatcd country her backyacyard business waa discov- Jen cattltlemen, homeland in the Pyreneeslecs Mountoins of Spain road. crcd, officeicers sent her husband to jail s betwei : Fighte and France. Some were:re 'drawn to fumily and Bootleg w hiskey was wai dangerous in her placilace. Once out o f jail, the friends olrcady in the MngicMaj Valley. Language os w ell as illegal. Aimce Ai Biyan man smashished all o f his w ife’s glass barriers and lac|c of othcithcr work tended to iso- Rogers, formerly of GGooding, rc- jars, loted them: “Shepherdingling wus something they members a time whenn s several high- Later, after aft his deaih, when asked; sheep)men bcecam e 1(legend w ere able to do." school athletes foundnd themselves about herr hobbies, h lhe former female When Elias Cortubitu:3ituile wus considering temporarily blind after:r ingestingi the moonshineiner said, “My husbandI -B y B m b a ra W n n l prepared for them, becitecuusc he h ad received a emigrating to Idaho frorfrom his Bascjiic hom c- slufT. d id n 't encoicourage hobbiM ." _Timcs-Ncws convfiponcndcnt ...... fcrriW c. 6 catuig„u{..thcJi:Jiunds of.somc..cowboys,. fund, a brother-inrlaw proiproniised h im job sccuri-— ...... just a few days beforc. ty in Idaho. Jobs were scu.scarce in Spuin where o In March 1899, shcceepman J. Newell Dayleyy “O ne cow boy threwkl hishi rope around thc stove -• civil w ar had depressedd ththe economy. And dic- left Oakley with Gen:ne Critchficld’s 24-mann pipe, thc other one got;ot his rope on the w agon tator Francisco Franco waswa determined to wipe toys1 weere rare :s tongue, and told Duhlt)ijiltjuisl he wus going for u Fancy ling cooks), for six weeks out tlic Basque culture. shearing crew (includin in Kim am a. Dayley wrc/rote, “If we gol over-anx- fast ride, '‘Franco did not curer Ibifor the Basque people," By Dana WatciB house or• a bam. Half of thc children , ious lhe first day or twoTO, wc would havc a prctiyy "The herder, who had a butchcr knife in his Glorianne explains. "TheThey had a completely Timcs-Ncws corrcspond w as thc SticgmieiTier says giris were rarely in- ► ‘ were unwilling lo sharerc whal they considercd lo0 man of Alncan descent,:nl. was killed in an 1886 cars, install pivot .sy.stcm!iems for farms ond oper-...... seventh child in a family farr of four eluded inn ssuch games.' The boys of­ * be their rightful and exclusivee: domain. In thcc range dispute, John C.C. Wilson and Daniel C. otc restaurants ond bars. - boys and six girls. Twowo olhcr fomi- ten playedcd at being farmers, making ^ Oakley area, they desigignatcd the Junction Sum-1- Cummings wcrc killeded in F e b ru a ry ,'1896, ol "They’ve gone into all kinds1 ofUiings,’* says lies lived w iihin thrce*qre*quadcrs of a thcir ownm little plows and doing * mil (New Lyman's Pas;iss) us a dead line. Dayleyy thcir sheep camp east ; ofof Rogerson for the mur- Glorianne. "But tiicy try to keep as many old mile. Add thc neighboiibors- and there some actui:tual tilling. Sticgcmier re- w rote, “ Any sheep or heherder caught south of thatIt der which Juckson Lee.cc Davis - Diamondficid customs as possible. Theyhey try to keep their cul- wcrc 28 kids to play withvith. calls. line were treated quitee rough. T he cattlem en ..... Jack - w as alm ost hungcffrc" and iim!r= n irn p irlftrftncrttis—“This—nibulDHS- ^ some distance whcrc theyth were lipped over undd es. und they fared bettertcr on u depleted range be- gin of thcir complicatedIte d lun^uoge/is jusl os less favorites like ‘T'ag" ag ' and “Hide Century., 1910/1920."1 Few stores all thc contents destroycycd. cause o f their ability to Ibrowse on scanty vege- puzzling, Always manag:naging to hidi* from thc and Seek.” stockcd toys to exccpt at Christmas,. ’ * “John Dahlquist wass

ByTcireU'Williflim The1 city’s equipment alsoI includedin< a. two- the mueli vwas deep and wind whippcipcd blazes af^cr thc firere I hud practically burned oout,'* hclmetii ond otherier necessary firc-fighling. Timcs-Ncws corrcspondiindent whiA'hccI cart wilh a hose wouni)und around the in all diiJircctions, Faulty wiring, gasoline and later thutut ^ same year, “ W endell’s sp!splcn- equipment. The "GraGrancl Firem an’s Boll” w as; axilucle; A longue extended forv'orward for two stoves antmd unsafe fireplaces kept)t i lhc little didly equippecped firc department arrivedcd in held at thc Odeonm theatertl building and the- W EN D ELL ^ Behinciind the new W endell mcin en to pull. Hose a nd d 'Cart Club hopping, lim e to view/ ihthc ash pile left by thc flamencs.” ladies furnished lunc:unch for all attending, Inn - now thc Wendell;ll Mf anor - three heavy Bul E the "equipm ent" oftenI gcgot stuck in thc Commenents of the fire fightinIting' crcw In M arch o f 1916, the Ladies o f W encndcll Funds raised enulmablcd the department to, post.*; w crc set in the groundgro and a huge iron muTiud, sometimes so firmly tlmtmt iil never m ade burned, too. tc In a 1915 edition off tlthc Wen- decidcd lo iinjimprove Wendell's firc-figh}hling purchase 2 0 0 feet:t ofc odditionol hose. The! triangle was hung fromom the posts. W hen a ilil tcto thc fire. dell Irrigiigationist William Pync,-o- observed, capabilities, AA fireman’s dancc was plananncd iron triangle was< rcreplaced wilh o modem; fire broke out thc trianfangle summoned help, FFires burned brightly whenicn winter froze "One noti3ticeablc feuture of the fircirc was thc as n fundraiserscr for equipping the newlyy crc- iron ring and a state;tale-of-the-urt sledge ham-; Tliat was the “Hose and'nd C art C lub” o f 1909. the;he hydnmls - and in thc spriipringtime. when fact lhalt thet hose cart arrived on1 llthe scene ated Wendell;ll l-irc D epartm ent w ith boboots, m cr lo sound thc ularmalat .

/ ^ T h e T u niks-Nctw e O HOURS:S: Mon-Fii, 8:00 tcto 5:30 Sat, 8:00 to Hoioon M l L e g a l s - L eigals-L egalals______Ltusmi nnnnRss-S: I32 3tdSt.W. n s T T i m . r v / 5 ^ 1 - P.O. Box 548, TTwin Falls, ID 833 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEL LEGAL t^OTICE A N N O U N C E Mn s^ RENTALS . 100 Livestock Wanicd IN THE D IS T R IC T 2 : nnd 0:00 n in. August 3, monls i to tho Ruloa and 101 Animal Dreeding 1990, :Rcgulnlions Governing tho 102 Cattle Classifieilid Line Ail Deaiadlines: COURTc OF THE FIFH-H /s/G , rogoo' H. Lowry Tnking ol Gamo Birds , V B 103 Daily Eiiuipmer.t • 5:00 pm Mc/londay through Fridayy forf next J'JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF Exocuiivo Socrolary (IDAPA 13 J). spocilically m m H n ' ■ 104 Horses ----- TME STATE OF IDAHO. PUBLISH; Friday, July 20.. hubs 5.1 and 5.2 pertain­ 050 Fjffiisned Houses 105 Horse EauiCtncm day's publicIication INit ANO F O R THE Monday, July 23, Tuos- ing lo miQratory gam e bird 001 Flonsis 051 Unlurnisncd Houses5 10€ Swine c. *12:00 Noon3n Saturday for Sunday'ay's a n d ^CUUNTYOF d o v . Julv 24. 1900, molhods ol Uko and Rulo 002 Loil & fojnO 052 Futn Acts SOuploes:«es 108 Sheeo/Goats TWIN FALLS ; 10 porlaining lo olllclal IN T ^E DISTRICT 003 Sotciai Notices 054 Unlutn Ads SDiC'tn3ie^es 110 Poultiy&Ractjits M onday's publicationp Cnso No, shooting hours Ior 004 KiasKomef 055 Roommates WanedI 112 litigation • < CVW ^ 01091-2D COURT OF THE FIFTH 005 WemonalNciiccs 05G Booms Fof Rent 113 Farm A RanctiSuDPiiesjbes NNOTICE OF HEARING . JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF ...... OOG Pc'sonals 057 ' Rental Mobile Homes« 114 Faim Implements IN THE MATTER OF AN­ THE STATE OF IDAHO, NOTIFIED Ihol iho C om ­ OtficaiBusmcssRcrl!:enlal 115 Faim WoiV Wantei) Classificii111 D isplay Ad Deadlines:E cGELA STAR STODDARD. IN AND FOR THE mission wil! also considor SEUCTED OFFERSJ io 05'J Condomir.ium Renlals /U, • 3 b u sin esss days prior to publicati( A polition on boholf of C O U rm 'O F olhor m atters that may “Cental RECREATIOKAL Ition. Call a AngrjlQ ■ Slar Sloddnrd, I S S Q OGO VV;iretiouo^loragc Pen T im es-N ewws Advertising Sales Rep.R( for more info. g TWIN FALLS proporly como boloro il. S M OGI Garage Rentals born 12/22/81. ot Twin C a so No. S .P 90-3QG-M Public com m onts will bo i l S S 0G3 WarieO to Rent ' Falls, F Idaho, now fosiding NOTICE OF HEARING taken at a public mooling ISmSi OCG MoDiic Home Spacc ai 1223 Eost 4100 Norlli, In tho Manor ol ihu Torriii schodulod ior 7:30 p.m.. jC 120 Aviaiion Duhl, Idaho, proposino n notion ol Iho Paronlnl1 August 16, 1990 ol Iho 007 Joti3 ol Irlcfcsl MERCHAHDISE ^ Classifiedid P rivate Part^ty Rates* chango ° in nam o to Angola OOC S,iicsPccni! 121 Ekuts & KUrme Ilcms - S e e Rinhls ol: Rnnch Cookhouso, Horri- 322 SDOriingGooas order fan>rm (or our standard ratea tes /iAchsa Stoddard hns boon LONNIE DALE WATTS, rnan Sloto Park, Island 009 AUuiiCarc Sciviccs (iMod in Iho obovo-ontitlcd 010 PiotcssianalSoJvicw 123 Guns anr] RiNcs ClassifiedI JSpecials; Natural Falltor.L Pork. Idaho. Roquosls for 124 SnowVetiicies courl, llio roason tor Iho To: LONNIE DALE- gonoral inlormolion may 014 Ctii'clCjieS'ivccs chango in nam o boing lhal 015 DiUysiiieisV/anicc) G67 Miscellaneous For SaleJale 125 Travel Tiailcis • G u aran teeced Ads • regular 7 day/ rates,r pay for ^ WATTS: bo m.ido by lutophono lo hor initials spoil an unllot- YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE 016 [mpiaymcrrwarrcj 0C8 Compoicis 126 Camoers&Sticlls = Iho Idnho Dopartmont of ,p. 0C9 Cameras i£(i‘jiomcmcm 127 MiJloi Homes l.week, 2niscount - 1/2 off all rate: T Jorry M, Conloy. Socrotary 023 liivosim'^ms • 077 HomeEnteitai-mcn ■ a s . ; ' «'point, and objoclions moy 1090. Qt Iho hour olM0:30 025 Insouci'yH ' 131 Auto Services bo lilod by any porson PUBLISHED: Fridoy, July eftlC ComnunicaiicnOcv.cc:*•“ 1 132 Auto Parts SAccessotitsories I • Memorial NNotices ■ 12 lines, $5,I, 1 d a y I o'clock a.m., or as soon 025 M-js.cLcssQ-^s jflU : 079 ADOliarccs who can, in such objec­ Ihoro.Tllor ns counsol conn 20, 27. nnd Augusi 3, 133 AutosWanicd I • F ree Ads - to give , - tions, tl show 10 tho Couft a 1990.______oao Heating & Alt CcniJ 134 Autos lot Ren - lost & (ound, items to bo hoard with iho nbovo- REAL ESTATE FOR8 SA / 031 FuiniiuieiCaicds good tonson ngninst such ontitlod Court. 135 Cycles iSupolics avi'ay.^a linenes, 3 days - Wanted to Buy. n : channo ol namo. ,1 ------Ua2..Bu.:ainQf.'atcnal5 135 Heavy Eouioment DATED this IGth day ol - .033 Gnrj^cSaics up to 30 dajays per insertion WITNESS my hand nnd .July. 1990. 139 Pick-UD ADVERTISE C84 roots UO Heavy Imcks/Semis . scni ol said Disificl Court ROY & NIELSON 035 Bicycles this 3fcJ day ol July, 1990. By: BRENT H, NIELSON YOUR 141 Vans ^ -Add SI.OO lore'each ad, 5 lines or less5 oro S2 for each ad. [PAULA DFiOWN 020 HutjitS C36 fiicwccu 142 IrrBUK/SpcilS Cars ' Allornoys for Poiitionor , , SERVICE SPECIALTY 6 lines or more I SINCLAIR PUBLISH: Friday July 20, 030 H2-esroiS.i!c 087 Uiwr & CaUen KG 4i4saAIV5 3 that runs Sunday, lo bee ini clu d ed in o u r i ires 088 Vanety Fot;(!s /Attornoy lor Potitionrir 27. nndAofiusl3. lOUO 2 IN THIS DIRECTORY 031 Oul nt-rt)ftiHorjs J48 AnliiiueAulbs Tuesday Chat!. fRlCHAl^DA. PENCE 032 ihiM/F.I?fMc-rc3 050 PelsiSuctJiics 149 Aulos-AMC LEGAL NOTICE rroj 091 CieaiiveWodU * G el dotails on s CLERK OF THE COURT YOU ARE HEREBY NO. Placod undor Iho hoadlng of 0J3 KifVDcd/Ai.’-'cti Hcircs 152 Aulcs-Buicv 1 specials by calling a Timimes-News classified j/s7 Cnmillo Jonos yourcriolcul 03.1 , 094 ItiiillyAOs 154 Autos-Cadillac TIFIED thnt Iho Id-iho Fir.h advisor. 1DOpuiy Clort^ nnd Oomo Commission 035 ticrros >KET. 156 Autos-Ciiijslcr IPUBLISH: Friday, July 13, " Your od will roach 22.000 D3G He.iif;i3;c’.V3rv-j S i S n 158 Autos-Chcvrotet - (Commission) will hold a, lamlllos ovorydsy and lha Please chock yo'Our ad the first day it apptopears..In case of '•20. 27. and August 03, ipcdal.iMccijrg or 037 Hj-cnc'j ^ Ito Autos-Oodge 1990. ------••• • roaulls will ama:o you. Call 03S A:icoi;"&Lci5 162 Aulos-Fatfl error, report H lo•0 the Classified Dept, to:> r>receive .an 17, 1990. tH.-ginning a! 9•’ today nnd ono ol our tflond- U 039 Cui.ncssP.’cce:!/ 3 l t J 166 AIjtos-McicuryiLinciLincoln adjustment. LEGAL NOTICE a m, al iho flnnch CooK-'* ly Ad-Vlsors will .holp you U Ttio Doard of Diroclors ol y O-IO Ctrcrcty Icis . 002 Auciions 168 Aulos-OiasmoUile houso, Harrimnn word your ad so lhal 11 will ' fl 0-13 vr,n!:i;;'PTcctry 095' FcMili7Cr4TcDSoilI • 172 Autos • Pontiac The Times-Newiws reserves the right to censor,ce revise. . \Iiiho Crop Improvomont Stato Park, Ir.tnnd Park, bo mosl ollocllvo and bring 0-M Coi-i;omin.u^sPcrS.i:e OOG F,ifm SceJ 173 A;jios • Plymcuin Ar.socialion, Inc. will mool Idaho. you Iho rosulls you oro 045 f.'ut).!eHcrL'5Fo(S.i!c •097 May.Grair>&Fcca 174 /.ulos-Oit'cr reclassily-or rejeject any classified advertiirtisemerit not meeting Augusi 2 and 3, 1900, ol YOU ARE FURTHER^ looking lor. 093 Fainii lot Rent 175 Au!oDc.A-5 tho Shilo Inn. Idaho Falls, NOTIFIED lhal Iho Com- the standards ofot (f^e publisher. Idnho. Tho mooting will 34(J SeiviceOntclciy . m ission proposos to ndopl 733-0931 boQin nl 1:30 p.m.. A u a u s t' as pormanonl. nmond-

...... » ...... c -2 Tlmoo-Nowa. Twin Fallaalls, Idaho Friday. July 20.1. 1990v. 602-007^ L e g a i s - A\nnouncen i ments-Seleiected offferirs------W M M P a

iIM P MCIASSSI ^ IHIS » 738-0931 « subscbiptiomSI s B m 007-Jobsol Interest LEGAL NOTICE 007-Jobs ol Inlorest 007-Job3O l Interest 007-Job3ollntofe3t 007 -Jo b s of Interest LEGAL NOTICE 003 Spcciol Hollcos 007-Job3 of Intorost I John^woJndustrlal doalor-^ Magic Vallo^t’otail lonilizer■ Person for Insido salos. _Du- WAKTEOi • ------■- — ^-ADVERTISEME=MENT FOR BIDS S500 rov/ard Ior inlormationin Steady lav/n mnintenancc-' FuI!-timo Developmental ' d andchomicaldoolorneodsa iSEARCH FACILITY PHASE II wotk Call733-GQ17.______S peclollat lo conduct evalu­ chip looking lor oxporioncod ■ lies indudo phono. Iretghl. POTATO STORAGE RESE '' loading to tho arrest, convie- 0 .liold salosporson, Mosl haw' loading and olhor ollico SSALES R6PRESEKTATIVE ...... KIMBERLY RESEARCHHAND A EXTENSION CENTnn ations, dolvolopmoni treat*• mochanic. Must bo oblo lo * -lioo and rccovcry ol dam­ /■ a currom Idaho Consufioms’ work. Knowlodgo ol building - KIMBERLERLY. IDAHO ages to anyono wlio r.aw Iho.0 Bookeoper: Mature porson mcnl t p!.ins & training. MustI diagnosis & repair JD hy- SITY OF IDAHO havo a Bacholor'c dogroo In1 draulics & ongmos - somo10 Liconso. Sond rosumo 10' products, roforoncoc to- U N IV E R S ir pcr.on or person.', vdio v.in-1- to handle accounis rcccive- | 'n Oox 3 6 J 6 ..% Timos-Nows.• quirod-.Apply in person 151 Oail-Net 0 Systems, lnc„ ono - MOSCO'.;O W , IDAHO rl abit;. nccounia paynblo, pay- Human 1 con,fico liold ond boI wolding roquirod, Havo own dalizud tho Ford Eflcorl D- PO Box 548. Twin Falls.• M.ixwnll Avn , Twin Fnlls. ool tho lasiost growing telo- • ■ ■ . W.O:.0: 00325 paikod behind Ihe buildinn[) roll, oic, Compuior oxpoti- obloi to rocoivo ctalo D.S. tools. Salary basod cn o : ^ - . riCnco and ability. Bonotiic. Id.iho ...... - POSTAL JOBS. SlfJ,392- ccommunicalions companies DATE: July 10. 1990 . . •nl 1043 Gfuu Lakes Blvd N.I. onco helplul. Salary nogolia-,. certification. < Confer lof Indo- in tho nation. ti,is nn immo­ OWNER: Tho Rogonlr. over Ihe '.veuketicl ol 7/13.3, ble, DOE. Sond rosumo and pondoal-livina. j 734-2323. •- Sond rosumo or contact Bill Male or lomalo tnjck drivots.• S67.125/yoor. Now hinng. ir r Rood.-Elllon Indtirtrial Co. located in Wondcll/Gooding) Call (1)005-007-6000 Ext. ddialo opening In tho Twin Univorsityol Idaho. - C.ill 734-9:>30 a.iyn______cover leller; Norlhwost Full-timo | larm person nood­ Fnll". area lor an experience ISSUED OY; D opartm ontI ofol Fncility Planninn Eiiuipmenl, PO Box 2GG5. od. , knowlodgo ol wheel linos, 53G2 US 9 3 . J o ro m o , IDD ntn.i amieullural 536-6678, P-10467 lor cutfcnl list. r .RANKRIJPTCY [_ 83338, or cnll 324-~2900...... U - ?25 rolundnblo loo...... 2calcsporson;. Excellent com- Univorsity ol.Idaho — Nood'ti cummor fob? Great 17 pensation ond residuals. ARCHITECT: Myors/Andornilorson Archiiocl:, Slop Icjredosures, tepos- ' Ranch, Picabo, Kalio Brock-- Logal assl, & roc9ptionistst $$$, coll AVON. 734-92S6. _ Radio Salos Exocutivo; II 6 sossions, suits, garnish-J’ DIETICIAN/MANAGER I ; Tolecommunicaiions expoti- 101 Noftli Main Stroot onridoo, 700-2329.______positions opon, Exporionco;? Noodod; Experloncod caro-I* you can v«3tk with a mini-1 m onts & other collodionn Posilion availablo Ior porson ! ■ ptolorrod. Word Period. Sal­ enco nol nocossary-will Pocalollo. Idaho 83204 taker lor pleasant , coml-oc-> mum amount ol suporwsiang train, Send a resumo: ’oio G, Andotson oclion. Froo tolupliono0 wilh B ach elo r's Dogroo in I Full-timo position Ior experi- ary depending on qualilica- PROJECT MANAGER: Polo oncod toitigoralion insulta- ?■ tivo oldoriy lady in Twinn and wanl lo mako aoovo tho Soalod bids will bo rocot^'idI.'id a t tho Dop;ittnicnt ol Facilityllty c o n r.u ltaT io n . A p p o in t-1- Food Sdenco, Nulriuon. or < , lions. Send rosumo: Smith. d avorago incomo lor tho Twin n Mcdical Dietetics. Musl havo |tion technician. Work in 9 "• Falls. Uve-in 4-5 days and Plnnnlno, Univorsity of Id.ihcJaho, until 2.00 pnt ptevinlmg lo- monto cchodultid in Twin Stoker 4 Smith. P.O, Box nights a wook. Musf dnvo.). area, opply now ot KLIX ra­ 1990, Proposals’will bn opontidlud F,^ll5 compuior skills, good com- iwostorn statos, ExcoIIont 0 DAIL-NET SYSTEM. INC. cal limo on A ugust 7, 199( ’ 225. TF. 03303-0225 — Roloroncos. Call 423-5752. dio. CaU Karla at 733-1310” 1020 MAIN, s u r r e 90 ond publicly road ot: W m H. M ulberry municatlon and organiza- Ibonolits and rotircmonl plan. " lonrrnnonlnlon/inw,______lional skills. Must p o sso ss■ :Sond resumo with v/oik ox-i Local oloctrical distributor al- Noodod; Exporioncod trac- - BOISE. IDAHO 03702. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHCa i o Allorr^cy ol Lnw. , filialed wilh a national chain RESEARCH & EXTENSINSION CNETER P.O. Dox 186. manaqomont abililios. Full- iporionoo: PO Box 40. Twin 'P torAroilor driven; with chouf- Wanted; Weldor lor irrinalion . Falls. Id.nho 83303.______• is now hiring lor a branch' fours liconso. For RellDl RNorLPN ; USDA-ARS SOIL & WAIVATER RESEARCH OUILDINGG nirlc, ld.iho 534-J J limo. day posilion wilh gtool I ■ managers position. Five „ company, musl bo proticient _ benolit packago. II inlorosl- ; inlormnlion cnll 734-2237, _ Noodod to covor all 3 j, 3793 North i.nnn.!;.iP-?ir.n Full-timo year tound v/aro- years minimum sales experi- in p p o byoul and construc- 3600 East Rock band lor ront. p.artios,5 trd. ploaso coniact Human' |houso position ovailablo. j|. Noodod Immodialoly: Gon-I- shihs.' ExcoIIont bonolils. ,tion ol littings, and tho woU- Rosourcos: ' onco toquifod, 4 yoar col- >r modical/dontal. Excollonl j. Kimborly, Idaho C33.il *.?50/nintil Cnll 734-r,237. S4.50 per hour to start. Ap-■ tego degteo toquitod. Salary oral mainlonanco poreon lor ” ing ol ngticulluro oquipmont. Plans, spocilicalions. bidI propof.atpn lormr, and oitior inlor- “ CASSIA MEMORIAL |pCcalion may bo pickod up ,3 bowling tonos. Apply in por-r- salary with good incroaso° ,Must havo lools and 5 years’ HOSPITAL & MEDICAL ' nonotiablo, Bonolits and r aftor 90 dayn. Contact , malion nro availablo tor ax.nnxaminntion at: OOG Personals at Pipoco. 402 Washington, prolil charing. Send rosumo son. aflornoons. Cedar • exporionco In wolding and Assodntod GoncrnI Conlractractors CENTER Thurr.dnv nnd Frid.iv only. Lnnea In Filor.______Cathy Ql 934-5601, Equal ,layout work. Send resumo to 2303 Parko Avonuo - 10 Branch Manager. PO Box I. Opnonunitv Employor. { 105 South Capital ALCOHOLICS Fun part-limo job. HelpP 719 Konl, washinglon)n Nood oxporioncod comi driv­ - Box 740. Picabo, 10 03348 Idaho Fnlls, ld,iho S3-102 Burley. ID C3318 needed now. Car and phono er. 4x4 ironsmtosion. Must;t Rospiraloty Therapy Silvor ■ Creek Irrinalion.______ANONYMOUS . 670-4444 3 90035-0719.______r- Full-timo oponing CRTT, : necessary. Froo 5300 kit. bo oblo lo handio hay. year- 2 Taking applications Ior tntormount.iin Contractor Cnll 733-8300 ______EOE/MFVH Local clodrical distribulor,-I round pbsilion. Wrilo; Hi 1,I, RRT. or rogisity oligiblo. 12 , Call 702-753-7946, colloct;! allillatod with a national IJ. housokoopors. Apply; P.O. Box 9207 HOTLINE-733-0122> Eloctfic motor rowindor calls for Chrisiino or loavo ,“ 1 Box 59, Kino Hill. ID 83633. _ hour chills availablo plus H chain is now hiring lor an in­ I- on-call. Excollonl bonofils. ;Housokeoping Dopt only, Boiso, Idaho C3707 A problem is not a p ro bij. ­ needed: Exporionco noccs- m essage. Home Decor and tfi. Need extra c a s h ? Houso- M Weston Plaza, 1350 Bluo al sary. Good startinn pay and sido salos posilion. Expori- a Contad: Sherrie Malonoy at , lem when shared. Mental More.______- onco prolorrod. coPogo do-lo- ko o p o r n o o d o d o n c o o Lakos Blvd N. TF, Soc AssociotDd G eneral Conlrac.iraciors to good working condilions, ap­ Tl 436-04Q1 or sond rosumo 1 Healih Association. 5pm to Hall-limo Aquaculture Spo-'.' groo prolorrod. Salary nogo*irw wooK. S5. por hour. CoD Kim JJ. Botty. No phono calls plonse 110 North 27lli Stroot 7am. 24 hours on wknds. ply in porson al Hoddor cialist"* Tho Collego ol Agri­ ar- 733-5G6G. •______' lo: Minidoka Momorial Hos- 1 Boiso, Idnho 03702 ■“ Elcctric. 4G8 Wost Addison. '• tiablo. bonolits & prolil shar- 7 piial, 1224 0lh Stroot, Ru-J. Taking applicalions lor oxpo- OVEREATERS cullure. University ol Idaho is^ inn. Sond rosumo to Insidodo Nood prolosslonol rosumo? rienccd concroic truck driv- Twin Falls ore-all 733-1699. seeking an Aciunculiure spo- ‘ port. ID 83350.______' Iniormountain Contractor ANONYMOUS '• Sales PO Box 719, Konl,nl, Slotlon Listoning Post can ors. Cnll08G-2-11G.______Established gourmol lood dalist lor a position in tho __ holo. 7S3-2009 lor apot. RESPONSIBLE TEAM : 1743 W ost Atoxamdor Slioiilioot ______733 9113______0 Washington 90035-0719- id Taking CNA applications lor :r company has openings area ol aqu.iculture, A M,is- a s Nood tractor drivom & potatoQ WANTED; Froo year-round Salt U k o City, Ut.nh 0411919 PRSGNANT-NQED HELP"’ available in Twin Falls 8 sur- Local grocory storo has f ronl in mobilo homo in ox-X- lulure employmont. CNA tor ol Science degree, or c a . -hanrosTcr m orator. Co/) oaf;, ...... Ffoo .pjcgnancv.ltiStiriO!;0 rounding .ireuo. Protoclod equivalent experioncc nnd a- ..pari-iimo-opaninga /n aca. f chango' lo f llg h f carciakingin ;d a ss to aien in September Univorsity ol Idaho available. Call Pregnancy-y leriilories in Idaho. Novada Q lood. bulk loods. 6 moal do-lo- ly. boloro 7';30 a.m, or 9-11 dulios on email ranch in Will have lull-limo, 2 to 10 Contor Bnchelor ol Scicnc'o degreo /ill nm.. 326-4179,______1_ Rosoarch & Extension Cont Hotline fi Crir.ir. Center. & Uiah, Musl liko to travel. 4s required. Finlish culiuro0 partmont (wrapper). Will - Wondoll. Walor & mow lawn.n ^shllt oponing on 0-15-90. Kimborty. Idaho 73-1-7472, :?4hour;, a dnv (tain. Send tesumo lo Box Night posilion Dvollable® gravity Mow irrigation fcr pas- Hartals in Buhl. 020 Spra- _ Hard working individual & and p.ithology experience isl’’ 7307, % Timos-Nows. PO ouo. C.111 5.t3-6401,______Sq|gcto1 according lo oxporionco. ed, For more inlormalion callI c.ition. resume, collego irnn-’• Sun & Wod during sorvicos. Call 733-M20,______Tho Filer School District nn- 124 Bluo Lnkos Blvd., S.,;., SuitoS G — Mick .11 345-0475.______script and three loiters ol!l Cnll lor Pat 733-6610. _ Pally In Goodinn. 934-5603. “ nouncos a vacancy lor a Twin Falls. Idaho 03301 Accopling applications Ior in RN needed immodialoly lor focommondntion to: Dt,'• Medical iranscnptionist, ox-X- Now hiring for all posilions in middle school principal posi- oxporioncod mill oporalors.a CNA*/EXPERIENCEDNA9 Ernie Brannon. Aqunculluro, 6 our frosh pack potolo lacility.y. lull-limo or part-limo day or tion. This position v;ill bo lor pofioncod. 5 days a wook, 6 Assodatod Gonoral Contraiitractors mill operator assislanls, nnd1 Noodod lor PM chill and tJnivcrsily ol Idnho. Moscov/, 1|. Apply at Atkoosh Produce:o night shill: Competitive sal-, tho 1990-91 school yoar. wnrotiouse laborers. Apply '• to 5 ntttaciivo and competi- 1 ory and bonolits. Contad Box 2666 X n'flht shill at tho Twin Falls ID 83843 (200) G05-5030 by'y live salary. Ploaso coniactict Inc.. 1 9 1 3W oodrlvof Rd. Candidates must meet all Salt IjjkoCity. Utah 04UO110 in p e rso n nt G re en S o ed^ Caro Contor. Wo provide A'lnur.t 3 1900 AA/EOE. Gooding. Ollico houro 9 omli Loslio 01 53G-6G23.______- Idaho qualilications Ior on el- Company Kimberly, 10. _ Bonnio nl 6?2-4-H?r> ^ • CNA training lor NAs, Benu- HOW WOULD YOU — to 4 pm or coll 934-8517. ! RNa, LPN#. youll lall in lovo omeniory or secondary prin- Univorsiry ol Id a h o . 033-11.______— tilul surroundings. Support- D opondablo. lull-tlfflc larm 0 with our tosidents, wilh your'Ur cipal. Closing dalo: July 30, Manning LIKEA.... mochanic noodod, houso JJl in­ Now hiring pan-limo dayca/o Doponmont ol Facility Plan Accountr. payable clerkfk __ ivo stall. W ages negoiiable. workers, for Agapo Chraiianin work schodulo: Parl-trmo •' Moscow. Idaho 03Q43 1. Competitive sal.iry’ cluded. Write wlih rofor­ nuedod lor bur,y ollice,c , __ TRY US! C.m tor appoint-I 2 Pnid vncation’ iv Daycare. Apply in person, 8 treatmonl nurso, 1:30-5:30.'0. Requited method ol apply- bookkeeping Itamniti or ex­*-__menl. Mon-Fri, 0 am . Io 4 3 Bonus ptonrnm? oncos to Box 142. Kimboriy.'■ io3pm.M onday-Friday. 10111 Monday-Friday. travel paid.id. ing; :ctr. Idaho B3 3 4 1 , ______Myors/Andorson Architcctr. perience renuired Send re­e- om.734-42G4. ______• 4 H e.iltha life insurance Call Helen. Burloy Coro 1. lormal application ItJl Nonh Main Slronl — Mornson.______sume to-PO Bo* 1-!9, Twin Combino oporalor noodod:• pinn'’ - Cantor 670-9474.______2, conlidonliat placomoni Pocatollo. Idaho 03204 Falls. IDB3303______Nursos Aidos • Tired ol no — Somo oxporionco nocos-• 5 Advancemonl bonolii# nnd low Wngoa?7 Somi driver 10 operate dou-lU- lilo. Activity Diroctor: Must'■' sary. open immediately. Cnll' Mportunily’ HflRS. 3t bles. Homo most nights, ex­IX- 3, ollicial collogo transcripts Dodoo Scan Wo aim high and try hoidot have 2 years experienco inI a d23-5B27, atlcr On.m. . 0 Relocalion possibiliiies’ POWELL’S i„ al GACC in Gooding. cellent job. but only exien-n- 4, 3 loiters ol tolcrenccs 315 North Towor, r.ocini or locrontional pro- ...... Delicious Cinnamon Rolls.. - -stvely cxpetiencod ncL-d op-:p- Please apply lo: :a Construction w orkers------Inlerealed? Call 934-5St}1.~ too Wost Harrison Plaza gramr, v/ithin Iho lasl livo Several peoitionr. avml.iblo 7 ply. Rolofonees nooded. Donna Lutz. Personnel Soatllc. War.hington 90113119 v/nnled, 1 Olfice Clork, between S5 & yc.ais in a lioallh c.iio sellingf’O Contact: immedinlely lor cooks, wml-i- Magic Valley Mall “ Call423-5a76. __ Coordinator pl,, or bo a qualiliod occupa­ $6 an hour depending on ox­ Filer School Dislricl md bidding maton.il may bo ol ’ Job Service, Twin Folia personr., dislivvashers, and SPECIAL EDUCATION Plans, spocilicationr. nnd tional ihcrapisi or occupa- " luol aitendnnla, c.ishiers porionco: Yord P orson, sal­ BoxX 'nl Dniry help wanlod. expeii- Currently hiring lull ary nogoliablo, lor Idahon Position Vacandus tainodoi: lional a;-,sislant. Excellent y Experience pielerred. The Stnlo Department of01 Filer. IDH33?fl______Mycrs/Andorson.Arctiili " ence required. Full-lime dny and part-time, Lumbor. Hailoy, Idaho. ------iabiy_bcnclili.-Worh_Mon-' •-.hitj-Cal!-625-G7S3,-ask lo;.J Apply In person ot tho ----- Education-ts-seekinrj-a Con-in- Tliu St.ile oi'ID. Department 101 North M.iin Stroot301 ■ day through Fridny with Traveler’s Oasis, north of Call Kothl,-7M-3333:------Pocatollo. Idaho 03204204 . , , Ted, nt 5pm ______’ Apply Today! 7^ sultani for Special Educationon ol Agriculture, is currenlly ^/eekeiidf. oil. Conlaci; “• tho Hnnson Dtldoc, Oponing for c>iminol rocordsn Program Improvomeni to accepting npplicalions lor 1-203-232-3741 ^ j L ^ e , 934-5601- ______^ DAIRY HERD MANAGER! ' ______lof-n-bld-dopoul ol $50,00I pn pl!or_l,lly 1P. ______'? monilor complianco wilh P.L,L, Crop Di'oase Inspectors. A IuImhiio luciu'.icuin, year ;nr 7.iusnravtrc3rT7ictoijrFut^ DESCRIPTION OF WORK3RK- I'l' New large dairy looking lor,f ACLS prelorroiJ '. uvaluatu piogfanr 1 round work, oxpi;ti(;tic:e pie- Local hardware slore ac->c- S alary n e gotiablo. Apply: elleciivenesa, coetdin.iie im-m- c h a so V* length irrination :SEARCH FACILITY PHASE 11 I,.' herd manager to run 1.0000 ConMcl. ccopting applications lor POTATO STORAGE RESE. lerred. need own loolo, N.incy Montgomery lor Gooding County Sherills of- provomont activities wilhllh boots. Training givon. Hourly Tho work consists ol Iho lolllollowing m ajor otomunts' cow dairy, Musl havo mini- part-time salos porson/cash-sh- fico. 624 Main. Goodinn, ID. ncludo all labor and matorial lor montlily salary wilh noud j_ 733-3700, cxt 234. ^ school districts, administer:or w ages S4,06 hr & S.22 mi. A. Tho b a so work will inclu nl- mum ol 3 years oxporionco. - ler. 10 lo 30 hours por wook. n, Ttile VI'B lunds. plan nndnd Applicalions being accepiod beneliis, Cnll Sutlon £ Sons )f Iciaho Migrant Council is ac-ic- Please send rosumo to BoxR,: Part-limo dolivory poroon. tho Installotion ol: in Hnitoy S nr.k lot Cnrma or Up lo 53,000 a monlh lof ;s, 9.00am to 3.00pm until 0/U II scrvico. quallliod employeo. & nd ro-)- ct^pling ;ipplic.iliens Ier nnin 3591, c/o Timos-Nows. PO must bo rosponsiblo ond do-o- coordinate CSPD activities, 1. Tho building oloctrical st IQ pondablo. havo dean drivingig and develop training gt.mls.; - 90. 434 Shoshono St W .TF. cal systum nnd the mechnmc.ilic.li ntiici). ynn ??pfi______— cunw' Box 0471, r.Times-> ESL tnr.iructor m our Twin Box 540. Twin Falls. ID ■ 2, Tho lighting, oloctrical record, somo hoovy lilting In-n- The SDE blso sooks a C.ill 733-1795.______oquipmont areas ondI wowork uioa. Ameticon Newi. PO Box 540. Twinin Palls ollice. ApplicalionsIS 83303.______ont Tomporory Scrvlcoa, Inc. :— volvod. Pick op application3n Consultant lot Spocial Edu-fu- TOOL SALES 3. Tho oxhoust ta n syctonitom in the mochanicni oquipmont :- Falls. Idaho 03303______m.iy bo picked up nl: 406 Local sakis ollico is k)oking Wo need wqthors. bookeep- J Gardner. TF Uniil 7-20 90 if’O 01 430 BIoo Lakes Blvd N, cation Titlo Vl-B to cootdi- No oxporionco necessary, orcns. MOONLIGHTEnS wanted 1— fot a salos socrotary. Must SuiloC, TF. Noxi toAiby's.^ nalo P.L. 99-142 compli.ince 4. Tho conitnry sowor systemsys including tho r,nnd/w,itotiter ers, t>pir.tr,, word piocer.'.ots will train , hourly rato plus ■" Ioi p.ul timo janiiotial wotk havo pleasant phono voico. Part-time posKion monilorinn, collect daw. ad- comm, no travol. Nalion coparator soptic tank, amand drain hold. & nil p lu se s labor ■, tmmcdlato opening in our" rocord keeping experienco. rial. EOE. M.'F/H/V, Apply: Magic Malntennnco, minisior Title Vt-B lunds, re­'O' wido leads. FT positions, op- B. Tho following-work, inc!including all labor and matotinl 203 5lh Avenue South. Twin Falla ollico. & bo oblo lo wotk early-AM^ Ideal for retired IS nitornaies to tho baso workork. Nn lees. 734-G052. view district applications, portunity lor advancement. shall bo lurnishod as .• Join America's laslest hours. Paid hourly, weeklykiy n u rso and administer P,L, 89-313. Tho w ork includos: Aparlmunt Managers Experienced Freeman baler growing industry selling J- tw in Fall# ofiico 733-2526, b,isis. Cnll 733-2526. _ TREATMENT NURSE, Bolh posilions require m.is-’S; Jerom e ofiico 324-3843. Allornato « 1: R osoarch1 biibin mochanic.nl fi. electiical sys Gxiic'tii.'iici.'d inanngurr. to oporatorr; wanted, ollico supplies. No travelmn, ai- Aftomoon shllt. wookonds to- Cnll324-7125 '0' Looking lof a sell-molival- " let's degtce and three years' Typist and light bookkeep- lom, . pctlotrn leasing and niniiite- oil al noon, weekends oil.["• od. clean cut, dolivory drivorifor only. Apply In porson at, lea'ching expeiienco in spo- Altomato S2: Rough carpoirpontry. nnnce iesponr.ibililit)S ol W EXPERIENCED only, ,somi- Salary & commissions Un- ust Wo9l Magic Coro Contor, inn. PT/d.iys, Call 734-0330. of ollico/lab nroa. , ■ (experienco prelorrod). Must •f* dni education; prelcr man- Altomato 83: Finishing of c unil complet m Americannn driver, local milk h.nul, year- limircd income polenii,il. In-I'V bo nblo 10 litt 50 lo 10000 G40 Fitor Avo. W ost, TF. __ ogorfiont, reseaich dosign.)n. Wailpofsons noodod: Day Altomato #4: S torago atooito a 2 0 1 . , _ Fall,'. Need :.ltong niamle-ite tound work. Call 733-2733. . Side olhce work, no experi­ ini and evening shifts available. sh ond install tlio contfolr. lor th( pounds: subjoct to sub-ib- Pan-timo posilion lor partsns In-sorvice, nnd program C. Tho O w nor will lurnish i nance sKiib anil b;ickgiound E xperienced p resso r, lull- ence nccessnry. Everyone slance abuse lost bolor hir­ Will Irain, Apply in person lical systom, lif- runner i maintenance por-)r- compliance experience. rosoarch bin mochamca in subsidized liou:,mg Bilm- time. No phono c.alls please. welcomo. ing. OOT conilication pro-ro- son. shipplng/rocoiving ox-X- Applications are duo Julyuly 2-5, SCO Tom: TTio Ow ner intends lo comiom plete all ol tho v/ork ll budgo^3 II gu.al prelened iJalnfy nego-3°. Apply in p o tso n S.iiurday.. Coll Eotl nl 734-1735, ^u. 1007 Blue Laketi Blvd tniviso. a portion ol iho work wi __ lerred. EOE: wago commen-jn- potienco ne^lul, 1 • 5 p.m..1.. 27; starting dalo is mid-Au- constraints dictato othonwii liable, good bciieliir.. Send July 21, 9 am-noon, Mr. A's^ Immodlote oponing for a ;urato with oxporionco, Ap-vp- 5 days por wook. $5 per>er gust. Salary paid accordingng Noflh. Twin Fnlla. • ■ bo dono nt o laior dato. resume and relerr;nces 'O' to. Ory Cleaners, 403 Washing- 1 uqual to 5% ol Itu) attioiml bn ■ relief cook. Also part-limoRO slicalions aro availablo by hour. Sond reply: PO Boxox tolhnSD E schodulo. BIO BONO: A bid bond uc , ‘^1“ P.O. Do« 300035. Denver, ion N______'- posilion opon Ior dishwashercr sersonal roquost at G.S.P.S,.S, 40, Twin Fnlls, iD 83303._ For comploio job inlorma­ia- Spray applicator needed. No ! must accompany Iho bidlid |proposal. (Soo inr.truclionr.•' ii CO 00;-03 by Augusi 3rd __ Expcjiencqd rospiraioryiher-- : Aug. t4ih. Contact Vicki at 1001 Highland Avo E. Twin Performance Chevrolet tion or to request applica­:a- oxporience necessary. Ap- 5 934-5C01, Groen Acres Caroro Falls. Icf. 0 o.m to 5 pm. tio n s . w rite 10 D arroll K, ply; 195 Eastland Drive, PU^Vo WORKS CONTfNTRACTOR’S LICENSE: Publi,;blic Budget nenl-A-Car ol Twin'•in apisl needed lor three 10 In Mounlain Homo QI1S0 lor the Si.ite ol k b h o is•, ri:re- Falls, lull time posilion avnil-111- hour shifts n week plus callII Center. Goodintt.______^eles ANIMAL SHELTER NOTICE OF PUBLIC' Associaled Dames is inler- B^^taaooiTcBTCASBO-lOTOT.MLMLl MEETING viewing lor pl.ml clean up 007-Jobs ollnloiosl 007-Jobsol Interest 7 0 3 ...... 2 010-399 0 - 3rd St. l\l. D u e TO OUR cuRRErrIENT EXPANSION, WE HAVE Found doga: personnel. Conipelilivtj s.il- IMMEDIATE OPENINSNINGS AVAILABLE FORI 1. Lnb. black malo. SCOPING MEETING> nry and e «c e 11 e n t b t) n e I i 1 ...... 3 010 0 4th St. i\l. - 2. Collio X; tri-colorod.od. package Call 733 IG22 lor • Floor CashiersCa noutorod malo. PLEASE TAKE NOTICECE rnlt-rviewlimef, EOil/AA...... 2 010-400 0 - 3rd Ave..M. ■ Keno Rupner/WrltersRu 3 Dingo/Hoolor X, wtiitotiiio that tho Idnho Dopartnien Ar.r.l packing Ime Isteperson— wilh black oyo, lomalo.ilo. ol Agriculture in conjunc lor ntowinn nroduco ccmpa- 7 0 5 ...... 2 010-500 0 - 4th Ave. N. ■ ScQurltyIty Officers : 4 Collio. tan a wtiito.ito . lion wilh tlio USDA A nnia'’'■■'I ny W ag e l'v e l will bo com- ■ Cooks mnlo. oldor dog,og, Plant Health Inspectior mensurate w/exp. Accepting ...... 2 010-500 0 - Sth Ave. I\l. s dockod tail. Sorvico purpocos to hold r^ npplicalions til C.'-I, 532 S. ■ Inventortoiy Clerk 5. Shophord X. black< a4 public scoping mcc.'tmcj) tc’0 Shoshono Sl.V.'endell 7 5 6 ...... A l l1 of, c Dubois Drive brown malo. address the issue:, anc ■ Warehoihouse Person col- concornr, ol thy QCMiot.n!!' I Aulo bodybamicr tedinidan 6. Bo«3or Cctlio X. tri-col­ I o” , £ j, 7 4 2 ...... 1 010-400 0 - Block of ■ Mechanianic pu b lic on lilt.- p ro p o so, Jh c needed: Please cnll 780- orod malo pup. 1, -° 3GG1 or send resume. PO. 7. G o rm a n S h o p h oird r d , . spraying ol ;)faf,shoppi.'f: ...... H airrison r r ■ Bar Stewtowards ; blnck 5 brown, sp.iyoclyod on Conserva'iion Roscrvi Box' ,170. Bellevue. ID.p . X ' * -'y - Q3J13 Sun Valleys laslest ■ Food •ServersSci Program (CRP) lanflkn thc lomalo. nrn.vin'1 ho

' z ^ - S e U lepted offfeigrs-Real esti t a t e 0 0 7 -0 3 0 I r a n

J k T j f f l \ H SMCLA^inE

020 Money Io Loan 030-Hom 03 For Salo 0030-Homoa For Salo 007-Job3 of Interest 009 AduU Caro Sorvicos Room in liconsod home,~ Nood linaiicirig loi m h .iIII 1' ij.'ith Witii Wantod; Expohcncod ollico d a iry . S e n d rcp liu s Oo> ' NEW PAINT! NEW pcrsoanol. Requites accu-» The Ticm es-U ew s 1,-imil/ aimosphcio, r.pcci-itiy Liiul-.' v.ltil ruck f.ld- Al:liivmi'r;; 1^,ill 73.1-3537 ' G9G3. c/o Tunes Nev.:;, f'OI be seen, CARPET! taio Epolling. lyping. picas- — Box 5-10, Twin T all;., ID nnt lolophono tnannor. Com- . 3 Ijcclrnom lionii) m 010 PfolQSSlon.il R3303 puiur oxpoiionco picloncd...... ' KKiriitifirry V ac.m t ?, n ’a d y - Pull-Iimo. Sond locutno: Box Scrvicos litiz e xa _ 023 fnvostmcnts - 10 move into Wilh nii;lal 051G % Timo^^NOWS, PO l i o r C i 3 BEDROOMS i S e n '.icMiq S-12.900, Call Gary . , . nox 540. TF. ID Q3303. AMEFlicAN or Sliiili-'y lor :'.tiovvin^ “ ' Personnel 4 Temporary CASifDUYERToTyoui W.inicd: Fmaneial plnnnots. Morigiigo, TruM Di-t.'i(, oi, ' J 2 " will train. Call Don Dow, Services, Inc. . Iloal Er.ialo Contract 200-507-g45^ t e s t 'SCvon Otticcr, to si.-rvu y o u‘ ', •. EfiMniiiiii BOO f)?:^ n:’3,i ; C la i: s s i f i es d R a l M.r.'ll-V-UOC-Notco Wantod; Full-limo (mmhjpd NELSON uble ass(!ts lo •Twill F.illr. . .73-1 G452,1 lnv(..r,IOi .vaiilod lo on spfinkluf ittig.iicd lafm in O u r s(*ni<)r• citi/eiifi < an; valuab ■DoiL-e...... 322-0155i5 noc3 proll! cp re.il cstatf REALTY -Ouhl Hagotmnn atoa. Insur- •Nampa...... -IG7-5G27,7 Call 73-1-1507______h 260 2nd St. East I'o- tlu* \lagi<^-VValley (ronutiiinity aand as sifeh nnco nnd other bonofils pro­ ' Tfuitl.niicJ '152-5575 ■ ;iiid vided. 543-5370, nllor Bpm. R t o I Eatato for Sale d '7 3 4 -3 9 3 0 s p[lecial < treatment. 1That's why •ElKo, NV.. 702-‘/30-15'>5 •Winnemuoca .702-623 2399» L.zr:77r----TEi::r T h e (*s-Ne\vs Custometier ServiT"'W'itor P.itls. . w e e k l y r alies. l . So. wln^tlier yyou nee«l to ditioning Automatu; r.ptm Ovrri.i.tcO garacje with noodod. Job locatod in lahoi, 30 (lay guarantoo•*-' kting, nicoly lar,clr.c.i[V'il Diotrich. Call 637-GJGG, r.loi.uH; locijms, U eautilul ’• s ( i l l l l i a l ()1<)! n?,; 3r’i7 n,ivi-______— Lo.v J.70 S. 2505 Oth Ave L, iUliOOO “ furnitnre oroi whatever suits> yyour faney. WRITERS TF. Fot appointm ent cull, BRAWLEY REALTY I anil ask foi- OM Childcaro Scrvicos 734-3503-______- COLDWELL Froo-lanco writof waniod,iod ns s a eall at lXU)9:i\ ■. _ 734-5858 10 covof mostly local qov- E>p babysitter w.'pro-school HOME WITH LOTS BANKER ‘ PEACEFUL tlu'S riiior Citi/tMiC l?at<‘. acii.-.tios, hol lunch, r.nackr. ctnmont and schools and ^■5 OF POSSIBILITIES WESTERN REALTY>' P A R C E L 10 writo foaluro slorios In a:i ,-^c|i-.--, wolcoiiut 733.1095 ' tho Koicfjum/Hailoy/Bollo-Dllo- o r o U(Icr; lv plva.'H' ash fo r thisl.s- ir«f<’ ii /icii V 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 1 l),H)>':.;i in niy home, 5 yrr.'V tiurlecl slnriuf hoiiu,- t-liir. • You and tho doctr will en vuo oroa. Ploaso sondjn d I ('iri'r, iL'Iciencos Moalr. S loy the cjuiol hillsido loca- • non-roiurnablo covor loi­lot- pltHniiX yo u rr <.iu l. -:n.ickr, mcIuOi.'d, Mon-Sal :i bdrm s, on 1 aero, ij;ir clen area and Iruil iroi.-:. non and panoram ic view ter, rosurTio and exam plespies r.ill I'l.iino 733-3.1^9 - ol tho valloy Irom this ol writing ability to: — Only $-iy,000. Call Cato ^ Ij^n Culler lor details. alO neiiily riiiv/r 2 slory, 3 Jonnilor Kaulli f f r e g u l a r r a t e OlG Employment V/anlod KIMBERLY , Rogional Edilor 5 0 “ off V bdrm, 2 bath, lo<) hoim; on I., J io o n i 'i . 3 b .ilh ss. , .1 acrcs soulh ol Hanson. Tho Timos-Nows Ousy sum m er? Let us do i i.i-i.- ird'.vooii ili.-ck Ian]i;I'.' UT. nico - fvlUST SEE TO Box 540 ycut (;L'nural liouso clcaniiuj? COUNTRY LIVING o, couniry'V APPRECIATE! Twin Falls, ID 83303 :s,7days,Sf lltneol, dependable & lolor-■r VIEW! ;;,.iuij,-.y 3- 3 lines (.■iicc'r. 733-J659f734-9049. ROBERT JONES WRITERS (; k ! i I S I J H T!• ^Siimlay in.s<*rlion) Your whole-’ (,iniily will c n' 1’ C;i)l K,iy>/ REALTY llou:,uKL-L‘pino, ExperieiiceJ,,(] joy tins -I bcliiii lioniL' with' a-appoinl.. . Froo-lanco wriicr‘'wanlec approxiiiinti.'iy fr-IOO'si]' ll - 7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4 ------lo covor moslly local gov- (S2 piT a«!dillilioiial lint-) with rolereiice-. 32.1-3353 'ernmonl and schools and one ■7^ on 1.G7 aci.;s l;»ti.i I in.ji; Jouincyniari machinist. 17 inachini; ;ho|i, corral;. BRAWLEY REALTYY 1-000-2G2-5001 to wrilo loaluro storioss inir yrs ujp, pump lepair e»p, 73-1^:5058______EXT. 1211______Iho Mini Cassia aron■on. r P clor.i; lo lcv,ii .incl cunvi.- seeks m employmonl in TF,'''• wiIli a loll/ VI.:-.-; Ploaso sond non-rolurn- 733-13-17 fiMvrr mi'Snafii' LOVELY RAMBLERR MAKE US AN OFFER: f-or _ablo covor letter, resumeSmo TllClllIKnes-Nint-s O J :..ili..byowiU'i,3bedioom,'f/.' Need somo concrolo work and oxaniplos o( wrilinj O'k S76.UOO''’l/.i’ll Jaiiii loi iImi liiiicKy buyor:; Out- down? Such as; Sido-walks.ks. ii.on for di,'l,itl:, S21-',I0 Jl- b.iih fiomo. Quiet neiglitJOi- abiiily lo: W E W : 7 ^ patio lloois. driveways, or -;idi,- c tia n n w itli m alur.)rii liood. Funcud yard, hool Jonnilor Knulh K^ism Fi'OfUfio Inlr. Call 73-<-0G7.1 Iriiulr,c,ii)inij, Ibads o ol l pump wilh air, now carpet Rogional Editor 2 - DUPLEX U r,--...... private back■k upsiairs, low m aintonanco BIMMIJ iiTinM \l -t- . - • . Tho Timcs-Nows 017 Business EXCELLENCE! y.iicl In EXCELLENT NEJE Sidinn. S43.900. 733-4234. Sox S^IS l0L,nt,jii ;;200 sq ll pro Opportunilios ° Now. 3 bodroom 2 lull . Twin Fallr,, ID 033033___ ■ _ REDUCEU to 570,000' 2 in!c-, 3 becliooiiis, ,1 bed- baths. Pricod lor quick sato. roaiM or di.-ii, i.Mitcrtain WYOMING IS YELLOW­ ______"■ Perma-Glazo Iran-1^ , iKlriii. 1 b.'illi, liviiKjiooiii, Shown by appoinimonl only, STONE COUNTnY Q, kilclu’ii, l.iKiidfy room, pa iiii.'iii Mji' laniily room, lor- Seo at 2706 Hiawalho. Cnll iio„. 007-Job3 ollnterest 007-Job3 of Interest | 007-Job3 of Intorosi oca Salos People cliiso.Groal moPL'y maker , ni.il ciiiuiuj .mcl lormal liv- rmir.h Iho season in Yellow _ Sell or Irado Southern Idaho,1,0. no .incJ sloratK,. room;, in ;v- 733 9G0G.______mono PniH. Immodiato open eac h uml includes ,tKj room ai.:a. A REAL Waniod: 1 qualiliod lartn ma Eipeiienced salespeople in Torms. Dei.iiir. 73-l-5?r-< PLflASURE. Call Oobbiu New homo, 3 bodrooms, 2 m g s in food s c rv ic c an< — bdrm, 1 Oaili hoi/ie iii | ,,i balhs, tacuz2i tub, good lo- _ » chinoiy oporaior. Also open tlio tolail nutomobilo busi­ Ki.'lli.-y lor y o u r pc;rsonal ollior positions. Room i YOU COULD BE ness v,anied. Rtprcseniinqip 018 Income Proporly back IncuniL' potential ol '5" catif^n C,all034-aiQ.i boaid & trailer spots avail,„.:i ing lor 2 .truck drivers. i Da s WANTED: __ $900 a month Call riobi;ri ,i[)poinimont. S7G.900. 432-5-100. Evns 432-GGtl. OUR TYPE... ’ Iho excellent lines ol Old- >'33-2365 or 733-G482 H am ilton S to re s. PO Bo; smobilo-Quick and Isuzu.u. Meridian li plox lols, GO1 X x Jenkins lor your appouit- _ m t Waniod: Capablo person li IF YOU’RE A (.■vejiirigs ” NEW LISTING 250. W. Yollowslono. W ^ NURSING Excollont work atmosphuro,0, 120', approved by Adada monl today' «19 90 59750 or 406.6-16-7325, food dairy cows. Must cpoa SECRETARY *1 bedroom , 1-V.. balh, lull English. Call 034-Q507. a s s i s t a n t s continuous Iraining. salaryry County lor parking. Meridianlan bar.eiTienl, L'xcollont loca­ Yaidpcison: For roloil Ium • . plu s co m m issio n , Liniilyly Cily approvals, bluo prinls .COLDWELL tiido W,inled o»porionccd sJioit Cactus Poto'o Roson Ca- tion with 100 many extra's bcr yard, insido & eutiidi Aliornoon S nighi shifts. ' liualih pl.in. Coniact Diian or and appraisals included, to li;.l - pricucJ at only so lo s, coal hauling duriniiring houl iiuck drivers. ^ sino is soaking a soaotary7 Grad Doy in person al Dickck Possit}lo 120 X 120 lor-12-I A L P I N E BANKER CNA prolorred. Apply in lor ihoir Human Ro- . , $103,500 00 CALL TO- winter. Dcnotits. liigh oclioc:l)00l Call 324-7148. :----- person at Wost Moglc ,, Doy Gldsmobilo-Buick-lsti-II- plox Qvnilnblo, Cnn slarta n REALTY WESTERN REALTYY DAY ron YOUR PRI­ diploma required. Apply ii - sourcos Dopartmont, conslruclion immediately on ly in Waniod: Expoiionccd‘ Caro C cntcr, G-10 Filor JU. 712 Main Ave South ______7 _ 3 3 :2 3 6 ? ____ _ ,. VATE S H O W IN G ,______person: 117 S, Biich, Jer- Jei r.wathor operators. ' Qualifiod, applicants ~ Gplex S31,500._Dan_Crow. 734-3373 Avu. Wosl, Twin F.-iltr. ihould po^oss Jiling undnd Whon_you.hayo..5QmtJlhinQ. no’ - C A L L T O L IT F R E E ’ i * B R A W L E Y REALTY ______C,ill324JJ43.______55 lo soli, placo n cl.issiljod ad, -0G0-3270 aiiyfin'id message. tefoplio'no sRills. typo 55 Meridian ■' ' 1-B00-3-15-4G65 o»i 100 7 3 4 -5 8 5 8 “ I .wpm and work woll wilhilh YouH hko llio fiisl rusuHs. rhtHpublit;. Computoror ba(^ground and Insurancoco 009 Adull Caro Sorvicos Ip— . - S s ^R m es-^ N e m - lul. Appiicalions can bouo Havu opcnifig loi elded/ or rii.tdo at Iho C aclus Pole's-'s h,inOic.nppcO VI our hotno, llurnnn Rosoufcos oflicoCO ruar.oiialjlo r,-iU> 543 0750 lER FORM in Jnckpol. Novada bo-e- Lols ol expcjionce v/iih eld- ■k e ::::) CLASSIIIFIED ORDI Uvoon tho hours of 0 a m . cily pooplo, m your honn; IEIC%1lCm «5 o i ;ind 5 p.m. For (urllior in- C.HI allcr 5, 733-9340 If you are unabiable to call or comee I by the Times-News> lormation ploaso call' 1 ' Privalo fi senii priviiK; loorn is order form to our, (000)4^2-3033 oxlcnsion av.iilablo in liccnr.cd luliu) P ipy :| office, simplyy clip and mail this ' 14G/149. r AN»jlD Dili:DIECirC mont homo C,ill 734-5510 classified departijrtment so that we canan get your ad startedi ------wifhDut delay. 008-^Sales People - 00&-SaIes People . ■■ ■■ ■ • Pleasee printp clearly with darkirk pencil or pen . 1 Immediate ' ■■QTQQSlSflHi I • There arare approximately 26 characterscl H^ESSsuZSI^H il SSOCIATES1; ^ 3 1 I . IB I— ! ■ (includinjing blanl< spaces) perr IIline. SALES AS Inietiot/exioriof «jroy.' btush, f l MEN ANI4 0 W O M E N I Windshield Roplacc * HANDYM Lifiht olocltl- ® [olK • Pleasee payp according to ratete schedule which is ■ WOI now como to you CQl.pfurrjm b in g , pain lin g B - ■ ' 'p Highly successfulj 1 Souihorn Idaho GM wkonds ot no oxtra < ry. C01I733-47G2. jjj printedd helow.b dealership Is acc(icepling applications ■ yrs. oxpor. Most dod I .'W' ------1 J ■ waivod. Coll 324-32CV3205. ■ for sales ossociol'a le s. ■ MR. M ^ PAINTER: Intotlor. ox- - • I ' ______lorior, Iroo ostim nlofi. Cflll • ■ < P lease rirun my ad in cl:lassiflcation . WMACDONALD ■ 734-734-2762 Of 736-1105. g Company will pa>ay for one week of H lONTRACTING ■ iob Iraininq Inonn will tosi opplicanl's I w m ■ : - . oddiiions & repairs, ______^ fl • ____ _ f o r ______d a y s . iI skill levels. Upon3n passing and 733-3102. " ----- ■ (’airPainting, cleaning, Interior/ fl (Print one characia c t e r p e r s p a c e p l e a s e , iniincluding blank spaces.) ] | reaching a mulucjol agreement, Q ® John’s Shorponing . oxtooflotiof. Sm sh, roll.,spray. « I applicant will bo0 hired. Salary will I Opon 8-6. Mon-lon-Fri I ______------■ Fro7u5klorRa WICE SPECIALTY B moval.m Iroo ost, John Ho- “ ^.0rid«,.733-09»rra4-4S65-'- Q y Moro Bonolit* ------Youf-ad-jd-wlil-feactt-».000— " 0 ■ ■ : - l o t a T Jowmo — r4o Phono Collj ' B famllloss ovoryday an'd tho H ...... a WnBBBiHI _ results willw a m u o you. Call ^ ind ono of our friond- B H ------Mail your ordor formm 1 t o : ..... ' “ " O '! / , • B today anc fSBSZm 3& BBi Q M ly Ad-vitllso ra will holp you - * • g Q ,M BETW EEM , * ■ word youour ad BO that ll will B T llcT ilIK S^’V-8 O ;i 0 rivowoyr,. • - ■ , « bo mostst olfoctlvo and bring , n ,'i n Dolivorod for drivi GORDON PAVING Q .m .-5 :0 0 P.flfl. . You can H you tho10 reaults you aro “ AsphaS mainteminco. ' U parking lols. oic. Y I for. 0 p ...... Se r v i c e haul 100, Call Norm 2 3 A ' a looKlngfc Paving, cool coaling & ctacJc U CS T J h r u FiigE>AY filllno, coll 733-1 eOO. _ q Crnno S Rigfling. 733 : m m ro. S., Twin FalU, Idaho □ 73W 931 ' Q , Idaho 83303 ______: . ' P-O-0. Sox 548, TwinFalls. Ic ca a C3 c ^ a d a cD ’a a ta C3 a cPca3 C3c ta 13 C3 Q ea ea C3 S Y E S - W e i Ol C3 a E3 EH C3 FOR AGGRBS Q J I AUTOMOBILB SALES BBPRB I " " '■ ...... * No Expcriena ■* On-Tba-Spon -*• Bojt Poy Won I -* Rotiromonl Prc •* M odieol ond £ * Idoho'j lorgo! ★ Mony, Many / _Vp)eojeNoRo. * Apply In Por«

S E E K E K 1 1 1 : 0 0 MONDAY A15102-A ™ . c - i Timos-Nows. Twin Foil:-oils, Idaho Friday. July 20,0, 1990

______(0 3 0 - 0 8 1 Z ^ R e all l estate-RiCentals -Meierchandise

■ ^ B J S Q L s ■ ■ L \ H ^GLflSSm WM ;_^'iii:ri-N HR

070 W anlod To Buy 077 Homo Entertainm ent 0 29-O pen H ouses ” 1' (Ha-Own Houm J I 030-HomesForSelo 030-Hom o3 For Sale 038 Acroago & Lots 051 . Unfurnished Housosos 057 Miscollanoous - — For Salo Straw shroddor and a rockck Luxor, completo ” COUMTRY ACREAGE Secluded AcreagB: Counlryry Very nico largo 3 bdrm, 2 J l $ 4 2 ,0 0 0 ^ rako. Call 734-4830.______saiellito system, $750. Clear Lakes Cororporation is proud Comfy-cozy homo! Viow. 3 lots shaded by opplo trees.5, balh doubkjwide mobilo inin Decorator wrounhl iron “ Call 423-4415. bedrooms, 2Vs baths, brgo ill ouiet Filor location. S375 mo.no. Icnco, hall prico, 39', Storm )f Th/00 bodroom BRICK 0 Ph.nso 2 now oponing. Call Traitor towing wind dolloctor. to announce ththe completion of lamiiy room, 2 car g^raoo.’• today to rosofvo your lot.■t, no pots. C.nn 326-5087. __ window Jor oldor houso. Call Nintendo and gun with 6 .1 RAMBLEn’' $50: dishos. sorvico lor 8. gamos, Iiko now. f. 'pdsturo. f.1usl Cco lo nppr?:-— Botlor huiryl Going iosil 734-0234.______^_ $35; cihronvaro. .sennco lor our beautiful slshowcase model51 CLEAN .. C1.EAN. CLEAN dato I Call tor nppoinlmont, 052’ Furnlshod Apis. r.iH 324-5759 niter Spm p in movo-ifi condition, BARKER REC TO R S Dr Muellor suntan bod. nowrw 8 . SSO. C.nll 53&--G483. tiome on the 1"11th green of the 'O w nof. 734-9083. Coll 543-4371 bolts. SJ5(W or bosl oiler. HURRY. C.nll Bobbio------>1 . '- ^ Dupl°»°5 Wonlod: 10 la ro . any slie 078 Communication 6 Kolloy 10 733-2355 or J(m Barker...... — S43-5604J __ C.nll 543-5057, ovoninqs ■ _ and or canvas. 324-53G8 Clear Lakes Go3olf C o u rse . C om e jA doon 1 bdrm. appl-anccs, g 733 0402 rvcmnos. 032 .Buhl/FIIor Homes • P?' Earn I01& o( money in .n Mllo Dovlcos - 039 Business Property. . .cafpol.-nofi-amokcr. non- I'O W antod: 1 pair ol men’s visit the . Clear .. Lakes limo. Fair booth lor salo:° : foolball shoos in good condi- _ drinker ptoforted. Most utili­L-," Serving scones, elephnnl Brand new, lull lealuted mo- development anand see this home 3 PR(?.JE COMMERCIAL ties. SIGO ♦ SGO deposil. lion, sizo 12-13 fi regulation bile car phono, 736-3951, e COLDWELL ' g r e a t f o r KIDS ■■ oars. Navajo l.ncas. horso shoos. 734-5637. - at a special sh(showing during an Lovoly l.nmily A bodroom1 1.0CAT10NS Call 734-9263______— 543-6780 or 543-4240 5 BANKER . EXCELLENT HIGH — W anted: 2 --snowmobiles J sS ■------^ ^ ------—— on an acrengc w/TF wa- . Clo.in sleeping room. 733-, ■ EXTRA WIDE wficel cfiair. Open House onDn Sunday, July 222 WESTERN REALTYY tor. pasluro. barn. Yett TRAFFIC LOCATIOri Addk. 7434 plearj? loavo number. trailer in good condilion, CaH — __like nev/. Automatic bod.a . 934-4523.______079 Appliances 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 doso 10 schools. S79,900. '• son Avonuo Easl. aojacont between 1 andi 5£ p.m . lo Kmart and grocery outlet. Looking Ior a house or apPpl’ __sliding board, commode, rt Indepondonlly owned S DARKER REALTORS Cnll OUILICI. 733-2^40 W anted by private party: 15 It Iroozor. chosl lypo, Coll 543-4371 Building p.nd suilablo lor last __ walker, padded bath se.ni Used anliquo wagon.. Clear Lakes is located in the. , oDCf.nicd ______fekn nfW.Cnll 733-1009. — Jim BofkcrS43.SG04 lood or high visiblKy retail. Ca(l029-519D. — C.nll 423-4332. Snake River C;Canyon near Buhll! 4 bodioom. 2200 sq. It., “ Two .nddition.nl ratail siles. 054 Unfurnished Apts, For sell: Savin 755 copior TTT 25 cu It d ie st Iroozor, $350. p sptinKlor system . $49,500. ^ Wanlod: Dodgo pickup 1/2 Call 734-0812 days or 734- 033 Kimborly/ Ctiooso a 2C00 sq It sito ad-d- & Duplexes w,'st.nnd and lluid. $250. Seo lon rear ond. 55 lo 60. will and Hagermanan. Call 543-8598^ C.nll 73‘5-1493.Gv.noot. — ai 193 2nd AvoE. Wendnll 0344 oveninns,______‘ Hanson Homos j.iconi lo e»isting retail busi- — toko out. Cnll 934-4523. for inlormation.1. nur.ses or 1.92 acres withth GE slack washer & Dryer. 2 25 cu ft Whirlpool sido by ^ DYNAMIC DUO n Itoningo on Addison AvonuoJO 1 & 2 bdrm apts n W antod: Fomalo Peacock, 5ido, harvest gold rolrigcra- Nico 2 bod ro o m h o m o in years old. good cond. S250.I';- Call 423-5910. Special invitatiation is offered to . E.nsi suii.nblo lor rclail or ol->1- QUIET LUXURY set ol liko now camper [.neks, __ lor/lroozor. w/ico maker S b Cut your tax bito withu Kimbotly. For s.nlu by owner, ink ItnM Ireo. $350. 423-5891. real estate agenents and brokers. j] c.nil 423-S443______■ lice BN122 Lg walk-in closols; AC' SlOO. 9' by 7" siornge sJied,^'. W an to d ; Largo chain link 1 thoso two duploxos. Spa­ OWNER WILL BUILD TO' Laurol Pork Apartmonisis $ 100. C.nll 53G-2246______' dog kennel. Call 543-4081181 • cious 2 bedroom pl.nn with — nder 5 pm.______V 034 Joromo Homos SUIT 176 Maurico St. N.. __ 30 20' kitchon ranges. $150 largo m odom hilchcns. Im- Dtuco Nolson Apl 304. manager Hol tub. 2 yoars old, will hold W anlod: Large gt.nss bolilesles ca.- 50 4 4 cubic tt. toltigs., ___ provable ronts in a tigtil ■ G peoplo, 14 foot boal. with 'J Dy owner: 2 bedrooms. P 2 , Prico PouHon i Compnay 734-4195. , (Carboys) 5-7 g.nllons. ■ ■sso‘ oa"Cafr323:5TSC, ronUnl m.nrkut m.nKo ihoso ^ 67Q-1t16or G7R-4227 ■77- 35 horsepower Morcury out“ C.1II 736-8635. ^ OSO-HomesForSaJo COO-HomasForSaJo b.nlhs, brick, on Jerom e Goll — 2 bdrm 4-plox. appls, utility— y board molor. Rupp snowmo- S02,000. Course, double qar.nge, AC, room, AC, no pets, S295^ •* blip. C.nll 324-4965______Warned: Milk cans. Pay tS? top JOE’S SWAP SHOP autdmali: sprinkling system,j' 040 Comolory Lots _ SlOO doo. Cnll 734-0-155. ^ prico Call 324-8033.______g Call Tony.n, 734 G550 -TT King sizo watott>cd, padded __ Amana diost froozor. 2 t cu J | (otmal dining S living rooms, ,ci AparimotMs (or persons G2 th W anlod. Obsolete or unre-ire- ft, like now, $350, 734-4507 2 l.nmify rooms, bnscmenl &» Up 10 6 cho'co lois in Sunsel sido rails, complolo.with ,, Mf>mori.-il P.ntK 1-325-S395; yoars and older, ronl b.nsod •of pairablo businoss compulors Anama 10 cubic foot frosl- sniolliio. Dy a p p o in im e m mattress and ho,nler, mirror COLDWELL ~ on income .nnd EHO. Call hc'.ndboard .nnd 2 shelves. (IBM. Burroughs, clc.) Also Iroo whilo rolrigorolor. $225. I onlv. 32-1-atGq______oul-datod or unrepairable p 045 Mobile Homos 536 2730 or 536 2340. ___ SISO. Call 734-8504______3lo Call 324-4914 alter 6:30. BANKER ^ copy machinos. modical lir ^ ^ JEROME-IN TOWN _ Jerome Hefitago Homes•* L.ntgo smokor. wired (or 220. 't?' F.ns( mover! 20 cu (l good WESTERN REALTY ■ \ oloctronics. olc. Salvago ' 3 bdrm, 1 bnlh. garago,'■ 12»C0 2 bedroom trailer, in Apartmenis lor persons 62 CairG29-5G03.______looking chesilteozer, $249. ; 7 3 3 - 2 3 6 5 m ow in wiihin 1 w eek ic- and older or handicapped/ — prices. 734-545-1.______< groal stvnpo. nov/ applianc- ' , New (ull-sizo maltress nnd — Cain 9 Socond Avenue Indopondontly owned 5 $.12.500 Call 324-7165 _ OS.S5000. D.nvs, 734-0370.I. disabled and noar oldorly p i W amed: Old redwood pipo.po. 736-2622______onnf.ntod boxsprings, $175: General — NEW LISTINGS IN 1973 Nashua 12' x 60' m o­Q. porsons 50 to 62. Ronl „ dam aged or nol. Good 1 ton Frigidairo cook top willi Eloclric no Irost sido-by- overhoad hotsi. 837-6615 JEROME bile homo lor salo. Must bo50 based on incomo. E,H.O. sido rolrinerator/lroozor. matching built-in ovun. excel G EVERYTHJNG mov-cd by end ol July. CalJ Call 733-5765, ■ W anlod: Slol mag. stylo/lo cond . .nwc.ndo. 734-5363 Attractive 1734 sq.1. f fl. 3 bdrm 1.5 bo th LOG — $250. C.i» 535-6605.______n, - YOU EVER... .. - - .iic d r c o m . fnmily-sizedJ 543-6755 niter 5om.______^ whools lor 6 holo Chovy . . -.-G,E.dryor,.$129...... ming interior, convenient -7- Nico 2 bdrnrapf; appSances,^•3 Now.low.bar. only ucod p'ickup: C.nll 423 -1680 - ~ ------hom e. N eat, charm it home cn do.nd end slreel,1. 1974 Van Dyko. 30x64 . 3 u,d onco, SGO. Call 733-9G5G. - - BANNER'S. 733-1421 1 com bination. Cornor lot. .60 W A N T E D ! •i drapes, Iiroplaco, lor m.niuto kitchon/family room cc over 2200 sq It. S75.000-, bodroom, 2 lull balhs, utilily — Wanlod 10 buy: 2 usod° GE heavy duly latgo capac- persons. No smoking or Picnic labto 2 ond benches. kiichcn cabinet uniis. upper acre, nice landscape,pe, northeast country loca- e bedtoom r.. 2Vj b.nthr. on room. oxc. cond, $22,000, ^u• 736 0154,0am to 2:30pm. (ty washer, almost now. Call . ■ pets. $300 4 deo- Avail Au- — and lower v/ilh tops, lor my tio n . FHA a ssu m aable b i loon. >69,950. OPEN:N .ipprox . ’/,• a crc IGOO r,qq • Nice clean 2 bedroom1 C.nll nltor Spm 543-5517 *_ PUSH. Call 734-5518.- 7 ^ 7 4 1 0 .______a f'omo, woli-iakon cato ol. __ _Polo lonco, boaulilul andid shop. Can 733 6789. HOUSE; W ednesday./.J J u ly 25th It on thu mnin iloor plus a '• 1981 Oakviow. 14 X 70'. 2 Small 2 bdrm duplex lor sturdy. Jim W elb, 537-6525. “ GE soll-cloaning rango, lovoly family room withth 519.000 bedrooms, 2 balhs. waler- — Wanlod 10 buy: Good g.ns rent, lawn c.nro & wator pro-’fO' P o fia b ic K onm oro OW. , 1, good condition, whilo. $225/ Iiroplaco in a d.nyligtH sollener. insulalod skirting,Oj vidod. $325. 733-G543 y - ongino. 12 10 20hp. Call ollor. S3G-G77G. mossario.__ R o b er n t J o n e s basomenl. Formal diningig • All on ono lovel. 2 bed- swamp coolor.- oxcollonl ____$100. Call 733-9175 attor 5L_ S36-6143, keep trying. ’ room and 4 bedrooms on:n toom homo on Easl fklam, condition. 326-42B0 oves. " Spacious 3 bdrm. 2 bath,^’1'. Purity water softener, likeke Wantod to buy: Good usod;3- GE washor &• dryer, gold, j— $300/mo. 733-1359.______5 good condilion. $300/otler. Re:e a lty ® tho main floor, Thc homo10 brick, appliances includod, 1905 Brighton double wido. — now and ready to hook up.'P. Irampolino. C.nll 536-2636. S250 C.nll 423-4300 ovos. ^ Call 734-3404.______isin oxcollont condilion)n S52.000. •• 24«48, 3 bdrm. 2 b.nlh, din­in: — W anlod to buy: Hardwood 1766 A ddison1 AAve. Twin FaUs _ and brick. Call Ralph .nl THE FALLS Mayl.ng conventional wringer 0 7 3 > 0 4 0 4 ______[J ing toom with built-in Jiulch. 2 Rango hood with Iho pipo.*0- pedestal tabto. old or now. [ n 733-0576. 8190-90 CANYONSIDE kiichon w.tiar. ulibiy toom, APARTMENTS^ Sto. G cubic loot RV rclrigcf- C.nll 73G-0138 or 324-2285.• ' washer, chromo lub, oxc a ______864 Quincy cond. $150 Call 734.3852 REALTY wood siding, stovo & (ridge, aior. works good, $350;y W anied 10 boy: Laying hens, 1 and 2 bdrms 1974 Fotd Pinto, tuns good, 3 2 4 - 3 3 5 4 awniiw, $28,900. «13 Sky- Cnll 029-5550. lano Tfniter Pk. 734-7568 (rom S270. hos dam.lged righl side. __ 080 Heating & — Family community $225 Cnll 734-0413______W anted lo buy: No, 5 John1”’ Air Condiiioning 734-6600 Ross 10 spd mon's biko.n Dooro tractor drawn mower. n GEM 035 Gooding/ ______P M S l ______,1(1 Phone 702-7£3-G645. __ Window mount evaporative STATE REALTY ----- nearly now. $50; picnic lablo Wondoll Homos '82 Concotd 24 x 40 doubloJlo 3f Wanlod 10 Buy: Rabbil hulchich coolors. $395, 734-0400 wido. 3 bdrm. 2 balh. cov- r,A v//siocl adiur.tablo log, lor- ’V- 055 Roommates Wanied mica top, $30; 3 sheeis ol S a d o q run, dnil 423-6389.l _ BANNER'S. 733-1421 OR TOLL FREE ,. 1 btlrm homo, park liko sel-.1. etcd patio 5 storago shod,>d, ______. — 1-000-34S-1CGS oxI E llS lormica, 3 'x 4 '$5 ca. Wanlod lo Buy: Tractor, IH ting cn Liiile Wood. 537,500Q Filer Tr.nilof Coun. 543-4782]2_ Roomm,vo wanlod to shaio ip' 081 Furnlturo & Carpots fk- 3 bedroom homo. 734 0325,525 Call 733-6823. Hydro approx. 80 lo 120 hp. GATEWAY TC OUHL! HUB CITY REALTY, 93.1-1- At tho Lazy J Mobilo Park; 1000 rom. PTO. 733-3634. 5073.-934-113-1 Moto .nctes; Silvcrcrost 24 x 64. nowly^\j ovfr.nrk'.ivnmor.snfit^ __ Savo 25% to 40% “ 1 brown & groon Iwood (ab- Largo opon Hoor pl.nn oiler- ly decorated completely, land- on your nrocory bill. Wantod: Usod carpetinp.'S' ric hide-a-bcd. vory good 3 bdrm , IV* b.ntli. lam iiy ; Twirl (-nils SfOCOry OiiHo!)! - plywood sheols. & old wash- ing 3 bdrms, 2 baths, w.? -foom.-hieplac«rOW 7-ouf^/_ ■scaocd-£43.500. 734-7644.^ 058 Oflico i Business ’’’■ cond. $75. Cair733-5010. ' s ifTi- -cargarago-anacnod-BC'.iuii-' 734-0294 _ inn mnchinn. /33-001G. 3 W rm ! ;D both fomilyly hhom e, one Ic\’drf3 m ily room" ’ building, 1 ncte'. edt]o olol Oy O wnor: I 4 i7 0 m obiloilo RcnIal — morninf;s or alter G. ovos. w/fifcploce. On 3.17' ocacres with TFCC waler, yearar lul largo la n d sc a p o d y.nrd icwn, rower homo, MU,0000 home on deeded lol, 3 bed­ ___ Sears Kenmoro under-iho- Wants 10 buy 125 lon cl hny.ly. 3 supor singlo watotbods. n pnnially (onccd wiih cirtul,it Ifio cabinet dishw.n.'-.her, S150. 3' lound stream, fiinccd1 pastures,p; loafing shed. barn, 93-t 50GG .nticr 5 p m room, IVj balh, pormanonlonl 2 slreel level shops m Uio J. C.nll 324-3185.______w/drawor podaslal, padded | q'I drivo. Roady lo movu inio DO Rogerson Moll by 12' sy/imming pool v/.lad- ffuil tfccs, grapes, bctric■fries, big garden area. Ideal for 13. ------_ loundation. coolcr, S31.000. 1 Winsor 351 engine, tails & sheets. $75 ea. in Call Guy. Century 21. 733- S-1.000 down will linnnco bol-,,l|. Ooahler Rcoltv..734 292222 deraiilter, S I2I 324-7128 nood condition. 324-3063 family with 4-H animals.ials, Locetcd just outside Twin."*■ 2121 or 543-B590, CVC9. li^ Cnll 543-4762. — 037 Farms & Ranchos ■anco. Cali 734-S943.______ATTRACTIVE Small sitool swoopor easily 7-dtawor drossor. S W atca, OpEM HOUSE:SE: SUMDAY. JULY 22nd, 'ail pultod with tiding mower or ______GRANDMAIS _____ = ______CLOSE-OUT 2650 sq (1 ollice bldg avail ^ 072-AnlknJ6B ------aH-woodr-S.175.------— — CAN^OU'BEATTHfS— nov/. Priv,-itu p;iiTiIi 1 (j"roTTB~ ■lliioTTKtiTC-ISrPoWOTCiJtTV HOUSE! ONE ONLY _ BANNER'S. 733-1421 R o b er r i J o n e s PRICE? Gton Rivor. *lop ol tho Imo*.,0* Ideal (ot agcncy, brokctaoe,me, horsopov/or brakos ond Antique barrel Siovo, I9IS ol Tho lincsi horsc/canlo lacili- ino consultants, safes. Call 73G-'3G- sirotton. $750. Can bo seen Banana choirs. • r Lovoly old counlry soiling 1500 sq It ol quality living nickel, good condition. $600, good solociion. S-ig. ■' ty. Indoor and outdoor riding'3 spaco. modular conslruclionlon 9919 d.nv, or 733-0G92 ever.vor. 01 C asa Grando Apanmonls'■S Call 734-38S2.______R ee i a l t y ^ in Iho city. Foaturcs in­ arenas. For business or ;q ll ir> Filer. Call 326-4053. _ RANNFR'S.733-1421 cludo 2 spacious bed- includos 4/12 pilch rool w/R//R Availablo 8/1, 2,000 sq ll — Antique grand piano, 187575 ------1766 A ddlton1 A v e . T w i n F a l l s ‘ ptoasuro, Look 4 comparo. 38 insulalion. 2X6 oxt wallsIlls shop Wllh 12xlG ollico. tcr.l ^ room s, lorm al dimng room, S155.Q00 C.nll 734-7B06. Webber square grand, [■ C x o a ) •:•733-0404 .cdJ ^ and upstairs laundry. _ W/R19 insulalion, toxturoded foom, ovethond door. 10Q7807 TROY-BILT TILLERS Boaulilully rolinishod rose- Danish tablo and 6 chairs, 1^0 CUSTOM RANCHER in sheetfock, through-out, oak)ak Hintit.nnd Avo E 734-0155;5__ SlaMing al $529 nl Garden ’ ‘ oxcollonl condition. $275. H.nfdwood lloors add to sn wood wilh carvod QuoonI," Call 733-5767.______tho charming appo,nl.11 Sawloolh nro.n. Seller Ih.nnin hardwood cabinols and OFFICE OR RETAILil l Counlry. Does tioi include Anno logs, mochanically I™ Basement lor your muchch new 3 bdrm. 2 balh homo,0 . moro, Salo prico 546,300. c -c liciahi&tax sound, S6500 soli or trado,io Dining room lablo, oxcoltoni ly Fealures lormni living toom■m NORTHWEST HOMESS SPACE FOR LEASE 1.B00-447-8769 condition, S4CX)/ol(or. il noodod slorago. Only Will remodel lo suit. 134 — Cnll 32G-4043______£35,000. Call Linda M.nnnm v/iih cathedral coiling. Iiro-0- 4409 Chindon. -_M United Airline t>ckcl 10 San ^ Call 733, 2m ______pLnco in lamiiy room, cenlral•al Boiso, Idaho Socond Sl. Easl. Call Antique walnut itestlo lablo A lor details. 423-6351. Francisco. Loavo Salt LnVo,:“• with center leal, $000. Dining rcom tablo and 8 nir lor cool summer comlon.n. 1 .8 0 0 -3 6 6 -1 6 2 1 . 733-533G or 733-9069 ask — (or R G M essersmilli ' ■■ July 28, tulurn Aug 7, $175/•>' Call 326-5422.______chairs, vory good condilion. Doublo c.nr garago and auto­ oiler 547-3972/324-5950 T - $350. C.nll 734-4672. ?■ Factory Direct Prices — Round oak l.nblo w,5 cliairs \ COLDWELL matic sprinkling syslom. No. ° Kit • Glen Rivet - Guerdon » Good used buKol a hutch. bctler homo tor tho monoy. THREE M Want to loso weight lasl & 4 .nn oak buKol, Stripped & 9 BANKER ^ S74',500. G0-1G7. ■' Wo deliver and SCI up sale send $3 I SASE lo,■0, tnlinished 734-7263______$299. oasy linancing REALTY Diet. Box L, Shoshono, Ida- — Cain’s Second Avenuo 3 WESTERN REALTY 733-5336 ,, Notlhwesl Home* ------tiD, 03352.______074 Musical InstrumentsIj ______73(5-2622______3 7 3 3 - 2 3 B 5 MAGIC VALLEY1 4409 Chindon Boise Small lumishod ollice sp.ncc __ King-sizo walorbod. com­ Indopondenlly ownod 4 call loll Irco Wllh roltigoraled nir condijndi- WE R EB UILD H ydraulic For salo; Ono P. A. syslomem ptolo with mailross. linor and BRICK TRADmOKAL cn Ircc■c hrhnca Haliy Une Ihis all tjticV Home operated______* R E A L T Y loms i 1:153 mastct suilo Family roon 1-B00-366-1G21 ___ lionino Can 733-6227 J a d a at ABBOTT's AUTO -Shute voc.nI master headd •■ Koator. $100. 1 complolo tcjiuits i tcciocms. i taih'ooms ------SUPPLY,305 Shoshono w.in bujbiul mU-ji Kr. 2 IKCCIJCI■cijMS. tiigri cii,c!cnl gai neat, ccnitai ilca;c — 734-1991 _ Faciory Direct Priccs 6 channel, 200 watts R. M,M. bdrm sot with nighi stands, TRY THE Street South. Twin,______P t r t s ^ c ^ l:r'a:apca AiltiuD wiiti 5C'inklir''fl aria b'Q.tiees Pncedced Doubto 4 dairy (or salo, 12020 Kii-Glen River--Guordon — S. 5 2 AHec 1218 speakerscrs QIC, S300. 536-5022. acres nicc homo. Cnll ntiorlor FHA land/homo linandng LYNWOOD , Wot bar in a 46 inch cabinol, o • • Fo,- prime retail/ollicc Cl, & a Shute vocal masterlot Must soil supor singlo water 7 30 fvoninns. 543 5456 NORTHWEST HOMES roller dr.nwers. 543-5950 _ monlor. 1 Sottcnlo bogm-1''’,; bed, pood condilion. K oitsrB w JflF ui'/j’rV:’ li ‘c\iCiejn as ycu wiillifid anyAticic FtKtiJy ■” BOISE 1-000-366-1C211 spacc. Wo have sovera e s nets guitar amplilicr. Will sell loragc ana lots ol roD,Ti ana ciltas 3072 EQUESTRAIN ’ ■— row avnilnhlo 733-22R212' Willow (urnlturo classes •■on Cnll '733-1815.______Wir.ici) msific i out Lc:: ot 5;or3f 07^ PR IC ES ARE , Hogorman: 12x65 Fleet­ being offered. Lovo scat,at, v e ^ reasonabli). Call 733- sq 11. 2 ticfJiooms. 2 Lovd/1rely la.Tiily loom. flV patkirg msiOe (cncca':ca GOING UPl EXTRAVAGANZA Now shipment ol room cizo wood mobilo homo. 3 bdrm, $90 chair $75: ond t.nblo. — carpel remnants. ’A pricol yjid Ba$cmc';:»tii.sriCDwim220^^29...... 1 Vi bath. Slovo. lelng, W/D. 050 W arehouse $25 C.nll 734-4009. Sherry. •n't Lel your dre.nm becom e a Pianos. Relinished, tecondi- Cairo's Sccond Avenue n immacijlaie conflilion 3 tiCicoms5*2 2 This 2 bdrm homo hasn't -y-^ on e0'x90' lot, 10x30' cov-^v-' & Slorago Rontal OhVlEVU TOWKHbusVIfl'im >jf ’gono up yof. Pricod nt reafily with the OUT- lioned, uprighis, players,'S . ______736-2622______:y lence ana sorinVlcr system Good N£ oted dock, 2 storago units. 068 Computers bjlhs, SiiircuiSca C/ 3 ptivscy le S10.800 with sollor financ-nc- STANDING graciO u sn ess qrands. Terms availnble, Oak bath c-nbinei. $79. - Asking $18,500/oller. 140 W 1000 sq. tt . ovettio.nd door, — Call 734-7061,______locJiion $56,000. ... ing. Gos lurnaco 4 hanctyicty Ol tins 3 bodroom 2 bath 1607 HighI,nnd Avo Easl — BANNER'S. 733-1421 SAvo Call 537-4870. *'■' Compulor dosk. $t29. Tenor saxophone, Selmor HKDA VcAfl’aARAGE? ’I’n’sri’s ppfOKtty ius il 2 t)carco.'Ti fiajtc w:ttin:tii utilty oroa. Call right now!/! r.nnchor lhal .nccomp.nnies — Call 734-0455 ____ BANNER'S. 733-1421 Pul your summer company 'Y this esquestrain acrcago.,o ’ Nico 1970 lumishod Biltmoto — M.mlialtan, good condition 25«-:0' 2:3-0 >H-.in3ile-/m7 ac a :; - 2 Ooutic (loot; ficiri ricM HAMLETTREALTY 05 12 X CO 2 bodroom, utilitylji,,v 30' X 40’ warehouse lor tent IDM XT c o m p a lib lo wilhilh Call 543-6505 up on a usod full-size 6 nc i:r,J t,---:.-!!; Can to IK n It iciJay' Onvf 533,5001 OFFICE...... 733-4079I7S Jusl n low Ol the .nmcniiies 1^ . SCO al 409 Soulh Locu:l — r.loeper sofa, S99. — includo 5 slall horso barn,rn. room, washof. dryor. dish- color monilor. clock, mathIth REDUCED 1.nl v/ashor, woodsiovo. Must1 bc Twin F.nlls, or cnll 733-6745. coprocessor, mouso, gamo Cain's Second Avenuo lirsl class tack room , mot.n' 076 Offico Enulpmont ______736-2622______IRVOIN RREALTY.nc. f= » equipmenl and hoy barnirn movod oil prosont spaco.CO. port. 2 , 5 'A drivos. parallollel- 4 • Was 532,500, now plus 30 X 70 sleol openen Bosl oiler ovor S4.300. MAGIC VALLEY STORAGEHGE serial pons. 32 meg hardwd Proslige 510 PKS phono,no Six pieco upholsiercd A i v 734-6£5 5 0 0 f e i 529,000' 3 bdrm, 2 bnlJi span barn, all .ncrengo un-jn- Catt 726-5405.___ ■ Nn.ir MV M.nll 736-005353' ’ dfivo. 640 K tam. Askingng system wilh G phones, 5 linelino wood group sol, $599. Mn homo at 1774 dill Avonuo ------S1200. Call 733-540G. _ _ capabilities, Wllh call hokfing,ing, BAN f^R'S. 733-1421 BMKVAUIYI^OMSMWO 'UO dof sprinkler, all ondof-Jf- Parkway, 2 bedroom, 1981 CAU TOU. FREE CUTStDE W li East. Solar hoator. wood ground oloctrical. arenala. modol, 14x60-, $9506.3535, 063 Wanted to Ront Panasonic hand hold com-m- spill, iranster. do not dislutb,Jtb, Slurdy 6 pioco dinotto with ■ 1 slovo, MUST SELL NOWI hoaiod troughs, loncoco d C.nll 326-4107. puter, Indudes: minl-prinior,or, page, conference, and call-;all- walnul inlaid top. $129. —1 ROBERT JONES:S and cross lonced. A ___ 2 bdrm houso/duplox.• TF ' r fcchargcablo bailetios, nndind' back, hands-lroo talking.ng. Coin's Second Avenuo FIRST CLASS OPERAA- R o n t a l x area, lor singlo working ^^^r- per c-nrrying enr.n 733-2520 Paid $3000 will sell (or $800,100, 736-2622 - REALTY TION. 5375,000. Cala ll •— - iimMU son. movo 0/4, Call 733 “ Call 733-5031______Walnul linish a ib w/mal- ® 733-533B 7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4 Oobbi Kolloy lor nil iho dodo- ­ ...... 6714, days. 324-7530, evos.ves. 070 Wonted To Buy Used c<»ier5 and FAX ma-na- iross, just $179. 1G15 Addison Ave. E, tails and porsonal appoini __ diines, Cuaraniood os new,ow. Coin's Second Avonuo 1^00-202-5001 moni, 733-2365 or 73313- ======“ MQrchaixllsq 75 or 100 hp irrigalion pumpmp Call 733-6409 736-2622 ■g EXT. 1211 __ 6-102 ovonings. ' 051 Unfurnished H ousosos th.nt will pump 1100 10 140C100 Oux PmPAnEAStM 733*0669 galtons per minuio al 23C!30 — ------^ S r t - SconRcT Rcmvm 734-31171 RUB ELBOWS WITH 2 bedroom homo. $150/mo.m = loot hnnd Call 366-24GG. — 003 Garago Salos 0B3 G arage Sales H COLDWELL* Call 733-1359. J r C o uEU fu iS Oeyoc Bnnra 733-54462 MOTHER NATURE!! 7-^ 057 Miscellaneous Animal traps, any conditior Rat KejtKeitt 733*3202 B123. 2 bdrm. 1 upstairs, 1 or sizo. C.nil 324-^G 8. BANKER J/Q For Safo Dm u a C /uam Non 655-4268’® • 3 bodfoom , 1 V* b.nih WESTERN REALTY*Y in bsm t. sm all y a rd . W/C ___ Aulhonlic Shirloy Temple3io hookups, oas hoat $175. Momor.nbili.n. Cnll 733-7457.,7^ “ I homo wilh now c.nrpot.«>■ 733-2365 . le o o Suzuki GN400, good woodstovo. a organic gaf- Elwood-Evan# Prop Mgt ires. Buying nightcrawlots. Indepondonlly ownod> &.fi ______734.1401______mechanical cond. now tires. don bod started. $47,500. ooeratod______— $550/ol(or. • Bock pock,ick , Gilliland Bait a Tacklo. Call G.iylo lor ctotails. I Q12S. 3 bodroom housojrQ many ertras, oiler. • Choirholn C.nll 734-4944 1 6 0 FANTASTIC carpoted. linishod basomont■onl' saw s Jonaerud 450. $175i'7 5 / Chainlink dog kennel. ^ ACRE FARIVI W/D hookup, g a ra g o witl ollor; Mac 310, $85/ollet.S'- • C.nll 53G GG05. oponer. on ono aero. $450.iO Scar# rodlal saw , S250.'ol- Feeder wagon ot Farm hancmd 2 5 J r l l i : NELSON in nrent location Only 3V3’/.- Elwood-Evan* Prop Mgltgi lor. 733 G27G, oxcopl Snt. 450 leeder attachment. Cal:all u REALTY miles (rom Burloy. Laneind ______734-1401______1989 Sundanco spa; 5 per- 436-1256 or 43G G454. J 260 2nd St. East1 c a n g ro w .iN c r o p s ancn d Excolloni N.E. lo calio nn . :3 son, $3500.’or t.nko ovor p.ny Full sizo student violin. oio. menls. C.nll 324-7255. SPABKUNG NEW - Notlhochooii location, quality, onQubto.to 734-3930 has Burley irng.ntion walorlor. bedroom. 2 bath, firoplaco — Cnll 734-7335. 3 homos on proportyty. doublo car garago witl decorolm a. Ono lovcl.:I. 3 bedroom:. 2.5 batru. lorgo vitli 1 way airlmo lickcl. Aug. 22 Hand wood working tools oo ...... — Listed nl S375.006l Ct.!'tlii oponor. tcncco yard, ctovoovo, from Bolso to Chicago Ro m aster lu.lo. f;tcpioco. hehoat pum p, c entral aif. Nowlyvly lor dotails. OI0-9O. no rolrigetalor $650/monlh.Ih. f.lricl'on--. .npoly 734-?97Gg C.nll 733-6038.______i t o a k lc n a:c o p o d v/iit^ tptmklcrm school or Sawtooth Crado'^0 REALTY vico Diroclory, daily^ liIn si:o 7. SieOO or best oiler,|lcr Call 324-2735. a n d living room, forriiiy n Timos-Nows Cl.n-ssifiods. Ily room wiin built-in o a k ontor-or- S c h o o l Irom th is lam"'y iiy . 734-3373 ___ Call 733-?9fl3. Milr.-; M.nttrnco to fit youlh bed. 333; ® N a m e : ...... ' toinm ont ceriior, ook kitekitchon wllh bu.ll-in opplionccs.05. hom o with 4 bedroom s, 2 E JONES WE HAULIL ASD 12 porson spa. 7777OSC X 63' and woodon bonch g a s forced air hoot, fifoploploco and wator hoator. 2 cor:0f baths ond a largo (amily CALL TOLL FREE hy C.nll 326-5018. ^ R Address:______? ff) room. Fcnccd yard, Dou^ 1-C00-34S-46C5. oxt 10030 1 will m ovo you g.-}llons, 2 lounges wilh hy Qorago. $180,000. 47-W — ANYWHERE lor loss lharhan dro-jct 2 yrs old $3700700. Old Iruil or wino press. In" [5 Phone: ______blo ca; dotachod narngp —* renting n tmck. Noodd Call 423-4415______working order. COUNTCY CHARM Is w halnal you 11 f.na in ihis hom o locat-□t. with LOTS O F STOFiaGE. ------londs to C a lifs Ariz. — Call 734-G915. ____w Brief Descriptionon ofi Ilems | Pricod righl-call Jim loday.ay. 038 Acroago i Lots ; C.nr stereo componcnis Al od Norlhoosf o( Twin on 1/3 OCIO. 11 (oaturos 3 bod- FREE ESTIMATES new in boxes:2 car.seiie0 ta-ta Small porinble play pen 2 b r a W l e y r e a l tr y y ______rooms. 2 boins, on oponDn kkitchon with Jonnoir Rango. 2 Country acre, closo to TF,FR Cnll 324-3490. ____ dies: 2 prs O'/y spcakciskcts Good .condition and ro.x--.on liroplacos. largo asiumcjmoblo loon and much moro.10. 7 3 4 - 5 6 5 8 ow South ol TF 3 bdrm, lamilimily 2-10* subwoolorn. i pr G'x93-,g- .-\blODticnd Call 734-6667. — vioY/, qulut. was SG500. now ______^______E - O w n ers onxlous o n d} hehavo roducod tho prico to Tli lovcl duplex, 2 bodrooms,TIS, $5500 C.nll 733-7532. __ room, appls, 54?5/monthnth. spoakets. 1 pt toll domelomo Special porlumo bcttles un $75,000. Coll Scott ot 734-;34-3117. • 40P0PO tv.- b.nlhs, bwlt-in npc.linnc- Mobilo homo lots.. Adult Sa 1st 8 last months required.■d. iwoelets; onclosuro lor)r 2-2 dor 6*. blown, etched, cul o P Bring to Roy Raymaymond Ford Showroom ^ os, 1 car narano. S77,950.^ lamiiy, terms. FHA & VA .np-lO. ■ Tho M anogement 12' subwoolers. Sell allI' or0 colored glass; porculai,n Cnll 733-0135 JiiicrTDfTi,' Dtovod. Call 734-0943. ^ • 733-0739 pan. C.MI 736 0720 Market pnces. 734-7602.

' * 1 1 / i ' Friday,'JlJuly 20, 1990 Titnes-Nows,M5, 1Twin Falls, Idaho C-5

0<} 8 1 - 1 2 1 -7 ^ - Real

I a m IBB IS « 738-0931 « SUBM l 10410. Horses IK114-Farm Implofr.onts 030-H om O 3F ofS ala j a030-Homo9 For Sale I { 030-Hom { 05 For Sale j 0081 B1 Furnlturo & Carpols 0888S Vorloly F oods I ‘ r j r ^ 2 show quality AQHA geld­ l a t e T.w d e l Wardrobe, S11^ ~ aking orders now lor rnw ings. 2 yoar olds, sired by HAY EQUIPMENT BANNER'S. 733-1421 oney, $3S lor 40 lbs. Call Freeway Foxy. Dams nro by l1 NuNuw Holland lllG sw .ithor or 837-4790. GS IHR].TFTY ID o c 's b B a r. D on'l p a s s w/14' w/14 header. $19,000 082 Building f.tatorlals ho Bony Patch's Iresh bcr- V thor.0 up. Call altor 7pm, '1 NcNow Holland 1110 swathor ios will retu rn A u g u si 4, 1 “ 432-5444 or J32-55-15. wH4-hoador, $25,500 Lumber & Paint 1 Hosslon 6555 swatlier w/ da-dBGO. ovos.______m 7 yoar old tog. AQHA matu. ' i ’,' P,aint Supplies §43 IG' ho.ider, S25.000 W est End Solos Co. Woi;onl to buy or calo your ex- bnbroko to rido, pfdigree, con 1 Hesston,, 4000 baler w'ac- ' Call543-G455. • cosOSSproduco? Tho Idaho ______. firmation lirt fi cow sonso, $750. ' Cnll 73-1-M14______curiiulaior, $20,500 . liilli"n i m f l Posts, cough lumbor, rough fanormoro Market oilers Iresh ,q10 s p e e d . S'l'-‘ . 'i '■•nood. Girls' On Hully Dutasport 10- ^ 1 Hosslon 4000 bnler, )cal produce, corner ol 2nd 5,,, Appnloosa 9 yr old maie. . bn.ibo.lms.324-819J.______S49: 3 rpcod, r-l9; .in:l 20’ '■.oood. '■.0. $50 1 porson Hoat Ap $27,000 ivonuo South and 3rd East. biko. Call 733-1103 Inp Ini- rn Iho Snako Rivor, ;35 V/oll-rnarkodVJ and oxpori­ Smoll 2 bdrm houso lo bo ■very Salurday, 0 a.m. to t2 — Bicycle Uim.-t Icr clulil, $ 10. oncod or in Irail tidinn, gioal lor 3 G R E A T M O NEY E \ SAVING^FFEMIS FROM HUD! moved to tow down, S ol IG lool atuniiniuin oxterition D'l: TRl c ir c l e in c lOon in Twiri^Fnlls. Call Liddi‘t. rsO Cali:i24 G7?:’ 0,111 Ca ______a j a lady, fivoninoi, 73-1 3ri53 RUPERT. IDAHO Wrni|HI,Ci|ll 530-0?!?------^ LET HUD HELILP YOU BUY A HO}O M E TO D A Y I vto 52 loci ol gaK'.inijod wno Homohio I'c Supor XL chain Dispersal Di Sale! Paint fi ______430-4701______S p c d i loncing wiili 3 'yaui, SIDO 2 r.,iv;. s.v 16’ Gar, works gio.ai. Ouaiter o Horses, negir.lered ,,McKoo 4 row. Triple K lypr. yoor clLjbs lor » Iq whIi n “co • No oilers will be opened bclors!lote Uie iioed lead baso pait bef,t ollnr. Call 733 62G0 Imr 5125 C.111G7R-7723______S135 5 , G,13-1502 allot b p rtl ^3,bw-cost d.iisiliod nd. _____ bed wilh Harsh tigid lili lioisl IES CONTRACT onls aro great hunting dogs, l i Call G70-0736 or G78-205G bid opening data. Bid opening:nings will be {7-B9) SALES M otobucano Moped w/ncl- born 6 08-90, S200 or trado Ftccrer, Fr runs, bul nood:, Quoon-si:ok. walotbed, mn- held a! 2:00 PM daily, ciccptcpt •Enorslnthesllesl listings do nol become mol. mo Exc. cond. 125 mi por rtoon. SGO. olt hooter, S20. "T^’rse S^LE rRolirod^ larmer oilers lor calo nnl’Dodal S300 733.G11G ““flor guns. Call 507-3254, Ml. Ti totod lioadboard. oxcollonl Frldovs, In lOom 389 of the Fedcra■denil oliicialthtDufl[Qugli publicalion. HH! Homo.______" W ards TV, noods lixiog. condlon SISO 066 2G37__ Sunday, July 22, 1 lam IhoIho lollowing equipment: MF S20 Call 543-0391. ^ 050 combino. 354 turbo. 971 BicIgVU.S. Cojrthousoat550WesWest Fort •HUDpropcrtteftlcs aro ollered lor sale lo pgi Roll bat, all chromo, lot .1 OK ^ Livostock, Caldwell, ID 05C 085 Rrowood Op<;ti consir)nm<;nt hrchrc. $20,000: Donahuo com­ Street. Boise. Idaho. Otlcioisaors and tlicir qualilied purchaserspure wilhojl regard 10 llie __ AKC re g is te re d B iilta n y FROST-FtlEE Pf Frigldalrc, al lull si:o Uuck $200 01 bost mond colored. lo«turi;d door. ______.159-15:^5______birbine irailot. nev/ tiros & agents aro invited lo anend.Id. P:Pfopenies nol . ptuthaa-rsra:s racc.colcr or nalional orgin. Aspen Asj lirowood lor sale. Spaniel Sf puppies. $200 o,ach, r^'' ntlor Call 037 0633 paint. $C500/uller. Call 406- Call 734-1566. o»coHenl o» hunliitf., 324-7120. very cjood condition S200 ------H — H orsos: Bought, sold ond P'J' sold on Ihc sealed bid dais8 bc(become Purchasersrs should sl conlaci a rcal estate __ Call ;:13 G.1G0. ,illor G 5 , rnHrH C.ill 733-G055. 2Jf240-3604 or 40G-245-4022. extended listings, Oilcisoner AKC ro g isto ro d p u p p io s, ~ Sola. $100, Call 73.1-G259 Ir in extend listings agcnl ol heirIheir choosing. Buy Bu now and save! Fito- Al GE W.ishoi Konmoro dryor, ^ ------r SmSmall cr.iwlor Iractor T6 In- are considered daily. Oilers3te«ivedon tc( .THERE ARE NC wood. Slump romoval. Call Chihuahuas, C Miniaturo Speed Oueen. almond Hcrsosliooing, .. buying, sell- tornalional. ior slraighl blado. E NO STRUCTURAL Ofl Schnauzors and Driilany's. botli E£ tun. S125 734-1670 washor, ^ oxlra largo stainless ■ Fridays wil bo consideredlon on: Iho lollowing SYSTEMS5 WARRANTIES W OF ANY KIND altor ^ 5, 733 0305.______S. ing. bro.aking fi tranr-poiling. alr.o ;||- trailer lor same. $3500 FIREWOOD, ALSO------2;Call 543-5015.______Gliint Gl goose decoy blind, '.tcel ^,1 lub. in excollent condi- ‘G unrnnteod. 324-8031. lor lo, bolh. 93-1 5707, allot G wotk day. ON THESEE PROPERTIESPI lull libergl.ass, $200. lion lie $IOO.C,alU3G-3.10l. - TREE TOPPING, 734-.177G AKC A S h ih -tzu p u p s . C all 'iJ Modern horso ladli^ includ- 'J j • HUD resenflB ttio tight lo reicctcicctany or all Call 733-3407. j; USED EQUIPMENT Scmi load or cut to length. 352-t4G6or 2; 934-5S*i9 _ Toddlor Hums: Oak c tb S ods ' indoor and outdoor nto- . ^ bids. ______I “s Melal kiichon cabinet $45, m ni atlross. push toys. Dig • 1901 IHC 14C0 combino Call3?4-3114.------AKCAl Toy Poodles. 3 months, M nas, 3 bodroom homo, bar- • JD . 7700 combine ■ DATS KOOPOnHG M)DR£5S ■ miCE Doa/aAiH SOnfi£M«W i CikSEinjl.lKRS —------^------black bl shols and groomed, 100 K packing boxos, 35 or 50 whools. vv oxcol. cond. Call nos ' molal corrnls, nnd track. ^ . crnrs o.ich. 733-4193. 73-J-0822 7: allor 5. C, • JD GGOO cotnblho 087 Lawn 4 Gordon _mmalo-SlOO, (o m a(o -f2 0 0 . cr Cnll 324-3643.______.1.JD 105„conibint2.._...... -Cnll-l-362-4853rBoir.<> -■ ^ — MMules T6>'sa!d:’ Pdin1r., B ays;' 1909 Kubota T1400 riding Chiriwo c Pug puppios, born SlSorrels. 733-734B. nltm 5, MISC. lawn mov/er. only used a G-1G-90. c 2 -b lac k . 1 Inwn, ______^Sealed Dlds Required1 la- —------Rodoo R Oueon clothcs lor • . JO j 16' 1G30 disk ------lovlew limes. liko now, $2500. males; m $300 oach/ollor. rain Call ROG-2637______• . IHC|| 770 14- olfsoldisk Call l-726-9t00nsk lor Bill. R 090 Pols &.Supplloa 0090 Pols & Suppllos H: TWIN FALLS Cr Ready to sell with lirsl shots 0 ••IH ll C 37 1 0 'disk 7/23WJ 1065Uom!nflSld«Ifl J43,500 ■ 3n 1209 i a 12J087591248 CrCrallsman 4 hp, rear bagger, by b' 7/23. Call Don Crow Freot 10 good homo Mixed Freo Fi to good homo: 3 month 105k Horso Equipmoni •Ford .p 13-disk 000-3270 anytime, mos- „ soll-propOllod, liko now, 8 Border Colllc puppies., old ol kiiiens, very gonile 324- _ • Oliver IG' disk RLER St75. Call 704-9177.______satio. s: Meridian. 15* western s.addlo. slighlly UolceOHef 2/1 832 831 LBP -1210C9052203 i l bl.ick ft whlto 73-1 4MG .14101 ot 321C(C%000) SrSnapper 1055 lawn & gar- E German shorlhair pups, icp Rat p Tcrriets: Rogislorod, 1st lii • S a n d 9' pickup dcdon iroctor w/54' mowor Sonogals, S Lulino Ring of ^ thc Mlot. malo and lo- puppie p shols, males, $125 71 7 Halo two horco trailer. •£•Sand 7 'pickup Necks, pairs. Cnii 733-2G92. ° JEROME doch fi grass catchor. Hy- N malo. 7 wkr, old, $200. I oach p Call 53G 2146______now n' lires, tack room, $1200. -• JJO 12' belt pickup Extended SKW .Ave.a $19,900 2/1 10(1005 121059884203 draulic conlrols/liydro static For p, Sale' M.alo Norwegian C.ill nllor 5om,5-13-0046. • ||IHC 10’ bolt pickup year old, top ol Ihc Mler, le- - SnVQ 2 5 % to <10%_____£ Irnnr; S1.575 837-4860 Elklicund, E soe -at 709 9ih male. „ Will lake hinliesi ollor Kiefer built C S B nnd Circto *• ^NH H 12 1G' swatlior AAvo Nonh, Quhl.______^ on your pol loocJ______K • NH 42G bator flORMAnONABOirr ANY OFTIraEUSTINGSINTfllSAD? “■ wiihin 7-10 d-ivs. 32.1-C002 Twin Falls Groct.’ry Oiiilot J J horse and slock irnilcrs. • ^ NEED CURREVrSAIfS INFO 088 Variety Foods p • NH 425 billor Free 3V-- year old Goldon Lonolyi m ale' Woll bred ______73,1-020'1______Wo V Irado, wo finance. Form- • '' CALLTHE24HILHIHUD SALES HOTLINE- BBOISE C 334^9319 ^ Lab. Icmale. 10 tnonih old (AKC) n long hair, black & lan - ors Exchonge, Twin Foils, S250 cookio rccipe S story, !:pan Cockt^r Spaniel, male. mini-Oadischund„ looking lor ^ Idaho. 733-39G1. Wo rent Cbock our pticos 092 auctions fi com paro 01ONLY J3 . SASE to Cook- Lblack 734-6t13G allot 5 pm a ^ long term tclalionsnip. Irailnts ics TN, Dox L, Shoshone, rFreo Female Cockor Span Noods ^ lovo 6 alloiilion, ID. 03352.______'■ Now and used saddtos and >t'l 0 moritlis old lusiy color. $350/righl $ person. 734-0012 Magic Valloy Auctions lack. Vory luasonable. Also, S O U T H W E S T I g P l 'il I h I PICKLING CUCUf^BERS qCall 423 -1470.______ddavs/734-0344 over,______Consignment salos ovory .jhorsos Moon Crook Ranch, EQUIPMENT CO. ■ ■ B OlOrdor now lor crop r Purobrod Goldon Relriovor Thursday, 5:30 pm. ______.107-2G2B.______KlKimborly Hd E, Twin Fnlls beginning August 1. • ^Froo 10 good home. 3 yr old f be Golden.Lab, spayod lern.ilc, pups p lor salo. Call 'Hours: lO toG , Mon-Thurs. New - S usod Slock & horr^o 733-1545 Morgan Picklo Co. Qu/loy. Valley pick up son/ico. r.hots 32'l-5599 cvonmar. 326-3126 3 .alter 6 Dm Irnilors, lualuring Logan mcRoger Nowton ...733-2684, Toordorc.all:678-1l59. 502 W Addison. 736-9908 J. C oach, Financing. Linda, homo -jFarm«r» Market wkdays, v G70-22BG or Wado R'Rox G o ln y ...... 734-4443, I 7nllin{iot ovos 430-8125. _ homo Restored 2 soal buggy with “ UI sod Form Iro c to r P a rts ------shalls, S1500. Singlo driving Buying Salvage Tractors harness, $125. Good buggy Burioy Troctor SolvoQe I096 Form Sood _ [tonnuo.$150, Now yoke _ Pnul. ID • 430-5420 with new pull draps. $50. wW nniod: OMor C nco Allis- Allalla sood lor salo hy JCnll 324-31^21 nltnr 5 pm CChalmors or John Doero ^rowo^r. s^alo^oslod.^Ranger • 103 Shoop/Goals orere or loaders lo lil nbovo . iractor. Any condition. 097 Hay, Grain & Food :to o fino wooi yearly evros, _ Call 324-5B58. ' hoavy twinors, no foot rot. W anled to buy: AlHs-Cholm- too ton 1st cutting ha^!^ !733-3017. nvnninqr.______0 , $B0/lon Call 934.5215. • - ors WD45. D14, Dt7, or from loodor lo lit thoso trac- 125 lons lirst culling hay. 110 • Poullry S Rabbits 10lots. Coll 324-5858,______never rained on. C.iFl 700- 4-155 Into ovonings.______. IFarm Iroch fryer chickens ‘ 115 Form Work Wonlod ,T 3 l,imily y,ird s.ilt-: Furniiuro, Huge H sale: Fri 20th, & Sal Moving sale d c an up, mako ; & motor home. 328 E. Avo.q' results will am ujo you. i,i!)lt;-.. iirr, colloclahlor-. ' nnd moiornity clothes, loys. _ Marino Itoms •boat lank-; ^ '' and S.at, 830Mnutico. For calo: Fox Max 11, c.ib.b . ------•- K in Joromo, Fri 20 & Satai Mulli Fnmily Lols ol cloth- dorm rolrigoralor, couch, nnd lols ol miscollanoous. ' Yard salo: Fii fi Sat, 9-5.T. -102 Caltio hydro f.lalic drtvo, hay-hoad,d, 14' aluminum. 25 hp motor, - 21. 8 nm lo ? ______- 733^)931 7 ing children iiems, olc 170 0 215 Nonh Street, Fitor. Goodod ■ ------— 77 two, 3 row corn heads. Ex-X- trailer, baso coats, trolling Garago S ale Filor 700 \V■ B'j uch,inan. TT S a lu rd ay , Salurday July 2 tst. B am .to '■7 - 2 Wost 1/8 South oltho-Jios- Main Circle, Fiiand ^.il. 0 lo [ ,f dothing. b.iby lo adult, loys,fz Bulls lo loan. Also, w.anted leniivo supply ol now pans.I', m olor. oxc. c ond, S2000. pital, (3B81 Nonh 2GOO Easl) ^ Q 5 Como and shop'*______4 pm. Inlani & Toddlor 10 buy virgin bulls. COO to :'i) ;______■p_ 6 pm. Plpiily Inr i 'vihs'oih* - Iinu'-.i'hold ilncor, fi misc 0 536 2-112nr 934 5922 _ C-ill 733-7051 or 734-7570. Z ' ■ TF. Friday and Saturday.y. Antique rocord playur, clothes, cnioriainmeni ci;ii- 900 lbs. Kelly. Daillutl. BBB- - Mullilamily sak): Sat. 1145 ^1 Y.-iid ;;alo Jerom e; 107 S ■d, 14' aluminum liching boal 9-5. Baby iloms. butions,s . (Jr-'ipon, canlslurr,, lam ps,r ‘ G.^r.^n^) S.ilip Tn .md Ii.it, ! ler. 5 hp olecL moior. loir, ol Gr.-iln mills, now and used, Utnh, Gooding, Windows , Fillnioro' Fri 20 A Bal 21 many makos and ci:os avail-tlj! V/.9.0 Mercury motor & Irail- • minl-boltlos. wringor wash-h- cliandolior, shultors. bod July io and 21, y run, I'yb■’ v;/storm windows, wood dog mif.e OOGt^l.akoSt N TF ;,a M.idir.on Sl, TP______~ B.-iiii-Gpin, Furpiiuto, clothi.';:, Colostrum lod day old bull ablo. Call 430-8397. _ er Excol cond. G70-7846. ' crs, miking machino, horsoso Iramos & misc. 3G9 Casa - konnol & liouso, clothing, SATURDAY ONLY! oti calvos lot cell. $100 cach. YI G arag o sa le t-'IliDAY ; bikos dr.itiing tabk,’, SKort .illislon t200 Hi C ap'beanin 14 lool aluminum bo.at with - harness, clothcs, call botllosos Grando C n.9-4. SAT ONLYI r’ oiMer misc. items, small g.as 233 E 450 S. (2 S ol Cin­ w,-ivotnilio,lolsol mr-c Filof C.ill 32G-GG35 ‘ y _ .^^d lots ol mir.c slull. ONLYI 2?7 Olli Avi‘ E H 3 _ Dtinns j fi Sir.iton moior, dy's, 2 E, 1 S, S Ej Jer- a^mbinii Call 537-G609. trailer, $495. Call 324-276G. __ Basoball cords, mountain ~ Dairy calvos lor salo. Hoili- alter ono.______id Garago sale. July 20 S 21 .'ii i [ omo. Saiolhto disti, hidt; a- Yard S.nlo. July 21, 9 lo ? I. '.I.issey Ferguson CGO grain •Z ■ 3 Family Salo: Tools, bicy-y - biko, 10 spd. compound i> On Carpon: Fri S Sat, 8 to 5 k- 442 Monroe. Couch, cloihos,,r' ers bulls, end cross bred, ■- • do, hunting, camping, girfs'IS' bov;. TV, baby stuK. Lots ol01 505 lloyburn Avu. Wost 571 | Bolton, HousoholdI bed, IB pint pressure cook- oi CollHoldomBnnDnlry, sombino. 10' hoador, roarar 16' Cror.ilinor, lish & ski. wilh at. Lots ol misc sluK, dollies, , • cr. dolhcs, sowing machino10 dr.lies, stioos' and lots ol :hopper. has br^on Ihrough 75 hp Johnson, 7.5 trolling, ; ' clothes, toys & rnisc. misc, 9 nm - 5 pm. Fri & Sat, lloms, knick knack, winter _ mlr.cellanoou5.______• 423-42G9.______Soturdoy only, 0 lo 5, com or ol Bih S Walnur, TF. size small i rri'.'dium, new cloitici,. , vciy clean, all sijus, nnd olhot things.______33. ho shop. Iicid roady. C alpti $1600. Call 733-1425 pnnoibaf^K-, f. m nii'nr'rki i Id Yard Salo: Salurday. 605^ Day old baby colveo. coloa- _ IG lool Imperial lii-h.iul. 115 • nai & 839 Wojlwind Dr. Behind D & D.Supply, lurni,n _ Comn Soe! Supot priccs Salurday O nly!-1 Inmily yard 4 trum lod, hoilors & bulls.|-_ 138-59,11 evoninns.______■ saio. Adult, children and ma-a- East Avo D, Jeromo. 9 to 4. horsopowor Evinrudo. oun right ojl Addison, 4ih housoso Garagi) Sak; Lois ol goodJ ONE OF A KINDI .Iln 324-4536 or 32^-3366. __ Intornalional .103 combino III- Stull. Clolhes, loys‘j,'-cralls Ictniiy clollilng. lols ol mis­s- By Thcla ,Chaptcr o| Delta ,n covcr end covor. E-Z load 3 lamily yard saJo: July 21 4 & on ton. Sa! only, S-1. Multi- 5 Closo oul Moms • all types Tl. Kappa Gamma, Internailonalial Guornsoy cow. 3 yr oldId with c.ib, ojcellonl condition, )f,. .lamily; Biko buggy, clothing,It] and houuohcld gooJr. Sal 0^ and variciy-includods dolh- cellaneous. 9 am to 5 pm. (xJ ready IQ no, always stored7^ in If.-iiluf. $4,500. 543-5140. ; 22. 4 /0 Slovens. St,--Filor, Organijation ol Toncliers.rs. brod, gontlo, hand milkod JO cralir., kid's Ihinns & mir.c. _ IO?170AvrniJ,TDi;l H.o ing, hardwaro and ranch 4IORiagov/ay Dr.______ly . shon. C.itl 407-2922. . • 16 fl, older wooden boat. . Household iloms. rodeo ^ No early sales please.______avorago 6 gal por day TTT with ir.iiler, 25 hp Morcury, ’ h- Big moving salo!. Gtgatilic Yard Sale: OOG S.iiurd.iy only. 7-?, 294 Van in Iniornnlional bonn'cpocini • * queen suits, clothing, dish- i;s Yord Solo: Soturday, 0-2. '• Sl.OOO. 438-5733. Hn7nlion ifn tuns nood, $595. 733 6-161. woshor, bike, and mis.c.c . 740 Alpha Circto. Nonh Elm Sircul. Friday fiS FRIDAY fi^ATUnDAY Duron, TF. Lols lishing poles liry combine. PTO, hasn't been Saturday, 0 M dark OondnIt 0 - 5 and tools and duck decoysys Clothes, loys\ mov/ors, EDO,'1■6,'i Herd ol good .Holstoin dairi cd 1972 jol ski boat.“'good con­ * Homs. Sal, 8-5, Son. 9-5. Thursday, Fridny, )ln Clmstm,i3 tree sland, ■ cows. Call S32-.1375 . used 10 much, aKvays stored *0 & S.tlurw , 10-8 __ for Rock CroL-k Comi’leiy. D SB SU PP L Y and garden ilums, and lols ^ Insido Call 407-2922 dition, $3500 or besl oiler. .* 3 lomiiy yardsalo: Fri 20, 8 29G4 ADDISON AVE EAST ol tnif.c.______shuois, blankjjts, Mo c-ibineit-'i LIMOUSIN bulls, yeailin{js. - Call423-5G15 nllor Gom. to Big salol 30 lamJics. 5717^ Lols ol rni:,c lU^ms.______JD 544 Iront end loader, re­ ^ am to 5 pm. Sal 21, 8 om to 0 TV/IN FALLS ~ 735 Hiawaiha Way. __ Lilllo Wood C.'jillu Co. ot, Ouincy. Fri fi Snl. 0-3. FruilUll Hugo: Multi lamily g a ra g e SIDEWALK SALE cently overhauled, good tub-jb- 1979 Carina. 10 foot. V8 in- , ' noon. Now items added Sot, GEM LINEN SUPPLY Yard salo: Thursday, Fridayl.iy Call 023 -1G37. ■ 1971 campor. good condi-di- jars, railroad tics, anliquos,•)S salo Parking lol ol Moriie ---- ber, $10,000 CQ1-2.15-G275■r. board/outboard. $4950. )a- Fodoral Saving and Loan, 3 HOTDOGS i DRINK,' 201 2nd Avo. W & Saturdayr^1-7-*nl^-Avn.- Call 734-8523. '• lion, tiros, TV, 5ahy & kidsds computer, clothes, 300 pa­ Ear.l, Jotomo. Lot:; ol 103 Dairy Equipment L o n d sc o p e rs sp e c ia l for. rs perback bookj, otoctric lur-ur- 1097 LaVes N G.itur-f! Sl.OO Fri & S.at 1C- 1903 Soaswirl. 10' cki boat, •: brand name clothcs & toys 11 . 2 ONLY! Julv 20 and 21 dcthos. lovs & misc. ___ salo. 1907 John Deoio trac- J07 3rd Avo H. Wendell. naco, & lols morol dnv Onlv n tn .; om 300 gallon bulk lank. 3 umlnil lot model s750 v//lGO rotaryiry 4 cylinder. 170 hp, less than pipu lino milker, ' mower. 403 cutler, 550 lillorHer 100 hrs w/extra props. ; Call 5.14-2597, fi 35 blado. Call 726-3921 SOGOO/ollcr. 537-6724. ) I I ,' ■ - -1 -3 C-G TimoG-NokVi;, Twin Falls.Fnl Idaho • Friday. July 20,20, 1990 -

creatio n al'i l e 1 2 1 - 1 4 1 z ^ ' R e c i •Automotive

139 Pick-Up Trucks 135 Cyclos i Supplies 13G Hoavy Equipmonl 140 Hoavy Trucks/Somls BOBBY V/OIFF THE ACE:es o n b r i [>)GE ~ 1975 Clicvy"Tilan, 0V92 cn- , 1909 Ninja Kowasnki 250. 19G3 Chovy dump Ituck. 3503 1903 V-G Ranger pickup, ongino, 7 yard box, £3000.'. loaded, £2.750, . nine, 13 spd, 4-1.000 lb rear. 1300 miles, $3200. Hendrickson oxlondod leal Call 53G-G794 ..______Cnll ovnntnns. 543-9240. , Coll 734-7601 li ^ \ T J I 'in wilh ccrlain- NORTH 7.J0.A — suspension, PS. long "II a man will begin 2 Buliacos 350. 1 Oucalii 75A Michigan loador wilhII 1905 Dodgo, heavy hall ton, unoufih (or 22' bed. Call ear- Ucs, he shall tind hi doubts:doi bul i f hc .♦ A J 5 250, 1 Honda,£0. 1- Monl.. cndosL-d cob. DG Cal will!. ;w.'shc!1.6j5,000 mis, funs iikc ly-b(-lore n .'im or bolween 0 antjlo dozer & low winch. egin wilh doubts ▼ A K 7 osfHi 250, Call 536-6532, I. no.v, £4995. Call 543-5310 — a 10 pm, 326-4179______will bc contcnl to bcgi, ' C.ill 733 2999______. he shall end in ccrtain‘ainties .' ♦ A Q 10 7 01 CB900 Honda, burgundy 1905 Ford 3,'4 ton 1977 4 19Q2 Koiiworlhs, • Francis Bacon. ♦ J 9 3 in color w/shatl drivo 8 wind- _____ Call 825-5652 „ COE, 350 CuminitL'. engine, ~ Fl shoild, 4,300 milos, £1200, Tv/in Falls Counly is ollerins EAST ,5 1907’ Chevy S-10 exlontcd:d 9' speed. Call 432-5404 or ...... W EST Serious inquiries only. Call!| lof calo ono 30 KW Gcnc'fal, cab. 56,000 milos, posvcr . lor. 1953 Model. Sealed bids er 733-3520______4 8 6 4 3 ♦ Q 10 7 734-9257 on weokonclr. only. i steeling & br.ikor., £5200 or - I 1974CADIlUi;DEVlUillUE3.3!i : '1285 I ■ win bo rocoivod until 10.00 0 ' 1977 Ford 2 lon truck v.itli nr ,, -THal’s what I gel,cl for using thw- -^ 6 3 V Q 9 B 5 2 ' Hafloy Davidson, big iv/in, y bo;.l oiler 734-8275. (rvor, ___v.'ithout 16' Ror.s manure S ♦ K 3 oxc, cond:. 734-4901, ' n m . W ednesday. July 25, 'I I 1974HlHDT0lll03Ka]3K33 ' '1995 I ru le of 11.“ la m e n te:d d SSoulh. He nev- ♦ G4 2 1990. Unrl may be inspected,J 1907 Mazda D2200 cab silagu bod. Or 1971 Chovy 2 cr did realize lliat he had missed a 5 4 2 + A 8 5 ” by conlacling llio Conitiiir,- plus. AM/FM cassciie, lon truck with Ros;‘. bod S; I 1978AMCC0nD3u03IKI '1995 I 5 ;,pci;d. Make olli?f loeder. Call 734-5123. ■ ’ surc thing. SOUTH Ollicir ,it 736-4000 13G Hoavy Equlpmont “ Call 733-3513 _ 19Q0 Ford F700, 6.2 lilor- I 1977CA0ilUCDEVIIliHUf3.332 ‘1995 I With sucli a worthlehless collcction. ♦ K 9 2 139 Plck-Up Trucks 1908 SIO M.il.odnoKcf. diese! Ituck, gocdTond, new I 1963 JEEP PICKUP 4X4;iii34X4 '1995 ' Wesl underslamlablyIy led his shor- V J 1 0 4 _ C.ill 734-:iC:;r~ ______lires, £0500. Call 025-5760 Icsl suit, hoping lo findind his partner’s ♦ J 9 8 5 CENTriftL EQUIPMENT 19G5 Cliovy, 327 engine or seo at Black Oil Co. Ednn 1978P™0UTHftlBV3IRY3.3.'i •- . ‘2495 - NEV/ & USED ? I length or strenglh. ThThis wise deci- ♦ K Q 10 Mako oiler. 1980 CMC Briitadior, 8V92 - Cnll 324-4.-15?. nlirrS _ 19G9 Fotd F150, 2 WD, AC, } I 1973FORDFlOOti.u« '2495 sion paid off haiulsi[ulsomcly when Vulnerableble; North-South Detroit diosol, PS, 5 spd, Al- Wldiigan'55C'S/N4GOA105 1960 Ford 1 lon, willi sleek\ AM/FM cassoilo, 5 spd, VO, Ironl ond loador, rocom hson AT, w/PTO. doubloo I 1974PiyM0liTHH]RVIIRYIIl3i3;i ‘2495 South decided lotreaMat West's lead as Dealer; NoN orth , fack, good lot wood h.iulmg1 ole, $3000 down a lako over Iram o, landom drivi;, will a normal fourtli-bcsl.51. ThcblddinJing: overhaul on Detroit Oiosclj Call 324-4105. pmls ol £241.00. nl 13'/.''^ ongino. Fully enclor.ed •“ lake 22-24' bed, nuw pnml,!' I 1982 DODGE OH.i:,!)13!) ‘2495 Against a fourth-bcibest lead. South rr “ Of rolinanco $9104 40. Call lan rubber. Call 733-3250 or East South Wcst -.- ROPS Cab. 2.75 yard 1970 Cliovy lon, now pair'll 4-:,pJ. 327. £1000.0 736-0005 alluf 6 pm. „ 734 B040______■' g 1975 DODGE SUPEK CAB;)CAI i33 >2495 assumed thal I£ast hadlad no card high- p!Pass 1 NT Pass buckel POH ' 4P3.G516or 4?3 G2G2 1909 Fofd Ranger. 14.000 20 lool bool bod, one sido cr lhan Ihe six. (Six. fromfrc II is five. 3 p] miles. $G.000,0G2-3G16. ; fl 1983POIVnAC20003130 31333 '2895 Pass Pass Pass ' L140 VME lionl end lo.idett 1970 Chovy 1* ion I’U v// — bent, S5C-0. 30 lon f.cisoor and dummy and Southuth have all (ivc S'N 03I AC-0522 Cummins1 carnpor, 69,000 mi., 1-iho,0 1990 Dod^'e Dakota, tako hoisi, noods somo work.r I 1975F0RDn50;m; ■2395 cards that are highercr thanI the six.) opcipcning Icad: H eart six ongino. lull HOPS cab 41 new c.imper. 'G.500 423-3- over pa>menis 543 GOIG _ £500 Call 537-9905 Therefore, he ducked;ed confidently, ______yard bucki'l POR 5500 davn 423 4345 (ives FORD 310 Dolroil diosol motor,- I 1984 FOBDIBVIPO 3)5.;.ii333 ‘2395 expecting to win hislis 10. Curtains! BIDIID WITH THE ACES 1972 Fotd '’,'4 lon PU, withth 1970 Hangor XLT shoitbcd,J- besi ollor. C.ill 726-2022 66GF Clark nangut cablo I 1978JEB>SCOUT CM)iJi '2835 I Easl won thc ijucenI anand returned a -' canopy, VO, AT, nice Iruck,k 4 door crow c.ib with lopper. 7-:o-n Skiddof S/N S5i5-B-203- S1095 733-0053 nlliT 4 nm1 PS, PB, AC, super clean, Al- JGAR3i3i3 ‘2335 | heart, and the game•went wi one down South hold; 141 Vans I 1982MERCURVC0UGAI )lds: CAC low hour repo, POR 1973 Dodge 2 whool dnvo“ lar G, oveninns, 324-3G11, when Easl won botliitli his dia m o n d ♦ Q 10 7 Cai D4E S,TJ 20X01008 with' club cab, 'PS, >\C. PQ, 360;0 For nale: 1972 Intcrnalionallal 1969 Econoline Ford, great-- I 1934D0DGERAIVI50^.i0^1133 - ‘2335 logging v/ i n c h , nix v/ a y king and his club ace.:e. V Q 9 B 5 2 < VO. S1450 Call 733 0477. 4 x 4 , llaibed, £750. Soooo work vnn. £050 Of bost ollor.; I 1977JE>CHfflOKK.t:5.11)16 ‘2335 e been less ccr- blade, and bruch rako. 57 nt 193 2nd Avi) F WenriPlIL Call 324-1204 '______Soiith should have b ♦ K 3 1901 model wiih vory lo// 1974 Oalsuii pickup, 5500/ tain aboul hi.": chancesces al trick one. ollCf Call 734.4040______19'/0 Ford LWB, conltaciotsF I 1982HONDAACCORDsiID 313=3 . ‘3495 ♦ A 8 5 hours. POR 53 140 Heavy Tfucks/Semis Had tlic hcarl finesse 197G Fold F150, AT, 7C.000 S -van. VO, AT, 93,000 miles. -•.'S'-' !>“ " " " N o n h SoSouth — ^fifiO 7:U-UG75 atiiir 6 pm - I 1979 DODGE PICKUP'2WD.ii,= 2V '3495 lrickone.it would stilltillhave been on p C.-il 900A S/N 07-A-230V' .-iclual m iles; 0 ll cam por 1-35', 1-30', 2-40' belted IV Itom end loader v/iih wilh ovcrshol, stove, sink, 1970 W /bu:;, SG50. - I 1984 OUISIVIOBIIE ARB1RBEA3 i3,'o '3995 later had hc neededd i'it. Instead he 2 V •» spud ttnilets '70 Frcirihllm- 7 yard buckcl P,OR ■ jccbox. Sell logcllior ot 'sep-P- i.-r,c.ib-over.aV-71-DE'r;"/G/G C,ill 423-5923______Jnmniys heart I 1888PONTIAC 1000313 should have won dur IR: Two no-lrump, Morc dc- nr.iielv Call 53'/-G613 _ Iteighllinet. cab over w/35050 1975 1 lon Foid van, v//Lid- 0 31333 '3995 acc. crossed to his sp; [ Cai 960B S/N 50-W-2303* 1977 lon Chevy. 454 mo n- der rack S lactoty rtoiago sp.ido k.nc and s„ipli.ec .than an Invitational three 0 Cummins;' 154 KW conven- 1° I 1881 FORD BRONCO»k1,11:3 '3835 taken a losing diamlamand Imc^c. • l/oiil ond loader v/iih 7’/.- tor, lully equippc-O, l;iv/ nnI'l lioal V//270 C um m ins; '7171 unil;.. Low miler,, ono owner, sincc il tells about the stop* yard buckr^l POR 50 veiy cloan, £3,450 or beSI 1 would have no See at 340 M;idi;'.on .itler 5- 5. KW convonlional w/350 li g 1984 FORD F150::i3’.31 '3335 Easl would win bul w Ihe black suils, or call 733 43G0 _ Cummins. 430-5400. 205D5 ollor. C.-ill 73G 0720. damaging lead. Whateatever Last did. PR731C Liebhetr crawlcr' 1979 Fotd FIOO. AT. V-li.(J. VVer.l Ellir.. P.iul. ID______1970 Chovy v.m. C20, good^ g 1982 MBICURV GMNDIND l»IARqUISE3i33-3'4335 | 1 nkjddcf With ESCO gi.ipplc Soulh would have iim(im e 'to e sta b lish sm j' brtjRe!C (queiUonj to The Acrs, PO. Dox PS S2495 Call 73.1 2 l‘j:> _ 1971 M.ick iractor. sinyl('I(, condition, $2100. 734-G314. las, T ens wilh sd, 1979 Dodgo, passenger van, ivrjppp lor reply. MwcedM Deii^ dit.-3f>) ' « I ...... trieks.for.game.and Jru rubber. c»p,n,Mri(hl, im. Unilr^ hVilurr Sp^icur engine POR • I WD with loppet. Good)d cabovcf. $3GOO ollcf. v/iih iinied v/indov/a. ctuiso, I iss4V0U(SKi«enfin3133i . _ cond Call 734 9177 or cat>III Ciill 43G-GQ02 oveninga. tilt, fi air, Looks-tuns great. s,.i..;,i U/vJ.Sp=3/. I 1980P0RSCHE9243I3-:: B CENTRAL EQUIPMENT _ Freiglitliner Uuck and irailei,“ 113K. £1925. 733-4479.____ 3i3-33 '4395 I COMPANY INC. 1902 GMC, V-0, 4 r,(>d, ilual’ial’ now cngiiie, $10,000 or 1983 Chevy conversion van,^.' I 1981 UNCOm MARKKVl3.:-3 VI M995 I Boise, 1-0OO-346-75G0 lank;;, S30C0. Call 029 50G131 mako oiler. Call 324-7297 ot loadod wilh oxlr.is. Call — Pocfitollo, 1-000-234-Q002 ,'iltcr 5 n ni 324 3-124. 733 9G5G. " I 1984CHEVn01HK20'Oil :i 133 *4995 I 121 Doals & 125 Travol Trailers 132 Aulo Parts - 1983IV1B1CURYCAPR]3’RI3113 ‘4995 I 175—Aulo Doalors 175-Aulo Ooalors 175-Aulo Dealers Marino lloms — Accossoiios 175-AutoDoalofs , 1984 BUICK SKVLARKIKjm.ij- '4995 I RED MOT JULY SPECIALVL 1979 Chovrolol 350 shotl 'i0U9 10’ Thuntfofcr.i'lT'v.'lv.iih on 1990WildornescTfnilcr5ors block, 4 boll main, robuill, ! 1984 CHEVROLET C20;i>0:p ,3 '5495 I 150 hp VVoildJ onl .ind 5lhVVhnclr. In Slockk Cnll 037-4513,______1986 TOYOTA TEBCa.^I.-.- '5495 I Wlu'.'lr., ______rJ7nV64,IKE MADI! 4 nico 0 holo chromo tims ------• 29\Vildcifier.r. Cinunaron, with Toyo radial lircs, $275 1984 FORD F150c:i; '5595 I IDOOCfCilluio;, 19 opoi •lif.t J 2 1.320, sale bov/. 1 75 lip t.icfcury in otbe;,t oiler 734-4534 i H l F HI ' "y • • 515,490. borucJ.'cuibo.irc). lull c.inv.nr. „„i JAPANESE ENGINES 4 I f m 1984 CHEVROIH SIO10 .tl111,3 '6995 g ;.9r,oo c.nii 73:^ .icnj • 27' Wildotnc'f.r. 5tli v^hcel, ------hsi SIO.735, saloilo TRANSMISSIONS AT WILLS TTO Y O T A -JEEPP ★ EAGLE^WE'E'RE HAVING 1985J0CHH1OKE.V,I;i:-33 '6995 I G^' OBiinn compciitoi wnic,Allcf S13,6GQ. Low mi. G mo gunt.inloa r.Vi v.iili cnitymf) c.i-.o, >100100. . 7C>- VVildefncr.r. Yukon. Iiclti,, Special 4x4 & AT Iran;, 1984 DODGE CARAVAN^nni4ii3i '6995 I GO' VVcGlcin qinphiic’ v/.ilc,Mlcf £l3.0GG.r,.ilc'510,300.n ' Freo delivery r.Ki wilh c.nr.c. JOO lisi 1-000-365-3742 1989 PONTIAC LBVIANSMS 31353 '6995 • 2 .1’ W ilderm>f.:;, lir,I , ___ SM.OCG.S.1I(.‘ S10,900.0, Oldsmobiio 455 ongino, [o u fT ib Ig g e ss t WSEID c a r] 1984 CHEVROIH S1D.1lOiiiii '6995 00 liof',;'' bo.TI m olor will v/il • 23 1/2 Yukon 5lh wheel,eel, comprossion all ovor 170, Iiado lor smallot umt SninIiniall lisl S 1 2 .5 2 1 . s alie le $450/ollor. Cnll 324-5103, 1986 JSP COMANCHE^:HEiii :3 '6995 ulilily licnilor .'in i.'ic<'lk'nMenl - 39,050. Roslofablo 1066 VW Fast- iLE OF 1THE YEi■AR! • 19'V/ildernens Yukon. hr.t ^ SAI 1997 FORD TBV1P0313.31313 '6995 uml Call 73.1 Q310 'St back, doosn'l tun. $150 or 75- S 9.399. salo S7,GOO. best oiler: 2 19GG Mustang19 . , NEW BAYLINERS . 10- Yukon, tr.l *9.035. sale:alo teat ends comploio. 4 lug, 1994 CHEVROLH CIO10 .13s;- '6995 ------A N D -SEA R A Y S—3------57,595.------565ert-or-bolh-lof.£U0. un;_ 1984 FORD BRONCOUiUiiu3 - '6995 Al End Ol S-;,'l'.oii H.vy 25. Paul dcr dash AC, complelo. S35 ^ ENDS 6:00 PM CLOsiiourpnictiS'S ' CSC MFC 1 SALES Call 543-4502-inorG. ------HURRY!— 1987KALVNTRAIIBics,Rc333 7095 ______43S-d5D0______WE1 0ONLY Laini; LLli.'Ction 133 Aulos W anted ENDS X -X HAVE THPHIS SALE . SATURDAY ’1983CAD1USCED0RAORADOiffij----- 7495----- u s L'd g o a t s ____ 12G Campors & Sholls ^ YEAR . . . JSaiGUEl/RDlHJlAMAtMAnD3x; 7495____ ■"tSKrOVER'PAYHENTS^r ----- ^TOMORROWhI UUW'V i^JULY-21ST— n n Kit cab ovor o»c cond'f’t’ No ciodil chocks. Cars, n m s s ~ ^ 1888 CHEVROLH SIOc!I0c;5i . 7795 COrin)li.'l<.- -'.(.'fvici-:>• S2.-100.67B-9ri2days. irucks vanr.. QIC 736 0940. dc|>.- ^ 5 ^ 1970 Coleman lenl irailcfiicf. 135. Cycles S Supplios propano stove, sloepsj G , ______1985 DODGE D150-1113h% 7335 CENTURY $850 Call 73.1-5.123______1940 Hailoy Davidson, cus- 1984 FORD BROniUiIIU.13. 7335 BOATLAND 190-1 deluxo, r.ell-cont.iinodlod__lom panhood, Wkday boloro Twhl F.1113 733-5070 0 9'c.impef Call 733-5G01 ___^ 3 3Qpm& wknds, 324-0625, l ^ l r r i m n s 1988 FORD TBVlPOsniiii.i;.3 7335 19CQ Weslofn Wildorncns 9' 19GB Y am ah a . Big B oar. 1989 FORD ESG8RT 33:3?33333 7885 I d d u f Moiciity 3.G hp (foiling„ usod onco. nedocod' lc 250. low milos. in good con- WAS IS WAS IS molof. SISO C.-\ll3:?-l->5i:? S7900 C.1II423-I3-I3 ----- dnion. £350. C.ill 73G-0053. 1985 CHEVROLH SIO^iIO11103 7995 I r 1974MERCUHY COMET <89D ‘5 90 0 1975 SCOUT PICKUP 4X4 » or • 10' Oiaon, 1970 in- O'/.-' Idaho Ciuiser. gan.’elcc 1974 125 Su:uki molofcydo, ■1990 ‘1490 Kic rolrig, Oualcllo stovo anc 1988 FORD TBVIP0 333I;331; 7995 g bonfcl. V-0, V-liull, hr,hing S ‘1"“ & Yamaha 400, vofy good 1980 PONTIAC SUNBIRD <990 ’6 9 0 - skiinn. Cnll 73.1 .1721. .13G-jV ludiaco. sleeps G. v.iih |acl-i condllion 543-0917 ^ 1980 JEEP WAGONEER : SOOO C.ill 32.1-53.19 — 1981 tIOOGE OMNI ■3990 ‘2890 1889MB)CURYTHACBilCBi 333i. 7995 0292. Of 436 3000 .-'lU'fG ~ 197G K aw asaki T rials KT ■1990 ‘12900 t ; O' overr.tiot c.impor. icobo; 1989 FORD ESCORT3333,13333; '8495 Our 1990 SoriDwiilbo.itr, 250. £G00. In excollonl con->n- 1976 PONTIAC CATALIKA 4 Q 1984 TOYOTA TERCEL SH5 4X4 V ■’with OMC Cobfii rnoior.‘V and Move. S525 Call 32-1 diion 423-4074/423-5654 '1990 ‘1390 ■3990 ‘3490 2571 beiwi;en Gpin.^om 1989 FORD MUSTANGIG331333. '8395 .110 in r.iock - 7- 1977 KE125 K.iwasaki in ox-~ 1982 FORD THUNOERBIRO 3(jj. C.'ib hiph canipef shell, lo "> >1990 ‘14900 1984AMCEAGIE 4X4 SEDAN Tom 's Marlnu S Sporl Gd» , J ° ' collont condition, £475, 1972 ‘4490 ‘3 8 9 0 I 1989F0RDTEMPD 333i!.>3313 '8995 Hr'viiiirn.nuili'v G7R 7.!7373 lonti v/ido bod, in nood con tlond,! CT90 trail biko, hasa i BURRO CAMP TRAILER ----- d.'ir.n Call 5-13 -1511 >2990 ‘17900 ------r.pato tuol lank, in good con- g 1975 VW POP-UP CAMPMOBll I 1974 CHEVROLH C60;:50:1133 '8335 123 Guno& Rlllos Cur.lom Topper shell, Ills lit dnion, S350 Call 733-5507.I"' 1981 MERCURY Z-7 ZEPHY“™ >2890 ‘1890 ‘4690 ‘4190 I 1985 CHEVROLH BLA2LAZeiiia '8335 ___ Chovy S-10 pickup, oxc 1979 Ynmahn 750 Spccial. Drowning 22 ounii nuloriKilmat- c o n d llio n , to d , Cnll 32.1 ^ 19M PLYMOUTH REIIAHT ST 0 1982 JEEPWAGONEER now b.iticry 6 font liio. £400 ™ w=«.2490 ‘1990 ‘5990 ‘4 7 9 0 I 1968 CHEVROIH ClOiilOiiis '8835 ic. W inchosU 'f pro-19G'I3G.I, OGIG.iHor 7 nm______------orbnsl ol(i)r. 543-G074 30 00 Thompson W c.ilibot _ 1979 TOYOTA SUPRA Ford Ranger aluminum shol;holl. 1079 Yamaha SXIlOO, lully ■2990 ‘2490^ 1985 AMC EAGLE WAGON 4X4 I 1985 FORD FZ50.I1I3333 '3335 black powcJff nllc A accoG upntridod windows, blue ‘6790 ‘4 9 9 0 cctics. 17 col. nommmglon .'i'*'' dressed, now lircs, oxcolloni 1985 MERCURY TOPAZ 4 D 1988 DODGE 0150^113:1131 '3995 3'Of'. exc cond, £300 029 4225.f l - condilion, £1200. 324-3602. -3990 ‘32900 Leopold vnrtnblc-rtcoijc g 1963 CHEVY C-20 VAN nomminqlon-Ktowninri To'd Hanger aluminum shol 19C0 Honda CX500, cuslom,~ 1982 AMC EAGLE WAGON. 1986 FORD BROnIU Hi)11133 '8395 . upgiadcd windows, blot '4490 ‘3690 ,‘5999 ‘ 5 4 9 0 pau.'nt 1903 .•luloni.ilic i; looks & tuns well. SGOO or 1986 CHEVY CELEBRITY 4 (jaugc. Sniiili a Wc.T.r.ori,''357 35! <‘»i:cond.?300 Q29-4??r>— bo-.l ollnr. 734-1419.______M 990 ‘3 8 90 0 1987 NISSAN 4X4 PICKUP 1984JEffVIIAG0m.Ht™« '8395 ‘7990 ‘ 7 4 9 0 matjnom w/holr.liir i boll 1900 Hondn. Express II. 50 1986 OODGE DAYTONA -1985 DODGE ima RAMlAMVANciio '8535 Gun-.liki, ni:w 53G 25021 *^"' 127 Motor Homos ■4990 ‘3990 cc. 692 miles, good cond. g 19B5FQnDBRONCOII 1984 PONTIAC THANSINSAMC533 '3885 lnu>r.irnin 22 2G0 varmii‘ till 1973 Winnob.igo, ■jfjQ 44 Cnll 733-94G8nllorSDm. 1986 FORD TEMPO GL ■4990 ‘3990 ‘7990 ‘ 7 6 9 0 wilh r.copi), olinq. c.'urym' Dodgu, 21 It Bfovo. genui;icia- 1901 Honda 500CX. Shall 1984 SUBARU DL 19851iNCOinC0NTlNEnN0ITAL3.333 '3395 c.ir,c and icloridinr) ociuip lof ;5,500. 734 1557 drive, v/.ilor coolod. lull laii- ■5490 ‘4790:Q 1988 ISUZU 4X4 PICKUP menl JOOO. Rugei 270 nllc ‘8590 ‘ 7 8 9 0 197G Ctuir.o MaMef 20' mc ing. saddlebags. Soo 10 np- LFIBACK , 5 „ g „ 5 4 9 9 0 1988 ACURA SC3)3^33 '8335 scopo. r.lini), c.iityinQ prpciaio. £1295 734-4202 1994 pVOTA CAMRY DLX.UF •Tnd toloadintj equipmen! tor homo, nov/ rubbci '0 1988 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP cm 50.000.milos. r.ioepss Ja ' I9B1 Kawasaki KL 250,^ 1906 TOYOTA CAMRY L£ ‘8490 ‘ 7 8 9 0 1988 FORDF150 13 ‘10535 '■500. Daiti l'«e brand alm ' '5990 ‘53900 C.ill •!B7.2G10______S7995 C.ill 543 S255 complololy now ongino. oxc 1988 FORD RANGffl;i33hi3 ‘10885 ^ conJiiion, £750 733-8370 ^ 1999 TOY()TA TERCEL iQ 1987 CHEVY C-10 PICKUP Wincticr.ii.'t 12 cjuriqo puiv; 1977 Winnebago 27' clas ■5990 ‘5490 •8990 ‘7990 ;omo '331 Yamaha maxim shall 1988 DODGE D150jiHE-/[3. '10995 moili‘1 1912 niaJc 191G3 l.i I'li'-l ^<.'11 "'is *ook, com j|D 1988ISUniJ-MARK ri.il a ll7 y 5 l. Stoo. :tadu v.elcomu. For mof■lofo diivo, voilor lating. saddio ■8990 ‘5990iQ 1986F0R0BR0NC0H 733 bags, oxcolloni condition •8990 ‘7990 1966 GMC JIMMY iioij11033 '10995 C.ill 037..1902 alo, call 734-3102 or 73; I" 1985 KONOA ACCORD 4 DF ____ :0 a0 f .l 305. m,Ike otlerr £1300 lirm, Jackpol, 702- "»■ •6990 ‘6390 — - 755.2490.______1985 FORO BRONCO 11 1889 FORD PRO6E333331® '11495 19G2 Pacoarroiv, 31'. oxcc _ 1988 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF IQ •8990 ‘7990 125 Travel Trailers ,902 Suzuki 1100. £1200.)0, f ‘69 9 0 ‘6 3 9 0 1988 FORD CROWN VICTORIAVIC 33333 ‘11985 torn condition, 22.000 milo;^ Coll 062-3616.______■77J]- Call 734-3267 lor mofo info. _ 198pORD TAURUS 4 odd: '7490 ‘6490iQ 1985 JEEPWAGONEER ik 197.1 Pfowicf", 25 lool, r.ell ~ T '9 04 Honda CR250R. good •9990 ‘8490 1989 GMC K2500.:11133 '12895 I 19G3 20' Dolphin, slocps * conlaincd, veiy ()ood condi condition, £1000 or best ol- 1989 SUBARU 4 OR •7990 ‘6990 1989MmRYSA8l£61f3i333 '12995 lion 53500 C.iH VoQ.pnODPT AC, oxcol condition, S9 50C lor.S3C-6165,boloto9am '0 198GJEEPCHER0KEE4DR. ^ Call 3.2.1-30GO or 324-5307. — 1989 MERCURY TOP« " ^9990 . ‘8990 1975 2'!' r,(;lt coni Pro.'.'ei 1934 Yamaha 125 YZ, rac- •7990 ‘749010 1988 FORD MUSTANGlIGcisi c ‘1Z935 ■ Ifi 2 2 'Dodnc Tfavco molo tear b.iih w.:;liov,cr. It) felfr ing biko. oxcelleni condition,>n, 1 ^ TOYOTA TERCEL iQ 1987 TOYOTA 4X4 VAH w.tfCL'.'ef Verycl'.'.-in'rSOOi3S0C) f.ell-coni. oxlras nor^ £700 C.1H324-3G15 •8490 ‘7990 •11990 ‘9990 1886 FORD BRONCO^)i3ic3 ■ '13885 Of bosi otift gnll-123G35130, ri.ilcr S9 500 733-Qill — 1S35 Hond.i 350X 3 whoct“ 1389 .TOYOTA COROliA iQ 1988 CHEVY S-10 DLA2ER y 1989 FORD BRONCO)Hii.33 Dl '15895 197G 26' Gre,It DiviJc, AC lli'iii. ’01 Tiog.i, 26'. sloop ■8990 ‘8490 I'..'M.! npr.g i,.;ivi> m,.'.--..-no or. good condilion. £050. •12990 ‘1.1990 c.ible. cloan. 900 I3foad>v.i la iL Cnll C8G-2904.______1990 SUBARU LDYAL£ ■8990 ‘8490 I 1989CHEVR01H'150050Dins3 '15995 I . ,N. Buhl M 750 5.13 TkKM 1989 CHEVY C-10 4X4 PICKUF 123 Ulilily Trallofs 1905 hVonda Nighthawk S,S. 1989H0HDA^ACCaRD I 1988 FORD CLUB WAGOIAG0NC3 33 '18335 197G 2 0 ' Yellowr.lone, .ii ____ 700 cc. oxcollont condition, ‘11990 ‘10990\j3 ‘14991P ‘12790 condilioning, r,el( ccnlnmL'c IG- ulihiy nailer, now, $ 120C2 0 ^ SIGOO. C.ill 700-9719. -ri 1989F0RDF-150 4X4 I 1988 CHEVROIH SUBUUBURBANiicis ‘18385 S3900. Call .13G-!U90 o C.VI fl3-/.GG15______^ 1905 Honda V65 Mogna. ox-— ^ G L E A SSE RETURNS •14990 ‘13890 •13G-33GG______eollonl condition. 0 i888iiNcomcorai]raiBraL333i6 '1G895 ; G PU irailotr,. -123-5516. 1970 2G ll N om ad Ir.ivu C.ill 436-6733. 1987 TOYJ 1987 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4X4' ifailcr, inndern axlo. r.nll “ •I 6990 ‘14990 H 1869 GMC SUBURBAN,IAN< ii35 '17995 : A u t o m o t i v e 19Q5 Suzuki M adura 700.Jo* 4 DOOF contained, c.ifpclcd a ver wator cootod. V-lwin; shahali > ' SPECIAUY PRI 1988 JEEP WAGONEER LTD. g 1990 FORD CROWNIV1CI6RIA31333 Vlt '17995 clitan C.ill 53G 27-!5 _ dr, £1,500. 423-4245 ovor. — AT ONLY "• •18990 ‘1 6 9 9 0 c 1902 17 ll n o .id R anyer‘y -'- — ______= 190G Honda Elilo 250, ox­ 1 1989 FORO BRONCO»D5« '18685 soll coni.iined. oicol. ccnt.:cnd r------colloni condition, $1,500, ?3.900. C,lll 73-1-5329 ------132 Auto Paris C.ill 324-4003. Joromo. I IF YOU DOH’T-Cl•COME SEE US . . . 1990 2G' Sprinief Kavcl liailtiai Acccs5t3rl05 . 1906 Kowasaki Ninja 1000R. CT, rear island bed. .m condoiidi- ______— . poiiocl condilion. black, |W tCAN|TSMlEYOUANl^ONEm ^ lioning, awninn. r.leepr.pr. 7 1955-57 Chovy misc pas5as-, many-Qxlra3.-S3500.Cnll and lois of'ciiiriTf. rM .^rc i scngur car paris. lUSa>5' 2: 734-0661 nllor 5 30 pm. l i b ; Call 733-5507______door sodan body sholl' ' ' *i 190G YZ 250, runs good, Aitslrcam, 20 It. older. . I.irmo w/glass, S20-S700 foady 10 rido. £750 or bost 2 Call Dan Cfow 800-327' I c ^ l c'tct.'lli?nlCOnd 73.1 6262 .2 '° ollor, CaP 32G-450G al noon Layton ir.iilcfr, & 5lh wlicclr .nnylimo nu)'~..'’,.inri, Meridian.iHIL. or all,-to. SlocKing new & ur.cd oinlo11(0 19G5 Ford Vj lo n pickuc

■ I i ' ' . ■ ■ I )■

. ^ Fricl.ly,. JulyJ 20. 1990 Times-NL'WG.W5, Twin F.ills. Idnho C-7

^ A M t o nimotive-AuHitomotive-AiAutomotive 141-175 n n s m w [ H sacLAssinasIS « 733-0931 « SUB ;58 Autos-Chovrolol ,62 175-AuloDoalGf3. | 17:175-AutoDtt3lo:a . . . | 17S-AutoOealors I7l | 175-175-Aulo Doalefb 1'<11 Vans . 14145 4X4'S & ATVs U148 .vflnliquo Aulos ^58 62 Aulos-Fofd j 1971 Camajo. lormor chow 1005 Ford, 4 wliool dfivo. \2 1C1905 Fotd D-OUCO 2, VC 5 Ts1951 Fotd ^ T qiI o tig i ^ 1903 Ford EXP. needs en- I * ;ar. Must cco 10 apptccialol ginc work, $ 1200. passongor van, XLT. irailor spued sp ovL'idfivo, XLT pack- oxcollonl ox condilion, $975. ;3500. Call 324-5744 packogo. V07 dean, $8500. ago, air condiitcmng. ctuiso. 037-G34D, 03 loavo messano. Coll 734-0400, b.-iM^G-'lDOS or.l3G-33GC A!AMiFM car.r.i'llc, till v/hecl. — I97G Chovy Chovollo. 2 1980 Ford,Fcr,liva, $4500, JEEP PFRICE BREEAKTHROiOUGHT tear Ute carriot, luggago 1950 '• Chevy PU, r.tepr.ido. dootloot, new litcs, tuns good. ,^i.ako over pa^’mcnls ot bank 1909 Mazda-MPV Van. ox- shotl bed, tebuill ongino. $45C>450 or best oiler. Call 733- E PASSING ON GREAT SAISAVINGS TO YOU! ccllcnl condition, lully load- rack, oxcellenl conditon. sl vill rofinanco 324-0B2G THE FACTORY ISASSISSISriNG us, so WE'RE $7,000. Cnll 423 G274, ove- new liter, and mays, SI500 517^5179 or can SCO at 1201 4th od, vojy low milcago. Call 5i ot bo--.t ollor 4?3-5f.?G A\vonuo vot East. Twin F.allr... ;:ioan 1970 Granada. PS. CHEROKEES$10DO BEULOW FACTORY INVOICE!:E! 736-85G5. Mur.l r.olll______Hininns. 734-9068. days. 21 ^B. AC. G cylinder. $950 or ALL Cl 1905 Nicsati 4x4. lent) bed, 1959 Ford pickup, no motor, 197GChevyMonloCatlo.ro- i 97( visi offer, Cnll734-3G5-1. For calo: 197G-VW van, shotl bod, oood tcbuill. 3uill buiR engino 5 lians, bluo. in good cond, $350.'ol- 25,000 miles, 5 spd. cxc. sl cond., ono owner. Musi Make oiler. Call 543 G700, 3all Call 734-0100. altet Spm ----- (nr. After Gom, 73-1-13?! between 8pm and 10pm ,5 7 soo" ?G.495 Call 733-1301 1977 C n m a to LT R ally -jgg66 Autos------^------Ti198G Jeep Cherokee Latedo 19G4 C ho v y Malibu SpoiSporl, 350 h.p., now painl. Morcury & Lincoln pkg Silver, 5 r.pd, AC. power Chevcllo^ C 4 ctoor, lo-.v nnK;s, nov,aow striping, good cond, 142 If^ ort/S pofts Cars P' AT, tuns good, $1200 423- 423-423-551Gor ^ 3 6262 windows.'locks ' 0000/oller. A 972 Lincoln Conlinonlal ■ 733 0G37. leave niosrann 5508, 5. dayr., 423-4345 evo- f1977 g f Chevy Nova, 2 door. Mn,■lark IV. go'd. power overy- 1968 VW Gug, low milnngn T ninns S wnekcndr.______Qnn £ on tcbuiH molor, SlGOO/otler. 119QG ion Chevy Silvera- — Cnll 543-4060.______,hiihing, good condilion, Cflll 53&-G79'V______ddo. s h o tl box. lov( m iles, 19G5 Oodgo Coronet 500, 1979 Cam.nto Detlmelia, to- ^,1256/bosl Oiler. 734-0711 loaded, $7950. Call 029- no lillo. and no Intotlor. DuiR 305 engino S itans, AC, 902 Morcury Marquis,~4 1973 240Z. sitong engino. It Call 423-400G. p s , slraighl body, nccdn minor 55G03 or 733-0070______PS, PD, lill wheel, & nuw Al- Hocloor runs good, oilra cloan. v/oik. Musi r.oll nov/. Ullrn- 1937 Joop Cherokee, low Anliquo ^ Aulo Rosloraiion pint; pin’, AM/FM cassollo, ;2500. Cnll733 8G27. soeriltco ot $1,750 llfm. miles, excellcni condilion. . C>i-.lomk paint 73G-39?? $2500 $25i 734-4212/733 R275 ^ 906 Mercury Capti. 3 door B g ^ m r Cnll 72G-22J0 bulofo 10 am Musi sell. I.lako oiler. 1900190i Cheviolel Ciiaiicn. 4 i.itchback. , Low tnilcago and Of nlior G pm.______Cnll934-S42G. 149 1 Aulos-AMC spond, s p e pov/er r.ieeting. ;conomic.al. Sco 10 apprcci- LARED04DR. 1973 VW Super Boollo, tunr. ' $500 C.ill 733 4G05 lie lor 53995. al 010 1990 CHEROKEEE IPIONEER 4 DR. 1990 1 CHEROKEE^ 1979 AMC Concotd, 57,000 1906 Chuvy Cav.iJinr Z24, YalI'akimQ in Filer, 32G-5G22 or nood, SMOO. 73-M<119. 11900 Toyoia, 4x4 PU. low 'miles, power steering, power ‘ 1974 Audi Fox, Ironl wliool ”tnilos. oxcol cond, $7995. " lully loadod. VG lutbo. ‘ G500 c.ill-111 Dolint 733-7111.______Call allot 3 30. 734-7039. ^brakes, lill wheel. 6 c>'lindot, or best ollor. Call 934-0301 7 ^ dtivo. 4 cpd. 25 mpg, roll- i noods upholsioty cleaned, ^ 1909 Mcrcury Traccr Hatch- LIST ’ 2 2 , 4 0 3 "“" u s f " " ...... ■' ’2 i3 9 9 1900 Toyoia pickup, sh.irp, _ or 934-4512. nveninns______bacjack. 2 door. 0,000 otigin.al IESS ablo tfansporlalion, $000, 1 needs litcs. $930. ----- LESS DISCOUHT - ’3,476 Cnll 324-5M9, ovcpinns. \V-6. PS, PD, cur.iom Alloy C.all 734-4023 .g - miiTiilos, b ra . oxlondod Fotd DISCOUHT - » 3 , 4 7 7 tims, kjw niiios. C.all 7 160 Aulos-Dodgo waivatraniy, new cond. $7,200. 1974 VW Sunbug. tobuill '' 1979 AMC Spitil, tuns good, 423 G173 ovoninn--, ' :all Doug al 32G-4021 M 8 , 9 2 6 INVOICE ’18,923 engino, new painl whh bra, - PS-?500 Cnll 734-7334 i1 q906( Dodgo Coll. 5 spd, — INVOICE LESS ’04 Chevy S-tO ojloniled - SECOND CAR LESS good condilion. $3200 cr ( cxc. cond'ition, nev/ tires and ,n - ’ 1 , 0 0 0 REDATE - ’ 1 , 0 0 0 best oflor. Call 5.13-5057. ccab. 4V/D, Tahoe pKg, AC, , 1974 Mercury Cougar XR-7. nEOATE V-G, S5S00 734 5-!23 ' 152 Aulos-Buick g oood t painl. lov/ miles. Till origin.il, low miles, cvoninc;;;. __i ------IrtO4000 C.all 543-5176 S1.OO0DEL0W $ SI.OOODEIOW ' $ 1 '04 Jeep Ctierokeo 5 spd, 4 7 excel cond. $1995. INVOICE SALE PRICE i 197G Volksv/agon Rnhbil. 1972 Quick GS. 350 onnino, 1900 Dodgo Coll, AC. r.iu- INVOICE SALE PRICE 7,926 '17,923 cyl, AM/FM c.assolle. ^harp n Coll 734-4724. SSOQ/oftor C.ill 52.1-5103 c tuns great. $500. Call /33- roo, cxc cond, low mi, unit’ $5500 734-4200 3 1970 Honda Civic, nood - 3915 allor G 3Dpm.______j$6,000 g , or best ollet 733- condilion, tuns v/elt, $975. '•'04 Jeep Wannncer, lov; m i, BB25______161168 Autos-OIdsmobllo Cnll nlior 5 pm 543 G9-17. 4.4 door. 6 r . ;.7,500,S1200 SSupor Buy! 1981 Quick Ro- ^ bolowbluc . .uk 423 G109 0g.al. low miloago. good con- ?'07 Caravan LE V-G. loaded, •— 1979 Toyoia Colica. qood = ditinn, $1995 73-1-6759 cle,-clean. $11 700 734-5423 191970 Oldsmobllo slalion condilion. ?1600. 32G-3557.- SUPERCHARGED - .v.mnn Cnfl 544-2597 W i l l s 1900 Dashor dicsol Cla wgn. 1905 . Chovy slepr.ido, 4x4, 162 Aulos-Fotd ,1^, Iresh 355 motor, Silverado ‘154 Aulos-Cadillac 162 172 Autos-Ponllac 4 spd. GO.OOO milec. Good equipped.' PS, PB, AC. liH, 7 ■ cond. S3000. 423.5597. ^ 1904 EltJorndo Coupo. LiirT ToG19G9 Fotd Musiang, classic — I ctuiso, cuslom v/heels. ■, ited edition All options. Cosl carcar with rcbuill engine, al- 1970 Pontiac GTO. 455 cn- chromo toll bat and grill new $2G,913. Pthced NADA uotuom .niic I ta n s m is s io n . gi"nino, 12 bolt Posi loarond, 236 SHOSHONE STREET WEST',T» TWIN FAILS » 733-BUYl 1980 Subaru GLF. spotty 2guard Call 3?4-r.l77 "$8,500. Piico now $6,935. $3j$3JOO Call 700-2904 52200. 5^2- Call 733-2G39. ask hatdlop. AC, AM/FM. good Cnll32G-4l37 , lor Kovin AT WILLS WE WILL SA;AV£ you MONEY! 140 Anliquo Aulos r. 1977 Fotd LTD, groat cond. 1908 To Grand Am Tutbo, toad- Urcs. $2.200. 93-I-4011. 1 '73 Eldorado. Can bo seen jOI $000 or mako olfor. Call ed od ber4 olfor 006-2100 1981 Datsun 2002X, lully ■:1930 Pitcch lire ituck, conv in lot behind Silver Spur in 324-2413.______■ •— loaded. T-lops. bluo 8 silver. plotely ter.ioted 037-4513. .Wondoll •' Cnll32G-501B Runs lanlaslic, 733-1705 t 1980 FairmonI, low milcngo. 173 17 Autos-Plymoulh ovnr., OnrtoU 733 0101 days. 194G Ford PU, $000 or besl 4 door, good iitcs, cxccllenl __ oiler. Calh.'veninpr., 155 ’ Autos-Chryslor condition, $1500 025-537G. 1967 19 Plymouih Valiant, has 1902 Subaru G t.2 door, AC, 00G-2GO7. 7 Lilo model slant G ongino in AM/FM cassollo. 5 cpood. 1971 Nova, now paint and *921902 Ford Granada, clean. 4 W onqino, $4500. Coll 324- cylindor. cyln in wood condilion. Il 4- Mur.l soo 10 npptccialo. $1995. Call 734-2252. day.'^. 1955 2 door hatd-lop 0 $700. Call 423-5G34. 324-5215, oveninns______C.-111 324-2071 4122. 4 ovoninn-. SHSll00.Call543 4511. $7 I 1982 Toyoia Supra, low miloago. oxccllenl condilion, now liios, S-1200. 73-1-9323. 175-Aulo 1 Doalors ( l175-Aulo Doalors 175175-Auto Dealora 17:175-Auto Dealers MA U liiio 59B4 300 Z; . $5500. Cnll 062-3G1G. 19Q5 Honda CRX. AC. lov/ mi, SSSOO/ollor. 734-CG27. 190e Honda Accord OX. sharp, ctuiso control. AM/FI.l cocsollo, 39,000 milos. CL.OSEE-OUJT $7,200. G70-9112 days. 670-4030 ovos.______1906 Mozda RX7, GXL, (ully CC:OME IN & MAIAKE YOUR loadod. low low miles, now ___ liiii2;;nice-cof._?'7.035, mur.i- ^ BESI;T DEAL O N AN^NY 626 . . . cgII, IS m ------THEN RE(RECEIVE------Brockmon'u Mobllo ------Homes------J l AA x a SH------734-3167 or324-4;03 19B7 HondaAccord DX.lov/ y j y j BACK milcago. cxccllunt condilion. FROM MAZDA Call 53G-2193. 1980 'Audi 90 Qualtro, ^Air Conditioning 23.000 milos. $IG,500 ot bosl oKor. Cnll G70-1577 or ^ or Automatic G70-5025______K Transmission J900 Toyoia Corolla FX, low r mileage, oxcul cond, as- WITH OVER?1 7 0 TOYOTA CARS AND TlTRUCKS ON HAND ANDDOOMING, sumo lo.m. Cnll 73G-7P31 DYI TllYOTAIS OUT TO SET ANENEW SALES RECORD FOIOR JULY! WILIS TOY! OT 1909 Isuzu Amigo, COM E IN S& MAKE YOURR - ■ lor c.alo byov/nor. TO ACCOMDMPUSH THIS WE’RE OFFIFFERING VALUES LIKE TTHESE: Cnll 733-eG70, alior 7pm BEST DEAL 01DN ANY M X-6 . Swool'Gg VV/ THEN RECI.Cr.lVE . It'c Con/cllo whlto, lias tinted windows. Sony r.terc-o sys­ I .SH lom. Cnll Lisa lor a look. I c - l # ______543-5773. ' *50 0 asCK DA 146 4x4‘s &ATV5 Condiiioning JEEP! 19G4 Grand Wagoncur, 1990 TOYOTA1 1990 T 0\YOTA Aulom aiic AC. PS, AT. Super cican. .nsniission S7997/o((or. 733-0007. 4X2 PIMCKUPS 4X4 PICKKUPS 1951 Willy's Jeep, 2 soalcr. COMEE IN & MAKE YYOUR BEST nil original. $15O0 or bosl ol- $ 6 8J 1 8 0 * ^ 9 8 8 10 * :of, Cnll 734-6379.______L ON ANY 2 OR)R 4 WHEEL ’l9GG W agonoor, AM/FM, ® 0 ^ d o w n 1^164/ MO* ® 0 ^ D 0 W N f 2 ; 51ood running cond,, S750. !29 Mp*, 3RIVE MAZDA\ 1PICKUP. . . ■ 934-4011. Must dtivo i|i iii:.tiiii;;urwii)(ii'iii.ii:,iiwi 1970 Dodge V.-lon, 4x4, 310 t h e n RECEIVE r e ongino, 4 cpd, $1595. Call • 733-7390 or soo at 278 C f l CASH Vtfiseman. Twin Fnllr,.______O V / BACK 1971 GMC 4 whool drive Jimmy (Glazor), PS, PB, lill, I. FROM MAZDA cacsotio, oxcollonl condition, I " runs Iiko nov/, $2500 or best LE-5 OR SE-S allor. Cnii 324-8217 Packagc. Eacli 1973 Chevy Olazur, PS, PD, K includes 15 4 cpeod, lock-out hubs, lull COM E IN 8&M AKE options. conveiiblo top. good lues, 1 9 9 0 1TOYOTA 1990 TOIlYOTA op' runs good. $2,500 or bcsi 'DEAL ON ollor. Call 423-44G7.______4 D R. Cl:0R0LLAS 4 DR. CAIiM R Y S YOUR BEST I 1974 4«4 Chovy oickup, .1 ANY PROTITEGE . . . ! spood. PS, PD, oi.gino ovi;t- m i ^ 1 0 9 !90 • hiaulod 20,000 tiiilos ago 990 ; $1500 Cnll3?4-50GO d o w ni/®199/ MO* ®0^^d o w n ^ 2 549i MO* r Cnndilioning ^ - 197G Joep Wagonecf, 40t, "-AAin r.*ii::iMcnii!ci») , | iMCDiitctfi) i.'Qi:iior;.n 400 lutbo, AC. clean & lov/; •(!« i.)iv..i.'!riti U',-. A utom atic milos, $2495 G55-4373 ansm ission ■ 1977 GMC aulomaiic V8, full-litno, wido liros, tuns • nood. $3145. 734-G203. / £ 0 Z a X SSSQ. i 1970 Landetusior, oxcullont -• condilion. 1970 Toyoia pickiiQ Wllh r.holl 'IP3-47G7 ' 1979 Wagonocf. Quadcn- UP TOI 5$750 I Trac. PS. PB. AC. rebulll! - 360, aif stiocks v//comptes- CUSTOMER D IS C O U N T so t, AM/FM, J322o/ollot. 1990 TO’BYOTA •' Cnll 734-0430.______1990 1TOYOTA -O N ANY MIAVV M IN I : 19Q0 K-5 Dlazpr, AC. PS. UNNER I • PO, 4 r.pd, nov/ litos. very; TERCiCEL EZ 4 DR. 4R11 : cloan S3.7G0 5.13-5724. ^ V AN EQ U IP M E N T ' 1901 Suburban Silvorado,: m = ^ 1 5 9)90 ! - -41,1. AC, ctuiso, $3995..Call i880 • 5-SPEED TRANS.‘ PO^=OWER STEERING - | ^ PACKAC\GES-. : alior 3 30. 734-7039______0 OU1/M/s/^1 ®4 MO* i'TlLTWHEL* AM/FM STSTEREO/CASSEHE ' • 1902 Suliaru 4x4 v/agon. 1:51. yiL i'-its i.« cciiiciin • REAfl DEFROSTER ANO WiP/iPEfl » REAfl HEATER. : AM/FM c-assctio. good cond- i - • tfnn ??000 C.-ill 543-5301 . Wills Toyota isSolving ( you w/hat youJ vwant-#1 in customier e satisfaction, "WHAT HI[IS NAME" • 1902 Sub.iru Oral. 4x4, ex- ■ -led cond lov/niilos. $2,4003 great warr

m ' c ' o '

i i m rs,'yr„,m H 1990NMITSUBISHI ID-50 P U i r 19901DODGE DAY1n O N A M M sSli)ck i #1-19. Itnportcd for DiD odge. Slock «D-11. 1 8 1 1 S 9f® > 3 ® W B 2 1 W¥ ^ m ® , "■ i Arn. loul moBihir | Ril* pric* unlla lu•ub|«t lo pHnf ul« o M.t. Irnnt 77 momnonlh*. I2,U% AFR. Inul moolhlr 5i I> prirr M.»M, unlli •ub|tt1«1 lo prior Mit O.4.C. l>nn>72 nmnihi. 11 ■Bw ijr Vi pipntnUindilownptjminriftillt0.4Z5.M. No B.IIoon ripn.nl.1. »4«» JowrrtUiktlllf, I }|].Ml.«a, No Dilloon riTO>tnU. »l« Jo*

B s 4 WIjMp'f 1

DODGE DAKK O U P .U . I 19901PLYMOUTH LASERL B 19901 Slock WTD-326. Stock «PL-18. ■ 9 , 4 8 » 8 I -^1 1 , 5 8S 8 'gioWBiSI $ 1 I ^I • ub j^ 7i mnn Si1fpilt»llI,'*«.urli*tuhJ«1J«t 10 prio. uU o.i.r. t,rm.7t mnnlh.,hi. I],*)^IJ Al'R. I0I1I munlhl)> piymtnH «nil ilo»mp.ymirmrtil JI01.',«a, No O.lloon Pi,m»iili. » (S’. pirmrnti inJ downpifmmlI tl»17.17S.«. No Dilloon r.rtnmU, *4*«dawn>liiAllllc. da.

B HE YCARS : U \ I FRIDAY\Y A N D S A TU I R D A Y ONLY.yHH E 9 £ K ' ’^ |' 1 1 9 7 8 DOtODGE ASPEN WWAGON $ A Q s S t Stock #126..-.-...... flO N L Y H ol i ® 11973 PONTIACP GATilFALINA $ A f5* i 19900 DODGE CAARAVAN I 1990 DOIIDGE V 4 TON14x4 i P U. Slock #TC-446. ^ Slock r#T-339.360 fuel injccted engine.eng I iSlock #129 ...... CONLY Z U | T 9 T 1 FORD F LTD VMrA G OW S t t itt . a s - -2 ^ 9 > 8i 8 - I Slock # 117...... CONLY^ ^ , ( o ) 1 1 9 8 0 PC>ONTIAC SUNBII S l w 3 ^ bm®. 3©wija^^ i) ^ [iiiaOo ■nonlhl. II.7A^ APR.I0U] monlhI)r S.l. prit. Irxwa. unu. tubl.r hi. 12.M% APR. loUl monlhljr I sto ck #139...... -...... ONI :j' p»7mtnl* uid dowfipiymrm*nt ai7.tu,40. No Bdloon rijrmmli.IU.M* 1 Jown . Ui tl4,MV40. Na Oilloon U«l«Jorm>U<&llll«, jo> 1 1981 DATiITSUN B-210WAG( I Slock #144 ...... ONI B ' n w i tuallty 1 1976 F(FORD MUSTAN U • • • s', sto c k #114..-...... _ .O NSI l « 2 8 aB M AMC SPIRIT 11975J B dllPTTME 1 9 884 . MAZDA 626n 19 8 6 8UIlieii 1988 CHEVROLETc V Stock #108 ...... O Nr I » » 3 8 a MARQQUIS TOI)URING SEDAN CENTURllY SPSPRINT Stuck 1122. Wilh allalrcotiditlonlng. Stock< »1»n2. Wilh air condllloning.[. Slock <136, Wilh air condndilloning. Stock «l.m. WilhWii air condllioning. I 1 9 7 0V ^ W B U G '; sto ck # 135...... ON&. y « 3 8 8B ■ m ^ 1 9 6 9 BUICK B RIVIEII M oum 1 1 9mo. .n ...... ONIi£ $ « 4 8 am *49d.J FORD T-BIRI INCOLN 1 9 8 3 FORD 1988 PLYM(tOUTH 1989 FOFORD RANGER I ______ONI li 1982 LIIlENTAL CO!?!NVERSION VANt SUNDANCICE CLUB CABIB 4k4 PICKUP I ^ COHTINIair condltinning, S•Slock •37.‘57. L.»jJrd. Slock *109, With alf cnndndilioning. Stock t374ZL WithWi air conililivning. lEPWAGOKEER 4i }—' Slock #133. With ail ;,©©© I 7 O NiS;}«68i I .I Stock #946lEP... WAGONEER 4] ®f»o. !,d Ife 1 9 7 8 R8 ...... O N I HRYSLER ^ t 9 8 6 GtAC 1989 FORDFF-150 19855 DODGE I I-T sto c k # 8 0 1 ... UBARU GL 4 DOC 1989 CHtUEST JIMMY 4 k4 PICKl:UP RAMCIiCHARGER . c #3714. Wilh air conditioning.R. Stock WTM. With air con. 1 9 7 5 JEEI...... OWI ^ '' eONQIalrconditlonlnf;. Stock #3 1 ow nerier - Like New | , sto ck #3707...3LDS CUTLASS | 2 ^ • Slock M86. W ithalm m H ^ ® O n ly 7,000lOO Original M iles il 8 6 ft Must See'e e T o A p p r e c ia te 1 1977 JEEI...... © M I Y ifl i - Slock #3718 i i l j l l i EMDSSATURUiDAYAT6P.M J B B iJ I- 1 9 8 1 SUI \r: sialgaM iiMM S tock # 9 0 9 ... EIE j O: i 1 9 8 0 01 sto c k #792 I I W ee^ a y I j l s ^ U0 : B

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J e iatui*■es *

T o r y/ i U e , ]D e a n1 t e l l a s t o >ry OKn i c e [Briefl!l ¥ ______

in the8 a r t s English tet e a m h e r e t o p e r f o rm r , I i | | ■ Anderson to0 sing Bach, teach hoMw to ‘skatt:e a m essaj others at voc)cal recital .HI ' TVyiN-FALLS-A\A vocal recital will be By Barbam Nciwcrt the expxperlisc of this accomplisheihed duo. An- .• _ presented by Alicc M. Anderson at 7 p.m. Times-Ncws correspondentem other 1100 skaters’ applicationsi werew tumed Tuesday ' in lhe ^ dow n1 ddue to the size of thc class,ss. sanctuary o f tJie SUN VALLEY - Gettingting it right. TTiat’s T orvrvill says they are inspired;d to conduct Tyler Street Bap- w hal it’s all about. thc sereminar bccausc of thc kccack. shc is pushed thc participants. a r Shc will be ac­ forw ard to the icc by her•partner. pa: Sinctice they turned professionamal after thc companied by Not quite right, theyi dod it ogain und Worldd Championships in 1984.11. Torvill and Phyllis Van Nest. again. Thc forward bounceICC must be perfect. Dcan: haveh continued to incorponorale innova- Guest soloist will A seeming resem­ live chc;horcogmphy be Nicole Golay, blance of thc straw- j 7Z I into thciheir tlances. I oboist. A rccep- man's jig down thc Tickets avail;JaDle T hey hav,ave made’the ! tion will follow yellow brick road, successfuiful transi- the rccitul at thc ^ she must collapsc fo r shows, semn in a rs tion fromom compeli- A ndorson and rebound just so, artists. i home of Mr. and SUN V A LLEY - TvTwo pcrfor- find just the right _ 're perform- Mrs. David Mead, 204’045 Hillcrest Drive, manccs arc scheduled for tlthe Sun Vol- . , „„„ now . " orc intricate Anderson, a sludenlent of Manha Mead Icy Icc Shows this'weekekcnd stamns Over and over. nnd it’s moro and Eileen Farrell, willwil perform works by Torvill and Dean. In udditi they've done this ' It,” Dcan J.S. Bach, Robert Shurhuman, Gabriel Faure, cd number of audicncc seal movc a thousand . •‘Hopefully E. Puccini and Antonon Dvorak, as well as able to watch their ice darloncing semi- »-v times. But practice still on that som e w ell-know n comom ed/ numbers. nar. makes perfect, . 1 curve so we 4: Thc icc show is scl 1 Tlial’s w hat’s so reach u tonight and Saturday niglighi. Cosl is , Tickets availableI)le for sliow obvious when r, 1 and say SIS general admission aduM l.s o n d S I5 watching Jayne f 5 it."’ next week by So’Soviet dancers for chiJdfcn, Reserved seacaiing in .he Torvill and Christo- j, r trip to Sun TWIN FALLS -- TickctsT are now on Sun Room is S29 and n pher Dean take to regular Sun y„ii,v is seen as a sale for a performancelet: by Afirtyn. the So- Room seating is S24. The1C bulTcl din- the ice - perfection n, although viet Union’s iniematiitational dance troupe, ncr nnd icc show is 550 foi in m otion. r ' ■or.dul,s.„d Z y ' Zive . two pcr- T he show is slated for 7:30 p.m. July 27 S32 for children. The success and formance:ces, a semi­ at thc Collcgc of Sousouthern Idaho’s Fine Tickcts for watching thee isem inar are . celebrity "^f Torvill conduct and Arts Ccnter. . S15 for sessions from 12: and Dfha; Eng- ,. rvicw lo at- C ost is S6 for adultsults and S3.50 for stu- 1:30 p.m. on Friday ond Si land's iHost cn- dents and people 65 and over. Tickets S20 for Sunday’s session1 from : 12:40 , I ■ " chanting skating ihe past two may be purchased at thci CSI continuing ' p.m. lo 3 p.m. ot thc indoor duo aite one of the half months, education oHlce, Judiudi’s Bookstore, The ! For ticket reservotions ar best-loved skating . r has been on Little Red Hen andid The’ Hom esicad in tion, call the Sport Cent r “ 'h’ pairs in the world. j- 'ide tour T w in Falls; M r. Flori;Iorist in Jerome; Sav- 2231. ;io'rZi!]: hns snowballed w ith "Tc‘Torvill and , M or D rugs in Buhl;; anand the CSI outreach ------Dean andind the Rus- ceniers in Wendell, HqHailey and Burley. since ihcir unprece­ dented performance in copcapturing the gold sian All A Stars." After their SiSun Valley medal Jor ice dancingng in the 1984 respitele they will complete thc sc’seven-day-n- Artists can putt pprofessional Olympics. w eek lclour. information on1 statewides ;list Torvill ond Dcan changecged the sport of ice Theyey both say they will keep^ iccit dancing dancing forever by stepping>ing aw ay from the os longng as their bodies hold up.ip. Torvill is BOISE - Touringlg performing artisis. traditional , themes of rumbmbas, foxtrots and 32 andid Dean will turn 32 nextt F Friday, nnd companies and cnsemlembles; artists-in-edu- waltzes. They stunned thehe world' with their both acacknowledge with a laugh1 tlthat it lakes cation; and traditionallal iand ethnic artists in storytelling ability, agilitylily and grace in longer;r to warm up and sometimeTies the body all disciplines are cnconcouraged lo apply for !translating the music ofr Ravel'sR “Bolero” scream;ms out “no, no!" when forctneed intp ac- thc Idaho Artist Rosteriter 1991-1992-1993. Iinto a deeply emotional,, controversialc< and tion. The Idaho Artist: RRoster is a biennial memorable , performance. In ihthe days of the 1984 Olymi/mpics, there publication o f the IdalIdaho Commission on Torvill and Dean’s brealreak from thematic w ere implicationsin this skating paipair m ighl be thc Arts. Thc rosterr ooutlines information music to ice dancing witlwith thc intent of Dean aiand Dcan someday. ____ on ^ artists* perform innance and residency --lelling-a-iitor>--haji.lakcn.a.sa stronghold in the— Thai-Ql-hus-nol -happened.-howi ’ progrinis. fees andI bodking'b( coniacts. lt'“ "7,skating world: •Tod3y -e[Tvcrybody~trics~to—week \'c '1■Torvill publicly announceiccd her cn------will assist performingng arts sponsors, edu- skate a message, says thitheir agent Cheri gagem<.neni plans to wed Phil CChristensen ANOY ARCNZmw cational institutions: atand local arts agen- Rousch. from Chicago.C cics in selecting artsarts presentations for Ja y n o Torvl> rvlirs and Chrlstophor Doan'sD broak from traditiditional ico dancing, Torvill and Dean ure in Sun Valley this Dctaitails are yet lo be workeded out as to at first coniontrovorsial, has sot a trc[rond In th o sp o rt. their com m unities. week to teach a three-dayay .skating seminar whetheKer the newlyweds will rcsidside in Knot- Artists selected for)r tlthe roster will be re- for ice dancers. They will wil nlso perform tinghanam, England,_ Torvill’s hometown, h Bui cach[] olof them says it is a personanal de- "Y ou want to malmake somebody happy, or viewed by a panel;1 ofc professionals in ,three or four num bers in. toitonight’s ice show ChicagiIgo. or somewhere in betw:tween. Both cision to stristrive for further perfection)n and enjoy an evening^ oof f entertainmenl," Torvill each discipline. Out-iut-of-stale artisis are and , again Salurday night.[. Torvillill and Dean say T orvill’sll’s mamage reach new^ hheights in their choreogngrapliy says. "A nd thal'ss wlwhut you iry to do, try to w elcom e to opply, bul bi priority wili be Tlie seminar is Torvill11 nnnd Dean's first will nonot affcct their friendship1 oor working (which Dean:an does himselO and techniqiique. give something, eveneve if its just fora couplc given to Idnho applicaricanls. attempt to leach otherss theirtl specialized relatioronship. and they will contintinue lo do Dean sayslys they have jumped over;r inlo of hours." A pplications w illI bibe available Aug. I 'skills. They do it, they' say.s; in hopes of what ththey do besl - skate, the world of dance, and their interpret:etation Shc adds quickly:kly thal is precisely why and may be obtainedled by contacting thc passing j onlo others theie techniques and Expepectations from the publiiblic arc for is a choreog:ographed form of dancc which w .she som etim es feelseels so drained after n por­ Idaho Commission on the Arts ofTice al intricacies ' of the .sport theyley love so much. them tcto perform well, and for a1 C'couplc who happens to) ta:take place on the ice. form ance • it lake.ses a lol to give so much, ; 334-2119. Applicatioitions must be post- Meeling in Sun Valleyey arc 100 skaters has aclichievcd more perfect 6 .0) siscores lhan They contisntinue because of what TcTorvill One spectatorr S|spoke as shc finished marked by Sept. IS.5. 1For more informa- from across the Uniled States Sta ond Canada any othIther skaters in history, thee eexpectation says is a desiJesire to "give something but)uck to w atching iheir pracpractice session, ‘‘Tlicy'rc tion. call the commissi<.ssionat334-2ll9. who are here to gain somene knowledgeI from of pcrftrfection runs high. people." incredible." Self-promotion1 :among topics | at August writerers conference PO R TLA N D -■ WillVillamette Writers, an • organization in Oregcegon. plans its 1990 Mine slhaft dis]play uprat Blai]ine Cou]inty musiseum Writers Conferencee .Aug. 9-12 at tJie Monarch Motor llotclotel 'and Convention By Robot Doylc - as well as cainpanpaign material for Blaine „ C cntcr. Times-News correspondcnlcm ' County's namesake,ake, the perennial bul un- T hc conference, wiliA'ill include 15 w ork- successful PresidenlIcnliol candidate, James G. shop sessions and a variety\ of speakers HAILEY - To celebrateate the W ood River ■ Blaine. (The county’niy’s original name was Al- addressing writing toftopics. Speakers will V alley’s mining past, members in of the turas County, chan:hanged in 1895 to honor, include Lawrence Block, Bio crime novelist Blaine Counly Historical,l SocictySi have con- ft, Blaine.) Bluine wasras known lo his Democnit- and Writer's Digcsgest columnist and strueled a replica o fa mineine shaft in a comer ic opponents as.i. "Jam es. G.-; Blaine, The Stephanie Abarbanel:1 ofo: Family Circle, of the Blaine County Hisloislorical M useum in Continental Liar-froifrom Iho State of-Mnine.-*'— ------^ W orkshop topics intinclude publicity and Hailey. At the rear of lhe building am ong the his* self-promotion, rescanearching. articlc writ- Tlie .shaft is built wilh1 heavy ht timbers cn- torical agriculturalral artifacts,i is a wall with ing and N orthw est marnurkets. cased in realistic-lookin{king papicr-machc sheet music Nvriltcrillcn during W orid-W ar L Fees range from SI65SI ( to $445 depend- rocks allowing visitors to a 15-foot Tliul conftict'hass oloften been callcd Amcri- ing on how mafiy daysday participants plan long tunnel filled wilh mininining memorabilia. "ca’s “ Singing War"/ar" und the 35 songs dis- to attend. For moreDre information, call Even in that 15 feet, it's's ppossible to sense ^ H |- played on the wall'all testify to that fact. Can ■ (503) 452-1592 or writ.vrite W illamette Writ- lhe claustrophobia miners;rs must experience anyone rem em bercr the t hit, "Your Lips Are ; ers, 9045 SW Barburbur Blvd. Suite 5-A. as they work in a confined a MM N o M an’s Land But Mine," or the more mil- : P o n la n d ,O R 9 7 2 l9 . As you enter thc shaft,ft, ;U map .o f Blaine itant strains of, “OnOn T o Berlin"? County and the surroundiriding environs pin- A glass case inn the center of the museum points the 265 mines whichich once operated in Hr I rem inds visitors> ththat the American poet, Country-rock jamboreejai set 'lhe area. Today, the localic:alions o f those 265 Ezni Pound, was:is (once a Hailey resident, : for Sunday in ShoshoneSh park mines arc recognizable ononly by their tail- Pound’s poetry, whichwh was heralded during ings. although the Triumpimph M ine in East ; SHOSHONE - FrorTom noon to dusk pn the -20s and ‘30s.Xs. Ibecame less popular, as Fork Canyon, a shaft thatIt nremained in oper- Sunday profes.sionalI b;:bands from the Mag- H H |, did Pound, whenen the author made .anti- ation ihrough World Warar II.1 still gives the American broadeaideusts from llaly during ie Valley will perfornb rm lit lhe Shoshone mine. ANOy AFUZKZmw •nm*»- -N " " W orld Wur II. Th C ity Park in the FiAliAh A nnual Country- appcarance o f n w orking mi The Huiley house where Tlie museum, located: oron Main Street at Jho ImContonnial0 Mino refloctscts tho horltago of Blainilino County. Pound was bom stillstil exists, and is occupicd ; Rock Jamboree. the north end of Hailey, mamakes up in variety by a present-day HaileyHa fumily. Tlie public is invitediled lo this day o f free o f artifacts and displays: whal wl it might lack' As• yyou enter the museum, you'ou ciin't help lection is unfunparalleled. If you can’t reremcm-'. T he museum is i.s staffed s by lhe Historical entertainment, sayss Tina Bondelid o f in physical size. Tlic museuscum is housed in a but noilotice lhe extensive political:cul parapher-' ber who wa:wus President Warren Hurdrding's Socicty, and ils mimembers’ are available lo ; Shoshone, who helpsps 1her husband. Alan, .structure buill in 1B82, aridrid is on e'o f tlie few rialia display t collcctcd by Hailaileyitc. Joe 'runningmalelale in 1920, Fuld’s collectionin has a answ er visilors' quiquestions. Tlie museum is • produce the event. ■•It’s■’It’ jusl a fun day in buildings in Hailey lo sur\iurvive a disastrous Fuld., IFuld. who died more "thaihan 25 years cam paign bulbutton that w ill remind you. open from Memortnorial Weekend to Labor ; thc park,” Bondclidid ..says. ••Peot)lc can fire on July 2. 1889, thatt dtdestroyed most of ago. belongedbe to a club that bouglught and trad- Tlierc’s a DeweyI for President necktiktie --a Day, 10 a.m. to 5 p.p.m. ^ ‘dnesdays through bring their fam ilies andanc have a good lime, the business district. cd cansmpaign memorabilia, andd 1 Fuld's col- perfect Chrisiristmas gift for o 1948 Repubublican Mondays. T h ey ’ll get to hear allill tthe local bands." ; G roups schi:duledJ lott perform are Red Rum, Dakota, Bottcottom Dollar Band. Recent acicquisitionIS boost viisitations3 at GlennIS Ferry immoseum , ; Crossroads. Smoke: «fi Tlmnder, Mixed : Em otions, Charlatann aand Rockin’ Coun- B y Suaaiinc H uxhold Thee museum opened in Augugust 1987 - thc items at at a tag .sale and the local;al- (lea the old building." try. • ■ Times-News correspondentcnt is housused in the building wherec manyn of the market. Procrocecd-s from the sales, as wellwi .IS The Lions Club,lub, members of the local residenents of this Snake River towown attended money raisciised during a membership1 drive i LDS ward and IheIhc volunteer fire depart- ; . Compiled from1 ststaff and wire reports . •GLENNS FERRY - TlieHie cavernous first- schoolal in the first half of the cent;ntury. and from private-pr donations, helpctiI ffinish ment each helped:d tot( clean oul thc room s in story rooms o f thc picture:uresque oltl school Tlicc 1909 .struciurc had beenen used as a the rcsloratioItion and cleanup of the buildilding. the m useum , addiniding lo the community ef-' ■ : Ijfeji-ts.. . • building have becom e the thi home-^of the districtct storage spacc since 1965>65 when thc King says:ys m uch o f tlie work on thc; crum-c fort. . • Glenns Ferry Historical Museum.Mu •.schoold1 was moved to more moclodem facili- bling ma.sonilonry in thc old school wasLS done jhc museum waswa dedicated in 1986 in Museum Director Juliearicanne King says a ties. TlTlie school district .sold thehe old school without charharge by a local carpenter,•.Dean 1 conjunction with-thIvthe scaling of the Glenns C alendar D2 group o f 10 people beganin llIhe renovation of to thc: ccity in 1986 for SI and cle;:learcd oul of Williams. Tlie T museum also receivived a Pcrry tim e cap.sule,uie, which stands in a stone th c ijuilding in 19H6, duiduring the town’s the buiuilding what il wanted, S 1,000 donronation from longtime rescsidcnt monument outsideidc the entrance to thc mu- I • D ear Abby D5 centennialj The idea of a m useum lo honor Tlie>ey donated tho rest of thcc i items - uc- M ary Lea Stringer,Sti who King says atteIteiidcd .scum. K ing and anotherano full-time volunteer, ' ■ -I Movies ._ .______D7 I' the rich.history of the are;irea had been con- cumuirjialed there over period ofaf 2 0 years - the schoolI ondor tolcl the com m ittee .shele “ wa.s teniplalecl for years, she saysays. to thee museum commiftce. who'hb then iold just so tlirill.rilled to sec them taking cacaro of Please Pie sqe MUSEUM/D2

1 1 1 ! -) U ■ . !

D -2 ‘nfTKW^-Nowa, Twin FallFallo, Idaho Friday, July 2 0 ,11090 0 •«

E h t e yrtaiiimce n t c a i from1 Albertson’s Inc., Thc gallery is locatcd 0on the sec- SUN VALDiLLEY — Microscopic caix: Quintci for Clarinirinet & Sirings; sports, games, gai auction and weight” • 25/Wednes Is Societc, Idaho Centen-- ond floor of thc Taylor Administra-Ai Septet, an inimitable inin hodge-podge Ibcrt: Harp Trio; nnd n: Brahms: carrying. The1 public is invited. sday' Scori,mission. Idaho Humanilie.ss • tion B uilding on tjic CSi’Sl campus, of swing, bebojcbop and musical onc- String Se.xlel No. 1; al 9 p.m., T W IN«I FALLS I — Radio slationn BURLEY — Dolore:res Rochford Council, Ke; •4840. chant o f Veniccnice," "Henry VIII" and will pluy from K p.m.I, lou midnight al Pnul Sundmday Moming: Golub-Ka-1- square dance at lhe Shchoshone Mu- Women Artivrtisls o f thc West arc be- TWIN FALLS — TIThc Magic “A Womanof of Means." Season and Spanbauer’s Bam. ForFor more infor- plan-Carrrr TriQ; B eethoven: Trio:o sonic Flail, with John1 Kwaiser : of ing featuredcd in an ongoing exhibit att Squares: Square Dance Club I will single ticketsis arear available at ull Se- m ation, call 734-75fiO.Oor o 324-7366. Nos. 1 & 2, Op. 1; Brahm s: Trio.0 Loveland, Colo,, calliilling. Round thc H. and1 K.K Art Gallery, locatcd att hold: a cam p out July 27 andar 28 wilh lect-a-Scat outlc)utlcts. TWIN FALLS ~- Radio slalion No. 3 in1 cc. Op. 101; and Schubert:1: dancing will begin at 7:3:30 p.m. with the Lava Beds, B( 17 miles north off ;a polluck dinner and danciicing to foi------KBSU (90.3 FM in BoBoise and 91.7 Trio No.. 1 in B-flat, Op. 99; at 5:300 cues from the floor, Squ;juare dancing Shoshone onFIighway75.on low at Diam ondficid Jacksks. If. you havejflvtf an item for Thc FM in Twin Falls) willfill air al 2 p.m. p.m., Mus':usic and thc Spoken Word;J; begins at 8 p.m, and everyone c is Thc featiatured summer artist is Timcs-Ncwss centertainment calen- M ounlain Stage, feaiur:luring lhc Win- and at 6i p,p.m.. Devotional Archives:s: w clcom c. Bring finger foods.fo Emma Coleiileman o f W endell. She is= O u t of the va t to: Thc Timcs-News. nipeg Folk Festival in Canada; and Ffdcr Vntijatighn J. Fcathcrstone. T W IN FA LLS — RaRadio Slation exhibiting: paintingsp of thc Idaho Box 54S. Tw/n Twi Falls, 83303. or ot 8 p.m., Four Queensens Jazz Nighi, KRIC (98.3/103.9 FM)) %will air at I wilderness,s, areaj und w orks depict- BOISE'— bvcr Expo!losure 11, a bring il lo ourJUT orricc’'132 TIiit^ 'St. ' featuring a two-.sidedled show from p,m,. Classical Spotlightht: Schubert: ing our Iduhiluho heritage. Olhcr artists> 1rock band and film scrieses featuring W. Wc musi ■Irci rcccivc your notice by O scar Brown Jr. and Family,Fa 23/Monday Symphony No. 9; at 7 p.m., Los include BuiBurbara Durfce, Nndinc; The Slec Stacks will be atIt 9 p.m. to- Wednesday noinoon to print it in thc TWIN FALLS —- RadioI Slalion T W IN4 FALLSI — Radio suitionn Angeles Philharmonic: Orchc.stra: Conrad. MyMyrtle Boyd and Lalcne: day1 at thc Boisc State IUniversity Friday Spccial:ial for that week. The KRIC (98.3/103,9 FM)M) will air at 9 KRIC (98.58. 3 / 1 93.9 FM ) w ill air at 7 Debu.s.sy: N octurnes; Berlioz: Bi Tlie Meyers, ill all o f G ooding and Joan1 ISpecial Events Ccntcr bnin thc lawn, listing in the1C ccalendar is free, but a.m., Legacies: Famihnily History in p.m,, St. ILouis Symphony Orchcs->- D am nation o f Faust'; and ar Stravin- Wise of Hnj-Ingemiun. Viewing hoursi They will perform The LLast W altz events njuii't 6c*bc ( open to the public. ^ Simpssons’ resady to runi opiposite ‘CCosby’ BrieflyI ______B y Jam es E ndist But cann F ox's cartoon cln'n —- ’lei's take on "Thc Cosbsby Show." ' in next scasccason’s 2 2 -cpisodc order, Play about ststranded climbctters begins The Hartford C ourant which prcm:micrcd Sunday nighis lastst We think if we're reallyIly lucky and (There haveve beenI only 13 episodes SUN VALLEY - A clifThangnr( in every sensn But if lhc new episosodes, which ,Show," whenhere "Thc Simpsons" got ■‘K-2 " is the slory of two mountain climbersrs 'who becomc stranded o f Fox Broadca.sting’s mencga-hit“The NBC and wiwin? aren't expcctcd to sho\low up until ils start.) KcciKeep an car oul for James on thc sccond highestril mountainn in thc world duriluring a dcscent from the Sim psons.” that he’s gol;ot a genuine "We actii;:tunlly have un officc poolol mid-lo-lutc October, aree us good as Earl Jones, TonyTc Bennett and Kelsey lofly summil. The playilay examines thc effect thciic life-lhrcatening situa- social phenomenon on hi;-lis hands. about howv we’rev going to do on ourur they sound, who knows?? Grammcr. tion and oxygen dcpriv.rivation has on lhc iwo men,cn. nnd is laced with hu- He's seen all those; bootleg T- premiere,”” sayst Simon, "and I canm On the drawing board•d for Ameri- ^ | sq phnncinncd is a Halloween spe- m or us the men try to0 copeei wilh ihcir dilemma, shirts, too. tell you nobobocly’s predicting a victo-3- ca's favorite cartoon clanin this fall: ^ial toldn "Talcs in From thc Crypt" Local resident Kevievin McCauley, founder of the company,'plays "Rampant copyright infringem ii ent, ry o v e r ’The’hc C osby Show .’ ’’ Homer tries a Minqxidiidil-hkc prot^- fashion thatat Simon S says "may be a Taylor who a.ssists /.an};any Harold (played by Snnn Franscisco-basedF actor is the sinccrest form of fliflallery.” said' If anythirhing. Fox executives andid uct that results in a manune of shoul- jcarycnry for some of our view- Steve Price) who hasIS brokenI his leg. Local mo'nountainecr Mark Shee- Groeniifg at a news conf(iference here, those involvolved with the show try to der-length hair and thuss wins him a c^s." han trained the duo lo adda authenlicity to thc sceicencs. where he and co-exccutiv:ivc producers play down'n the competition, notinglg spot in the cxccutivc pro,rogram at the ------— ^Tlie-prodiiction-iss oouidoors at 9 p.m. nl the Community School.- ...James. - L...Brooks and SamS • Simon that Cosbyy vwas "lhe chum p" Qnd lhu u l-pl- o w e r plant.- 'H om cr 'a»lso l wins . BROKEr^ENEYEO pSES? I ^ Seating is on thc gr.is.>i-ass, with chairs available. Picnickers F nre cricour- were promoting thc show.w. they weree < expecting nothing morcrc placc in the heart o f hisns new male aged, and wann clotheithes suggested. Tickcts arcrc S12 and may bc pur- •‘I've never been aro.round some- than a secoicond-place finish, one thatat secretary, (wilh voicc: by Harvey chased at Chapter On(One Bookstore, Sun Valleyey Bakery and the Sun thing with this kind of hiheal and ihis would give'c 1them a toehold on a neww Fierstein), who has anJ "unrequited' Vailcy Center for the:he A ns and Flumanities in Kctchum: Ex Libris kind of momentum." adiidded the Os- night o f pro{rogramming, attraction" to thc new;wly coiffed Book-Store in Sun Vallcillcy: and the Sound SocketL*t ini Hailey, car- and Emmy-winniining Brooks Even Foxox Eniertainment Presidentnt Homer. Tlie piny will run nignightly through July 29. excixcept July 23. ("Broadcast News" and-d "The Mary Peter Chemi:min says, "There's no onele Fierstein is ju st one of aj number of T yler M oore Show ” ), IS spccial guest voices who10 appear in this compmpany who looks at this as will ntain West Optical c :( ^ ___ Jaro represeiients Jerome att irodeo repairlir tlthem...no one can! ______- 11 H o u r S e n v ic e ~ JEROME - Kristinin Jaro,. 17. is the Jerom e: candidate c: for queen of M u s e u mn Mounlain WesiMesI OpliulI (cpiirs broiien glisiBS thc Snake River Stampim pede. The rodeo is underr wayw this week in Nam- , ^ , , , eveiytfay-OlHJeiilisje$ itwl omen conjldcrtd beyoftd . pa. Continued from Dl K ing estintimntes that thc oldest pho->- and thc cataloging of lheic large back- ^wir. Out jiuiiriiiullri l!chflici»nj repair boltn hinges A Jerom e High Sclu:chool senior. Jaro is an cxpixperienced horsewom:m IRoslyn Langworthy - wl,vho was also togroph thele museum1 has is an origi-i- log of donated items, Thchey have also md soldw polnij,points, melal ano pljslic lempics, new nucfi moie. Corns lo Mounljlfi Wssl who will be judged1 on oi poise, personality, lumorscmanship, modeling. one1 of the original tenin committee picture P“ of thc ferry after;r rccenlly primed a brochuilure, which is p3iJi and mucn 1 im and from Opiicai...you'iiKeJ'll «e»t>y M many peoolj irijit ta speaking nnd talent. SShe received lhe judges,'■ vote v for first attendant members1 - admit thc mu.',useum didn't " '•"c h the lown lo is named. The mostst available al thc museum lowcver, is an old photo of)f thc city councils in Glennms Ferry nnd eipeit repair service lo thc queen in the 19S'9S7 Jerome County Rodeo0 nnda shc took honors at containt much at first. No\ow they have unusual, hov ’ Clo;Closed Saturday Ige that used to span thcic M ountain Flomc, thc Jerome County JunJunior Princcss eonlesl in1 1988. 1' Krislin also will three1 full rooms, and havave plans for “ footbridge H o u rs by Appoimtmemt bc nmning for queenI alat lhe 1990 Caldwell Nighi;ht R odeo A ug. 14-18. 1more exhibits. w idth o f the Snakc River near Kingg The museum is locateded on Cleve- A fter Hoi Most of thc ilcms on ddi.splay have Hill. The photo pl shows thc precuri-i- land Avenue, about 5 minutesmi from f^Ao i u n t a i n Bird-watchirling trek set forr ISaturday been ] donaled. although. somes of the ous-lookmg.ig. little-known structure•e Inlerslalc 84 at Ihe Glennnns Ferry of- larger items, such as nnin old wood- severalral rcsident-s calm ly sittingg framp. r e s t WENDELL-BirdsJs ofc prey, shore birds. Ily catchers,ca waterfowl and burning I cook stove, arc on01 loan from ^i^lkingi alonga its narrow expanse,t. It is open all day Fridayay and Salur- . songbirds live in lhee N iagra Springs area alont;mg the Snake River 10 1Glenns Ferry fam ilies. TlThe museum belicvc(ved to bc thc only picturc•e day throughout the year.ir. Tliere is a Q D miles south of Wendell.ell. :ollection of of its kind;I; and1: King says thc photo0 guestbook, a donation3n jur and PTICAL Iboasis an- excellent co BLUE LAKES BLVD. N. A free bird-identillc;llcalion walk ihrough thiss a area will be at 8 p.m . 1dozens of rare photograpiiphs and arti- 'was donated:cd by a man w ho pickcd it brochures al thc rcceptioron desk. Ad- 5^5 BLI Saturday. Meel at thee picnicp area in Pugmire Par‘ark with binoculars and 1facts dating back to the 19th H century, -up at a yardard .sale. The date and theic mission is free. 7 33 ^ 4 - E Y E S ihcr remuin a mystery, bird books. Guide Jimim K avajeez will identify local Ic birds and di.scuss On exhibit are such diversitiesdi ns TWIN FALLS bird watching methods,ds. The walk will lake about)Ut 90 m inutes. ;an antique handbag conjmplcte with r^'ng saysys now thal there is a morec ------1the legs o f the anim al frorom which it extensive collection,co the museum is EGGLiSTON __ ^vvas_fushiQncd._u_liugcj_slage_drop beginning, to it attract more visitors.' J k salvaged from thc Hamrnmeit sclioo!' She-snys-KluKlie-bcl:cves-tlial_tht:y_will_ AUCTION m 1920 busi- see a real increasein( during thc annual oductionco r ‘The~ “~1with advertisements from SDAYrJULY 22,1!1 9 9 0 nesses, a rcplica of the; ■old Glenns "vcr crossir;sing re-enactm ent in Au- Feny water wheel and a 1902 co m -' S^^st. Meanwnwhile, she say.s. they willlj UmTEDilliBBlDiteytiTmllDrNorlfiinBahl,id3te.______WaU’ pSaanned a t tlthe WaU menccmcnt i announcemenent from a conlinue the Uv redecoration of thc - one-room( King Hill schocool, basement roomro< into u reception areaa SALE TIME:E :1 :0 D P .M . ______Nolinch______nvicc They did.id. and he w ill. O h Satur- Knight-Ridder News Scrvi APPUANCES day al Berli:irlin's Potsdamer Platz — Tim es-N ewiWS Classified’s Coroaido SO’ elecKic slove • 100 cu.c II, side by side Irosl-lteo rcliioetalor;rator Irecjct • Gibson #10 aulomaiic Roger Waters has ieannin ied that the ..near thc famed fai Brandenburg Gale clolte wa:to • Small ciccliical,1 appliancns.ai quick aficnhoughl can coniccoi back to — Waters: willw stage a miissivc pro- duction off'T lie Wall” that involves kW H E MLVALUE- FURNITURE haunt you. 3 piece doutjlc bcOioom suite,. complelec • 2 piece sectional - Desk:sV - End tables - Corncr slant! - 2 L;lsI year, thc formerr I'Pink I'loyd morc thann 600 people, including miciowi^u stands - 2 tur stools. bassist and chief songwriwriter sat for musicians.. \workers from Easl and ’ UWN & GARDEN an inien.'icw about thee makingi of West Gemi;rmany. a Soviet military C/allsnvin icll-piopcilcd fotary lawnlav mower, 1 year old - Gas poweredd H.DH.D. lawn cdger - Dulane gas oriH ■ uaranteeAds Palio lumiluio - Ljwn lools, ‘The Wall,” lhc group’sI’s 1979 epic marching bandba and a full East Ger- MISCELLANEOUS about isolation, disillilillusionment, man symphoihony orchestra and choir, \HEEKS Pols and cans - Oistics - KiltJicn;n ilcmsi • Tennis table • Ceramin - Assoit\ssoit«I lools, sonw.new - And oltirt confonnism ,'ind fascism.n. A 6 00-foobot-long and 60-foot-wide oesn't sell. - miscellaneous ilems loo numctou:ous 10 mcnlion. Asked if he’d ever doJo the album wall lhal wiwill bc symbolically dc- in ils entirety again. Wale'alcrs said, he stroyed duriiiring the show's finale, D ouble Gu;Smmci-: ^ -I m M u m ------doubled il. Then he pauseciscd. • Guest startars for the event include P 2 F R E E Wli "1 said 1 might do ilI ooutdoors in musicians Joni . Mitchell. Sinead - FURNITURE er look thc O’Connor.. VanV Morrison and James if your auto doe S)-1vanla 25' coi’oi T.V. wlih temcfflole - V/urlitar cfionJ oloctric doan - OccastoiilOcc Clair - Lounge ctiaii - Gemiany if they ever Lovcaat - Duran Pfiyto sim /unf sM itxlr home and an) nminQ ln!o J imbila homo.ho u WEE!

I, D-3 Timos-Nows. Twin FoilFolls, Idaho v Fridoy. July 2 0 .19i1990

M o v i ees move; m on okId newsp3aper buu i l d i e g ■ KelMoi'F slow s^ down Filmmakeiers like - or sSO he cIlaimsj ' the pink cc:olor, f i c Knight-Riddcr News Savxvicc ...... —— He may have moved lo New York, Spanish fai'acade | D | G arrison Keillor .says,'s, but thal LOS ANGELES: 0(AP) ~ The doesn’t mean he’s lean:imed to talk printing press and omi}matc lobby are fast. real, nnd so is llic cityty editor’si desk. “It’s loo lale for me tot< lalk fast," . Thc gunshots and bloolood are not. -- - Keillor.suys. • ■ Movie makers are'f-c finding u bo- •In truth, he adjis, the oolder hc gets nonza in Uic unusual>1 settings s< of thc Rv P the slower he speaks —- ]possibly be- Spanish Rcnaissancc I; cause "I have less to .say." oncc housed llic Los>s Angclcs; Her- jjV H Garrison Keillor withIt less to say? ' nld Examiner. Keillor, the man who brciroughl narra- At least a dozen proproductions, nol live baqk to rodio? Keillililor, thc best- couhting commercials have been selling author of '’Lakiike Wobegon ; " filmed at the domedd bbuilding sincc Days.” "Leaving Home"" andi a couple the newspaper foldedled on Nov. 2, o f O lhcr books? The prcirolifie maga- 7.ine writer whose work hihas appe.ircd. _ 1989, according to city:ity perm it files. Sarrlson Keillor Clint E astw ood moved mi in for chiefly in llte New Yororker. for 20 it who's lead- Wrltlriting a now/ novol Warner Bros.' soon*t(n-to-bc-rclcased years? TIic monologuisl movie "The Rookie.”e." So did Uni- ing “The Sweet Com Shi5how," a talk- ,n;m enjoying■ing "greal success, vcrsal's '‘M urder. She h e 'Wrote.” and-niusic rcvuc. on anIt IR-city lour "So far in thei novel he’s nol pun- " It’.'? really an ideal idc: placc for this month? Thot guy? ished for that.hal." film ing," said K en Johilohnson, site co- All righl, maybe he.:• has slowed Keillor is able; to tour during thc ordinator for T he Holl;ollywood Loca- down a tad. "I haven't'I done much summer because bcc; his radio show, tion Co. "There’s suchjch a %vidc vari- writing," he admits, “forir ithe last four "American1 KRadio Company of thc cty o f spaces and look;>oks ... directors or five days." Air,’’ is onn vacationvi until Oct. 6 . Hc of photography justt lovel< the win- Keillor doesn’t blamene Ihts egre- Joes 26 radii;adiy show.s a year, half iin - • dow s in the m ail room.jm .” ’ 1 gious lapse on all the iniveling in he’s New York,L, thcth olhcr h alfon ihc road, Com pleted in 191*915, the faded - • ' ' doing. Airplanes arc as; conducivec lo His pteviievious show. "A Prairie pink palace was desig:.signed by Julia .writing as any other scttii]ling, thanks lo Home Comp:mpanion." usually cmanal- Morgan, who creatcd:d W\ illiam Ran- his laptop computer. Kcillillo r said. ..c d from KeilKeillor’s native 'Minnc.wia Nor does he find tro\ dolph Hearst's Castle;lc ;at San Sim e- ^veling espe- but also tnivclcd. tniv llc gels back'to on. It sprawls over moimorc than half a \ cially distracting. M innesotat "al"aboul every olhcr month" ,city block. "To travel as w c’rc iravaveling seems (o visit relaiivalivcs and friends, he says, Movie and commeitnereial making very stulic," hc says. ""Mast hotel nis "Swcd.vcd Com Show” isn’t’ ou rooms are identical. Thchere's a stan- rjjio but it > will continue at leastist into Ihc fall. . . t it could bc, Keillor says, ^ dard style of hotel fumiTiiturc — nol "These are c .said Maxwell M cCrol:rohon, the for- e conccns that arc meant mer Herald Examinerer ceditor. sold in Stores" and a standndard array o f for peoplec loIt listen. There’s nol a - H e said. iJie p arennt t Hearsl1 Corp.------paint colors never seen in homc.s, not. great ifcal to s.see.” had no plans to sell it 1but was con- APLa«*rpholo lo mention ■picture.':'onn w alIs-“n o t- Dc.sidcs Keillor, Kc the pcrfomtcrs to nieanl to bc looked at." listen lo —- or see — include guitarist sidering renting it too full-limef icn- ip ,artist Cynthia Hatfloldd viworks on actor Tony PPlana on tho sot of ‘In1 tltho Lino of Duty.’ ants. Lapse or no. Keillor ha;las been u rit- Ciict Atkinsns andi his band, Robin & Tlie omatc lobby hahas5 been an ex- tectivc squ;quad room; you can lell by/ ’ writing when they scoutJl a locaiion ing pressess 'was enough lo send ing. “ I’m working on a new novel Linda Williailliams and Keillor’s 21- elusive m en’s club and ani a hotel. A thc "Robbibbcry-Homicidc” plale on1 ; and see something wilhll isuch good script w'ritcrs;rs back lo work on thc which has been in the wcworks a long, year-old son..3n. Jason. stenciled nolice lo inmnmatcs makes a thc city editor'sedi desk. 1production values thuhut they'll TV movie “1“Rainbow Drive," Thc long time, aboul the endlo < f radio and “He’s a nc\new wave guitarist forced newsroom pass for' a prison day- Somctimtimes the building shapes aI i rewrite Ihe script lo getI iti in," said bad guy wourDund u p mccliiig his end the advent o f television." lo play in a -sweet.sw ballad style. Hc has room. movie, Johnson. being crunchtchcd in Press No. 9. slill Tlic novel is set in ChiChicago in the lo live withith his old man's musical Around the comer,;r. i there’s a dc- "Occasicisionally th ey ’ll .still bc; Hc said :i look at thc ro'row of hulk- grimy wilh HeraldMi Exam iner ink. ‘50s. "So far my hero, lo0 :my dismay, shortcomings,ngs. Hc does il well," Keil- turns out lo be a televisiision guy." a lors.iys. Valleyr happen!lin g s Chris EElliott miloves froam ‘Latee Night’’ to1 Fox ------IBy M ark D aw idziak W here doidocs this leave him wilhIt was basically evolved1 from jusl environmentnt likeli that wilhout having Knighl-Ridder News Servi'vice Lettcnnan'.'! ‘1“1 haven’t told Dave yet,"" thinking of myself andI 'whal 1 did ilrubofi'onn you."yc LDS overnigighter, dance caianceled ^ joked Elliolt,)lt, the producer, writer andJ around the house thal buggggcd my par- So, whena it camc time lo cast Chris TWIN FALLS - This weekend’s LDSS Single's dancc and LOS ANGELES — 'Want your star of "Gci:cl a Life." "I am prob.iblyy enls and what I did arouncmd the office Peterson’s father, fall Chris Elliolt didn’l ovcmighter in the Souloulh Hills mentioned in Tinriiursday’s Valley Hap- cown priine-limc series? \VWant lo win going lo goio back (to Xalc Nighl')) lhat bugged my office mailales at ‘Late look far. Bobob EllioltI fit the bill, pcnings column has bctbeen canccled. event organiz'lizers say. IEmjnys and influential fric•iends? aboul 10 timemcs in the year, if l can." Night.' and we built a .sh.show around "1 wouldI recommend re« to any of you Try Chris Elliott’s formimula for sue- “ Gci a Life.ife" will follow the happy-- lh a t." thut will havelavc your own sitcoms to ccss. WOrk w ilh1 youryC dad," Chris Elliolt A ppaloosa showsh comes to f:fairgrounds In 1983, Elliotl w as wcworking ;us a , .. i fun-to havc'him“around...... FILER — Tlie Centeintcnnial Circuit 1990 Appalpaloosa Horee Show is , tilour guidc.iit N D C’.S-Ncw;W -York.City--. he idea- w as ba:asicaliy -evolved'l- f r o m s the perfect job for him. 1 slated this weekend at thct Tw in Falls County Fail'airgrounds. Events fca- studios. s It sounds like Ro^obtj'.rl Morse J U S t tthinking l of m ysvself and w hat I did Ihink he alwa;[ways aspired to work wilh turing Idaho’s state horse, ho thc appaloosa. willil runr from -8 a.m'. lo 5 starting s in the mail room:i in i "How lo arouncnd the house thallat bugged my paiarents me.’’ p.m. Saturday and SunSunday, with at; evening p«program set for 6 p.m. Succced S in Business Wiiliilhout Really a n d V,w h a t 1 d i d a r‘ound o i the office3 th at ockhan ("Lassie") plays Chris EllioltIll's s mother. Sam Robards Saturday. Miss Idahoo Appaloosa/ Stephanie Garriirri.son will be on hand. Trying,"1 rigiu? led m y office m ateI t e s . . . ’ and participants are expexpeclcd from as far away as Oregon and Nevada, Sure, it was a low-levelJ joj b .b m l:!- *>“ 9 3 ® ' ___ ("TV 101")."). .son o f Jason Robards The public is invited to w.itch the events free off charge.c liott li parlayed thc grunt work inlo a p and Lauren1 UaUacall, plays Elliott’s best chanccc lo meet David LcLcttcrman. it — ChrisIS Elliott friend, Muzzleloadeiiers events set nelearRupert was ' a case o f Ihe right gaglg at the right — Tliis is notlol I Ellioil’s first experience time. vays of Chris Pelerson, a You might say that coi:omcdy is in pnmc-limeime comedy. Hc portmycd Lettcnnan w anted lo taki RUPERT - The Orc£•rcgon Trail Murjulcloaderss willv have a club shoot J member of Ihe Peter PanI Elliott's blood. He is thec : son o f Bob offbeat1 m:m aitrc’d in N BC’s shon- and potluck picnic slartiarting at 10 a.m . Salurday at thc gravel pits by Ihe cr c on liic sludio tour, anddytu^-know- bHt-.dc, Hec refuses1 lo grow up. Hec Elliott, who teamed wilhI thetl late Ray lived “‘Nick Nic and Hillary” Jackson Bridge east oof f Rupert.I Tlte public is invitivited. Vwho was the guide. Elliotl□llorren:dlo s.iiii,,,,,,, c paper roule and lives in:t Goulding to crealc the hillilarious Bob (“Talltnger’s’’•’s’’ af^cr a concept change lelll thc "Late Night" hostSl by on Ihe nent above his parents’■ and Ray sketches. from dram a to comedy): : children's admission. Sale part of IiIris Society sho’ow Saturday ' Enraee. "He was funny aroundd around Ihe "I had a prcproblem doing other peo- LcKcrman responded by hinng El- -A t first,I, 1 did not feel perfectlyy house and slill is, accordirding to my pie's material;rial.” Elliolt said. "So. 1 . TWIN FALLS - Tltcritc Magic Valley Iris Societ;iety will hold its annual .• liliott to another low-levelI jobj — run- suited for priprime-time sit-coms." El-- m o th er" T h n s EHio'.t .^aiviiJ of his fa- would rewriterite slulT when I was there, picnic and iris .sale Satulaturday at Twin Falls Cily/ Park.P The polluck pic- nner for "Late Night." Thatlat meant an- Hott told tcic'.•Icvision critics, “ so whai-- Iher. Al firsl, thatat vwas a problem and then nic will begin ut 11 a.mi.m.. and participants arc askLsked to bring their own swering ,s phones, making’ 'coffee and ever it was; ththat 1 did had to bc tailor- ■'I hnve moved out. .Andnd you know they seemed:d tol say OK lo it. And it beverage and table sorvorvice. Tlie .sale will open lo the ptiblic at 1 p.m ., miming n the office copier. fitted for my lalcnls. And the ideaa thal you cannot growt up in an obviously save>avcd thc .scries." and guests arc welcomeme. Although Elliott’s cofTifTce and co- ______pies were of poor qualily,ly, his office Open house! ffor Cutlers camnceled Santics earned him an on-(i-camera ap- pearancc. Soon, the formerler tour guide TWIN FALLS -'SurSunday's open house to honlonor Edward and Lola was y popping up as onee of several Cutler ofTwin Falls on Iheir 50th anniversary’ h:has been canceled due characters:^ ihc Guy Underler the Seals. to Ed’s illness. Ihcll Panicky G uy, the Fugiti’itive Guy, S i r aJAIu ~ Amied with four Emmy The Timcs-Ncws wclivc/conjcs new s o f communitnity events. Send malc- lys won as a member of Lcttennan's wrwriting Icam. rial to Thc Timcs-NcwsMW Valley Happenings. PO0 jBo.x 548. Twin Fnlh. J Elliott is about to invadee prime ] lime ID H3303-OS48. Pleasease submit news at least a1 week v in advance and with "Get a Life," one o ol f 10 series hBl includc a phone numbei'her iWicrc y o u can be rcaclicihed. ■______[: Fox Broadcasting will pnircmicre this ______fall. f; D H iAM IBE: r ‘Blaze’ contming rp= soon on vieideo Hlo m e Plilate J AGS iT CXJIR C ^ c a g o Tribune 1114 s. Broadway-If - Buitl ^ — ■ TUESD>AY, JULYIT 24, 19990 Following is a partialll schcdulcsi of ypcoming movies on videideo. Release 543-4187 dates and suggested retaillail priccs for Cos)st: $15 perr person V H S casseltes are subjeci:cl ito change. Yoiir Choimice Of : July : 25: Blaze — Touchstoneone.S89.95 ^ ^i B5us u: will leave C.S.I.I. iat 8:30 a.m, traveeling to Richfield forFor a tour of I 25: Courage Mourountain — • F r e ^ RCA/Columbia, S89.95 iW h & US ' B WaVard’s C h e e se Plantint; then continuingI on to.Gooding forDr a Buffalo ' 25: Hard to Kill — Warner, i; eedlol Tour and Bufluffalo Barbecue. Thele next sto p will beJ the DeWitt i9 2 .9 5 M I Fee 26: Everybody WinsIS •— Orion, H t t i w LL ib h ste r )airy in the WendellII carea, with the bus3 returning to C.S.I.. by b 5 p.m. $89.98 26: Valmont — O rion,1, $$89.98 ; ' - : A ugust • 1: An African Dreamim — I IBO, l o U » n i n E ^ a k e p i s i e m a i S S89.99 iii;e 7- k • 2: Driving Miss Daisyy -— Wnmer. j j Reservations may bee made by calling BettyBe 2uck . $92.95 . , Frpm ^\ :,n M a t th e Twin Falls Ch;;hamber Office 733-;3 -3 9 7 4 2: Flashback^— Panimoi : 2: Tlic Great White™ “ opc - ’ b r t i a n d , (:BS/F ox, S39.98 ■■ M a i n e -T • 2: Thc Man in the GraGray Flannel i '■ • Suit — CBS/Fox. S39.?8'8 I 2: Parasite — Paramountlunt t 2: Personals — Paramounount I K | | K ' I 2: Stanley and Living'ingstone' — H 'T - m k 3 P B S/Fox, S39.98_ • pP rinie Rib. • 2: Tourist Trap’— Parahram ount ^ ! I I ' • 8 : Blue Steel —■ MN G M /U A , 7 ^C H tdben-Breasf" $89.98 ••• SiShrim p Feitucciiiin l: . . Sariy ■ ' 8 :N iglnB reed — Media,din. $89.98 i JUs«ri>at toru nequIrifi N ew York Stedh .' Trlday ■ Saturaay : 8 : Revenge — RCA/<'A /Colum bia, ' ' j bioo pJt; - lo.-oo RM. . P., ^ $89.95 SBlad Bar b S45-1XB7 ; 8 : Rockula -r-.CannQH,ii .i8 9 J 5 ..- ____ _ ■ 9: Bom on.the Fourihh c o f July — I ______Banquet & Catcrircflng Facilities ^ MCA/Univcrsal A i ! ■ ■ ■ :------^______i------I

0 -J- Tlmoo-Nowa, Twin/In fFolio. Idaho Friday. July 2 20, 0,1090

N e w im a n , \w h e n na o t b e fF o r e t h l e c a m l e r a s , ss t f l l r ai t c e s o h

CLIiVELAND (APj\P) — The prc- very cauliulious, as I stah off every-:ry- o r celebrity. . is Tom CrCniisc, his co-star in the . cision-croppcd hair is mostly gray, thing.” •‘I w as never able to delegate rc- 1987 filmIm "The.Color of Moncy.”j Inii those fam ous blut eyes remain he has been successful att sosc sponsibility and I doio have a full, Cruise bccajccamc so enamored o f auto dear, his skin unlincdled and his body p ^ U ||| pcoicopic tend to believe thingsngs plate.” Newman said,:d. “ The thing racing he initialed and starred in liini. com c xsily to N ew m an. H e insi.stsi.sts you d o n ’t realize is sonoirebody sends "Days of)f TThunder,” a movie nbout At 6-1, A ciidcm y A'Award-winning the jsile is true. you a script, as a friendnd, and all of a stock carr rmracing. • • actor Paul Newmann racesr on. jug- ‘T h e lightlig that you th i^ you em-:m- sudden you're dcvotirting five days Newmanaan polilcly refused to cri- i'ling succcss in threeee 1higli pressure, onalc is nonot necessarily tlic light thatlhat and taking 2 0 pages oof f notes. There ticjiic thec movie,m but he did say, “ 1 ilcinaniling profession:ions: acting, tlic other pco]eople see,” he said. ‘‘Youi'ou goes the w hole dam n wweek. think it wiiwiil bc very good for rae- luod business und autcaulo mcing. And U g ||||||| think of■ yyourself as a shy, retiringing “I’ve gol a script rnow that thc ing.” Iii.'i passions run highh ir w hateverT it is, and some other pco-eo- chances of my doingg arc probably Asked1 if he thinks a great movie When he's not dirccircctinc!, acting o r ^ pic w ill setsee y ou in an entirely difTer-fcr- o ne iir 20: But you spcnend tho limc." has yet bccbeen made about auto rac- I’lonuiting his line of ol Newman’s Will Newman, whotio rem ains in ing, Newmiivman replied, “I’m not one Own” food products, li lakes to the hadd always seen (tennis staritar shape by running andd w orking oul lo honk m:my own hom, but 'Win- ii.ick. With his latestest movie, “Mr. IVan) Lemcndl as a guy with such a on u stationary bike,:, stay around nin g ,’ itt scseems' lo me, may have and Mrs, Bridge.” rcaccMdy for release gifl. Ttic; giftg came before tlie work,irk, racing for a w hile? been the; beslbci m ovie about racing, tliis fall, N ew m an’s rea to racc. k but not accaccording lo Lendl. He saysays "I have never madee a plan aboul “Not becibccausc tlie racing footage I his season, h e ’s (Jri^ driving a limited k i f h e laysfS 'off for three weeks, he’sc ’s anything in m y life andid I don’t see it w as the bc;best or anything, but be- : i'linycr driver im prove:>vc alniosE daily I Among thc pcoplcSlSliat Newman "Greatt mi m ovies ultim ately have to for ananything. Tve only had' “a has introduced lo his aadopted sport bc about pccpeople.” ■ lind latnenis one sm allill pf an o f aging. gift of pursirsuil. "A young driver likeike Scoll. w ho’s “Tliat’ss ccrtainly c true in acting. I I'.ol a great gin. just ist keeps going k at1 thc work I did 20 years Li'iier and laster," Ncwman N said P JB : i ago. I cann 'l cvcn w atch it. during an interview bef before finishing I thc things I started to ai-at- ^ Killi in a recenl TransinS'A m nicc in lack — foefoolball, tennis — 1 had no XVtfif Cleveland. gift for itaI at l all. I had no gift for rac- "Young kids like Scott diink - ing, cither.;r. Il’s just something that I ' al)out winning. I t “i W ]B m ™ 5 think about £ 4 / really wantiuited to do.” wiiether I’m going to) hi a pulse,” - Scott ShiSharp, sitting nearby, said, • ' he joked. Hr "Aw, Paul,ul, you loolc good at evcry-.. f a AROIUND THE W(^^ORLD! M "When you get olde V thing you1 (lldo.*' V ’li Stan slow ing down wn, Everything W “ Com e: Awatch my tennis game off one-50lh of 1 pcrcenl. p( Your :: M IWehaye ' ■ sometime,” Newman said, laughing, eyes are a lillle off. y< your ■ "1 really did dii want to play tennis re- W BEER ft re ^ M lunch -- everything, Y from everywher& , You multiply I - ally badly.y. 1 was awful.' lint by just a factorr o I “ I quit pplaying l tennis, then I wcnl m ....well, aalmost everywhere.3 , I . that's Iwo o r three secoii I back lo it:t ini about a year, I servedcd A m Hut Newm an, whose I thc ball anand the (other) guy hit it LvogS, M • auto racing was geneniti:nited on I back to me, CANADIAN I n<-‘. I jig g le d m y feet nnd iiit I iN IMPORT I » ' oi; ■‘Witming” in 1968.6 8 . doesn’t rc- ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 I sounded jiklike a typewriter; all thescsc M j;te( his late start in thc1C sport5 he now ■ feet ninninjling around looking for a \ GLACIERERBAV M loves: ® ^ position of assurance, Tliere werc:re y / I "I started at the right 6 Buy 6 atlat $6.99 T gbt limc, I had ^ “ ••'" ” 1" tw o feet downdo there and it .soundeded ^ I / H M H lhe right kind of cqu: iquipment,” he At 64, Nowman,No horo climbingI oiout through tho windov3W o f h is like a slamimpede or like I was tap said. don’l regrcl ; m ;l anything. It Trans-AnAm racer In Clovoland, hasha; four amatour drlvlncng titles. dancing. It was uncertainty. Youap I MIBi GET6 FREE!F1 LII!? c-aiTie at the right time.e. 1 was getting don’t underlerstand that until you seeee I'ored acting,” said: ‘“’Youou become p:issionate aboutIt his nicing career in 19‘972. says he yourself doiJoing it. Asked if nicing reviv'vived his inter- one ihing,lg, il leads back into some- :- never gave driving a racacc car much “I'm nolol a natural at things, Foro r \ 1 J ^ i-st in otljcr things, hee jokedjc thnt his thing else, ;e. If you can gain a sense ofif ihought until he playedd an Indy-car instance, I'm I' a terrible dancer, 1 wife, actress Joanne 1 Vf le Woodward, passion and ar commitmenl in yourir driver in "W inning." have no gift gif for 'dancing. I like to .-;ays it saved Iheir marri *0 /nCENTI'NNIAlAl. Squaiu-: 7 c arriagc. Wood- life in one1C arena, it’s bound to bleedd W hat w as it that altnnnicled him to dancc withith Joanne, ljut she’s the 733-5010 Afl ward co-stars in “MrMr. and Mrs. back inlo3 othero arenas.” the spon? only one thalhat will tolerate me.” H i idgc." a chronicle o : of a middle- Newmanlan. who has earned four na-I- "I don't know." he said.s:i "It was His schedledulc is jet-set, but more I'lass Amerieun family.. rc r \ V. y.. tional amatnateur driving titles and two0 jusl out therc, like anyth■thing else, to becausc oif f tthe multiple careers he is I'uming serious agai: gain. Newman Tnms-Amm viclories since beginningg be Jeamed. 1 staned olTf veryv slowly, juggling lhalhan any need for glamourLir Panhaiindle wil11 be site1 of moviie ««»»»«« 0 CiHNOSEE (A P) —• M ayor Randy ward Jaine.snes Olmos o f‘‘Miami Vice"" at . thc Genesee Legion 1 lallall. O • ilall is engro-ssed by thc prospccl o f fame. Othei;her m ajor roles have yet toJ Hall said lhe film’s roducers were__ 1 1 ' f t ...... _____ m aking his debut on-ilic-ilicnilver-screen—be ci«t.— looking for people'of allI ages; to play ■ C Ihis year, and Hollywiywood movie- Olmos willw play a scout for a mi-• townsfolk,: and for youngng men 15 to O makers are engrossed witlwith his lown. nor-leaguele baseball team that iss 24 : who can play baseball.ill. Tlie pay is *S ' "They saw lhe b.iscba:ball field, and about to fold f( unless il can find aII S35: a day - S395 for an;myone with a J 11 Ihey absolutely fell inI lolove wilh it.” young ihenom. phe The scout’s carr speaking ; pan and Ihere wiwill be sever- i 5 ^ CM / / f / z t r I Hall said, und Ihal soldold Paramount breaks dowown in Gene.see. where hel: al i of ihose, Hall says.. Interesting- 5 • i’iciures on film ing portionionsofanup- secs a straitrapping fann boy wilh a.1 looking1 vehicles, tnip xvaj;agonsoroth- |i| • coming movie aboutt I baseball in lightning-bt•bolt fastball dominating a1 cr i agricultural cquipmeniII that can be , C (ienesee for’aboul fourur idays begin- pickup baseiscball game at the lown ballI used i for background setscenery were ? • B S^sS iiitig Aug. 20. field. also being souglil, I V ' V■ $: A Filming will also take ke place along The scencenes lo be filmed in Genesee: "rve already lold them,(11, by God. if S IT ': S T I M E U.S, 95 in the M oscowiw area. and in call for iboul abo 150 extras. Hall said,, 1 d o n ’l get a pan I wanl aa i credit al the ■ v ( ‘*)eur d ’Alene and KellotJllogg. und his wifivife Dee is handling tiic lo-- endt of lhe movie lhat sasays 'special O T Q <^91 The movie, tentativelj/ely titled "A gisiics off localIc casting. Casting try-• t thanks lo the mayor of ol Genesee, V 3 B E Talent for the G am c,”■ will w star Ed- ouls were st : set for Wednesday evening; RandyI Hall,"'he said. j : T H■ IIN K IN G ABBOUT i

i> i-: . • t f F \ ¥ ■ '\ * 1' 1 ^SATURDAY.y. AUGUST ^4 ™ I ^m z / t r / / / E N T RIIESAVAILAE I VBLEAT F H E D O U B LLE E DECKER, 1 f e I t1 7 IVIAIN ;iAVE.E. ^ ______^01) R C A L L 7 3 44 - 8 0 0 7 . ------M I I ^CATAGORIIIES FOR _ II Jul3.y 2 0 -2 1 • PRESCHOOLIL fi • CHILD I 6 ^9 I S •CHILD 1110-1)-13 I •YOUTH 14-171; I T1 o r v i l11 & D ee a n • YOUNC ADUllULT 18-20 I • ADULT AMAlATEUR /v^ i S l I B rititish Champioions. World Chihampions, 21 AND) OLDER< the; only( skaters• ito receive perfifeet marks •BESTBUSINE^ESS 'v Ip k I byb] all ju d ^ iiin the 1984 Ol)Hympics • MEDIA ff, 51 • professionNAL; Y I 5 # / 1 D e b t S' ENTRY FEFEE: I i T h o m aB.S ‘10.00 for indiviividuals I Worldd Champion, I 5,00 for "Best Businliness" Entries 1 fu tm I 1988 Olylympic Medalis,ist INCLUDE!ES: I Chalk, T-Shirt, andidlocation. L I " PRIZES:S: I t i I m I F&;I r Place Prizes inin ail categories § MA ^ I ‘Ifl100 GRAND PRIZE forfo 1" Place g F o r R o o mIf R eservations C aALL l • . 7 - 8 0->0-SUN-VALY C ProfessionalIPIus P S M W a I People's Chokee /Award

______^______I!______^idny, July20, 1990 Tihkt•r>-News,.-N. Twin F.illr., tdiilio D-5 Pair fi^ight 1^ oversaame old borne H C a r pe t C enter ! DEAR ABBY: My husbandhu and I are both retired and havilavc been mar- ricd for nearly five years.Qis. Il’s the sec- ' ond marriage for both)lh o f our . spouses died. Wc both enjoy readinging-thc moming . newspaper at breakfast.n. 1 He likes thc sports scction and I likecc tlthc front sec- tion, so w c each read our)ur favorile sec- ^ tion first. W hen he getsts throughtl read- c ing the sports scction, he thinks I DearapAbby T H E ] rS T R Y Abigail ■ore than any ol (St. We have our inBurerj h h I factory. W e m ; C om pare!

should hand over thcc ffront scction whether I ’m finished withvith it o r not. | If I don’t stop whatcvilever I’m read- T • L ^ H > ing and hand over thcc ppaper, he be- G o o < , comcs irate and pouts lil i e t ll e r !! O r > like a child - • then he leaves lhc table'lc ini anger and Pick your set. vered FREE. Get a 30 NIGIGHT SLEEP 17 1 s I f i l I r j » T i W ■' doesn't speak a civil woiword to mc for ■ hours. it, within 30 da ;k it up and ifif it's undama ' . paper. This solution iss alsoal ideal for T n , thc spouses of scissoror-happy-1 folks H i III 1 9 9 Full Sizee !$249 S e t ; who havc thc habitit >of clipping I I coupons, nds, puzzle:zlcs, arliclcs, I Queen Sizei z e $299 S e t I columns, etc.,, out o f thethc newspaper U||f| before other members> of ol the family King S iz: e e $399 S e t ^ have had a chancc toto readi it. It's chcapcr than mcdicatiojtion for high A blood pressure or ulccrccrs. Or a di- ^ vorce. am pare IhU prkfSE Y E A R A DEAR ABBY: This> is in response I W I n S i s e to thc letter written by' thcthi post ofTice I B G U A RR . A N T E E I ■1 clcrk who complaincd ababout employ- ( ces who usc thcir employiloycr’s postage H H meter for thcir personalinal corrcspon- I i i i s- * BBiE^ ■ i' dencc.'Tthink he's beenecn'licking too' " h ^ l I r ^ much stam p glue. 2 9 1 Full S ize S e t I work in a small ofTiofTice (15 peo- $369 I ‘ pic), and w c all usc thec p. WV c go lo thc I yjA ■» supermarket and buy them.) the If any- ' iH SliilS r thing, our money box usuallyus comcs nH 3 7 1 Full S iz e $479 S e t ’ out ahead. ' t This may not bc typicpical o f all of- Queen Siz€iz e $569 S e t I ,) ficcs, but that’s the wayy wwe do it here, * You may use my name. King S iz: e $ 7 1 ^ S e t ^ ^ — KIRSTEN IN LANS^SDALE, PA. PHI

DEAR mSTEN: W.Many others ■■■■j ‘■ilii'l'nllkfli .' wrolc lo protest the accusj:usation lhal all 'C employees who usc ihcirleir employers’ posujge meter for thcirr personalp< mail II jn\6 RB jl IP j y p J H ^ .: arc pcnny-antc thieves., RcRead on:

‘ DEAR ABBY: Shairlamc on that m m p '* postal clerk who assumumcd that thc person w ho mailed 100) wwedding invi- ! tntions stamped by a postage po meter 8 c o m L ble w^ a y s tt:o h id < ; was stealing from her boboss. For cry- • inR_outJoiii-dida!t-it-&t-occur-to-that------• ; postal clcrk* that it mightht i save a lot of .L OR QUUEEN^ . time and saliva to run 10100 envelopes B2ZS ■* Ihrough a postal meter insinstead o f lick- .• ing 100 postage stamps?3? ^ Why do some peopleplc always as- •I sumc the worst? * 1 ij T * ^ ^ • $ 4 i — BURNED UPI>’ IN DETROIT • ; DEAR BURNED UP:P: InI answer to I S Wm ‘ ‘ your question, I quote an old Frcnch l i saying: “Nobody lookss undcri n bed •' unless he himself hass conce hidden ;C. there.” C ase closcd, TroditonalstyQl £tyla, lorg woaimg Ololtn (nbrtc. HafdwootJ: Iramos,Ifom dacron wrapped cushions. ; ‘Today’ delebacle ^ A dd as • cost $20 mi]lillion dollars! VI The Baltimore SuQ Traditional or C dcoial • y a . and we've darod-arm TraditionaLHar( LOS ANGELES — How He much in g ’ dollars and ccnts has thehe Imuch-publi- p— cizcd "Today" show debdcbacle — in- eluding thc decision to0 ddump co-an- chor Jane Pauley for foi Deborah A ^ W e h a v■e e a Norville — cost NBC' onand its affili- fl f o r t h e • : ates? O * • ' jputatiom f< About $20 million,. >NBC News . . . * r? p H President Michael Gartnerner said, [owest fumn i t i i r e 1 • ' Gartner opened a presscss confcrcncc y^cE? le W e s t. , ” . by.^ acknowledging “gafTes" “go and ^ rices in the ■r "screw-ups" in his handliidling of "To- ^ day" last year, especiallyily in the l^- ' ^ ■ • sition last December fronrom Pauley to ^ ■ * Norville as Bryant Gumtimbcl’s co-an- ^ jfend it eve:try day,, V chor. !• When asked to put a p price tog on 'iB IIaS i ra n lccd p rice prolcciion. DtUaiilUails in slorc. the ratings lailspin “Todayday” went inlo r= W R IT T E N O, 90 Days Same •! after Pauley left, GartnerUicr said, “By F J .« 705 BLUE LAKES 1 / WARRANTIES as a; Cash (O.A.C.) thc end o f lhe y e a -il wilwill liavc cost . 9:00 • 9:00 • Sat. 9:00- & UU) Vco. kbsBrCtinl idofSlOmil- on ovorythlng ‘ ** me I in thc neighborhood ( ■ 5;00 PHONE; 733 • 14 w o 3011. ^ J PsowgOti-potot .; lion." That’s also the amomount he esti- li­ mined lhat N BC affiliateses would1 lo se .. ■ ■ ______^ ^ ______y I. R-6 Timcs-Nows. Twin^ FcFalls. ldatV3 Friday. July 2020. 1990 ■ ..A\H N 0 A LITTLE 1I THINK i' l l I [ ~ AA HUNK OF BREAP A ’ 5 0 W HA T DO I : M\U5TAR0. l/; PLEASE'.. HAVE T H E S SLAB OF CHEESE. A ^ ^ 6 E T j ? A H O T P 0 6 j_ , THTHANK YOU... • - - -‘‘l ComicsS ______-“PL0U6HMAN'5 1; PlCt

tW/L — V - m J 'S B C O fAn£5irON t \AW«OM.r’miMTOO N0N5£N6£/ VOU'fJ'RE STILL MV J a m i t o o h b a v v JR M0THeR-6P BIG- POR TUffM A T ^ L I T T L E BOV. NOlfl3W~CO/Vi£ ON..., ^ ’ dONNV SMI& :)^ 3 b E ‘ jWArr'LL I GGT MV/ HANPSH. I I ( AND WWEHEM TO *-H R ' 1 r * OH THAT LITTLEe BB6AC?y- jN ^ fS L IN k ; AVJIWAV LIKE F \ Lh I 'V i i N j w e ^ A C k T A L ^ J \ \ ^ ^ y pflT t s T k ) (s t o /

m f e / J l.rw p.we> 7 r o __ I V ^ o v J l 'f A F oue HouisUES 1--“.“, ^ How rWnoB}o aroa incltod to c h a r g e .' ^ C \ / 7 la te ... BUT 15 THAT ANANY. ' / 7 f oi^Ar. ^ \ ^ S fl R ^ O NJ T O ( 1 H E R E . J y I I 1 fV PENV / A A . /WAN HiH IS ' ± ______u m . CO/i3MT\XA- /IA\^XX/ cOPCCUf!SCt ^ 3 A /w r/5 A Pft£ii5 H P voNO.gocfiSie! m . fTJUSr tOLPYCUR. zTHerwsxa RBUASa. . r fc r L < T'N s X ' C?1NNEK n TCANSAYIOnli F 0 l f t ^ I »WaV75yff7f THB7. FIRST f FROMCVR ^ l- l j y ------ABOUT m ^ S ' PCOPtC f 0‘iUGm£R. C > X£M a> ! ,, Jj A ' . o P U K snis • / T F M £0/ RJGHT I ” ' / s i | ® “M K£! [ > s T ; entH L ' ■> • :

u J I \ R t v IT '5■ SEEN S SU O /\ /" SO vVpJ,vhatz^RS THE/ 1^i ^ 7 SO L.E £ POSSESSION ) /ilSEBABLE \'>(::EL.e0BRATlUGi fi ^OWS J \ : LvASr PLACE J U ' n A S O N . T H e \ j ^ ------'S H A V E N 'T ------1 H/AC?KO A '• W M u r w e e p A \ I OKMa y T t h e \ n n & T O> CHEER C A .K E VOLUfJTEER POlPOR J R e S5T T OP you ) ^ tmf(£ A0C0 o u r K G A R B A G E PU TV'T y y , ru?^ s a r=?E e J T _____ I > ------P iS M i L k f r r f P ^ ( § 2 ‘mg^m " " 1 ^ 9 C CZ) ______( r l \ tfn.wk T io I A r

l I PssT.' ^ [moitllOlKG FROtA m KILLER I 'iCt<00 SW5ULD OUST WECGE ^ HHEf, i TMA.TS 1 y£ (iWLt) MK£Y ■ 2^* HOBBES.'^ BICN51CSCI.E. IT CAUT a iM B BIG BV STICVC TMRCW3H TME A A ffi^ sa r o'JER TD m Y p -c:^^^7 .2 o | I ( < 5 3 ^ R E t S , S o I GUES*; I 'l i . SK3FCXES OF -m t FTOHT HUtB... IDEA.'ID HC68C5. KITCVIEH IF ______V 3 ^ ^ ^ IXKi HERE T\\Z REST 07 TWm m H[£N TME SnC K HCW'tiE' ' N SOOtlt VJCHOtWtlG '(OJ MIKG ■ _ - m LIPE. ^ HITUTS TME FORK, m . W EEL LiFts^vER! LU itw soy a u OoI^Upnt£RE? | n MILL JAM p m VAZ %\YS. ^ \ e ^ i e m y , i r i m o \ e i N •> ■_ ^ ^ RjSSIBL'< TWtK w ttm FH P OVER.. ^ WE EHOOGH. \ i 5 F r o ' ^ m j n : R ' ■ D I /nri»J7te^ - d p ^ k £ L i " A s 1 1 ^%\Z 1 ----- v A, yflyTTvtl K______» ' W t i t — ▼ H e y ! C o m e b a c k ! ^ ------A ------\ s * m k ‘ - P i u f ^W H A T C ~ 1 A lfalfa awda^la^^V o B ^W fT H 'T — ‘5AL.T T r W I o^\ IJ ^ ^ r ' K m f i i r r ^ \M I n / / l l \ \ \ \ U o - " - J u ~ d 03=^^ I ' II ______D ENNIN I IS T H E M E N A C E ______THIHE FAMILY CIRCUS .

f | I JOXTT p o jfjicicf. TtT H f 0 —n — U /V /O /V \ ^ r w o N ' r L e r - I f r» ’ ^ cH A$B efi.t.1 '-LS- t? s T \= I ■ I A P / t ^ s r ^ ^ 1 J m llBr®f Ji||[|| ||||H T "TjiirriiriB— r L . . .'. . .. -Q .- - . . . I ) 3 ] |

1 P a ro n l ______5 KnlQhfQ wHo 'a Sydney ^ 9 Vory dry ------Omapp = 13 S a ta n ic 7 - 2 0 V . \ 14 Form machino rr------15 Gr. lottor jtralogical ______16 Wcodod o'of' 3)------"...parade for us sinners...”sin 17 P a th w a y in o r e c a s t s \'L0(?katUS1' 'H e’s aM l lL e o Y A lic e ... c h u rc h ■ ■ ■ H fl} 8 » JO ______' 10 “ — a n d o u t" B i I 19 B oloro *’ J2 ** 31 U l 4 IF JULY 20th,IS YOURt 1OIRTHDAY; VIRGO (A(Aug. 23-Sept. 22); Bc surc ■ A. Brazil.,1. 20 Fr. lown ------You urc -iensitive, emotional,lal, strongly in- meanings irc arc clear — take nothing for 21 Grotto ” lluenccd by rnolher. Capriciricom. Cancer granted wherecrc reputation is at stake. Focus , __ PNEUMONL\N L \ ] 23 Wnstino ay/ay jt------■ ■ ■ w cs in your life, on carccr, business, bu crcdit for achieve- 25 S p o o k penons play imporlnnl roles LIVI. Todaylmlfla lf the Jndia{)s in nonhcm You've m aJc new start, Wfialhai you lert be- ments. Delayay possible but should not bc 26 Nocklino « ------■ BOVd Chile die ofif pnpneumonia. Why? nskcd thc • tiind has run ils coursc. I3cIc nwarc. alert, equated withh defeat.d s h a p o ___ ni*' ** I ^ . scientists. ExaiExaminations of mummies 27 Waste SBBB j!E*==| confident, maintain positivee attitude.i Dur- U D R A (Sc(Sept. 23-Oct. 22); Scenario allowanco SilBfi ing Augusi you’!! get crcditit longI overdue highlights powwwcr. authority, responsibility, show ed h aIfthc lf th' Indians there likewise • 28 Sch. subj.------” « |p » ^ Sl 52 iind "trxic love" could bcc felt. During strong lovee relationship. Philosophical it's w h at? dicdofpncum(lum onia 6.000 years ago, 31 Purplo------Seplembcr you takeindependedeni course. treatise providevides inspiration. Travel indica- Tliey slill don'llo n 't know why. flow ofod t>c.pfirt o f dynamic .scenario, sh fu b a ------ARIES (Marcti 21-April 1'19);Yo«m.y “ “U . t,.,t .-I, .n . «(• Ciipncom invcnvolvcd. T o clect B leader W as aboutlUt 5005 yeani bcforc thc inven-' 34 L ooaon _____ wanl lo slay clo?;c to home b 0 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21); Finish cdcd a king. tion of thc whc 35 Swias fivor m sccnery could pruve bencfici h Persians in 521 D.C. need wheel lhal humans firsl rotlc ' 36 O vor 21 , 1_____ security, life .style, unique didininscpcri- tan. refuse to be limited- Km-'• Candidates mcl on hor^cbaclack, argued at tiorscs. Or so tJictJ scientists now believe. • 37 Nav. ol(. ;iOTO- 0 cncc. You'll liave special sueiu c c c a in J c d . P'“ " ™ rmployment. pcLs. dependents,*• length, then iigrecd ihc mnnin w hose liorsc general health,llth. Express views, conccrning 38 Husband of *" ing wilh older women. ^ whinnied fir^l would gel thche job. Tire Q. How comcome dominoes are so much . P o c a h o n ta s “S eee money beingg handledh by another. Insi.st on 07/20/90 ■ in s, nnil hi.<- m ore popularlar iiin thc South? 40 Cozy placo 4 II I0illlg'ils IIOSIMVOU TAURUS (Apr^l 20-Mayy :20): Relative eonrirmation.s.ns. receipts. horse o f D.irius did that lliinj : D ibk Belt, cards werc wide-. 41 F a rm m o a su ro 5 Ev YostofdBfday's PtmIo Solwod: will accjuiesce, rcquest willI bct gmnled in SAGtTTARARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21);). torical footnotes suggest Daitariu.! wn.s 1. A- In B il 43 Brand-now 100 ho porcont IF I L |D IP M connection with money, holidhday. Focus on Highlight initiilitiativc, originality,' poctic cx-> pretty fuir king. So goes theicIcBcnd. lyrcEimlcdM'I a.«i "The Devil’s Picturc 44 Pouch 6 EvoryTo 24 IR E NI e 9 versatility, humor, possible: ireunion with prcssions. Sliai:iiake o(T any tendency towards Dook.” ButI dominoesdoi were genteel. 45 Sailors 7 hoursSir L 11 L n M s Think wc.should try thal? "old llame." You’ll add to0 wardrobe m ,hyness. cmbaibarra-ssment. Assen views in 4G S o in o 8 Too Bu 0. ».pH meaningful manner. 47 B arrol 9 Slnoor Ati Tlllis MM IS IS I I positive, dram;amatic fashion. Yuu’ll rcccivc® ’’School teacher:; aren’t ihithe w o rst tip . . b a l d CAESAESAR ______1. GEMIKI (May 2 1-June 20)10): It is time’ to news conccmirming inheritance. aupports 10 BulilSo pers," writes a lifelong barteilender. To lhat lislisl 0of balding men who comb revise, review) possibly lo rc 4gi^ld Fallhlul 11 Atop flo Is 11 jc [h FSI remodel. Em- CAPRICORORN (Dcc. 22-Jan. 19); Re- llieir liair from■om one car over thc top to • o n d o lh o rs 12 Sotbacks Mc I D i6 BF] pfiaais'on income polenlial.ll. basic C05U. union with family fa member could bring’ "Lowycri iin ." Iho oihcr'car,U-. aiadd Julius Cucsor. Old Ro­ 53 C lip s 14 Roman La' rond nnn recognition'of values. Long-d;-distancc com- "lean of joy."y?' Focus on legalities, specialll 55 ••- I say. , 20 Mon,dGa ' I'" I ? . municalion could result in joijourney, presti- appearances,I, decisioncl relating to m.iritali! ■ Q . N ew Y ork City w as nicnicknamed man coins so slshow. n o t..." 22 l_avos Lo' n I I I gious social atTair. Gamo waichor ndSnyM Tj siatas. Exccllciillcnl dining experience on lapp "Tlic Dig Apple’’by one Cha:harlcs Gillclt, 5G T h a t lody 24 Ra Take notes. ' Q. W hat docsdoc tlie pifot mean when he 57 Author Anita Low sh oxports ‘ CANCER (June 21-July 222): Polilical ’“'.'""'f''!;™ I’ve read. Who hc-> ; • 58 Layurs ' ' '25 CoR a co lra ck jP |A lY jO |L I ' ambiliuru blend . wiijfaltmi-,iiNm.;EpreS- 7 AQUAHIUS[US (Jan. 20.Fcb; IH): . G o ' President ofthcT^cwVVork don- «>>'s the planemc ii.-! now a f'1 0 Angels”? resolution.s concerning healtli, 60 G r. p o rch 27 sfia Bri p o Ift Im In 'liji!-^ views, get pniniises in \(Titing,»B. Cyclc liiBl,. ‘ " P '• vcniion and Visitors Bureau A . 10.0000 fe,feet. 61 Funny Mcara C pit o rtain vauc-:, L , * , ^ you can imprint style in dramim nuc fa-itiion ■’ulnlion.un. You’ll be more aware of Brinos up |o **■ '- " n Igj J. 1930s. He revived tlic term;1; Iactually. , G2 N arrow w ay 29 Dir 0 I'ocua on discovery. vari^y«, nimtion.fi Vir- “ y '™ S'' cspccially' a-s you encounter )U don't put crushcd cgg.shclls 63 Confined 3CT pitchAn Ifc lu lull rorvmtic situlituation. Horizons expand.l_ New Orleans jazz musiciansnscikdi, . go plays role. :r? Everybody did a century 64 Army moal ' 31 DIriIng Ch placo D7I20IS0 i you'll fccMikc,kc a '‘fiew person." thal around 1910. Road gigsjscl^whcre '">"“” '*'7.1 Jll it 0 preservative. 6 5 R oquiro 32 A Brc ngotod I LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Far•amily sccrct is PISCES (Feb. (F. 19-March 20): Yourr paid "little a p p le s/’ Dut n sta. 66 War nod 33 CNo h a p s revealed — to your advantagage. Focus on opiriion is soujought concerning remodeling, Brainchild 43 Rostlossss 52 Chairs York Cily paid '’Tlic Dig Ap| DOWN 37 Go performance, style, intiiguc. YYou'll bc pro- decorating, pro ‘PP'®' Am told somsomc highly sophisticated Noon moais 48 Dosorl rofolugos 53 Bridflo bid i property value. Some w-ill say. 1 J a s o n 's iaKo 39 Six vidcd wiiJi "inside informarioj M ichigan farmcinncTs how grow potatoes Goos wrong 49 Ptorccd d 54 S h a rp e n I ■ion.” Scenario -W e didn'l know ki you had it in youl" 2 SIdostop Inn features luxury, entertainment Q. Thnt nation with thc mt that ia.s1e a.s iho 3 Runnor' 42 SixShl to an SO Organic c 55 Printing lorm , :m. abundance Means you'llII Ybe showing another side of iihoughjtlicy’d already been ofafTection. Catholics is...? inning compounlund 59 — do Franco j your cfiaracter.er. Scorpio involved. buttered. Ship Itom 51 Eur. rivorwar GO R osorl \ 1 I ______...... I ______I D-7 ■nm'os-NowB, TWin1 Foils,Fo Idaho Fridny. July 2 0.,1 1990' E Goofy ‘Quick Changeb’ is breaath of frresh air' / o P EEN r FRI -SAT - SUNNONLV 1 . , j vest, he. mamanages somehow to cm- TOTAL■ I n " A I body the spi:spirit of hip. He never tries, ;.'j . that’s one thithing. He is so relaxed he is ■ ■ :ni in thc clown. j ^ B l almost Zen;n; therei is almost something RECALLL RECALL • HHO O U R S III:' 'ilh Bill Murray A [ X - ■ ^3 caitoon-likeke in his face. X K ID S 12 AND UNDER ALWAY:/AYS FRIT icked grin and ^ ; • Thus, in IT"- " ^ 5 ^ * ' * n a movie almost chaotic ilc eye shadow irS ; . with plot, he is the spirit of anti-plot; arches, wilh a ^ . he just stantonds there doing nothing, ose, is just what '' I ‘ getting 99' p' wv ith a g u n (Bill M urray)y) isurptisos a b an k g u a r " y— ■ ______Itjust.likcs.Us.to.mcss.pcoplc.up.______INDI I fl E W DICE C 1 A V o.vlng.thc.bank------1.— ' * il loves thc p o - .. clo\vn’s mamakeup, M urray’s mug re-- guard), slips into a mid-to\ow n M anhat- Q uaid goc:;ocs a bit over the top as the ts-lhcm equally, mains as rcmoto rc; and mysterious os a lan bank two minutes befefore closing, moronic thirhird banana; but Davis is Review I : ' ' 1 unmanageable or a haiku:1 he is thc new-agcc as , the first step in an ingigcnious plan as Murlurray’s girlfriend, who is as becomc and Buster KciCcaton. somehow initiatedd to scparolc thc bank andid its money subtly distantanccd by thc changcs that CDIUHBI181 (■:: mad sum m er a quickcomedy out of jccret sec harmonies of comcdy,’, from cach olhcr. Two (cohorts are sccmtotnmsansfigure M urray as, one by subversive hilarity, whcrors — such ns subtly giftecrted w ith thc ability to under-- played: by Gccna Daviss and Rondy one, he m eetccts, then defeats thc obsto- K l i l . do not incincrBtc hundreik a language as Pl“y for maximum rn concussive im-- Quaid;' the coppcr in charjirgc of catch- clcs lhat Nca'Jcw York puts in the way. ^ a r ists smear them on lhehe Harvard Dc- pact. He cloneale appears to blow howV ing them is played by Jasoson Robards. And Robarduds, solid as a foundation, 2 N D ^ PS. Q)p old Martian domelogy. d( It is luna- to give a line,lin otherwise dull as a dtn-- W hatever M urray has is h a rt to de- hiB a m c c tutum r as thc disillusioned but W EEK! ^ mm. fucking lhc oxygen outracy o (of Martin "cr knife,;, a ccrtain resonant ping of' fine: H e’s not a m anic lailaugh-grabbcr isional lawman, pairs o f lungs. irs,” which it is h>lanty or a master of shtick. Hec docsi not do But in lhche end — as in thc middlelc V DAILY 7:1010-9:10-SUNDAY r>:1D-II) - 7:10 - '■ ! This movie honors3 played l on thc In the R-ratcd R "Quick Change,"” jokes. It is attitude: H e: iis what thc and the beg>cginning — it’s Murray, spirit o f comcdy ^ J oray’s .v l exquisite M urray plajilays a robber who, dressedJ '90s want to bc. Laid baiDack, his lids M urray, Muvlurrny. I don’t know; il robber as fervently as inquilily,ii 1 as a clowriwn (i'Thot’s Mr. Bozo to3 Iheavy, hts jowls flubby,’, his lack of looks like a '‘‘Quick Changc” kind of liccman, and it rcwards-ilidcr his bright you," he says,say pulling a Beretta on thcc ;sclf-consciousncss like a bulletproof summer toI mc.m It takes thc dark and ur pit that New York has manages to suck lhe cot its commonplacc horrorsMan’ to])lerable DAILY,ILY 7 :1 1 - '1:1 I THE BOrS ARE ^ IN t;ir. - 1:1 taxi drivers who speak a ' BACK IN TOWN 4 oB H U ^ S A T - ^ U ^ i ycl undiscovered by thc 1 7 :1 5 - ":11 partm ent o f Anthropolog; jS a tti.a/ij (?L cy compounded by pirac;inless mlovie BRUCE It}:'.' - F O O D • F U N--« F CO R T U N E - Scorsese’s "A fter Hours,’ WILMS R m uch funnier tlian) osapsule p! rcvicwB G H OT ST (P^13). Thc rnovie’s5 TWIN FALLS • 73^34-1393 or JACKPOT•T • (702) 755-2341 dluivi MIMCPI.mci Stradivarius of Murray'ng in the Mag- slogan is; “Believe,"“. not un unrca- by the Motion sonable rcquest. rcc Bul even those HE ? deadpan, lhat sea o f tranqi Even festooned underf A m crica and w h o 'd be; happyhi to comply must get mcs. Opinions past a certa rtain wooly-mindcchicss to JmifHilM llil Times review- its script andan a production prettifiedI TheBod seem s a little trum ped jnucc ■ Jel action scqucnccs wilh viuus J^v,' verve. 1C movie has «P- But thc sequel is funnier and B A C K T O TH E FUTII Cruise and fiercer thanlan thc first — and Tony in (PG). An appealingctwccn il Cruise Randall talk,ilks a crcat Brain Gremlin. im W ' '• ■ O disposable conclusion toputting full, rPTSONSNS: l l f f i M O V IE (G ). Thc DAILY ^ DAILY DAILY.Y McFly saga. In this one, J:2 0 I ' crs can't seem to dccidc if 7:00-9:10 7:<7:45 - 9:45 7:01) - 9:2( in thc Old W est, D oc fall; , F R I.SUN _ F R I - S UUN N I h c y T c r c^creating c n thc innoccnt hu- DAYS OF THUNDEI.cng footage; J lhe 2:20- 4:4I> 4:4( I' le early ‘60s TV show or 7:00 - 9:2():2 « ^ ^ Whoosh!! “Days of Thi “ r ; making a, with-it« entertainmeni for .streaked in, fast as a rac assumnce .hat ;m ^ pon^ youth audicncc, THEF PHABU]ILOUS jo b and aboul as flai. Hoi rmula o f Top I do j citlicr very well. Thc son-Bruckheimcr signatu •csting animation is a two- mean thc flimsiest slory ip to Tiffany's song “You dcr glittering productic:om|e,stnpon S, FlHAKER [IS thc rest is Saturciay mom- What relationships thclox-bngh. eoi- i k ijv idlo o i n a blR scrccn. aren’t betw een Tom:nt C dialogue, a a p p e a r i n gg F riday & S a t u r d a y , N icole K idm an, bul bctwD rm ances and THE JU>UNGLE' BOOK (G). Thc and Robert Duvall, r pimoxie. It's a Di.sney artisrtisls took liltle morc ihan omcry life into anotherc, owith a sure the names:s of Rudyard Kipling's July 20th - 2 1 t h ® 9 p . mn . - 1 a . m . pcckerwood. Tlic moviiay not cxactly characters,:, but1 thc film 's slapstick m cnt com cs from its raciilives o f these com edy, upbeat upl songs ond-polishcd INo ReservatiODB its m assive ca.sc o f attilrtcr you leave anim alionI havehi lost none of their ap- from thc producers’ assi:ain, for better peal, 23 years yei after its original re- they can retool thc formiione o fth e def- lease. Tliisis high-spirited romp will G un.” novic. To lake delight chil:hildrcn — and parents D IC K TR A C Y (PG;outli o f anolh- w eary o f action a films wilh body B eatty’s vision^of a comI much meat, counts thatat exceed their box-office film comes in paint box­:rcc." grosses. ers with niccly irreverent. This is thc gaggle o f cri.sp performilerous film o f one with million-dollarner, m which is GSHOS'; t ' film o f enormous style, x it's simply or- (iiraiHiiiiiEBira sense of itself. You mayTuncs, : Even milli(lBiriill!!!fflliiil,riMi]! brood about thc inner iblc liv detcciive, ill!! JP Ilim n iiiuSM f SDIJHia SlillllM charactcrs for days afteri shaking his ^ (A m i l thc theater — then againall the action. « IP®A® ID)ICIE) n _ i f or w orse, tliat muy be oneuel is a lively w ^ \ D A IL Y 7l15 - 5 initions of a .summer movJon'l bc fussy ([j thc words oul ofthe mouiand for hcav­ ^ FRI - SUMI :2 ll5 - OtflS . 7:1: 1 5' - er Tracy, “There ain'til n for falling bul what therc is is chcrcc Tha fiva/m caUgoryi aystam of lha v o lu n tairy ry film industry rating DEE HARD 2 (R). T m la n o w a a follow a. mosl cheerfully prcposten Friday... a jaw-dropping summer,^ ' r G. Ganorleral Audlancas, alt agos ..SEAFOOD[} Buffet I A m e r ic a ’s5 T o p S e c r ee t t W'.' not to say it’s not fun. it's Id. ■ Charlielie She-.:, chcslratcd Looney Tur Stai Brucc Willis’ redoubtable!€ § i i “ irental guldane* artsatSp.m . Michaeael Bie! ■. John McClanc, keeps sl ited. Soma matarlal may lullabla for chlldran. Jo an n e WhiI'h a lle v -r head ov er his part in all Shrim p,.Clam s,s . O ysters, Crab, and7d a Selection of But all in all, this sequel I. Paranta ars strongly three-ring circus; just donI’ l ’ni'thp l i P G .i3 .f Fish, Rice, Pototatoes, Vegetables, cacarved Baron of V l • > c au tlo nlod o d togtva opaclal nbout logic or tim ing, anc nisner 2 ■ guldancaza for chlldran under 13. B e e f a n d A s s o r tted e Salads. cn's sake, watch oul[ IbrtleS I ; ' 1 • • Soma matrmtorlal m ayb*...... glas.s. )priata for children. ilv e rin e k ' Saturday.....PRIME El§;IB Buffet trictad, undar 17 raqulrao »»»«««« RE! >anylng parant or adult ! ; S /s U u tM ■ . ? I g u a rd iain. n . StmJirtsatSp.m: D3 ■ S ® F |j inaundor 17fldmlltod. mi ^ Prime Rib, BBQQ B eef kibs. Chicken,in, Baked Potato, D A IL Y 7 j 3 0 : : h .734-2728 5 1 ______I ■ DABK nOBSJE • MAm Vegetables a n d AAssorted Salads. ^ F R I ■■ SUM 1 Utit45 -3:00 - 5:15 - 7 : 3 C i . • Spldernmn • X f \ £ • lUlens • Panis ______^______/ ______I • • B a t n a i i • TVolvf : : MUHORE s : i k d a , i f ' X BLUE UKES U A li* 73 ■X,%

D-6 Timo5-Now3. Twin FalFalls. Idatio Friday, July 20, 1990 "" ..ANi,NP A LITTLE I THINK i'l l F a\ HUNK OF BREAC? A 5 0 W H A T DO I : ML/f W5TARP, PLEASE . HAVE I THE SISLAB OF CHEE5E, A ^ _ 6E1i? A~HOT P06!_ Comics5 ______■ thTHANK YOU... ''f‘‘aOUSHMAN'S u PICK:k l e p onion. a tom ato P ' Z i A^n P A LETTUCE LEAF.,. THE FAR SIDE _____ D L O N D IE ______^ __ E “ I JUST BeMEMBGH,3, I’,I'M T H B j AND A GOOD CAPrAINC A ^PTAIN ^HISIS I SHIP r ' , KNOWS WHEN nTO FJCHT... Xp.K.CS' iri I ITg -II

n e . 6 i r o N \AW,A10M.r'MTVI Too N0NSeN6£/VOO'fiI'RG STILL MV J a m I TOO H BAvv . S’^K k ^ W VOURIR /HOrHER'S BIG-FOf^TM•MAT A J.ITTL£ SOV. NOWIW COrt^E. O N ..., . ^ LAP, t n/ ~~ \uoH^ ^8B ' c ::= A ^ [WAIT'LL 1 SET My H> ., ' HANPS I I J~A H D VMEHEN r o ^ R ■ 7 S - 0 K t • . OM THAT LfTTLBI B

^ l.r,'MpA\«-^? •

' ' \ - ~ lW O\^mFO0!Z riO UJKS R ; III- " ^ How rhinoss uiuro Inellod lo chargo. lau te... b u t is THAT AN' ( O K A V , A I SV9 <■ . rZ B A S O t^ T< I riE R E . ) y r v OEHY /5 \ (h ' n m . CMSMWUI- tiAVS.iW Of^CCUflSC! a u n A f i s APFiaS I H fA \ \ -WAN 'A rik f ^ TOerj.BOOPSiS! ALL mcYUJCxe ^ 9 j r .p t A J i * R£l£A^. . fc,' p i n n e k ; n ICMSAYIOIT^ rrjusT TW? YOUR 77 Q ------ABOUT TIMS! ^ , fwtm rs vmBF/KST f A ^ ’T ^C£M£P J P £ O P W f [VH/OmBR. G — j uk£ ms ' « fW £ P ! iii/'''5ix ' > I RJG>n , ^ R - t MOs\£fn, • ^ r i cH-f/j L (= * • *J t g/liL^C ■

5EEfJ 5(JCH\ /" SO WM/ViAATARB THEV^” ')” !^i l ^ / SOLE.E fPOSSESSION K A MMSBfZA3LB ie \ I CBLB3R.0RATJfOe> ^OV^'S J -J UASr PL.ACE J A S o N .T M e ______i S I I \Wl¥i — - = - 1 Y S HAVEN'T n JM U £ K 10/ ------1 M/AP>PA1(JC M / i N lW E I v ' 10 / ; B U N E E P A J O K A*.Y, Y T H E "x nn JJCCf & TO) CCHEER /4 .K -7^6 5 E VOLUNTEER FOP■Of? } R E S T ;t o p y o u ) A 93O C 0T o / ' f e 'I E GARBAGE PUTYTyy-,-fw^, ARE?£ j T ______¥ ^ s B ?Z5 CO ______( I Im o'fJc TIP A ^ N lvV xS^ E e S:

PS^' 1 WDINIDIKG FROM M'( WLLER ' I 'fOko u SHOULD JUST WECGE A HEf.TMAXS IwEOOLOM Kty ^ H 0 B 8 £ S . ' , BlCSICSCLE. IT CAm aiM B BICilG STICK TMftOkiGR A AGAEAT OVER TO TIIE Y P t = s ^ ^ ^ 7 . 2 o j i b A ------^ REE's. So I GUESS I'U. SFbPbVCES OF TME naOHT WEH.. IDEA,' IDE H068ES. K lT tuen \? WllAT ARE STK

J H Z 3 E"=■ II n * ^ ^ ^ y J C o m e b a c l ^ ------' A [20 M : \

6fJEAT m u C t J Iw A f m t F c I ^ A L F A AW? A 6 U ^ V B ^W turf^o^ f = i ^ W IT H T - V J ^ “JAUT WATgC^ 1 ' m X . V N > r \ Tj K , J 1/ ^ ^ OAtOMHiMiiiJI i ti:S; ' X ^ L J I A .

I ' J M I K i "7

ta I I I W I I I H n D ENN^NIS THE MENACE ______THIilE FAMILY CIRCUS T p o J l - f | X JU ST T H f o - * n — ^ U N IO N VW O N 'T L e r r^cO f I ^ ^ C H A ^ B f A ' --V. i ? P E r 5> / / i (T 4; III ' Vi''iill'li III Pill fl . . . ^ . . . J l w U k r l l | ^ ACROSS n— [j“ 1 Pnronl ______. . . g 6 Knlflhfs wlio u gydnev______i. J 9 Vory dry ------^ ______13_SaW n)c------*®------Omapp ^ 7 - 2 0 N . X 14 F a rm m a ch in o jr------15 Gr. lottor strological ______16 WoocJod o'on m~ "...parade for us sinrsinners..." 17 P ath w a y In b r e c a s t s 'M omi'LookatUS!'IL 'teAlLIa t EOT Alice,„ church HIMH m '^h\LOLDMAN!‘ 18 " — ar^d o u t" B H ANDl'/rtAI 12 Sl 19 Boloro 3* ” IF JULY 20th IS YOURID 1 n m iD A Y : V m G O (Aug, (Al 23-Scpi, 22); Uc sure . A. Drazil.I. 20 Fr. lo w n ______You arc scnsilivc, cniolional.j 1. strongly in- meanings irc arc clear — take nothing for 21 G ro tio ” iricom. Canccr gnintcd whcrc:rc reputation is nt .stake. Focus 23 Wasttno away 77------■ flucnccd by moilicf. Cnpric I ■■ PNEUMONL\n A 25 S p o a k I pcr%ons play iinponiint roleses in your life, on carccr. business, bu credit for achievc- L M . Today h ailfthe lf til Indians in northern You’ve made new sun. whalual you lert bc- mcnt.s. E>elayly possible ; but sliuuld not bc 26 Nockllno H------30Vd Chiledieofpncr pneum onin. W hy? nskcd the • hind has r\)n ils coursc. Bele aware, ulerl. equated withh defeat. dc Ghapo ^ .scienlisl.s. Exnn■xaminations of mummies 27 Wasto pBl|B IHI*” I W B IB confident, ' mainl.nin positivee attitude.a Dur- LIBRA (Sept, (Se 23-Oct. 22); Scenario allowanco afl Si ~”1h« H ing Augu.sl you’ll i:ct creditit long1 oveniue highlights pow•ower, authority, responsibility, showed halflhcfihc Indians there likewise 28 S c h . sub). . ------« « and “inie love" could bcc felt. During strong lovee relationship, I‘hllusophicali W h a ft'S i w h at? diedofpneumoumonia 6,000 years ngo, 31 Purpio------• September you takcindcpende;dent coursc. treatise provide/ides in.spiration. Travel indica: T licy still d oon’t n ’t know why. ftow orcd l)c part o f dynamic scen.irio, * s h ru b s r ------** f a w » ” ARIES (March 21-April-1<. 19): You mny T o elec t a leader W as aboulJl 5C500 years before the invcn-’ . 34 L ooson ______want lo stay clo.se lu home b ivolved. 35 Swiss rivor • m scencry could prvivc licnefici;str^ "=io”3 (Ocl, 23-Nov, 21); Finish1 P ersians in 521 D.C, nccdc:dednking. lion of lhe whetvhccl lhat humans first rode ’ 36 Ovor 21 ______securiiy, life style, unique di lart, refuse to bc limited. Km-• 1Cundidiiics tnct on horscback,ck, argued al horses. O r so;o ihlhe .scientists now believe. ' 37 Nav, o(f. lOOOT. 07/20190I cncc.< You'll have .special sue omploymeni. pets, dependents,I length. Ihen agreed ihc mnnn whose\ horse 38 Husband of *"”'0 general heallh.Ilh. Hjpress view s concerning ing with older women. ’ wliinnicd first would get thcjlejob, Tlic Q.EJowcomt;ome dominoes arc so mud) • P o c a h o n ta s irdoy's Putzio Solvod: ‘ » , • n'o ncy beingg Iv handled by nnoiiicr. In.sist on TAURUS (April 20-May ; horse of Darius did thal thingng, and his- - more popularinar in lhe South? 40' Cozy pfaco - 4 I 100Mionia Ho3n'voU / 20); Relative confirmations.;IS, receipts. ' 41 Farm moasuro 5 Eve will acquie.scc, request will b torical footnotes suggest Daria n u s w as a ' A . In the DibIBible Belt, cords were wide-. Yostord fl y h m d h ^ ? ] Ibcgramedrn SAOnTARJ« U U S (Nov. 22-Dcc, 21); ' 43 Brand-now hoi connection w]th money, holid as •Tlie Devil’s Picture 100 p o rco n t IF IL 10 IP~BE I.day, I’ocus on Highlight initialitiative, originality, poetic ex-. 1pretty fair king. So goes thcc legend,I ly regarded as " 44 Pouch 6 Toe .vcrsaliliiy, huntor, po^ible: reunioni with passions. Sluik Book." Dut dondom inoes w ere Bcniccl. 45 Sailors 7 EvorySin 24 REN E B luikc o ff any tendency towards1 Tliink wc should try thnt? hours |-r{.rl'-'t--iB "old dame,’' Y ou'll add lo0 wardrx>bc in Rhynes.,, cnibaiibarnLssment, Assert views in 46 Soino 8 TooBul 0 V E R H~G iliEliip a~m B B ^ mcaninBful , manner. positive, dramsimatic fa.shion. Y ou’ll receive ISAR 47 Barrel 9 SingorAto Tillis M l |S IS 1 • "School tcachcrs are n 't the worst lip- DAUDCAESA] supports 10 Sol 0 E M lN I(M n y 2 l-Ju n e 20):0): Il ia lime In new sconccmTiing in inheritance. Built t^^g^OIGjT OTg r yH sJp F h t pers." writes a lifelong barter:cmlcr. T o Ihiil lislSl ofo f balding m en w ho com b. 49 Old Faithful 11 Ror revise, review, po.ssibly 10 remodel, rc lim- CAPRICOWDRN (Dec, 22-Jan. 19); Rc- ! A top I s h Ig In Id I I "Lawyers .arc," iheir Irnir fromDm cone e ar ov e r thc lop to a n d o ttio fs 12 Moi KwToo.seHto.nx pha.si.1 ! on income potential,II, basic cost.1, union wilh family fai nftniber could bring Solbacks 11 In In BaTTT B a « 0 d e B s > m I ihc olhcr ear,r, odndd Julius Caesar. Old Ro- 53 C lip s 14 Lav . rctoKnilion of values. Lcng-di•distance com- "lears of joy," Pocus on legalities, specialI Roman road lo In In rfta 0 show, • 55 1 say, 20 Gar ' municaiion could resuli in joulOumey, presti- appearances,. ddecision relating to marit.ilI Q . N ew Y ork C ily wns nic'licknnmcd. man coins so sh not..." 22 MLav ond C l U IA Rlsfeas 7 7Tb ' ' Biou.i social ulTair. smtu.'i. Excellcrllcnl dining experience on tap1 “Tlic‘ Uig A pple" by one ChajliarlcsGillctt, 50 That lady 24 L Rac avos I J I I I [ Gamo watchor. IE lAjT •• a ^ J h 0. ^ s 1 1 Fake notes. ! Q. Whal doesdocs the pilot m ean when lie 57 Author Anlto sha CANCER (June 21-July 22): 2 P „ li,i„ l for loniBlii. Tnl; I’ve read. Who he? Law exports , fl/gBiMflME fl ICIH 0 I 0. R. A 50 Liiycra ' ' 25 Cof V ambitions blend Willi ulinii.soi.™ n»press ■, AQUARIUSUS (Jan. 20-Feb. IH); Go' A. President orihe New YY< ork C on- says the planenc is now a flO Angels'7 R a c o tra c k jp lA lY l o l^ l I TTo' I I L fl M " rc.solulions conccming lie.illh, , 60 Gr. porch 27. Brir views. i:ct promises in wriling.V. Cyclc liich, ’ vcntion and Visitors Bureauuin.lhc i A. 10,000)feel. fee 01 Funny Mcara s pitc h a p o In IwIn L b> T js |l |o|El-‘»'-'-iH lD |p|sl >n.'You’ll bc more aware of Cortaln vacui: r i n I'l^ you can imprint style in dram..irallc fuhion. ?"!■' "“in'i“ - 1.930s, He revived thc term , a 02 N arrow w ay 29 Din 07120/90• 1‘cKus I on discovery, variety, fli , cspccially as you cncountcr , Brinoa up to ^ llimiion. Vir. " New Orleans jo2z musicians..“ < ITcdit . Wtal.yo«Jau d o n ’t pul crushed eggshells 63 Conllned 30 pitchAnf |E |D|D |T tfj KO plays role. romantic situ;itualion. Horizon-s expand, ^ 64 Army moal 31 Chii se k c w lic n : ' V " " f!. EEverybody did a ccntury DInino place y o u ’ll^fccl likekc 1a "new person." 'that nround 1910. Road gigs < G5 R oquiro 32 Bra iS . 52 C h airs LEO (July 23-Aug. 22); Fan ^dioN cw ■B‘>-Tl.ougl..il:II il a preservative. . •. ^ n n o ro d ■omily wrcret is PISCES (Fc(Feb, 19-March 20); Your Jpaid "little npplcs," Bul a star 66 W ar nod 33 Noc fe(uoo3-53 BrldQo bid r ::h a p c revealed — to your ndvoniag'age. Focus on opinion is .sougought concerning remodeling, ^ DOWN 37 Goc I 54 Sharpen' p , York City paid “Tlie Dig AppPP'^' Am lolil somt 3 raln c h ild 43 ROOIIODS performance, style, intrigue.. Y

D-7 'Tlmoo-Nowa, TWln FallFalla. Idaho Fridoy, July 20 ,11.S90 Sl IGoo)^ ‘‘Quick Change^i is breaath of fnre^ air :N FRI -SAT - SU Nsl ONLYC : . I vest, he moinonogcs somehow to cm- [gl TOTAL -I - body lhc spirpirit of hip. He never tries; :,j . that's one thiithing. He is so relaxed he is )t in the clown. j-.'J ■ almost.Zen;i; tlthere is almost som ething^ “ RECALI■ L RECALL *):15 ^ MOIJO U R S 111: 1 . th Bill M unay | H I A ^ . cortoon-like:e i in his focc. KIDS!> 12 AND UNDER AlWAY.S-W ST R If :ked grin and . Thus, in1 0 i movie almost chaotic e eye shadow . with plot, he is the spirit of anti-plot; arches, with a '44 he just stoneonds there doing nothing. . sc, is ju st whnt I “ getting 99 pcpcrccnt of the loughs, gct- t : : machine-gun 3 love him bccouse of. not JETSONS 9:1.'; • FUFUUJKI- M' HI " . . ting you to 1< > / - t j E T s a n By H unter in spile of, hishii laziness. ,______, Thhe BEST T- Thc Baltimore Sun . V r, ■ Having managedma to split the bank. t 1 TWln Fails I a 1.1 the larcenous3us trio discovers that thcc C w BWD Al last, they havc sent ir ^ robbery wasos ithe cosy part. New York V is the hard1 p part. Thot city’s inclina- Is m ' - “Quick Changc,” with< changc] into hen: airplanes f tion towardi cchaos asserts itself evcry- behiod & loopy-Iipstickc( K I D S 1 2I ^AND double-humps of whiteIreds c as terror- where as it :whimsically forbids the U N D E R; Flf r e i; like the M cD onald’s orcle runway and T 3 three of ihcnicm to leave town. But all red rubber ball for a nose,does not pop. \ thc way ihroLrough, the movie mokes us we nccdccl m ost this: o rr f 0 thousand ‘\ ^ jm H H see tlie truthIth about New York; It is- Pholo eourwiy o( Wim»in.rDroth*r*lnc. HOt doing thithis to them bccausc they the anarchic A ‘bozo’ w . arc bad. No.o. It does this to everyone. Review ' w ith a gun (BUI Murray)f) ssurprises a bank guarc V T-. . iving thc bank Itju st likes; to m ess people up. j B [ W DICE C I li V JCS 0 bit over the top os the 7 t loves the po- clown’s malnakeup. Murray's mug rc- guard), g slips into a mid-tov,5wn Monhot- goes lird banana; but Davis is mad summer: a quickI them c equally, niain.'s os remote ren and mysterious as aI tan I bank two minutes befoiforc closing, moronic thm I n ■ _ urray’s girlfriend, who is subversive hilarity, wherunmanogeablc or1 haiku:“ he is the new-age: as a the first step in an ingcgcnious plan ^ne os Mun anccd by thc changes that do not incincratc hundreds bccom c and Buster Kcai;eaton, somehow initiatedI to ti separate the bonk andd its m oney subtly distonc ^ COlUHHai r jisfigure Murray as, one by isU smear them ort thc:omedy r out of ‘he seer:erct harmonics of comcdy, from f eoch other. Two ccohorts are seemiotiansi xls, then defeats the obsta- m l l tlie old Martian dome )rs dO' — such os subtly gifieded with tlie ability to under- played p by Gccna Davis: andc Randy one, he meets rge of catch- eles that NewIcw York puls in the woy. Sucking the oxygen out aof language as play for maximum mi concussive im- Quaid; C the coppcr in charg e Harvard Dc- Pi*ct. He ilone aloi appears to know how ing ii them is played by Jasonon Robards And Robordsrds, solid os a foimdation, pairs o f lungs. WIMPS. )gy. It is luna- S've a hncinc. otherwise dull as a din- !um os the disillusioned but s. 7 - ; This movie honors th W hatever M urray has isisharitode- \ acy (of Martin ner kmfc,a accrtain resonant ping of f .ugh-grabber »ull prorcss.o:sional lawman, Spirit o f comcdy by lovin fine: H e’s not a manic lau, robber as fervently as it•s,” lo which it is hilanty. or0 0 master of shtick. He: ddoes not do But in thcle endi — as in the middlec X DAILY 7:1010-9:10 • SUNDAY 5:100 - 7:11) - '• iiceman, and it rewards playedth( on the In the R-ratcd R- “Q uick Change,” .Jokes. .j( It is attitude: He i:is what the nnd thc begicginning — it's Murray, It takes thc dark and ly’s uni exquisite Murray playlays a robber who, dressed. '90s " want to bc. Laid bacack, his lids Murray, Muidurray. 1 don’t know; it H pit that New York hasiquility. b as a clownvn (“Thai’s Mr. Bozo to heqvy, h his jowls fiubby,, i his lack of looks like aa “Quick ’ Changc" kind of Hmanages to suck thc coirIcr his bright you," he sayjays, pulling a Beretta on thc self-consciousness s like a1 1 bulletproof summer to me.m< its commonplacc horrors taxi drivers who speak a I f c i yet undiscovered by the Ii Vlan’ tol>lerable d a ilILY y 7:1.-; - •!:! partment of Anthropology N l:1.'-> - 1:1 cy compounded by piracy 7:1 5 - ‘>:l ■- Scorsese’s "After Hours,” Sartc ^ u lr93 much funnier than) as pla (2U BRUCE Stradivarius of Murray’sinless milovie F O O D • ! F U N • F O R T U N E deadpan, that sea o f tranqu WILUS S , j : : psulc reviews GHOST' (P<>13).{ Thc movie’s TW IN FALLS • 73-34-1393 or JACKPOT*T • (702) 755-2341 Even festooned underg in the Mog- slogan is “Believe," “E not an unrca- 5y thc Motion sonobie rcq•cquest. But even those WE I J u a America and who'd bc happyha; to comply must get ^Dice ]VICS. Opinions past a ccrtailain wooly-mindedness to TEeBcest In NNevada h™ a[mw™ 1^^ 'imes review- its script andmd a production prettified INS 2 e :: ' to the pointIt ofc stickincss. With some ^ 9 (R) A UUS«TS“ :S O F F O ^ o f its actors irs — Dcm i M oore as the DAILY ^ ' 5 first starring crackcd-voic3icc, desolate lover; in brail l l L Y 9 l 1 5 SAT-SU.S1:I' Style ECntertaiinment SAT-SUN 2:20 DAU \ndrcw Dicc Whoopi Goljoldbcrg as an extremely •4;40-7:111)-y ;2 0 O C N IY .5:1.^.-S ii-.. 7:1 The following arc capsi:ye who spc- rcluctont spiiipirit go-between and Vin- of movies now showingdustry it coses. p ------OPEN SAT -SUN ic Valley. Ratings arc byd inoffensivel MATINIBS rnO M 1 21 TCT O 0 I the movie is ..-C apsisule reviews Picturc Association of Ar R AU ADULTS $3.SO) thc Los Angeles Times,lOthing. \ arc by Los Angeles Tim'J. (R). Eddie cc„, Schinvcivelli as an irascible, sub- E irs. lollc rc-Icam way-dwelliniling ghost — things ore in ; THE ADVENTURESs cninch-and- i ,hc besl hnnionds possible. But Patrick S FAIRLANE (R). In hisis fii better than Sw ayzc ass ai corporate New York ■'t'V. • ■ role in thc movies, Antit Nolte, who banker? Ncvlever in 7 million corpo- .rm thcmter- rate years, E IN F L A T IO N (4W'5A««^'«CLAVilt Clay plays a private eye F IG H T E R £ cializes in music induswoefully un- II handles the GREMLOLINS 2 (PG-13). After N . He's more genial and i “ 5 R — f t J mcchanical waging war■ar on Norman Rockwcll- M ATINiES ^ is 1.1:;: than in his stage act but th Frank Capraira sm all-tow n A m erica in T basically a souped-up noth 'U\ rURE PART first "Gremlins,”'‘G thc grinning, ; ANOTHER 48 HRS. ( if ultimately S^ccn littleIe beasties take on New I i Murphy and Nick Nolt 10 the Marty York Cily here,ht nmning riot through ADULTS daily 7:30 eight years later for this ci ^ 3 . 5 0 F, le, set m ostly M anhattan'sI's Clamp Center and all N / - i FRI-SUN 1 2 :5 0 - 2::)0 -4:1(11(1 thud sequel, Murphy is I ills in love. thi: ferociou;DUS cartoon satire director 5 :5 0 -7 :3 0 he's been in awhile, butER f (PG-13). Joe Dante: anda: writer Charlie Haas has bccom c a great actor ii G... ■hundcr" just can-pump up,up Thc movie seems con- vening years, looks wo( /™ raUIBE G 3 S „ ; e '>- ace car paint stnctcd —- logistics1 seem to have you CAN'T OUTAUM n i l comfortable. W alter Hilllos h the Simp- njled out a1 fullft .scale invasion o f the oction sequences with r Ln lure comc to streets —• nnd c lhe conversion of verve. lAnocn . . 7 buried un- John Glover^cr's Daniel Clamp from I BACK TO THE FUTU tion valuc.s? bad to goodod seems a liltle trumped i J f S f u n u c E in (PO). An appealing if MLLJS ; movie has “P- But he the sequel is funnier and disposable conclusion coCruise and fiercer thanm the first — and Tony McFly saga. In this one,tween : Cruise Randall lalksIks a creat Brain Gremlin. IH PJ ' in thc Old West, Doc falls Y DAYS OF THUNDER IS: THE MOVIE (G). The ^ DAILY ^ d I a il y d a il y 7 :0 0 -9 :1 0 7:A':45 - 9:45 7:00 - 9:20:2 0 I : ' Whoosh!! “Days of Thu: rs can't seem to dccidc if mm FRI-SUN F R I-S UJN N streaked in, fast as a race :rcaling the innocent hu- 2 :2 0 - 4:4(1k 4 0 ' ' 7.4S- J.4.. 7 .QQ . g .2 (, job and about as flat. Has S ’C r l Se S -early ’60s TV show or :2 0 son-Bruckheimcr signatunUludo com cs ^ with-it entertainment for ssunincc ll,al mean the flimsiest story 1 nporary youth audience, THEP^HABUlfLOUS ™ la o f Top dcr glittering productioc do citlicr very well. The What rclotionships the r only interestirsting animation is o 'two- aren’t between Tom O). C; Warren djpp ,lo Tiffany's .song “You PIHAKERIS Nicole Kidman, but bctwc andMe";ll,ethe rest is Saturday mom- and Robert Duvall, pul on a b ic screcn. omcry life into another ol’ a p p e a r i n g^ F r i d a y & S a t u r d a y , rmances and THE JUN' pcckerwood. The movie JNGLE' BOOK (G). The ^ mcnt comcs from its racinmoxie. It's a Disney artistli.sts took little m ore than , with a sure the namess of Rudyard Kipling’s Ju ly 20th - 2 1 t h ® 9 p . nm . - 1 a . m . ’ its massive case of attitu TtiM r.r.’.':': . from the producers' assu;y not exactly characters,, butb .the film's slapstick they can retool the formulives of these comedy, upbipbeat songs nnd polished I!N o R eB ehfationB Gun." er you leave animotion hahave lost none of their ap- . DICK TRACY (PG).in, for boiler peal, 23 yeaiears after ils original re- Beatty's vision of a cominc ofthe def- lease. Tliiss high-spiritedI rom p will film comcs in paint box-lovie. To take delight chih:iildren — nnd parents 'Util o f anoth- w eary o f acaction films witli body gaggle of crisp perform:much meat, counts thatt exccedc their box-office one with million-dollar ce."mc grosses. This is the film of enormous style, w erous film of _ _ _ _ sense of ilsclf. You may n 3 H O S 1;t er, which is G brood about thc inner live ;'s sim ply or- r l ■ iiiniitaiini charactcrs for days after tjniaiwjilllllininilirliuilll 'unes. Even lhe theater — then ngain. IIM nniiim iiiiini jIc detcciive. M!5 SllUISIira SmiHlll! or worse, thot may be one < shaking his ▼ Si."iB»IIII II), initions of a summer movi r i P A i i > i c t ) (BkDCM 11 the action. i3-A»ID s the words oul o f thc moutli et is a lively ^ D,DAILY 7:15 - 9:455 "' cr Tracy, "Tlicrc ain't mi W\ — ^ y □n’t be fussy . but what there is is chcrcc.' I 2 j 15 - 4:45 r 7:151 5 - ind for heav- DIE HARD 2 (R). Tf for falling most cheerfully prcpostero Tha tivee calagoryc system of the a jaw-dropping summer, voluntaryy f(llm Induatry rating — not to say it’s not fun. it's ; p r - o r - "lla " - now 00 (oltowa. chc.stroted L ooney Turn Friday...!.SEAFOOD } Buffet ' 5 T o p S e c r e t -- Bruce Willis’ redoubtable oral Audlencaa, all ag^s John McCIane, keeps .sh i. A m e r i c a ’s Charlie!ie S h e-: head over his part in all:cs| tl r nrontal guldanca StarartaatGp.m. n Michaelael Bie::-. But all in all, this sequel i suggoBtod.od. Som e m atarlal may Joanne Whe'h a ll e y i three-ring circus; ju.st don’n v ^ x . D c g . no. b . .UILultabla for chlkJren. nbout logic or timing, and Shrim p, Clams, Oysters, Crab, andid a Selection of .P a re n ts ar* strongly en's sake, watch out Tnpinr fc S pg.i3.Pi F isk, Rice, Pota.atoes, Vegetables, cazarved Baron of glass. .raiior ^ ^ Muiionodiid to give epoclal iisner ■ > guldoncafia for children under 13. B eef and Assortece d S a l a d s . atorlal may bo » » » « « » »Ibrlles * ' Soma mate B arlato forchlldfon. Saturday.....PRIME RIIIB Buffet I I R.Roatrictrioted, under irre q u lre a , I accompani■ nylng parent or adult jli C®MM .g ■ guardian.1. Stanirtsatep.m . I ' l ■ 4 ie under 17fidmlltod. ^ I PAOU nOBNK • 3 ® F g Prim e Rib, BBQ5 B eef Ribs, Chicken,n, Baked Potato. ______DAILY, 7 i3 0 - <>:C55 <1 • SpidennaD • X734*2728 Fl A i 4 5 - 3 i O O ~ Sz-iS y- 7 : 3 C IS * Aliens • Ponlsli V e g e t a b l e s a n d AAssorted i Salads. Q ^ FRI - SUM T12i<; 9 - n . - - - (ll • Batman• Wolvei ANDMOBEl ) ' — ------/------

[ ' \ BUIE UUtES M Ali • 734

> J y Markeets

. 9ax -IX B,000 bu mlnlnxjm; ACm par bubuaM Wed,'aaalaiwlaa 22,052- Dow-Jones!S Pedfleocpp • 2(W .x Jul 2.73 2.71>i: 2 2,07X 2.07X -04X Wed.-aopeow. Stokafy USALfSA • S x -H Mar - 203X 264 2.2,01)i 2 02X -.OW ^ p 23.40 2 23.40 23.27 23.31 -.12 , « Tw«ln Falls and Jeroirome InQ -murMjy from s »«M«nin UiatUi t>egan wnn • brood TJ IntwnaOolaOonal 2D( ♦« May 2.00 2.oax 2. 23.29 23,29 23,20 23J1 —,10 aoclln«. Un)ver«alFoU Fooda 32X ‘X Jul 2.71X 2.71X 2. 23.01 23.07 23.00 23.05- -.05 IHHrenp mUr Cmrm r THin Son 7 14 Tbs Dow Jorvti av«r«s« of' 30 indutinali.b oown about vum Sap 2.«i)i 2.0W ZI.04X -^OOX M« 22.05 2 23.05 22.89 22.09 —01-.01- « S2 v t t s r n a b m Ifts d fts tffts ET day dsr 20 pdnla sl Rl mldMt«lon lo« •« » 1 kw. ekxad «*Wi a 12.13 WaatOneOi>e Oancerp 23X -X Ooc J.OtXH : 2,0tX 2.60X 2.MX May ■ . 23.002 23.00 23.00 22.08 -.09-.05 lolocttnET-Jaly fonettt . US9 m 0«!n It z.eoafli. Quoianoriafrom Wad.-aaaIea48.08S. JJ 23.00 2 23.00 23,00 23.00 -.05 r«d Mvancea by et>out 4 u> El^^D.Jaf>«a&Co. .. Wed.’a open Int 200,751, up 1.049,I.C Sap »i3.00 J 23.01 23.00 23 01 -,04-]04 15 16 17 16 3 In naWrMi* trsoing of Naw'Jaw York Slock E>cAaAO»- QAT8 22.03 22.05 2Z09 22.85 -.05 . 0,000 bu minimum: Occmn ptt bubua^el Wed.1 aalailalaaTOO, ■°* ALFP 315 .35 .33 . .26 .26 .29 505 505 0 23.8 2.1 4.1 Clositsing futures t.l7 1,17.x -,01X Wad.>oponpan im 0.027. up 01. ALFM 31S .30 .28 . .22 .24 .25 505 0 20.6 1.6 3.4 Anafr Uk) d'uppolntmanunia InV aacond-Quartaf earn, Sep l'22H l'.23 'l Ing* raporu. noUM/ vnongng tacfinolOQyt< conpanlaa. Month Comrrsmmodify High’ Low OoeeCtiange.nge Oec 1.34X 1.34X 1,3 PAST 315 .30 - - .26. ■ .22 .24 .25 127 427 0 20.8 1.8 3.4 MiQntd OCMK tn» madwl att thetha outaaL Aufl >'»•ecatse ca ■ 70.30 7S.07 70.19 -.12 -.12 Mar 1.49X 1.45X 1.. I™ Liveslstock ', WGRN 315 .00 .00 . .00 .00- .00 519 519 712 18.4 0.0 0.0 Tho aa/i rntrtl eon»pieu«j*a lo»loaert wars concanlralM Dec. livo«caaa ca 70.59 70.25 T9.90 •02 -02 May 1.4d'l I.90X; 1.40X 1 1.90 -.01 In tacruKtolTy Itausa wlin Mde Md folkmlnsi on Wall Aug. (aod*edarcaUa 07.40 8700 17.32 -.03. -.03' Wed.'aa*laa 1,594. JEROME - PfoducwaPnx UvaalDck Marketing Aaaoda- SGRN 401 .12 .10 . .08 .07 .06 >04 604 723 17.9 0.8 2.0 Jd. llY«hC• hoo* 03.72 03.25 03.S7 * -.3838 Wad.'e open im 10,442,0« 902.02. Oon In Jecomana nraporu the fooowmg prlcaa from tbef BEET " ’ 410 .31 .30 . .23 .25 .26 r04 704 0 10.6 1.9 3.7 □ul bi/ytfi look lh« uppor fundand iIn tha aflamoon, poing Jut. wtiaal laal 301K J.07 2.07X •3X -3X SOYDEANa dairy aale held>ldWadneaday.Jury18. V ONYN 405 .33 .30 . .23 .24 .23 Ml 711 0 13.5 2.0 3.9 wflfi paruojlaf onUiuili»m atlaratlaf anafyy liiuet ai oU Jul. com«n 2.7M 2.07 2.04X -ax -ax 0,000 bu minimum; do0«« par buahatbut ‘ Ouaandheirarcratcalvaa; 70,00-130,00 haod. pcicaaroM. Jul. aoytMiVtMana 0.04 OOOX 0.02X •02X OZX JiJ . 0 OCX 0.04 0 OOX 0 02X *.02)1 Started calvea:'ea: 1SO.00050.00 head. POTA 410 .29 .27 . .21 .23 .24 324 624 0 12.9 1.7 3.3 ...... -■ -Seplaaver- -8.02- 0.04 *.02 --Opanh»tf»r»:3Cr 300 ta 900 Iba. 120 00-194,00:000 te» - POTA 501 .29 .27 . .21 .23 .24 702 ~ 0 10.4 - 1 .6 ' 3 ;4 M:w YOnK(AP) Final Dows'Jp<^a»avo•.Icvm fwTbunday, Aug cold4d 30440 382.00 302.10 -.40 ^ 0 ^ *8/11 0O.OOX O.OOX ‘ .OtX 700lba. 104,00-.00-112.00: 700 to 000 tba. 02.00-104.00. Jul. 10. Jul. copp«pper t2l.t0 1t0.30 11049 -IOS105 Nov O.IOX 0.22 0.O.IOX 0.1B >OOX Shonbr«d2lo<: 10 4 montha; 820.00-1050.00 haad- “ BEAN 601 .27 .26 . .21 .23 .25 ^30 730 0 4.6 1.6 2.6, Open Hloti Low U CJOM eng Jul. plalinu>Ilnum 489 00 490.70 4S2.30 >2.702.70 Jan O.IZX 0.33 flfl.2M 0.31X -..COX FraahhelferB;0(a: 000.00-1270.00 head. FCRN • 510 .23 .23 . .18 .20 .22 '31 731 0 5.4 1.4 2.4 Oct lugaroar 11.S5 l l j t 11,43 .,44 8 41 0.43 ..OOX Topapnr>genlO1 1070,00; lop 10 a;! ..03o3 May S.S1 O.SIX4 0( 48 0.91X .03 40 apnngeq; 1490.00:14 lop 100 aprtngerc 1350,00;^ top SCRN 510 .27 .26 . .21 .23 .26 '25 725 0 6.0 1.6 2.8 JOTm Dap. Trkaa.baa.Oorxla ' 03 09 62.20 03.02 -.03.03 Jul 0.97X fl.87« 0.S4 0. O.SS «.02 179acrlnger«:■a: 12301 00. _ APPL 410 .33 .31 . .25 .27 .28 >15 515 0 17.9 . 2.0 3.8 1171.IT 1180.4747 1101.311 1172.83»1,10 Sep. 0-man .24 Nov 0 41 0 ISUa 202.OSIS 21204.02 201.U 203.93 Sap. 8-rrsn B3SI* 1051.75 1001.00K) 1042.6211 10M.2U2 87 Sep. J-y«i»n 07.8a 8750 07.07 •1 -1 Wad.'eopenlnlB1,0t0,olta5a.50. kal quouaonala TlTliuraday: 90.000 Iba.; oantt par lb, Thu. 21,187,800 Aus. eta Idaho3 b«anM tax and alorase charQea. Quolaa cur- down IH; 17 parcanL 3 54X dwm 1 Feb 03.80 54.40 S2.80:eo 62M -ZOO . d, n.a-Aot avatacila 2.550.000 27X • )1 rani on JulyJy 17.1 Pfoducara daairlng mwa raceni prtcalea No 1 hard Montana winter 12 peroKclw 3 OOX nominal iFOOOMMiACiA DASIsTixuad baaf movameni and d»- Mar 64.00 64.00 52.07 PtMH*y» 2,014.100 SOX Informational>n ahould contact Oeatan. mand vary lightOht auppUaa Itght to moderaia, prlcaa on US Snoa i.oog.i.000.800 IS —4» Minn-S.D. Na. 1 hard wtntar 12 perc>ercam 3 OOX nominal a w l T b ^Txmda ^ contlnua fWm. mWdla maau ataady ^Wed.'aaale?7“ s8” '°° Fossa1 fuelsf flown tx. 1 aa Bama oanaraPy lignsy taatad. baaf3 ^ Wod.'a open im 12.903. up 333. OTE Cp* 'l,7 ghar, larga anara trading at lowor end of ' cnuseoiL r ,’A GraiiLns ______No. inafdamberiJufum MJIlnp3!350to309y.,tinnaapoJia no quota; Duiuth 3 40 ' SS w Slllghl k ...... ,. i.oooiat;do(i*t«p Emon 1.S291.528.100 80 •IK Do;1ay4.03.n |hl 10 moderaia. 18.6 >3, mlud grain 4.OS. oala 5.00, and com nominal unchanged. NumOer tiadecded: mining 24 cora; EtBmalad comptimpoena cutout vafua o( Ctidca 1-3 SSO-^ Metals Sap 10.910]97 20;35 1b'.45 18.89 t;2S A/nHomei 1,407,407.100 41 -IX 5 50. lop tradad mJiing f car. Ofl gradeaaalowaa ai no Quota 700 Iba catcaaa700 Iba car- DyThaAaaodatadPraaa 20.87 20.05 20.4S 20.50 —.01 IQIrf 1.439,300 11U pncaaa/vam< an average of aavanl Magic Valley dealerer cania; durum 10-20 canta. caaaaaup.13el3 al 114.08. 700450 Iba carcaaaaa up .10 Oec 207(20.78 21,19 20.80 20.73 -.02 CompaflCpla 1,423,300 1,42 03K —1 quotalKmaI obtainedoU weekly. Com No 2 yellow 2 OOX bid up 2. aad on 04 loada ol labrlcatad cuta aridIM 7S Saleetad world gold prlcaa Thuraday: Ooaloo* 1-M7.I307.800 30 — X Waitam SlodJlockman'a, Ine. in Mountain Home, quoted•d Oala No. 2 heavy 1,27 no changea CDaneycaran.a ninga. Hon0Konglate:»30l.8S.upS2.t0.^ a iS:!l2o!eo 2VU 2o!u lo w —02 fy WeatamTl Stockman'a.Gl Ina of Oooding reported aoft»ft year ago 02 Malting 70 PI, Mora.R.-Robual 2.20 nominal rca aa aqufvalanl valua or Cholca 10 950-^ London iponilngfUlno:J301.S5, up*p*2t3 20.80 21,00 20.86 20.88 -.02 ■at July delivery, 2.78. aaaaa up .42 at 112,08, 70C»-e90 Iba car- 20.00 21.11 20.00 20.88 -.02 to 2 30 nominal unchanged; uuia n 12 at 111.04, Sated 1>3 590-700 Ibe car- London eftemoonll.lng: 1302.30, up *2.00. iffy loK20.00 21.20 20.07 20.00 -.02 Spokane stolocks In and Dean In DuN and Kanaen reporta Iha barley Mlnnaapdn no quote; DuluUiluUi 2.13 biddowfl 3. Saaaai'p .Ma?'5 al 107.01. 7004SO Iba carcaaaaa up .33U Lo»«>” U62.7S. up S2.S0. 20.03 21.14 20.01 20.02 —.02 following flfalfjrain prtcaa: Rya No. 1 2. IS nominal unchangod:iad;No 2 2 12un. al 100.84, c«jw>w cicaiuaaaa, 10 loada raponad, cow car-car. PanaatlamoonfUlng:t^.8e,upU1*0.80. ji" i§§i20.09 21.05 20.09 20.03 —.02 SPOKANE. Waiti (AP) - SaleQelected dotmg Quouaona July danvery,HV, (8ofl whiiB whaal 2.87, barlay 4.03. andX) changed. caaaea moallyly alaadyal lo 1.00 Mohar. demand and' of. Frankfurt fUlng: *301,83, up *1.38.1. AUQ 20.0120.07 21.00 20.87 20.04 -.02 on me Spoin .40 .50 No. 2 com ndome.tlou»edo 3.00^00 No. 2 Son wheal . X 3.( i S ; S K s :h ? pork tolna 14-18 Ibe 150.00-159,00,i: X *0.70. 43.000 gal: oantaptnta par pal OdOfloiBrva .40 .09 No.2b*riey,iley, unil traina and bargaa S 00 No. 1Ywiowaoyt>ean« 9 S 09 9 0S incti Vim 104.01M.00-179 00. aklrviad hama 17-20 Iba - Aug SS.BSS.BO 97.00 55,40 58.38 ..27 Oulf Raaourcai 800 S.50 No.3bw1ey0 soiss fiOllS -!l9 1_ IndeperxJafil .19 .20 llpdprolaln 42 a-1arminal alavator bquavit .18 .23 12paproleln>leln 3 42 00.30 01.90 90.89 00.45 ..01 42 nq.nol Quoted. NATIONAL STOCTOCKYARDS, Itl. (AP) - Hoga: 2.000 Sep , 1*. Metropolian i|. .27 .35 l3pctproiainJiain 3 4040 r-revlaad Oct. 307.00 308.70 308,10inS« " i S 80.45 00.50 58.00 98.S9 —04. ' MxlnJia >• .04 oa Idartnonhai trade active; aaaa ocompared with Wednaaday, barrowa 57,35 97.00 58.00 57.50 —04 nham*pnno'*’'»al and Ota .29-90SO kk>war. Inatancaa .79 Icwor on 200-200^ Oec 371.00 373.40 370.0080 — 50 55.20 58.00 55.10 9S.05 -.04 Pnnc«‘,on 03 .05 13pctprot«nlain 3 74 Feb 37^5 00 378.00 37950SO 37910 —90 1 ^ u54.45 i s 54.7S 54,48 94.40 -.05 SJwf Cnncorl 01 .09 14 pci pralein ;« Potatoes 1-3 230-200 lbb 94 00-04.25: 2CO-270 Ib 03 00^13 29;;■ 370.30 ^ 0 0 Z i 54.00 54.00 93.79 53.75 —.03 Sifeing Savlnti 4.90 S25 tSpctproleln)leln 3.70 53.75 —03 2.00 3 20 b 00 00-82.75; 1-2 220-230 Ib 00 SO- IDAHO FAILS (AP) - Thuraday a ppotato pncaalc 0-230 Itl 94.50-90 SO. Aug 387^00 -!oo Aug 54.35 -.09 '' Tflrid«* • .13 .17 P0RTIAND,(lb,Ore (AP) —Momingtrandafororama1 Idaho'a upper vaOey. TWin Fan»-OuHiuneydiatncia.deliv. ^ : ^ 60o' 302 70 _ao 23 90i 28.00 aWvIno al PonPortland T^uraday lor cunanl aMprrwnl by 000 lb ataady 10.50 higher: over 000 It) 0,443. Wad.'a aalea 34.120. ly aiad: nder 000 Ib 4e.50- I Ov*r-0t*-CourCounter No.IwWlaOiadubxhaal 3 43 U S. 1 baga baled nontUe A 10 IbBmeah14.90-15.00, rr Eit aalea 24.000. Wed.'i aalea 25 UNLEADED OASOt .20 .30 Nol hard f»dI rad winter wheal 3 43 Ivaa: 400 aupply conaiaU o( leader catHe 127,222. 42.000 o«; canta pa 43 mottty IS 00. occaalorxatiy higher: 9 agv^ar Thuraday auction; no letl on Wed.'aopenlnt103,540.up033.3 Aug “T , 02^ ': A^reiican Sr 100a 33 00-34 00, ao Jul 400 0 400 0 488.01.0 409.1 -3.3 ^ I Veroar OB .11 TO W Tni”LO - WhUa wHaal 2.74 (up 4); boilay 4 «0 .:^2*4'»l9‘S"' M erc»«.a^ictianga TtMnday, -:SS SO alonaltylowar; 10-12ouncamln;mun pan High Low SaOa Chg. Aug Nancy lee .07 .10 (tieady): 144 percenipt iprtng 3 00 (Oown 1); It percanim aome20 00,ocea»lonaifylower; 100100lbaackanon.ua cATTl£ ^ Sep 403.5 404.0 400.515 4M0 Zas M7058.70 37.25 58.88 58.00 —03 Sidney 07 .10 wlnlaf2.78(u£ 37.80 58.25 97.80 57,70 —05 Mupl). A few aolea 12.00-13 00; U.S. 2 100 •nta par 10. Dec 5050 500.0 SOOO Silver (kM .03 09 OODEN-W». Whlta whaal 3.09 {»le»dy>: barley 4 05 minimum 17.00-18.00, moaOy 1760- 903.7 —3.6 |3Jy Sivar Buckle .01 OS (down 9); t414 percentp apn/vg no quote; 11 perteni win.n. minimum 20 00. 70.20 70,20 7507 70.19 —,1212 5,55 B,55 j„jg10 911,4 -3 ,0 jS’n’^ M^OS SJvw Seal .40 .50 ler 2.07 (tleadlaady). 77.15 77.15 70.75 H.OO .05S | Mey S23.5 823.'9 920.9.1.9. 918.4 -4.1 Aug I Sd. Sacumaa .02 .04 PORTIAND-D — White Wheat 3 43 (up 1); bartey 70,90 70 55 78.25 70,50 - 0 2 solis CKICACO (AP) — USDA — Mala p 7610 7015 75 00 70 07 - “‘03 Jut ' 932.0 532.0 927.9.9 525,8 —4.9 Sil. Surpiue .35 .45 104 00-100.000.00-(alaedyl; 14 paccaniipflng3.70(d;l1percan|iam winier 3 44 (up 2). aacka non aue A Idoho 12 00-13 00. 70 00 70.05 78.40 70.02 —.13 1,9 544,0 —«0 Wad.’a open imimi 7i 70.800, ofl 484. , .Vinditalor .49 .95 CA1.0WELL-L — WHite wt.aal cvrt 4.87 (aleedy); bailey 73.00 73.00 73,72 73.72 -.08 >y Ruttata SO Ib carloni 100 count: iaaho33Ida 00-J4.00. IJ72.50 72.90 72.42 72.4i - 0i 3 ““ 5 00 (down110);LA.ban Int 72.932, up 053. 1.4M 1.4M 1.440 1.445 —005 Local intere:'est CHICAGO (AP(AP) — Futuraa Uod-rvg on iha Chicago FEEDER CAT7U Eat aalea 8.500. Wad.'a aalea 12,: - s !:!S Hoard or Tradatada Thuraday; Wed.'i opon Int 100,240, up 732. Od 1!000 1.000 f035 VOOO IIOOS —019 Oo»e C^g OpOpan H)gn Low Im i Chg. 44,000 Iba,: oam ' Aioertioni 37 •» WHEAT Sugar Aug T 07. 5 " S - ,, . Nov 1.830 80.05 00 OS OS SO 09 07 -.3 9?? , N(M YORK (AP) — Handy 4 Harma;nan alirtr Thuraday Dec IS 2.130 JS iS JS :SIS Diu Chp Val Fnd a’t - 9,000 bumlnlrnlrUmum; 1 Mar 10.05 11.24 10,0O.M 11.11 ..4S 62.90 82.50 02.50 02,5050 ' 0,070. 1.640 1.045 1.640 1.849 -.005 KeyCorp 20)1 .X Wed.'aaatcaolea 12.003. May 11.D9 11.21 IOO loa 1.237. Long Fil>N »nlntlO,311.ofl131. NEW YORK (AP) — Spot nonferro>rroua rrietal prlcaa Eat aalea 000.>00. Wad.'aVi aalea 000. IIX .K Wod.'aopefopan mi M.300. up J40. TtKiraday. Ilnl8.207,up130. l.tiCTt>nTocf. On ito i tro i I t,0 " 2; .Vo* AJumlnum ,6050 per pound, NY Come*Coi apw momh ' * *

k Stock Ilistings»

Bngffli COI 10 (0 U» X IX CrtftJl .98 35 1193 * .jlTV • 1W9 1 Oro<>al2ia 31 1863 38 «XX SCEep 284 10 1JJ3 37*-X USWtll 3 t3 3781 JU CCsnM 3681 IX-X New York DaffiM 40 7 2Xa IIW- X S m ” *60 19 154X X Cdrla 108 34 JI84 84 . X* . Laarrl 48 14 301 I4X- X OnoCd 108 9 Z3B3 3QX UniKh 180 11 5128 60*-X CCcroig.lOa 680 6X-X Bwi, w:j; 8 - D - 0 - X 0UaCE748 II M J4X> X SrW>Cp!lOa 4376 2a’|. X UnUf 1 l7 2S4g0 27X. X COau 124 19 193 3QX. X NCWVCXtK («T)-Thndir 4pm na- -X on.1 1.M 9 888 IU. XX CBHub ' 21» u39S. X« ^1M 24 1J504 6». * 0«n 220 8 JSI 49X- X M l U 18 4490 3W>* Uneoft .70 26 12771 30X.1 0DWO 838 9X- X l«wi fnan tm»w Itrt Oodi EaJwija DKUA1M It Jl> 42 -X - X tXK 138 10 ?08 21*.X X ttfi-iT. .18 112303 31 -1 4 OWOK178 11 173 13 UWm 1 24 1TO3 41*- X 00-f«l 63 X-1.18 Ooenji I 2S1Ur9il -X -X DtfaColM 13 409 JM-X 3 O^VCo » 8X-XX Smni 33 3177 4U-X t^ajFC148 9 O 41W-K 0Ducta .78 g 41 16 - X rc Sataa IM OiQ.Oig- BooeC IU • 402 SM.«. «< DjI>Ca &18 ‘n -X X Cco^i 1 80 14 1763 ^a^. X5 SJ-d 180 397 IOM J ^ X Orji 1,20 M 3138 47*. X sa*rt 120 33 82M u44X.1* EcftjOy .07 136 223 12X- X - A-A - BcrtwilOJ 1t«1 37 . .* * DfjDId I r II 2770 7J M 4.x BOCD 113 »5 1«.(. XX Daara 3 14 317S M 7U CWtf>c eo ' 14 395 5n- * K ChJort JO 11 30 I’t- X Sav" 2 13 SM »M. X Wrlai 28 23 822 301-X LEX3C0 23 4U1 « AFW IU U 1* BiUtS42.13 43 7484 OX X 0«a/lr12Qt B20IJ7tX-1X * - f M J - Sen 3 9 8897 34*. X VW, 8 1024 2X- X EM U 14 IX AW • 14 &U 4«.X-X X BrlPl 3 40. 12 4372 71*.*«.* 0«£d 1.7J 9 1394 m .X X cr»)toiJ3 10 sn a -X' 1 13 39l’ M«i^X F>OJ .12 4 381 U -XX Secftc ,^13 8 2313 JUE-1X r^aPl1S8a 1489 9 M6>X *aU>« M Jl «SJ 44X-K,* K OnMOn 20 11 288 lax--X X 0 ^ 18 7457 82*-KX CnjTvi 1 a Ml 15 -X( laPae 1 8 ICCO JDt-11 Pf>3 1 48 13 2723 U51X.1XIX ErNfri2.4j« t) a» szx'x - W-H - FFUt .3] 9 18 1U.X Ar-.-iJ ;?( t IHI X X Br»r/t 84 23 13157 41X-U-U Danty S8 34 5480 IM X PSI ,80 7 966 16*-XX srnrti .78 11 701 39X-I WaM to 16 72 3U - X F,Fml 33 841 481. X ArPrt IU 1S:399 57X-1 U - - H -H - — kMI — Pic£ra 348 13 837 JOX' X S»1*ia- .48 17 12 14X-X WAili J4J3C2Sn*-X FiF(*lara,07 18 138 11;^ X Aiwr JO 11 107 a • «XX OuKfitiO 11 J»a 37X.1. X 0(F«r .73 18 411 M -XX lt««. 1 35 5344 uSIX.I1 UCA U 30 C6Cn UX'IXX PaSJE 1,13 13 26M 22*. X Sn«A:.t4a 17 491 SCR-X W«Tti1S2 21 3M1 67*-X FiFruO. 9 7408 1U« X H«X Orlftic 70 J9 2717 44X.i. X 0o«cfii260 7 7511 Ii'l. X ItWH .78 18 J4« 211-X X PkTM 203 1J3S13 43 - X SiTffln94a J4J2 47X WtfM 2.48 11 lit 28X- X 0Orfrtg 16 ax-x AJcoSU M 14 X6 37K-- X - C-C — CMna .78 18 17D5 3JX< X lioVyi 14 36 7 32>l-X( UMi«i3;a JJI!70 a x - xX Pac«ctt.44 1I4JJ3 n.%. X Serial 3 16 189 Kn Wihf 4 8 4417 78^1> COalSl 120 11 U7 4IX •W-r* MU »*l-ie.1-16 caa 440 15 305 194X.«. X* Orav 1.10 Jl 1tC3 i n .** lim 98( J5 Marr^ 367 HX 5 Jl- CXX Par>»m 1953 2X- X Sar/Cfi Jta 29 133 6 8 - X MWw 510 7-16-1-18 00»«J 4 39 7.18 S> X OCHk JCM 8 1187 4j\ 49\ diAmieo 1211089 40X.1 Z UAPCO 1 14 957 44X- XX PrtC 3 38 2045 ISX.X WnilEi 12 6073 » 0OCdag 40 71 13* AiBsrI IM 10 1»S J i t- - X OODqUi 8 7(1 Jl«.|. KK J.13 II 448 a x - X I U»tW, J8 17 2439 22X-XX PafCxi ,70 39 4277 4M- * SaOal 271 1} 2069 SH W r^ 120 9 2320 25X-X HHartro .16 11 38J4 17X- X I. X CPC 3 18 1757 81X. X 22” W S.IX( UanU 1J5 7 733 41** Paean . 31 IXX S«tP3 220 10 432 27X« X 1.10 tl I8S9 JBX-X H*rtl 124 2X 24.x CRM. .11 11 1088 IM-X - X Eaucn t40 11 MJ 27*.** l«h»y ,78 19 834 JiX-X I Uatco 58 . 18 1310 34X- ItX Parr.ty 2.64 » 2J4t J8X. X SgjaO 329 14 1661 SU-X y^ixa 19 2714 3S*-* Hflaw .10 IJ 136 7 1 -X S>1X CSX 1 40 9 1011 38 38 CKoUk 3 35 13378 40 - XX ltr>IPk 42 14 3737 47X- X I Uuua 4378 * X PaA 390 10 360 41XX SrjiCo 180 89 129 J7X* X l l ^ n .438 tx Arrimd?^ 10 IOM W<*XX. X • CMtM 10 U8 18X*>• XX E«cn 3 II 4(8 8J\H lUm 120 31 1675 MX I U a ^ 1M 15 1098 M.X- «X Panwd 3 14 834 aCB.lXX Sr«> t60 22 S8M 81*-X flc#^ 40 11 138 27*.* ACfta 115 » WM 60,\-- X Ctnt^o I 152 1471 S4X-1J-1 tcNn .70 31 708 IJX-XX tarrte JO 30 3880 IM-X 1 SOa 14 1714 17»- HX PapOo, ,13 34 I8M 18 - XX &)«DI 20 27 IW 37X-X v l^ 's ^ e i? i8W «!-X HMUr 608 6 A£3». 7 45 0 1JH W»• X X CipCU 21 3M 8iat—W-W CXCO 22 » Sl Il0f*.ial27i 14 1778 10nt-1X K PapaiCol20 31 S3J4 82*. X WVrtfl ,tC| 568 i*. X IfitrrpOlgteO 813 » .X CX CirP. 393 10 4J4 42X-X-X Cwi0128 16 37M 41*-XX Ityrndi 28 ■ 18 4U in( lU M ,J4 19M07 J7X-XI P«t£J .68 23 197 ZJX-XX nco 183 12 169 29 - X WMMICM 14 2857 35 InkwSy 11 299 IX AfKTf, r 17 IWO IM Cartt. 499 S -X -X trroi 3 48 13 4n) UlH ItoOnv i2 116 W! uaW> 383 32 2309 4Z1- »X Plnr 340 17 8408 72X0'1 TTW 1,72 12 818 48 .X Wfsn. M 14 3 2ZX-X Ir.IrfflW 360 3* «i«»215 14 H97I 51 -IX CaOCH 30 3IM 34 . • XX Emreh 80 33 804 3 « - XX lto«W2l4 7 215 47X-Xi ik<>ll 2.16 139 3022 lU1 Pr«W Jl II 1E8 80 -1*X TacOtn 6 2*. X JlJanOal 12 7J3 9 * -X X C » s 120 12 JIM 521-X-X r«.fB> 1 IMO IB .* 1 U:Xm ICO 16 182 MX-X1 Phun 120 13 1827 18 - XX Tahy SO 3 27 6X--X X -Y -I- »t>y « .10a 21 161 10 At/»Gr 4S 1J214J 96.%.*\ . * C«UI £5 113 »50 JUJU .00. 17 31*» X 1 Uud 1 tl 3CM 3IX- *X PKM11137 11 30139 U*.* Tansan 18 48183 1(K-I« Xana J 8 3882 47X- X . larCYJSn li 20 « AtJo . *3 ? » M*». X Cartfn tW 10 35M liX liX Eoon 3 40 • 31 15IW M .11 Uaion 1 40 5 440t X Piapln ,60 660 18X-X . ZanM 573 7X-X u U m 268 2X AT£t» 1 12 18 JM « «-X - * CanSoWSre 14 J« 3a*-X_ X - f ~ f - "* IRT 1.16^ 18 82 IIX-X1 U!-X W i t 73 13Un 43 >K ; U(U 2.S3 18 « 72 90 . X I ' PlciOg X 3254 ISX- XX Taro l a -15J424 89 - X fix^pftaalvAffatan9sdiE>Mioa ICICPKt 3(0 5V- X MjiJV » 42 1724 JW-X- X CW**27I 1416 34\ 34\ raaSy 83 445 15 . A Icr™-'4 82l . 10 7S8 'l lV ^; IAW\I86 a 301 3«. XI Pol«UJ ,(0 19 4133 3CX. XX Tiaoo 31 ex- X WTVn S3 - 33 870 23X. X S* . 0»,n 2 « 67 4 778 7a.IX>ix rci£*u . J n a 4.>iW nco , 1 8 801 30*; UoC4 2.90 . II B37« ittX>2XI PcflOC 120 731 17X.X X Tauca 3a - 1] BOM uOIX.IX fCdOg 20 IOO IU AfSt>»445 7 4 IM—X- X OxjUa 40 II S21 27X> XX f«0« 2 ^ 8 4,’M 27*Tl lno«rnd1M 15 754 14V- * tkn>»ii1.M 1l33t>lC*.IXI Pitrca .33 11 9819 JV(-IXX TaUna .72 18 4W0 34* re Sana IM Itfkrna: 13 IX ArtJO. .10 15J435 TW-X»• X C?i»CiUll M 303 30 -X a 140 IB S74 J4X-X lkriP«i1A3 I] 171 ItX—XI PioaOllOO • 23 37n 68.'!-X AO* 9 48 dI0*-X O C»a XSe 9 813 a w X *:iM, ■ 14 117 M-X- X 0»y» 1^5 45 8731 1«. * X n 171 '7 *-x Uarg«i t .83 4035 38 - XI 2 a 423 20X-XX Toacn 1 8 lOCe 2M— X Ala 81 1352 475t-X OOCaj>p1SOa ,3 8 0* - * loao IX. XX 1 ^ ' '.M 10 ^ XX lOU 4 84 iai4J48 1IW UoOla .78 Q U47 8U-1Xi PSIO 2,C0 10 3133 21 -XX HT.W 1 1608 ta -2 tn tl .10 14 1132 17*- X P. P-Co i l 31 833 JO -X 5. X 0*0, 10 15 WH n -U - u r\;h£J M 31 3X 64S« XX ln(nn 3,16 ro 8M 7W Pi«a(P 1.78 11 SU2 X* X !>-*» IM • 14 6« » -X APIS 320 13 17 77*.IX Pl PagCU .10a 38 818 IOX ^ ' i' m • 8* im’ :«-)<-X c ta ^ ir j 148M31X31* n*Prg 384 II JT JMJl Ins-w IM8 4J48 IM.* NCHO 1 40 7 J3t5'37X-XI Qattal • 1 X-1-J33 IMan 1 31 303 31X-X ASce 57 7X-* P. PaocOc 58 B S IIX. X * Orti 1! 419 41*.. X fUr 24 31 2239 4 « -»X ip*o 1 80 10 115 2 0 - X i CXiliK} 140 19 1388 47K- X l\ _ J _ J _ • X T .14* 8 743 11*. X .X - fMO 28 _5 28 4\ fCPSC010< 10 U7 ITX- Xi OlMO: 60 31 1484 11 - X * , , Teeco. « 9 687 » - * Anval 29 4 IX PIn*r* .79 t2 16 2M-X ..* -& » U .(.4 0 l»-MO JM -* X Jacctoa 77 JW^iii-IS f4.h«j (0 7 101 IIW *l Ourtoi .441 3 7» 14X-X P»lO«n .13 14 13 7K. K liiH « 1* Ji9 IW-- X CoaOl M ia-»:4 47X..X X Ff^aictiQ. 17 395 JIS. X JR)« . (0 II 578 3&X- X I Ouaatv 193 13 M <02*- X X ' ' TrtracslJ8 0 388 42!l. X Alal 75 385 M ScSoUCon 1 in - X CO(P 1(0 • 17Ctt5 7Ut-X JofnJn 1J0 34 71M U7»'IX -X enc „ I - R - f l - Trr4« 240 7 884 29 -X Aitb4 4 823 1X< X Tt A«y Ct 11 m :«• X X JofiVn la 13 11 tx - X 12^°* ' . n MI S . X> -• R<«Ptf IU It 17U 99X.1* * • -TnConlWa 292 25 • X AuMa 32 IV- X Tc A.TICI to 15 :42 rex-)i- X Carxti Tn 7 — X TrfXi 28 . n 741 MX ■I Jouan . n 18 645 MV-* HCtiTi 4479 n — ;i; Rirgoea. 21 717 « X Trfara ,98 - 14 na 421. X D lOJJJa 4 113 12* Tt 18 181 .K. X CrOr\ 1 5 32 . * fMUg .00 30 1173 4iX. X RlaAU .90 11 6J4 37 — X DaiUaa.TtM 32 0 15 • X TgT^Mlai IIJ d u - X fWjUI JO 17 ?S?9 «I. • *X Ccti»N01*4 21 M2 4W*.X X C«iJ IBS 18 13339 75 .X X KanCC t.72 • 13 4M IJX fMlt> , 1] 1138 14 —Xi 86 II 38M 2B.-S. X* LW.Cs 16 1Mfl1(C»-X Do-gOt .40 16 5» 3SX Ur >. X Coni 1 40 ' 39 JUJ 50 .. X X CMku 31 ■ n X 11* Ur*»p 23 13-18.1-16 la so - 1.44 1JM19 aax-tt R:*l*at20 11 1037 JM* X .04 KT7 5*. X UlUToaMJJa 7 10 2X-X lV'cOrnlW> It 1183 2M2ai CfCti lua w. .X X C«ml M 15 4OT 46 •*X Kiftln • 7 41 31* Kona .10 n z*; R»r 333 108 73\- X« UlOe. . 183 «■ : i : 33(5 C7^ - K * CatK« no 19 ItHJ n». * Driaig liM 9 17* IXuroa£ 20a 7 1 2X «X ^ ’J'5 RAaa* 20 10 401 tX- X« IWO 3 92 - 10 1 814 35*-X cut Cfl i;j 3S- X u:UOCal , m 33X-X * -l DtCp 3ta 11 IIM 37*-* X ItaS?144^ » 1419 4 ?” IX »toMV233 II 305 -31*; Rorw A46 36 84 9 76 71X . Cl>« l?M 141. S 6 UM 8 » J IWX C«C/>3 21 671 m> X UrUr»<^ 111 7 . x Riw»d ■’ 747 61 1 UCX 140 11>e398 JtX> X 1103 « _ x atiat M tsM jr"?? I'x -X «(l^*2M 's « { - XX Kngf-« 132 10 3M 4W-1X Ncren 2 35 177 C3X< X 1486 13. X OcMt2J9 17 4318 4fi.X> X i UCartp 1 a 3JM 19*-X CfGUflOta JM 4X.I-18 Ve. • IX CftSiy(ieo 14 18J jn-XX »iS=ltl.* IkTwa .83 8 43U 18fr-X. ]&la 13 K36 uSCS.II UrOK 3 09 10 674 XK‘ X Q%Oi 1. 2* V4wimOc ,44 13 ;a” a* - X &»!<(» 15 ICIM 4n.. X Grnco 7 3747 »* — l - i - Iffiu 4 18 19 2091 77X-X PyJ* .to 64 3013 31X- X a»fjcp 240 10 160 US--X X c»r*\ 18 Jia tw - u < UrfK 233 I3J9M 72*.IX WOsB 30 1662 IW-X -U CaPK 1 to 7 313J 47X- XX LAC9 23 1361 B. X - 0-0 - — 5-8 - IHrn 1 - 6Ka 12X. X Ctrqil I , .14' 1*. X WlWinn 144 15 182 ir*_ *

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. 1 .-Vj-_|V iV Covpr story ‘Unsolviv^ed Mysteeries’ alIo\>ws vieweir s to try aiind answeer the unaiinswerabllie B y EvnnLcvitic fam ilies,’" ' he claim s. "T h e re ’s a wilwill get caughi, and moybe: llthat will NBC's Wednesdayday-nighc h il '’“ ■'"Eing. a feeling lhat you’re mamake lhe worid a little bilI safer.s It "Unsolved Mysteries,ics, hoslcil by someme good. It’s nice when gi'gives audiences thc feelclin g o f Robert Slack, is thc mosTiost SLCcessnil y™ ™ owed in someone's home; as;assuming some control o\o v e r t h e - -of-'the rcality-based d i_f bccomc.part of the fumi:__wc_world.______crime shows. And slack knows aBout b'aiciad '^uys.’ ' Whnt makes thc ssci e rie s w o rk ? , alscilso acknow ledges lhat he l^el^e'.H been asked lo considerr !starring' “ Tlicrc’s an acceptanceice quotient on ng belief in law and order, in in a new version off " T h e thc part of the audicmicncc tliiil has 'ays rcspccted people who UnUntouchables,” the 1959-6363 series nothing to do witJi crcatnativity or. oor ir ' lives for their country.'' in in w hich he starred as Elioiiot Ness, end,” Stuck admits, "!■AS Brandon taunchly. "There’s a war "7"T h e y 'v e been trying to brejrcak m y. \ TartikofT said. ‘If I knewmew whal audi- IS und thc bad guys,” arrarm to get m e to do Ness agagain,” he -* cnccs liked, I'd bc Ihc.riches, ric man in new season. Slack doesn’t adiadmits, " b u t I don’l know. ThisT is a ' thc world,’" anticipate too to many changcs in thc paipart that’s closc to my heart.1. If1 it’s o; Although Stack inst: irmat. "W c may go inter- pciperfectly wonderful script,, 1 I m ight. rc3.son nudicnccs choosc 1 bit." he acknowledges, do do il. I w on’t just put on aI uuniform dinicult to define, he doc 3 little eerie und depressing an question —— lookingI for ^ Y m un answer for somethingling for which there is no answer.” m l Eternal questions asaside, Stack claims that he also reapsps ai lot o f pcr- sonal satisfaction fromm 1hosting Ihc ■7 ', show. "W c’rc bringin]jing together . Noticee Bccausc o f a new FCCFC ruling, 1 ^ ' : listings for out-of-towr3wn stations carried by your cobicJ systemssy arc i J subject'to blackout orr lalast minute ______/ changes in programmingling. ^E=_ Please call.your cableible operator , ■ ifyou have questionsns regardingt ■ m jM the ruling and how It[ afafTccts prb^ }tm^SECO\)ND AVENU _grarnming. Wc regret any incon this m ayxausc.

2 Tlmos-Nown. Twin Fnlls.nils. Idaho Friday, Jiity'120,'‘t6etl Hollywood gossi•sip Diana RosSS is not iniivolved wit]th directorr Q: Didn’t Diana RossIS ssecretly I fellI in love with her dircclor, BrianB have an afTair with the dindirector of Gibsoijson. Thc coupic plans to Ik: mar­r ie in her latest flick, a movie biogiiognqjhyof riedd in a Buddhist temple that sexy 1920s phenoin o m e n o n , HoUy\Uywood. Joaqjhine Baker?— C.K. A: Afraid you’re gettirtting your t . Q: 1Isn’t Beau Bridges jeulou3US of Josephine Baker movie bio]biographies I vounger brother becausee Jeff mixed up. Josephine w as the idges is better looking and n supersexy black Americ p e r- i5 x essfu l in Hollywood? — K.PLP. ■former who crcatcd-n-sensensation-in-^^^^|fc—2 Thc Bridges.brothers.appcpcarcd ____ Paris ofthe 1920s largelyly \ by danc- lSIP/4 jng seminuile. Diana Ross}ss plan- Please see GOSS ning to portray Dnker in an upcom- Movla ratlngi ing movie. Uut you’re p ro b a b ly referring to a young, rerelatively ExceOfyoo«i...... *'«** Lynn Whitfield, who is currentlyc F ‘ ______J Good.ood...... ** HBO flick Q, NolbaDl bod...... ’ ploying Jo.sephine in an HI lia n a R o s s Fair... due out next year. It wnsns .she who . , A n o lh o r JcJosophino Bakor oot

f Cable teleelev lslo n I iUfl ^ co n v e rslolon i g u id e ^llll I I g II you a/e a uibtaiboeMf tot Kno VTotoocaWtf. ^ \ kMit lot UikM nationlan tymColt or tekl / ~ I wov/o c/ianne/ateiattioviaiiena: ____y -c llill1 ^ 3: <£■ o ____ ®m 8 tn in __ B_ & USA HofMtk------n - Z ^ Z U l . i S i Z — ...... ONaihViH«Kohrt.K::^ 4 • -- • -'P- __ OKAIO-Qolu (POS)_>) I ■ OCNH-AUanU(24-hoi. OKKVhT**WTBS-A9anta{lndop a ■■ ■ 1 - 1 9 - m H E ~ OKTnV-[)olM{lnllUan)---- I______I lfi_ 12 70 _ CDKHVT-T*ln F«mKDC^[Ww(CDS)- 17 • Z 2 - 9--- __ OUTV (24-hour njtie CDTh* wQatytr channol Q3Cbw«u------€DHOO| SKSL-SallUiluiClty{vm ------G3Ulatlma , ?n U Z ( 0 Traval Channel _

C-Sonn------ KKVrTw'/i Fl’! t (AL>(At)C) ZU II you ate a cu^Mnber Id} anolherane a/ea cable tyilem. ~ iaokkrv^ilauaioniyrr.$ymboU Uled under the ____ w*rrr>r> b t your comtnjnlry.'ry. Slalan$S m/alable Made: ____ ® KlOK-kU» Fans, (Ci(CDS) ------^------CZ>” JEO-Sdit^Clr»:ciry(PDS) — ■ ------ODKlFI-UahoFtU(NB(NBC) ------6 I 5 I a T J I 21 (TMC) Tho Movio Channel. ••NotayaiayaiatJe In Wenthlof Oooilfu) %y«a.No In r^nfoK. KM>etfyandartlHantartot^* TVn»>-Ntfi»m grwl■flhlc I • Fridny, July 20.199090 Tlmos-Nowe. Twin Foils. IdolJoho 3 I Gossip Continued from 3 togcUicr mosl rcccnllyly iin thc movie. I’Tbc Fabulous Baker:r Boys,”E aboul two feuding piano plajslayers. People /• ,, - I occasionally m istakee th<;tf action on ‘ scrccn for what happcrpens in private JflE nW life, and maintain thatlat the Bridges brothers really arc qt eachc others’ throats. Bcnu. 49 andm d fig h tin g a weight problem, saysI'ys so. — -While he envies tlie strong.str chin-or—|3 B |^ H 1 hi.s 41-ycor*old brot>rothcr. Beau remains his own mann irin every way I •— quiet, unassumingg a and, like his Hibling, very proud of ththeir 77-ycar- J uld d;id, Lloyd Bridges. - M Q: Isn’t veteran crooner cr Vie Ptiinone pretty much:h ai show btz hos*b<^ a salooQ singinger with big H S f lE B health problems? — 0.N).N. A; Don’t usc the termtc saloon ®Bartjara Edon vie D a m o n e singer nround Vic. Nowfow 62, and in Nojo m o ro J o a n n io 'I 'I d o n 't th in k o f m y so lf asat that' '■ cxccllcnt shape, Damonilonc bristles al so o n bc marrying mi Los Angeles by by professional succcss. Stilllill in all, !Uic lerm. Says he: "I do:don’t think o f Channel 4I nincwsca.ster Bill Lagniula. John Jol tells me that he likes> nothingt tiiyscif ns thal. If 1 di

ByJohnN.Goudaa .

A Martinez: und Henry/ CD arrow win Emmys for “Santa BntB arbara." and "General Hospiial" signsgns Laura Herring, tlic firsl Hispani«m ic M iss ^ USA (‘85). for thc role oof f C arla Greco-who has a Kummt.*r lovelov affair...... - .... — wiihCoIlon. Arc thc soaps telling us thing? CouIcJ il bc thc networvorkexec- utivcs arc finally gclting thelh m es- SQgc — in clu d e lhc huge population in your audici It might bc good business, an answer to thc dwindling ratings cvc sea- son. Or it may bc jusl anotherer t fin- gcr in thc wind, cxciting H ispanic actors only lo dash hope)p cs o n cc again. Eons ago Henryr D elg ad o changcd his name to Darrorrow a V big role on “ High Chaparral, Henry a> saw sleady work for a few seasons,: -'I and then the unemployment 1 His survival in Hollywood is na o f "i courage and stubbornness. W A inning the best supporting actor ErEmmy for playing A Martinez's fa th e r on “Santa Barbara" draws giani "oles." ...... Henry, you arc-a wonder. BiBut. to bc truthful, what would youI te Laura i - Herring? Like Henry, lovely Lauraura play- in g dow n her H isp an ic h h' eritag e. Coming to Hollywood as thi Laura Hailingn g , w h o re lg n o d a s M iss; U!U SA ('8 5 ), p la y s C arla queen, Laura didn’t care to 1 to Spanish Groco on GotSonoral Hospital.' . cast. Meaning: be limited to HANNEL CHATTER roles and long pcrioda of wawaiting for Hispanic actinting community, only CHA Dry tells us gains strengthth over thc years, and thc phone to ring. History s Jane 0 p la y th e worics a greatI deal.di BroBroadway and film actress J that’s thc only way to p iw ell jo in e d “ A s th c Wi^ o r ld Hollywood game. Bc Hispiispanic, but Laura Hcrriirring is cut out of thc Powe Shy and retiring. Laura Turnsirm ," on July 18, whcrc shee itcm- don’t flaunt it. sam e cloth. Sh; wear a bathing suit in porarirarily takes over thc role ofif ]pub- Laura ha.s been in La-LaLa land1 five could never wi Eileen with Stella front of thc boy>oys in El Paso, or speak Usherher Lisa Mitchell, which Ei years now. studying wit ast 30 inding guest in front o f cla::lass at school. With o Fulloillon has played for thc las A dler and Allan Rich, landi 'll just ’ as Eva, or German fatherCf andi a Spanish mother ycare.are. “1 can’t fill her shoes, I’ll parts on "Alien Nation" as veil o f ty and thc who started outou as a secretary, only keepcp them warm." says Powe as Carmen on "Beauty for thc ^ she’s on a to end up ass boss,b Laura followed Ms.s. F Fulion who will be out foi Beast." New Year’s Day sl * t few weeks on sick leave. float w aving to the crowd1 atand can be her m other'ss theory ti o f doing w hat next f seen working the DeiDesigners’ you’re mostt afraidai of. As Miss E! Miss Texas, then Miss PLuLOTPORTENTS Fashion Show and the Tfcxoscxj Music Paso, then Mi ough camc USA. L(turaI learnedlc to speak any- A wards. Her breakthrou] ill not vn in San whcrc, and,, ifif necessary, to bc at AdAdam tells Natalie bc will with Raul Julia down :lp her unless shc marries hiitiim on Antonio for one line as SarSanla A na’s hom e on five: tta ^ shows a day. help 1 igelcs, Laura may miss “AllUl My Children." Nataliec goes wife in a TV movie atabout the In Los Angc a l.T a d lg Rnul Julia the T exas bordiirdcrtown music and her awayvay to think over his p r ^ s a l . Alamo. Laura kept asking f Its Dixie h e broke up w ith Bn3rooke, what to do. Latin friendsds, but you don’t go tells I cral Hospital” opened o butIt slshc nixes his plea to save'C thcir One thing you never do is down- home. ''Gcncni Travis of resolve, small door. LauraLi intends to make mamfliriagc. Tom suspccts that T play thc Hispanic vein of Molly's father. Donna tells TrevorT Henry Darrow refused,.to to give up. the m ost o f iti t .She ! may even use her is Mc APS / 6 Carmen Zapata of thc Los_os A ngeles middle name; ngnina^ — MaitincZ. . . Please see SOAI Frtday. July 20,1990O Tlmoo-Now#, TV^In Falls. Iatw '5 j Gossip j Continued from 3 • ' togclJicr most rcccntly in the movie. !*Tlic Fabulous B aker BoBoys.” about . , , Iwo feuding piano playcayers. People •’•'7 '■'/'/ occasionally mistake thc aclion on J scrccn for whot happens:ns in private ' I life, hnd maintain Jhatt Uthe Bridges. brothers really are at ea others’ Ihroals. Beau, 49 and I - -Sveight problem, says ii While he envies the stroitrong o f his 41-yeor-old brothother. Beau remains his own man in everyi way quiet, unassuming and,am like his sibling, very proud o f theirthci 77-ycar- Mid dad. Lloyd Bridges.

' Q: Isn’t veteron cro V ic Damone pretty much1 a show biz has-been, a saloon singaiger with big health problems? — O.N.N. i‘ A: Don’t usc the tenterm saloon Barbara Eden vie Damono singer nround Vic. Noww 62,< nnd in N o} nm ore Joannio •| *ld d o n 't think of m ysolf aIS s that* excellent shape, Damone nc bristles at soon bc mnilarrying Los Angeles by>y professional[ succcss. Slill11 in all. lhe term. Says he: "I d o n ' lon't think o f Channel 4 nevnewscaster Bill L.ngatutn. Johrlohn tells mc that he likes nothingnc ■myselfas thal. Ifl did. lid. I’d bc a Shc \yill prob•obably bc based on thc bcttiletter than to curl up wilh a book drunk." He says he takes cs good care West Coast.. NoN doubt she’ll bc back aboiibout Indian religions and fanliitosizes of himself, and of^cn peiperforms in before the TVT\ cameras before loo aboiiboul living in o monastery. [concerts with symphonyy orchestras,o long, ,Vic works out regularlj irly — he’s Q: Is actrcss Sigourney W eaver especially interested in b n boxing — Q : How conK m c w c don't bcc more cally snobbish? She certainly n o tin g thal "being a singm ger is like o f Hig lad yriikrt lit npx-husbaad L.Q. th e ccast of the.Broadway hitlit, “ A Steve Garvey, and her bo< book about A: At one ptpojnl, thc 51-ycar*old Few5w Good Men.” Thc barbs ' oil o f i t W hat ifl she u p tc bs are p to and on nctor-comcdiarion lells me, that may rescrserved strictly for th eir MnMarine ' coast bas she been doiidoing it? — have been true.1C. It was in 1974. when c olurt-martiol u rt plot — not. os has his first marriariogc was breaking up beenen ireported. ofTstage. ' ' ' ' 'A: C y n d y , w h o is currently ci and thc Britishish-bom Cleese found b etw een te le v is io n sh< shows — himself havinging psychosomatic ill- Q:Q: Is U tnie that Tom Cnoscsc and i^m cm bcr shc'w as' Rfcgis F is P hilbin's nesses. T h e acaclor has since gone Rob3b 1Lowe will be co-staning ' tiidekick .before Kathie Lee g in a .ee Gifford, through anotherher divorce, a situntion newtw :movie? Both those dreiream y . and had n cable show too loo — w ill thot has t>ccnI tctempered a good deal Please see GOSSISIP/6 4 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Fallj.I. IdahoId, FfWoy. July 20. 1990D Soap opera scen

ByJohnKGoudfls .

A Mnrtinc/. and Henryy CD arrow w in E m m ys for "S an ta BaiB arbara." and “General Hospital" sigryigns Laura Herring. tUc firsl Hispaniim ic M iss ^ USA (‘85). for thc role: olof Carla Crcco who has a summer lovlove affair with CoUon. Arc the soaps telling us some* thing? Could it bc the nctwoi exec- ; utivcs arc finally getting theth m es- sngc — includc thc huge populati-on in your audie: It I might bc good business, an answer I 10 the dwindling ratings everycvi sea- son. O r it may bc just anothericr i fm- ger in the wind, cxcitingg Hispanich actors only to diish hopeo pes once again. Eons ago Henry/ C D elg ad o changed his name to Darroirrow a big role on “ High Chaparral, Henry V saw steady work for a few seasons, and then thc unemployment I His survival in Hollywood is1 a of courage and stubbornness. 'Winning the best supporting actor- EtEmmy for playing A Martinez’s fa th e r on ...... “Sanm-Barbara“ -dravrt gton W-- Hemy, you arc a wonder. B be truthful, what would youJ tc Laum Herring? Like Henry, lovely Laura play- ing down her Hispanicc hheritage. Coming to Hollywood as th f c i Ing, who reigned as Missi USAU f85), play s Carta queen, Laum didn't carc to KSK! cast. Meaning: bc limited] to Spanish Greco on 'GoSonoral Hospital.' HANNEL CHATIBR roles and long periods o f‘waiting wt for Hispanic actirIting community, only CIM thc phone to ring. Historyory tells us gains strength5th over the years, and Broadway and film actress.3 Jane thafs thc only way to0 j p la y th e w orks o greatt deal.d B n awell joined “As the W orld Hollywood game. Bc Hispispanic, but Laura Hcrrirring is cut out of the Powi same cloth. ShySh and retiring, Laum Tuminms," on July 18. whcrc shele tem- don't flaunt it. )fp u b - Lu land five could never wearw a bathing suit in pomr)mrily takes over thc role of Laura has been in La-La Eileen w ith S te lla front o fth e bojx>ys in El Paso, or speak lishcijhcr Lisa Mitchell, which Ei years now, studying wit last 30 mding guest in front of dossclo at school. With a Fultcniton has play ed fo r th e las Adler and Allan Rich, land ['11 just • as Eva. or , German fatherier and a Spanish molhcr yearsairs. "I can’t fill her shoes, i ’l parts on “Alien Nation" as ;cp them worm." says Poweveil o f as Carmen on “Beautyty and the who started outou as a sccretoiy, only keep [s. Fulton who will bc out for fo the Beast." New Year's Dayy sishe’s on a to end up oss boss,\ Laura followed Ms. 1 sxt few weeks o n sick leave. float w aving to the crowdd andaj can be her mother’ss theoryt of doing what next: Dcsigtiers* you’re mostt afraida of. As Miss Ei seen working the Dc ■LOTPORTENTS Fashion Show and thc TcxFcxas Music Paso, then MissMi Tcxos, then Miss PLO Awards. Her breakthrou‘ough came USA. Laura1 learnedIi to speak any- Adam tells Natalie he wil'ill not - with Raul Julia downwn in San where, and,, ifii necessary, to bc at A t elp her unless she marries hi:him on Antonio for one line as SoiSanta A na’s hom e on fivee talku shows a day. help All My Children." Natalieie goes wife in a TV movie: alabout the In Los Angingeles, Laurtt may miss “All ivay to think over his proposallal.T od Alamo. Laura kept asking:g IRflul Julia thc Texas bordarfertow n music and her aw aj :11s Dixie he broke up w ith BBrooke, r what to do. Latin friendsids, but you don’t go tells ut she, nixes his plea to saveve Ihcir One thing you never do is down- home. “Genenleral Hospital” opened a but 6 tarriage. Tom suspects that: 1Travis play thc Hispanic'vein1 ofo f resolve, em ail door. Loum Li intends to make marr I Molly's fothcr. Donno tellsI TTrevor Henry'Darrow refused,. to give up. thc most ofi it t She m ay even uso her is Mi Carmen Zapata o f thc Los Angeles m iddle name againa; — Martinez. ’ ' Please see SOA\ A I ^ 6 Frtday. Juiy 20 .1990» Tlnvjs-Nowi. TWln FoHs, (dahlaho " 6 Gossip— C ontinued from 4 that would do MiMrs. Miniver proud. Q: 1 I understand (hat ZsaI ; Zsa aclors togclhcr would bc: fn fabulous. Gaborx ;r bas been m onied seven tintimes. I — T .T . Q: Now thotlat the Arsenio Hall If shelhe listed all her married naoames, I A: Sorry, but that bit ofo f casting Show ia a hit amand Btiro lo be m for a howV wwould it read? — D.R. news got a bit garbled. To answer I<»S nm, has he “gone Hollywood”? A:k: 1Thc Hungarian spitfirec h a s . I thc many tellers I've receiv:eived. I’ll — W J. actuairtally been married nine timesies. Jf set thc matter straight. Tomom C ruise A: As o maltcrter of facl, Arscnio ha.s shc werewc 10 sign her name in fulult. it ■ appeared with Rob Lowe! in 1983's ju s t b o u g h t a new home in the woulduld read Zsa Zsa Gabor Bc3ctgc ■; "The Outsiders," dircclcd by Francis Hollywood Hilltills. Thc house, for- Hiltonton Sanders Hunlner Coscisdcn Ford Coppola, about tro tr u b le d merly ow ned by Rudy Vallee. was Ryanin CO 'H ara Alba von Anhatl. tccniigers. The movie also;o featuredf on thc market:t for: SI0.5 million, such .stars-to-bc ns Potrick:k Swayzc: However, Arsenicnio manag&d to buy il Q: IiIsn't Imogene Coca, thee TV and Emilio Estevez. If you3U want to for $3.5 milliorion. He is said to be comediledienne who was so great op catch Crtiise and Lowe tearearned up, .learing it downn tcto build a new home, site; Sid~Caesar Si in the old “Y« you'd better rent this flick:k bccausc I This seems to0 beI thc trend these Showiw

Continued from 5 Stacey for Rick’sk’s murder and urges Robei)bert investigates W endy’s mimur- Notalic is considering Adam lilty. Alex invcsligales dcr on3n "General ' Hospital." Dawnm is posal. Ccara slops dating Jac vondcrs why shc is missinging ond so is Ihc Ferrari. AnUna shc realizes his feelings for Er lying. Danc «ndnd Paul plot to get a knowsvs :Faison is going to propo:lOse. L ■ ■ fall guy to admi! Tina makes love to Johi mit to thc murder so Ned Ihithinks Dawn will rclurn oiand S t o y in d Jack c order to .save everyone on “O. k can bc happy, work'< ththings oul. Faison is loldd 10 All lhat fricn, to Live,” and Cord is furious, cndship talk before climinalinatc Anna. visits Carlo in jail. CarhHn Caroline's deathith on "The Bold and Samim believes Kyle is fooliiling thc Bcautirur- di! Johnny ond Harding that VikV.k, tnust . J ^ disappears. Stephanie aro umd n d wilh Christy «on bc eliminated. Police helic d onto Eric if Ridge "Gencrincrations.” Maya do esn 'l wc•vant arrive on Daddcrly, but Meg “ "■r”' ' ini" Brooke. Eric is no Doreencen involved with her fathther ; Mocy and-Thornc Daniel,icl. Jessica wonts S am 's jolb b at Jake must lie otid say cvcryl.^thmg IS pejjpjj,, fine. Gabricltc and Brenda ia wants lo hear more the prc;press preview. Kyle checkss on .rO iitir^ v about Joke and sissister M argo. Corelli’:;lli's Icad in Brad's murder telethon to misc money for.r OutlookC D^^i,eHopc', House. 'C's mem orial servicc, I^etly:tly must make up her mindd on . Bo senses Hope ii Kute is troubled when sh c is olive on "Days of "Sanlallo IBarbara'* between RobertI anda Our Lives.” Everven Roman confesses Hunt in Louie with Toots on "Lo t in Argentina. Eden is loldI shes ‘0 Isabella howV hard ^ it is to accept prevenlienlcd war in North Africa. C.C.C. Staccy is upset with JackIc bccauseb .l. • .• she feels he doesn't believe•ve tn h rr KinoklS.CIS. Julie hoa Kiriakis didn'ti't burn Stephen's film, b ut ' . ut where shc wontsnts him , but will she Ma.son i innoccnce. Gwyn continues5 loto blame on doesn't buy thal. Quinn pnjrac- h her plan? ticcs; agiagoin as Robert Barr.

6 ■nmo3-Nowa. Twin Falls, Idahclaho Fridoy. July 20.1990 Feature story Soggy AU11-Star garme almostit gave CB5 S the winniling edge ini Nielsen1 standing!

NEW .YORK (AP) American League’s soggy,i-y. 2 -0 vie- ^ ^ tory over ihc Nntionnl LiL eague in M IIME-TIMETVV baseball’s All-Slar game; h(helped liA ^ f l PR"Ten Programs CBS into u closc, second-pd'placc fin- ish for the week, iiccordiiii.ling 10 A.C. 9-rJuly 15,1990 ■Nielsen Co. ratings. Thc niin-dclaycil gamc. which thc Nulionul League was; heheld to two hils and which featured, an episode 1. MLB AtlIMI Star Gamo 1 (S) 18.5 33 CEiJBS of "Rcscuc 911” durinj•ing its 6 8 - 2. Cheerss (( R ) 16.2 29 NG'IDC minute, scvcnlh-inning ra s o n s ( R ) 14.5 27 FC-OX averaged an 18.5 rating,rr„;f'/3 : ^ . s i ^ p s o , 'IBC share. 4. Tho Cos:osby Show (R) 14.4 28' NE A rating point represcnl.s:nls 921.000 5 R o sc aa n n n e ( R ) 14.0 24 At;\t3C . households. A .share is Uic tlic pcrecnl- Sunday Night Movio 13.9 25 N'Jt3G t age o f all TV sets in uscc tunedti to a »• show in ils time period.. B;Baseball is 7. A DHIerlerent W orld (R) 13.6 26 NL'JBC thc national pa.stime. MLB AllMl Star Pro Gam e (S) 13.6 - 27 Cl313S Overall. NDC narrowlyvly won the ining W omen (R) 13.3 24 . GlCBS week o f July 9. ils ninlli. coconsecutive 9. Design! weekly ratings victory amand ils 40ih 10. 60 Minun u to s 13.2 30 C[CBS in 43 weeks, with a 9.8 ratingrat and a ______19 share. CBS was one-lic.lctilhof a Ratings poinoinia aro tho porcont of 92.1 OVERALL RATING rating poinl back al 9.7. 7 , i n J . . 19 million TV households;tic sh ares aro tho„ NBC CB S_____ 3C *Tio'u5oKorSs wilTvs'ols'on. . 9.8 9.7 9.1.1 ABC came in third lit 9.19 1 wilh nn P”™”"' 3oal (S) o Spocial L 18 share. Tlic Fox Broadcadcaaine Co. had a 6 .2 rating and a 12; share.sh i-owco.M.c. w»iicb.ill. advertising agency. "Amomong adulls thnn thal." lionion deal wilh major league List oof week’s"TV showss ratings 31. (4fi)*Ua^ Dad,’ COS. 104 NEW YORK (AP) — Mof* Bin Ifn 32. mWkinlaf,'woe. 10 3 tatevUlcn callnot at Ox V2’^orES5lV^ ndc. n 1.12.1 mmon g I Co twlh»«»HCPnc(ui)a homei. 33.(20 •Oa^John.'NOC.lOl DM KMk'i ranuno. oKii ruO Matovi.•«. lo-«nSwua. rating lor the wDvk.Mk, iand loul hom« homo* 33, a M«»oooaai.- coo. la i. An *X* m poranS>MM donclM>«or«.um»«nly o> 14. (ISl'Unxyvo*«>».‘ N0C. 18J.14BI14 SmIIkxihomM. hon>M 40. iil-Nlohl Court.-NOC. 0 7 3 (24) -SlmpMnt.' FOX. U 5. 1 homn. l i B S S 4t!41. ril'OjnunL^j.'NOC.oa 4 {3)'n»eCo«b,SI»~.’ HDC.1C 1 144 IlSrrAiion home*. 42. X) *Timar ft Hoocn,* NOC, 0 5 honrn. ig. (X) TiVnWKT*»tlnMpMPrmKM.*C&S.11.0. ^ S. B) •RD»»»nn«.‘ ADC. H 00. 13 iJOmUlKyi It.OmmonNimac l i loloISTiir-TOc'iss®; 20.(15)*Wt»'»tf DoMr. AOC. 11.fl. 10.7 m»- «4S. : M) *PnmMm* LM,* ADC. S 4 ».* AOC. 11.5. 4?; --•MIC ,g»Mow»«f.U0,-ADC.1t.S Mondaynday UovW,* e.2. 4S. 4S)*Jali*andlMFatman. CDS. 0 1} 7. (X) Lmou* Df Mbanan AIAD Star 23 IB'COKfi,'«n,'AflC.1l.4. . « . 24. M 4B. 83 0 fl #'(4)-AD«orenlWcrV),-NDC.3C. 1n s . 12 5mrion 2^. 00. X)*PoocMi*U.’ nJ c.0.3 rxim**. 51. 46)'ThaM«nWM.inaColdanCi.ii.--.. 8 (23) Wotnofl.'COOcoa, 133.122ml- 27. 3fl ■•SSJTSIk M o'o”'’' • -AXKtQCOun^Uovta.'Si. 3fl 40 TvtacttaO 1 »»^1^.l69. U. (IOO)-Am^lem'a Mo« Wanlad.' rox, ll 3 10. (7)'«0Minul«?C!12. IJJ.12 122mHbo 2V 24 Tuincsii M n*imakMMtr.'PMJ-'AlSC M. 11. -Amefle.-. r unnlMl Home»

Friday. July 20, 199000 Tlmos-Nows, Twin Fnlla, Id.ilJ.lhO 7 Daytime piprograms



C:00 a MURDER,SHEVIE WROTE A Daytimei imovies i rovooling novol publisho<:hod by Jossica’s ____ (ormor sludont Ulogofuroa a Cabo; Covo MORNIhJING ______Dmma) Gono Bony, Barfoaren Halo. [ ■ tiiufdor, Kalhryn Gfoytor'to n . Glona . AFTERNOON OoHovofi nnd Ruth Romi D TEXAS C0NNECT1C I * * ■EdgoorSanlty*(19a9. ” Joo Ely. (R) (In Sioroo)5, Horror) AniAnthony ftrklnsr. 1212K )0rniC ) * * 'Indian Uprislrising* raQ@ GDE](ii)1HWPVUQ 0:10 CIN *1★ ★•Arizof«iHoar{lfl87. (1 9 ^^ W ostom) Goorgo Monijntgomory. , a . ( @ JUSTIN WILSOh Michool Porks, Doniso Crosby. Carl Bonton Roid. LOUISIANA COOKIN’: I- ') * * * 'Paym ont DoforrocT 121 2 :1 S fS * * . ’W ashington Stoitory- . GROWN Usinn oyslors ir 3rama) Chartos Laughton. (1952. Dmma) Van Johnson.1. soup nnd o salad. (In Sio 'W **«*StafliahtHotol' ^212:30SHOW ★ ** Throo Morlon ond n ; WHEEL OF FORTUft u n T d 0Jramo)' “* Polor Pholps. Baby* (1987, Comody) Tom Sollock.S : COSBY SHOW Clill I **«*Hotiolulu*(1939. . Slovo Guttonborg, 8 somo poiniors os sho pro ) EloanorPowoll. i-1:00 CIN * * * T h o Guns oI lF Fon ' • hor lirst car. (in Stonjo) C **K 'Holon KoDor: Tho Potticoar (1957, Wostom) Aui\udio I ' a (12) GROWING PAI^•ilNSMnoolo Conlinuo8'(1S84. Biography) Murphy. Kaihtyn G rant boeomos discouronodi»h.„=hoc.n-, wh . Inningham. Blymo Dannor. 1-JO i ; HBO - * * * *Batman’ (19e989. , Iind a job. k * 'Bunny Lako Is Msslng* Advonturo) M chaol Koaton, , m M O V IE * * 'T h o BioBiownool- ^ sto ry ) Louronco OUvior. (TMC) ■ * * * 'R acing With thoth< Moon* Drnma) Mickoy,Roo„„y. Rc mloy. • (1984. Dtnma) Soan Ponn. ElizaboihEli | Thomns Miiclioli. * * 'Sommor G irl'(1963. McGovom. C3 KIDSINCORPORAT so) Barry Bostwick, Kim Darby. 3.12:00 CS ‘Killors From Spacoco*.(1954, I Suporsiilious Slacy Is dis' S **-Qt;oboc'(1951, Sdonco Fiction) Potor Gravosos. I Giorin losos hor lucKy chrctam. iro) Corinno Calvot. Barbara Bostor. CJ MOVIE*** Tholo F o , Countiy- l5.* * » 'F fosh H orsos' (1988, EB® ThoTrap'(19i1967, i (J955. Adronturo) Jam os Molly RingwoJd, Androw Advonturo) Olivor Rood. Rulh Roman. '/• EQ * * K 'T h o Kidnapping olBol aby I Q DOBIE GILUS Dobioobiosctsoutto * * ★ *Tho Philadolphia Story* John Doo' (1986. Drama) Jayrjyno impfofls 0 tjirl who domanT..„d„ompto» Comody) Kathnrino Hopbum. 1Eastwood. Goollroy Bowos. lionof.ty. Jtowart 2:;2:30 SHOW * * v ‘Forrls Buolloillor's Day ED JUST FOR LAUGHS * » *Tho Now Advonturos ol '1Oil* (1986, Comody) Matthoww covorogo ol Iho Just lor L ngstocking* (1988. Fantasy) Brodorick. | Mia Sara. c o m o ^ lostival in Montro n. Eiloon Bronnan. 33:30 -: HBO * 'G oing B ananas''(1987. ( ® ES ENTERTAINMEN^ENT TONIGHT * ‘< J*Tho Goddoss of Lovo* '(Comody) Dom DoLuiso. Acior Coibin.Bornson..(InStoroo)...- (In ...... tomocfy) Vanpa Whilo, _ » C )-* * k -'Moon Ovor Parsirador*------E a REVUE Nows ab< k*»*Shakodown*(1088, | 6 . Comody) Richanl Droyljyluss. onior:ainmont wortd. Polor Wolkir, Sam EHioiL |E I Julia. ES N E W S P CIN * *r» x ’'Pormanont Rocord* (1988. CIN ( *Tho Cindnnati Kidop« AmerfcmPilchirorli OffCeflCwlet {Olf Mr)______Q IbcHell'Uhnt WtthWk.'Ij* W»aSL Evening itPopi Iflhtlrw W o H « l . llnlaH»Hghl FuO Kouu |F«nny Womn'iChilkt^ Wo » 2 0 ______•*’ U m 0 * t n - - Hflhtl DiAi Utlennan bos Bw>U»veriA ^YtaowRw umflttfCtllwiner H nn TontflhlSho* f i f (eHS)Coo«WolfUcQu»(l«-(U^ Uc tiJunpSawt jhlHoat ~ Pctt [Cwdid^' Ho Ho»htrt 'with You |B*tory M... U « 'H | i l ^ -Mflght lor the Godr (1SS5) RoeVHiritoacn. [flflOHbvl* ' |u. Uc»U! * * * “Thuxhf B»y* (1&S3) JlifflwSUtwafl. w Uovta:**i'TWI! IA)vto:THr*‘Haywlro-11380) |S hlOrlJtety ^ ■11S80) ShortJtMy CrtB&^gW ^ p i AfMnloHen______hiothflNlsht g H FUIH9uw|Pimliy SlSff»ng«r» T«n el U» 20/20 |MBhlHno Iatmi SQAdamWKt **i-Vly»U»V BSH 21/2 D»(Js ~ -ThoHowMvcntattelPlpfiLonailftlilocUna' Uovte:**-B«tmM-(1!)6C)A lOBOjUidaolKoalCift. 'U wncsteKiriril333) HBO Uovi«:***i'U9en»tniel;tniek'(1337) Cher. Cryp>T«io*|&ijOreimOn Uevto;***~B«tmen-(10B3l -AfKl Gcd Cretted Wanan' [1083} IWX ” Mevie:tO-Th»N«k»dCtod aty" (1048) Uov>«:***“r*“WhhoW»e«erU^ l«r’iD»yOr(IKie) Dtvidion ] SHOW p,iiUcC»rtn»y (u|U evU;**t'Fresh Horu*--(l!»S) [Uovto:**»-F«itU BooUoT i ISportiC^ WtlerilillnfliPto*10 Tout ESPN (5aO)UafofU»B»»BwfawfacU |U«lorUi8U0 B « t« b ^ ol Iho hJazi invosloninvi ol Russia during ® COSBY SHOW Clilf oivoseivi Doniso World War ll.ll,( (R) rKlNG UVE Schodulod: Frid£lay somo poinlors ns tho ptopaiDparos to buy LARRY Kl hor lifsl < ^ (!e S to ;o o ) □3 comic Goortjorno Carlin. ENT AFFAIR HBO MOVIEIE***»*Moonslruck' •< c a 1 3 (11) E13 NEWHART Oickckis n (12) CD £0 CURRENT r»ody) Chor. Nicolas Cogo. ' ^ C J MICKEY MOUSE CLUELUB (In (1037. Comod draltod os loador whon Goorgo holdsh< ITS wont lo Norman SlOfOO) P Throo Oscars a reunion ol hit old sUool gang..(R (1 )(ln l a BEWITCHED Samontfiiintfiaisupsot Jowison's taloolo Otawidowod Brooklyn S to re d P If who finds horsolf falling in ^ when Dorrin conH tako Ihoho vncaiionv ho bookkoopor w □ (^WASHINGTON WEEKJ^JN wos planning, tovo wilh horor flanco'af broihor. (In REVIEW (In Storoo) P Storoo) ( S G p ES PERFECT STRANGIIGERS E B N E W S O ULMCCARTWEY:PUTrr 3 7.-00 a ALFRED HJTCHCOfCOCK SHOW PAUL LoffyTorcos Lydia to ovorcomoI hihor —...... PRESEKT3 A M anhattanin niartist, who - — •• • THERE Mueiejeidan Paul McCortnoy...... slago frlgmnndDppeoron a TVsJ shW/. ------takos crodil lor hia wifo'8s paintings,pa perform# oldId cdaisk:* and now hits ot (R) (In Storoo) P bocom os a murdor targot.Dt. (In(I Sloroo) on inlormalIcosslonot so on English a ^ ORE-IDA WOMEN’S B NASHVILLE NOV?SchSchodulod: roconjlng stucstudio. (R) (Iri S tertx y . CHALLENGE ^ Highlights ol thor 117day Minnlo P o a rt Tracy Nolson;son;Chot (SHOW)MO\I0V1E **% ‘Fonls BuolIor-6 ' • womens' bidVcIo raco through Id:Idaho. I98S. Comody) Matlhow ^ Hlnosloy: Tony Joo Whito:to:Vinco \ Day O ff (198 a ® CB Y E aO W ROSE Rojloy Forraonmo: Darfoll Lomonulonica, (In Brodorick, MilMia Sam . Spring lovor hils Champion Sj conlronts Job's doughghler Storooi a high-schoollOol tonior who concocls a aboutl hor talher's hatred lor hiss I.lamily; CBiadDEaPHIMETIP•TIME PETS sorios ololabilaboralo docoptlons 10 Chanco ^ discovers his true horilojlogo. Soom onts; a tmo-climbino'ing dog; onsurothalhiII ho and two friends con ,p orefroo day wandoring ^ puppios in Iraining a s aulcMultlodoo5;o cpondacarol CD EVENING AT POPS Singingng dog that fixos dinnor. (Tnn SvSloroo) a around Chlcalicago. (In Storoo) sisiors ^ Loretta Lynn and Crystalal Gaylo i (aOgMACNElULEHREIIRER (TMCJMOVII)VlE***1V^oMoon perform individually and logolhorlor. (19M. Drama) Shanlyn g NEWSHOUR Juncuon (19 Songs Includo: -Don't ll Mako MjMy • (Tl n C S ES FULL HOIHOUSE Joey's Fonn.RIchanhard Tyson. A Souihorn Brown g, Eyes Bluo?* (Gaylu). (R)1) I(In now girllnond ihinkj ho theshould bo dobutanto1 foifalls proy to Iho swoaty Sloroo) g, mo:o oggrossivo. (R) (InIn Sloroo)Si P ' charmjolot' o travoling carnival worker. a > (12) MOVIE * * ‘Lone Wolloil B e g ® BRETMAVER/ERICK (InSioroo) McOuado* (1903. Advonturo) ChChuck iE***ThoNakodCity Fabncaling a plot (or hisisnoxtbook. nc CINMOVIE: Norris. Dovld Carraciiw. A mavo.vorick novolist Nimrod Bligh plan:ilanslho M948.My5lo»8l0 7 ) Bonry RtzporaJd, ToKOS Rangor uses hia martialI a:arts ossnssinotion ol Mavorick.rick. (R) Howard I5uff.luff. Whilo invostiOQ<>og o skills whon ho collides wilh modi3dorn- c n WASHINGTON WEEKEEK IN young gWI's sr murder, polico dotocilvos day bondiis ond orms smugglorsors. I uncovoraioi B l 700 CLUB Scheduled: ^ REVIEW (In Sloroo) O v K r A D B ® THEATER . D ( 1 2 ) BEST OF THEN-E NATIONAL 7:30 Q RAY I • undorstandngJ tho symptoms of I D E CANDID CAMERA a GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL! Aliholmor* disooso. Doscondod from dinosauri r SHOPPING SPREE Tho B3 r MOVIE -TTiO Now Advor/ontures inhabit ovory cornor ot tho world. hiddon camoimora observes Amonca's of ^ Pippi Lonnstocking* (1900. Fantasy)Ft 1 3 2 1/2 DADS Two singl;!nglo fathers, obsession1 w.with shopping. Host: Alion Tomi -r Erin. Eiloon Bronnan. Tho\o rod- thoir livo childron and a bacholorba Iriond Funt. GuoslsDsls: Doidre Hall ond Polor hairod j, heroine ol Aslrid Llndg^rcircn'B novels sots up house in an obarjandonod docido to movo in legothoi MATTERS " (Q GREEN ACRES Two mansion and embarks on n sornQrios ol Stffl Sii"®105 Eddio to try oul for tho . robbors hold Lisa ond Olivorhostago.Oliv Corl pushos oscapodos. (InSioroo) ES ® MOVIE -Ho•Hoywiro- hlgh-schooll)ol basketboll team dospllo E . J BEST OF SATURDAY NlGlIGHT rolucianco. (R) (In Sloroo) O * (1980. Drama) Loo RomicimicK. Jason iho boy's roli LIVE flobards. Brooko Hoywartward's bosl- fjlW A LL L STREET * WEEK P J >APE NA REED Donna must otlond E I 3 SEARCH FOR THE RED A soiling book soivos ns, Iho basis lor 0 DONNA Actress Stofanld Powers and a toam this portrait olfirowlfvgI up in tho Ihroo familylily ovonts In orwniphi. j flora and rrCHHlKEH A marnod couplo Jfrom Zoo Atlanta oxploro Iho flo shadow s of hor lamous15 p;parents. 0:00 Q HITC (aurui ol Indonesia. IR) oroi Sunavon (Season Hubloy.Hul Jerry Orbach) usos ' ifoublod acUoss Morgaroi ilndgamesiosiaggora m BARGAIN SHOP and agont Loland Haywarwofd. bizarre minO O C N N NEWS . roconstruciion gigolo. EQ WAR STORIES A roc laho 13 Friday. July 20, 1990(90 Tlmos-Nows, Twin Falls, Idah

I n a JU ST FORFC LAUGHS ) Thomas T Mitcholl. l^riday • COhmNUESIES - - i E n MOVIE*-* 'Batman*(196()66. REGEVIGANATTHE ' Advonturo) A Adorn Wost. Burt Word,W. ------:^m lc3: Jon McDonnoIi, IQ 0 MY THREE SONS Sally orvand Miko ED' DAYS AND NIGHTSS OOF MOLLY Glonn Hircchsch, Woyrw Fodomian. Greg havo hJ socond thouohts about thcthoir DODO Molly worrios ovorortho U identity Otto ond ConSarrio Snow. wodcSng w whon thou’ bo st friendsds’ ol hor unborn baby‘6 (othor.hor. p E S JU S T FFOR G THE RECORD ,, marriage m cnjmbles. SHOV/MOVIE * * » -F rrosh o :f Horsos* Foaturod: cnow-boordor8:odoubtO'tn« C 3 TURN IT UP (IDOO, Drama) Molly Rlngwigwoid.' • joirttodmon:1in; tho worlds lastost rollor m G ® REVUE Nows aboul thcfho;______Andrew McCarthy. Whllo0 onjoyinoor his coostor; onn1.1-yoar-okJplkitnios3,S00. 1. —.ot...ontortainmont tstofld. ( R ) ...... linal llino a s a bachelor, a0 CCincinnati mSoa solo, Q ] N E W S P collooo siudonl (ails In lovojvowilhan QUONEYlhruNE m B BEYOND 2000 Feoturod;:acrotS a t - unocJucalod country womanTian. (In.. raE V E N TTOFTHEOAY C ' cord « that holds medical informalunion; Slofco) © S P E N SSE E R : FOR HIRE Sponsor unsinkoblo ur fishing boots; dotocdicdng 0;0sia MOVIE*** Thunhundor Bay* ' joum oyt to> MainoM In scarch c la n disoosos di: In prognont womon. (R)(R - (1953, Advonluro) Joxno?I? Stowart,S oscapod priseritonor. O E NEWSNIGHT Joanno Dfu, Oil prospoclorr:1ors baitio HBO TAL£SESFROMT>IECRYPTA r g a PUBUC POUCY CONFERIiRENCE i shrimp lishormon whon olf-shorooH-: TV talk shew ho st visits 0 hountod S S d YOU’RE ON THE AIR W m-THDR. cJnlling intorlcros with IhoD !isfishing houso w hora.ira bnital murdors took nuT Ri H Topic: sexual satisfaction,sn. communiiy, placo. (R) (In Storoo) P HBO HI M O V IE * * * ’Batman* (1980.(t : 0:30 a HITCHHIKER Kon■nOIinCHili O (TMC)MoVl£'VIE * * -No Holds Barrod* Advonturo) At Michael Keaton, Jadock I Slieoi Bluoj-) porlrays ailawyorwho law (1089. Dmmomo) Hulk Hogan. Kurt Nicholson. Ni pays Iho prico loriho QcddQcidontal killing Fulior. Aftorr refusingro tho dem ands of a SHOW Si MOVIE * * » -Fonis Buoiuollor's ' ol a marijuana formor. powerful tolovtiovisten oxocutivo, a • Doy Dt 0lf*(1080, Comody) MatlhoIhew I d CROOK AND CHASE>E Schedulod:J professionalalw v rastlor is forcod to Brodorick. Br Mia S a ra Ijnvid Lynn Jonos. (In Stijroi;oroo) squw oolfngcogainst o dangerous rival. 10:0!0:05 O GOODWILL GAMES C31l3(11)EaWISHYOU'OUWERE (InSloroo) ScSchodulod ovonts indudo swlmnmming. | HERE (Sorios Promioro)1 A young> CIN MOVIE*E****WhitoMischiol'’ mon'dm gymnastic toam compoiililt his coal ot Cindy puls hor oogrossivoodalointho d; ITTOD.C.ThiTho homotown comic Choors. Ch p ho:pii.il. (R )0 porforms boforiforo on oudlenco a t O □ CHEERS Coach managos:aU a itIa ® NEWS a Goorno Wash!Jhlngton University. (R) Loo(iuo Loi loom wilh on iron fist, D0 r a FERNWOOD 2-NIGHT■IT 9:30 a ON ST/STAGE Foaturod; Rozzy D B ® C 3 TONIGHT SHOW ES ^ SHORTSTORIES3 T>Tho privoto Bailqy. (R) (In[In Storoo) : Scheduled^: S d actross Potiika Oartxrt»; [1VC5 ol -phono oncounloropI'oporatoro In CD CREATESEST ADVENTURE caw-ealllnaa n Granny, (in Storoo) Inlorviows withvith tho original NASA O □ ( 1 ^ fISIDAY THE 13TH:THI^ E ' ------t a MAJOR LEAGUE 8 ASEtSESALL oslrorumtsandiflcf Apoffo-tl'6 Non------SERfEa-A6E phony psyclikrgpjnls'tcim ------Nalional Gamo; Toronto Bluo3 1uoJoysat Anristrono hlg^ilghilght this history of antlquo ont hearing oW f ta r s tho cauausoof O.ikJand A's. Aliornato Gamoimo; Amorica's quo:uost to b n d on tho moon. covoral cov deaths. (R) (In Storeo) Clovcbnd Indians otCnIilomlomia Angola. Orson WoUosrIS nomitos. CB MOVIE * ★ * -McCobo onddMrs. I (U u ) c i) MAGNUM,JM, P.L Magnum Is Miller* Mill f 1071. W ostom) W anon &Boaity, E E S O U iR E ; ABOUT MENfEN. FOR anackod by ao ssumo wrostlor and o Julio Juii Christie. . WOMEN dwarf. [l Q a MISTER ED Wilbur wins a horseho 9-00 Q MIAMI VICECrod^ait^oitis EQBORDERT•RTOWN A gang of in in a0 conlosL accused ol nccopling a bribo'ibo whilo outlaws tokosIS cover tho saloon. E E l l MTV FRIDAY NIGHT ROCKK •'liempilng to help on old friendfrier sotllo C 3 PATTY DUDUKE A sly door-lo-door BLOCKS BL( tier gambling debts, solosm an talksilks Cathy Into buying a BD BD DAY BY DAY Eileen bocomoi108 a TEXAS CONNECTION•N Foolurod;F vacuum ctoanom or sho can’t olford. Emily's Eml reluctant boby sitter whenon sho Jk (R) (la Storoo) Q S P O R T S TTONIGHT m mos ovos In next door. (R) L3J C l (11) ES BAKERYr DramoDr HBO DREAMM (ON (R) (In Sioroo) O 10UJ51UJ5 ® NIGHT COURT Cam eras;isin pilot. Chronicle of Ihroo li'mono porfodst in 9:35 (SHOW) MOVIbMC * * ’Avenging tho courtroom■ c au se strarigo bohcihQvior. Ihe history ol a Souihorn CalilSalilomia Forco* (1986./>5. Advonturo) Michaol Guost Guo slai’; Marion Ross. police prcclncl, locatod temimpornrily* p in Dudikolf. Stovojvo Jomos. A lomior CD CZ) AUVE FROM O FF CENTER,RJell ^onvf?rlod bakery, (In Slorocoreo) p Socrot Sorvicoco ogont hoods to tho ProIss Proi and Oiono Martel exploreitfio tf □ 0?) EVENING AT POPSPS Sinning: Louisiana bjwoiNou to track down ond New York danco scone in 'H ouso:ool > sisiors Lorcila Lynn and CrysiJrysinl Goylo. destroy tho righ■fght-wing vigilonto squad Tros^ln Tros Storoo) p perlorm individually and logoijgoiher lhat killod hisJ olold partner. (In Sioroo) o O r a NIGHTUNE P Songs include; 'D on't It Makoako My 10:00 0 MOVIEME *» :Boach Fovor 10:0838 Bj (11) M'A'S’H PsychiatristIst Orown Eyu5 Bluo?" (Gnylo).I), (fl)(I (In (J080, ComodyJdy) Koto Kaolin, Rodney Major Majc Freodman com os lo tho asyisylum Slotoo) thatlhat is tho 4077th to cloar his hoaoladond ® O CE) 8 3 20/20 D b "n a s h v ilIL u E NOW Scheduled: rinds find: raloase in its unique (orm of)l Q (i'll S j MIDNIGHT CALLALLER Jack Mtnnlo Poarf;: TrTracy Nelson; Chot Insonity. inso sirugglus lo Irco a Mexicann boxorbc from Hinosloy; Tony.ny Joo Whito; Vinco ES ES M’A’S-H an oxploiialivo promotor. (R)R) (In( Fomjoamo; DoiDorroll Lomonica. (R) (In 10:4545 (TMC)( MOVIE * -Danger Zont)ne II; Slcroo) Q Sioroo) RoaRoapor’s Rovongo’ (1988, Dramo]10) r o FLORIDA’S PHANTOMM ^ 1 3 0 0D 0 C S E l (11} CE) JascJoscn Williams. Jano Hioginson. PANTHERS Examines ihoI fightfigi to @ NEWS 11K0010 CCD 21 JUMP STREET Copt, savo Uio Florida ponthor fromom Di^AMERMmiCAN PATCHWORK Fullci-ullor'o formor Army buddy enlistsIts oxiincaon, Tho social, cuitiuiturzJ ond omotiooal r^Qn6on Hon ond Ponhall’s help to trad*Idi 1 3 TWILIGHT ZONEAfiustr,UII,mod ro u n d a ta o lMI Mississippi i Dolto music dowidown o deserter, (fl) . lovor buys n lovo poiion Irom i ond tho bluos’s’ titios to Africa. ' □ D Q5) 1 AUVE FROM O FF CENTIITER professor, thon givoB it lo N s 5 0 ( 1 2 ) NIGHTHT COURT Mac quits his Jolf Jolf Proiss ond DIano Martol ox^oiiloro fl- glrtfnond. job after ho Inheih o riu .J2 million — then iholho New York dartco scono in ’Hououso G l ZORRO Loonardo ctoolsDisojowol t ko'ssuodforev from thu Santa Barbara Missic ovor 54 million, ofTr3f Tres.-(In Storeo) D m M O V IE ** l a ROWAN & MARTIN'S U k * T h e Big Wheel* ' Q lNIGHTLINE P ’ UUGH-IN (1940. Dromo)a) Mickoy^ Rooney. E[Q l MAKEI ROOM FOR DADDY M. Timos-Nows, Twin Fotls., IdohoIdt ' Friday, July 20. 10901

! .j %- ...... j ' l Danny loam# ifio fiQore cl pp \KUASTEB ,HT PROWLERS Com odc Fridi whon Tony starts dating. ovldToitlobaum, Noly ’ EB @ MOVIE * * * *Hayvlaywiro* roportnr* Davli Ick. Jason Golan ond Da\DavW Hofsch probo tho , . (1080. Dmnxa) Loo Romlck, :55CTUO MOVIE-fcH-Party Rnhanll. ilflG^ROWfLEHS Incocporatod* (1083. Comody) M;Marilyn m WORLD MONITOR Chambora, Kurt Woodruff. S JEWELRY SHOW Comodlc ropatpofttrt David ToiOoboum, Chi I and DavU Hor«ch probo 2KKIM E l UOVIE *Monkay Kungng Fu* Q SHOWBIZ TODAY Sch«^ o d u to d : NoV Oolon on luan, tho AiDortam I (1980. Advonturo) Chon Mu-Chui “ Eae'SMPBovSiEHrKT GUIDE 12:20 (TUC) UO ^ h H u a . xJCroaiod Me^ (1987.0r. Drama) Jim Ybungs, (53Qt MOVIE •* * T h o Finol ConUi[iHict* CIN MOVIE * t -And God C lano Woman* (19Sa. Dmma) RotRobocca Do Jam os Noblo.>10. (IE rOTWEWGHT w r m RICK B Bn ^ i Morr«iy. w c o n lS p o n o . • 12:30 0 INTO o-door 4 ' D E ^ I n SStoroo) tti l IC a PATTY DUKE A sly door-to-< 1 11-osmiNSIDEEDmON saki'smon talks Cathy into buying I m^lCBDANCEAnEm.Emmy Award- Q w CD] FlFRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS sal ntufirrg DavioFotisUnsHno and Josh Savinno vacuum vn^ cleonor sho can't alford.7‘ ■ wlnnlno documoniaiy lontuf E ® MOVIE*'** -Tomposrs r Gramtny-winnlno vocalistst BBobby p^rosont “Thoho o writer scwlu rovoncronoo on those Soon ^P o n horso g: two coods J o ^ M o o«sholxor, s t Fm nz Muxondof. li a MISTER ED Wilbur wins a I who'vo done hot wrong: tv inacontosL tnko in a mak) roomrnato, ARSON'S COUEOY ii CS A maitial-orta export B 1 CROSSFIRE Storoo) (Part 2 ol 2) (SHOW) PAUL MCCARTNEY:Y:PUT IT E3D O B IE G IL U 3 Dobio>bio sols out lo brooks liam.aming gmnlla slobs. Guests: ( cklnson. Dr. Honry Holmlich. THERE 1 Musician Paul McCa/iri/lnoy improssaoirt who demonn m d = « m p lo u ilSE THE LORD performs p old classics and nowwhits 1 at honesty. an Infonnal sossion at an Engli:glish ^ HOLLYWOOD CHRC^RONICLES The 0 MOVIEnE ■** TTio Blazing Forest* t TIS, (1952. Advc■dvonturo) John Payno. Susan rocordingj studio. (RMIn Slorcoco) 3:05 n NIGHT TRACKS (In Sic5ieroo) B NI^SNIGHT^JPDADATE1 Morrow. 1 ig F E R NINWOOD V 2-NIGHT 3:30z\: Q GOMER PYLE. USMCCGomor ( m SPORTSCENTER ariotho 1 S ^ GGREG R EVIGAN AT THE escorts « tho colonol's doughtor i 1 1 : M ® NIGHTUNE g onlistod mon's danco. 12KI0 B MOVIE*'HappyppyHoor{19a7. IMPROVC./C om ic#; Jon McDonnoll. < iland. Jomlo Farr. Glonrj'Hlrsc:lrsdi, Woyno Fodorman. Grog m | PAID PROGRAM I Comody) Richard GiUilom r a NATIONAL VELVET a MUSIC ROW VIDEOlEO (R) (In Otto andi CarrioCi Srww. (R) I VS OVERNIGHT d I MAKE ROOM FOR DADDPDY Sioroo) BNEWS ironthood lulod: S 3 PUBUi3UC POUCY CONFERENCE Danny I loom s the rigors of poro {Q 700 CLUB Schodutoi when Terry stan s dating. undorsianding iho cymptiTtploms ol - [EI SPOR13RTSLOOK , ' (SHOW)M) MOVIE Ik*-Dangorously Bi) VIDEO DISC JOCKEY I Alzhoimofsdisoaso. O SHOWBIZTODAY m Las Vogas" Closo* (19£,1088. Drnmo) John Stockweil. B 3 MOVIE * * » * V iv a L C J TENNIS ATP Tour. (R) (1064. Musical) Elvis PfoPfotloy.Ann- J.Ej^io^ XFTER HOURS Tho band Maroret. 1:05 S ) AFT m antha is upsol Aorosmilh. l a BEWITCHED Sam ar iS ifflL L GAMES CONTINUE B whon Darrin can'l ti*o ththo vacation ho Q G O O D 1:16E B F=OCUS O { (R) w as planning. ^HEADUNENEWS EZ3 WOMEN OF THEEWORLD W 1:Ma® Foaturod: lonnor M sss AlAfrica Khadiia © T A L^ E S FROM THE DARKSIDEA Adorns; the "Womef) olKol h am ak.*an young vronvoman tunw into o giant black all-fomolo toam ot orchaichaooleoisls. (H) w l ^ spidipldof i g WATERSKIING ProPro Tour. From CJ MOVIEiVlE * * *J.D. and tho Salt Flat Fort Worth. Toxas. (R)\) Kitr (1978,178. Comody) Slim Pickons. HBO MOVIE ■Uconco 10 Kill* Johnny Pa (19Q0. Advonturo) Tlmotmoihy Oolton, E ROWAW A tf& ^ R T IN 'S lAUGH-IN QLPGA3A GOLF Youngstown Classic. ,.aW ^.NTOT.»THE NIGHT SocondI roundrot from 'ibungstown. Ohio, WIWR^KDEESMnSn Storeo) (ID 90N : TAKIN- 1 :3 5 ( 5 MMO O V IE** *Tho Buols SHOW TOMMY DAVIDJ j- ( 1971. Dramo) Miko Sims, rr TO D.C. Tho homolovolown comic . Coming (■ poriorms boloro nn nudiludionco al Slophanlonie Faulknor. Goorgo Washington Univorsity.Uni (R> 1:45 0 NEWSROOMMB' Fridoy. July 20. IMC1990 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idahoid; 15 i _ i ______------f — ^ Saturdayy programsS

MORNING 5;00 Q PAID PROGRAM SaturdayS sport n n LARRY JONES rts highlights i n LIQUID LUSTRE 8 amn. .( GOLF OQCVI) British Open, E IJ2 1/2 DADSTwo singsinglo Jallicrs, Uicir Iivo childron and 0o bacholorb; ffiond 11 a m decido 10 movo In loflollioillior. (fl) m BASEBALL (KMVT) Gianis aai iC C u b s . 1 3 EUREEKA'S CASTLIiTLE ES g g ALL CREATURE:IRES GREAT 11a.m.m AUTO RAONG (ESPN) A.CI SparkSp Plug ARCA. AND SMALL With Holonlon laidI up. bolh Skoldalo Houso and Jamamos-praciico t 50 10 Ilio dons. (R) a. BASEBALL (KK\T) USA vs. CubChiba in Havana, K3 FASHION SQUAREIE E l DAYOREAK I p.m.Ea. BOWLING (KKVI) El Paso Open, ra SPORTSCENTER xii. EZD SELF-IMPROVEMENlENTGUIDE ,.n e 5;05 Q NWA WRESTLINGING POWER 1:05 pjlpjn. GOODWILL GAMES (WTDS).DS). HOUR 5:30 a PAID PROGRAM r g WORLD TOMORROWS w . 1. GOLF (KMVT) Ameri icch Seniorio r (O p e n . fnsUPERQOOK r a NATIONAL VELVETrr ' 3 p-m.L GGOLF (ESPN) Thc Phar-Mor Youn,'oungsiown Classic. r a KIDS-COURT n SPORTS CLOSE-UPJP B SPORTSMANS CHALr Mo(h Flshor'a soan:h lof a ( ;hipwn)^ (R) [ I □ FLY FISHING MASTERYrPROM F 5:3S-HDOMOVIE**-Raml^bo: First „ SCIENTIHC ANGLERS DIood Pon ll-(I005, AdvonIvonturo) l<11)Q)CAUF0RNIA QD £ WOUANWATCH S/lvostcrSlnllono, Rich.ird■ard Crcnna. SHOW M O V IE **-T ho Karali 5:45 CIN MOVIE ***»-Th< D EQ DISNEY'S p alo Kid -Tho Parallax ® . • Part lll*(1909. Dramo) Ralph Macchio,M V.ov/-( 107,1. Of.nma) W.irro.rrcnBcaUy. g O V ^ J 'RJRESOFTHEGUUUI , ...... n Piiuln Ptonii:,r. ... N o ^ W *P af Moriia. 7:10 B HEALTHWEEK Topic: brainbi 5;SS fa) IDAHO JOB REPOI D CAMP c a n d y O PORT ■ tSsordorlinkodloono'sproblom3ms in 6:00 Q FINANCIAL FREED•EDOM ® ROD &SREELSTREAUSIDEFly fl tnathomatics. m SFRAt I IU,.I tor blubluo pills In Ponnsvlvanin_____yjj] Mfl.a-HOLLYWOO&INSIDeRfR ------Allon c*iseu5so5 nowc and h Schodulod: John Goodman Iho mnjor loanuos. S m?|FOCOCUS S CRosoanno’); Patrick SwayzoI VMED © PE O PLLE E TO PEOPLE •rG h o s f). (R) 0 GERBEREHT t . 0HEATHCI B JOY OF GARDENING Foaltaiurod: i iJ (jn^KISSYFURO HCUFF - ^growing melons ond squash, (In M HEADLINE NEWS l a VIDEO> 01DISC JOCKEY c? :'n m U.S. FARM REPORTT S@GLO{.OBAL AFFAIR n i n (11) NEWS (R) a B]G STOITORY . gro n m ES BEETLEJUICEiE Q IFl ZAK TALES EQ FISHING Q PffiJKARATEKIDD >IG Tho Outdoor Writofs. gu y ZOOBILEE ZOO A magic ringrlr U BACKSTAGE DISNEY: bnngs troublo to W hazzat mcal” ^ tic^ b Tp w d p ELECTRIC/ 0 PROGRAM a te (12) PETTICOAT JUNCTIOI PARADE Behind Iho sccncs"csof OBACKYAIYARD AUERICA Foaturod; ON Tho prosorKo ol anolhor suitor causoISOS Uisncyland'! Main StfooJ Elc todmiquo8;buiIdng 0 Som Sa Oruckor to doclaro his long- Pa'ndo. including inlorvicws JI.(taSloroo) ^ >0 - : crcaiors (R) 10. 0 TRAVELS OF JAMIE ~ S i 0 1 H EUO KfTTY-S FURRY TAFALE MCPHEETERS THEATER la HEATHCUFF r a YOU AND ME, KID Q 1?^ JOURNEY TO ADVIDVENTune ^CAPTAIN N: THE GAME Q Jordan ir. prolilcd. (rom iis bil r a OUT OF CONTROL s bibical ,0015 , 03 VflLOUFECHRONICLES Th w us hioM-iodi cmpifo. Hosi; G WITH KASTAWAY ® Tho oM:Go„«,or ecosystem ol tho m arshes in Easasl I rin rainbow trout from on Anr ESDINK, THE LITTLE DIN{ fith Tim Schmll, (Tapod) n m o s . u n ^UONEYWEEK )NEYUOONERS Rdph m PUBUC POUCY CONFERE , 13 DAYBREAK n'wff'a.^iii^.oliof.ho.______f a iENCE S VIEWER CALL-IN (R)I) ...... "brih(j5 ncrvriln' r a JIMMY HOUSTON OUTDOOKJRS nmol to/ustico. (Port lo l QUq |j WHAT EVERY BABY KNOWtWS: m FISHING: THE ULTIMAT THE FIRST THREE YEARS Foat OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE & CHABLANANDO laiufod; 0 young girl adopted by hor stopl:plaihor SHOW PAUL MCCARTNEY:'EY-PUT IT BJSYLVANIA'ilAN FAUIUES wonders about hor natural laUior, THERE Musician Paul fA:Cai :rc ise »r, pctlofrns old classics and nov HBO MOVIE * * » -Mr. North* (IE:1008. Comody) AnUwny EcKvards. Robeibort an informal socsion at an EnrSi-h Cioin-OFCI= CONTROL Ml MIC tchum. focorcJino siudio. (R) (In StoreK B3 0 U V IN C NG DANGEROUSLY (TMC) (TM MOVIE * * -Lovofboy- (IS1909, ^ (SHOW) MOVIE***-Cove;ovcf Girl* Spoodstors todtodOo South Amorica's Comody) Con Patrick Dempsoy. Kato0 n a i4 , Mucical) Riia HayworUforth, Gcno mountains ar>dnd min forests In tho Jackson. Ja d Andamorcjn RallyRa auto raco. (R )' 7:4SC4 5 CIN M O V IE * * * * *Tho C-05 Q NATIONAL GEOGRAIRAPHIC 0 3 PROFILESE S O F NATURE A film Advoniuros Adv ol Ba/on Munchnuson EXPLORER Fcalurcd; Abskfl iskn's grizzly study ol boavorv o rsra ljo d b y (1003^, (lOJ Fantasy) John Novillo. Ericric Idio. j bonrs; coral jcofs ol Uio Maldilaldivos; cjnomatoflfophcphor WilUam Canick. (R) 8:0000 B| TALES OF THE GOLD tc Timcr.-Nowr., Twin Falls, Id; , Idaho Friday. July 20. 1090) . ^ •! i

r 1 MONKEY Jako boeomosisinvolvodlno ir - Q B0NAN2INZA Bon and uulo Joo |all plot 10 assassinoto a JapanpanoM olliciat tho m an whorho kilkjd o shoriM. thon walr Saturd whon on unscrupulous roportorrope tricks lor Q morehalJial lo nrtivo, ____ him Imo llyino her to PrinccincossKoji's - ra-OOODMDMORNINO.MICKEYI ------“ ■ IsIAnd, .Q UOVIE-4E***'WInch05l0r73' Bobby B Brown vWoo, (In Sioroo)0). O CREATIVE UVINGi(lnStoioo) On (1950,Woslojslom) Jamos Stowon. n [ i VIRGINIAN A younn cowboboy's gun r a l a (11) EB PEE-WEEVEE'S Sholloy Wlntinmors. loods Ic to soriou* troublo lor himTl and: his PLAYHOUSE O ra O U T OOFCONTROL F ' bonolticlors b whon ho trios to rofrepay a (R) RAISING AMERICRICA'S E C L U BJMTV M pasta lavors. CHILDREN m @ PARARTNERS IN CRIME K [ l FRAGGLE ROCK GD O CD E GOLF Biil:British Opon Tommy o nnd d 'Tupponco aro on tho irail 0 ( 3 DENNIS THE MENACE DoDonnis Championship. Third rounclundlromSl. olsmuoolorelors oltor a U,S. am bassador mayn loso his chanco to pitch in Uio big. Andrews GoU Club in ScollIcoiland. (Livu) roports o etrangostrt Ir>cidonl wilh his g 3 luogaoo- (R) i ^ J U S T FOR LAUGHS On-si-silo •Tho Counl EQOILLBI)^ aipR U D 'S anim Tvl ccovomgo ot tho Jusl lor Laughsihs- counts thinns lodo oto1 doy-carodo ODYSSEYY CGypsy horso trading In eomocfy e tosUval In Montreal. contor. (R) □ EtK)Iand;anananlmol orphonagoln E ( S ® AROUND THE WORLIILD IN SQ 0 ( 1 2 ) SNAKMASTER•R NoFrobl NaticQtiohal Pork. (R) DAYS [ Michaol Palin lakos n titJrido on on ® MINOniTYDUSlNESJESS REPORT BNEWSL3 UPDATE tm 0 donl 'A! Shamn." (R) a AMERICAN CITIZEN'EN'S E33 COMMLMUNICATIONS TODAY 0 { 3 NATURE OF THINGS How3W ! TELEVISION Q ] MONSTISTER TRUCK CHALLENGE moosuring r movomonts ol tadalial j JO WELCOME TO POOI-30H CORNER (R) musclesr olds In tmalyring truthlh and r n HOW THE WEST WASWA WON M FRUGAGAL GOURMET Various ciocoptlon; c India's Cliarity Birdd I IHCUTOFCONTnOL>L ways ot profjroparing duck wfth wino Hospital, | (R) i F tl YOI MTV RAPS Inciudo pIcWIcWod, with olivos, tmd wllh B | NEWSDAY £ 3 PETER WIMSEY:EY: FIVE RED cabomol touco.sni 01 3 AUTO RACING Toyota Atli\tlaniic I HERRINGS A murdor taketakes placo HBO MOVIEIVIE * * * O n o Crazy Sorios, ■ From Watkins Gion. N,'N.Y . within n Scottish an colon;ilony, (R) (Part 2 Summor"■{1966. (V Comody) John ( Cusack. DomlDoi Mooro, ^ I ' supermarket SWEEP:p ^SEC R ETS OF NATUFTURE A dolphin SHOW MO\SOVIE*** "Covor GIrr CIN i MOVIE * * » - A Now Ufo'[o*(1p83, swimming en English wato/atorcis (1i)44.Mu5l.luslcal) Rita HoyworUi, Gono Comody-Drama) i Alan Alda. AnAnn- bcliicridod by a ship's c.ipc.iptain. (R) Kolly. IMarnroL t ED FOR YOUR HOMEE 9:10 B SCIECIENCEAND* 10:30 10; B SIDE BY SIDE Foalurcjrod; San B NEWS UPDATE TECHNOLC3LOGY WEEK Topic; lluids In Antonio, Toxas. (R) (In SlOfoo)10) m FISHIN' HOLE (H)) woinhtlossss (conc£lions. r a i a ( 1 1 ) E B C B S STORYEYDREAK E23 ATTITUDES Foaturocurod: guost host 9:30 B OANANCE PARTY USA (R)P Connio Slovens; Davidd N -Tho Froshman’ opons htsits iown m o rtu ^ o to r losing hood ond Q sagravodg'gor. (R) O • !®M 0VI?**» 'Tho Rcdho (Marlon Binndo); '.AiQchiQchnophobia". his Job o st tho Cowboy* (1950. Wostom)■n) Glcnn •Navy SEALS’ (ChorlioioShocn), S OSOULUL TRAIN Ftandy'Cmw(oni; Friday. July 20. 1900990 Timos-Nows. Twin Fall’s. Id;Idaho 17 ______...... ' S A T U R D A Y EVENING E JULY 21, 19S>90 r7:00 I 7:3Q~' ) 8:00 I 8;30 9:00I I 9:30 10:00 110:30 l:11:00 111:30 112:001^1 2 : 3 0 ■ Oo?j<>9ft.Shffi»-i UyuirytHoUH olm t------AurtnaiyUfritt------VM.VWoo ' {0(1 Alf) ------■ ' ^ Jeopsidy Uotiopoly i y Uoyt«:**-D.LS8Yt«f;Hshra««M«>•(1000) t o n (UovitUve t [mflhlUutle I Q (63}$) GoodwlU Camw» ______GowWaCartGamw CoodirillGajm______' 6 ^ Ujfried- |0ptnHte, lil », Uairta:***-nonring8c«ftd*(1Qa6)la^______ConieSmpUvo |uov[uavlo; t t x -Slow Out' (1S3I) John Traveavrfi in^ _ Panidlta - • B _ ^«ulyMdih9Bt»« [Tourctft^e f N m WororthsWork]ypfto |fHthe13lhScrf«» (OilOII Air) g g (6.00) Uovfe I _ Uovie; * * * Dw AJwiftfw ot t otoco o Pcio* (1338) H0Y>e:**fBffBridflelolhoSun-{lP6l) • “ Usvlc;*»*-tfayv,|r8-(ll '■(ID8C^ jShorWory jEvtringitihtIthalmpro* ^ t^ p i e tU iin |Uovr|Uovl«;****Hiyw[f«‘ (1!)aO) ShoIhortslBjy E S Jcopoidy I Monopoly U r_ Uavla; * * “B.L Siryfan Hgh Bm '•(IBOO) (I I |yovIo:**-S»o'SwordolCIdcon'(133C) • EnUjitcrtola Lion,Wllch*WK{)iobe» (Uflvlt:*** U “SpItth-IIOaijllOT^ lanta. m ir tc T UavI«:***-Co: "Cocoon” (1535) Don Amocho, ^'VoyggB* U5vle:*,-F«tFe«r(19i •(1983) |UovI«:**-OwCngySuiSummer’ ' Mo^to:-Th#NakodCun-(13a(1383) |CryplT»iM| -lO iraie lOr ^ Movie:***,-CowJm-(I■|-(IS85]TcdDa;im [UoYte-lfel^ i«vytbtal-(IS81) [Uovle:'Far FfFfoniHome~(i339) cm "Sl. Elmo’e Firs’1W(I335) 2"°''' H9vl«:**-th»Kjrjl#10daKMP»rllll-(lg83) Ua'Ha:**** •** *Whm Horry Uat &iDy-{IM3) fUantreal u ^ Cofnedy FeiBv?) "AnAnd Cod' Sjlmdjy tflght Thuncfcf ______^ b a l ^\Sf f U C l i . |j«ismf>a |nodeo;C»lgBfySwyShowdown (SporUClr. Uolelolowofid (SHOW) MOVI□ V IE * * *FifoWQlkof* its:ito boing namod tho lirsl Notionallal Park. Satui'day (1086, AdvonU5nturo) Chock Nofria, Louis ^ GostottJr.' O NEWS UPDATE ■ ■■ (TMC) MOVIEn E * » * F o st Food* (1980, £ £□ □ MOONLIGHTING David's lotl Comwdy) Jim \ 'othor m Vamoy. Trad Lords. anianivos onexpoctocDy wilh nows■ thatth ho'iho's marrying a youngof womon.n. _ ED k'Oj WOMEN IN POUTICJTjCs AFTERNOCOON ...... CIN CIN MOViej^**.:Hoo5iofa:(10,lo ce______-H‘nn:5in.Ts-()(imo oiiriisldf andQiic som o o( ------DraDramo) Gono Hackman. Donniss i Irnia/o I(;odors discdiscuss Iho 12:00 B MOVIE Hoppor, tMf'jtciirj;:; botwoon mon fine /IE * » -Whools of Toffof- 12.10 nnd womon , (iooo,-So5pon!■onso) Jonrjnn Cossldy.- ‘jjjjj:10 1 3 HEALTHWEEK Topic: bra>rain '•■I pylilics. (H) disorder linked to ono’s probloms« in E3 COLLECTOR’S JOURN,RNALWilh Q ^ o w n n V maitiomalics. (R) ^ i[ih iindTofry Kovol. (R) HY KfTCHEN Footurod: , 5.3 0 ' L ...... JocTyflwiDrofjropam a clifdun faiscuii...... Iuq.:30 B GOSPEL JUBILEE Fojfu;'lured: FT) SAVINGS SHOWCA3E- cascofolo. (R) { tho-Traiiblaim rtho Paynes- (In f l NEWSDAY Storoo) 13 AUTO RACING NASCAF-AD,- ^ ■ OdlTHECC?ais™ .,ooK„, IS' Iho pooplo. OVOI)vonts and Issues ol na COLLEGE MAD HOUSE ■ ; •jr..il Scncs. Pfom Poconc•ono.Po. Conoross-first: a © PGA GOLF Rocky Moununin in s t 200 yoors also tracos ^Goll, 1, En DAYS AND NIGHTS OFI [ B VICTORY GARDEN Tho Soul OFMOLLY m F A S rA SiYKIJvVDTS'^dian Y l SJi >ui)iom DOOD (.lolly wofrios ovor Iholdon..yIho :ummor garden; Iho subuiban ^ licf wilwrn baby-6 falhor. (f i)whohascfoatodon . w \ P -Imonimify familjmily wanlo Ihom brought 2afdon‘s 1 now perennial bordor, □ SHOW M O V IE * * * ,-C a lD !o) WATER SPORTS WORLD at Ballou- loIilisoWyw/ can moot his fianeoo W . Comedy) Jan o Fond.1,Ida, Loo (Vicki U wfonco Q BEST OF MICKEY MOUSE ICO); Tattoo's compuior ^ U B (In Sioroo) a ,.n • 1 . doting cofvfco0 gotsn' him into troublo m 1 ":t)S n MOVIE***-Sam Wl 3 EBSNAKMASTER '‘“3. Comedy) Burt Reynold whon his firsl1 twotw clionts (MisN Rowo, »I lolds.Angio Lourio WaltorG):ro) aro bolh molchod with a *STYLE WITH ELSA KLENSCl:CH Mr. Roarko. ":32BtnEUODELlNG&’ 0 AUTO RACING Baibor Saab F 0 -> ™ 6 nI. ,T THE LAST DINOSAUR 3 Pro DECOnATING TODAY FcQlu/ >ofies. From V/atkins Glen, N.Y, 1:' m,ik(; loadod glass window: Tapod) IN’ GOURMET Exploring i2-^35S , i^ l illitig vviilcf lillofs. (R) {In £ 55 SHOW MOVIE * * * *ReaI Gonlonius* 52 L5«) LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH m iN S P O R TJ (19811985, Comody) Val Kilmer, GaboD AND FAMOUS Arolha Fianklii airot. Q (12) MOVIE/IE * * * ’TTioSocond i-nn*lr ■ - Sammy Calm, singi TirtioAround-(li 0 D TOMMY HUNTER Guosts-1: i iiyUi-i McGuifo. (H) loflcr Whittakor: George Jonos, (Ir(In ! /] STRIP QUILTING Docorm ;iofoo] ormingo s[m0VIE^»-*Sovon Gunj toMosa* m i m ) Lola Albright. Charlos D a ® ES PDA BOWUNG ElEI f iUOETTEnYOUR HOME To 050 Opon. From El Paso, Toxas, 1^: Iho hasomonl. (R) Jvo) ' , , [Q IRON HORS'HSE A fospoctod 1™^' fnniFLEMANAn old (hondan<3 ol Lucas' ranchof's tios lo : 3 ia ( 5 D BASEBALL U.S. Notiotionol udvc; in Nonh Fofk lo opon a loagroupolrenogodo ^ ^ Indians aro unco uam vs. Cuban Notional Team, Frc=rom casino. icovorod. P'fnr (Q B U C K B E ^ sladio Lntinomorlcano in Havanaa. J 3 LASSIE lEAUTY Animated, c uuba, b i (UWj ) ^ Basod on Anno10 £Sowoira classic Slory. fj EL3 NATIONAL ACADEMIC T} NATIONALAUDUBONSOCIEIETY CHALLENGE (R) Si ES RUNAW;WAY WITH THE RICH PECIALS Jano Alexander narrate' O NEWSMAKER SATURDA' . AND FAMOUSC 10 story ol Dr. Archio Carr's fight to ED DAY DY OAYToroluio 1,1s SDusli’nNouyofiCSI i liis-nofd- Jump Stfoof) in Mox1 CO. (R) ,in3V0 c , 1)10 soa lurilo Irom extinction,i,(R) ( I'i'ii'I';. Hor.s wangJos a spot or n Sluiuo)O II on Iho £ 3 ® MOVIEE**«*olvino tl Madno5S-(1080,80, Musical) Dotio gQ o M O V IE * * * *Alico Doosn'l LivLivo imOMOVIE ***»-T ho Noki oro Anymoro- (t075, Drama) Ellon 'Joked Gun* Midlor. Tho Harloirlottos. ■■'Rur'^ on (1 OJfj. Co(Ticcty) Leslie Niolscnsen, S AMERICA D urstyn, KnsKristollerson - ' f';i:.ciil.i Pfcsloy. I COAST TO COAST m s Yollowslono’B naturalnat wondors lod lo n BIG VALLEY A war ta ro propo.XDSOS ' I ' Audra, but sho and Victorio suspopoet _ ''I 7inu;s Nuws, Twin Falls, Idaho Idal Friday, July 2 0 .1DOO I »( Uial hu is untulancvd. lilmloss' " camori inora: a now luoliQliting C J DISKIOS chomlcal. (R) Saturdi i g MOVIE * * X -Jivaro"■{195J, {1' R3JEW ELRYj I y s h o p Advonturo) Fernando Lamasnas. Rhondi g i NEWS UPUPDATE — ------Fftfflina------— ...... - E3NAT10NA1MAL COUNCIL OF LA ------' (TU(TMC) MOVIE * * * ”*Stond by■Mo* M [0IT ISNT EASY BEING/IGA RAZA CONFEIFERENCE (1906. (191 Comody-Drama) Wil Who:loalon, TEENAGE MILLIONAIREE A yountj girl EI3 SPENSERiER: FOR HIRE Sponsor Rivor Riv< Phoonlx, loams Uio Uuo moaning ol)l IriIriondship ' bocomos Involivolvodwhon ashon-otdor 400 ;oo B j THE EQUALIZER McCaU'ilU's- ■ odor winnino Iho loUory. (R) cookconlussossos o murdor lo his priosL attompt attQ to focondio with his ostratrangod .. Q3 PHENOMENAL WORLCRLD A look at CIN MOVIE• * * * T h o Big Circus- son on a counuy wookond is disnsruptod whal m akes o city. (R) ('J059. Drama)ma) Victor Maturo. Rod by ijy ai mufdorous gang throaloningn g a 0 CN THE MENU Schodulodulod; lighl Buttons. reci pos. 2:10 B SP0R1)RTS CLOSE-UP (R) ^ S°1SKEL & EBERT -Navy S&5EAU- 0 TENNIS Morcodoa Cup,:up, Somilinal 2 ; 3 0 B r r S Y1 YOUR C MOVE (Chariio tei; Shoon): *Tho Froshman*in* malch Irom Sluiijjan, W oslisi Gormany.C O THIS WEiVEEK IN COUNTRY > (Marto'n (Mt Brando. Matthow Brodoriorick). MUSIC (In Storoo)Sic B B (K) AMERICA’S DEFENSEE ^ ‘’m ACGRUOER & LOUDlUD Malcolm ® D t S] e Bq WIDE WORLD OF MONITOR 2ic and Jonny aro clymiod by'adicap Itom Bq FISHING THE WEST Llamasr . , . Ono* (1080. Advoniuro) Loo Marvin.’ AUantic City,y. hN.J. □ usod use to travol into tho high lakosIS o( Mark Hamill, CD DO ITFOFOR YOURSELF eoulhwoslom eot Idaho whoro cxcoUoUont fTMC> SHORT FILM SHOV\lOWCASE i a 0 U T 0JF F (CONTROL trout troi ocUon owaits Iho llyrishotmcman. l ; 0 S O GOODWILL GAMES.IES B FUTURERE WATCH a Q ® HEE HAW Co-host: Liomonol Schodulod ovonts Includolothom ih on-s SHOWMOVIIJVIE**'Rrowalkor Cartwright. Ca Guosls; Jonlo Frickiolio; ■ jnaralhon, swimming andd rowing.ro (19QG. Advonifonluro) Chuck Norris. Louis. David Da HolL (R) Gossoit Jr. (T) JU U A CHILD AND COMPAI>ANY 1:30D a a WHIGS ANDTOTORIES: 3;OOQMURDRDER, SHE WROTE Tlio •Kiichon Cocktail Party* CORNWALLIS INVADESST T H E lamily ol a doidocoasod lilorory gonius is B j ] (12) MOVIE * * * ‘EscapeO UDt CAHOLINAS Tho rolu CaroCarolina and a primo suspcispocl In Uio murdor of a Ww, ildl Mountain" (1075, Advcntur.turo) Virginia patriots playod inn dolootingdc youngwrilor^orwhowasodiingtho Kimkji Richards. Edcio Albert. British Gon. Charles Cornw;rnwallis at auUior'O Tinal^al manuscript. E ] (11) VIEWS Yorhiown in 1701. B COUNTRITRY BEAT (In Sloroo) o i r BORDERTOWN A gang o(>( [ □ COMEDY CONCERTIT B CEI TEE-EE TALK Nuliilionist Carol outlaws ou takes ovor tho saloon,.(R) (r E3 PHENOMENAL WORL3RL0 Exploros Chong ollorsors c£ot lips: rhythm nnd m BUGS BUNNY & PALS _____(ho myslory of whortt IhtMCLMosa.VuidQ i ______lompa'fi-impoiponancfl.ifl.UiatwinoMho------fg f a HEY DUDE------' 'dw ollorsofioinatcdand why thoy lull bosl d u b forfor Ihilling a long, svaight ni WEEK IN ROCK Ihis silent (H) shot. DAILY MIXER a YOUR MONEY o H O U S}E E } FOR ALL SEASONS A f g (551 REVUE Nows about Uioho ES PUBUC POLICY CONIONFERENCE look at Europtopo’s Woonort movement ontertainm on ent worid. (R) (SHOW) MOVIE * * » ‘ClicChorry 2000' and ronowabiifablo tosoutco dovolopmont E El S WHAT A COUNTflY! Maria';ia's •--- fiooo, Scionco Fiction) MclMclonio (rom Scandinidinovia. ollorod oil Uio chanco to appear in i ------Grillilh. David Andmws. ____ ©M OVIE*E * * » 'M u rd e r With-...... toltolovision c o m m erdal.- • (TMC) MOVIE ***A '7rooriOor'cTSlo' MiffOfs'(t08:985. Myslory) Holon Hayos. EJ3 SPORTING UFE Ptolilos pil (I9Q0. Drama) Ann-Margrolgroi. C. Botlo Davis,is, crows cri ond thoir work. (R) Thomas Howoll. IQ B0NAN2INZA Whon Utllo Joo Is B g NEWSWATCH 2:00 O THROB A TV ropoft.porter (Jaynu chargod withrilh murdor. ho doponds on 0 Q 3 NATIONAL PRESS CLUBJ Konnody-Ovorlon) Uicks; SaSandy into Hoss (or hislis cdolonso. ADDRESS AI gossiping oboul hor co-worlworkers. ( □ MOVIE'iE * * 'Challongo 10 Ltissio* E g S INSIGHT D CHURCH STREET ST)STATION . (1049.Dfamiamo) Edmund Gwonn, (SHOW) (s MOVIE * * 'T ho Karatrato Kid Foaturod: iho O'Kanos: GaiCary Mulu Goroldino BreBrooks, PartPi III* (1909, Droma) Ralph Macchio,Mc Oocr. (In Sloroo) l a LOGAN':XN'SRUN NoriyukI Ne - P a r Morita. o Q (11) ES SENIORR PPGA GOLF IH M R . WIZVIZARD'S WORLD a CIN Cl MOVIE * * * » T h o Sandd Amontoch Open. Third tourtound, Irom E S ® 8 ESEST OF EVENING AT THE Pobblos' Pc (196C. Advonturo) Sto\tovo Grand Travorso Rosoit inIn CGrand IMPROV RisJRising comics perform at MeOuoon.m Richard Cronna. Travorso Villago, Mich. (Uv(Uvo) a Hollywoocfo'fo T h o Improvisolion,- (R) 1:05 4.05 B WORLD CHAMPIONSHIHIP D O ^ PROCEEDING ON E 3 JU ST FCFOR THE RECORD enow-boardorc; a doublo- WRESTUNG ” THROUGH A BEAUTIFUL•UL Feoturod:em 1:30 B GOSPEL JUBILEE Fc^

. d T A N DIDT I (In Storao) g ovorsoos a rovivol ol his semf- i [Q LOONENEY TUNES nutobiogrnphlcal p b y dopictingig Ilifo In j Saturday lha lroo-sp!ritod 'GOs. p ' IF1BU22Z lh - g e a c w»«LLENCEOFTHESEAS m □ NEVn-ON'S APPLE Cocainlino's j - m ED ABC NEWS DI 0 SPORT!FrrS SATURDAY nodctivonoss; ring-aiound-tho-c3-Corinr; I OUTDOOR lJFESif>oyrigorCoroy E I SPEEDS=DWEEK why Alaskan husWos mako gooc30d slud I B3 ^ a . P ’ Wolls lishos (or trout inI Ponnsylvonia'oPoi '•Q j U 'A 'S 'H Hawkoyo ond B.J,:.J, 'I Spruce Crook; ofouso huntinghun In EVENING^ 3 ______Dorset. VL (Fl) Ibocomo lost in onomy torriiory. B PINNACLE Schoduloc a (12) TOTALLY HIDDEN VIO'iOEO Finkolstoin. CEO ol htocv’t OVTE * * ‘Romoto C o n w r Robroadcasis; a m an plays will)ilh a I SHOW UOVIE •**s*C hoi iarco ration) Kovin OUton. dwarf dv basketball tonm; prospoctiictivo (1088. Sdonco Fiction) Mo Goodrich. gamo gt Bhowcontostanls sing thohoir Grifnth, David AndfBws. RCH STREET STATION rosponsos..(R) ro (In Sioroo) 5:00 B COUmERSTRIKE Foatucnd:; ihtIho a K oftos; Gary Mulo d C DANGER BAY Nicolo discosMvors i' E l CONVERSATION WfTWHH DINAH (In Storoo) . lhal th her triend'5 seolng-<^e dog>ghas Schoduloc): acjor Jam os G g g j ; "W ; EEL OF FORTUNE a vision vl: probloms. (R) (In Sioroo)3)0 1 iTONDERWORKS 'Dofllol 1 C 3 BEWITCHED Darrin plans: n I HEE HAW Co-hosihODirUonol swors* A friondship dovolops colobralion co bocauso Sam anthaa hasn’tI I CflftwriohL Guosls: Janio f istrootwisoHispajnicboy , usod us wilchcralt (or a month. Oavid HolL (A) iSon Immigrant building Los E Q I SISKEL S EBERT ‘Navy SEALS-SE aC IQ A D A M SMITH'SS MONEYM Watts Towors, p (Charlie (C Shoon); "Tho Froshmanan* • W0R(J3 INGfflEWARDAboy (Marlon (W Brondo. Matthow BrodoiJorick) j r a RUBLES TO RICHESESWITH by his tathor. a 1086 post m 2 MAMA'S FAMILY A psychicuc 1 ' CRAIG Wl RTH An unrostrvjstrictod trip 3ory In'Astoria. N,Y.; cJolivors cJo m ossagos Irom Mama's3’s doncl' ’ ' through Moscow showingigwhalUlois w ' carnival glass.'(Ft) husband. hu (R)^ Iiko in Iho troublod oconom.om ,. (P an 2 01 HE WEST Orunkon drivors in SHOW si- BEST OF SUPER DAVEJE A , co;Greonponco(oundors: collodion co of Super Davo's bestI sstunts, I □ AOC NEWS □ prestllutfonn in on Idaho lown; tho spon with wii nppoorancos by Evander i DI^^N EW S oirock-dimbimUng. HolyReld He ond Cail Hodoos. p 0 T H 1 S OLD HOUSE Insi lASSl HIGH Joov is finding it r:00 7;00 B BARBARA MANDRELL,L& . ^ barn's stairway ond visitings r " * ” koopuphisgrncjos Inhigh THE Tf MANDRELL SISTERS (Inn 1 m nulaciurcr in Nocnnh, W ) P Storeo) Sti © W IL D KINGDOM ' E'S COMPANY Jock ond C Ci 3 0 (11) E S PARADISE Eth:than's r a SIOO.OOO FORTUNEEHUNT H Chrljsyoroh0 handcuflod logothor os a Iilo ii(o is ondangorod by vongoful E3(11) FISHING THE WESTUamasWE okoondthonTon dscovor thoy havo no townspoopio tov whon ho trnnsporlsIs an aro usod lo travel inlo iho h ’ ' ' ' occusod o a muidorcr to Poiaclisu,-tn [f jlln souihwostom Idaho whoro < OPS Flosponso to an Storoo) st< P trout fiction awaits iho llvlisl suicido; sorving 0 warrant; □ Q QS DEdRASSI HIGH Joeyy isi i n RIN TIN TIN K-9 C O P i boby ttiKoring Irom finding fim ii cSlficult lo kocp up his; gradesqi McKnight roturna lo townn wlwhon a 60i:ur0S,JRR) ((In Sioroo) in in hinhI school. (R) Q movia IS 6oing mado from o 0 STAR TREK; THE NEXT £33(T a ® £ 9 SU PER JEQPAfARDYl 'I j ______booki-(R)______lONakorlschaQjodwitfi___ .(In _(in Storoo) D __ ...L______Q MOVIE * * 'G oodbye,y o .M issam o l I S “ “I ®• oro’fcspoctbd“ I! sooriiist. " " QS l O C S 227 Mary witnesses i I July* (1900. Dramo) Louisii=0o==ouj,„ C roo) P inlidolity inli. o( Roco's boyftiond while^liloona Roxanna Znl. :* * » 'flld in o High* (1950. trip trip to Allanlic City, (R) (In Storoo'QO) I IQ INSPECTOR GADGET'CT Musical) Binging Crosby. Choilos ( ^ l o l 2 ) 0 m MOTLEY CRUE Profiloi• = t o d ,00k C S GREAT JOURNEYS TTie firs:irstol band Motloy Cruo. with inlornloiviQws. :***'ThoWestomor'■ oighi ^ iroks along historic highwayays conccft oxcorpls nnd videoloodip! i yiMO.Woslor(tom) Gary Coopor. Wallor opons op( wilh writer Colin Thubron'sn's ® E STAR SEARCH (In travols along China’s Silk Rond.I. ,ta®NEWWILDERNES! TV RAPS D Q (12) MARRIED... WITH lackjl raises hor siblings. He K3TSTEPS OF MAN Tho CHILDREN “ Poggy suspects a wowoman Groono. o f o ^ o ™mr , ’ on women. (Port 2 ol 2) ot m thoi boauly parlor ol having onn inll.-ilf I • ES GLOBAL WARNING5 WasioW^ ® D withAI, will (fl) (In Storoo) p disposal problems in Gront E )RE *In Iho Footsteps ol CJ m UON, THE WITCH AND THEHE i EQ BARGAIN SHOP Tan-Onco Upon n Timo, WARDROBE wA B ased on ihu bookjkby AJghanislan*rj* SocretS socis. Genghis c S Q CAPITAL GANG C.S. Lowis, Four children pass llifougtiUu ! r,r,M ,^ , Khnncndnomlomndic customs lhal nro n ci ES SUPREME COURT R a n closol inlo Uio mogicnl land olI I REVIEW A part ol Afghanlanistan'c hislory. (R) Nnmia.lR)Nq; (Pan2ol 3) rowewotlho 1090-1990 coucountorrn, Q PRIUENE NEWS EQ m GREEN a c r e s Spring lover•erliiis ra SPORTSCENTER m PUBUCC AAFFAIRS ADDRESS S S E JM O V IE * * * -T h o Abdubductionol © DRAG RA tho t6wn a s Lisa plans a losiivalI RACINQ IHRA Gateway colobralion, cole KnriSwenson*{1D87, Drarma m a) Tracy Nationals. Froi-rom S l Louis, (Topod) r r i Pollan, Joo Oon Baker. E l ALL REQUEST SHOW E S SISKELL 4 EBERT-Navy SEALS- ESm © M O V I E * * * ’Hoywiro* HQO M O V IE * * * *Twilightlight Zono • (Choitio Shoer I* oen); *Tho Froshman* (1980, n g j Drama) Loo Romick, Jasor Thu Movio* (1083. Fantasy)sy) John (lAirion Branci ;on , Lithgov^, Vic f.1onow, mdo. Matthew Brodorick). Robards, b n t Biooko Hayward's best-st- (SHOW) MOVIO V IE ,* * * * ..’Whcn Harry . wiling «jUi book iwrvos os Uto bosisIfor (e • - - (TMC) MOVIE * * -Lovofbo)ft>O)r*{1980. • - --M oiSaliydO1009, E Comody-Drama) (his Comcdy) Patrick Dompsoy.oy. IKalo Billy Crystal. K this portrait ol growing up In tho shadows ol hor famous paronis. Jackson. 6:05QGOOD\ 5:30 B THIS WEEK IN COUI fflPaAMES troublod S; actrass Margnrol Sullav.iiv.in ,, OUNTRY Schodulod ovoovonts Includo iho and MUSIC (H) (In Sieroo) and ogont Loland Hayword. coromony. m on's ED m WINGS Tho C-47 originally j g rra MCLAUGHLIN GRCSROUP ^r^asU«'on"ond evfimming. (Uvo) O dosl ® O NEWS dosignod ns a passongor piano,, butbi 6:30E]GRANi;IND OLE OPRY U v d (In moi QMC b} n b c n e w s modified for wariimo sorvico. (R)1 B FOR SALE: AMERICA Nationional c a FIGHT DACKIWITHI DADAVID m ^ J E O3PARDY! P / P HOROWfTZ Unbroakablo dii Corrospondent Larry Lamoilo jtfnnon,Yaro; Q CRIME STOPPERSST 000 Tho 1985 invo bnmoin-pricod oxon:l50 ck)vl( invosligatos iho purchaso ol Amorloricnn -• muixJorofaTl^,7lJ-yo3r-old woman in ^ bus] in o s s o s by intomalional invostcstors. ; o MAJOR LEAGUE BASEftS E B A a Indiar«ipolid:oji; on oldorty coupio m Chicago Whlio So* ol Baltim' EQ JOURNAUSTS' ROUNDTABliBLE : lumofo m urdorodin1 1010801n PortSL Ludo, diS Orioles. (Uvo) • ------F la DISCUSSION (Tapod) 0 (1 1 ) WHEEL OF FORTUn U N E D - a ® FAMIL CJ SATURDAY NIGHT THUNDEI)EH i JILY TIES Sloven Wookly sorios which discusses cur 20 Timos-Nows. Twin Falls.s. IdnhoIc Friday, Jufy 20.1000O •n

3UI0 racing, aulo porsonaliliotiliosand ClMpvL**t * * 'S p l a s h - (1004, various molorsporls Intormaliiiation. Comody) Tomm Hanks.^ Daryl Hartfiah. A Saturda Foaturod will bo USAC Midgodgols fiom Now York bochcicholor wiihoul much ______Salom, Ind. (Uvo) • succcss ol lovo)vo falls (or a boaulilul girl ED t-EG WORK Clairo mahoiakos a who lilorally woshoswo; up on thoro. fT)T ) AUSTINi CITY UMITS Ricky shocWnq diseovory aboul hor Iriend'ii uruwaro th o}'s 's tho1 mormaid ho ta w a s SSkaggsm ( porlorms *Counliy Boy* andan huibarw. a child, Tm ^rod*: tho Whiloa cing "You PulPi HDO M O V IE **-Fast Food*iOd‘ (1909. IQ Q E S T OiF F SSATURDAY NIGHT th?Eho Bluo In Mo’ ond *lf It Alnl LovoiVO.“ Comody) Jim Vamoy, T radd Lords.U Two —LIVE (InS[InSioroo) onlofpnsina cludonls tackJoJo Iho0 0 3 AMERICAN: a N ALBUU Frank ^ry i MONSTERSi An American spy■py Is roigning hamburgor king wilhwilh a now Capra's humortlorous documonlary about orck)Drck)rod to cavo a Russian sdontisI tist burgor sonsalion coakod in a.an oxlra* tho diloroncos» s and slmilariiies from holl's domonk: ogonts. spocial. c o a o l sauco. botwoon Britishlish and Americans. (R) ID |Q :SCARECROW AND HRS. KIIKING SHOW UOVIE * * -Tho KarKaratoKid r a JEWELRYRY SHOW Loo S o and Amorxki unco vor an oii Port IU'(1009. Drnma) Flalphilph Macchio, B CNN NEW:iW S rvcocxi'o t/co plans to kill visldng royalty•ilty- NoriyuKi -P a r Moriia. A blltorliter moflial QD HOTELMrs, Mr Cabot plays Cugijl. iQ a ON ■mE TELEVISION ails instructor omploys tho0 sorvicossc of bringing toQothothor a makJ ond a pnnco: IO HEADBANGER'S BALL - violont ItQhlofs in his quostst lolor rovongo a law etucionlnt cSscovorsd his moihor is a ESf q @ EVENING AT THE IMPRCROV against tho young torato ctudonlctui who drug acJdicL Hosl: Shocjw Groono. Comics; TcTed humilialod him. (in Sloroo))] (SHOW) JUSTIST FOR LAUGHS: Woloshyn. w°* Tim Roso. Bany Crimrrnmins, (TMC) MOVIE * * -No Hold;lotdsOarrod- MONTREALL INTERNATIONALIt Tim Tim Jones. Musical guost: Shortlf.ilf. (1089, Drama) Hulk Hogan.in. KunI COMEDY FESESTIVAL Hosl Oob ED g j CHALLENGE FisWnn (or blaclack Fullor. Allor tolusing tho domdemands ol a Nowhort prosejsonts hiohlighls ol Iho martin mar in Australia's Coral Soa. (R)(R powortui lolovision oxoculivoIlivo. a olghlh annuallal c( o m o ^ colobration in B B CAPITAL GANG (R) I prolossional wrostlor Is lorco)fcod lo Monuoal. induiduding estoblishod comics m m BASEBALL TONIGHT squaro oil agninsl o dangorojorous rival. and up-and-co■coming comodic talent. a ^ s SPEN SER: FOR HIRE Spens^nscf ! (InSioroo) (Livo) hol{helps Rita doal with a iroublod l(}b;c}cn- CIN MOVIE * * * « -Cousin:isins' (1089. 8:05 (Q MOVIE/IE * * * -Tho Advonlufos ogo Comody-Drama) Tod Dansoifxson, Isabella • ol Marco Polo'5lo'M030. Ommo) Gary SHOW SH( M O V IE**** -When HnrryHi Rossoilinl, Two now cousinslinsJoconiiy Coopor. Slflridjrld Gurlo. Tho travels ol Motmoi Solly* (1989. Comody-Dramana) related tiirough martiago beginbc^ Q 13ih-conturyy explorer0 Marco Polo Billy Bilh Crystal. Mog Ryan, Rob Roir spocial Iriondship whon tfioyhoy discover bring him lo> Cfiina.Cl dirociod dire this account ol iho pitfall;ills and Ihcir rospoctivo spousos areoro having an 0:30 B ALFRERED HITCHCOCK Joys loy- ol two singlo Now Yorkors whor.owt allair. (InSioroo) PRESENTSS A booksloro owner (Eli growing gro attraction loward oach othorot 7:30 a Q5) OUTDOOR IDAh3AH0 Wallach) daimaims ho knows tho throalons thrc to disnjpt thoir unique3 ® a ® E0 MONOPOL''OLY (In whereaboutsIts olc a Chicago gangslor's friendship. Wo (In Sloroo) ------Siofoo) D ______gold troasuro.no, (In Storoo) (TWC) m MOVIE * * -C droom Eye=yo5 ir a AMEN Tho DoaDeacon linds B TEXAS5 CONNECTIONC* foalurod:------il089;Susp0n50)p g Wtngs Hauscrrcr:------— himsoll dolonding an AWOL/OL Tholma al Jlmmlo Dalolo Gilmore;C Butch Hancock. Kalhy Kai Showor. A succossful hof coufl martial hoaring.,(R)(ln (R (InSioroo) Sloslockbrokor is led down a trail ol3l companion.co (R )(Pnn'2 of ^ S (12) M O V IE * * * 'Rur■Running 2)J3 Sc.ifcd* (1086. Comody)') Gregory Gl Q ® ®3 HUNTERH A high-school g I Mulli- :t is linked to tho doaih ol a B » o a AUSTIN CITY UMITS M Hinos, Billy Crystal, TWo) CfiChicago cops drug acidict is jfforms ir, promptiogSin Invostlgaiion oward J? winner Goorgo Stroll porfc wilh roiiromont oiid a liloooM ol olsuroon ^ g doalor, p •Baby Bluo* ond *All My Exos LivoLn in and McCall. (R) (In Sloroo) ihuir minds aro givon 301 daysda lo nab n by Hunlor anc Texas,* (in Stereo) cocalno-smuggling mobstotistor. D Friday. July 20, 19900 Timos-Nows,‘ Twin Falls. Idahciho ' 21 ‘


[■'A-S-fl ^...... “1 IS'BEWlTCHED'DlrriTr^T^ S a t u F a ^f 11:00 a UOVOVIE * * ‘Joystjcks- (1903. colobmtioncj bocauso Sam antha« hasn't Comody) JoiJoo Don'Bakor. Loil Groon. usod u: wiichcralt for a month H AMERICRICAN UUSIC SHOP n 0 u VIDEO DISC JOCKEY CZ) NEW COUNTRY VIDEIDEO (In Foaturod:: KfiKattiy Matloa; Tim O'Bfion. E B 3 WONDER O F WESTERNI Sloruo] (Rl(In Storoioroo) AUSTRAUA A Tho unusuol animiinols and □ (12) COUIC STRIP’ UVE From . D OS SNENEAK PREVIEWS GOES landscapes la ol wostorn Australia!ia,(R) Los AfiQolos. loniohl'o schtichodulod VIDEO (In1 SlStoroo) B E INTERNATIONAL ' comica (ncludo M ofna/atll Smith.Si Scott D (1 2 ) UJOVIE***-Ok3wOut- O ' CORRESPONDENTS(R)O La Roso ftnd Jolf Justico0. (loai.suspcsponso) John Travolia. C C J SPORTSCENTER ED ZOLA LEVITT Nancy Alton.on. HBO HI UOVIE ■** O ho Karato'WdPari K ED DICK TRACY: BEHINtUNO THE IBM U SICCC O F COMPASSION , ill- ill (1909. Dramo) Ralph Macchl:hlo, QADGE, BEHIND THE SCENESSC Thu QUAKER= ROOM FOR DADDY NonyukI N( " P a r Morita. making ol iho movio ‘Dick!ck Tracy.- Kathy's hoad)odod for troublo whon sho . (TUC) (T MOVIE * » T h o Vrtioopopoo siarring VVoxron Boatty andm d Madonna. lorgoia to givogivi Danny sovoral phono Boyfi'M98G. Ek Comody) MichaolII OKoolo, Poul Rodriguoz. yM Y THREE SONS RobRobbio ar>d his E ^ U O6viE****HaywifO* V CIN C! MOVIE * * * -S t Elmo's FirFiro- hypnosis on Undoncio Cliorloy. (1080. Dramcimo) Loo RomicK Jason (1905. (11 Drama) Rob Lowo, Juddd ED FOOTSTEPS OF'F WMAN T7io Robards, Nelson.Nc oHl'cIs ol nar on womon.1.(R)(Part2ol (P S3 AMERICANCA COAST TO COAST 12:3C2:30 IT) FRIDAY THE 13TH: THEHE Yollowstono'slo's natural wondors lod lo SERIES S£ A phony psychic ste a ls ; E flN E W S p Is an e- ils boing nam'amod tho first Naiionol Park anUqoo an hoaring oid Ihofs tho cat.:ausQ ol ED SEARCH FOR THE RERED APE (0) sovoralso doalhs, (R) (In Slorco) Aeitoss Stolanio Pcw orsla nn n d a toam Q BARGAU:a i n s h o p a n ABC NEWS o liom Zoo Atlanta cxploro thc > Iho flora and E l NEWSI U>UPDATE S g ) MONSTERS A curious accoi»untanl l^ n n ol Indonosia, {Rl BDSELF-IMImPROVEUENT GUIDE throaions thr n project designed to o a NEWSNIGHT I control SHOW JUSTST FOR LAUGHS: monsters mo In Now York's subwayy ED JET SKIING World Toufrouf. Ftom MONTREALVL IINTERNATIONAL tunrmls. tun (R) yi[nmi.i EJc'Qch, Va. (Tapod)Dd) COMEDY FEJFESTIVAL Host Bob m Dl PAID PROGRAM EEJy o u r e o n t h e a iIR r WITHV DR. Nowhonpfoscosonts hlnhlighls ol tho E M O V IE * * * 'Voyago lo Uio RUTH Cl hu oighth annualual comody coiobraiion in Bottom Bo: of Iho Soa- (1961. AdvoniDnluro) HOO m o v i e ****-T hoN10 Nakod G un' Moniroal. incIi■wluding ostablishod comics Walter Wa Pidgoon. Joan Fontaine, (1900, Comody) Loslio NJolsliolson. and op-and-cof-comlng comodic taiont. Pfisciil,’! Pioslo/ r a DONNA REED Donno hoips15 ,Mary (Tapod) .got a doto.for tho.uarslty prom ,--- 10.;05 D GOODWILL GAMES^ES 11:05® MOVIEV IE * * * •Nrght'SMi'li-"" ’ ...... ^ SchocJjicd ovonls includo Un t s E3 ENTERTAINMENT THISis H J Uio (1982. Comod;iody) Honry Wnklor, . . WEEK WE Preview of ‘Young Gunsill,-(In II welcoming coromony, m on'sin's Sholloy Long. Storoo) g - ( R ) q ...... -ll;O Q fflU O V;?iE* lE *-Oavidand - £ 2 ® SHORTSTORIES An “ “ © E S ADC NEWS p □ Goliath‘ (1060,160, Advonluro) Orson oxocutlvo oxo finds o porson for his adat 10:20 C J (11) WAR OF THEE VyWORLDS Wollos. Ivo PaiPayor. campaign can in 'C ountry Dudo.” (R) Aliuns cpDOihuad a campaigi I) I laignto 11:10 Q T R A VIVEL S GUIDE Foaturod;- B O SPORTS LATENIGHT atii.ictnciv/olloivofi with tha tha holp 0/ a staying afco^loo^logo campusos raifior ID EJ MOTOWORLD ------cJcvoiii ministor who'a turnedic d into a ------than hotels, ^aciu w o rk o r. (R) (In Sioioc :45 E UOVIE ★ * * -Walk Ukoin n :• Jioo) 11:20 0 (11) FHFRIDAY THE 13TH: THE 0 Drai ^ r^ w '(1 9 6 0 . Drama) Moi Tomio110, ' y BUOVIE***-Bric}golo>10 Iho Sun- SERIES'Aphoiihony psychic stools an Ja d U9G1, Drnrjia) Carroll Bakor's turned inlo a miraclo S mj a, t t h e MOVIES -The Froshffl ID PAID PROGRAM wofkor, (R) (In J im a n ' In Sioroo) ;M3flon (Mar Brondo); 'A rachnophobio';a'; Q MOVIE * * * - C o c o o nn-(I9a5 - ( SCAHSON'SN'S COMEDY CLASSICS 'Nav tJnvy SEALS' (Chorlio Shoori). (RR) Scionco Ficiion) Don Amcchu 1 Bynor, Nooi Harrison, n m i PRAISE| THE LORD - Dfimloy. 0, Carol Wayno, a | a KRNWi OOD 2-NIGHT - Q MISTER ED Ed m oots bO' 3ILUS Doblo'SQitllriond E3 S I® EVENING AT THE IMPJ10lOV Loo Durochor, t bo givo up collogo for a Host4o5t; Shoclw Groono. Comics; Tffd , , salos caroor. 9d raE 3 MOVIE**-Sword ol WoloVoloshyn. Ttm Roso, Bany Crimmfmins. , ,S ' . , , H PINNACLELE Schodulod: Ed Tim. Gid(;on-(t9QS, Advonturo)I (Part(P; lo l Finkolstoin. CEC im Jonos, Musical guosl: Shorilf.!.{R) ( ^ S lo v e n Qnucr. Michaol York :E 0 of Macy's, (R) n r 'Of*' S PUBUC PO 3 NEWSNIGHT p EVANS & NOVAK (R) POUCY CONFERENCE da LPGA I GOLF Youngstown Clasassic. JD RODEO Caloaiy SOmpod FROM THE CRYPT A TWrdhird round from Youngstown, Ohiolio. ^owtJown, (Tapod) host visits a haunted (R) houso whoro bn.briilal murders took i '05 H EQDAYBYDAYTorolutoJ his iis noid placo. (R) (In SK 5 S 3 UOVIE * * * -Barfly- (108737. imago, floss wanglos a spotsto oi n llio (SHOW) MOVIE iomody-Drama) MkAoy Rourtio, FoyoFr looiball loom. IR) lunaway, (fOaS. Advonluro) Q G (TMC) M O V IE **-Fast Food' 3 GOODWILL GAMES CONTININUE iX K LHono. 'i Richard Cronna i ;00 E5 ComoJy) Jim Vnrnoy, Trod Lords.Lor 12:00 B RODEO jJ j E WHEN YOU'RE READY TO■o ! CIN M O V IE * * -F a r From Ho. : 0 Musquilo QUIT Championship R (1908. Susponso) Drew Bnrrynrrymoro. B ( ^ N I G r f T » 5 (SHOW) MOVIE * * 'R ro w a Ik:of e r M.ittFrowor. ’'jfo'sI9S6. Advonturo) Chuck Nonis. LoiLouis .10:35 [T] NIGHT COURT Bull is. i Vaughan; VanI DjDyko Parks; Maria Gossiossott Jr. 1 IS ono Mckoo: Pliaroahjah Sandors. (R) (in 1 :3 0 (2 j gamo show; a cantankoroussjudgoiails luc storoo) 3 ® RUNAWAY WITH THE RICH: h Oan lor contompl. NDFAMOUS ©TALES FRO (D DOCTOR WHO Tho Docio n o u THE DARKSIDE A B3°na ROWAN & MARTIN-S LAUGH- 7-y™r

|i • ------4 - S Sundalay progranms


5:00 B CALLIOPE ------SSunday l sports: Ihighlit 'its r a O J A H E S KENNEDY B ^ N IS (ESPN) Thc Mcrccdcs Cupjp Final. Q FRAGGLE ROCK Moke°koyp«lm!o . 5».m.THi V picturo ol 0 roro aoatufo.. andan tho Ffogglos considor hor nnloracio, ora (R) 7 JO a mCL . CGOLF (KKVI) British Open. rae U R E E K A -S CASTLE f f l 551 KOREAN WAR: THI UNTOLD STORY Volorans c AUTO RACING (ESPN) A.C. Spark5a:k Plug SOO. Koroan W ar ond a look olll KoronKc a s it oxisis today, l'.QS'p.m.(n.GOCDW IIXGA^^ES (WTOS).)■ m JEWELRY SHOP B DAYQREAK Cl TENNIS Mofcodos Cup.:up. M'en's 2 p.m. GOijO L F (KMVT) Ameriicch Senior Open.O p linal (rom Slutlgart. WostI Germany.Go (t>o) u GOLF (ESPN) Tlic Plur-Mur YoutI'oungsiown Oassic, E ) SELF-IMPROVEMENTNT iGUIDE (SHOW) MOVIE * * » *CaptCaptain Sinbad' (1063. Advonturo)o)Guy G 6p.rn.BA;3ASEBALL (ESPN) Red Sox at Roy:(oyais. Williams. Holdi £3njhl, • 5:05 0 TOM a, JERRY’S FU CIN MOVIE * 'Doin' Timo' ( J i GOODWEX GAMES (WTBS).). Comody) Joll Altman. Doyjy Young.Y 5:10 HBO MOVIE ‘BoachJCh Bolls' 10^)5p.m.um. GOODWILL GAMES (WTOS).S). (1900. Comody) Phillip P.ilo;’.iloy, Hoidi Holmor. • 5:30 c a ROBERT SCHULLEl-LER P El FRAGGLE ROCK Worn ' D aplislChurdjrd i. EH EE WOMEN OF THE WORLD) halchi;s nn ogg that loll IromIrom Iho © H ER IT AAGE G OF FAITH Foaiurod: Fo (omiur Miss Alrica Khnhadija Gorn'fl fjardon. _____iQ n iL U .SS. .! FARMflEPORT------Ad Adams; ilio'Women of Kamak.' • •— C 3 KIDS'COURT - • - ED GERBER'ERT alMomalo all- loam ol nrchaeologislsSIS. (H) B BIG STORY (R) & NOVAK(R) A groon r wilch mystoriously turnsIS pink CD ADAM SMITH'S MONE IE*»'YouCanlHuny on on HoIIowoon. (R) -Sports, Gloiy and Grcod* (f 0. Comody) David Packer. , CINCif MOVIE * * » -Tlio Olsordorl)jrly r o CHICAGO'S VERY OWnils Lovo-{'000. c S cor McGinninnis. Ordorly*(1964, Ori Comody) Jorry LL(owis , Etl SW ISS FAMILY ROBIN:mNbON (SHOW) HOVOVIE** ’Pound Puppios Q Qc onda Farroll. E J DISNEYLAND'S 35THM and Ulo Logongond ol Big Pavrf* (1908. 7:05:05 Q BRADY BUNCH Grog droJroams ANNIVERSARY SPECIALIL hH osi Tony Fantasy) Vole,olcos of Grog Oorg, Rulh of of gottingj rich with a song ho wroTOlO, D anja prosonls on oil-starar ccolobration Buzz! but noods S150 to pay (or tho ol Disnoyland's 35lh onnivor u ^ ', (TMC) MOVIEVIE * * * T h o Gods Must iccording icc sossion, including appoarancos by M '™ (Ri OoCrazydS.(1901. Comedy) fvlnrius 7:30:30 □ FAMOUS ADVENTURES■S OF Eisnor, Miss Piggy ond Gon:^nzo. (R> Woyors.Sandindra Prinsloo. MR. MR HAGOO l a POPEYE HOUR CIN MAX MO'.tOVIE SHOW A proviosv ol B Q TRUCKIN' USA Featured: thoth !□ HEATHCUFF p y thoatrical roloi3I00505. movios in annual nnt Mud Run ot Embdon, Mailalno; CD VIDEO DISCJOCKEY and Inlerviosvj Vi'itli siacen omorgency om lools; nocossary EH ® JOURNEY TO ADVrc v E N ru n E occaccessories. (R) (In Stereo) Jordan is proWod, from its15 bibicalbi roots g .J j ^ FUNTJ‘JTSTONES ( (3; 3 Q ( S E GOLF British OpDpon to il5 hijih-ioch ompinj. HosIHosliGunthor c iss B IDAHOHO JOB REPORT Championship. Ch Final round fromm St.: Loss. (R) 7:00 o EXCm:IT1NG WORLD OF SPEED Andrews Am Golt Club In Scolland.. (Live)(I EB WONDERFUL WORLD JTY Foaturod: Franco's a □ (55 WALL STREET JOURN,INAL DISNEY -Fox HunlorAyouyoung orphan akkur" rally: a prolilo ol Al REPORT RE boy aiiompis to tum a mtschtschiow us Unsor.Sf. (InIn Sioroo)i CD f T ZOOBILEE ZOO Talkatoo andan mult imo nn obodiont hunlininlingdog. A r j i m mI) i iSUNDAYS MOnNINGO Lookout Lo( visit Winlor Wondoiland.id. 1964 movio starring BriannKoilhand Ki p^c>ROGRAM Co} (T DAY OF DISCOVERY Phillip Allord. (Pail lo l 2)■> Q (35 (AlIHEAOUNENEWS H: E □ i (12) THUNDERBIRDS 2OQ0](3 B DAYBREAK L’J m is t e rR ROGERSr Fabfiwilingn Q ( T LEAVE IT TO BEAVER Boa>.lavur is ED VIEWER CALL-IN (R) pinwhoci; howlow a model stoam engino shamod sht inlo boing noat and cloaiJan. . 0:05 O FUNTSTONES woiks: makinn(ing waiting oaslor. (R) □ E fJl n GET ALONG GANG 0:15 © WHAT'S NU? a (12) ROCl3CKY AND FRIENDS IQ C ] Y O U AND ME. KID £ 3 (1 1 ) NEWS (R) !VY HASS C C3 3 TOTAL PANIC SHOW BEST OF SUPERRDAVEA D niU^LECI CLOWNS OF E ES a WORLD TOMORROW coMoction o( Supor Davo's'b'■s bost slum s, h a PPYTOWNWN ED ES DEAF MOSAIC Issuoc Inciniing doal wilh appoQiancos by Evandi CIMOUSER'ERCISE Americans, Arr . Holyfiold and Carl Hodgos. ( ^ la bugs BUNNYbu & PALS B Q YOUR MONEY (fl) G:30CSFISHING.THEWESTEST Unmns fS , nnNEYEYTUNES EQ ES PUBUC POUCY CONFEREHENCE aro usod lo i/ovol inlo tho0 hi]high lakos ol . ^ ^ MOVI.)V1E * * » "Thunder in tho SHOWADVENTURESOF SH souihwosiorn Idaho whcroor;o oxcollont E ^st^lOSS.A). Advonturo) Alan Lodd. COMMANDER CC CRUMBCAKE;Tho Tl lioutnclion awaits tho llyfishJ ^horm an. Deborah Korr.orr. incroasod inc activity Irom a new oxt)xcrciso O ^ IT'S YOUR DUSINE ES WHAT AACOUNTRYIThocIass t program pro could liiggor Iho Grooill ( 3 t o n y BROWN'S JOUFDURNAL plans a surpri:priso birthday party for Divido. Div (R) (In Slcroo) .V. Pro lilos community son/icosIC05 ollorcd by T-ivlor :35 O ANDY GRIFFITH Andy lakosla Now Ortoans' Greater St.I. SlSlophon Fridny. July 20, 1D90) 1Tlmos-Nows, Twin Falls. Idahoho 23 .. t . .. " .______Sunday - — I— —

! Optoondacouploolhl.:lhis Monds o n a m m s ; - 8,wS¥oi?CTE-Amj-Erij-so N ...... MfroHstudle B TRUCKS ANO TR/TRACTbR POWER Foaturod: mormonstor Iruck competition (rom Roane■arrako Civic Contor In Virginia, (inn SlSbroo) □ (ES MISTER RCXSEXSERS Using dscardod Itoms lo mnK(lokoatoybox: controlling iho noltjhborl l«D THKOUOH JULY 319 0 araCSSUMDAYTiYTODAY « Schtwulaa: a Rorida1 cacam p lor aspiring lawyers: Ox-convld-outhBUthorSoih Morgan (’Homoboy):);ak)okalBugs a Bunny on his 50lh birthcirthday. QD SESAME STREET,ETAOingorhoIps outUiIsinlhoRx-ltShcShop. (R) P 0 ( 1 2 ) PETTICOATT JJUNCTION t " ® 8 T A f l SEARCH^In (In Sioroo) m p c L E p o s m o N SWELCCMETOPO(POOH CORNER Q MOVIE * * n -R oom m o ancoon Iho High Sons’ (1940. Musiclusical) Doris Day, 1 4 * Jock Carson, •-piece porlraiaif1“ pacicHge f f l SUNDAY MORNINCIING a 4 0 » ! I ^AMERICANMEDIC.OICAL ^ - «8x10s, l 2-5x7s andai 10 waU^* TELEVISION @ DESIGNER ROWV 1 Q NEWS UPDATE m INSIDE THE PQATiA TOUR (R) I S J ______S 3 gA m iY -PH A CTiceICG-UPDATE------...... ” Topicrodoloccont doprosprosslon...... 1 A B Y _ H 8 0 NEVER SAY COOIOODQYEAgiriis ^ IB (ocod wilh harsh roaiityity vwhon hor W B grandmothorsullofsalo'a lotal stroko. (R) ^ SHOW MOVIE**K*Ca'Captain Sinbod' ■ ^ FiiviR Advionfuroj Guyly Wi/liomn,M Hoidi ___ (SHOW) MOVIE ■ * ** * -Qill ’( ond Tod-8 . ^ e BETTIR Excollont Advontufo*(19l(1909, Comody) AtSeClears^SW our photographers9rs a re experienced p rc Koanu Roovos, Alox WinWinlor. f e s s i o r 8.-05 a GOOD NEWS ionals In every way. Theyey m ake sure your b ob)8 I » :1 0 @ O N T H E MENUSiU Schodulod: loolcs:s j |u8t rIghC so your p ortnrtraits com e out g reatir o - light rocipos. (R) 9 available: Instant Col"olor Passport Photos 8:30 Q CARTOON EXPR b . Q HIDDEN HEROESS F

D I STARCOM SivdtoKouftoun;Svn,iSior»kaur> pW bW 0 DUMBO'S CIRCUSIS (vhwvuenUen iiopan); Mon,-Soi.: IfiB g a © K E V IN SEAL: SPORORTINGFOOL >^Ov'^ll<»'«keu>p>lor B NEWSMAKER SUNDJNDAY touofdo^ QTHISWEEIt INSPOr’ORTS 0 3 INTERNAL MEOICIN::iNE UPDATE Topic: impotonco. (TMC) M O V IE * * ’Nos HeHolds Barred" jte e s , Dromo) Hulk Hogpisgan, Kurt

jCIN MOVIE * * it-P o licico o ,Acadomy 6; ■ CityLlndorSIogo*(1080.(JO. Com edy)------. - . Bubba Smith. Michaol WinWinslow, 8:35 a M O V IE * * * *• -Bon*& Hur- (1059, Advonturo) Charlloiirllon Hoston. Jock Hawkins. 9:00 O JEM B INSIDE WINSTON! CUCUP RACING (InSloroo) t e QUANTUM MARKETIETING Q O S SESAME STREElEET Tho Count andoMSflcffm

24 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Fallsnils, ld.nho Friday, July 20. 19!X990 ore.I I

I 1 , ______I i = I n v i t f; e O v e r «

_ J ______5 R e a d e r^ ______T o ^Y o u r Gr i a r a g e S a l e ! ; ■

readers and potent: R e;ach a ( over 50,000 n litia l anJvIagic3(alJevw i ------^ ' b)argain-hunters^ a i w ith ______a cclassified l ; garage s£sale ad in The rimm ( es- N evew s. N ow IS the tiitim e to plan your s:sale a nid d take advantagee of our private pai)a rty ------G a rarage-Sale-Speeiali-ii ------5»lines, 2 ^days ... *9!JOO $ 2 p e r a ildildilioiuil line I FREE GARA con-Dmplete list of garage/ i payay tor your ad. 1 RAIN GlGUARANTEE : Althougl! it doesnsn't happen often duru ring , our Magic ValievV summers, you mayay be unVnlucky enough to nahave your sale on a rarainy dayay. If that happens arand you must cancel1 yyour saleale, give us a call. WWe'll run your ad witvith a ; neview date 1 day FREE!I T heT jm es^

« ...... ■■ 'C E! DEBB 1 32 3rd Street WWest, Twin Falls, IdahoO ^

Fiiday, Jury 20.10000 Timo^-Nows.TwinFoJlj. Idohc ■ > ======...... : ^— SUNDAY-EVIraviNG“ JULY 2 2 , 19; I 7:00 I 7:30 a 8:00 1-8:30 9:00) I 9:30 110:00110:3011|U:00|ll:3Qri2:00[iI m p B AUCftBuei NaFI Audubon Uuterpicco•ca IbMtra OiiUoor Cn«l Ptrtonnar«n»n«» (Off Air) _ Q [uanhtU[ _ Movto:** Twiiflhft lh» MgM* (Ism1607) Hbw( CtoM-Hn ErtiitiW Ent eek |Ar*«»^oH&a □ @ (6M)ibv(o:-£xlI«- [Uovk:-Kin w~U KUUkT (189q flKaala. ’ Hwn _ Hwrt ~ U.sm»n.Pluij jtf c - [(01iw tlil ' O (flJ5)CooyF«nn’■»nn"(l38a) | uo«{»:-QD1IPl*blo-(lD90)teitoyEdwri».j DrttmOn [ Uovta |lfav<»:*^ * * Ucenes Id Kir (IS83) Tniolhy Oallcn.^ |Uo<4«;**ca»'«HiYlnoili^B«by‘(t9a3) |Uov>o;-Bi^•n" Uev{o:*»,-ShertafcUir~ct7l2-(lMe) ^^^l^«•Burfa»^•(laS9)TomH^n)tt■ {•BBi*BffltTorf»AdyeWt»»* [co»io»»l Ujj<>fU»flU8 BtMball:Rfr J: Red Soi ilRayjIt SpotUConttfrtw (AutoRidnBtCAHT ISpemCtntw Cily. (In Sloro<>roo) [T HARVEY'S KITCHEN ' SHOWUOVIE Sunday iVIE * * 'Pound Puppios O G S 3-2-1 CONTACT Kangararoos . and tho Looon3ondotB(0Pow-(10ea, g anon. staylnij nt collogo campusoj f /IE***TlioTrap* ||oul Paul Simon (D) ond Hop. Lynn Mai4artin ‘ than ho ld s. (R) Ituro) Olivor Rood. Rita (R). 9:30 Q HE-MAN AND MASTE STERSOF tl.-OOlDo 'b MIAMI VICE Altor shootingn g a ^ THE UNIVERSE NG UFE Profilos pit bov» y durlno < on invostoation. a Q RODEO Ktosquiio Chamn Olr work. (R) » p ,o „ = .ip g - 's iK ’ orniontod Crockolt tnos to repairrh h is , Rodeo. (R) (In Sloroo) "Y rulaifolotiooshlpwllh his son. (In Storoc / ED AUTO RACI •00) ■ © W P S L D TOMORROW ACING NASCAR A.C. «E l BASSMASTERS{ Foaturod: O 6 3 ® MEET THE PRESl E S S a S M jk Pluo 500.00. From Pocopo. Pa. proloirolosBlonal b a ss nnglor nnd fishinling ' (2JOWLO-VA 1.000-yoar-old luldo Chot Douthit fishos doop-waivalor ' puoblo; milking a cow; a loaf-rPAID e PROGRAM t a (11) DAVE ROEVER (lOSfl, Comody) dy) Chovy Chaco. Q3 r(HJSECOND VOYAGE OF TH QJ ZOnRO Loonofdo sloalslls a iowol Madolyn Smllh.ih. FHE 1IMI Modom modicino nndandcnlml from Iho Santa Barbara Missiosion R? (TMC) MOVIE*5 * * * » * C h iId ro n o ro Mavo .-ion,(H) LossorGod*(ltH layon moihods oro usod lo troatitho t^ m S U P E R M A N MW5. Ommo) William scorpcocplon sting; plants’ modidnal vol l a SKO TV Hurt Marloo Mal /oluo; ,KEN C IN M O VIE**! ^ M U S I C AND THE SPOKE f * » *1110 H um or (1970, Ia S 5® WALL STREET JOURNALAL Droma) SlovoI M(McOuoon. Kothryn QUAIlUARTERLY ^(ciN/ Harrold. B SPORTSW EEK IN REVIEl n SNAKMASTER l a GAMEDAY 10:05 l a MOVIE*E**niosoRodhonds 8a ^ (12) FOCUS HD OBSTETRICS/GYNECOU (1053. Musical) R h o n d a ' Wa LLofjBRANGER UPDATE Topic: hystoroscopy. 3 (11) SUPERCHARGERS 10:30 B CELEBRIBR^OUTDOORS q S;’ HBO WONDERFUL WIZARD ( □ CINDERELLA A donnidod flir|-trl’s =IDOFOZ Foaturod: Tod NuQontNu bow hunts fo r , (Ld jIo A dangofous roturn trip to Iho10 EmeraldE boarinS askalchi asloy Ann Warron) wish to attond)do ichowan. (H) (In Storoo) , lovlshvlsh boll comos truo with tho h dIp p oi f 26 Timos-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho Ida! Friday. July 20. 1090, t

i _J ______

:__ l,„, loify Qocfcnothoi a »Holm)...... Oaiingor.------. Also «lar» Ginoof RoQor#. WallATaltor a BILL DANCEICE bufodoRS S mgnday pictnoon. Pal Com>II. StuarlI Damon,Da Foaturod: bossslitliinnin lii doop wolor . Jo Van Floot. Music by Rodgorigorc and covos. (In Siorooroo) Hammorstoin. {R) (insiofoo)o) 03 E d i ) 0353 'CBS SPORTS siovfl r n LASSIE SUNDAY Schodi■odulod: Jom oa ‘Buddy 12:20?Sf^A G “ STEAGUE BASEBA3ALL m WEEK IN ROCK McGirtf40;2-1,31.39K O s) v8. J o io sa nan F ^and&co Obnts at Chicaoo ® CHALLENGE Rthing loflor Iblock Bomiudoz (19-0->-0-2.1 8 K O s)in a c u b s mwlin In AustniUa'o Corol Soa.Soa. (R) ■ W oltonwiam boutboi schodulod (or 10 i2 ;3 0o ’Eh ^ D E N HEROES Foaturod-od: S3 JEWELRY SHOW rounds, Irom Horrnh'sKor Marina Hotol MaynEiynard Ylngst, crow chlof (or NHRHRA H NEWSDAY and C asim In1 AtlanticAtl City, N .J.;tapod Funn-unny Car champion Broco Uirson.>n. @ INTERNAL MEDICINE= UFUPDATE covorogo of th10 o Miami} MolorcycJo (R) (jI Grand Prly, a 200-mlIo20i road raco Q3 q W w S o D W R lG H r S SHOP•Roy P S^O w TioV IE * * * *E5jll and Tod's ih r o i^ Iho ttrootrools ol Maml. undoIftd ^ a i mako# a CoksnJaJ-stylo ExcoIIont AdvonHJro*(1089.3. CComody) Q (g ) COMPUPUTER CHRONICLES buttoi Koariu R00VO8. Alox Winlor.ir. Tho now gonoraloration oMow-cost lasor c WORLD Kylo Is 11-30 a BUCKMASTERS WHIJVHITETAIL prinloni. trans•ansformbd Into a oranilo statuo oso s ho m a g a z in e (In Sioroo) (23 DIVIDED UNIONUh Tho Union's prop;roparos lo altond a cowboy nCE)HOD*REELSTREA3EAMSIDE scorching ol thotho South onds with convionvontion. (R) (In Sioroo) Fty lishino for bluo jjills in Shorman’s bumiimlnn ol Atlanta In 1DS4. n3 r (SNFLMENOFTHEDECACADE ■ Ponnsylvanla. (Tapod) Narrator: Goorgcirgo Poppard. (Pan 4 ol poati'oaturod: tho coachos and playorsrs ( 2 MOVIE * * ★ « -Supormarm(ui-(1970, ^ who#ho shaped pro footbaS during ifwV) Fantasy) Chrislophor Roovo.vo. Margot1 ( 3 SOLOFLEX£X 1080 a (12) MOVIEi^lE * * * » T h o Absont rx ) ( NDS a THIS WEEK WITH DAVICWID Mindod Prolouct u o r (1081. Comody) pfoli BRINKLEY Prod MacMurrayrray. Nancy Olson. [ j j[ S| KING OF THE BEASTS B I S A U T O c h a n n e l ; ® LEAD^FFFF HAN Animalod An acddont-prono lion1 m WILD AMERICA Siblitlgingrivaliios 1 01R O N H OJRSE R £ Bon Calhoun. shodihods his imago ond risos lo bocor»mo wiihin tho animal kingdom.I. □o mistaken lor a ggunman, is hirod 10 ihoho v kino ol boasts alior ho roscoosDS (T) KITCHENMATE murdor a railroaroad prosldonL NoalMoah and tho animals Irom o fioryry 1ork. 0 (1 2 ) HOGAN'S HEROES3ES IS MOVIE**k * * 'J a m a ic a R un' (R) S 3 THIS WEEK IN BASEBAEBALLMol (1053.Myslofy}ifyJRayMilland, Ailono QS i WORN OUT DANCING SHOE3ES Allon discussos nowa andIhighlighls hig Dahl, niroo princossos iall undor a spoiloil Irom tho major loaguos. IH JORINDA/lA AND JORINGLE A ^hicwhich iorcos thom to danco all mgtig_^L _ ------1 3 (11) FLEMING'S TOP>10 10 younn womonm l!1: turned into-a------r m ' PREVIEW A look at somo) clol itio • r^hiinnalo by>y a wickod witch. (R) ^ JUST FOR LAUGHS On-sito0 nations top 10 coHoflo lootbal)IbalIto.-)ms. ^ BEN STILLILLER covorago covf ol iho Jusl for Laughs IBRlFLEMANAwoundodvod young ON UNUNE comody com festival in Moniroal. man oppoars nl tho McCain]ln ranch.r Q @ SH0R13RTST0R1ES A lilllo boy (T m lE aW IC R O DIET 113 LASSIE hilclihlKos to) bo with his oldor brolhor @ Q CARDIOLOGY UPDATE Tbplipic: O ' m J U S T SAYJUUE in *T\vo Soldionlioft': an orthodox Jow has wavo myocardal Infarction. (R) ------f O l Q COMMAND PERFOlIFORMANCE------a'romdiifc'ertsl!ilslfln-A'Pcalmloi------1 2 :3;3 ri rO ’ANDrGRlFFITHl3cx5bortir trfos ------QM ONEYW EEK (R) Mosho.* 10 Impressin an old mochanJcs' schohool B3 ORTHOPAEDIC SURGE^GERY E3BEYONDD 22000 Foaturod: a crodit friond f[jor by daimlng to own a chainlOf 0 UPDATE Topic: dijlal radiallial ffrocluros. card lhal holdsIds modical Infomialion; . gas gas stations. (SHOW) MOVIE ** ‘Listonion toI Mo' unslnkablo lishiishing boats; dotecting SHOWs h C MOVIE * * * » ‘My Favoriorito (1089. Droma) Writ Camofoniron, Jami disoasos In pro

5 sacred on“In:a Living Colore

■ ptthatitairsonSum a K v 8:30 pm

Fnday. July 20.19900 Timos-Newa. Twin Falls. Idahoho 27

I t

' i

- • Town'dC(tD-10, Mustcaf) t^cno KoU/. ED CARDIOLOGY UPDATJiTE Topic: Q. <0 "Sunday Frank Sinatra.Sin I. (R) ______O G UJNSMOKE N : Kilty boeomos :3:M o " a ^ E D h’iTCHCOC3CK rosponslb)slblo for a wanlod murdoror PRESENTS A w odlhy Engll;glishman and. boliooliovlng him Innoccnt, cotusos to participatos in o dangeroussg c a m o o l |l^ P L « S E H 6 LP«EU E LOSE turn himm covor to an out-ol-town shorilf. survival. (In Storoo) [□ C RlO O I P P FAMILY NATURE B EXCITING WORLD oFSPEED f : . { 3 AMERICAN UASTiSTER S'M artin ’ ALBUMM AND BEAUTY Foaiurod: Fn-ranco’s' Scorsoso Dlrocts-Aproprolilo of tho E 9 MOVI3VIE * * * -Tho Cowboy ond -Paris to Dakkar* rally; a prolroliloofAl dirocior a t work on *GooGoodFollas,- IhoUdy-dy- (1938, Wostom) Gary UnsorSr. (R)(ln Storoo Intofvlowoos Inducto' RoRogor Cormon Coopor.r. Morlo^ Obcron, D CE) FRUGAL GOUHME-lET Roman and Slovon Spiotbom.0 . (I(In Storoo] p 0 3 YOU)U iCA N T DO T>MT ON rodpos Indudiog Iritto mostoIto ond ® NATIONAL GECK3F>GRAPHICON lil-EVlSI'tSION pasta carbonara. (R) (In Stortoroo) ASSIGNMENT An undondonwalor (S 60} P'PASTOR MAHATHY □D TVnUGHT ZONE A has-is-boon . cinofflotocrophor Wckinsklng sharks in tho Q @j ISISLAND OF LOST SHIPS trumpol playor oltompls to makom a. mid-AHanlic: Horculanotinoum, a Roman Russlan-nn-m ado rock opora oboul Uuoo comoback. coastal town boriod for'or 22.000 yoars in lost soulsjls lhat discovor a slrongo (□ DENNIS THE UENACE'E Wilson • . volcanic dobfis; oxtomolmal forces Ihot colony willwiihin tho Bomiuda Trionglo. brings a dilm panzoo to tho) towntc 200 oro dostroybg olophanUonls and lond in Host:octoctor Stacy Koach. (R) E S ® HEROES Willlom ChDharotio. a tho Congo basin. E0W AIR R :STORIES A roconsirudion corpsman who savod many/ livosIi in an I B BIG VALLEY In ordtordor lo bring in of Iho Naz4a2i invasion ol Russia during amiy hospital in Korea. (R) P lhairhap/ostontim o., tho Baikloys hiro World Wai/Var 11, (R) B 3 CENTENARY OF THE a mon wilh tho roputatioillion ol aiinx. Q j BARGRGAIN SHOP MOTORCAR Tho dovolopmonont of r a DISKIDS BDFAMIlMILY PRACTICE UPDATE modom automobllo onginos.s.(R i ) @ COUNT OF MONTE4TE CRISTO Topic: odolKfolosconldoptossion. (R) B NEWSMAKER SUNDAYW (R) ; Animatod. A vwongfullyIly liImprisonod HBO WIHAT H t IF |-U GAY A high-sdiool QD GRAND ROUNDS IN man oscapos to sooK; roi.rovongo lor Iho studont fatfacos confusion nnd rojoction RHEUMATOLOGY A discussissionof . i^ s lie o oono to him. (R) Irom lamiJ)TiiJy nnd poors whon ho admits ihoumatologic disoaso and its C S ES HOW TO GCTT A SECOND ho’s a homlomosoxual, (R) uoalmont. (R) PAYCHECK WITHOUTJT lloyball(USA), SHOW MO40VlE*H*U5tontoMo' suburtwn gardon's now poronr)nnial sw im m i^androw ing. (Lr bordor. P 1:30 O Qa) JOY OF FLOR irama) Kifk Camoron, Jami j . t e L CD MAGNUM, P.L A woman1 posingp PAINTING Chrysanlhomujmums and 2:45 HOO MC a s Robin M asters' lormor toad ovorgroons sot wiihin a lr: MOVIE * * u 'Chorry 2000' ' achor is B Iramo. (loao.Scioicionco Fidion) Molanio actually ‘ a KGB agont who's pic a SNAKMASTER plotting an Grilliih. Dav)avid Andrews. assassination, • ■ H O OUTDOOR GAZE AZETTE 2:50 C l D1S^ISNEY SALUTES THE a I TODAYS HOMES r a £ 9 KITCHENMATEE AMERICAN (SHOW) MOVIE AN TEACHER a I (S) MAGNUM, P.I. WliiloJin Ir tu Tho 3:00 Q SHA London, Magnum discovers tlu Advonturos ol Baron Mun( HADOW THEATER Foaiurod: I ttiat an old lunchauson- diroctor SomSon Raimi; Iho hislory ol Uio buddy ^ w as killod in a hil-and-ru (1989. Fantasy) John Novi'Jovillo. Enc IcJio. zombiofilm,llm, a r cddont. (Part 1 ol 2) CIN M O V 1E **-O roamm a Uttlo B INSIDE (E W O R L D AT WAR In 1941. Droam- (1909. Fantasy) J{ DE WINSTON CUP RACING ( II. Britain ;oroo) stands s alono boloro tho Gorma Robords. Coroy Foldman. nan an. onslaught. Franco having fallor 2;00 Q THROB Zach dfoar ’lERRE FRANEY’S CUISINE *= lon and roams about RAPIDETocTodiniquos lor cooking ^ ^ o r i c a not yol involvocfin tho boing a podormof whonn ho’she rouniiud salmon, wilh his collogo band. fl) (In Sioroo) dD C bUPER SPORTS FOLUEJIES g AUTO RACING NHRA S £ podal footuring bloopors Irom)m d )E 3 <11) S ) SENIORDR PGA1 GOLF Amontoch Opon. Final roui Nationals. From Old Dridgu throughout tho sports worid. round. Irom Racoway PoParkin Englishlown, It.J. 0 I ( 1 2 ) STAR TREK Kirk uios Grand Travorso Rosort InGrandIn < mpod) Travorso Villaoo. Mich. (U; an^allon spacoship from cJostrucruction, (Uvo)P mwlLDEFlERNESS: UTAH’S GREAT Cc a M O V IE **-G irl in Roomrt 13*1 n CElHOMfnME-Coilifoilings DEBATE DiHofont ways oltrooiingo ((1960. Mysiory) Brian Donlovy.y. Andfoa ANZA Tho Cartv/jigliis BBayard, wood coilings using prolabi; g s " „ 3 booms. (R) (P a ri2 o l 2) p y holp a magician prupaio to f0 ( 1 1 ) WILD KINGDOM irginia City dlizons. fD I BORDERTOWN A gang ol n BEAUTY BREAKTHRi™ ° u = H is^ S v 'fE ”; B {&) AUTO RACING Pc IE**«*$iaflighi:AMu5ical O'outlaws takos ovor tho saloon.1. (R)( . PoconoSOO. Mowo-(190£908. Musical) Kmlo SaJom £E l PORTRAIT OF AMERICA ' c a MYSTERY!-Tho Rotur A ■NofU) oturn of Joan Toylor.or. CC arotna • Tho Tarhool Stalo* A look at Shoflock Holmos 11* Holmo; ImosancJ EMR.WIZVIZARD-SWORLDO tho 400-yoar history of this statealo. Host: Watson hunt a ono-Ioggod'lod convict and ES ® EAG Hal Holbrook, his savago companion, (R) AGLEANDTHEBEARA (R )(P a rt2 o l communist:t rt rogimo takos control ol gra H E Y DUDE 2 )P ^ a . j R ) 0 © C O M E D Y CONCERT d } VICTOR AWARDS SpcSports 2 3 su r v iv'IVAL; Tho 1939 toscuo ol 33 5C£l ES MOVIE * * K 'D.A.n.Y.1Y.L- suporstars ofyostorday oneand today join mon Irom tho sunkon submarino USS (1905, ' 1 Scionco Fiction) Mary BoUtBo with ontortainmont colobrititsritios lo honor Sgualus. (R)R) HHurt. Michaol McKoan. ftomifioos in various sportsjftscaiogorios. B NEWSW,5WATCH E ® OUR CENTURY T)io GormanGi 0(12) MOVIE****-C* -On tho E PUBUCJC POUCY CONFERENCE "army m archos down tho Champnps Elysoos allor Pnris (alls. (R) 20" Timos-Nows. Twin Falls.Its. Idnlio Fridiy, July 20. 1990190

J I ) ■ ^ E g AT HOME TOGETHER=R IFoaiurod: McKntohl roturitumo lo town whon a Lynn Arxddrson. • movio is boinging m ado (rom ono ol hor Sundsl a y ® BILLBURRUD-S ANIM,JIMAL books. (R) ODYSSEY Gypsy horso Vactrading in V E 3 MOVIE. * * i * T h o MPion Dollar Ennlond; on nnimn! orphana'anano In Dixlo Dolivorax)ranco*(lB77. Advonturo) Coonociion" c o (1071. Drama) Gomjno , Nnirobl Naiioral Park. (B)1) - Brock Polors.rs. iChristian Jutlnor. Hackman.ho Roy Sc^otdor. Q SPORTSWEEK IN REVlEVIEW (R) 1 9 CQUSTEfrEAU'S REDISCOVERY m r n OCEANS; THE LAST.FHOhaNTlER — BD APA CONVENnON HICHIGHUGHTS OF THE WORORLD Jocquos Cousioau l r an REACHING FOR THE SKIEIES Tho Tho Amorican Psychbbicc nndthocnwcw of tho Calypso oxplorti _ firtl InJlanmonla of this corioo cJoalingcJo Assodation’e annual asnvorivoniion. Irom Iho Now Zoolololondcoosllino ond visit ’ " vifith niflhl focus on koy oviationn Now York City. (R) tho nalivo MaclAaorl tribo. (Port 1 ol 2) fujuroo. fm' advonturofs who oxplorojrodlho (SHOW) MOVIE * * » -Shoi5ho« Circuit 2‘ C3 INSPECT!CTOR GADGET Eanh Pn by air and iho uao of tho' oiolrplano (1983. Comody) Fishor StoMStovons CO TOP 203 VIVIDEO COUNTDOWN In i„ combat. , Michaol McKoan. m ® UNKtlKNOWNWARIn1!>4l.lho E n S @ WOMEN IN PQUT1CSS ;■ 4-05 0 NWA MAIN EVENTNT SovioisondJ;d Jopanoso signod a pact ot Pfolilos of SJnwno Voil. Franco's9'S WRESTUNG mutual noutralitroSty. but tho R ussbns still outspokon liborol loader and Tnt:hly an (V, 4:30 B ROAD TEST MAGAGAZINE (In malntolnodI papovnifful loreos in tho Far Zaslavskaya, 2a tho orchitocl ol East. porostrolko. c S li (IDES CBS n eEWS w ; a 5 3 U ‘A‘S 'H SE33 WHODUNIT? THE CREATtiTEST a © T H I S OLD HOUSEISE Installing £ 3 NATURERE OF THINGS A hospital UNSOLVED MYSTERIES An Iho barn's stairway and visitvisiting Iho ' lor birds In IncIncfia; hum an facial ' oxamlnallonq, of tho 20ih coolury'ry-5 most manufacturor in Noonoh.I. WWis. (R) p qxprossions.13. I(R) puzzling Ol crimos. Irom tho LlndbcIborg a NEWSWATCH THIS3 WEEKW m WAREHCMOUSE CLEAHANCE ■ Wdnapping jJ to tho Calilomio ctalljikop. CbJ NOC NEWS B N E W S WJWATCH / B c PRIMENEWS I 'EQ ZORRO Loonsxdo stoailoalsajowQl H B^EBABALL TONIGHT E3r BOOKNOTES Foalured: auauthor Irom Iho Santa Barbara MisMission. (R) OD MILESTC5TONES IN MEDICINE Torosa Odondahl CChorlly Begl,tglnsal m ERNEST GOES TO>SPLASH SP 5:05 D NWA)fA W RESTUNG POWER Homoi'Gonofosltyh and SolMnio,iiorast MOUNTAIN Ernost{JimVa1 Varnoy) goos HOUR Among iho Philanthropic Elilo*). to Disnoyland lo chock ouiout Splash 5:30 S IN E WW ILASSIE Will has on . G g l MAJOR LEAGUE BASEB/BALL Mountain. Uio lliomo pork'sitk's latost oncountor^wilh t a rattloanflko. D Bostonq Rod Sox at Kansas. Cityity attraction. (R) D C D Q SD ^MOTORWEEK Tho Buick Rwols,r (Uvo) a [□ W IL D AND CRAZY'K Klf IDS Park Avonuoluo Ullra; buying a usod car; m^ CARDIOLOGY UPDATE TcTopic: O- E l WEEK IN ROCK(R)n postor ortislsl [Donnis Simon. wavo « myocardial Infarction. (R)=1) B INSIDE BUSINESS1 ScScheduled: n f f l O NEWEWS .______{•(SHOW) MOVIE * * 'The ‘Burlmbs*

ovonts- g 'S > - l-3*H S Kllnaor lalls victim to tho Dom.q laSPORTSCENTER poculiar bohcohavior of tho 4077lh'c 6:05 6;o: a GOODV^LLGAMES ES FAMILY PRACTICEE UlUPDATE porsonnol.' Scheduled ovonls Indudo trackck & Held Topic: odoloscont doprossii)5sion.(R) 3 T (In Sioroo) O ondq mon's gymnastics. Irom SoSoattlo. HBO GUNSrA OAY INTHTHE DEATH g 4EYTUNES Wash, v (Uvo) P OF AM ERlotfA d&cumonllonmry E N E ^3 DC 0:30 0:3 D NHRA TODAY (R) (In SiStoroo) '------covering July 1C. lOOO.adaday.whonCl B SPORTSITS SUNDAY 0 I AMERICAN SNAPSHOTSS ______pooplo diod by gunlifo acrcacross Iho ...... 'E 3 NIXONN LU0RARY DEDICATION ...... ••g Schodulod: fumlluro dositjnorA nalion. (R) D 0 3 MILESKSTONES IN UEDICINE SL s John; Stan Allyn, m anoger■rolo c SHOW MOVIE * * * n 'T-Tho h HBO MOVIE/IE * * ‘Momorios of Mo* fishing fj Hool; author Vicki Lansk;sky; Advonturos ol Boron Muncunchauson- (19Q8. ComomotJy-Ornma) Billy Ctyslal. skatoboanj ^ businoss ownor GO'jocrgo (19Q9, Fantasy) John Novillovillo. Eric Idio. .Alan King. Powoll. 5:00 a THE EQUALIZER:r ^McCall (TMC) MOVJ3VJE * * ‘No Holds Barrod- s j a BEWITCHED A privato dotloloctlvo roluclanily toams up wilhlhakillorio a (1089. Dramiamo) Hulk Hogan. Kun plots ^ to cash In whon ho discovOVOfS protocilho lilo o lo lormorior Illamo Fuller, both Somontho and Endota orc (Wbona Watson), CIN MOVIE-IE * * * 'B atm an ' (1909, witchos.^ ^ B AMERICAN SPORTSITS ‘ Advonturo))) KMichaol Koaton. Jack E { 3 INTERNAL MEDICINE UPJPDATE CAVALCADE Foaturod;J; ththo NHRA Lo Nicholson.I- Topic: 1 impotonco. (R) Crondnational Molson IronIrom tho Sanair 6:356:3 ( 0 ANIMALS O F AFRICAA Tho Intcmotional D;ao Strip.in in IMontreal, E V E N INJG G ______pink F policans of M adagascar ondor tho Canoda. (R) (In Storoo),) '■ parodiso fly c»tchor ol Gargoncmgoso. Host: Joan Embory. CB THRILLS. CHILLS AN 3VIE**'Rambo:Rrst _ ^ 7:00 B 'lN S lD E WINSTON CUPUP SPIDERS: THE MAKING'to' o f B “ ™nil* (1985. Advonturo) ARACHNOPHOBIA Bohlr RACING (R) (In Storoo)..- Sallono, Richard Cronna. (T)} I B (11) E ) MURDER. SHSHE sconos ol ■Arachnophobia t1)Q ] CO MINUTES [ WROTE Whilo on a coso In SkSicily, starring Joll Daniols and J' asts'.anlntofviowwilh J Goodman. Brilish Intolligonco ogont Michaihaol robb‘5 Princo Bandar; iho ‘ wilh a 05) WALL STREET VJ onlrovorsy; a protilo of singor Haggerty ' bocom os involved wi Q ABC NEWS P widow who is undor tho watchf:hful oyo t ^ Eanha KilttL { R) (In Storoo) P ^ }reo) P (J?)NEWS [qjNOVAAnovotviowol 01 ‘ vobtilo In-Iaws. (R) (In Sloro a (E) ALL CREATURES GF3REAT J docopUon lochnology. SiP.'lLKnn.o S S S AND SMALL Ja m es andTficticlan join WILO. WILD WORLD rom simplo camouflago ‘ J5 to Iho cophlslicalod Stoalih tho j RAF.. MALS This lilm takos S 3 B r a E S AMERICA'S livos ol the animals thatiNY liv Jock and ^ £ 2 r - r^ © Q U FE GOES ON Tho S j n NIEST HOME VIDEOS Rocky Mountains. upsol whon an oldoriy bul Schodulod: o brido answ ors th(ho call ol (T) THREE'S COMPANY jhborlspbcodlnanursing noturo j during tho coromony;; wwrosUing Chriasy Ihink Jonot w onbb oMuaod ond klttons; unplannod disrobings.IS. (R) (In 0 (1 2 ) STAR TREKiTHpo.,or.(R,(l„ I) (In Sioroo] □ ' S MOV1E.**»'E xjIo- Sioroo) ; p GENERATION Picard Is a 3«nluro) Coroy Foldmon. CZ) ] DISCOVERIES UNDERWIWATER roplacod by an ovil imposi;sof.l.oCir '“ JiT . Buxlon. Tho sorioa concludes wilh an Siofoo) □ B .,™ , Phi,,ip OUTSIDERS a Oamilmust oxnmlnotion ol w hat to do withilh20lh- © M O V I E * * 'G a n g s 0 contury wartime wrocks, ondi !l!ho' ■ (1941. Drama) V/ondy Bai >otwoon union loyolty ond tho ; A FOX Harry f JKhis brolhors whon tho possibility ol undorwdior museiseuiTis, lurry. lolpholorrlriirr. at his tompomry Job go out on (Port 8 ol 8) P „ 1 3 (1 1 ) CRAZY U K E A f rWAMTED '“ i™ ,™ " ” ,'' S t o o p1 s Sioroo) '; O (12) AMERICA’S MOST.^ picks up iho wrong sol ol ^ l E * * * * T h o French Scheduled: three’mo'n Wanlodod foV *' • a lilm dovolopor and gots:O P S c p « , S l MOVIE shady charactors. Fridoy. July 20, 1990990 Times-Nows, Twin Foils, Idadnho 29 B l RIN TIN TIN K-9 COF quits Hoc:f;or^rdruo ||ora|ioa|JInStoroo) 1 1 ) 0 1 MOVIE *■ *»’A 1THEATRE'Ploco of C ako' Whi/hllo GalhorlngjolOldMon’(I887. oi Dmma) I-Homdl Squadron Is fro stra l^land c C l DANGER BAY NIcoloBio discovers ssott, Jr.iRlchi^WMmark. borod b by Ita lack ol miUiory actl(=tion. Rox thaJ hor (rtoTKf# wolnfl-oyi-oyo dog has lack mon unitota support a tosts ti his mon'8 offidon^,(Portirtscfe) iSarooJO Mondwholao ls unafraid to tako tho C bporsocdos blamo forth*’thoaholQundOQthofan IO (12) BOOKER A high-schohool OUvor to put him throunhJh on moil-ordof Deal racist (In Sloroo) - IrIriond luma to Bookor for holp5 whonv ho bortjor »chool. iS) NATIONAL AUDUBON ' bbocomoa ongogod lo two womcmen, (R) 1 0 BUZZ s o c iO Tf sSPEWALS I Profiling the (In(I Storoo) Q 3ES GREAT )>o onforto ' Amorica's hunUng (]m WHAO'YA KNOW? ind dog '“wa. RIchanSond Chamboriain narrates. |Of PAID PROGRAM ^ u la t io n Is on Oio rlso.J (R lflnstoro'oroo) □ rl a MOVIE * * * 'Tho Winoss ofe S 3 WHOPPING SUALLX CDINOSAUR f f i a S0 3 EI S MOVIE * * 'Tonlghrs EEoglos* (1057, Blogrophy) Johnhn Sciontlsts etwfy tho romoinlairxsofwhol thoNlghrni’(1007, Dramo)EdMarinoro. Woyno. W W iuroon O'Haro. Johnin Ford w as possibly iho world'saem cn ollost Max Gall.AoTOupoleinQloand A t droctod d this account of iho lilo0 ofc dinoMur. divorcod moiIton and womon hopos to FiFrank *Splg* W ood, a pionooriniing Navy Q W E E K IN REVIEW (R) find lovo mand d undorstandlno In a a'avlalor who comblnod Ns dovotoDon Io EH BRITISH HOUSE OF^COMMONS { — 01 a popular dub. (InSioroo) ththo military with a succossful wri QUESTION TIME D MOVIE’Kill or Bo Kilkjd- ccaroor. QD OBSTETHICS/GYNEC^ECOLOGY (lOOO.Dratrooma) Joff Koako, Bonjomln Gl a ON THE TELEVISION UPDATE Topic: hystoroscoiscopy. (R) BratJ- P«>mlomloro. TWo mombors of tho DIO MTV UNPLUGGED . SHOW MOVIE * ★ » -ShorihortClrcullZ* LasVotjaaJoI iaw oniorcomont loom aro Q® ® CAROUNE'S COMEDODY (1080. Comody) Fishor SioSlovens. slalkodbyai' D man boni on avonging his H Michaol McKoon. RobotI JolJohnny 5 ooo’a drug-rohrotalod murdor. (In Storoo) QEB WINGS TTio Booing 747. Ihoiht vonturos Co tho bio dly to hiholp his 0 ( 1 2 ) MAF«ARRIED..Wnrri lalargost passongor aircraft in iholowolld unomployod croolor brook-ok inioi tho loy CHILDRENN WhonV Al chalkingos iho (F businoss. |ln Storoo) lomilv to oomlom monoy, Kolly lands tho ' £ INSIDE BUSINESS Schodudulod: a (TMC)MOVJE*^»*rnif0.hroo Mon ond ’ 'f’usnuslo vktoo. (R) (In Storoo) roviow ro of tho wook’a buslnoss nowsni •------8-03!^(1O8TrComodyjTb SlovoTjuaonborg. Throo M iO ^0 B o ik ^ N O T E S Foaturod: auiauthor bacholors oro (orcod ts putpulthdr ™2?NHA!1ADEN ToTerosa Odondohl (*Charity Bogirginsai cnrofroo lifosiylos on holdIdwherjihoy w C3 BEST OOf F SATURDAY NIGHT Homo; Hi Gonorosily orxi Solf-lniorlorost oro loft In chorno o( on infor AmongAr tho Philanthropic EliloTr (R) “ of thom has talhorod. (InJSS"™ S l S«on.Ey,EY CRUE Pronk)s hard rock , QID SPORTSCENTEfi 7:lSHBOMOVJE**»*Funt■unnyFo/fn* bond MoBoyuy (Croo, with Inlorvlows, E2D S PRESCRIBING JNFORMATIm oN I (1900. Comody) Chovy ChoChaso, concort oxcof HBO MOVIE *EI Diabb*(1900, ------Modelyn Smith. A tportcwrll - - ' W03t0m)Anth0nVK Edwards, Loiii3tjir~ his bock on big-dty lilo forr w s r E HALL From Carnoglo Holl Gossott Gc Jr. A mild-monnerod hopos will bo 0 bucolic oxistixlstonco in Now YorkIt CCity. Blnnof Noncy Wilson sdschooltoochorla forcod lo loom(1 thot : smalHown Now Hampshlro.llro. (In porlorms horor iroportoirool pop. bluos deadly do art ol ounflghiing whon a ' Sloroo) and jazz hits.ts. (In Storoo) Moxican Me bandit kliiopa ono of hishi 7:30 O BILL DANCE OUTDiITDOORS ES CANE TOTOADS Tbo controvoroy pretty prt fronlior studonis. (In Siorotroo) Foaturod; bass fishing irft doidoop walor ovor tho popu>pulatlon of vonomous loads . ShSHOW MOVIE * * -Tho 'B urbs's ' covos. (R uin Sloroo) In Quoonslontand. Australia. (ic(1909, Comody) Tom Hanks, Bn;in; CO CD D ( I ) CS MARSHALIALL HJWAREHOHOUSE CLEARANCE DoDom. A slrossod-oul suburtunlioIto's CHRONICLES Much lo MarMarshall's E l CNN NEVIEW3 plans clo for a poacoful vncaijon otthomo h dismoy. MoUssa finds hisisocrollovo so< EORTHOP3PAEDICj SURGERY tako tak a tum for Iho worso when a lotior, UPDATE Toptbpic; distal radial Iraciuros. strango stn now ftimDy movos into thothi 0 (1 2 ) SIMPSONS BarrsTs (f^) nolflhborhood (In Sloroo) prandlothor comos to his old altor ho (SHOW) MOVOVIE * * * ‘Bill and Tod's (TMC) m MOVIE * * * » 'Childronn olc a I is boQlon up by a bully. (R)R) (In(I Sloroo) .dvonluro’ (1009. Comody) Lo!Lessor God' (1906, Droma) Winiotiiam □ Koonu Roovo:ivos. Atox Wintor. TWo HuiHurt. Marieo Mallin. A nowly arrivrivod ID MOVIE * * * ‘Aunt>oMoMamo' omply-hoadodio d high-school students toachor toa at a school lor iho deaf' fallsfo in (1958, Comody) Rosalindi RiRussoll, oolochmral.Mlopotsthoirhislorydass lowlovo wilh a hoarlno-impalrod fomiTOor FofTost Tlickcr. Aflor tho doolholWdoo s h-eonlury limo travolor siuisludonl who possossos on paronis. a young boy bocom a timo machino. (In Sloroo) indopondont Ind spirit. B ased on Marlark word of his llamboyont and o iSMASTERS Fooiurod: fAjdolf'aMo^ ptoy: Bosl Actross Oscaia r — “f f iII boss angler ond fishing winner win (Mallin). [Q DONNA REED Donna w Doulhil fishos doop-wator 9:05 I «Missouri's Triflnon CO concert pianist lo play at a no-piioihe Rosorvolr. (R) benoIlL R) (In Storoo) 0:3030 Qj TRUCKIN' USA Foalurod;d; tho 0 ( 1 2 ) IN UVUVING COLOR Skoichos: annual onn Mud Run al Embdon, Mairalno; [□ E A R T H TO MTV m an wriloa tongs by om< @ H0MAHU3 AMERICANiJ>NUS- iSiSiK omorooncy tools; rocossary THE NORTH AM ERICANS 3 0utsidohorwlndow;o aco Tho qrowtti procosa ol Iho N< g coll-dofonsp d a ss. (R) pper Amoncan lobsior. iTtos to match up a sludont nurso0 wilh\ D ]JOH N AmKERBERG N» Gonzo. E 3 ELECTION‘90 Covomtjcmgooflho I3FERNW0< fOOD 24JIGHT IQ m WINNING WALK Sonaio raco In Illinois botwoow oonS en, E J MOTLEYY CC n U E VIDEO g Paul Simon (0) ond Rop. LynnLyn Martin COLLECTION IQ PATTY DUKE Potty goos toigroQi ni 3N longihs “ r lo boost tho school IAL MEDICINE UPDATE noW ^AMILT PR A O noE UPCJPOATE nowspapor's drculation, IH) 120 MINUTES >c: odoloscont depressionwon. (R) o;40 C5D INSTAN t A f^R E ^L A Y BB SPORTS TONIGHT CIN MOVIE ★ ★ ★ •U concoM to Kill* K 0:00 B MIAMI41 VICE\ Crockolt and 0:40(1 (1909, Advoniuro) Timothy 0< 40 (SHOW) COAST TO COAST y Dallon. Tubbs woik witiwith fodoral ogonts In •American *Am M usic' J a z r ond bluos Caroy Lowoll, A vongolul Jon-Jam os Bond pursuit ol a doo doalor who Is poddling porfiperformances Irom Los Angelos. 3 0 ' Timoa-Nowj, Twin Foils.;. IdohoId Friday, July 20, 19000 1 >1 i Chteaoo nnd Son Frondsco. ArtisuArti SYSTEMS ■ Include Claronco Clomono, EJontJonnlo ( S E UFESTYlTYLES OF THE RICH Surida; . Railt ond Robert Cray. Host: HotbloHoi FAMOUSI ArArotha FronWln; ■ eongwritorSammi(imy Cohn; singor I iJoo'HfH^^YWOTD'lIjSIDER)ER ^ i i l s McGuire. (1 Christidstian Slotor. Schodulod; BnwoWillisCOlo0 HHardi II-): m sP O R T S B E A 11-35I GDr r BYRON ALLEN Schodulod:d: ; MIchollo Ploilfor. © ELECTIONi “80“8 Covorogo ol tho twopi Goldborg: Smokoy Robbisoison; , O t r u c k s ANO TRACTOR)R Sonoto raco in inkinhols botwoon Son. 05,tross ^ 6: Christina AppIogotD' POWER Foaturod: monstor (nick(me Poul Simon (D)) orand Rop, Lynn Martin cManiA>niod,.. With CWWron-)„(R) (InI compolilion Irom Roanoko Civic:lvic — (Rj.fR) oroo) Coniof irvVtm inlM fyjIn Slorocoroo) 10:35 (SU A G N UUM, U P.L Mognum'5 5 EB ^ UFESTVLES OF THE RICH gG D nl.^(iiiao.(11) CE) ollort (o holp a pairpa ol former ID FAMOUS | Arotha Franklin; voudovillians avo!ivoid oviclion backllios. ennouingwritor Sam m y Cohn; singor . n 0(5) OUTDOOR IDAHO 10:45 (SHOW) MOVI0V1E***-Fright ^1.lyUis McGuiro, (R) g MOTHER AND SON Tlio10 N io h (P a rtr (19fi1988 Honorl Roddy- 5 la MOVIE***-ThroughQ McDowaD. WUIlanllam Ftogsaalo. Glasslass Darkly* (1960. Dramo)Hanioliol p ’’| ’u)T iA U A ‘S FAMILY A\psychlc ps llrOOBPAIOPRC‘ROGRAM flftdorudorsson. Gunnor Blomstrond. dolivors m ossogos Irom Moma’;mo's dead B INSIDE WINSINSTON CUP RACING 12-000 BE FINANCIAL FREEDOM (R) (In Storoo) ] RODEO MasqullD Chomplonshl i n QENTERTAINIllNUENTTHlSWEEK odoo, (R) (In Storoo) in ROSE KENNEDY: THE: BEBEST OF Proviow ol •Youni)uno Guns II.* (In Sioroo) J aARSENIO HALL From AprB; TJMES ...TH E WORST OF TIMTIMES Al a ^ U A G N U‘JUM, I P.L Magnum ngor Notalio Colo; ocior-prc^coror Uio OQO ot 80. Roso Konnody.ly. partiopotos In aom r a:a(honw hilo Henr^0 0 7 Winklor: actor Hany Hamlinn matriarch ol iho Konnody (amil^imily. coarching lor o ir LA. LovO. (fl) (In Sioroo) focounu tho ovonls ol hor liloito toii 133 ARE YOU“^EING^SERVED? Bl 1 0 3 H ^ D U N E NEWS ] inton/iowor Robort MocNoil. Graco Brothore'(rs' omployoos hold a Uiai ^a EXECUTIVE^ STRESS CaroHnono 1 r a SELF-IMPROVEMENT GUIDEG l - to detonnino whovhothor Captain Poacock 10S lo , hido horjoatousy whon Dononold < WOMEN IN POLITICSICS spent Uio nightIt wwiUi a stall socrotary, ,noosoos on a trip with his socrotary. I Pfoliios of Simono Voil. Franconco's ©TONYffoBE)BB1NS D PAID PROGRAM ouispohon liberal loodor anddTotyana Tc ClFOODSAVEVER QQ EBEWITCHED A privnlo dotecliv:livo Zaslavskaya, iho orchiioct ot3t CJMOVIE**!* » -Mr. Bolvodoto Rings pigtjlots lo cosh in whon ho discovoro■0 pofostfoika. (R) Iho Bor(t95t.C1. Comedy) Clilton £oUi 31^. SamanUia ond Endora ora EH N EW SD Wobb. Joanno0 Dm.D * witchtilchos, FQ WHODUNIT? THE GREA1EATEST C 3 GATEWAY.Y TRESEARCH mS c NANCY WILSON UVE AT^T UNSOLVED MYSTERIES An^n ALLCRCREATURES GREAT :ARNEGIE HALL From Cflm odola IHall — oxaminoUonol tha 20lh contur)ituzv-’s m o st____ AND SMALL ThTho cat ond dog 1 Now [,, York City, singor Nancy Was/ason puriling crimes. Irom Uio UndlIndtMrn population is ono jlh o n s o .(H ) portoorforms hor rqportoiro of pop, bluotuos 1 Wdnapplnn lo (ho Colilornbt stalker.sta (R) ES CBS NEWSVS P aji(jmd jazz j hits. (Ft) (In Storoo) 0 wbRLD REPORT ^ WHOPPINGNG SMALL DINOSAUR m3 eCANE TOADS Tho controvorcjrcy EZ3 BRITISH HOUSE OF CO^:0MM0NS Sdontisls studydy Uio romaino ot what ovorivor Uio popula(ion ol vonomous totoads QUESTION TIME (R) wos possibly Iho worid'o smallest 1 0uoonslond, ch. Australia. (R )' C 3 AUTO RACING CART FrcFrom dinosaur. (R) 3 PUBUC POUCVCONFERmiNCE ___JoroniD. (TopodJ______raW AREHOUJJUSE CLEARANCE B SPORTSCENTER______CIN MOVIE 'S ho's Hoviri^iiTao' SsELF-IWPRiPHOVEMENT GUIDE...... j :IN MOVIE * * * *Batman* (1989, [Jaby (1088. Comody-Drama)Tia) Kovin HBO DREAM1 O:ON (In Storoo) Q /vdvouivonturo) Michaol Koaion. Jock( Bacon. Elizaboih McGovom.n. SHOW MOVIEE ll * * * -BIU and Ted’s Jicholson. 10:05 a GOODWILL GAMES=S Excolloni Advoni/onluro- (1009. Comody) 12-30JO □| (12) CARSON'S COMEDY)Y Schedulod ovonls includo iroclTack & hold Koanu Roovos.IS. iAlox Wmtor. c:LASSICS l a : An unomployod Soulhlh and m en's oymnastics, IromTiSoatilo. & (TMC) MOVIE*E * * « * T a k o o Girl Liko Amoiunorican dictator (Johnny) look)llor lc W ash. (R) P You-(1970. Dfo;)ramo) Hayloy Mills. ^ork. Guost: Oon Ricklos. 10:15 1 3 (11) CBS N E W S P1 HorwAndrowB. I ] CARSON'S COMEDY CLASSJSICS CD ES ABC NEWS P 11;1SfflRUNAW,\WAY WITH THE RICH lohnny offors ndvico on how (o oveivoid 10:30 B PAID PROGRAM AND FAMOUSJS IDustin Nguyon (*21 qI muoQlno:^ u also, ho portraya-FninKnK' ■ D HIDDEN HEROES FoatunJtufod: Jump Stroor)) In Moxico. (R) sinoiJinatra. Maynard Yingst, crow chlolIforNHRA for 11:25 Q TRAILEILe r c a m p oEO PAIDj PROGRAM Funny Car champion Baico3 Lorson.Lo 11:30 B t O P AAtD tC PROGRAM £ ] ADVENTURES OF OZZIE ANIiND (R) (In Slofoo) Q C E L E B RIITY m OUTDOORS hURRIET a r Whon Ozzio holps Cloroinj (T) MOVIE * * ‘One Cooks,ks, tho1 Foaturod: Todd NNugonl bow hunts lor =landoIph pick out 0 b irth d ^ (or Other Doosn'r (t983, Comod)lody) boarinSaskotofitohowan. (R) (In Slotoo) },erier husband.h Joo bocomoa suspidlidous' Joseph Bolonno. Suzanno PloPloshollo. CD f o x y l a^DYAcomlokos d i olthi)l thoir to a o t mootings, a ® GREAT PERFORMAfHANCES dosporato moosDosures (0 discovor City [Q DONNA | REED Donna wantsjo a ' •Talos From iho HollywoodI Hills*Mil' Hall's socnjt xincerl pianist lo play ol a hospitaltal Christophor Uoyd slars in anonF. F Scoil SOUD GOLiOLD ROCK ANO ROLL xmont. Filzgorold slory about a writoritor B (12)F A N TITASY A IStJlND A hillbilly 3 E 3 ARSENIO HALL Frotn Apiipril: siruoglino lo moko o comobncback. (R) (In tamily (Noah BoBooty. Dody Goodmon. ^linger Natailo Colo; actor-producoisor Sieroo) (Part 3 cl 6) P Misty Rowo) bocomobo< (ho prey ot con LJom■loniy Winklor. actor Hany HamlinDn n CLOSEST TO THE PINN mon whon thoyoy find Uiomsolvos ,.1•LA. . Law*). (R) (In SUiroo) B HEADUNENEWS.._5 ______to m p o rw millioiltlonalros; on insocuro ^n ,SPORTS LATENIGHT- — - m FRESH FIELDS Willlomm hhas a toon-ogor (Maufauroon McCormick) Kf,,SHOW) MOVIE * * * D o o p S to r Si*VSI diMicult (imo Qdjustlnn lo bolhSlh hisI now obusos tho powr policomonp< aetroso Chrislini sorformancos from Lo» Angolos. Ired killor, (*Marriod... WilhVilh Children*). (R) (In starts a now caroor a s o hired Shicago ond San Francisco. ArtlslisU EIMOVIE***'Borfly-{19(1987. Stereo) ndudo Claronco Clomons, Bonniento Comcdy-Dramo) Mickoy Rourlourko. Faye E 3 HOMARUSUSAMERICANUS— ■ THE NORTHI AlAMERICAN LOBSTER Raitt FWti and Robort Crfiy. Hosli Hmbl Dunaway. Hancock. (R) (In S ioroo). ■ ig (11) MOVIE'Rno Gold’d’ ((t900. Tho growUi proc>toc053 ot Iho North Hon tadlur, Amorican lobsic)ster, (R). [TMC)(TMi MOVIE * * » -Dnd'a Arnry*iy*!:i:' Drama) Tod W ass. Jano Badli [1971. Comody) Arthur Lowo. Joh;shnL o D) JOHN OSTEEN HBO MOVIE: * * * -i'H o a lh o fa * (197 I Q AMERICAN MARKETINCriNG (10Q8. Comody;idy) Winona Rydor, Mosurior. Mos • Fridoy. July 20, t900 TnTimos-Nows. Twin Foils. Idaho0 , 31„ r i - — ------■ T - Monday

G :O O Q MURDER. SHEVIE WROTE Josslca Invoslfgatos who#hon bor Daytimei imovies nophow’6 friond is ocojsiaisodol MORNlhMING______1111:00 HBO * * ★ 'S oom c Liko murdoring o TV sports p( ko Old 3 porsonqlliy. ------T im os'(1080, Comody) Goldi>ldio HffArn. Guost stars: Poul Sofvin< Chovy Chaso, Edwofds, 5:10 SHOW»W * * » -Shon Circuit 2* SHOW ***'ropaz-(1969,>0. a GOSPEL JUBILEES E F o an ,ral:« ,o K ” ' Somody) RshorStovons, I McKoon. Susponso) Frodorick Staffordird. Dany Troilblazors; iho Poyrws.«=.(R)(ln Robin. Sloroo) * * * -Liconco 10 Kill* (1909. I jro) Timothy Dolton, Caroy !' AFTERNOON mWHEELOFFORTUITUNE a :) ^***Countor-E8plonnoo* ^ Q COSBY SHOW Clalf:ialr-B slslor DmiDmmn) Warron WiDlam, Eric 12KK>ia * * » T h o Power onemd tho onnouncos lhai sho’s gottingmarriod.got n .^ K u a n ^ Pfizo*(1956, Droma) Burf Ivo; Jazz sinoor Joo WiUioms '„ * 'Hamburgor,.. Tho Motion voj. Robon (in Sloroo) P p S o(1086. i Comody) Uigh ■ Toylor. 0 ( 1 2 ) GROWING PAI^ Kw. Dick Butkus. (TMC) ***'W aiowr(1908,a , Fonlnsy) >AINS Bon has , Val Kilmor, Warwick Davis. on oul-of-bocfy oiporionci. 0 ^ Whllo ln t.0 W *11 'Allan Oualormain ond hospiiol foro tonsilloctom : City ol G o ld '(1907. CIN * * * 'T ho Phonbt Cityy £Slory* , LEAD-OFF MAN Advonturo)TO) Richard Chomborialn, 0 9 5 5 , Drama) Fllchard Kiloy..y. John I MOVIE**'AfricaSl Stono. a S a o n m s - , 12:45 HBO * * * ‘LiconcQ tp Ki B{^49.^,omody) Bud.b b Abb o „ .L .u : ) * » 'T ho Notorious Lono wn* £WG. Mystory) Coraid Mohr. . (1989, Advonturo) Timothy DaDalton,' C J KIDS INCORPORATl inor, CoroyLowolf...... lATED Tho Kid is „ '1:30 SHOW * * -Troop Bovorl) founliod wilh his runawayway brothor. ****ThoHuckstofs*(l947. irly Hills' ! Clark Gablo, Ava Gardner, (1989, Comody) Sholloy Long,■>0. C raiali t a MOVIE-flisino Son-(in-(l990, Nelson, Drama) Brian Donriohy,y, fWaith/. Damon, " £ ? * •Going G' Bananas* (1937, ; )5C, '■ IQ DOaiE GiLUS DobioJ i c la n d s , iob ) Dom DoLuiso, Jimmio jCIN * * 'Insido Dolroit'(195( OS a sorority-party waiior. Drama) Donnis CKoofo, PottCBrion. C " 2:00 Q * * T h o Wild Pony* (: CD MTV PRIME H051:Mj: Manha Quinn, r*Timo Walkor* (1082. 2:( ■(1980. © E3 ENTERTAINMEN I Bon Murphy, Shari Bolalonto, iAdvonturo) Marilyn Ughtsiono,10, Art lENT TONIGHT „ Jf f ^ Hindio, Aciof John Goodman's.m mc o v io ™ ,.. k * * * 'A m o ric o n Grolfiti' (In Sloroo) cmody) Flichard Droyluss, JI S * * » 'Young Fury*(1965.5S. £ S ' (59 A ROUND THE; WWORLD IN 00 loward. 'Woslom) Rory Calhoun. Viijjlnjinia ~ ■ DAYS Michaol Polin swob.obs.o-**=- ) * * 'P assport to Suoz* on n Yugoslovian Iroightor' ramo) Warron WiHlam. Eric >E S ® * * * 'Tho Captive Hoart*H ES NEWS O Bloro., (1947, Drama) Michool Rodgrajravo. Basil Radford. E2 CHALLENGE Big cangamo Jishormon ^ g * * * 'TlmoAltofTlmo' ! ongting at Holmos Roof■lolhhocoastol ofl pmody) Sir John Giolgud. \E a * * » 'Doing UIo*(108G,i, Drnmn)C ^ Auslrnlia, vithors, - Tony^Danza. J Rocco SIsto. Q PRIMENEWS SHOW *k * * « "Throo Fugitives* (19Q9, 2:15 (TMC) * * * TrovolIIng North-No EH EVENT OF THE DAYAY Comody)I NliNick Nolto, Martin Short, (1987. t Drama) Loo McKern, JuliaJu 0 1 WOMEN’S PRO BEAIE^^CH 9:30 CIN *** * T h o Toxican' (19G6, „ |Blako, VOLLEYBALL From Huntluntington Wostom) AuAudio Murphy, Brodorick '. 3:00 CIN * * * -Hollywood or Bust*Bl Boach, Calif, (Tapod) Crawlord, {^1^6. Comedy) Doon Martin,1. JJony E a HOTEL 10:00 Q *k**'ASummorto * *■ HBO JOSIE Joslo (Elizabo:aboih Doily) Romornboro r (1905, Drama) Jam es 3:30 HBO * » ■Solarbabios* (19£986, projocts Q (also Imago to10 hihor lollow I. Toss Harpor. Scionco * Rction) RJchard Jordarlin , Jami Goftz. high-school siudonls ond,d=o,lo„«,o s QoV™* -Sing* (1909, Drama) . 5 conscquoncos. (R) 3mcco. Polor Dobson- 4:00 (TMC) * * * -Bun Durham'fl'(t9 8 a . SHOW TROUBLE RIVERERA yoong t* 'M o n o y ond Iho W oman' Comody-Dramo) S Kovin Costnorior, boy and his grandmothororosc'po o (IMO.p™:amo) Bronda Marshall, Susan * Sarandon. cJangor by ao ssin g a troaci..=ho,oo„i.or nn. 4:30 ^*31 CIN * * K T h o Flying Fonlailainos* by rail. (R) r*»*SkinGamo*(l971, ^1959, U Drama) Michool Callan,.1, Joan (SHOW) M O V IE **-T•roop roo Bovorly Comody) JomJor os Garnor. Lou GossutL = Hills'(1989. Comody) Shoijholloy Long. Craig T. Nolson. (TMC) M O V IE * * * * -GGotling o t ll fliDhf (1989. Comody) JossoJos eirdsQll. Holona Bonham Cartor, Daytimes CINMOVJE**i,'ThoWaiWar Lovor* sports (t9G2.,Droma) Slovo fAK3ucQuoon, M O R N INJG G ______N; Nationals. From Sf. Louis, (R) Robert Wognor. C;OS a GOODWILL GAME! 2:002:00 G ) AWA CHAMPIONSHIP> Schodulod ovonb includo tr DRTSCENTER wWRESTUNG mon'5 boskoiball (USAl.sw \ BOWUNG Hammond „ ” and womon’5 volloyball (US 3n. From Hammond. Ind, (R) i:00 ( □ K.I.D.S (R) C:30 O O N STAGE Footuro< 'DEO Colgary Stampodo 3;301:30 l a SPORTS REPORTERS3(R) ( Malloa. (In Storoo) S i i i r 4:001:00 IQ MOTOWORLD (R) 0 1 3 (1 1 ) WHEEL OF■FORTUNE FC □ A F T E R NlO O l O N ■*:301:30 0 SPORTSLOOK n r o a g n ig h t l y s uUSINESS s i ------REPORT ------5K)0iK)0 C J SPORTSCENTER 1:00 t o DRAGi BDJE o p a r d y i d iG RACING IHRA Gateway 5:30i:30 0 3 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTR/•RATED

32 Timos-Nows. Twin Falls.lls. IdnhoI Friday. July 20, 1900OO I ______v__; ______------I

'[M ONDAY EVJVENING JU LY 23, 199' 9 0

I 7:00 I 7:3Q> I 8:00 I 8:30 1 9:00'|~| 9:30 I 10:00110:30 I 1111:00 111:30 112:0011:1 2 1 3 ^ - Q >HilCfyol Idaho American UaiUaslcrt Amorlcul Eiperlenca Inteeiu Intei (OnAlr)______I n D ~ ChedurodRag ~ IUavle:**TnSellDeIenw-lIM7)) l)a«i Cheen Hgl Ar»enloHa]l i Badl d Dew 1 B i g s)»toic»t«[wwt.a»tIt iUoYie:*i'Kila'fSecni'llSSe] Newt Be«to(Car*onIOI Otvid Uttemon BotSobCostK I (SSS) C«cmMU Camel4 . CaodwtQ CenCemeiConifnw CoodaaCeme*>me» ______■ C l 2lJiwpSl»wl IAlion Nation WsroltheW(iWoikfa ~ iH jhiC oji SiarTrtt:He^(leflCtner. [Ueyie:*Cootl«nt»lDI^»*(iwn • I ta |siJ»y ~ iMurphyB. |Ot»larJ^ WllhCw^nJeChwB U^A'S'H |sHn3'»y |Sllr 1kBdrisld ^ I y g (6flO)Uoyb______I Uovle: -nklng S«n- (IMQ) Bran Dcnn.cnndiy. Uovie:*ni>JnB Son* (1900}00)BHjflpcnnohy, B UcvJe:*RI»bQ;igSon* ; PsrtnertlnCrlm IPelerVtotey |AdamWe»T'm ^oundthiWofki |p«rPMtCTlnCrtiw PeletWmny1______" r a Chedwtd Reg Uevto:** ‘In Sc«0elen»o*llDa7)T Hevn [llflhlllne ArMfJoHaB Art ______IraottwHQhtt (MSN Uov(«:***'ThilDam(iamC»l-(19G$) Uen,WIichichiWtnfaobe UovntMaeVb)eVby»B>*(li)C6) Onto 7 ^•13 R u ^ (6JO)Uciv>o:'UdyLnWhn While' |8ob»r Uovle: **i1>iaichllne-(l?a^SalVFcld, * i' |Uove9r~ |Uo’ UAX ~(6iXi)te>to I|Uovle:**t-LBanonUe~(1039) • |Uovte: iH~-phy»ic»l Evidentldcno»-(10e0) SHOW •AllinQu.'etmalnindtfnd ^ Lo»l Clly ol Gold' |Uov1e: ** --7toop Deveriy tU t' (l^9| [UoYta: Uo' -Ttn* FugUwa' (1P6S) ■Fe»r* ESPH W8ier»IUir>g;WoridTour[•our|Surling jSuritr Oasebal j:|SpottiCt. [TucIw PUI ChJtnp, ' AutoniM Aul |AutoR*ee |fliHnHoir SpSportsClr.

0 CHEERS Sam prutonclonds ho's a FDI'a groulusilijsi asso l in its soarch (or a - doctor to got mto a fancy:y rcsi.iurnnirc p.iif o) bank-rik-robbing kidnappers. D (Q GREEN,•N ACRES Oliver makos Mondday a O FAMILY TIES M.illy.illoiy's good on hislis (promiso lo Uko Lisa lo gr.-idu.-ilion is dopondontil uponUf hur . Now Vork. Purl. Yophol Kotto. Tho lilo ol a porlojmanco on a history7 ooxam. P S ® PARARTNERSINCRIME murdor j’ witnoss Isondangorodvdwhon - - O COSBY SHOW CIaiJ’6iij’6 eisior...... Tommy ondid 1Tupponcw invcsiioalH-Uio...... “^ tho Wllor Is rokjasod (rom custottody duo onnouncos lhat bKo'o goitittoiling mariiod. murdor ot an actross. lo ^ Insullicionl ovidonco. (In Sionnroo) Jazz singor Joo WilliamsIS guostg stars E 3 SAFARI,RI Tlio ollorts 10 ropair Uio a 5 ( S ( D MOVIE * 1 ‘Kalo‘8•s :S o c ro r (In S ioroqlD damago lo3 aianimal lilo tosulling Irom (1906. Drama) Morodilh Bnxtor-or-Birnoy. 0 ( 1 2 ) f f l E a CURRENIENT AFFAIR Iho civil warar IIn Uganda. Ed^rard fc Asnor. Tho soominglyt p|>ortoci Cl] MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLBA! BLARHYtlY KING UVE Schodulod: lifo of a hpusowifo and mother ii ------Cliicago C ubs al Sl. Louis.lyis CaidinolS- . formor Prosicjsidonl R o a g n n jP ]______—_ cloudod byaiToailng'tJlsordortn ( ^ 0) C3 WATERS•RSKIING'World Tour. From could “ uliimaloly ihroalon hor lifolifo. (In E l MICKEY MOUSE CLU2LUD (In Lansing. Midwlidi. (Topod) Sioroo) 2 Sioroo) □ E 3 MOVIEE ** * -C h ild 's Cry-(19QG, S ARCTIC WARS IQ BEWITCHED Endora3ra sendsi Oramo) Lind:ndsay Wagnor. Potor ^ (12) AUEN NATION A violoolont , social worKor.tahos a • Sarrunlha and Dartin back>ack lo Uio pasi Coyoio. A so Bcontiontalion with a drug suspo'poet 5 ] NEWS □ spocial inlorclorosi in an omolionally causos Goorgo lo Qivo birth HBO M O V I E * * * ‘Uidy3dy in Whilo- wiUidrawn1 G-;G yoar-old boy sho promaluroly. (R) (In Storoo) PP (1980. Susponso) LukasIS tlaas.H suspocislsaIs a victim ol child obuso. 0 & 700 CLUB Kalhorino Holmond. SHOW MOVOVIE * n 'A llan Ouaiormain 1 S 3 MOVIE -Rising S on' MOOO.10. 7:00 B PRIME TIME WRE:'RESTUNG and Iho Lostost Cily o( Gold* (1087. Dmma) S Brian Donnohy, MaU Damon.Dt H osts: Gorilla Monsoon■) andan Bobby Advonturo))) FRichard Chamboitain. A . bluo-collar workor throntorwd •Tho Brain' Hocnan. Sharon Slomlono. This socjuol to 'King unomploymont lacos moro dlslrs trass B NASHVILLE NOWf Schodulod;Sc Solomon'ss WMinos- finds Iho advonluror whon his con dockJos to abondcidon his Tanya Tuckor; T. Grahamim Grown;i Gary and his brido:ido-lo-bo oniountoring a lost modical studios. Jonkins; Danny Whilo. (In Storoo) civilization1 wlwhilo toarchingfor C3 f BEST OF SATURDAY NlGlIGHT lin’s long-lost brolhor. (In f (XI l a (11) MAJOR)R DADC Tho Qualormain’! UVE Major proparos to loavo0 al a moniorii's Sioroo) E S 3 PETER WIMSEY: FIVEVERED no\ico on o top socrol mis:mission 10 7;30 (T) E l1 (1(11) ES SYDNEY Sydnoy HERRINGSI CampboU'8 six susiuspocts Contrai Amorica. (R) (Inn Stereo)Sl (Part is lacodwiltiriili a dillicull doclsion whon a an ^ havo alibis. (Part 3 ol 4) 1 o I 2 ) 0 lormor boyliilyliiund suddenly >o-cnlors ES r AMERICA COAST TO COiOAST a 0 9 MACNEIULEHOEHRER hor lilo. ,Siotoo)P Explores t tho natural wondorsI oiand NEWSHOUR a ( J S ) ®W ' ORKING GIRL Toss is culiurot ol tho Appalachian mouiountains. GD E l CD ES CHECKEI:KERE0 FLAG horriliod whc«hon sho ovorhoors Sal and ED r BARGAIN SHOP Drama pilot. Two youngg loraco c.ir E3ryn planninining nn illicit uysi. (In Slorco) B | CNN NEWS ------d/ivors compoio on andd oloil Iho irack. P 0 1 SURBNG Cold Walor Clasosslc. (In Sloiuo) Q C3 DONNANA HEED Alox“iudg05 a baby From | Saiiia Cruz. Calil. (Topodod) B (SI (S SISTER KATE,ATE Tho coniosl. (SHOW) M O V IE ***'T hroo childron allompl to bronkak Kalo's1 bingo 0:00 O 13] (11)(‘ ES MURPHY BROWN Fugilivos* t (1080. Comody) Nic*ick Nolle, addiction. (In Sioroo) D3 Milos asks.U-j.Uio nows loom lo provido Martin f S hort A dosporalo butt CT) BEST OF NATIONALIAL guidancb (or iho.youngstors cn his bumbling i. bonk robbor compUcaIcotos GEOGRAPHIC Kids-nowss slshow. (R) (In Sioroo) P manorsZ for on o x -o n tiyinn to0 (put his a (12) 21 JUMP STREE=JEETl(ol(sand O 05) PRC•ROCEEDINGON - criminal " past bohind him. (In SSioroo) l Doan Garroll must doaill wilhwi o DEA THROUGH,;H A BEAUTIFUL (TMC) , MOVIE * * » *Rambo• IIIIII' ollicor whilo working undondor covor at a COUNTRY..,IY... A HISTORY CF IDAHO (t988. Advonluro) Sylvoslof StJStallone, m assago parlor ouspociocClod to bo a •Contribuliorlions* Tho corios condudos Richard f Cronna. Formor spodcdo) (orcos drug fronL (In Sioroo) n□ Wlih o lookik ata Idaho's conuibulions lo ogoni ^ John Rambo hoods lo 5- Friday. July 20. 1000lOO Timos-Nows. Twin Falls, lda^Iaho 33 7 I " - Comody-•dy-Drama) Sally Fiold, Tom CIN MOvfE * x 'Physical Evidonco*Et f ■ Hanks.i. AnA ambitious stand-up comic (1080, Drama) Burt Reynold3lds, Thorojo Monday' plays odvisoradv to a Now Jorsoy Russell. housowiliwile trying'her hand at comody. 10:30 1 m CHEERS Norm's nolnolghbof icllt CIN MOVIE ★ * « -LoaiLoan on M o '(1089. (InStorwwoo) him Vora Is having nn affair.J r .p ___ . Oromo) Morgon Froom:loman. Roboii SHOWMV MOVIE * * Troop Bovorly Q CHEERS Dick Cavott wantswi to Quillaumo. B asod onm ththo story ol Joo Hills* [1909,(19i Comody) Sholloy Long. submit Sam 's memoirs lo hi:his Claris, a toocjiorwho'clio'C loanuaupn Craig T.T .rNolson. In nnoRoctto pubDshor. p thon hor solf-osloom, n wodlliy dfug-infoctbd Now JorsJorsoy high school strongtho la@GDBESTOFCAR£r s o n From with his own brand of onlorcodoi sodaJito:to voluntoors\ to load a local Juno 19Q0: octors Bill Murra;Tay and Dan d is ^ in o . (In Storoo) of Wildomoss Girls. (In Slorao) Aykroyd; comic Kovln Moont>noy, (R) (In 0:30 Q CROOK ANOD C:CHASE 0 :0 5 lS GGOODWILL t GAMES Storoo) Schodulod: hloWlflhtats fromfr tho CONTINIINUE 0 ( 1 2 ) STAR TREK: THEIENE)CT ^ b o r o o In iho Hills,Is, (I(In Storoo) 0:30 (3JNENEWSQ GENERATION Tho U.S.S,. Entorpri:o E SIGNING iQ UOVIDVIE * * *AfficaSoooms' and Forongl starships m ustit fpass 0 lorcodlotalflJo ' (1940.CcComody) Bud Abbott Lou crudal Inquisition by tho guoiJordian ol socond job wfion horirox-husband ox falls Costollo.lo. Tho boys got mixod up with tho Tkon tm pira boforo contimtinuing behind on child-eupportport paymonts. (R) ongry (ribosmontribi nnd wikl nnlmals thoir trips through spaco. (InIn Storoo) Q (In Slofoo) D • whon dlarSiamond huntora forco thom lo CB M OVIE***‘OrosEodlORTS TONIGHT Conrad goes angling for saillilillish. hood to no alter a maioralor drug trador, I D S P■ORTSCENTER o r 1C10:35 ® i3iGHT COURT Thoosta t lf ■» E l FAIRS AND FESTIVsftvA LS: 9:45 (SHOWOW) MOVIE ’F e a r (1090. m oots Chfistlno's oldorly suitutlon, trail ridos, parados nndj.ndoconcoft serial killoiillers IS torrifiod lo loam Uiat tlio m AMERICAN MASTERSS -Noil‘ porlormanco by TanyaKatuckor, 1 (In murdororv r shoi is trailing has powers ol Simon; Nol Jusl for Laughs*r S i id SlOfOO) clairvoyan^anco graator than hor own. (In Coosnr, Corl Reiner, Walterr Matthau^ CD IE*(11) S J FACE!:E TO FACE Storoo) and oihora discuss Noil Slmoirion's WITH CONNIE CHUNGING Schodulod: 10:00 Q CRIME SF STORY Torollo's ox- . evoJutlon a s a ploywrighL P first ol a two-part [ntorvicjrviow with octor wifo sooksoks holp frem Miko In rescuing a GOODWILL GAMES Sd-h o d u lo d Bruco Willis. Robroadcadcasts: an insldo hor nowV husband,ht who is being hold ovonb indudo track & field,, rrmon's look at tho Moroan-FofoiOfotich child hostago1 byb) baI^k robbers. (In Storoo] boskotban (USA), swimming t aboso caso; tho maf)g fudgo orrivos, In years, rocoivos o sorios of Morthfon, (R) (In Storoo)tw) ® TWIUClUGHT ZONE Jana robols thraaionlng phono coDs. (R) Q DATMAN‘n io Jo kkor o r; loads a pop- from thoI monotonousmi lilo sho and hor B I(I5 ) AMERICAN INTEftESESTS ort copor. (Pan 1 of 2)) parents orooro living. a NIGHTUNE O m LION. THE WITCHHAND A THE . C ! MOVIEV IE * * * s -Fantastic Voyage* IQ MAKE ROOM FOR OADCDDY WARDROBE Basod onsnthobookby U (1066.Sclekjionco Rction) Stophon Boyd, Oanny I moots with succossfulil sschool C.S, Lowis. Four childronIron pass through Edm ondO'lO'Brion. 1frionds — ond thon droam s obiabout a closot into Iho matjicalcal landI ol [Q MOVIEk/IE*fli5ing Son* (1990, Ibocoming o surgoon. n sdontisitlstonda Narnio. (P art3 o l3 ) Orama) Bri:Brian Donnehy, Mall Damon, ^ c kJm oL lanOWANiMARTIN':•IN'S LAUGH-IN C 3 MY THREETHI SONS Stovo |{ □ POST MODERN MTV CD MOTLEY CRUE Pfolipfoliios hord rock discovorss thoIf rigors ol housokooping f j S 1 ^ PARTNERS IN CRIMEi^E band Motloy Cnjo. withh inInlorviows whon Bubtb takost; o vacation. 1Tommy and Tupponeo Invostigiligaio tho concort oxcorpts and vidovidoo dips. 0 TURNIN ITI UP rmurdor cl on actross, (R) ES s a ADAM W EST ATATTHE ®®ARiAROUND THE WORLD IN 00 m ( WORLD MONITOR IMPROV Comics: Jorryy WMinor, Spanky, DAYS MichIchaol Palln cwnbs Iho docks B { 3 JEWELRY SHOW Ron Richards, Grog Raylay iond Vic o n n Yugoslloslavlan Iroightor. (R) |Q SHOWBIZ TODAY Sdiodu...... ' - - } 1108 E l {11} STINGRAY A fonoionownod 12:10 (J J MIONIGHGHTl’lOUn (Sorios ortist, opprohonsivo obout horlor Ifirst Promioro) A nowow woo knighi comody oxhlbliion In yoare, rocoivosI a soriost ol lalk show. GuostJsthosi:comioJoy Mpnda: thfootonino phono calls. (R)I Bohar. Guosts; to bo announcocf. ES LOVE BOAT 12:10 1 3 (1 1 ) UiDhIDNIGHT HOUR (Sorios Sodw ' ,i:« E a PUBUC POUCY >ductross’ (1009. Adult) Laura Premlofo) A nowowwooknight comody Gomsomsor. Gabriolo Tinti. CONFERENCE lalk show. Guost3St hosl; comic Joy 1 :1 0; S ® 3 NIGHTWATCH 11:25 (SHOW) M O V IE ** "Swocwool Bohar. Guoslsi to bo announcod. -j -20 HD Hearts Danco’ (1909, Drama) t I HBO MOVIE * n -Soniof Wook*I* ia)D on 12:30 Q PAID PRIPROGRAM ’ 908. Comody) Michael SL GoranJ,rd, i • Johnson, Susan Sarandon, □ INTO THE: NlNIGHT WITH RICK Garyary IKorr. i 11-30 B ALFRED HriCHCOCK•CK DEES Guosls:: ococtor Robort Eng'und i ;30I B Q PAID PROGRAM I PRESENTS A foalous husbanc>and linds (‘Ford Faiilaino*)10*): musical group Soul (5D ) TALESjt FROM THE DARKStDEDE himsoll caught in Iho murdorou irouslrap 11 Soul, (in Storoc agical shoos bring oorio surprisesIS to ho h a s sol tor h b wilo and horf*or Q (53 CD UTEATER WITH BOB ahoomakor'e appronlica. suspoctod lovor. COSTAS Guost:st: actor Michool ma COMMANDc PERFORMANCE a CROOK AND CHASE Sch Schodulod; Crowford, (R) (In Storoo) c3 n n ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH-H-IN hlnhllghts Irom Iho Jam boroo» InIr Iho O TALES FROIROU THE DARKSIDE Q3 AAUTO RACING NASCAR A.C. h S s. (R) (In Storoo) Attor a playboyy c£osd of a hoart attack. sparksark Plug SOO. From Pocono. P aMR) ( a ARSDJIO HALL Schoduloiulod; a dovil and onI anangol competo for his 1:35i [f fJ l MOVIE * * * -Royal Woddinding’ sinnor Basia. (In Storoo) soul, 951. Musical) Frod Aslalro, Jano0 H O ® l a t e NIGHT wmVITH CIMOVIE**^**»*13nuo K3W0U. ; DAVID LETTERMAN From MadoIoino*(194C946. Drama) Jamos fTl1 gGOODWILL GAMES CONTINU'JUE Soplombor 1909: TV porsonoliinolity Cagney. Annabelibolla. .. 1 ;4Si Q B NEWSROOM OoDorah Norvillo; sinQor Dr..Jo Jo: h n ; [Q DONNA REEJEED Alox judges n baby (TMCWC) MOVIE **> i-R am bo 111* poodlo oroomor Mary lucopilla.)illa. (R)(ln conlosL (190890S. Advoniuro) Sylvostor Stallonijno, Sloroo) B SPORTS LA'LATENIGHT Hichaichaid Cronna. 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVIE **K*Contlnoitinonlnl E l SPORTSCEI IN MOVIE * * k -Somo Girls* (190908. □jvido'{1S61. Drama) John1 Boiushi,Bo 12:36 ES NE.VS (R omody) Patrick Dompsoy, JonnilorIer Blair Bfown, 1 2 ;« SHOW MOVI3VIE-Foar*(lOOO. conn.onnolly. D l PAID PROGRAM Susponso) Ally/ SShuody, Lauiun 2:00» Q B PAID PROGRAM [Q DOBIE GILUS Dobio land;anda a job Hution, 0 MMOVIE * * » *Tho Wngllshor- os a sororlty-party waiior. 1:00 ^ P A I D PRC’ROGRAM (T9Q2902. Drama) Rox Harrison, WondjIdy C J VIDEO DISC JOCKEY P M H E A D UJUNE I NEWS Hillorillor. E WILDUFE CHRONICLES,ES Radio O CARSON'S•S ICOMEDY CLASSICS DBHERDAUFE l H i/onsmittors ofo uaod lo flotI Johnny o s movioiviOHxsmmotdoI | g3 mMOVIE * * ’Manhandled* M94:D49, inlormation on ratllosnakos ovorthoovc pitchman An Fon -cm . Guost: Carol Mystcystory) Dorothy Lomour. Storilng1 courso ol a yoar. Woyno. aydon. - B NEWSNIGHT UPDATE D lS U P E R SNANACKER 3 PATTY DUKE R oss oniors Poitjally's IQ AUTO RACING SCCA SuporSu[ l a FERNWOOCK3D 2-NIGHT Shoiololograph in a boauty , contost wilhilh Vcos. From Dos Molnos, Iowa.w a. m ® ADAM^ VIWEST AT THE Ropoijpos ol winning his paronis' (Topod) IMPROV Comicslies: Jorry Minor. Spanky. anniviiniveraary gllL 1t:3Sa]NIGHTUNED Ron Flicharda.. GrogGi Ray nnd Vic Q3 E 1 ^ MOVIE * * * *T1jo Caplivovo -1 2 K H J-aP A J0 PROGRAM------oarr(l94T.-Dram o) Mlcftaol------a MUSIC ROW VIDEO (fl)l)(ln (I. HTf^WSOVEr/ e r n ig h t r Sodgravo, Basil Radlord, Sloroo] E l SPORTSLO<-OOK m□ s SAVINGS SHOWCASE (23 GREAT PERFORMANCESCES iTales 1:0S f f l AFTERI H(HOURS Now York TV Q1 t. LARRY KING OVERNIGHT From tho Hollywood Hills* Ado;kdoplod porconality Joo0 FFronklin. (R) SdiorR IC K DEES Guosts: act Robert Etrjjlund ('Ford FairlainiIdno*); BRIZEE-E H E A TIN G & A IRR c o n d 7t i o n i n gG musical group Soul II SouL (InSioroo)(In "COEo m f o r t & C onfidencece since 1909" 12:0G m HOW TO G ETA SECC PAYCHECK WITHOUT GETTI^?NGA i 3877 Secondi A venue Easast • 733-2624 SECOND JOB Friday. July 20. 1990 Tin"Tlmos-NowB. Twin Falls, Idaho 35 f ! - < Tiiesdajily evening programs|


0:00 Q MURDER, SHISHE WROTE Jossica's nophow Isl« ofTOSloda (or Daytimele movies . murdor. G ooau: Brianrian Kolth. Arthur M O RRNING ^ ______11.-0S Q ***ThoVaioIn*(•(1070, Hin. (Port l o l 2) Comody) Kirk Douglai, AnAnn-Morgrel a CHURCH STREE1EETSTATION 11:30 HBO * * ■WookondoJ ol Bomfo's- Footurod; iJio O'Kanoi^os;GnryMuto IN * * « ‘0rphans-(1087. na) Albert Rnnoy, Matihow (1989, Comody) Antlnnvr KMcCarthy, J o n o t^ n Stlvormon. 3 |ii) N E v r a ino. 11:45 l a * * * * ‘Edison.I. The1 Man* D ^ GOOb HEAL•ALTH f r o m JANE 6:00 HBOBO ***ThoRy*(1D86. (1040. Biogmphy) Sponcoi:or Tracy, Riu, , 0HOOV3KITC HEN'EN Vogotablos a s o Sdonconco Rclion) Joll Goldblum. Goono . prolofn sourco; tho doj Johnson. ovordoBO. GuoBi: Dr. \ s, , 5) * * * •Coslno Royalo*(1967. WHEEL OF FCo n m ru N E □ ■ AFTERNOON COSBY SHOWV C ta lrls- ody) Polor Sollors, Ursula OSS. g doiarmlnod nollolobtokonab lo lot a , Intorloro with hor porsilorsonolor 7:00 CININ * * * •Tho Cindnnaii Kid* 12:00 (TUC) ★ * -Wisdom-'(1986, (1 p/olosslonnl lilo. (Inn Storoo)Sl p (1065,5, CDromo) Stovo McQueen, Ann- Oramo) Emilio Estovoz. DoDomi Moore, ' 0 ( 1 2 ) GROWINGG PAINSP. Carol lools Mamrot CIN * * * ‘SoIdiorlnlhoroRoin-(19G3. botroyod altgr hor mot m othocsharos a 7.30 sHO'HOW * * * Thfoo M e n a n d a Comody) Stovo McQuoon, conlidonllal jocrol wilhwill- Jason. B aby-d Gleason. 2 3 LEAD-OFF MAN ’■ (1007, Comody) Tom Sollock. . • r ^ StovoB GGuttonborg. 0 MOVIE 1:00 SHOW **K-Forris Bw3uoller-8 Day My Favonto Spy* o-OO IH3 'Flising• S o n '(1090. Dromo) (1051. Comody)Bobl-obHopo.Hody' O il-(1986. Comody) Matthiihow Lomarr. I Donnohy, Malt Damon, ] * * * Tho FourSoasons* Broderick, Mio Soni. [ 3 KIDS INCCRPOR.ORATED Connio r IJO C IN * * » * R in g 8 Aroun.und tho t f ^ to loach pfopof cS 1. Comody) Alan Alda. Carol )f cSoJ and oxordso BumQIL ok W orld-(1066, Documontaryary) to Iho Kids. CJ MOVIE***-Aw. MC) * * * •Radno Wilh tho 2:00 l a -Rising S o n -(1090.0 . Drama) •Away All Boats* °M ®o?nT»* (1084. Drama) Soan Ponn. (1956. Advonturo) Joll Chandler. Eiizobotl Brian Donnohy. Mall Damoiion. Goofoo Nador. both McGovern. ES @ * * * -ScorlotStrc:troof(1945, G3 OOBIEGILUSMa 3 59 * * * •Saraband'(1948. Oramo) E<>ward G. Robinsoison, Joon 1 Maynard discovers ^ 'dJo^ )la) ® StQwarl Grangof. Joan hoc an lo c ato lost nrtlclirtlclos by using his Groonwc BonnoCL consoolamoll. nwood. * * 'TTioRo^lurn of Swamp E3 * * « -Goldon Cato-(ll(168^. _ ------ig-MTV-PHIME H09l:- ____ 09l:M artha O uina — m n V n Fantasy) Louls'Jourdan. Dmmo) Pony Klng.' Jbon'SliSimmons. ^ m ENTERTAINMNMENT TONIGHT Slof Jc Lockloor. Billy Idol, Jam os Caanion ond olhor • _ HBO ***'FomllyRounicnion*(1981. colobritlos commontIt on tho issuo ol 10:00 13 * 1 * * ’YoungTomEdison^ Dromo) Botto Dovis, JohnI Shoo.S (TMC) * -RontodUps-(19l roquiring motofcydlslsislstowoor (1040. Biography)Bi Mickey Roonoy. Foy 1988, ^ Comody) Mortin Mull, Dld<£k Shown. holmots. (In Storoo) ir. 3:00 SHOW * * -Tho Koroto E ® BIOGRAPHY^Y‘Madam * Chlang ^ 0^*i* * "Ono Crazy Summor* Ito Kid Part Kal-Shok/Eva Poron’n'Tho T womon who (1086 C. III-(1989. Drnmo) Ralph MaVlacchio, inlluoncod tho ovonts o . Comody) John Cusack. Demf its ol Peru ond Mooro NoriyuW ‘P a r Morita. Chino. 10:05 (TMC 0 1 NEWS p MCI * * -Pair/H0arsr(1988. 3:15 CIN ***»*T)ioY oor1ln1inq-(1946. 0) Naiasha Richardson. William Dramo) Gregory Pock. Jono E 3 WOMEN o f t h e ; no Wyman, tho. 4:00 (TMC) * * “Sho-sO ulol Foaturod; tho holross5810 tc tho R at lO'OOClN • ol Control' N ***Walor'(10Q5. Comody) (1900. Comody) Tony Danza»za. fortuno; on Amoricann anthropologista/ Michaolol Colno.( ValOfio Porrino. who bocamo a nolsho-ho; Corol■ Burnotl. , Calhorino Hicks. B PRIMENEWS 11:00 i n1 <* * * -Tho Advonturos ol ' , 5:00 SHOW * * -Kolly-(lOBI'BI, Drama) Q EVENT OF THEi OiDAY Bulfwhip'lip GnlliV (10a7..Comody) ® H O T E L Chrislophor Chapman. Roboibert Logon, ' McDowall, Suzanno Ploshoito. ‘ (SHOW) MOVIE * *► •HilLi5f(1089. ’1- SHOW^J 5:30 CIN * * x -T h o H o u stoin n :Story- ; **H-TholialianJob'(J069, Oroma] Jon-MichaolI VirVinccnt LOO (1056, Drama) Gono Bony,f, BarbaraE Rossi. iluro) Michaol Colno. Nooi "d. Hale. (TMC) M O V IE * * *l*-W * tonH»o' Mot Solly* (tOB9, ComoJmody-Dfoma) B lli^ fy stal. Mog Ryan.yon- 0:05 0 GOODWILL GAMESGAI Schodulod ovonls indue>dudo mon's bnskotball (USA/USSR)SR). track S liold Daytime and swimming. (Uvo)>) e sports 0:15H B O NEVER SAYG Y GOODBYE A M O R NN If IN G ______Pro Sorios. From Wost Polmm Boach. girl is lacodw ilh harshsh roolllyr whon hor ------R a JR ) grandmothor suitors a li 1:30 0 1 AUTO RACING HFC J 0:30 O O N STAGE Foatit a S S o '" ’ SPORTSCENTER ’ C Amorican G^foy. (In Storoo) LPGA GOLF Youngstown Sorios. From Ponland, Oro.- (R)(I O (11) WHEEL Of Finol round Irom Youngstown. ^2:00 Q LEGENDS OF WORL^LD CLASS ta ■ OF FORTUNE WRESTUNG P 3:00 m K J.D ^ D CD (B) NIGHTLY B aW o RACING NASCAR A.C. ^ • ' REPORT Schodulodrn ’lug 500. From Pocano, Pa. (R) , . 3:303; r a HARNESS RACING8-SO . JEOPARDYIP 4:00 S RUNNING AND RACIICING CHEERS Clill conviiinvineos Nwn 10 AFTERhRNOOM ______4:30 m SPORTSLOOK S 5:00 r a SPORTSCENTER , join his Iratomalinizalion, oroanizi iho ...... 5; knights ol Scimitar, p 5:30 Q UAJOR LEAGUE BASASEBALL 3 1:00 CJ AUTkUTO RACING Barber Soob Toams to Bo Announced. (UviJvo) 06 Tlmos-Nows. TwinI Falls.Fal Idaho Friday. July 20,, 19901C JULY 24, 19900 i-UESDAY EVEENING f 7:00 I 7:30 l~88:00 I 8:30 I-9:00 I 9:9:30 110:00 110:301 UJ:0D :( 11:30 112:00112::i:3 Q UieNet/Uhw HotHot* Adnntur* •Satewntn* (t969)K9] ■- (oa»ii| Bhfflno AfwnloHsa______kOMt c t ” Bom? |Wen*fY. Rc*Rowwn* |Coid> Wrtyjomothingb J lltws IChMfi- |H gha _ DiYMUtHfTian BobCi>Coitt f~@ Saoek MInft*lteitollh»Hght RiibvW:-AwyAa^BotU- |U 9 vl«:***-B «tll«Hin~(t957)nocliHudnw. ^ ______^ UotOYl*:-Wt»tJon(>r«nr(1958)<«! a»to:***Th»S«tCU f(l868) raBoi UoYto:***'n»SeiGill-M'(10G8)Ja(TX6Masoft.______|Bloy«phy:Kit-Sh»l[~ Ua»toi ftwjo.Hag IhrtothtHgW lEH »»■»’ IWooJt'f. ]toIHoMwnt |Co»ch iHftyiomelhlngTing Htwi |Hahllln» Anwj ’ DISH |yoYl«:'Z).OOOl4»SUMUndi Under lh* S«t* (I9&4) rogri Aric Lirlisll ShertockHolines Slnatnln«tn:MansndttJtlc Ocl* | 4Ri(t’a' ~K80 |uoYlt;***'UcU&UYptT»te«|Drt»moir -WottwditBam Homo" MAX *Th« Cint ol F«rt PtKcoaileoar(1357) I'Policc Academy 5: MlirnltrriB«adi' |Ma^^8:**iT.'niBJunf*119321982) **fsrFromHo SHOW .|uoyt«:**x-UndcfflwIfltliilfltli»nc»-(tSSG) •Ht U ar [1flB9) |UoYi«: * * * TTtfMUcflr>diB«b)r'(1997) tn | , |S p cm ^ . |Hy*oplsno Ridn ~ESPM UiiorLsiguoBtMbalt:^!:Te»m»TBA |»»iorleofluoB»»«ballTTM?Tosm* to BoAnrwuncwl______dng

a (S) FAMILY TIES AnI old collogo G3 MOVIE * * * « *20.000 Looguos Iriond osks Slovon to holpph!m h!i UndorlhoSon*«n* (1954. Sdonco roostabllsh a loll-wing poliiicililical Fiction) Kirk.Douglas. Oc Jamos Mason. TUesd:lay ■ W M * mogozino. O Mombors olI oa '19lh-contury soa* O COSBY SHOW Clair- is monstor oxpodjodiiion aro savod by tho d\ a s s to koop up his grados. (R))(ln (I nucloar submarino In g dolormlnod nol lo lot a brokorokon loo capinin ol a nu S to ro o )a intorforo with hor personalal oroi Oisnoy's Oscaiicar-winning adaptation ol ^I Q DONNA REED Donna wantsits Alox prolossionoJ Ufo. f]n Storoo)DO) □ tho Jolos Vornijrno novol. to buy hor on oxponstvo boadoddbng t I ACRES A follow a (12) CB ES CURRENT■NT AFFAIR Q GREEN A' (or hor blnhday. 0 MAJOR LEAGUE BASIASE0ALL Hunoarian visil/isils Usa. (SHOW) S'. MOVIE * * * T hroo MonMi Chicago CubD ol S t Louisis CCardinals, E ® MOVIEiV I E * * * T h o Soo Gull- nnd 0 Baby* (1907, ComodyJTonbm (1960, Drama)na) Jom os Mason. Sollod<. Stovo Gutlonborg.Throo00 _ia.MlCKEmCLUSECLUBLUB (In . Vanosta Rodgjdgravo. Basod on Anion -Monhnltafi ^ bachotofs.nro forcwJ.td to pul Slorao) P ChoKo7s ptaylayongDreomury Russia------ihoir carolroo Ofostylos on hold whonwl (Q BEWITCHED DoninI loolsloo that ho arxl a youngg wwoman's relationship wilh }1~thoy nro loll In chorso ol on Infonicint lhal Isnl making nny proflfoss.sin in h is o 8ophlsticotorison guards facos - Rot>roadca5ts:npolparrolrrol saves a omoljonal andand physical slross whon il r-j ES ROSEANNE Ja

7 , prolly (ronlI(inllor sludonts. (In Sloroo) lhat I could bo worth $1 millionIlo ii Iho 'Ttiesday' SHOW HO'^O V IE **-H it U s r (1089, dotoctivos. c Dramn) JanJan-Michaol Vincent. Loo (TUC) ( UOVIE * * -PoDy Hoarl a n r Rossi. Ann inInnoconi man. mistaken (or (1988. ( Drama) Naiosho FVchorlord son. • Ea PROFILES OF NATUATURE Pfolilo ol “ formnnt, goes after iho kiDcrs WJIiom \ Forsythe. Uio Alaskan brown botir.nr who kidnapilappod his 5on,((n Sloroo) CIMiJOVJE ( * * » *J. Tho Ju ry*( y 1082. D CNN NEWS 9:05 a GOCOODWILLGAPJES Oromo) C Armond Assonlo, Barbirbara (TMC) M O V IE * * * TTlio lu Yoar ol CONTINUEUE Corrom. C livinn Dangofouoly* (lOO:1003^Drama) d YOGOGI'S ARK LARK Animotod. 10.-05 10.-I B GOODWILL QAUE31 Mol Gibson. SiQOurnoyy WWoavor. An Yogi Boorir tuand hit Irionds trovol In a Sdwduk>d £ ovonts Indudo men'on's Austmlian loumaJist. aI BritishBfi em bassy m a g ^ laorkln r k soarcholaporioct baskotboO t (USAAJSSR). tmiA Ai fiold ollidal ar>d a Eurasian cat cond swimming. (R) caught up in tho tumuli ol 9:SS‘S c NN S STAGE Footurod: M dtoy 10:30 10:: CD CHEERS Clilf'a long-loitesttathof . Indonesia juct prior lo tho l)(lnStoro^ visits. V P Suknmo, ^LD OF IDEAS WITH BILL a | CHEERS Sam ond Dlnno0 0:30 Q CROOK AND CH/CHASE MOYERS-f5 -Famo* With Leo Braudy. copomto s for a wook to ro-ovaluliualo Schodulod: aclor Chnrltonriton Hosion aulhorofTI -Tho I Frenzy of Ronown.* (In thoir tl relationship. P IO Littlo KIdnapp0f5')ris-); (lnSicioo) ■ ■■ 3 a I ® f f l TONIGHT SHOWV QuostI D QD ES COACH:HHaydon i ®NEWStfS Q hosl: h Joy^ono. Schodjtod; ecbtclors S tolucos to oilond Kolly'n n d nrn S lu a rt c GJ MOVIE'I E * * » -My FavoriloSpy- Jack J Polanco ond Man Frowof.or. (In woddinn and hldos oullinlhow in i oods. (1951,Comiomody) Bob Hopo. Hody Sloroo) S (R) {In Sloroo) O Lamarr. An\n Amorican/ ontortalnor B 1 (12) STAR TREK Tho Entoitorpriw l a M O V IE * * * -881110ttio Hymn' imporsonalolalos a spy in ordor lo obtain boccmos b a ship of halrnd a s thothi (1057. Ofoma) Rock Hudsludson. Manha m s lor Iho Unilod Stalos. ollicors o tulDo Klingons and oticach olhor. Hyof, A tjonllo dinplainn is nblo to 1 3 PATTYFY IDUKE Potty hopos to GD [ MOVIE * T h o Soduclion:(i:(10e2. dispol his fluilly JoollnosIS ainnd bocomo n outdo horr archenemyar as thoy shop for Susponso) E Morgan Fairchild. AndrowAi mililary horo during Worldotid W a; 11 ' “anco cosluislumos, Stevens, £ c a FERNWOOD 2-NlCHGHT E l CLUBBMTVW . IQI UlSTER EO Mr. Ed InvitosIS throo E a WILDLIFE CHRONICNICLES Radio B SPORT!RTS TONIGHT hobo# h to Iho P ost homo. tronsmlitors aro usod lo10 g undergour ihompy odor sho's a E NlGHTUNE P aitiiudo, (R) (In Sloroo), pP lound lo bo10 lrInsonsiiivo. f Q a SINATRA: THE MAN ANDDHIS I a . l S I ( ^ REALLIFEW:i WITH JANE OTWILIGI^IGHT ZONE Four mon plan MUSIC M Fronk Slnolra. occompoiponiod PAULEY Rolationships; boibotwoon Iho porloct;l ctcrimo. to no avail. by ta Counl Basio and his orchosirstra. sloppnronls and slopchildniiIdron:tho d ADVENT•NTURES OF SHERLOCK porlorms p< his m osl popular song:igs. porils ol middlo ago; a rocnrocroali'onal HOLMES AllAltor answering a charitable Indudlrn In *Now York, Now York*.k* and *1 vohido convonllon. (In SloiStoroo) P organizati'on'ion's od. Joboz Wilson is GolaKlcKOulolYou.*(R) G CIVIC DIALOGUE suspiciousJ wlwhon ho Is promised a EQ H UAKE ROOU FOR DADDY5Y BATMAN Tho Jo k oIfs fs Ilalost capor '“TJc suf" del monoy for copying nn Donny'i Di Undo Tonoos« w ontsI Iclo Blails..(Port2of2) - oncydopodiaKJia. bocomo be o ptoybw. B3 ROWAN 4 MARTIN’SWS LAUGH-IN I3M Y THHREE R I SONS Tho Douglas m C POST MODERN MTV C3 KEVIN SEAL: SPORTIIRTINGFOOL (omily has^ problemspn wilh iho subslilulo S Q ®UOVlE***ThoSon30 Gulp EH WAR STORIES Tho0 b:battio to (1968, Droma) Jam os Mason, capturo tho Italian town ol01 Cassino( in © r ^ 'u p Viinossa Si Rodgrnvo. tho sprino of 1944. Q ^ B I OlOGRAPHY C -Madam Chinng m B WORLD MONITOR S3 JEWELRY SHOW Kal-Shok/EvrEva Poron' Tho womon who ® R SAVINGS SHOWCASE B MONEYLINE inltuoncod1 tholh( ovonts o( Ponj and Q C SHOWBIZ TODAY Schodukulod; B3 EVENT OF THE DAY\Y China. (R) proviow of tho sorios *Glofy Dayi SD SPENSER: FOR HIREIRE Sponsor 0 ] NEWS3 p P S § 3 SELFHMPROVEMENTOUIIK'"’ travols to Salom. Mass... to invosligaio E 3 SECRETlETS OF NATURE Unusual HBO HI TALES FROM THE CHYP''PTA tho prophetic ninhimaros15 ofol a 12-yoar- animal spocicJcios o( tho G alapagos . . SbmSl oso twin commits murdor.•.(In (I old girl, Islands. Storeo) p HBO MOVIE-El Diablo-(15 iNIGHT 111!IrflS S I INSIDE EDfnON Wostom) Aninony Edwards 1C POUCY CONFERENCE 2 0 } MCLAUGHLIN GROUP Gossoit Jr. A mild-mannoro ISIEY»LACEYThoprodnct W Q ES ARSENIO H AU SchofkKfcitod: schooiloochor is forcod to It ilh o variety of probloma, Octofs oe Harrison Foid nnd Bfian1 doadly nrt ol gunlighllng wh I Hood olSotunSay Night Donnohy. D< co-stare ol 'Prosum od9d ' Moxican bar>dit kidnapss ont r S Sin ”undorcovorcop who Innoconr; Ini singor Poul Youna. (In posod In Iho10 nudof and a lonory iJckol Storoo) St 30 Timos-Nows. Twin Fnlls,Ills, (dnho Friday, July 20, 1990190 (ts; tho Polntof Sistors. (In 11 -00 l a (H ) STINGRAY Slin(Stingra, D E E S G m .B : Tuesd;lay loam s Qoout o covort govom LATER w rm BOB — opomlion whilo invoctiflaling lingo IV S S T A SG O O , In a ropoitor‘6 cJobth. (R) •05 O LEAVE r r TO BEAVER In FROM T«E DARKSIDE A 'lottw ictt to a r«w tpapor columnist.t. F ^ U L Y 24TH PARADE ff mts aro NffinAGlC mTAL'ffsostato tycoon attfacts tho BoBoiwor compbins that his parent isAHYGmy ‘“ J™';,"*?I opocuuar oxocutlvo ux o n nnd Bob o o o n u o n o ln i GIC Shnndling. Hofry / ^ o f » n i ^ S w COMEDY AND MAGI :***'nwsoMagninconl 'ciC L ^ - S lOTH ANNIVERSARYY G any Sonot nro amono m oso pori idBob Soulhom California’s ComoiK'S vTS" r a u o Wilf * Rying Machlnos* (1065. s^ShandBng. Hairy ManteClub.(R) (InStoroo) Jtuart Vwltman. Sarah SaSaool aro am ong thoso poHomii 1 1 - M la ALFftEO HITCHCO Scs S ltio m C o J t o la 't Comodyt o. r ' PRESENTS A doal boy wit; IA REED Donna wonls Alox Mi mufdor ot on alrpoft and pfc an oxpontlvo boadod bog 2:M E J UY IH R E E SONS Tho Dououglas ’ ' - blackmail tho killor. Bubstituto O CROOK AND CHASE OM^AL WORLD 1alamlly hos probloms writh tho sui QCtof Chariton H otton (*Th( orao) M.crophotoor m W DBODISC JOCKCT S^odulod: I tAMA id Brian • os.(R ) ' ■ octore Harrison Ford and B ESTSLSS »s rd o s SS e^ ^ S b^ ^ II o,-. ,2: 1m 1o ILOVE Donnohy. co-clani ol 'P ros In Innoconr. tingor Paul Youi ;1986, Comody) Matthow annd tho M ortios finally arrwo in Hollywood, whoro Lucy prompfiiptlygots i (A) LATE NIGHT' ioviE^i'Navy Bluo ond i/ 2-«'® i«>V IE * -Munior on^tho DAVID LETTERMAN Scht 37. Comody) Robort Young. 2 :iWmSroor(1M3.Mystory)JdJohn comic JoH Cosatio. (In Sio a (12) MOVIE**'Pols n^l^UNENEWS ILodor. W arron Douq^ . SON’S COMEDY C U S S IC S 3;C n UADAME'S PLACE (1005. Comody) Michnol J ANCE Sharlton Hoston. Carol ' IEQ COMMAND PEHFORMA^ ■ Nancy McKocn. Guosts; Cht m M W E * * * « *20.000 LoaguosLo O PAID PROGRAM {lijor tho Soa-(1054. SdoncjICO C 3 DODIE GILUS Mayn: ) PROGRAM . ' s Mason, h o c an lo c ato lost w lclos NWOOD 2-NlGHT loa throo aonco of smoll. .-PV ONEWS' r i VIDEO DISCJOCKE ntlDISc°S?S.NFERENCE 1/ hobos to tho Post homo. m COLLECTOR’S JOUJOURNAL With m SPORT n.of^’’fiSlHEROESKiN ink Sii«a¥u?'bA- loam s thot Stalag 13 hns mad,ado tho top E SPORTSCENTER , (In 310,00) O ODWILLGAMESCONTINUE 3; ; cJroams’ HBO DREAM ON IR) (In )ln. Bfuco 1 1 :3 5 ® NIGHTUNE D rALES FROM THE _ Horror) Jonnilor Rubin loBantoOvor CB FIRING U N E-Tho B o; R rst _ ^ dom ol Ex_prosslon'on-W .lh Tom ‘'^rhtiK w ith^ SHOWUOV1E***Rambo: DUnOSAoyto.------Mothows (Nowcwook) Qf ) ol a homoloss vamplro. IC ro n n i Chapin. EH PAID { ClN MOVIE * « 'H a s AnyboCody Soon 12:00 0 BOXING (R) IwAN i'iiw O T N ’S LAUGH-IN y)Josol D MUSIC ROW VIDECD E O ,R „ln .TORCYCLE RACING U g u M MyPantar(1083,Cpmo<^ McK)sholror.Frnn2Mu*w«toijor. Sioroo) S oca 250.50. From Msntoroy, Calil. (R) 0 700 CLUB 3VlE**'Borotar'(1987 33*30 O PAID PROGRAM O M M E R PYLE. USMCSGom C orand i n ADVENTURES OF ty) V^hoopi Goldborg, Bob Cartor Ilnd thomsolvos lnvol\olvodas HARRIET Harriot ond C wait. ;imkiuo prank on thoir husbandtjj*„i,h«,.h=ip MOVIE * * » ‘Timo Lodt* unwitting accompUcos In a in of a myslorious black b< Drama) Robort Boatty. Botty PLACE Mr. IQ BEWITCHED Damiatrin lools that ho ® « e““b'S n k e h ;s p i ,.n,c.,nhl. S n R m to lo o f lota. Iho 1>M Ijn'l making any progro S ‘.' r b , cnroor. nighl on Iho lown M o .ln slo E3 PHENOMENAL Wl Ibson. SiQOomoy Woavor, loston tho impoct ol oo t e s prodicl Iholr occurrofw t b HYDROPLANE R/ r) Dobomh Foroman. Clayton on tho Ohio. From EvaSW rT or.- HBO MOVIE * * * WW o ookond t 01 Bom loV (1069. Como,mody)Androw 1-«gNIK eW c h c o c k h o u r r McCarthy. Jonathann SiSilvormon. 2.M « A (TMC) M O V IE * ** * * -Whon'Harry Jomody-Orama) g^on^^,sra';,'?'0xs^s: Mot S ally-(1089. Com « 0 V 1 E * * » •CM 0 ''* ^ , B^lly Cryolal. Mog Rya 3 Drama) Efrom Zimbolist Jr.. ?wFrom Homo- - • q .q CIN M O V IE * * ‘Far I O'Brion. CONVERIIrER- (lOae.SusponBO) DJowBanymoro.Djo »AID PR(WRAM Malt Ffowpr. 3ATTY DUKE Patty hopos to olSan:honomyasthoyshop(or 12:05® ® GJINJO^gSSIlnl.r oK” FREE WITH RICK DEES Gi »costumo8. - [ES M O V IE * * * ■Saraband S“f O r"?IS Jn 3 s ONLY I ® Ifo ra m a ) Stowart Grangor. Joan" PREM IUMATV 1 2 : W ® MIDNIGHT H< S o T ' " " g comic Joy Bohar. Gu( } U S l 1 I •annoufwod. k 3 K g‘ S ^ e r n . g h t Com ing Augi 'IE * * 'B a m b o : First odulod; Now York Stato Govornor>r 12:15 (SHOW) MOVIE35. ^Advonturo) V O n B V l d Mo , c a t a l o Blood Part l l '(1005..Richard Cronna. SE L M U piS vE M E K T GUIDE .4MB Sylvostor Slallono.41GHT B HOUR Guost Johar. Guosts to bo lOWl M O V IE *** ,uo 12:10 I Q (11) MIDNIGI S K - ( 1 0 7 f i . Drama) Dominiquo hoot: comic Joy Boh: Ida. Anthony Quinn. E NIGHT WITH RICK Sanda 20.1990 Timos-Nows. Twin Fallialia. Idaho 39 announcod. Fridny. July 2 0.: 12:30 a INTO THE N Wednesdelay eveningg programs

EV EN tN G ______

. 0:00 B MURDER, SHE WROTEWR Daytime nrmovies Jo ssica 's nophow Is arrosuostod for '(1984;— - 1 3 OOBIE GILUS D^I) Michool Kooton. c , Isabolh propognnda films arxJ mnic Comody-Dfama) Tod Oonson. li nnlorialffom / tm c i *»'Crillors2:ThoMain r , indopcndorti sourcos oro,ocoj,bi„odi„ d Rossollini. 1900. Sdonco Fiction) Scott 4 .3( •(1907. Ihis roconstruction of tho bi 4:30 (TMC) * » 'A £ 6a s 8inaiion'(: lobofflosol Grimos, unn(jano Curtis. ’o. Ireland. World War 11. (R) (Part 1 ol Dramo) Charfos Bronson. Jill Irc ' “ '^ 1 10:05 1 3 * ** 1 * 'T ho Enrl of Chicago' c issing' B PRIMENEWS CIN * * * 'Bunny Lako Is Miss (1940. Dramiama) R ol«rt Monlgomory. (IOCS. {j Mysiory) Laurono) Oliviovior. B3 EVENT OF THE DAY-. mold. c Q MAJOR LEAGUE BA:D K ^cnA ii Edward Arno Cord Lynloy. BASEBALL H :0 0 S H O W/ * ,* « 'T arantula'(1955. 5 ;3[ ) - Tho MAGAZINE ' 5:30HBO * * * TwiliohtZono- Horrbk)-Johnihn”J\gar. Mara Corday. ' mMovio' (1903. Fantasy) Jo h n UlUihgow, , ED HOTEL ' ( -Socfots of Iho Bormuda gl (SHOW) MOVIE * » - U 5toi SHOW * * 'T ho Chipmunk 11977, Dooimontary) AAdvonturo'i (1907, Fantasy) (1089. Drama) Kirk Camori™o “ j f i Gorti. gM C ) MOVIE * * -Mqssqissongor ol booth' (1908, Dramo) ChaDhotlos Bronson. Trish Van Dovororero, Daytime ssports 6:05QGOODW1LLGAMEiMES Schodulod ovonls IrwludoIdo iioik1 s lioM. m o r n i nvIG g ClClovoland Indians nt Chicago WWliilo m on's basko^all (USA),), womenwi 5 ■ ------S,SoM Livo) somirinals volloyball. walor 1:00 ID JET SKIING W otld Tour,jr. From (USA/USSR). (Uvo) 0:30 la SPORORTSCENTER Virginia Boach. V a (R) 6:30 O O N STAGE Foaiuro )MEN'S PRO BEACH 1 :3 0 1 9 MAJOR LEAGUE Martin Murphoy. (In Storoo IALL From Huntington ' BASEBALL'Sd GREATEST HIT5ITS C S l a (11) W HEELOF F llii. (R) uiWorkJ Sorios Spoctaculars. (R) kTERSKIlNGWoildTour.. _ ^) 2:00 O J LEGENDS OF WORLDD JOON O 44:00 :« m INSIDE THE PGA TOURJR □ ------4:3C4:30 Q SPORTSLOOK . B t S FAMILY TIESAloxi^«v»UMm«s ,2 .„o q j „ oDTORCYCLERAaNGAMAT( S:OC5:00 m SPORTSCENTER his brothor (rom proschool. ;s. From Los Angolos. (R) 5:30 m HOME RUN DERBY Dot>uko ( 3 COSBY SHOW Rudy I w on LEAGUE BASEBALL SiSnicJor vs. Hcniy Aaron. (R) Uio star of hor'poowoo'fooiir a M lo ,™ -10 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Foils,alls, Idaho Fiid.iy, 199C990 JU LY 25, X9900 ^ W EDNESDAY Ite v e n i n g i:3 0 9:30 110:00110:301 Ul:flom:30|12:Qu|l2::i ii 7:00 1 7:30 ^S : 0 0 I 8 : 3 0 9 :U » I V. Thoc«*Anal^hlhoSun' |(QgWr) g l uicHeilelw Hafle [ i ^ I c h w ahllln# |*rMriaH»a iR kift " q " CfgPtlra [H»»dO^ P00{0«nl.H . |>i^lMrn~ CHH.E.IA ,p H m TodflhtShow___ DtvMUtteCTm Pt*>C< OnwlwiM^ltrie* MflMCouri DewJohti Qu«nu»nU«p Cowhrtl C*ne* >• ______( i ] (8D5) Co«»«n C«ne*____ SwTn» I Uovte: -Sutimer F#nt»iy‘ (15Wm T C l ~ miiwulGw- UwUovis: * * * "An Olllwr wd i CenlHmM ■ “ I S S ITA-S-H _ M Wbm • f P |~ |S«n Jttia>ndihaF»tnttn TepCop* ■ , -Bmi .IIMmW|l»g| Ito*«>'/•.i Wm Wm "(10G2) Uovte;*** m ly ~ I c h u ^ |hwom _ ^uCtoUV ' IWnflD»'9«ou»l; OurC«flti>y______^ |lntolh»»aW , i t a «n»ri CraPtln* P»,aHK Oo< lAnyHni |m n.lioicli ilSuinytraAFKto" Uoitto:**i"nMlTi»Tr«ia Suto |Su«.< |lmM.P' (Instofoowp jjsy) Alloon Quinn. Clivo I n (121 o n £ 0 CURRENTNT AFFAIR (1980. FoniaS) W e d n e s dja i y ! m M ic K e W o U S E C L UUBlIn B Revill. MusicalIcal vorslon ol tho timoloss foJty lalo nbouilouiapdncacurcodwitho m m Sicroo) O omo) l a SW IT C H E D Tho Slopt^lephensosaro spoil ihot caman only bo broken by n p^,FortkJdon Subjocta* (1989. Draff idys' broihor Is princoss'a kiss^iss. (In Storoo) rCharlOB t, Bronson. Pony L fpo^A.Afler nm aiod to toarn lhat Gladys >4 ACHES Olivor launchoB a bfillianl musician. IQ GREEN A his young daughtor is molosiod. i an all-out camompalgn to promoto ^ dos tho } m 59 HEROES rutabagas. J b sights , ES N E W S P m CENTOHV T h ii Wnr “ Q MAJOR LEAGUE OASlASEDALL EB ® OUR ' sol on odopravodchlldclavpfyr/ r i ^ - ___ J. (Uvo)------“ 'i^'Yoarc'TTioI RcRoyal Air Force d o fw d s------I “ ToomoioBoAhhouncbd. (L Inst Gomion domlnolion. g.jjg CIN M O V IE ***-T ho HunHunlor* (1970, Britain against J:00 CD 1 3 (11) S ) JAKE AND! 3 Tho mulii-functJonal pFATMAN , Jako rolums to Los An Drama) Stovo McOuoon,I KalhtynKj m WINGS T Lockhood C-ISOlurbo-iet.C-1 usod lor ^to InvosUgoto hi# ciitor’s fianco.0 .0 , HafTOld. ■ ir(10OO. assault ironspnsport.lroopovacualion ^chUdhtxxf frtof^ whom ho w sppocU o Is 7:00 Q MOVIE *Snow K ir ( Storoo) nvillo. Jon ^ k connoctod to tfw mob. (R) (In St Susponso) Patti O'Arbanvill lK*NX3UVE^odul^: S ------CyphWrPromlofOrRwcon isldont Nixon. (R)‘ ' O"CnWNATl0NALm , ' oxocutivos batfo iho olomoim onts ond tho tonmor Prosld of oscapod n u MOVIE*E***‘Witno88torlho G g E ^ R A P H IC E.G. MarshaUinorratoB ™ murderous indlnotionis of o an-(10S2. Droma) RtJph Kiln convicts during a winter• wildomosswili Pfosocution' Q p o ^ l of tho olophanl .n. DionaRigg. B osad on iho „ S ri, oxpodillon. (In Storoo) Richordson, I play by AgalflalhaChrisbo.Achrtwd Itatos r t |^fTERNAT^ONAL jrrislerl»Wrodtodofofjdon ^ MOTORSPORTS HALLOL OF FAME London banii accusod of murdoring his r fiviHR, INDUCTION From Binningilnghom, Ala., Amoricon a e Sgg’S s t e S i v ' 0 worid ol woollhyEnol M.D. D ad's m kt^lo crisis b no0 twenty logonds Irom tho w ioto moiorsporls arc Inductodadlnloiho li SHOv/moVC^E***tS'OB0O. ■ problomp (or Doogte oi>d Vinnio 1 Motorsporta Holl ol Famo.no. (InSioroo Drama) Groc Jr. Roloasod 0 ^^(^'"wGHTOTURT Aft rmonioc IS AMERICA, burgloty tonjonlonco, on ox-con find# ho wrilh ■ n ray gun attem pts to sovo,voDan c a l a (11) s THIS I S / 050 bow oon tho on]oymont ^ ras. ( R ) a CHARLIE BROW Nt-Tho■ho Music and m ust chooso from 0 pair of punks with knjvo; os Irom top dancing a n d iho , )!ficor end Horooo ol America- AnimoilmalodTho horocoivos' a (1 2 )M O V IE * * * -AnOIfi; ind dancos a toducii;^lil( ?Goniloman* (1882. Drnma)I RRichard •Poonuts'ganq sings and vcars wont uibuto to Am enca's popuUpolar musical 7:30 (S C3 ( Goro. Oobra Wingor. Two Oscc 3) n Comody pilepilot. A troublotomo 10-yoar- to . this popular story of an horitMo. (R) (In Storoo) C SavoQO) croatos havoc within 10 finds a W MACNEIL/LEHRfHRER old (Bon Sa' undisJpllnod Naval cadot who bul dyslunctlonal. family. (In ^romonco wilh a moniogo-mindi t^W SH OU R o loving, bul CD a CS ES GROWINWING PAINS woman. Jason consWora pomiono (7 ] NEWS □ ITI 700 CLUB his psychialof pmcticoriX oui T ”" caves ber from dtw m lng. (R) l a BE3T OF SATURDAY NIC■ilGHT houso: Magflk) faco# onMl uupfiot at hof oftor ho tav UVE lERT DREAMS An oxpIomtJon U3LY UNSOLVEDED IMYSTERIES DESER E 3 @ UV1NQ DANGEROUS 1 boy's ol Soulhorro m Utah with on em phasis on DlvofS em bark on on odvontuttutoto SchodulM : a Chicago bo; itorkayaking and harra gudlng. unravol tho mystory bohind a dlsoppoaraneo: on unusu >JNA REED D o n n ^ vfsitlnfl ■ ■ ~ laundering BChomo: a n a! ings chaos to Ihp Stono - ntown Midwest con m an rollovoiovoBWomcnot 'Jnclobring ' Ft/ s u ^ V A L I A California u pa pay oil In Iho HBO MOVI□VIE** -Fast Food-(1BB9. suHors heavy domogo whon1 fla d am Ihoir monoy; viowof Ups f ,) Jim Vomoy. Trod Lords. Two iim jsl ol a bail-jumpor.r (If (In Sloroo) O Comody) J ALYPSE THEN ontetprislnising olodonia tacWo tho & “uS'9H0WCASE CTI MAYANS; APOCAL^ I hamburgor Wng with o now n(12)0ESTOFTHEI4E NATIONAL rolgnlng ha s CNN NEVre GE(^AAPHIC9PEaAI^ A L S Dr. Dian burger oonnonsatlon toakod In on oxtn>- Whon Horry ..^ n y a n d , tocrol sauco. Dmma) Fossoy tojoarchos tho s M O V IE*** ♦Wnllio: inionigont gorilla. Id ah o ' 41 Fridoy. July 20, IMC1990 ■n™..Now»:wnF»ii»;itii iRI Tho olloris to ropair the Ppropollora for alrcralt; video dam aooiooi0 animallilerosulting Irom titalophonos; cdvoncom onls In1 nmilitary jWgdniesd; ■» Iho civil warrar InI Uganda. (R) S — ■ II M— g MONEYlEYUNE I^ “ n' ^ n ig h t n OF t h e d a y iOT PUBUC POUCY CONFEFerence "* Billy CrYstal. Mog Rynn.vR R obR cinor « E R : FOR HIRE Hawk SI BASEBALL TONIGHT dirociod this occounl.olI ihd rrman. S3 ® □Q O @ c s Q (III (B IQ-MAKE ROOM FOR DAD: rivaJiy dovolop* botwoon Dinrlnah Shcio Q BATMAN Mr. Fraozo1020 kidnaps fl .© N E WMS S KY LADY Acom takos and Danrw, .- prolouorwhohas alomfomiula lor ^ lA BD POS-r MODERN MTV Instarlila).(Parti ol2] Ito moasuros to discover City ocroL E3 © CUR CENTURY Tho■ho War B 3 MOVJE * * * * R o b o Year** Tho Royal Air Foreo d. lJ;mia(11)UIDHDNIGHT HOUR G uost ______- Billy Crystal. Mog Ryan. host: comic Joyoy Bohor.1 G uosls to bo (SHOW) TURN OF THE SCRtCREW Amy Onatra. Fiiyo DunnwoY. Irving s(ars a s a young Qovomitrmoss 12:30aiNTOTHTHE NIGHT WITH RICK ^a JEWELRY SHOW troublod by oorio occurroncos:osmon DEESGuosb;es; comic Pouiy Shore; tho Qa |LARRY KING OVERNIGHT English mnnor. B osod on tho ► g » O l g . gIn . lStoroo) schoh o d u lo d ; (ormor Preeldont Nixonon. Jam os novol. (R) (In Siofoo) J^TER WITH BOB fR) 11:05 roiNSIDEEOmON COSTAS Guost;o s t diroctor Bogof • 513 3 5 SELF-tUPROVEUENT GUIDEDE CB t a ARSENIO HALL Sdi(Jchodulcd; Cormon. ( P ^rt 22 of 2). (In Storoo) SHOSHOW TURN OF THE SCREW AmyAn musidoriB Wynton and Elliss MMarsalis. © T A L E S F R:R0M C t h e DARKSIDE A inHnirang sta rs oa o young govom osss Is lobolod a witch when trout (In Sioroo] collogo cood Is I roublod by oorio occunw icos a t ar ntOO ( a ( tl) W OLF Tony is conlractodCOf sh0^andsa}obiobataestonlalvlDago. EnglEnglish monor. Boeod on tho Honr^nry ; missing 03 UOVIE**»*»*VivaLaBV0fl03' Jom-lam os rwvol. ( ^ (In Storoo) to soarch lor a mlllionoJro's mi: :t5co* wlio. only to ro&tlza tho moguf,gur# intont oO EMs Prosloy. Anrv- . . S SH( H O m U O V IE * * ! *BGnd JustSc is not roeonclllaUon. tbrothor-If>4ow go to a masquorodcido ball 0 (1 2 ) MOVIE***Summcnmor 13 SPORTSL(SLOOK dreidrossod 05 0 horto. Fantasy* (10B4. Orama) Julialulionno HBO M O V IE*2 * * 1 *Undor tho .B Q C R O S S R R E Phiinps. Tod Shackollord. Boardwalk* (10J(1908, Comody-Drainol SH«SHOW MOVIE * * * T o n * Son£mg O MASTER’S WOK Koith Coogon,in. DonloIIo1 von Zem ock. TriltTrilogy* (1088, Comody-Drama)I IQ D O Q IE GILUS Doblo-sirI’siniorostin 1:05Q}APTERIER HOURS Actor HorHorvoy Ftorotoln. Anno Bancroft ______g oi/l londs.him ttifw sioeJfj? urr. (R) 3rf)505 1B HOGAN’S HEROES Hogagon's D j VIDEO DISCJOCKEY? " * | ' — 1E‘*’*-*BadMGrrof------■plajnoTSynamlnnrtniirrfs6uu intnm/p B 3 PROFILES OF NATUREJRE Prolilo ol M issouri-(1941B41, W ostom) Donnis bby y ttho Inspector GononiL . (ho Alaskan brown boor. (R):R) Morgan. Jano10 VWyman. 3:1010 <(TVC) MOVIE * * tn d b n O NEWSNIGHT UPDATErE 1:30 ( 3 TALES£S IFROM THE UprUprising* (1952, Wostom) Goorgo00 Q ] SURFING Ouiksilvor In f.Momory ol DARKSIDE A kbox m arked‘Do Nol MMontgomoiy,oi Cori Bonloo Reid. Eddio Aikau. (R) O pon' posose a throat w hen o womon 3 ;is15 |HBO MOVIE * * s *Crimo Zonono* 1 1 : 3 5 ® NIGHTUNE P (EUoon Hockonkon)oponeltond nei(1S08. Scionco Fiction) David 1 2 : 0 0 D PRIME TIME WRE3';ESTUNG unknowinglyf roroloQsos a hum an soul. CarCarradno, Sbor^n Fonn. Hosts; Gorilla Monsoon andmd Bobby Diroctod by JoeJodioFoslof. 3:3030 1B PMD PROGRAM *Tho Brain* Hoonan. (R) f n s o l o f lLEX e : aE l COMER PYLE. USMC.Cartoitor trios a MUSIC ROW VIDEOt (R](R) (In 0 3 ROWAN^ & MARTIN’S LAUGH-IN to rmako Oomor's la s t days* as SlOfOO) E a ® IM P R’ROV C TONITE Host: comic concomfortablo as possiblo. Q I7 0 0 CLUB Laralno Nowmivman.^R) (In Storoo) • gm L A R R Y LEA D3 STOP SMOKING m NIGHTWA Q UAKE ROOM FOR DADDYYA j BREAKTHROUGH: COUNTUNTDOWN Q LPGA GOI30LF Youngstown Classic. rtvtrtvolw dovolops botwoon D’mohI ShornS TOQUITTING Final round fromIroi Youngstown, Ohio, oneand Danny. EQ @ LIVING DANGEROIROUSLY (R) B CNN NEWS Oivors ombark on an advoni/onluroto (TMC) MOVIE/ I E * * » ’Kiniito; . QCJ G E m N G B T unravol tho mysiory boWndnd 0i Forblddon SubSubjects* (1909. Drama) 3-35:3S QD NEWS |R) , Charles Brons*lrepii/mioindiiilocliiliilllliiiolpi 1! :0s"(

• EVENING______

6:00 B MURDER, SHE WRO'ROTEGrood D a y t i m e mn o v i e s . . ond doc'oit surround iho murdlurdorola aarnor. Suzonno Piothotto. wonllhy-man (Howard Ooflj.lij. MORNING' Garr a AMERICAt^ MUSIC SHOSHOP ------^------f ------11:4515 1 I 3 * * * -Wtvos nnd Lovurs- 19G3. Comody) Janol Lolgh. Vanin FQaluro’d: Kalhy Mation; 71m' HmaBtion. S;00SHOW *tkirtm*BlindJu5lico*(190G, lohnson. (R) (In Storoo) icu /e Drama) Tim MaMathoson. MimlKuryk. t t ) Q ES) (23 ID (11) NEV 5:«CIN**»-«X “floyond iho Limir . ^ □ JU U A CHILD AND (1903. Dramo)10) IMichaol Caino. Ridiard^ AAFTERNOON P I - COMPANY-’aiflhday Dinnof -...... Goro. WHEEL OF FORTUNE C J 0:15 (TMC)**-* i l l Talto Romance* i2 :000 0 HBO1 *u-Solarbabios* (19QG.IG. g COSBY SHOW Donisoo jdy) Graco Moora. Molvyn sclo^onco Rction) Richard Jordan.. JamiJ lums lo„CIilf for tom o modica Gort3ortz. (In Storoo) □ i r * * x ^ o Glass (TM)TMC) * * * » T h o Sons ol Kailotio 1 3 (1 2 ) GROWING PAINS' S C C - , - s f e(19«?rufam t a) Joanno EldoEldor- (1965. W ostom) John Wayrlyno, dum ps hof curranl boylriond' John Malkovich. D3oanooj Martin. good-looWng nowcomor in sc * *^0 Romanco of Rosy ciNJIN *****ThoSandPobblos- hor oul. 7, Comody) Van Johnson, (lo19G6, e Advoniuro) Stovo McQuoor)on. E l MOVIE * * » ‘Tho Coun RichRichard Cronna. (1066, Comody) Danny Kayoayo.G I/nb k * T h o Looming Troo' 12:3030 SHOWJ * * » *A P b n o lor Mrs.Irs. Johnsj 10) Kyk) Johnson. Alox cimi::imino* (1982. Drama) Botlo Davi:wis, C l KIDS INCORPORATED'ED Who, Pom=onny Fullor. Hichlo docidos lo mako a wdoovtdi aboul 0 ;0 0 (T m 'c )*■* * 'Doadly C a ro '(1907, i ; 3o10 hHBO * * * x *Tho Nakod Gun'Jn' Kids Inc.. tho Kids arguo nbci 0ram.)6h07liryl Lndd, Jason MiUor. (t^a;i988, Comody) Loslio Niolson. . iltoir.produclion rolos should CtN**.-!)!!Tho OdostHi Ro* (1974. Rfij,r’flsdlla Prosloy. . B MOVIE * * » -Tho Bin C: Jon Voighi. Maxinulian 2:0030 IE * * ■Hollo Down Thoro*•MM9, (1 n a S l. Cirnma) Kirk Douofos. CortComody) Tony Randall, Ja n o l Loolflh.Iq Storling. * ‘irc o Mad. Mad. Mad, gES g OS * * » ‘Couso for Alarm- E 3 OOBJE GILUS Maynafd" °'wadWo*J*D(1963. Comody) Sponcor (19511951. Susponso) Lofolla Young,), ovor o Rnlo whito lio forcos■shim hi 10 bo T rn w M illoIn Borlo. a • BarrBarry Sullivan. •< moroho/iost. **» *AOuoon Is ^FT1 * * n *AmoiIcan Droam or'(1!(1904. C J MTVPRIME Hosl; tMnh rrroNioHT- ■ - -Sowno^i**1953. Documontary] cComody] o n JoBoth Williams. Tom Con&.Ci ...... C S'E3 ’TrNTEnTAINMENTT » 'R o d GonliiV { m s : ------^(TM';TMC) * * * "Throo Mofi aii'd'di Baby-D ..... Inlorviow wilh actross Pam D II Kilmor. Gabo Jarro l (joq;i987. Comody) Tom Sollock, Slo>lovo (In Sloroo)' » T h o Doctor and tho Girt* QuitSultonbofg. ^ @ CRUSADE IN EURG 10) Glonn Ford. Gloria 2-05J5 sSHOW * * "Out ot tho Shadowlows' aclion o t tho Rod Army durini" '" 9 DoHovon. Gofmany's four-poworrulo. 10:00 HBO **** *Tho Karato Kid Part n r (lOG[1908. Drama) Aloxnndm Paul. E 3 N E W S O la) Ralph Macchio. ChaCharios Danco. ED SECRETS OF NATURE il'Morim. 3;00>-30 HBO * * » "Funny F a rm -(1969S3. onlmni spocioc ol tho Galapalopaoo! ITMC)***-* -Wish You Woro Nora* Comody) Con Chovy Chaso. Madolyn'n lr.lnnds,'(R) (1987. Comodyody-Dramo) Emily Uoyd. Smllh. Smi B PRIMENEWS , • Tom Boll. CIN * * » T h o Lords ol Flatbush'sh" E EVENT OF THE DAY'■ - 10:30 CIN * *t 'F ‘Polico Acadomy 3; Back (lOi(1074. Drama) Pony King. Sylvosiuslor . ES HOTEL . in Training* (Ifl(1986. Comody) Stovo SlaiSlallono. HBO MOVIE** Tho Karat , Bubba Smllh. 4:003 0 ( (TMC) * * |-F la m b o lt|-(1 9 808. 8 lll*(tOaO. Drama) Ralph Mac Advonturo) Sylvostor Slallono. Ric=iichard 11:00 (□ **n*•M-Block Gold-(1947. NoriyukI 'P a r Morita. Cronna. (SHOW) MOVIE **-Avon{jonglna Forco' Dmma) Anthorhony Ouinn. Knihoiino 4-3030 cCIN * * » "Whilo Uno Fovor* (J986. Acfvoniufo) Michaol D (191(1975. Droma) Jan-MIchool VIncoi» n t. Slovo Jarhos. D .M 10. t* T h o F In m o o lN o w Kay Lonz. (TMC) MOVIE * * » -RoddHoardSOO He SHOW*** M l. Romaneo) Marlono 5:30$30 SHOW * * "Pound Puppios1 anda Drama) Arnold Schwarzonot) tho Logondof Big Paw" (1988, Jam os Bolushl. s " s ; rJCO j CoboL tho r * "Support Your Local PanFantasy) Voices of Grog Bort). RuRulh O N MAX MOVIE SHOW A p Buzzi. Ihoaliical roloasos, movios ir (1971, Comody) Jamos Buz production and inlon,4ows5 v

,,4<1 TifTwc-l^ows. Twin Falls,Is. llIdaho F r i d a ^ l y 20,1990 JULY 26,1990 THURSDAY EVE/ENING J DO I 11:30 1-12:00112:300 ______I 7:00 I 7:30 I 8;00 :^ I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 :^ 10:00110:30 U:00 UajtfrtieeoThem E»«pBtnim lo m ii______n UicHcLUtvtf C9(kStcI, Step* kfcos Uy»ltfy:llolniea Haw» [ C h w [nflWln»m ftmriomi [BdiPmts F l Faftcf Pawling JuttUftI|j[g PtlnvfliMllvo i k n TodahtSho» ' DwMUHwiMn . BobCottMItu - H ’g § Coiby | dI1. World Chc«ri [Crsnd LA.Law ~ Goodwill Gaiwt______f n (SflS) Coodwm Gamw ’ CM»|- iuovte:***'J«cpMthf'{'gS3) Crmad« Etglt-Dew Lfionifd8rtiCtr. |AuiotUdn8:Off-noad DnaRtdiRtdng;NHRA jRtnrfng |S p M ^ ~ESPII Boilng;Jot»myTapl»iir».Lii8UialCenyuUio Baxbal |Sportii Riddlor, Uio Ponguin • ® COSDY SHOW Donlso's; Iriond-Itic Tho Jokor. tho Rid luftis 10 Clill !of som o mocScoliladvlco. a< and Uio Calwomntnnn )oIn forces to T h u r s d a y (InSloioolD doloat Bounnn ondnnc Robin in Uils ■odonUiocampyTV 1 O (12) r a E S c u n n E N T AFFAinaff loaluro Mm basod i n MICKEY MOUSE CLUDI (In sntios. ywrfghtcharood wilh killing n Sioroo) □ l a GREEN ACREJRESOlivornndLisa m iseuous modol. (R) (In Slorao)IP i, r a BEWITCHED Oairin maiiio:trios holp on oxpoclaniani moUior, n1 fI5CB) CAPtTOLS'TEPS U A muilKleal Samanlha, not knowino tlio 's5 n wild.. m S9LE0NARI^RD BERNSTEIN iro porfomionco by tho Copilot £D g 5 EAGLE ANO THE OEAIEAfTTf.0 CONDUCTS MUSlUSICFROM Stops.ips, wfio poto fon a t polifca) dollar bocomcs n (icrcn wonponpon AMERICA LoonafnafdBomstoln ------nowwiiiiirnnHoreynnSlOfOOl------againsl communism in post WWWWM conducts Uio Nowow York Philharmonic g jI qa C S Ea JUST UFE Droma . Euiopo. □ in porlormoncos5 olo American do ssic s pnot.>L A rocoflOy dvorcod forrnor ESN EW S a Ijy Gotshwin, Sou;kJUSQ and Copland. policovicowoman (victoria Prindpol) CIN MOVIE * » •Doyoncj Iho> PosoidonPo ES BEYOND 2002000 Foaturod: a bocom» m o a an Invostfgator for tho Los Advonluro'(1979. Advonluro)o) ^Midinol compotor usod; lo10 holp find missing Angologolos DisiftetAttomoy"# offico. (Inin Cnino. Sally Fiold. children; a compuipulotizod ozorciso mat; Storoo 7:00 a M OVIE*** 'Tlio DIuo;lluos voico m iaoscopo: & CHEERS Cofla'8 tow BroUicrs* (1080. Comody) Johnohn Q LARRY KINGNg' u VE Schodulod: amotion el Eddio's ostato-toad# hoiMf Bolushi. Dan Aykroyd. Two bluobluos Raymond Buckoy.«iy. dofondant in tho jo j^ogroo rt to a 50-50 tpW wilh his othohor sinoo;6 must conlond wiUi ChicIhicigo McMarUn Pro-SdiSAool caso. (R) vndow, olico, Uio CIA. neo-Nazis nndmd iU.0 1 3 BOXING Johtohnny Tapia vs. Luigi mf c i u ^ ^ Ua u k ^ s t c a r d s ,S. Army lo pul logoUior n bonctilbon Computaro, SchO':hodulod 12-round I (12) MOVIE * * * T b o DovO'8I Gconcott lo laiso monoy lor tioiritioir OSBA Supof Flywlyweight titlo bout Irom grigodigodo* (lo ea. Dramo) Wiffiom orplianatjo, ' Ui5 VotjQS. Nev.tv. ((Uvo) P Holdoi>ldon. Clift Robortson. In 1042. onm a NASHVILLE NOW Schodoodulod: B3 M O V IE ** * * Timo Aflor Timo ^ nmy n y ,olficor organlzos o topnotch Billy Hilt; Dianno Davis, (In SlorSloreo) (1979, Scionco) FiFiction) Malcolm commmmotxlo crow composed of o ® 0 ( 1 1 )E B '1 O HOURS; -Sl-Super McDowolI. DavkJ/kJ Warner, H,G. Wolls focWodsol G3 DONNA REI?EED Mary must chooso 1006. Sdofico FlcUon) Joff Goldblu>lum. holting onvitonmonlnl datjiogo, junior prom. » o n a Davis. A sdontisl's pollution and crimo, iloportatioo oxporimont# tako a [196G MYSTERIES ■^a^^^SSylSdioMa i n MOVIE * * •D atm nn' (lOt )ts to cloar on alcoholic ightoning lum whon his gonos mixiix AcJvoniuto) Adam Wosl, Buil;itW V n’id. Capra altom ptst Fiiday, J u ly 2 0 .1900 Timos-Nows. Tin TWin Falls. Idaho 45 O M'ONEYUr'UNE [USArtJSSR). track & fiold. nnd E a EVENT OF THE DAY women’s volloyball final. (R) T h u r s d a y m BASEBALIALL TONIGHT 15 (SHOW).MOVIE * * » -Bad ' SHOW MOVIE/IE * * -Avonging Droams* (1930. Horror) Jonnilor R iibi^ Bruco Abboa. ' with ifioso ol a housefly, Iran:iranslorming . (1986. Advontunturo) Michaol Dudikoll. ^R ub s, A lomior Sociol Sorvico 10:3030 0I CRIME STORY Luca (Anth. him imo 0 m onsiious intoo.srj ■ (tn Stovo Ja m o s./ ngom heads: 10 tho Louisiana bayou lo • Donison) Don shock* evoryono whon hi Storoo) m d Oostroy tho riphl-wina rotuirotums to Lnu Vogas olior being (TMC) M O V IE * * * -S tajndbyf.to- n d iracK down and VJV/tioalon. v.gilanlo squadjad Dial killod his old . Ogfijranlod Immunity. (In Sioroo) (1086. Comody-Drama) WJ \ m CHEERS Tho flang nt Choott Rivor Phoonix. In tho last days ol ifw Stereo) C3' ct id w ilL g a m e s cans=tns In 0 rlngor to holp tho pub win«n a . cummbf of 1959. (our friondsnds sharo bowsowling match ogainst o rival bar. t whol c6uld bo Ihcir last odvoidvonluro CONTINUE ^ 0 ?rTrnissing 9:30 Q MIAMI,<1 VVICE A woalUiy young O 'CHEERS A wealthy customer lotjotfior as thoy coarcti tor a Crocketmnd Tubbs into a aIsclo s d so s that tho Choors gang will boy 's body. nddict loads Cri Mil bo A cp major opcraiiorlion mn by his fothor. romi-omomborod in his will, p 0:30 a CROOK ANO CHASE D I S ( B TONIGHT SHOW Schodulod: Konny Rogors.s.(lnSiorco) (I O ONSTAGEtGE Foaturod: Edcfo E l ftS WlTll Rabbitl. R (In In Stereo) Schodulod: actross Uv Ullmann-«I comic 0 0 3 WORLD OF IDEAS' JM, P.I. t^gnum is.hifod,lo J.J. Wall. (In Sioroo) BlLl. MOYERS -Quarlts and^ d Z ® m a g n u m . cll-M-nin, (In koop an oyoI on n ohostwriicr nnd hor □ O (12)' STAR TREK The croJrololtho Univorso* WitJi Murray Gcll-N Entorpriso Is cnpturod by o dying n Storoo) P _ valuable lapos■osnndnotos. E"tc 3 raco * * * -Tlio Court Jostor* al ol olionsol who hopo lo ropopulaie ll n CSI ® GRAND Tom's,'s nrunaway D l MOVIE 3 Ihcir iJanicoflots (1956. Como^ody) Danny Kayo, Glynis sbnoL pbn son returns unoxpoeicdly; Ja O MOVIE * * 'Undor Moxicali S Q makoovor. cou;tosy ol OosiDesmond. (R) Johns, Arnodojdovaljostoroois mixod (5J i Stars' knighls. good wildios ond (105l^ io ^ w o slo m ) Rox Allon. Doroth3thy (In Sioroo) O up with owl knn r a NEWS Q a plot to ovortliiirtlirow a tyrannical king. Pair irdy'(1053. C3 PATTY DUDUKE Patty Ihinks sho 1 3 MISTER: EO tJU. Ed givos Wilb'ilbura l a MOVIE * * * ’Jeopardy stray goaL Droma) Barbara Slanwyck.* D Barrv bocomoI Oilollorgic 10 Colhy *TV 1 B3 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEY Sullivan. An oscapod convict @ EAGLE AND THE BEAR woman and her son savo Uio iix KRE ? Andos sorccrcrs E9 fl Tho poflorm wilchcr:hcrall. doUtijollor boeomos a Turco w eapon husband Irom drowninn. against communlsrp In post WWll C3 FERNWOOD 2-NIGHT,T O SPORTSS TTONIGHT ogai II Europo. (R) D E S ^ MAHLER ANO THEHE m SPORTSCISCENTER EufC ED BORN FAMOUS Fcnturtid: Mk MILUONAIRE A documontni,ntoy BD SPENSER;ER: FOR HIRE Sponsor ED Mortn It Kaplan's boeomos Involv«lvod when n short-ordor LulhLulhor King 111; Jerry Folwell; Bobb ujiploring publisher Gilboit K( Hopo. . . . - obsosdion willi G ustiv .iIiIlt's ■■ cookconfMSMso i'o murder to his priosl. Hop 35 S ] NIGHT COURT Chrislino Socond Symphony, (TMC) MOVIE'IE * * * 'Throo Mon and 10:35 ( D CIN MOVlE***it-Pop.llonllion-(J973, nBaby'(1907,37, Comody) Tom SoHock. roluc•Qluclantly ngroes to bo Art's dalolo lor: Advonturo) Slovo McOuoon.on Dustin Stovo Gullonbcnborg. Tli/oo Manhattan thoi■ho Buffalo Lodgo Ball. Hollmnn. Two Devil's Islandnd tconvicts bachelors mo10 lorcodli lo put tlioir ' 2 O 3 'AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE 'A■A spond thoir timo planning U.oirtJio: esc-npi!. carclreo lilosiyl.stylos on hold whon thoy Rais=laisin In tho Su n ' Eslhor Rollo ontjnd 9:00 O 'A M ERICAN MUSICC S H O P ' ...... aro left In chart)argo of on infant thnt ono ...... DarnDanny.GIovor sta tin Lonaino____ Foaiurod; KatJiy Malton; Tim faUiofod-(In Sloreo) Han;-tonssorry's play obout a block farramily (R) (In Storeo) COMEDY CLUB om tom nport by tho decision to movo/o to }n Rll-whilo neighborhood. (R) p K l l a (11) m NORTHERNZRN NETWORK o n n 3 EXPOSURE Maggio admirosjrosJoel 10:00 B NASHVHVILLE NOW Schodulod: 3D GD 1 3 NIGHTUNE P — whon ho proposes donatingnn s'om o Silly Dinnniinno Davis, (fl) (In Sioroo> 10:3636 Q | (11) M‘A‘S ‘H Fmnk Is - roconlly inhoritod land backcktotho t( araciBB ® ( 8 } i a ( i l ) C S afitouitagonislic toward a wounded NoNorth Indians, until sho discovers 111 Korc IMPROV Comica: Dorrick Cnr 2. (R) EDiD SEU^-(MPROVEMENTGUIDE! DE Cnmoron, HBO M O V IE*= * * * » TTio Nakod G un' SHOSHOW MOVIE * * * -Tho Fly' (19;i906, Jock Coon. Monty Hoflman.n. fH owio (1008. Comody;»dy) Loslio Nlolson, Sdoiklonco Fiction) Joff Goldblum. Go3oena • Gold and Bill Engvall. Prlsdllo Prosloysloy. Davi3avis. E 3 EXPLORE A fight to ttioho cdoalh in a 10:05 Q GOODY>DW1LL GAMES :iN CIN MOVIE * * * -Uconco to Kill-ill* lost Bolivian villngo. Sdiodulod evervonts InrJudo bnsob.ill (ICO'1909, Advonturo) Timothy Dalton. <1G Times-Nows. Twin Falls. Id.Id^iho Friddy. July 20. 19905 . , 1 Caroy Lowoll. COSTAS Guost: comiccor octor John 1 1 :0 5 ® INSIDE EDmON Candy. (R) (In Storeoroo) T h u r s d a y c a t a ARSENIO HALL SchoduliKJulod: ® TALM FROMU 1THE DARKSIDE A . I Uio JucJds. (In Storoo) wldtod collociion og'ogonl drives a 11:0G f a (11) NIGHT HEAT O Brionio n and gulliblo woman to.suiddo. su 2:05 Q1 LEAVEU rr TO BEAVER E ^ o Giambono work tho d ty o conmyny i Q DONNA REED:D 1Mary m ust chooso HoskoDroD movos to his own oportmonL nightlilo assisted by StuVio who0 pcposos o dato for tho junior 2:30 ai AALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR 06 a hookor lo catch o murdorou!DU! E S ® MAHLERYANDTHE A Whonn a manI ond Ns wilo ottompl to prosUlulo. (R) MILUONAIREAd»documontary do nwoyway wilh an bIcJoriy lady, Ihoy , S J LOVE BOAT A couplo trioss 10to ond oxptoring publisheror (Gilbert Kaplan's dscovorivor that sho is not a s sontio as iholf EOO‘8 romonco: on ongogodod obsossk>n with Gustlustov Mahlor's ihoy hadhad Imaginod. couplo gravilatos to now m atoss ol thoir Socond ^ p h o w . ’AID PROGRAM own gonoralions: Ooc gols o nowow O SPORTS LATB3yi?iH T iOVlE * * » -Black Gold* (1047. nurso who Is a lormorchowglri.1, - I D SPORTSCENTI 10) Anthony Ouinn, Koihorino 11:30 O HOLLYWOOD INSIOEfl;n 12:45 SHOW COMED'S?CLUB gSSS'illo. Schodulod; Bruco WUHe (’OId HanH a rd in ; NETWORK 1 3 mblY y ■THREE SONS Slovo takos an Michollo Plolllor. (R) 12:40 0 ] FOCUS (R) ost in on olrplano orKl a fomalo E l CROOK AND CHASE Schodiliodulod: 1:00 a @ HEADUiS n e n e w s ■ s r ' * Konny Rogors. (R) (In Storool CD CARSON'S COMEDYCO CLASSICS viD!/1DEO DISC JOCKEY □ ARSENIO HALL Schodulod:od: Ihoi Johnny Is loaturodxJ cos 0 Pills Bros. |Q CRCBROOKED CREEK (R) • Judds, (In Storoo) ' colloo buyor. 2:35 Q3 1 I 1 LOVE LUCY Ricky goos oil Q (55) OQ LATE NIGHT WITHH m DAILY MIXERR , with tivolivo dozzling starlots for on ' DAVID LETTERMAN (In S ton»)» ) Q MOVIE * * l*I T*Tho Disorderly ovoningling ol publkaty picturos. 0(12) MOVIE**-Foreod Ofdofly*J10C4. Cop:opiody) Jony Lowis. 2:40 HDOBO DREAM ON (R) (In Storoo) aO Vongoonco’ (1082, Advonturo)) ChuckCf Glonda F^arroll. iW MOVIE * » -And God Croaiod Norris, Mary Loulso WoHor. l a FERNWOOD3 2-2.NIGHT S idh* (108B, Drtimo) Robocca DoI Q } MOVIE * * 'T hundering Trailrraiis- f3®KENKERCRCHEVALATTHE ^tomoyloy, Vinccnt Spano. y 943. Wostom) Bob Sioolo, Tomrom IMPROV Comics:y. DDcrrick Camoron. 2:50 CtNtN MOVIEI * * * -Whito Mischior)r Jock Coon. Montyty I-Hollman, Howio (10877, Drama) D Soroh Milos. Joss jS'^p a id p r o g r a m '1 Gold and Bill EnovonroP.JFy X diind.and. ( □ DOBIE GILUS Maynord-siguill gui HNEWSOVERN:RNIGHT 3-00 Qa HOGAN'SH HEROES Hogan Iss ovor o lirtio whlto lio lorcos himn tolo bo B 3 PUBUC POUCUCY CONFERENCE icod as Iho POW olficer in chargo. morohonosL [□SPORTSLOOK (S mMOVIE o ^ * * -Million Dollar Pursuifiii- G3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEY HBO MOVIE * *k 1"ThoSovonih Sign (1051,1, Dramo)E Ponny EcJwards, Grantnt EI3 SURVIVAL! A Colilomla lownown (1088. Homjr) Domomi Mooro. Michool Williore.lOro. suilQfs hoavy dam age whon aI damdai Biohn. COMMAND PERFORMANCE springs a loak. (R) 1:05(5] ARER HOLlOURS Tho music Q MISTERMIS ED Mr. Ed gives Wilburr a B NEWSNIGHT UPDATE group tho Cramps. i /DOOL HBO VIETNAM WAR STORY Q G O O D W ia’ Gg /IH e S CONTINUE Q cCROSSFIRE S c - Amorican Em bassy omployooss iin n ------1rt59HOWMOVIE^E * * » ‘Bad Drooms*------O l'ARC C l nON OUTDOORS WITH------Saigon aro lacod wilh a moralI (1088. Horror) JonnDnnilor Rubin, Bruco JUUUSlUS BOROS (R) . dilemma during ovacuation, (Inn Siofoo)Sl . Abbott. _ 3:10 B□ SSHORTS (SHOW)MOVIE*i;* * * O u to llh o HBOM<) MOVIE * * * -Evil Doad 2* (TMC) SHORT RLM SHOWCAS:ASE Shadows'(1008.:. DiDromo) Aloxondro (1087.i7. Horror)h Bruco Compboil, Sarahah 11:35 GO NlGHTUNE P Paul. Chnrloe Danemco. fofry.' 11:40 (SHOW) MOVIE * » ’And GodGoc CIN MOVIE * * *•Jakarta* J ( (1980. 3-30 Q^ PAIDP PROGRAM Croaiod Womon* (1088. Drama)10) A dw jiuro) Christofstophor Noih. S uo q COMERc OI PYLE, USMC Grttndpo1 • Robocca Do Momay, Vincent Spano.Spt Fmncia Pol. I gIvos Gomor a good luck charmn ; 11:S5 Q M O V I E * * *Boyonda1 • 1:30 (S T A L E S FROROM THE Jl ■holps’ his soif-conlidonco, Roasonablo Doubi* (18SC. Dmmroma) DARKSIDETwoFoI Far Easl trovolors q ] LARRYl a F LEA Dana Androwo, Jo a n Fontalno.3. claim a epoilod brat3rat os Lo Pun's noxt MAKEm a I ROOM FOR DADDY UndaIda . 12:00 H M O V IE * * * •WinninD*(ID* (1069, hoir lo tho throno.0. noodsi 6 lcto undergo a tonsilioctomy. Drama) Paul Nowman, Joanno0 [Q ADVENTURESIES OF MARGE AND j q ® ® SHORTSTORIES A filmmokoitor Woodward. . JOHN • J a fasl o r« In *Ooublo Nogattvo*; Q MUSIC ROW VIDEO (R) (In 0 ROWAN & MAMARTIN'S LAUGH-IN £ Akmoricanj^ oI ond a Viotnomoso soldiai'or Sloroo) ® NIGHTWATCHCH t£5C0V0lovor humonity in ’Caosuro.* (R) > D l 700 CLUB f a THOROUGHBIHBRED DIGEST (R) o CNNCNI NEWS IQ BEWITCHED Dorrin morriosrios 1 :3 S (3 ]M 0 V IE *(■**’Penny * Cl GGE' E m N G R T Samantha, not knowing sho'o awilch.av. Son)nodo'(1041,1, Drama)C Cory Grant. (SHOWOVfl HENRY'S CAT ’Groat 5 3 WINGS A look a t Iho Canodulodion Air Irono Dunno. onturo/Lost WorlcT Animated. InI I Forco's Snowbirds, a toam ot ninonim 1:40 Q MOVIE**t * * ’Wd Glovo Killor* T b o) LostLo World.* Henry's cat roscuosos pilots spocioliiing In ocrobotic: llying,llyi (1942. Myslory) VoiVon Hellin. Marsha ,ho groatgroi opo Wno Kongo; Henry's col» t (Q RUNNING AND RACING1 (ft)(R] Hum. imoginoginos thot ho is a spaco horo in HBO NOT NECESSARILY THEHE 1:45 B NEWSROO:30M -TT^^Gr1 Groat Advoniuro.* (R) NEWS(R) (In Sloroo) fraC) MOVIE**lr**-Stand by Mo* 3:35 GO t (TMC) MOVIE * * » -Rod Hool*01* (1988.( n o a e . Comody-Drs'Drama) Wil Whoaton, 4:00 0SiOPAffUoGRAH 1 Drama) Arnold Schworzonoggor.nor. Rivor Phoonix. ffl HEADUNENEW S ___ Jam os Boiushi; ------2:00 C S MOVIE *k»*LodyAt » • Midnight------m 'sSOAP o l Burl w orn toll Mary obouln 1 2 :0 5 ( 2 ( 5 ] g g INTO THE NIGH-GHT (1048, Drama) RidRichard Donning, his disooso;diso Mary roolizos sho moy bobc WITH RICK DEES Guosts: Francos Rallorty./• coirylncying on nJlon boby. •Downtown* Julio Brown; singorior G l PAID PROGR/JRAM la FFUN U l ZONE Johnrw Gill. (In Storoo) f a PATTY DUKEt5 nds s h t u r 9:05 Q GOOD^^Dv I^l I. GAMES call:calls In a rlngof to holp tho pub wirwin a cum m crol 1059. lour Iriond: ; bowbowling m o ^ ngolnsto rival bar i d vonlur^- ' CONTINUE u ,a whal could bo thoir lasl advo O CHEERS A wealthy customer logothor a s thoy soarcli IororT o m i sIng 9:30 Q MIAMI'Ml VICE A wo.illhy young O lor addict leads: CiCrockoll and Tubbs into a discdisclosos thal tho Choors gang wilWiU bo boy's body. romomborod in Wa wilL p Q:30 Q CROOK ANO CHASiia s e major oporatioDtion mn by his lathor. r o j rs. {In Stereo) B O N S T A(\GE G i Foaturod: EdcSo Ha ® C S TONIGHT SHOW Schodulod: Konny Rogors. { Schodulod: actross Liv Ullmnhn; c D 0 5 WORLD OF IDEASA S WITH Rabbilt. R)I (ItTSlcreo)(In S':*! i; comic UM, P.L Magnum is hirod 10 ' J.J, J-J, Wall. (In Storoo) BILL MOYERS -Quiuks nndn n d Z E l MAGNUM ,cll-Mann, (In k o c p n n ey e6 oon i a glwstwrilof and hor Oa (12) STAR TREK Tho crow ol tho Univorso" \Vitli Murray Gcll-I Entorpnso Is capturod by a dying i Slorco) p valuable tiposDOS nnd notes, E/’l' ig faco ■ Vs runaway El MOVIE **• * » ’Tlio Court Jo slo f' ofof aalions who hopo lo topopulntee iihcV Q C s C S GRAND Tom's r pInnoL son roiurns unoxpoclcdly; JaniceJc gets (1950. Comodlody) Danny Kayo. Glynis pln^r Dosmond. (R) Johns, A rnodliodioval jesier gels mlxod CSC S M O V IE * * -Undor Mexicalili SStars- a makoovor. couilosy ol Dor; (1950, Wostorn) Rox Allen. Doroll ^ S to r o o ) P up wilh ovil knights,knl good witches ond (191 Ollty a plot toovortf-orthrow a tyrannical king. Patrick. E MOVIE * * * 'Jeopardyirdy*(1053. C3 PATTY DUKEDL Patty thinks sho |l 3 a MISTER EO Mf. Ed glvos V/ilt'/ilhuf a stray goaL Ofoma) Barbara Stanwyck.:k [ Bnini fias becomo□ ololleiolc 10 CoUiy. W Sullivan, An oscapod conviciwiclhofpsa raCLUBMTMTV CJ C VIDEO DISC JOCKEY ES ® EAGLE ANO THE BEAR womnn and hor con savo.U.ewom.-,n's tin ES EXPLOREIRE Andos sorcorcis EE VRTho husband from drowninn, poiform witchcchcralL do do lar bocom os n fiorco w eapon 1 3 FERNWOOO 2-NIGHT4T □ SPORTSrs TONIGHT• ogaagainst communism In post mVII111 I ES 1 ^ MAHLER ANDTHErHE m SPORTSCrSCENTER ^Europo, (R) P MILUONAIREA documonlajnL^ry ED SPENSERiER: FOR HIRE Sponsor ESE3 BORN FAMOUS Foaturod: MM-iitin oxploring publisher Gilboritl KKaplan's bocomos Involivolvodwhenasliort-ordof LuitLuther King 111; Jerry Falwoll; Bob3b obsession with G u su v Malililalilot's cookconlosso5505 a murdor to his priost. HopHopo. Socond Symphony, (TMC) MOVIE/IE * * * ‘Throe M onand 10:35:35 a ) NIGHT COURT Chrisiino10 CIN MOVIE * * * » -P n p illoiillon‘ r (1973. aB aby'(19BIB7. 7, Comody) Tom Sollock, relureluctanlly agroos to bo Art's d.-iiolie Iw Adventure) Stovo McOueon,)on Dustin Stovo Gulienb)nberg. Tliree Manhalt.in Ihothe Bullalo Lodgo Ball Hollmnn. 7>voDovil‘s Islandimd'conwfs bachelors nio110 Iforced to pul Diolr CZDc a AMERICAt? PLAYHOUSE ‘A'A spond Ihoir timo planninnI Itioirltic escape. catoltco Iilosiyisiylos on hold whon they Rai:Raisin in tho’S u n ' Esthor Rollo onond 9:00 Q AMERICAN MUSICSICSMOP ...... ato iolt in cltarjtargo ol on inloni Umt o n o ------DanDanny.GlovoreWr In Lonalno----- Fonturod: Kalhy Matton; Tim 1 faihorod. {In Sleteo) HarHantberry’o play obout o black fatnilyfar (Rl(ln Sioroo) COMEDY CLUB lomtom apart by tho decision lo movo■vo lo r a m (11).E J NORTHERfP n n NETWORK . an all-whitof neighborhood. {R) p3 EXPOSURE Magglo admiro:liros Joel ^ °= °°H ,N A S5HV1LLE H \ NOW Sdiodulod: ( S EB NIGHTUNE P whon ho proposes donatingIng somoi Billy Hill:Dinnnnnno Davis, (R) (In Sioroo) 10:38: 3 8 |a (11) M 'A 'S ’H Frank Is rcccnlly inhoriiod land backick 101 Iho Q ® © C 3 l a ( l l ) ® ant£antagonistic toward o woundod NorthNc KonKorean oflicor who d e sa ib o s his c Indians, until sho discoversTshislruo )i H[Jg)MA‘sT motivo. (In Slofoo) P STERPIECETHEATRE injuiinjury and corroctly diagnoses tho10 n C 3 US MYSTERYl -ThoTho Return 'P'0“ Cakoiko‘ Whilo Hornot woiwounds ol olhor patients, cl Shorlock Holm es' Wliiloloon oi holiday. Squadron is1 fnjslraledfa ond bored by its ESE S M 'A 'S'H Holmos investigatoc tho mysTiysiocious lack ol militaryIty oction, Rox tosls his 11:00:00 m I NIGHT HEAT O’Brion andJd i death ol a young woman whosewhc mon’s olfidenccncy. (Part 3 ol C) p GiaiGlombono work Iho dly 's Eoomy brothers babhio insanoly. |R(R) ) a C7D f r e s h FIELDSRl William Ims a nighnighllilo asslctod by Sioviowhopcposci ® O ® E PRIMETTMEIME UVE p dilliculi timoI adjustinipad to-both his now osas ca hookof lo colch a murdorousJS Q (a ) LfiJ UA. LAV/ Siluerluenles takos contact lonsosIOS and his now temporary pro: Iho case of o law dork who10 vody) Loslio Ntoleon, SdoSdonco Fiction) JoK Goldblum, GoonaGc . Gold a n d EJill Engvall. Prisdlla Prosicsloy. DovDavis. E 3 EXPLORE A fighl lo Iho doalhi in a 10:05 Q GOOD^3DWILL GAMES CIN MOVIE * * * -Uconco lo KU1‘:ur lost Bolivian vilhgo. Sdiedulod ovojvonis includo bn5ob.^Il (IDC(1DB9. Advonturo) Timothy Dolton.)n. ^ 4G Timcs-News, Twin Falls,s, Id.ihoIcJ Friday, July 20, 19900 1 Caroy Lowoll. COSTAS Guost: comiccor octor John Condy. (R) (In Storooroo) 1 1 :0 5 ® INSIDE EDITION — T h u r s d a yI . ------c a t s ARSENIO HALL SchodulJdulod; © T A L E S FR OM THE I DARKSIDE A ' ~ " tho Judds. (In Slofoo) wickod coDoction ogontog drivos a 11:00 l a (11) NIGHT HEAT O Brionrion and oulliblo woman lo► suicido.s i 2:05 Qi LLEAVE IT TO BEAVER Eddio‘ Glambono wotk iho cily'a soamyny [ 3 DONNA REED•D Mary must chooso HaskoDwD i movos lo his own nparimonL' niflhllifo ossistod by Stovio whod p0 Crowned'(19S3.}, DDocumentary) q DAYBREAK EQ BARGAIN RA announced. PUBUC POUCY CONFERENCE: e 12:16 1 3 (11) MIDNIGHT HOURIR CGuest B LARRY KING?G OVERNIGHT ® BODIES IN MOTION 16 lo bo Schodulod; RayrtKmoftdBuckoy, host; comic Joy Bohor. Guosic u SELF-IMPROVEMENT GUIDE onnouncod. dolondanl in IhoMJ McMartin Pro-School E j SE 12:30 a INTO THE NIGHT WITHr m RICK caso. (R) (SHOVIiOW) MOVIE * * » -Short Circuiti tJ r DEES G uosls: ‘Downtown* Juliolulio 0 JIMMY HOUS'USTONOUTDOORS 88, Comody) Fishor Stovons, Brown: singor Johnny Gill. (Ir>fl SlSioroo) W liool McKoan. I H (Sl CB l a t e r WITH BOBOB ffiSELF-IM PRMOVEMENT O ' GUIDE Friday. July 2 0.1000 Timoimos-Nows, Twin Foils, Idoho A47 THETIriM ES-N EW S ■ lmmNiGGUum

Friday Nigl iQUALE^S ■ ' I H ).uI C>.>» PAm Ar^MTU 'Halt ‘fv a m Tirasday Night TTiundn light m B luii^in Slylc fam^lyPmncis t t S S ' l-dm W/Saiad&Ga/licB(iad I H l26 2ndSfreetE.«Twinmn falls, Idako 83301 • 733-24!2494 f f l c*— "•« iu ,* 3 .9 5 U SPIRITS - WirV^INES - COCKTAILS '


H f ^ B c i ^ q'.iivV..w< ICrCAN OOO ■ I GOODING, IDAHO3 - H 2096KlmbvrtyRood!»l.TVllnFoUlld.>73M »lW S lIT i I: 9 3 4 - 4 4 2 3 J,B

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P ut your advivertisem ent henr o I f o r o n l y $ >15.001 i per w eek W h e n ' f S h o p p iling n i D ow ntow n, TheTinines-Newsi I I m 1 3 2 3 r d . S ti. . 1W. • P .O . B ox 5411 8 I , STOP IPIN FOR A GYRO I w T w in F a llsIs, Idaho 83301 oshonc IS. • Twin Falls it;-n»5 fc 733-3100 ■ ( 2 0 8I) ) 733-0931 ■

l i S S h o s f M o n .- S a t;- 13. idaho Friday. July,20', 1990HD ,. ;;

, Aff Timoa-Now3, Twin Falla. Ii