H f ] T 1 f e v i1 ^ BBEnaEE -Senatee-sayfcr; --------G o o i lni'OTEsiirg^ ' l "B oise FoUowis “p a i l 7 Today’s forecastast: Mostly cloudy with a chancc of showciw ers (jy thundershow ers. Leroy can< T h e A ssociated Press H ighs 80 to 85. P a g e A 2 BOISE — Calling Con]ongrcssman Larry B S S sE I Craig “a partner in leader?Icrship." President take h<lot job ; i i .■'' Bush told a conventionin center packed -' with Republican suppor[loners Thursday Stntes N ew s Service night that electing thc five-vc-temi lawmaker :. Farewell to> EatonE Ito the U.S. Senate wouldd bbc "a major.step . — — ..WASHINGTON — Idfllio • Republican lowarUi a Republican future More than'600>0 Imourners Thursday at- David H. Leroy Thurslursday sailed through "Larry and 1 share thc1C .same outlook." W S i i tended funeral seiserviccs for banker and Senate confirmation hearingshci for one of the BushI said at the SlOO-a-pli•plate fund-raisi'" fv rancher C urtis EatiEaton, one of.Magic Val- ugliest jobs PresidentIt George( Bush has lo dinnert thal wrapped up his V,. ley 's leading ccon<onomic figures during his hand out: U.S. Nuclcar':ar W aste Negotiator, swings through Boisc. HeJ c - carcer. Leroy got a fricndlndly reception at lhe dedicationt of thc Ni- P a g o B l hearing from Sen. Bcnnennett Johnslon. D-La.. fomiaf earlier i'* •' chairman of thc Encrgicrgy and Natural Rc- The prcsidcr. - . v R B T J profits do’lown sourccs Committee, andar Sen. James Me- lhali thc wave Ol jf.'- [I ' ; Clurc, R-Idaho, who ononcc gave Leroy a job Eastern[ Europe TJ International,lal, which operates a win- as a summer inteni. decadcsc o f Ainerik l - l ^ ...cc. dow plant in Twirwin Falls, saw its profits However, Johnslon undu ‘<ihis is no tin. ^ ..u to tum plunge 11 pcrceirccnt in thc last three warned Leroy that his ■ monlhs. but com/jmfjany managers are not job — disposing of worried about thche future of thc company the nation’s commer­ Why one repsporter o r thc Tw in FallsIs facility.fi cial nuclear waste — stayed at hon>me - A6 P a g e B I was one' that invited ‘ failure. itsi back on world leaders!:rship, nor to fun- “My guess is you . damcntallyt weaken the ddefenses of this I g jg Q ig g are not going to bc country."c able to find any place During an I S-minutc sp<spccch repeatedly that is willing to take interruptedi by cheeringg _ and applause, Headed for jsjail your waste," John- ' Busli1 also'suid tlie"lwoI wwould work for Loroy stonsti said. “There is schools prayer. Baseball's all-tiil-timc hit producer, Pete siisimply too much sci- But no rcfercncc w as. nimade during the Rose, was scntenccnccd to five months in entific illiteracy, too0 imuch emotionalism fund-niiscrf lo lhc disagrc(jrcement between Afi UMfpDstO prison und finedI Si550,100 for incomc cva- and too much misinfcinformation ubout thc I Bush and Craig on thc prc.sid»nfspt (icci- , lLarry i Craig, loft, rocolvei/68 a cam paign o n d o rsosomont r from President sion. dangers of nuclcar wastiastc.” sions tu abandon his plcd^ P a g o B5 McClurc concurrcd:d w’ ith Johnston’s as- taxest; lo bulancc the fcderul rgo Bush at a fund-ralsinIng d in n er In B olso T h uursday rs ovoning. sc.ssmcnt .saying thoseic vw ho wanicd the pro- Firing up the crowd of)f mi ore than 900, Tough at thelle top gram to fiop were ncnot just “lhc radical BushI citcd Idaho’s rccenlnl statehood cen- B urley’s annualual amateur golf touma- fringe." icnniulII cclcbration, suyinging, "Now a new m ent will againi boostbi u strong chompi- "Tlierc arc those wwl ho d o n 't want this ccntury is beginning for IdiIdaho." onship flight forr itits two-day run at Bur- program to succccd at all, they want it to "Lel us make il a ccntimtury o f prom ise and prosperity," he suid.1. “"Let us do that ley Municipal Golftolf Course this weekend. fail." McClurc said. "A"And these people urc .'V )| by sending Larry Craigig to the United P a g e B5 not just the radical frin;nngc. There is a grcal ^ .>> 1/ cynicism ubout govcmnmment. No mailer how States^ Senate." hard you try. you urc goinggo to bc accused o f Bush was joined on theti podium by Craig and other Republieaicons running for ^QSSi P leas>ase se e LEROY/A2 majorI slate and fcderulII ioiTiccs in this fall's election, and his; I.last act before . Torvill and DiDean to perform Icaving,was to sign u statete :Blue Book lhat State boj)ard w5 ill bc placed in the Centc.itennial time cap- One of the woworld’s best-known ice sulc later this month, dancing teams isis takingt time off from a ; His tight schedule forcei-ced him to worldwide tour to comlucti a seminar and. beforc dinner was even served,set and Bush perform in thc Sunlun Valley Ice Shows this revokes1 1license ' toldtl lhe crowd. “I hopele you'll forgive weekend. Skatersrs ifrom across the coun-.. m e." try and Canada arearc attending the seminar The dinner followed a fprivate 51,000- in hopes o f Icamning in some of Torvill and of physicician [a-pcrson rccepiion whcrcc pparticipants had Dean's skills, tltheir pictures taken withth the president. P a g o D l B y K irk MitcheU cCampaign olTiciuls cxpec to well Times-Ncws writer 0over SIOO.OOO for theireir race against Museums higlighlight exhibits DemocratL Ron Twilegar, The Blaine Courounty Historical Museum BOISE - The Idaholo Slate5 Board of Pro- Bush opened the stop wiwith an onti-drug fcssional Discipline hahas revoked a Twin bbriefing from Boise civicic leaders at City and the Glenns FcrFerry Historical Museum AP UMrpheW ^ arc just two of thethc museums in the area FalLs family doctor’s’s licenseI to practice I"Hall. He assured them theythc could count showcasing exhibitibils this summer. medicine, but thc orderler allows him to con- oon continued federal suppcrjport for their cf- BoforoTO flying to Bolso, ProslQIdont Bush, socond fromom right, jolnod threo P a g e D l tinuc practicing if hele does not prescribe fforts in the war on drugs,gs, but it will bc formor er prosidonts - Ronald Roagan,F Richard Nixon3n andi Gerald Ford controlled subslunccss andai takes classcs on ^1thcir program s and not thoihose fashioned in ^ ^0 dedicationd of tho Rlchclard Nixon Library andd BirthplaceB In Yorba VWashington thal will win ll pain management. 1 the fight. Lindoa. <Calif. Story, Pago A3. "The board's orderr providedpi for revoca- "There’s a sense that w e’re beginning tion of Dr. Wemcr Kranramcr’s Idaho mcdical •<to m ake headw ay, and it: isisn't going to be s ^support for a consthtitutional said it was viiollyoily important to curtail de- liccnsc wilh thc revocatication stayed if spcci- doned through'federal prcprograms," Bush Iment banning flag burning.;. mand for d m gss in in this country if the Unit- ficd conditions arc met.net," Board Chairman lold the-Muyqr’s Drug Ta<rask Forcc al Illc :y G eorge, let’s bum thc C<Constitu- ed States is to expectexp cooperation in stop- At least worttrth a look Gary E. Ellwein saidid in a news release end<■' of his 45-minute btbriefing on the .. ^ ) save thc flog’’ their b an n errrcad. r ping drug imporports from producing na- Would a local-cal-option sales tax bc a Thursday. c ity ’s efforts to com bat risiiisinstoBUSc. thc onti-dmg briefing fromTl Mayor tions. particularlyirly those in South Aineri- wonder drug forr cityc governments? Not Kramer declined to commcnt on the He said the em phasis haihad lo bc on pro- A' Kemplhronc and members•s o f thc CO. likely. But today’sly’s editorial says voters board’s order at thc advicead\ of his aitomey vviding support but not dietlictuting anti-drug . , . brcc. Bush mixed serious tatalk wilh "When they' looklo at us, and they sec ought to havc thee chancccl to dccidc. on Thursday. program s, "and lhat’s whalhai impresses .c P Iy banter, asking questio;ions but somebody that’sI’s outc there in thc forefront P a g e A6 Tlic board, which hajhas five members in- abouta this council approach / listening to thc program thct task o f using drugs andanc socicty, in a sense, ap- eluding four doctors,s, isi the enforcement . The president was sche:hcdulc(l lo hold ■' has been putting together to0 combat pearing to condondune that, it makes ‘there arm of thc Idaho Statee BoardB of Mcdicinc. onother“ fund-raiser on Frid'riday i,i Billinus, ug problem. ow n job done theithere in support of working b m B f i ii li Its rcccnt aclion follo'llow cd a Jan. 31 hear- ^Mont.. for GOP Lt. Gov,V. Allen Kolswd, iterdiction almost impossi- jl MaiBSli ing on a board complainaint alleging problems whov is also mnning for thehe Senate. "I cam:amc bul here lo lislen,” th<*= presi- wi'l;, us 0 ? i">crc . *. ble, he said, with tlic mcdical carcrc of' 13 of Kramer’s laid. “ W e can leam from thche stales, Hundreds of people wcrcwe on hand to we do in terms of the de- patients, thc release saidaid. g 'c can help thc states.
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