La Bolgetta Mail Bag

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La Bolgetta Mail Bag LA BOLGETTA MAIL BAG Giorgio Migliavacca Tortola, British Virgin Island La parola ‘pesante’ (The ‘heavy’ word) by Francesco Giuliani, Foggia, March 2018, in Italian, perfect bound, 306 pages of which 27 have coloured illustrations, 5½” x 6¾”, €20 + shipping; available at the publishers’ website Edizioni del Rosone, A frequently mentioned centenarian ministers of the posts and bureaucrats, adage reminds us that “a picture is including: Franz Joseph of Austria, privileged historical figures like Caesar worth a thousand words”. In 90 percent Count Cavour, Quintino Sella, Gabriele while the soon-to-be new emperor of the instances this idiom is compelling, D’Annunzio and Mussolini, to name a few. found himself with an Italian inscription but there are exceptions, especially This aspect of the story is very difficult to “VITTORIO/EMANUELE III/RE”, while the when we try to adopt it for a miniature substantiate and it is better left to some two values portraying him frontally do format such as postage stamps. Indeed, time-consuming investigations of other not even bother to say who he is. Oh for obvious reasons, stamps leave a philatelic detectives. Giuliani prefers well, no big deal, the stamps depicting rather limited space for words. In fact to move into more thought-provoking the Capitoline She-wolf and those even a single word on a stamp may have directions. Given the unavoidable featuring the somewhat too macho a weight and an impact that range from ‘romanitas’ (Roman-ness) that surfaces allegory of Italy wearing a turreted minimalist caption to heavy, the latter is on the wordings of the stamps from crown (Italia turrita) dispensed with intended as significant and considerably 1911 to date, Giuliani fittingly points any caption whatsoever. Furthermore effective. This volume starts with an out that the use of Latin succeeded in the supplementary 2 cents issued in in-depth preface by the renowned freezing out the vast majority of the 1930 has no inscription describing linguist Rosario Coluccia, member of philatelic and general public. Even the the nation’s newest coat of arms; the the prestigious Accademia della Crusca. use of Roman numeral dates is deemed acronym “FERT” is part of the coat of After a review of the stamp issues of pedestrian and stodgy. There are other arms and refers to the motto of the the years before the 1861 unification of snobbish aspects; for example, the 40 royal house of Savoy-Sardinia and Italy: Italy we learn a lot about the use of the cents stamp of the 1921 set celebrating Foedere et Religione Tenemur (Latin: word ‘francobollo’ (postage stamp) on Dante, in an effort to impress the public «We are bound by treaty and by religion»). the early stamps of the mid-1800s. Even and honour the great poet resorted to The situation improved in 1930 when the most informed specialist may well this quote, “MOSTRÒ CIÒ CHE PO / TEA the famous painter, scenographer admit: “I did not know that!” The author LA LINGUA NOSTRA” (He showed what and sculptor Corrado Mezzana made chronologically introduces almost all of our language could do). Apart from the his debut on the philatelic stage with the Italian stamp issues, from those of ugly hyphenation of “PO / TEA” (co - uld) the series commemorating the two the Italian States to our days; in doing the quote from “Purgatory” may register thousandth anniversary of the birth of so, he goes to the point and examines with an élite, but it is unpalatable to the Virgil masterfully executed by the great the usefulness of the words embedded masses. Two years later new stamps artist but unfortunately overburdened in the design, their role, weight and saluted the first anniversary of the March with Latin quotes. As Giuliani points out: impact. At the same time the role of the on Rome and replaced the wording ‘Poste “who does not know the language of our design and the creativity of the stamp Italiane’ with ‘ITALIA’ - as unexpected as forefathers is lost”. The other philatelic designer are thoroughly scrutinised. The this new wording was, it was short-lived celebrations of the 1930s saluting two quality and effectiveness of the finished like the one swallow that does not make thousandth anniversaries follow the product might have been affected by a summer. In 1929, when the boastfully same pattern. In 1908 the first foreign the interference or input of emperors. labeled ‘Imperiale’ definitive series, duly language peeked out on an Italian stamp, monarchs, politicians, prime ministers. seasoned with ‘romanitas’ and Latin the French “EXPRÈS” in flaming red on a 90 00_POST HORN specific stamp for express mail sent to The wording “REPUBBLICA ITALIANA” among which English shines. In 2017 we a foreign destination; the use of French first appeared some seven years later, visited the bloopers garden where errors was a pre-requisite dictated by the in 1952, on a stamp commemorating that could possibly not fit that category U.P.U.; as a result we find the inscription opera composer Vincenzo Bellini; in pop up on stamps; it is the case of “UNIONE POSTALE/UNIVERSALE”, also in a series of variations it survived until “BACALÀ” used as a caption to describe red, above “EXPRÈS”.During the twenty 1955, when “POSTE ITALIANE” made its in vernacular style the famous gourmet years of the fascist regime, Mussolini come back. The “Siracusana” definitive dish of Vicenza. Oddly enough it would himself manipulated the philatelic series depicting Italy with a turreted seem that the fish used for the speciality medium using Mezzana’s talent: a very crown continued undauntedly with is not “BACCALÀ” (Italian spelling) or well pondered choice of the inscriptions “REPUBBLICA ITALIANA”. salted cod but “STOCCAFISSO”, dried echoing the slogans and vivid rhetoric The two 1954 stamps paying tribute to cod. The stamp design instead of of the Duce: “CREDERE” (believe), “SE Marco Polo feature inscriptions in Italian, whetting our appetite does not help AVANZO SEGUITEMI!...” (if I advance follow Latin and Chinese. The uncaptioned at all as it contributes to the argument me!) made their impact using stamps. “Siracusana” had massive use between since two unmistakeable “stoccafissi” Such propaganda was disseminated 1953 and 1961; during the early months are featured on the side of the casserole. all over Italy and her colonies where, of the latter the “Michelangiolesca” At the end of the first part of this book, however, it is very difficult to imagine the definitive took centre stage. Armed with the author confirms that the“ word found lower class peeling their eyes to read the good intentions, the new series focusing on stamps has proved to be weighty and mottos and inscriptions that adorned on Michelangelo’s masterpieces offered meaningful, quite like a voice asking to be the national and colonial stamps. As a very tiny space to them, smaller listened to because it has a lot to say.” pointed out by Giuliani, the inscriptions, than half a passport photo. Can you Part Two, aptly titled Inside the stamps quotes and wordings on stamps imagine what a pass card photo for mine takes up to 103 pages where have repeatedly been compromised, Leonardo’s Mona Lisa or Botticelli’s Giuliani zooms on literary themes that especially by the hyphenation Venus would look like? Giuliani is also have links with Italian stamps. May be his attempts. The author states that the passionless when it comes to the lack next book can expand on these aspects. best inscriptions are those that clearly of captions which would help to place Chapter Two focuses on printed books indicate the issuing country, the face these treasures in their perspective; the starting with the pioneer years of Aldo value, and a telegraphic mode wording average stamp user would, somehow, Manuzio: “the printed book, after all, is like about the reason for issuing the stamp figure out that the this definitive is about a stamp, child of its time and therefore a and/or about the vignette. Furthermore, Michelangelo, Adam and Eve and some resource that calls for safeguarding... there must be harmony between the stunningly portrayed figures: hurrah! simply because it is a huge treasure chest image and the word; therefore, while In 1979 the symbol of the antique Italian filled with culture and humanity,” says fulfilling its postal purpose, ideally, currency was omitted from the stamp Giuliani. The ensuing chapters feature the stamp must make emotional eye designs, possibly to create room for a fabulous Giacomo Leopardi, both in contact in order to generate dreams, the higher tariffs caused by inflation; poetry and on stamps; Umberto Eco in fuel imagination and open new cultural twenty years later, as a prelude to the the philatelic wonderland, the forgotten horizons. Occasionally, stamps have dawning of the European currency, anniversaries ranging from Dante and been described as ambassadors of their Italian stamps featured two currencies: Calvino to the foreign languages, Virgil, issuing countries; this facet cannot be the lira and its equivalent in euros; then, winding up with a linguistic controversy underestimated because there are many from 1 January 2002 the traditional of 1879 about the hobby’s name foreigners who look closely at stamps and historic currency stepped down (Francobollomania or Timbrofilia). on covers from other countries. In this passing her sceptre to the Euro whose The book ends with a very useful index respect the stamp becomes a block of a precursor - the ECU - alongside the Lira of names and a general index which mosaic consisting of other impressions at an exchange rate of 1 ECU = 500 Lire remind us that the books we read from and perceptions that will form an overall was featured on a stamp saluting the cover to cover in a few days are not opinion about a given country.
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