Trs 8. F.t . YVl'lM-tnuna.- - fVlfc 17, LwrUiieMcnjeifiw, It tr YSRretnrrs ' Mar. Feb. 2i. r fsaceiirrt. JMarana, Feb, 24. I - MM M

si T!;i:i:iTtn;r oiv io.h.vY. wax. n;.'ion. 11 PRICU FIVE CENT? f (a iu in V r.' 5 a n r..i:i!oNiu'Lr, hawau, iu?i:s no 570 Pir! ' - T" .ii SL'ij.iT ;" Lr w J Li4wwJ, i:i ;u i . - ; C:cr Grcc:t Crcd c f ' CAGE, HOS SliTO ,1 . dtuuij. CiiD; n r rf i 4 disk:; .HOC 010 Lai iL If II iCii a UlfiltsiaU

STi.CLE Preparing for Vanderbiit Cup Rfoe, Dave Lewis Loses Centre! u of High-power- ed Machine and It Dashes Into Group of ; ;: Spectators Three. Women and Unlucky Driver Retrenchment-f.!cctinh- a Fcrcc :.:y- Those Injured . ::-t- - In Opinion - . of Pacr.cco riot' z. '. :, f .'- : t- . . j ' ' .,.- So, Declares McCicllan f AswwiAte-- 1 Pfss Cfcttl - - :t: ; LOS ANGELES, CU Feb. 16. W hile Dave Lev;, a ncted auto-rac-i j chauffeur,.' wis' practicing on the loca 1 track today in preparation fcr t POLICE AND FIFIE HEADS Var.o'erbilt cup race, hia imacr.ine got away from contrcl and dathed lnt a , CANNOT CUT DOWN FORCE crowd of spectator who were watch! n g him. - Th auto, speeding at 53 miles an hour, ploujhtd through the.crcwi, 'Louit. . fTve LTonsarrat Belat- killing an aged man, Smith, a Grand Army veteran, anJ injurinj 7. J. a Trifle Ml others serious, Including himself and t hrte womtui; ;.":,; :"..',- ", ' ed in Reports, According to - M r? ; Information Gleaned . . 1 New York Politician Who Either In farco or la seriousness the ; board cf supervisors met In special caucus for fcur hours yesterday cunn- .Suicided Declared Blani2 ing with financial retrenchment 83 the Vi' - ' ; ' , ; . , ' ' i 'J ' iof . toweling, ' - cause; and subject the 1 tAsodatr!I Presa' Cable) - HeadB of the- dlfferpflt- - departments v BUFFALO, ;N. Feb. 13 John J. Kcnrtiy, state trcaiurer, ca-n- .i -- met with the supervisors, and were ted suicide while Insane, according to the result eft Investigations" irta t' ? Elvcn an cppcrtunltjto stale their tragedy cf yesterday that. removed one !cf the b;tt-know- r. pii;t!:ian cf TOEltlcn In tho economy movement, ari New York. Kennedy took his life with a razor and is declared to h.we t:: i opportunity to say where cuts should temporarily insane. .He bad been subpoenaed to appear as a wltr isi t and should not be mad In their de- John Doe graft inquiry being conducted by District Attorney Wh'tTn. . partments. ."' w . ; Whitman is shocked at the suiclae and sa!d trday that there was no e On on hand declared that the t on the part of the state treasurer 2nd that an investlati: i rnt'ro vmertlng was a farce, that the cf his books had shown, everything all rl;ht, : majority of the members had no idea rr ir.frntion cf using the axe, that the , r. f whole was a sham, a play to " thins the gallery. uch is the statement of 4 ft. Former Japanese AmbaG:ado: furcrvi;.or U C. Pacheco, leader of r the minority faction of board. '.- " the - Bptvuivu.- Deauwiui i uie.iiuminayon orpine capuoi Dunamg ror r . r. -i euiuuMy tne Thousands of electric llehts ire-t- Tut .rain st, his statement comes : To Washin 1 ranged over the front of, the building, outlining :. its towers, lanais and other architectural features. Beneath ' merrr-- Hi r Fuperriscr V. 1L McClcIlari, this Elowine talace countless ' frrn will again tonight ; ' jollity Saturday and dance The Illumination: Is 'the1 :"-- "- makers Joined in last nifiht achievement of the Hawaiian Company.: V :- jcl.r ' cf tho ways and means com-- r Electric Associated Irrss CaMel . The Carftiviil management found itself without .the funds necessary 'to carry out the illuminating scheme on the scale "proposed. The1 ' 16 -- 73 .Hawaiian TOKIO, s AokK He was cr.X " Japan, Feb. Viscount died here today. t, leader with Supervisor ' Klectric Company offered to do the work for "nothing and not only has put up the wiring, "'lights, 'etc but. Is supplying power .' " ": ;;. . Vitflo In the retrenchment the free of charge. The years old. - r Isi'ir, is. a splendid coijtribution to 1M4 Carnival. ':r-- n -- emphatically result the ' Viscount Shuzo' Aokl was Japanese ambassador toYashrn-.s- frc i tc He declared ' of building was done by II: It. Craik, chief inspector tho cjepartracnt public; : The decoration the of of worksjand Is much admired by spectators' 19C5 to 19C3. In 10C3 he retired from active life. rr.'.v.z that the meeting was Star-rfulIefln- ' The photograph above, was' taken last Saturday night;by tbe Kodagraph shop , for; the.'- .: V'TAV peculiar will be noticed l.C I In earnestness and that tho feature in th rtirvfor rrr.e lines cf light on the left .of. the picture. An auto naa moved into tno range ci .tne camera, and the-- glare from the headlights axe v ::i I ' 1 and used freely, with- Is thus revealed. t Amateur photographers may be interested in snowing mat inc;pnpto aporQ .was" ten 'minutes',' exposure.:; '.' -n- -Vr i o-o- M? out f.r cr favor, before long.-- ' taKen? Son "oi?o,cr,r..c::i- 3 "V.'c rt with tho heads of - yrricrday - morning,", he : . t "to cxprepsions from them CITY IS PLEASED OfZiii.'G EDERPER-ilT- iSS;; Lon n re-- I uill cn l "v; C ftcjw-- nf5'.-(- us in tho 1 it OUjlrt

- -- trc :tlr.; vtl As was to. bo expected,, 1 ' i I " I" r--- -i r-::- -, T : d. .c, r;.. Tr- cf A. O. ti-."- wero all cf the r; inion that no r TIT nT1wl"'-ri.- , f:'k died her lc-- t Caturi-- vs : drap: i r c: cr,:,! 1 Vr in do-- i t made hrr. f , Ij- X- Jc :X : b .U-- i v v f run :i - - . : & u I ill: eajw l ill t ta ro o' . j, t-n ij o:;mory r-- i - ' V today in honor of the of the vetirsn . :i 7 . tl.o L. l I - -- S3; Li public life ::r. H 1 r.i r.i out we year? Ssnr:r ::i !tc Populace. Cooperating: For-- Success his library practical! pzt- - 1 of hdme and - Venture are his c.!y .zr.. i : r.;.vl - . t went oveb all . r j ! " '. " Director-Gener- the r.i , . items, checking here And al DoughertyniissiWell r tl. o' whlcii possibly may ' H.-Dinion- rai : . : mmmt ; bo dor. v.i'Jiout. The only 'definite Pleased With Prospectsqaoi Schooner iW. d Is Lc: ecticn we tntk was to, let out a stable 4 Rcsicirialionrf Engineer May Hawaii Man Enlists Aid of Sen- M SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.j Feb! 16-T- he K. Dimond, well-know- n f schooner A V. Cc- - Be Forced cIIoving Meeting ator, Shafroth Pushing Hawaiian-water- s, in In is reported a total Joss, , having been wreck ti ;of YestcrdayAf fernoorf ; Railway Bill'-- ' on Bird island,' Alaska. The crew of 25 was saved. v - r.:::.:::oTHGAr:DViLL THIRD. DAY --MONDAY,; FEBRUARY 16th. i Park, Another mix-u- p and fight over ,the ;v4:C0 p. at Athletic inter.lsland Series, All . CEHEAHOKJCOuCERT .'. That Jacob Coerper of the islahd of . v ff Service vs. Maui- .- .: ' s , road and engineering department of Hawaii is now actively at work In AT CAFITOL GROUNDS I An-cih- er 8:C0 f). m. Grand open air massed band concert. Capitol grounds. Balloon Record t ho city county 60-ye- German Eets and threatens. Washington to secure a ar rail- effort to oust 1 M. Whiteboiise. Six bands playing as one --165 muafcians. Admission Free. "::-- way franchise for the Big Island 7 is -. One ' hundred and sixty-fiv- e musi city and county engineer, from office Seats '50 cents.-- .; V;' '4.. BERLIN, Germany, Feb. 18. A new dlstace record waact by a Ce- -- the news that came today. 'As exclu- will part great band w-a- 10:15 p. m, Great eruption of Punchbowl crater. View from any man spherical today the. Hans Berliner, carryinHwo paiser.-gerS- f cians take in the is declared to bo under f Star-Bullet- in balloon when ''.: ,. :. ; - sively published by, the Capitol this A Btovprortif. vpslerdav part of city. , ; : Th after" 47 hours in concert in front of the w.ia sLirtd last week, Mr. Coerper has had Intro- flew from Berlin and landed the Ural mountains evening. TLey are the members of the rsleriioon, following special cau 10:30 p. m. Dancirtfl for. everybody in front of Capitcl Free. . '4 th? ' V duced a bill; in which ex- FOURTH DAY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. ' franchise: : tlx bands which will play en masss cus r mc supervisors, u is occiareu tensive and valuable rights are asked. .:,.. ;.: : '. - w will undoubtedly bo the great-fs- t on authority, to focce tho resig- 2:00 p. m. to 5: CO p. m. Opening', cf. Missionary Review, Kln 0 in Lat gtlr Washington : correspondent" , : The , of band concert .ever civen in he nation of Whitehouse. Involved In Street, near Kawaiahao church. v ,';' " ... : this "paper sends . the following on Royal! J4:C0. p. m. Baseball at Athletic Park. Inter.lsland Series. Pm ' Commission Bill " New bands are this, wovpment, according to .report, " Trade Islands. These 4be ; : I "' .- ; ;.- - Coerper's work: V Hawaiian,. 4th Cavalry, 1st iniantry. trej Superyibors Pacheco, Wolter and nahou vs. Hawaii. . ' ; Moiliili IS-T- , 1st Haf detty,' who lack one vote, 8:00 p. m. Grand Pyrotechnic display at Baseball Park, , 4 WASHINGTON, D. C., he heusetcojflmerce committee today 2d Infantry, 23th Infantry and as their ; Feb. : : ' " . : ; '. ; .;":-''-!. WASHINGTON. D. C 4 Fe?j. Held Artillery.. Kapellmeister Henri number stands today, of - ..having Admission' 50 cents and 25. cents. H; tri: . 5.Sen decided that the Interstate trade commission bill is unsatisfactory and a j 4-- - -- 4-- ator Shafroth; of Colorado, and Mr. Eerger, for 42; years the director of enough to control the situation. , & 4 4w4 4 f f 4 4 4 new one is being framed. This billia designed to carry cut President V;i. - Jacob Coerper, Hawaii; called to - '.; great success of the opening features of tho 19H 3lid.PacIfic; Carol-- : of r on the Hawaiian band, will open and Cox, the only Republican Tte to-- son's ideas, as conveyed in his recent "trust message," th regulaticr see Secretary Lane with regard the ; ' ' concert numbers as director, mpmberon he board, is credited w ith Tal has pleased everybody. The entbusiasm and tiTacltf with Tfhlch eyery asd contrci ef big corporations.:'1 close the e construction of a railroad. line In the the-balanc- holding of pd.wer; of bigr onen-al- r BaH ?ia-tlo- ns while each of the other bandmasters and it one entered into the spfrit the occasion at the 'of X)f, " westerly portion of the Island Ha- " - swinging is for his vote'lhaf overtures are now LOS ANGELES, CaL, Feb. 1S-3- ilas Christcfferson. -- who it the pa'S will take lis turn in the of the' Capitol on Saturday night demonstrated . beyond : k Mr." 13 seeking : lu front waii, which Coerper the assemblage. being' made by the trio, 'is said. - finder the aeroplane race from San Francisco to San Disjo cn Febrsry fcaton over the big it carrying: car- -' construct- Gferper for ', donbt that Honolulu people are as fully capable of off a gTcaJ right to Mr. stat ' H following Instruments will b The movement is a revival of one ' 22, today flew here from Bakersfetd in3 hours 45 minutes. had expected The ed such a line , and nival e nt as are any people In the world.; It spells' not only the success that would reach - played 3 flutes, 2 piccolos, 5 E flat started sometirae ago by Supervisor if develop an area of country adapted to that the trip should be. made in about 2y2 hours. z. Pacheco. It has-bee- n renewed' now of week of Carnival, but also of all future years, and la reality.' insures -- clarinets, 31 B flat clarinets, 2 oboes, this the production of' c6ffee,- - sugar, and it V 'of orld-famon- S ' 2 1 saxophones, 28 cornets, as a direct result the disclosures that the 31idrachlc Carnival is destined to become one of the w other crops,-- and would also afford a (Additional cable on page ten) 21 altos. 7 baritones, 17. trombones. 12 made when fhe supervisors conduct- annual event?, second to no other similar affair in Europe or America The rapid and easy way for tourists to 1 ed brief investigaticit& Into ';'-- KI-laue- their r a" basses, 2 tympanies, small drums, 6 the prw-emin- ent 3 Carnival spirit i .. V V visit the crater of the volcano of S TODAY AT Har-dest-y OLDIERS -- FLAY . IIAUI big drum 8. ..; ;.'.-- l',;.; ; affairs of tho read department." of v Dlrector-g- f neral longhe'rty. and all of the members of the, committees and ether natural, wonders ' Admission to the capitol grbunds Is was reticent about it, Wolter did working weeks past undertaking, isre im- the island. V.-fj- c o but a charge of 50 cents is made cot wish to' discuss it, but did Jn a nho have been for on the big 'free, way; The secretary, after looking into the for seats in the grandstand. The con- ;' Pacheco openly declares his mensely gratified by the vfay the Tar nival has taken, and the manner , In v - matter, wrote to Senator Shafroth as Out For Handy Before:! ; : -- ; ; position and desire, to see Whitehouse ".'relief,?, ';;3Ir.':'" Cut This cert starts at $ o'clock. which the populace ircooperaHng. lt i an Immense declared chairman of the Senate committee on following program ren-dere- d: out of office.'. ,t . ) The wllbbe ; Dougherty towards the "close' of Saturday 'night's event "I had hoped for territories, and stated-that- if legisla- llardesty, ' clcse friend - :"":7.. t'-.- cf Thomas something like Gils but, scarcely dared tjK expect- sucli a tremendous re-- tion authorizing railroad construction This afternoon 4 o'clock at Athletic Park, the All-Servi- and "Washington . Sousa F. Kennedy." road supervisor, i whose at rosr.... sponge, fjknon Carnival Is beginning," now' vre -- have it. Of is enacted 'it should provide that the Maul teams, play game resignation ha3 just the Just and biseball will the fifth cf the ('and Si arch "Governor, Pinkham"Berger been asked" for corporation "be-the- re--a association or should i be championship a rles." This will first appearance of the sol- course , we nave raaae opeu iw u Directed by Bandmaster Berger, H. B. tnd given, is said to have deveiiipcd i misuses i iTsonanyam cnutism, vui prohibttedfrota" issuing stock or In- 1 team,, and considerable interest centers in the result. Maui ; strong hostility ' towartfST-Whi- te member noT one Is perfect, and the mistakes we . make ,'; this year may be , dier Overture "Oberon1 ,...; Weber curring indebtedness to tih 'anlbtmt In has won one game and lest one, and if beaten today, the Valley Isl March--"Sta- r8 house, partly becauso position year. We working Is working ; together , and Stripes Forever . of the 'aTolded next are all Honolulu excess of the estimated actual, obst chances of winning 'the pennant will be made very slim. The the took against Kennedy. Wol- - anders' Sousa latter ThatVthe big thing. is a big lesson of what can be done and ten per cent .in addition thereto. All-Servi- ...... for Hawaii. It ce team has shown much improvement in practice, and a ' " by Qulnto, 4th no woiua m me move- ". " " Directed Bandmaster ier asseriea aci worllng togethcr. ,;. was suggested by Secre- " : ' . - ' - by It also the fast contest can be expected. . "' Cavalry. 17. A. '. r ment, as Pacheco actsi The latter S. x The Mg feature of todays program Is, of course, the Grand Massed Band tary that any: stocks or bonds Issued Stayton. and Brune will umpire the game, which assures snappy - s : rays h,e does not wish to' ini- Conrert Walz Wedding , the take the should be supervision , : rt In of the Capitol this evening. Is certain that the program under the of tho action and good discipline. . - T tiative, again, saying Concert front It ' Winds" VV. ..',.."..' Hall that he was public utilities commission of the ter Following Is the llne.up and batting order announced sim- never before been In .Honolulu. Six good hands prcbate 2d Regiment of." Conn.r. N. !; "thrown dowh" Qnce before in a Is one such a has heard last-minu- JIarch ritory of Hawaii, and that . provision te . ';- this afternocn, although a change may be made: ilar Effort. ; - :,...;.":.-;- :;.-- v-- ' sixty-fiv- e in organ- ' fumed into one. One hundred and musicians one great should bo made for the territory at Maul Kama, cf; Swan, ss; Kaleo, 3b; F. Robinson, 2b; A. Rob- An "agreement, was Pa-cheeq- k iDirected by Bandmaster Brinley, 1st made when ization of harmony. That Is what this concert means, and that is what any time after ten years from the com- inson, If; Bai; lb; Soares, c; Meyer, p; ' , rf. ..'. - ' some, time ago moved Field Artillery; U. S. A. that of vrry biggest things of Carnival week. s : pletion of the road to take over and All Williamson, HixenBaugn, ss; Gramitn, 33; .sr"ay, Whitehouse 's resignation be for, makes it one the the Service iff M'edleyRccollectlon of the War" ; called operate the same upon payment of th9 c; Lawson, p. It quite certain that faciliiies for handling the crowd tonight will be ' rf; Swintori, cf; Willis,' 1b; Sterquel, 2b; Renowskf, aycr that Hardestv was ln spcnud it Ttut li value of the tangible property, un- otherli greatly rerfecied as a result of the experience gaiued on Saturday night. somehow llardesty 4-.- . oi did not affected by of T March "Semper. Fideli8"..v.....Scusa the value the franchise t.T'i.l.TTf.T-- f f TTl-f.- T-- "T Directed by Uranfimaster Feltrinclli, secpnd' it; .Wolter Hid, but the motion Also inasmuch as the music can be advantageously heard from .almost any i .or good will, and that at the end .of f 4 ; '' ' r: ' was. lost, ;V.. :;.;.; V - '. . not incentive to pack Into sixty years , Bfunswick-Ealk- e C ,;, 1st Infantry, II. S. A. ,- part of the grounds, there will be the small the road should revert to FIRST MATCHES IN , ; pinall; prize. Fantasia "Creme de la Creme". . . t , "The entire department is in a rot- compass as was the cae where eyes Instead of ears were the most Import- the territory on payment of 'one-hal- f lender Co.'s trophy. Eatranca f ; ten . mess," - Pacheco declared this the value of tangible property, un- B()VLING $10 zx. following tea sense-orga-ns charge for admission, the CARNIVAL V per tea Tho ' " ant to full enjoyment. There, Is no but . ; Game-,'-- . morning..: .Whitehouse should s;et : ' affected by. any intangible element.:-- March "War; .... Jacobsen made.- ' .j. have entered: Honolulu, Oihu Cic: cut," a charge of 50 cents forAseats on the bleachers Is to be . ..'. r. by Bandmaster Jacobsen,. 2d and .the department should be re- , rj TOURNAMENT ROLLED beriain Colta, Maui, Fort Z':.-!tt- Directed hajid program concluded about 10 o'clock .1--- . ';; organized. Twill say this to tho credit Is expected that the will be Two-me- n v IT. i It -- ' teams thrcc-- infantry. S..A. JAPANESE OFFICERS ' - : Total .Suite 'Egyptian Ballet"..;. Xulglnl of Whitehouse. however: he has not and following this conclusion, the lights .will be cut off from the grounds - Tho first event of the carnival boil- piufall: fir$t.r"i2pcne Mlnprallt? t . been given rc'-dis- e March "Diplomat" ...... '. Sousa a free band. He has had and building In order that they may not Interfere with the effect of the ARE FOUND GUILTY ing tournament at the "Y" alleys was to each; sccord prize, 7,0 r: s. to let the roads poramittee - Directed by Bandmaster King, 23th In- - dictate Punchbowl crater eruption which Is scheduled to take place at 10:15 oVlock. started this afternoon, three pairs en- ordr.r to e?cu.- Cutre- ' him; 1J . has made ; him do as it ,', x v; fantry, U. S. A. Jt ' Com- tered in the doubles tournament .roll- per'.rnan. Clirk r:; I I v. - ..:;';;- - This big pyrotechnic effort Is being. staged by, the Hillson Fireworks (Special Shlnpo) Entrii; pleased. ..- Cable to the. Hawaii inter-islan- March I- - ing , their three, games.'' The . d Chambcrlalri nnd V.'i': a r ; I thorns and 'Tannkauser'v. com-- ', 16.-4-T- Los Angeles, under the personal supervision of the head of the he com-mitte- e "Such a condition should not exist pany of TOKIO, Japan, Feb. 1 ' j v between Oahu Maul (' ? v P-u- match and and Ferreira; Scott W&nr nt t is" effects produced wilt Te-ce- "Mid-Pacifi- It does exist and that is one rea- pany, William II; vVillson. ; It expected that the be, on the investigation of the I:-- ' March c .Carnival" Berger will be played later in the- - week,' the Canario ac3 Yrp; son I 3fnWilI-8o-n Admi- Tcr. why am opposed to Whitehouse. though owing to the magnitude of the undertaking, naval scandal, headed by a:-- "Aloha Oe," Spangled Banner. lery striking, exact data not having been fixed as Kentner;! Trar ' i .; I: "Star Let get of- Deta, handed deci- him out and a man put in JTollLIi exhibi- ral today down a : Directed by . Bandmaster Berger. H. B. Is not so enthusiastic regarding It as he Is of the park' yet . ,;z-- and Davl3J Co: 3 ur. I II. .' t. ; Rear-admir-al :' will ':."' ' fice: who not be run over one sion to the 'effect that - tion for toniorrow'nlght, and of the Water Carnhal display for next Friday . ' Cap- Clark and Rietow were one team of Singles Tctil thr' who will manage the department on '" FujiL Commodore IwasakI and :' a night..:- - i ;' ;-- .. the' three' that finished-thei- three-gam-e first' prize, Y. M. C. c ; business basis, and' thlng3 will be :r:r-;-'jyy- tain' Sawasaki, prominent officers of -- erup- string this afternoon, with 1012. prize,' !' ; MONUMENTS different streets will be In 'or-der- ." the crowd does not disperse during the Interval of the crater the Japanese navy, are guilty of the 570 c?rc:.: ' ' better if 3 c - The other scores. were Roberts an priz?. E. O. Ila'.l .' , , ..::; Direcfor-gener- al charge brought- against to the S Dougherty, has Issued Instruction for a band' them, - -- tion feature, fc--?- , ' - Kentnor 970, and Davis and Decker Zztri- :: . ALL Cap- effect that they received commissions II.. music immediately the lights are again turned on In the " TV" I "1 to play dance foreign shipbuilding concerns; As S05.: ."': fl " V- positively cannot stand rt an from -, itol grounds, and the populace Is again invited to avail itself of the danc- - 13 l!.-- - other minute." -- "Tliese seats are ail a result of this decision, it Is probable .'Following the of ev-'- r''- ; continued-unti-l mid- - ' -- 1 ' f ' H. E. HCNDRICK, LTD. t reserved. Madame. You will havp to Ing facilHies of the broad dries. Tie dancing vtill be that the officers will be forced to ers er.t ' ! rr. ' ' ' r': rrl-on- : ctrrt & Alakea Sts," .vacate.- - ::- : night. spend a term in " V 1 V."-- "

STAK-ItULLETI- MONDAY, TWO 4 noS'pLULlT FEB. 10,1011. i I TOURISTS C fl 5! .PRfflllSESCHIISEtfCREWS train; - i LOCAL ATiD GETJEHAL Moi'iiiii4 o'ib . The members of the standing com - REAPER -- iiiTQ OUTSTRIP OR BRITISH IS HIT BY TRUCK' phittee of Central Union chorch will 'CfTAfGE- VISIT meet In the parlors of the church at i! RnviFa Is Frnm a Rnrinn and: Night school win be suspended at Th memWrs of the See Yip So- LINERS - LINER VENTURA STRONG IJTn.L ' Z : I- "'the YM. C. A. this w eek with the ex- - ciety wef hesta at a, mandarin dtuner Is Run Over by an at the rtxm of tU society, Kln; depa,rtment and Tuesday and Trida?'. lreet yesterday la honor or Consul ; . Automobile . , v i Woo Huan, Vice-consu- l and Secro! is being evinced . hy Following , the tennicaticn cf the night In the boys department U i The Stork and the Grim jReajer Additions to the ranks of visiting Great Intcreft : ; . - Canadian-Pacifi- c V" li Jtary Won. The club rboms were dec- traveled hand In band acrossjtbe Pa malalandcrs and tonrUts to the ex- - the ensinctripg wcrld In Ihc jtw tyjK? iranspacific voyage of the IBy latest MaUJ i Two stocks were I orated with American and Chinese 100 strong. re--" propellln?; installed ir. steamship Empress cf Asia, NEW YORK. Charles Gordon, 10 sales of made this rifle and paid a visit to the Oceanic tent of more than Are ol inhinery and colored electric lights. Chtt or morning, during liner VeMur a that vessel apjbroach- - ported aboard' the,Mat?on Navieatlon 11.. M. S. Tiger. ihe fateu ;dread-Eteam- 4l . whfte seamen en? plowed aboard the years old, and Stephen Meyers, 5. were both the session. One'S three-funnelle- d Gem, president society, acted . preiciet-c-- d were dismissed was of Hawaiian Commercial. 50 cf the ed I loiuiJulu Saturday hltht. Wilhelmina, which is rejKirt-- nought aflda tJ ""Het taree crtft playing on the Lackawanna railroad - " oX; new re- ; Vomovon ' ' - and Chinese were jbuIv In Harri- t hares, which changed hands at, toastmaster. toasts to the Twlm ere born to Mr. and Mra.Vi today to be Bearing the island3, In with the "drsal- at'accouver bridge over Hirrisoa street ; hcrr. -- . mem- 1 proposed sub-- 23.; half,;.-, points loss over its safc puolic being prcprsevl by the , TarkLt ton. through passengers Cor ftnd dun f o Tparh n hprth at Pier j to-- mnht hnHlvshfn urtff ttl fctituiei It was that the son, N. J., when the fast Morrlstown " 01 wr seamen express price. One hundred shares of Olaa bers of the society as well as the 4 t Austral a. a girl and a bey, the latter morrow morning. nie propelled Parsons jsnwucn tmnese mie raced along. ; t .b lurbnt. .hn-2- develop-iog'inta- at guests SO persons , 5 no new figure ct honor. About parsing away shortly Us One and seven cabin, and Clj'debank-bvU- the Canadian Pacific .Oriental engine driver said he4 saw the went atL12H, I child after hundred .ur jn the t ves!?l.icn The ' were present roVn-Cnrtis- ers Wii8 to SPP to the intermediate boy drop and stock. Into the world. The mother stieerage passengers are numbered , s turbines are being in elder between the 'ties ,; 'advent r ' i : 1' ... . , . - " "- V of and the little daughter were,removed with the "transpacific travelers de- EiaTed : !'"' "ipa. only, but the recent action holI by his fingers, and he believed 1 prde U ! to the hospital following the arrival parting from 'San Francisco in tb is v TSe' departure' is a notable'one; as hc dlcates that the that his pilot had hit the' smaller lad The extent to which tourist travel i HUNTINGTOrrS NIECE - ota?$' ; of the Ventura at Honolulu this morn-j- : vesseU A upplcmentary wall amount- ,lUrto th. CrU and jground him to pieces, beneath the benefits Hawaii has been figured out tOST ALL IN WALL STREET ing, Mr, Partdneorf. a proud father. irlg --to 139 sacks Is expected by the Experience locomotive. He applied the emergency to divulge the fact taking a low , t ,ba1 with turbines of ' that deciding to continue voyage on a postal authorities. ; , tTli, sec- - brakes, and when the train, with Its estimate, every , visitor here spends ' the lccjl tiasi Ve3feIs than U1 t!httn"SS V By Latest Mall large number passengers m . . -. " ' - ' ' - iUns,0 "fj p New York commuters, ' later vessel.. . The of n the.c several hundred at least 110 a day, according to the Hurtt-ingtc- pleas-- home to Uverpool of all members of " NEW YORK. Mrs. Will Ui in n At the suggestion of Captain J. L the Wilhelml5a ,has proved a Vl was stopped, he ran' back. . report for January which Secretary ..ccmpfement Xor;;the Glade, wife cf Lieutenant Her- -- surprise tb local agents, who 'r crew.. the Cowell, the little girl will bear, the ant the , Nothinier whatever could be found of H, P. Wood submitted at the meeting -- v'T " lSln. man U. S. A- -, PTUPrto,! Oceanic;,,iltWJ&LV?lV t"' Asia was ; Glade. of West Point ',- - that- with the 1"';,":Empress'of recruited at the Stephen. Meyers who he believed had cf the members of tKe Promotion name of Ventura." One Interesting r "","I and niece of the late ColUs P. Hunt- over, below, 43 feet down As a itite-men- t, feature connected with the event la -- been run but Committee. proof of ington. In supreme court bringing large numbers of travelers, It Is. eiDected that the white crew ha street, saw crowd, and says 'testified the (that while the parent are .British and . the. he a the .report the committee , : sup-expect- was heavily In w ,i"uivM-- iu ?c cu6iuc. c impress pi win oe , that she so involved territory the protec- the list booked forthe ; Wilhehnlna of the ijufsia soon learned that Charles Gordon had recently , received an order 4rrom an .reside in tinder " to develep has been vari-- Wall street speculation during of would not be large. pi3Ute4 by Chinese upon the return held by his fingers to a until the eastern agency" to provide, for the tion Great nritaln.tbelr daughter " - tie tourist cusly . 1907 cargo estimated tat . between 80.00s of tlrat- vessel from the. Orient. . panic of that she tost even her In 2678 tons of general for ' ' rumbling bove had loosened nls two ladles due is American born, the event taking 10,000-horscpowe- r. train the entertainment ef 15 auto-tt'obile- s. so the new bai .pares diamonds. At that time Mrs. Glade place at sea though, on ft" vessel fly11? discharge at Honolulu are' "prove4 hold and he had dropped to the to arrive from the Orient in May or The WTIIhelmlna is to be dis- tlefhip should easily the' fastcs Immediately an auto stars and stripes. . 7 g CAMPION ment. In front of the In world," excliul-,'r- MARGU0ERITE ' ' ?IlVktQ. Mrs. Glade divorced Colwell In Reno patched for Hild on Wednesday even- arroorxd shf.o the not , ;r ' day along period, of With seven clergymen, representing truck. . . " ::. ' a?ua.a this line. for a recently ' ' i?1 in 1910, arid married Lieutenant Glade - 120 tons freight and the notable battlfHrulsers SCHOLAR-READE- R many ing. where of ROASTS This boy, who was. sent v 1 . creeds and 'denominations added, Jfapa'nec 'to St J in the same state In November, 19 2. will be left: The to the . German and a! dy- aboard. passengers pot eight automobiles ' Michael's hospital In Newark in Ventura did re-- navies It may be added Mrs "Glade .was examined as a wit- In- pi esent.arrangement calls for the that 'this ing condition, had many pones broken S you want for spiritual consolation or r. so!far-th- e power- Quack Medicine Vendor Here ness, in the suit of the Un'.pu Trust urn of Wilhelmina to Honolulu achinery is nooft Says! He Is Negative SortVof, , struction on the voyage. Two Metho-'.1- st the and it was difficult to determine, gents, slxpene a bottle. Founded Company as: executor under the will Saturday morning ful i ever' designed for Installalion' In ' at an early hour . . ministers took turns in conduct- ' DnrVnn iS4h Artol whether they were caused by the fall on the researches' of modern science. T. Hoffman, a wealthy wit- orwar vesseL. . 'The cf Charles mercantile - In ample time for passengers1 to cither jr. ,. or "by being run over we ing services with an equal number of ; j into the street Where should be without science? against Colwell ' recover parade;- y.-(- Tigerwas built CflydebanH yards banker, to ree-- ness the floral - v at the ' Ty the automobile truck. Charles lives the" They Unitarian divines. An Episcopal ' Look at hanclent Britons. tJnlcn Pacific . stock alleged to have of Mesr3r John RfowTi Cc She la cLh -- or and a Catholic priest for at 59 Hamilton street, Harrison. , l'&dn"t got no science, and where are to put destined :. ' battle-cruiser.- ', : been borrowed from Hoffman Away of a squadron scholar-reade- r i Sunday serv-r-. Keep from Hawaii' fcur of j The ia' a man who Search for the younger boy found they? Dead and buried, every one of Australia officiated at a away ,1s the promises t up as a margin in her speculations. ."Keep from Hawaii" which to cenFtitute the - : . r mtf professes books; He is,a' negative sort him at his 'home. 10 Cleveland ,. aye 'em. . ;' ' . com- Other denominations "were; also " She 'as a witness for the tmst along' Pacific ships " m . tlogan sounded the; formidable" fighting; of their with evss & great frightened. m ; .represented.". , rt Derson weak and noe. Xnd gfeatly He said 'm pany against her' husband. Sh said -- coast In shipping circles; the various possessed by any nation, The V In. the cosmopolitan delegation of c!ass flr of stupid taklng-in- He infests lt that the engine Justjouched him as he. yhe JoVe Broker 'These whC7cs she not only used 100 shares of Union rs, posting notices to labor organizations being the Lion," .the Princess nbte-Roy- al "bridge." B.-c-f 40 vaude-"- v ethers the public libraries witfv the little gpt off the , He .got liome as worn e PacificV-bu- t put. up box of tratf are theatrical and effect with a view of stemming f are all old and out The a dlamoui illrr who are booked through this and the Qen ..Mary, . whidi book he even Invades the ranks; quickly as' possible. know tney re pvetiy Jewelry presented by. her husbanJ. artlt3, tide Of the unemployed who would ago Joker. i naj, the were launched seme time and are gloom", -- to Australia and will take up work on j0ur friends and casts a cvr'f but ft you . ascribe them, to a lot ,of essay a free passage from Los Ange- - I large amusement circuits already In eommissiohi your mutual JorKn books.4 Sometimes prominent men they'll go in the mas- - Anyway, a fat woman seldom has a tveral in les, San Francisco, Portland or Bound ' ' SAYS AUTOS INCREASE b e sv I u e r co v n ; disngreeahle temper. the southland. ,. workawajs or f a car eat r a mle ale tioe axlnes. v.'l' :..:''" ports to the Islands as - . .THE GROWTH 'OF VICE Headed by Tommy Burns, a party ' " v it.:,),SEE WHO'S HEE x ort of a' person,' but m,ore often, nnfor- ttowaways. "' ; . - f.stic-star- f s recruited from the main-..n- d. ' Through the Various, branches of the innately, ne is. a snan or woman witn common-wealt- h : possibiutiei - " k are journeying to the but of real or love and life Executive . Secretary of Y M TriHi 4Fk .ifrf7,x .''7 '''-- seamen's union, the "sailormen Among the Island people' who have VR l"i .TT . where they, are participate turned into a mere grub of books, like j7 . . ' i i - - employment ;. are warned thattcondi-tion-s A, i journeyed to Honolulu to take In the C, Declares Use of a boxing carnival. 'Sydney is' the Honolulu, Kahulul and Hllo Mr. Harrison3 Queen in the caterpillar ' :;ccca .in Carnival and incidentally visit friends, ';": of the fighters who will later are extremely "unfavorable for the Young ctage. He reads either forlnformatfon Cars Is Bad V a and who have registered at the Vslt number of Australian and New transient It was stated this morn- - Hotel, are Mr. and Mrs. C C. Camp- ci culture, never for joy: and. he. sits -- '"aland cities.' ing with the arrival of the .Oceanic bell, Pnunene, Maul; Macfarlane, fewn as stolidly-t- o his task as a Ger-ta- n . By Latest MatlJ Owing: T. to a . tb Elliot series of washouts on liner Ventura that there has been, a Kona, Hawaii ; J. Green weel, Kona, fran sits down .her beer and MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. A. J. :WALL?D0UG1RK or trans-continent- al ' , . s ie tne southern of ; Wai-luk- u. pretzel. As though books and bever-- of Chicago, executive secretary of the ; noticeable increase In the ranks Hawaii Mrs. C. J. Schoenlng, g ; ; s. a dozen prospective 'passengers the unemployed at Portland and a Maul; J. P. Rosecrans, Paia, ges were not m a de'to put ' "Rlpgs to western district vYoung Men's Chris- Ur the Ventura' were detained and similar condition prevails; at Seattle Maui ; ' Rev. 'R; B. ' Dodge, Wailuku, the soul! As thogh;the thoughts upor tian Association, addressing (he con- raid will follow in the Manchuria. end Tacoma. There" are' hundreds of Maui; TBr. and Mrs. Joseph ' FreitaB your printed pages and fhe hopes that ference of .secretaries ' and facultv V.'ith the arrival of the Ventura at applicants for berths'.lri deep sea. ves- Puunene, Maul; Mr. and Mrs. Wish-ard- , inctlll life into ycur brimming 'stein members of the universities of Wis- I'icr ID before 8 o'clock this morning, sels but itf many'instances the men Lihue, Kauai; Mr. and MrsA. S. were not the result of nature's effort consin, Minnesota, North and South " s ' i calin and five steerage-passenger- who' offer' their services are entirely Wilcox, Kauai ;1Mi; ,and - Mr.? G. P. foul-tnakin- g ln ithe noVtTfet 'and poet, Dakota here, said that the progress, left the vessel for Honolulu. Pro-- j without 1cpe'fienceY;i " Wilcox,' Kauai; C. H. LovelandLihue, run and rata? "upon the tc flowing hop-fields-'; of Inventions; especially cf automo c r uir.g caT- - through to Sydney are 58 Kauai. - But it.&u pcholar-- f eWder never biles, had much to dp with the. growth: 2n, S4 M .': ' t second class and six steerage till soars. He does &ct hear! bee out-Eld- e of vice among young men. Their use " ' the ;?sf rpers. :' ; : .. TO AND VESSELS tne window while' he reads TCeati makes . vice easier.1 he said. The grwth I cfore the Ventura departs Tor of large cities,, where personality be the . FR0I.UHE ISLANDS PASSENGERS AERITED, I I?e merely amases f&cts which he will i uthern continent, at 4 o'clock this die lnthe pos&esslonof while he mijwi comes ; submerged, ' he', assertef, "sis jforiliaLiuvitiiliaii to (lieit sloiv. ami LZZ r viit tftenioon, tons'of cargo "will have' - causWabe6wMdric ports, have made a heaveftupdn " 1 ISpecial Cable to irerctirU Per "str. Kinau, from Kauai earthwlth ' : en in- - sity students'.- - - discharged, One item the 15. C. McClellan, & copy of Walt Whitman under an ap- v the merchandise colltTt- :. h Feb T. Drake, C. inTwt unusual 1 t rcu-- freight are CO.Oto cases "of J. M. Exner of . New York, social L. 'Pat On, Mr. and Mrs. J. Akina, S. ple tree Marguerite! Campion In the - i : copmlt-tee'.discussi- ng i ;.!3on, representing one of the larg- Ka-leikl- : ' ." ?. secretary pf the international - Aei, Mrs. Litan, Antone 5ouza, D4 Metropolitan. k. i tl from orlt! f v itle sourei'sf ;Iia-- ; . V 16. ' sti-den- ts, Vr consignments JIondaj; Feb.: " 1 est carried in, an' Ocean- i', f ' i k sex education; of '" " Dan; Lyons, Santo,' Mrs. 4 ti am -- J; fii 1 .', & - ' t 1 u . . . 1 Al - - . . ia liner. . ,.: HlLO Arrtved; Feb 16. p m., S.S. - approved! 1...... and family, A. Garten-ber- g, Sparks from thiy mreirss1 r ;.sald he of lecture of--t- e terprise-'rom- ! Francisco. pgre-gate- The Ventura 'brought "4T3 sacks' En San . Sey- courseson personal hygiene to d S Shiraki II. Buhar, K . ' The followin'''wireIess1 message has ' - 15, v ' mail from . GRAYS HARBOR h Arrived, Feb. classes. . v : : the mainland.' A', H'welry of golil:.. ami mour; . tlcniixiHtl ' A-- r. Lee, V. Peters, T. A. been received the agents of the fsTKiallr . , . . , 1 Bchr : F Coats; hence. Jan. 2. ,. : - Cunningbftm, C':C James, W. JS, S. S. Wilhelmina- - bound for ' Honolul- I Feb. 1 Alumna, time-piece- --'! ACHITXD Arrived : AC-- ; - s IV- Shaw, C. A, Loveland, H . Girvin, Mrs. u::;- n-rc- i FOUR BURNED Viuq silver,'- nolitl silvenvare " from Port Allen Jafl; 22. i TO DEATH C. Bishop, MrsYE. R. Clark, Dr.' and : 107 passengers, Sunday, February 15. ' PORT SAN LUIS Sailed, Feb. ,15, Forionolula 'cabin IN PROSPECTOR'S CABIN . Mrs.. 'Emerson; Mrs.' Potman; Mrs. 25 steerage passengers 139 bagsmail, artlcli of leather 7i ml accessm-ies- auIr MoJokal ports--Mi-laha- la, S.S. Santa Maria, for Honolulu ; and Lanai C." Wells-Farg- ' ' Woodside, Mrs. 'F, . PalmeiS M. 13 pieces o express mat- str., a. m. , McFerson, Kopke,' Miss Hobron, - In. ' ' ; ' E E ter, 15 automobiles. 2670 tons cargo.- Inmates .Cremated a Lonely KaljuluiLurllne, M. N. S. S., a. m, '.' '. " Aerograms , ; Miss . H. Holstein, Jlrs. H. Bowen,Miss For Hilo: . 120 tons cargo 8 auto- : Maui ports Claudine, strM a. ra. House, Near Malta, Cut la uml crystal, service plates S.S.., WILHELMINA Arrives from R. Reis, Mrs. Puahi, J. Ferril, A. .. "'"V '! At 4 I mobiles. " - Kauai ports Kinau. str a. m. Pal-m- er ': -- w ; Francisco Tuesday morning Kamikoa, C, Mont, le-4os- San. Tom Clau, W. J: Ship will, arrive Tuesday morning ' it. Hawaii ports Llkelike, st, a. m. 25 pas-- ami enaemeiit ciiw, Vacs in silver with 107 cabin and steerage C. Bartels, G.,P. . Wilcoxlrs. . . Monday; February 18: and dock at Pier .!(: V. sengers; 139 bags mail ,M 3 packages A. S. Mrs. By Chi-iies- Wilcox, Dr. Senton, Mrs. C. Latest Mall mountings of e San Francisco Ventura, O. S. S.. express 15 S678 tons Mrs. Jade jewelry in a. m. matter; autos; M. Cooke. Pieper and Infant.Mrs. NEW PROBATION OFFICER. MALTA, Montana J. C. Curd, a cargo. Hilo 120 tons cargo, 8 au- -. C. B. Hofgaard, Mrs. James Kula, A. ranchman, his..two children and a rel- IlL.!aiian Newcastle, N. 'S. W'.Ecclesia; Ur. v-- tr-- jbld. Souvenir jewelry. ' tos. .;.'";';VV. v-- --' G. Kaulukou. Mrs. A. Kaulukou. M.' , T. . CI v t - F tr., a. m.' ' v.. ju luc1. icxdi icn uiiiiuwca Ui. ol. ui- ative of Curd were burned to death i S.S. MONGOLIA Arrive from Yo--v Vi Fernandez. Mrs. T. H. Eeserkine:. n'Hnp'8 nav.. whllo tho thntisanda nf in an abandoned ' prospector's cabin : 3 p. m. pro Dole, - kohama at today . and J. I. Silva, Mrs. J I. Silva, C. S. people were wending way.home--j near- Zortman, an isolated hamlet a their I w The names of 199 widows soldiers ' . boan-GI1- of ceeds to , San Francisco Tuesday J Kamanuwai, H. D. Wishard, H. A. t ward from"' the night's celebra-- j few: miles' below the' southern 1, 1812 first ef the War of wete on the.per-- f about 9 a. m.; 1500 tons cargo; 62 Mrs. Donald. Mlrs. Rohlng. IIenry , tlon of the CarnivdL: there was bornldary. of the Fort Belknap Indian res-- .'on roll year. at the ;close cf 'the The bags mail; 63 cabin and 67 second Giles, Miss W. Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. unto John C. Anderson, probation offl- - j ervatiou, according to meager tele-ce- r; surviving : last 'pensioned soldier of class and 223 Asiatic steerage John Vert. . v. '.' ., and to Mrs. Anderson a bouncing phone advices received here tonight, sur-ivin- g 1903. bad-joyousl- that war died in. The last S.S.- - MANCHURIA - Arrives from boy weight, 12 pounds. Anderson "is Mrs. ' Curd escaped but was-- cb. y eoldler of the Revolutionary San Francisco Wednesday," 8 a, m, Jn Schenectady,' a farmer recognized "difctributlng cigars among his i ly burned that her life is despaired v ar died April 5, 1S69, ' - and the last and proceeds to Yokohama 5 p.: m. in a leather shop the green nlde of a friends today,. announcing that mothei j of. Card succeeded in getting out run'ivlng widow a " of soldier of that 140 passengers horse which had been stolen from him and son doing Of the building also; went J ' same. day; cabin for are weirtnd that he la but back var died Nov. 11, 1906. - - - Honolulu.- - , .u . two week. before. r By means of the thinking seriously , of nominating tKe to, rescue his children. The bodies It is a exy knowing child who re- - S.S.'; VENTURA sails for Sydney p. hide he traced the thief and eventu youngfter as 'Valentine Carnival An were found today in the ruins. HowJ f ' ! " -- its richest relative. : m. today.' " ' ' ' ally was1 paid for the rhdtse.- ''C 3 derson.' i 'I. tire' Are 'sthrted' U not "Rnbwti.V ,rT ; i

I v" '- I' -J Pieces ( TO)' JVAV I ' iM.2:Ddl'

i-- .

Largest; Aggregation of Instruments E ver Gotten Together in These Islands

Elaborate Program of Catchy Music - Admission ; to Grounds FREE. Seats on Bleachers 50c

. .. ,.. .f .


'- .... 'r r - r 1,65

v . i ' ' leces On the Driveway o the Capitol Grounds, at the close ofihe Concert - ,vCpme ohecome allj. Pjeces 11 HONOLULU STAR-BTJLTlETI- N, MONDAY, FEB. KV1014. Tonni:

M 1 1 3 EL QYCROFT-ARCTI- SODA WORKS C04 LTD. MTU GO TCUKE7IS Will Quench That Thirst LooR for the TradearK r 1 A ' ' . . iita Utrenson don't seem to be la 1 EXCLUSIVE "BOTTLERS PHONE 2270 very good company tonight" GItEAT SUCCESS v ; v "The Queen's presence put the fin- i ishing touca on the whole thing." Blossoming fruit tree will be grow, opening of the exposition and DlnMCVIL; The two-da-y military tonrnament SUIT WILL HAVE splen-- ing along the shores of the 14 goon in ed alone the latroon. adding tb the "I just tried Brown Wtn j4.for a: that marked the opening of the j BEARING 0M ? I did new armory of the National Guard front of the Palace of Fine Arta when beauty of this landscape fea $25,000 seat but there was, nothing doing Ex-positi- natural the' Panama-Pacifi- c International Hawtil carae to a close laat night ture.: ..'"'. - CASE AGAINST ADVERTISER com-an- opens on Saturday, February 4 ; with an excellent program ot d ; That fellow iu charge of section 1 20th, 1915. Cherry apple and other exhibition ? eveBts la exceeds A civil suit, with bearings on" R. EL fieems to be the hardest worked man nitive v fruit trees will be transplanted from The supply of gold t some of which both guardsmen and Bond'a $23,000 libel against' of the lot" ! California orchard shortly before th the demand. - suit the . 1 I regulars participated. A ' splendid - j Hawaiian Gazette Company began in -- SuDDose they do down; no! showing was made bx, the ; militia; ( ircuit Judge Kobinson s court this break par- people and with Governor Pinkham and 3 r r i mcrning. The case now .progress body; will get hurt but those i underneath! ' r . ty interested' spectators, and the before a jufy la that of K. Honda, a chief executive pf the territory pre- contractor, against the Island Invest- if mass-ire- senting the. prizes In person, the ment Company of Maui, which Bond "Gollyihese grandstands are " cf enougp and strong enough for a evening's entertainment la, one that The Cothaia Shirt is at is president and from which " af- Honda , point in .guard railwayarestle." i ;, V v " marks turning originally ; demanded $1 973.88' as due fairs. At the close of theeVents.sthe on an uncompleted payment to him The, dedrations of the- - capitol in Uoor was cleared, and theofflcers of least one malie of shirt for" services rendered on contract" light most the 'guard were the hcsts,at?a dancr The original amount was electric outline are the har 0 reduced monious and effective that were ever that was much enjoyed , by a large when the case came up for trial this number of civilians and' service socf- - that raolies a man loc!i morning, complafnt being cmend. the A IMt a In irrci t 4otDi. ryn thft I eiT lOiK.. ed following the announcement; that building out beau--1 First honors Bond had paid Honda front of the stands when his $50 since the tifuUy In a frttme of yellow light The "dressed" coat w L01'??. suit has been filed. v K"nih orsranizatlon ran up the work was done by the Hawaiian Elec-- vhirh. : s Mis-Mr- One thousand dollars of the amount big of 24 points far ahead of its v :.; total tric Company, - 'j. y. v is bffc colors and Carnival s originally sued for by'. Honda Is alleged nearest rivals. Companies A' and H, The due him as the certified check which company held which tied. for second ? place with six gave ..The "Mayor of Tokio" Henry P. Q'Sullivan he the Island Investment Com its last rehearsal yesterday afternoon points! 'Captain patterns are good, and : pany as a guarantee when he assumed commands A. and Captain taurence 'i .on "the great stage erected for the pro the contract to do work on Redington H. two of t- -e first certain duction in the Oahu College grounds. That' the power plant j companies D and Hi arefrecrult - at Wailuku. This A shower Interrupted the few min three the' tailoring leaves notli- certified check ; was t last organizations, mustered in only a few inot returned to utes of play, but Sonny Cunha de- t- - trou--n j the ago,' speaks much for the en- r -- I'iiVi i AM Honda, tnd in its account of the months Iu'k M id f e Carnival hi detail. e wri . morning satis-- - --srnjen arose clared this that he is thusiasm and hard work of the men bo (bsircd. uie oeiween uona ana . d The play, he says, will be by far ing to - and their drill --masters. .Company D word-pidui- v aml a corps of pho- thing line ever rs frill paint ia allprprl tn fiqVo fnffmofa that Trn A ! the best amateur havlngIn its ranlcS a number of OKI . . eiten.: as well as the largest. The soldiers and men. , was ua rvi,wAKt Wednesday exriehced fcliov th( lieaiitiwof each ev;nt j I play Is scheduled for next to draw instructors-fro- the" $1.50 tojnphprswill This, alleged charge been - able its has made - re- 'Chinese-- night All who have seen the ; H the basis-o-f Bond's t2?,000 suit against company, whereas Company hearsals declare . that It is one of the American) j having . only one non- commissioned ofilcer with former ser- " e ! services of regular There will si hi 'demand for Carnival Xiini j did - ; vice, called in the U Honda not,complete his work; aq , , v; , army Instructors. ;' Sergeant Walsh, IIIH H I T . Cor- Htar-lJuHcti- n 1 department" headquarters, and ; 1 hers of the during the entiiv week. guaranty therefore being forfeit JLiii Irish dances at the Capitol on Satur poral Pollin, signal - corps, . worked Kath- - H company, and Is. Irish Miss hard,with the men of People desirous of mailing opies should order It understood .that the .$650. paid rV - m oT Cleary, deserve .much- credit for the showing hv nlZZZAnZ "' ' nA - .;' ". ".' ,.;' 1 Irish reels Misses 'Lillian and Mar- made. was filed; to apply on , 000 ' the early to insure delivery. ; ' 0 guerite Condon, Marian Kennedy, Ivy ,' The first event of. the evening;, tent guaranty." : .' V 'Beasley, Messrs. William Warren, Dan- - striking and'.blanket roUingi was wo In the present case; 'which probably: by the squad from Company H, under j will continue, several days, Holmes. D, "'''' r ; . . Corporal Ho Tong. D was second, jack cleary. V ' - : - MOOSE LEADER IS HERE tsmuivy uiscb- represeni third, ; . . .. ' iionoanu P t N- Andrews, Quarles and Murphy appear One reason why the police failed Company D won the5 manual of arms - TO ATTEND TO LODGE the,-plaintif- : ; ' .';' K for ; to keeji the crowd from overwhelm- competition br squads, I second and ! : BUSINESS AND VISIT ing dancers third. . ':';' '; -- .' - - the on Saturday night i.:': 1 EIGHT-HOU- R SERVICE. Four companies qualified for the fin - V"As this is my first visit to the Ha- I ' an"aI' Tl f IT 1 "J . , ' 'creants cut the ropes which had been 'fjs ln, Buttst 1C - company a waiian: islands,; I : may combine busi- ,nB our mms .o us ior aeveiqp- t t h(m d fc There K coming ont,c the floor D - - u ness, be com- . wtyhj pleasure, but will ing and prinVng. Kodagraph pr nts m t be repetition cf tonight squad. Corporal Lowrey, was first M are c ear, crisp and curl or this v ' pelled o Return r to the Coast in a free from ag heavy, w re. been second. and K tiirdr;' 9 ' ha, substituted each" company steamer departing for Vancouver 4 ; Two privates from C. C." JXM E3 la tack fVob v . r for th ropesi - about n,e'it Tuesday," stated James J. .,,ru f'--s. advert i .Jt ;.v entered a special manual ot arms con- ness trip, to Kauai. ; ALAKEASTirKET PIIOXE 123 ,. C. jE. Mayne com- Davis, of Pittsburg, director-gener- al of tisemenC v I 'Mrs-i-WjUiar- test,'. Private". of .D . a Monsarrat, chilrman -- the Loyal Order. of Moose, and presi- ,.l4of the rpmmittee of King's Daugh- - pany, gettingfirst place. Men from K MRS C, J. SCnOE.NING was a:; the respec-- dent, of the Pittsburg International Teacher What is the and F took second and third . rival from Maui Saturday. '. :. : Eisteddf odT who fn'company with Con. uveiy. , , - . ; t ; , J J-- candi-- 1. . , . . gressmah a i clouds bemp together.,:,- ,.vy. th-t- h jy, B and H finished-- in the order MRS. C. M.'COOKE was for thA a re-- tthe-jUnite- d -- ar.c .tatM date 5 for .. States senate, c,,! named in fla g signaling, , ; ;V passengers returning from Kr-th- ,r celpts for Saturday amounted to about Company A won first place in the was given" a'rousing reception as the ysterUay. 1 ?600. ThevSOwjo-Ti- g 'ladies; whor areji Oceanic liner 'Ventura ateaxned Into steamer Kinau 1 bayonet r cl ' ' (sIKnor vuc auuan nnmjcuuuivaa vuvn. exercise event I second and i,ijiu5 luff ui D third. the harbot thismorning. Vest;: streets 4.wilJ j continue their wprk ; f "rv. '7';;;i' shall give'bome attention to mat- HENRY GILES returned The regulars' entries Jn I"! from has spent f Uhrqdgbout ;the Carnival. . ,J hadjthree lodge the wall scaling; prbtiablf most ters pertaining to the" local of tJaya ou a business mission. the Moose While eve ftcSdeU Mr. Davis. I popular with '.the spectators. ito1 property express s T am unable ma: and G Gcifiths ; ot' London, l J; ' at' the reception accorded J. F. HACKFELD. who has Mr4 firstvplace. 16 2-- s whrt thA .nhtMfiM, anrrt QnM carried Jn sec myself and Congressman Lenta by the tour of the Island of ILawaiL reti pnds. D tympany,' N. G. H was sec- - yesterday? ' at thA mrnftralnf in f to Honolulu: 1 ! . . - -- delegation Moose, met '. of which us at ', -- : I i fti.-- . - ' ' : . .' . , .ntn J r - 7 I;' ! -- infan-- 1 ; .'..s" v co ond. nd the team tf the 25th L UNDER MANAGEMEN-- CONSOLIDATED AMUSEMENT MMWNY;v!r thA ranitni ,iinff quarantine and accompanied the ti, try tmro. The 4th cavalry team was 1 KENNETH JL: SMITH, of Pu the committee out of quite a hole. The steamer to the wharf. r . 2 1-- 5 success; tanen Mtirta"whn haH hen AYnantorf unplaced. .This time was seconds Through the courtesy of Eben, P. Maul, has undergohe a to do thlg dance, failed to: materialize. slower than the winning team of Com aLow,' the. steamer Kaena was placed eration at the Quesn's hospital f! U t D. in s pany the night before. . now In a way to a ana inese two-tourist- very kindly at the disposal of a delegation or fair speiy .' -- f'An Interesting challenge has grown ery. . . - ,, :.: -- .tl- '.'' ;V consented to fill the. gap. Their ef- Moose numbering about fifty, who '. A : '. forts ' made a big hit out of .the tournament The. compa- with, the Hawaiian band met the Ven- . attorney-ge- r. nies from the outside Islands, I, L, and ! --- 'TV. W. THAYER, ' tura at anchorage. . bz;.'-tri- 10 men to1 well-know- Is expected to return, from a " A: G. Adams, chairman of thajM could only bring each The n "Moose yell inter- to Hawaii la the steamer Ki'.a YE LIBERTY Kjou Theater mounted section for the floral parade. 1 take part in all events, whereas the spersed with a delightful program of - ihas been obliged by press of busines' local companies could specialize. Cap- band melodies brought - the , Ventura due here tomorrow morning. to drop the work he had been doing , tain Easton, of M company, H1I0. has passengers to the rail. JUDGE EDWARD McFARLA! for the parade, and his place has been 'challenged Captain;;Kolb, D , company" program entertain- ;An elaborate of " - all-aroun- to con:-- - taken by J. J. Dias," who is to an d,' championship, bl- - known the Australian also in ment has been planned for Messrs. as "smiling '.is- charge of the Princesses section. Mr. f tween 10 picked men. to take part in Davis ' and Lentz, the local Moose tak-- wealth the Jurist an l erery.-eyen- turning to Sydney following an Beginning Tonight una quite a larjje. or, me ne ing-charg- or 01 BEGINNING. icvuivs uiat.ue lournameiru ,vi the matter, series tended visit to the mainland, 'i; number of entries in prospect for the , trial will be made some . time this , banquets and tours being features de- - rider section. ' - passenger in: the Oceanic liner V j week. cided' upon by the committee. Auto- - tura. . .'" fmobiles were awaiting ;the. visitors The Lei Mamo, the leI Ee.and-th- e or- DEPUTY KINKICHI MUT0 and a drive about the city was the . MESSRS. E. EAGER R. 16 Lei Pue are three of the old royal Ha-- C. and Tonight, Feb. i der of. the day. A special meeting of WILLIAMS, representing a synd ' walian; Iei3 made of feathers from dif the local lodge of Moose Mias been h IS ASSAULTED BY MOB of Detroit automobile manufactu: ferent island birds, some, are eveningv at which time .. J1 called for this are proceeding to Australia a r-g- liow said to be extinct A are yel- :..'."'-- I jpublic reception in honor of Director-gen- ; a in, the Oceanic liner Ventura, llncyliig:. low,' It Is known that there. .are quite IN STREEmOETOKIO - eral Congressman Davis and is their mission to make a care.' 1 a; number of these leis owned "by resi- Lentz will be held at Moose hall.. ' dents of. vestigation of the field; and arr. Honolulu, who . valuethem (.Special .cabret, toi the' NlPtm JIJLlt Congresshian who hails from " The highly Lent2v for establishing a plant for the r Spaulding as relics or heirlooms.' TOKIO, Japan,'. - The Feb.. Columbus, Ohio, has Announced his facture of machines for com to 4 - - that'mr' Story oecorations itte of the Carni- KInkichi iuco. one of the leaders cf candidacv for the United States ; sea- - Seiyukai, the governrocnt'"party: of the ate; .upon returning to the Coast he .of these ancient leis as possible may Japanese diet; now it session here, will accompany Mr. Davis on an .ex- King Stre'at Auto : be worn during the carnival, as,, they was the victim of ; an assault by a tended tour of the "Pacific Slope visit- ' i ' Mahuka Site) are not only, particularly appropriate mob Joday.' The attack" on Mtrto took Moose lodges. 0? . ing a number of 4 ; . t at the present tinre," but ill 'also be i.lace in the street while he .was on of much interest to htindreds of tour-- his way from the parliament buildings' San Francisco Steel work on the TSLEPHONE Go. ists.and malihini. residents . V to his home. He was roughly handled thePalace of Horticulture has Comedy dome of ' NUMBER v injuries. A; few been ' and received several commenced. Carpenters have Capfaiii: V . Tt 1 '.. X wuige 11., Augus, cuarmani' 01 me of the assailants were arrested and busily engaged during, the past three mi committee' having in charge ar- charged police station with On frame work of this huge if the at. the weeks the Chauffeurs: ' ; rangements Grand' : WILL PRESENT THE MUSICAL for the Masquerade assault ano"battery The 'bitterness structure and have made considerable v FARCE. Ball, to be given at the Armory on of feeiing against the present, minis progress." It is estimated that fifteen jlenry Hughes Frank I Scott Thursday night, states that the. com try. of which Gombel Yamamoto is per cent of the general construction Antonio Rodrigues W. B..II com- i mittee haamade arrangements by ihe head,' still runs hgh-an-d work on this , palace has been Dan Nee Johnny F ; ' ' which markers may secure dominoes f of the Seiyukai party, which, supports pleted. r :vv . - Henry Kualli Showing H: Dash to the V (Former Young Stand Chauf : fb " ottovtra frhrr vfnh "Thipi rpsidrtvcfi But the eras widow never as SOUTH POLE Frr cola at florlxn v '.r u weU green as er tijle wouldjirccatg. Careful Operators Best TAs and "Confusion'' and Hoiel streets, and the price is of Premier Yamamoto, as as the 't neav-venie- nt . Tnese dcmmoes.are very con-- ; hemes or oiner legislators, are ANIMAL IN ANTARCTIC for who ily guarded both day and night ; LIFE THE those have not the " ' .'- : .' - .' 12 SPECIALTIES "AND MUSICAL time or the facilities for having special .. . Wonderful, Thrilling and Instructive costumes designed. There will prob-'Oo-ut Dtown'mfmbers" who will pe 10, 20, So NUMBERS. ; ' tney wtu andO cents ably' be many of them worn, says Mr. on hand 'and its a certainty . Ha-ar- e h GcJi Angus. Tickets for the ball (1 each) be heard from. Delegations from & Clearancs 3 !TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 7:30 and on sale at the'Promotion Commit- - wall. Maul and, Kauai, are now .in A. large al- - town to attend the Carnival, and toey NOTICE: Owing to the instructive : ' 9 p. m. tee rooms. number have NOTE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: rooHW hMTi niri .nrf Mmn,u xwiH be at the lunch with flrst-claf- s ress of thU picture, there will be two bring "under the head of bene- feels certain that the will not only reports to in matinees given for the ball Bread (for use on Al. 10c, 20c and 30c; Reserved Seats 50c be" the largest but the most enjoyable "Good of the Order of Live, Ones." I Latest Toaster Salt t Ptpper Shakers, eac. fit of the public schools and colleges " possible, time '' .' --20 affajr kind ever given Hono- is just that the of the any stove).. . . :'..; $ Lacquered Tea Trays on WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 18 and of this in run. oyer o'clock lulu. lunch will the one Palm Mats (6 to set) . 21 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY XL Admis- TELEPHONE 3937. period but If It does, every' minute Table Toilet Brushes sion, 10 201 cental . .' ,' - Box . .3d and ' will be well., occupied," and business China Salt Mail Boxes . .... AD CLUB LUNCHEON men who" have .to get away, promptly f4 aker ...... r Soap Mayonnaise Shakers . ... ' TOMORROW PROMISES rierer 'have to apologize for leaving Meat ; Chopper ,v: .'. l. . : En. Wash .Basins when their business calls. ' The song Thermos Bottle' ... . ., ...... '. : 1.25 Ice Picks ; TO BE 'LIVE ONE' ,? sters will be there with songs.-- . Heino ' . ' ' (always supplies a bountiful lunch. Clothes Washer, . .'. 10 Garment Hangers , ! : '.. , The Ad Club luncheon tomorrow Gas Hot Plate (2 burners) .. . 2.75 Spfce, C;x;i ...... Fes-fai- r noon, floor Young bids'. Plans are being completed for 12-i- v -' - sixth Hotel, n. Lawn Mower .. 3.75 Fireless C:cker (1 tobe a --"livest of the liv onesVtlvai Hall, which will lie Mie scene of Can Openers, each .. ; X3 - Editor Matheson of thO Advertiser many of the congresses and cooven-i- s ...... Refrircratsr ...... Panama-Using.- mm slated for a tajk on -- "Jnst Adver-tien- s to be. held during , the', " ' ""'' : Ac-t-o THE, HOM E 0 F jTHE PICTURES DC luxe v. '':.V V 5 FEATURE REELS 5 This talk will , be appropriate : Pacific International' Exposition. n CHANGE OF BILL. NIGHTLY the Carnival rally feature of the cording to present estimates, all of the : ' lunch. . . ; , plans will bo ready by Febrpary 1st be-calle- Cant. Matfinn wfirho th ftl--D unit loci and bids' will for' about this v Hsuss l?ut by no mean least time, ; ; :l The. cf Hou::wart L here are lots j' "..V' 4

.A f, ri IS,.' 1. '. - V'. ' :' ' V r r Form HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- MONDAY, FEI. 10, 1914.

, L.

' V Thr Sur-Bollet- ln lnritea frws plish mu4i. A matter is brouglit to. aud 1 ?JLtY H.. ALEEN EDITOR frank discusi)on n JthU columo on !' their atteutkn. they take it up with legitimate the in a tactful way and it I subjects of 'current Interest. iktsou " pd a they would Communications! .'are constantly re-ceiv- almost certainty that - noth-- j MONDAY KKMM-A'ttY- Ifi, 11114 ami voiith of still other t6;wrMcli?DJ sijtnatnre is at- meet with ( hearty on-- n hijrh level of sjMirts-- tached. Thfs paper will treat as con- Very Desirable for races playing tojiHher verj: simple that the matter ' - i Reason - fidential , signatures to letters If, the ' t'.rW'fiiiChi&fa to ifrt tin and . There is less rowdy- bad never brought definitely to manshii writers so.. 4esire,. but cannot give ben i their attention. : ' Silver d n 2: fuurahu' of a Joy ion nlttxt hurr ouirhotij 'to ism on Honolulu diamonds than there was intlw space to anonymous communications. Wed If pcblie knew of such place to ... . tlirulc it iriA lurk'Twiiiii: : - - National rljcngip lastWason; jn the stands there the Anniversaries LI-- '-) is more apireciat ion of jimh1 dayin mail) ma.ii.cis cuuiu uc. uaij,uicucu p'nenus ' - improTed.; j i f- i . . ., 11. out and, conditiens i HELPING THE CAFLMYAL OFFICIALS on the part of. a Hoiuduln hawnali crowd than vHcnoiuiu. Feb. x Editor Honolulu Star-Bufleti- n.' .There is nothing mere helpful to a t' in-eithe- one ordinarily sees of the hip: leagues. Sir:. ; It has. often, been stated In business cr town. than constructiTe I There are I Tea vy Silver Ilfeces and Sets ; flegis- - ." HasehViIl is.playel in every plantation cairtp and public, utterances that, Honolulu is no criticism. The National Cash for t he dining t aide and 1 Krcrvlxxl v linijv? worse; Company a good example in buffet. than the majority of other ter is f village of islands ami sis an influence on ty Sim to'ar'! . the for American citfrs when, it comes to ivint as has invited it from its undoubtedly true, employes and has paid them handsome j TltiK is (ii I season in Honolulu ami I Mi 11 is ha nil v second f (1ucatiou. ; blemishes.. That is There are both dainty and massive nihil but likewise excuse. "There is an bonuses for successful suggestions, j Hawaii lHH-nlir.rl- csmopoli- - - piece's CarrV u;as t iitl to a cannon ami Mown to iiMts has ln U'en unfortunate, tendency ,here to do big One nf the more conservative rau- fir the Toilet table everythihj; in b!g w;ay j In the long ago had a, Ka t u nisi y n t. 1 one 1 i ty lias tan in its sisu ts. Xo liejjro is allowed to plaV things fit a now and then and roads East net Silvcrsthat is suitable for this purpose. last vh it vi'k in ' - - . by young 1 , propesitien a er 11 ' iJ , iin the meantime to let small niatter3 pubup to them Wn cat to tlu wlmls aiul mirth aiml jollitv 111 oriniZ(dJea-u- h urso.; If there waslman ta the effect thai they; pay him - : a pas-- if-t,!- i lull colored men ex- j more consist ent HJonsecntive effort i to travel over their lines as Theu tlu're atv the little knicknacks in iViift Tlic officials "aniival have inale areainoii tl)einost popular - small issues the large is--' scneer and criticise the service en- jMHients Df t he past i me IJJJJJ Silvi r or ICMisit so much all irfjarations aiul is ii tii tlnjHplc. xnii t hfr in Honolulu. least rccst .of them, wouU ' tirely frem the travel s point of v!e j Silar dcsirml . cn-ta- ke as had seen many improve-'- by -vi ':. yyy- Tlif kVrjl( can inakc or tlic vttwt of Car The MM 'hinese hv shWr '.'force" of hicessant care cf themselves. he little everyone, i;'- - . inar e ments that cculd be made, hot in such a o-- er--v and nhilityj tirniatcr-tli- tin ' ' would nival. wiiKtui. On Katunlay niltt lien ' , v (hat there has not be n any .. person smalt things that no passenger lim wcrf' trying to. clear 'a space in front of tin have won: as lare a 'following in two years as rr organization who has taken any complain. The 'management rsther . 'May we show thtW to vou? in 11 matters. laughed at him at first but finally al- Capitol ilniihlinir so maskers conhl aiiv team of the iVhfmV lhlt this :followill is J;fini;e '"est theory, that the f ;, ; s some live organization, the A? Club, lowed him to demonstrate his i. - dance, Hcorcs of men in' the minted conM Is 1101 racial; is ioumicu on rtH-oniiu- oiu-nase- fcr instance. as hat seems to o The" results were such a revelation kill lirains" and infrllte should, create that a department : wa creafed wfth :,' WtCHMAN & CO. Tilainl v HH'it foivin'rdheiirf(Trjt lorxraM': ami civic ira iht ve- - him arits head to hsndle the matter. " conwvpu-ntl-y jamming a Jarc Vi,nni$T;ff women any .set or piayer.xvijo TutsiortKi tnHr tnst ef-- enwon&rs op'ufd fcfticcomplished. Tell the tourist the wonders anl -- enc-'- i y iiiiiVTk'ii::.liiilr-'iSiiv:i- are: a greal.many nui beauties of thes? islands. not f. f 11! ml chi ! jwwi Vfjujityrti iri vlisconi- - fkH ii win ' JAtiiV.4fifvThatvi thre l "ill Ml - ivh into a can ;. not other here.' let us tell j ; sances and abuses here be rather leah ' ' ' ;.'v V - fort speetlih lMmin ilaiifjcronx. The result was plenty of friends. : ;', ; denied, cne oftei hears complaints other of their ' wesk "points and. de- and objections, but what, happens? ficiencies and find the remedies, that that, Uiv The jirnival . series starts out as a real sue-ces-s a few 'moments most of the Carnival Usually nothing. It is generally: pass there is ' a good, dear to tell can not ' spirit w'as K(jmezel out of that crowl. Xo co-- and shoifhl ls reiiffate next year. ; ed up to George to do, as-t-he saying he denied. .' :..' ': ,'.. ' r :. - gees, and hat cf course Js . the eni a ooay 01 mis Kina wouia De a ciear-- - pbraticrti Vax given the .''and their effort -- " plice of It The larger majority ..of these ing bouse for suggestions! It cculd V to disjK j-- Ihe denstEly-pi- t k(M masses of eojm JAPAN AFTER COAL TRADE objectionable features are net In ex- be amplified by having its members:5 - : I .' any . person or per- -- , istence becaus drawn from several orgonizatioas but r was praHically useless. A little readiness"". to tHe sens 'ish them, to exist but for that is a detail, the main issue would Chief Inspector Cralk of --our departi ISAAC ARCIA: Cut out tbe vield on the imrr of a fw doxcrv individuals in Jn'nanVcflnl tradais steadiH" niakintr inroads reason Jthat they are very much like j ne ro get logetner a ocay or nent ' ment with flags and bunting. It was alcoholic spirit and cultivate the Car - v - a no .one-n- as te -- lie or t t ; wV 'i'i- v: jopsy,vjust;growea-an- ynd of men. It Is a proposition that .certainly generous of: the Hawaiian, rival and Ad Club spirit Rar for the rear he .lining wonia luive prev4'iitei an in thejo to about no ' danything cculd do harm and could do a vast light-amou- nt Carnival Spirit. , - Electric Compar to furnish the r.'.ieomfortahle ': : JYact them.- good. situation. v sular reports from Yokohaiiui. a 'which is of . - ing free of chaVge and the task was perfecUoiv oT any de-- ICvery alvance fiHaution taken hy 'the ('ar-i-i IKirticuiarly The. machine spiendidly accomplished. That's prob-pen- ds Occasionally we meet a woman who intemstinp to s body have police on perfection should the of its smallest tbly- the- prettiest iiece of irghUng ever remind us of a cat trying to act kit- ivai manajrement aiid the pol ice. vill.lK useless authority to' lay down law to - - "- the the 'v . The I'acific roasf liaVbenin to bijr largelvr paJ?.8- v "'y ':""iMc :n'':'."'.'-- , . seen in Hawaii;.: o; ', ... - tenish. .''.j'.-:- Unit vi.;i,nr city. one can aeny nowever. tnat 1 nan King vou ror your yarned space '.'. r.nless the eple enter into the full spirit .. . ,,rti.5;,,n,, t 17 io v ""'l'"" "" w. uHu. uwm such a committee composed, cf tact very truly yours? sehs(m while- - ccom-.- ', Makes 'a holidav woHh? Part of ;on to' jiorts West of Singapore, the output of ful, conscientious men, cduld i t pHxl-nn- f f hat spirit is uml ac)ui(sceuci hi; he the -- Taia nest! Fushun nunes' iii southern 3fan.-..Jt.- tt tt; tt ti a ntt:h ti a t - ', i culatijnis for the handling of crowds. . v . has as as DANGE ON pme far 10mlo and India. :M MIIU I (lull TO- - thei same tunet the JapamVe. exi)t-tei- s have - n PROGRAM FOR CAPITOL n lare- .;,T ;. fe-J- e::o Ifaitd is the Ecc:;oar PRO&nAM is If'imfiipote TONIGHT" i MAVOR J. FERN: The' "mas- - i IXFECKD aivini(i;thirMalarjl .,a . nonular a queraaai ,oau., in,' uv capiiui gi vunus

. s islands. On account f the infTeasinj: dance in front Mhe capitoi this Saturday ." steadilv a a splendid. . niht ' r j -- nViV'-tj- ty ; evening.iV , following '; - ' Jof Tj '. fo JjFBrofliriitely a one enjoyed lt ;4 ; ;"; to 'fawn ty. - -- "' ' V.:'v v ' KetrenchnM'nt mil lrtrtmchment- is neces: 1 - . . - ..... me. erupuon '..- ' ,i 01 runciiuowi craier. i ..rv in everv countv of Hawaii and in n out more from ijrtvnts to 1 per ton. There seems to be, 'a This dance was not provided for 8 Lchi: NIEPER? A:Hii& Inter- 1 f ey ? sir. TYou rnay;4ay-f- ( 'file A-r-Vall- ; -- view ye, jncreaso usV on piyfraiu' , : iliah' tlni countv of Honolulu. ' ilsoa steadv in the of coal arnons ";eJi"f. u Tfc Z that Carnival', tickets are selling . Farm, 2. milesl thf ' - ". '. 1 T;jj lH to Saturday:; like j cakes.- -- : On faui a chamber of oonimerce conrnii (tojapanesft s. .partiall.vl due a nations ball ca night a hot I'. 1 p rlieQ r,":vu-- from . car line;, 23 enjsr;.:; itrpur incTeaseunMlie' tiUmier and !! e :s just; n portal on county finances. Af'uir is j ofas ia: ciding to afford the merrymakers a DRrEVWII:OX-,:?'.Th- 4-roomno- eljihty tliousand dollars in lejt, aijd it ebftric hht plants throughout Japan proper, a all the opportunity possible dur-- a reason hy. the islands cannot raisc . use; 1 barn. Land . them- - or importi- dis-nos- a ing the Carnival to njoy a their peanuts in place cs noi t. t The tttal exportatiou of Taanrse coal ip on ' ' ' that tlie officiaJsiavo leen ng- thera from, Japan ". ,. apir 10V2wak r(')u-h- lr pllcei?ft 'In fact, thev appear to haVe furnished a .The pyrotechnics on Punchbowl a are ' scheduled take place at ---J. Ji WtLUAMS:N T have never :i exanmle of upri-- ht 0t)0,000 'tons weve a rlo a C(uiluijlflis4iitlvf jlTWr!Viiy?rontr' 19 ja'clcxkv""ai close' seen ' more . beautiful decorations, than lu the of the a 1 f V ''.V k ,.W '.nslnlmt tlieV liavW a massed band concert in the capi-- a these cf this Carnival season. There l t J ' will-reac- h may "been more : W H(weil the; tolt gT?ofdds)l this time the a have others elaborate . ev have jrrown extravagant in runnini: up that the total for year over a " a lights of the capitoi .will be a but none so ritih'. . untr.exDonses. v ,i,000,000 tons4 a sVitched off, but immediately aft-- t Hawaii (ountV combined dJslionestyitli it erwads-fobablyjjab- o ; 10: 30 a DANIEL LOGAN; I'jn the man a o'clock Ihey iir 'b turned on a who put the lei on layman. The dec- ;.va-nh- ce in public office.; , The result has been farther efforts are beins exercised to open new a again, and music for dancing will a orations committee grasped the sug- 1. Pougher- - avidity, -- : Jlawaii! emintf is" seTenil hundred a begtn Directogenecal a gestion with and the results y'.' ?h lstriis. a ty states that provision has been a may be seen all. over town today. . v - (Uisaim oouars poorer man n nonesTV jiao ri"""""- i . a made, for keeping the drives clear a ' : V ; -- s .:.- evening, WALTER V. KOLD The '.I. ;' ; -'- i . a for the dancerS this so a combined with efficiency. ,' , . i a that the handicap of. Saturday a members of Company D certainly did n The sucrvisors of the city and county of Ilo-- Kauai's plans for participation in the Floral a night will not again' occur. a themselves proud in the natidnal D- company - : olulu a few days a ro announced a program of Parade are elaborate anH with the live members' u a a a guard tournament.. The aha aaaaaaaaa once work - aconomr.,; plans to commence at the. i King- retrenchment.' of strict Acconlinc to ;of the' new, Chamber Commerce to back up the .i.indssyio; Commission reads as of furnishing its room. Fort, bet. and. Merchant t !kv reports fiiiuyestrrtlay's caucus of the city jdans with action, tlie OanlenJsand entry will j. names or, others - , II. P .WOOD: The Hawaii Fairl , who are allowed reductions, I am not ;:im noj mucn was accompiisneii a iraiun- t ;v.v; . suggesnous . eoniny.iainers,,inifyir. any commission warns iruiu - '". aware that there are reductions , tile-w- ay , V:- public to how it may best ad i:i iislucin- '.. .' . ..';.';,;. the as t, i of curivnt . . although Is possible exiH'nss. Jt t t made, it that vertise i'Hawalfs climate during 'the . s may be. ; meet- ill Ik recailwl that H. ri(kKlinp lield,the sta-- O newspa-ristica- l there At the annual 1915 exposition. I would like to have ing or the Maui Telephone Company HAWAIIAN SOUVENIRS r the ideas on; the matter.;-- ; exinrt, found that overhaul chart's-- in per alnise of President Viison ihrfexico City, to be held within two weeks time. I tourists' ' ami county govern ment will Introduce a resolution making the VtEJRA JEWELRY CO. city here aix out of all It must ie pretty had GEORGE Gi GJILD I notice r- - rate for all telephones $3.50 a month, flag-pole- most of the s, in t!e busi- - - 113 Hotel 8L ; ruporium 10 nir iKTinuucm iiupnivemeinjs ami iiie imnj;s mainiand 'paix'i's nave- - neen jsaj; and trust that this will eliminate all that ; ness section of the city are bar. Why va ' !. V ; : causes for complaints With our rent ral worl done. : 7 ; ; alMut Mister Huerta.'5 ; ? 4'. shouldn't everybody display the colors charges.".4 throughout the Carnival season? All announeeu a iKncr. or economv,4 ; Lindsay, ' iiavinz the Another letter from Mr., thebusiness houses are lavishly dec- s -- pcrvlsoi-- ar expected Jto carry it out in-o- ol President 'Wilsoi .juissetl l a (fiidinm Club with reference to the same matter, orating, their windows and buildings . . follows: yet some of -- theni aren't flying the - . dinner last Fridjry hijilit,t will . be remeni- "I beg to acknowledge receipt of flag. ' ' your favor of the 11th Inst, requesting Henry Waterhonse Trust Co., iKM-et- i lie: was M also mat anions: those absent I furnistfthe commission with the " that. THOMAS TREAD WAY : If the Vi t 1 t le. ( rates, classifications, charges Linlt:dr. BASEBALL OR fH WHILE hejist it stcial function of tbe 'arabaos. fares, . made, charged by eather holds good it looks like and rates used or management will us in the transaction of business .and the Carnival make 1 ,u TlieIiitcr-.Islam- in reply I beg to state that our rent fuuL t " l basi'ball series of the PJ14 San Dio army aviation field has actually baseball series, The net receipts ,ru ' for telephone services for stores and Oarni val has start id off. splendidly and two prolucei somethiu libsides unfortunate fatal! offices is $5 a monttL If two phones the games of Saturday and Sunday are 4 about $960. This is nearly enough to !ctMi - 1 are used by the same partv our charge d(ubJirlHilcrs have pla.eil witjiout a mar- ics. This time it is a sixhI mord. phone! y he expenses of the and ' is $3.50 V month a For private Haati Sale :1 Real Estate for feature. playing, jtotdj " : $3.50 a month. Maui teams, which .are guaranteed ring Uirre cowd fst . . individuals the rate is Besides, this we have a rate of $20 per $"'00 each, and we have the remainder and fine sport in spirit have combiiUHl j PinkhiViii mipcht umpiring: (lovernor have hwn a pKd "of the week, with a game every day ' ' annum which is used for beach and i-- ' ' . : '' '. to jdeast- - home fans and visitors. .v'.a;-- ' I pitcher if he hadn't fooled a.yay so 'much' time mountain houses, which ard. occupied but Thursday, I . d only during the summer months. . tH Ciisionally expn-ssi'- busin-s.s- . magnifi-whic- One 'hears a note of in also refer you to my other letter in J. W. CALDWELL: The h you- - spectacular , of the Capitol surprise that hi Hawaii the people of inany naj ; . - - t I advise that there is a cent effect Building lots near town, on Miller afreet, 11200 to $2000, probability of the company's reducing building during the Carnival season is tions mingle onlial)y and wjthout.tnueor The Aveatlier slipped oo and taint, a last niht the rate of office and store phones to due to the lighting by the Hawaiian according to size. v of racial pn'jml ice. A iaVtial answer.tothe nat' slipjHil it back ay;ain this morning:. $3.50 a month. Klectrir Company and the work-o- f ' " ural question as to -i- has, been accom : '.'. - .. - Bprecktls Tract lots opposite Oahu College, 160i 100. for plished is cotitainHl in the;,wonl kiseball. v In j Those showers, however, will prevent any ' " V x : . the Carnival s ries, for instnun therisitor will woiTy alwrnt the dust : Rent $1800. . For y-- . : see Caucasians of several nations, lWtuuese, ;U - -- :7 - . .; i.'y-:- "'S .. . . .3 $40 Auld Lane. . .3 bedrooms, $16.00 s - Piikoi bedrooms Spanish and other KuniiM-au- ilvaiians, Chi- Ktn Carnival has, plenty of loyal. subjects. St...... Acre lota at Frultvalc, Talolo .Valley,;. 1600. per acre. : U 10 Kallhi off Kam. IV. Rtf., 3 bedrooms $35 Pua Lane.. $ 6.50

T.10TT-SMIT- stores and offices is $5 a month, and county attorney, of the Valley Isle H PLEASED - that- for - private individuals. 3.50 a was being charged $3.50 a month for K&lmukL Ocean View and Palolo Hill lots, 40O and up. Z TO LEARN THAT PHONE month. In Mr. Mott-Smith- s opinion, hts telephone from the fact that he " the proposed action of Mr.' Lindsay Is RATES W ILL BE REDUCED an outcome of the recent Investigation did not use his phone to any .'great For Sale by the utilities commission of com-plalat"-iia- de extent. The replies of the company E.- - A.' Wott-Smlt- h, chairman of the against the company by to the .commission's communications acr Palolo a!iey, within five minutes' walk of car, i '14 lot in Commission, v elated Eugene', Murphy, claiming ; : over- were forwarded Murphy, who did not Has-fronta- ge Public Utilities. ' ah ' f 2 bedroom house, stables and chicken yard. ' ' with. charge.- ' ' ' '' together over the receipt Saturday afternopnof reply. The commission then went on two streets. A splendid piece cf property for D. C.Lfndsay. a communication from The matter. of, the Maui Telephone ahead to determine "whether or not ' ': - small farming. vice-preside- nt of !aui Telephone Company's- rates first came up wberilany persons in offices or stores the other Price $3750. Company, to the effect that, at the the commission received v from Eu-- were being charged $3.50 instead of i: Henry Go. annual meeting of . the company to gene Murphy a complaint that he was.) the usual rate of $5. It found that Waterhouse Trust be held In two weeks, Mr. Lindsav being charged $5 a month forhis tele- - there were none, siys Mr. Mott-Smit- h. fur-wer- e which, phone, . will introduce a resolution tf while other persons on . Maui The company then was asked to trust Cor. ort and Msrthant St. HONOLULU, T. H." passed, will make the rate for all tele- being charged $3.50 a .tnonth. nish the commission ' with a schedule Guardian Co., Ltd., phones on that island $3.50 per month. Upon Investigation by the commission. JoX its rates, which It has done. ., tel-rhbn- es 4 v Bldg. At present the rent "for Ic K vas learned that : the", assistant Thefirst communication rromriMr: 205 Bank of Hawaii 9. r.


Tlie finest most com- HONOLULU'S LEADING TOBACCONIST Touristo ond Homo Folhn alilio T7ill in-l- x and Bur thcroVtisfaoHon by r j v F1TZPATMOC; BIROS. ? :- Ltd. l--- " V. . plete line in Honolulu 926 FORT STREET '':x-- calling hero first

squeaked .MISSION BOARD ACCEPTS SPAULDING COMPANY NEW YELLOW KOA CHAIRS to use, which creaked and COUSINS SOCIETY TO descendants, ' in unolled bitterness of spirit when the "!LaniM? 'C1S charg dur TO- HELP ALONG THE ! A ' TO GOVERNOR - cairrDTAiM ltiocinn" - I BO WEN'S RESIGNATION SCORES FURTHER PRESENTED governor swung back, and forth in his Al MldblUNr lag the remainder of. the carnival of f CARNIVAL , periods of "cogitation; the . new ones f up follow- - HEAD OF BERETAN1A SUCCESS AT SCHOFIELD BY 0. R. & OFFICERS ' HOUSE DURING WEEK ; mi" made of the ;;AS L rest firm, immovable and noiselessly, f - Spencer JSpclal Star-Bullet- in Correspondence' There's a new gubernatorial chair in with feet firmly planted on the floor: One of the most interesting events- of Dr. a P. Judd; Mrs, Han- The resignation of Bowen design pleasing dhtr great Rey. as temporary superintendent of the SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Feb the governor's office, due to the gen- Their is particularly oi the Carnival week for many, will W neT Scou. granddaughter of . governor, un- tX sev- - George P. Denison and" to the new and they the evening or tha Missionary museum Samuel Whitney; Mrs. W. Wester Serpentine lieretania Settlement, tendered erosity of Prel by through ' eral days age. was accepted at a! plot of "Confusion, produced here C. Smith, superintendent and general doubtedly will be used him at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, in the iubtcr f a N. CasUe; Mrs. IL incumbency. . . meeting of the directors of the Ha- last night to a crowded house in the passenger agent respectively of the cut his fold Mission house on King street, just - ucot. granaaaugnter ot j. a. waiiao Board of Missions Friday, and infantry amusement hall by the Oahu Railway & Land Company. In j south 'Of the Kawalahao church. This Gm?n nl cf RvC Tt W. Parker; Mrs, I l Alexander, granddaughter ot Confetti effect U1I3 morning. In resign- Spaulding Musical Comedy Company fact there are two new gubernatorial s s n nu s nnaa ass 8 ns event has been prepared with much: ct . . " - i ing Mr. Bowen sever his official re- The cme-a- play is a comedy farce chairsl both of brieht yellow koa. Ha--! 8 muvi ujr luu iutiu trci a vi luo vwauia ' lation with the mission board, but all the way through with the cleverest wall's excellent hardwood, both with 8 HAWAII WILL FIX 'EM. 8 Society. and is held' under the aus iWwta, granddaughter tf Dr. J. W. ; will be affiliated with it situations and funmaking, lines yet high yet comfortable backs with . . pices 01 r neou. -. r .. CREPE PAPER FOR continue to and toe ine ouuuin. ' ' as s, volunteer assistant in the Settle- produced by the Spaulding company. strchg legs well braced to bear the 8 The Mid-Pacifi- c Carnival offi-- 8 which is probably the oldest frame e m mf--" . r ment work which fa carried on each Slipstick comedy "was - conspicuously weight of executive responsibilities. 8 cial program quotes Dr.: U E. Xt r building in Honolulu, the materials of rhV following automobiles were : surgeon-genera- l. Sunday."" It Is intention Mr. absent from the stage and the laughs Mr. Denison and Mr. Smith are "'ofer. asstetant . 8 which were brought around the horn the of the 8 latered in w1: and county of Ho- - Iiowen to devote Ms entire time to that were plenty were; provoked by donors, of both, one to be occupied by 8 1. S. public health service, and 8 Xrom Boston, is In Itself of much In-- Ilima'teis witty repartee and ludicrous situa- during daylight a good Iriend of the terestj and will probably be visited noiulu during th emonth cf Januar- y- the woi'k of the Associated Charities, ' Governor Pinkhani his 8 . P he having recently been elected raan- - tions.: . working hours In the executive cham - 18 islands, as follows: ; , , w by many tourists and others during Pleasure cars: 1 American. S Buicks, Lu-cret- ia , njrer pro tern cf that. organization. Miss Geraldine Wood was Miss ber and the other for'his studio at ,tJ 4,In short, I believe that . the 8 the remainder cf the Week. 3 Cadillacs. 3 Chalmers. :6' Fords. 3 - Tickleby, - 1 I vvun regaru f 10 me superinienu- the prudisn old home, when he burns the midnight 8 Influences In Hawaii offer the 8 The museum exhibits consist of a Hud sons, 1 Hnpmobile. Overland. 3 ncy of the, boys work Settlement, a maid whose love for a man leads her gas or electric light and broods over 8 least resistance to iKidily well be-- 8 large variety of interesting relics coa-- 8 rackards. 1 Pullman, I It' C Hv i committee .'consisting of Perley L. to do many laughable things. Miss affairs of state. - ing. cf any cf the well-know- n 8 tribnted for the occasion by the de--8 Stevens-Durye- a. 3 Studebakera. Com Home and Rev. W. D. Olson was ap- Wood distinguished herself as a char- Unlike the eld '' swivel, swinging health resorts cf the world. 8 scendants of the early missionaries to niercial cars: 3 Federals. 1 Menomloe; ' pointed to take this matter up. It La acter portrayer in this .play and ' her Chair that Governor Frear was wont X 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8jthe Islands. The Cousins Society Is 1 Packard. 1 Plerce-Arro- w Hawaiian News Co., possible th2t this responsibility may work was exceptionally well done. Limited. bf placed in the hands of the; exten- The role of the two servants,' whose sion work secretary. of the Y. M. C. A. secret marriage was really the basis In the, Young. Building. Elijah MacKenzie. superintendent of for the plot of the play, were assigned the Beretania Settlement, who for the to Miss Emma Audelle .' and Paisley tast several months, has been absent Noon. Their apt depiction of the ofc 111 from, his , Jwork von account parts marked them as versatile, for health, has been notified by the board both ' Miss Audelle. and Mr. Noon, can to resume his duties In Honolulu at sing and dance, as well, t . i;. his ' eaTlicsV convenience, and is ex George Spaulding was seen for the Auction Bridge acted to return at an early date. Jt first time : without a character make- vas reported that, to. date- - the Mid up, appearing a3 the husband of Miss ' j Newlln, who enacted the part of Mrs. " ' Pacific Institute has an enrollment 1 " v - ". f A .1 . Mortimer Mum bleford,. a dog finder. ,. . ;..)t W . U BLUUtHlUI WxlCtX': ,'';f; :.:;v'W;':-;;- : Party : Spaulding is a fine-looki- ng man and MAIL CREW this with his ability and stage pres PACIRC ence make,s one .why he (lews Benefit Army Relief Society, Under winder ; MEMBERS IN OPIUM RING not adopt roles of this kind, oftener, . the auipices of the Artillery Branch James G,uilfoyle as Christopher Bliz- -

: zara, tne or Mrs. - ; IDjr latest Mallj . old uncle Mumble . 6Uitor for Miss Ticfcleby's 1 SAN FRANCISCO. A new. opium ford and ' hursdays hand, ..cleverly handled his rather dif - ring was exposed in this city by the . i. many federal authorities and as a result five ncuit characiter and received ; laughs the the 5th 12th, 19th and 26th Chinese were arrested and two quar-- from audience for his witty IN FEBRUARY, at 2:30 O'CLOCK steamer con interpretation. , - termasters of the China In the musical Miss' " - jfessed to'.a share in the conspiracy. numbers Hattte De Von's Hypnotizing Man" was 1 if Saih Kee, a wealthy merchant of That - XX': , i lOfinO Hotel the favorite was ''X.:'XX :X Xt' X v , .. .XsXX - 1- and she recalled to luw,,b 1822 -2 Washington street, is. charged stage '; backer of the the several times Miss Mar with being the financial - Roof Garden ' " guerite De Von and Paisley Noon did .Tas. Co. Auction- - plot. v ,''."'' v XOn Friday, February 11)14, at 12 o'clock noon, F.Morgan Ltd., g a ; pretty song and dance In ."My Mil- cordially k Last Sunday , two Chinese, T. Yee, Everv one invUed. Admis J. lion Dollar Doll" and were properly sion $1. Includlna refreshments. Hand- - a student of the University xCCalifor appreciated, .The De, isterg jand m ; " and;Vong HIng, were; In Von Vl ji iJ?9? ljt5 ot jfiftccn rp-I- ilt, automobiles. X X ,;j XfiX X ,LX ' ' " ' t ' some prize for each table. iia, nrested Noon have aJre'jvdy be'comfe popular of p;ard ifKf ntucicy street vDyjinj-pects- r Harn-!A- n at tA .Ollvpr- - ThTnrTht ht V arrest ht barracks' "tT'X- M jif waa vtaarned iht jbi iLiderabl6 UK : "carnival photos; ' or as orougnt ; V Vi amount opium. .being - for stmiv arriving. iv; .v-- ' :c' J 5 : ? f 1 'ifi W is V :X- -' - X by-sai- iirv fromth"twMeytcifie Hiew '""f Post cards and .larger sizes on sale ors to a certain boarding house in the at The Kodagraph Shop, corner Hotel Protero district Surveyor of the Port -- , Jbijy,;ac Unidn .' M'oci a splendid oprKrtunitr to serviceable: . and streets. advertisemenL . 4. V V.U . . . : by Captain of Cus- - : . :r;- - -f- , , :!M'; ;M' Wardell, assisted .riD Ia. .UM.ICWKX . V'" toms Guards. Joseph 7lead, jjuegtjoned 'and AyYi sen, iquar EMPIRE THEATER on thefiieWer vhina, and e :full , confessions .1 scaling - A strong dramatic story a start ' Vi ...... Uvtheyha?l't paid cven dollars tin of Z.::AiJU i ling and sensational is. unfold- Broken lenses replaced quick and to smuggle the opium ashore. - They nature !'''! ed in the presentation of Life for accurate work. werp'taxeo-ojfltj- jBtfiycgiiJM and rHs HTf, t His Emperor, a feature' film, oh the Identified the Chinese, . " ? Special lenses ground to order. United Si&tim Attorney Empire prpgram for today's matinee t''M rfridtj r "pic- Broken frames promptly repaired.- - Preston prtyaied' opium smug- and evening performances.; The ; ture has to. do .with the patriot ,,'who Factory on the premises. gling conspiracy to the federal jjrand ;VU'.; i .-. succeeded unmasking . desperate jury. ::;v:-''';-"'-.c.a::-..- in. a 3 ii'iii'r ri Qfttti ; plot to assassinate 'his emperor, and Ji2-- cash; balance (6): equal y installments; A; H. SAWFORD, in the end is obliged to give up his J A HEALTHY; HAftY.WIFE "If life. . Many. stirring situations are .l secured by car; optan tmn V- brought ,to the fore. ;f 5, ; ;y Boston Building FortStreet vl8Hhelgreatest inspiration a man can f A tale of. the civil war is depicted Over May & Co. - hate and the life of the family, yet in "Prisoners of War " ; in which the how many homes in this fair land are capture of a confederate spy appears Cars selling above $500.00: . . -Q Q-Q-Q- blighted by the ill health of wife and as one of the central figures. ; - ' 1-- ; . Abounding In picturesque settings, 2 1 ;cashf balance in six (6) equal monthly installments; a It play be backaches, headaches, the "Bred , in the West" is a production THE tortures of a displacement, or some strong that is said to make a appeal secured by , ailment peculiar , to her sex which to those who enjoy a drama of unusual car. makes,Ilfe a bMrdenr Every : woman merit, ''l, w :. Mi in this condition should rely upon The Empire program for.the begin- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ning, of the - week includes "Captured mm pound, made from roots and herbs, to by Strategy, a picture has re- Street . which lllMlUTcrt restore her to health and happiness ceived high praise on the mainland. The following is a list of some of the cars to be sold : EcecIuIb's Larpcit Extlatlra advertisement' Among the comedy selections; 'A Clothing Stare .) Horse on Biir. stands prominent in ' ' ' Accconti touring' car . Yl Cisrre iBiItel. the program;' , There will be n dally Iuick V " - - TTeaiy and ilccUIy X BIRTHS chahge . ' ' V - .ifc J 'r of bill. :'' land touring car Jj Taynenta, y 4 a. ; t VDURNE'-f-A- t Kpla.. Maul, Febiuajt Oldv)iiobilc touiing car ' 10,. 1914, to Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Paul YE LIBERTY THEATER ' " . 4lV.ssengcr Jv?-- F roadster - . Dumey, a daughter. . rt tinnii.g'car r McENROE In Honolulu, ; February t In this day ''i and time when" the Itupmobile V 14, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- " I ' news of the w:orld becomes ancient Ilndson toilriii car visiting ' Islands . Ladies the Enroe, a daughter. history, before R hardly has to ' will find at the parlors of l v ANDERSON In Honolulu. February tisv Packard ton ria car v cool off: heroic . methods must btV 3I1SS TOWER 14 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. An--derso- n; sorted to in to ate " r" order attract , Passenger Buick runabout r Boston Block ' J-- a sou. . . . ' tion. This Is where the. Infinite, a "Bvcj?itt touring car - ' the millinery confections they. , of the cinematograph so thoroughly llka.y K '.4 iNwn heads. : exchanged 'ior ; old proves its .supremacy.' The atmospher- 2- - Maxwell funabbut ones a sign tnat might attract sur. Passengcr is ic t waves can be utilized ; to convey 3i. If 3-- Popc-llart- f end , r . . ferers from headache they "were Passenger roadster - " ' ' ' ' ' the intelligence, but it remains for L . n sure that the new 'head would not Stevens-Durje- a .'.' i the never-failin- g lens, of the camera touring rar ' DEATHS, ; j ache. Better yet, however. Is some- - .'! l k to depict the actual scenes. On Feb- Pcefless car- - ' thing, that will surely cure headaches -- 11,' touring ruary 1913, the whple world was i , AHUNA At Kaplolanl Tract, Kalihl, In a rfew . minutes every time. startled by the news that Captain Cadillac touring car 15, 1914, Joseph Kahai, Infant fShac" will do it millions people Febv of -- 'Scott, R. N., 1 Robert Falcon and his 1-T- of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace . have the proof, Insist on 4Shac.w Buick truck v , j Son noble little band of Antarctic explor- aged 3 months and 24 days,. . Stoddard-I)ajto- n advertisement. ers had perished on their triumphant 1000-Us- . delivery wagon

7 leturn when , within 11 miles of suc- cor. The entire world mourned the .AND OTITERS" loss of one of its splendid heroes, and since that day interest has been kept alive through different channels be- unusual cause of the circumstances Wait for tins splendid opportunity. , ' . . Ri?rroundir. the discovery. Now ' "N'OTHEI? - - FLOuX comes the cinematograph with its vol-- All of tbe cars will be sold at bargain prices.- - ,; .'. 01 au epi- 'high-grad- e umtnous pictorial record tne , The list includes a numocr of used cars; welJ designed and constructed, and sodes and incidents occurring, on the ' years.: ?. hazardous voyage and Journey. The made of the bejmaterial, which will remain a valued possesion for a number of coterie of brave men, seated will little . Compared with a NEW CHEAP the same or a higher price; jtou . around patent cook?r, which fur- their owner- - ; nished the only means of artificial have more comfort,: more enjoyment motoring: the satisfaction that comes from the heat obtainable, and that, too, in very ship of a luxurious, distinguished caf, with little, if any, greater cost for purchase, no greater LX:X XX;XX:'-cos- t meager quantities are shown in the jr for yeai-- s to ca"r be more money. ' f - xXyXXP. act of preparing a meal; retiring into operation, and; in come a that will worth 4 f their sleeping bags and cuddling to- These on showat a'parade T - gether, were caraillbe thioui tlim just as they afterwards : ''-,- : : - ; fcund by the rescuing party, frozen lSth and 19th at 12 o'clock noon. i ; - V": " : tc death. Small wonder it .isthen that the cinematograph is the, ac- knowledged monarch of modern In- ventions. n ! The complete and vivid animated ' record secured by Mr. Herbert Pon-tin- g, I N ' 11 F. R. G. S.. oTficial eonemato-grap- h KS2 expert of Captain Scott's mem-cabl- e VE1 expedition to the South Polar regions, is being shown at Ye Liberty v theater. v King and ishbp Streets The enormous losses due to forest insects have led to .the formation of a society for, the advancement of forest entomology in America. SIX HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, MONDAY, FEB,.-H- 1014. 13 PROSPECTIVE MEETINGS Uonolalu StocK Exchnne I DAILY GEHITiDERS FOR FEBRUARY Arm MARCH Monday, -- 'LlasomcTcnvU tiVery - wno owns v February- tL . man a Flags to decorate the whole town at Feb.-1- Alexander Baldwin. Ltd, ; Wall, Nichols Co. advertisement ; MERCANTILE ; Bid Asked 11 a. m, . f w r .' Alexander it Baldwin...- - ...170 'MacGregor and Blatt wllf-sho- the Feb." 17 Honolulu Brewing & Malt- live" Fire Insurance policy C Brewer k...... first ;of their millinery Mon- ing Co, Queen a. m. Co...... - street II 1 ' : WW 8170 AR day, Feb.- Feb. 1 8 Whitney & Marshy Bishop . Wanted Two more passengers ' ' Ewa 1 for pw. . Plantaiion Co ...... 15 H Trust' Co, 3 ix v ' round-the-isla- nd la-19- automatically becomes a Haiku ' Sugar Co...... V. . . . . trip 14 Pierce Feb. William Mutch, LhL, Bish- DISCHARGE Hawaiian vAgricnl. Co...... 127 .i Arrow or Locomobile.' Lewis Stables, op Trust Co, 9 a. m; : ; phone 2141. V H." C. &. S. Co , ; . , .. 22 advertisement Feb. . 19 Waimanalo Plantation, 2I05DAYI r V Use -- Westinghouse Lamps " Hawaian Sugar Jo.. . . 23 Mazda for Brewer building. 10 a. vu ; Don't - S member of the Honokas Sugar Co...... your Carnival lighting, if you want Feb; ,19 Olowalu." Brewer building, ' ; more'' light, more Ha- .. , .' . STABLEMAN ' ; Honomu Sugar Co...... 50 brilliant light 11 a. m, TXESOAlt ; ! waiian"' Electric Ltd. Phone 3431. " ' ' Su)?. Co, Feb!.: 19 Woodlawn,' - - - ' f, Hutchinson Pit. Co. ... Brewer uild- v. ,,f- .. Worry" Club? Kahuku Plant. Co. . . . . 14 V Every man who , owns a "live" fire insurance policy automatically ; be- ekahaT Sugar Co...... 85 ... N Feb. 19 Walohina, Brewer baUd (Continued from pats' one) WEDXESDATI Koloa" Sugar Co, . . .. . ; . . ." . . . comes a member of the "Don't Worry Ing. 2:30 p. m. club. To join C. Brewer. & Co, McBryde Sugar Co, Ltd...... Feb. 19 Honuapo, Brewer building, fifth . the ' assistant in the district Cut now!.' J; T- j; :.'J-- - n--- - OabuSugar Co...... 13 H 13 3 ;P. mv a ':"!:' f ;- ,. . thing V we did : x large and important v ladies -- Epiphany Guild Olaa Sugar Co.. Ltd . . . IVi The of the Feb. 19 Kau. Brewer building, 3:30 paye way for 10 join ... ' da yesterday was to the will hold a delicatessen sale the Sat P- - - Onomea Sugar Qo...... ; 18 20 v . our cnttisg. ; G. Brewer & Co. Ltd., Paauhau Sug. urday before Easter th place of sale , Feb. 19 Koloa Sugar Hackfeld Pit. Co...... Co, : ;SVe have now heard from the dif- FEIDAYi to be announced i. later.-advert- lse Pacific Sugar Mill ...... 75' building, 11 a. m. ferent departments - and know what NOW Paia Plantation Co...... 102 ment Feb, 20 Weha, : Brewer building, 10 they for us to SlTXHDAli : think: It remains act . Mclnerny's shoe store now carries ; - - T a. m. Pepeekeo Sugar, Co. ... . m. m going a superior hosiery ' and act we wilL The axe Is to Pioneer Mfll,.Ci.:.'.... :: 18 U line of silk' for la Feb. 20 Kalopa, brewer building, f - be used. , :' Wa,aiua AgricnL Co. , . ., 59 : dies, the Rockwood. In black or white 10:30 a. m. K ., a .' "It is not our intention-t-o cut sal Walluku Sugar Co...... 10Ov and tee price Is only dollar and a .Feb. 20 Kahaupu. Brewer build- AH 'visiting members" of tfc pair. - ' ariea. Bather than do, that we wish to Wairaanala Sugar Co.... 130 : dollar and a half a ing. 11 a. in. order art cordially invited to at- cut down the number of men employ - Waimaa Sugar Mill Feb. 26 Apokaa Sugar; Co Castle - tend meetings of local lodxes. Co... led.- . Such a thing Is not easy, and -- MISCELLANEOUS GEN. CARTER II AY & Cooke. 1:30 p. m; u - Brewer, building. cannot be done without due cars. Haiku Frt&Pkg. Co Ltd." 22 V4 Feb. financial situation in the city NQT COME TO :'v:'"'.'':::;--.;'.';V:V::-Feb- - 0AHU. 10 m. "The F IRE- - Hawaiian Electric, Co.... 175 a and county is getting acute and we SCHOFIELD LODGE. Co . IS 24 Onomea, Brewer y building, Hawaiian Irr. Ltd... . ARMY RUMOR NOW must do something to-me- 'Reg i 11 a. m. .' - ..." it Hawaiian Pineapple Co.v 36 istered warrants were used Saturday Schofleld Lodge, U. D, F. & A. M4 Hilo R. R. Co, According to papers, Feb. .24 Kohala Sugar Co, CasUe Pfd..;... the Coast there ' pay whose wages come & Cooke, 10 - : to off laborers hall over Leilehua Department Store; Hilo R. R. Co, Com.. . . . 34 3 is a chance that Major-gener- al Wm. avm. 24-Pi- oneer from the general fund. Until the next . , 1 Feb. Mill Co, .Hackfeld, work in second degree. Thursday, Dth, 11.. B. & Mr Co.. Ltd , ; .. IT 18 1. Carter. may be made chief of , staff taxes come m, which will be In July; Hon. Gas Co, Pfd ::. of the army, in which, event a new building, 10 a. m. . and Saturday, 7th. " v .." Feb. 24 Lahaina. Agricultural Co, we wlll have to. resort to registered Hon. Gas Co.; Com 10(T; commanding general for the .Hawai- warrants. We have done that several W. C. GRLVDLEY, W. M. MARINE AUTOMOBILE H. R. T. & L. Co.. 1C0-- : ian department would have to be se Hackfeld building, 10:30 a,. i... . times before: but this year earlier I.-- I. Feb. 24 Kohala Land Co, Castle & S. N. Co.. i 123 127 lected. This rumor, however, is not than before. HONOLULU LODGE, 615, B. P. O. E. Mutual .Telephone Co,.. 18!i given much credence in: local army Cooke. 11 a. m. I - "? Therervis considerable money in the Ko. - :. Feb.- 24 Kilauea Sugar Plantation Honolulu Lodse R. L. Co..,.. 12' circles. ': ..' a building. , special funds, but this can not be 616. B. P. O. Pahang Rubber Co ... ..; The San Francisco Chronicfe of re Co, Postal Telegraph San Eli, 1 1 ; taken for general work. Much of the meets their hall, ca, Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. , ... cent date, says: Francisco. a. m. in ' Feb. 25 Haiku Sugar Co., Alexan- Improvement work going on "now is King St, near Fcrt, BONUS. , v No intimation has been received in der & Baldwin,-1- a, m. - out of old appropriations., We are fig every Friday evening. Hamakua Ditch Coi 6s...... : this city as to who will be auiointed uring our tax receipts on Vislring Brothers are , 25 the basis 11. &, lajor-gen- - Feb. Paia Plantation (....Alex LIFE C. S. Co. Ss.i.... . , ...... chief of stafft, to succeed - ' ander '& Baldwin, 10:30 a. m. of .$83,600,000" for the appraised yaluo cordially- invited Hawaiian Irr. Co. 6s.;.; 83 cral Leonard; Wood, who soon ; com ; Feb.: 23 Maui Agricultural Co, property on Oahu. If the tar rate. , ; Haw, Ter. 4s, Ref. 1905. ".V.. pletes his foor years, AlKf , ... assitiiraent at &, m. is cut down, appraisement low ; COKE.-E- 5s, Imp..- - exander Baldwin, 11:30 a. or the J..L. JL Haw. Ter. Pub. ... such duty and goes to Governor's isl Omaoplo wo Haw.. Imp. . . Feb. 25 Plantation Ca, ered. which has been Intimated H. DUN'SIIEi:, Sec," Ter. Pub. 4a...... and, N. Y, to assume command of m will have money expected. ' "i " i Haw. Ter. . . . department. Whl!e Gen Alexander Baldwin, 11:45 a. less than "' 4Ua...... the eastern 25 Mill Co.; Alexan Out of all tax money received we have JXect ca tie ZzX era! W. W. Wotherspoon has bee Feb. Central -- Baldwin, 12 m. ; ; to pay out part 230,000 re- j and 4 th 11 ca-da- ys Haw, Ter. 3 ' have been serious der ft Into the mentioned, there Feb; 25--Ea- laui . irrigaUon Co, volving fund. By the time our term 1901 , ap-- of eaclx H.R.R.Co. r ... objections adv,ancedCagainst hU . Cs...... Alexander &. Baldwin, 2 p. m. : expires we will have put In something H.RJt.Co. R.&EX. Cpn. 6s so rointment as it. is argued some month at K. P. . Feb. 23 Nahiku Sugar Co, Alexan like 162.000 in this fund. , Honokaa Sugar Co. 6s-- . 70 oioile S'GdoEse,,' Ltd.! .. tfficer'who has had much experience & Baldwin, p. m. - Hall, 7:20 p. c Hon. L 98 100 troops der 2:30 "All these things taken together ti Gas Ltd, 5s. inactive command of should Feb, 25 Kahului Railroad Co Al Members of "ot- H. R. T. & 6s. 161 Wotherspoon show the absolute necessity for re U Ca ..V.. "... have the. post General & Baldwin, 3 p. m i I defi- Kauai Ry Co.; 100 anyway. exander trenchment We have not decided her Associations, .... next November, - lu-vit- Cs...,.. retires Feb. 25 Honomu Sugar Co Brew nitely where the cutsvwtll be made. are cordially- ed Kohala : - - Major-Gener- al Barry Ditch Co.6s..... X. ... Thomas II. is er building, 10 a. m. . f Sheriff to n and Thurs- McBryde Sugaf Co. 95 San-Fra- Jarrett Fire Chief. attenl 5s..,. .. .. under orders to sail from Feb.' 25 Lihue. SugarCo, Hackfeld ton, who were present meeting, I 101 ' at the Mntual Tel. Co. :.. ciscq Manila March 5th; so it would a.-m- , Wm. McKlNLEY LODGE, No. 8, 6s...... ' Jo building, 10 did not see they could make . r , ; where - Natomas Con. '6s ...... j . slated,tor tne post, . .'- K. P, teem that he is not Feb. 23 Koloa Sugar Ca Hacjxfeld any .reductlon in their expenses. cf O. R. & Co, 100 although of course, his orders to go m. ' ; ' Meets every 1st and 2d Tc: I. 5s...... ' building. 11 a. . i ' Appropriations which' come under V : Oatu Sugar Co. ... PJbUIppines could he ctunter day evenic? at 7:33 o'cloc'x : Established in 1859. 5...... tdthej. f Feb. 25 Pacific Guano and Fertili the head of donations were brought in ia Olaa Sugar Co. 49 ir.anded at airy, time. Major-genera- ! zer Hackfeld building, 2 p. m. i i xv. w sr. iiaiu, cur. 6s..... Co, question, and motions were made that 7 xin Pac. Guano & Co. 6s 100 ... H. is talked .of as - . Beretaaia. .Vlsltlas Fert William Cartel Feb. 26 Hawaiian Sugar Co Alex they be done away with. This in- trc:;r3 0 Sugar Mill CVo. 6s . . BAM(o Pacific ...... nrobabilltv and there is rumor that ander & Baldwin. .11 a. m cluded the allowance .'to the Salva cordially Invited to attend. ' i Mill Co.' 5s . . . . considering ap Pioneer i .. ... the president is jevpn Fen. Co, - j. M. dow- - tion Army, the Promotion Committee A. IL AHREN'3, C C. : 10Q . ; r ; San Carlos Milling Co; 6s ... pointing a iCirfef Juf rrom amonj m.J r-r- '.": : ' atttlf sett, 2 p. r and Associated ChariVes, , The ques- L. B. REEVES. IL R. S. j HAWAII ; . brigadier-general- s, DISHOPMCOi Walalua Agricul.Co. 5s; . 93 . the 15 although Feb. 26 Kahuku''r'Plantation. Co. tion was le ft open after considerable this is not' generally credited in the Alexander & Baldwin. 2 p. m HONOLULU LOG Gil, No. IZ - discussion to be taken up at the next 0ANKER3 Session SalesHr-5Q-. H .C.- & S, Co; 23 ; r M 26 L. O. Corner Fort and Merchant Sta. I Feb, Ewa Plantation Co, Casue meetinT --V, '. " O. M. ':y-f- - 100 ' h '. d v Olaa lurray; .com r.- Fbrt-an- i'MT l8. MaJOFftftem XrtlRtr & Cooke, 10 a. m. i .. Jarre ttIditioal Xthat he could will 'meet at their home, corner - 4 ; ' . department wFrJ-a- x .... manding the 'western Feb. 26 Honolulu Iron Works Co. not spare any men. He was ques- Byetania Streets every y i ' Latest sugar quotation '3.1368 cents would make an ideal ; selection, judg- - Davies &. Co, 9:30 a. m.M -- .; M evening at 7:30 o'clock. If you're not saving money ' tioned' regarding, the employment of t or $52.73 per ton. . Feb. 26 Inter-Islan- d Steam Naviga a Visiting brothers cordially Commercial and Let ; chauffeur for the detective depart- ' tavi::I regularly when you gohome TJvelera, . '" v army .officers,- - is definitely Co 10 a. m. ; r to attend. ; " on but it tion ment, and asked if that position could tonfgbt, put down in .black ters cf Credit Issued the he does not seek the ap 27 Agricultural Co. G. S. LEITIIEAD Acting DicUtor Banfe known that Feb. Walalua not be done aw'ay with. George Hold your as-- of"Caltfornia and r:' ; preferring to remain in & 10 a. m. JAME3 w. LLOYD, Secretary, j : t and white entire 3. pointment Castle Cooke. back inspector was mentioned. It was i Sugar -jclepartment ' 1368cts command-- : through -. .v- -. the London Joint of salary . ..EC Is. . ...- ..... j: asserteOHOpi a . " -- Ex a; nr. NEW OAHU CARRIAGE , .,4;.-...-.- Bank, "; ing,l lfr of $123 twstwo-third- s MFG. CO. k " a moatl..he spads 8I : - ?SJn . Then figure how '.J',:much (fi- posiUb'nTToT. vwlilcn1 L h'e" has been a Feb. 27 PonahawaU Brewer build of his time on ranch. ' Wholesale and Retail Da!ers in Car London Beets- his Jarrett i LT 9s4d friend. Even' at, that he can- ing, 10:30, a. m. j .riage and Wa?:on JIatcrla'.j a-n- nancially) you. are . actually . staunch was asffe'ds if nnia. 'the new not be, la. command, throughout the Feb. 28 Hawaiian Agrlcultuial Co, weights a- - ! measures a "forced i cf Hcer, whose al north at sale." i C:.-.:r- retiring age 10 si. m. - - Carrlaj Makers exposition as he,, reaches : Brewer building. - salaryJU. also $12$, could not be and Re?i! Trusi .; done lIenry:Vaterli6us"e .; .y-;- : . CI; :ksmi4..v,!.-- 2 - In. April nex year, Feb. 28 Kohala Ditch Co Hack ! ers, Painting ,.- , you, it, of away:-with.;- ) Surprises doesn't Correspondents ; for thb !Amerl-- i ;! The duties of receiving feld building, 10 a. m. . : ; ; , ; fancf Woodworkinj and Trlr;rn!r3 by smallness?,' . , - can Express Company and clerks "sergeants were discussed. its Co., Ltd. Feb. ,28 Lanai Company, Hackfeld Queen St nr. Pri3on Read Thos. Cook & Son ; JAPANESE ENDS LIFE- - It was pointed out that there was no Better start that savings S building, 11 a. m. pressing Members , Honolulu . Stcek and t Bond A " or actual need for receiving WITH ROPE AT THE March 4 Pepeekeo, Brewer build ' account tomorrow: .. i Exchange. clerks the sergeants, it was said ing, 10 a. m. . HUNTER-ISLAN- D BUNKERS qould do their work. j FORT AND MERCHANT: 8TREETS March 9 Kona Derelopment.; Co, Interest Aifowed on Term and - 120S ' , ..: ". Jarrett-di- d i Telephone 10 a. tn. But not agree. He said i weelr. thq Hackfeld building, . Formerly 'the, Taiseldo Druj CcH la , Savings Bank, Deposits A bridegroom of .but a ; he didn't see where .he could spare March 10 Paukaa, . Brewer build - . now located bride being an ' exceedingly comely ' any of ?his men, and endedby putting at ing. 10 a. m. . " - Fort and Beretania Streets, young girl, a recent arrivel from Ja it np to the board .to do - what it March 10 Moaula, Brewer build - Opp. Fire pan,. F. Fukuda, a Japanese, quarter thought best. r Station. For Sale ing 10:30 a. m. ;.--'- ' ; F in Inter-Islan- d steamer ' master the 11 Waikapu. Brewer build The meat and food inspectorship HONOLULU COLLECTION AGENCY 400 and : up Lots near Emma and Kea, knotted a rope to his neck March was Mauna Ing. 10 a.m. discussed. W. T. Monsarrat holds AND COMMISSION CHOKERS. P School. lvv- and swung off the elevated tracks at TKJSitJonv was ' March 11 Kuhua, Brewer building, that. It asserted that a rrrr cor, Inter-Islan- d . 4S2X' n 300011,380 sq, ft, Lnso and the . coal bunkers, where though weekly-- reports are expected Union and Hotel Sts. Tel -; to : 30 a, m. cottages, t f ; body was discovered this Reference Bureau; At- Pali. Stsj 2 small his lifeless from htm on-- his Inspection that he Collections, ;i400 3 bedr. honse arid lot 50x100, morning susoended forty feet above has not made one. since last October. tachments, Sits and Claims.. of : , C nese writer who visited" Hawaii ' not uuuck Ave., nr. King. , ; the floor of the structure. It is Intimated that an effort,will. be No fee for registration. bedr. attractive modern Bun Judging from the condition .of the long ago, is the author of a book in $40003 -- made to have the 'inspecting done by E--' McKAY. galow: lot 60x120; Kewalo remains, the Japanese tooK his lua which "he severely criticizes the man ifilE nral Manaxrr. HONOLULU St ner in which organizations as the territorial officials. 11000 Lot 75x150 at 'PuunuI, nr U late yesterday afternoon or last night such' - ' The supervisors meet again Tuea- Baldarn car. ; ' S. MahL foreman at the plant was on the national Japanese Hongwanjl Mis a .' ..- Limited liha ' v aay evening: 100-acr- . ; handle ; $3000 e farm nr. Olaa,; Hilo, dutv Sunday who visited the wharf sion their funds. SHOE REPAIRING 7 . Limited. ":V . several times during the day, stated etc, etc REAL ESTATE TRA S AfTIOXS that he first noted tme body as M Girls should be : very careful in. se-ectin-g At Reasonable Prices j Issues K. N. K. Letters of early p. STRAUOH patrolled the wharf at an hour a chaperon ; many a . likely JL43UFACTOERS, ' : E. Entered of Record Teh 13, 1914, SU0E C04 : Credit and TravtelersV Checks " prepared - SugiirFcctorj, ' 74 S, this morning,, as he for the chaperon gets all the tentlAu. ' LTD., Waity Bide. Ktae St freighter Eccle-- from 10:30 n. ra. to 4:39 p. nu t . available throughout the; world. mooring of the British - Fort near Hotel v Commission LTcrchants sia.. Deputy Sheriff and" Coroner Rosa Sam Kaluawai to J Hookiekie . . D cr.d v empanelled a jury which visited the Lazaro Keaonui and wf by afft .Affdt Insurcnc: Ac:nt5 FOR RENT wharf, morgue. Fukuda is Frank E Clark to Chack Fook v.. Rel and the G i L Samson to. Manuel R Rel CHEMICAL ENGINES AND said to have left a brief note in which Perfr. ' Agents for V" Cable Manuel R Pereira and wf to Eu- - .WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS Transfers at cottage; he arranged ,for the final disposition - New, furnished: gene ' nawaiian Commercial & Sugar ' of his personal effects. He intimated McPhetridge . . . : , ...... D ? screened electricity; $3. EnteTftf of Reeord 1911, 'For Sale by ; Co. , that he proposed to make an end of Feb. It, new houses; 2 an 3 bedrooms; ail his life as he was extremely unhappy. from 8:30 a. m to 10:30 a m. A U Haiku Sugar ; Company. T WANTED, Mary Kahalaiknlahi JA. GILM ' ' , was yesterday et al by Gdn Plantation- - improvements; $25 and $30. y r The missive discovered Fort Street Taia and caused "a 'number of his friends to H Hackfeld & Co Ltd ...... D Maui Agricultural Company. -- Neat small cottage; $14. - to Institute a search for his remains. Second-han- d cabinetmakers lathe in Wm Kukona and wf to Joseph II good condition. Address 20 this Kunewa .. . . M LOOK FOR WHITE W1XG3 Hawaiian Sugar Company. ; Tr THE The YOKOHAMA SPECIE Office. ; ' K Yamamura to Y Hayakawa BS ; Sclmacltj .... Kahuku Plantation Company BANK, LIMITED. J. ': embezzlememcharged 5780--6t V.' Ehu. Kumiikahi to Akamu , . . .. L V- : Capital subscribed .... 48,000.000 ..--.-.r-.:v-..-- Yen. t Represented during absence- - by F. AGAINST OFFICIALS OF Haliaka Makaont and hsb to Kane- - Sugar . ; Company. Attorney-at-la- w, Kahuluf Railioad Company . Schnack, 5 Brewer wneeis, running gear, light wagon or ohe Rice Mill Co Ltd ,CapiUP Up SO.OOO.GOO - ORGANIZATION Paid Building. Telephone 3633. - MISSIONARY buggy. price P M Pakekaulike to Keoholipo M Kauai Railway- - Company Reserve ; . . Second hand. State Fund. .V.. 18,550,000 Box 19. 5780C6t McGowan '.. .. D r-,'. f ...... A Honolua tlanch . YU AKAI, Manager. (Special cable to the Nippu Jiji.) J..... IF YOU T' XXI Co.-Kaua- i BOOSTERS BOOSTERS 5 2300 4988 Haiku Pruit & Packing TOKIO, Japan. Feb. 16. Charged FOR RENT. . San. Francisco William , Phon? Fruit ,& Land Co.' ; r with being Implicated in the embezzle superintendent of building coostrnx LET ME ment of., a large amount or tne or- V7arehouse . space on . Alakea St tion.or the exposition, has announced TOP NOTCH SODA WATER ' RENT OR SELL ' members of the Phone 2233. eighty-fiv- e ; YOUR j ganization's funds, the that per cent" of the con- PROPERTY , Taxi Shares Hohgwanji Mission cabinet with the 5780-6- t struction work on the Palace of Edu- , . V ; , Have Calia Ever . pav ' s exception of Abbot Kogui Otani, were cation has been . completed. This Honolulu Scda VuterCa SpJendid feaWre ; for future Hawaii. FOR SALE arrested here today and lodged In jail makes the Palace of Education second Limited. ' fire Insurance ? Opportunity of 'a life time. . to the Palace of Machinery point J.R.. Vflson, pending an . investigation by the au In " Become a Shareholder in this. Lot' of beautiful . artificial flowers; a of completion. 25 Fori St 36f thorities. A recent audit of the or Waters estimating that Phone S022 Chas. Fras5ef, Mgr. ' Phone 'WHITE LINE TAXICAB CO. bargain.'. Ring up 3o94. 1 fin-- : THE. , brought light the latter structure is 99 per ceBt V j . ganization's books has to ' v now eing Incorporated. 5780-2- L ' - in the funds col-- isned. - B. F. OSIIihgham Co. For Further Particulars AppI" to an enormous deficit EDA f ecled for the establishment of church ' "GEO. S. IK Typewriter, Na 8 Remington. Gregg OTICE Crepe and Flags LIMITED. ; es and missions. t v 78 Merchant St ' Co, 726 Alakea St. General Agent for Hawaii: '. , 5780-6- t M. S. Monies. Sr., of Alewa Heights. GAS COMPANY MAKES HIT. The Hongwanji Mission of Japan Is for the Carnival Atlas Assurance Company of1 many ways notifies the public that he will not be i Stangenwaid Bidg, 102 Merchant St. The great rising sun display of the an organization which in Drawing to prove an Improvement on responsible for debts London, New. Yrk Under. Company, on American Board of contracted with AND CRAFTS SHOP .".STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Honolulu Gas the is similar to the cane cutting"TryachIn. Open any- out bis authorization . YE ARTS , writers'. Agency; Providence being to '. 1122T ; Pacific Tennis Club, Missions, the work of the two 3t Fort Washington lnsuranceNCo. Members Honolulu Stock and - Bond grounds of the one here interested who can protect 5780-- ; . M. S. MORAES. St Exchange corner of : Merchant i and Richards identical ftT several instances. Mis- the patent John Johnson, Honolulu 4th ficor Stangenwaid Building. estab-Hshe- d streets, attracted , a great amount of sions and churches have been postoffice. " CARD OF THANKS, and called in Hawaii, the United States. ' " ' ROSE attention Saturday night -- . 5780--1 1 F. forth much aidmiring comment The J Korea, China, the Philippines and Chant; Cliow and family wish to Agents wanted for the Western States J. Hcrgca Co, Ltd. rays, as "well as the body of the lu otner countries, ana tne enure juris- LOOT. thank their' many, friends for their BEADS Life Insurance Co. Coupon Savings minary is made up of innumerable diction is in the hands of the mem- kind condolence and flowers during lr All Colors. - :r Hong-wan- ji 1 Policy. :;VV- I.- V , STOCK BROKERS. gas jets, which, are Ignited- - In rota- - bers of the cabinet The local Black silk umbrella in Thomas square their recent bereavement. ' having ; tion causisg lines of brilliant. light to Mfssion has a record of Friday afternoon. Finder please re CHANG CHOW -- - IAWAII & SOUTH UriMF irjr.iiRANr.r ro np MAWAll.i outlines' of the design done considerable work toward the turn to Ml Birch and receive re-- 4 AND ' trace out' the St FAMILY. SEAS CURIO CO. Ltd,' OVCeill Bldg, 9G King St, cor. MERCHANT STREET STAR BLDG. in lines of fire. ' The etfetc is as beau- education of local Japanese children. ward. -- advertisement ' pa- - :' 5780-6- t. ; Young ton. ou ... rnone tiful as it is Btriklng. K. K. Kawak,ami, a prominent J a .5780-l- t ylr'S; Building

r v 1 o'clock a.m. " O'CJICCill cUHtl i"..V. 1U 0 ' .. 7 V '

.n. TI Mi E op will sell at Auction, Relics from the Palace at Kailua, Hawaii, consisting of 1

Calbieets,-Chairs, Glass-Ware;- . -- Cut. Chma Was JirG'i

. .. i' ' Caldlbaollies,. Mate. ClocI ll. 1anno, Pictuures,'" PasMiiigs PsmSs apd Pc'i - j - : .V Cli&iifs femeiiiy osed by'ike Hale Naoa SocieiLy, - also Ibaowia ao ;

s, TV

? Yn) olF. .Rare Old Books,

10 and many other articlesoo 'humerous' to mentions 1 J & me m t'J JOf( t Jfi i "3HA3 i; An Unequalled Opportunity to secure;Souvehirs of the Reign of the-Monarch-y : JAS jF.. MORGAN 'CO.," LTD. Jl ""Sit

i 4 f,'i one of ganie, and Work rdbwn! "JiS feature the his tiniied t'stcond 'Iheover SUGGESTS CESSATION in article In a prominent musical jour? "llard'luck helps 6ome. . Even a " des I . ' Jappreciate3 accurate-Ther- . was'cf great assistance to the team" nal published la" TCSw York.' !; happiness more e " y ' : i ; i I . Ed Desha was a on paths, C . . uluo fS also star the are indignant protests asaihBt,ly after he has had a few tin cans tic J tieing-th- e score in the sixth by steal- the ball to Bafma madehis holler to FOR 10NE YEAR the statement1 afWtiUtia to' the mu-t- o his tail. ; -- c ' ' ' ; ' 1 bpArai-Glixck.- - ing home in sensational style. Umpire , sickf jcurfal that ThuB spake the miser of h!s rcney: ' Iruns:$e latiel had' sen te The Oahu3 i gained a commanding the miocu6,; and '.cailMiHcushattirt leisure time of "American girls study- - ""rhis Is what I've sighed lor, Churchill 'Bays; Only -- Way to the case. . This place atk third was leading in the first Inning, when two A. twp-bd- se hit rby ; Jniuail'j followefi1, ing in Europe is chiefly given up to cried for, often, lied for aud nearly'ea PLAY SfJAPP.Y.t ; Hen-s'haw- HIS v si 's ' taken by Brown, who W-a- spiked in hits netted' two runs, In the third and had .Rice not .auended; to Stupidity and Ewapping lies and 'wandering eff the died for. What should I lot it slide : ' B ALL Af.'D GET INTO the eighth, this necessitating another they put" another man across and" retirement, the latter would ? y straight ami narrow path. for?" w -- t 5fY: Unnaturalness M M anager Easton put a looked to have the game ell in hand. have brought over the tieing run. F THPA'.MfJFJIfJR HOI..... 1IM sW't Jack la ..... ww-w- coupIe ploc . Then : the Hilo ; batters caught their of titters at critical rn An enUre cessation cf navy-bniid- ii they: iled to pinch the stride getting a pair of hits off Wil- ":: Zn ZZS The appear ;'??t, : i Itt Asahls made their first Jjf1 liams in the fourth, which, however, open oSssUon which side . would be! dia-- powers, ance for some time on the- local i - J006""01311 ...... - . .. I Tne score:' were not converted in runs, and two returned the winner. Castler started . oy : tntrtKi-Thituhtn- - ! pnd wculd give them time to apprce-- mona. anaceieoraiea, tne event ... An .:. 'morp in thA lifth that were cood for r.n h hm hnt Pure' Sill: trimming Hawaii 6 . . . the the present system of the aggregation' A 3-- - 1h on ;wbenrate 1 Mms tmmhf nf' fimrAs-' - tho benched himself after the third. " 0 0 j 0 f , to 3. in a game that was interesting , 1 me suguon oi u 0 i 0 score board. In the sixth Hawaii tied he was being hit with uncomfortable. av' throughout The visitors were much V.V-'- sucn a navai nonaay ior one year came ? " 1 1 1 0' up with E. Desha's run, as above regularity. Foster Robinson did Jhe , ' -; -' AWinston , tlemondized by the bad luck of the j Maui: - from Soencer Churchill, First E.. Desha,1' 2b-3- b. 1 1 4 0 noted, v Oahu put "one across in the slab work for. ball field, and a glanceat the block I T--l sec- Lord of the Admiralty, In submitting, U 41. 1 1 1 'Both teams scored" three In the Rhows that they used 13 men " ; the British naval - estimates to the ; tcore game. -- ; r ond, one hit 'apiece, and a bunch of b 0 0 ; p. ' ts Brown, 0 line-u- vac-rocti- :PfY(S - Commons, in the which possibly .. . BH SB PO A errors, accounting for the- tallies. It House of Churchill declares ' ' ' 5 " Carter, 0 0 0 0 Oahu ABR for the hoodoo. ' v; cf that was "only way to deter 0 2 7 0 Ein Sue,; cf '. 3 3 1, 3 was a bushy frame, but afterwards this the - Spencer, lb 10 ixn? J The Ha walls' first pitcher, one Doy,: 1 1 0 6 the playing improved noticeably; In minate one of the most stupid aud 1 Batong, rf 0 Q. 0 Ayauss V,;... ..4 . 4 1 3 got "51s bumps. two natural chepten in the history of 3 0 0 0 0 Chillingworth, , 3b 0 1 the third'.Castle ' lock, and lasted just one-thir- d v.aKanuu ri two-bagg- er i - rlcd cf i Fernandez, . d i 0 1 singles and a resulting In European civiliatlon. Each year their inning, during period 3 0 0 rf ..3 one which'brifef IT "6r 7 45 2b . ; 2 1"0 0 0 t two runs, rne I'unanous naa secureaHignting icrces witnout anycnange inj Doy. F 0 0 0 '0 0 0! Kaulii, " two hits and two runs, were garnered -- one of the" same inning, positions , Is aptly des- - j OR Kekoa, p 3 0 0 1 5 Dreier, lb 1. 4 0 3 1 11 1 in their half their relative BLAtii UII1TE .2 do-rrib- delivery, a and and; ed ! from his base on' balls Franco, c . . 4' 0 1 0 6 3 a hit.nh error a passed ball 'by the adjectives "stupid" and get- 1 a wild pitch assisting In the run ingf.the . ended sco!7ng,j!uanatural" . .. , .33 3 6 0 5 Williams, p 3 0 0 0 work. This the The limit of endmranqe He was replayed by who Totals .. 2214 2 - ting. Kekoa, D. 0 0 0: although- as above: stated the: Punsfwm soon be reached, for even now the? fairly well, Yamashiro out, hit by batted ball Desha, If 2 I 00 worked bard and did al Joy; 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 naa a line cnance m. ine ninin. ai burden has become almost unbearable. . Asahl AB R BH SB PO A E If .... though he had about enough by the opening Inning Burns, the - F-- 2 1 1 ihe of that Untold. tcillicns are being wasted j 0 C Moriyaraa, ss. 0M A Innirifr In framo ho was : rhth 8 Maui right fielder, pulled off the star every year in ambitious naval pro--i m 4 20 4 AD C . . . 3 3 2 0 10 .Totals 31 5 27 iruirhoil for t'o-h- t in' a rnw lol fielding stunt the day, a dandy run I 11 4 0 0 Hawali--x Y Y AB R PO A E cf grammes without In the least alter with a base on balls, gave the Jap&nv unsa" 0.2 URSB nlngca-tt- h long drive close: 4 4 1 2 0 1 0 0 cf Dcrls ing the relative fighting strength f , ; : ;jYamashlro. rf 1 3 0 Brickwcod. cfY. . cse two runs. . to the foul line This also saved a great powers. A sense tha-- top - Monyama, p 3, 1 3 0; Ah Sun. ss ..... 4 0,1 0 0 3 0 the cf The Asshis were playing in J- -: Tu'no, . '2; 0 0 0 0 G. Desha, If .... 4 0 0 0 tun. u mor of. the proceed ing . on gh t cf i t- form. They are gcod front runners, cf. ft 10 Following is the score: : - -- . 3 0 0 0 Spencer, . , . . 4 0 12 0 0 self to call a halt to such folly. .'We ad- anyway, and by tieing up the score ln,T. Yueno, b 3 lb 10 PUNAHOU AB R BH SB PO A E $1 a Pair - Jb v 2 0 0 0 0 E. Desha, p.. Y. 3 1 0 2 0 8 0 dress this proposal to all", nation.v' $1.00 and 50 the first inning, they regained conft- IOI?';y! ; Brewer, ss ...... 4 1 2.2" 1 12 . 4 1 0 0 0 Carter, 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 raid Cliurchill.''and tc no nation with vA " nlavpd tpai hall rieht AIM...... 3 rf ...... C. Hoogs, 2b 1 0 0 2 3 0 ttrr x 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... .3' more profound sincerity than to pnr through. . t - , ', Makanui, rf Lyman, ' 0 0, 0 6 1 0 " c ..4 neighljor-'ovc- r Totals 6 9 0 27 14 5 A. Deshar2b .... 3 0 0 0 3 2 tt preat the .North fea, . The visitors opened Tike winners, ...... 24 f! Honrti Hh . . '.4 ll 0 0 ft 3 . 0 Score by innings: , Brown,' 3b 3 0 1 0 1 -- To be most Influential, a movement t.a t rjrirltwood was out'shnrt trt first and ..... 11 Dprbr...... 4 1 . 1 0 3 0 2 Hawaii; Runs. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Hiaauaga, 3 1 0 ,0 S 2 1 rf ! this directkn nSu'st come from Ah Sun sent a short one towards short , .2 03 c Hprishaw. lbY.Y3 .0 M O 11 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 i .creat powera "; of Europe .. .Wllb that went for a G. Desha forced Hits., 0 0 0 0 Eastcn Nl 0 0 Castle, p .; V...2 0' 1 0 hit X 12 ; ' Asani: nuns z u u 1 I y 0 2 1 1 0 Great Britan and Germany, the Ah Sun and stole'second. scoring on Inman, p . , ..,.2 0 0 0 1 Mclncrny.Shoe gc--j Hits.. 3 0 'e9 Totals ...... 33, 3 6 2 27 H 2 1 two leading powers 'of the Old Worl. II Desha's single to left the latter 1110 12 Izard, rf ...... o 0 0 0 0' 0 throw-in- ., Summary Innings pitched, by. Doy Easton r Brown Jn ninth 0 0 0 0i taking the lead, the United States and ing to second ou the and ' Summer, If 0 0 Vs. y Kekoa. 7 2--5; runs, Day 2. Inning. ...1 sccring a moment later on A. Desha's off Dwyer, If . 0 0 0 ' FORT AROVE KIXG .ST. i...2 I .. long hit to right! : ?off Keloa 4; hits off. Doy .2. off Kehoa Hits and runs by Innings; ; ndopt the same course. . Leslie's ' : : " 7 two-bas- e . 0 1 0 0 1 0 ' ; . , ; , Y-A- Th Asahis lit on Mr. Dot when hits, Yamashiro. and T. Oahns; Runs. .2 0 04 Totals ...... 32 4;' 6 .3 24 11 5, Weekly r , Yf Moriyama; 0 1 2 0 " got turn at . C. Mori- - sacrifice hltjs. Moriyama, Basehits;.2 I 11 THjAUI Ej . . tbe'r a m they bat 08 RBHSBPOA mm mm m. mm m m k. mm mm. m. 'jama walked and stole teccond," poing' S. . Yueno, T. Yueno, Araki; double Hawaiis; Runs 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 o o 0 0i - 03 Cummings, cf p.2 AMhKIUAN S NlifcKS IN on a wild pitch and scoring Kurisaki to Arakt C-- Mofiyama Casehits..O 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 , . . . o 0 0 D 0. .0 Ho third 06 Carreira, cf ; .1 Phono 2205 P', z; J S r pitch-ne- an-de- SLANDER f . r fan- - to T. Yueno. to Komeya: Hit by d Sum y ee eh i I; if-c- o; 1 EUROPE RESENT i on Nishi's hit to right Kurisaki mar Thr has Fern Burns, f. . . - .4 0 1 0.0 - ?r, A. Desha; on and Yamashiro drove out a "two- bases balls, off Doy 1, two basehit Ayau; sacrifice hits. lialtf ly ' . . . . . 4 .1 0 10 0 1H - N ' tagger. It was at this point that pitch- - cff Kekoa 5; struck cut by Doy 1, by Ayau. Ku'alii; sacrifice fly. Chilling- Robinscn; p . .3 L 0 1 is BERLI The American Woman's a P. CF T.0CK AND SA5D FC2 Kekoa 4, by Morij-am- 11; pitch-tirtlin- g WilMams-Ayau-Dreie- r; Club of Berlftr has issued a call for a AIL KI5D3 COCnill crs were changed. T. Moriyama hit a wild worth; double plays. A. RoLinson, If ,.3 0 0. 1 0" ? ; FIHEW00D AND COAJL : through Yam-- s. Doy and Kekoa; passed His-rshlr- o balls, E. ; tenerat meetine cf Americans here. drive short, but balls. bases on off. Desha Sb . . . .3 3 - f p. p. anaga. Kalea, .. oil Mrs. Gerard, wife ambassador, quttn street. rox sn couldn't jump out of the way Umpires,, Stayton and Bruns. 2: hit by pitcher. E. Desha. En Sue; 5oares, c ...... 4 0 0 6 1 of the t game, 1 4- will, preside. Their object Is to pro: In time, and was out when .the ball Tirae hour 45 minutes. struck out. by E. Desha 7i by Williams Swan, ss ; ...... 4 0 0 n - 2 to ; - test -- against what is characterized as hitlhim; S. Yueno flied lert ending wild pitches, Williams; passed English, 2b ; .'...-- 2 :0 0 0 1 ' agony. Y ; bailfi. Hlsauagu. Umpires, Stay tea a; libelous, and slanderous attack on the ' HAWAII DROPS ONE .wonien singing opera in Beth sides scored one la the fourtli. and Bruns. Time of game, 1 hour and Y.31 5 : 6 0 27-1- 1' 5 American in ' .Totals TO OAHU ON : Europe or studying abroad, based on fifth a couple of errors, a OPENING 33 ; y V - and in the minutes. : f Scole by innings: VV ;Y. Y. Gives a to'id sanitary floor for that!', mem, shower space sacrifice, and a nice hit by Chinito, DAY OF BALL Fnnahou, Runs..0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 i ' SERIES man; C Stayton furnished gladly. . trick for another run. In. 0 Sbares. Unpires 'and Particulars . turned the MANAGER RICE WINS Hits ...... ? i l l 1011--6 game, 1 2S mia- - visitors had a chance - 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 FrunsYTinie cf hour ' the sixth the The Big isiand representatives hook-.t- o Maui. Runs i ' ,;' ' 0 6 utes. r Y ; 1 score, but G. Desha, running from ed up GAME FOR MAUI TEAM: , Hits 13 110 0 x 1 with Oahu Saturday afternoon .....w.O first to second, interfered with the in the cicser 6f the scheduled double V SIGNALS FROM BENCH . Brewer ran for Henshaw in second croier usjiuuuk ui x- - tiwiiae uvuiiu- - hoarier ntii .oov u and fcr.rth : in'ning3, , sccric? one rue : -- , ' being two bases. r : er to second. the result that result Bill Williams Aid the twirl-- j the genial1 basebaU and stealing v. '' although the throw to complete the , HardR'ce. A Sutr-mar- Two-bas- e bus, F. Robia ins for the. locals and did u wen,: impr3ar:o from the Valley Island, -. was a mile over first base- - Inman; sacrifice hits, C, Hccgs; .- Per For Ri'.t fi;vs; rt ;'':r Av:nt'; tr.i KeVj cuble the being touched six Inter-Islan- -I stn:'. Irirti i Ciir-:- for hits, two in each won the of the -- first frame C. I r. ;'r: : ssry c iters, r ?, : head, the batter was called out - doubl plays. Castle and Brewer, Three ie, ?rr: etc .man rf two Innings, but he was Maui; Casting his- eagle eye C:Y-- - effective in series for ' It3 Kt3 Yea n;.3 ; Jsr.-J- Hesshaw; hit ; by. pitcher, Y:;: 1 1... on w Hoogs to Alex Desha, was hit the right the pinches, and altogether showed a ever the field cf phv from his posi-elbo- pitched In Henshaw; bases on balls, off Castle by a ball the fourth ''comeback'' streak that looked good on players' bench, Rice saw-innin- tkn the G; out by and seriously hurt. It was to the fans. Fddie Desha was HHn'a tbnt 11?n?lnw. faileV to touch first in 1. Inman 4, Robinson struck at first thought that, the bone was ! fnnlivjr. Caistis 1, Inman 4.? Robinson 6; MiW thoiee. and he also nltchrtl hnli tht rJriih whon he was safe - :: J passea, y- f '.v. r. the d, but this fortunately was not, The base running of En Sue was1 on a tsild throw from i short and con- - pitches, Robinson J



King Carnival reigns! General Rev- j the evening that any patrons to sppa elry lias taken the city by storm an 1 I - ' fsr the surrender has been complete. Dull Two Prizes Awardetl. : ' Care hair been executed and Mj deal-o- ( Two cash prize of J2.;fah were tic rule Li ended. Honolulu Jj Lec. j awarded by the committfp towards; f No one who witnessed th dc.ron-r- t , the clcse of the dancing, to the gentle ration', tn tba Capitol grounds oa man and lady declared H have hal Faturi!cy ripht can doubt that the the most striking costume and to s i cf Honolulu have entered, . lave best sustancHl the cha-ci-r- re-- j. A brand new line of I whole smiled . lafo th spirit of the ?rscni?u. i ne two were ansa liiwa season, and the tremendous Tcck and Mr. SoL William3. ; i . . J carnival if S! - crowd did' rot abandon iisf to rev-tlr- y i During the evening thj Capitnl Lv A ex- r.al3 were occupied by a large num- V to the'ettnit that had Iwcn pected, it wa3 because 't ws 50 ber of govemmcnt and terriicrial r f i it couldn't.' The willingness" was there f'cials and ti ler wives for whom spe- x ' all right, a3 was very evi tent late In cial seats ha j: been reserved. Among STAR .'SHIRTS the evening wjirn the dens mass of tho moft notable of thw ai Queen V. ft- - humanity had in a measure dispersed Liliuokalanl. who entered with s v thus making room far "individual single attendant end was net recng-oixe-d n.erry-make- zs to move. i by even those close around hpr in modish stripes, "plains" and fig. It is quite certain .that. never tc.Vre for some time. She remained for prob- l as Honolulu een such a .thrcnR as ably two hours before the crowd out-f'd- e that H soems quite certain that the the hiiilding began to Irani her "ured all great throng ; numbered close to identity, tnien she took her leave. It patterns the quality ot being is tfiis is the time? J 30,000, while many pej sons estimate said that first since It to have numbered 15.000 to" 21.000, r.h was deposed from her throne, l!i end even more. By 8 o'clock the J 895, that the venerable cx-que- has 8 8 AA i is in stock at SILVA'S In - building was ence 88 8888 88U888 8 8 2 fircunds in frcnt of'the Capitol were been the that 8 ; ; ?. - ' " royal home." ; . .. S3 n n a .IjBo mass cf humanity extending ber - , - A. U CASTLC. y!tnnSKnn' B)i fchjirge 8 8 ; it King front, and The committee which, had T rs out Into street In. 8 - , '8,H GEORGE 11. ANGUS. X pleading at Ride to the limltJ Cf the Saturday night program, wh'ch TOGGERY ready to be seen, d. f either For its s!?e, Honolulu is orte i - ;?-'..- . a success, marking 8 cf 8 "v. ".--"- " : - ' tot the crounds. The crowd "was so scored such aj the 8 the greatest baseball cities in the - . 8 The e impos-tibl- e opening of carnival wees. wa$ . n't tig society . event cf the tl den-- ihat It was practically . real .r, .... H 1314 ; composed S. A. Walker, chairman; Carnirsl wiil be the Grard il to get through it in any part of 8 the special .Carnival series now mired and purchased by ;4men Vvhd - S. Chllllngworth, K. , 8 It Mardl Grsa ball in tb- riw ar-- a;For an hour more the s'do entrance Jr.r Chas. Sii'! fccirg pJayed, amazed even mory man, J. Roy Patten, Ernest Kaal, 8 hi 8 it Thurtday evcr.irc. A very H gates on Rlchard3 street were blcckd I, 8 the most sanguine fans. Much of live impos-i- t Lloyd Conkllng, Lt: II. Campatiole, 8 it committee, headed by Mr. W by the crowd ho that it was the credit for the high place the . - and Walter; Doyle. 8 8 would be dressed." f Angus . J. Is making preparat.'cns it slfcle to enter. People poured in from ft naUcnst came has taken In Ha-- well ::. helped to 8 which insure thl feature's being 8 the rear cr the buliding and 8 waii is due to Mr. Castle, who 8 ii one cf the biggest things in. the 8 make the congestion at either side. -- QUEEN LILIU0KALANI 8 has been unstinting of his time 8 it entire category of this year's en- - tt The police were he'plcss. It ha3 8 and money, in this connection. -- crowd VISITS CAPITOL AFTER 8 I tertalnmenta. There have been tt been the Intention to have the 8 He Is chairrran of the Carnival 8 tt mask and fancy dress talis be- - it held from the driveway In front ; OF YEARS except In masks ABSENCE 20 8 ta.ebaii committee, and also 8 ft fore In Honolulu, tut this is the tt cf the Capitol these 8 chairrran of the tennis Carnival 8 ft first year, 'ho wjshed . to dance,, but without that there las ever tt A marked element of pathos attach- 8 committee. Z ' 8 CO '. or task was like to It been an adequate place to hold Aonca barriers the ex-Que- $l.SO $S tt to of LI' t turning back the tids of the ed the attendance 8 tt them. Mr. Argus' personality is tt tat of lluokalani at the. Carnival of all Na- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -- : seats which 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ft supplying much cf the "steam" 8, ocean. The bleacher tions In the Capitol grounds Saturday 8 which will push this big wer 10 liave been charged for, were feature 8 in-- night It was the first time she had ND - people In almost an INFANTRY. BAND . 8 through to success. 8 jammed with been - In the Capitol building since- - . 8 , rtant, and the attendants and ushers she left It in 1895, she had been ENTERTAINS AT BEACH 8 completelr swamped and com after 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 released by the republic .The. vener- IN SUNDAY P.M. CONCERT pelled to aDanaon meir wis. iucc able woman occupied, one of the-gilded bleachers are. Intend od, to. seat 3000, ' which ; in time ' past had 7 chairs to-th- e - 5 ct ith fully . thls(.rvutnber occupying Townsfolk and tcur.'sts num- ' graced ter throne room. As she watch ;;:;0'?- them, ' the crowd jbelflw .seemed as ed the merry, throng' 'from the front ber'' of, perhapsC a thousand gathered dense afi' evdr;oi.j-.,.- . ' on the Ewa.; lawrt of the hotel .'--' '; lanal of the old ' IolanI Palace, as the ' iimm - -- v . , 3 o'cloclc-- i yesterday.; tQ The Ad Club- Pirate.., n - r t Capitol building twas formerly, kmiwu. at afternoon Shortly' before.' 8 ,.o'clock the fear she was observed to frequently brush listen to a concert byah 2d infantry j 'porno "totfkingnbticcanecrs . of , the Ad band under. tlie leadership; of Chief away the . tears which obscured her : Club ca1fi marching: out King street view.; It was evident that a flood; of Musician AJMnrt ..Tact bscn. Th con- U" ir.j ji, K ,n"-- By th:,Roya4-Hawaiia- n t3and, well-nig- h exceed-- 1 "SUV heade'd memories was . overwhelm- cert was lengthy onei and hit .iCapItol i tho-fac- t &nd tufhedfrntarlh grounds, ing her. , Iloweyer,r she smiled brave- ingly well irrpdciredi Respite Eiks; pidg., nd with ohie( difficulty made their ly through ; It all, and conversed that the: noise made by the breakers erected at the loot times made impossible many - K ing Street- - 111 1 i cheerfully and optimistically with vari- at it for. Hi L 1 i ihU D They, were a ous persons about her. The last few persons to hcar.'i Benches furnlslied,by, 1 ' ' - ,1 1 j picturesque-looking-. or rians, c6m-fortabl-e J U l' U bunch rui weeks that Liliuokalanl . occupied ths the hotel tnana&ment provided 1 T, ir-n- tht--v kpnt thincs: lively by. firing palace she was a prisoner of the" at- seats ' tvv all. , Following, is or TiOaa-Es'iLbey- n, Hermann Hohrir. president 'the;(ff their" ; passed. They tempted counter-revolutio- being con- the program; - - . Kauai Cliambrr of Cemmerre and one tiafle3 ft srrrall,r;bra,ss . field gun with fined to the; suite cf rooms' on the sec- Hymn Burg J c EinFcste of-tli- wires" of tlmt young but t:In,; a "lire. them "aftd dragged their jnldst ond floor, now occupied by the audi- . . .V . .U i i tfi. Martin Luther :" ' '.;. ' active orc.mization; in Honolulu for who " :, . h disrepntable-flgurei.i- ni shackles, tor's office staff. .' :'' 'i OvertureA3i a rth ?v ::i I iT. v.. ..'Flatow Mid-Pacifi- ' , Carnival-an- - s' this evening for their first; rehearsal. Robinson.' Miss Dallas Zablan, Miss Miss - the ial)oost- v-a- Understood to. , bo Dull Care, Kamenupriftotmwv-'tu'.WvMRubenstel- Pakiko and Olivia Kapahua, out- ' ; plat-rpectacul- ' in,-- ar Following Is the complete list of the Lydia Martin and Miss Rosie James, . ' ; t for the Caf den .Island and Its MpunllnC'tbeUrtoanBon upon the tasia--- I riders. ' " 8 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Fan lsrne,il SOrectHome Uho '-- --- , entry Floral- Pa- - very representatives, named in the order in oulriders.'rr'"rj'-";"-i--- Molokal Charle3 Lindsay, la: aov form, their prisoner was given a 'World; Oyer . .ir-v-.; ; herald'; Iampo : :' ; ( --- n. which they will appear in the Parade u iiiiss Mrs. jado. " great Ellen Smith, III :v smmmarv hearin. to.ithe enter? j Selectlon-rTh- o Grand, Mogul; . ,Luders Oahu:' ;''t Jones princes?; AD CLUB MEETING HawaiiGeorge , Ruttman, herald; Marie He I- -: : ? F which Tat-To- o. f ri. Jlie Miss .Martha Iiahookano, Miss Tho Garden' Island; will Lave a float tainment1 of the crowd, after ' Comic .- .js; Hattia N;' V"-- ; Fahrbach Mi- - ' - 8 ; y'r Miss Wilhelmina Weight princess; Trask. T.: u,: r Prcndci oast, Miss Silva, Miss Dolly Kelkl, Miss Ludwirt-v- a reprcEcntlcg tho- famous "Si)outing ho was tied across the cannon s mouin Prelude ... i'.' i i ; - Rachmaninoff Ad Lindsay, May McGow-a- n. . most 8 Club members are notified 8 - Miss Anna Miss Emma Fr ict, f MiiS Nora Vindlnha. Miss Margaret ApikI Horn" of the Island 'and somc.ofbe and tlowru into fragments in ap Excerpts from tho' 'Fairy Opera I Stewart axi . , Meyer, . ; 8 that it is very important that 8 Miss Bessie Miss Julia Miss Martl.a T.Icreague and Miss Ed- Mrs. Katie Stable, beach scenery, with fishermen plying proved classic style. 'Hansel -- and Cretelj",:;IIumperdinck ' ' outriders. ., 8 they meet at 5 o'clock this even-- 8 Wright Miss Elizabeth Colburn, ' and ith Gibb, outriders. . . '; ,' their trade and the Horn In the back-- previous this' chief pirate, Song3 Boys ; ; to the ing in the armory' for the purpose War of the in Blue... Miss Catherine Clark, outriders. Maui Raymond Judd, Mrs. Before daring to love your ground Representative Con- - Ad Club, 8 8 - . , herald; neighbor; "Jack president Farrington of the big i .V .. ; , . . . iv i . . . . i: . Laurendeau Wrlght,herald;" cy special Bea- - 8 of drilling for the feature 8 Kauai Thomas Mrs. Hannah Morton, princess; Miss Adele as yourself be sure sheas single. has the float in charge and ha(j told the crowd that Carnival - American Patrol r; iv ; .. .. .Meacham - 8 which the organization is arrang- 8 Li pi Kealoha Kula, princess; Miss Robinson, Miss Rose Otis, Miss Louise Nothing Is more satisfactory, than tvill arrive with most cf it on Wodnes- 'gon was on and Dull Care doomed. ; The Star 'Spangled Banner, : iay.. Somq of tho scenery Is lKjlng" was 8 ing for the FJoral Parade on Sat-- 8 Elizabeth Duvauchelle, Miss Annie Copp; Miss' Keala Perry, Miss Alice some people's opinion cf themselves. The Royal Hawaiian, band ? I ' urday next. . ; painted In r ' or 8 8 Honolulu. . tioned immediately In front the "8 PRINCESSES WHO WILL Mr8 Lipi iCcaloha KuIat Kauai's Capitol, while the 2d infantry band 8 v": u.i-- representative as princess for the cccupied a stand erected above the 88888888 8 88 88 8 8 88 GATHER AT CAPITOL X darden Island section ,bf tho' Floral King street entrance to the grounds, FOR FIRST Parade, arrived yestcrday. She Is said ani thoca two nrranlzatlons alternat-- SACRED CONCERT. ON REHEARSAL to be a fine rider and her utry Is c.d midnight rendering music fot ; until GARDEN The princesses, he dancers. The Tlrato crev ra ie.-- ! ROOF PROVES island with their heralds and outriders, will gather- - at Enjoy the Garnival not only cd good service In opening a passage AN ENJOYABLE AFFAIR the. Capitol grounds at 6:30 o'clock through the crowd, and after strenu- .v f . :t i t - - ous efforts assisted by the police, a square was finally ; That the residents of Honolulu, as space asTew rods J 1 well , as the ' tourists, enjoy a sacred roped in front of either bandstand, - eff band' concert as well as one which- Is but forever by 'Kodak-- ro that a smHill number of , maskers up- - of pieces of a more popular . ., , made were able to. dance. I. r . ; trend, was shown . by the large num- 1 band so-- Interspersed bctren the ber of persons ;who gathered, on the Sections were Introduced a' number of roof garden of the Young hotel last J exhibition dances which held the evening, the occasion being a concert ing the interesting features crowd for over'.'two hours. All intact by the Hawaiian band under the lead-- ? of these dances were good and recclv ership of Kapellmeister Bergen The r--d much annlause. I , : program, ' " feature of the perhaps, was Everybody.- Danced. r Madam Alapal's rendition of. "The It was not until the special dances Holy City," for which she was heart- concluded, after 10 o'clock, that the ily applauded. Madam Alapal sang dense throng on the drives began to - Let the Honolulu Photo Supply Co. do your DEVELOPINQ AND two other vocal selections which were " disintegrate in some measure, and it PRINTING. : We have not only the best facilities for turning out work well received. Following is the prjfc, aulckly, :. but also for turning our quick work BETTER than other placea was possible for the Pirates and police gram: ' Printing and even pretend to. . ; - -'- .;,-' to clear an area of some size for the Tho Old Hundred. everybody Developing dancers. And then danced. Introd uetion Lohengrin . . . . Wagner good There was a variety" J fancy, Mlserere-y-I- l Trovatore ...... f' costumes, but at ; this hour a great Ballad Morning . . . . .V.".'. " many couples of. every walk of life,; Ciorfa 12th Mass ...... U you have an out 6f-ord- camera somewhere about the house, send of many nationalities, jpirted ' In Vocal--Cavalleri- end a Rusticana. Mascagal to repairable, the general frolic and dancfd them- it the Honolulu Photo Supply Co. for REPAIRS. If ft will Pilgrim Chorus and Evening Star.. save purchasing a new camera for the Carnival period. The repair charge J selves tired. There some' good " "'- 'was; .'...... Wagner -: - will be moderate; t. . lancing, too, and of course some not Spring Song : : Mondelssohn Repairing so good...... The smooth asphalt of the Duet Destination ...... , . Verdi Cameras drivew ay, with light sprinkling of r Vocal The Holy City . . . . '. . . . . Adams sand, made very . teach a excellent Finale Hearts and Flow-ers- .Tobani surface for dancing, and everybody , . Aloha Oe.T Bv all means buy a Camera If you do not own one. There will be so appeared to derive a huge amount of " The Star Spangled Banner. many events and scenes worth photographing .that not - to snapshot the enjoyment from the exercise.. ones, which please you will afterwards give' you many regrets; We HAVE Uncle Sam's soldier boys were much CONCERT AT THE YOUNG THE FtJLLf AND COMPLETE LINE OF K0DAK3 AND CAM- in evidence. They danced with girls, r cameras ERAS AND' PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Cameras from' $1 to 1150. ' tbey danced ; alone, they danced by AFTER BAND PLAYS For Sale FRESH FILMS. ALBUMS. threes and even by . fours ; and they 8 ' CHARLES G. MURASKY. 8 t danced so vigorously that the backs It was emphasized this morning by 8 8 8 8 8 Un 8 8 8 8 8 of most of the neat khaki uniforms the management of th Young hotel 8 - ; of Carnival were sweat through.- j - ; the concert on garden of 8 As chairman the 8 We we will RENT for stated periods a GEORGE K. STEIN. 7 ; tt that the roof construction', Mr. have a FEW Cameras which A Frolic Without Unpleasantness. un- 8fcommittee on 8 buy!ng us the Toung tonight will not begin sev- - a nominal charge. If you do not feel iike a Camera at least see. But though crowd was an un- pal- 8?Murasky has already spent 8 ; ' I the til after the band concert at the about a rented one. These, who have 'noted . the 8 wieldy one, was most- - excellently 8 era! weeks of very hard work, 8 - it ace grdunds has been completed. This beautiful wirdew display made .8 are not yet over. behaved. Hawaii has always been will be about 10:15 o'clock and the 8 and his labors 8 Cameras :: 'of banners and pennants which 8 hi"s tp noted for the orderliness of her peo- eruption of Punchbowl begins imme- 8lt was through committee that 8 To Rent :: to-b- e awarded as prizes for are 8 ple, and she had nothing to be asham- diately. Only holders of tickets will 8 the big grand stand and bleacher 8 :. various entries of the Floral, Pa-- 8 ed of Saturday night There was little 8 seats were made, and wnicn a : impressed .with be admitted to the roof garden owing :: rade,: have beert 8 lf.any rowdyIsn in evidence at any to limited accommodations. 8 is buildina the various other 8 designs feel-Ing- 8 the teacty of the and 8 time, and apparently the best of ; 8 stages and stands needed in the 8: workmanship. of the ; ITT OT The tadses 8 prevailed from start to finish. A M-- tpmnnrarv 0 rent Teaiurcs ine Wtfrru vai. 8 ctatno rf tho ' t 8 varibua committeemen of the Car 8 Ccncessioners Overwhelmed. Pnrtdpss ftf Hhprtv ha hpn orpVtP 8 The bleacher seats are suppesed nival, have' also received much 8 The Palm Cafe management, which e portable, but Mr. Murasky Co., build-- Photo Supply 8 upon the done of the Hackfeld l Honolulu . . No con-cessio- n 8 favorable criticism. small 8 has the refreshment and confetti ing. in honor of the Carni- - 8 thinks it Ms asking a gocd deal, 8 8 part cf the credit for all this is 8 for the Carnival, had a hard val season, has attracted much atten-- j 8 for instance, to take down, move 8, 8 due Mr. Stein, who as chairman 8 time Saturday n!ght, and are probably tion and called fortfc much favorable8 and re-ere- ct the 3000 seats in 8 on badges and lucky near 8 ef the committee 8 if they broke even on their first comment. The figure stands 'some j 8 about. two hours, as some of the 8 'Everything photogaphid, Fort Street, Hotel and pennants, has probably borne night's Mu- - 8 8 .work. They had two stands twenty; feet in height, and is outlined 1 8 program calls for. However 8j 8 the brunt of this part of the Car-- 8 at the sides of the main drive in, front with electric lights, which will make 8 rasky's will do it if it can 8 :'-- . .: ' 8 nival." .. '; tt of the Capitol, but" the crowd was so it a-- very striking Abject after nlfht-- 8 be done. 8 compact that was not until In .' ; H88888888888888 8 8 it late fall. . ... , :'n 8 8 888 88 888 8 88 888 " ISLAND BALL TEAMS OFF nMTWYlfer?fi V fltl J e (if(R P J Edited by TO A FLYING START IN RACE FOR THE PE A T

I UAH PAnCTQ V Series Which Started Saturday. Promises To Be Most Suc- Tommy Burns is Here With Stable iiUlULlt) HEALAWIS CARRY cessful Feature of the Mid-Pacif- ic Carnival Oahu Team Bunts and Wins Two Games Straight and Has Commanding Lead Bounders of Fighters Bound For Avistralia for First Honors Maui a Strong Contender CORNELL CROSS OFF HONORS IPI Burns, the right-field- er on the Maui P. W L. Pet over right-fiel- d fence for four bases team, is a University of Maine man Oaha . . .2 2 0 l.OOCF In the 8ib frame, his good nature, He made a fine catch in the early in 0 yesterday's Maui-Oah- u game, . Asahfc ...... 1 l 1.000 which was somewhat sprained earlier nings of COUNTRY EVENT soccer Films t Maul .2 l 1 ,;uo m ine game, was entirely -- restored. backing up to fence and taking a All-Servi- .0 o 0 .000 f The Mauls went right after high fly. Punahou . I o 1 .(WMn the cpening Inning. English, the cross-countr- y ; Jiawalis .. 0 2 .000 first man up. cracked out a single be George Cummings of Maui, Sam The Kamehameha Healanl 3, Malles 1. - ...... 2 Satur-day'afterno- tween second and first, but was forced J Spencer of Hawaii, Eddie Desha and team won the second annual Cornell Bx winning from the Malles on SATURDAY'S RESULTS. by Burns. Kalea, the dependable slug George Desha, of Hawaii and Barney cross-countr- y run Saturday afternoon, on the lower Punahou Maut S, Punahou 4. ger came through with a hit The Joy of "Oaha are old-timer- B at the over a course about three miles long. campus "the fast Healanl. soccer ag- Oahu 4, Hawaii 3.' Robinson brothers. Foster and Alvin, game and even Cummings likes to The first five of the cadets team were gregation carried off Ihe A.A.' U.'cup. among 20, The game was Al- SUNDAY'S RESULTS. both filed to. right, giving White a slam the ball once in awhile. all numbered the initial fast and' furious. , though Asahl 6,; Hawaii 3. chance to grab both balls and save and when the judges counted the the wearers of" the blue and score, of various . teams they white have won two series year, Oahu 3, Maul 0. , Eddie Desha hasn't been' seen here the this the run. won easy and have not defeated' for time but he is still good v x-t'- found that the cadets had an been as yet The Oabus came to life with two , .A s Jong-heralde- lTo,t playing d !nter-i's!an- first with the least number of points their has been rough at times HE d base- - vi a rt though his isn t J UilO All- tii,UO w.h V kUIIUi V"C J McKinley seems to , Is on Sat llllll ..r.working as well as it did along in snd that Oahu College and and there be a certain hard ball series Doubleheader Dave Degha hJt and Asam executed a High 3chool had captured second feeling between - the" invincible and Ath,etI? 1905 and 1906. In 1905 he pitched the M neat sacrifice. Kualil hit and stole Ka-maain- the squads in . , thowed five of six. contesting grand ball for the Punahou team. as and third places respectively. other the association. 'y"d R Chmingu.orth.B Ume,y t wo Louis-Colle- ge As was case in the game will remember se- Stanley Carey of the be rub-- that in the St Bentth men across the ries that summer the H. A. C.'s and won the race, in excellent style, while tween the Healanis and. .the. Beavers the-playi-ng At M . 1 1 11 . . high school, finished a last Saturday, was superb c, Souza. of the - aii-ochii- ...til Elks were hot after the pennant and iii.uLu;e vi me t. win ia.c at all times and most flefd against Maul. That the ae. The other run was Joy's in the Elks led the H. A. C.'s right up to very strong second. Carey was a dark the fanciest and the in every respect and style skillful footwork found .its place on a bane-u- D success was the. sixth, when Bal fed him Just the the last games. One day, out on the horse his rie will be the field. The winners proved the proved by the crowds of Saturday and sort of ball he , likes, and then had Moiliili grounds, Punahou and H. A. of running and endurance were of - the doubtful pleasure of seeing the big were battling a game the best class. He ran over the course stronger team !n the ead, but the yesterdayand by the rousing enthus- C. in close and strong base- - fellow circle the bases, the Punabous, had a run or so to the in the good time of 16 minutes, 6 sec- Malles were at' all times, and iasm of the fans. Honolulu is It Was only by the best of defensive ball mad. and the 'present battle for' Bal showed up well as a hurler. good. It looked like a win for Puna- onds, and he proved a strong man on grades. Throughout, work thit the losers were prevented supremacy : between the inlands Is - and made a great impression on local hou, which meant that the H. A. C.'s air the the fans., He seems to have a lot more would be eliminated from the race whole race he kept up a good, steady from scoring more goals. likely to prove the most successful The advancing line of the men from of carnival week. pep than, when last seen here, and and the Elks would win. In the last pace, only running faster down the feature - the was as strong an Improved pitcher. H innings H. A. C.'s had one man on pmall hills. . .' waterfront as ever. . The series "was opened with duel altogether Is the. "Jimmy" Grelg kept the forwards on time-honor- . McKinley ceremony and all ed cus - i has good, control,' and a deceptive line second and a man out. The batter Souza of the team der Yesterday slammed a ball to the Infield and was serves credit for the steady race he the Jump air the time and after the torn s of the diamond. There was an of shoots and slants. ha Malles had scored their goal, he saw - 10 by s. o. thrown put at Jess Woods,' who ran. As was the case with Carey, no auto parade through the principal retired. men the route, and first that the shooters did not loose a streets, league pfTiclals, ball -- players, Issued no passes. ran an athletic club and a sporting one expected him. to do so well and when he was seen coming over the chance to bring up the score of his and the dignitaries .who formally The. umpiring In all games to data goods store on King street in those Puna-nou- s. team. The .Mails dertnse played a part. days,: was playing first for the last fence in' third place the high - started the flag race taking At has been . first class. Stayton being strong- game, and base-runn- er Bchool supporters sur- r halves and fulls Athletic .Park no less a personage good very The Honolulu on were as much on his calls, while Brans is prised as rest of spectators Were after their opponents all the than Governor Plnkham hurled the reliable on his decisions. r second dashed for third on the throw the the at However, base to first and Woods tried to wing the the fine style in which he was run time. the notable skill of first bail across the plate. Mayor Fern The score: the champions was ioot much for Low v ball back again, fflrew wild, the base-runn- er ning. In' the v last mile he gained being at the receiving end of the bat- OAHtT--- AB RBHSBPO A E and Morse, who found it hard keeping Rob- came home and the H. A, C.'s ground on Carey continually and after tery, and Chief Justice A. G. M. Asain, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 track of their opponents. went In and won the game with a bat- he had passed Woolsey, who-wa- 3 run- ertson . being the' man with the big 1 1 Close v: Kualil, 2b ...... 4 1 ting :rtillyvv ning second, many picked him to win. Phi stick. The chief Justice had hta bat- Chilllngworth. ss .4 1 0 2 The Malles were given the ball at " It was on the down grades that Souza ting eye with his legal 0 2; the - Fernandez, cf .. .4 0 perhaps was especially strong and it was on start and after; two' minutes. of being a beautiful That was the turn of the a .mind, the result Joy, p , . . j...... ;4 1 0 o play George Quintal scored-- goal league Hono- the last sloping grade that he over for base hit. With the crack of the .bat 1 0 hottest race ever seen in same Dreler, lb .Y...... 3 11 I 1 came Woolsey of the, team. Captain Grelg got . big was on, and ; the six lulu. The H. A. C.'s tied the Elks in ; I; the cadets. Jack Lee the series White, rf 4 1 0 3 high good after his men for being asleep, and to a flying start for the in ; the regular 'series and in a of the school finished a teams off Ah Toon,,. .44 0 0 7 when play . was started once more the , t C ' ter-lslan- d special series won the PHOTO I fourth, while Awana of Kamehameha pennant D. Desha,, If i ... . 4 ; ;1 0 0 I V. " ' Healanis were playing their hardest " V. days in- took; the fifth place. ; -- Sunday's Games., v pennant In these later the Bailey of the Malles kept ' his team fill- tense rivalry of ,19.05 is not duplicated. t M V Much was expected of the Oahu Col Grandstand and bleachers were Totals. .'..J... 34 3 6 1 26x10 ; 3 AOC(ATlOHJ moving also, apd the, Healanl men ed almost, to capacity yesterday after Manv fairs still think that the H. A. C. leje team' and the: niajorlty of the wefe not years f ns had picked them as winners, but able to score for some' time. Boon, for the second pair of games of xKama out for "buntlac third strike. tearn of those could beat the The leather was carried from one end All-Chine- se team, today, Jick seemed to . be against them, as ; the tournament. The closer, between MAUI - AB RBHSBPO A E of and that of "the field ; to the other, and the means John Watt, who was rated as their ' Maui and Oahu, was the most import- English; 2b 0 li 0 4 that they would be the class of Malles. looked like the stronger tear.i ' ...... 3 lest man,, waa. knotted - up wlth ant contes V .for the . reason that the Burns,-r- f 0' 0 0 2 for a good pajft of the .v.....4 ,cramps, and, it was only the hard first half. Luck successful .team' would havte two Ksreo,3b 0 1 0 2 2 i Only a few of that team are in act finally went the blue and white way, ..v..:.4 1 ;:ol-vm- it v...- ... - r est work ne was able to come :' wins In the percentage 0 0 o ive baseball today, among them Eddie that five straight F. Robinson, tb . .4 0 5 0 : and minutes before the end of the . Tommy Burns is back in town. end, Burns made an offer tr among 25. a commanding lead in a race of A, 0 0 0 Fernandez and Barney Joy; Pat Glea Tojhat in the first. Had Watt ta initial. perldd: - Robinson, If . .3 fatmliyi-iin- d - : - tied the ' : 2.00 string Johnny- Kilbane. the featherweigh ken place,- team Cools 11 - - iiis third the Punahou; this sort The --fort raoAjoJs-ar- favor Bal,-T- ) son.CJImnly .and Al- Williams; AyletC score,. il'C IVO0 including Pelky, made Willie Rltcl , ' the-TJClv- -- of "fighters, Arthur champion, and also would have won.; first three of being 2 .The ' ed fUPteam the SoaVes, c ...... 2 0 10-- i 0 and others have quit the diamond En It was the Healanis who rnt th' ' whose fight with Luther McCarty sev- , le an offer of a, 110.000 guarantee fri. the Oahuans' men came in among the champion Hawoiis cf the Oahu league, xCummlngs .' . . . . . 1 0. 0 o, o; o Sue, then, a lightning-fas- t third base- Jump In the Eecond.-hal- wasi go, - J opponent io andas h in one Sydney, his the'--lnt- : ove eral months resulted r the lat fight in first 10, aialcorar Tuttle coming. In and . whn inning was Swan, ss 2 O'O 0 2? i man. Is at center field for the.Chinese the case with the Malles la the begin- fa-xt- r ter's death. Holland and Lee oe some nu;r for . the . blue - the" score stood 3 io a goose egg in xxDe Rego 0 1 0 o i o Fritz seieciea ai later uaie. first buff and in sixth ning of- the game they goal ..'....1 Snov.'y g scored a " : party com-Inj- Ice..!.-.',- ; ---.- ": Johnson are also of .the ever. In view of the fact Jhat place and and O'Dowda of the Kama, cf 4 0 1 1 ,o o Jess Woods, referred to above, left Webster after about, two minutes of play. The Burns is in the boxinggame on a Baker made Ritchie an offer of 17,5i0 eighth respectively. t V'. was a classy exhibition of the na- the,, islands some years ago and hook in and ninth playing' now-wen- on much as did It ."hopes ; it old-tim- wholesale basis now, andne1 to for one fight in Australia, which offer Amos, man who won race tional game that the fans were treat- Totals .33 0; 4 1 27 6 3 ed up with Mike Fisher, e ball- I the the In the: first half. Neither team had exclte-r,ont- , get plenty selected was declined" time being, it , Is year, was plenty of player and manager, a dance-ha- ll of matches for the for the list was also troubled with his the advantage was ed to. in s-- co and. the ball kicked There' - he Is taking to the Antip- hardly probable the San Fran : enough hitting to' make the xCummlngs for Soares in venture in San Francisco and made talent that that stomach . in Saturday's run and the In every direction.. with no scoring on batted odes. Louis Reea was to have been chap , would consider the Burns test, "was do only gave him several catches ol some money. they went Se- ' " be able to part ame lively, and ninth inning. xxDe Rego batted for Then to i; " the. of either, team. ,The Malles if min- Y; '' '. ex- - . one. of the party, but at the last proposition. the eleventh . . place. Everybody - the big league variety that if muffed Swan in ninth inning. I attle opened Dreamland Rink and V tried hard to tie the score but 'the ute decided to stay at home, and "a- The Burns party.spent the morning pected he wonld win or come In the might have turned the fortunes of the - Hits and runs by innings.' , made, a lot more. When the writer Healanl backs were right on theif lthough an was made to get a motoring around the city, and bok ; legs carry game. v ------0 0 1 saw Woods, he was wearing about effort first five, but his would Jobs and the. losing were, baf- ? v. Oahu, Runs ....0 2 0 0 0 last lightweight, none could be Moana hotel. shooters selection of 03 200 substitute luncheon at the ' him no faster and he ended in the managecj Barney Joy; was the 3 1 1 0 pounds of flesh and a quart or - , - fled. Finally' Coombs to Hits ...... 0.0 10 .. I v ' top mound 06 found. Burns says that possibly eleventh place. ' - Captain Desha to the Maul, Runs ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 two of diamonds and was figuring on HIGH STANDARDS"' score another goal. Try as hard as ' 00 dance-ha- Johnny O'Leary wrill make the trip MORAL How They Ran.. while W. Bal did , the slab work for 0 HQ 1 0 0 0 opening a ll circuit from the they, might the Malles were not able Hltsi ...... 3 14 middle, March. - .' about the of SCOtplNG repre- Harold Rice's aggregation. - Joy had Summary Home run, Joy; two Mississippi river to the Pacific. OBTAINED THROUGH Almost 60 boys of all sizes, to score again and when the referee Burns looks much the same as when senting six schools, were lined ' np ' one of hia, good days; and the brand base-nii- s, Chillmgwbrth, Dreier; sac- called time the score stood 31 in fa- The team is playing good' ball, he shook hands with Honolulu friends M. G. Brumbaugh, superlnti Mdent across Alexander Field when Starter vor men. ' -- of ball he pitched was too much for rifice, hits, Asam, Swan; hit by, pitch Maui year ago. ne ihia, of the Healanl frame but is criDnled bv the loss of one of a He intimates mat of the public schools of Phllad. Reeves called the runners to their i The lineups follow: ' the Valley Islanders. In the first er, Dreler, Soares. A. Robinson; bases it may management of the new - Joyhts leading bats- - take the wants to see the scout .movem ht, la marks. A good crowd was on hand Healanl they had a fine- chance to score, and cn balls, off Joy 1; struck out, by star players and its suit- j Low. rw; Coombs, Ir; Par- Olympia stadium, and that if a every city fh , from -- for a few minutes as though 6, by Bal 10; passed Ah Manager nice, nowever, town and the ouny.; and the rooters Kamehameha ker, cf; Grelg, il; Oakley, lw; Dwlght it looked balls. Toon.lan. naroia able opponent can be found he will Boy Seoul movement, he College gave runners the visitors had Barney's duck, Tmt ITmDires. Stay ton and Bruns. Time of. is optimistic and even v if the team "The snd Oahu their rh; Trotter, cb; McKinley, lh; Kay, get back Into the ring himself. Burns prom send-of- f: Jim-ra- y writes holds In it the se of a grand JohnWatt and ; Walker, Rlckard, g. - he held tight to Its tail feathers, and game, 1 hour and 33 minutes. doesn't win the Carnival series it is says quite possible the rf If; good that it is that great good to the boys of this crantry. Dwlght took the lead at the start Maller-Littlejoh- n, then on was in little . danger. going to give a account of itself. - rw; Remsd'en. from management will land Georges Car- boys it)nfpe-te-nt way across When big fellow slapped the ball (Additional baseball on page seven.) Wherever these are under and from the Watt started ir; Bailey, cf; QuinUl, il; Austin, rw; the pentier, although he recently refused -- leaders and wisely directe V they Alexander. Field the O.' C , supporters Hollinger,' rb; Ballentyne cm; Glrd-le- r. Several of the Hawaii aggregation a from Snowy, Baker. are newcomers in league baseball and fine offer. will acquire through the enteri rise of were sure that he would make a cred- lh: Morse, rf. Low. If: Patv. sr. , According to Burns, the Olympia .quali- runners are naturally a little nervous at the the scout inovement, the mora itable (showing; trwhen the DECISIVE GAME people have notified their American ties that make ' for good citiz mshJp. had reached the other side of Rocky Sideline '; outset but they are playing hard. The more Jottings . representative to reach out for They will also secure blga nigral stan- Hill, Gordon Brown took, the initial Rickard was sent off the field on throwing of their catcher, Hlsanaga, high-cla- ss ei-c- of the talent. al on is usually accurate, though dards of conduct and. spltd H Jth position' and Watt kept close his Saturday' for" talking back to the ref- fast and ej)d : Brown se discipline. - All? of are heels i .During the mile eree. he made a two-ba- heave over third these first ;Tbe referee.did the right thing together here several times when the desirable and important' ran in excellent form and Watt was in the Saturday game and let in the days were critical.' and he can' be sure that a good part everyone right with him. The Punahou men of the spectators agreed with his rul- winning run. At that likes ' -- dropped back and when the runners ing. . . . Maui-count- Artful Dodger. to see the Hawaii team here and all They must have closed 'i ' ' were started, home Amos was in the ". ' game girl the local fans applaud the good spirit down while the ball team Hobo What's,- - 'my buslt, is? Oh. Mills School vill play its lasjt Two swimmers are entered in affairs lead running a,.good, steady pace, s Ai of the visiting nines for coming to Ho- oyer George Cummings Is the I'm a igfitning calcultcisco: in Waldron, as referee, had . all he . of soccer for the season this after- the coming swimming carnival that is here. case with only kept nolulu, going up against new condi- On - was the Watt he could do on Saturday In watching "the noon, when that eleven meets the Pu- have not before appeared in public, deputy auditor at Wailuku and when Woman toV- a while. : .and pl-Jt- the lead for short Carer rough .work of ' some of the players Lucille M. Legros, of Waiklkl, tions and making any other team hus- he's away, the county has a hard time Hobo On dGoking at shaky o- nahou team, on the lower Punahou and began to pass the other men in : . tle to Beat them. Every game so far along. CMhat chap's handicai).' Souza He. did well. Y ; : , .r campus. c The game Is very Impor- Bernlcla Lane of Palama, getting moblles. mile and Woolsey . was gain has and hard-fough- t. V the last Oahuans must win If Miss Legros has been qui- been close ground. great shape. the tant for the it training I sayl in? in For The Healanl men compose an Invin- championship. etly though t;Ditto brink, should finish they wish to win the for some time and she is Charley Makanui or Charley "Big n ' rest of the third mile until the cible aggregation.' They have not wins the" team will be tied only 15 years old and has train- Transcript Carey held first If Punahou been Eye," lad been reached the been defeated this season. . on to translate his name come3 especially for first plac in the series, and ing for speed onlr a short time, is with the reputation of a slugger, but tlace. He was not pushed Thursday the tie will be played off showing considerable cleverness and the best he has done so far is to hard until the last quarter of a mile 'Low and Morse are- - surely a husky with the St Louis College . lor the ,wlth more experience is expected to high fly hen he had to put all his efforts into pair of fulls. They both are near the clout out a that let a man - championship. be a fast performer. She has been score from third. lie is trying to kill strides to keep himself ahead ol ISO mark, v y. ,..;.; The Mills men have put up some trained by her father, John Legros, the ball instead ofmeeting it nicely I Jbuza, who was covering the last bit - during past season and was given a first try-o- ut at the HOME VISITING V T course in beautiful style. , ; good battles the snd the curve-ba- ll pitchers can make laUiH J isj the a The soccer season will 'end with the and. although ; they have no show of Moana last Saturday. No time was him swing his head off. 6 fsNYrhere was hardly a man who iin St Louls-Punaho- u game ( - winning the championship, they are taken. VV led who did not ??riat over the last - . :; r;'.- : o ..: t to win if 0 yards. Brandt finistd especLilly omlng out Jhis afternoon Miss Lane is a pupil of Miss Agnes Though the crowds at the games V TEAM TEAM Coombs. kicked two out of the 'three -- ' 100 yards be ' possible. Their success in the past Driver, swimming rong and in the last goals while. Grelg ? ? teacher of at Oahu l kicked ' are large, the seating arrangements one' j : -:- ; - well-handle- fertook Webster, of Punahou. att "'':' season has varied greatly but from the college ana is a fast swimmer. She' are d. Even with the jam V' Y very strong with re- - start they have shown a good fighting trains in the Palama Settlement tank of yesterday there were no kicks 'de a finish the Grelg of the Healanl team was tight By was laid out on xne gras ? spirit which . has not been lost , While Miss Ruth Stacker is natur- about seats. ttha he there with the fancy work, ; Me-KInl- up winning their first game from the ally expected to win the race, because s i Jr the . race doubled in a Knot X o pains. of the Col- - Aano, High school they Jumped into of her greater experience as well as Two Hawaiian women ''n the grand- home EQB3 visiting A : ii acute SUckner Kalkaka. Smlth,r Crossraan and fourth place and they hope to win her proved speed and strength, the stand yesterday .caused a lot of fun 'NTI Cb of Hawaii hurt his ankl In the iamn, mi iiiius jiuramiiru,' sucuu, ) i fe was he couw 1o to Rurashigc. Loy, Punahou and get a bit nearer the newcomers may spring a surprise. t 3 y- i and it all WaladeKee. Watase, v n from for the audience "rooting" hard for m ; - -s 1 I I " I I Many .4 - - Miss Lane's name i m 'W i . II f p over the finishing mark. Kawelo. and 'Sun. bead of the list. , was omitted from the visiting teams. , ikU r f i ail iii- overtook another man v The officials were: ' entry mis- right-fiel- TEAM TEAM the runners Oerk of the Captain Quintal of the Oahuans has the official list through a Barney Joy's homer over the d V illU U Uill -i right after his men for the past understanding. - r U the last lap around the . track and course,' IL , A. Austin CitaTter. R. C. was a high " been fence drive that i i was tne Reeves week and a good turnout has made 4ts cleared the boards easily, though with- irunn am::di irv excitement intense until i timers. "Schmutzler and complete, enabling con- ti st man had crossed the. Up. : Horney; judges of fmisli, Vaughan appearance every evening on the field. him to resume the out much margin inside the foul line. 10 : Carey, The Punahou" boosters realize that the cert work immediately after the cure. Following were the first - M. H. S.J Woolsey, y The cross-count- ry gives Kame- - game today is important and they are Early in yesterday's session. Um- t- Louis: Souza, nji victory. See what- - doing 112 home 022223 visiting 'amehameba; Lee, if. II. o.; Awana, htmeha 20 toward? bc ';ii 11 meet, out for a at Oseen St pire Stayton stopped the game to TnJA . amehameha; Tuttle,-o- PiJtahou 12 and McK ' send out a request to an autoist in c; uranat i.ier t i - I y t--i rrT7T II II Kamehameha; Webster. O. t .r ODow-- Ts move a j IllTiL Ik ' field to his machine vj ; PADEREWSKI TAKING center ; suppose you - ? little so that, the glare of the sun f da; O. C; SaeokaMills. v have read all th - were: on political Baseball vouldn't be reflected from the head- jL .The .men who entered tor standard works economy?" D Lee, Gertz. , 'CURPATPASOROBLES lights. As the machine stood, the A McKinleyWIcke, wighy "No. replied Senator Scrghum. "I ATHLETIC PARK my -- glare was directly in the eyes of the Tseu, Kice, souza, i;rozier ana Ainus; fctarted' to, but wife sto?rcd ra?. ; . By College-rBrow- n. Watt, Tut- . Latest Mail ( s I Monday, February 16 and the umpire. The driver for Oahu Que bl9 uitii irauiug buuuiiu l Paderew-sfci- , tatter l and economy - Ignace All-Servi- O'Dowda, Wakeflel cn political Is trjl- ce like PASO . ROBLES. vs. Maui. readily consented and the game went tle. Webster, t t" ; r ? S Louis Carey, get -- styles z. the world famous pianist is at Tuesday, February 17 on. From the stands the machine Wllthington for t the current out cf . Robello, Lopez, Clinton, "magazlna." ..ins-to- n Paso Robles Hot Springs suffering Punahou vs. looked D. P. R. Isenberg's, which V'redenburg, year's fashion v.'a Hawaii. like - ; and old-time- Bettencourt,. Feraandez from a painful attack of local neuri- Wednesday, February 18 reminded the rs Paul isn't Scott Star. Rees; for College of ilawalL strck-ney- j- tis affecting the arms and shoulders, Maui vs. at games as" v Hawaii. fcen as much the be " Lockwood, e lie cancelled 15 engagements to de- vsed to be. Some years ago he was Starrett, Hsbron, N. IU has haJ but one Ahuna,- - Hicks, Morgan and arid .'one " vote three weeks In taking the "cure. Reserved seats on sale In Sporting one of the most ardent followers of " : Emai, birth la the rst J'f ALAKEA ST. BET. KING ANf gh , , ' ; KaiiieLameha'-i-Wri- and there are fa town n"-- . The resident physicians are satisfied Goods Department E. O. HALL & the diamond game, a thorough sports-60N- - Uarnhart for t Hoapill, : that his recovery w ill be rapid and LTD. man and his influence held the league J; Brandt, Adawan, Woolsey, Ere keeping house fcr tt: :: TEX HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- MONDAY. FEW. HVlftH.

n- i .r, OVER-NIGH- 1 T SUIT IS STARTED fc wnfpl REDUtTIOS IS i ASSOCIATED PflESS ri " s i 1 . . 1 FIRE ElCQvEil: . lbs. sarasa---.- (NEWS s 18 :fif 1 par ioxo than" a lOlf: 4 . i Shappemni IMibut century SALA2AR HELD -- !R PRISONER Geary .Street, jtbova Union Sqaar quartor of a ATtS INtffY IN BARBED.WIRE STOCKADE OUTAGE m " PIBY1 European PU $tJZO df ftp SH&C has "boon EL PASO. Texas. Genera! Jos? ' American Plan $330 a day cp Ynez Specially .well, flavored' and prepared -- Salazar, prisoner extraordinary.! sroaody ' v Ifew an4 brick structure, tho favorito sulked .in hij tent yesterday. General; rK :; unusual care steel ; y. Siisumtlal." reductions in", ftre iasnr-anc- e vth Third addition ol hundred rooms for! hoadacho and by S(tt. co!nnand"ng the United 'States i ; r raus in Honolulu are shown dow bunding. Every comfort and forces, and who confined a' "i .: nouxalcia fijoires Tor the year 1913 in compari- has, Salaiar c.Ut pr.;,itnr nrork. convenience. : A high class hotel in Tastoloso-Corta- in figures for the four pre, viois a barbed wire stockade, informed tQDS Qn Wednesday caused to be insti-th- e Tery moderate rates. In center son with l . ' at iy any These reductions, mad general, emphatically that if uit h(.half of th. roUnty of ibeatre and retail district. On .dosQS-2- years.' was rescue him r - 12 5 cento and in accordance with a attempt' made to that again5t the KVnit stSLthS Fidelity car linea transferring- to all parts . re-ratin- he would be thp first person shot. of city. ; ' Electric omnibus meets Act; your dragglot general plan of indicate still and Guaranty Company, of nalflntore, in reanns that aa attempt would bPMary!and TMrdT. all trains and steamers, j further cuts the future. ani William X Fresh In .mnouncing the figures. Secretary made to Ube rate General .alazar and?ftn wvirh f? b RnU. fft menrtr th prisoners. General Scctt at once CkU Arfdraaa A. R. (iurrey of the board of fire un- other sum of ?2 m ',0 from the defendants tta Hdartm.C J. 11. morning be ordered all the prisoners placed in, ABC ' Lor. derwriters said this that Th POmnlaint fjid shows the bond HeaoitilaIiU"rprMtittMr. t now enRaged in a new schedule fo-bric- k stockades and gave his troaps insrruc- - Jng; Purdy's is any coml,anv to have been Salmon, Halibut and Shrimps construction, so that reductions tions to shoot to kill if there was sliretv fu,ring the years 1911. 1912 and in the-rates, charged for business Utempte at liberation. Since that.9l3 It furtner chows that on .May bouses, in' the center of the city may lime heavy cordons cf soldiers have 13th 1912. pUrdy received the sum be looked for. been constantly drawn about the , nt t(liu. nD t,,,- - 1a, iqi fkp sum of traos and Smelts The total premiums collected by the corrals in which the prisoners are $40r,; and on August 1st. 1312. tbe sum HOTEL VAE1EA local underwriters for the past five herded. cf $320 on account of crushed years exceed an average of half a General Salazar was a commander sold by htm, and that he never ac- million dollars a year. The significant of volunteers serving for Huerta and counted to the county for "the amounts re- point about the1913 figures is that is one of the most heartless and . thus received, v . . a drop $10,000 in collected generals. of ovr lentless , of the Mexican The complaint further seta forth and in spite ' "Xenly TJenTBted Ilcsl Hotel premiums isshown, this Some of his atrocities have been so that during the years 1912 and 1913 Metrdpolitan Meat Market, : of a steady and considerable increase revolting eveto his own followers cn that Purdy collected the sum of $l,177.f0 KnaL in volume of business due to the disapproved.. He was captured after through the medium of forged pay TOURIST TRADE SOLICITED growth of the city. having crossed into the United States an warrants issued on the forg Phone 3445 years ; rols Here are the figures for five following the "t route: of the f GOOD MEALS past: ;hy at HAMM-YOUN- forces Villa's constitutionalists von G CO ? 1909 $475 .613. THE Is in f Wasb-ingto- n Bates Seasonable ' Ojinaga j tie under indictment upm-ber"b3- the senator in a i . 1910 5506.641. k LTD, Honolulu f this country for Violating neutrality hotel. It is expected that Sen- f, IT. SPITZ Proprietor 1911 $543,101. ' ' !' laws. - ator Gore will deny all knowledge of 1912 $582,054. testimony , the assault and add to the - '.- -- 1913 $57L95. , :. - Y;, BATTLE OVER PULPIT. a con- ' dwelling-hous- e for the defense that the suit is The class bas been per-pon- s r "jGl. e - nt zv A ,'. BE1L CHANGE OF CLIMATE r SOUTH hEXD. Jnd. Seven spiracy to compel senator to ai-ixi- re-rate- d and within the past year a the J. IV Injured and lo0 M k I I 1 1 1 cad Lad at tins new boarding house new introduced, the base were seriously witnesses for Mrs. Bond to pt W ' t schedule a. yesterday lV, rate being cut from 75 to 50 cents. others hurt in riot here sitions In the federal service. at- ' V ' e which broke out when policemen AT) WIRELESS S Boarding-hous- T It ; rates have been reduce carrying ;. Q t. ed as well as the rates for sugar mills tempted to aid the sheriff in T7AHIAT7A superior Judge - and warehouses. i out the order of a that CLAIM BOY HUMAN SACRIFICE. de- r p nearly ,1000 feet elevation, near placed in ItQssia.--The'inurd- er 1 . i i Secretary Gurrey explains that In Rer. Stanislaus Gruza be KIEV, of a boy pot, grand scenery, fine bass fishing. Polish Catho- individual cases where no additional charge of. St. .Casimir'a at Pastnff whlfh' is' allered to have - r Tor particulars, address & I Kruss, In - " During melee the po- pur-- r v New Stylet protection has been afforded dwelling- lic church. the been committed for ritualistic .Y Wshiawa: Phone 4 C9. - H S freely on men or - t T AT houses, or new construction which is lice used their clubs Ioses, In assuming the dimensiens ii C L re- PANAMA AND 0 Tn particularly hararous from an under and women alike, while the rioters the Beiliss case. , Feeling Is running At Mainland Prices. writers' viewpoint, no reduction may taliated with clubs, stones, bricks and high and outbreaks are expected at have been made, but the reduction any missiles they could procure. Fire- leny time by the police. Seaside nevertheless has been general where arms were not resorted to by either 'Y I Hotel ' ' FUKURODACO. Conditions "if ; warranted it. side. PARTNER OF MORGAN DIES. your eyes from sun and glare. A pair wilt Under ..the Management of 1m- - tramp- will protect the He still see f much room for Many Injured were - ' -- "Hotel St, cor. Bijou Lane. of those GARSSE, France. John H. Harjes. y:."y" y:: '. ; " ; ' '"' jpravement.and fce morning swaying mob. cost- you '': HERTSCHE -- V is said that led under foot by the for many years a partner in the bank- J. H. every effort snould be made to take The fire department was called out ing Morgan. Harjeisr and Com- ME FOR A SQUARE MEAL AND house of advantage o.ihe. millions of gallons to aid the police but were unable to pany," died here yesterday. AT -- CHOP SUCY DINNER . of artesian water running to waste. give any assistance as the mob sur- The Nuuanu dam; is well-fille- d, now. rounded the wagons and took control MANY. "' ":-'i.'y-- i " STREET CAR INJURES Tilt Cafe but we will beshort of water again,' of them. Uo7 Yorlr he saW, "and it is a great pity that PITTSBURGH.' Thirty, . persons 18 N. Hotel St, nr. Ntnjanu injured, women probably No. the pasted artesian water is not. con-- 1 DIES' RATHER THAN - were three : r S. Kellinot. Mgr.: JL:4TQ!l valu-- fatally, in a street car accident here served. That, water would be I : FACE GRAFT PROBEj Ken-nedy- night.' speeding: abtejn affording Are protection. - f , Y-- -- v Saturday' The, elec- 'BUFFALO, N.' John J. - OFF-DA- Y. Ho- car- an open switch, 'left . i OX AX Agents Flying Merkel nd De "We .have always regarded the of 'eW, York, tric struck f for state treasurer' , nolulu fire department as efficient, but 1 ' ana ptiea up .in 11m ruaa: Luxe, and ,Motor Suppliea. , ? yesterday, the track j :i committed suicide hero ' " Co k equipment the addition of motor .ha3 temporary Insanity is ascribed; as the way . a mass of wreckae.; .: , - had something to do with the rate rer :-- . T reason "being ; induced, by , worry over 1 : ' LTD. ;Co. ductions. Added protection has been . "Limited,' THAYER PIANO CO, City r.lotor his Impending appearance before the SEAB RIGHT STORMBEATEN. . . given afforded Kalmuki and will be Attorney SEABRIGHT; K . J, Seabright's j Repair gland Jury where . Skilled liecbaiilca tot all - 6 District. ' Fort and. Hotel Sts. THE REXALL STORE " tn Manoa and possibly in the Waikiki again battered, the result ' shoreline is STEINWAY ? - i "' ' Vhitman : isu conducting , a. John lection. , .,;;; ' - TeL' J051 graft inquiry. " .Kennedy was one of of storm,'- A , number., of bulkheads AND OTHER PIANOS. Panabl nr. Fort St . Agitation . for lower fire insurance Sat- : widely, politicians In were, destroyed by the .breakers 155 Phewe 2313 - most known . ' Hctel Street. r- the iV-,-'l-.- has been .carried on inter- " rt - - ' ites here ' " urday- and the streets cf Seabrigbt are Y"'',t h - - TUNING GUARANTEED". ' na the" state. .' ' Jttently for a number of years and '. ' once more flooded. . '"p.:. , ;: v" ; pa rticuiariy .witnm tne last inree years. point to ONCE RICH; NOW A FUGITIVE. The underwriters the AVIATORS : ": figvires or 1913 as proor that rates are , GOLDFIELD, Nev. E! R, Collins, AMERICAN postmas- . v'. MAKE R ECORDS ricChssney Coffee Co. being . cut, Is who for eight years' has been lowered. The total it ' argrued, Is more $10,000 ter of Goldfleld.'is a fugitive frotrf Jus-ticf- e, SAN DIEGO, Cal, Lieut T. F. Dodd -- much than the COFFEE COASTERS having been -- ' decrease in premiumsf for the increase a shortage of $500 and Serg. Herbert Marcus, connected Dealers in Old Kob CcfrW Of policies has been Consider' found in k's accounts. Five years ago with the army aviation school at North Written ' ' . 'r v df MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU ; P. H. BURNETTE able. The total reduction is estimated Collins was a wealthy man, his for- Island, Saturday night completed the', j ,Y. ' - frona $25,000 to $40,000. tune being estimated at a half million best- finished flight ever 'made in the . Commissioner of Deeds for California' : but- - lost all through depre- they alighted In and New York: NOTARY PUBLIC; ' dollars, he United States when1 Bills of ciation of, mining stock values, and their machine Bafeiy atv their hangar Draws Mortgages, Deeds, WAMEA GIRL. . - ventures. Wills, Attorney for sereral disastrous mining- cn North Island after completing "a Sale, Leases, etc I BECOMES BRIDE most prominent LcdiesVPanama Hats District Courta, 79 MERCHANT He was one of the flight- to- - Los' Angeles and return. j the v Republican party in cov- STREET, HONOLULU, Phne 184S. Vv : : OF CONTRACTOR members of the A total distane of 246 miles was V I HONOLULU HAT CO. the state. , ered in 242 minutes. The flight both) Sp Star-Bulle- ti n CoiT5pon4ince . to and. frcrn Los Angeles was made 16 Hotel IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ,IN ial ON ' St WAY COMPROMISE without the slightest difficulty. Y j -- 4 NEWSPAPERS v HIl Feb. 13. In the presence cf HINDU EXCLUSION passengers, r im-med- Martin, wfth two onjy friends and ia Glenn Anywhere, at Any Time, Call on or :Tew intimate WASHINGTON. Representative ' attempted to make the flight at . ' : ; Shar-ttt-t thej v rr'.'"-- 1 ' .Write relatives. Miss Quenie Lawson Burnett of Alabama, com-- inn v '. Jchn same . time, but engine trouble i ADVERTISING an iPeter Arioli were married last of the "house committee on If Husbands only knew the LCDAKE'S N cl.airman pen nun to angiu ui u.;uiuc, A G E N C Y -- Saturd : evening at 7: 30 o'clock in predicted yesterday that pleasure tJielr would immigration, it was found impossible to continue nhes 124 Sansome Street San Francisco the Ey: fecopal church Bt Kamuela, by Pacif'c 5 , compromise with the as a . Y :. , .: DATI-SO- X, the journey. take is a gown made by Revere d Merrill of V.ohala. Arrayed Coast in the figktrbelng made for the a beAitiful wedding gown the bride Asi-atlv- e Pantheon Bids, Fort St. : v New Lin- -' of la exclusion" of Japanese and other JAPANESE NAVAL OFFICERS wasgl in away .by her mother, Mrs. . .entry .into the United iilc?e;brilliant light more, light cost for current lamps i " FANCY GROCERIES from ; ORDERED INTO CONFINEMENT 'less sister, Mrs. would J Y ( Table Fruits and Vegetables. ; ; Carolin.harratt, and her States, this ession of Congress strong and;starIy last longer than other kinds really the best - TOKIO. Five havai officers. Include ' Guy LI as bridesmaid. from ' tigston, acted enact legislation- barring Hindus .:' , -- '' .Into lamp-- .you' could.iKe Sold by v3 . brother-in-la- ing an admiral have been ordered :'v ' -- DooKey ilartman, a of entry. Representative Burnett did not : We carry the most complete Jlne of KAIMUKI GROCERY" CO. navy yard on or- ; Y. Y - Yv,. Y i" y-- r ' brio I. was groom's best man. opinion as to how th's confinement' at the HOUSE FCRMSIIIXG GOODS Cor. Wal ae Road and Eoko Head the the venture an navy department V HAWAIIAN" DLECTKJC UK - -- be accept- ders from the - ' - - 3730 The b fide is a former Honolulu girl compromise measure would . : Avenue. Phone :: ;r in the city. , grown cut of the ; '' 3131.'' .' ., : who forltbe past three or four years ed in the Pacific Coast states most Their arrest has y;':-- y ':.;.":' Phone. .. charges of a German alleging '.- Y;Y:'.-- . '' 4 reslijed in Walmea, and si ace her, demanding a nun e strin- recent' -' Y "''.- f i. i " Y ;- has active in shipbuilders have been - YEEYICHAN mother "jag had charge of the Kamue- gent Asiatic exclusion law. that foreign la postofice and. hotel.'. groom fs favored in the allowing cf bids for GUILDiCO; I N well-know- Japanese" warships through the use of CH E S E RE STA.URANT a member of the n firm of ntlARD ARRESTS . Chop Suey other Chinese dishes j bribes. !tm and, Arioli . iirothers, the contractors. . STRIKE INVESTIGATOR followed served at reasoanble prices.' Col, ---- Representative News of the arrests was - .TRINIDAD, 119 Hotel Street, Near Maunakea M. a member ".of the by disturbance's .fn", the lower h'.nse of V ? John Evans ' - ; . . (upstairs! . Holiday Goods house committee investigating, the parliament. . HOURS coal strike troubles Irf-re-. yesterday New Year Re- for the THE clashed with the provost guard. O'SHAUGHNESSY OBJECTS ,M I1U1 feverish presentative Evans was walking TO NEWSPAPER PUBLICITY ' Af-fair- ? Pictures - es TO AND FROM ALL LINES OF TRAVEL J ' Art alone on th streets conducting a .per- CITY OF MEXICO. ChaFe d C A N TON D RY GOODS C O. O'Shaughnessy yesterday made . HONOLULU PICTURE FRAMING 4 ftnnal . investigation wnen nwbmui. Hot! St.. non KraoJrp Tnntr inquired second protest to President Huerta SUPPLY CO. ' j HOTEL HAITLA of.thc guard stopped and ofja AtlSKt. had walking.! against rwd.icy; of tne f Mrs. J. W. Floyd. Mr, Mrsi Tii'm : what business' be the' and ad-effic- newspaper er i Bethel Ft . nr. Hotel. Phon 3126 A. Dreaer. A. K. Lucas. Misst Winona about town at night. Evans told the official "of the Huerta' FwrmtwQ busi-- 1 to at-uf--ss PAPBB Wallace; Miss Lydy Mutch, Albert Lu that it was none of his ministration, which continues Best Equipment ln tha lty or this Line cf Work. in- - personally for All Kinds Wrapping Papers and MILLINERY cas. j. jorcensonw A. N. r.mtihii o r 'whsroupon' Evans was taken tack President Wilson headquar- - policy, regard Mexico. Twines, Printing and Writing Tapers. Sayles in Ladiea and Gentle Schuman. C. Lambert, George Beck to custody and escorted to his in to Latest upon e, O'Shaushnes-s- y 'AMEUICAX-HA1TAIIAN-TAPE- R was President Huerta told 8. C. Lffcas and party, all of Hoaolu-- 1 ters where he release men's t h t h e at tacks on & av y c.on HAT& lu; Jake Graham. .Liverjiool. England: tr.blishing his identity. at he regretted - rr l Strwts ltd.Houelula Ernest D. Clabough. President Wilson and assured him that Unidn Pccillc Transfbr Fart and Ouei Anaheim. Cal.; stopped. PJion 141C. Xo. G. ttnlJd. On. Mgr Miss A. J. Hill, Bloomington. III.: Dr; AMPRir.AN MAKES WORLD'S he would see that they are J. L. Howard: San Francisco, Cal.r RECORD THROUGH AIR j ft ; K. UYEDA ". . THE, " .. . Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Clark. St. PauLJ SAN DIEGO. Cal. SUFFRAGIST LEADER INJURED. Nuuanu. bet. King; and ltotel Stree. .corps sta , 74 8. King St. - the-' array aero NEW YORK. Dr. Aina Howaid Tai." 1t7t. Minn Mr. and Mrs- - s r-r . stnnHr t, K I JiiriiH'. 4 of army aviation camp on Shaw,- president of National Wo Oppasfte Lswers & Cooki Crcssrocds CooRshop, Schofield Barracks; Charles. Ingvor--1 tkmed at tlie the sen. ban Francisco. Cal.; Mr. and h - ,u r epterday broke the man s suffrage Association, ana one Limited Mrs. J. Leathoni. Mr. and Mrs. T. W, K-orld- record by flying 140 miles in ef the best-kriew- n women connected 4 PIiATUIGl ' Gold, Silver, Nickel and Copper PU Forster. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McDou fl33 minutes. Throughout the trip with the suffrage cause in. America, .al-ftiui- de ing. Oxidizing a Specialty. gall. C. Smart. Calgary, Canada. Lieutenant Willis maintained an was severely injured yesterday. Shd vfryhlBg. In Rookh' - ' was HONOLULU ELECTRIC Ci of 0 feet. attempting to.alight from a train aih; TtFTTHEL ST.. NEAU HOTEL at Jersey City when she lost her bal- Rates Moderate, Work Unsurpassed ' - HONOLULU DRUGGIST PlliHlriieiavV Y- -- Experienced Men. i ,.,nTllOTIAL .FOR ance and fell. Dr. Shaw wa3 severely Y , -; . - ; v . S3 1-- 3' ow 15 PER CENT TO PER CENT VICE-ADMIRA- L -- is-n- u-d- Cor. Bishop' and King Sts.; HAS VALUABLE AGENCY JAPANESE 'shaken up and er ths care physicians rsriiE matter of safety to your vai Household Utensils, M I U U ... a. of Reduction on III WE ABSOLUTE STATIONERY, POST CARDS. OF The Hollister Drug Company has! i !,.vS m 'formerly naval attache, At UAELES DUItlNG.CARNIVAL. OFFER Hardware and Crockery i '' Die Honolulu aeencv for the i.f'"1r ii a rontt?n Sawasakf were 'GUAYQ11L, Ecuador.: YCUr.ITY IN OUR SMALL SAFE DEPOSIT PONES FICE SUPPLIES EVERY 1 f OF '- -'r - t Ul uttiK. IO appca continues to remain in . . . vlu,r uuuamuiu eycerine,iiyestprr!nv,orderea AT A THIFLING COST. . Z::.: DESCRIPTION. d -- the rebels. This far C. . V , , I -4 M.U141WUI . . . . . , . Co., 1 City Mercantile rrfuu urcuuir ihihuus oy curing ap- -' of bribery in connection .!iWw;m m.l.lists nave succeeaeu r. 24 Hotel St.. neaT Nunanu pi(dicitis. This simple remedy basil! val scandal It is expected that?cth?erjbo:Ebranjment ef thn f 'AIIAlf TRUST CO., LTD; Wall, Nichols Co. action nary V a ' Hairful and drains such surJ bgh omcials of the , .wiuj that cf 923 Fort Street. : n Og amounts of old matter KIne ?t. Near Fort " from .Bhf in the investigating outside t' Ddy that JCST ONE DOSE re-so- ur aad compelled to face court-- ai A. Mariin stomach, gas on the stem-constipati- on Geo. 1MMEDI-c- ' " almost r SENATOR . -- GORE TO ; ire . MERCHANT TAILOR rV The QCiCK action of Ad- - TELL HIS STORY n, Halibut and Smelt Moved to Walty Bldfl King SL, M. E. SILVA; A is asionismng. advertise- - OKLAHriM a riTY. Okla Senator YYells-Farg- o ' VED PER S. S. HYADES. ; Rooms 4 and 5, over The Leading ; Thomas p. Vjore w!l! ta1 the stand & Co, today UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER 'A v in his own def?nse. compretinT : 'f of Hygien Why must we r,.r SO.OOO c ? COMPANY ; the .evident int , f- - Cor. Kukui and Nuuanu Sts. 1 fill r v 1. . Tr Tel. 3451 y damages i' him by Mrs.'" i brought STAR-BtLLLTl- V GITKS TpU U Tel. 1179 night call 2514 or 2160 acainst Yeat? Little Girl Because (i Minnie- - assault TODAY'S SEWS TODA--l VM Bond for an alleged "l V walk in at any momenU tf HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- MONDAY, FER, 10, 1911. ELEVEN i

SAL VET FI40B.C. leeo Your- - Hens Busv TONIC AND MEDICINE FOR Our Milk TELLS OF JEWS AT ALEXANDRIA r STOCK OF ALL KINDS. laying and set their eggs in ALEXANDRIA- - EevnL ii Jnnfc nr, lower Egypt long looked for but un- Club Stables ford, writing in the Egyptian ''Gazette, identified. Xenophyris was mention- pomis, oui inai me report presented ed by Stephen of Byzantium,' as a Limited Sterilized by SIgnor -- Dr. Breccia; to the munici small city of Egyptian Libya, hear to VJOETrnQn TeL 1103. pallty of Alexandria, upon the acqui Alexandria. . This adds one more to sitions by the, museum during 1912, localities possessing Israelite commu- tnffer dlscom fort are Ian go Id, Take no chances by using contains a newly found Greek inscrip nities, revealed as having existed in fretful and nerrous, becaase their tion of importance to the history of lower Egypt, by recently found papyri blood thin or insufficient, milk which might contain ty- b bat JUST RECEIVED A FULL Jewish residents in Egypt in Ptole and- - Inscriptions. Those hitherto if those so afflicted could fully phoid or other germs. maic times. The text which is en- found are Sched la. Athribis, Oxyrchy-chu- s, realize the wonderful blood-makin-g LINE OF graved upon a block of marble, came Arsinoe, Alexandria, and one properties of SCOTTS EMULSION from a mound called Kom-el-Akhd- ar, whos name and position are uncertain they would not deprive themselves near Aboul Matenur, and reads as fol- but to which according to an inscrip- of its benefits. Honolulu Dairymen's '" Bilibid and lows: . tion Ptolemy Euergetes II. granted Nourishment alone not drugsJT "hi honor of King Ptolemy and the the right of "asylum" probably to its alcohol makes blood and 5cot ft "Association Queen Cleopatra Hongkong his sister, and the synagogue. Emulsion is the essence of medical To care for the chicks you can easily make your own Furniture Queen Cleopatra his wife, Jews, brooder Phone 1541 the of This king Euergetes Ik is the one nourishment free from wines, from an ordiary box with the aid cf a Xenophyris have erected the portal mentioned on the new found memorial akobols or opiates. of the synagogue, the presidents be- seem therefore, the and it would that SCOTTS EMULSION afltr maU Coyne Furniture Co., ing Theodoras and Archillion. building for which it was erected was fUU koUow cheeks, ocrcom Alexander Young Bldg. The Interesting evidence given by the identical edifice to which Euerge- languor and makss tranquit ' this inscription is that It a gave of asylum. The 1053 to 1059 Bishop 8L records tes II. the favor nnwa' ers Adaptable new site for a Hebrew settlement ex- record probably dates from about B. , vtoo achat SaktStatts, isting under Greek rule, in a town in C. 140. ' 11 SEND HER FLOWERS FOR METZGER IS ELECTED Hover A VALENTINE iiiwiimuwm a Ht hot s PRESIDENT OF HILO m BOARD OF TRADE We will gladly demonstrate the ease and simplicity of the M RS. E. M TAYLOR, Florist system of hatching and brtoding. Pay us a call. , Hotel St., Opp Young Cafe SETS HARD SHOCK AND THE GANGS Spwial Star-Bullet- in Corrspondenoel Valentines HILO, Feb. 13. Senator Delbert E. Metzger was the unanimous choice of the Hllo Board of Trade members for Dont Mist Th it Chance. By latest Mall J There are some things, like "Topsy"' their president for 1914, as wa3 shown Hall Soil Ltd BUCHAREST, en-- Cabin by CROWN BICYCLES ONLY 30 Roumanla. An of Uncle Tom!s fame that "never their vote when he was elected .terprising subject of stern old King was but just growed", and the the last -- meeting' of the business to Place Cards borned. at Charles of Roumania is causing his gfangs or bands of boys, ranging in men. When the elections were over PilOlije HONOLULU CYCLE RY CO. 3481 FOR PARTIES ON THE 14th sovereign much distress of mind, by vPars from 12 to 16 who are under the he was escorted to his chair by , Sam 180 South King 8L opening right under the royal 1 impression that it is smart Johnson and Reverend Laughton. Sinaia, where the king has his beautt- - ln i hoodlums la one of Other officers elected are C. E. ful mountain home, a gambling ca Wright, vice-presid- ent ; E.T N. Deyo, t sino. Not only arer them. ; the gamblers of .secretary and treasurer; trustees, R. MONUMENTS Europe crowding Vooms It is noticed' that reference to such and all kinds of marbla work Hawaiian the as well as gangs Is occasionally made in the local W. Filler H. B. Mariner, Judge Wise, cleaned! repaired Toy expert Turks and Arabs, but, most distress- Dr. Elliot Christian Castendyk, John and ; papers. This condition is one that 9?$ ing of all, Crown Prince Ferdinand Lind-ta- y. workmen at reasonable prices. Ho- Scott E. ,F. Nichols and Adam News and royal fam- has obtained here but short time. Co., other members of the .. Call Xor Zimmerman at ily 'spend nolulu baa never been afflicted with C. AXTELL'S much pf their: time at the J. green-toppe- d and most emphatic . tables. "gangC before the :i .' Alakea Street V-- Limited Crown Princess Made and her eld- - treasures should be employed to nip SICK, SOUR STOMACH, est two children. Prince Charles and - in the bud this characteristic so f INDIGESTION OR GAS Young Hotel Elizabeth, are the chief sin- -' quently met with in mainland cities, ners in this respect, but the serious-- 1 Judge Edward Poterfleld of the Building. Take "tape's Dlapepsln and In fhe N.B.-- minded Roumanians resent above all Kansas City Juvenile Court . urges be- - Hackfeld &vGo., He Afo mlnntes you'll wonder what . H. the presence of their Crown Prinee . every narent in that city to induce his . fame of misery In stomach rEys runxismif cs In the gambling-rooms- l.oys to join the Boy Scouts Wonder what upset your 8tomaci t The casino not allowed . to ad- ; is AKD SHOES . every boy city would which portion of the food did the dam- vertise nor does it need publicity, for "If in the Ltd., are wholesale distri Jom, says, the gang would dis- - agedo you? Well, don't bother, if r - the first visitors--wh- p .pame-To- r he HOTEL corner BETHEL Mil win- your stomach Is in a revolt; - If sour, pastime - sports, eppear. the Juvenile Court soon wouid ter and. which were gapsy and upset, and what you just ate by Princess Marfe. a few le a stranger to the" ycuth and we American Undersiung T7onld; a generaOdn' has fermented Into 'stubborn lumps; butors of Crex GrassRugs years ago soon spread the news that rear ofrnen that gas- vould not require much police protec-- your head dizzy and aches; belch gambling equalling that at Monte Car es and acids and eructate undigested When you need a Fountain Pen, - I have never had a Boy Scout Models lo .was to .be had at- Sinaia. Although tfon. food; breath foul, tongue, coated Just the manificent rcoma have only . re--? In my court,, and there are" 1,200. of Domestic and Imported T get "CON tri a KLIN. It fills Itself Cently been opened they are constant- - in Kansas City. take a little Pape's Dlapepsln and them five minutes you wonder what' became i ly crowded,' with a. picturesque assort-- TThis splendid tribune to an organi- - ARLEIGH'S, on Hotel Street. ' of Indigestion and V 01 au, the distress. iaeui KamuierB irom pans or me zation scarcely iour. years oiu is a weii ; many Millions of men and women today world,, of them in native cost 4erited one. kr.ow that it Is needless to have a bad p of . corked-u- enthusiasm. This en ' Princess Is go sromach. A little Dia pepsin occasion- Marie about to to Vi thusiasm must haveva vent If there ally keeps this delicate organ regulat- enna, Madrid-t- o Paris and replenish Le no other outlet tne gang Is the're and' "favorite foods Linoleum floor ' they and ' ed eat their other her wardrbberv; -- -:-.- ' At Madrid she will iU fear.' -- bo the guest of her youngest sis t without ::::::-::' The Boy Scout mavement Is - If . your stomach doesn't take care mem ter Beatrice, who eloped four years rapidly' throughcut the nation, an" of your liberal limit without rebellion; : ; , EXHIBITION ' ago with Prince Alfonso of Bourbon-- AWAY-DIR- T 05 .. , SHOOS ' Z, encouragement o( your of coverings. i hnt'wii, fniMiran - I t deserves the if food Is a damage Instead a ASK XOTT BEADY FOB nrlaint Uielp, .YOUR GROCER DELIYEBX ; ; s ,t-- remember the quickest, surest She Will be aeeomnAlned i 6 -- 1 . bv her K i t T, o Tt. I -- Boy iuusi uarmieas reuei is rape uia daughter Elizabeth, aa there will , be The Scout not only is prpvidedj Geo. Decltley, pepsin which costs only flfty-cent-a for C no Question of makine anv with r an outlet for his exuberant the latter's a large case at drug stores. It's truly 8009 : alliance at Spanish rpirlts, but is taught the leve of nature the d Phone Sole' Distributor court wonderful It digests, fo-j- and sets The Crown Is now being open . He too, to care for Chan Co., Princess it) the learn?, things atraight, so gently easilv j fYee & blamed for delay in the unde: and the betrothal himself and for his comrades that it Is really astonishing. Please, DSY GOODS AJTD of Prince Charles with Grand Duches any condlticns. The first aid to tie Olga ago for your sake,' don't go on and on with IN VENTO RY SA L E of Russia. There months "irjured treatment is one of the Bey ; MEK'S FUBMSnUfGS ' ' a weak disordered stomach; It's so - - ' - Roumanians were highly pleased with Scout's first accomplishments. He 7 Record-Breakin- g unnecessary. advertisement rerner King and Betlrel Pricea the reported match, : which, however, toon knows how to make fires by fric- still hangs fire. Some declare that tion, how to cook on .heated stone Princess DAY AND 11 GHT SERVICE. Marie, who visited Russia on how to find his way In the forest with- purpose to arrange the betrothal, ruin Wood-Worki-ng a compass by the mos on the trees. . out 11 Operation! Yat Loy Co. ed the plan by her free and easy man- We take pictures anywhere, any j Is nothing military about ' - j poutble with the ner with - the' handsome adjut- While there time. Our prints have won dlstinc- 12-1- Czar's BRESS 6 s GOODS King Nuuanu organization, ycing-eter- . Ko--' UNIVERSAL WOOD-WORKE- St, Near St ants. They say her conduct shocked the Boy Scout the tion. Phone your order 3336, The czarina so too, are taught a wholesome disci- dagraph Shop, Hotel and Union v Write to . the that she, listened) pline, a tenderness for the weak and ; ; Honolulu Iron Works Co. to ner daughter s objections to the streets. advertisement Pineapple Silk, 40c yard match. a ruspect for the right3 of others. Crepe, SO: w It would be somewhat strange if VISITOR FROM SCOTLAND Cotton 20c, 25c, 40c and yard Grand Duchess Olga should marry REDUCING SUGAR Prince Charles, for her mother, the CHARMED WITH HAWAII A M ERIC A N V Czarina used to dislike his father so IN DIABETES DRY GOODS COMPANY much that "when Ferdinand went to Mrs. Lena Mackie entertained Fri . till; Darmstadt years ago to ask for hei J day evening In honor of her sister, PANESE BAZAAR To prove that sugar can be reduced J. 180-118- 4 . Cheapest Prices In Town. Fort Street Opp, Catholic Church u&na sue reiuseu 10 see mm ana Kepi in many cases of Diabetes in people Mrs. Skinner of Edinburgh Scotland. M to her room when he called at her past on request A very happy time was spent with Hotel 8t Near Bethel palace. fifty we will mall father's Soon afterward Ferd formula for quantitative test for sugar music and cards, after which delicious inand married Princess Marie of Edin the percentage from refreshments were served. Mrs. Skin- burgh a year that will show be- and or bo later Princess day to day. ner, who goes on to the colonies City Dry Goods Co. Alix of Hesse married the Czar. fore returning, to Scotland, has been FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND 1009-101- V 3 Nuuanu St Queen Elizabeth of Roumania (Car-- 1 . "u . : so loath to leave here that the friends 14 ICE CREAM, con-'tV- "e TRY THE men Sylva) is still ailing and her 0 she has made feel sure she will come . Successors an-t- at A UULUVUC UUipuuiiu uucu ' to rtltfhn HvAI fA, lue luuot in- -- r"m - r ni. back, again, especially as it is her 'Kact'tio tno . 8ING FAT. CO. - nppn fe1"" w oharo on1 ctroncrth"v to ' hltnnnpRa nrrMftwi to thp : "" Hawaiian Drug Co., f v: ..... ':' tier " increase before the sugar shows much tention to visit San Francisco in 1913. LOVE'S BAKERY regret of all her subjects. 1' NEW LINE OF DRESS GOODS JUST patients often know the . . Hotel and decline, thus (looking shaky play- Bethel Street ARRIVED. ' case is responding before the tests First Golfer at er) What's that chap's handicap, I show it. wonder? STAR-BULLuI- N . HAWAIIAX 3 AT THE HOTELS If you are of middle age or over and $.75 PER MONTH HIR"ES you not owe it to Second Dittos-Drin- k, I should say. have Diabetes, do Boston Transcript. PINEAPPLE i Jams, Jellies, Preserves,. Pineapples, yourself and family to try Fulton's DISTJLLED WATER Kice, coffee, shipped anywhere. Diabetic Compound before giving up? HOTEL AUBREY, HAITLA CONSOLIDATED WA-WATE- R Ask for pamphlet or write John J. 80DA W. Floyd. WORKS - HEX BY. & TO- - LTD. Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Co., San Francisco. adver-- CO; LTD. XY Dreier, A. K. Lucas, Miss 601 Fort St. ' Phone 2171 Grocers. Fort Street Winona tupmpnt waiiace; miss uyiy Muicn, AiDert Lu-- cas, J. Jorgenson, A. .v Campbell, G. LrECTURE ON SOILS PACIFIC Schuman. C. Lambert, George Beck, NEW SHIPMENT OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF HAWAII COMPANY, LTD. C. Lcas and party, all of Honolu- - - u; jafce uranam, Liverpool. England; Consulting,- Designing and Con- Ernest ,D. Clabough, Anaheim. Cal.; The second lecture of the series on Just Arrived structing Engineers. Miss A. J. Hill, Bloomington, 111.; Dr. soils by Dr. W. P. Kelley of the Ha- Bridges. Buildings. Concrete Struc experiment station was given NEW YORK SHOE CO., J. L. Howard, San Francisco, Cal.; waii tures. Steel Structures. Sanltarv 11 m. today and was devoted to Nuuanu St. nr. Hotel Sv. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Clark, St. Paul, at a. tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro Minn ; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Sturgjs, a discussion of certain phases of soil jects. 1045. Phone Schofield Barracks; Charles IngvoT-se- n. physics. San Francisco. Cal.; Mr. and The subject was treated under VISIT THE NEW STp OF Mrs. J, Leathom, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. the following heads: The Gigantic Porster, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McDou- - 1. A brief- - historical introduction. REGAL SflbES gall. C. Smart. Calgary, Canada. 2. The importance, kinds and move- Slaughter Sale ment of soil moisture in soils. Alii HONOLULU DRUGGIST 3. Aeration, humus, lime and fer- COR. FORT AND HOTEL STS. It SUll on at 152 Hotel Street tilizers from physical points of view. M. R. B E N N HAS VALUABLE AGENCY - 4. Drainage and conservation of moisture. The Hollister Drug Company has The remaining three lectures will the Honolulu agency for the simple be given at the same hour every other POPULAR PRICES Every Kind of mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,' Monday following, I e., on March 2, Tool a, etc., known as Adler-I-k- the remedy , 16 and 30. The subjects on these For all Trades which became famous by curing ap- dates will be announced later. Lec- Ideal Clothing Co. Ltd. pendicitis. This simple 'remedy has tures are held in the agronomy labora- powerful action and drains such sur- tory, room 9, college building, Manoa. 84' Hotel St LEWERS & COOKE, LTD. prising amounts of old matter, from Students and the public generally the body that JUST ONE DOSE re- sre cordially invited to attend. lieves sour stomach, gas on the stom- ach and constipation almost IMMEDI- The "New YorU American" hears ATELY. The QUICK action of Ad-ler-i-- ka from Rome that jthe late Cardinal SfflCliS for is astonishing. Rampolla's successor as archpriest ot NewTango Tunes St. Peter's is likely to be Cardinal O'Connell of oBstop. The correspon- ON VICTOR RECORDS Teacher of Hygiene Why must we dent mentions that Cardinal Merry del always be careful to keep our home Val, the Papal secretary of state, and BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. Ltd. Nrlean and neat? Little Girl Because Cardinal O'Connell - are old and Inti- company may walk in at any moment. mate friends. i TWKLVK CjHONOLULU ' STAR-BULLETI- N, MONDAY, FED 10, 1914.

A - yi Ua si i I (Q yy s miit itl V Y Y 5 J


Acre? tracts or --lots on Palolo Hill above light housekeeping. Electric lights; Furnished rooms, double cr single. All or below the new reservoir.. J bath; all conveniences. Oenzel Pl, conveniences. ' Pleasant surround- house-keepin- Hillside or bottom 4ands In the Palolo : Vineyard Sta. Tel. 1541. ings. Light g privi- Fort and ' - 5740-t- .; -- leges tf walk- Valley on 10th, Are suitable for . f . . desired Reasonable: " ' ' ing Nu-- WANTED PROFESSIONAL CARDS farming or ; building , purposes; . S,- - distance. Phone 4S30. 161$ minutes walk from Waialae car Furnished cottage. $27.50, at Cottage : uanu, 2d house above School, . : - - Everyone with anything for sale to HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. llnel Also the Palolo rock crusher. Grove, King Street. Telephone 1087 57724f. . . .- - : "Play Safe- Cohsiderlne the fac- Inquiries and further particulars so-- 5756-t- f. tors of sales, success in planning Jas. T. Taylor, 611 Stangenwald Bldg, Itdted. v v ,. .. ' ..... an ad is more satisfactory ; thanj consulting civil & hydraulic engin'r 'UNFURNISHED COTTAGES THE NEW ERA HOTEL . . knowing "how It happened"1 after-- k5375-tf- . 1430 FORT STREET - tomzimjf"'' ward. . Ads " ; ABOVE StaBulletln Want : ' 6"64t v VINEYARD ST. 'ki FiVe . room cottage, almost new, eleo ' "unng Home tne uacon" every ARCHITECTS. " 5749--tf time. 5399-t- f. MANOA IlEIGIlTSA chWe location ZSSlffZ ft: O. Bernard, Archlaect, 175 Beretanla with a new, attractive. m bun-- ' by by thor- ? lM;e1 eiir For rent week or month, corner Union. Phone 3643 Vgalow. servants quarters, laundry , ?68 THE MELROSE. Newly renovated, oughly road-te- Street , f"1 or u. iiox 044. ; responsible visitor, a r E598-tf- . and garage; lot 75x200; magnificent i nicely furnished double or single In AI condition. Best refer-- : ocean and mountain view ; 5 mln-- 4 rooms. Hot and cold water, all con- - ences given. : Car to be .used for utes walk, to the car line; -- fine venlencesv Beretanla oppr Royal - pleasure only guaranteed every TYPEWRITING. six-roo- cottage. King street. and . " homes adjacent. Address P. O. Box Nt vaie, xei. iuu. wra. j. uaTia rrop. : Lane, rent reasonable I near -- care. Telephone Weir, 2879. Honolulu, IlawaJL Peterson 5760-- tf : ., rf H..-Thu- ',.:. - .', 5778-tf- . 10c a ; page. Strictly confidential. .y,, ; tQ tenant; applx C. r "dropped" in the right spot will rent your room house, office; will .4.' ' - .. Room 2L 546 South King Street. tttL : ton, TeL 2473. , ; ; For one or two persons, newly fur--; ' get you any kind v 5738-- 1 m sell your furniture, dog. Jewelry, .real estate; will ";5776" r running Cocoatiuts and cocoanut husks ' Bargains In. rea). estate en aeaahore nished bedroom with jwater, i bought In any , quantity. PACIFIC of help; will bring back yoar "lost, etc., etc hot bath,, shower room; near car-Hu- e, '.'- - ; ... v : : exter, ; FIBRE CO., 138 Uliha St, Phone MASSAGE. ':-''- '''.''.. , New cottages on Fort street 15 minutes from Postofflce. -- V. -- ion. reasonable. Young Kes 4033. : . . v.:, Rent teL 156T. " ' place drop Ink on the "want" page' Further particulars. Massage" The right to find; the of is ; : 5779-lm- . and electric light baths at ' ffiiffiuJ i Grocery store, 1220 Emma St; v , 5763-t- . . t Star-Bulleti- n, Y. M. C. A. Massage Dept TeL 4723 of . The i v'-- i 'r v ; . v REAL ESTATE;WANTED;; ; telephone 445?. ssse-iy-. 'v- 5752--1 m. All lovers of music to develop talent The , Arlington.v Nicely iurned, One little drop in form of a "want ad will make all Ho- P. Two-bedroo- m cottage MakikL Newly by taking lessons from Ernest K. the To buy and sell real estate. : rooms; modern conveniences; hot CHIROPODIST. I . Apply 1249 Street. KaaL 51 Young Building. Tel. 3689. nolulu think of your Stranch, 74 North King - Street. renovated. Fort , reasonable. Con- -' "want" ' and cold water; k5381-6m- . . t S772-t- f ::V-V- ; . 5748-- 1 m 'j' i venient locality. Opp. Pain Cafa First-clas- s chiropody only -.- done at v- -. 5756-- u. . v:.-- TELEPHON7 256. C--:- ' : ?UBUO to know NIEPER'S Express residence. Calls by appointment. ; DOCTORS' DIRECTORY: - AbSagc' 1835 Ma" Co. Prompt service. Ring up 1918. Telephone 3168. Dr. A Z. Kanddr. fe, The MercanUle. : Nicely furnished .' - 5717-t- f. ' 1 " 6626-t- f. Dr. V. I'litamura, Specialist Surgery "" "' rooms; all conveniences; hot and. 7-- by day eck Gynecology, 9 a. to 12 nw 8 P- - M ; cold baths. Rooms or COTTAGE WANTED, MUSICAL ;; INSTRUMENTS. h iit-i- v 313. t-- . ROOMING HOUSE A. Phillips, 63t S. King. TeL : m. Berstanla, nr.; Nuuanu. TeL 3745 j - " 6744-t- . ' -: ;58S-l- y : : ry- ." . .. . f Small 'cottage, in, Appreciated Gifts. Musical ; lnstnx-ments- ,. close March '" , 1st V - v.; 'n ...... y.'y The-ae- -- R. ; R. mosquito - proof . State terms and Box 18, all kinds to order reasonable. 387-389,3- location. Dr. E.Nishl2lma,. specialist surgery, rooming house, S. King The Lodge, nicely : furnished rocnir Star-Bulleti- n. ' - : ' & - Specialists In ukuleles. Kinney 7-- 1307 nr-- ' . 842a.m.; 8 p.m. Sunday . railway and all contenlences; Fort, ' ' gynecology; St next to station; hot 5779-tf- . Mossman, 1282 - ;5C33-t- : Nuuanu nr. Kukul. 8-1- . f. 2 4037. reading KukuL . . " a.m. Kukul nr. Fort TeL cold water shower baths, - 5726-6- m - : .'. PROFESSIONAL' CARDS FORSALE ;' y- 5592-6- m ; '.,--- FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED! , room, library androof garden; com ' room for gentlemen r". ... ". fortable homo for the enlisted men Nicelyfurnished - PIANO LESSONS. .FOR SALE MOTO RCYCLE : board, 1026 Kapio- Two or rooms light TRANCE MEDIUM. FOUND r.i ' of the armr. and navy. Popular with or without. three for house ' ' ' J i 8, lCl 0 PatTOUag Ianl street , pi-an- tlg ' keeping la Punahou district Ad Mrs. Hodgson, expert of second-han- d 5778-3- teacher . Good Indian motorcycles t ; SUr-Bulletl- J Madame Zarra Passlno, .hypnotist v 4713. Open day and night J. a. . Gold ring on Emma street' . Finder Tel. dress K. 1L, 177 . i Beretanii corner Union ; Be-- . ; palmist and .trance medium, 588 i cheapo Sold on Installments. E. X. ; manager, 5729-tf- . ' nv::.f-- - can - have same by ; calling, at this W, Weinberg, 4 6. '" Street Interviews from to ; -- on Hall & Son, Ltd4 Fort and King Sts. ; 'v 5723-tf- . v'- -- mosquito proof, lights, retania, St Advice all affairs . ' Suite, electric m office and paying this ad. . 5751-l- ". for ' :V..:J : "business, love,' marriaae .lost Cr .vb -- v 6777-- 6 1 cr ; telephone ; 1020 Richard. St.;. phone WANTED TO. BUY - .- ' i stolen articles. . You can ask any ; i 2179. --- 'r m family ' - MUSIC LESSONS. ' ; hotel- :.....,5778-6L- - - TVo or dozen Leghorn pullets . thing. All readings, made, while she POU LTRY FOR: SALE. m - three " . In . . young ' Only clean, healthy is hypnotic trance. B ;. ". . Wai- - or hens. : , .5:'.;:: The Cassldy, only home hotel, Z Private lessons on CViolln, Mandolin, 5778-6- L - '- .-' H E I G H . ' ' :' ' rooms,' Etock . - . Cf f MAKIKl TS POULTRY - Furnished; Walkikl Beich ;oa' desired. Address with price, . 'v klkl Beach, consists of individual , .Guitar, English banjo 'and Ukulele . ; ; C.1 POHLMAN, 2517 Aye., Star-Bulleti- n ' Ranchr E. Tel. t" f car line; Kalakaua rhone" Box 13. ice. BICYCLES AND single rooms. . ' elf many SUPPLIES.: cottages and Cuisine : by a teacher of years' experi- SPIRITUAL MEDIUM. 3146, Box 483. xtBreeders of white 4641.;-y- : fi cr.z-i- t :, 6775-- t ...... ''. ,'"y excellent, 1000 promenade pier ence. Address P.O. Box 311. TeL .4179 ; leghorns white orpingons, trap ft and . f. .. We .new which is splendid ; ' i ; V , 5650-t- , i...-,V.-- . have just received a splendid the end of ; v :' Splrltujal Mrs.'Hartman, nested, pedigreed, standard . and at One large room upstairs, one room la Medium, hav "f rqm- - -- SITUATION WANTED : supply or PREMIER Bicycles' bathing pool and beautiful view. - . - ing j line bred. ;Eggs v for hatching, day . cottage; private home, 403 Bere- returned from the states, wishes . , 2005 Tel. ,2879, Terms ' Ernest K.'"KaaL- 51 Young Bldg. ' TeL - Vmalhiand; also supplies. H. .Tosh Kalia road. .67C9-2w- . old chicks, young, laying and breed- tania. . .; . Experienced : to announce to all her friends and 1218 reasonable. - k5367-t-f . automobile driver wants 3687, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, ban-- : Ing - lnsga,, Emma neax Beretanla. etock. price -- patrons gives readings Write for list r.-: ' she. 6690-- - . - . situation.. Capable- - and careful. Jo, violin, that tf zliher, cello and vocaL daily 9 a. m. and 4 m. Visit our ranch and be convinced. Large front room, Beretanla St, close . between P at j - ' .: Mura, phone 3320. : - r. T. k538ttf. 5680-l- y. ROOM AND BOARD i " ' : v : Kitchen prtvileses. Pboaa- 3531 - her home, 871 Young atreet r V bicycle supplies. la. 5773-- 1 m . - ' : ' - 5753-tf- . : 6773-l- mi f, . .. Bergstrcm , mu- 1., Music Co. Music and CHICKEN EGGS FOR SALE. : EI Veranoicely furnished rooms with 1020-102- S." wholesale ind retail HELP WANTED sical Instruments. : 1 Fort 1 1049 - Beretanla Avenue, coaveni-ecce- s. : Dard Large, airy furnished rooms; - 5277-tf- . MODISTE.' ieltarto blcvclea and Mcessorles St Thoroughbred : White Leghorn : eggs 73 Beretanla nr ForLTeL1323 V '. ' ' Twenty boys, 14 18 years pen 220 $2.00 v-,;- ;:-:.; r,7:o-t- between and Miss Nellie Johnson; 1119 Union St from a of egg birds, a f . f JVIId-Pac- lf - 5777-1- 4f old, to sell refreshments during KAWAIHAU , GLEE CLUB, settine. TpI. 4470. ; Evening Gowns, lingerie dresses. ' ic Only J. 1 The. Alcove. Nicely furnished, i Home Carnival hustlers nesd .. : r k5341-t-t BICYCLES AND REPAIRING. Glee ' apply. Honolulu. Collection Agency, Kawaihau Club. Music furnished FLOWERS FOR SALE. coosong. tmma nr. vmeyara ou B v ; . 1116 Union Street for dances, dinners, receptions and collectj6ns. RY Okahlro, agent for Pierce Bicycles; y- - f. 5748--tf fy V, v k ;. ;S774-tf- ; all occasions.. Prompt No. 2 Waity Dealer In violets, pansies and maiden- - for saler. all new; bargain prices. BUILDER AND CARPENTER . Bldg. TeL 4629. Mgr. D. Keoho. . , 2 gentlemen hair ferns. Kuniklyo, Union - . King Street, opposite R; R. Depot For in a private family; - ' 1842 St 5705-6- m Collections on commissions. TeL -- : y--- f f:-yr-: Shoemaker. Apply Re- 1635. . f. R721-- tf . : ' 1942 S. King; every conve- Hawaii Shoe 5. 5775-l- m. ; next Messenger Service; TeL : St; r Hlgashlmura, building of all. kinds; . -- 5752-t- f. 56S5-t- pairing Works, Corner Union V-,, ;.' : ; nience. . . f ' and work "guaranteed; , experienced men. Hotel sts. ; HAWAIIAN . BICYCLES REPAIRED. . opp. Union. MOTORCYCLE . reasonable; Beretanla i REPAIRING. - ' -. 57741 w. . Specialist In. all kinds of fresh flow-- The Hau: Tree, 2199. Kalia Rd., Wal- - ;. 5753-l- y. - " Honolulu Glee Club, Clement Wong, ers. Hlguchl, 1124 H. TakafujL Dealer In bicycles, sup-pile- s, kikl.; First-clas- s private .Beach f Hustace,-motorcycl- e F. Fort Street, F. W. . repairing. ; ; ' Mgr., TeL 4166, Delmonlco. Repairing neatly reason- . . ,V , k5372-t- f Hotel 1498. . Telephone 3701. and Hctel.r . f X BLACKSMITH ING. 1631 Young Phone 'V-'V- - , Music furnished for dinners, dances St 5751-tf- . ably done. nr Piikoi "5775-lm.- .- : Ucretania St ' ' ; -' v and receptions. Hawaiian melodies. :. -- 5601-3- m The Roselawn,': 1366. King, Beautiful We guarantee all work. Wagon re; ' :'v : . v k5438-ly-. - .! ' Na-gan- o, ANNOUNCEMENT. FERNS FOR SALE. gronuds ; . ry nnin g water every, room t pairing; - very-- reasonable. L, , BAKERIES. King, nr. Walkikl Road., ORCHESTRA. FOR SALE f- - yy - 5692--m - Leading . mod- Folks Give us a call and be convlnc-- : hat , cleaners. Prices Vienna Bakery has the best home-- : erate. We sell the latest styles In , ed. Specialists In all . kinds of .maid- TABLE BOARD Glee Club first-cla- ss Special k coVerings Chi- - , ' made bread, German Pumpernlckle, . Panama and Felts. "Work called for Rizal furnishes Sale: Floor enhair ferns; all . kinds palms and f Pretzels and Coffee Cake. 1129 : i n, delivered. Blalsdell Building. music for any and all occa- nese grass rugs, mattings and lino plants ... very cheap. M, Waklta, Table board can Rose-law- ; and 21241 be had at the 6576-ly- sions, v Manager A. Ke-- Telephone Fort above Hotel St TeL . George N. leums. v 1261.: v . King SL, opp. Government Nursery. 13C8 .; :. .5472-tf;.,- King, Street as follows: CIGARS AND TOBACCO. l- f--. YyK : - koa. Phone 1775, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lewers & Cooke, Ltd;, King Street J692-m- . - - - ; ' Wednesday; and. Sunday Dinner . 5768-t- f. 'i v... - k5389-tf- . - , f- . I ' TCo.,' deal- Furniture of all kinds repaired and Homo Bakery, 212 Beretanla, nr. Em- (special) . i..;...... , . . 73 cts. Nam" Chong importers and ' y repolished reasonably. Try me John COCOANUT PLANTS FOR SALE, ' : Usual Week-da- Dinner. ... .50 cts. ers in Manila cigars; tobacco' and : MUSIC. La Nativldad ma. Cakes and doughnuts fresh J Charles, 523 Hotel above Punchbowl Adellna Patti, Inventors, - Luncheon ... cts. r cigarettes of all kinds; new sup' every , i.....35 . day. Boston baked be"ans m and the finest Manila smokes at ; va- 5760-l- . v Cocoanut plants for sale Samoan , By the week:, special rates. Tel. 2699 plies; 1050 Nuuanu near Hotel St and brown bread on Saturdays. - Kawallanl Glee Club furnishes music Fitxpatrick Bros., Fort St, nr.ftleri , : - 5530-l- y : -- riety Apply A. D. Hills, Lihue; fy.r-- f V'- fy 5776-t- f. . ;r - : k5382-t- f . v -- - Hickey, 5277-t- f -- , fY. Antone .Canate,' shoe repairing; guar- for all occasions. John chant. Kauai.: . 5277 ; , Manager. Ring up Telephone. 3310. anteed. Alakea. corner King ' ' St - 6677-m-. ' ; New; Bakery, fresh, bread, ' : . homemade ; - 22 Enclycopedia Americana. 6737-tf- . . - x Vols. PASTURE FOR RENT. Cost 3220.00. Good as new. Apply pies, cakes and ice ream; M.lnu-ka- L PIANO ' prop., Nuuanu nr. Beretanla. AUTO FOR HIRE. INSTRUCTION. by letter to "Vols," this office. Good grazing and running water; 34,00 :: - 5540-t- f yy- 5779-2- L 'O-- per month. E. Hendrlck, Merch- Beginners on piano, 33.00 per R Bhn & Benford, opp. Y. M. C. A. . if month; ant and Alakea. time-savin-g BAKING AND CANDYMAKER. np-to-d- ate "8 lessons; Mrs. L. 1521 envelope 5769-2W- . you require .the . most Mackie, The Transo a ' rent cars, we have them. Comfort- Fort, nr. School St; telephone 2683. ' Invention. No addressing necessary ' 5569-ly.- New Sunrise Bakery. Fresh pies, can- . - recaipts. Ho- - able, stylish, serviceable; In sending put bill3 or. CAMERAS FOR SALE. dies. Wedding, cakes a specialty. Packards and Cadillacs. Experienc- v noluiu Star-Bulleti- n Co., Ltd sole Nuuanu nr. Beretania. TeL 4780. FLORIST. : - : Second-Han- d bought, sold acents Datentee. tf Cameras m " ed, reliable and. prompt chauffeurs. for v 5629-6- ;.- - Day or night Reasonable rates. and exchanged. , Kodagraph Shop, - ; After the rains now. plant . Every- and Oahn Railroad ship . Leave orders, for trip around. . the Inter4sland Hotel and Union Sts. ' BUY AND SELL. Star-Bulleti- n office, 5745-t- f. .' , Island; 85 a passenger. TeL 2399. fining m fruit flowering and foliage ping books at tf ' ... - - 5739--tf plants. Mrs. Ethel M. Taylor, . . . and jewelry bought, 158 Hotel Street Telephone 2339. FOR, SALE OR RENT. PIANO FOR SALE. - " ' " sold and exchanged. J. Carlo. Fort ' : 1914, - 5628-t- f. , :.'v 'i: Comfortable and stylish Pierce - Arrow at your service; reasonable. House and. lot. Fort St, Pauoa, mod-- Krueger Piano perfect condition. BAMBOO' FURNITURE. Ring 3196, car 876. Driver Suyetsngu HONOLULU ART. STUDIO. era bungalow, ;2 bedrooms, Terms or cash. Address Piano, P. ' sun-heate- r, trees, etc. of O. 5771-l-w ; . . , .6582-ly;- '; - barn, Area Box 114. The ideal furniture! for the tropics. -- J i , 7232 so: .Apply-J. C. Sousa, TOURISTS . If you appreciate oil lot, ft We submit designs or . make from ; FURNITURE FOR SALE. "round-the-islan- d phone 1884, 310 Judd Building. your framing paintings ' plans. done. Two more passengers for 'of the various places, of " Picture - 35. Livery. TeL 1326. . . - 5740-l- . S. Saiki, 563 Beretania; phone 2497. Auto interest on, the Hawaiian Islands, Giving up housekeeping; furniture of which make most acceptable gjfts . : 5245-t- f PAINTING. ; BUNGALOWS. FOR SALE. three-roo- m cottage for sale. Apply AUTO. for friends In the States, we would ' be pleased to see you. Masonic bldg B. C., this office. R. Ohtani, 128 Fort. Tel. 3023. Bam- r ' 5759-t- t. Auto-owner- s: - : - , Cars painted and inade 5763-t- f ' : Furnished or unfurnished. almost boo furniture - made to order. to look like new. Be convinced. Auto " new. Matlock avenue. Easy terms. 5681.3m Painting Co.; Liliha St, nr. King DRESSMAKING TeL 3006, 207 . McCandless bldg. - t PARLORS. - 5744-tf- . , .E614-l-y. ... FOR RENT . BARBER SHOP. Misses Johnson and Olson," dressmak- Ber-tetani- AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Nearjcarline,rKalmukl. Part cash. Dalmonico.- - Up-to-da- te barbers. a ing parlors. Rooms 4. 5, 6 ; Elite Dwgs. or rooms furnished or unfur , 1017 6the Ave. avenue; Building. Hand-mad- e lingerie; lat-- Tel. 3053 or call near Fire Station. . . No. ' ' 1 S767-12t- .. nished to suit tenants, ,66 6606-tf- .. F. W.' lustace. automobile" repairing. .. . ". est styles la. evening and afternoon j dwg. , No. f t School St; 3 bedrooms, . .1651 Young-S- Phone 1498. . gowns. Opposite the Young Hotel. -- 1915 Kalakaua avenue; dwg. 2 bed- ? 5775-l- m - L' ' I AUTO MOBILE FOR SALE. M. , tonsorlal - ::' f754-l- . , 1317 Ave. Katayama" first class rooms, Ewa of Beretania .parlors, 19 N. King St, nr. Nuuanu. Apply Mary Leong, 66 School ' ' AWNINGS. Electric Runabout practically nev;; Mrs. : 5527-tf- . MADEIRA EMBROIDERY. Telephone 4113. v. suitable for lady; .very cheap. Ad- St 5776-t- Of every description, made to order. dress Box 11. thi Office. . L BARBER SHOP AND BATHS. lira. Carolina; Union ' Ring 1467. CASHMAN,Fcrt jir Allen Fernandez' St .' 5777-6- L ' ' Madeira "embroidery, seta, up-to-da- te Kfi93-- tf . luncheon Desirable houses in various parts of Pacific barbershop, tonsor- CH baby caps and dresses.. Specialty of TRUCK FOR SALE. the city, furnished and unfurnished, lal parlors; cold and hot baths; san- ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Initial and hemstltchingJteaaonabla. at $15, 318, ?20, 325, S30, $35, $40 and itary. King, corner Bethel Street Second-han- d Buick delivery tmck in up to $125 a month. See list in our 5583-6- m specialty all kinds of first--clas- s Jan. Two - We make h of good running order; tires in office, . Treats Trust Co., Ltd.t Fort 29th.. hundred and sixty five rear am tomorrow. Charles SMOKESTACK of-fle- I artificial flowers of every variety. PAINTERS. Box e, between King . and Merchant BOOK STORE. of England was - - ...... i.. . xonditfcn.. li, this St, 4 beheaded In London. January 30. 1649 your 5462-t- ' . -- " '. appreciate . . f ; f--- We Mist . ; v. 'i vt : .. . ; , ina t&e esecvtloner. ; , :r Urf-- i smoke-stacks- , i"S0 L near Hotel Contractors Painting done on 57T6-- 6t bought sold, exchanged. School t Books &'. I TO TESTERDAT'S ' flagpoles, roofs, 2 rooms, spcond floor, 16 Mor- - books our specialty. framed lAHJWKR PTTZLB Irr steel and offiv Pictures r rpslde down at light elbow.' iron rr,n .trtif lion, f ir. Tr.rn?r STAIMiriXCTlY :fllYES YOl? ohant St Aprly J. M. McChesney, and enlarged. I Kntm, 'J2SO Fort St . " .. STAK-BULLETI- HONOLULU MONDAY, KEIiY 1V 19I-- L THIRTEEN ' tar-Bullet-in and. They Ads?- Work . fie Want . .- The 4.. Bo i i STAE-BCLLETI- . Make immediate and profitable returns from investment in the X Want Columns. If vou liare anythinrto sell tou canfind no better or quicker of finding the buyer than through the Want Ads. THOUSANDS read them. For one cent a word you can reach the STAK-BULLETX'- S 5t000 and more readers, purely, in that vast number you will find the one who WANTS what you have"- - Help AVaut Situation Wanted Furnished Estate or an vth in s For Sale, etc. You A: Can Uso This Blaxdr on ' Y

v v. i 6no Wot& In Eacbi Spaco MISSION FURNITURE. TAILORS. 1 HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED, FURNISHED ROOP4S, COTTAGES, Ueda. 644 S. King. ar. Punchbowl; Chee Quong Sing Kee, Merchant Tai- NO Up-to-d- ate - HOUSES, REAL ESTATE, OR ANYTHING FOR SALE. MATTER . . Klsaioa or koa furnitum to order. lor. , stylet and mate " THE COST- WHAT YOUR WANT IS, MANY STAR-BULLETI- N REAOERS WILL BE R323-- m rial. 21 N, King cor, Nuuanu St: INTERESTED.' FOR ONE CENT A. WORD PER ISSUE YOU CAN v 67GQ-3- ta ; -- STAR-BULLETIN- S NO MATTRESS MAKER. ''y V7 REACH THE 6000 OR MORE READERS! Att VERTlSEMENT TAKEN FQR LESS THAN 25c Military tailor, and- - latest up-to-da- ta CLOTHES CLEANING. CAFE. - YamaguchL Mattressea all alies styles, to order, guaranteed; ' rea- made to order. King opm. Alapai Sts. Wong. .1131 ..' sonable. L. iNuuanu St Sultltorium, gents and ladies' Royal Cafe, everything the best at - v5752-3m- . .. , ; clothes, neckwear, gloves; work coDular Dricea: fine home -- cooking: guaranteed; prompt attention; Ah-pa- l , prompt service; Beretania, nr. Fort H. Klkukawa. Mattresses made to or- opp. T. Shlaxakl, Merchant Tailor; up-- t nr. Hotel St 8. Itaoka; Prop, St, fire station, k. vrsakaco, rr 681 N. King Desha lane. der, St nr. - data fashions. Work guarantaed. -- 5745-t- ' : f - - 5625-6- m i Berstanla Avs. corner Uaunakaa EL 6533-l- y The Pioneer, Beretania and Emma McCandless Cafe, Alakea nr. Mer MOSQUITO STICKS. "v . . - Phone 3125. cleaned, chant Good cooks, best service. Un St.; Clothes W. K. Chung, first-clas- s suits made to .pressed and Work guar. der' new management Reasonable grocer kills v ded. ' Ask your for a stick; It Guaranteed, '. " $728-3- m order. A Perfect Fit is . acteed, called for .and C delivered, . . S. M. Hda, agent, cor. ' all insects. King opposite 5732-tf- . 348 North St, depot' ,, . i . ' v. .: " " ' Beretania nr. Nuuana ". r Street ' St 55SMy. Boston Cafe, coolest, place In town . RSMUlvr ' : The Eagle, p-to-date establishment; After the show drop In. Open day I:: Army & Navy, Merchant Tailors; up-to-da- te dyeing, repairing, etc., skillful work- - and night Bijou theater. Hotel St MASSAGE. ;. : establishment; cleaning and manship; work guaranteed; Tel. V; . 552Mf J. Oyama, massage treatments of face '. repairing 163 King. cor.vtohihop St 2575.. Fort St., near Kukui Street V .. ' : . 5748-tf- .. C318-t- f. - Columbia Lunch Room; quick service and body. Kukul st near River st open 5605-ly- . v.-- . and cleanliness our motto: day . , S. MIyaki, up-toat- e, perfect Ct and night opp. Bethel street OUT YOUR TO STAR-BULLETI- N AD suits The Lion, dyeing, cleaning, repairing Hotel, WRITE ADVERTISEMENT AND MAIL THE CLASSIFIED DEPART. 5518-tt- - - made to order reasonably, p. Q. : of kinds. Refinisbed like new...... ; - - MENT,' ALAKEA 8TREET,- BETWEEN HOTEL. AND KING STREETS. , tlashlnfoto, 178 S. Beretania St;' Tel. air Bpx 899. Kukul near River C91 Here tin la nr. Alanal. TeL 2748. 11 .' ... .. 2637. 'Masseur, baths, manicure. St St ; .' 5558-l- y, - m' .. 5521-C- , and k5329-3- i ; ;;. . , .The Eagle." Bethel bet. Hotel Stas-Bulit- m lung. : A nice piace ; iu eai; uu Ads Are Busy Saleomioii styles. SuIU, A B. cleaning, repairing; satisfac- home cooking. Open night and day. Banzai Tailor." Latest ; C, i Ixjw guaranteed; .. . k532S-t- f shlrtsv pajamas made to order. tion call and deliver; - Maunakea nr. PauahL TeL 4148. prices. King street near River St The Hoffman." Hotel St, next the PLUMBING. ;'v-'-- ". C615-3a- . I Rnporc--. Hfst meals for orice In aU Won LoQl Co., 7 N. Hotel Street O.V OkazakI, up-to-dat- e tallcrir.s;v The Pacific Cleaning & Dyeing town 0len ,a" 4 and nIsL - k5"35-t- r Telephonel033. Estimates submitted shlrts; pajamas; reascnat! mads 1258 Nuuanu TeL 30C3.' - fj . T.'orks. St , k5391-6- m ' ,o2t'Cm' order; ICS Hotel, near River street cook Astor Cafe. Unexcelled home PLUMBER-CONTRACTO- T. Hayashi; clothes cleaned, pressed. ing. Best materials at popular pri- H ces. Try us. IClng nr. Alakea Wing Chan, suits made to crJpr at' TeL 2278. Beretania, cor.; PIlkoL - ' ' St roof ' ;560C-l- y ' ' - ; Sanitary Plumber and Tinsmith; " BCOO-ly- AND D RAYING. 123 . . . CONTRACTOR EXPRESS. i: reasonable prices. Hotel, street - . t HAT CLEANERS. repairing and Jobber; tinware made 533-3m-. ; M. r v Co.," to order at reasonable prices. N.Oka, clothes cleaned, pressed JJSjm Yokomizo & Fuiumachl Contrac Kalihl Express Standi Beretania and T. Sato, cleaned,; dyed, and blocked; Tanaka, 515 N. King nr. Liliha SvXm House-Paintin- g, St 1 : np-tcKla- ts ,-r,- 4M. Alakea" cor Merchant tors, Carpentry, TeL, 259$. K. vnw.tiii vir.., atd" St Smith Sts.; All kinds of call and deliver; Kamanuwal lane : - 5571-l- y MatsuW. merchant tanr, Build- - &523-Cm- .. - ; Paperhangra, Cement work. , v express and draying. Charges just. 1210 Nuuanu near Beretania Ct - . . '. 'near Beretania st Telephone 3723. St Ing ' 5523-- 3 ; - work .guaranteed. Reasonable. y . j m. 5536-l- ';V. ..,-;- PLUMBER, FURNITUREMAKER i . CLEANING AND DYEING. - vr i Experienced men. Estimates fur --r- hished free. 'Wholesale and retail Express, 2298. K. tailoring, dry clean- -j ing; caii & ceaver. oxi nr. TyarBi Gomes Tel. Reliable, Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Hee Kwong. We guarantee all kinds Nakabayashi, Kuaui., clothes Cleanine and Dveins: V 1 y. dealers in horse manure. Firewood reasonable, prompts building. ..Big bargains In furni- Ing. repairing. King Alapai 5575-l- TeL' 3149. ; .and efficient clement Troche, River and Kukui. . of near St Shop. Call and deliver. : k5347-6m -. V 6551-6n.- and CharcoaL, Beretania,' corner -' j. 6558-l- y ; ture. Call, and be convinced. Bere-- - ... - .v Okamoto, Beretania, nr. Alapai St ! Maunakea Sts. Office TeU 398G. ' 4778. - : ; tanla comer Emma. TeL. Try the "Star;" Tel. 1182. We press, 659S-ly- ' St . ; -;- 5738-l- y. tv- ." :.' 6636-3- m . : v clean, .mend; deliver within 24, hrg. EXPRESS 'AND DRAYING." Indian hats cleaned good; guaranteed. .c, V vv . Til Chong; 1128 Nuuanu, Merchant - " --- -- ! . k5375-6- . C. Maldonado, Queen op. Bd. Tailor. Saiisfaction Is CLEANING AND REPAIRING. CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER. Health AND TINSMITH. narastccl. All kinds of expressing and draying. 5579-l-y i : PLUMBER i g Charges - reasonable, f Manoa Ex-- Diamond Shop; all work neatly done. Clothes, gowns, cleaned, dyed. repair-Kin- MirikitanL general contractor and - ' H press, Squth coR King, TeL! 3623. HORSE 8HOER.- Hi' Yamamoto plumbing: tinsmith; 'roof . rTINSMITH. nr. Kalakaua Ave. TeL 62S6.1 , ed at short notice. Wagon delivery. ; carpentering? , reaiv estate - agent. r repairing. Experienced inen. Best of C342-6- ; i Ohio Cleaning Coi Beretania; ilr'.Fbrt nr. ; ' ' 1164 Nuuanu, Pauahi Street A. King : and Aispai, references ; work guaranteed. King Lin Sing Kee. 101 Nnuanu; TeL 2350.' " . 6566-l- y : - . J. 'Huneti r V,, Telephone '3308. : ! ' v opp. Souths street Tinsmith,' plumber, hardware, etc. f yeari' experience in these islands. -:- ' H. . Clothes cleaned: and ' 5394-l-y . ' -- :. k5391-6- m 5506--tt v. .v. . presRed. Punchb. cor. Hotel. Tel.4473 CLEANING," DYEING, PRESSING. CONTRACTOR '& PAPERHANGER .i ; V;-.v- . W i;y'; r,.-;.'-s .'..;t vi PLUMBING AND REPAIRING. Won Lul Co., 75 N. CREPES. The Island, clothe deaner; dyeing, re Contractor, carpenter, painter and pa-- N. Miwa, blacksmith ; 'horseshoeing of IloteL St, 7eL FLAGS. . 1033. Estimates submitted. '. pairing and pressing. . TeL 2238. all kinds; Beretania ar. Aala Lane. r ' - Reasonable;, . guaranteed;. TeL 3353. : . ' k331-6!n- . . : Finest Qualities Japanese" Crepes. - Kinau, bet. Piikoi and Keeaumoku. Tel. 1012." Beretania" m. Alexander. ' Flags of all nations, v Ring up 1467. Hoon Kee. Nuuanu near King. 1248 - 5633-- ; r- Cbee II. Miyake, TeL 3238. ' 3 m. - ' 5599-l- y ' . Fort w . ' 5385-6- ' ". Cashman, Fort Near Allen Street HARNESS MAKER. ; . . v TINSMITH AND REPAir.I?;a. v".-- - y- - 5693-tf.-- ' r ' CARRIAGE MAKERS. CONTRACTOR. - ' CARD CASES. ' " I S. Morlnaga, harness repairing of all PAINTER. N. Hara. Plumber. Tinsmith; rocf re- ! - .FURNITURE '.MAKER. kinds; work guaranteed; reason pairing, etc. Estimates furr.!sbei . Lee Kaa Co., high clasa wagon manu- you experienced men ; If require and ,4137. 1328 and visiting cards, engraved trim-o- r , able; 271 Beretania, nr. Aala S. ShlrakL 1202 Nuuanu; TeL free. Nuuanu near Kukui St .Business facturers; repairing, painting, your work done right ring up 3666 St '" "' printed, in attractive Russia' ' Ebony and koa furniture of every de-- .. ';v- - i - 5559-l- y - : Painting and paperhanging. - All work :"--- ' 5332-- 1 y. cor. Beretania . ': ming; ' and Aala Sts. T. Fukuda, 923 Fort, upstairs. All . cases, patent detachable v . i5538-l- y scription made, to reasonably. . Bids free, leather kinds of building.. Res. TeL ; 3296. order guaranteed. submitted Star-Bulleti- n 5540-t- Fong & Co., HOUSEHOLD MOVIN& !:V ,: ; ; V,- TINSMITH AND PLUM2ZR. cards. office. f : , 677-6- m Inn Nuuanu nr. pauahi. v v 5581-6- m v CARRIAGE REPAIRER. v:' . - . : CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Gomes Express, TeL 2298; furniture, PRINTING. F. Matsulshl, Tinsmith, Plumber. Roof DIVORCE DECREES WOT Hea-sonabl- e. ReDairlng andlxorseshoeins;. efficient FURNITURE REPAIRER. piano moving; storage tacllltlea. repairing by experienced men. VALID IN rJEW YORK .men. Eklto, King, opp. Keaumoku. Lee Lup & Co. Planing Iili, Contrac . . .' , . . IrKxKi-- lr .. . We do not boast of low prices which : Beretania near PunchbowL 4 Second-han-d d K61S-1-V. tor: and Builder; carpentering . of furniture bought - usually coincide with poor quality; all kinds. Estimates free; work cheap.Cho Suk. Chln,1406Fort i but we "know how" to . put life, Ruling in Kitchener Case Casts CONTRACTOR AND CARPENTER' guaranteed; Queen, nr. :R. R.' depot 7451-- 1 r TOWELING. ' hustle and go Into printed matter, 5561-6- m . J -- and that is what talks loudest and .1 Doubt on" California C. Oklmura..- Contractor, carpenter, FURNITURE. DEALER. ' Japanese Toweling arid Table" Cloths, longest Honolulu , StarvBulletlja 1348 - builder and painter. Experienced CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK. JEWELER. IL Miyake, Fort Tel. 3223. Proceedings Job Printing Department Alakea ..' "' t .men. Kalakaua ave. nr. King We sell Bamboo furniture ; buy and .i ,"' " st Office, y Bell second-han- d Branch Merchant street 5622-l- ; all kinds furniture. Sun Wo, Gold and . Silversmith ; ma- St; ; By. 2411 v Building of all kinds; reasonable. ; :; i- -- v" 5399-t- V - Latest J. Ilayashi, .(655 . King St., Palama. v - f TENTS. V' Mikado Co., 1346 Tel. 4563. terial and work guaranteed. If not NEW YORK. Supreme Court Jus AND ; Fort CARPENTER PAINTER, . 5768-l- m satisfactory money will be refund- tice Gitgerich rendered a decision In. ed. 1121 Maunakea, nr. Hotel street Of every description, made to order. the caso of Kitchener vs. Kitchener in Contractor Carpenter and Painter; all FURNITURE KOA; MISSION. 5531-6m :, v Ring 1467. CASHMAN. Fort nr Allen ;v'V. ' which he held that the decree of dl-- i kind of jobbing reasonable. "Vork 5633-t-f. '"'':.':.; vorce granted in , California , upon guaranteed. S.; MakL 1321 Furniture made to order reasonably; REPAIR SHOP. ' Liliha st U. Ogato, gold and silversmith;! work : Ha--, grounds , not . statutory in this state! : 6566-l- y carpentering of all kinds. R. guaranteed ; money refunded if not U ' was r not binding In this state. ' The DRY GOODS. segawa. King St., opposite AlapaL satisfactory. River street nr. Hotel Matsubara's shop, carriage and wag-- ; - ; 5692-6- m ruling, .which Is decisive In CARPENTRY AND CEMENT WORK .: ; 5536-l- y on repairing; King and Robello lane. its char k- UNDERWEAR AND DRESSMAKER. acter. as to many thousands, of .de Kwong Hing Chong Co., English, granted New Call-- guarantee all kinds of building; crees to Yorkers In W. American, Chinese dry goods, grass JAPANESE SILKS. un- j -- U Fook TaL children's fornia and elsewhere, Is also cement work; experienced camphor-woo- d that William linens, silks, matting, V derwear and dressmaking to order. J. Kitchener, composer and violinist j Kukul st nr. River st Tel. 3716 trunks. 1024 Nuuanu nr. King. Scarfs, Doilies," Table Covers, Etc. 5702-6- m ' Reasonable 1113 Nuuanu, nr. HoteL Al- - m ',--- a entitled to a divorce from Mrs. 5528-6- ' IL Miyake, 1248 TeL 3238. ' Fort St ' - y-' :: 5579-- 1 y. - . - e GLEE CLUB. Jc-- Wilson Kitchener Bastine, and has1, 5453-t- f " SAILS. ; since married Arthur R. Bastine of - CONTRACTOR: AND BUILDER. DRESSMAKER AND SHIRTMAKER. Kaai Glee Oub, 51 Young Bldg. TeL UMBRELLA MAKER. New York. ?" 1 ' Made , small large. Z 3687, furnishes music any occasion. to order for and Justice Giegerich sustains the "conv,0., Jmada'l N. Kim, ladies' and children's dress K Tel. 1467 CASHMAN, Fort nr Allen. re-- eiIU k5381-t- r v 2 f v - R. Mizuta. Umbrellas made and . . . to V. . 5693-t- V- plaint of Kitcliener, naming Bastine ? fr. maker. Shirtmaker. Underwear" f :V:.- v paired. 12S4 Fort. nr. Kukul. TeL : - J. a?dIes 215?. as corespondent BuI1eleph?ne order reasonable. Experienced GENERAL CONTRACTOR. KIMONOS. 2745. ' ' ' 5.1534m 1 ,. Kitchener now has a suit for l0.oi)0 help. 274 . Kin g, opp. R. R, Depot SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING pending against Bastine, alleging frlL 5759-6- ' Miyake, 1248, 3238. that iV K. Nekomoto & Co. We guarantee all II. Fort Tel. St man up 3395 he alienated Mrs. Kitchener's; affec--j frV& "work; experience and reliable men; Lovely Kimonos, 11.25 to . 18. For. an expert repair, ring r . - 1 uu VCIIICUI WUfK. iliSU' DRESSMAKER. ' ilAn4' aaaaifeiiA vv:;. :: 5453-C- m : , Har- . boatbuilders, carpentering, . Standard Sewing Macb. Agcy matos furnished free ; 223 and 225 house - !&5i painter, Jobbing of all lines; furni- rison bllL, ForjL St Ouaranteed. VULCANIZING. North Beretania St Phone 3516. Wo Son, dressmaking our specialty. ;::::. V m bought sold exchange BEILISS TRIAL STAGED 5521-C- 546 King, near Punchbowl ture and in street jobbing, repairing uphol- Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires m for all and f m i nwnnwc cmn 5542-6- . SHIR-- AKER. Taisho Vulcanizing Co cact K. Segawa, ' stering. Work promptly attended L vulcanized. . contractor and, builder; ' 180 Alakea - mason, PATTERNS. to. Prices reasonable. Tel. 4438. LIVERY STABLE. Merchant "near Street Ry Vote-- t vf.ii l carpenter, paperhangcr; all DRESS B. .Yaraatoya, shirts, pajamas, kimo- Telephone 3197 Manager. : 1 - - King, opp.. Pawaa Junction. Try us. work- guaranteed; . reasonable; estt y nos to order; Nuuann near PauahL - 5615-tf- . LO.NDON.- ' - 5550-l- , First-clas- s reason- -A play reproducing the, 3238. livery turnouts at .. mates free; t Beretania nr. AlapaL H. Miyake, 1248 Fort st. Phone V?V. ;:v'-:- : 5333;ly. : y-- Mendel - - - Territory Livery Stable trial of Belliss at Kiev recent- . 5569-l-y All latest styles. able rates. yl a, GENERAL JOBBER. 348 King, PunchbowL TeL 2535 iuuiuci, u.crenung 5453-t- f nr. -- ; jj, iur asai ? -" , v tamatoya; ion in London s East End similar to Vvv 5518-t-f n. KanaL contractor, builder, painter, 12W Fort Shirts, najamas, kimonos. ; - Honolulu Painting Co., House and created by the show portraying ' ' .. that paperhanger ; koa calabashes :? 5732-tf- . ': . WACHING. and . sign ; painting; tinting; brushes. LAUNDRY. the Rosenthal murder on New York's- furniture made to order; 1358 Side. are four in I Fort paints, oils ; Smith nr.. Beretania. c!j33 East There acts this 5437.iv first-clas- e.: " AND PAJAMAS. Wo Lung, first liuniry; wa" v.:-::- 5556?ly Hip Lee,' s work-don- rea SHIRTS v. guarantee all work; ca'I and deliv- ; sonably. Beretania, near . Alapai. as to now toe muraer me noy 100a ; Emma, di sanko Co 1316 Nuuanu; TeL 3151 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. G ROCERt ES AND FEED. V v. . 556g-l- y ': Shirts and pajamas made to order at er.1 near'XereUn'.i Ctrest : ' ' ' place; second, a heartrending prison Contracts for building, paperhaug-scene- ; reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. '. .. ''' 5373-ly-. third, a street; scene, ; and.J ing cement work, cleans vacant lots Filipino employment bureau. Cooks, Sing Loy Co 1 wholesale LUAUS. Yamamoto, Nuuanu near Beretania. scene, showing la-- and retail fourth, a court Beiliss. i k5327-t-f yard boys, waiters, schoolboys, i : , dealer. In American' .and Chinese protesting his innpeenee in Yiddish . LIU l VI uvuo KJJJ 0 a u& j Cafe, ; specialty; ; CIS Oil umuvui - groceries, hay, feedVFcanned gooda Hawaiian Juaus a . - " I guaranteed reasonableSLaun-deri- 5 dialect , v v Nikko Co., contractor, builder, house-- s Telephone 2668. ; Alakea. near Ho- ' reasonable. Maunakea, near. iloteL . SH P. CAR P FIT EH Z TO 0 LS. ; Work of kinds. Beretania nr. Aala. n:c-?- y , all v :.-- -- we'.l cr Lack. The play was to have been given a painting, naperhanging and general tel, V. A. Lionson, manager. - v-V . 5560-t- f A ::' 7 dene ,.ago. many . 5713-t- , Delircry. See V.'j, Hirer nr. KukuL. fortnight but there were, works. TeL 1S26. 208 Beretania st . f f.,. T;;v..,,;,v:C.: Market Hardware Co. All klad3 cf fc. J t 4 protests fro morthodox religionists and - 5523-6- m GENERAL .CARPENTER. LEGGINGS AND BELTS. ship carpenters tec! 3. . Hardware of J ' tne play naa to , wan ,tne actual t :ver? Union Employment Office, TeL 1420. all descriptions. Very TcasonalIa. - Ka-wamu- , : leather, ; diet of , a Russian ,lury. The MUe .End S. Meguro, contractor; building", paint All kinds of help. G. Hiraoka,- Pro- Carpentering, painter reasonably. Leggings, belts, canvas and Loo.Cho.v, KIn?r. near Taver street 4 guaranteed. Ichika- - road .parallels Riyington. street New ing, . 1210 Emma, cor. Beretania. King made to order; carpentering, work guaranteed prietor, Punchbowl nr. -- st k5329-6- m vv- wa, opp. . York, in the. character of its populat- Beretania, near ' Alakea Street ,; 5574 ly Beretania Athletic Park. '' ''" ..Vi- 5596-6- m ion. The theater is packed every v, : 5541-l- y ' night v . . - Y. Nakanisht. 34 Beretania nr. Smith H : LEGGINGS AND HARNHC3. L Usui, all kinds of building work Street for gocd cooks, yard boys. " . ." Calm Osculation guaranteed; S. King. hr. Kapiolani. Phcne 4511; residence phone 4511. ' leg- ; y 5246-6- m MUSIC. AH Styles canvas and . hear they are passionately in . 5560-l- HAWAII'S' cf leather rL Arz- - .'i. V "I - gings reasonably; also love with each other." . mads to order '-- Ta-mamo- to, "It might pass for passion In Bos- - Y. Kobayashi general contractor, 2034 Japanese cooks, waiters, yard boys. Ernest K. Kaai, 51 Youpg Bldg TeL .harness repairing, neatly des 9. - ahd rcar;-r.ive- r Ct They, each other with their ' . S. King. v Phone 33S6. - Matsumcto, 1124- Union. Tel 1756, . 3CS7. teaches vocal lnfitrumTL Beretr:! ton. kiss Reasonable. -- - : -'.r. eyeglasses on.- Pittsburg Past . k5C61-l- y . 5070-t- f fourteen nONOLULU STAn-nULLETI- MONDAY, FEH. 10, 1011.

CORPORATION NOTICES. CORPORATION NOTICES. rick. Thos. Fraser. Mrs. Fraser. R. J.J Gate wood. A.' Hanlon. r H, llanlon. MOVEMENTS OF ' Y NOTICE.' ANNUAL MEETING.' raALEcowor.iv is Miss Humphries. John . Jr.. Mrs. CO. Syl- OCEANIC STEAMSHIP . meeting of Kirby. Edward Mac Farlane, Miss MAIL STEAMERS At tbe adjourned annual SYONCY SHORT LINE" JI. Hackfeld fc Co., Ltd.. held at the Apokaa Sugar Company, Limited. via MaeFarlane. Mr. Maddocks, Miss Massey in- office of the company at Honolulu thla Elinor Marshall. Mrs. and Y SAN FRANCIiCO : FOR SYDNEY. N. . W. an- EAGERLY rOR . NOW date, the following officer were elec- Notice Is hereby given that the fant. H. F.; Nobles, Rev. H. Owed. f TISSILS TO ARBITE t S. S. Sonoma :. .Feb. 20 S. S. Ventura Fab, .11 ted to serve for the ensuing yar: nual meeting of of Mrs. Owea. W Parkinson, Mrs. Par- 7 11 Monday, February S. S. Sierra ..Mar. S. S. Sonoma ...... Mar. J. F. Hackf eld ...... President the Apokaa Sugar Company. Limited, kinson, D. M. Jarry. J. J. Pawlcy, II. S. S. Mar. 20 S. S. Ventura . . . . ; .Apr. 14 4t Ventura .... Geo. ...Vice-Presiden- t will be held at tbe office cf Castle R. R. Pawley, C. G. Poole. W. C. Honkong via Japan ports Mongo- 11 Rodiek oniiriiT ' S. S. Sierra S. S. Sonoma ...... May n, ....,.i...Apr. .VKe-Preside- nt Cooke. Limited, at corner of Fort J Poole, Mrs. A. Roucdy, L.. G. Salo-shi- lia. M. S. S. J. F. llumburg ...... the 1 P. S. S. Ventura...... June . J. F. C. Hagens ..Vice-Preside- nt arid Merchant Streets, in tbe City and uUUUn Mrs. Saloshln, Mrs. L. Schnei- Newcastle. N. S. VV Ecclesia, Br. or Ha- TO FBAXnSCO, BOCXD ...Treasurer County, of Honolulu, Territory : der, Dr. A. A. Snowdon. P. M. Stew- Rtr. 'y.vv..Y , S15 IC00 TKIPv JL Scbultre : lUfl F. W. KJebahn '. ....Secretary waii, on Thursday, February 26th, -- art, A. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan. Miss Tuesday, February 17. TO STDXET, $loJM; ROUND TRIP, ' J. F. C. Hagens Auditor 1914. at 1:30 o'clock P. M. Before the members of the Institute i; Tibbtns. Mrs, T. J. Wilkinson, R. San Francisco Wllhelmlna, M. N. RalUag XlaU aid Folders oi appUcatiei U C B2ETTEB CO, Is glv r.f Engineer. Mr, G. :.Y. : The above gentlemen, together with Notice also that, at this Marine London. T. Williams, Mrs. Williams. Master s. s. . y yyy-y:- :. " LTD. General ifeata, : D. Paul R. Isenberg, J. C. Isenberg meeting, proposed amendments to the Arthur E. Jones read a paper on "Fut . Williams. Miss Mary Williams, H. N. HUo via way ports Mauna Kea, Ey-La- auo-- - and Aug. Humburg , . constitute ; tbe of the Company will be Gas Analysis and its Advantages, lie Brown, T. Brown. A. D. Calkins. Mrs. str. :" 'ivY- ,yy: y: y Board of pirectors. mltted .for consideration tafd It was gradually commins-t- o be Calkins. M. Comisky, L, Coorson, H Wednesday, February .18. .'. : E, Honolulu. February 14th. 1914. , T. H. PETRI talize that no steam .. raising plaai .R. Cowan. J. G : Crawford, Mrs, San Francisco Manchuria, P. M. S-- TTATTi , & Secretary. Apokaa Sugar Company, Mr. Cunningham STEAUSHZ? CO. h . H. HACKFELD CO., LTD.. which .lays claim to any; importance Crawford and child. PACIFIC ; - - G,: - By. F..W. KLEBAHN, Limited. Was really completely furnished. unless jC E. Fink. A. D. Fowler, Mrs. Fowl- Kauat ports W;. Hall, str.- ; Y Y SaJUagi frea IIeaIiJt er abeat Ue fellftwtez ixittt ' 10, . Secretary. Honolulu. Hawaii. February lS.'nu.omatir recorder were insui-- er. Mrs Jean." Hall, Mr. Hall, Master Thursday, February 19. , ; FOB THE OEIEXT Y FOB SA5 FBlXnSCO 5775 Feb. 10. 14, IS, 20, 23, 23. m. & b779 Feb. 14, IS, 18. led. These recorders would . help to .Hau. t Hoiiana, Mrs. Houana. Newcastle, N. S. W, Strathendrlck, Hope; Lee Y;- : bring about a healthy rivalry between Harris, W. J. F. Jeters. Br. str. . .. - YY: :'';'l.Yi Manchuria .;....'..i..Feb. 18 Monjolla , ..Feb, 17 MEETING. Johnson. Chas. Lastela. Mrs: Lastella Maui ports Claudine, str.- - 'Y ANNUAL MEETING. ANNUAL the. various shifts, and it might be of . Y Nile .... J ; ...... Feb. 25 Persia ...... Feb, 23 -- Lesso, F-- - andchild. Lastella, T. Y Friday, February 20. -- 11 advantage to devise a' system of bonu- Dr Mongolia . ,!.:. .. Y .Mar. . Korea , .. . . Mar. 17 A- ; G. . Kohala Land Company, Limited. - Uvermore Mrs. Uvermore. II. . Sydney via Pago Pago Sonoma, O. Plantation Company, es to encourage the stokers to show -Y Persia m ...... Mar. 27 Siberia .Mar. 23 Makawao Pelkey, Mr -""- ;;: &.... . results. question Miles. Mrs. iUes, Arthur S. S. ;.Y':; YYr;YY-vi- J; ' 8 China '...... '.Apr, 3 Limited. ' food Further, the Korea i...... Apr..-- Y...... Notice is hereby given that the an- 0 Saturday, February 21. 11 : ... Manchuria ..Apr. appealed to them personally when - oiocri ...... an- meeting shareholders of trfntr K Central and- South American -- porta is hereby given that the nual of the they once realized that mere ef--l' If' Njte ...... April 20 Notice Limited, . the vmte, Selyo Marn, ,T. K. K. -- nual meeting of the stockholders of the Kohala Land Company. r:r.trt j 4fc less they Dac.leston, bJUl' xiT S. S. i Um-- will held at office of Castle & .i ' jj jj Wood, E. G. Wood, HUo via way ports Mauna Kea, str r Company, l be the on. J Makawao Plantation to threw Y Cooke, Limited, corner of Fort j . Sunday, February 22. I ited, been regularly called, and at the - Claudine, from Maui ports. has The amount of coal burnea through- . : to office of the cor. end Merchant Streets, In the City and February 15 Mrs. W'. S. Mountle, Maui ports Mauna Loa, str. Fr frtneral bforaatlsi twlj mill be held at the au, Ha-wai- f, course of a year on any vessc - ports-KIn- . Stangenwald Building. Ho County of Honolulu, Territory of wit the Mr8. McNicol and child. Mr. and Mrs. Kauai Str. ' l,oration. Vas comparatively very large so that ports W.. Hall, s Co. Wednesday, the 25tb on Tuesd ay. , February 24th, E Krugr Mrg H; Maun, Miss II. Kauai G. str 4 H. HaoHold Lti uolulu, T. 1!., on ' ilnfa quite a small percentage of siving ports Noeau, . 1914, 11:15 o'clock 1914, at 11 o'clock a. m. Keaiohat Mrs. O. Shodahl and three Kauai str. day of February, at to--, v : PETRIE, ttrough Increased efficiency would C-t- Monday, February 23. T. II. children. Dr. George Herbert. Dr: al m; ;y. up Item annually San Francisoo Nile. P. M. S. S. v n. paxton. Secretary, Kcfliala Land Company, to a considerable c cooper, Dr. Howard. Mrs. Black-B- ut ... ' was Tuesday, February 24. Plantationr Com- Limited. there another point. Take the: mant Miss Schrader Mrs.. Gladys Sa--t Secretary Makawao February 10, 1914. a on Sydney via' Auckland and Suva Honolulu. Hawaii. ase of fast liner which the rate bey, Miss Holmes,' C. A. "Woode. , P, ' " pany Limited. C.-A.-- S. y'- - 5775 Feb. 10, 14. 16, 18, 21, 23. for cargo'was high. If the proper use Lapg-o- Marama, S. v 7 Honolulu. Feb. 14th, 1914. . Rosecrans, R. Coleman. Ei O. r Loa, CO, recorders .. permanently raised Aka-th- e Kona and Kau ports Mauna 5777 Feb. 12 to 24. s, Yee Man; R.H. Brittan, Mrs. - efficiency furnaces, a str. V'.;1 ':- ;?Y Y, yy 'y: ANNUAL MEETING. of the bcller na, Miss Ah Sing,1B. R. Dodge. ' - 4 ie&s Quantity or coal ' j V Hflo and way ports Mauna Kea, Y fiteamefa'of ANNUAL MEETING. . above Company will call at and leare nonolali ta Wataiua Agricultural Company, .Ltd. each .voyage, so that only, would there fASSGESS BOOKED, v, str. .CY'Y , the Y- " - " - ; - v lf. the resulting. economy in coal; but . Wednesday; February 25. er about the dates 'mentioned below: y y Nahiku-Suga- r Company. Per str. W. G. Hall forKanai ports. Vancouver ' and Victoria Niagara, hereby given the an- valuable space Jormerly reserved for -Y- SAM FWANCirCO an- Notice is that " -'' FOR THE ORIENT ' FOR Notice Is hereby given that the ; r Feb.-1-6. Mrs. II. IX Sloggett, 1. D. meeting of shareholders of fuel could be utilized for cargo. . 3 nual the ports-WG- Tenyo Maru 27 S. S. HongVonj Maru.,. Mar. nual meeting of the stockholders of , TImmons, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Kauai v YS. S...... Feb. Company has been reg- the Vaialua Agricultural Company, It was obvious that; apart Xtom ecc J " S. S. Nippon Maru. .... Mar. S S. S. Shinyo Maru...... Mar. 8 Nablka Sugar consider-andjihll- A. D, Morrow, r Thursday, Fetruary"26. Umlted. will be held at the office of noray, the avoidance of any d, Hillr F. C 24 8. Chiye Maru Mar. 23 ularly called, and will be held at the Maul ports Claudine, Btr, "y ,:R. 8..Hongkona Maru... Mar. S. .... & Cooke, Limited, the corner 1 fiw-- J i Kinau for Kauai ports Feb. : S,1 S corppratlon, Stangen- Castle at able amount of smoke from the Per str. "; S. S. Shinyo Maru . , ..Mar. 27; S. Tenyo Maru. ....Apr. office of the 71 rY: Friday February' 27. Y; II- cf Fort and Merchant Streets, in the r.fls would be desirable, especially oh ;1 T; M. Church,' E. E. Paxton. E. R. S.-Cht- Maru , . Y.Apr. 17 S. S. Nippou Maru .....Apr, 23 wald. Building, Honolulu, T. - on San Francisco Tenyo M aru, "Jap: Y, S. . ... City County Honolulu. Terri- recprd- - Adam,. Phillip Rice and. wife. - Febniary, and of r&ssenger1. beats. Agaln the Btr.-;.'.- " .f Wednesday, 2.'th day of rj : Y '. 'Y.Y-;- the Friday, February - tory of Hawaii, on had a very direct bearing on the reri,- per 1 Manna, "omlttlsi call 1914, fli 2:20 o'clock pu m. M. N. 8. S. Lurllne; for San Saturday, February 28. ; Calls' at' at Ehasxhal 27th, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M. ous question of leaky tubes in tuarine Francisco, Feb? 17.-- G;-- E. William, EJ E. PAXTON. - ; Hongkong via Japan . ports Persia, .: - T. II. PETRIE, - : - -- Sugar Company. : Jwllers.- The more Irregular the firing, J W C. Yeomans, F. L. Capers and wife, M. ,y CASTLE !i COOKE, LIMITED fA::nt:, 11::.:! Secretary Nabiku Com-pan- y, P. S. S. , .. i ;' v.j;"Y Secretary, Walalua Agricultural the more extreme and rapid A. Pratt, Mrs.. Pratt, F. W. Church-variation- s Honolulu. Feb. 14th. 1914. would bij C Hilo via way ports ; . Limited. :'.vi" ! - ' 5777 Feb. 12 to 24. In , temoertnre resulting iu ouse, Henry Thompson, Mrs. .Thomp- Honolulu. Hawaii. February 10, 1914. rndesirable stresses" through expaa-- son, G. Dickerson. f" , , : 10-2- 6. TES321S TO DIPAET t : : 6775 Feb. 7; . Per str. Mauna Kea for-IIil- and ANNUAL MEETING. slon and contraction. Irregular.ln fir J Ingwould be acctmpanied by irregular-- way ports, Feb; 18.-rM-rs.J H. D. Slog-- Monday, February 16 (Jom Haneberg, ; Mrs. W. Matson Navieation Company, Limited. ANNUAL MEETING. Hy in the CO. record, which would' 8ett, A. Mr. and Sydney Pago Pago Ventura, O. Kula Plantation .m. . via phanly show what was haopening. and uuiaru. S. 4 ' p. m. " '; :: Y:; 5' : BeUvcsn Hcnclii: Company. Per str. Sonoma, Sari Francisco, S., Direct Service San Francisco zni j Notice Is hereby given that the an- Ewa Plantation call attention to the need for altera- for Kauai ports W. O. Hall, ttr., 5 p. CAN February 20. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Em FRO II SAN FRANCISCO . FOH ;Y;.Y-':''-y::;y- i meeting of the stockholders of tion in the methods of the stokers. mY ' yy'ii' Yv;;v:' nual given an-I'u- al Notice Is hereby that the : erson, Robert T. Van Dusen. Mr. and Company. Limited, y Maul ports-Claudl- ne,' str.r "5 tn. 17 Kula Plantation meeting of the shareholders of t Mrs. F. W. and daughter. Mr. PY SYS. Wl.lhelmHna ..... Y Feb. 17 8. 8. Lurline ...... Feb. carted, wiirbe held at I PASSE3TGKKS ARR1TED i Kean. Kauai 1 ports atr.,' 5 p. ra. Feb. 23 as .been and. ? Noeau. . Honol V. . ;i Feb. 24 S. S. Wllhelmina ComDany Y.J- . .' .' ".....- S. ulan ...'.v.. d the Ewa Plantation will be and Mrs. W. H. Ford, W. I. Bly. New: S. office of the corporation. Stacrcn-val- t' 3 8." 8. Honolulan i...... Mar,.. 3 the & Cooke, . Tuesday, February 17. S. S. Matsdnla held at the office of Castle p n ton u lazier. Mr. and H. A. Auer ...... Mar. " Building, Honolulu, T. II.,' on en. vntWo iirs. Francisco-Mongolia-,. . 1 Mar. 1 1 : fm ' M. S. .Mar. 10 S. S. Matonla 16-F- ch!ld,V B- - San P. S, 8. Lurline Limited, at the corner of Fort and or and and Mrs. A. " : Mrr ;.f- 17-- Wednesday, 25th day of February. Franelsco, Feb; Honolulu J. ' ' - - ; ; Mar. . the - S.''" y . 8.8.l:Wlhelmina . . . Mar; ?17 8. S. Lurllnerr.i .y. v. Streets., in City and '.' ' m; Merchant the Adelbert, Mrs. M. Allmah, Miss .iwutscn. Mr. and airs. Artnur Miller. - 1914. 11:05 o'clock a. M. Franclsco--Lurlin- e, M. v N. S. '. . 24 S. Wilhetmlna kMar. 25 at County of Honolulu, Territory of Jla- - Mrs.'L. B. Van Dusen, Miss A. Van San S. 8; Manoa ...... Mar. 8. C. Y'-C'- ; E. PAXTON, Bills, Miss 'A. Boyle, L. Carl, Mrs. S.,' jn.'"'"?1 ', :" 'YY-'v- 31 H wall, - on --'Thursday, February 26th, 5;p. 8. 8. Matsonta ...... Mar. Company, P. D. Cheney, Miss M; Conway, J. Dusen. Mr. . and Mrs. Alexander t: Kilauea, Secretary. Kula Plantation A. M. . i Kona and Kau porta 1914, 10 o'clock Geo. D. ; Shield." C. j ' -;,:; Y - at R ;, Damrell. Mrs. R. f otC Mr. and Mrs stmr., noon.' ' YV'.' Y. - Limited. , ; , T. H. PETRIE,: y: Damrell,: Emerson, ,E. Patten. Miss Almond Patten., Miss Ml-kah-al Honolulu.' Feb. ,14th, 1914. ?Y; ' J. j: DavisM.' J. Maui. Molokal and Lanal ports Honolulu of ahout FEB. 21. Secretary, Ewa Plantation Company, - ! Adelaide Patten, Mn and Mrs. : E...A. SSYHILONIAN sails from Seattle for dn 5777 Feb. 12 to 24. ; Fallon, II. C Field,- Miss G . Flnlay, ttr.r 5 p. in.'. ' ; ,l:-- Honolulu, Hawaii. February. 10, 1914. Harrow, Mrs:; EC MacCon-Gillespi- e. " ror further partlcuUri ajyiy tx..';;v.Y. ... 'V. Miss A. Flora,' J;' Foster. R. E. Ryan,, H. Y ? ports p, m. - J. Kauai Kinau, : 5775 Feb. 10-2- 5. - Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ross and str.5 ANNUAL MEETING. Vv Mrs. E W. Glenn, Miss M.ughey, r v Wednesday, February .18. 1 y I CASTlJEciCOOICE, Glenn, P.' K.Glenn, son,.H.. P. Dlmond, Austin H..--, Castle, J; HattigrenMiss , Hongkong via Japan ports Man- ANNUAL MEETING. LV I H McLaughry-- Mrs. -- M.. p: Sampson, - - Co W. R. Groshell, Irsr Groshell.i churia, PY.M. ' S. S.Y y .Y- y; fV Kalialinul Plantation Limited. ! - ' Gar-C- . 't Mrs. H. A. Lewis, H. n i Gundrla, Jai: Hamand. Jas. Hannan. Brittan, C . Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, Kohala' Sugar Company. , , ? diner, Mrs. Jp. J. : Heil,;Mrs. Heil,i Master Heil, J. Marriott," Mrs. a., m. ; y y : I U I A! J hereby given that the an; F.'" strvlO yi , CAN A D A ri - A STBALAS ROYAL Notice is. C."; Mr. v j UAILU,':, meeting of the stockholders of E. Hoyte, Mrs. Hoyte,' Miss Hum-- 1 Brockman. and Mrs, CvC. Crippen, Thursday, February 19. rual nereDy given ' " Tar-Tt- y lDrl phfies, i Mrs. W. Kalialinul Plantation Company, LIm Nftice " J . Jl Lentz, . H. Leonard. G i C. AllenMrs. J, Duncan., B. Kauai ports-- G. Ilall,.str 5 p. For Suva Ancllaa J sal Sysey For YfctorU txl meeting of the fihareboljers - ' -- 4 regularly called, and m.'- : Y : . 8. 8. Ntejara Feb. 23 S. S. Marama...... Fb. ited, has been the Kohala Sugar Company will beU. Ty ...iioliJM9nBnn t -- . 24 the principal office of t, r rtv it t,,. Tt- - Friday,-Februar- y '20.Y .y 8. 8. Marama ...... Mar. 23 8. 8. Makura ...... March will be held, at t,.),. 21 corporation, ' Stangenwald Build V- Hilo via way portsrMauna Kea, 8. 8. Makura ...... Apr. 21 j Y S. 8. Niajara ...... Apr. the .. . -- v- ; . on Wednesday, Ms, Massejv Uu, borne, f str., 3 p. tn.: x: .' y,;y-:Y-;;- y'-.:y- ing, Honolulu. T.H..' c a, St'mHOUto. R. - XStl;Z",Meraam Carl Massey.' L.-- Metx, w. ' : 25th- day of February, 1914, at F. San Francisco Sonoma, "O. S. S. DAV1ES & LTD GEHEHAL AG"?iT3 the. ig ' THE0. H; C0 ' Ra-- I PASSEJfGEUS EXPECTED ; I , ports B p. m. 10:45 o'clock a. m. . Maui Claudine, str..: malay, Jas. Robertson, Mrs. L. Schnei Y PAXTON. ; Monday, February 23. E. E. 10 o'clock A. M. j Co., at der, R. M.; Siemon; N. Smith, Mrs. I Sailing from San Francisco "per S.S. Hongkong via Japan ports Selyo Secretary' Kalialinul Plantation ; . T H. PETRIE, Mrs. Tat- - W'llhelmlna, 11. Mr. 'y JL3IEBICA5.nATAlIA5 STEIIISHIP C0PA5T . : Smith, A. B. Tatham.'MIss Feb. and Mrs. Maru, K. K. S. S. Limited. l Secretary. Kohala Sugar Company. ' f. ' day Tia 1914. , anui. miss ingga, waiuui'it, inru. ;ur. aoia irs, vm esi- - Hongkong via Japan ports Nile, From New York to Honolulu etery sixth Tehuxrt?::s. Honolulu, Feb. 14th, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 10, 1914. iv iaui ' 41:1 CU-2;- " ' ' y; :: all tuaea at ecapaayf wlirt, ' 10-2- I w.. waiKer, pum, jnr. aua wrs, . aictJorKie, S. S. y y r , Freight receiTed at 5777 Feb. 12 to 24. 5775 Feb. 3. warnocK, u. miss1 u. j. P. Mr ttt 'Watts, C. F. White, C. F. Willner, Miss Ovidia Solhelm, Miss F. Mohr. Tuesday, February 24. Ceuth Brooalyn. . : Miss Mulcahey, W . SKATTIB OB TAC03IA TO nOXOLUlU tlZT.CT . MEETING. Annual meeting. W.J. Schubert .Through for Sydney J. F. Kohnen, J, Vancouver and Victoria Marama, ANNUAL Luc-amryM- . wth - rs. .: . . . , ...... Feb and Australian ports : Miss Ad- - Neff. F.xM. pottage, Bishop N. C.-- S. S. Yf ; S. S. MEXICAN to sail about...... E. Mar. 4tn M. Adams, Bern, Mrs. (cock, Mrs. N. S.' Esteb, Miss Pauline Wednesday, February ,25. . S. S. VIRGINIAN to sail about... .v...... Waianae Company. S. 1 Plantation ; Company," Limited. ; : . 5th n Kallua Bern and child Malcolm Brain, R. T.lBotts, J. Matthews', F. A. Hlllman, Ban Francisco Wllhelmina, M. N. S. S. COLUMBIAN to sail about ...... Mar. V m- . Ltd- C. P. Morse. Cenl. Freight Ageat annual meeting of the stock" 'Brain,' AV. Brain, Miss M. Brown, Burr Latta, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. S. S.. 10 a. - . y '; H. Hackfeld & Co - Agenta Notice la hereby given lhat the The wen, ' Sydney of Lolders of the Wralanae Company will; Brown, Master :Wv Brown, T. : Burns, Bo Miss Alice Green, Miss Alice via Suva and Auckland annual meeting of the stockholder Curtiss, Mrs. M. Niagara, C.-- S. Limited, be held at the office of Jk M, Dow- - Mrs. Burns, Mr. Chaffey T. Dean, A. J.. A. Ealton. Mrs. a Kallua Plantation Company, : .' Friday, February 27. s called, and will be cett Honolulu, T. IU on Thursday.? uuniop, Mrs. m. is. u. uuniop, miss s, aubs j. uurnuva, airs, u been regularly P- has ' - Lawrence, MiSs. Marion . Finetta, Hongkong via Japan porta 'Tenyo OahanailivaytlrnD Tcbh February 1914, at 2 o'clock p, m. Gertrude Dunlop, E. G. Eager, Mrs. ' " office of the corporation, 2, ; held at the Eaeer, M Emerson. Rev. M Fitzpat-lMr- s. Florls S. Astern, T. F. Russel, Maru, T. K. K. S. S. Y Y .;.. Y , J. M; DOWSETT, - Building. Honolulu, T. " Loa, staneenwald :" Mr. and Mrs. WY L. Priebe, Mr. and Kona and Kau ports Mauna Y YY' : OUTWARD, Wednesday, the 25th day of ' : " " IL, on ii corporation notice: Mrs. W. F. Repke, Mr. and Mrs. W. str., noon. . ': a..m. . Honolulu, T. IU February 12, 1914. : " T Walalua, Kahufci aal, FebTuary, 1914, at 11:2a o'clock ' ;c. Wakefield, Miss Lena Harold, Saturday. February 28. For Waianae. 1 v. 5777-2- J. Transcontlnentaf Scenlcway , , ,.. . E. PAXTON. The Way J:15 a. m., 3:2!) p. n. ; E. Y ELECTION OF OFFICERS.; Mrs. Ada A. Moll, Miss Louisa Upton, San Francisco Persia,' P. M.' S. S. . stations Com- - and Way PlantaUon -- City, Ewa Mill Secretary Kallua r ANNUAL MEETING. '.''" 'Y--1 '.',, ':;y; y-- Miss C. A. Hall, Miss Junita Beckley, For Pearl - ; .mw-u-w- v y pany, Limited. ; - MAILS Oil II 1 IIUI IVU, VMMUUf v . Stations 17:30 a. 8:15 a. Waiahole Water Company, Limited. Miss J. Sugden; Miss Hope Glidden, f Y- Honolulu.- - Feb. 14th.. 1914. St, Loul and Chlcage . - Y 11:20 a. 2:15 p. 3:20 p. The Annual Meeting of the Shared Miss S. E. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. : iav 24. -. - y Y- v.; yy;,-- Y: Y y- -: v: 29:50 p. tXL15 p. n. ; 5777 Feb. 12 to - W- - Mails . are due- trom thft, followlnr 5:15 p. ta; Inter-Islan- d Navlga-- At the annual meeting of the Stock- F. Peet, Miss E. . Peet, Mrs . X via rXM holders of Steam . J " ' v 10:23 Com- - 'MIss points as follows: ' . , i ' Y: For Wahiawa and Illcbua tlon Company, Ltd., will be held at : holders of the Waiahole AVater1 Dodee. iG:. Lavmance. Mr. and , Salt Lake City, Pnebloi ' 1 17. p. 5:03 p. 'ANNUAL MEETING. : comoany Queen ' Pany. Limited, at the office of the Mrs. J. M. , Mr.' and Mrs. J. T. San , Francisco Wllhelmina, Feb. Dentrr and Omaha a, t2:40 cu ni:Ct the office of the - -- T " i Tl A . J . O Yokohama Mongolia, Feb. 17. Y p. m. . Thursday, February 26, 1914, fM T..l.uuiiuuig) iiuuu-- Jjaugiuiu,...... 4 If. auu ir..ivii a. o. maiuci, '; ' Street, wuiaui, ravueiu iii 1 y r ;: ; Sonoma, 20. INWARD, . ;V! Pulehu Plantation Company at 10 o'clock A. M. . - lulu, T. IU on Saturday, February Mr. and Mrs. C. A . Boalt, Mr.' and Australia Feb. For Full Information Address - " I Wa v:. NOMAN E. GEDGE,' I4th.."1914, the following directors and Mrs. H. C. Baehr, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Victoria Niagara, Feb. 25. w '; FRED L. WALDKOX, LTD ArrlTe Honolulu from Katuiu, ' Sanders, Mails will depart following S: 38 a, xa given an . Auditor were elected to serve for the Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McClure, for the Y: . .' alna and Waianae 5:ll Vntlrn is hereby. that the Secretary. " AGENTS " ;:. Y-- ; ; :' of 5774-td- , ensuing year: ::: Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Bartlett, Mr. and points as follows: : Y p. m. ..' "c- '. . i:ual meeting of the stpckholdera . . . y a W'cyerhadser, Mr. San Mongolia. Feb. 17. ' Ewa Min aa iiieliu Plantation Company. Limited, .3. FY Hackfeld, M. P. Robinson, F. Mrs. R. and Mrs. Francisco F R E I G H T ArrfYe Honolulu from Mueh-iendor- f, S. 18. :3$ a, n, Lis been regularly, called, and will be NOTICE OF MEETING, j, Lowrey. J. A. McCandless, P. Donald Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yokohama Manchuria. Feb." and - Y Pearl City 17:45 a. m,' " corporation, II. Focke, W.; F. Dillingham, Rosenweig, Mrs. Gehring, Mr. and Australia Niagara, Feb,' 25. 11:02 a. nu 1:40 p. au, mi2t P. BU Veld office of the ' " I C K E 8 at the T T Y Btangenwald Building, Honolulu. T. The adjourned annual meeting of, Geo. Rodiek JyF. C. Hagens, direc- - Mrs. C. C . Harris. Mrs. S . O . Liv- Victoria Marama, Febv 24. .. 5:31 p. lu 7:30 p. m. . . Reservations JI on Wednesday, tbe 25th day of the Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd., will tors; A. Haneberg, Auditor. ingston, Mrs. R. II Hunt, Mr. and Also Arriro Honolulu from Waniave J any on February 1914, at 10:55 o'clock a. m. be held the office of the company, At a subsequent meeting of ' these Mrs. J. Armes, Dr-- Ralph Skillen, IIST OF PIER TJJTBERS point the and Lellebua '9:15 a, au'tl:55 p. aw at 4-- E. E. PAXTON. on Adams Lane. Monday, February directors, the following officers were Major C. M. Skillen, Mr. and Mrs. E .mainland 4:01 p. m, 7:10 p. xa. Y Army FAR- Secretary Pulahu Plantation Company. 16th. 1914, 1:30 P. M. ; Y elected to serve for the year: L. Brown, Dr. W. M. Davis, J. M. Wharf (marine plant- See WELLS Tbe Haleiwa Umlted, 'm two, hoaf at 1 72 8. Honolulu. Feb. 14tb. 1914. r - - JOHN WATERHOUSE, J.YF. Hackfeld 'President' Mfn- - 3'3ettTS: er) ...... i.. .Pier GO A CO, train (only flrstclasa picket! honored) "ind'Wll6?- 2 151S. Vice-Preside-nt Jas. Ashton, Mr. and Channel Wharf .Pier Klnq SL Tel. erery Sunday at 8:31 5777 Feb. 12 to 24. ; .. , Secretary, Mutual Telephone Cov.Ltd. M. P. Robinson ??n- ...... leates Honolulu ...1st I.--I. Coal 3 ar--. 5769-1- 2t . Wharf. v . F. J. Lowrey . . . .2d Vice-Preside-nt Mrs. xi. ocoii. .Pier a. m for Haleiwa Hotel i returnini P. M. S. . Manchuria from Railway : (pro- - Geo. ' . . Per Marine Bite . rites in Honolulu at 10:10 p. ta. Tat ANNUAL MEETING.. Rodiek ...... Treasurer Due at Honolulu posed 4 BY AUTHORITY. San Francisco. wharf ...... Pier PARCEL DELIVERY PHONES Limited . stops only at Pearl City aal J. F; C. Hagens ...... Secretary ; Feb. 18 Mr. and Mrs. WJlsbn Thomp- Naval WTiarf Nt). 5 ''v: V-- y ;Y Y ! C. l...... Pier Waianae. Y Central Mill Company. :.' J. F. HAGEN.S.' son, WTharf 5 A NOTICE. . Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Devlin, Naval rio. 2...... Pier Dally tExcept Suaday tSnadayoaly ' Secretary. M. Jo- 1 - Charles Martin, D. Shearer, Richards Sr. vvTharf...... Pier 6 MESSENGER 3461 C. SMITH. an-r.u- al 5779-S- G. DENISON, F. hereby given - t. . P. Notice, Is that the : , seph J. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. IL E. Alakea St. Pier 7 O-- A - Y' Payment cf Water Rates. Wharf...... 8uoerintendent F. of the stockholders- of ' meeting V- Irish, Mrs. B.;,B. Cone, MiSs E. M. Fort SL Bulkhead Slip. . . . 8 YOUNG LAUNDRY PHONES Company, been reg- ELECTION OF OFFICERS. .Pier Central Mill .has holding . Finley, Miss JU.T, May, Mr. and Mrs. Fort Bulkhead . . . 9 will All persons water privileges St Front. .Pier ularly called, and, be held at the Jacob Harder Mr- - and Mrs. W. A. Oceanic . . . 10 Btangen- under meter rates are hereby notified Jr., Wharf...... Pier office or the corporation, Oahu Sugar Company, Limited. Wishart, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. .Gosse. Allen & Robinson Frontage. 11 T. Shoten that the water rates for the four ' Pier niuraKami wald Building, Honolulu, T IL, on IVTr. and Mrs 'Sam PVanlr Mr and - months epdlng January 31, 1914, are Brewer Wharf Pier 12 Wednesday, the 25th day- of Febru- "fc "-u- "V D- - Mc- - Importer and Dealer 5 i)n anA TUvshli nn Pehm.rr 1fi 1911 'Y .uyv'& t Mrs. C. MUhlenbruch. J. J. Nuuanu St. WTiarf...... Pier 13 la m: , OI sugar ary, IP 14, at 12:00 o'clock iTnn f.iinrA a MT on.h r,.M ?1DCTS uanu tompany, pongv, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Mc-- Mauna Kea Wharf .Pier 14 .. . VW: O.HSMITII. JAPANESE DRY and FANCY GOODS Tvlthln (15) " and Mrs" U A,burn' Queen St. Bulkhead 15 ' MU1 firteen days thereafter an ?l!ltchj' W a Wharf. .Pier PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Etc Secretary Central . Co. SSJv - nnrMnm'untZ D- "t 10 "ackfeJJ, and Mr& R - Herod and dangh. Hackfeld WTharf . 16 Additional charce of oer o t will Pier 32-3- 1914. " S??7 4 Hotel Street, near Nunaau Honolulu. Feb: 14th. i " O. us-- ; be made. t E Wickstronr. Ro Railroad Wharf . . .Pier 17 Cigar - V. ll' J ...... s 5777 Feb. 12 to 2L sey, Mrs. c. O. Atwood, tL r. uira- - Railroad Wharf fmauka). . .Pier 18 ner, Mi s, A. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Railroad Wharf (makai) . . . .Pier 19 - . tX-- v ANNUAL MEETING. (V'y A. Thompacn and daughter, Mrs. H. ' ' y c v, ,x-- ' 'i C. McDaniel, Miss E. McDaniel, TRANSPORT 8EBYIC1 . Mueh- - - Company. , J. Lowrey. J. A. McCandless. P. George. C. Miss E. Widen- Omaopio Plantation f the Honrfulu Water Works, Capitol Bartlett. Unlon'Fced Co., ta ' Building. lendorf. H. Focke,; W. F. DiiUngham. maun. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Levee, Logan, from Honolulu for Manila, ar- Wholesale k Betall Dealer I Geo. F. C. Hagens, direc-- j Notice is hereby given, that the an- ' J W CALDWELL. Rodiek, J. Adolph Schlenter, Edward rived Feb. 2. Wholesale and. Retail Dealers E5GLISII A AMERICA Jf WOOIET, ! A "aneberg auditor. - A..-- . nual meeting of the . stockholders ; of Y Superintendent of Public' Works. ski, F. Hooper. Mrs. Wfiliam Sherman, from Honolulu, for Manila, In Hay, Grain and Feed' SILK AND C0TT05 GOODS - , meeting Omaopio Plantation- Company, has Department of Public Bu At a subsequent of these, Thomas and F.' C. Hewnel sailed Feb. 14. . r St Stav Works. following officers r- Tel. 346S Ala Moana Road Corner Nuuanu Beretania been regularly called, and wfil be hM rtau of Honolulu Water Works, Ho- directors, the werel- Thomas, from Honolulu for San Fran- Stan-fenwal- d year: y y '; at the office of the corporation, nolulu. T. IL, February 4th, 1914."; elected to serve for the cisco, arrived Feb. 11. 771-1- I Building. Honolulu. T. H., on ' : 0t J. F. Hackfeld ...... iTesident, Dix, from Honolulu for Seattle, arrived Vice-Preside- ' Wednesday, the 25th day of February, M. P. Robinson . ..1st nt : Jan. 24. . . Y. TAKAKU17A. e Iron-iu- st J. -- w-- Vice-Preside- nt Ko 1914, at 11:43 o'clock a. m. Salt Yes, miss, had an awful F. J. Lowrey Y . . . . 2d Wnrren. stationed t the Philippines. ,:-- " FORCEGROVTH COXaiSSIOX HEBCIUL5T - E. E. rAXTON, Jtght- - . .'. . . Y r:; frtorm here last week. That Geo. Rodiek .. i i v. . .Treasurer on work done ;;Y Sheridan at San Francisco. Coin.- - at the . Secretary Omabpio . Plantation ncuse was washed away except for a X F, C. Hagens . I'. . ; ...... Secretary Japanese ProTlsIena aad " ' : Merchaailjt ; ' - few blocks of Miss me! F. HAGENS, U N O . are Y ' General pany.' ."'- . stone.! Dear 77 a F REN C H I. A R Y There several undesirable - ' WILL DO IT 14th, 1314. Secretary. '"' ; L Honolulu, Feb. Whatever did they hufld it in such an ' ; Phone 1491. - y brands of trust, but trusting luck Noaano St near Klna; SL " 6777 Feb. 12 to 24. y',;. exposed position for? vY.:y Y 5779-3- L Is as unsatisfactory as any. - ... - i. - i" - ' - - ' . , ; . - ,v .

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