Section 2

C-27J SPARTAN Capabilities

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2 C-27J SPARTAN – THE TRUE MILITARY AIRLIFTER The C-27J Spartan is the only true new generation military transport aircraft in its class. Other twin engine aircraft are converted civilian airliners, not designed for military missions from the beginning, therefore they suffer limitations and compromises when operated in austere and hostile environments .

Featuring rugged military design with unique manoeuvrability and tactical capabilities, the Spartan can support the full range of military tactical transport missions and humanitarian relief missions, assuring constant, direct, day-night, all weather delivery success. Low operating cost combined with inherent strength and mission versatility give the Spartan the best performance to cost ratio of any modern tactical transport aircraft. This means, the “ton-per-mile” cost of transporting cargo in the C-27J Spartan is the lowest of all NATO transport aircraft. The C-27J Spartan is the best solution for the fulfilment of the Slovak MoD tactical transport requirements.

The outstanding performance, state of the art technologies, low operating cost, and easy supportability make the C-27J THE OPTIMAL SELECTION for the Slovak Republic.

2.1 DEVELOPED BY A TRANS-ATLANTIC ALLIANCE The C-27J Spartan has been jointly developed by Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. and Aeronautics Co., combining the exceptional strength of Alenia Aeronautica G222 fuselage structure, that proved itself in some of the toughest, most remote landing conditions world-wide, with the most advanced avionics and propulsion, developed by Lockheed Martin under the principle of commonality with the C-130J Hercules.

With the AE 2100D Rolls Royce Engines, the Spartan is truly a combination of the best technologies to be found today.

The successful integration of the capabilities of these three world-class manufacturers resulted in a superior aircraft of true military design.

The C-27J Spartan is registered in the ammunition list of USA DoD and has about 50% of USA products.

2.2 CIVIL AND MILITARY CERTIFICATION The design and performance of the C-27J Spartan and its components and accessories have received both a Civil and Military Certification.

 Civil Type Certification was issued by the “Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile” (the Italian Civil Certification Authority), member of European Joint Airworthiness Authorities (JAA), certifying that the Type Design of the C-27J is in compliance with applicable Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) 25 change 14.

 Military Certification was issued by the Italian Air Force Ministry of Defence (IT-MoD) Direzione Generale Armamenti Aeronautici (DGAA) Ufficio Generale Coordinamento Tecnico (UGCT) for the C-27J Industrial Baseline Model in accordance with Procedure AER-P-2/a.

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Combination of both certifications means the best combination of aeronautics features:

 Civil certification: HIGH SAFETY  Military certification: HIGH PERFORMANCE


Strategic Airlift:

Strategic Airlift Capability is designed to move large forces all around the globe and to provide for transport of oversized and extremely heavy vehicles. Examples are the C-17A Globemaster, the C-5 Galaxy, and the An-124 Condor. Very few countries can afford these types of airplanes and that is the reason why many NATO countries have pooled their resources to form the multinational airlift consortium, led by Germany and includes Canada, the Slovak Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, , Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. These countries will share the expense of moving their troops and heavy equipment in and out of deployment areas. Strategic Missions:

Every commander would like to see his entire unit loaded into a plane and his entire unit taken overnight to a place halfway around the world. The problem is your unit better be a very small one. Rapid Deployment is something only done as a last resort and is only meant to be a deterrent until the “rest of the troops and equipment arrive”. For instance in Desert Storm the Readiness Battalion of the 82 nd Airborne was on the ground in 72 hours, with enough food to last 7 days. In order to deploy the “alert” battalion and its support slices (Artillery, Air Defense, Engineers, etc…) it takes 12 C-17s, 6 C-5s and an entire squadron (12) of C-130s flying around the clock for three days. The NATO Rapid Reaction Corps estimates it will take 165 flights of AN-124 Condors in order to deploy a brigade size combat unit.

Deployments don’t occur every day, and deploying a unit is still 98% of the time conducted by rail (train) and ship transport. The cost per ton per mile over ground or water is still the most efficient for oversized and heavy equipment. Military ships and trains exist in order to conduct these missions as well as commercial transportation. Air lift for initial deployment and re- deployment is the last option.

The mission that is far more critical is the weekly or several times a week supply flight. Units and commanders can never guess what an uncertain battlefield or peacekeeping mission will bring. He needs flexible and responsive logistic support from his home base. He may have a vehicle hit a mine and need a replacement, his soldiers want mail from home, he needs to rotate 20 troops home and receive 20 new ones in their place, a soldier or several soldiers became sick or were injured and they need to be evacuated. These missions are ideal for the medium transport aircraft. These are the missions that make his unit independent and operationally efficient, when operating as a part of NATO. The C-27J provides the Air Force that operates it with the capability for “Independent, Interoperable, and Indispensable Operations!”

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Mid-Sized Theater Lift:

Not every load is large. Not every distance is long. Most transport missions do not require a fully loaded C-130. Statistics calculated by a large number of Air Forces in the world, show that more than 75% of military transport flights are performed with less than 10 Tons of cargo and less than 50 soldiers.

In fact, the Italian and Hellenic Militaries found that their average load for support missions were around the 6 tons. The Australian Army found that during relief operations in East Timor, that average load was 3 tons. Recent natural disasters in the United States have the Department of Defense making the acquisition of a “Mid-Sized” airlifter one of the key priorities for both the U.S.A.F. and the U.S. Army. Sending a C-130 into an area with only one pallet was not an efficient use of their assets.

The U.S. Armed Forces recognized the importance and the need for mid-size transport aircraft, and establish an acquisition program called FCA (Future Cargo Aircraft) for a large number of aircraft, where the C-27J Spartan is the front runner in the evaluation. This need is constantly highlighted on the media with statement from US officers, like: “Medium cargo aircraft is more fuel efficient than a half-empty bigger aircraft flying the same missions”. Very important is also the official statement of Gen. T. Michael Moseley, Air Force commander of Iraqi Freedom Operations, who officially stated how has been evident the need for a twin engine medium tactical aircraft during operations in Iraq.

No country or military service wants to spend more than it needs to. For these reasons, a few years ago Alenia Aeronautica and Lockheed Martin, recognized the need for a mid sized Hercules, therefore they teamed up to create a remarkable new airlifter, the C-27J. It's the only true military airlifter designed specifically for mid-sized missions, payloads and budgets.

2.4 MISSION CAPABILITIES The C-27J is capable of supporting the following missions:

• Humanitarian Support • Medical Evacuation 36 patients, 6 doctors, individual oxygen to all • Cargo Transport 10 tons a 1000 nautical miles (nm) • Troop Transport 68 soldiers 2010 nm • Paratroop Operations 46 paratroops full equipment 1028 nautical miles • Search and Rescue 200 nm radius, 1000 ft altitude, 9.6 hours on station • Material Airdrop 6 CDS bundles, 5000 kg “certified” 1280 nm • Combat Offload 8 tons

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2.5 IN SUPPORT OF CURRENT SLOVAK MISSIONS The Slovak Republic currently has troops stationed in three major theaters: Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. The following are examples of the ability of the C-27J Spartan to support current Army of the Slovak Republic missions:

11. 5 Tons non-stop to Pristina 68 Troops non-stop to Pristina 2 Rovers / HMMWVs, and additional cargo non-stop to Pristina 27 VIPs direct to Pristina

8 tons of cargo non-stop 68 troops non-stop 2 Rovers / HMMWVs and additional cargo non-stop 27 VIPs non-stop

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5.5 tons of cargo non-stop 68 troops, light support equipment non-stop 46 troops full combat gear + non-stop 2 Rovers / HMMWVs non-stop 27 VIPs non-stop

*All missions are under ISA conditions and count 45 minutes of holding at destination, with fuel reserve intact.


The C-27J Spartan is ideally suited to support troops employed in missions abroad, even in the most austere environments. It is capable of operating under severe climatic conditions for extended time periods without direct support from the main operating base. The C-27J is designed to operate to/from unprepared strips, on fields where no support equipment is available.

The C-27J airlifts troops, cargo, vehicles such as the Range Rover military line of vehicles (including the “long” version) and the HMMWV multipurpose vehicle, light artillery, light helicopters, and an assortment of equipment and personnel. It airdrops troops and material, and can serve as a medevac (Medical Evacuation) and search and rescue platform.

The C-27J has inherent survivability features, thanks to its powerful propulsion, to the proven G222 aerodynamic design providing excellent flight qualities and high manoeuvrability. Further its built-in high tolerance to damage, system redundancy, the engineered physical separation, isolation and shielding of the critical components, make the Spartan one tough airplane.

The C-27J Spartan is particularly suited for all missions that require a versatile airlifter, where it is often more valuable than most of larger four engines airlifters.

In fact larger airlifters (such as C-130s) operators fly most of their transport missions without fully exploiting their payload capabilities. This turns out in low efficiency.

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The C-27J Spartan can perform some 80% of transport missions typically flown by larger airlifters. This turns out in more “value per money” due to money saving when compared to acquisition and operational costs of larger four engine airlifters.

85” 108 ” C-130 85 88””

85 in. C-27J 1 Loading of HMMWV 08 . in in . 88 (multipurpose vehicle) Transfer of 463L pallet from C -130 to C -27J

The C-27J is THE ONLY transport aircraft in its payload class that allows the roll on – roll off (RoRo) capability with the HMMWV (and similar) family of vehicles. In fact the C-27J allows the Up-Armoured HMMWV (M1114, M1116 and M1151) to be loaded with the weapons station (mount) on top of the vehicle to remain. All other aircraft in the C-27J payload class must partially disassemble the HMMWV vehicle before loading: removing the windshield, bumpers and hard top and deflating the tires in order to load, requiring therefore a long loading time and complicated operations.

With regard to interoperability, it should be noted that the HMMWV is the most common vehicle in the world, especially among NATO countries.

The C-27J is also THE ONLY transport aircraft in its class that accepts a full size 463L NATO Standard pallet, carrying 3 HCU-6/E pallets internally and 1 HCU-12/E pallet on the ramp. This capability (not present in smaller aircraft) allows any Spartan operator to rapidly trans-load NATO standard pallets from larger transport aircraft in any NATO or international operations.

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2.7 INTEROPERABILITY WITH NATO C-130 FLEET The C-27J has the same engines, propellers and digital avionics as the C-130J Hercules, the latest generation version of the worldwide famous Hercules. The Spartan also uses the same loading equipment, and has even stronger floor (+10%), that makes it the ideal solution for dense military loads transport.

C-27J and C-130J have same engines and propellers as well as maximum commonality in avionics

Loading Comparison

C-130s C-27J

1 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 3

Total Floor Length 463L Pallets Litters plus Combat Para Aircraft (m) (4,535 kg/pallet) med. Assist. Troops Troops Model med. Assist. Troops Troops

C-130H/J 12.19 5 + 1 70+6 92 64 1 C-27J 9.48 3 + /2 36+6 68 46

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Moreover, unlike its competitors, thanks to its wide fuselage and strong floor, the Spartan accepts fully loaded 463L (NATO Standard) pallets, that can be directly transferred from larger transport aircraft directly into C-27J. This saves valuable time and support, necessary to re-pack pallets and splitting loads as it is necessary in other aircraft, which try to compete against the C-27J,

C-130 commonality in logistics, maintenance and cargo operations, make the C-27J Spartan fully inter-operable with all C-130 models. This feature is of great importance in multinational operations abroad, like all NATO operations: inter-operability with NATO C-130 fleet.

C-27J guarantees maximum interoperability with NATO C-130 fleet


The C-27J Spartan is designed to operate out of remote landing strips and be completely independent. The “third motor” or Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) make the aircraft independent in remote locations where no ground support equipment such as fork lifts are available. The C-27J is THE ONLY aircraft in its class that has a fully independent APU, while all the other twin engine competitors, being derivative from passenger aircraft, do not have the APU because they are designed to operate only in commercial airports with full ground support infrastructures.

The aircraft is capable of kneeling, by raising the front landing gear. This reduces the angle of the ramp and allows taller cargo to be loaded into the C-27J with ease. The illustration below demonstrates this capability. The C-27J is THE ONLY transport aircraft in the world to have this capability.

The Spartan also has the ability to raise the entire aircraft 50 centimeters. The design of the landing gear allows the Spartan to match the height with over 90% of the world’s trucks. This ability to match the height of a truck and the two onboard winches, allow a single loadmaster to pull the cargo straight off the truck and into the cargo bay without the assistance of a fork lift, or additional personnel. Again, the C-27J Spartan is THE ONLY transport aircraft in the world to have this capability.

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The combination of those two capabilities in the attitude variations, allows the aircraft to operate in places where no fork lifts or loading devices are available. This represents one more element of evidence of the C-27J autonomous operations capability, while, all other competitors, will need to transport on board fork lifts, with further reduction of their already limited cargo capability, or they can not line up the rear ramp with loading vehicles.

2.9 SURVIVABILITY Designed for harsh operations, the C-27J features redundant systems, military specified designs, and built-in self protection provisions.

The C-27J Spartan is designed from the beginning as a true military aircraft. Robust in construction, the 3 spar wing design allows the aircraft to operate in a 3G environment (tactical flight). The landing gear is designed to take the stress of maximum landing weight into unprepared landing strips. The airframe can take multiple bullet hits in a hostile environment and continue to fly.

The C-27J military design includes the following integrated features for combat survivability.

Damage Tolerance:

• All critical systems are redundant: hydraulic, electrical, air data system (ADS), displays and controls. • Redundant load paths • Three spar construction (wing and empennage) • Oxygen masks permit flying at high altitudes in case of depressurization • Fuel jettison capability • Emergency landing gear extension • On Board Inert Gas Generation System (OBIGGS) as an option in order to prevent combustion and explosions in the fuel tanks should they be hit by ground fire

High Power-to-Weight Ratio

• Rapid acceleration (2kts/sec) • Rapid climb capability (less than 5 minutes to 10,000 ft at MTOW) • High speed capability with ramp down

The 4637 shaft horsepower of the Rolls Royce Engines are flat-rated on the C-27J Spartan. This means several things for the Spartan user:

• The ability to operate at full capability with the Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) • Fast time to climb curves getting the aircraft out of the danger area for ground fire • Low maintenance cost (the engine is not pushed into high stress operating environment) • Long engine life • Maximum maneuverability for evasive maneuvers

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All this features are very important when the aircraft is operating in dangerous zone where a threat of ground fire is present, in fact the high power-to-weight ration allows the aircraft to reach very quickly a safe altitude even at a maximum load.

Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS) (Option)

Survivability is enhanced with the inclusion of a self-protection suite (option). The Defensive Aids subsystem (DASS) developed as part of the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force) C-27J configuration includes the following components:

• Radar Warning Receiver

• Missile Warning System

• Laser Warning System

• Counter Measures Dispensing System The self-protection suite is integrated with the C-27J avionics system to provide the pilots with complete situational awareness of the threat environment. Each aircraft is equipped with the provisions (wiring, avionics structure, etc…) for the DASS, the actual DASS system is an option on the aircraft.

Additional Ballistic Protection

Ballistic protection can also be provided to protect both the pilot and co-pilot and critical equipment like oxygen converters and emergency oxygen bottles against the threat of projectiles (such as 12.7 AP rounds) from the ground.

The C-27J Ballistic Protection System is supplied as an optional kit, as already ordered by the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force), Hellenic Air Force and .


C-27J logistic support is provided by Alenia Aeronautica, with involvement of Lockheed Martin in supply chain, technical support and training.

The commonality of parts with the C-130J translates into guaranteed long term availability and low cost of replacement parts.

Alenia Aeronautica will offer cooperation, training and investment into a local company in order to provide Slovak maintenance of Slovak Spartans to the highest extent possible. This will be a commitment within the Offset Plan for the Slovak Republic.

Customer Relationships will be managed by means of modern integrated systems to ensure prompt and direct assistance to any customer need.

Alenia Aeronautica implements a range of logistic support policies in order to satisfy different customer requirements. C-27J aircraft systems high reliability and maintainability allowed the development of a two-level maintenance concept as an optimised solution to lower support costs.

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Pooling high cost spares, such as engines, propellers, and APUs allow the users of the Spartan to lower their cost and yet maintain a high readiness rate for their aircraft.

Alenia Aeronautica has exceptional experience in the logistic support of aircraft, a lot of which has been in support of the worldwide ATR fleet. This highly successful aircraft is currently supported by a sophisticated network of logistic centres located worldwide, and managed with the principles of giving a high priority on cost-effectiveness.

On the military side, Alenia Aeronautica is fully supporting Italian Air Force in and in many deployments abroad. The combination of experience in military logistics (operational readiness) and commercial logistics (money saving), allows Alenia Aeronautica to support the Spartan in the most cost-effective way.

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