
June 26, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5173 Resources after serving as a professor After growing up in Claremore, Colo- U.S. Navy from 1953 to 1956 and was and associate department head at nel Roosa studied at both stationed aboard several U.S. destroy- Texas A&M University. He has been a State University and the University of ers at sea. He was selected as a sci- great resource when it comes to forest Arizona before earning a bachelor of entist- by NASA in June 1965 science and is a leader in that area. science degree in aeronautical engi- and then completed a 53-week course in In July 2012, he led the Penn State neering with honors from the Univer- flight training at Williams Air Force School of Forest Resources in the cre- sity of Colorado in Boulder in 1960. Base, Arizona. He logged more than ation of the Department of Ecosystem Later he graduated from the Aviation 5,000 hours flying time, including more Science and Management. He has used Cadet Program at Williams Air Force than 2,900 hours in jet and light air- his years of expertise and knowledge to Base, Arizona, where he received his craft, spacecraft, and helicopters. focus on improving the responsible flight training commission in the U.S. Garriott was the science-pilot for management of soil and water, healthy Air Force. 3, the second crewed Skylab forests, and a diversity of fish and wild- Roosa was one of 19 people selected mission, and he was in orbit from July life species. His work has always been to the astronaut class of 1966. 28 to September 25, 1973. aimed at preserving the beauty of the Roosa served as a member of the astro- The crew of logged 1,427 world around us for all to enjoy. naut support crew for the Apollo 9 mis- hours and 9 minutes each in space, set- Mr. Speaker, I thank Dr. Messina for sion and as the command module pilot ting a world record for a single mis- his years of service. I wish him and his for the mission from January sion. Garriott spent 13 hours and 43 wife, Suzy, all the best in retirement. 13 to February 9, 1971. In completing minutes in three separate spacewalks 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF PENNSYLVANIA his first spaceflight, Roosa logged a as well. He also held the FAA commer- RATIFYING THE 19TH AMENDMENT total of 216 hours and 42 minutes in cial pilot and flight instructor certifi- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. space. Following Apollo 14 he served as cations for instrument and multi-en- Mr. Speaker, I recognize the passage of gine aircraft. the 19th Amendment providing women backup command pilot for and Apollo 17. He was assigned to the Sadly, we lost Dr. Garriott just 2 the right to vote. months ago at the age of 88, but we are After Congress passed the 19th program until his retire- ment as a colonel from the Air Force in grateful for the contributions and the Amendment in 1919, three-fourths of legacy set by Oklahomans, Colonel the 48 State legislatures were needed to 1976. Former NASA Administrator Daniel Pogue and Dr. Garriott and their explo- ratify the new amendment. This past ration in space. Monday, June 24, marks the 100th anni- Goldin describes Colonel Roosa as one versary of Pennsylvania becoming the of the can-do spacefarers who helped f seventh State to ratify the 19th take America and all humankind to HONORING COLONEL FRANK Amendment. the Moon. Goldin said that Colonel CHILDRESS Women first organized and fought for Roosa exemplified the talents that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The suffrage on the national level in July NASA strives for: service to our Na- Chair recognizes the gentleman from tion, technical know-how, and an un- of 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention South Carolina (Mr. NORMAN) for 5 in New York. But Pennsylvania was a bridled creative spirit. minutes. center of women’s rights even before CELEBRATING OKLAHOMANS IN SPACE Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Seneca Falls Convention occurred. Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. today to recognize one of America’s Famous suffragist Lucretia Mott Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate finest servicemen, Colonel Frank joined with a diverse group of Pennsyl- the accomplishments and achieve- Childress. vania women to organize the Philadel- ments of Oklahomans in space. Colonel Childress exemplifies the phia Female Anti-Slavery Society in Skylab was the first op- honor and fortitude of the men and 1833. erated by the United States. This space women who make up our armed serv- In 1840, the society sent Mott as a station spent 6 years orbiting the ices. Colonel Childress was placed on delegate to the World Anti-Slavery . Within those 6 years, two Okla- an assignment in the Pentagon in 2001 Convention in London to protest the homans were part of the three succes- and was set to arrive in Washington, exclusion of women at the convention. sive, three-man crews to live aboard D.C. on September 6. Organizations like this were formed Skylab: and Owen Destiny arrived in a humble disguise all across the Commonwealth to focus Garriott. when a clerical error delayed his house- their attention on raising awareness of Born in Okemah, Oklahoma, Pogue hold goods from being delivered on the women’s suffrage cause. joined the U.S. Air Force and fought in time. He was offered the choice of a The decades of effort on the local and the . In 1955 Colonel Pogue new delivery date, either September 10 national level by women’s suffragists became a member of the Thunderbirds, or September 11. He chose September resulted in Congress finally passing the the Air Force’s elite aerobatics team, 11. 19th Amendment. The Colonel lived a mile away and Today women play a pivotal role in and then earned a master’s degree from heard when the plane crashed into the our government. The 2018 elections Oklahoma State University in 1960. In Pentagon. He turned on his TV and saw brought a record number of Pennsyl- 1966 Colonel Pogue became an astro- the carnage that took place in New vania women to the ballot box, and a naut and served on the support crews record number were welcomed to polit- for the , 11, and 14 missions. York and immediately headed for the ical office across the United States. The pilot of record-setting American Pentagon to help in any way possible. Mr. Speaker, Pennsylvania can be missions in space, Pogue was one of the In a time of crisis and panic, Colonel proud of our important role in the few to ever go on strike Childress ran toward danger when women’s suffrage movement and secur- while in orbit to demand more time to many would have fled. ing the right to vote 100 years ago. contemplate the universe. Among the thousands who died that Colonel Pogue and the three-manned day, Colonel Childress survived. Twen- f crew he was a part of flew the longest ty-six of his servicemen and OKLAHOMANS IN SPACE and last manned mission aboard -women were killed in the very office The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Skylab from November 16, 1973 to Feb- he would have been working in that Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ruary 8, 1974. day. Oklahoma (Ms. KENDRA S. HORN) for 5 Astronaut was born in At first, he was nearly consumed by minutes. Enid, Oklahoma. He earned a bach- survivor’s guilt, but instead of surren- Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. elor’s degree in dering, he joined a Bible study group Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate from the and for Pentagon employees. Once again, the legacy and accomplishments of his master’s and doctoral degrees in he chose not to run and instead face re- Oklahomans in space. electrical engineering from Stanford ality through his strength and faith in Retired Air Force Colonel Stuart University. God who led him through those dark Roosa was one of six Apollo astronauts Dr. Garriott served as an electronics and difficult days that he would face to fly solo around the Moon. officer while on Active Duty with the ahead.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:30 Jun 27, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26JN7.003 H26JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H5174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2019 In his immediate response to the 9/11 Guide the Members of this people’s As a granddaughter of Holocaust sur- attacks and his fortitude in dealing House with the spirit of understanding vivors, Leor is a friend and supporter with the aftermath, Colonel Childress which might lead them to their best to the entire community, and her ac- is a paragon of bravery. He exemplifies judgment. We live in a world of human tivism is an inspiration and model for the words of Winston Churchill before failure and broken promises; may they us all. Britain was about to be under siege by be tolerant of the faults of others be- f cause they are aware of their own Germany when Prime Minister Church- CONGRATULATING NEW PAL- shortcomings. ill said: ESTINE HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Bless all with a quiet respect for the There will be a time when doing your best TEAM is not good enough. We must do what is re- diversity of opinions to be found here. quired. Through honest dialogue and contem- (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- Colonel Childress did what was re- plative listening, may Your servants mission to address the House for 1 minute.) quired in the service to freedom. His search all of the avenues open to them to meet today’s challenges with integ- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today actions set the example that all Ameri- to congratulate the New Palestine rity and justice. cans can share pride in and follow. High School softball team who capped May all that is done be for Your f their record-setting season with a 10–0 greater honor and glory. victory in the State title game. RECOGNIZING WINNERS OF THE Amen. This is the Dragons’ third State title CODE GIRLS UNITED NORTH- f in as many years. Over the last 3 years, WEST REGIONAL APP CHAL- this dynasty has been unstoppable. THE JOURNAL LENGE Their record is a staggering 90–6. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The This season the Dragons won each Chair recognizes the gentleman from Chair has examined the Journal of the game of the State tournament by at Montana (Mr. GIANFORTE) for 5 min- last day’s proceedings and announces least 10 runs, a feat which has never utes. to the House his approval thereof. been accomplished in Indiana State Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- history. They are also the first softball today to recognize a bright and tal- nal stands approved. team in Indiana history to win back, to back, to back. ented group of young women from Kali- f spell, Montana, who excelled in the re- Through everything, they personified cent Code Girls United Northwest Re- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE hard work and team spirit, and I recog- gional App Challenge. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the nize Ed Marcum and the New Palestine Dragons for this historic accomplish- Taylor Pooton won first place for her gentleman from Indiana (Mr. PENCE) ment. project that uses radio frequency iden- come forward and lead the House in the tification to provide real-time tracking Pledge of Allegiance. f information for students. Mr. PENCE led the Pledge of Alle- PROTECT AND PRESERVE THE AT- Emma Anderson, Kyra Hutchison, giance as follows: LANTIC COAST FROM OFFSHORE and Trinity Hutchison took second I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the DRILLING place for creating an app that reminds United States of America, and to the Repub- (Mrs. LURIA asked and was given users to exercise throughout the day. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, permission to address the House for 1 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Meara Greer and Abby Stillo placed minute and to revise and extend her re- third with their prototype of a robotic f marks.) self-driving vehicle. Mrs. LURIA. Mr. Speaker, today I am ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Code Girls United is an after-school happy to announce House passage of a PRO TEMPORE computer science program teaching commonsense amendment to prohibit fourth through eighth grade girls to be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Federal spending for offshore drilling come problem-solvers through coding Chair will entertain up to 15 requests throughout the entire Atlantic Ocean. and business training. for 1-minute speeches on each side of Protecting our coastal Virginia dis- Congratulations to all the partici- the aisle. trict from the threat of offshore drill- pants. The skills and ideas they are de- f ing is among my top priorities. One of veloping could help tackle the chal- my first actions in Congress was co- lenges we face today and in the years CONGRATULATING LEOR sponsoring the Defend Our Coast Act. to come. TORCHMAN AUERBACH This bipartisan bill would forbid any drilling, exploration, development, or f (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 production of fossil fuels off the Conti- RECESS minute and to revise and extend his re- nental Shelf in the mid-Atlantic re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- marks.) gion. As a 20-year Navy veteran who ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to trained off the Virginia coast, I know declares the House in recess until noon recognize Leor Torchman Auerbach for that having to dodge oil platforms today. receiving the 2019 CityPAC Scoop Jack- would impact military readiness and Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 30 son Award. undermine our national security. I also minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- Her service for over 20 years as an ad- know what offshore drilling could do to cess. vocate and leader in Chicago’s pro- Virginia’s beautiful shorelines and f Israel community make her an ideal thriving economy. This is why I proud- recipient for this honor. Since the ly cosponsored and continue to support b 1200 2000s, Leor has served as a long-time Congressman FRANK PALLONE’s amend- AFTER RECESS CityPAC board member, and her orga- ment to protect and preserve the At- nizational and fundraising approach set The recess having expired, the House lantic Coast from offshore drilling. the standard that CityPAC continues I urge the Senate to follow the was called to order by the Speaker pro to emulate. House’s lead. tempore (Mr. COURTNEY) at noon. She has served as the AIPAC Chicago f f co-chair of the Young Leadership Coun- cil and is AIPAC’s Illinois council SUPPORT THE SCHOOL FOOD PRAYER member. She leads Americans United MODERNIZATION ACT The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick in Support of Democracy which has or- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: ganized more than 1,000 events to cul- asked and was given permission to ad- Loving God, we give You thanks for tivate support for the U.S.-Israel rela- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- giving us another day. tionship. vise and extend his remarks.)

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