Promjenljivo Lice Sjećanja the Changing Face of Remembrance

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Promjenljivo Lice Sjećanja the Changing Face of Remembrance Izložba fotografija MOnuMENTI prikazuje spomenike i njihove 'priče'pokazujući kako su se koncepti identiteta u zemljama zapadnog Balkana razvijali od ranog XX. vijeka pa do danas. Odnos prema postojećim spomenicima i uspostavljanje novih spomenika odražavaju regionalne kulture sjećanja i otkrivaju promjenljive koncepte identiteta. Fotografije Marka Krojača dočaravaju ovaj razvoj, a komentari autora iz različitih akademskih oblasti kontekstualizuju svaki spomenik. Time, izložba ima želju da unaprijedi kritičko, a u isto vrijeme konstruktivno suočavanje s prošlošću. The photo exhibition MOnuMENTI presents monuments and the ‘stories’ behind them in order to show how concepts of identity have developed in the countries of the Western Balkans from the early 20th century onwards. The attitude towards existing monuments and the establishment of new monuments reflect regional cultures of remembrance and reveal changing concepts of identity. The photographs by Marko Krojač visualise these developments and comments written by authors from different academic fields contextualise each monument. The exhibition thus wishes to promote a more critical and at the same time more constructive dealing with the past. ISBN 978-86-915567-4-7 promjenljivo lice sjećanja the changing face of remembrance promjenljivo lice sjećanja the changing face of remembrance promjenljivo lice sjećanja the changing face of remembrance Organizator / Organised by Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst (forumZFD) U saradnji sa / In cooperation with pax christi im Bistum Aachen Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Sarajewo Fondacija Publika Helsinški parlament građana, Banja Luka Regionalna mirovna inicijativa u BiH - ReMI mreža, Derventa Finansira / Financed by Savezno ministarstvo za privrednu saradnju i razvoj (BMZ) Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) KATALOG / CATALOGUE Izdavač / Publisher Prevodi / Translations Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst Luan Morina, Kristina Thaqi (Albanian) Kralja Milutina 11 Jelena Frančić, Sanja Katarić, Vahidin Preljević, Milica Radulović (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Denise Dewey-Muno (English) Kristina Naceva, Rodna Ruskovska (Macedonian) Urednici / Editors Daniel Brumund, Christian Pfeifer Umjetnički direktor / Art director Aleksandar Milić - MILIĆ DESIGN Korektura / Proofreading Daniel Brumund, Milica Radulović Štampa / Printing Dobra knjiga d.o.o., Sarajevo Tekstovi / Texts © The authors | Autori © Belgrade, Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst (forumZFD) Fotografije / Photographs 10. izmjenjeno izdanje za Zapadni Balkan 2014 | 10th revised edition for Western Balkans 2014 © Marko Krojač ISBN 978-86-915567-4-7 Fotografija strana 89 Daniel Brumund 2 sadržaj/content Uvod Introduction 4 - - - Dr Lutz Schrader Spomenici i politika identiteta na zapadnom Balkanu Monuments and Politics of Identity in the Western Balkans 6 - - - Dr Bojana Pejić Jugoslovenski spomenici: Umetnost i retorika moći Yugoslav Monuments: Art and the Rhetoric of Power 10 - - - Mirjana Peitler-Selakov Memorijalna plastika u Srbiji od balkanskih ratova do danas Memorial Art in Serbia from the Balkan Wars until Today 14 - - - Dr Senadin Musabegović Simboličko značenje spomenika u Bosni i Hercegovini Symbolic Significance of Monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina 18 - - - Dr Vjeran Pavlaković Osporavana istorija i monumentalna prošlost: Hrvatska kultura sećanja Contested Histories and Monumental Pasts: Croatia’s Culture of Remembrance 22 - - - Shkëlzen Maliqi Rat simbola: Sećanje na Kosovu The War of Symbols: Remembrance in Kosovo 26 - - - Valentino Dimitrovski Povratak u prošlost: Spomenici i sećanje u Makedoniji Back to the Past: Monuments and Remembrance in Macedonia 30 - - - Fotografije Photographs 34 - - - Marko Krojač Biografija Biography 92 - - - Biografije autora Authors’ Biographies 94 3 uvod Predgovor Balkanu, koja je ujedinjena, a ne razjedinjena, i in the 1990s, but it continues to be present. The voluntaristisch, es ist das, was eine Gemein- Nakon više od 20 godina od pada socijalističkih i okrenuta ka budućnosti. Zahvaljujem se organi- challenges that stand before societies include schaft von einem historischen Ereignis als Erin- komunističkih sistema u centralnoj, jugoistočnoj zatoru „Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst“ i raduje me development of the culture of remembrance nerung bewahren will. Die Ausstellung „MOnu- i istočnoj Evropi, njihovi su spomenici i mje- veliki broj posjetilaca ove izložbe. with regard to historical truth and improvement MENTI“, die Abbildungen von Denkmälern und sta sjećanja postali atrakcije za turiste, i svoje of social connectedness, reconciliation and Gedenkstätten der Balkan-Region präsentiert, posjetioce inspirišu na razmišljanje o nestanku Christian Hellbach cooperation. verdeutlicht vor allem eines: die Rolle, die Ge- ideološki motiviranih svjetskih nacrta. Izložba Ambasador Savezne Republike Njemačke MOnuMENTI exhibition is critical reflection on dächtnis und Gedenken im Prozess des Nation na ovu temu istovremeno je od historijskog i u Bosni i Hercegovini practice of memory and remembrance in reality. Buildings im ehemaligen Jugoslawien hatte. estetskog interesa. This criticism is a prerequisite for honest, and, in Es gibt wohl keine zweite Region in Europa, in Spomenici i mjesta sjećanja su okamenjeno the same time, productive dealing with the past. der auch heute Gedächtnis und Gedenken derart pamćenje. Pamćenje nije isto što i historijska Prologue Therefore, I am convinced that the MOnuMENTI in der Tagespolitik präsent sind wie auf dem istina – ono je u određenom smislu i voluntari- More than 20 years after the fall of socialist and exhibition will contribute to the culture of remem- Balkan. Die Erinnerung an die beiden Weltkriege stičko, pamćenje je ono što jedna zajednica želi communist systems in Central, South- East and brance in the Balkans, which is united, and not wird mittlerweile überlagert von den Kriegen der sačuvati kao sjećanje u pogledu historijskog East Europe, their monuments and places of re- fragmented, and which is also forward-looking. 90er-Jahre, ist aber immer noch virulent. Die do gađaja. Izložba „MOnuMENTI“, u okviru koje membrance have become the tourist attractions, I express my gratitude to the organizer „Forum Herausforderung, der sich die Gesellschaften su prezentirani prikazi spomenika i mjesta sje- which inspire the visitors to reflect on disappear- Ziviler Friedensdienst“ and I am pleased to see gegenübersehen, ist die Entwicklung einer Erin- ćanja u regiji Balkana, razjašnjava prvenstveno ance of ideologically motivated global plans. so many visitors have attended this exhibition. nerungskultur, die sich um historische Wahrheit sljedeće: Ulogu koju je imalo pamćenje i sjećanje The exhibition which covers this topic is relevant bemüht und gleichzeitig gesellschaftlichen u procesu izgradnje države u nekadašnjoj Jugo- both in terms of history and aesthetics. Christian Hellbach Zusammenhalt, Versöhnung und Zusammenar- slaviji. The monuments, memorials and places of re- Ambassador of the Federal Republic of beit fördert. Vjerovatno ne postoji drugi region u Evropi, u ko- membrances represent a petrified memory. The Germany to Bosnia and Herzegovina „MOnuMENTI“ setzt sich kritisch mit der realen jem je i danas pamćenje i sjećanje toliko prisutno remembrance does not equal historical truth – it Praxis von Gedächtnis und Gedenken auein- u dnevnoj politici nego što je to na Balkanu. is something that is voluntary-based, to a certain ander. Diese kritische Distanz, diese Reflexion Sjećanje na dva svjetska rata je u međuvremenu extent. It is what a certain community wants to Vorwort ist Voraussetzung für einen aufrichtigen und zasjenjeno ratovima u 90-tim godinama prošlog preserve as memory with regard to a specific Über 20 Jahre nach dem Zusammenbruch der zugleich produktiven Umgang mit der Vergan- vijeka, ali je još uvijek prisutno. Izazov s kojima historical event. MOnuMENTI exhibition which sozialistischen und kommunistischen Systeme genheit. In diesem Sinne bin ich davon über- se društva suočavaju jeste da razviju kulturu presents the memorials and places of remem- in Mittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa sind deren zeugt, dass „MOnuMENTI“ ein Beitrag zu einer sjećanja u pogledu historijske istine i istovremno brance within the region of Balkans, primarily Denkmäler und Gedenkstätten zu Touristen- Erinnerungskultur auf dem Balkan leisten kann, unapređuju društvenu povezanost, pomirenje i aims to clarify the following: the role of memory attraktionen geworden, die ihre Besucher zu die in die Zukunft gerichtet ist und eint, statt zu saradnju. and remembrance in nation building process in Gedanken über das Scheitern von ideoligischen entzweien. Ich danke dem Veranstalter, dem Izložba „MOnuMENTI“ se kritički hvata u koštac former Yugoslavia. motivierten Weltentwürfen inspirieren. Eine „Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst“, und freue mich sa realnom praksom pamćenja i sjećanja. Ta Other regions in Europe can hardly compare Ausstellung zum Thema ist gleichermaßen von über die vielen Besucher der Ausstellung. kritička distanca, ta refleksija je pretpostavka za with the extent to which the remembrance and historischem und ästhetischem Interesse. iskreno i istovremeno produktivno suočavanje memory have been present in everyday politics Denkmäler und Gedenkstätten sind steinge-wor- Christian Hellbach sa prošlošću. U tom smislu sam uvjeren, da će in the Balkans. In the meantime, the memory of denes Gedächtnis. Gedächtnis ist nicht gleich Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland „MOnuMENTI“

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