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Volcanism and tectonism across the inner : an overview

T. PLATZ1,2*, P. K. BYRNE3,4, M. MASSIRONI5 & H. HIESINGER6 1Planetary Science Institute, 1700 East Fort Road, Tucson, AZ 85719-2395, USA 2Freie Universita¨t Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences, Planetary Sciences & Remote Sensing, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany 3Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association, 3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058, USA 4Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA 5Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Universita’ degli Studi di Padova, via G. Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova, 6Institut fu¨r Planetologie, Westfa¨lische Wilhelms-Universita¨tMu¨nster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Strasse 10, 48149 Mu¨nster, Germany *Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract: and tectonism are the dominant endogenic means by which planetary sur- faces change. This book, in general, and this overview, in particular, aim to encompass the broad range in character of volcanism, tectonism, faulting and associated interactions observed on plane- tary bodies across the inner solar system – a region that includes , , , the , and . The diversity and breadth of produced by volcanic and tectonic pro- cesses are enormous, and vary across the inventory of inner solar system bodies. As a result, the selection of prevailing landforms and their underlying formational processes that are described and highlighted in this review are but a primer to the expansive field of planetary volcanism and tectonism. In addition to this extended introductory contribution, this Special Publication features 21 dedicated research articles about volcanic and tectonic processes manifest across the inner solar system. Those articles are summarized at the end of this review.

Volcanic and tectonic processes have profoundly between the orbits of Mars and , divides our shaped the surfaces of terrestrial in the inner solar system into inner and outer portions, it itself solar system. Even minor bodies such as asteroids is composed of asteroidal and cometary objects of and small , where volcanism and tectonism which a large number enter the inner solar system. have not played dominant roles, are still affected Some asteroids have received attention as the result by fracturing and faulting as a result of other pro- of spacecraft flybys or orbital operations, and for cesses like dynamic loading and gravitational col- that reason are included briefly in this volume. lapse. This Special Publication aims to encompass In this Special Publication, the journey across the broad range in character of volcanism, tecton- the inner solar system begins at the closest to ism, faulting and associated interactions observed the Sun. From Mercury we move to Venus; Earth on planetary bodies across the inner solar system. and its Moon are next, before we move yet further By collating observations of the Earth and other out, to Mars. This celestial journey terminates at planetary bodies, the interpretations of extraterres- the belt (Fig. 1). trial landforms and their formational processes are The first part of this introductory chapter high- appraised in the light of our current understanding lights the current knowledge of, and recent discov- of comparable processes on Earth. eries regarding, volcanic and tectonic features and The inner solar system comprises our star, the their formational processes on the Moon, Mars, Sun, and the four terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Mercury and Venus. The second part is dedicated Earth and Mars, as well as Mars’ moons to summarizing the major conclusions of articles and , and Earth’s companion, the Moon presented in this volume. In its writing, we have (Fig. 1). Although the main asteroid belt, located sought not to compose a comprehensive review

From:Platz, T., Massironi, M., Byrne,P.K.&Hiesinger, H. (eds) 2015. Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 401, 1–56. First published online September 17, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP401.22 # The Geological Society of London 2015. Publishing disclaimer: www.geolsoc.org.uk/pub_ethics Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

2 T. PLATZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 3 per se but, rather, to provide a detailed introduction Volcanism to the diversity of observed volcanic and tectonic processes present throughout the inner solar sys- The three flybys of Mercury by the 10 space- tem, from which the interested reader may explore craft in 1974–1975 returned images that raised the further – and farther. prospect of volcanism on the innermost planet. Smooth plains deposits were identified across the approximately 45% of the planet observed during Mercury that mission; some workers interpreted their large volumes, together with their embayment relation- Until recently, Mercury (Fig. 1c) was the most ships with, and spectral distinctiveness from, sur- enigmatic of the inner solar system’s planets. Its rounding , as evidence for a volcanic origin proximity to the Sun rendered telescopic obser- for these deposits (Murray et al. 1975; Strom et al. vations of Mercury from Earth difficult, and the 1975; Dzurisin 1978; Kiefer & Murray 1987; planet’s location in the Sun’s gravity well chal- Robinson & Lucey 1997). Yet, others argued that lenged mission designers. It was not until NASA’s Mercury’s smooth plains units were morphologi- spacecraft flew past the planet in the cally similar to lunar highland plains, which were 1970s that the surface of Mercury was imaged shown to have been emplaced as fluidized directly for the first time and, even then, only a (Wilhelms 1976; Oberbeck et al. 1977). The pro- single hemisphere was observed. Those early data venance of smooth plains on Mercury therefore showed the planet’s surface to resemble superfi- remained unresolved until the three flybys of the cially that of the Moon, with ancient, cratered plains MESSENGER spacecraft in 2008–2009 (Fig. 1c). interspersed with expanses of younger smooth plains. Yet, unlike its larger terrestrial counterparts, Mercury does not have primary volcanic features, Smooth plains. MESSENGER imaged almost the such as the giant shield volcanoes that dominate entire surface of Mercury during its flybys, and the province on Mars. The volcanic charac- showed the smooth plains to be a globally present ter of Mercury, therefore, remained an open ques- unit, the majority of which is volcanic in nature tion until the planet was visited by the MErcury (Fig. 2). This inference is based on superposition Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and relations indicative of the sequential embayment of Ranging (MESSENGER) mission. However, the impact basins and ejecta, as well as spectral homo- of Mercury were readily visible from the geneity but colour variation, partially buried impact outset of its exploration by spacecraft. Long, cliff- structures, and thicknesses of hundreds to thou- like were observed across the Mariner sands of metres (Head et al. 2008, 2009; Denevi 10 hemisphere, with wrinkle ridges akin to those et al. 2009). Observations made after MESSENGER in lunar maria populating the planet’s smooth plains entered orbit about the planet in 2011 have units. Even so, the spatial extent, styles and amount allowed for the spatial extent of Mercury’s smooth of tectonic deformation of Mercury are questions plains to be quantified (Denevi et al. 2013): these that could only be fully explored from orbit. This plains are now known to occupy some 27% of the section describes the current state of knowledge of surface of Mercury (Fig. 2). Notably, the single Mercury’s volcanic and tectonic character, places largest contiguous smooth plains unit on the planet these findings in the context of how our understand- has been identified at high northern (Head ing of the innermost planet has evolved, and high- et al. 2011). Occupying around 6% of the total planet lights key aspects of the geological development surface, this region has been termed the northern of Mercury that have yet to be answered. volcanic plains (NVP) (Fig. 3a).

Fig. 1. The principal components of the inner solar system include the four terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, as well as Earth’s moon and the two . The main asteroid belt separates the inner and outer portions of the solar system. On a yet smaller scale are objects that come close to Earth’s neighbourhood (on astronomical scales) or cross Earth’s orbit; these are collectively termed Near Earth Objects (NEO). At time of writing, there are 11 057 NEAs, of which 861 are larger than 1 km in diameter. (a) View of the inner solar system from above the ecliptic plane. The yellow dots denote Near Earth Asteroids; white triangles denote Near Earth Comets (courtesy of P. Chodas; 1 April 2014; NASA/JPL; http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov). (b) View of the inner solar system from the edge of the ecliptic plane. The orange line represents Jupiter’s orbit (courtesy of P. Chodas; 1 April 2014; NASA/JPL; http://neo. jpl.nasa.gov). (c) Enhanced colour mosaic of Mercury in orthographic projection centred at 08 (wide-angle camera of the Mercury Dual Imaging System; NASA/John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington). (d) Global view of Venus centred at 1808E ( Synthetic Aperture Radar Mosaic; NASA/JPL). (e) Nearside view of the Moon (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter wide-angle camera mosaic; NASA/GSFC/). (f) Global view of Mars centred at 208N, 3008E (Viking Orbiter 1 mosaic; NASA/JPL/USGS). 4 Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ .PLATZ T. TAL. ET byguestonSeptember23,2021

Fig. 2. All mapped tectonic structures on Mercury. Contractional (red lines: Byrne et al. 2014b) and extensional (blue lines: Byrne et al. 2013d) are shown, as well as the smooth plains units mapped by Denevi et al. (2013). squares represent the locations of pyroclastic deposits (Kerber et al. 2011a). Only impact basins .300 km in diameter (dashed ellipses) are highlighted for clarity (Fassett et al. 2011). Topography is from the controlled Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) wide-angle camera global base map (2.7 km/px; Becker et al. 2012). The map is shown in a Robinson projection, centred at 08E. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


The NVP is not obviously related to one or more volcanism on Mercury was therefore effusive, with large impact basins, although an origin due to MESSENGER observations indicating that some impact cannot be discounted (Byrne et al. 2013b). such activity, albeit highly spatially localized, may Nevertheless, these plains, emplaced near the end have occurred as recently as around 1 Ga (Prockter of the (LHB) of the et al. 2010; Marchi et al. 2011). inner solar system at around 3.7–3.8 Ga, were likely to have formed in a single, voluminous event Pyroclastic volcanism. Mercury is not without associated with extensive partial melting of Mer- explosive volcanism. Evidence for pyroclastic acti- cury’s (Head et al. 2011). The NVP hosts vity has been identified at numerous sites across the a variety of landforms characteristic of the planet’s planet, in the form of irregularly shaped depres- physical volcanological character in general. Num- sions without raised rims that are often located erous ‘ghost craters’, impact structures that predate atop low, broad rises. These features frequently the emplacement of the plains and that are partially appear to be coalesced from smaller, overlapping to almost entirely filled with , are widespread depressions and are typically encircled by haloes throughout the NVP. Features interpreted to be of high-reflectance material with a steeper spectral lava flow fronts have also been identified through- slope over visible to near-infrared wavelengths out the region, often as linear, lobate contacts that (and so they appear redder) than most of Mercury’s embay older, more heavily textured terrain (Head surface. These haloes have been interpreted as prox- et al. 2011). imal deposits of fine-grained pyroclastic material (Head et al. 2009; Kerber et al. 2009, 2011a) (Figs Valles. One of the most notable types of 2 & 3c). The Caloris basin hosts a number of such spatially associated with the NVP is a set of five ‘red’-haloed depressions, particularly along its broad channels (or ‘valles’) located to the SE of southern margin (Head et al. 2009). Some of these the region. These channels, morphologically dis- depressions may, in fact, be long-lived loci of explo- tinct from any other trough-like depression ident- sive eruptive activity, whose locations have been ified on Mercury, connect regions of smooth plains influenced by the underlying structural fabric of through surrounding older terrain, and are typified the Caloris basin (Rothery et al. 2014). by steep, linear edges and smooth floors that fea- It should be noted that irregular, coalesced ture rounded islands aligned with the long axes of depressions occur across Mercury without red halos. the channels (Byrne et al. 2013c). In one case, at the For example, numerous impact craters across the end of Angkor Vallis, a group of such islands forms planet host central ‘pits’ on their floors (and so are a ‘splay’-like pattern as the opens into the termed pit-floor craters), which appear unrelated to adjoining Kofi basin (Fig. 3b). Four of the valles are the impact process itself. Gillis-Davis et al. (2009) orientated approximately radial to the 1640 km- investigated the morphology, structural associa- diameter Caloris basin, and may have originally tion, relative age and proximity to smooth plains been impact-sculpted furrows carved by ballisti- units of seven such pit craters, and concluded cally emplaced ejecta during the formation of that that they formed through collapse into underlying basin (Byrne et al. 2013c). Some combination of chambers. A similar mechanism has been thermal and mechanical lava erosion, probably by inferred for the origin of several non-- voluminous, high-temperature, low- flows, hosted depressions within the broad channel net- then probably shaped the troughs to the forms the work proximal to the NVP (Byrne et al. 2013c). channels have today (Byrne et al. 2013c; Hurwitz Such pits therefore represent a third form of sur- et al. 2013b). ficial igneous activity on Mercury, in addition to Taken together, these observations attest to pyroclastic and effusive eruptions (Gillis-Davis a predominance of flood-mode lava emplace- et al. 2009). ment for the majority of Mercury’s smooth plains units. This inference is consistent with geochemical Cratered plains. What of Mercury’s older terrain? data returned by MESSENGER’s X-ray spectro- Trask & Guest (1975) classified Mercury’s non- meter (XRS) instrument, which indicate that the smooth plains surface portions as either ‘intercra- planet’s surface is relatively rich in Mg but poor ter plains’ or ‘heavily cratered terrain’. Intercrater in Al, Ca and Fe, relative to terrestrial and lunar plains were interpreted to be the oldest surviving (Nittler et al. 2011). Mercury’s surface surface unit, its emplacement even predating the therefore probably has a bulk composition interme- end of the LHB, whereas heavily cratered terrain diate between low-Fe and high-Mg ultramafic described large craters, basins and their deposits. . Moreover, on-going XRS observations Despite the lack of primary volcanic landforms on suggest a compositional difference between the Mercury (e.g. large shield volcanoes), Strom et al. NVP and the surrounding plains (Stockstill-Cahill (1975) considered their great volumes as evi- et al. 2012; Weider et al. 2012). The last widespread dence that these plains were formed by volcanism. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

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Indeed, there is a lower density of 100 km-diameter with the former process the overwhelmingly domi- craters on Mercury than on the Moon (Strom & nant style of deformation (Strom et al. 1975). 1988; Fassett et al. 2011), and the oldest Although Mariner 10 viewed less than half of surviving terrain on Mercury is no older than Mercury’s surface, the inference that such defor- 4.1 Ga (Marchi et al. 2013). These findings rein- mation was global in nature was confirmed when force a geological history for the innermost planet MESSENGER imaged the entire planet (Figs 1c & that features global resurfacing due to volcanism 2). To first order, crustal shortening has occurred before the end of the LHB. If so, then the majority universally across all surface units of the inner- of Mercury’s surface – that portion consisting of most planet and is manifest as one of two primary smooth plains, intercrater plains and heavily cra- classes of structure (lobate scarp or ) tered terrain – is dominantly volcanic. (e.g. Strom et al. 1975; Watters et al. 2009), whereas A further observation is that the majority of extension, in the form of , is restricted to vol- smooth plains deposits are collocated with impact canically flooded impact structures (e.g. Strom et al. structures (Byrne et al. 2013b). This is best expres- 1975; Byrne et al. 2013d). sed by the expansive interior Caloris smooth plains deposits (Strom et al. 1975), and by smooth plains Lobate scarps. Lobate scarps are, in terms of over- within other large impact basins such as Rem- all length and accumulated relief, the larger of the brandt, and (Fig. 2). Although two principal expressions of crustal shortening on there is no consensus as to the existence of a causal Mercury. Like their counterparts on Mars and the between the impact process and volcanism Moon (e.g. Mueller & Golombek 2004), they are (Ivanov & Melosh 2003; Elkins-Tanton & Hager characterized by a steeply sloping scarp face and 2005), the impact process removes overburden, a gently sloping limb (Fig. 3d), and probably introducing thermal energy to the , and represent a monocline or asymmetrical hanging- resets pervasive regional- or global-scale stresses wall anticline atop a blind or surface-breaking (see the next section) (Byrne et al. 2013b). This thrust . Mercury’s lobate scarps range in length last point is particularly relevant to Mercury, since from 9 to 900 km, and in places have accumulated the global contraction of the planet (see the next some 3 km of relief (Byrne et al. 2014b). Although section) will put the lithosphere into a pervasive lobate scarps are superficially similar in morphol- state of net compression, inhibiting voluminous ogy to inferred lava flow fronts (Head et al. 2011), surface volcanism (e.g. Solomon 1977; Klimczak their generally linear plan form, transection rela- 2013). Whatever the mechanism responsible for tionships with craters and surrounding terrain, and the generation of large volumes of partial melt that their cross-cutting of craters with orthogonal hori- then pools within impact structures – even if such zontal offsets support a tectonic origin for the over- structures penetrate to existing magma chambers or whelming majority of such scarps (e.g. Strom et al. asthenospheric melts, or simply represent the short- 1975). A less commonly observed form of scarp, est path for ascending magma to reach the surface – termed a high-relief ridge, also occurs on Mercury the presence of large craters and basins may have (Dzurisin 1978; Watters et al. 2009). High-relief played a key role in the last phase of extensive vol- ridges are generally narrower than, but often transi- canic resurfacing on Mercury. tion into, lobate scarps, such that delineating these ridges from other structures is difficult. Tectonism Wrinkle ridges. Wrinkle ridges, by comparison, are A key observation made of Mercury with - substantially smaller landforms. Like on other ter- ner 10 data was the extent to which the planet’s restrial worlds, they are typically manifest on surface has been tectonized. Evidence for both Mercury as broad, low-relief arches with opposite- crustal shortening and lengthening was identified, facing leading edges, often superposed by a

Fig. 3. Examples of key volcanic and tectonic landforms on Mercury. (a) The northern volcanic plains (NVP) on Mercury (outlined in white) occupy some 6% of the planet’s surface (Head et al. 2011). (b) Several valles occur proximal to the NVP, shaped by high-temperature, low-viscosity . Here, lava flowing through Angkor Vallis into the Kofi basin has formed a ‘splay’-like pattern of erosional remnants (Byrne et al. 2013c). (c) An example of an irregular depression, surrounded by a halo of high-albedo, fine-grained material interpreted as a pyroclastic vent (Kerber et al. 2009). This example lies between the and basins. (d) A prominent lobate scarp, Carnegie , in Mercury’s northern hemisphere; contrast its size and morphology with that of the wrinkle ridge, situated in the NVP, shown in (e). (f) Structural sketch of the tectonic structures within the Caloris basin (Byrne et al. 2013d). Ridges and scarps are shown in black, whereas graben are shown in grey. Superposed craters and their ejecta deposits are also shown. Azimuthal equidistant projections centred as follows: (a) 08N, 708E; (b) 578N, 124.28E; (c) 35.78N, 64.18E; (d) 59.18N, 304.58E; (e) 61.48N, 49.98E; and (f) 308N, 1618E. Scale bar in (b)–(e) is 30 km. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

8 T. PLATZ ET AL. narrow ridge (Fig. 3e). Although the dimensions of plains or in smaller smooth plains deposits that wrinkle ridges across the planet vary, they are usu- occur in more heavily cratered terrain. In contrast, ally tens to hundreds of metres in height and several cratered plains structures are almost entirely lobate kilometres in length, and occur in long, subparallel scarps, and represent about one-third of all mapped groups or in complex map patterns (Byrne et al. shortening structures. 2014b). Wrinkle ridges are likely to form due to In some cases, shortening structures demar- some combination of faulting and folding but the cate volcanically filled or buried impact features. orientations and depths of the causative faults, and For example, wrinkle ridges can delineate the rims the contribution to ridge formation played by fold- of buried craters (i.e. the Type-1 ‘ghost craters’ ing, remain open questions (e.g. Golombek et al. described by Klimczak et al. 2012), particularly in 1991; Plescia 1993; Zuber 1995; Schultz 2000). the NVP, whereas lobate scarps situated within Moreover, although wrinkle ridges appear to ac- impact basins can follow, and verge outwards in commodate small amounts of shortening relative the direction of, the basin perimeter (Byrne et al. to lobate scarps (e.g. Plescia 1993) on all planets, 2014b). Moreover, approximately 100 lobate scarps debate continues regarding their subsurface struc- border areas of high-standing terrain on Mercury ture and whether their faults penetrate to tens of and verge onto surrounding lows; these structures kilometres (i.e. ‘thick-skinned deformation’: Zuber have some of the greatest accumulated relief of 1995; Golombek et al. 2001; Monte´si & Zuber any tectonic landform on Mercury (Byrne et al. 2003) or only the upper few kilometres of the litho- 2014b). sphere (i.e. ‘thin-skinned deformation’: Watters Earlier studies of Mercury’s tectonics sug- 1991; Mangold et al. 1998). gested that Mercury’s lithospheric fracture pattern might contain evidence for ancient global stress Graben. Where it has occurred, crustal lengthening states resulting from, for example, tidal despinning on Mercury has been accommodated by linear, topo- (Melosh & Dzurisin 1978; Melosh & McKinnon graphical troughs that are interpreted as graben (i.e. 1988). Byrne et al. (2014b) did not identify such sets of antithetic normal faults) (e.g. Strom et al. a globally coherent pattern but did note that in 1975). Graben are typically 5–10 km long and up places their structural survey was probably influ- to 1 km wide, although some examples are larger enced, in part, by lighting geometry (Mercury has a (Klimczak et al. 2012; Watters et al. 2012). Some remarkably low obliquity of c. 2 arcmin). Even so, graben appear isolated and show no evidence of in places there are systematic patterns of regional- having interacted with other such structures, and scale deformation, where ridges and scarps form display a characteristic continuous deepening of laterally contiguous, narrow bands of substantial their floor towards the centre, whereas others are length. These narrow zones of concentrated crustal segmented or linked (Klimczak et al. 2012). Most shortening are Mercury’s equivalent to the fold- graben show a generally constant displacement and-thrust belts of Earth (Byrne et al. 2014b). along their lengths, implying that the development of their component-normal faults was confined to Planetary radius change. The widespread distri- a mechanical layer of limited thickness (Klimczak bution of lobate scarps on Mercury implies that et al. 2012, 2013). their formation is linked to a process that is global in scale. Thermal models for the innermost planet Distribution of tectonics. The tectonic deforma- require a substantial contraction in response to sec- tion of Mercury is global but the distribution of ular cooling of the planet’s interior (e.g. Solomon different classes of structure is far from uniform 1977; Schubert et al. 1988). It is this contraction, (Fig. 2). In their global survey of contraction on and the resultant horizontal compression of the the innermost planet, Byrne et al. (2014b) charac- planet’s lithosphere, that probably formed the lobate terized shortening structures according to the pri- scarp population observed today. Importantly, the terrain type in which they occur. Adopting morphology of lobate scarps can be used to esti- the nomenclature of Trask & Guest (1975), the sur- mate their contribution to planetary radius change face of Mercury can be described as consisting (a direct measure of planetary contraction), wherein of smooth plains and cratered plains (the latter their relief is related to their horizontal component term incorporating both the intercrater plains and of shortening using an assumed fault dip. heavily cratered terrain units described from images There has been a long-standing disagreement returned by Mariner 10). Smooth plains structures between estimates of radius change made from overwhelmingly consist of wrinkle ridges, and rep- photogeological studies of Mercury’s brittle struc- resent about two-thirds of the almost 6000 short- tures (e.g. Strom et al. 1975; Watters et al. 1998, ening structures mapped on the planet. Over 1500 2009; Di Achille et al. 2012) and those predicted ridges were identified in the NVP alone, with by thermal evolution models (e.g. Solomon 1977; the remainder situated within the circum-Caloris Dombard & Hauck 2008), with those from the first Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 9 approach typically about 1–3 km but those from dominates the basin interior, is superposed by basin- modelling of the order of 5–10 km. The availability circumferential ridges and is bound by a near- of global imaging and topographical data for complete annulus of circumferential graben located Mercury from the MESSENGER mission, how- at about half a basin radius from the centre of ever, has enabled this issue to be resolved: Byrne Caloris (Byrne et al. 2013d). Beyond this annulus, et al. (2014b) have shown that the portion of radius graben once more lack a preferred orientation, and, change accommodated by tectonic structures is at forming a polygonal map pattern, steadily decrease least 5–7 km, bringing into accord photogeologi- in width, depth and length towards the basin rim cal observations and thermal history models. This (Fig. 3f). finding is of importance to on-going studies of Mer- Finite-element models show that the thermal cury’s bulk silicate abundances of heat-producing contraction of thick, rapidly emplaced lava flows elements, mantle convection, and the cooling and produces quasi-isotropic horizontal stresses that present-day structure of the planet’s large metallic promote the formation of graben with mixed orien- core. tations, such as those observed within ghost cra- The provenance of Mercury’s wrinkle ridges is ters and medium-sized basins on Mercury (Freed not as obviously linked to global contraction as et al. 2012; Blair et al. 2013). This process may are its lobate scarps. Because they are generally also account for the mixed orientations of gra- associated with volcanic units within impact struc- ben within Caloris. Moreover, such models also tures, subsidence of volcanic infill may play a domi- show that graben can nucleate atop ghost-crater- nant role in their formation (e.g. Watters et al. 2009; delineating wrinkle ridges (Freed et al. 2012) and Byrne et al. 2013d), as has been suggested for over buried basin rings (Blair et al. 2013), which wrinkle ridges within volcanic units on the Moon may account for the circumferential graben within (e.g. Melosh 1978) and on Mars (e.g. Zuber & Caloris. As yet, however, there is no consensus for Mouginis-Mark 1992). However, given their small the origin of the remarkable size relative to lobate scarps, removing the con- (Klimczak et al. 2013), although previous studies tribution of wrinkle ridges to Mercury’s global con- suggested that they may have formed due to dyke traction results in a change in radius only around propagation (Head et al. 2008) or to flexural uplift 10% lower than that calculated for all structures. of the basin centre, in response either to the volcanic emplacement of the circum-Caloris smooth plains Tectonics within impact structures. Whereas the (Freed et al. 2009) or to the inward flow of the widespread smooth and cratered plains structures lower (Watters et al. 2005). attest to global crustal shortening, extension on Mercury is almost exclusive to volcanically in-filled craters and basins (Murchie et al. 2008; Watters Venus et al. 2009; Byrne et al. 2013d). However, the com- plexity of extensional deformation varies consider- The major findings on Venus’ composition, volca- ably, and increases within progressively larger nic forms and tectonic structures have been obtained impact structures. For example, many ghost craters mainly by analysing data from the late 1970s and on Mercury, tens of kilometres across, contain sets 1980s, together with Magellan radar images (Figs of graben in their interior that have no preferred 1d & 4). Nevertheless, Venus has always been of orientation and so form polygonal block patterns; particular interest due to its Earth-like size, mass these ghost craters may also feature graben super- and internal structure, despite great differences posed on (and following the strike of) the wrinkle between the physiography of the two planets. The ridges that outline the ghost crater rim (Klimczak main reason for this discrepancy is probably the et al. 2012). Several medium-sized basins on the apparent lack of on Venus, which is planet also feature interior graben that show no interpreted to be due to the planet’s -depleted preferred orientations, such as the 230 km-diameter bulk composition. For that reason, the following basin, although some graben in this basin subsection starts by addressing Venus’ general geo- appear concentric to its perimeter (Blair et al. 2013). dynamics, which serve as a basis from which to Yet, with an increase in basin diameter, the pattern cover specific aspects of its tectonic and volcanic of interior extension becomes even more com- character. plex: the 750 km-diameter basin fea- tures collocated basin-radial graben and wrinkle Tectonics ridges, which are bound to the north by circumferen- tial graben (and ridges) (Byrne et al. 2013d). Venus as a one-plate planet. Water, and its capac- However, the greatest structural complexity of ity to weaken , is essential in governing all occurs within the Caloris basin, where a promi- lithospheric rheology on Earth. Together with temp- nent set of radial graben (termed Pantheon Fossae) erature, water is the major actor responsible for Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

10 T. PLATZ ET AL. defining the thickness and strength of the elas- These craters give an average age of between 500 tic lithosphere, its decoupling from the deeper and 800 Ma for almost the entire surface of Venus and, hence, plate tectonic onset and (Schaber et al. 1992; Strom et al. 1994; McKinnon development. The absence of water on Venus’ sur- et al. 1997; 1999), far younger than the face due to the high surface temperatures (460 8C scarred surfaces of Mercury or the Moon. on average: e.g. Lewis 2004), coupled with the The topography of Venus is one of the princi- dehydrated character of its interior as a result of pal pieces of evidence for the absence of modern extensive volcanic degassing (Kaula 1990; Grin- plate tectonics on that planet. Unlike Earth, which spoon 1993; Smrekar & Sotin 2012), precludes plate is characterized by the classic ocean–continent tectonics on the planet (e.g. Smrekar et al. 2007; bimodal hypsometry, Venus shows a unimodal hyp- McGill et al. 2010). sometric function, with over 80% of the surface The lack of Venusian plate tectonics is also covered by plains (Planitiae) and only 8% of the implied by the global dominance of a basaltic com- surface at elevations greater than 2 km above the position of the crust, with limited possible excep- datum. These uplands are in turn subdivided into tions on the highlands (Terrae) (Surkov 1983; Terrae and Regiones, with Regiones having more Hashimoto et al. 2008; Helbert et al. 2008). A moderate relief than the Terrae (Fig. 4) (Banerdt dehydrated, stiff diabasic crust prevents the onset et al. 1997; Tanaka et al. 1997). of lithospheric break-up and ensuing ; Also, unlike Earth, the strong correlation moreover, dry systems possess a highly viscous between free-air gravity and topography, and the and water-depleted mantle, which precludes any high gravity anomaly/relief ratios of some posi- asthenosphere–lithosphere decoupling (Kohlstedt tive topographical features, indicate that topogra- & Mackwell 2010; Huang et al. 2013), a process phical variations on Venus are deeply compensated that modulates relative plate motions on Earth through upwelling and downwelling processes (e.g. McKenzie 1967; Isacks et al. 1968; Morgan within the mantle (e.g. Smrekar & Phillips 1991; 1968; Ranalli 1995, 1997; Gung et al. 2003; Scop- Solomon 1993; McGill et al. 2010). This implies pola et al. 2006; 2007; Doglioni et al. the absence of an Earth-like asthenosphere–litho- 2007, 2014; et al. 2010). The main conse- sphere decoupling, as predicted for a dehydrated quence of a globally continuous lithosphere are planetary lithosphere, and points to a direct correla- a conductive stagnant lid on top of a convective tion between crustal deformation and the upwelling– and viscous deep mantle (Moresi & Solomatov downwelling convective motions of the mantle (e.g. 1998; Reese et al. 1999; Solomatov & Moresi 2000; Kiefer & Hager 1991; Smrekar & Phillips 1991; O’Rourke & Korenaga 2012; Smrekar & Sotin Solomon 1993). Hence, dome-shaped Regiones (i.e. 2012), and planetary tectonics that directly reflect elevated expanses) associated with broad free-air underlying mantle processes (e.g. Smrekar & Phil- gravity anomalies (e.g. Beta, Atla and Eislta Regi- lips 1991; Herrick & Phillips 1992; Bindschadler ones), together with great compensation depths, et al. 1992; Kohlstedt & Mackwell 2010; Huang have been interpreted as volcanic rises directly et al. 2013). related to underlying mantle plumes. Moreover, On Venus then, planetary cooling is achieved the enigmatic , a feature 2400 km in diam- through both conduction across a stagnant lid and eter, may be the largest mantle-plume-derived land- advection by mantle plumes, whose surface expres- form in the solar system (Hansen & Olive 2010). sions are well represented by a great variety of vol- Therefore, Venus is thought to be essentially domi- canic forms (e.g. volcanic rises, coranae and shield nated by vertical tectonism (e.g. Phillips & Malin volcanoes) (Solomon & Head 1982; Morgan & 1983; Campbell et al. 1984; Kiefer & Hager 1991; Phillips 1983; Smrekar & Parmentier 1996; Schu- Senske et al. 1992; Smrekar 1994; Solomon 1993; bert et al. 1997; Hansen & Olive 2010). Compared Smrekar & Parmentier 1996; Smrekar et al. 1997). with plate tectonics, however, near-surface conduc- On the other hand, some extensive and highly tion and deep advection are regarded as less efficient deformed highlands on Venus, termed crustal pla- than mantle convection in cooling a terrestrial teaux (e.g. Ishtar and Aphrodite Terrae and Alpha, planet whose mass and heat production is thought Ovda, Thetis, Phoebe and Tellus Regiones), are to be more or less equal to that of Earth. The associated with low gravity anomalies and a low result, therefore, is the heating up of the mantle, gravity/topography ratio, which are indicative of with a consequent increase in mantle dynamics a shallow depth of compensation and a thick- and volcanism that may ultimately lead to periodical ened, low-density crust (Bindschadler et al. 1992; global resurfacing and overturn (e.g. Parmentier & Smrekar & Phillips 1991; Kucinskas et al. 1996; Hess 1992; Turcotte 1993; Nimmo & McKenzie Simons et al. 1997). The two main hypotheses pro- 1998; Reese et al. 1999; Turcotte et al. 1999), as posed to explain such peculiar geophysical sig- suggested by the low-density and nearly uniform natures invoke either downwelling or upwelling distribution of craters on the surface of Venus. mantle flows. According to the downwelling model, Downloaded from OCNS N ETNS COSTEINRSLRSSE:A VRIW11 OVERVIEW AN SYSTEM: SOLAR INNER THE ACROSS TECTONISM AND VOLCANISM http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ byguestonSeptember23,2021

Fig. 4. Simplified geological map of Venus, modified after Ivanov & Head (2011). From that original source, the following units were merged to represent: (1) tectonized – units t (, Fortuna Formation), pdl (densely lineated plains, Atropos Formation), pr (ridged plains, Lavinia Formation), mb ( belts, Akna Formation) and gb (groove belts, Agrona Formation); (2) global volcanic terrains – units psh (shield plains, Accruva Formation), rp1 (regional plains 1, Rusalka Formation) and rp2 (regional plains 2, Ituana Formation); (3) rifting-related terrains – units pl (lobate plains, Formation), ps (smooth plains, Gunda Formation) and sc (shield clusters, Boala Formation); and (4) tectonic components related to (3) – units rz (rift zones, Devana Formation) and ac (Artemis Canyon materials). Impact craters and crater outflows are shown as units c and cf, respectively. Individual tectonic structures are omitted for clarity. Black dots represent the locations of volcanic edifices (Head et al. 1992). Grey areas correspond to the radar-based hillshade (i.e. no mapping data available). The geological map is superimposed on a Magellan Global Topography Data Record shaded relief map (4.6 km/px) shown here in a Robinson projection, centred at 08E. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

12 T. PLATZ ET AL. crustal thickening and plateau formation is achieved upwelling and lithospheric extension, in several through accretion of a thin primordial lithosphere cases punctuated by single plumes or plume clusters by downwelling of a cold mantle (Bind- manifest as volcanic rises, shield volcanoes, coronae schadler & Parmentier 1990; Bindschadler & Head and radiating graben–fissure systems (e.g. Schaber 1991; Bindschadler et al. 1992; Gilmore & Head 1982; Head & Crumpler 1987; Hansen & Phillips 2000; Marinangeli & Gilmore 2000). In contrast, 1993; Baer et al. 1994; Hamilton & Stofan 1996; upwelling may accomplish crustal thickening and Aittola & Kostama 2000; Magee & Head 2001; plateau formation through magmatic underplating Stofan et al. 2001; Krassilnikov & Head 2003; above a laterally spreading hot plume (Grimm & Harris & Be´dard 2014a). On the basis of structural Phillips 1991; Phillips et al. 1991; Hansen & Willis observations and gravitational data, further major 1998; Phillips & Hansen 1998; Ghent & Hansen extensional rifts have been proposed to follow 1999). The latter hypothesis is consistent with the plains’ depressions that were later covered by volca- evidence of low-density rocks within crustal nic materials (Sullivan & Head 1984; Harris & plateaux (Basilevsky et al. 1986, 2012; Nikolaeva Be´dard 2014b). et al. 1992; Jull & Arkani-Hamed 1995; Arkani- Extensional deformation is widespread on plani- Hamed 1996; Hashimoto et al. 2008; Helbert tiae, and commonly manifest as graben that appear et al. 2008; Mueller et al. 2008; Harris & Be´dard generally associated with plume diapirism and 2014a), which could have been generated by high- volcanic centres (McGill et al. 2010). Graben that temperature plumes in an earlier, wetter environ- form polygonal patterns are also present on Venus, ment on Venus (McGill et al. 2010; Shellnutt 2013). with that pattern being attributed variously to Upwelling in response to bouyant melt formed cooling–heating cycles induced by subsurface by the impact of large bolides (c. 20–30 km in dia- dynamics (Johnson & Sandwell 1992) or to cli- meter) may have contributed to the formation of mate changes (Anderson & Smrekar 1999; Smrekar crustal plateaux and tesserated terrain (Hansen et al. 2002). 2006). However, the upwelling model cannot explain Mountain belts. The large number of Venusian the widespread contractional tectonics observed at rift systems, and their corresponding lithospheric some plateau margins nor the complex compres- extension, is not compensated by a comparable sional–extensional deformation recorded on crustal cumulative length of compressive mountain belts plateaux within so-called tesserae terrains (Ivanov (montes). are, instead, limited to crustal & Head 1996; Gilmore et al. 1998; Romeo et al. plateau boundaries, such as the Montes encircling 2005; Hansen & Lo´pez 2010). On the other hand, Laksumi Planum at Isthar Terra (Danu, Akna, Freya the downwelling hypothesis fails to explain the and : Fig. 5a). This has been taken flat-topped topography of plateaux, and, further, it as further evidence for the lack of plate tectonics requires an excessive amount of time for crustal on Venus, where contractional deformation is thickening (Lenardic et al. 1995; Kidder & Phillips widely distributed throughout the entire lithosphere 1996). Interestingly, a recent model suggests that rather than at discrete sites (Solomon et al. 1992; crustal plateaux (and tesserae terrains across Solomon 1993). Indeed, folds and faults are partic- Venus’ surface) might represent buoyant continental ularly pervasive in the tesserated terrains, which crust remnants that were spared from catastrophic are expressions of multiple deformations on high- overturns due to their inherent buoyancy, and that relief crustal plateaux and crustal remnants within thereafter were involved in cycles of compressional plains (Bindschadler & Head 1991; Hansen & Willis and extensional tectonism as a function of the evol- 1996; Hansen et al. 1999, 2000; Romeo & Turcotte ving continental crust/lithosphere mantle thickness 2008). Folds and faults are also common in the pla- ratio (Romeo & Turcotte 2008). This last model is nitiae, either concentrated in narrow contractional not strictly an alternative to the upwelling hypoth- ridge belts or in widely distributed wrinkle ridges esis as it still allows that the continental crust on (Tanaka et al. 1997; McGill et al. 2010). Venus could have originated, and then be devel- oped, through felsic magma production atop hot Contractional deformation. The ridge belts are up mantle plumes. to 20 km wide and several hundreds to thousands of kilometres long (Ivanov & Head 2001; Rosen- Rift systems and extensional deformation. Despite berg & McGill 2001). As for terrestrial fold- the absence of plate tectonics on Venus, the planet and-thrust systems, these Venusian features are still hosts Earth-like rift systems called chasmata also thought to have formed due to long-lived tec- that extend for several thousand kilometres across tonic stress fields. The most widely distributed its surface (e.g. Devana, Ganis, Daiana/, Hec- contractional landforms are wrinkle ridges (e.g. ate and Parga Chasmata) (Fig. 4). These structures Tanaka et al. 1997; Ivanov & Head 2008). The ori- have been interpreted as linear zones of mantle gin of these structures has been variously ascribed Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 13 to gravitational spreading on shallow slopes (McGill Volcanic rises. Volcanic rises, corresponding to 1993), rock thermal expansion induced by a hotter Venus’ regions, have been classified either as atmosphere than at present after global resurfacing -dominated, coronae-dominated or rift- (Solomon et al. 1991) or regional tectonics con- dominated (Stofan et al. 1997). Whereas in the first trolled by a stress state centred on the planetary case volcanic rises are representative of major geoid, with compression at the geoid’s low-standing plume sites along rift zones, in the latter two cases regions and extension at the geoid’s high-standing the plume heads could have been broken up into a regions, respectively (Sandwell et al. 1997; Bilotti swarm of smaller upwelling (although not & Suppe 1999). necessarily simultaneously) (Stofan et al. 1995). Smrekar & Stofan (1999) noted that the volcanic Strike-slip tectonics. On a planet dominated by construction typical of volcano-dominated rises vertical tectonism and characterized by widely dis- requires large volumes of pressure-release melting tributed deformations, there is no space for strike- due to vigorous hot plumes generated at the core– slip shear belts that have traditionally been highly mantle boundary, whereas corona-dominated rises underconsidered on Venus (e.g. Solomon 1993; are more likely to be associated with smaller McGill et al. 2010) despite the apparently straight- plumes from shallower depths. forward evidence collected so far (Raitala 1994; & Grimm 1995; Ansan et al. 1996; Koenig Coronae, novae and arachnoids. Coronae (Fig. 5d & Aydin 1998; Tuckwell & Ghail 2003; Kumar & e) are annular forms dominated by either posi- 2005; Romeo et al. 2005; Chetty et al. 2010; tive or negative topography, and which are encircled Ferna`ndez et al. 2010; Harris & Be´dard 2014a, b). by concentric systems of fractures and ridges (Type For example, Brown & Grimm (1995) highlighted 1 coronae) or by a rim alone (Type 2) (Basilevsky en echelon fractures and folds along and within et al. 1986; Head et al. 1992; Squyres et al. 1992; Artemis . Koenig & Aydin (1998) and Stofan et al. 1992, 2001). Coronae are often associ- Ferna`ndez et al. (2010) showed horse-tail termin- ated with radiating, graben–fissure systems (Fig. ations, en echelon folds, contractional bends and 5d) that converge towards the coronas’ rims and strike-slip offsets in Lavinia Planitia. Finally, that in some cases reach their centres (with such Romeo et al. (2005) and Chetty et al. (2010) ident- structures being termed novae) ( et al. ified conjugate shear zones in asso- 1986; Crumpler & Aubele 2000; Aittola & Kostama ciated with tear-folds and imbricate duplexes. 2000, 2002; Krassilnikov & Head 2003; Basilev- Continental drift may account for the substantial sky et al. 2009; Studd et al. 2011). Indeed, radiat- horizontal tectonism required by prominent strike- ing graben–fissure systems can also be associated slip belts (Harris & Be´dard 2014b). with large volcanoes (e.g. Keddie & Head 1994; Galgana et al. 2013) or can occur individually, fol- Volcanism lowing rift zones (Grosfils & Head 1994; Aittola & Kostama 2000). The structures within radiat- On a geodynamically active planet that lacks ing graben–fissure systems can extend for up to modern-day plate tectonics, upwelling plumes and 2000 km. In places, they may become subparallel their related surface expressions are its dominant to each other, or they may form systems perpen- volcanic traits. The volcanic landforms on Venus dicularly orientated to the prevailing maximum largely depend on the dimensions of the blooming regional horizontal stress (Grosfils & Head 1994). head of such mantle plumes, which are mostly Based on their appearance and lateral extent, radiat- responsible for the development of volcanic rises ing graben–fissure systems have been compared ranging from 1400 to 2500 km in diameter and up with giant radiating dyke swarms on Earth, such to 2.5 km in elevation (e.g. Beta, Atla, Bell; Eistla, as the Proterozoic Mackenzie and Matachewan Luafey, Imdr, Themis and Regiones). The swarms in Canada, the Tertiary Sky Isle swarm in enigmatic coronae, also attributed to volcanism, Scotland, and the Mesozoic central Atlantic recon- display variable diameters (with 250 km being the structed swarm (Ernst et al. 1995). The Venusian average). Other types of volcanic landform include systems also resemble radiating extensional systems shield volcanoes, which normally range between on Mars (Ernst et al. 2001; Wilson & Head 2002). 100 and 600 km in diameter (and which rarely Arachnoids are characterized by ridges that exceed 700 km in breadth: see Stofan et al. 1995; converge towards annular depressions (Aittola & Glaze et al. 2002; Crumpler & Aubele 2000; Ivanov Kostama 2000; Crumpler & Aubele 2000; Frankel & Head 2013 for size distributions). These land- 2005). These landforms have often been consid- forms are typically accompanied by smaller volca- ered as a subtype of coronae (Head et al. 1992; nic features (,100 km in diameter), such as small Price & Suppe 1995; Hamilton & Stofan 1996). and intermediate volcanoes known as tholi and Indeed, coronae, radiating graben–fissure systems steep-sided domes (‘pancakes’: Fig. 5f). (novae) and arachnoids may represent different Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

14 T. PLATZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 15 evolutionary stages of upwellings plains that cover about 70% of the planet. These (Hamilton & Stofan 1996). Under such a scenario, plains differ in terms of the styles of deformation corona evolution begins with lithospheric up- to which they have been subjected or their connec- doming and radial fracturing due to mantle plume tion with small shield volcanoes (ridged, lineated, (or diapir) impingement, followed by the gravita- regional plains, lobate and shield plains) (e.g. tional collapse of the central dome due to radial Ivanov & Head 2011). spreading and thinning of the plume (Squyres et al. Typical volcanic landforms include lava flow 1992; Stofan et al. 1991, 1992; Hamilton & Stofan fields, lava channels and steep-sided domes (Crum- 1996). Recent finite-element modelling indicates pler & Aubele 2000; Stofan et al. 2000; Magee & that radial fractures form during early mantle dia- Head 2001). Lava flow fields are composed of pir impingement, with an outward propagation of very long (up to 1000 km) digitated flows, both with dykes occurring at a later stage due to loading- radar bright (interpreted to be aa-type lavas) or dark induced downward lithospheric flexure (Galgana (pahoehoe-type lavas) surfaces, which erupted from et al. 2013). Together with novae, then, coronae with shield volcanoes and fissures (including those of a topographically positive central dome and radial coronae). Their substantial lengths are attributed fracture system may represent the first stage of to endogenous spreading processes, such as infla- mantle plume upwelling, and coronae with a cen- tion and lava tubes, which should be facilitated by tral annular depression might be typical of the an efficient cooling of the flow surface (due to final stage (Stofan et al. 1992; DeLaughter & Jurdy convective processes within the dense atmosphere, 1999). In another analysis, however, Gerya (2014) whose pressure is c. 9.2 MPa), aided by a low proposed a variation of this general process. Gerya cooling rate of the lava flow’s inner core (due to suggested a scenario in which novae and coronae the high surface temperature environment of c. structures are not directly related to astenospheric 7008K) (Grosfils et al. 1999; Crumpler & Aubele plume impingement but, instead, are the result of 2000). magma-assisted convection of a weak ductile crust, Remarkably long individual lava channels, of induced by decompressional melting of hot rising typical lengths of between 100 and 1000 km in mantle plumes. Under this scenario, novae represent general but in some cases extending to more than the initial stage of this convection, with coronae cor- 5000 km, are explained by invoking very low- responding to the intermediate and final stages. viscosity fluxes such as these expected for exotic Whether structures are a somewhat lava types such as komatites, carbonatites and sul- intermediate phase between novae and coronae phur flows (Kargel et al. 1994; Baker et al. 1997; (Hamilton & Stofan 1996) is still the subject of Williams- et al. 1998; Komatsu et al. 2001; debate, however, given the different geological con- Lang & Hansen 2006). texts in which arachnoids have been documented. There is evidence for highly viscous lavas on In particular, these structures are largely located Venus, too. Such evidence includes steep-sided in volcanic plains, and are rarely situated along the domes, which are circular, positive-relief landforms equatorial deformation zones where most novae with diameters ranging between 20 and 100 km and corona are situated (Aittola & Kostama 2000). (e.g. Pavri et al. 1992), and flows with pronounced margins. The higher lava implied by Volcanic products. The primary volcanic prod- these features could be due to a high silica content ucts on Venus are extensive tholeitic–alkali basalt (i.e. evolved ), high content or high

Fig. 5. Examples of volcanic and tectonic features on Venus. (a) Fold-and-thrust belt sequence of Akna Montes; note the presence of intra-mountain basins (image centre: 698N, 3188E; Magellan full resolution radar mosaic archive MGN-RDRS FMAP: FL69n318). (b) Complex deformation in Sudice Tessera; at the lower right are the regional plains of Aino Planitia (378S, 1138E; MGN-RDRS FMAP: FR37s113). (c) Tectonized ridge belt east of Aino Planitia (458S, 116.58E; MGN-RDRS FMAP: FR45s117). (d) Structural relations between Tituba corona (T), centred at 42.58N, 214.58E (termed Type 1, after Stofan et al. 2001) and the corona at 40.48N, 212.48E (Type 2, after Stofan et al. 2001). Note the concentric and radial features related to both the coronae and the small volcanic edifices at the NW margin of Tituba corona (white arrows). The radial fissures and graben between the coronae become parallel at a certain distance from the coronae centres, and are common to both the two main volcanic landforms (MGN-RDRS FMAP: Fl39n211, FL39n213, FL39n215, FL41n211, FL41n213, FL41n215, FL43n211, FL43n213, FL43n215). (e) Becuma radiating graben system (nova) (B) (34.138N, 21.98E), Dzudzdi corona (D) (358N, 20.78E) and the Aegina Farrum steep-sided dome (A) (35.548N, 21.18E) in the eastern . Note that Aegina Farrum is transected by a 220 km-long extensional fault. (MGN-RDRS FMAP: Fl35n021, FL35n023, FL33n021, FL33n023). (f) Steep-sided dome at 2.88S, 150.98E, to the west of Sella Corona (not shown) and its related graben system (lower right corner) (MGN-RDRS FMAP: FL03s151). The scale bar in all images is 20 km, except in (d) where it is 50 km. All images are shown with simple cylindrical projections, except (a), which has a stereographic projection. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

16 T. PLATZ ET AL. vesicularity (Head et al. 1992; Pavri et al. 1992). It history, which contrasts with a ‘non-directional has been proposed that the considerable atmospheric model’ in which the recognition of similar pressure on Venus’ surface prevents the formation sequences of events in different regions of Venus of eruptive plumes due to explosive magmatic frag- does not imply their coeval occurrence. In favour mentation and, instead, is conducive to outpour- of the first model are the globally distributed ings of frothy lava domes. regional plains that were utilized as the main strati- It is widely accepted that the planet’s high graphic reference for the entire Venusian time atmospheric pressure would strongly inhibit gas system by Ivanov & Head (2011). These authors exsolution in magmas and, hence, would inhibit or argued that the global presence of these plains preclude entirely explosive eruptions (e.g. Head & supports the general ‘directionality’ of Venus’ geo- Wilson 1986). However, geomorphological evi- logical history but some authors have highlighted dence exists for an extensive pyroclastic flow several exceptions to this hypothesized commonal- deposit near Diana Chasma, which, if found to be ity in the geological record across the entire sur- a common form of volcanic deposit on Venus, face (Guest & Stofan 1999; Rosenberg & McGill would have implications for the mantle volatile 2001; McGill 2004; McGill et al. 2010). Of note, content and the volcanic origin of atmospheric and supported by observations of where in terres- SO2 on the planet (Ghail & Wilson 2013). trial geology equivalent morphologies and geneses do not necessarily mean a coeval origin, McGill Global volcanic resurfacing. Global resurfacing et al. (2010) proposed an intermediate view within models of Venus (e.g. Parmentier & Hess 1992; which a general ‘directional’ framework predom- Turcotte 1993; Nimmo & McKenzie 1998; Reese inated but in which tectonic and volcanic events et al. 1999) call for volcanic and tectonic events might still have developed at different times and that are globally correlated throughout the planet’s in diverse locations. geological record. Indeed, according to several Nevertheless, the resurfacing of Venus continues studies (e.g. Basilevsky & Head 1995, 1998, 2000; to be viewed within the narrative of either ‘cata- Basilevsky et al. 1997; Ivanov & Head 2011), all strophic’ (e.g. Schaber et al. 1992) or ‘equilibrium’ of the physiographical units recognized on the (e.g. Phillips et al. 1992) scenarios, both of which Venusian surface are expressions of a common must satisfy the near-random spatial distribution of sequence of events across the globe. The geological fewer than 1000 impact craters across the planet map of Ivanov & Head (2011) is currently the most and the lack of many obviously modified such complete and updated synthesis of this view, where craters. Although catastrophic models more readily each morphological unit is regarded as a strati- satisfy these constraints, recent work has also shown graphic unit of global significance and, when syn- that equilibrium models, within a select parame- thesized as such, describes a coherent Venusian ter space, also meet these requirements (Bjonnes geological history. et al. 2012). Moreover, numerous further constraints Under this scheme, all deformed terrains introduced by careful geological mapping ques- (tessera, densely lineated plains, ridged plains, tion the underlying assumptions of the catastrophic mountain belts and groove belts) should belong to scenarios. It may be that a protracted period of the earliest phase of tectonism, which was followed resurfacing set against the backdrop of a globally by extensive volcanic effusion manifest as regional thin lithosphere (e.g. the ‘SPITTER’ hypothesis: and shield plains, and which was followed in turn by Hansen & Young 2007) accounts more fully for more spatially concentrated, long-lived rift volcan- these observational constraints. This viewpoint is ism, represented by morphological units such as bolstered by recent mapping and modelling, which lobate plains, smooth plains and shield clusters. indicates that Venus’ tesserae terrain probably pre- The first phase of volcanism probably began with dates extensive resurfacing of the planet (Romeo the construction of shield plains associated with & Turcotte 2008; Hansen & Lo´pez 2010). small shield structures and steep-sided domes, the likely expression of shallow crustal melting. This form of volcanism was followed by the effusion and The Moon emplacement of huge volumes of lava, essentially mantle-derived, pressure-release melts as attested The Moon is a key planetary body with which to to by regional plains and extended lava channels. study diverse volcanic activity, as it has produced This second volcanic phase, well represented by a variety of volcanic landforms over an extended lobate plains, is supposed to be dominated by volu- period of time (Figs 6 & 7). As the Moon is lack- minous volcanic effusions punctuated by long tem- ing plate tectonics, an atmosphere, water and life, poral gaps (Ivanov & Head 2013). it allows us to study volcanic processes in an unobs- Guest & Stofan (1999) defined as a ‘directional cured form (e.g. Hiesinger & Head 2006; Jaumann model’ the view of a globally correlated geological et al. 2012; Hiesinger & Jaumann 2014). Analyses Downloaded from OCNS N ETNS COSTEINRSLRSSE:A VRIW17 OVERVIEW AN SYSTEM: SOLAR INNER THE ACROSS TECTONISM AND VOLCANISM http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ byguestonSeptember23,2021

Fig. 6. The distribution of maria, volcanic edifices, sinuous and selected tectonic structures on the Moon. The lunar maria are highlighted in red. Impact basins larger than 300 km in diameter are shown as dashed black ellipses (Kaddish et al. 2011). The locations of floor-fractured craters (yellow dots) are taken from Jozwiak et al. (2012). Identified pyroclastic deposits (black squares: Gaddis et al. 1998) and sinuous rilles ( lines: Gustafson et al. 2012; Hurwitz et al. 2012, 2013a) are shown. The approximate locations of the broad shield volcanoes identified by Spudis et al. (2013) are highlighted as white ellipses with bold white letters representing: A, ; C, ; G, Gardner; H, Hortensius; K, ; M, Marius; P–H, Prinz–Harbinger; and R, Ru¨mker. The locations of the 118 domes and cones identified on the Moon are shown as green triangles (data from http://digilander.libero.it/glrgroup/consolidatedlunardomecatalogue.htm). Maria labels are abbreviated as follows: Au, Australe; Co, Cognitum; Cr, Crisium; Fe, Fecundidatis; Fr, Frigoris; Ho, Humorum; Hu, Humboldtianum; Ig, Ingenii; Im, Imbrium; In, Insularum; Ma, Marginis; Mo, Moscoviense; Ne, Nectaris; Nu, Nubium; Or, Orientale; Se, Serenitatis; Sm, Smythii; Tr, Tranquillitatis; Va, Vaporum. The background image is a Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)-based shaded-relief map (0.23 km/px) with a Robinson projection, centred at 08E. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

18 T. PLATZ ET AL. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 19 of lunar samples, coupled with remote-sensing being somewhat older (c. 4.56–4.29 Ga) than the investigations, have yielded detailed information magnesian-suite rocks (high Mg/Fe) (4.46– on many aspects of lunar volcanism (i.e. extrusion) 4.18 Ga) (Shearer et al. 2006). This latter group and, to a lesser amount, on lunar plutonism (i.e. contains dunites, troctolites, norites and gabbronor- intrusion). From those studies, it became apparent ites. Compared with these two rock types, the alkali that magmatism has been a major crust-building suite is less abundant. Although this group con- and resurfacing process throughout the Moon’s geo- tains similar rock types, they are enriched in alkali logical history (e.g. Lucey et al. 2006; Shearer et al. and other trace elements relative to, and are some- 2006). The available data also allow us to study the what younger than (4.37–3.80 Ga), the ferroan role of magmatic activity (both intrusive and extru- anorthosites and the Mg-suite rocks (Shearer et al. sive) during the heavy bombardment, as well as 2006). This implies that the earliest Mg-suite rocks during more recent lunar history (i.e. the mare stra- were formed contemporaneously with at least some tigraphic record). Furthermore, the distribution of ferroan anorthosite, which is not consistent with basalt types, and the implied spatial and temporal the idealized magma-ocean model, in which fer- distribution of mantle melting, as well as volcanic roan anorthosites form the oldest crust and are volumes and fluxes, can be understood. Finally, later intruded by younger, Mg-suite plutonic rocks. the Moon is unique in that it allows us to assess a An alternative model to the magma-ocean scenario, wide range of eruption styles, including pyroclastic which proposes a genesis of the lunar crust by intru- activity, and their petrogenetic significance owing sion of multiple magma bodies (i.e. serial magma- to the existence and preservation of an assorted tism) (e.g. Walker 1983; Longhi & Ashwal 1985; suite of volcanic deposits (e.g. Hiesinger & Head Longhi 2003; Shearer et al. 2006; Borg et al. 2011), 2006; Jaumann et al. 2012; Hiesinger & Jaumann appears to be more consistent with the observed 2014). age relationships of lunar pristine rocks. From the samples, it is known that anor- Igneous geochemistry thosite is common in the lunar highlands. Compared with terrestrial rocks, the anorthosite abundances From the lunar sample collection it became appar- (An96) of in these rocks are much ent that lunar rocks can be classified, on the basis higher, ultimately reflecting the Moon’s depletion of texture and composition, into four distinct in volatile elements such as sodium (Lucey et al. groups: (1) pristine highland rocks that are primor- 2006 and references therein). The Mg# (i.e. Mg/ dial igneous rocks, uncontaminated by impact Mg + Fe) of and in lunar anortho- mixing; (2) pristine basaltic volcanic rocks, includ- site is much more ferroan than in terrestrial rocks of ing lava flows and pyroclastic deposits; (3) polymict such high Ca/Na ratios and any other non-mare clastic , impact melt rocks and thermally lunar rocks (e.g. Lucey et al. 2006 and references metamorphosed granulitic breccias; and (4) the therein). Thus, ferroan anorthosite refers to lunar lunar regolith. In the following paragraphs we will anorthosite with plutonic or relict plutonic textures only focus on highland rocks and mare basalts. (e.g. Dowty et al. 1974a, b). The ferroan-anorthositic Although breccias may contain igneous fragments, suite (Warren 1993) consists of ferroan anorthosites they are primarily produced by impacts and not by (.90% plagioclase), as well as their more mafic but magmatic/volcanic processes. less common variants, ferroan noritic anorthosite On the basis of their molar Ca/(Ca + Na + K) and ferroan anorthositic norite. Pyroxene usually content v. the molar Mg/(Mg + Fe) content of predominates in the ferroan anorthosites, although their bulk rock compositions, pristine highland some samples also contain olivine. Lunar ferroan rocks fall into two major chemical groups: ferroan anorthosites are coarse-grained intrusive igneous anorthosites and -suite rocks (e.g. War- rocks, formed during slow cooling at some depth ner et al. 1976; Papike 1998). These rocks appear below the surface (Lucey et al. 2006). Because of to have different ages, with the ferroan anorthosites the high concentration of plagioclase in

Fig. 7. Examples of volcanic and tectonic features on the Moon. (a) Basaltic lava flow in . Note also wrinkle ridges and secondary impact craters ( orbital photograph; AS15-M-1556). (b) Sinuous (Rima Prinz) in Mare Imbrium (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) wide-angle camera (WAC)). (c) Basaltic complex, situated within Mare Imbrium (LROC WAC). (d) Pyroclastic deposits located between Sinus Aestum and Schro¨ter crater. Asterisk marks the location of the inset showing a 170 m-diameter crater, which excavated fresh pyroclastic material that is also termed dark mantle deposit (LROC WAC and NAC). (e) Rimae Goclenius graben system in . Faults cut the volcanic plains and pre-existing craters (LROC WAC). (f) Dorsa Whiston in represents a typical mare ridge (LROC WAC). Figures are adopted from Hiesinger & Jaumann (2014). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

20 T. PLATZ ET AL. ferroan anorthosites, they are interpreted as cumu- pyroxene, especially clinopyroxene, but contain late rocks, produced by the separation and accu- less plagioclase (e.g. Taylor et al. 1991). Mare mulation of from the remaining melt. basalts most probably formed from remelting of Compared with other lunar rocks, ferroan anortho- mantle cumulates produced by the early differen- sites are low in FeO and incompatible trace elements tiation of the Moon. The origin of KREEP basalts (e.g. Th) (e.g. Lucey et al. 2006 and references (rich in K, Rare Earth Elements and P), however, therein). The Apollo sample collection contains sev- is likely to be related to remelting or assimilation eral large, nearly monomineralic plagioclase rocks by mantle melts of a late-stage magma-ocean resi- (e.g. Warren 1990), and outcrops of ‘pure’ anortho- duum, the so-called ur-KREEP (Warren & Wasson site have also been identified from Earth-based and 1979). There are numerous ways to distinguish spacecraft observations (Hawke et al. 2003; Ohtake different basalt types, including through petrogra- et al. 2009). However, its perceived importance phy, mineralogy and chemistry (e.g. Neal & Taylor to lunar crustal formation has been challenged by 1992; Papike et al. 1998). Taylor et al. (1991) uti- Lucey et al. (2006) because, although ferroan lized their TiO2 abundances to define three basalt anorthosite is the most common pristine rock type types: very low-Ti (VLT) basalts (,1.5 wt% TiO2), at the site, it is uncommon or rare at low-Ti basalts (1.5–9 wt% TiO2) and high-Ti other sites. On the basis of early inspection of the basalts (.9 wt% TiO2). On the basis of extensive Apollo samples, it was concluded that the lunar laboratory studies of TiO2 abundances of the lunar highlands are dominated by ferroan anorthosite, samples and spectroscopy (e.g. Papike et al. 1976; and that the ferroan-anorthositic suite component Papike & Vaniman 1978; Neal & Taylor 1992; of the crust is highly feldspathic. However, Lucey Papike et al. 1998), global maps of the major miner- et al. (2006 and references therein) pointed out alogy–chemistry of the Moon with remote-sensing that the feldspathic lunar , geochemical techniques have been derived (e.g. Charette et al. observations taken from orbit, and regolith samples 1974; Pieters 1978; Johnson et al. 1991; Melendrez from Apollo 16 and Luna 20 suggest that highly et al. 1994; Shkuratov et al. 1999; Giguere et al. feldspathic ferroan anorthosite is not necessarily 2000; Lucey et al. 2000). Because early interpreta- typical of the highlands surface, at least not on tions of the Apollo and Luna data suggested that the Moon’s nearside. In fact, the majority of feld- volcanism began with high-TiO2 basalts spathic lunar meteorites are more mafic than that are older than later Ti-poor basalts, models the feldspathic material of the Apollo 16 regolith were proposed in which this perceived correlation (Korotev 1996, 1997; Korotev et al. 2003), and the was coupled to the depth of melting (e.g. Taylor high Mg# of the upper feldspathic crust (70 + 3) 1982). However, remote-sensing data indicate that is at the high end for ferroan anorthosite. Together, young basalts exist with high TiO2 concentrations this implies that magnesian feldspathic rocks con- (e.g. Pieters et al. 1980); moreover, there are also tributed substantially to the make-up of the lunar old (mostly .3 Ga) lunar basaltic meteorites that highlands (e.g. Lucey et al. 2006). are very low in Ti content (Cohen et al. 2000; The magnesian suite possibly represents the Terada et al. 2007). Finally, a combination of transition between magmatism associated with the and titanium maps (e.g. Lucey et al. 2000) and magma ocean and serial magmatism that occurred crater size–frequency distribution measurements between 30 and 200 Ma after the formation of that across the nearside and farside did not reveal a dis- ocean (Solomon & Longhi 1977; Longhi 1980; tinct correlation between mare ages and composi- Shearer & Newsom 2000). However, the exact dur- tion (Hiesinger et al. 2001; Pasckert et al. 2014). ation of emplacement of the magnesian suite into Thus, FeO and TiO2 concentrations varied indepen- the lunar crust is still debated due to the lack of dently with time, whereas TiO2 (FeO)-rich and TiO2 deep sampling by impacts after 3.9 Ga, a function of (FeO)-poor basalts erupted contemporaneously. a decreasing impact flux. Taylor et al. (1993) The geochemistry of returned lunar samples estimated that the magnesian rock suite constitutes suggests that the ultramafic sources of mare basalts approximately 20% of the uppermost 60 km of the are complementary to the anorthositic crust (e.g. crust, with the rest being composed of ferroan Wieczorek et al. 2006) and that the Moon is, there- anorthosite. However, other studies suggest smal- fore, differentiated. To explain these observations, ler amounts of magnesian- and alkali-suite rocks the magma-ocean model was developed (e.g. are present (e.g. Jolliff et al. 2000; Korotev 2000). et al. 1970; Wood et al. 1970; Warren & Wasson Probably the most prominent evidence of volca- 1979; Warren 1990). The model assumes that large nic activity on the Moon is the emplacement of mare parts of the Moon were initially molten, such basalts that constitute the dark basin fills. In com- that a global, several-hundred-metres-thick magma parison to highland rocks, they are enriched in ocean formed. Although the details of the crystal- FeO and TiO2, depleted in Al2O3, have higher lization of such a magma ocean are not fully under- CaO/Al2O3 ratios, contain more olivine and/or stood, it is likely that the early crystallization of Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 21 olivine and orthopyroxene produced cumulates in tens of poise at 1200 8C, allowing them to flow for the deeper parts of the magma ocean because they long distances across the surface before solidifying were denser than coexisting melt (Shearer et al. (Ho¨rz et al. 1991). Lava flows several tens of 2006 and references therein). With time, early metres thick extending for hundreds to thousands magnesium-rich cumulates became increasingly of kilometres across Mare Imbrium have been docu- iron-rich. As a consequence of the early crystalliza- mented (Schaber 1973; Schaber et al. 1976) (Fig. tion of Fe- and Mg-rich , the melt became 7a). Thin lava flows similar to those in Mare richer in Al and Ca, which in turn resulted in the Imbrium have been observed elsewhere on the crystallization of plagioclase after about 75–80% Moon: within the Rille at the Apollo 15 magma-ocean solidification. As plagioclase was landing site, for example. However, many lunar less dense than its source melt, it eventually formed lava flows lack distinctive flow fronts due to their the anorthositic highland crust. Finally, continued very low viscosities, high eruption rates, ponding crystallization of the magma ocean yielded a glob- of lava in shallow depressions, subsequent destruc- ally asymmetric distribution of KREEP elements. tion by impact processes and/or burial by youn- On the basis of lunar samples, it became apparent ger flows. Similarly, volcanic vents in the mare that the main phases of the magma ocean were com- regions are rare because they were probably pletely crystallized by about 4.4 Ga. The KREEP covered by the erupting basalts or were degraded residue was solid at about 4.36 Ga. In such a crystal- by subsequent impacts. lization sequence, it is plausible that the later- formed, denser, iron-rich cumulate mantle overly- Sinuous rilles. Sinuous rilles (Figs 6 & 7b) are ing the earlier, less dense magnesium-rich mantle meandering channels that often start at a crater-like cumulates was gravitationally unstable, resulting depression and end by grading downslope into the in the development of an overturn of the cumulate smooth mare surface ( 1971). Most such mantle. Such an overturn might have delivered rilles originate along the margins of the basins and cold, dense, incompatible-element-rich material trend towards the basin centre. These channels to the core–mantle boundary. Simultaneously, hot range in width from a few tens of metres to approxi- rising mantle plumes may have melted adiabati- mately 3 km, from a few kilometres to up to 300 km cally to produce the first basaltic resurfacing crust in length and are, on average, 100 m deep (Schubert of the Moon (i.e. the early mare basalts). et al. 1970; Hurwitz et al. 2012, 2013a). The Apollo 15 mission investigated one of these sinuous rilles, Volcanic landforms Rima Hadley, in detail. Despite early interpreta- tions of sinuous rilles as lunar rivers (e.g. Lingenfel- The Moon hosts a wide variety of volcanic land- ter et al. 1968; Peale et al. 1968), no evidence for forms, including lava flows, cones, domes, shield water or pyroclastic flows was found and so it was volcanoes, sinuous rilles, pyroclastic deposits and concluded that sinuous rilles formed by thermal cryptomaria (e.g. Hiesinger & Head 2006; Spudis erosion, resulting in widening and deepening of et al. 2013) (Fig. 7). Since the Russian mis- channelled lava flows due to the melting of the sion in 1959, it has been known that lunar basalts underlying rock by very hot lavas (Hulme 1973; are concentrated on the nearside. Many basalt Coombs et al. 1987; Williams et al. 2000; Hurwitz deposits are located in the interiors of low-lying et al. 2012, 2013a). Lower gravity, higher melt impact basins. Globally, mare basalts cover 7 × temperatures, lower viscosities and higher extru- 106 km2, or 17%, of the total lunar surface – sion rates might be responsible for the much larger amounting to 1% of the lunar crustal volume sizes of lunar sinuous rilles compared with lava (Head 1976; Wilhelms 1987; Hiesinger & Head tubes and channels on Earth. Bussey et al. (1997) 2006) (Fig. 6). Although the specific details of and Fagents & Greeley (2001) showed that the mare basalt petrogenesis are still not fully under- process of thermal erosion is very sensitive to the stood, the presence of radioactive elements (e.g. physical conditions in the boundary layer between K, U and Th) most probably resulted in the for- lava and solid substrate. They found that thermal mation of partial melts of ultramafic mantle material erosion rates depend on the slopes, effusion rates at depths of between about 60 and 500 km (e.g. Wil- and thermal conductivities of the liquid substrate helms 1987; Hiesinger & Head 2006). boundary layer.

Lava flows. Mare basalts were formed by large Cryptomaria. Cryptomaria are mare-like volcanic volumes of low-viscosity, high-temperature basal- deposits that later were covered with lighter- tic lava, which resurfaced vast areas (i.e. c. 30% of coloured material (e.g. ejecta from craters and the lunar nearside) (Head 1976; Wilhelms 1987). basins) (Head & Wilson 1992). These deposits can In fact, laboratory measurements of molten lunar be studied with several techniques, including inves- basalts indicate that their viscosity is only a few tigations of dark halo craters (e.g. Schultz & Spudis Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


1979, 1983; Hawke & Bell 1981), multispectral of small volumes and durations, and shallow magma images (e.g. Head et al. 1993; Greeley et al. 1993; migration that causes collapse. How- Blewett et al. 1995; Mustard & Head 1996) and ever, no shield volcanoes larger than about 20 km orbital geochemical observations (e.g. Hawke & in diameter have been identified on the Moon Spudis 1980; Hawke et al. 1985). These studies (Guest & Murray 1976). This observation indi- have shown that if cryptomaria are included, the cates that shallow buoyancy zones do not occur on total area covered by mare deposits exceeds 20% the Moon, and that lavas did not extrude in con- of the lunar surface, compared with about 17% of tinuing sequences of short-duration, low-volume typical mare deposits alone (Head 1976; Antonenko eruptions from shallow reservoirs. However, there et al. 1995). Thus, cryptomaria not only indicate is evidence that in a few locations magma may a wider spatial distribution of ancient volcanic pro- have stalled near the surface to form shallow sills ducts but also reveal that mare volcanism was or laccoliths, as possibly indicated by the formation already active prior to the formation of the Orientale of floor-fractured craters (Schultz 1976; Wichman basin (i.e. the youngest basin on the Moon) and the & Schultz 1995, 1996) (see below). emplacement of its ejecta, which is an important Apart from the basaltic domes in the mare stratigraphic marker horizon. Although Giguere regions, there are also domes that are plausibly et al. (2003) and Hawke et al. (2005) reported that linked to non-mare volcanism. These landforms the buried basalts in the Lomonosov– and are much less abundant than those associated with the –Kapteyn regions are very-low- to basaltic volcanism, are characterized by slopes intermediate-Ti basalts, sampling and subsequent steeper than those of mare domes, and exhibit a analyses are required to understand the true nature high albedo and a strong absorption in the ultravi- of cryptomaria. olet (Malin 1974; Wood & Head 1975; Head et al. 1978; Chevrel et al. 1999; Hawke et al. 2003). Domes, cones and shields. A small fraction of Braden et al. (2010) and Tran et al. (2011) used the vast mare regions is covered by positive topo- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) graphical surface features, such as domes, cones images to study the topography of mare and and shields, that measure up to several tens of kilo- non-mare domes. Volcanic constructs with shal- metres across, are up to several hundred metres low flank slopes (,108) are associated with prefer- high and are basaltic in composition (Head & entially low-viscosity eruptions, whereas steeper Gifford 1980). Lunar cinder cones are often asso- slopes (.208) tend to indicate high-viscosity, ciated with lunar sinuous rilles (e.g. in silica-rich eruptions of lava that are more viscous crater; Head & Wilson 1979), are less than 100 m than mare basalts (Hawke et al. 2003; Wilson & high, 2–3 km wide, have summit craters of less Head 2003; Glotch et al. 2011). The than 1 km diameter and have very low albedos complex is a key locality for the first type of (Guest & Murray 1976). dome; the domes are excellent exam- Lunar mare domes are generally broad, convex, ples of the second type. However, some domes in semi-circular landforms with relatively low topo- the Marius Hills complex display relatively steep graphical relief (Fig. 7c). For example, Guest & slopes (Tran et al. 2011), indicating that localized Murray (1976) mapped 80 mare domes with diam- eruptions of higher-silicic lavas occurred, confirm- eters of 2.5–24 km, 100–250 m heights and 28– ing the LROC and Chandrayaan-1 Terrain Map- 38 slopes; most of them occur in the Marius Hills ping Camera (TMC) results of Lawrence et al. complex. Some of the Marius Hills domes are (2010) and Arya et al. (2011), respectively. Detailed characterized by steeper slopes (78–208) and some morphological and spectral studies of non-mare have summit craters or fissures. Most probably, domes (e.g. Gruithuisen and Hansteen Alpha), as the mare domes were formed by eruptions of more well as domes associated with the –Belk- viscous (i.e. more silicic) lavas, intrusions of shal- ovich thorium anomaly, using LROC and LRO low laccoliths or mantling of large blocks of older Diviner data are consistent with high-viscosity, rocks with younger lavas (e.g. Heather et al. 2003; silicic, non-mare volcanism (Braden et al. 2010; Lawrence et al. 2005). Large shield volcanoes Glotch et al. 2011; Hawke et al. 2011; Jolliff et al. (.50 km) are common on Earth, Venus and Mars, 2011). Lunar gamma-ray data revealed and are constructive features: that is, they consist that several domes exhibit high Th concentrations of a large number of small flows derived from a (Lawrence et al. 2003; Hagerty et al. 2006), and in shallow magma reservoir where the magma reaches LRO Diviner data the domes are characterized by a neutral buoyancy zone (e.g. Ryan 1987; Wilson elevated silica contents (Glotch et al. 2011). Some & Head 1990; Head & Wilson 1992). Thus, the of the non-mare domes show a very specific spec- presence of shield volcanoes and implies tral behaviour in the ultraviolet spectrum and are shallow buoyancy zones, the stalling and evolu- known as ‘red spots’. Red spots show a much wider tion of magma there, leading to numerous eruptions range in morphology, and also include bright Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 23 shields and bright smooth plains with little topogra- margins of impact basins, and in association with phical expression (Bruno et al. 1991; Hawke et al. vents and sinuous rilles, implying that they were 2003). Because of their unique characteristics, it is formed by sustained, large-volume eruptions. In thought that red spots have been formed by more addition, at least some of the observed dark-halo viscous lava, comparable to, for example, terrestrial craters are volcanic (i.e. pyroclastic) in origin, or (Hawke et al. 2003; Wilson & whereas others are impact craters that excavated Head 2003). darker material from the subsurface. Commonly, the volcanic dark-halo craters preferentially occur Pyroclastic volcanism. There are two types of pyro- along fractures and on the floors of larger craters. clastic deposit that have been identified on the From studies of dark-halo craters within Alphonsus surface of the Moon: extensive regional pyroclastic crater, it appears likely that they were formed by deposits (.1000 km) located on the uplands adja- vulcanian-style eruptions (Head & Wilson 1979; cent to younger maria (e.g. Gaddis et al. 1985; Coombs et al. 1990). Weitz et al. 1998); and smaller pyroclastic deposits that are more widely dispersed across the lunar Ages of volcanic deposits. On planetary surfaces, the surface (Head 1976; Hawke et al. 1989; Coombs number of impacts on a specific surface unit can be et al. 1990). Most pyroclastic deposits are concen- correlated with the time that this unit was exposed to trated in localized areas but some may cover bombardment by asteroids and comets: the higher larger areas, in excess of 2500 km2 (e.g. Head et al. the crater frequency, the greater the age of the unit 2002; Hiesinger & Head 2006) (Figs 6 & 7d). It has (e.g. O¨ pik 1960; Baldwin 1964; Neukum et al. been proposed that regional dark-mantle depos- 1975a, b, 2001; Basaltic Volcanism Study Project its were formed by eruptions in which continuous 1981). Thus, the frequency of craters superimposed gas exsolution in the lunar environment caused on a specific surface unit at a given diameter, Hawaiian-style fire fountaining that distributed or range of diameters, is a direct measure of the pyroclastic material over tens to hundreds of kilo- relative age of the unit (e.g. Arvidson et al. 1979; metres (Wilson & Head 1981, 1983). Substantial Basaltic Volcanism Study Project 1981; Neukum progress in understanding the ascent and eruption & Ivanov 1994; Neukum et al. 2001). The strati- conditions of pyroclastic deposits has been made graphic record of geological events on the Moon (e.g. Head et al. 2002; Shearer et al. 2006). The was studied in detail in preparation for, and follow- orange glasses and black vitrophyric ing, the US and Russian lunar missions (e.g. Shoe- beads, for example, formed during lava fountaining maker & Hackman 1962; Wilhelms & McCauley of gas-rich, low-viscosity, Fe–Ti-rich basaltic mag- 1971; Wilhelms 1979, 1987). Those studies, in mas (Heiken et al. 1974). Crystallized black beads concert with of lunar samples, from the Apollo 17 landing site had cooling rates revealed that the lunar highlands are generally older of 100 8Cs21, which is much slower than expected than the mare regions (e.g. Wilhelms 1987), that from black-body cooling in a vacuum (Arndt & von mare volcanism occurred over an extended period Engelhardt 1987). Apollo 17 is not the only land- of time (e.g. Shoemaker & Hackman 1962; Carr ing site where pyroclastic glass beads have been 1966; Hiesinger et al. 2000, 2003, 2011) and that identified. Rather, the Apollo 15 green glasses are there is considerable variation in the mineralogy of also volcanic in origin, as are other pyroclastic basalts of different ages (e.g. Soderblom et al. 1977; glasses found in the regolith of other landing sites Pieters et al. 1980; Hiesinger et al. 2000). Accurate (Delano 1986). In comparison to mare basalts, the mare basalt ages are important data as they help volumes of pyroclastic deposits are trivial. How- characterize the duration and the flux of lunar vol- ever, they demonstrate that lava fountaining oc- canism, the petrogenesis of lunar basalt and the rela- curred on the Moon. In addition, because of the tionship of volcanic activity to the thermal evolution presumably fast ascent and cooling history of pyro- of the Moon. clastic materials, they are thought to be unmodified Hiesinger et al. (2000, 2003, 2011, 2012) dated by crystal fractionation. Thus, volcanic glass beads basalts in Oceanus Procellarum, Imbrium, Sereni- are plausibly the best samples for studying the tatis, Tranquillitatis, Humboldtianum, Australe, lunar mantle. Pyroclastic eruptions resulted in the Humorum, Nubium, Cognitum, Nectaris, Frigoris emplacement of dark mantled deposits that cover and numerous smaller occurrences. They found areas of the lunar surface large enough to be vis- that: (1) in the studied locations, lunar volca- ible in remotely sensed data (e.g. Hawke et al. nism was active for almost 3 Ga, starting at about 1979, 1989; Head & Wilson 1980; Gaddis et al. 4.0–3.9 Ga and ceasing at around 1.2 Ga; (2) most 1985; Coombs et al. 1990; Greeley et al. 1993; basalts were erupted during the late Imbrian Weitz et al. 1998; Weitz & Head 1999; Head et al. Period, at about 3.8–3.6 Ga; (3) substantially fewer 2002). In remote-sensing data, it is apparent that basalts were emplaced during the Eratosthenian pyroclastic deposits often tend to occur along the Period (3.2–1.1 Ga); and (4) basalts of possible Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


Copernican age (,1.1 Ga) are found only in limited (Wagner et al. 1996, 2002). Head et al. (2000) inter- areas within Oceanus Procellarum (Hiesinger et al. preted this contemporaneity with the maria as evi- 2000, 2003, 2011, 2012). From these results it dence for a petrogenetic link; one possibility is is also apparent that older mare basalts preferen- that mare diapirs stalled at the base of, and partially tially occur in the eastern and southern lunar near- remelted, the crust, which produced the more side, and in patches of maria peripheral to the silicic viscous magmas of the domes. Crater size– larger maria, in contrast to the younger basalt ages frequency distribution measurements were also on the western nearside, for example, those in performed for red spots in southern Oceanus Pro- Oceanus Procellarum. Although older basalts cer- cellarum and , and indicate a wide tainly also erupted in the western mare areas prior range of ages. For example, Hansteen Alpha is to the emplacement of younger flows, young vol- about 3.74–3.56 Ga old, and so is slightly younger canism only occurred in the western hemisphere, than the Gruithuisen domes but post-dates craters and has been related to the concentration of heat- Billy (3.88 Ga) and Hansteen (3.87 Ga). However, producing elements there. Mare basalts on the cen- Hansteen Alpha is older than the surrounding mare tral lunar farside erupted between 3.5 and 2.7 Ga, materials (3.51 Ga) (Wagner et al. 2010). NE of which is well within the range of ages found for Mare Humorum, red-spot light plains associated the nearside mare basalts (Morota et al. 2011; with a feature named ‘The Helmet’ (investigated Pasckert et al. 2014). However, farside mare vol- in detail by Bruno et al. 1991) range in age from canism ceased earlier than on the nearside, which 3.94 Ga ( x) to 2.08 Ga (Wagner et al. might be a consequence of either a thicker crust or 2010). The ages of the Gruithuisen domes and of reduced abundances of radioactive elements in the Hansteen Alpha show that high-silica, more vis- farside mantle. cous non-mare volcanism was active in a shorter On the Moon, volcanism apparently resulted time interval than mare volcanism activity, and from the partial melting of mantle rocks. The appears to be restricted to more or less the Late decay of naturally radioactive elements resulted in Imbrian Epoch, at least in these two investigated the production of partial melts of mostly basaltic areas (Wagner et al. 2002, 2010). However, a non- composition (45–55% SiO2, and relatively high volcanic origin for the red-spot light plains cannot MgO and FeO content), requiring temperatures be excluded on the basis of the data currently avail- of .1100 8C and depths of .150–200 km (Ho¨rz able (Wagner et al. 2010 and references therein). et al. 1991). Radiometric ages of returned lunar samples reveal that most volcanic eruptions stop- Tectonism ped at approximately 3 Ga (Ho¨rz et al. 1991). This finding was interpreted as evidence for an early The Moon is a so-called one-plate or stagnant-lid cooling of the mantle below the temperature necess- planetary body (e.g. Solomon & Head 1979, 1980; ary to produce partial melts. However, this inter- Spohn et al. 2001; Hiesinger & Head 2006). Crys- pretation is inconsistent with crater counts on mare tallization of the magma ocean resulted in a glob- basalt surfaces, which indicate that some basalts ally continuous, low-density crust that may have erupted as ‘recently’ as about 1–2 Gyr ago (Hie- hindered the development of plate tectonics early singer et al. 2003, 2011). Some geophysical models in lunar history. Once such a nearly continuous, of the thermal evolution of the Moon suggest that low-density crust or stagnant lid was established, the zone of partial melting necessary for the pro- conductive cooling dominated the transfer of heat duction of basaltic magmas migrated to depths too from the Moon’s interior to its surface. This resulted great for melts to reach the surface approximately in the production of a globally continuous litho- 3.4–2.2 Gyr ago (e.g. Spohn et al. 2001). How- sphere rather than multiple, moving and subducting ever, taking into account the insulating effects plates as on Earth. The heat flows measured at some of a porous megaregolith, the interior can be kept of the Apollo landing sites are much lower than warm enough to explain late-stage volcanic erup- those on Earth (e.g. Langseth et al. 1976), and are tions until about 2 Ga (Ziethe et al. 2009). More- consistent with heat loss predominantly by conduc- over, a non-uniform distribution of heat-producing tion. The large ratio of surface area to volume has elements in the mantle, as indicated by Lunar Pro- been very effective in cooling the Moon by conduc- spector data, could extend the potential for melting tion (i.e. by radiating heat into space). Thus, it is to even more recent times. thought that the lithosphere of the Moon thickened Detailed crater size–frequency distribution rapidly, and so the Moon became a one-plate planet measurements revealed that the two Gruithuisen quickly, losing most of its heat through conduction domes in the northern Oceanus Procellarum region (Solomon 1978). Support for this model comes appear to be contemporaneous with the emplace- from nearside seismic data that indicate the pres- ment of the surrounding mare basalts, but post- ence of a relative rigid, 800–1000 km-thick litho- date the formation of post-Imbrium crater Iridum sphere (Nakamura et al. 1973; Spohn et al. 2001; Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


Wieczorek et al. 2006). In summary, the crust of the including graben, wrinkle ridges, lobate scarps and Moon appears to be thick, rigid, immobile and cool, floor-fractured craters. inhibiting large-scale motion. The lack of plate tectonics-style crustal deformation is consistent Graben. Impacts are capable of creating radial and/ with the returned samples, which show virtually or concentric extensional troughs or graben (e.g. no textures typical of plastic deformation. Ahrens & Rubin 1993), and impact-induced faults On the Moon, tectonic deformation is caused by: may be reactivated by seismic energy (e.g. Schultz (1) impact-induced stress; (2) stress induced by the & Gault 1975). Loading of impact basins with basal- load of basaltic materials within impact basins; (3) tic infill causes the development of extensional stres- thermal effects; and (4) tidal forces (e.g. Hiesinger ses at the edges of the basins and the formation of & Head 2006), producing mostly extensional and arcuate troughs or rilles there (e.g. Solomon & Head contractional features (e.g. faults, graben, dykes 1979, 1980; Wilhelms 1987) (Fig. 7e). Towards the and wrinkle ridges). basin interior, compressional stress due to down- Models of lunar thermal evolution indicate that, warping of the basin centre leads to the formation during the first billion years, the lunar crust was of subradial and concentric ridges (Solomon & subject to extensional stresses produced by thermal Head 1979, 1980; Freed et al. 2001) (Fig. 7f). Con- expansion, and that, during the following 3.5 Ga centric graben around the Humorum basin are a few until the present, compressional stresses have domi- hundred kilometres long and are filled with basaltic nated due to cooling and contraction (e.g. Solomon lavas. Thus, they are evidence of early extensional & Chaiken 1976). However, these thermal mod- forces in this area. Because these graben extend vir- els have numerous unconstrained parameters that tually unobstructed from the mare into the adjacent have influence on the model predictions for the highlands and cut across pre-existing craters, their evolution of the planetary radius and the resulting formation was possibly related to a substantial, stress field (e.g. Pritchard & Stevenson 2000). deep-seated, basin-wide stress field. Although the early stresses in the lunar crust are not accurately known, Solomon & Head (1979) pro- Wrinkle ridges. Wrinkle ridges are common land- posed that graben that are related to the loading by forms on terrestrial planets (Figs 6 & 7f). On the basaltic flows of basin centres could only form in Moon, the spatial dimensions of wrinkle ridges the presence of global, mildly tensile stresses. range from several kilometres up to 10 km in Pritchard & Stevenson (2000) pointed out that the width, tens to hundreds of km in length and their end of graben formation at 3.6 Ga cannot be used average heights are of the order of 100 m (Wilhelms to decipher the ancient global lunar stress field 1987). Lucchitta (1976) proposed that wrinkle because local effects including flexure and mag- ridges are caused by thrust faulting and folding, a matic activity (i.e. diapirism) could mask the signal. model also favoured by Golombek (1999) and However, after about 3.6 Ga, the lunar stress field Golombek et al. (2000) on the basis of high- became compressional, and internally driven tec- resolution topographical data of wrinkle tonic activity may have ceased for 2.5–3 Gyr, ridges. Although wrinkle ridges on the Moon are until sufficient stress (.1 kbar) had accumulated commonly interpreted as thrust faults formed by to produce small-scale thrust faults. compressive stresses (e.g. Hodges 1973; Lucchitta Tidal effects due to the Earth–Moon gravita- 1976; Solomon & Head 1979, 1980; Plescia & tional interaction would have been more intense Golombek 1986; Schultz & Zuber 1994; Golombek early in lunar history, when the Moon was closer 1999; Golombek et al. 2000; Hiesinger & Head to Earth. In fact, early lunar tectonic activity may 2006), some may have an origin linked to the have been dominated by tidal stresses, and emplacement of magma in the subsurface (e.g. internally generated stresses may have been less Strom 1964; Hartmann & Wood 1971). Observed en important. However, the spatial distribution of echelon offsets of wrinkle ridges in Mare Sereni- lineaments mapped on the lunar surface is similar tatis were interpreted as evidence of compressional on the near- and farside, and thus is probably inde- stresses. The wrinkle ridges in are pendent of tidal forces (e.g. the collapse of a tidal concentric to the basin, and Muehlberger (1974) bulge) (Chabot et al. 2000). In particular, Watters and Maxwell (1978) estimated a centrosymmetric et al. (2010) argued that the spatial distribution of foreshortening of approximately 0.5–0.8% in order small young lobate scarps is inconsistent with an to produce the ridges. Ground-penetrating radar origin related to tidal deformation. They concluded (GPR) data from the Apollo Lunar Sounding Exper- that a global contraction of the lunar radius by iment (ALSE) revealed substantial upwarping, and 100 m over the last 1 Gyr could explain the possibly folding and faulting of the basaltic sur- observed pattern and calculated stresses. face down to about 2 km below the wrinkle ridges. In the following paragraphs, we describe briefly Recent work has shown that deep-seated faults some of the tectonic landforms on the Moon, that penetrate approximately 20 km into the lunar Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

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VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 27 lithosphere underlie wrinkle ridges in Mare Cri- Floor-fractured craters. Numerous impact craters sium (Byrne et al. 2014c). on the Moon exhibit an extensive system of frac- tures and graben on their floors (Fig. 6). Schultz Lobate scarps. Although wrinkle ridges and graben (1976) proposed that fracturing of lava-filled cra- dominate the tectonics of the nearside maria, lobate ter floors (e.g. crater ) might be related to scarps are the dominant tectonic landform on the isostatic uplift of the floor materials and expansion farside (Watters & Johnson 2010; Watters et al. due to the emplacement of sills below the crater 2010). Lunar lobate scarps are characterized by floor. Support for this interpretation comes from the steep scarp faces and by linear or curvilinear asym- geophysical models of Wichman & Schultz (1995, metric forms with arcuate fault surfaces, and con- 1996) and Dombard & Gillis (2001). Wichman & sist of a series of smaller, connected structures that Schultz (1996) estimated the minimum depth of a form complexes. Scarp complexes have lengths of 30 km-wide and 1900 m-thick intrusion beneath up to about 10 km, occur in sets of up to 10 individ- crater Tauruntius to be of the order of 1–5 km, ual structures and commonly are less than appro- resulting in an excess pressure of around 9 MPa. ximately 100 m high (e.g. Binder 1982, 1986; Similarly, on the basis of their model, Dombard & Binder & Gunga 1985; Watters et al. 2010; Banks Gillis (2001) concluded that, compared with topo- et al. 2012; Williams et al. 2013; et al. graphical relaxation, laccolith emplacement is the 2014). Schultz (1972) realized that the scarps were more viable formation process. More recent stud- very young and based on crater degradation mea- ies utilizing gravity data acquired by the Grav- surements, Binder & Gunga (1985) estimated the ity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) ages of lobate scarps found in Apollo Panoramic mission demonstrated the presence and dynam- Camera images to be ,1 Ga. Such young ages are ics of magmatic intrusive bodies beneath floor- generally consistent with crater size–frequency fractured craters (Jozwiak et al. 2014; Thorey & measurements (van der Bogert et al. 2012), their Michaut 2014). relatively undegraded appearance and their cross- cutting relationships with small craters (Watters & Johnson 2010; Watters et al. 2010). Thus, Watters Mars et al. (2010) proposed that the lobate scarps are evidence of late-stage contraction of the Moon, Early Mars exploration by flybys of the Mariner 4, and that the estimated strains accommodated by 6 and 7 spacecraft, and orbital observations by the these small scarps are consistent with thermal and Viking Orbiter I and II missions, history models that predict low-level compressional revealed extensive volcanic surfaces and large vol- stresses and relatively small changes (100–1000 m) canic edifices on the Red Planet (McCauley et al. in lunar radius. Although thermal history models 1972; Greeley & Spudis 1981). In the seminal for either a nearly or totally molten early Moon, or paper of Greeley & Spudis (1981), most of the vol- an early Moon with an initially hot exterior (i.e. canic landforms were categorized into large shield a magma ocean) and a cool interior, predict late- volcanoes (e.g. and the three Tharsis stage compressional stresses in the upper crust and Montes, Arsia, Pavonis and Ascraeus), steep-sided lithosphere, the timing of scarp formation and the domes (e.g. Tharsis ) and highland paterae estimated stress levels are more consistent with the (e.g. Tyrrhenus and Hadriacus Montes) (Fig. 8) – magma-ocean hypothesis (e.g. Watters et al. 2010). the latter being the only large-scale volcanic

Fig. 8. The distribution of volcanic units, edifices and tectonic structures on Mars (adopted from Tanaka et al. 2014). Unit names consist of (1) age, (2) unit group and (3) unit subtype; (1) stratigraphic periods include: A, ; H, ; N, ; with epochs shown in lower case (i.e. e, Early; l, Late); (2) a, apron; h, highlands; i, impact; v, volcanic; (3) e, edifice; f, field. Note that only Amazonian–Hesperian impact craters are shown, which may superpose volcanic units. Units Aa and lAa located around Olympus Mons, and west of the , respectively, represent edifice-derived volcaniclastic material. Mapped Noachian highland edifices may be volcanic constructs; those located in Sisyphi Planum are not shown at this map scale. All unit contacts are displayed as certain contacts for clarity. Symbols for graben and wrinkle ridges have been modified from the source (Tanaka et al. 2014). The locations of low-shield volcanoes are from Hauber et al. (2011), Platz & Michael (2011), and Manfredi et al. (2012). Note there exist more low-shield volcanoes in Tharsis; those present in are not included. Major volcanic provinces are abbreviated as CHVP, Tharsis, Elysium and Syrtis Major. A, ; Al, ; Ar, ; As, ; CHVP, Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province; H, ; He, ; LP, Lunae Planum; O, Olympus Mons; P, ; SP, ; T, ; VM, . The star shows the approximate location of (Michalski & Bleacher 2013). The map has a Robinson projection, centred at 08E; the background image is a Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)-derived shaded-relief image (0.46 km/px). Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

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VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 29 landforms attesting to explosive volcanism in early The majority of volcanic material in the Tharsis Mars history (Fig. 8). Extensive volcanic plains volcanic province was erupted in the Noachian associated with large edifices were recognized and Period (.3.71 Ga) to Early Hesperian Epoch (3.71– grouped into volcanic provinces, with Tharsis and 3.61 Ga), with infrequent eruptions thereafter Elysium being the largest, most active and longest- scattered throughout the Late Hesperian Epoch lived (e.g. Neukum et al. 2004, 2010; Hauber et al. (3.61–3.37 Ga) and Amazonian Period (3.37 Ga– 2011; Platz & Michael 2011). Greeley & Spudis present) (Neukum & Hiller 1981; Greeley & (1981) found that volcanic activity on Mars spans Schneid 1991; Neukum et al. 2004, 2010; Werner the entire planet’s history, and is recorded over 2009) (Fig. 8). More recently, lava flows as young large portions of its surface (Fig. 8). Major volcanic as 2 Ma were discovered, which are mostly related landforms, including large volcanic provinces and to low-shield volcanoes or late-stage effusive associated shield volcanoes, pyroclastic cones, lava events (Neukum et al. 2004; Vaucher et al. 2009; flows, and fall-out deposits, are reviewed in the Hauber et al. 2011; Platz & Michael 2011). Vol- following subsections. canic activity associated with partial caldera col- lapse at the summit of most large shield volcanoes Volcanism has also occurred in the Middle–Late Amazonian (Werner 2009; Robbins et al. 2011). The total pro- Volcanic provinces. The Tharsis region is the duction of magma (i.e. intrusive and extrusive) most dominant locus of volcanic activity on Mars, within the Tharsis region is estimated to be about extending more than 6000 km (NNE–SSW) by 3 × 108 km3 (Phillips et al. 2001). However, to date, 3500 km (east–west). This region has been mainly no data exist on what percentage of that volume was formed by five large volcanoes, with summit erupted during each of the three Martian periods elevations of up to 21 km (Olympus Mons, Alba (i.e. the Noachian, Hesperian and Amazonian). Mons and the Tharsis Montes). Several smaller The Elysium volcanic province (Fig. 8) is volcanoes, known as paterae and tholi (Uraunius, located in the eastern hemisphere of Mars, and Biblis, Ulysses Paterae and Tharsis, Ceraunius (Fig. comprises the 14 km-tall and the 9a), Uraunius, and Jovis Tholi), are also present smaller Albor and Hecates Tholi, all of which are (Fig. 8). More than 700 small, low-shield volcanoes situated on the broad, .1200 km-wide Elysium (Fig. 9b), vents and fissures located in summit cal- rise. The Elysium rise itself developed on the SE deras, on edifice flanks, at the periphery of large rim of the approximately 3300 km-diameter Utopia shield volcanoes or within fractured terrain have impact basin, which is thought to have formed at also been identified so far. Particularly noteworthy approximately 4.1 Ga (Frey et al. 2007; Frey 2008). are two low-shield fields in Sinai Planum (Baptista This province comprises lava flow plains and et al. 2008; Hauber et al. 2011; Richardson et al. reworked volcaniclastic material, which together 2013) and (Davis & Tanaka 1993; extend over an area of approximately 3.4 × 106 Hauber et al. 2011) (Fig. 8). km2 (Tanaka et al. 2005). The total minimum

Fig. 9. Examples of volcanic and tectonic features on Mars. (a) , a large , located in the Tharsis region between Ascraeus Mons and Tempe Terra. It is a large shield volcano partially buried by the surrounding lava plains. From its central caldera a large valley emanates towards the north which formed a delta within the impact crater. Rahe’s butterfly-shaped ejecta blanket is clearly visible. Scale bar is 25 km (HRSC image mosaic; ESA/ DLR/FU Berlin (Gerhard Neukum)). (b) Low-shield volcano located of Ascraeus Mons at 3.18N, 106.88W. The edifice is partially buried by external lava flows; channel and leve´e morphologies are partially visible. The edifice’s summit is marked by two aligned and elongated craters. Lava flows emanated radially from the vents. Scale bar is 2 km (context camera [CTX] image P06_003185_1824). (c) Zephyria Tholus, an ancient, degraded highland volcano located at 19.78S, 172.98E that hosts a filled central, circular caldera (scale bar: 4 km; CTX image B18_016743_1597). (d) Pyroclastic cones located in the area north of Biblis Tholus. This image is centred at 5.88N, 122.88W. From two cones a thick lava flow emanates. At others an extended surrounding lava field is observed (scale bar: 4 km; CTX image P21_009198_1858). (e) Examples of different types of lava flow morphology, approximately 30 km NNE of Olympus Mons (22.18N, 129.88W). Bottom right: a sinuous channel atop a (black arrow). Top left: lava flows with either channel-leve´e or sheet-flow morphologies (scale bar: 1 km; CTX image P20_008684_2011). (f) Concentric graben at the lower flanks of Pavonis Mons, whose summit region is marked by a large filled caldera and a younger, partially filled caldera. Note the radially oriented wrinkle ridges on the summit (THEMIS IR daytime mosaic centred at 1.38N, 248.68E; scale bar is 25 km). (g) A heavily fractured surface in Tharsis, located between and Tractus Catena. In some graben segments, classic pit chains developed; low-lying fractures have been flooded by Tharsis-sourced lava flows (upper left; HRSC image h9443_0000 centred at 26.08N, 254.28E; scale bar is 5 km). (h) Typical wrinkle ridges, here shown in Lunae Planum, with linear to concentric orientations. This image is centred at 18.98N, 295.58E (THEMIS IR daytime mosaic). Scale bar is 10 km. North is up in all images unless otherwise indicated by white arrow. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

30 T. PLATZ ET AL. volume of erupted and reworked volcanic material than 2.1 × 106 km2 and formed after the Hellas is about 3.5 × 106 km3 (Platz et al. 2010). The erup- basin-forming event at about 4.0–3.8 Ga (Williams tion frequency for the province has been recently et al. 2009). Major volcanic activity throughout studied by dating lava flows and caldera segments the CVHP appears to be restricted to the Noachian across Elysium (Platz & Michael 2011). Main vol- and Hesperian, between 3.9 and 3.6 Ga (Williams canic activity occurred between 2.5 and 1 Ga but et al. 2009), although isolated activity at Hesperia decreased thereafter, however, with 12 less frequent Planum did occur during the Early Amazonian eruptions recorded in the past 500 myr (Platz & (Lehmann et al. 2012). Michael 2011). To the south and SE of Elysium there is yet Apollinaris Mons and other ancient highland volca- another volcanically active region known as Ely- noes. Apollinaris Mons is a low-relief, stand-alone sium Planitia or the volcanic plains volcanic edifice located near the highland– (Fig. 8), which contains one of the youngest low- lowland transitional zone SE of the Elysium volca- shield volcanoes and lava flows known on Mars nic province, at 9.28S, 174.88E (Fig. 8). The edifice (Plescia 2003; Werner et al. 2003; Baratoux et al. is about 180 km in diameter and rises up to 3.2 km. 2009; Vaucher et al. 2009). Because these lava Based on its relief, surface texture and degraded flows and low-shield volcanoes are mostly associ- friable materials, it is likely to be composed of pyr- ated with or originate at the frac- oclastic material (Robinson et al. 1993; Crumpler ture system, which also extends into the Elysium et al. 2007). Apollinaris Mons appears to have volcanic province, Platz & Michael (2011) argued been active during the Noachian and Hesperian that both regions share the same magma source at periods (Werner 2009; Tanaka et al. 2014), which depth. Hence, Elysium Planitia is considered as may have included long-lived hydrothermal activity part of the broader Elysium volcanic province. (El Maarry et al. 2012). The Syrtis Major volcanic province is located Recently, some large, irregularly shaped depres- SW of the 1350 km-diameter Isidis impact basin, sions in were interpreted to represent near the Martian highland–lowland boundary. It ancient volcanic constructs that together could extends over 7.4 × 106 km2, and includes Syrtis form the putative Arabia Terra volcanic province Major Planum and the two edifices of Nili and (Michalski & Bleacher 2013). Of these possible Meroe Paterae (Fig. 8). The estimated thickness of volcanoes, Eden Patera (Fig. 8) is the best candi- erupted volcanic material in the province ranges date, a large depression 55 × 85 km in size, located from 0.5 to 1 km, with a total volume of about at 33.68N, 348.98E. Fine-grained, layered and often 1.6 ×105 –3.2 ×105 km3 (Hiesinger & Head 2004). sulphate-bearing material exposed throughout Ara- The low-relief volcanoes each contain a north– bia Terra (Malin & Edgett 2000; Edgett & Malin south-orientated caldera, whose formation ages are 2002) may represent volcanic fall-out deposits given as 3.73–2.33 Ga and 3.77–0.23 Ga for Meroe sourced from Eden Patera and nearby presumptive Patera caldera segments, and 3.55–1.61 Ga for Nili volcanic constructs (Michalski & Bleacher 2013). Patera (Werner 2009; Robbins et al. 2011). Based In the cratered highlands of Mars, further edi- on geological mapping and observed areal densi- fices have been identified that potentially resemble ties for craters larger than 5 km in diameter, an ancient Noachian, partially highly degraded or Early–Late Hesperian age (i.e. 3.71–3.37 Ga) for deformed volcanoes (e.g. Dohm & Tanaka 1999; Syrtis Major volcanism is suggested (Greeley & Stewart & Head 2001; Ghatan & Head 2002; Xiao Guest 1987; Hiesinger & Head 2001; Tanaka et al. et al. 2012). Xiao et al. (2012) mapped 75 such 2005, 2014). However, a recent study of mapp- edifices; most of them are located at the southern ing and dating of individual lava flows and volca- periphery of and the Thauma- nic crater infill clearly points to volcanic activity sia highlands, in , Sisyphi Planum extending into the Early and Middle Amazonian (including ) and Terra Sabea (Fig. Epochs across the province (Platz et al. 2014). 8). However, the best-preserved potential volcanic The Circum-Hellas Volcanic Province (CHVP) edifice is Zephyria Tholus (Fig. 9c), located at is located at the periphery of the large, approxi- 19.88S, 172.98E (Stewart & Head 2001; Ghatan & mately 2100 km-diameter Hellas impact basin Head 2002) (Fig. 8). (Fig. 8). The province consists of the two well- studied highland volcanoes Tyrrhenus and Hadria- Volcanic landforms cus Montes, as well as the extensive volcanic plains of to the NE, and Malea Planum Volcano morphometry. Volcano morphology on (including the putative volcanoes Amphitrites, Mars differs substantially in terms of edifice diam- Peneus, Malea and Pityusa Paterae) to the SW of eter, height and flank slopes relative to volcanoes Hellas (Greeley & Spudis 1981; Williams et al. on Earth. Martian volcanoes consist primarily of 2007, 2008, 2009). The entire province covers more large and low-angle shield volcanoes, domes, Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 31 pyroclastic cones (scoria/cinder cones and tuff & Hauber 2012), (Lanz et al. 2010), rings) and putative stratovolcanoes. Edifice forma- Nili Patera (Skok et al. 2010) and the Nephentes– tion and evolution essentially depends on whether Amenthes region (Skinner & Tanaka 2007; Brozˇ these volcanic constructs were formed during a & Hauber 2013). Nevertheless, their possible exist- single eruptive phase (i.e. they are monogenetic) or ence in some locations had been reported earlier during repeated eruptions (i.e. polygenetic), and/ (e.g. Carr et al. 1977; Frey & Jarosewich 1982; or on the longevity of volcanism at certain sites, Edgett 1990; Hodges & Moore 1994; Plescia 1994). leading to the large shield volcanoes and strato- Morphometric analyses of Martian pyroclastic volcanoes. The large volcanoes known as Montes, cones are sparse. However, Brozˇ & Hauber (2012) Tholi and Paterae in the major volcanic provinces studied 29 pyroclastic cones in the Ulysses Fossae developed over millions to billions of years, punc- area in detail (see the cover picture of this Special tuated with periods of quiescence of currently Publication); cone basal diameter, height and slope unknown durations (e.g. Werner 2009; Williams can be up to 3.9 km, 650 m and 27.58, respectively. et al. 2010; Platz & Michael 2011). Owing to the differing geological settings in Lava flows. Lava flows on Mars can be generally which major volcanoes formed (e.g. on slopes along classified as channel fed and tube fed (Fig. 9e). the highland–lowland transitional zone (Olympus, Channel-fed lava flows are often narrow at proximal Alba, Apollinaris Montes), in tectonically active reaches, forming leve´es on either side of the flow regions (Alba and Tharsis Montes), or near or on with a confined inner channel. Further away, the large impact basin rims (Nili and Mereo Paterae leve´e-channel morphology can transition into a or Elysium and Hadriacus Montes, respectively), sheet flow, which is characterized by flat-topped, these edifices are rarely symmetrical in shape and rough or smooth textured surfaces, steep flow structure. As a result, basal diameters and slopes margins and lobate escarpments. Sheet-flow width vary across individual edifices. The giants among at distal reaches is often several times larger than the Martian volcanoes, with respect to height and the channelled lava flow near its source region. basal diameter, are Olympus Mons (21.2 km in Tube-fed lava flows form curvilinear ridges up to height) and Alba Mons (c. 1100 km in diameter) several kilometres across. These long ridges (Plescia 2004), respectively. Generally, the large exhibit either single, partially recognizable chan- shield volcanoes in the Tharsis and Elysium volca- nels at their crests, or aligned isolated or coalesced nic provinces have flank slopes of about 18–68, pit-craters that formed after the encapsulated tubes although a few Tholi exhibit flank slopes of up to had been drained (i.e. syn- or post-eruptive col- 278 (Plescia 2004; Platz et al. 2011). Syrtis Major lapse). The tube morphology can transition into and the circum-Hellas shield volcanoes are char- multiple overlapping, narrow, channelled to sheet- acterized by flank slopes of less than 18 (Plescia type flows that in turn form a lava field or fan at 2004). the base of the tube. This type of tube-fed flow is Small shield volcanoes are observed throughout best observed on the western flanks of Olympus the Tharsis region and in the Elysium volcanic pro- Mons (Fig. 9e). Channel-fed sheet flows are prob- vince, and commonly occur in clusters or chains ably best preserved on the relatively young, (Figs 8 & 9b). Their basal diameters range from a Middle–Late Amazonian lava plains in the Tharsis few kilometres to a few tens of kilometres, and province (Fig. 9e). In each of the Martian volcanic they frequently have summit elevations of up to provinces, channel-fed and tube-fed lava flows several hundred metres and flank slopes of less were formed, although their state of preservation than 58 (Baratoux et al. 2009; Bleacher et al. differs. Moreover, pre-existing surface textures, 2009; Hauber et al. 2009; Richardson et al. 2013). channel confinement and slope, lava composition, These shield volcanoes are typical of plains-style and effusion rate result in differences in lava-flow volcanism (Greeley 1982). It is likely that the for- morphology (e.g. ridged or platy texture, and chan- mation of low-shield volcanoes was common nel sinuosity) and morphometry (e.g. width, height, throughout the evolution of the Tharsis volcanic runout distance and volume). province, although most of the older edifices were probably buried by successive, subsequent volcanic Fallout deposits. Volcanic fallout or deposits activity (Hauber et al. 2011). generally consist of particles that have been trans- Pyroclastic cones (Fig. 9d), defined here as ported ballistically from a source vent or settled scoria/cinder and tephra cones and tuff rings, have from an eruption column. In the latter case, particles only been observed on Mars since the availability may have been transported over large distances of high-resolution imagery in the following areas: before settling down from the atmosphere, forming Pavonis Mons (Keszthelyi et al. 2008), Ascraeus air-fall deposits. Clast sizes within fallout depos- Mons (Mouginis-Mark & Christensen 2005), Syria its vary considerably. In proximal reaches, tephra Planum (Hauber et al. 2009), Ulysses Fossae (Brozˇ deposits can be poorly sorted, and are comprised Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

32 T. PLATZ ET AL. of ash (,2 mm in width), lapilli (2–64 mm) and feature particle sizes ranging from medium to blocks/bombs fragments (i.e. wall rock/juvenile coarse sand, which appear coarser than their ana- material; .64 mm). Further from the source, par- logues on Earth (Edgett & Christensen 1991, 1994). ticles become increasingly better sorted, with Remotely sensed spectroscopic studies revealed tephra deposits continuously thinning out down- that most of these dark dunes and sediments are range of the volcanic plume and away from its apex. composed of olivine and pyroxene, which suggests On Mars, several fine-grained and friable depos- a volcanic origin (e.g. Poulet et al. 2007; Tirsch its have been observed that probably have a volca- et al. 2011). Dark basaltic material is either depos- nic origin. The largest deposits, collectively known ited within craters by airfall or tephra layers are as the (Scott & Tanaka exposed by impact craters from which intracrater 1982; Mandt et al. 2008), are located along the dunes formed (Tirsch et al. 2011). Probably the highland–lowland transitional zone between 1408E best examples of active, dark basaltic dunes are and 2308E (i.e. the longitudinal range) and to the those exposed in the caldera Nili Patera (Silvestro south of the Elysium rise through to Olympus et al. 2010), which are composed of abraded lava Mons. The source for these large (potentially tephra) material and reworked tephra. deposits has been attributed to either Apollinaris Rootless cones (or pseudocraters) form by explo- Mons (Kerber et al. 2011b) or to the Tharsis vol- sive interactions between lava and external water canic province (Bradley et al. 2002; Hynek et al. (Thorarinsson 1953), either while lava is flowing 2003). Interestingly, ground observations by the over water-saturated strata or when it physically ’ in crater mingles with external water/ice. On Mars, there confirmed the presence of layered coarse and fine- are abundant locations of so-called rootless cones – grained tephra at ‘’ (Squyres et al. conical edifices with a summit depression – that 2007). have also been attributed to periglacial proces- ses (i.e. pingos: e.g. Burr et al. 2005; Page 2007) Volcaniclastic deposits. The collective term ‘volca- and mud volcanism (Farrand et al. 2005). Recent niclastic deposit’ includes , debris-flow and detailed surveys have shown that small cone groups debri-avalanche (landslide) deposits, dunes, and in Tartarus Colles (Hamilton et al. 2011), and in rootless cones, which together resemble reworked and Cerberus Palus (Keszthelyi primary volcanic deposits such as lava flows, as et al. 2010), probably formed by rootless eruptions. well as pyroclastic flow and tephra deposits. On Mars, debris avalanche deposits caused by flank Composition of volcanic rocks edifice failure are observed in association with Olympus Mons and Tharsis Tholus. Olympus Mons The morphology and morphometry of lava flows is surrounded by aureole deposits known as Lycus, (e.g. Greeley 1974; Greeley & Spudis 1981; Kes- Cyane, and Gigas Sulci and Sulci Gordii, which zthelyi et al. 2004), and their derived rheological represent large-scale landslide deposits that were parameters (e.g. Zimbelman 1985; Baloga et al. probably sourced from the circumferential scarp 2003; Garry et al. 2007; Baratoux et al. 2009; (Lopes et al. 1982; McGovern et al. 2004; Byrne Hauber et al. 2011; Pasckert et al. 2012), together et al. 2013a). Tharsis Tholus also experienced sev- with the similarities between terrestrial (e.g. islands eral flank failure events, of which only remnants of of and Galapagos) and Martian shield vol- the western flank collapse are preserved as mounds canoes (e.g. Greeley & Spudis 1981; Hauber et al. and rotated blocks (Platz et al. 2011). The best 2009), suggest that is predomi- examples of lahar (and debris-flow) deposits are nantly basaltic in nature. Geochemical analyses of those associated with the sudden release of ground- Mars-sourced SNC (Shergottite, Chas- water at the western flank of the Elysium rise (Chris- signite) meteorites (e.g. McSween 1994, 2002) and tiansen 1989). During the outburst(s) of water, a in situ rover and lander investigations (e.g. Larsen substantial portion of the lower western Elysium et al. 2000; McSween et al. 2004) have also con- flank was eroded, transported and deposited onto firmed the dominant presence of basaltic rocks on the plains of Utopia Planitia. Since the observed Mars. Although andesitic rock compositions were channels and channel networks of also suggested to be present at rover/lander sites and are confined by debris leve´es at and across the northern plains (Bandfield et al. proximal to medial reaches, a ‘pure’ fluvial origin 2000; Larsen et al. 2000), Wyatt & McSween (2002) with subsequent valley formation can be excluded. reanalysed abundances from published Dark sediments and dunes are frequently ob- work and attributed the ‘’-like signature served in the highlands of Mars. They occur mostly to low-temperature, aqueous alteration of basalts. within craters, calderas and intercrater plains. Their Igneous minerals such as olivine, pyroxene and aeolian origin was suggested in earlier studies (e.g. feldspar, as well as volcanic glass present in the Thomas 1984; Edgett & Blumberg 1994) and they Martian regolith, have been detected by spectral Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 33 analyses from orbital spacecraft (e.g. Bandfield often forming ‘leaf graben’, on the flanks of the edi- et al. 2000; Christensen et al. 2003; Bibring et al. fice and a concentric thrust belt at its base (Borgia 2005). Rock compositional analyses at the Mars et al. 2000). In contrast, volcano sagging will result Exploration Rover ‘Spirit’ and Mars Science Lab- in the development of concentric flank thrusts or oratory ‘’ landing sites provided evidence ‘terraces’ (Byrne et al. 2009, 2013a), accompanied for a bulk-chemical, mineralogical and textural by the formation of a flexural moat and bulge (e.g. diversity of igneous samples (e.g. Squyres et al. Comer et al. 1985). 2006; Sautter et al. 2014). There is little direct evidence for volcano spread- ing on Mars. This is because spreading requires Volcano-tectonics that an edifice be mechanically detached from its underlying basement, such that the response to Calderas. On all large shield and highland volca- loading is accommodated in the main by the vol- noes across the main volcanic provinces, summit cano itself (e.g. McGovern & Solomon 1993; caldera(s) are observed, which attest to single or Borgia 1994), and the conditions necessary for multiple cycles of large-scale magma storage, such decoupling (e.g. low-competency strata such growth and replenishment within the edifices and as clays) are not widely observed on Mars. Never- subsequent summit collapse(s). Crumpler et al. theless, the Tharsis Tholus edifice, in eastern (1996) studied Martian calderas and defined two Tharsis, does appear to have experienced sector col- distinct caldera types: (1) Olympus type and (2) lapse in a manner similar to volcanoes known to Arsia type (Fig. 9a, f), which are characterized by have spread on Earth (Platz et al. 2011). Spreading complex/nested or by single summit calderas, along phyllosilicates proximal to and beneath respectively. Caldera dimensions vary substantially Olympus Mons has also probably played a role in in diameter and depth. The largest caldera of the shaping that volcano (Morgan & McGovern 2005; biggest shield volcanoes is hosted by Arsia Mons McGovern & Morgan 2009; Byrne et al. 2013a). and measures 115 km in diameter, whereas, at high- The effects of volcano sagging are seen much land volcanoes in the CHVP, calderas have formed more widely across Mars. At least nine volcanoes with diameters up to 145 km (Crumpler et al. 1996). (including Olympus Mons) show evidence of flank Caldera depths range from a few hundred metres terraces, topographically subtle landforms that up to 5 km (for Pavonis Mons: Fig. 9f). It has been are difficult to see without the aid of topographical noted that most of the ‘smaller’ volcanoes (Uraunius data (Byrne et al. 2009). These structures were MonsandTharsis,Ceraunius,Jovis,Biblis,andUlys- observed on Olympus and on the Tharsis Montes ses Tholi) at the periphery of the Tharsis Montes initially (e.g. Thomas et al. 1990) but their preva- exhibit greater caldera depths (i.e. between 1 and lence on shields of a range of shapes and sizes 3 km) than the calderas of most of the large shield indicates that their formation is likely to be tied to volcanoes in Tharsis (Crumpler et al. 1996). Mar- a process commonly experienced by volcanoes. tian calderas show similar features to terrestrial Flank terraces were tied to lithospheric flexure by calderas, including one or more of the following McGovern & Solomon (1993), an interpretation characteristics: steep, circular to elliptical caldera reinforced by more recent analogue modelling walls, terraced caldera margins, circumferential studies (e.g. Byrne et al. 2013a). Importantly, vol- scarps, faults and graben, radially orientated ridges cano sagging will serve to place an edifice into a and faults, chains, linear arrangement of state of net compression, which will impede or small vents, and volcanic flooding that has levelled even inhibit magma ascent to its summit, and, in caldera floors (e.g. Crumpler et al. 1996; Mouginis- turn, will its eruptive behaviour and develop- Mark & Rowland 2001; Platz et al. 2011; Byrne ment (e.g. Byrne et al. 2012; McGovern et al. 2014). et al. 2012). Tectonic structures Flank deformation. Volcanoes can experience tectonic deformation due to a number of exogenic It is widely accepted that Mars is a one-plate planet, processes (e.g. rifting) but gravitationally driven although the prospect of plate tectonics having at tectonism is one of the primary endogenic proces- some point operated on that planet has yet to be ses responsible for volcano flank deformation (Fig. fully resolved (Sleep 1994; Yin 2012). This possi- 9f). Edifice spreading and sagging represent end bility was proposed because of the apparent hemi- members of a structural continuum along which a spheric crustal dichotomy dividing Mars into the given volcano, subject to gravitational deforma- southern high-standing, cratered highlands and the tion, will lie; this continuum probably applies to northern lowlands, with the latter appearing, with Mars as equally as it does to Earth (Byrne et al. Viking-based imagery, to be less cratered than the 2013a). Volcano spreading is characterized by the southern highlands. With new, high-resolution topo- formation of a system of radial normal faults, graphical data, however, large subdued basin Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

34 T. PLATZ ET AL. structures were discovered, which most probably developed around Alba Mons and the Tharsis makes the lowlands as old as the highlands (Frey Montes, whereas the latest activity (stage 5) 2008). There are currently two theories for how occurred during the Middle–Late Amazonian with the dichotomy on Mars developed: (1) by a giant associated faults located around the large shield vol- impact (e.g. Wilhelms & Squyres 1984; Andrews- canoes (Anderson et al. 2001). Hanna et al. 2008; Marinova et al. 2008); or (2) The main cause of extensional deformation by endogenic processes (convective overturn of within Tharsis and its periphery is its loading- the interior (Wise et al. 1979) or by degree-1 con- induced stress on the lithosphere. It is thought that vection with north–south asymmetry (Zhong & most graben are the surface expressions of giant Zuber 2001; Roberts & Zhong 2006)). dyke swarm intrusions (Ernst et al. 2001; Wilson In the Martian lithosphere, a suite of faults has & Head 2002; Schultz et al. 2004). Similar con- been identified with normal (e.g. Plescia & Saunders centric and radial fault patterns (e.g. Cerberus 1982; Schultz et al. 2007), reverse (e.g. Schultz & Fossae), although far less numerous, are also Tanaka 1994) and strike-slip senses of movement observed in the Elysium volcanic province, where (Andrews-Hanna et al. 2008; Yin 2012) (Fig. 8). the mass and volume of the Elysium rise has also Extensional features include normal faults, half- induced faulting. graben, graben and rift-like structures such as Ach- Valles Marineris constitutes the largest, most eron Fossae (Kronberg et al. 2007) (Figs 8 & 9g). spectacular and, perhaps, the most puzzling set of As for other terrestrial worlds, most graben likely canyons in the solar system (Lucchitta et al. 1992). represent an hourglass-shaped subsurface pattern Although the linearity of canyon walls suggests a (Schultz et al. 2007). And as for Mercury and the tectonic origin, differing driving mechanisms have Moon, wrinkle ridges (Figs 7f & 9h) are very com- been proposed for the canyons, including tec- mon landforms on the once more tonic rifting associated with large-scale magmatism interpreted as arcuate, asymmetric ridges that have and/or extensive dyke emplacement (e.g. Blasius formed above an underlying, low-angle thrust fault. et al. 1977; Me`ge & Masson 1996; McKenzie & This type of faulting is thought to occur in layered Nimmo 1999; Schultz & Lin 2001; Dohm et al. rocks such as sedimentary sequences or successions 2009), collapse along tectonic zones and subsequent of lava flows. Well-developed wrinkle-ridge sys- catastrophic discharges (Sharp 1973; Tanaka & tems are probably best preserved in Lunae, Solis Golombek 1989; Spencer & Fanale 1990; Rodriguez and Syrtis Major Plana (Fig. 9h). et al. 2006), (Montgomery & Gillespie The global tectonic map of Mars (Knapmeyer 2005; et al. 2009), composite origins invol- et al. 2006) shows that the focus of activity is asso- ving erosion (Lucchitta et al. 1994) and/or major ciated with the large Tharsis volcanic province. distinct stages of collapse and normal faulting Here, large sets of normal faults, half-graben and (Schultz 1998), and volcano-erosion where Tharsis- graben radiate outwards (with minor occurrences sourced lava tubes form pit chains due to roof col- of concentric faults) from the central Tharsis rise lapse, which later evolve into fossae and chasmata (Fig. 8). Plescia & Saunders (1982) studied in (Leone 2014). A recent study by Andrews-Hanna detail the tectonic evolution of Tharsis, and pro- (2012) showed that canyon formation occurred posed four discrete centres of faulting that, from through displacement along steeply dipping faults, oldest to youngest, include the Thaumasia high- coupled with vertical subsidence. lands, northern Syria Planum and two centres near Pavonis Mons. The timing of the main tectonic activity on Article summaries Mars was later determined by Anderson et al. (2001) to have peaked in five main phases. The P. Mancinelli, F. Minelli, A. Mondini, C. Pauselli & oldest identified stage of activity occurred during C. Federico the Noachian, when most of the graben in Syria Planum, Tempe Terra and Thaumasia formed. The A downscaling approach for geological Late Noachian–Early Hesperian (stage 2) and characterization of the of Early Hesperian (stage 3) tectonic phases formed Mercury extensional structures along the central Valles Mar- ineris, and in Pavonis, Syria, Ulysses and Tempe Through combining newly available photogeo- Terra, respectively. Stage 3 tectonic activity is logical, compositional and topographical data for also associated with wrinkle-ridge formation in Mercury, Mancinelli et al. (2014) first present a Lunae and Solis Plana, as well as in Thaumasia, new synthesis of the surface units on the inner- Sirenum, Memnonia and (Ander- most planet. These authors then investigate an area son et al. 2001). The tectonic structures formed of particularly diverse units in greater detail, an in stage 4 (Late Hesperian–Early Amazonian) area that includes the 260 km-diameter Raditladi Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 35 impact basin. In investigating the geological his- volcanoes on Mars. However, Meyzen et al. tory of the basin, they construct a geological cross- (2014) argue for a revision of that view: that, section that shows how the volcanic units inside the instead, volcanoes on the slow-moving Nubian interior of Raditladi were emplaced upon impact- and Antarctic plates provide a better comparison. related units. The chapter ends with a call for further By comparing and contrasting the properties of vol- regional- and local-scale mapping of Mercury, to canoes located on slow-moving plates on Earth with elucidate the origin of units observed globally but the large volcanoes in Mars’ Tharsis region, these whose nature is currently unclear. authors seek to understand more fully the nature and significance of the large-scale melting and differentiation processes of volcanoes on Mars. N. P. Lang & I. Lo´pez The magmatic evolution of three Venusian T. Morota, Y. Ishihara, S Sasaki, S. Goossens, coronae K. Matsumoto, H. Noda, H. Araki, H. Hanada, S. Tazawa, F. Kikuchi, T. Ishikawa, S. Tsuruta, S. Lang & Lo´pez (2013) argue that the volcanic pro- Kamata, H. Otake, J. Haruyama & M. Ohtake ducts and forms associated with three case-study coronae, Zemire, Bhumidevi and Aramiti, may not Lunar mare volcanism: lateral heterogeneities be consistent with widely accepted models of corona formation. Instead, their evolution can be in volcanic activity and relationship with explained by the mass evacuation of a stratified, crustal structure shallow . This evacuation and col- lapse would account for the observed extensive The asymmetry of lunar near- and farside maria is lava flows emanating from the annular fractures sur- still under investigation. Here, Morota et al. rounding these coronae, as well as the steep-sided (2014) study the relationship between mare distri- domes and tholi that formed along these fractures bution and crustal thickness on the Moon using at the latest stage of the corona evolution, when remotely sensed geological and geophysical data. crystal-rich magmas (or basaltic foams) were Their results show that magma extrusion is domi- squeezed up and forced to the surface. nant in regions of relatively thin crust, which is consistent with previous studies. However, these authors also find lateral heterogeneities in the R. C. Ghail & L. Wilson upper limits of crustal thickness, which would allow magma ascent to, and lava extrusion onto, A pyroclastic flow deposit on Venus the lunar surface. These heterogeneities may be Ghail & Wilson (2013) describe the morphological due to lateral variations in melt/magma genera- characteristics of a semi-circular, doughnut-shaped tion within the mantle and/or changes in crustal deposit on Venus that is morphologically consis- density. tent with pyroclastic flow deposits on Earth. The hydrodynamic interaction of this deposit, named C. Carli, G. Serventi & M. Sgavetti Scathach Fluctus, with a indicate 21 flow velocities of up to 48 m s . Estimated volatile VNIR spectral characteristics of terrestrial abundances associated with the explosive eruption igneous effusive rocks: mineralogical imply high CO2 and SO2 concentrations in the man- tle. Because the radar characteristics of Scathach composition and the influence of texture Fluctus are similar to many parts of the Venusian surface, these authors suggest that pyroclastic flow Carli et al. (2014) discuss the utility of visible and deposits are more widespread on the second planet near-infrared (VNIR) spectroscopy to map min- than previously thought. eralogical variations across planetary surfaces. In particular, igneous rocks emplaced effusively have distinct crystal field absorption bands in the C. M. Meyzen, M. Massironi, R. Pozzobon & L. Dal VNIR spectral range, bands that correspond to the Zilio rocks’ constituent mineralogy. These authors review how petrological properties influence the inter- Are terrestrial plumes from motionless plates pretation of rock mineralogy using spectroscopy. analogues to Martian plumes feeding the giant Among other results, they show how grain and crys- shield volcanoes? tal size can influence the spectra of effusive rocks, and how glassy components in rock groundmass Hawaiian has long been reduce or hide absorption bands of mafic minerals thought an apt analogue to the giant, long-lived or . They also suggest that combining Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

36 T. PLATZ ET AL. geomorphic and spectral data is the most reliable test the hypothesis that flank terraces result from method of mapping of volcanic material on plane- constriction of a volcano as it down-flexes its under- tary surfaces. lying lithospheric basement. They show that terrace formation on sagging edifices is largely independent of volcano slope, size or aspect ratio, but increas- S. Ferrari, M. Massironi, S. Marchi, P. K. Byrne, ing lithospheric thickness will ultimately inhibit ter- C. Klimczak, E. Martellato & G. Cremonese race development entirely. These authors conclude Age relationships of the Rembrandt basin that understanding the structural evolution of large shields on Mars requires that these volcanoes be and Enterprise Rupes, Mercury appraised within the context of lithospheric flexure. The time–stratigraphic relationship between the 715 km-diameter Rembrandt impact basin and the R. Pozzobon, F. Mazzarini, M. Massironi & Enterprise Rupes scarp system, which extends for L. Marinangeli over 800 km across the surface of Mercury, is the focus of the work by Ferrari et al. (2014). These Self-similar clustering distribution of authors find that the Rembrandt basin formed at structural features on Ascraeus Mons about 3.8 Ga, with resurfacing of its interior by vol- (Mars): implications for magma canic smooth plains occurring within 100–300 myr after basin formation. The most recent activity chamber depth along Enterprise Rupes took place at about 3.6 Ga, Pozzobon et al. (2014) use self-similar fractal clus- cross-cutting (and therefore post-dating) the tering techniques to examine the distribution of pit basin’s volcanic infilling event(s). It is currently craters on the Ascraeus Mons volcano on Mars. unclear whether the initiation of the Enterprise These pits are probably related to feeder dykes Rupes fault system pre- or post-dates the Rembrandt and, by understanding how the pits are distributed, basin-forming event. the subsurface architecture of the magma system below Ascraeus can be understood. The authors find F. C. Lopes, A. T. Caselli, A. Machado & evidence for two discrete pit populations, indicative M. T. Barata of two magma sources – one at shallow depths and the other deep below the volcano – and appraise this The development of the Deception Island finding within the context of earlier studies of the volcano caldera under control of the volcano, suggesting that this analysis may provide Bransfield Basin sinistral strike-slip tectonic insight into the deep structure of other large volca- noes on Mars. regime (NW )

Deception Island is a small, volcanically active P. J. McGovern, E. B. Grosfils, G. A. Galgana, caldera volcano located in the Bransfield Strait, off J. K. Morgan, M. E. Rumpf, J. R. Smith & the Antarctic Peninsula. Lopes et al. (2014) present J. R. Zimbelman evidence that the fractures that have shaped the edifice, and its elongate caldera, are the result of per- Lithospheric flexure and volcano basal vasive left-lateral simple shearing within the Brans- boundary conditions: keys to the structural field Basin. They also review the formational history evolution of large volcanic edifices on the of the caldera, proposing that at least two phases of collapse have occurred: first in a small-volume terrestrial planets event and, later, in a larger event that affected the McGovern et al. (2014) study the interplay between flanks of the volcano itself. large volcanic edifices and the underlying litho- sphere, which flexes in response to the exerted vol- P. K. Byrne, E. P. Holohan, M. Kervyn, B. van Wyk canic load. Lithospheric thickness influences the & V. R. Troll shape of the flexural response, and the associated stress states in turn can influence the structure and Analogue modelling of volcano flank terrace evolution of the overlying edifice – which in turn formation on Mars affects lithosphere response. The edifice–basement basal boundary condition (i.e. welded base or glid- Flank terraces are laterally extensive, topographi- ing basal plane) determines whether compression cally subtle landforms on the slopes of large Mar- is transferred into the edifice, which can potentially tian shield volcanoes. In this chapter, Byrne et al. inhibit magma ascent into the edifice. Volcanoes (2014a) use a series of scaled analogue models to situated on a thick lithosphere and a clay-based Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021

VOLCANISM AND TECTONISM ACROSS THE INNER SOLAR SYSTEM: AN OVERVIEW 37 de´collement can grow to enormous sizes, whereas wrinkle ridges, which are principally attributed to the growth of an edifice welded to a thin lithosphere the planet’s secular cooling and resultant global is likely to be limited. contraction. Giacomini et al. (2014) study the for- mation age of an extensive fold and thrust belt of which Blossom Rupes is part, using different age E. B. Grosfils, P. J. McGovern, P. M. Gregg, G. A. determination techniques, including buffered crater Galgana, D. M. Hurwitz, S. M. Long & S. R. counting. They find that thrust activity along this Chestler system terminated between 3.7 and 3.5 Ga. Should Elastic models of magma reservoir mechanics: these techniques indicate that other large-scale con- a key tool for investigating planetary tractional features on Mercury have similar ages, a revision of current thermal evolution models for volcanism Mercury, including an earlier onset of planetary contraction, is required. Exploring the mechanics of magma storage, its ascent to the surface, and the interplay of subsurface and surface volcano-tectonic processes is the main V. Galluzzi, G. Di Achille, L. Ferranti, C. Popa & objective of this contribution by Grosfils et al. P. Palumbo (2013). These authors use bespoke elastic numerical models that leverage field, laboratory and remote- Faulted craters as indicators for thrust sensing observations to study volcanic processes on motions on Mercury terrestrial worlds. Their models provide renewed insights into how subsurface magma reservoirs Is it possible to directly determine true dip angles inflate and rupture, and how these processes relate and slip vectors for faults on other planets? Galluzzi to volcano growth, caldera formation, and the asso- et al. (2014) show that this can be accomplished by ciated emplacement of circumferential and radial using digital terrain models of deformed craters on dykes. Mercury. In so doing, these authors demonstrate the broad range of dip angles and kinematics of Mer- curian faults. This methodology, which allows for M. Massironi, G. Di Achille, D. A. Rothery, the quantitative structural characterization of remo- V. Galluzzi, L. Giacomini, S. Ferrari, M. Zusi, tely sensed faults, can be used to enhance our under- G. Cremonese & P. Palumbo standing of planetary geodynamics. Lateral ramps and strike-slip kinematics on Mercury L. B. Harris & J. H. Be´dard Massironi et al. (2014) investigate contractional Interactions between continent-like ‘drift’, features on Mercury for evidence of strike-slip rifting and mantle flow on Venus: gravity deformation. Such evidence includes en echelon fold arrays, restraining bends, positive flower struc- interpretations and Earth analogues tures, stike-slip duplexes and crater rims that have Harris & Be´dard (2014b) identify major strike- been displaced by lobate scarps and high-relief slip shear zones at Ishtar and Afrodite Terrae and ridges. These authors find that the strike-slip to at Sedna Planitia, using offsets of Bouger gravity transpressional motion along faults they observe anomalies and gravity gradient edges. Their obser- is inconsistent with a globally homogenous stress vations call for a new conceptual model capable of field predicted to result from secular cooling- satisfying Venusian subduction-free geodynamics, induced global contraction alone. They conclude dominant convective upwellings and the substantial that other processes, such as mantle convection, horizontal tectonism required by the observed may have played a contributory role during the tec- strike-slip belts. These authors suggest that mantle tonic evolution of Mercury. traction, generated and controlled by linear upwel- lings along rifts, has resulted in the substantial L. Giacomini, M. Massironi, S. Marchi, C. I. Fassett, lateral motion of areas of continent-like crust on G. Di Achille & G. Cremonese Venus, such as Lakshumi planum (in western ). This process accounts for the fold-and- Age dating of an extensive thrust system thrust belt that bounds Lakshumi planum to the on Mercury: implications for the planet’s north, as well as the transpressive regimes recog- thermal evolution nized at its eastern and western margins. Harris & Be´dard (2014b) conclude by proposing that this Mercury’s surface is characterized by abundant new perspective of Venus may provide insight into contractional features such as lobate scarps and the tectonics of the Archaean Earth. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


M. T. Barata, F. C. Lopes, P. Pina, E. I. Alves & fissure systems and, supposedly, dyke-induced gra- J. Saraiva ben on the Moon. Automatic detection of wrinkle ridges in Venusian Magellan imagery L. Guallini, C. Pauselli, F. Brozzetti & L. Marinangeli Wrinkle ridges are common and widespread tectonic features on Venus. Barata et al. (2014) Physical modelling of large-scale present an automated algorithm to detect wrinkle deformational systems in the South Polar ridges using Magellan Synthetic Aperture Radar Layered Deposits (Promethei Lingula, Mars): imagery, with which they characterize ridge mor- phology, including orientation, length and spac- new geological constraints and climatic ing. This procedure greatly enhances wrinkle ridge implications mapping and analysis. In addition, these authors also test an automated procedure to identify and In a follow-on study of the Promethei Lingula ice characterize impact craters and their ejecta. sheet on Mars, Guallini et al. (2014) integrate struc- tural analysis with thermal and mechanical models to quantify the deformation of part of the ice A. L. Nahm & R. A. Schultz sheet’s South Polar Layered Deposits. They show that parts of these deposits feature soft-sediment Rupes Recta and the geological history of deformation and that internal compositions are the region of the Moon: insights dominated by CO2 ice. Moreover, these authors from forward mechanical modelling of the determine that deformation of the layered deposits ‘Straight Wall’ is unlikely to have occurred under present-day cli- matic conditions. Instead, warmer temperatures in The Moon’s famous Rupes Recta, or ‘Straight the past were likely to have been responsible for Wall’, situated in Mare Nubium on the lunar near- soft-sediment deformation, and may even have trig- side has been known for more than three centu- gered gravitational sliding of the entire ice sheet. ries. Nahm & Schultz (2013) investigate its fault characteristics. Detailed structural mapping and throw distribution measurements show that this D. L. Buczkowski & D. Y. Wyrick structure has experienced bi-directional growth. Tectonism and magmatism identified on Forward mechanical modelling of its topography indicates that the fault has a dip angle of 858, asteroids almost 0.5 km of maximum displacement and pene- This contribution provides a review of linear fea- trates over 40 km into the lunar lithosphere. These tures observed on a range of asteroids, including authors show that the development of Rupes Recta Gaspra, Eros and Itokawa. Buczkowski & Wyrick could have been strongly influenced by columnar (2014) primarily focus on previous observations cooling joints activated as shear planes during sub- of tectonic structures, current models to explain lin- sidence of Mare Nubium. ear feature formation and the implications for the internal structure of these small bodies. Even though D. Y. Wyrick, A. P. Morris, M. K. Todt & Vesta is a unique and differentiated proto-planetary M. J. Watson-Morris body, it hosts fractures and grooves that are morpho- logically similar to those observed on smaller aster- Physical analogue modelling of Martian oids, and is therefore also included in this review dyke-induced deformation chapter. To date, no volcanic features have been identified on Vesta’s surface, but these authors Dykes are commonly thought to form, and thus discuss the prospect that the geological history of underlie, laterally extensive graben on planetary Vesta may have included endogenic magmatism. surfaces. Using analogue modelling techniques, Wyrick et al. (2014) demonstrate that dykes in- This volume would not have been possible without the jected into an undisturbed crust cause ridges and assistance of all who willingly agreed to review these related contractional features to develop at the chapters. Thanks also go to the reviewer, D. A. Williams, of this chapter. The authors also wish to thank T. M. Hare surface, instead of extensional structures. This find- (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ) for ing has important implications for graben sets on compiling global datasets in GIS-ready formats for Venus, numerous worlds, including our understanding of the Moon and Mars. M. A. Ivanov (Russian Academy of Tharsis-radial graben, which should predate dyke Science, Moscow) kindly provided his geological map of emplacement, the evolution of Venusian radiating Venus and assisted in simplifying the map units. P. K. Downloaded from http://sp.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 23, 2021


Byrne acknowledges support from the MESSENGER pro- dome in Marius Hills, Oceanus Procellarum. Abstract ject, under contracts NASW-00002 to the Carnegie Insti- 1845 presented at the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting tution of Washington and NAS5-97271 to The Johns 2011, 2–7 October 2011, Nantes, France. Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and from Baer, G., Terra, L., Bindschadler,D.L.&Stofan,E.R. the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Insti- 1994. Spatial and temporal relations between coronae tution of Washington. M. Massironi acknowledges the and extensional belts, northern , Venus. support from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) within the Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 8355–8369. SIMBIOSYS Project (ASI-INAF agreement no. I/022/ Baker, V. R., Komatsu, G., Gulick,V.C.&Parker, 10/0) and from the University of Padua within the T. J. 1997. Channels and valleys. In: Bougher,S. Ateneo Project CPDA112213/11. This research made use W., Hunten,D.M.&Phillips, R. J. 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