
H5172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2019 Washington was named Bayard Rustin. Susan is now left to carry on the The redistricting expert she reached In 1963, he was one of the persons who great traditions that she and her hus- out to was Dr. Thomas Hofeller. made the occasion. He was Black. He band forged with their children and Hofeller was widely known as the Mi- was Quaker. He was also LGBTQ. others in the community. Sue is a suc- chelangelo of gerrymandering for the I owe a debt, and I am here today to cessful person in her own right, having Republican Party. repay some portion of that debt with a long and storied career, including, This conspiracy picked up steam in this resolution. most recently, at Onondaga Commu- August of 2015 when Dr. Hofeller con- f nity College. cluded in a secret study he had written HONORING THE LIFE OF JUDGE To Sue, I say Godspeed. Keep your that simply adding one question, a citi- JAMES TORMEY chin up, cherish your children and your zenship question, to the Census would grandchildren, and continue to carry facilitate a redistricting overhaul that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The on the legacy that your husband forged would be, and I quote from his work: Chair recognizes the gentleman from in this community. ‘‘advantageous to Republicans and non- New York (Mr. KATKO) for 5 minutes. I ask my colleagues, in closing, to Hispanic Whites.’’ Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, as a proud keep them in mind as we honor and re- In late 2016, Dr. Hofeller became the American and a Member of Congress, I member the life of this devoted civil first person to push the incoming ad- rise today on the floor of the House of servant, Judge Tormey. ministration to add a citizenship ques- Representatives to celebrate the life tion to the 2020 census. Not long after, and career of the Honorable James f Hofeller ghostwrote a letter that be- Tormey III, one of my constituents. CENSUS RIGGING: A CONFESSION came, word for word, the basis of the Judge Tormey was a beloved father The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and husband. He was a distinguished Justice letter that had been cooked up Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from judge and an honorable public servant by Commerce to be sent to them that New York (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY) who passed away far too early on June set forth the knowingly fake voting for 5 minutes. 22, 2019, just 4 days ago. rights rationale. A 1972 graduate of State University Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New In October of 2017, Secretary Ross’ of New York College at Cortland and a York. Mr. Speaker, the clock is ticking general counsel arranged for his key 1976 graduate of Syracuse University down to the hour when the Supreme Census advisor to hand-deliver the College of Law, my alma mater as well, Court will make its initial decision on Hofeller letter to a top Department of Judge Tormey committed much of his whether to include a citizenship ques- Justice political appointee at a secret life to public service. tion in the 2020 Census. meeting. That fake Voting Rights Act Serving on the Onondaga County This administration has repeatedly rationale then appeared in the letter Legislature for 10 years and, later, as a told the American people, this Con- that the DOJ political appointee sent Syracuse City Court judge, supreme gress, and the Supreme Court that its to the Commerce Department, and the court justice, and district administra- reason for wanting to include the ques- U.S. Secretary of Commerce sat before tive judge for the Fifth Judicial Dis- tion is to ‘‘help enforce the Voting Congress and lied to our faces in an ef- trict of New York, Jim Tormey earned Rights Act.’’ fort to cover up their illegal and im- the respect, praise, and trust of many It turns out, all that was a lie, and I moral activities. in our community. have the documentation to prove it on Let no one be misled about the pur- Over the course of his esteemed judi- my website. pose of these efforts. They are a con- cial career, Judge Tormey took a meas- Newly discovered documents and certed effort by the current adminis- ured approach in upholding the law and court records clearly show that the tration to undermine the bedrock prin- applying it fairly. He firmly believed in only goal was to achieve the desired ef- ciple of one person, one vote. Its pur- the justice system and worked to en- fect of diminishing the representation pose is to undermine the ability of non- sure everyone had access to it. of communities of color while also en- White, non-Republican people and com- As a district administrative judge, trenching the power of ‘‘Republican munities of color to have equal rep- his most recent job, Judge Tormey su- and non-Hispanic Whites,’’ according resentation here in the people’s House. pervised the operations and schedules to the masterminds of the citizenship These deceptive and anti-democratic of more than 300 judges serving in the question. efforts must not stand. Even if the Su- Fifth Judicial District, many of whom, This may, understandably, sound to preme Court rules against us, we will since his passing this week, have some like an outrageous claim to continue to fight for the principles of shared stories of his strong leadership, make, but we have the documentation one person, one vote and the Constitu- his commitment to ensuring justice, to prove it. You can go to my website tion’s requirement that all inhabitants and his respect for all. They have spo- to see it. These documents were uncov- must be counted. Democracy depends ken of his commitment to continued ered thanks to the courageous efforts on it, our people deserve it, and we will legal education and pro bono work and, of a woman who discovered and turned fight until we achieve it. importantly, of his friendship, over thousands of documents from her f mentorship, and distinguished leader- father’s hard drive to pro bono lawyers THANKING DR. MICHAEL MESSINA ship. representing Common Cause in its liti- FOR HIS SERVICE Judge Tormey was committed to gation against gerrymandering. making central New York a better In doing so, she uncovered evidence The SPEAKER pro tempore. The place to live and work, and the impact that is more powerful and convincing Chair recognizes the gentleman from of his work went far beyond the court- than a smoking gun. It is basically a Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 room. He used his role to address some signed and sealed confession. minutes. of the most pressing issues plaguing The documentary trail of deceit be- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. our community, overseeing the estab- gins on January 7, 2015, when a Census Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize lishment of local drug courts, which Bureau employee used her private Dr. Michael Messina. are very successful, the opioid courts, email account to contact a Republican Dr. Messina is retiring this week fol- human trafficking court, youthful of- redistricting expert and urged him to lowing a distinguished career in aca- fender court, and community court for push for a citizenship question in the demia. Most recently, Dr. Messina has lower-level offenders. 2020 Census. served as the head of the Department His dedication to central New York of Ecosystem Science and Management was visible in all of his actions, and he b 1015 at Pennsylvania State University. He will be truly missed. The Census Bureau employee, a earned his bachelor’s degree in forest Above all, though, and far more im- Christa Jones, went on to become a po- science from Penn State in 1979 and a portant to the judge, he was a family litical appointee in the Census Bureau. doctorate in forestry from North Caro- man. He deeply loved his wife, Susan; Ms. Jones then became part of Sec- lina State University in 1983. their children, Andrew and Colleen; retary Ross’ core team on the citizen- In 2009, Dr. Messina was named direc- and his grandchildren. ship question. tor of Penn State’s School of Forest

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jun 27, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26JN7.001 H26JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE June 26, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5173 Resources after serving as a professor After growing up in Claremore, Colo- U.S. Navy from 1953 to 1956 and was and associate department head at nel Roosa studied at both stationed aboard several U.S. destroy- Texas A&M University. He has been a State University and the University of ers at sea. He was selected as a sci- great resource when it comes to forest Arizona before earning a bachelor of entist- by NASA in June 1965 science and is a leader in that area. science degree in aeronautical engi- and then completed a 53-week course in In July 2012, he led the Penn State neering with honors from the Univer- flight training at Williams Air Force School of Forest Resources in the cre- sity of Colorado in Boulder in 1960. Base, Arizona. He logged more than ation of the Department of Ecosystem Later he graduated from the Aviation 5,000 hours flying time, including more Science and Management. He has used Cadet Program at Williams Air Force than 2,900 hours in jet and light air- his years of expertise and knowledge to Base, Arizona, where he received his craft, spacecraft, and helicopters. focus on improving the responsible flight training commission in the U.S. Garriott was the science-pilot for management of soil and water, healthy Air Force. 3, the second crewed Skylab forests, and a diversity of fish and wild- Roosa was one of 19 people selected mission, and he was in orbit from July life species. His work has always been to the astronaut class of 1966. 28 to September 25, 1973. aimed at preserving the beauty of the Roosa served as a member of the astro- The crew of logged 1,427 world around us for all to enjoy. naut support crew for the Apollo 9 mis- hours and 9 minutes each in space, set- Mr. Speaker, I thank Dr. Messina for sion and as the command module pilot ting a world record for a single mis- his years of service. I wish him and his for the mission from January sion. Garriott spent 13 hours and 43 wife, Suzy, all the best in retirement. 13 to February 9, 1971. In completing minutes in three separate spacewalks 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF PENNSYLVANIA his first spaceflight, Roosa logged a as well. He also held the FAA commer- RATIFYING THE 19TH AMENDMENT total of 216 hours and 42 minutes in cial pilot and flight instructor certifi- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. space. Following Apollo 14 he served as cations for instrument and multi-en- Mr. Speaker, I recognize the passage of gine aircraft. the 19th Amendment providing women backup command pilot for and Apollo 17. He was assigned to the Sadly, we lost Dr. Garriott just 2 the right to vote. months ago at the age of 88, but we are After Congress passed the 19th program until his retire- ment as a colonel from the Air Force in grateful for the contributions and the Amendment in 1919, three-fourths of legacy set by Oklahomans, Colonel the 48 State legislatures were needed to 1976. Former NASA Administrator Daniel Pogue and Dr. Garriott and their explo- ratify the new amendment. This past ration in space. Monday, June 24, marks the 100th anni- Goldin describes Colonel Roosa as one versary of Pennsylvania becoming the of the can-do spacefarers who helped f seventh State to ratify the 19th take America and all humankind to HONORING COLONEL FRANK Amendment. the Moon. Goldin said that Colonel CHILDRESS Women first organized and fought for Roosa exemplified the talents that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The suffrage on the national level in July NASA strives for: service to our Na- Chair recognizes the gentleman from tion, technical know-how, and an un- of 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 in New York. But Pennsylvania was a bridled creative spirit. minutes. center of women’s rights even before CELEBRATING OKLAHOMANS IN SPACE Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Seneca Falls Convention occurred. Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. today to recognize one of America’s Famous suffragist Lucretia Mott Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate finest servicemen, Colonel Frank joined with a diverse group of Pennsyl- the accomplishments and achieve- Childress. vania women to organize the Philadel- ments of Oklahomans in space. Colonel Childress exemplifies the phia Female Anti-Slavery Society in Skylab was the first op- honor and fortitude of the men and 1833. erated by the United States. This space women who make up our armed serv- In 1840, the society sent Mott as a station spent 6 years orbiting the ices. Colonel Childress was placed on delegate to the World Anti-Slavery . Within those 6 years, two Okla- an assignment in the Pentagon in 2001 Convention in London to protest the homans were part of the three succes- and was set to arrive in Washington, exclusion of women at the convention. sive, three-man crews to live aboard D.C. on September 6. Organizations like this were formed Skylab: and Owen Destiny arrived in a humble disguise all across the Commonwealth to focus Garriott. when a clerical error delayed his house- their attention on raising awareness of Born in Okemah, Oklahoma, Pogue hold goods from being delivered on the women’s suffrage cause. joined the U.S. Air Force and fought in time. He was offered the choice of a The decades of effort on the local and the . In 1955 Colonel Pogue new delivery date, either September 10 national level by women’s suffragists became a member of the Thunderbirds, or September 11. He chose September resulted in Congress finally passing the the Air Force’s elite aerobatics team, 11. 19th Amendment. The Colonel lived a mile away and Today women play a pivotal role in and then earned a master’s degree from heard when the plane crashed into the our government. The 2018 elections Oklahoma State University in 1960. In Pentagon. He turned on his TV and saw brought a record number of Pennsyl- 1966 Colonel Pogue became an astro- the carnage that took place in New vania women to the ballot box, and a naut and served on the support crews record number were welcomed to polit- for the , 11, and 14 missions. York and immediately headed for the ical office across the United States. The pilot of record-setting American Pentagon to help in any way possible. Mr. Speaker, Pennsylvania can be missions in space, Pogue was one of the In a time of crisis and panic, Colonel proud of our important role in the few to ever go on strike Childress ran toward danger when women’s suffrage movement and secur- while in orbit to demand more time to many would have fled. ing the right to vote 100 years ago. contemplate the universe. Among the thousands who died that Colonel Pogue and the three-manned day, Colonel Childress survived. Twen- f crew he was a part of flew the longest ty-six of his servicemen and OKLAHOMANS IN SPACE and last manned mission aboard -women were killed in the very office The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Skylab from November 16, 1973 to Feb- he would have been working in that Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ruary 8, 1974. day. Oklahoma (Ms. KENDRA S. HORN) for 5 Astronaut was born in At first, he was nearly consumed by minutes. Enid, Oklahoma. He earned a bach- survivor’s guilt, but instead of surren- Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. elor’s degree in dering, he joined a Bible study group Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate from the and for Pentagon employees. Once again, the legacy and accomplishments of his master’s and doctoral degrees in he chose not to run and instead face re- Oklahomans in space. electrical engineering from Stanford ality through his strength and faith in Retired Air Force Colonel Stuart University. God who led him through those dark Roosa was one of six Apollo astronauts Dr. Garriott served as an electronics and difficult days that he would face to fly solo around the Moon. officer while on Active Duty with the ahead.

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