A Temuan-Malay-English Word List

Looi Siew Teip Adela S. Baer Jalil Mohamad A Temuan-Malay-English Word List

Top photo: Looi Siew Teip engaging with Jalil Mohamad @ in Kampung Ulu Serendah in 2007. Bottom photo:Adela (Dee) Baer with a Temuan elder in his orchard near Kampung Sungai Buloh in 2002.

Temuan World of Words offers tantalising glimpses into the world of one of the indigenous Orang Asli communities of Peninsular Malaysia.

The Temuan negotiate a way of life that sits uneasily in spaces which have not yet been fully co-opted into the service of a cash-based economy–spaces which still carry echoes of the subsistence-farming and hunter-gatherer lifestyle of their forebears.

This word-list bears eloquent witness to the material culture of the Temuan, their beliefs and value systems and their natural environment, as well as the tensions inherent in their life at the fringes of mainstream Malaysian society.

ISBN 978-967-2051-12-1

Center for Orang Asli Concerns 9 7 8 9 6 7 2 0 5 1 1 2 1 TEMUAN WORLD OF WORDS

A Temuan-Malay-English Word List


A Temuan-Malay-English Word List

Looi Siew Teip Adela S. Baer Jalil Mohamad

2018 Center for Orang Asli Concerns Subang Jaya • Malaysia TEMUAN WORLD OF WORDS A Temuan-Malay-English Word List

Published by CENTER FOR ORANG ASLI CONCERNS P.O. BOX 3052 47590 Subang Jaya, Malaysia www.coac.org.my

Copyright 2018 The Authors & COAC

Printed by Vinlin Press Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Cover design Deidre • COAC

Layout Deidre • Isaac Low • COAC

Cover Photos Colin Nicholas

ISBN 978-967-2051-12-1 The Making of a Lexicon

once lived for a year among the Temuan of Selangor state in Peninsular I Malaysia. There are perhaps 30,000 Temuan in the world today. They are one of the 18 or so ethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia that are recognized as “original people” (Orang Asli).

Over 45 years ago, I decided that to understand some basic attributes of a population’s genes, I should live in a village of the people I was studying. As it happened, this decision was to provide unexpected insights into genetic processes, because of the occurrence of malaria-resistant genes. And just to confuse me, over 30 per cent of the children in the population were eventually found to have been adopted away from their biological parents by village neighbours or relatives.

Since fieldwork in genetics among the Temuan allowed for time to learn something of their culture, language, and enjoyments, I readily did so. In particular, among the many people in one Temuan village–Kampung Ulu Serendah–who helped me with the language, Jalil Mohamad (aka Budu) contributed the most. Indeed, this lexicon would not have been possible without his guidance and patience.

In trying to learn Temuan in the village, I soon found I had dozens of wordlists, on plants, spirits, house-construction terms, and much more. As no general Temuan wordlist seemed to exist, I determined to work toward one. Thus, this amateur dictionary was conceived. While Budu and others occasionally flagged in their interest in the project, they were remarkably patient with my daily queries and went to great efforts at times to educate me. While this lexicon undoubtedly contains mistakes, it is though no fault of the Temuan, only of their sometimes bewildered guest.

Among non-Temuan who have urged the completion of this project, I owe a singular debt to Colin Nicholas of the Center for Orang Asli Concerns. However, due to limitations in my command of the Malay language, especially since it had undergone a ‘modernization’ of its spelling system, the

v manuscript needed to be vetted by more competent people. Several people helped out to varying extents in the early years, including Lilianne Fann and Quentin Lye. Quentin, in particular, worked through the manuscript in pain because he loved the Orang Asli he knew. He passed away on 13 December 2002 of leukemia.

It was however Looi Siew Teip, a linguist at the University of Malaya, who as a result of his professional knowledge and his own expertise in the Temuan language, elevated the manuscript to its present status.

This lexicon is for the Temuan, in gratitude for their friendship, under- standing, and hospitality.

A. S. Baer Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon, USA

vi Preface

his publication is a thorough revision of the Temuan-English-Malay Word TList compiled by American geneticist, Adela Baer, while doing research on genetic attributes of the Temuan community of Ulu Serendah, Selangor in the 1970’s. She was aided in this work by native speaker Jalil Mohamad. Since some of the glosses in Baer’s Word List incorporate ethnographical material, it is a valuable document not just for the study of the dialect of the Temuan, but also of their material culture. Publication was, however, delayed pending resolution of specific issues with the material presented in the Word List.

Firstly, the spelling provided in certain cases was unreliable, and often did not adequately represent the correct pronunciation. The ‘correct’ pronunciation of a word in Temuan is in any case a moot point in the absence of a written standard that cuts across dialectal differences amongst the Temuan speaking communities in Peninsular Malaysia. Secondly, many of the glosses were not accurate. Finally, the Word List seems to have been compiled with a very inclusive approach and contained many words that are not a part of everyday Temuan usage.

This latter feature of the Word List is perhaps a natural outcome of the character of Temuan communities. There is a clear case of diglossia amongst most Temuan speakers, in which Standard Malay is used for communication with outsiders, and is the standard written form learned in school. Temuan proper is used strictly within the community. Temuan communities are also in contact with other Orang Asli groups, and this sometimes leads to inter- marriage with non-Temuan such as the Semai, the Temiar, and the Mah Meri who have settled amongst the Temuan, bringing their own languages with them.

The approach to addressing these cultural factors has been to go back to the Temuan themselves and verify the pronunciation and meaning of each entry in the Word List. This was done through a series of field trips to Temuan villages close to Kuala Lumpur, including the site of Baer’s fieldwork in the 1970’s - Ulu Serendah itself. Other villages visited were Ulu Kuang, Bukit

vii Manchong, Sungai Kelubi, Sungai Tua, and Ulu Rasau. In the process, a number of new terms were added to the Word List, while at the same time, many more have been removed from this updated version because those words were either incorrect or could not be verified.

There is significant variation in pronunciation as well as vocabulary across the region in which Temuan is spoken, including communities scattered across Selangor, western Pahang, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, and a corner of Johor The pronunciation represented in this Word List is that of central Selangor, where the fieldwork was carried out, although some of the entries might well represent a lexical item or a pronunciation that does not belong to this area. This is noted especially in the case of a few entries that represent the variety of Temuan spoken at Kuala Kubu Baru, located in northern Selangor.

Among the many word items that could not be verified, two criteria determined what words have been retained in this publication:

• Spelling the spelling of the word as originally recorded suggests a valid Malay/ Temuan word from the point of view of phonology and the gloss also seems plausible. • Glossary Reference there is a valid reference to Skeat and Blagden’s glossary in the second volume of their Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula.

There has been no attempt in this final version of the Word List to exclude words that are of non-Temuan origin. Where informants pointed out that a certain word was “Melayu” (Standard Malay) rather than “Temuan”, and gave the more commonly used Temuan word, this fact is recorded as part of the revised gloss. Many words that are clearly from other Orang Asli languages also remain. Whether they can be considered stable loanwords, or are merely fleeting visitors to the Temuan world, is a question that is beyond the scope of this Word List. viii A decision was made to adhere closely to the rules of Standard Malay orthography in this final version of the Word List. This was prompted by two key reasons:

• This is a system which is already familiar to the Temuan themselves, particularly those who are literate, as well as to other readers in Malaysia • Given the significant differences between, for example, the dialect of Central Selangor and that of Hulu Langat, using the Standard Malay spelling for a given word is a good compromise. This because the pronunciation of many words in the Central Selangor dialect is very close to that of Standard Malay. To use a spelling system which tries to reproduce exactly the pronunciation of the informants would make the Word List impractical both for the Temuan, as well as for non-Temuan.

The oft-quoted definition of a language as “a dialect with an army and a navy,” attributed to the linguist Max Weinreich, points to the fact that it is often politics which decides whether a dialect remains one out of several possible spoken varieties of a language, or becomes elevated to the status of a national standard with a codified written form and official sanction.

In the case of Temuan, it is clearly a dialect of Malay which shares several intriguing features of pronunciation and vocabulary with Austroasiatic Orang Asli languages. These include Temiar and Semai, which are closely related to the Mon-Khmer languages of Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. So, the question of whether we want to think of Temuan as a ‘dialect’ or a ‘language’ is probably best answered by the Temuan themselves.

The participating informants often took pains to distinguish themselves from speakers of Standard Malay by referring to themselves as orang dalam (‘insiders’), as opposed to orang luar (‘outsiders’). The Temuan are ‘insiders’ in the sense that they see themselves as a distinct community and speaking a distinct language, as opposed to those living outside the community who

ix speak a different, if related, language. They are also ‘insiders’ in the sense of being a people of the interior, living at the margins of the rainforest, holding on to their ties to the land.

Viewed from a different perspective, the Temuan are in a very real sense ‘outsiders’, with generations isolated and excluded from the mainstream first of Malay, then of Malaysian society. As the Temuan communities, in Selangor especially, come to terms with the mainstream increasingly impinging on their lives in multiple ways, often rudely, it is my hope that this Word List, by recording a very important aspect of their culture - their language - will be of help to them and to those who are trying to help them in whatever way.

Looi Siew Teip University of Malaya

x Pronunciation Guide

The spelling system used in this Word List is essentially Standard Malay orthography. For those who are unfamiliar with this, the following is a quick reference guide:

Vowels a similar to the vowel in the o similar to first element of the English word ‘but’. diphthong in the English word e stands for two distinct sounds: ‘boat’, pronounced as a pure • similar to the first part of the ‘o’ sound, without any glide; English diphthong ‘bait’; this can sometimes also sound like sound can vary across the the vowel in the English word ‘pot’ Malay speaking region and be u similar to the vowel in the pronounced closer to vowel in English word ‘boot’ the English word ‘bet’ in the sequences –ung, -um, ur • the schwa vowel which appears and –uh however, the u has the in many unstressed syllables in sound of the first pronunciation English or the Malay e pepet of ‘o’ described above. Thus In a small number of entries, the burung ‘bird’, belum ‘not yet’, acute accent is placed over the e kubur ‘grave’ and buluh (é) to different the first ‘bamboo’ are all pronounced pronunciation from the second, as if they were spelled ‘burong’, without the accent. e.g., lecéh ‘belom’, ‘kubo’ and ‘buloh’. i similar to the vowel sound in the English word ‘beat’

Consonants All the consonants are pronounced as in English, except for ‘c’. This is pronounced in all cases as the ‘ch’ sound in words such as ‘church’ and ‘check’.

As in many accents of British English, ‘r’ is not pronounced at the end of a syllable in Standard Malay or Temuan. Thus besar ‘big’ is pronounced ‘besa’. The above rules apply to all entries in this Word List. Additionally, the following peculiarities of Temuan phonology should be taken into account.

xi 1. Temuan has a distinct preference for closed syllables (syllables ending with a consonant) at word boundaries. In practice, this results in two highly distinctive features of pronunciation which Temuan shares with other Orang Asli languages:

• Word-final glottal stops. When the word ends with a vowel, e.g. mata ‘eye’, the Temuan speaker will automatically insert a glottal stop at the end, and what is heard is something like ‘matak’. The glottal stop can be heard in Malay words like Jumaat ‘Friday’, where it keeps the two ‘a’ sounds distinct. The word-final glottal stop is inserted as a matter of rule, and is not indicated in the spelling. • Final nasal preplosion. When the word ends with one of the three nasal sounds, -m, -n, and –ng, what you hear is a consonant sound before the nasal sound. It is as though the nasal sounds, which belong to a class of consonants known as sonorants, are not sufficient to ‘close’ the final syllable and the Temuan instinctively ‘closes’ it by inserting the appropriate consonant. Each of the final nasals is preceded regularly by the same consonant with which it is paired: malam ‘night’ → malapm ikan ‘fish’ → ikatn ranting ‘twig’ → rantikng

2. The clusters –mb-, -nd-, –ngg- and –nj- are often simplified to –m-, -n-, –ng- and ‘-ny- respectively, such as:

‘sambal, a spicy condiment’ → samal sandar ‘to lean against’ → sanar manggis ‘mangosteen’ → mangis anjing ‘dog’ → anying

Both forms are given as separate entries and are cross-referred to each other. The unsimplified clusters are generally seen as being ‘correct’, ‘formal’ and ‘Malay’ as opposed to ‘Temuan’.

xii 3. The ‘r’ is never pronounced as in Standard Malay or English. In Central Selangor, the ‘r’ is generally realized as a voiced velar fricative [ ɣ ] when it stands at the beginning of a word, as in rajin ‘industrious’. This is the same realization of ‘r’ that one hears in the Malay dialect of Kedah and North Perak, or some speakers of Parisian French and northern dialects of German. When the ‘r’ occurs between vowels, the ‘r’ can be weakened to an ‘h’ sound. Thus perabung ‘roof ridge’ sounds like ‘pahabong’. This weakening can occur to the point where the ‘r’ sounds like a ‘w’ or ‘y’ or practically disappears. Thus baring ‘to lie down’ can sound like ‘baing’, merah ‘red’ sounds like ‘miah’, whilst jirus ‘to sprinkle’ is recorded by Baer as ‘je’us’.

4. The schwa [ ə ] vowel in prefixes like pe- and ber- is often pronounced [ a ], which sounds similar to an ‘a’ vowel. Thus, a word like perabung ‘roof ridge’ sounds like ‘pahabong’, whilst berubah ‘to change’ sounds like ‘bahubah’.

5. The ‘o’ is often pronounced ‘u’. Thus ombak ‘wave’, sounds like ‘umak’, whilst orang ‘people, person’ is pronounced ‘uwang’.

6. The Temuan are fond of clipping their words, a phenomenon well- known in Standard Malay. Baharu ‘new’ for example is now always spelled and pronounced baru, whilst dah is often used in place of sudah ‘already’. The Temuan clip their words with a vengeance. A word like hembus ‘to blow’ is automatically simplified to hemus‘ ’. This can be clipped to ‘mmus’ or just ‘mus’. Many clipped forms are recorded in the Word List and cross- referenced to the full form.

xiii Abbreviations ant. onom. Antonym onomatopoeia cf. Pk. compare Perak clip. Skeat a clipped form W. Skeat, Malay Magic. (Originally published by Macmillan, London, clit. 1900; reprinted by Dover, New York, clitic 1967.) Page references refer to the Dover reprint. Dentan R. K. Dentan. The Semai: A S&B II Nonviolent People. Holt, Rinehart, W. Skeat and C. Blagden. Pagan and Winston, New York, 1968. Races of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. II. (Originally published by Macmillan, Eng. London, 1906; reprinted by Frank English Cass, London, 1966.) Page references refer to the 1906 edition. G&T J. D. Gimlette and H. W. Thomson. sp. or spp. A Dictionary of Malayan Medicine. species (of animals or plants) Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1971. syn. synonym KKB Kuala Kubu Baharu Temuan var. variant M. Malay

xiv Table of Contents

The Making of a Lexicon v Preface vii Pronunciation Guide xi Abbreviations xiv Wordlist 1


A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist ajak

A Adat betina sama jantan, customs of male and female pre-wedding abun ridge of house; also perabung Adat duit, to pay a fee in accordance with custom; in the 1970’s a prospective condiments, pickled food; bridegroom paid, usually a the samal is more common [acar] minang (engagement to his mamak (father’s older brother), acting as wali acah (agent), the sum of Malaysian dollars not successful; $22.20 for a janda or at least $44.40 Acah-acah, nyap jadi - It’s not for an anak dara, with the price successful being $88.80 for a batin’s daughter Adat halus, aci engagement presents fair Adat nikah, wedding customs acot Lebih adat, ouch! oh! [aduh, amboi] more customary acu adik ouch! oh! [aduh, amboi] younger sibling adik-beradik acuh siblings to try, attempt agak ada to guess to have agas adat a small, biting fly var. hadat custom aguk Nyap beradat, talisman worn by children on a string not according to custom around the neck to protect them Adat berbini, from evil spirits marriage customs Adat besah, ajak the rules for paying certain to invite wedding expenses 1 ajal Temuan World of Words ajal e.g.,Tulis Jepun akan-akan tulis China; fate; Japanese writing is like Chinese e.g., it is possible to have an ajal of writing [seakan] being killed and eaten by a tiger akhir ajar the end; akhirnya - in the end to teach, advise akhirat ajih var. hakhirat the afterworld; you (familiar, singular); the Malay form the bottom of seven layers of the awak may also be used. (S&B 733 ajih world you singular, Jakun, Malacca) [awak] aku ajuk I, me, my; the Malay suffixed to mimic, repeat in provoking fashion form –ku may also be used Aku-teh? Who, me? akar root, vine akui Akar labah, to admit, confess red sap ingredient in ipoh poison Akar ulan, alahai a vine that grows in sandy soil phew! (G&T 274 report that this name is alahai leteh - phew, I’m tired! given to various medicinal vines, most in the convolvulus family) alai Ubi are also called akar to dry things in the sun [salai, jemur] akal alam var. hakal world intelligence, common sense Mula-mula beranak, ada satu akal, alamat beranak lagi, ada dua akal sign, omen, address means that with her first child, a woman gets one dose of wisdom alang and with later pregnancies gets var. halang another dose main cross-beam on the side of a building, at eave level akan-akan similar to;

2 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist anak alang amang alang kepalang to threaten describes a situation when something does not work out (nyap amat jadi), or is insufficient or incomplete very alas ambil rainforest, wild, feral [hutan, liar] var. amik; amih to take orang alas what Malays used to call Temuan, amih that is, forest people barang alas, var. amik forest produce used as food; old to take things no longer used amih ayi, fetch (a container of) water aleu amih sekejap, Small-toothed palm civet; also to borrow (lit. ‘to take for a short musang lenseng [musang akar] while’) [ambil] alih amik var. alis move; see amih nalih to imitate another’s speech amoi young girl [gadis muda] alis var. alih; ampang alis umah var. hempang to move house; also pinah umah dam alo ampun var. alur to forgive, pardon riverbed; alo guntong anak ravine child, offspring of animals anak dara alur unmarried teenage girl var. alo anak angkat adopted child amang anak sebut fine foreign matter in tin ore sediment a person in an offspring-like relation 3 anak Temuan World of Words

to someone, versus anak angkat who calau, angin berbini, and angin penyakit is a ‘real’ offspring beranak angkat to give birth to lift up; anak angkat anca adopted child hat, any headgear [topi] angkit angan to lift a light object [angkat] thought; angan-angan angkuh var. hangan-angan to daydream snobbish, arrogant; me’angkuh, me’angguh angin to behave arrogantly, to exult over an wind; event or deed; to lord it over others sakit angin rheumatism or puffy edema all over angkut body (also basal) to carry Winds arise by the opening of doors in the sky; there are 7 winds: angsuh angin buah to push in; close, as in closing a box comes from the south; 3 to 4 of matches [menolak ke dalam] months later trees are in fruit angin kelopak anjing a period of about 10 days in see anyin December when bamboo shoots erupt from their sheath – refers to the anyam sound made by the sheaths parting var. hanyam angin puting beliong to weave (a mat); a whirlwind or typhoon, only goes mata anyam where there are too many people; it the side edge of a mat where a kills half of them; but it does not weaving row was begun come to Malaysia, or particularly to Temuan villages, because the anying Temuan are too few; when one sees var. anjing small whirlwinds, they are the anak dog; of typhoons that are searching for anying segala appropriate places. red dog, dhole; also kodoing [serigala] Other winds include angin ribut, angin 4 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist asal angking makan api var. hangkem to burn puffing and panting after mild bara api exertion; difficulty in breathing; embers asthma; also penyakit lelah bonfire isrumbun, firecrackers [sesak nafas] are api muncung [mercun] in Ulu Kuang, a volcano is called api antai nuwaka (lit. ‘hell fire’) a chain; as a measure, 22 yards apoh antok well! so! see nahoint [kata seru] antok-antok that which produces the heart beat, arus said to be in a biji kecil (a current (of water); tiny spot and not to be the heart itself; the pacemaker of the human berdarus heart is its sinoatrial node; three strong currents (ant. tenang) things can kill the pacemaker, and through it a person:api, ayi, angin asah (fire, water, wind) to sharpen, grind, file batu asah, anyok a whetstone (versus kiki, a file); front se-anyok teeth of a bride and groom similar [serupa] traditionally were sharpened during Hau dianyok the wedding ceremony; a pinang don’t mimic me was put in the mouth to hold it open for this operation; this sharpening was apa done because when one dies tuhan what gives people a piece of bamboo stem to gnaw through, as a test; if Apa-ni? the teeth have never been sharpened What’s this? (it is only neceessary to do it once), a person cannot gnaw successfully and apem thus cannot pass on to the afterworld; toothless [tidak bergigi] (Teeth sharpening was not done on children or bachelors because they api lack family responsibilities) fire Tiup api asal blow (restart) the fire source, origin, original 5 asam Temuan World of Words asam atau var. hasam or atur; sour var. hatur to stack, to arrange in a row asap smoke, fumes awah origin [asal-usul] askar awah zaman dulu a soldier ancestors [nenek moyang] asik aweh var. asyik affectionate [manja] fixated on doing something; absorbed ayam asing var. hayam var. hasing chicken separate, foreign; hati terasing ayah feeling strange and uncomfortable father ayah-tiri asmara stepfather love; sexual desire; the more common Temuan term is bercinta ayah pemudak biological father asuh ayah angkat to care for an infant, to suckle, to father by adoption nurse, to bring up a child ayi asyik water; river var. asik ayi bah flood atas ayi hujan above, up, on top rain ayi hangat atap boiling water var. hatap woven palm fronds, used for ayi mata, tears [air] roofing, etc.

6 bahadi ayun B var. hayun to rock, sway, swin ba var. hayun give (me)! to rock, sway, swin ba, amik barang tu give (it to) me, bring it here [bagi]

babi pig Babi hutan wild pig

baca to read

badak badak sumu Sumatran rhinoceros [badak sumbu]; badak cipan tapir

badan the body

badi var. bahadi

bah ayi bah flood

bahadi var. badi malign influence of an animal that has been killed; those animals with the most bahadi are the elephant, rhinoceros, tapir, and snake; bahadi causes itchiness, as opposed to jemoi, which causes inflammation bagai Temuan World of Words bagai baju kind, variety, sort coat, shirt begitu bakar like that; that’s the way to burn bahagi bakau to share; to divide pokok bakau bahagi dua mangrove to share equally in profits, as when one party contracts to do work and bakong the other owns the resources (such throat [kerongkong] as rubber trees to be tapped); to share justly in rewards (such as bakul various ethnic groups within the large, widemouthed, closely-woven populace of Malaysia) basket (not a back basket) bahagi anak a case when the working party bala gets less than half the profits and misfortune; the resource owner gets mor tolak bala a propitiatory ceremony to prevent bagi bala; e.g. ceremony held when a child to give; for has come of age usually when the parents or the grown-up child can bahang afford it; the midwife (bidan) attracts heat bad karma when she comes into contact with the blood and other fluids at baharu childbirth and she has to be symbolically var. baru cleansed of this in a tolak bala ceremony new balai bahas meeting room, building contradict or dispute balau bahu to pare off (calloused) skin, or to pare shoulder off skin of fruit, or to skin an animal baik balang good jug, decanter

8 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist banjir balung yang sudah basi ataupun tidak sedap] cockscomb bangkai balik carcass return; to leave baliklah bangkit goodbye to arise from sleep; to rise from the dead; if a chicken, cat, or other animal jumps hidup balik over a dead body before it is buried, to come back to life it can rise up; people must guard the sebalik, body to prevent this happening; if backwards; a transposition of the body does bangkit, it will be very numbers, etc. strong and flexible like getah (rubber) and will become a spirit (jadi hantu), baling eating people until it is satiated to hurl; more commonly lening or bening bangku bench, stool, chair balu taboo against killing certain animals, bangkung usually five types; the list varies a wild, edible fruit, similar to the from place to place and may include cempedak (Artocarpus integer) siamang, timok, kambing gurun, rusa, burung babi and burung tekuk; bangsa to avert calamity (especially death in ethnic group (of humans); species (of the family ‘mati bini mati anak’), seven animal) individuals from each of the types of animals must be killed within a year bangsal [pantang yang melarang pembunuhan any open-sided building; shed binatang-binatang yang tertentu] banir balun buttress root to beat with a stick baning balut a large land tortoise var. bolot banjir bancah flood; more commonlyayi bah var. bencah tasteless, off-tasting food [makanan

9 bansauh Temuan World of Words bansauh bantu var. bansong aid, assistance on the verge of death [di ambang kematian] bantut futile bansong aku bantut dengan ajih var. bansauh I’ve given up on you; I don’t want to be friends any more bantai to butcher; to butcher monkeys banyak correctly, in order to avoid var. manyak punishment (kena hukum) the rules many; very (undang) require cutting around the banyak kuat neck, then down the front (from neck very strong cuts in the jugular vein area on each side) to the genital area with the two bara front cuts making a “V”; if the liver bara api is undamaged, it should be removed embers, faggot first, followed by the heart, lungs, and lower jaw, while the head and barah backbone are lifted out together abscess bantal barang pillow; objects, things bantal wi placenta barangkali perhaps bantil terbantil barat lying down (possibly unconscious west; timur is east, but no Temuan or asleep) [terbaring] words exist for north or south banting baring bier, stretcher [usungan] var. baying lying down bantok Baring mehereng putih bantok to lie on one’s side pure white [putih bersih] Baring terlentang to lie on the back

10 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist bawah baring terlongkok batas to lie on the stomach boundary baris batik one strand, row (of beads in a batik cloth necklace, etc.); empat baris manik batin four strands of beads Temuan village headman baru batu clip. baharu stone, rock new batu bata bricks basah batu tungku wet triangle of three stones in hearth on which to set cooking pots basal Batu nisan puffy edema all over body with eyes tombstone bulging out batuk basi cough; batuk imau a cough due to musty, moldy a tiger (imau pakai) entering one’s body as angin (wind) basuh to wash (things) bau any bad smell batang a rod, tree trunk; bau a classifier for a length of rod- or main rib of a palm frond, used as a stick-like objects fishing pole bau kail [joran] batang bertam the midrib of a bertam palm frond bawa batang leher to bring the neck batang tenek bawah the tree that provides the tenek below, under ingredient for ipoh poison

11 bayah Temuan World of Words bayah bekal bayah-bayah to provide; provisions as big as; tapak kaki bayah-bayah nyiru, lebih tapak kaki gasi, bekam a footprint as large as a winnowing mekam tray; larger is the footprint of the blood-letting (as a therapeutic procedure) giant [sebesar] bekas bayang container shadow beku baying clotted, coagulated, frozen; var. baring darah beku dark, coagulated blood; a person bayuh with this condition has little a woman’s conjugal rights; strength see tolak bayuh berahi passionate love bekung memekung bebas to fart [kentut] independent, free belacan bedak cosmetic face powder (made from flour) beladi bucket [baldi] beg bag; loanword from English belah to split open (see also chempeh, begitu pekih, pencheh, sengat); to part the clip. gitu such, thus, in this manner hair; side, as in belah ini, on this side; sebelah aside, one side (of a page, etc.) beguk goitre belakang back, back side of body; bejel di belakang lymph glands in the neck [buah at the back, subsequently kelenjar] belalai elephant’s trunk 12 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist benar belalang Averrhoa bilimbi - a small, tart fruit grasshopper with culinary uses, relative of the starfruit (carambola) belandas Can be mixed with ikan bilis, identified by some Temuan of Ulu shrimp paste, and lada to make acar Selangor as being the Selangor Temuan, with the “true” Temuan beliming living in Negri Sembilan var. belimbing belang beliung a stripe on an animal; hatchet; belang canggah angin puting beliung forked stripes whirlwind belanja belok var. belanya var. melok expenses; to pay for another’s to turn a corner refreshments belanja hangus beludu to spend a lot of money; tadpole [berudu] didi belanja aku belukar they paid for me secondary forest belanya belum var. belanja not yet belas belut suffix for numbers 11-19 eel belas benam empathy, sympathy; to submerge belas kasihan empathy and kindness/pity benang thread belat screen benar accurate, true (M., benar) belimbing var. beliming, gelimbing 13 bencah Temuan World of Words bencah bentan var. bancah relapse of sickness bencah bentang var. bencak wooden sled bentang kerbau bencak sled for water buffalo to pull logs with var. bencah swampy bentang bencar menentang shrill or rasping voice; ant. lempung to spread out benci bentar to hate sebentar in a short while benda thing, object bentas menentas bendera to open up sewn seams [betas] a flag bentuk bendul var. mentuk var. benul shape; to shape; bentuk pakaian China bengah Chinese fashion (of clothes); periodic absence of fever (as in a malarial attack) [keredaan demam yang berkala] bentuk jalan shape of the road bengis quick-tempered, fault-finding, cruel; benget the Temuan say some people are very noisy [bising sampai tak dengar] characterized by bengis, having uncontrollable flareups of anger, bengkak because setan has entered their bodies swollen, as of a bee sting or lymph gland Mata sudah bengkak bengkok the eyes are swollen var. mengkok bengkak-bengkil crooked, bent, curved condition in which the body is jalan nyap ada bengkok covered with bumps the road has no curves 14 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist beringin bengot berani lonely, deserted (S&B 688 hengioh brave; to dare silence, quiet, Semang) [sunyi] beras benih husked but uncooked rice seed grain; a cutting for planting berat bening heavy to hurl (e.g. a stick) [baling, lempar] kayu berat hardwood benul mata berat var. bendul supporting horizontal eyes heavy; sleepy beam in building construction bercelengko berah see telengko pale; Darah ada berah, bercin pale blood pokok bercin one of 3 species of hardwood berah trees from which jemalang can rested from sleep issue 10-20 years after the tree falls and dies; it has an edible fruit berahi “like a ” lustful, passionate berderang berak first dawn (fromterang ) (S&B 561 var. mihak cherang morning, Besisi) [subuh] to defecate berdus beranak potbellied to give birth (from anak) beranak betul beringin normal delivery pokok beringin beranak nyungsang banyan breech delivery beringin songsang a place in the middle of the ocean berangan that is the home of the original wild (Castanopsis spp.) hantu longsui; it has trees with many

15 beringin Temuan World of Words

staghorn ferns (selimba growing on berus it) to get something in the eye (See caim) bersin besar to sneeze big bertam besi a species of palm with edible, white- iron, steel; fleshed, sweet fruit besi berani a magnet beruang Malayan sun bear besit to hit with a cane, belt etc. beruk the pig-tailed macaque monkey betik beruk pakai buah betik is a spirit similar to imau pakai; if a person has this monkey spirit in him, he is always arguing with betina people (selalu kacau orang); by female, woman possessing this spirit, one can cause the death of others (makan betis semangat orang), as long as God does buah betis not concern himself in the matter calf, lower leg (Tuhan nyap peduli); possession of the spirit can be passed down in betul a family, if upon the death of the true possessor a descendent dreams about a real beruk; the spirit talks to betung its possessor in his dreams and it eats large, of certain objects only people and pucuk lebak (shoots of a monocotyledonous flowering biar plant) but does not eat fruit; to allow or let; possessors of this spirit do not admit biar saya basuh having it, for fear someone will let me wash it; snatch it; if the possessor is sick, he biarlah can cure himself with the help of never mind; thanks the spirit by making the appropriate medicine

16 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist bini biasa Malaysian dollars in 1972 normal, ordinary; Bidan tait nyap biasa midwife service at birthing without not accustomed to; advance notice; in this case, the orang biasa payment was $25.50 Malaysian an ordinary citizen dollars in 1972 biawak biji a forest species of monitor lizard seed bibir bikin lips to build, make mengkuang bikin tikar bicara mats are made from pandanus- debate, judicial proceedings leaf strips bidal bila a maxim when Maxims are often quoted during judicial proceedings, such as in a bilah divorce case, for example: Gajah class or knives depan mata nyap tahoi, kuman seberang laut tahoi (lit. to be unaware of the bimbang elephant before one’s eyes, but to be worry; uncertainty aware of the germ across the seas); a man does not see the problems in bincu his own house but knows the gossip lipstick [gincu] about problems in the next village bual bidal bingar to talk in maxims (as opposed to noisy bual kasar); such talk is more customary (lebih adat) for leaders to use bingkes to release a tied-down sapling in a bidan spring-noose trap (jerat) [melepaskan midwife anak pokok yang diikat ke bawah sebagai jerat] Bidan tempah midwife retained in advance for bini services at the end of a pregnancy; wife the advance payment was $10.50 in 17 bini Temuan World of Words berbini bocong to take a wife earthenware, hourglass-shaped jug bini pangkal first wife bodek bini hunjang to flatter last wife bodoh bintang stupid star bohong bintat to tell a lie spots of a rash or of bites, welts boleh biola can; to be able; violin boleh jadi maybe bisa venom, poison bolot var. balut bising to bandage, to wrap noisy bomoh bisu a medicine man or woman; also dukun a stay-at-home; ant. biul [orang yang tidak keluar rumah] bongkar to uncover buried materials or to be bisul so uncovered (as roots when a tree is a boil blown down); to open; to pluck out biul bongkok a person who has no certain home; a humpbacked wanderer; to wander; ant. bisu. [orang yang suka merayau-rayau] bongkok bent over, leaning to one side (of biyau trees, people) to move aside [bergerak ke tepi] bongsu bocor the last of a sibship to leak; a drip

18 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist budi borak buaya berborak crocodile; to banter telur buaya crocodile eggs, edible and found on botak stream banks bald buaya lonyong the gharial [buaya julung-julung] buah fruit, nut, buaya katak the saltwater crocodile buah ampai kain small, red-pulp fruits that hang like bubuh clothes on a clothesline to put, put away; to put on, wear buah bemeting a black fruit with oily contents bubur buah tupai porridge a tree with small, hard-skinned bubur kacang fruit having sweet, grape-like mungbean porridge; contents (when ripe the skin is red) bubur nasi rice porridge buai to swing (such as in a sleeping hammock) bubuk a wood maggot; bual berbual bubuk bikin habuk buluh to converse; the maggots have bored out dusty debris in the bamboo bual bidal to talk in literary allusions, budak proverbs, and the like child; children buang budak main to get rid of, throw away a doll buat budi var. muat wisdom, kindness, understanding; to manufacture, make budi sayang nyap muat loving kindness it can’t be done, it won’t work

19 bued Temuan World of Words bued bulai female genital area [alat kelamin a root [halia] perempuan] bulai cekung-jangau dried plant material worn on a string buhan around the neck of a child as a charm weak body, lacking energy; feeble against illness [sejenis halia kering [badan lesu] yang digunakan sebagai tangkal] buhul bulan an evil (jahat) man who has 100 wives moon, month [seorang lelaki jahat yang beristeri bulan haus 100] new moon (lit. ‘thirsty moon’) bulan setengah, buih half moon bubbles, froth bulan penuh or bulan mentah bujam full moon small plaited bag for tobacco or the bulan nyus ingredients of betel quid waning moon bulan terang bujang clear moonlight bachelor bulat buka round, circle to open; to turn a page; to undress bulu bukan body hair, feathers, fur no, not so Bulu pipi short sideburns bukisah twisting and turning buluh bamboo bukit hill buluh betung a species of large bamboo buku buluh minyak book; joint of body; smooth, large bamboo, used for split-bamboo flooring and walls; buku lali the bottom sections of this bamboo heel have light stripes (coreng) 20 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist burung buluh perindu bunga tepus a rare species of bamboo that a red gingerwort produces minyak sayang (love charm oil) bungkas depression in ground where an bului animal “nested” (See also umil) to singe animal before butchering bungkis bumbun fallen (tree – e.g. blown over by wind large bamboo-tube containers (2-3 m (tumbang) long), used as water carriers [keratan buluh yang digunakan sebagai bekas air] bungkus bundle, pack (of cigarettes, etc.) bumi the earth; bunglai dalam bumi leaves of this plant are used for underground tangkal (medicine); [sejenis tumbuhan] bunga bunting flower, flowering plant; metaphorically, pregnant what first-born Temuan children often lack and therefore die in bunuh childhood (because, like trees (pokok), var. munuh to murder, kill they must have have flowers bunga( ) before fruit (buah) appear bunyi bunga api noise, sound fireworks buruh bunga cempaka kubur thunder [guruh] white-flowered variety of frangipani (Plumeria sp.) buruk bunga daun kua worn, shabby spidery white flower of a monocot burung bunga kayu lada bird hibiscus (bunga raya) burung cenderawasih bunga kertas, bunga inggu a mythological bird with bright a fleshy-stalked, leafless, fragrant plumage; bird of paradise plant; it is burned for medicinal burung cogonggongit purposes, producing an incense a forest bird; if one hears its 21 burung Temuan World of Words

sound, it means that hantu seburu busut is near and one must run away anthill burung enggang hornbill buta burung garuda blind a mythical eagle butang burung helang button; to button up a raptor (eagles, owls, kites) burung hudang kingfisher species burung kuang Argus pheasant burung loyon a small, green bird, insectivorous, on trees burung pipit sparrow burung punai the green pigeon burung pungguk the hawk owl burung tebuk a species of small owl busuk smelly; soured (of milk) busung penyakit busung abdominal distention (as by eating too much salt) with knees creaking when walking; given this condition, one may not eat salt, meat, or cooling foods such as cucumber (timun) but may eat fish, rice, and heating foods such as

22 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist caham

C to implant, to erect (e.g., poles, stakes, posts tihang) Menyacak umah, ca to erect house posts to try out, attempt. [cuba] cacar cabai smallpox; smallpox scar hot green or red peppers cacat cabok a flaw, defect, handicapped the gooey sap (susu kayu) from a tree, burned as (pungent) incense as caci a protective measure to vilify, insult [memaki] 1. when there is a chalau, 2. against hantu, if people are cacing staying in a house where someone worm, free-living or intestinal; has died, intestinal worms in children are 3. for sick people, and said to be caused by eating a lot of 4. for dead people; a drop of the sap and meat is stuck to the hair of newborns and later some is enclosed in a cadar cloth packet, worn around the bedsheet child’s neck, to prevent fever (demam), convulsions (sawan), cadung or sleeplessness to hold, cradle in one’s arms cabang cahar fork, main branches of tree diarrohea; buah kerdas, buah jalan cabang dua, jering, and buah perah have the fork in the road smell of diarrhoea cabut cakar nyabut to scratch, a scratch mark to pluck out (for example, a tooth) nyakar cabut lari to scratch, of a cat; for a chicken’s to run off scratching, see kekas cacak caham menyacak very salty [sangat masin]

23 cahaya Temuan World of Words cahaya wedging something (such as a knife) light, sunshine along its length cahont calau to answer, retort (S&B 514 jahut to various kinds of severe storms; answer, Mantra, Malacca) [jawab, they are caused primarily by laughing sahut] at animals (including worms and grasshoppers) or by other irreverence caim toward nature and can cause great eyes irritated by a foreign object destruction and death; if a calau comes, caim mata kerana berus parents ask their children what [mata tidak selesa kerana terkena animal they have been laughing at, benda asing] and when they find out, they try to cast a charm (tangkal) quickly (S&B: cakan 768 chalau storm, Besisi) [ribut] var. cakar caleng cakap nyaleng to speak to light a lamp or a small fire cakap se-balik [pasang api atau pelita] to speak using transposed syllables (M., cakap ) calit nyalit cakar to touch, to tap [sentuh] var. cakan to swipe with claws extended caloi (of felines) nyaloi to not know the direction to go cala or the direction to point a wood which is easy to peel [kayu blowpipe [tidak tahu arah] yang senang dikupas] camba calan aromatic, of leaves [wangi – nyalan perihal daun] to be afraid to venture [tidak berani melakukan sesuatu] cambah barely sprouting (of seeds, teeth) calar to scratch, to split a sapling by

24 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist cap cambai cangkep wild sireh (betel vine) (Piper sp.) a skinny person who is squatting [cambai] [orang kurus bercangkung] camcu cangking teaspoon [camca] var. cangkung camol cangkir nyamol a cup taboo on conversation while hunting [pantang berbual ketika cangkul memburu binatang] nyangkul hoe, mattock campak nyampak cangkung to throw down to squat campur cangkup to mix, associate (with people) a fat person who is squatting [orang gemuk bercangkung] canang a small gong canguk to sit passively and silently with candi head down kind of fish trap; upright poles in a stream form a fence for a wedge- cani shaped channel leading to a trap female genitals [alat kelamin perempuan] area (usually with a lean-to shelter) [sejenis perangkap ikan] cantam nyantam candu joining together [cantum] opium cantik canggung pretty incongruous, inharmonious, out of place, unnatural cap brand of merchandise cangkap cap tangan var cangkung fingerprints

25 capai Temuan World of Words capai cega to grasp, grab onto, to reach, to attain to be cautious carik cegar to tear, peel, strip (a piece of wood) rapids cari cehoi nyari nyehoi to look for, search abundant animal footprints [bekas kaki binatang yang banyak] caruk caruk ayi cehu a runnel in a ravine sound made by waterfall ayi bercehu cat [bunyi air terjun] to paint bercat nyawa cekai scarred (lit. ‘painted body’) cause of itchy, scaly skin or ulcers on [berparut] extremities (S&B 640 gai scabiness Temiar) [kudis] catuk nyatuk cekak to cut a tree with a knife cekak pinggang arms akimbo cawat loincloth (originally made of barkcloth) cekik nyekek cayi to strangle, to choke (on food) thin (of liquids) susu cayi cekung thin milk (evaporated or fresh) leaves of a certain bush used as a cure (tangkal); the bush is planted in susu pekat villages and has thick leaves [sejenis sweetened and condensed milk [cair] pokok yang daunnya digunakan sebagai ubat] cebuk cebuk celak container for showering oneself to wear eye makeup when bathing

26 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist cengekel celam cempedak as usual; usually [biasa] buah cempedak a kind of jackfruit celanton to stub one’s toes [tersadung jari kaki] cempua abacus [sempoa] celikep skinny [sangat kurus] cenawan var. cendawan mushroom; some celup species are used for birth control to dip (as cloth for dying) Cenawan besut, any edible variety ceman spirit in water which can make cendawan people sick [hantu dalam air yang var. cenawan boleh membawa penyakit] ceneh cemas to squint, peek through a small hole nyemas [mengintai melalui lubang kecil] anxious, nervous; Temuan more likely to use ngeri or takut cengak agape [ternganga] cemat inner tube of a blowpipe (S&B: 538 cengal chemat middle piece of inner tube a hardwood tree (Neobalanocarpus heimii) of a blowpipie, Besisi; chemat thick part of inner blowpipe tube, Mantra) cengang [bahagian dalam ] nyengang bewildered, surprised cemburu suspicious, jealous cengcek var. cengceng cemes to inspect (a new object)[meneliti cengceng sesuatu] var. cengceng lanak porcupine quill [duri landak] cemohoh sound of water splashing or being sprayed cengekel out [bunyi air berdesir atau memancut] stingy, miser

27 cengekel Temuan World of Words

Haji Bahil bin Haji Kedekut the fruit splits naturally by itself a stock figure - a miser [kedekut] along its segment lines) Derian ce’oh cengkenit cepat a red tick, parasitic on humans, rapid, quick leaving raised welts [sengkenit] Jam ajih cepat your watch is fast cengkom menengkom ceper to crouch (e.g., when hunting) small plate, flat [mendekam] cerai cengkuai to divorce green-crested, agamid lizard [sejenis cicak] cerau a splashing sound or sound made cengkung by the rain sunken (such as eyes) Makan buah jering, sakit perut, cerek mata cengkung; tea kettle when one eats jering, one gets a stomachache and sunken eyes cergah var. cergas cengkeram capable, active [cergas] a deposit, earnest money for services to be rendered, as by a midwife cergas var. cergah cengkerik lesser tree shrew [tupai muncung cerita akar] story; some of the favourite stories of the Temuan are cerita gasi-gasi, cerita cengkerut kancil, cerita burung garuda, and flying gecko [cicak terbang] cerita badak centuk cermat heel of foot (S&B 640 chentul heel, to take care of, to respect; Kenaboi; kenthul heel, Besisi) [buku lali] cermat anak don’t mistreat your child ce’oh to split open (of durian only, when 28 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist congkoh cermin ciun mirror, over there (versus cuan far off); moh cermin mata ciun let’s go over there (jom kita ke spectacles sana) (S&B 620 chun go there, Mantra; S&B 732 chiun there, Mantra) [di situ] cetek shallow comel dainty cetok to knock, to hit, to make an comot indentation, to bite (e.g., snake) nyomot dirty of face ceyeng to shriek (syn. yai) condong var. condong cicit great-grandchild cong certain shrews or squirrels: used Cina for the common tree shrew [tupai Chinese muncung besar] and the pentail tree shrew [tupai akar malam] (S&B: cincang 723, chong, squirrel, Mantra) to mince cong bunga cincin red-cheeked ground squirrel; tupai finger ring; puteh [tupai pipi merah] cincin cinta-cinta: cong gemu the fabled ring which gives the shrew-faced ground squirrel; also possessor anything he or she wants tupai chulis [tupai naming] immediately cong tupai three-striped ground squirrel cipan [tupai belang tiga] tapir; also tampung, tenuk cong-cong warning bark of a dog [bunyi cita anjing menyalak] emotion, desire, wish, hope, ambition congkoh cit-cit shovel, ladle (S&B chongkoh, scoop up; noise of gritty scraping (onom.) [bunyi chongkih, spoon, Besisi) [sodok] geseran]

29 congkoh Temuan World of Words nyongkoh (S&B 735 chan, chyan hither, to scoop up, to dig up Belandas, Mantra) [di situ (tempat babi tu nyongkoh tanah the pig is yang jauh)] digging up the ground cucur conong thick attap roofing (does not leak), var. condong as opposed to tarah (S&B 519 atap leaning to one side; limau manis chucho a kind of palm, Mantra) conong ke paya the citrus tree leans over the swamp (part of a pantun) cuba to try conteng nyonteng cucang scrawl, scribble; curah to pour braided hair [rambut bertocang] contoh cuci sample; example; there are to wash indigenous peoples in many places on cuci tangan earth because they are contoh who got to wash the right hand in a finger dispersed to their present locations; bowl before eating a rice meal when there was a mighty earthquake, it separated land masses off of cucil Malaysia (the place of human origin, a roamer, wanderer; to roam restlessly according to the Temuan) and thus (S&B 618-620 chub to go away, separated the grandchildren of the Semang; chuk to go, Pangan; chok original human male and female pair to wander, Besisi) [orang yang merayau] coreng nyoreng cucur streak, stripe, to streak stemless, forest understory palm (Calamus castaneus); its frond main cuai ribs are stripped to make strips to careless weave baskets [sejenis pokok palma] cuak cucu to be fearful, anxious [takut, binggung] grandchild cuan cucuk there (far off) (versus ciun) to inject, pierce; to run a cord (tali)

30 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist curam through attap roofing, etc. cungkil nyungkil cuit to gouge out; to pick food from to tap with fingers the teeth penyungkil cuit a toothpick great-great-grandchild [cicit] cupak cukai measurement of volume, traditional a a tax half-coconut shell, equal to a quarter gantang; one cupak is four pauh cuka ; acetic acid (which is mixed curam with rubber latex) precipitous, steep cukup curam enough a gloomy expression [muram] cuma useless [tidak berguna] cuna to bad-mouth someone [memaki atau memfitnah] cundong posterior, butt (S&B 551 chantong posterior, Mantra) cungak assistant, helper (as jenang to batin) [pembantu, pemangku] cungka main cungka an activity game for three people, two making a knot of four hands and one breaking the knot [sejenis permainan] dacing Temuan World of Words

D dal a term of affection for addressing young daughters or nieces; see also tan dacing (S&B 600 kedul female, Besisi; kedol Chinese weighing scale female, Sakai) [kata-kata sayang untuk anak atau anak saudara perempuan] dada front of body; chest dalai berdalai, nalai dagang to fall together (of a bunch of orang dagang leaves); also nalai; if only one falls, foreigner it is gugur [daun gugur bertimbun] dah clip. sudah done, already dalam inside dahulu var. dulu damak blowpipe dart daging muscle, meat damai reconciliation, peace dagu chin danau lake dahan small branch of a tree dangau umah dangau daki temporary lean-to (S&B 634-635 to ascend dong lean-to, Kinta Sakai; dung lean- to, Besisi) daki body grime; danur wah, ajih banyak daki the third of the Temuan oaths hey, you’re quite dirty (sumpah) It means: if I am guilty, may my blood be decomposed into dakut water; the sixth and the seventh oaths bamboo flute [seruling] are similar, but refer to one’s father’s or mother’s blood decomposing (danur ayah, danur emak) 32 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist demam dapat dayang to get, obtain a young girl dapur dayus kitchen, hearth misfortune to which one is resigned; one may get 7 years of it for each dara cat or dog one kills, since they are anak dara siblings (adik-beradik) of humans; unmarried, teenage girl, a virgin among other situations, a person may get 7 years of it if he hits someone darah with a broom or shoe (but not if he blood hits with a rock, for instance) datang debar to come berdebar pulse, to beat (of heart); to be in a datuk state of alarm or shock grandfather; also nenek dedeng daulat to cook tubers underneath embers; to var. dulat warm oneself by the fire daun dehil leaf bald; hairless (of an animal); daun les fenderless (of a bicycle or car) [botak] a banana-like leaf in which rice is cooked dekan daun paku large bamboo rat [dekan, sejenis fern frond tikus buluh] daun sarau demam smooth, simple leaf used as a fever; there are 4 main kinds: wrapping in which to cook flour- tekena and teguh are fevers every paste dough 24 hours with red eyes, skin and hot daun tangkal (See various hantu for causes of some medicinal herbs, include sireh, fevers) kunyit, bunglai, and sedingin lemas semangat is a light fever dawai wire 33 demam Temuan World of Words demam kura stamping the floor, firecracker, etc. is a hard, shaking fever demam sejuk dentung chills berdentung a “thunk” or “tung” sound; when denai heard in one’s own ear, God (Tuhan) an animal track is saying one’s name in reading the book of human fate, when one denda will die and with what sickness; then a fine for breaking a law people say that the death spirit is calling (melikat maut manggil) and dendam they cry out not to let them die yet longing dendam sakit hati depan a grudge front, in front deram dengan with berderam shiver [geletar] dengik to stick the head out (e.g., of the derian window) or by craning the neck var. durian dering dengkil shallow (S&B 766 dengkel shallow, var. during tight, taut (as a guitar Mantra) [cetek] string); ant. kendur [tegang] desir dengkur berdengkur sound of hissing or faint buzzing to snore di dengung at berdengung di ehnun sound of a bird flying, beetle or there, yonder [di sana] aeroplane flying di mana where? dentam nentam dia sound of door slamming, feet she, her, he, him, they, them

34 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist dukung diam nongkah dagu silent to sit with chin in hands diang dongkoh berdiang, nediang to push hard [menolak dengan kuat] to warm oneself by a fire or in the sun didi var. dusa they, them, all of them (KKB: ung a sin they) (S&B 512 dikdik, all, Sakai, Pk.) [mereka] dua two; didih berdua to boil in pairs, a couple dimpong duduk a very small, blood-eating fly [sejenis sit; serangga yang menghisap darah] duduk termenung to sit contemplatively; dinding duduk betul house wall to sit up straight diri duga berdiri to test, probe; if a Temuan studies to stand up; the tangkal of a spirit (hantu), that berdiri tegak person is ure to meet that hantu and to stand stiffly erect it will test (duga) him dompok duit tall and fat, of a person (ant. lengeu) money [orang yang tinggi dan gemuk] duku dongak buah duku var. dongkah a variety of langsat (Lansium domesticum) to look up dukung dongkah to carry a person, usually a child, var. dongak astride the hips or waist, often with

35 dukung Temuan World of Words the aid of a tubular sarong suspended duri from one shoulder across the body, thorn making a sling; to carry a basket durian dukun var. derian traditional healer; his payment for a cure is traditionally $7.70 in during Malaysian dollars (in the 1970’s) var. dering plus 12 tegas objects; one method of curing is rubbing a drinking glass dusa over the area of the body that hurts; var. dosa if blood is the cause of the pain, the a sin dukun sees blood in the glass; if a berdusa needle is the cause, he sees it in the to sin, to commit a wrong glass duyung dulang ikan duyung shallow pan for panning (tin) ore mermaid; according to an old Temuan story, originally the dulat mermaid was human; if someone var. daulat the authority and obtains some of her tears, it will majesty of a king; to become a ruler bring them good luck (jadi raja), one must have enough dulat (cukup dulat) duli clip. peduli nyap duli never mind dulu clip. dahulu the first, the beginning; before (in time); ahead (in space) dunia the world; it consists of 7 layers, 3 underground, one at ground level, and 3 above; see tanah

36 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist ehnun

E empuk soft, tender (of foods) ehnun encik clip. nun mister there; di ehnun enggan there [situ] unwilling ekor engkar tail to break a pledge or disobey an order elak engkau to get out of the way; to evade, dodge clip. kau a blow you (an informal form address; impolite when used in the wrong elmu context); when spoken by a var. ilmu Temuan adult to a child, it is knowledge “talking down” elok engket fine, good to cut out (e.g., meat) with a small knife (S&B 569 chingked to cut, emak Semang) [mengerat daging dengan mother; also moi pisau kecil] emas engkui gold; to startle animals hidden from view emas pospen by hitting a tree with a stick the customary fee for a bride [memeranjatkan binatang yang tersembunyi secara menghentak embun pokok dengan sebatang kayu] mbun ayi mbun enjot dew var. enyot empas ehnun var. hempas clip. nun there;

37 ehnun Temuan World of Words di ehnun enggan there [situ] unwilling ekor engkar tail to break a pledge or disobey an order elak engkau to get out of the way; to evade, dodge clip. kau a blow you (an informal form address; impolite when used in the wrong elmu context); when spoken by a var. ilmu Temuan adult to a child, it is knowledge “talking down” elok engket fine, good to cut out (e.g., meat) with a small knife (S&B 569 chingked to cut, emak Semang) [mengerat daging dengan mother; also moi pisau kecil] emas engkui gold; to startle animals hidden from view emas pospen by hitting a tree with a stick the customary fee for a bride [memeranjatkan binatang yang tersembunyi secara menghentak embun pokok dengan sebatang kayu] mbun ayi mbun enjot dew var. enyot empas entah var. hempas perhaps (an expression of doubt); “I don’t know”, also entah-hui empuk soft, tender (of foods) entai clip. tai encik just now, very soon, just a moment mister ago (as opposed to una, meh).

38 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist gagoh

Aku pegi entai G I’m going right away (S&B 669 entai, tai just now, Mantra, Besisi) gabeh [tadi, sekejap masa lagi] paw, of feline enyot gading var. enjot elephant tusk askew; up and down; also henyot-henyat [berjongkang- gadong jongket] a climbing plant with poisonous (vomit-causing) tubers, belonging to erti the yam family (Dioscorea triphylla, var. herti D. hirsuta); esok mutang gadong tomorrow, sometime in the future; is the name of an old song (G&T 60 gadong mabok) esok jemah, esok kala, sometime in the future gaduh bergaduh to quarrel

gaga small basket [bakul rotan yang kecil]

gagah big and strong

gagal failed, frustrated

gagap mulut gagap to stutter

gagoh mengagoh to hit with knuckles, head etc.

39 gagoh Temuan World of Words

[menghentuk, misalnya dengan gambus buku jari atau kepala] var. gamus gahong gamir steep, precipitous [curam] var. gambir gambier (a constituent of betel quid) gajah elephant gampang promiscuous gaji anak gampang wages; makan gaji to work for wages is a child born out of wedlock gaji gampar clip. gergaji a saw var. gampak to slap, to box galah pole, such as for poling a boat; stick gamus to knock down fruit from trees; var. gambus Jolok galah a five-stringed wooden musical is a stick with a forked end instrument derived from the Arab lute galang ganal lying across e.g., tree trunk lying nganal across the path, obstructing the way alike, almost identical gali ganas ngali nganas to dig fierce, to terrorize, behave violently gambar gancang photograph, picture ngancang nimble, agile gambir var gamir gancin ngancin gamit to sit on something sticky var. gambit [terduduk di atas sesuatu yang to beckon [melambai] melekat]

40 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist gaya gancing garam to be pierced by something sharp, salt e.g. arrow, dart [tercucuk] gandal handcuffs; to handcuff ngandal to knock against, to meet an obstacle garu to scratch gandum wheat garuda a mythical bird ganggang (See bediang) gasak to overcome with blows, as in a ganggu fistfight; to seize to be interrupted, to be disturb, to lose one’s direction or attention gasi clip. gergasi ganjil legendary, man-eating giants strange, peculiar gasil gansa var. kasil to rub (the body), to wipe [gosok badan] mite, flea [tungau] gantang gasing measurement of volume (esp. for top (the toy) rice), equivalent to 4 cupak or 1 imperial gallon (4.546 litres) gatal ngatal ganti to itch, itchy; promiscuous var. gantis, nganti to change (for example, husbands) gauk elder sister (S&B 548 gauk elder gantung sister, Besisi, Belandas, Mantra) ngantung to suspend, hang up garang fierce ganyok berganyok gaya to jest, quip [bergurau] style, means; KKB kaci Lagi macam

41 gaya Temuan World of Words mana gaya? So what are you going to do gelahit now? (What means are left to you now?) a small hole [lubang kecil] gebar gelang blanket, coverlet var. ngelang bracelet gedau var. jedau rainbow; a kind of kayu gelap teras (hardwood tree) can occasionally var. ngelap become a rainbow, when it is 100 years darkness, night; old; a naga (snake) also can become sampai gelap a rainbow, arching itself in the sky; nightfall in a double rainbow, the male snake is above and the female below [pelangi] geleh to tease; disturb; gehing hau di-geleh an arrogant, quick-tempered man [orang don’t interfere [usik, kacau] yang sombong dan mudah marah] gelendong gehing sloping inward of a surface; concave tergehing to grin/grimace with teeth geletar showing [tersengih] ngeletar shiver gejil yellow root vegetable (root about geli 1 foot long); [sejenis ubi] to tickle gek gelimbing elder brother (S&B 548 ge-ek, elder var. belimbing brother, Belandas; geha, elder brother, Mantra) [abang] gelinya ear pendants gelah name; title (syn. nama) [gelar] gelung channel, narrow path gelah to tease (syn. geleh, kacau, usik) gelut bergelut to have fun, to have a good time

42 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist gerak gemas gendeng to be annoyed; to regret ngendeng to tie (towel or sarong) [ikat gembira sarung ataupun tuala] happy gendong gempa var. genong gempa bumi to carry in a sling tied over the earthquake; Malaysia has no shoulder earthquakes, the Temuan say, because it is the place of origin genggam and dispersal of the human to clench in the fist; see alsokomkom species; it did have an earthquake, however, when the land split up genoi and separated the grandchildren var. genui grandmother of the Temuan equivalent of (S&B 623 genoi grandmother, Adam and Eve into different land Belandas, Mantra) [nenek] masses of the world genong gemuan var. gendong buah gemuan a forest fruit that can cause nausea gentam ngentam gemuk to sound the gendang (Temuan fat drum) [hentam] genap gentat complete, full, even (number) ngentat concave genceh ngenceh genting stab with a pointed instrument slender in the middle; narrow valley (S&B: 570-571 cheg to stab, (home of the hantu seburu); a pass Semang; gechat to destroy, Sakai) through hills [menikam dengan alat runcing] gerak gendang to move; to shake someone to drum waken them

43 gerentah Temuan World of Words gerentah excrement, Mon-Khmer) [jijik, Pk. getik] thunder [petir] geyang gerecai uncombed hair [rambut yang (hair) standing up [(rambut) tidak disikat] menegak] ghaib geriang (pronounced raib) vanished, lost a species of monitor lizard that lives in swamps [sejenis biawak] giat taunt, mockery [giat, ejekan] gering sick and wasted; same as kelinchat gi’es uncomfortable feeling [perasaan gerpau tidak senang] gap-toothed [kehilangan gigi] gigi gesek tooth var. geser gigi nyos; incisor [gigi seri]; gesel gigi taring to rub; to draw a violin bow (pengesel), canine; ngeseh biola to play the violin gigi tenggam molar [gigi geraham] geser gigit var. gesek to bite to rub, to scrub gila getah crazy rubber, latex, sap getah buku gila babi dried scrap of latex epilepsy getah keping sheet rubber giling to roll into a sphere or cylinder; getik buat-dah tepung giling loathsome, disgusting (of vomit, roll the dough into balls feces, etc.) (S&B 581 ik slime, Sakai;

44 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist gugur gitu gongok clip. begitu var. gonggok a black millipede that curls up gobek betel nut pounder gonyoi teeth sticking out [gigi menjulur keluar] godek to stir (a liquid) [mengacau (cecair)] gosok to scrub; to brush (teeth); gogoh to wipe var. gogok tremors due to old age; to shiver [mengigil; tremor badan pada gosung orang yang berusia] dimples [lesung pipi] gogok goyang var. gogoh bergoyang to shake, sway goreng to fry; fried guci var kuci golek mengolek gucoh api to shake the head [geleng kepala] to throw away a faggot (done in the tergolek middle of the path or road when fallen over a person is late; if not done, the traveller will, it is believed, get sick goncang and perhaps die) nyunchang to cause to sway or shake gudu-gedak the sensation (and sounds) whilst gong travelling on a bumpy road [bunyi gong dan perasaan semasa melalui jalan yang berlubang] gonggong things that are usually carried gugur about on a person, such as a pair of to fall spontaneously, of fruit or leaves spectacles or a wallet [benda yang from a tree sentiasa dipakai atau dibawa macam rambut gugur cermin mata ataupun dompet duit] hair that falls out when it is combed

45 guha Temuan World of Words guha goyang cave [gua] to shake, tremble (with fear), fidget; to be loose (of a tooth) gula sugar guni gula angin gunny sack mints gula taban gunung sweet sap of a forest tree; gula mountain taban is the name given to chewing gum; gutta-percha gunta thunder [guntur] nyulai gunting , to cook curry; to cut hair; scissors; infants heads are shaved at about four weeks of age to gulai lemak prevent crying (from indigestion?), it curry with is said guli guntung marbles; ravine with water [gaung yang main guli berair] to play marbles gurau gulung bergurau to roll up (such as a home-made to jest cigarette); wooden battens perpendicular to rafters (kasau) guruh thunder guna useful; use gusti Guna ada kerja tapi duit nyap wrestling it’s good that you have work, but where’s the money? guncai to stick out, project [menjulur keluar]

46 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist halun

H used to get the attention of someone far away in the forest (the customary response being hoi)[kata seruan ha untuk mendapatkan perhatian seorang and; here (S&B 519 ha at, in, to, yang berada jauh di dalam hutan] towards, with, Besisi; S&B 526 ha here, to be, Mantra) [dan, sini] hal habis issue, affairs, difficulties; done, finished apa hal? what's the issue? habuk emak nyap boleh sumpah anak, kena hal; dust, ashes anak nyap boleh sumpah emak, tulah; mothers can't swear at their hachit children, they'll incur difficulties; onom. for a sneeze; atishoo! children can't swear at their [onomatopoeia bagi bunyi bersin] mothers, they'll incur misfortune Bila orang mihal, aku nyap campur hadat when people are discussing a var. adat problem, I don't get involved hadiah halak gift Indian -hah suffix used to soften the force of halang a word or utterance and to signal var. alang politeness; e.g., ini-hah ‘this one’ is preferred to ini alone halas var. alas hajat wish, desire halau to chase off, drive away hakal var. akal halun to travel or speak without adequate hakhirat knowledge of the situation (S&B 720 var. akhirat lun to speak, Sakai; S&B; 727 lu fool, the afterworld; the bottom of seven Besisi) [berjalan ataupun bercakap layers of the world hong the call tanpa pengetahuan yang cukup]

47 halus Temuan World of Words halus fine, delicate hangok var. mehangok; hambang someone who has no qualms to throw, hurl (e.g. a lembing) about asking for things from [buang, baling] friends and neighbours [orang yang kuat meminta, tiada muka malu] hamis strong smell, esp of beef and goat hangus meat burnt (of food) hamping hantar stench [hancing] to send or convey; hantar balik hampok to return (something) rank smelling (as sweat, singed hair, burned rice) [hapak] hantu spirit, ghost hamun hantu bayang bad language, to swear, to curse spirit which comes out at night and wakes children up (Malay and hancing Temuan, bayang, shadow) stench hantu bayuh hancur comes into the hinai ceremony to disintegrate, to be destroyed; during the tolak bayuh dunia hancur hantu beruk the end of the world a tulang beruk (femur of the short-tailed hangan macaque) is hung over the door of var. angan some Temuan houses to signify hantu beruk is involved in hangat agreement between someone hot; and a resident of the house to do something at some time; if ayi hangat someone agrees to comes to bury hot water a corpse at a certain time and fails to show up, the hantu beruk hangkem assures the defaulter will get a var. angking

48 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist hantu

fever and perhaps die; if someone to 20 years later; the naga or the is away and does not return home gedau are like the wap (breath) of (or arrive at a specified destination) the hantu jemalang; to exorcize on time, especially after dark, (tangkal) this hantu in a case of someone will throw a burning tulah, among other things a hole will faggot (bara api) on the path and be drilled (tebuk) in one ear of the tell the hantu beruk to go away; child; if the exorcism is ineffective, otherwise, the hantu beruk will the child must be given to others to come and someone will get a fever raise, otherwise one of the two in hantu bubul tulah will die an evil man who has about 100 wives hantu jemoi hantu bukit causes sakit bengkak; the body hill spirit swells up due to encountering the hantu busung urine or bisa (poison) or faeces of cause of edema (Bukit Lanjan); a dead animal also known as basal or sakit angin hantu kenait (Serendah) lives only in a different world, hantu ceman below earth, and has a strange water spirit which can make people sick manner of speaking; it does not come up to graves and eat souls of hantu imau dead people, because they are see imau pakai already like him, but it does go hantu jemalang after the souls (semangat) or even an evil spirit, mischievous as a the bodies of living people; in one child; a gnome of disease, story, long ago a Temuan man was sometimes can be exorcized to digging a large hole in the forest to mitigate the harm (such as get out a long edible tuber, ubi hau, causing madness) of tulah, when he fell into the hole and the resemblance between a parent and a hantu kenait caught him and same-sexed child; a case of tulah thought he was lauk (food); but means this hantu is in action; there the man said he was manusia are three species of hardwood trees (humankind) and the hantu kenait from which jemalang can issue asked him, “Berapa kaki?” (how forth, years after the tree has fallen many feet do you have?); the man dead and become a rainbow thought that if he said two, the (gedau) or dragon (naga): hantu would think he was a chicken, merbau, jelutong, and bercin; if and if he aid four, would think him the dead tree is standing, it can jadi a sapi (wild ox), but he did say gedau; if fallen, it may jadi naga 10 four and the hantu started eating

49 hantu Temuan World of Words

him, first his feet, then his legs, though frightening to see, this stomach, and upward; later the hantu should not be feared because man’s younger brother, a good he will not catch or hurt humans; person, looked for him and found he comes out of graves between the hole with only bones in it. 7 pm and 5 am and he lingers by When he tangkal kuat (put a strong the graves between 7 pm and 9 pm spell on it), the older brother hidup (so one should not go near then) balik (came back to life), but the but later wanders off looking for food. older brother was jahat (bad) and Older Temuan say that to see the shot a poisoned blowpipe dart hantu kubur one should burn one into the jering kernel (sumpit buah inch of a three-inch stick above jering), so now people can only eat the body in the grave and put some a little of it; he also sumpit the ashes above the eyes so that then at leaves of buah betek (papaya), so 7 pm one can see this hantu now they are pahit (bitter) and only hantu melikat maut the fruit is edible. this spirit removes the breath of a The younger brother objected to all person when he reaches sufficient this, saying that orang tanah tujuh years (umur cukup), for tuhan; this (people on earth) need all the food hantu used to appear as a man and they can get, that there is never tell a person his fated time (ajal) enough; the older brother also stole had come but people hit him so he animals such as the tiger as well as complained to tuhan and the latter illness from the world of the hantu told him to go not as a man but as a kenait and put them here on earth penyakit (illness) or invisibly, to bother people (S&B 616-617 which he now does; he calls their kemoyd, kemoit, the grave spirit for melikat to go to the bottom layer Pk. and Kedah Orang Asli; of the world, called lapis tujuh; Dentan: 91-107 ketmoid, a spirit birds and other animals with small associated with death and graves - eyes are reported by the Temuan some part of a dead person not to die by themselves (mati becomes this bad spirit, according sendiri), such as through illness and to the Semai) instead, they are all murdered hantu kenang (victims of predators) because the causes fever with shivering (Bukit melikat maut cannot enter Lanjan and Serendah) through their tiny eyes (masuk mata); tuhan observes humans, hantu kubur however, through their eyes the grave spirit, white and corpse- like (versus a jin, which is black);

50 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist hari hantu pari around the neck and offers medicine the evil spirit of tanah tanjung to people who are traveling alone, (promontory), said to be named which, if taken, causes illness or after ikan pari; if you are travelling death; people wear hinai (henna) alone, this hantu will call out your on the little finger when he is around name (the sound is like a whirlwind) and if you reply,“Hoi,” you will be hanyam caught and put to death by the hantu var. anyam hantu palong causes abdominal pains to weave (a mat) and diarrhea hanyir hantu pelisi fishy smell can enter a human body and cause sickness; pelisi causing the common hanyut cold (selimuh) glances off children drifting, floating who wear a charm (tangkal) against it, although they may still hap have the sniffles for a day or two; no more, no longer there adults can resist (tahan) the pelisi much better than children can hapal (Skeat: 329-330, pelisit) learn; learn by heart [hafal] hantu sawan the spirit that causes convulsions haram and crying fits illicit; a strong expression of hantu senyakala negation; satu sen haram, the spirit of dusk who makes it not one cent necessary for a person to gerak (be roused) if they fall asleep between harap 4 pm and 7 pm; thus Temuan do confidence, to hope not sleep at this time; he is sa-buta (the blind one) and sa-pekak (the hari deaf one) day; una hai that day; a full day hantu tajam consists roughly of setengah hari causes sharp (tajam) pains all (starting at noon), petang (4-6 over the body PM), senja (7 PM), gelap (8 PM- midnight), setengah malam (1-5 hantu taun AM), and pagi (5 AM-noon) looks like any ordinary human being; wears a yellow and red cloth

51 harung Temuan World of Words harung hau to stride across a stream or river ubi hau an edible tuber harus proper, fitting, right; said when haus one gets what he deserves, as in the thirsty English. phrase, “serves you right” hawa hasam head cold with blocked-up nose (versus var. asam selimuh, a rummy nose) [demam sour selsema dengan hidung tersumbat] hasil hawa results, products well! so! (Bukit Lanjan) [kata seru] hasing hawai var. asing to hunt unsuccessfully [memburu foreign tetapi tidak berjaya] hatap hawai var. atap berhawai streaked face painting (as done by the hati Temiar)[corengan muka orang Temiar] liver; the location of feelings, “heart” hati panas, to be angry hayam var. ayam hating chicken nating to lift and carry a small object in hayun the hand [tating] var. ayun hatur helai var. atur sheet; classifier for clothing or fabric, to arrange, to stack (in layers) paper and other materials in the form of a sheet hau don’t! (Also jangan) (KKB uses helang misau) (S&B II, p. 733, gau, don’t! raptor (e.g., eagles, owls, kites) (S&B Sakai, Phg.) 586 helang, eagle, kite, Mantra;

52 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist hidoi

S&B 676 klang owl, Kasengan, an hentak Indochinese Mon-Khmer language) to hit, stamp, knock a post into the ground hempang var. ampang henyot dam henyot-henyat to walk in an erratic fashion hempap [jalan berjongkang-jongket] to fall and hit the ground heavily hereng hempas baring mehereng var. empas to lie on one’s side to beat (e.g., clothes while doing the laundry) herti var. erti hempit meaning, sense; to squeeze between two surfaces nyap berherti it doesn’t make sense hemus var. hembus hes to breathe out; can be shortened to var. hes hawa mmus, or just mus (Hembus only in to blow the nose (S&B 537, very correct or ‘Malay’ pronunciation) kahes to blow the nose, Besisi) [membuang hingus] henak var. hendak heyong clip. nak sooty [berjelaga] to want, to intend hidang hendak to offer food, refreshments var. henak hidap hengas to bear (the consequences of one’s to shoot a gun; (syn., tembak) own adventures or follies; “Hidap-lah [tembak] ajih” [tanggung, hadap] hengkeng hidoi var. hingkang to sniff, smell; terhengkeng, terhingkang bow-legged [berkaki pengkar] apa bau? cuba hidoi, what’s that smell? Try to sniff 53 hidoi Temuan World of Words

around (S&B 717 ingoy to smell, hinai Sakai, Pk.) [hidu] var. inai hidu hindik to smell, for example, a flower to step repeatedly with the foot (as on a foot-operated mortar) lesong hidung nose hindik hidup a mortar for rice and tapioca to live; the quickening of a fetus hingat higung var. ingat. you people (in one family); those to remember people (in one family); that couple (In KKB, ung is used for this meaning) hinggu (S&B 628 hi, he, she, it, Besisi) [anda] a shelter [tempat perlindungan] higung hingkang son- or daughter-in-law [menantu] var. hengkeng hijau hingus green snot hilai hinik to drag something behind oneself [heret] var. hindik hilai lutut to crawl on hands and knees hirik [merangkak] var. hirit hiris hilang vanish, disappear, lost to pare (for example, a potato) hiris hilir downstream (ant. hulu) to bite with open mouth, in a scraping motion hina hirit to insult, tease, disparage, disdain var. hirik

54 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist hukur mehirit hono to thresh grain (rice) by treading on it very deep sleep [tidur lelap] hisab hoyong to compute; to sway from side to side whilst tiga kali hisab ka-dapat walking [bergoyang ke kiri kanan Count three times to make sure semasa berjalan] it’s right huban hisang var. uban hisang masak rambut huban Malay weasel; aso merang greying or white hair [pulasan tanah] hubung hisap to link, connect to suck, suckle, to smoke (cigarette); when a baby is at the stage when it hudang eats regular food but occasionally var. udang wanders back to the breast, it is shrimp described as budak hisap hujan hitam rain; usually ayi hujan black hujan batu hail hitung hujan renyeh to count, calculate drizzle [hujan renyai] hirup hujan rencing, hujan panas to slurp drizzle with the sun shining [hujan panas] hoi hujan pejok response to the call, “where are you?” steady rain for weeks (S&B 552 serhoi to call, Mantra; S&B [hujan yang berpanjangan] 564 hoi to arrive at, from, Besisi; S&B 565 hoi towards, Sakai) hujung the tip, end of anything hoi interjection; hoi, mana pergi? hey hukur you, where are you going? [kata seru] var. ukur to measure linearly 55 hukum Temuan World of Words hukum I customary Temuan laws about wrongdoing; ibu ikut hukum mother (rarely used; see emak, moi) to pay a fine when in the wrong ibu jari thumb hulat var. of ulat igau ngigau, migau hulu nightmare, delirium, to talk in upstream; one’s sleep hulu pisau a knife shaft igol hat, any headgear (S&B 680, hulubalai peningal, head, and sapu tinggol, head a former rank of Temuan officialdom; kerchief, Jakun) [topi ataupun the head of the balai [penghulu penutup kepala yang lain] balai] ikan huma fish non-irrigated rice field, usually in ikan badau the uplands a short, black fish ikan beludah humut a species of fish see umut ikan belut hunjur the swamp eel var. unjur ikan bilis duduk hunjur anchovy to sit with legs stretched ikan buntal puffer fish ikan bujuk a species of snakehead (Channa lucius) ikan haruan a species of snakehead (Channa striatus) ikan kapak

56 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist imau

a swampy water fish ajal (fated) to be eaten by a tiger; ikan masin if one looks straight at the tiger, so salt fish its head is clearly seen, the tiger will ikan pari not eat that person; but if one looks skate, ray upward, the tiger may eat him ikan patung imau pakai Malayan Leaf fish Pristolepis( fasciata) a spirit-type tiger which can enter a ikan puyu person like angin (wind); if it does Climbing Perch (Anabas testudinus) so and one becomes sesat (lost) in ikan sebarau the forest, one can ride on its back Hampala macrolepidota until close to home; then it becomes ikan seluang small and reenters the body; this Rasbora spp. were-tiger is not evil, only like air, but if a person says he is not afraid ikan sembilang of it, when he is in the forest he various catfish; at least one kind will meet a tiger and it will make a has barbs with poison near the gills big noise and appear to be huge to ikan temperas frighten him and the tiger will not var. cemperas Cyclochelichthys apogon eat this person; like the beruk pakai, can cure its possessors of illness by ikat leaving the body, which it will do only to tie in private, so the possessor must go into the forest a ways before the spirit ikut will keluar (exit) and lick the to follow person (gilat), thereby curing him of illness (For the origin of imau, ilai see hantu kenait) (S&B 739, cackle with laughter kohon, Jakun) imau akar iman black or spotted leopard to be calmed down after being angry (hati ditenangkan selepas marah) imau dahan clouded leopard imau imau car var. rimau, leopard cat [kucing batu] clip. harimau imau bintang tiger, also kodong; it only eats black or spotted leopard orang salah, but first it peers at imau kumbang the person to see if he or she is black leopard 57 inah Temuan World of Words inah intai term of address for any woman to to spy on, snoop whom one is not related or affined and who is too young to be addressed intan as genoi (grandmother); a term of diamond address for a parent’s younger sister or the wife of a parent’s older brother intip (S&B 663, inah, aunt, Mantra; to spy on, snoop younger aunt, Besisi) [makcik] ipar inai in-laws var. inai henna, used in wedding ipoh ceremonies; on the second day blowpipe-dart poison hinai is brushed on the foreheads and palms of the bride and groom ipoh malai to signify the condition of marriage the strongest of the ipoh (see also tolak bayuh); also painted poisons, reportedly (S&B 683 malai on the little finger as protection strychnine(?) poison, Besisi) when hantu taun comes iri ingar mehiri hati said to a crowd when one wishes to be envious, jealous, grudging silence (Brunei, Sarawak. noisy; S&B 630 peningar to listen, Jakun) iring [ungkapan yang disebut di hadapan to accompany sekumpulan orang untuk mendapat perhatian mereka] isi contents; to fill; ingat pelita ada isi minyak, var. hingat the lamp has oil/kerosene to remember, think itik ini duck clip. ni this, this one, these itu clip. tu insang that, that one, those gills

58 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist jambu

J jalan to travel, road jabeh jalan lurus bag, pouch, sack; to travel straight ahead jabeh tepong jalan pingkah flour sack [buntil, sarung] to walk bowlegged jalan kencoh, jadi to walk pigeon-toed to become, to turn into; jalan tingelap, nyap jadi to walk with a limp it didn’t work out jalan timpang, to walk with one heel cutting in jadi-jadian supernaturally created animals jalang nyalang jaga to be lecherous, promiscuous watchman; to guard, protect, be awake jaleh var. nyaleh jagung to be cheeky or playful, on the part maize of a male; for a female, see ngeleting [bersenda-senda] jahanam hell, an expletive directed at someone jelepak or something to flop down with fatigue [jelepok] jahat jaman wrong, bad, evil var. nyaman epoch, age [zaman] jahil improper behaviour jamban privy jahit nyahit jambang to sew whiskers; long sideburns jala, jalas jambu fish casting net a rose-apple or the guava tree and its fruit; 59 jambu Temuan World of Words jambu miah janggut pink a beard jamin jangkang nyamin a large underground root (vs. akar, a guarantee small root, or jangkar, buttress root) jangkang mene’ong, jampi the reddish bark of a smallish root incantation, magic; Temuan usually that is chewed raw as ubat batuk, say tangkal instead of jampi; as an cough medicine exception: jampi si- kuning, magic to make the face beautiful (a jangkar term of endearment) buttress root of a tree to entertain a guest jangkit var. nyangkit makan berjamu, to spread (of disease, fire); a large feast jangan jangkit, jan don’t gossip a bad hat, also a name given to a pet pig-tailed macaque, the beruk janji [orang jahat, nama yang diberi to agree; seekor beruk yang menjadi binatang perjanjian, kesayangan] agreement, contract janda jantan divorced, widowed male, man jandek jantas var. berjandek to cut in half ; to slash through roots to travel with a group [bersiar atau or vines berjalan secara berkumpulan] jarang jangan seldom; widely-spaced don’t (imperative) jaras jangau creel (see bulai)

60 AJ Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist jelam jari jawak finger the water monitor lizard (S&B 649 ibu jari jawak water monitor lizard, Besisi, thumb Mantra) [biawak] jari telunjuk index finger jedau var. gedau jari telunjuk hantu middle finger je’es jari manis a damp place [tempat yang lembab] ring finger jari kerenkeng, jehok little finger var. johok to pour out, empty out (a liquid); jaring to invert a container and empty out fish net the dregs [tuang] terjehok jarum spilled out [tertumpah] needle, syringe jehong jati gluttonous [tamak makan] true, real penjehong glutton [orang yang tamak makan] jatuh nyatoh jejentik to fall; mosquito larva [jentik-jentik] matahari jatuh laut the sun sets over the sea jeladoi food remnants [sisa-sisa makanan] jantung the heart; jelai jantung pisang, nyelai the heart-shaped inflorescence of to give change (coins) [memberi the banana plant duit kecil] jauh jelam far away var. nyelam foodstuffs

61 jelantang Temuan World of Words jelantang jemah tree-nettle (leaves are poisonous) dregs, remainder [sisa-sisa] jelapuk jemah crumbs, rubbish not cleaned up [sisa- esok-esok jemah sisa makan, sampah yang tidak one day perhaps (S&B 513 jemah dikemas] forever, Besisi; chema tomorrow, Semang) jelengkung half-awake [separuh sedar] jemalang see hantu jemalang jeling var. nyeling jemur sidelong look to dry in the sun (e.g clothes) jeluh jemoi poison container for blowpipe darts var. nyemoi (S&B 683 jelok, Belandas.) [bekas supernatural force haunting a place racun untuk damak] of killing (as of a deer); supernatural influence on a person jelondong due to encountering an animal var. jelonong such as kerbau, or due to the bisa of animals; see also bahadi (S&B jelonong 616 kemoit ghost, Sakai, Pahang; var. jelondong kamoi demon, Old Khmer) [badi] a wide, pandanus-strip-woven basket, about one foot in diameter jempas by two feet long [bakul anyaman var. nyempas daun mengkuang] finished, to finish [habis] jelud jemput var. belud to invite in lack of concern or care [tidak peduli] jemu sated, bored [jemu] jelutung a species of forest hardwood tree from jenak which jemalang can issue forth 10 to unusable remnants (see also jeladoi, 20 years after the tree dies and falls jelapuk) [Sisa yang tidak boleh down (Dyera costulata) diguna] 62 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist jernih jenak je’os nyenyak midrib of bertam palm frond (from very deep sleep (see also hono) which baskets and other items are made) (S&B 541 jais tio spine, jenang backbone, Semang; jas kio midrib of assistant to batin palm frond, Semang) [pelepah daun bertam] jengka back of the mouth; jawbone, lower je’os jaw [rahang bawah] any short palm rib (used for making Jengka kancil baskets, etc.) pattern on the bottom of a sentong (basket) formed by the weaving jerangkang process, so-called because it reputedly a kind of softwood tree with a trunk looks like the lower jaw of a mousedeer diameter of about 2 feet (S&B 558, jenka, lower jaw, Besisi) jerat jengkal a spring trap with a noose; a snare span between thumb and finger jerawat jengkas pimple var. nyengkas dessicated, to bedessicated jerejak [kering kontang] small, vertical, split-sapling strips (lath) set parallel to one another in jengkau building construction, especially to var. nyengkau support buluh dinding (bamboo strips to reach for an object on the same used in wall construction) level as oneself jerih jengking panting; exhausted from exertion var. jingking jering jengok a forest tree (Pithecellobium jiringa) var. nyengok with fruit (black when ripe) that to glance at contains an edible kernel je’ong jernih to drain a cup clear, of water; ant. keroh

63 jes Temuan World of Words jes jingking steady rain for hours, in the var. jengking expression: hujan jes-sa-jes [hujan to stand feet apart knees slightly yang turun tidak berhenti-henti] bent, arms akimbo jes jirus to pluck (for example, fruit) to sprinkled (S&B chius to sprinkle, [memetik umpamanya buah] Semang.) jetok jiwa var. nyetok l life, soul to stare silently (as in fishing) [merenung dengan dia(umpamanya joboh semasa memancing) orang joboh Malay (S&B 654 jobo Mantra; jijes jebo Besisi) lanak jijes long-tailed porcupine [landak padi] jodoh similar, a kindred spirit, to match jilat johok to lick var. jehok to pour out, empty out (a liquid); jimat to invert a container and empty out careful, thrifty, economical the dregs [menuang, mencurah] jimbun johong small-clawed otter [memerang kecil] ravine with streamlet [jurang] jin jojol a black-coloured evil spirit (that hilltop, ridge; enters the body of a dead person). also kematang Jin Ali [kemuncak bukit, rabung] the evil son of hantu seburu; if one dreams of a badak, it is this jin jolok to pick or bring down fruit with a jinak stick; the stick is a penyolok nyinak tame, docile jompot same as kojot; with tie with

64 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist juntai drawstring [menggunakan tali junjung untuk mengetatkan seluar atau beg] to carry on the head or shoulders jongang juntai to stick out to dangle, hang down juah var. juak juak to toss up (as buaya does, according to Temuan legend, two times to a person it’s caught, before it eats him) juga also jukrah a Temuan official with a high rank (below that of the batin and the jenang) (S&B 557 jukrah deputy chief, Jakun and Besisi) [pegawai yang diberi pangkat bawah daripada batin dan jenang] julai projecting, overhanging, in the term: berjulai-pulai juling nyuling strabismus jumpa to meet, encounter junih many years ago [bertahun-tahun yang lepas]

65 kabus Temuan World of Words

K kahaba spider web (S&B 722, alhaba, kelaba, kabus spider, Mantra [sarang labah-labah] mist kahak phlegm kabut mist, fog ngahak to clear the throat by coughing and kabut tebal swallowing phlegm [mengeluarkan cloud [awan] (S&B 572, kabut, kahak dari kerongkong] cloud, Belandas, Kenaboi) kahwin kaca to wed a piece of glass kail kacang to fish; , legumes kachang tanah bau kail ; fishing pole; bubur kacang mata kail a mungbean dessert flavoured with fishing hook fresh, grated coconut and sugar kain kacau cloth, sarong ngacau kain putih to stir (a liquid), to interfere, to white cloth; used by Temuan to annoy, to tease wrap a body for burial; no other color may be used; if no white cloth is at kaci hand, the body is buried unwrapped (KKB) means; see gaya kain sal towel kadang kadang-kadang kais occasionally ngais to scratch or dig (of e.g., chickens -kah and dogs ) interrogative suffix Nyanyi-kah dengar? kait Do you want to sing or listen? ngait to snag fruit with a pole; pengait

66 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kandang

pole used for snagging fruit kambing goat kaki kambing gurun foot serow kaki setut, kaki kebas a foot that is numb kami var. kamin kala exclusive we (not including the time, occasion person addressed). See kita for the inclusive we kala kala jengking kamin scorpion var. kami kalah kampak to lose (ant. menang) a pandanus basket similar to a sentung but lacking stiffening kalang around the base and top, used to lying across transport tubers [bakul mengkuang yang digunakan untuk memunggah kalat ubi] stupid [bodoh] kampit kalau a pandanus bag, or any bag if kali kampung once; village jangan sekali-kali, kanan don’t ever (do something); right (side) kira semua sekali add it all up; kancah sekali cauldron also indicates the superlative degree: budak kecen sekali kancil the smallest child a mouse deer kalung kandang necklace or ring an enclosure, such as for goats

67 kandar Temuan World of Words kandar kasut to carry on a pole shoe kapak kata axe to say kapak siam an axe with a flared-edge katak any frog, including katak hijau, katak kapal inkon, katak keluli, katak putih a ship katek kapalterbang dwarf [katik] airplane kau kapir an impolite form of address to non-Moslem (used only for non- another in northern Selangor, but Orang Asli groups) [kafir] acceptable in southern Selangor kapur kateng lime for the betel quid; chalk to fasten, hang up [sidai] karat katil rust bed kasar kawan rude, coarse, rough friend; berkawan kasau to befriend parallel rafters to support attap roofing kawasan kasi neighbourhood, area, district to give; kasi tahu kawat tell to scratch kawat duri kasihan barbed wire (S&B 703, kawait, to pity, sympathy scratch, Besisi) kasil kau var. gasil clip. engkau

68 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kejar kaya keceh rich disturbance of sand, gravel or earth orang kaya when someone or some animal rich man walks along a path [keadaan pasir atau tanah yang bersepah-sepah di kayap atas jalan selepas laluan orang atau ringworm syn. kurap binatang]; berkeceh babi dirt kaye along track disturbed by a passing Malayan flying lemur; seekubung wild boar (Cynocephalus variegatus) [kubung] kecen kayu small [kecil] tree, wood batang kayu kecep logs to collect bits and pieces, such as kayu api fruit off the ground [mengutip firewood benda, misalnya buah-buahan dari atas tanah] kayuh pedal (of bicycle, etc.) or row (of kecok boat) pigeon-toed kapang kecun chopping block [landas cincang] to move out of the way; kecun ajih tu seken, akuk nak laluk kapang make way please, I need to get a woody climber (Enkleia malaccensis) through ke kediak to armpit [ketiak] kera long-tailed macaque kedoing a winged insect; its larva, ulat not, is kebun edible [sejenis serangga bersayap] orchard, vegetable plot kejar kebun getah berkejar rubber plantation to rush, race, to chase

69 kejim Temuan World of Words kejim kelam a moment gloomy, obscure, in half-light; kelam- baharu kejim, kabut chaotic, confused a moment ago [kejap, sekejap] kelambuk kejut var. kelamuk to startle, to rouse (someone), mosquito net [kelambu] terkejut to be startled kelamin a couple, a family kekas to scratch (of chickens or dogs) kelapa coconut; kelabu kelapak sawit grey oil palm mata kelabu film over eyes kelak afterwards, in a short while (S&B keladi 672, kelak, klak, Jakun, Belandas) (various Colocasia spp.) keladi kemahang kelat a forest species, of which the root astringent and stem bottom are edible; the stem top, if eaten, causes itching kelawar bat; the clubs suit in a pack of cards kelahi kelawar besar berkelahi black-bearded tomb bat to quarrel, fight, get into fisticuffs [kelawar dagu hitam] (syn. gaduh) kelawar cheku kelain diadem horseshoe bat to get separated, to separate [kelawar bahu puteh] ajih kelain, aku kelain kelawar cheliau “you go your way, I go mine” wooly horseshoe bat [kelawar ladam terbesar] kelakok kelawar lempong behaviour [kelakuan, perangai] lesser large-footed bat buat kelakok [kelawar hitam bakau] to have an attitude, to behave badly kelawar yip [mengada] bicolor horseshoe bat

70 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kelinga

[kelawar ladam bulat biasa] and move every one to two weeks (a possible reference to the Temoq or kelatuk Che Wong?) [sekumpulan Orang Asli same as above but bigger yang dikatakan menduduki kawasan berhampiran dengan Tasik Bera] kelecoin termite or insects that are attracted keletoh to and swarm around light to throw [lempar] keledang kelétok buah keledang to sprain [tergeliat] the fruit of a large forest tree (Artocarpus lanceofolia), similar to the kelih jackfruit to want; kelih sangka-ku mati keledek (you) want to think I’m dead sweet potato kelimbah keleh drainage channel that leads away to make superifical slashes in a fish from the kitchen from the washing (before frying) [mencalar daging ikan up area [longkang yang menyalur sebelum digoreng] keluar air dari dapur] kelen kelincau a person not accustomed to to move aside; to stray off the path, surroundings e.g., country bumpkin e.g. when two persons are on a path in the town and behaves awkwardly together and one turns off the path kelencat Berayau-rayau sampai kelincau malnourished (of people, animals to wander about and get lost or plants) [bergerak ke tepi; sesat jalan] kelincing kelenjar mosquito larvae [jentik-jentik] var. kelenyar lymph gland in groin keling a south Indian kelet an Orang Asli group said by the kelinga Temuan to live near Tasik Bera in var. of telinga Pahang who erect only leaf shelters,

71 kelentit Temuan World of Words kelentit keluh clitoris miscarriage; to induce abortion, heavy rocks are said to be heated, kelip wrapped in cloth, and kept for two to blink to three days over the stomach when a woman is three to four months kelobok pregnant [keguguran bayi] any small butterfly or moth (S&B 551, kelobok, butterfly, Besisi.) [kupu- kelulut kupu atau rama-rama yang kecil] a small, black, stingless bee that sucks liquid from wounds kelolot stupid [bodoh] kelutut joints [sendi] kelongkong buttress root [banir] kemalangan accident kelopak petal; leaf sheath, such as on a kematang bamboo shoot; hilltop, ridge [kemuncak bukit, rabung] angin kelopak, an annual three-day breeze kemban sarong or fabric tied round the body kelopeng to cover the breasts; nail parings, fallen-out eyelashes, etc. [sisa-sisa seperti kuku jari yang telah ngemban dipotong atau rambut yang gugur] to tie a kemban kembar keluang flying fox twins are anak kembar kemian kelubi buah kelubi fragrant incense (from resin of the the white-fleshed, somewhat sour tree Styrax benzoin) that is burned fruit of a palm 1. in the hinai ceremony of weddings for tolak bayuh kelucung 2. for dead persons, such as in the to cover the body completely spirit house, umah melikat [menutup seluruh tubuh] 3. for sick people [kemenyan]

72 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kenyal kena kencot incur, contact to prick or pierce [cucuk] kena kendur to fit (of clothes) [kena, padan] loose (such as a guitar string) kenal kenggalong to recognize banded linsang (Prionodon linsang) [linsang] kenan a quirk of anatomy, personality or kening behaviour inherited from parents; forehead; eyebrows it is believed that if the mother spends a lot of time with another kenip person other than the father during a small hopper bug that ‘sings’, this pregnancy, the child’s kenan can night sound being like an infant follow that of this other person, or crying to be nursed [serangga kecil even that of an animal yang bunyinya diibaratkan sebagai tangisan bayi yang hendak menyusu] kenang sympathy, compassion [belas kensel kesihan] cancel [batal] kenang kentak to remember, recall, reminisce poverty-stricken [papa] kencing kentung urine brittle rind, eggshell, or the like ngencing (S&B 712-713, ketokng, rind, Besisi.) to pass water [kulit luar yang keras dan mudah repuh, seperti kulit telur] kencis to flick away with a inger[menjentik] kentut fart kencoh to pour water out of a vessel; kenyal e.g. to water the plants [menuangkan firm and springy sedikit air daripada bekas; menyiram]

73 kenyang Temuan World of Words kenyang kepit satiated, full, satisfied to carry under the arm kenyet kepok to wink [kenyit] storage bin for threshed rice (padi) made of tree bark kenyis to push aside with the foot, push kera back [sepak ke belakang] for the sake of, because of ke’ong kerajaan to hit [pukul] government kepai kerak a sling bag layer of adhering to the [beg yang digantung dari bahu] inside of a cooking pot kepak kerang wings (of birds, insects) shellfish kepal kerangkeng to press together with the fist into a back of the mouth; throat consolidated mass, e.g. rice, clay, etc. [kerongkong] kepala kerani head, clip. pala [kepala] clerk kepalang kerantang alang kepalang describes a situation spider web [sarang labah-labah] where something doesn’t work out (nyap jadi), or is insufficient or incomplete keras hard, strong, obstinate kepang buah kepang kerat a small, sweet, tough-skinned, tan fruit to cut off, sever; classifier to denote part of something, usually a long keping rod-like object or string classification for a sheet of paper, a sekerat dawai segment of fruit, such as a lime a length of wire

74 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kesing kerbau kertas haribulan water buffalo calendar kerdas keruh a fruit which, like jering causes turbid (ant. jernih) stomachache if many are eaten. (G&T 123, the fruit (seeds) of a kesai common leguminous tree (Pithecolobium undercooked and still hard (e.g., rice) confertum) with pods that have an evil [tidak cukup masak dan masih keras, smell, like that of petai) seperti nasi.] kerenes kesak the veins of a palm leaf used bound kesak-kosek together and used as a broom [lidi] sounds in the undergrowth [bunyi dalam semak-samun] kerenyai to grin/grimace with teeth showing kesan (syn. gehing); Kedah Malay: spoor, tracks, trace kerenyeh [tersenggih] kesat kereta to wipe off moisture vehicle, car kesat keretapi rough-textured surface (versus licin) train kesau keretup sound made by an animal or a person a crackling noise [bunyi geresek] falling into the undergrowth Kesau, aku jatuh dalam semak kering “Kesau, I’ve landed in the scrub” dry keset kerja curly hair [rambut keriting] work, to work [kerja] kesian keropeng pity scab kesing kertas hard (object) [(benda) keras] paper 75 ketagih Temuan World of Words ketagih kikir addict to file, a file ketam kilat a crab lightning ketat tight fitting kincih to toss something down (such as a ketawa bunch of petai pods) to laugh; clip. tawa kingking ketil berkingking to squat [cangkung] a pinch (of something); a small amount kira keting to count, calculate [kira] Achilles tendon kiri ketuh left (side) tired, of legs, from exertion (S&B 740, kerok, tired, Mantra; kebok, kita tired, Jakun) [penat] we, including the person addressed; (see also kami) ketuk to hit klim to fold paper, cloth; to fold up ketul trousers, sleeves [lipat] classification piece, e.g.,seketul kayu a piece of wood kodoing the dhole; (also anying serigala) ke’ung [serigala] to beat with a large stick (S&B 569, kuh, to strike, Senoi) [balun] kodong extremities (e.g., fingers, hands, feet) kijai cut off [kudung] incense (similar to cabok and kemian) consisting of the resinous kodong gum of a tree tiger; also imau (S&B 739, words for tiger include podong, South Pahang kijang Sakai; podogn, Mantra and Semelai; barking deer kohong, Kenaboi and Jakun) [harimau] 76 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kubur kojot korek to tie with a drawstring [mengguna to clean the ears is ngorek telinga tali untuk mengetatkan seluar atau beg] kosek kolem kosek-kasak pond [kolam] sounds made in the undergrowth or thicket, e.g., when someone walks koloi through [bunyi di dalam semak] cover for quiver for blowpipe darts [penutup telak, bekas menyimpan kotor damak] dirty komkom koweng ngomkom you people contraction of kau to close, or clench (fists), or to curl orang (coarse) up (e.g. in pain); can also denote the stiffness of a corpse [mengetap, kuali menggengam tangan, atau mengerekotkan badan (bila kesakitan)] kuali tangkai a frying pan koncot lame; Kelantan Malay: kecok [jalan kuap tempang] nguap to yawn konjol to tie with drawstring (syn. kojot) kuat [mengguna tali mengetatkan seluar strong, powerful; to tangkal kuat is to atau beg] perform powerful spell or charm kontang kubang dry, parched mud wallow kopak kubung broken into pieces or coming off, like the Malayan Flying Lemur bits of a wall (Cynocephalus variegatus) kopes kubur to peel [kupas] a grave kopi coffee 77 kuci Temuan World of Words kuci var. guci cakes and puddings dried/roasted melon seed [kuaci] kuini kuci buah kuini penyakit kuci the variety of mango native to the a local, itchy inflammation, Malay Peninsula (Mangifera odorata) with symptoms similar to those experienced from overeating buah kuis jering or buah kerdas; (drinking to rummage through a pile of things coconut juice, ayi kelapak, is a with a stick or a finger, in search of pallitive) [bengkak dan kudis di something [menolak barang ke tepi mana-mana bahagian tubuh] dengan sebatang kayu atau jari untuk mencari sesuatu] kucing cat; (cats and dogs should not be kukang killed because they are adik-beradik to slow loris [kongkang] humans); if a cat jumps over a corpse, the corpse may rise up kuku kucing ampau nail, claw [kuku] flat-headed cat [kucing hutan] kudik, sekudik kukur similar [serupa] to grate pengukur a coconut grater kukus kudis to steam (food) itchy skin infection udis cicai kukus the result of scratching an itch moonrat [tikus ambang bulan] between the toes, arising from contact with the urine of certain kulat animals or from stepping on certain lack of confidence; embarassment things in the forest kulit kudis beruk skin, soft rind the result specifically of contact with short-tailed macaque’s (beruk) urine kuman germs kuek the sound made by a pig [bunyi kumbar seekor babi] kumbar berteduh 78 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist kuwa

lymph gland in armpit [buah kurap kelenjar di bahagian ketiak] ringworm kumpul kurus to gather thin (of people) kunci kusat lock; key to peel off penyakit kunci, jaundice with liver and gallbladder kutip ailment; to collect penyakit kunci penyah arthritis kuwa kura kuning yellow kuning bayu [kuning muda] light yellow (S&B 758, biug, white, Senoi) kunyah to chew kunyit tumeric kupas to peel (fruit); more commonly kopes kura var. kuwa tortoise demam kura hard, shaking fever, not necessarily identified by Temuan as malaria kurang less

79 laci Temuan World of Words

L agu oiyop, an old Temuan song laci -lah drawer clit. softens the force of a command or request labah akar labah lahir plant which produces a red sap, an dunia lahir ingredient in ipoh poison the time of the world when miracles occurred, such as the tenggilling labah-labah (pangolin) getting a tongue and spider losing its teeth labu lahoit a long squash; gourd a Temuan oath: “may my body waste away if I am guilty” (S&B 597 gilhoit lada to deceive, northern Sakai; jeloit to pepper err, Pahang Sakai) [suatu sumpah orang Temuan] ladang garden plot; farm; the time for planting la ilah a ladang is tiga bulan buluh (when an expression of assent or resignation. the bamboo is 3 months of age), that From the Muslim affirmation of faith: is, when the sheaths (kelopak) have “There is no god (except Allah)” dropped off the bamboo shoots lain laga different, other berlaga to fight (e.g., buffalo, cock etc.) laju fast lagi more, again laki lagi tiga batu, man, husband ‘three more miles’; but tiga batu lebih a little over three miles laku to sell well, to be in demand lagu song; laku to do (something) 80 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lampu lakum lambung buah lakum to billow out or up Adam’s apple; according to Temuan lore, a fruit once got stuck lampai in the male throat and became the a large forest leech Adam’s apple (S&B 736 lakhum [sejenis pacat besar yang boleh Semang, throat) [lekum, buku ditemui di hutan] leher] lampan lalai to wash for tin, using a wooden tray careless lampar lalang melampar lallang, a ubiquitous tall grass randomly located all over the place lalat lampau house fly exceedingly, much more; terlampau lalu too much; to excess to go past, charge past; past (of time) lama luxuriant leafiness of trees; the old (except for people, for which see temiang (blowpipe) is not used under tuha); a long time these conditions [keadaan di mana pokok-pokok tumbuh dengan subur lamai dan berimbun-rimbun; dalam keadaan var. lambai ini temiang tidak boleh digunakan] to wave, beckon laman lampi cleared space around a house; play old pendulous breasts area outdoors [buah dada yang tua dan labuh] lambai lampin var. lamai diaper; traditionally a cawat (loincloth) was used lambat lampu slow, late lamp, light

81 lanak Temuan World of Words lanak landak (see landak) var. lanak porcupine; lancas lanak raya to slash through wood, trees (S&B Malayan porcupine 561, chas, manchas, to cut one’s (Hystrix brachyura) way through the forest, Pangan) lanak teboin [merintis jalan dengan mencantas brush-tailed porcupine dan menebas lalang dan rimbunan] (Atherurus macrourus) lancung lanak jijes not pure, dishonest; a play name is a long-tailed porcupine (Trichys nama lancung fasciculata) cengcek lanak lancang porcupine quill hillside pool; it is forbidden to bathe there because such spots are langgar inhabited by spirits (See teberai); if to crash into; to collide with one does bathe there, or even worse, urinates or defecates there, great langit harm will befall that person, such sky as a severe fever [Kolam di sebelah bukit yang menjadi tempat tinggal langkah teberai; Bermandi atau membuang stride, pace, measure (i.e., taken to air di situ akan membawa bala] attain a goal); melangkah lancas to stride to slash through wood, trees (S&B 561 chas, manchas to cut one’s langkak way through the forest, Pangan.) to hit someone or something with [merintis jalan dengan menebas a stick or other object [memukul lalang dan rimbunan] dengan sebatang kayu dll.] lanci langkap to slice [memotong kepingan] a kind of palm tree

langkeh landa always quarreling [sentiasa to pan for tin [landa: mencari bijih berkelahi] dengan dulang] 82 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lapit langsung Kenaboi, Besisi) [kulit kayu yang forthwith, not at all; boleh digunakan sebagai alas lantai] berlangsung to take place lap to wipe langui melangui lap to call out (to someone about 20 to vanish suddenly [lenyap dengan yards away) [seru] tiba-tiba] lantai lapang floor empty, vacant lantak lapar to ignore someone and let him do as hungry he pleases lapit lantak layer [lapis]; to ram down, to hit buluh lapit two thicknesses of split-bamboo lantang (for walls); the world has seven distinct (of sound) layers; the lowest, where melikat are, has day when we have night lantas and vice versa (because the sun passing right through revolves); its doorkeeper asks entrants what they’re doing there; lantik one time he didn’t let a Temuan in, to appoint; a batin without direct so the man went back home and descendents may appoint someone as came alive again; his successor when he dies; a dying lapit tujuh father may appoint a male friend to the seventh, bottom-most layer of watch over his family if a son is too the world, where melikat exist young, or if he has no son berlapit, behapit in folds, in layers [berlapis] latih to start an event [memulakan upacara] lapit to cover, e.g., with a tablecloth or lantok bedsheet [lapik] thick bark which can be laid down as flooring (S&B 712lantok skin, bark, 83 lapuk Temuan World of Words lapuk after a long time, we meet again mold, decay, mildew (S&B 673 lahun old, Kenaboi) lara laut buah lara ocean a fruit similar to the tampoi (S&B 730 lara tampui, Mantra) lawa pretty, handsome, smart, chic larai despondent, disappointed [kecewa] lawak jest, joke larang to prohibit lawan berlawan, melawan laring to fight, oppose; old Temuan word for a bicycle lawan tikam see tajih lastik slingshot layan clip. stik (Eng. elastic) [lastik] to pay attention to lata waterfall, cascade layang to glide (in the air) latah aberrant behavior in which a person layar repeats words or gestures of others; berlayar, melayar echolalia to sail latam layu pressing or stamping down wilted lauk lebah dishes accompanying rice in a meal bee; (syn. ) lebah nisan honey bee [lebah madu] laun protracted; nisan lebah honey [madu] lama-lah laun bertemu juga;

84 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lecur lebak lebuh medicinal plant with a cluster of road, lane -like leaves but no visible stem [sejenis tumbuhan yang boleh lebuh dijadikan ubat] storm; melebuh lebam to become stormy; to warn bruise children that they may cause a chalau, say, “melebuh tekalah” [ribut] lebang a tree found in secondary growth lecéh (belukar) which makes good house slimy, muddy (shallow) [berlumpur] posts (tihang) [sejenis pokok yang ditemui dalam belukar, yang lécéh digunakan sebagai tiang rumah] worthless, useless meleceh to run lebas someone/something down to slash lécét lebas rumput, to develop a blister to slash (tall) grass [tebas] lebat lecik dense, of rain or of fruits in a cluster melecik to splash out; lebih ayi melecik more than, greater; water splashing out [percik] nyap lebih, not more; lecir lebih kurang, to melt (e.g., ice, plastic, wax) more or less [mencairkan (ais, plastik, lilin, dll.)] terlebih lecit too much wet and muddy; lebu melecit dust, dusty to become wet and muddy (e.g., when trampled over) [lecah] lebur to melt (usually metal) lecur ngelecur scalded, blistered

85 ledang Temuan World of Words ledang leleh Gunung Ledang is a mountain in meleleh Melaka; an immense tiger is reputed (water) dribbling; can denote a to live there; it’s also the name of a runny nose Temuan song lemah legas weak to snap a long object in two [mematahkan sesuatu yang panjang lemak jadi dua] fat, grease gulai lemak lehi curry containing coconut milk neck [leher] buah lemak a sweet ‘fruit’ with a centre ‘like lehoi ice’ produced by a bulb below said as an invitation to enter one’s ground level; when one drinks house (S&B 552 serhoi to call, water after eating this fruit, the Mantra; S&B: 564 hoi to arrive at; water tastes sweet; this fruit is from, Besisi; S&B 565 hoi towards, sought, according to legend, by the Sakai) [digunakan untuk menjemput garuda (a mythical bird), which is orang naik rumah] now featherless; if the garuda were to find and eat this fruit, it lekas would grow feathers and come and quickly eat people lekat lemas melekat to drown to stick on, adhere to lembah lekuk valley hearts (suit in a pack of cards) lembing lelah spear asthma, exhaustion lembek lelayang soft, mushy kite [layang-layang]

86 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lengeu lemas lempet to asphyxiate, to have difficulty stemless, understorey palm (larger breathing; than cucur); the main ribs of its lemas semangat fronds are stripped to make basket- a kind of light fever due to a weaving material [pokok seperti dream or a fall, in which one’s soul cucur, tetapi lebih besar; tulang is temporarily lost daunnya digunakan untuk anyaman] lembu lempong kelasar cattle hairless bat [sejenis kelawar] lembut lempung soft; proper and correct; soft and light (of wood); smooth, cakap lembut mellow (of voice); ant. benchar to speak in a proper and refined manner lencem sharp, pointed [runching] lémén to hold and examine [memegang lendir sesuatu dalam tangan dan menelitinya] viscous fluid, mucous lemoi lengan melemoi arm, especially the forearm very slowly; to drag out a job; to tali lengan dawdle along [perlahan] straps for sentung basket lengan lempai baju sleeve melempai to dangle out, as a baby’s legs when lengang carried [berjuntai] sparse lempang lengas to slap a species of tree with a sap that causes a rash [sejenis pokok yang mana lempen getahnya boleh menyebabkan ruam] to deflate (of balls, tyres), e.g. due to a puncture [kempis] lengeu tall and skinny (ant. dompok) [tinngi dan kurus]

87 lenggong Temuan World of Words lenggong lengong sound made when an object is hit buah lengong [bunyi yang keluar apabila sesuatu a green-skinned mango with red pulp dihentak] lenguh lenggong to feel weak in the limbs berlenggong to hit with a light object lening to throw, hurl (for example, a piece of lengkak wood) [lontar] melengkak to wear eye glasses [memakai lenyap cermin mata] vanish lengkap lepas complete past, over lengkeh lepuh thumping sound eg head knocking ngelepuh against the wall, when thumping the blistered table with fist [bunyi yang keluar bila kepala terhantuk ataupun semasa lepuk menghentak meja] slapping sound, e.g., when slapping wet clothes on a board or a rock lengkot to bend a sapling or branch lerai over, as when getting at its fruit to separate two people (e.g., who [melenturkan dahan dsb] are quarelling) lengkang leseh lengkang-lengkung to throw a pointed projectile, such as twists and turns (in a road or path) a spear [melontar lembing] lengkum lesek melengkum restless; to be unable to sit up on one’s own melesek (for example, an infant) [tidak to fidget [gelisah] berupaya duduk tegak, seperti bayi]

88 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lindung lesung lidah mortar tongue letah lidi the final stage of decomposition of the veins of a palm leaf bound the body; the name of a Temuan oath together and used as a broom; (sumpah) that means let my body kerenes is the more commonly used rot (if I am guilty) [tahap terakhir term in Temuan penguraian mayat; nama yang diberi kepada satu daripada siri tujuh lilin sumpah utama orang Temuan] candle, wax letak limau to put citrus fruits; limau purut letih leprous lime weary limbat liar a species of catfish wild limpai liang var. of lempai a small aperture, a pore, a crack (e.g., in floor boards) limpang melimpang liat to walk with a lame [berjalan tempang] tough but flexible; cakap liat limpun cussing a basin [besen] liban linang to hit sidewards with a stick or log berlinang [menyebat sesuatu di bahagian tepi] to drip, to flow in drops (e.g., sweat, tears) licau completely finished [habis langsung] lindung to shelter licin slippery, smooth (versus kesat)

89 lingkar Temuan World of Words lingkar lisah berlingkar restless (due to anxiety); clip. of to be coiled up (like a snake), gelisah [gelisah] melingkar to encircle litak weary (S&B: 740 litak tired, lintah Beduanda, Malacca) [penat] the swamp leech lobak lintang Chinese radish melintang horizontal terlintang (also terlentang) locot flat on one’s back melocot blistered [lecet, terkelupas kulit] lintas to cross lodeh silt, mud (can sink in it past the lenyek ankles) [lodak] to splash feet in puddles [memercik air dalam lopak dengan kaki] lodoh a Temuan oath: “may my internal lipan organs rot (if I am guilty)” [suatu centipede sumpah orang Temuan] lipas lojoh cockroach melojoh perpendicular to lipat [serenjang, tegak lurus] to fold up; a crease; lipat ganda lojok manifold to keep moving, momentum, e.g., a car to rolling downhill in free gear [lajak] lipur melipur lokoh to work oneself out of a situation hard [melepaskan diri dari sesuatu keadaan] lombong a mine

90 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist lubang lompang (beronggeng), as these are taboos promiscuous, of women; thus, Lompang (pantang), which, if broken, will Sagu is the name of a song sung by men turn her into a bird; when a spirit, about women who have spurned them, she can be kept away from a in which the women are accused of birthing area by putting being loose [rambang] mengkuang (thorny pandanus) under the house; in the forest, if a lompat certain call is heard, one must to jump, leap produce a bad odour (bau busuk) by burning salt or salt fish ikan( longgar masin) to keep her away; she can loose; loose fitting (versusketat ) eat a man’s testicles without him even knowing it; there are many longgok manifestations of her, but the to gather objects together in a pile; a original longsui lives on an island in pile (of things) the ocean where they many selimba grow [hantu yang memakan darah longkang dan bermuka kucing, yang drain, ditch dikatakan tinggal di dalam semun, sejenis paku pakis] longkas to come off, peel off (e.g., skin, tiles, lori tree bark) [lekang] lorry longkoh lotong a type of rambutan whose flesh comes var. lutung off easily from the seed [rambutan dusky leaf monkey longkah] luar longsui outside; hantu longsui keluar a blood-eating, naked spirit with to go out a cat’s face that lives in the bird’s nest fern (selimba) and can luas become human; as a human, she is spacious young and beautiful, with long hair, and has no difficulties with lubang childbirth and as a human, she hole does not eat burnt ikan bilis or lubang tahi belacan and does not dance anus 91 lubuk Temuan World of Words lubuk lumut deep pool in a river lichen, moss lucut luncat released; slipped from one’s grasp to leap up with both feet together [loncat] ludah saliva; lungkat meludah split open (fruit) [berpecah kulit to spit (buah)]

luncur luka meloncur wound [luka] to slip forward or downward lukah lungsur a basket-like fish trap to slide down lukis lupa paint, draw to forget lulum lurus to suck, to lick straight lumat lutung to pulverize var. of lotong lumi lutut see lumur below knee lumpur mud lumur var. lumi to smear, to coat, e.g., with flour, or mud (of a pig wallowing in themud)

92 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist malu

M come (S&B 565 mai come, Belandas, Mantra, also Cham) mabuk main to be drunk to play; card games include main colet and main tan; bukan main its no joke macam like, resembling, ways; mancong dua macam cakap buah mancong to say two contradictory things horse mango (yellow pulp) madu makan honey cf. manisan, nisan to eat makan penyudah madu farewell dinner second and subsequent wives [isteri yang kedua, dan yang makan ramai-ramai seterusnya] a large feast makan tanah magah (lit. to eat earth); to appropriate something reprehensible or revolting; someone else’s land; this is what hill [perkara yang tidak elok] rice (padi huma) is said to do to the land and is the reason why rice can mahajen only be planted once in a forest clearing enough [cukup] mahajen sangat maki too much [terlalu banyak] to use bad language, to swear mahal malam expensive night; the more usual Temuan word for night is gelap mahang a small tree (Macaranga spp) malang unlucky mahu to want (more commonly, nak) malas lazy, reluctant to mai clip. mari malu ashamed, embarrassed

93 mamah Temuan World of Words mamah manai to chew very stupid [sangat bodoh] mamai manai to talk to oneself, without being crazy behavior [kelakuan gila] aware of it, as in delirium or illness manau mamak rotan manau father’s older brother [bapa saudara] a thick rattan (Calamus manan) mamalang mancung var. mambang tapering hidung mancung mambang prominent nose var. mamalang mambang kuning mancis yellow clouds at sunset; matches hantu mambang a spirit that can take on any colour, mandi said to cause illness in which there to bathe is fever, weakness, and cold hands mandul mampus var. manul dead, to die mangis man var. manggis who, which, that (syn. nan) [yang, nan] manggis var. mangis mangosteen mana where mangkar mana-mana half-ripe (for fruit like and anywhere; mangosteens); half-cooked, still hard (of tubers) di mana? where? mangkuk ke mana? bowl where to?

94 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist matahari manik marin bead yesterday, a long time ago [kelmarin] manis masa sweet time or period; masa Jepun manisan the period of Japanese occupation honey; clip. nisan [madu] masak manja ripe; cooked, to cook affectionate masam mantong sour; pig [babi] muka masam sour face manul var. mandul barren masih still, continuing manusia humankind masuk enter manyak var. banyak mat many; very very tiny, such as certain seeds (S&B 595 ma’at Semang , matan Jakun, ma’ok seed; S&B 715 mat small, Mantra) tragic results of doing something [sangat kecil] dangerous or unusual on the day a Temuan in the community dies; mata [akibat yang menyedihkan hasil eye daripada perbuatan merbahaya ataupun luarbiasa pada hari seorang matahari dari golongan Temuan di sesuatu the sun [matahari] empat meninggal dunia] matahari mati (lit. dying sun) west; marah matahari keluar angry (lit. rising sun) east

95 mati Temuan World of Words mati melesin die same as bersin to sneeze mawas melikat legendary man-like ape; orang utan the soul of a dead person (as opposed to semangat, the soul of one alive) mayang See also hantu melikat mawat and hot (of ambient temperature) [panas] umah melikat. melikat are the cause of dreams in me’enk which dead persons appear; upon to grunt [mendengkur] awakening, the dreamer must pasang kemayan (burn incense) and megah tell the melikat to go away; (S&B to lord it over others, to boast 317 nabi melaikat the supreme being [megak] in the Besisi and Jakun religion, who lived a long time ago when the sky meh had 7 suns, 7 moons, 7 stars, and 7 a year ago or more rainbows; the last were really the 7 snake-souls of the serpent called naga mehado melaikat; the serpent lies in a land at the to visit neighbours (S&B 733 mah edge of the sky, with his head reaching people, Besisi; mai people, Semai; dol to the gate of heaven; also in this house, Besisi, Pk. Semai) land are 7 large birds, the garuda, [melawat jiran] and a gigantic elephant, which is really an elephant soul) [malaikat] mehereng see hereng melok var. belok mejeh tiger (said by Selangor Temuan to be memang used by Pahang Temuan) (S &B: 738 truly; naturally “that’s the way it is” meje, mejeh tiger, Belandas, Mantra, Kenaboi) [harimau] mempelam var. pelam mekoh buah pelam to be lazy to get out of bed [malas a small mango bangun, selalu lewat bangun] menang melantong to win very smelly [sangat busuk] 96 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist merayang menantu liquids vary in temperature from son- or daughter-in-law hangat (hot), through seram ketong kuku, to sejuk and mentek menarung var. nyenyerung otter; memerang is mentek a small otter [memerang] sweet [manis] mene’ong mentri see jangkang the third ranking traditional Temuan official [pegawai yang berpangkat mengah nombor 3 dalam adat Temuan] to pant, to breathe heavily (from exhaustion) mentuha father- and mother-in-law [bapa mengandung mertua/ibu mertua] pregnant mentuk mengkapas var. bentuk buah mengkampas, buah kapas fruit of a large forest tree with menung fragrant flowers to think deeply; to ruminate over something mengkok termenung var. bengkok crooked, bent to be deep in though mengkuang menunggang a kind of screwpine (Pandanus upside down; from tunggang species) whose leaves are used for mat making merang Malay weasel; also hisang masak mengoh [pulasan tanah] to worry, be anxious [bimbang, gelisah] merasap to go in search of a sexual partner mentah [mencari teman persetubuhan] still hard, half-, [(nasi) belum cukup masak] merayang mentek flickering (e.g., of candlelight, or cold and numb, as hands in cold light reflected in water) [berkelip- weather[merasa sejuk dan kebas]; kelip]

97 merbau Temuan World of Words merbau ideally by the mother of the man pokok merbau conferring successfully with the a species of forest hardwood tree mother of the woman involved (Afzelia Palembanica) from which jemalang can issue forth 10 to 20 minggu years after the tree has died and fallen week; hari minggu merbuk Sunday zebra dove (Geopelia striata) minta meredom to ask for to go on a forest expedition to search for products to use or sell or to go on minum a fishing expedition to drink mersik minyak crisp, crunchy (of food) oil; gasoline minyak api miah kerosene see merah minyak kelapa miang coconut oil itchy minyak geliga medicinal oil of eucalyptus mihak see berak misai moustache mihing on one’s side; baring mihing to lie on misim one’s side [pada sebelah badan] smiling [mesem (Javanese)] moh mikai move! let’s go! (also jalan) Temuan watermelon also say, “Apa lagi kita-tai!” or clip. of temikai [tembikai] “Lekas!” !”) (S&B 620 moh to go, Mantra and Orang Asli of Rasa, mimpi Selangor) [jalan, ayuh] dream, to dream moi minang mother (S&B 663 moi mother, engagement, to become engaged; Belandas, Mantra, Beduanda) [emak] 98 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist mus mok mui joints; also kelutut [sendi] mother; also emak [ibu] moncong muka var. muncung face; animal snout, bird’s bill muka manis friendly face mongkot senyap mula the first, the beginning muyang ancestor [moyang] mulut mouth muat to accommodate mumau (any) flying squirrel, as opposed to muat the large colugo (kubung) [tupai var. buat terbang] muda mumong young; unripe (of fruit, ant. of masak) the tailess fruit bat (Megaerops ecaudatus) [cecadu tidak berekor] mudah easy, cheap muncung var. moncong mudi stern, rudder mungkah the Silvered Leaf Monkey (Presbytis mudik cristata) [lotong kelabu] to travel upstream muntah muh to vomit cartilage at tip of nose (S&B 671 muh nose, Semang, Mantra, Besisi, munuh Ulu Langat Temuan) [hidung] var. bunuh muha mus all; clip. of semua [semua] to breathe out; clip. of hemus

99 musang Temuan World of Words musang N generic name for members of the civet family particularly nabi musang ampau creator of the world; has various Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus names, including Tuhan; thoughts can hermaphroditus) [musang pulut] be directed to this creator [tuhan] musang jebat Oriental Civet (Viverra tangalunga) nadi [tanggalong] pulse, heartbeat musang langkap Masked Palm Civet (Paguma naga larvata) dragon [musang lamri] nah musang lenseng here; take it Small-toothed Palm Civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata) [musang nahoint akar] well! so! also apoh (Jinjang dialect) musang menturun (Serendah uses woih; Bukit Lanjan binturong (Arctictis binturong) uses hawa) [binturong] musang sempah naik short-tailed mongoose (Herpestes ascend brachyurus) [cerpelai ekor pendek] nak musim to want, to intend; clip. henak season or period; musim ayi hujan, nakal rainy season mischievous, perverse mutan nala clip. of rambutan always [selalu] nala ada a very long time [tempoh yang sangat panjang].

nalai var. berdalai

100 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist ngeleting

to fall together (a bunch of leaves) naus [daun gugur bertimbun] deathly look of a person who contemplates his death; as opposed nama to the look of one who is gravely name; ill (tenat) [wajah seorang yang nama lacung merenungkan kematiannya – play name berbeza daripada wajah seorang yang sakit tenat] nampak to see nenas pineapple nan var. man; nenek this, there, here; nan ini lagi: nan grandfather; also [datuk] ini sikit (move) a little farther away (S&B 757, nan kamana? where are nentang you (going)? Orang Laut.) see tentang nangka ngalok jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) sense of disgust, revulsion nanti ngan to wait for/otherwise; unwilling; clip. enggan (S&B 670, jangan main panas, nanti kena hawa gan, unwilling, Mantra) don’t play hard, or you’ll catch a cold nganga napas to gape breath; [nafas] ternganga agape napoh large mouse deer ngangai careless [cuai, lalai] nas nurse; [jururawat] ngelang var. gelang nasi cooked rice ngeleting flirtatious, promiscuous, of a nasib female [kelakuan rambang (seorang luck, fate perempuan)]

101 ngeri Temuan World of Words ngeri honey; clip. of manisan (S&B 633 scary, suspenseful, worrying nisan honey, Beduanda, Johol, Negri Sembilan) [madu] ngigau see igau nonong var. menong ni always; continual; (S&B 732 nong clip. ini there, that, Besisi; menong since, Sakai; nono this, Negri Sembilan niak Orang Asli) [selalu] no more, no longer there [tiada lagi] nun nibung there, yonder [nun, di situ] a species of stemmed, forest palm -nya nikah possessive suffix to marry syn. bersama nyala to flare up, blaze nilai worth, value nyaman var. jaman niluk feeling of acidic corrosion of teeth, nyamuk due to eating buah masam, sour mosquito fruits [perasaan seolah-olah gigi dihakis semasa memakan buah masam] nyanyi to sing nipah the nipah palm nyap not, no; some Semai have been nipis known to call the Temuan Mai Nyap, thin, of flat objects the ‘nyap’ people (S&B 604 nyap no, not, Mantra, Besisi) [tidak] nisan batu nisan nyawa any upright grave marker life, body nisan nyengong nisan lebah immature ears of corn, 1 to 2 inches long, eaten whole 102 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist ompot nyenyak O deep sleep; see jenak oh nyenyerung said when a person thinks another otter [memerang] doesn’t understand him; also oluh [kata seru yang diujar apabila seorang nyiru berpendapat ia tidak difahami] winnowing tray for rice oiyang nyulu to enjoy a party, dancing, or the like, see rotan but not used for food [bersuka ria] nyunga oiyang quick-tempered, cruel [bengis] small insect with pleasant song, heard in afternoon [sejenis serangga kecil] nyungkil to dig up, using leverage [ungkil] oiyet afraid [takut] nyus to wane (of the moon) okam a hardwood tree with thorns and sap that causes a skin rash [sejenis pokok berduri yang mengeluarkan getah yang boleh menyebabkan ruam kulit]

oloi so, such; hu bukan oloi jauh, it’s not so far; oloi-nya as is the case [begitu]

olor var. of ulur to reach out (one’s arm) [hulur]

oluh var. of oh

ompot another word for imau [harimau]

103 opa Temuan World of Words opa jebo, jobo Besisi) oldster; [orang tua] orang pigi African opan orang putih palm frond sheath [upih] white person orang orang salah human, person; a wrongdoer aku seorang orang serani I am all alone [orang] Eurasian orang asli orang tanah tujoh the original people of West Malaysia people on earth (see also orang Bengali manusia); literally, people of the seventh layer of the world Bengali, in colloquial use refers to orang tanjan Sikhs lowland or foothill people; used orang Cina by Temuans of N. Selangor state to Chinese refer to themselves orang dagang seorang foreigner alone; orang Dayak Dayak (Bornean) osong orang gunung placenta mountain people; how Temuans (S&B 667 sonk navel, Semai; sok describe orang asli living at high placenta, Khmer) [plasenta] elevations orang keling otak brains Tamil, south Indian orang laut oweh sea people (boat-living) (interjection) like a disbelieving orang Melayu “humpf” in English; [kata seru, Malay; Temuan generally use mengeluarkan perasaan tidak the term jobok to refer to Malays; percaya] Selangor Temuans recognize 6 subgroups of Malays: 3 from Sumatra, 1 from Bangka Island, 1 from S. Borneo and Java (S&B 654

104 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist pala

P pahabung var. perabung pacat the common forest leech paham to understand [faham] padah result; pahit bitter nyap padah, useless, unprofitable; pajung ada padah, tap root of 5-6 ft. tree; it worked out metaphorically, head of the family [akar tunjang] padam to extinguish a fire or a light, or let it pakai go out (versus pasang); to erase to wear, put on, use padan pakaian adequate, fitting clothes padi pakat rice in the husk (versus beras, hulled to cooperate; an agreement rice and nasi, cooked rice) padi melinjar paku a kind of rice planted by the Temuan fern; padi humak paku seleleh hill rice edible species of fern with reddish semangat padi fronds the ‘soul of the rice’ paku pagar nail fence pala pagi head; clip. of kepala; morning pala kurak inability to decide what one wants paha [kepala] thigh

105 palu Temuan World of Words palu panang penyudah, to strike with a stick deathbed parting palung panggang sluice for sedimenting tin from ore to roast (fish, etc.) panggil pamah to call; to address someone flat land pangkal panah beginning; the first, for instance, bow and/or arrow bini pangkal, the first wife (butanak sulung means first child) panang see pandang pangkat rank (in familial relationships), stage, panas degree; hot pangkat turun the degree to which two people are panau related by descent; discolored patches of skin caused by a pangkat tuan fungus; tinea to achieve high status pancing pangkin to fish with a line; (Temuan bed platform; bedroom; Hokkien usually say kail instead) pangkin pancut bedroom [pangking] to squirt water; pangku ayi pancut, (memangku) the running water outlet of a water to hold between chest and forearms pipe (traditionally made of lengths of bamboo) panglima an offical Temuan title, much pandang below batin var. panang to look at pangsa panang umah, a segment, such as a segment of to awaken (literally, to look at the an orange; house)

106 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist patuk umah pangsa, parut a block of flats scar panjang pasal long (ant. pendek) cause, because; apa pasal panjat why to climb a tree pasang pantak to erect a building; to light (a lamp mantak or incense); to set in position to pound, to knock (e.g., with a pasang duit hammer or rock); drive in (nails) to bet on (a fight, etc.) pantang pasang jaring taboo to set up a fish net pantat pasang female private parts classifier pair; sepasang kasut; panting a pair of shoes four days hence; day after tulat; the sequence is esok, lusa, tulat, panting pasir sand pantun quatrain pasu food bowl, flower pot papah prop, support a person (e.g., who has patah difficulty walking) broken clean through, of rigid objects papan patah board classifier used for words, verses; sepatah pantun, parah a quatrain severe (of a wound) patuk pari to bite (of snake) var. ikan pari skate or ray 107 patung Temuan World of Words patung kacang pecah, statue, figurine; the peanuts are scattered; anak patung, demam pecah, a doll sporadic fever patut pedang fair, proper, ought to sword, bayonet pauh pedas buah pauh (chili) hot a kind of sweet mango (Mangifera pentandra) pedih to smart, sting, irritate (for pauh example, skin) a quarter cupak; buah pauh, peduli a kind of wild mango clip. duli to care, concern oneself with something paya swamp, marsh pegang to hold payah difficult; perabung var. pahabung nyap payah, roof ridge not necessary; not difficult perangai payau disposition, behaviour brackish pergi payung to go umbrella peringkat pecah level, stage to break, burst open; to split bamboo and flatten it to use as flooring; to pejam become separated from travelling to shut (of eyes) companions;

108 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist pengantin pejoh pelampung hujan pejoh cf. temiang pelampung raining steadily for days or weeks; (perjar: incessant, of rain) [hujan pelanduk yang berpanjangan] large mouse deer pekak pelantar deaf raised, roofless platform in front of the house pekat sticky and thick; pelat susu pekat poorly pronounced or spoken with an sweetened, condensed milk odd accent pekes pelipat to snap into two [patah dua] var. pelipatan hollow behind knee pekih to split open a palm for its heart pelir (umut); [membelah pokok palma penis untuk mendapatkan umbut] buah pelir testicles pekik to scream pelita kerosene lamp pekililing encircling peluh sweat pelahang (Bukit Lanjan) see pemohong pemohong var. pembohong pelakun liar, fake (Bukit Lanjan: pelahang) an actor pendek pelam short var. mempelam pengantin pelamin bride, groom bridal dais

109 pengapit Temuan World of Words pengapit penyakit kunci bride’s or groom’s helper [orang yang jaundice with liver and gall bladder menyokong/menolong pengantin] ailment penyakit kunci penyah penggal arthritis var. pengal to break off, to cut (into penyakit lelah two pieces) asthma, exhaustion (See hantu kenait origin of condition) pengkalan pier/jetty penyakit nyelap a deathly disease which is fatal in pengsan one to two hours [selap] to faint, black out penyakit pekung yaws pening dizzy penyapu a broom; it is a major taboo penuh (pantang) to hit anyone with a full broom; this results in the victim becoming ill or dying; hitting with penyaden a shoe has less severe results, but is hantu penyaden equally forbidden a spirit that sucks blood, causing death [penanggalan] penyegan one who works only occasionally, an penyakit idler (from segan) [pemalas] disease penyakit batu penyengat said to be like penyakit kunci; a sting; any hymenopteran insect gallstones; for this condition there (bee, wasp, etc.) is a taboo (pantang) on eating durian, ikan pari, ular, and babi penyepit to prevent the condition returning; tongs, tweezers; from sepit a little lada is permitted; there is no pantang on eating tupai, sikah, perah lotong, gila-bau, tengilling, most a forest tree with an edible seed fish,pelanduk, or rusa [buah perah]

110 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist peti peranjat periuk var. peranyat saucepan, cooking pot to startle (someone) terperanjat perlahan to be startled slow peranyat pernah var. peranjat already percaya perut trust, to have faith in abdomen, stomach; uterus perut kosong perdah hungry kayu perdah handle of a hatchet pesat hasty; perengkong makan pesat throat [kerongkong] to eat hurriedly buah perengkong Adam’s apple petai a legume tree with large edible beans peria in 6 to 12 inch-long pods (Parkia bitter gourd; bitter melon speciosa) sekeping petai peridi one pod; high fertility sepudung petai a bunch of pods perigi well (of water) petang afternoon perindu a plant used in a love potion is buluh petenah perindu to brag; to bad-mouth someone [bercakap besar, fitnah] perintah government rule; peti perintah British box; British rule in Malaya

111 petik Temuan World of Words petik pinang to pluck (flower, fruit, or stringed betel nut instrument) pindah petir var. pinah loud thunder (S&B 738 pateh Jakun) pinggang picit waist to pinch pinjam piring to borrow; (also amik sekejap) small plate or saucer pintal pijak to twine, twist, braid to step, tread on pintu pijat door bedbug pipi pikir cheeks to think, ponder [fikir] pipih pikul flat, versus bulat, round to carry a weight pipit pilih burung pipit to select, choose sparrows and other passerine birds pin pisang pin; banana (many edible kinds, such as pin baju embun, mas, minyak, senangka, susu) safety pin pisau pinah knife; var. pindah pisau sebelati pinah umah razor blade to move (house); also alis umah

112 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist pujuk pitam potong to faint, followed by dizziness to cut, slice; classifier for a short plet dart cases: a bundle of reeds in a length of a rod-like object; quiver, each holding one blowpipe dart potong ayam (S&B 688 plet Besisi, Mantra, Jakun) to slaughter a chicken; potong susu, pohon to tap rubber trees classifier for tree puas pohon satisfied, content; to apply (for something), supplicate puas mandi pokok to bathe to one’s heart’s content tree puasa pondan to fast transvestite pucam pondok colour faded, washed out hut, shelter pucat pontianak pale vampire spirit of childbirth which wears batik; men call her with kemayan pucuk to sleep with them; she can enter the shoot (of bamboo, fern etc.) body and in this way eat blood, but later she can run off; she sometimes pucuk talks to people in dreams and people classifier for letters; sometime see her in the day; she is sepucuk surat beautiful and like the longsui and a letter teberai can become human puja posel to worship, to pray; knead (as dough) into a ball; turn pujaan hati an object about to observe it better adored one [mengadun (tepung); memutar sesuatu benda supaya dapat pujuk memerhatinya dengan lebih teliti] to coax, e.g., to coax an angry person to do something

113 puki Temuan World of Words puki pulut female genitals (vulgar; used as an expletive); pun pukimak also (your) mother’s genitals ((vulgar; used as an expletive) punah to be destroyed; utterly ruined pukul hit downward; beat with small stick, punai strike; o’clock, the green pigeon (several kinds) pukul tujuh 7 o’clock puncak the free or tip end of anything; pula summit (of a mountain) on the other hand pundong pulai lean-to shelter, often roofed with large a tree with abundant white sap that leaves; (S&B 635-636 dung house, grows on sandy soil; it reputedly Besisi;pondong hut, Mantra) [pondok] cannot live in the forest because it originated as a human being punggah to unload, to move (something) pulang to go back; to return (something) pungguk the hawk owl which, according to the pulau Temuan, was the husband of the moon island; and had an urge to visit the human pulau buah world; although the wife (moon) island of fruits (a paradise where no objected, she did travel to earth and is one dies) heard calling when the moon is out puluh punggung var. sepuluh buttocks; the bottom of an object ten; duapuluh, puntal twenty to pick fruit; to twist around

114 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist ramas punya R owned by; also -nya as a possessive suffix rabuk tinder, blowpipe wadding purut knobbly, rough (of skin) rabun limau purut myopia leprous lime rabus pusat to exhale tobacco smoke from the navel, centre mouth [menghembus asap rokok dari mulut] pusing to revolve, rotate, turn racun poison putih white, light in color; blonde (hair) rahung putih bantok to cry loudly, to howl (of animal) pure white [raung] puting rajin a pacifier industrious putus rakit sever raft puyuh ramah burung puyuh friendly quail ramai many (people)

ramai var. rambai

ramas to massage; to knead

115 rambai Temuan World of Words rambai rangkut var. ramai to grab, seize, appropriate; fruit similar to the duku; varieties: merangkut tanah rambai jambi, ramai-pachat to seize someone else’s land [merampas] rambut hair rantas to slash through (undergrowth, rambutan branches etc.) clip. mutan mutan gadong is the name of an old ranting song; there is a species of rambutan twig called rambutan gading in Malay rasa rampai to taste var. merampai miscellaneous rasi serasi, terasi rampas to be appropriate, to match, to to seize, to jerk; to tug at or off resemble; for the condition nyap terasi, rana see under tulah [padan] to pine away rata rancung flat, level, to smooth small bamboo-tube container, often for water [bekas air yang diperbuat ratah dari buluh] to chew [kunyah] rangkak ratah to crawl not accompanied by rice; rangkak meratah to wander aimlessly [berjalan tidak to eat meat and vegetables without rice tentu hala] rawang rangkap a morass; muddy area overgrown to total up with weeds

116 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist rences rayak relung to pan for tin [mendulang (bijih timah)] a cavity; semi-enclosed storage place rayau relung to prowl, wander along at random animal track in the bush rayu remeh to appeal, to petition insignificant; scraps; crumbs of food rebana rempit a large drum (musical instrument) to go fast, to accelerate [jalan dengan pantas, pecut] rebung bamboo shoot (edible) rempit to cane [Pk. rempit: menyebat rebus dengan rotan] to boil something in water renang recik berenang to splash to swim redup rencas overcast, gloomy to slash through wood, trees [rantas] regat rencet to take a short cut through in spurts undergrowth (semak) [mengambil jalan pintas melalui semak] rencing misting rain with the sun shining; rehat this is a time of roaming spirits (masa berehat hantu) uring which it is dangerous to to rest travel, especially if there is a rainbow (jedau) [hujan panas] rejan lazy [malas] rences merences relap to tear bits off something, such merelap as paper shining, flickering

117 rendah Temuan World of Words rendah rentap low, short to snatch or tug roughly, such as clothes from a line rendam to soak renyis var. renjis to sprinkle, dribble; to strum (the dense, thick, crowded (with fruit, or guitar) with people in a gathering) resemi reneh one’s nature; clip. semi [sifat seseorang] to boil; to bubble out, as from the breathing of a crocodile under water resul to sleep [tidur] rengat gripping pain, as from an abscess ribut storm rengka to pull up, to tear or rip (S&B 731 rimau rengka to tear, Mantra) [koyak] var. imau rengkah rimba to die [mati] primary rain forest rengkes rimbas skinny [terlalu kurus] adze renjis rindu var. renyis longing rentang ringan stretched out, to stretch out light ` rentak rintis rentak tabung to slash a path through the forest bamboo stompers (musical instruments; not used by northern ripung Selangor Temuan) [keratan buluh yang a short python; it can become a tikus digunakan untuk menghentak irama] kelapa sawit - a rodent that lives in

118 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist rusuk oil palm trees (S&B 719 ular ripong rotan tunggal smaller python, Jakun, Malacca) [ular ‘the best’ rattan sawa kecil] ru risau pokok ru anxious, uneasy casuarina roda rugi wheel loss rokok rumbun cigarette bonfire; fire made on the ground roman rumpun the “look” of a person; the Temuan tree depend on this to determine a person’s character rumput grass ronggeng a dance runcing beronggeng pointed to perform this dance runsing rongkong to worry, to be anxious bones, skeleton [tulang, tulang rangka] rupa appearance rosak broken, destroyed rusa deer rotan rattan rusuk rotan dahan ribs a kind of rattan rotan manau a thick rattan rotan nyulu a thin rattan

119 sabit Temuan World of Words

S to preserve meat or fish by drying it over embers sabit salak sickle nyalak bark (of dog), to bark sabun soap salak buah salak sain very sweet, edible fruit with three to sign [menandatangan] segments, each having a large seed; thin, red, and rough skin saja only salam clip. sahaja a greeting sakai salin orang sakai to change (of clothing); more menial slave; a term used by Temuan commonly in Temuan, ganti baju or to refer to themselves disparagingly; tukar baju; bersalin to give birth; more a term used for Orang Asli by other commonly in Temuan is beranak groups, out of contempt or ignorance; an early name for Temuan “used salur by white people” channel, gully sakal sama to bump one’s head on something the same; sama rata sakit equal, same level; a disease; to hurt bersama to marry; to have sexual relations with saksi witness, evidence samal var. sambal salah (chili) hot and spicy condiments error, wrongdoing saman salai summons from the police nyalai

120 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist sangkut

sandar sambal var. sanar var. samal to lean one’s back on something sambung sangeh to join to make an umah melikat (spirit house) [membina sebuah umah sambung melikat] one house-width of attap roofing (about 50 atap nipah to a side which sanggit is eight feet long) rubbing together (e.g., two tree branches) [bergesel,umpama dua sambut dahan pokok] var. samut to catch (a ball, etc.); to receive sanggul (visitors) coiffure sampai sangka to arrive to expect; nyap sangka dia mati, sampu (we) didn’t expect her to die sakit sampu a wasting disease sangkal to disavow, deny [menafi] samun scrub (See semak samun) sangkar cage; chicken coop sanang See sandang sangkong pain in the sides [sakit pinggang] sanar See sandar sangkut to stick, to snag; metaphorically, to sandang stick in the mind, to memorize; var. sanang tulis, sangkut, baca to carry slung over the shoulder (as write, remember, read (what a rifle or towel) children do in school)

121 santau Temuan World of Words santau saudara a slow-acting, compound poison cousin; close collateral relative [racun yang bertindak dengan perlahan] sawai trance; sanyok bersawai numbness in the limbs (e.g., as a to get into a trance as part of a result of sitting in the wrong position healing ritual (for grave illness) for too long) [kebas] sawan sapa convulsions; var. siapa jampi sawan, who medicine and a spell against crying fits and convulsions in infants sapi cattle sawi greens sapu to sweep; a broom; to rub on sayang (ointment, etc.) love, pity sarang sayap bird’s nest; hive; wing sarang tebuan hornet’s hive seberang the opposite side, across sarung a wrapping; for the article of seburu clothing, the Temuan more usually hantu seburu use kain; this forest spirit lives in high sarung bantal valleys or passes and may be owned pillow case by a human being; if possessed, the owner has good fortune sate in getting money, food, and in skewered pieces of meat barbecued concocting medical cures (as over a charcoal fire a dukun); possession is lost if a person behaves badly (lying, satu laziness, fighting with spouse) one, in a definite sense

122 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist sejuk

since God censures such behavior; sedang hantu seburu can become human to be in the process of and if there is hujan rencing (rain with sunshine) and a certain bird sedar is heard, this hantu is nearby; if to be awake, to awaken momentarily there is no such rain and one hears many of these birds, it is a tiger; sedingin the followers of this hantu are a herbaceous plant (Bryophyllum certain bird, a certain squirrel, and calycinum); its leaves are used against fireflies; if one sees or hears these fevers in the forest, he must run away before this hantu catches him or he sedui will become ill with fever and die; to drag out a job, to dawdle [sengaja the fever will be impossible to cure membuat kerja atau berjalan dengan with a charm (tangkal). Originally perlahan] this hantu was a man; when he travels he carries a spear (lembing) segala and if he stabs you, the wound is anying segala fatal wound; he consumes a red dog, dhole; also kodoing [serigala] person’s life force (semangat) and his son, Jin Ali, is evil while his segan wife, Siti Setima, is not evil as she clip. gan just sits at home; people do not shy, reluctant; segan is used see hantu seburu nowadays [sejenis especially in refusing food; gan is hantu yang menduduki kawasan used more often in refusing to do pergunungan] something (See penyegan) sebut segera to say, mention; speedily jangan disebut lagi is said to invite visitors into one’s segi house; angle anak sebut, an individual in an offspring-like se’im relation to a person (usually used of spoiled and giving a smell (of food) a close relative), but an anak angkat, an [(lauk) yang sudah berbau] adopted child, is a ‘real’ offspring sejuk cold

123 seken Temuan World of Words seken selimba a little; see sikit [sedikit] the bird’s nest fern, reported to be the home of the hantu longsui sekoi [semun, sejenis paku pakis, yang millet dikatakan menjadi tempat tinggal hantu longsui] sekung arthritis [artritis] selimut blanket seladang gaur; selit seladang hutan to insert an object into a crevice banteng seluk selam to grope with the hand (in a hole or var. nyelam pocket) to dive; to jump down (on land) selungkar selamat to uncover, e.g., push a mass of safe; things aside when looking for orang selamat, something [selungkur] an inactive, listless person who just sits around the house semai to plant in a (rice) nursery selap var. nyelap semak to be possessed or disturbed by a scrub, undergrowth; also as a spirit; to lose one’s mind due to compound semak samun spirit possession semangat life force; selemuh head cold with little runny nose semangat padi, (versus hawa, thick, nose-filled head the ‘soul of the rice’, which cold); the hantu pelisi that causes contains blood of a fowl, etc., colds does not arrive during the and is kept in a small basket; durian season because he does not lemas semangat like the smell of durian (S&B 671 a light fever due to a dream muh nose, Semang, Mantra, Besisi, or a fall, in which one’s soul is Ulu Langat (Temuan) ) [selsema] temporarily lost

124 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist sengat semat sempul paku semat to stick out small nails for minor house tesrempul construction [paku kecil] sticking out sembah senal var. semah See sendal to salute respectfully; an offering, such as the objects given by a senam mother to a bidan (midwife) who to engage in physical exercise assisted at the birthing of her child. Nan sudah lehoi semah-nya is senang said as an invitation to enter one’s comfortable, easy, not occupied house nyap senang, busy sembahyang senang hati prayer; any religious activity happy, contented sembat senapang to hit, beat with a small stick shotgun sembunyi sendal to hide var. senal to insert, wedge in (a piece of sembur something) to spit (of a snake spitting venom) sendawa semi to burp clip. of resemi one’s nature [sifat seseorang] sendi, seni joint sempat to be able to or to have the time to senduk (to do something); ladle, spatula Aku sempat balik lagi I’ll be able to return later sengat to sting sempit narrow

125 sengka Temuan World of Words sengka senteng to rake ill-fitting (of clothing) [(pakaian) tidak padan] sengkalan batu sengkalan sentiasa pestle [lesong] always sengkang sentil crossbar, hyphen distended of cheek, for example when chewing a betel quid sengoh lonely, deserted (S&B 688 sengoyt sentung quiet, Besisi) [sunyi sepi] tightly woven back basket made from strips of the main ribs of the fronds seng’oi of lempet or cuco, two kinds of vanish, disappear, lost (S&B 603 palms [sejenis bakul yang didukung hoi, nahui to lose, Sakai; she to lose, di belakang] (S&B 389 sentong, disappear, Besisi) [lenyap, ghaib] Belandas; S&B 524 Besisi) senja senyakala dusk, sundown; precedes selalam var. senjakala (See also senjakala, senyakala) dusk senjakala senyap var. senyakala deserted, lonely, quiet dusk senyum sentaduk to smile praying mantis; clip. taduk [sentadu] sepah var. bersepah sental scattered about, e.g., rubbish to scrub sepak sentap to kick to jerk ; tug at or off; seize; draw out (as inflammation, by applying a sepam poultice to the skin); buah sepam nyentap napas a small mango to inhale

126 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist setan sepang ayi serap red colouring derived from a plant, underground stream Caesalpinia sappan; used for face decoration, such as beauty marks on serdang cheeks and lipstick (binchu) tall fan palm; used for roofing material if attap materials are not available separuh half (except for time measurements, seri for which use setengah) charming, beautiful sepesial seru special to call out loudly sepit serunai to hold with tongs, tweezers, shawm (musical instrument) chopsticks, etc.; penyepit serupa tongs, tweezers similar, same serah sesak to give, to deliver crowded, busy; nyesak serai asthmatic breathing [nafas sesak] lemon grass sesal seram nyesal to get goose bumps (out of fear) sorrow; repentence; to repent, regret hati seram sejuk numb with fear; sesat seram ketung kuku to stray away, become lost cooler than hangat and warmer than sejuk setai bersetai serani broken, ragged, torn (e.g., of Eurasian clothes) [bercetai-cetai] serap setan to absorb Satan; the sixth of the seven jin; he cannot be chased away with a tangkal (charm); he preys on dying 127 setan Temuan World of Words people and can enter a man’s body or sibar a tiger’s body and make them crazy to build an annex (to a house) [syaitan] sidang setengah to stop (of rain) (S&B 726 sidang half; See tengah stop, Beduanda) [Pk.& Pahang sidang (hujan) berhenti] setia loyal, faithful sikah banded leaf monkey [lotong] setuju sikat to agree hair comb; classifier for a bunch of bananas sesikat pisang sewa rent sikit a little; var. seken; sial clip. of sedikit bad luck siku siamang elbow siamang sila siang var. duduk bersila daytime (as opposed to gelap) to sit cross-legged siang silang to scrape (vegetables), to descale (fish) lying across each other, of feet or wood; siap bersilang-silang ready; criss-crossed siap makan, silap ready to eat error siapa who; var. sapa indigenous form of martial arts; Temuan more likely to say lawan siat to tear off [sirat] 128 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist sipi silu sinar to feel hesitant, lacking in to shine confidence, cowed singgah sim to stop off at sourface (S&B 510 sim sour, Semang) [muka masam] singguh to rub shoulders with (involuntary) simah var. simbah singgung to knock or rub elbows; simbah nyinggung var. simah elbow aside, hurt someone’s feelings to splash out, as water from a pail; to water the plants singit var. menyingit simen to grumble [merungut] cement singkap simpai var. nyingkap cords, rattan; used to lash together to draw apart or aside, such as or reinforce e.g., a broom to its stick, mosquito netting a chisel blade to its handle; nyimpai lash together or reinforce using simpai singsing var. nyingsing simpan to roll up (e.g. sleeves or sarong) to keep, remember; bersimpan si’oi to recall old times [mengenangi var. bersioi choral singing, still masa dahulu] practised by the Temuan in Pahang (S&B 711 sioi, sihoi to sing, chant, simpang Besisi and Mantra) intersection sipi simpoh to glance off (when hitting various species of trees (Dillenia spp., something); this is what happens Wormia spp.) to hantu pelisi upon encountering a tangkal (charm) or cabok worn simpul by an individual; he slides past the to knot, tie (as a piece of cloth) person rather than entering the body 129 siput Temuan World of Words siput sompoh snail; carrying a person on shoulders (as siput babi a bride or groom being taken for a the large land snail ceremonial bath during wedding ceremonies) siram to squirt water song to feel on the verge of death, as sireh in penyakit nyelap cf. bansauh, betel vine bansong (S&B 710 om unwell, Pangan) [merasa diri di ambang kematian] sisik scale of fish, pangolin, etc. to scrape songkok off (bark, scales) Malay-style hat siti songsang a whistle [siti, sejenis wisel] upside down, the reverse; letak songsang situ breech birth there sontot siyu-siyu short (of persons) [sontok] onset of fever (S&B 602 siyau fever-heat, Besisi) [tahap permulaan so’ol demam] breakfast, first meal of the day before going into the jungle or going out to sodok work [sarapan pagi] shovel, ladle sopan soldadu modest; soldier jangan malu, di-ngilang sopan don’t be shy, put aside modesty sokong to support sorong to push forward; to pass around (a sombong food dish, etc.) var. somong arrogant sotong cuttlefish, squid

130 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist sumbang stik sukui clip. of lastik var. bersukui slingshot (English elastic) [lastik] to ration food suap sulit a mouthful; to eat with the fingers; confidential, difficult; makan suap kesulitan to take a bribe difficulty suara suluh voice a torch suci sulung pure; the first, the beginning, the eldest suci hati a pure heart sulur shoot coming out of a vine sudah clip. dah; past, over sumbang incest or pseudo-incest, e.g., one is sudu forbidden to marry one’s mother-in- a spoon law or father-in-law; forbidden to marry the widow of one’s father-in- sudut law; forbidden to marry one’s father’s corner, nook brother’s child or mother’s sister’s child (especially if the mother and suis her sister have different fathers); but switch (e.g., for light) one is allowed to marry the child of a mother’s brother or a father’s sister suka (cross cousin). to want, to like The first two human beings were orang asli, a male and a female sukat made from earth (tanah); they had to measure one daughter and one son who, together, had many children (this suku was sumbang but not dosa because a quarter; it was useful for them to buat tiga suku ramai - increase the population); three quarters, crazy

131 sumbang Temuan World of Words later there was a mighty earthquake over again, with dead people coming which separated the descendants alive and vice versa, people becoming into different world land masses and animals and vice versa; this end will thus into different bangsa; after that happen in 7 times 100 years, because sumbang was also a dosa there are 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, and 1 mouth, totaling 7 sumbi to insert (a piece); to patch (for sumpit example, a tooth with gold) var. nyumpit to shoot a blowpipe (temiang) sumbu fuse, wick sundal promiscuous sumpah oath; sungai nyumpah river; syn. ayi besa to take an oath, to swear; there are seven such oaths for the Temuan: sungko 1. hancur, sungko-sangka 2. lahoit, sprawled out [sungkur-sangkar] 3. lodoh, 4. danur, sungkup 5. letah, lid, cover 6. danur ayah, and 7. danur emak; sungut they all refer to accepting some bersungut form of retribution if what they say to mutter to oneself were untrue; for minor accusations sunti or problems, only the first two are gadis sunti said: hancur and lahoit; if a person adolescent girl is asked to swear to his innocence and fears to do so for any reason, he sunting says, “Aku puah kala” (I’m afraid to flower and other ornaments worn in do so); because the Orang Asli have the hair; sumpah Tuhan (blasphemed) and were tall previously, they are nyunting becoming progressively shorter; when to pluck a flower (to use assunting ), they get to be about one foot tall, to edit a text the world will end and must start all

132 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist -tah sunyi T to be quiet; deserted; vacant ta’an suruh handle of an axe [tangkai kapak] to order, command taban supaya a forest tree with sweet latex used as in order that a chewing gum (Dichopsis gutta) surat tabuk letter to slap/hit; susah tabuk pala difficult to box ears [tabuh (coll.), menampar, memukul] susu tabur milk; latex of the rubber tree; any var. nabur plant sap; Susu cayi, thin milk to scatter, strew, such as seeds in (fresh or evaporated), in contrast feeding chickens to susu pekat, thick milk (as sweetened, condensed). bertaburan sown, scattered susun to arrange (in layers or rows) taduk praying mantis clip. of sentaduk [sentadu]

tagar outer tube of temiang (blowpipe) (S&B 538, tago Besisi, tagur Mantra)

tagur to throw; [Kel. tagur, melempar]

-tah clit. then, so; Boleh, kata buaya-tah; (I) can, said the crocodile then [pun]

133 tahak Temuan World of Words tahak recently; several hours or days ago an older aunt, or aunt-in-law [emak [tadi] saudara yang sudah berusia] tajam tahan pointed, sharp (ant. tumpul) to restrain, resist; prohibit; stop (a vehicle, etc.) tajih a traditional competition between tahi two men during the durian season faeces in which each tries to break open a tahi geseng, durian fruit of his opponent with dark, smelly deposit on teeth; if a pointed, short stick tied in the one laughs at a person who has middle of a cord or rattan; the cord this condition, it will bring about a is held between outstretched arms, storm (kena calau); twirled seven times, and then flung (holding onto the ends) forward at tahi lalat the durian; if the durian breaks open mole (pecah buah), that competitor wins, unless his opponent also accomplishes tahoi pecah buah; if both men miss or to see, observe (S&B 644, tahoi seen; both pecah buah, it is a draw; players toi, nahoi to see, to know; Mantra) may risk their durian orchards [menengok, meneliti] and bystanders may bet money (pasang duit) on the outcome; this tahu competition is also known as lawan to know tikam [pertandingan semasa musim durian di antara dua orang di mana tahun mereka cuba memecahkan durian year lawannya dengan sebatang kayu yang dilancar menggunakan sekerat tali] -tai clit. then, so tajur Bersumpah dia-tai: “Ajih esok aku juga large fishing rod usually fastened to makan” the ground; a lighter rod made of Then he swore “I’ll eat you bertam is known as a bau kail tomorrow [pun] takik tai nakik clip. of entai to cut deeply into (e.g., bark, skin)

134 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist takung tampang vessel for fluids; to stagnate (of fluids) buah tampang ayi bertakung a forest fruit, according to one stagnant water source, can be used as a tart flavouring agent takut afraid tampar var. tampak talam to slap a metal tray; dishpan tampi tali var. nampi string, cord; to winnow beras (rice) in a nyiru tali pinggang (a winnowing tray) waist cord, belt tamping tamat to hit with a stick; (S&B 72 to finish tampogn, to strike, Mantra) [memukul dengan kayu] tambah to increase tampoi a fruit (Baccaurea sp.) tambang tampoi kemoh fare a tampoi fruit larger than tongioh tampoi tongioh tampa a brown-skinned, round fruit tampa kaki with red contents about an inch in sole of foot (S&B 610, tampa (jong), diameter sole (of foot), Besisi) [tapak kaki] tamponek tampak buah tamponek see tampar the monkey-jack (Artocarpus sp.); a golden, sweet fruit similar to tampal jackfruit to post up (such as notices, pictures); to cover up a window; to patch tempoyak (a tire); to plaster, paste on; more fermented durian commonly, lekat

135 tampung Temuan World of Words tampung tanak tapir; also tenuk, cipan to steam rice sepenanak nasi tan the time it takes to steam rice a term of endearment for a son or (about 20 minutes) nephew [kata-kata sayang untuk anak atau anak saudara lelaki] tanam to plant, bury (e.g., a corpse) tan pr. tan ini this one tanang tan itu var. tandang that one [yang] bertanang to visit or wander around tanah earth, dirt tancas tanah retak, to slash through roots or vines (aka) cracked earth; (S&B 561, manchas, chas, to clear a way through jungle, Pangan) Tanah Tujuh [merintis jalan dengan mencantas old Temuan name for the Malay dan menebas lalang dan rimbunan] Peninsula, home of the seven bangsa (kinds, groups), some of tanda which are animals; also the name a sign, omen; mark, footprint; as for the world of the seven layers a sign that he is human and not (lapit), three bumi bawah an animal, a Temuan may wear a (underground), one tengah- fresh leaf behind his ear when he is tengah (in the middle), and three travelling during hujan rencing; bumi atas (above) (See story otherwise, a hantu (a spirit) who sees under sumbang) [Tanah Tujuh him then would not be able to make adalah nama yang diberi oleh out that he is human and would orang Temuan kepada Semenanjung attack him Melayu, tempat tinggal tujuh sudah bertanda bangsa, yang sebilangannya adalah engaged to be married haiwan; Tanah Tujuh terdiri tanda harap daripada tujuh lapisan, iaitu tiga the paying back of double the lapisan bawah tanah (bumi bawah), amount of the marriage fee when a tiga lapisan di atas (bumi atas) dan divorce is planned satu lapisan di tengah]

136 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tarik tandan tangkul a whole stem of bananas is setandan landing net pisang tani tanduk farming; petani farmer var. tanuk animal horn tanuk see tanduk tangan hand tanya to ask tanggal to get detached, as, for example, a tapak tooth falling out; a person without palm (hand); sole (foot); any kin is an orang tanggal [orang tapak kaki yang tiada pertalian keluarga atau footprint; saudara dengan siapa-siapapun tapak umah dikenali sebagai orang tanggal] house site tangguh tapi to postpone clip. of tetapi tanggung tapih to support (not physically), to be sheath, covering responsible for tapih pisau tangis knife sheath to cry tapis tangkai to strain a liquid stalk, stem tarah tangkal loosely constructed, thin, attap roofing an incantation or charm used against (versus cucur) [atap yang nipis] illness, evil spirits etc.; long ago tangkal were given to humans by the tarik spirits that inflicted illnesses on them to pull, pull out (for example, a drawer), to drag; tangkap tarik napas to catch to inhale 137 taruh Temuan World of Words taruh teberai to wager (money), to place (something) seven sisters who are real women, but known for bathing at noon or taruk midnight at a waterfall or pool on shoot, bud; a hillside (lancang); they can be taruk bayam seen by ordinary people but they young amaranth (Chinese spinach) can disappear by flying away using wings on their dresses; they are like tasik the sirens of Greek mythology, but lake are not evil; if a man is bodoh (stupid, naive), they want him; in the old days, tatap many Temuan men were bodoh and to scan (an area) thus got a teberai; one can hear them often but seldom sees them and they tating give off a fragrant smell [Tujuh adik to lift up, carry in the hand(s); beradik yang suka bermandi pada tating bawa adik balik waktu tengah hari ataupun tengah Carry your little brother back home malam di sesuatu air terjun ataupun lancing; apabila menemui orang biasa, taun mereka boleh melenyapkan diri dengan cholera menggunakan kepak di atas pakaian mereka; mereka boleh diibaratkan tawa dengan siren mitologi Yunani, tetapi to laugh; clip. of ketawa tidak berniat jahat; mereka suka berpasangan dengan lelaki yang bodoh] tawar to offer tebing riverbank tawas alum teboin var. lanak teboin tebal brush-tailed porcupine [landak thick nibung] tebuan tebang to fell (trees) a hornet which makes a nest of earth tebuk tebas to cut down scrub or clear tall grass to bore into (for example, drill a hole

138 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tekak in an earlobe); to carve a dugout boat tegas tangkal for a grave illness (sakit tenat), tebung certain objects are put into a mouthpiece of a blowpipe; (S&B 538 miniature boat and sent downriver, tebong Besisi, Mantra) [bahagian thereby removing the spirit sumpit yang diletak pada bibir (hantu) that caused the illness so semasa digunakan] that it cannot return tegas ubat teduh there are 12 substances that shady symbolize the ingredients of traditional medicine, such as a tedung piece of cloth, a knife, salt (kain, var. ular tedung cobra pisau, garam) and so on; thus patients give these objects to the tegah dukun when their cure is effected to prohibit teguh tegak strong, firm vertical teguh tegal a kind of hot fever with reddened eyes cause; and skin which occurs every 24 hours; tegal apa? [demam panas yang mengakibatkan what is the cause? one must use mata dan kulit kemerahan yang pasal (because) instead of tegal in berulang setiap 24 jam] the response teh tegap tea sturdy; badan tegap, -teh healthy body; clit. ini-teh this one here [yang ini]; duduk tegap also ini-hah; teh-itu after that [lepas to sit up straight itu]; (S&B 735 teh this, Sakai, Pk.) tekah tegarau buah tegarau tree stump (S&B 684 tekah post, pillar, a fruit with white pulp stem, base of tree, Besisi) [tunggul] tekak tegas to settle, resolve [menjelas] throat 139 tekan Temuan World of Words tekan telengko to press, to push, to exert pressure on bercelengko to rest the chin on the knee or tekena arm; to sit with hands on knees a kind of fever; see demam [sejenis [berteleku] demam] telinga telaga ear well; bathing area telingkah telah mismatch, clashing, misaligned; e.g., indicates that an action has been when two building beams or posts do completed or that an event is over; not match up correctly dia telah mati he has died teluk bend of river, bay telah to predict the future [telah, meramal] telur egg; used by adepts to diagnose and telak treat chest illness by wafting the egg quiver for blowpipe darts; the quiver through kemayan smoke, rolling cover is called koloi [bekas untuk it over the body, and then breaking menyimpan damak] it open in a bowl and diagnosing the illness on the basis of whether telan one sees blood in the egg, sees a hole to swallow (lubang) in it, whether it is “dissolved” (hancur), etc.; after diagnosis the telanjang patient’s body is wiped with the egg naked tembaga telap brass, bronze, copper penetrating, as rain through clothes tembak to shoot (e.g., with a gun) telat quiver for blowpipe darts; the quiver tembikai cover is called koloi (S&B 688 telak, var. temikai Mantra; telah, teluk, Menteri) watermelon clip. mikai

140 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tengah tembus hitting the sides of a boat) to break or pass right through tempuh temiang to pass; to go blowpipe; temiang pelampung, tempurung short blowpipe [sumpit penderk]; coconut shell buluh temiang, tempurung lutut species of bamboo used for knee cap making blowpipes temu temikai meet; see tembikai bertemu to meet intentionally temin iron ferrules reinforcing the connection tenang between knife blade with shaft calm, of water (slow current) (versus berdarus); calm of mind; “tenang!” tempah “calm down!” to book, to reserve (something) bertempah tenat to retain services, as of a midwife a grave illness is sakit tenat before the time of childbirth tendang tempang to kick lame with a stiff leg tenek tempat tree sap used as an ingredient in place, locality, location ipoh poison for blowpipe darts; the sap first runs white, then yellow tempayan (S&B 683 tenet poison, Besisi; ternak earthenware jar for water storage, etc. poison, Belandas) [sejenis getah yang digunakan dalam racun ipoh] tempeleng to slap (face or ears) tengah var. setengah tempias half, middle; mist or spray (e.g., from rain, waves tengah hari, midday

141 tengam Temuan World of Words tengam tengking molar tooth (S&B 658 dhgam, Khmer; harsh and high pitched voice tegam, Chrau; gam, jawbone, Stieng - (as when scolding a person) all Mon-Khmer languages; S&B 741 bertengking tenggam, Pangan) [(gigi) geraham ] to quarrel tenggiling tengko the pangolin (scaly anteater); the nengko tenggilling is said to have traded its to tap out (e.g., contents of a teeth to the buaya (crocodile) for his tin) (S&B 727 ya-tankah to tap, tongue, thus the tenggilling cannot Pangan) [mengetuk sesuatu, eat people; when the world comes misalnya tin, untuk mengeluarkan to an end (dunia hanco), they will benda di dalamnya] trade back; before the initial trade, the tenggilling was jahat and ate tengkorak people, whether it had an insatiable skull craving (punan) or not; the buaya, a sibling of the tenggilling, told the tengkuk tenggilling that manusia (mankind) nape of neck would exterminate the tengilling because he ate people [before the tengkul buaya got teeth, he could eat people ankle; (S&B 642 tengkhu knee, only by swallowing them whole; Kenaboi) [pergelangan kaki] after he got teeth, it was easier to eat them]; the buaya only eats people if tengok there is a hal, dusa, or punan - he to see, look at agrees with Tuhan about this; when the buaya catches a person he tosses tentang his head (juah) two times to tell opposite, facing Tuhan he has caught an orang salah (a guilty person), before he eats him tentang nentang tengkar to look (straight at something); to quarrel [memandang tepat-tepat pada sesuatu] tengkin var. nengkin tentu to dispute, object, protest (S&B certain 513 tekeng angry, Jakun, Johore) [membantah, membangkang] 142 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tetak tenuk tepus tapir; var. cipan a species of ginger tenung terang fortune-telling; the ability to read clear, bright; signs and omens; one should not cakap terang, observe bad things closely or will to talk forthrightly incur their effects; if one observes a snake closely, he will be bitten; if one terap sees blood in the forest without cause plant used to make barkcloth (no animal wounded), one must run (Artocarpus elasticus); barkcloth is away or else incur self-disappearance kain terap or encounter a tiger, a ghost, or something else unusual (whether teras good or bad) hard heartwood (of tree) tepak terbang to play the drum with the hands to fly is tepak gendang, as opposed to playing it with a stick (pukul) terjun to leap down; tepat ayi terjun exactly waterfall tepi terung edge tepuk terup to pat, as patting children to put playing cards; the four suits are them to sleep or as patting a friend’s speds, diman, lekuk (hearts), and back when meeting him after a long kelawar (clubs) separation; tepuk tangan terus to clap hands straight through tepung tetak flour to slash with a cutting weapon; to cut tall grass is tebas rumput

143 tetapi Temuan World of Words tetapi tikus clip. tapi rat, mouse tikus ayi tetas Bowers’ rat [tikus bulu kasar] to hatch (from eggs) tikus babi pentail tree shrew (See also cong) tetek [tupai akar malam] breast tikus berah tian long-tailed giant rat [tikus mondok uterus; ekor panjang] minta tian duit, tikus umah to ask for contributions from house shrew [cencurut rumah] descendents of a newly-dead elder to pay for the expenses of tilam grave construction and of a mattress remembrance feast timang tiba to rock an infant held in both hands, to arrive to hold an object in the palm to assess its eight tidur to sleep; timba tidur pelandok, dipper, small bucket to sleep with eyes open [tidur dengan mata terbuka] timbal var. timal and timal-menimal tihang to balance on a fulcrum post, pillar [tiang] timbang tikam to weigh, estimate the weight, to stab consider the pros and cons tikar timbul mat to bring or come to the surface, to float up tiket ticket timbus var. timus

144 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tiri timok timus gibbon (S&B 660, timok, Besisi, var. timbus Beduanda, Mantra) [ungka] to bury objects (to be retrieved later) timok tangan hitam dark-handed gibbon [ungka tangan tinggal hitam] to live, as in didi tinggal kampung, timok tangan putih they live in a village; to leave white-handed gibbon; var. wak- something behind, to remain; as in wak [ungka tangan puteh] aku tinggal payung di umah, I left my umbrella in the house, and tinggal timpa ada sekin there is a little left to befall tinggi timpak tall a kind of drum [sejenis gendang] tingkap timpuk window to postpone tingkat timpuk satu minggu lagi storey, floor postponed for one more week nikah timpuk tinju a temporary marriage, without to box, strike with the fist ceremony; it is permitted for several months, during which time the man tinting is obliged to save up enough money to winnow with a swaying motion to pay for the customary wedding expenses [tangguh] tiong var. burung tiong timpuh mynah duduk betimpuh to sit with legs folded back tipu to cheat, deceive timun cucumber tiram oyster timur east tiri a step relation, such as bapa tiri, step-father 145 tiris Temuan World of Words tiris tong minyak oozing, dripping leak oil can titik tongkeh drop, point; the period mark in to push over the edge [tolak keluar writing; atau tolak ke bawah] titik batu, tonggeng gravel to bend down tiup tongkol to blow; a bunch of rambutans, of ears of tiup api, maize, of , etc. blow up (mend) the fire tontot tongkat to pull out [cabut] crutch, cane, prop (including an under-floor house support) topeng a mask, such as a swimming mask tokok to increase over present levels toreh to tap (rubber); var. tores tolak to push, to reject; torek tolak bayuh suppurating ear infection when kemian is burned during the hinai ceremony and its smoke tores is “washed” up over the bride and to tap (rubber) var. toreh groom, that is, minta hantu; if this is not done, the couple will die toyol a good spirit which must be obeyed tolol if it calls one to travel; comes out extremely stupid only at night; is clever at stealing for a person; but if a man possesses it, tolong his wife will be thin because the toyol to help, aid drinks her milk tong tu large can; clip. itu “Pukul-lah,” kata dah imau tu, “Hit him,” said the tiger

146 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tulang tuai tukul to harvest rice hammer tuala tulah towel (more usually kain sal) var. nulah misfortune from sacrilege or extreme tuan presumption, such as calling a a polite form of address for men; sir person by his true name when he is ill, or talking back to one’s parents; tuang another situation which can attract to pour out tulah is when a child resembles the same-sex parent; this condition is tuba described as nyap terasi (cf. rasi); in fish poison, from a plant source this case, if friends ask to adopt the child, the child must be given away, tudung otherwise one of the two look- alikes veil, scarf, covering (as for a camera will die; the Temuan say this is why lens), lid adoption is so common among kain tudung pala them; to avoid giving a child away, head scarf if one is clever, one can successfully use a charm (tangkal) to cast out the tuha spirit (buang jemalang); part of old (of people) [tua] the charm involves drilling a hole in the child’s earlobe tuhan god tulang bone tuju tulang beruk direction some Temuan houses have a long setuju bone (femur) of a pig-tailed to be in agreement macaque (beruk) hung above the door to have some control over tujuh hantu beruk seven; tulang kering tujuh hari tibia week, literally ‘seven days’ tulang papan bahu scapula (shoulder blade) tukar to change, substitute

147 tulat Temuan World of Words tulat period of engagement period three days hence; the day after lusa before marriage; following the engagement ritual (minang), the tulis suitor brings gifts (belanya minang) to write to his fiancée for each of several months until the wedding (nikah) tumbang to topple heavily tunas the sprouting of a small shoot on a tumbuh felled tree to grow, to sprout up (like a moustache); to be newly leaved tunggah var. nunggah to build a ladder and tumbuk scaffold above the bani (buttresses) to strike a blow; to pound in a mortar of a tree in order to cut it down; (S&B 509, gah, to fell trees, Besisi) tumit [membina tangga dan pentas di atas sole of the (foot) just before the heel akar bani sebatang pokok untuk menebangnya] tumpah to spill out tunggal single; tumpang anak tunggal, to lodge with; to get a lift in a a single child vehicle tunggang tumpul ride dull, blunt nunggang tun to ride (e.g., horse, bicycle) there; yonder [nun, di-sana] tunggu tunam to wait to bury or submerge worthless objects in water or mud [benam] tunggul tree stump tunang engaged to be married; tungku hearth stones (on which to set a pot) bertunang

148 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist tutup tunjuk tutup to point out, show to shut, close; penutup tuntung covering, lid; to invert (a tin or the like); Saudara punya muka, aku tutup mata to empty out dregs I don’t flirt with girls that are my close relatives tuntung a large species of river turtle tupai squirrel tupai belong Prevost’s squirrel [tupai gading] tupai chulis shrew-faced ground squirrel; also cong gemu [tupai naming] tupai kodis slender squirrel [tupai cherleh] tupai miah reddish squirrels, such as the black-banded [tupai tompok] and the plantation squirrel [tupai merah] tupai mengas black giant squirrel [kerawak hitam] tupai pucok cream-colored giant squirrel [kerawak puteh-kuning] tupai puteh red-cheeked ground squirrel; also cong bunga [tupai pipi merah] turun to descend, get off tutuh to cut off (branches of a tree)

149 ubah Temuan World of Words

U ukir to engrave, carve ubah to change, to be altered; ukung backbone (S&B 542 kong backbone, berubah Mantra) [tulang belakang] to move (household); more commonly pinah [pindah] ukur var. hukur to measure (linearly) uban var. huban ulam rambut huban dishes accompanying rice in a meal; greying or white hair in Malay ulam refers only to raw ubat vegetable accompaniments [lauk] medicine ulang ubi to repeat edible tuber ular ubi buheng snake a forest tuber ular tedung ubi gejil king cobra a forest tuber ular lidi ubi hau a venomous snake a forest tuber (S&B 762 hau, Semang) ular sawa common python ubi kayu cassava (tapioca); kinds are called ular cening ubi kayu medan; ubi cincang is a way a kind of python of preparing and eating cassava by ular ripung making a flour dough and frying it a short python ubi kentang potato ulas covering, wrapper; classifier for a udang segment of a fruit such as durian or lime var. hudang shrimp ulat var. hulat worm, maggot

150 A Temuan-Malay-English Wordlist usik ulu of pinang (betel palm) is inedible, var. hulu upriver reputedly making people crazy ulur uncang var. olor bag, pouch to reach out (one’s arm) [hulur] undang umah rules house [rumah] umah melikat undur spirit house built near a grave: a to retreat small, makeshift, stilted lean-to that contains offerings for the spirit of ung the dead they, them (KKB) [mereka] umak unjur waves var. hunjur Rambut umak laut unta wavy hair [ombak] camel umbi untung tree roots gain, profit umpan upah bait fee umur urat age vein, artery umut usung var. humut palm cabbage, “heart” to help someone walk, to support, of palm; Ulat not is a fat, edible, prop up; can also be used to denote 3-inch long larva (of kedoing) that the action of carrying a corpse on a lives in the apical meristem of the pole (usung mayat/kandar mayat) kelapa, nibong or langkap palms; for the umut of the banana plant usik to be edible, one must cut it just to tease, annoy before the flower develops; theumut

151 waris Temuan World of Words

W woih well! so! (Serendah) see nahoint waris [kata seru] heir wak aunt or uncle; used for pangkat tinggi Y relationships, for older siblings of one’s parents; an older aunt, or aunt-in-law may also be called tahak ya yes wak-wak agile gibbon yai to shriek; (syn. ceyeng) [pekik] walau although yen name given to a pet long-tailed wali macaque monkey (the kera) agent (for pre-nuptial arrangements), usually a mamak (uncle) wangi fragrance wap vapour (as of a hantu); steam (of boiled water, hot springs) warna colour waspada patient, tolerant wayang movie