Ilanrijpfitpr Leiipmiig Upralii Plane Hits Mountaintpp, 32 Dead, 10 Survivors
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rsiM - > AvMbgg Daily Net PnoB Ron IftAflB TWENTY-FOUR Far lha Warii Bndaf The Weather ' PRTOAY, OCrrOBER 28, 1968 Oetobor U , 1501 Fair and quit* cool tonight, Oatirbrntir Enrning Rmilb low in Um upper lO’a vrith ilanrijpfitpr lEiipmiig Upralii chance o f flraat in norm ally The Petannial Planters The British AmsMcan Club ooldor aoeUoiM. Fair and coo- day. Cooklaa, brownlea and 15,273 A bout Town Garden dub will meet Monday win have its annual Chiistmaa Lesson in Math Open H ouse Set ohUd’a homeroom. Allan L. Plairt NUw! Untied cool Sunday, high In 80*s. at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. party for members’ children pieces of Chke were sold for a Cone, principal, and Atty. Don Htmche*ter— 4 City o f ViUage Charm few cents each as dessert. ald P. Richter, PTO president, UWtod Fund oM cc ait 93S Jamea Britton, iSS Woodland 8t. who win he less than 9 years To Aid Biafrans 9 .• By Bennet PTO Oo-hoatessea are Mrs. Fted 'Bosa Mbet of the goods were made wW weioome parents. VWa. LXXXVIH, NO. 28 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV—TABLOm) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1968 Admrttelng on Paga IT) PR ICE t e n c e n t s * * * ■*. will be open tomorrow old by Chiistmaa Dec. 18 at 3 and Mrs. Herbert Huffield. Miss Mm. Doreen Johnson’s sixth by the students* pareots. ■ Woodland 1(C a.4n. to noon to" receive p.m. at the club house. The Bennet Junior High School MUllcent Jones will ifive instruc gradem at Nathan Hale Srinol ^ e total profta from the sale The ciily country In South '■•tam* from oanvAMera. deadline for members to PTO will hold an op4n house tion on maklnc: dried flower register their children is tomor took a leaaan In math whOe run- are $39.03 which will be sent to Ameriioa with coaethnM on both GilfiOENS pictures and Mrs. Harry Ltioyd row. nlng a fund ralslag program for Rie fiiMl*e headquarters in New neoGt Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. the AfianMo and the I>o8llo im Tile VFW will eponsor a Hal- fuid Mrs. Donald Manning will the Biahaa diikfaan’s Relief Haven. Partnts wUl be abto to meet Ootombia. iowrero Dance and buffet at «he * demonstrate methods of mak A harvest supper and fair Fund ’ruewlay and Wedneeday. their children’s teadiem and • Balk* Set Clocks Back poet home for member* and ing note paper. The club la plan sponsored by the Women’s So The program staitad In the LBJ Reported Vooata tomorrow from S p.m. ning a trip to Bristol Nurseries ciety and the Couple* dub of ftHlow a typical day’s schedule Manchestoritos, along with class discussian of the plight of Lecture'Seriles o f olaasee. During the 15-min #Traiit to 1 a.m . ait the pqpt home. on Wednesday. Community Baptist Church will sts^ ^ Biafran chiMMn. The most Americana, will get on *Ilcketa wiH be available at the be held tomorrow ta FeUowshtp ute daas periods, each tfSacher KITCHEN CRAFT extra hour’s sleep tonight, Plane Hits Mountaintpp, • EvtrpvMt students wanted to do eomethlng Slated on Drugs wtU diecuM their couism and ■loor. In reoognilion of “Legal Sec Hall, 577 E. Center St. ’Die fair fo r them. when Daylight Saving Time retaries Day” and “Day in will be from 2 to 7 p.m. and a answer questions. A product of West ,Bend end*. When they learned a few pen A special lecture series on The Rev. Kenneth Btetre of Court,” Tuesday, the Greater turkey supper will be aeiVed The program will begin in the I Pushing Halt Clocks will be set BACK Hartford Legal Secretaries As at 5:80 and 6:80 p.m. Enter nies would buy a glass of milk drugs is being offered to par Co., as advertised in . ' M S * one hour os of 3 a.m. Sun Center OonKregational Church for the chUdren^ they wanted to will conduct a aervice Sunday sociation will apMisor a tour at tainment for children will be ents and aduRS'by the Manches day. That dooan’t mean that 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. through the provided by the Senior High •end something. In math <daas Modem Bride nuttrazine. WAfOUNGTON (P ) — Deeptte Richard M. Nixon in New York. one must get up at 3 a.m. to at 8:U a-m. on radio atatlon they organised a bake sale ter Adtdt Eveidiig School Nov. l«th Clroutt, 15B Morgan St., TouQi Fellowship. For reser on aisgry denial from Hanoi of "I am told,’’ Nixon said, “that change the time. Set it back WINF. The propam la qwn- vditch they ran in the eohool 12 and 10. A stainless steel water any bombitg’-halt deal, Preri* Harttord, for legal secretaries vations for the supper, contact You con how it on top offloials li\ the administra whatever time you go to jored by the Mancheater Coun cafeteria Tueeday and Wednee- dent Johawoo waa reported to cil of Oiurchea and the Man- of the Greater Hartford area Mrs. John Fletcher, 78 Irving An Infonmatlon panel of fed- less cookw are has <jpen- tion have been driving very bed. 32 Dead, 10 Survivors day to b# preaiing ahead with and a tour of the police station. St. or Mrs. Horace Brown, 24 anal and state speakers wiR Monday. TiMsdoy, hard for an agreement on a Daylight Saving Tim e la in cheater Clerfy Aaaociation. aaoret negoUaftoRs ter an agree- E. Maple St. Tha Executive Committee of make up the first night. There ed offices at Findell bomhing hatt^ accompanied poa- effect only from the last the Women’s Society of Chris W ndnnsday, ThurMkiyi ment with North Vietnam to do- olbly by a eeaaa-tba. In the Sunday In April to the last HANOVER, N. H. (AP)—A Northeast Airlines plane The policy committee of The Religious Hiducatton will also be a dhplay of druga eacalaite the South Methodist Church will Board of Second Congregational St John’s Polish National tian Sarvioe cf the North Meth and a fihn. BuihUnff, 481 E. Middle imanedlate'future. I hav« rince Sunday in October. From to carrying 39 passengers and a crew of three crashed in Catholic Church will sponsor a odist Church will meet Monday FtMoy and Swtindoy WhOe. the Hanoi blast could be learned these reporta are true.’’ morrow to the last Sunday a fog and burned. 60 feet from the top of 2,700-foot meet Monday at 7:80 p.m. at the Churdi will meet Monday at Mancbeetar’s problems with Tpke. For ..yom* con redd an a rejection of Johiwon’a ofaurch. '■ 7:80 p.m. at the church. newspaper drive tomorroiw and at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. drugs will be the topic of the Another Hanoi broadcaet re- of next April, most of the Moose Mountain near Hanover Friday night. Thirty-two Sunday. A truck will be pcu*ked Glenn Law. •till aeoret propoealn, authori- oorded by U.B. radio monitors country will be on Standard eeoond meating. Local offlotali BUT NEVER venience Uea ohOM to interpret it a* a died. Helicopters took the 10 survivors off the moun oiqioalte the church where peo WiH presliK and made avallaUe in Waehing>- Time. tain. ple may leave papers. propaganda attoric whirii • did ton, opoUlghted in North Vtot- The Handbeir Choir of Center Both proimnw are free in the Telephone 646-2609 Northeast said the pilot, Capt. John A. Rapsia, 52, KATHY — ITS HEAT OR TREAT TfMEI Congregational Church will re ON SUNDAY not neoeaaarily reflect the final nameaw term s the two issues A rummage sale sponsored by Mgh school auditorium atarting deolalon of North Ytetnameae Set Clocks Back of Nashua, N. H., with the airline 14 years, had made NO n u CK—jruar TBEAT s Fra* Maea, M DAdaua, hearse Monday at 7:80 p.m. at 7!80 each night. Chester R. Waite, Sr. wfiMy repwted as being at ihe the Couples dub of Zion Evan m ips teodoia. heart of the negotiatioau for the the trip “hundreds of times." He was not among the AUL OOLfNWI PLITSt R e* a & tr, M taa Can. Ckiarii, "Cbadjr Apple gelical Lutheran Church will be The broadoari by Hanoi radio past several woaka. survivors. ' ---------------------- ------------------- KNa” a * FMopklM. held in Zion Parish House, 130 Friday, however, waa receivlrg ’’Johnson is still unwilling to The list of persons presum- never expected there would be Cooper St., tomorrow from 9 careful study. sd dead in the crash includes any aunrlvora.’’ TBOnABUSi Oreea 1ft Fj«alaes. Bm 8 fh e e w , unconditionally end the bombing Cushing Says ■alst Swiss Chard, Boaton Lsttaee, Sakd Basel, E gg F la a t a.m. to noon. 10 For As rrporiad in press dlapatoty ...’’ this broadcast said. “At three Oonnecticut residents. TTie FalrchUd-Hlller FH337 fJMBIWWBrg orOOOOIla | BOOM, as from Hong Kong, tt said: the same time be still refuses to Northeast Identified the three propjet left Boston at 4:85 p.m. amt B * a * . Ormm, TaDose Haasab. 1 The S'steihood of Temple Beth “Btatement by U.B. propagain- aa Mias S. AngeUco, of 81 with 17 poMengera for Lebanon, recognise the National Front for He’ll Resign^ Bad, O rs« Beppsra, ArOehobea, White' Sholom will have a rummage 97c dtete that Hanoi haa oooepted the Liberation of South Viet Grant St., Norwich, Miss NJl., and 32 for MontpeUar, Vt. IWahis. Baiwd|ii, Cbeny Tomatose amd 1 sale Wednesday from 8 to 8 UA.