STUDENT 1979 November

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STUDENT 1979 November STUDENT ETUDIANTi 2 5 CENTS CANADA'S NEWSPAPER FOR UKRAINIAN Ukrainian students challenge administration Danya Bojetchko U of T Ukrainian Chair a victim of blind expediency Due to recent developments in the Toronto Chair of Ukrainian Studies, in this month's Student we are featuring an expanded coverage of this issue. In addi- tion to the article on this page, look for the following: • guest editorial, p. 2 • summary of issue, p. 3 • chronology of events, p. 3 • background analysis, p. 3 The University of Toronto is playing a game of musical chairs with the Chair of Ukrai- nian Studies. At a "Ukrainian Day" meeting, held 28 October at the University of Toronto (U of T), Professor Scott M. Eddie, chair- November 1979 man of the selection committee Panel during the "extraordinary meeting" on the Ukrainian Chair. L to R: Prof. S.M. for the Chair of Ukrainian Vol. 12 No. 58 Studies, told students and Eddie, Michael Maryn, Dean A.M. Kruger, Ihor Bardyn members of Toronto's Ukrai- cutbacks, the Economics nian community that the Chair ding to Professor George Ukraine, or history of Kievan not well received by the majori- would profit at the would most likely "lean Luckyj of the U of T Slavics Department Rus. During the extraordinary ty of the over one hundred expense of those who in- towards" courses in economics. Department. Most applicants to meeting a hand vote was taken people present. This announcement date are historians. dependently raised the money io see how many students Among the eager par- Chair they provoked the U of T Ukrainian Dana Boyko, a fourth year to endow a hoped would take a course in Ukrai- ticipants, and silent observers expressly Students' Club to hold an "Ex- Arts and Science student at the would provide nian economic history. Only sat John L.H. Keep of the U of T Ukrainian-content courses in traordinary Meeting" on 8 U of T, pointed out to the five students, out of the ap- Department of History. The history or political science. November to voice student audience that it would be to the proximately eighty in atten- professor was asked to com- ment on the issue of the Ukrai- opinion regarding the Chair, Department of Economics' ad- Students poll prospec- dance, chose this option. survey clear nian Chair, but he refused. which it had been assumed vantage to house the Ukrainian The made that would house courses in history Chair. The appointed professor tive registrants the establishment of the Chair The meeting concluded in Political with an extended question and political science. Guest would teach an economics A survey conducted during the Department of and period. The students speakers at this meeting, held at course in addition toacourse in October by the U of T Ukrainian Economy would neglect the discussion Ukrainian studies and thus interests of the students. successfully voiced their the U of T's Hart House were the Students Club among its relieve pressure the Professor Eddie tried to ac- opinions and expressed their Dean of Arts and Science caused by members and students in the Arthur M. Kruger, Professor increased enrolment of Slavics Department showed comodate the "unexpected" concern over the Chair's future, students in crowd at the meeting by offer- but the problem, unfortunately, S.M. Eddie of the selection economics courses that 86.3% of its respondents ing the possibility of a cross- has not been solved. The fate of committee, and Mr. Ihor Bar- at the U of T. would take a course in either the Chair of Ukrainian Studies dyn, chairman of the Toronto Thus, in an era of in- modern Ukrainian history, appointment in the Department has yet to be decided. Chair of Ukrainian Studies Inc. creasing educational funding politics of contemporary of History. This suggestion was u of changes course Prague vs. the Chartists Bohdan Somchynsky Many controversial issues about the Ukrainian Chair were cited at this meeting by Michael Lawyer observed Czech trials Maryn, president of the U of T Ukrainian Students' Club. Mr. based in Defense of was quite possible, it would be The world-wide campaign mittee to Defend the Unjustly Committee Maryn pointed out that the Soviet and East European that much more of an indict- to free the imprisoned members Prosecuted (VONS), and six of Toronto Chair of Ukrainian Political Prisoners (CDSEEPP) ment of the Czech authorities." of Charter 77 — the Prague Ten them were chosen to be tried Studies Inc. and the Governing Wright, a civil In Prague Mr. Wright visited — continues. during October. After a quick asked Gordon Council of U of T had last March rights lawyer active in the the courtroom, but was unable In Canada, rallies were two day trial, the judge sentenc- stated in a "Trust Agreement" Alberta and federal NDP, to to get in since the judge, An- organized throughout ed the six activists to stiff terms that the intention of the Chair of apply for a visa to visit Prague in tonin Kaspar, insisted on November to protest the traves- of two to five years of imprison- Ukrainian studies was "to ad- order to observe the legal and holding the trial in one of the ty of justice perpetrated in ment, with one defendent vance studies of the history, political of this trial. He smallest rooms in the building, Czechoslovakia on 23 October. receiving a suspended aspects culture and political economy accepted, although the Com- even though there was a larger The Prag ue Ten we re all sentence. of the Ukraine and Ukrainian mittee was pessimistic about one standing empty next door arrested members of the Com- In August the Edmonton- Canadians". Reference was the chances of Prague granting Only some of the defendent's also made to the "Letter of the visa since the Czech regime relatives were allowed in. Mr. Intent, signed by these bodies had previously refused visas to Wright, was able to discuss the last February, which states that every other Western lawyerwho situation with some ol these had applied. To their surprise relatives and various The University agrees that Mr. Wright was granted a visa, spokespeople from the Charter the professor appointed to possibly due to an imminent 77 movement, including Dr. the Chair shall be en- visit by the Czech ambassador Hajek, the former foreign couraged to devote his to Alberta. minister under Dubcek, and primary effort and time to At an interview with Stu- several legal experts. teaching and research in dent, Gordon Wright explained On his return to Canada, Ukrainian Studies and that the purpose of the visit: "Well, the CDSEEPP and the any substantial deviation the initial idea was to try to help Czechoslovaks National from Ukrainian Studies shall rally in the defense fo the accused, Association organized a on be compensated for by the since the Paris-based lawyefs 21 November in Edmonton, University from its own they [the Chartists — Ed.] had featuring Gordon Wright and resources. chosen couldn't get into the Vladimir Skutina, a recently country. As we went along we released political prisoner and Applicants for the position, to member of Charter 77 At the realized I wouldn't be able get however, were informed by near the accused and so the rally, attended by approximate- letter that Wright next best thing would be, if ly 150 people. Mr possible, to get into the trial and presented details of the trial and of nature of the the Professor Ukrainian just observe. If even that wasn't commented on the Studies will also be expected possible then to at least get into legal proceedings. to teach one course in the the country so that what went From what was com- core area of economics (prin- on, in and about the trial, could municated to him. Mr. Wright ciples, conclude that the intermediate micro or be reported. If even that wasn't was forced to macro, or trade). possible then the committee trial was a mockery of justice. that sent me [CDSEEPP — Ed.} Anna Sabatova. Petr Uhl's wife, from the cour- This would severely restrict the would have made the effort to was dragged number of candidates, since get a lawyer and send that (LA WYEH continued on scholars in Ukrainian economic lawyer and even if he was border, as history are "rare birds" accor- Gordon Wright at Edmonton rally turned back at the page 2) GUFST EDITORIAL Academic myopia a student view of the Toronto Ukrainian Chair by Michael Maryn, President University of Toronto Ukrainian Students' Club As a student ot the University of Toronto and a firm believer in Due to the number of complaints which have been directed towards the Student that I fully the integrity of that institution, I would like to state right staff regarding letters appearing in this column in recent issues, we feel it is necessary respect the right of the University of Toronto, and indeed the in their to restate and make our letters policy explicitly clear for the benefit of those who may of all institutions of higher education, to full autonomy it be, to the Editor" column and its role in a free internal decision-making processes. It never was, nor will ever not quite understand the nature of a "Letters our readers the the intention of the University of Toronto Ukrainian Students Club and independent press. This part of our newspaper exists to afford Chair in to dictate policy to the university in the matter of the opportunity to do a bit of their own editorializing. The comments and opinions^ Ukrainian Studies.
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