

SUBMISSION SUBMITTER'S NAME DATE REASON(S) SUMMMARISED ALTERNATIVE NAME All or some? NO. 001 Online objecting Grant Hughes 2015-10-29 Names are historical, can't change All submission - things if you don't know the context. Slippery slope argument. 002 Online objecting John Van Der Leden 2015-10-29 NZGB is equivalent to ISIS blowing All submission - up monuments. Rewriting history. Currently ruled by SJWs [presumably 'Social Justice '], enormous number of potentially offensive place names. 003 Online objecting Jason Wohnsiedler 2015-10-29 Names are fine. All submission - 004 Online objecting Robert de Kock 2015-10-29 Appears to believe firmly in the Pūkio, Pūkio Hill and Pūkio Stream All submission - association between the names and the plant, so suggests that the Pūkio names would be more appropriate. Steelhead not relevant as it is not a native species. Suggests that there are many other names that could be considered offensive. 005 Online objecting Sam Colebaker 2015-10-29 Changing the names will put All submission - geographic websites out of date 006 Online objecting David Butler 2015-10-29 Nigger is just a shortened form of All submission - the word [It has more letters?] or a person from . Words can only be derogatory if intended to be. Being PC. Sick of Māori names. 007 Online objecting Tony Fleete 2015-10-29 Is PC, idiotic, names existed before All submission - Nigger had negative connotations. Should go to a referendum 008 Online objecting Robert H Mercer 2015-10-29 NZGB are narrow minded bigots, All submission - word is derogatory, word used most often by those it refers to. Word derives from Niger. Being PC. Has always and will always continue to called black . Word doesn't apply to aboriginals or Māoris. 009 Online objecting Doug and Heather 2015-10-29 Being PC. Cites Dambusters All submission - 'Nigger' controversy (the dog in Peter Jackson film may have its name altered). 010 Online objecting Greg Cuttance 2015-10-29 Is racist to change the names. Next All submission - we'll call NZ Aotearoa, have the word well entrenched. PC handwringing brigade, Māori never had a written language [why is this relevant?], PC Wankers causing a racial divide over the last 25 years like Doug Graham and Geoffrey Palmer. [Our] job is paid for by raping and pillaging the poor taxpayers. 011 Online objecting Dr Brendan Whyte 2015-10-30 There are Māori names in poor All submission - taste (anatomy), the word Nigger isn't offensive, call themselves niggers, cites Dambusters dog, use by famous authors. Word isn't discriminatory, no evidence it's derogatory, cites catalogue of photo portraits by C H Allen [no context] including one 'A Nigger', depicting an aboriginal person. All the proposed names are 'risible', confusing, imply associations that don't exist. Meaning of words change over time. Also equates removing Nigger names to ISIS.

Second submission: Not relevant and unproven what people outside of NZ would think of the names. No evidence that 150 years ago the names were offensive, discriminatory, derogatory, in poor taste; proposer did not provide evidence; submission addresses each claim extensively. Proposed names 'risible'; Kānuka hardly unique, Steelhead not particularly unique either. Names have been there for 100, 150 year. 'etymological and historical vandalism'. Tawhai not unique either. Niggerhead is useful and descriptive. Gives a number of examples of in USA. Suggests the word nigger will be entirely acceptable again. Equates name change with iconoclasm, ISIS, Taliban. 012 Online objecting Daniel Henderson 2015-10-30 Existing name is fine All submission - 013 Online objecting Graham Cliff 2015-10-30 Names are historically significant, All submission - no evidence names are malicious, people chose to be offended, attempting to change history, being PC, turning names over to local ethnically biases [names not proposed by Ngāi Tahu] 014 Online objecting Zeb Paterson 2015-10-30 GGGrandson of Arthur Dobson, All submission - believes that whoever named the names was unlikely to have had racist intentions. Changing history. 015 Online objecting Jack Morrow 2015-11-01 Names are a unique and colourful All submission - part of our history. 016 Online objecting Glenn Goulter 2015-11-01 Rename Niggerhead Nigger Bluff Nigger Bluff Niggerhead submission - 017 Online objecting Joel Williams 2015-11-03 Proposed name inappropriate as Chinook Stream (investigated, no Nigger Stream submission - trout are only 'Steelhead' if evidence of Chinook Salmon) or anadromous-sea going, and none Rainbow Stream (would be of the NZ Rainbow Trout are. relevant).

018 Online objecting Richard Allibone 2015-11-05 NZ Rainbow trout while descended Three species of native fish in the Nigger Stream submission - from migratory trout are stream, would suggest possibly not migratory, and so not 'puhi', 'roowai', 'rakahore" and 'Steelhead'. Trout a damaging 'paangoungou" and 'toitio", or introduced species, equivalent to approach Ngāi Tahu for a more naming a 'Possum Forest'. specific name. 019 Online objecting Linda Skleton 2015-11-05 PC gone mad, slippery slope, called All submission - pets Darkie and Blackie, etc 020 Online objecting Malcolm Main 2015-11-06 Steelhead name incorrect, NZ trout Māori name of Carex Secta [pūkio] Nigger Stream submission - not diadromous. Seems certain that the 'Nigger' does refer to Carex Secta. Should change the name to the Māori equivalent. 021 Online objecting Brent Arps 2015-11-19 The hill has little kānuka on it, Bell Hill, Marshall Stream Nigger Hill and submission - name it after Ron Bell, former Nigger Stream manager of Mount White station, whose ashes are spread on the hill. The stream should similarly be Marshall Stream after Ray Marshall, another previous manager. 022 Offline objecting L.A. Hastie 2015-11-30 Not being consistent in our All, presumably. submission - 'sanitising' of place names, i.e. Blackball will require investigation. Will contact Commission to get rid of 'Pakeha'. Questions why the Geo Board changed the names of Cook and Egmont. Apparently "the Maori people of old did not name mountains or mountain ranges". Changing English names to Māori names is .

023 Offline supporting J M Hellyar 2015-11-09 Words are offensive, should be Suggests 'Flashing Trout', 'Fast Supports Kānuka submission - changed as soon as possible. Trout', 'Fish-a-while' Stream, "or and Tawhai, but whatever" thinks Steelhead is too obscure.

024 Online objecting Trevor W.A. Morley 2015-11-30 Word isn't objectionable or All submission - offensive. Word "correctly refers to native Afro/American persons". Word related to WWI and WWII, insult to servicemen to remove it, cites a warhorse called Nigger, the dambusters' dog. Also opposite to Whanganui change citing the Company records as the first print text. 025 Online objecting Brian Molloy 2015-11-30 Supports the change, even though Hebe Stream [for the plant, is Nigger Stream submission - he wrote an article titled "Nigger native, Māori name is koromiko or Stream, Esk Valley. Botanical kōkōmuka - three Koromiko names report on wetlands and bog pine in Nelson area]. shrublands. Unpublished DSIR Vegetation Report No. 641, 28 pp. 1988." Believes however that as 'Steelhead' is an introduced trout, there are better options for the stream, such as the endangered Hebe armstrongii or the bog pine Halocarpus bidwillii. Surrounding features are also 'Big Flora' and 'Little Flora', so a flora name is appropriate. 026 Offline supporting Craig Benbow 2015-12-01 Tawhai Hill too generic, everything Lochinvar River, Turnbull River, All submission - covered in beech trees. Could use something after the stations Māori name [pūkio]. Term as used history. Pūkio Stream ,Hill (for both in NZ never used in a racist hill/s) manner. Could refer to something such as coal, the 'niggerhead' carex secta, or potentially a horse, dog, some other animal from the Mount White Station. The Stream could take on a name relating to surrounding features, or history of Mount White Station, or alternatively a Māori name. 027 Online objecting Karl van Slooten 2015-12-11 Objects due to long term use, lack All submission - of offensive caused, no problem for those that live in vicinity 028 Online objecting Graeme Paltridge 2016-01-12 There are no 'Steelhead' trout as Anything relevant: Mackinaw, Char, Nigger Stream submission - none are ocean going, though some native mudfish, longfin, galaxias marketers use Steelhead for international recognition. Probably should deal with all the other politically incorrect names (, Chinama, , , , etc) 029 Offline supporting Ron Panckhurst 2016-01-03 Existing names are fine, only All submission - changing for reasons of political correctness. Apparently NZGB have provided no reasons for the change. 030 Online objecting Derek Ball 2016-01-18 Long term use. No objections until All submission - recently. Over the top political correctness. 031 Online objecting Ross 2016-01-19 Offensive to history to remove the Follow up email submission - names. There's an obsession to use sent to clarify Māori names in government. The objection to all word Nigger is commonly used in three names. Hip-Hop music, thereby increasing the usage. 032 Online objecting Alan Tunnicliffe 2016-01-27 Disagrees with changing the names All submission - on the basis of long term use, and the likelihood of the names relating to the plant.

033 Online objecting Bradley Siebert 2016-01-29 Objects, that the names share the All submission - connotation with the slur is just coincidence until it can be proven. Provides a copy of Wikipedias . 034 Online objecting Pete Belt 2016-01-29 Nigger not a bad word in New All submission - Zealand context, slippery slope argument, get rid of Len Brown Place. Inconsistent with approach of using original Māori names. There are offensive Māori names. 035 Online objecting Viktor Oliver 2016-01-29 Cannot just remember 'nice bits' of All submission - history, existing names a reminder

036 Online objecting Lawrie Kevin Cairns 2016-01-29 Former Lands and Survey person Pukio or Carex Secta [Hill] Niggerhead submission - who worked in mapping. Historical use of the name Niggerhead relates to Carex Secta/Pukio. Name is descriptive, not negative in connotation. If the name must be amended, use either of these names. Should retain the name of the Trig as is for consistency of geodetic records. Several attachments with examples of use in the botanical sense. 037 Online objecting Maurice Burney 2016-01-29 Proposal is 'prissy woolly headed All submission - nonsense' to address Māori issues. 'Steeleye'[sic] are not native. Go seek productive employment 038 Online objecting Matt 2016-01-29 Name change ludicrous, names All submission - have historical relevance 042 Online objecting Kelly Taingahue 2016-01-02 Supports kānuka and Tawhai, but Consult Ngāi Tahu Nigger Stream submission - suggests a name of Ngāi Tahu significance for Nigger Stream

039 Online objecting ? Bunce 2016-01-30 Changing the name an attach on All submission - colonial heritage and history

040 Online objecting Debbie Bell 2016-01-31 Changing the existing names is All presumably submission - racism, people proposing name change are racist. Changing history. Thinks Darky Creek is being changed [isn't] 041 Online objecting B Fynn 2016-01-30 Minority seeking change over All submission - majority, named at a time different to ours


28th October

Secretary for the NZ Geographic Board

This is a submission against the proposed change to the place names Niggerhead, Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream for the following reasons.

 The names are historical. Unless it can be incontrovertibly demonstrated that they were originally created with the intent of causing offence they should be retained that the historical link may survive.  Language is dynamic and change in nuance, meaning and acceptability over time will change but to continuously change place names on this basis is political correctness gone mad.  Making changes such as those proposed inevitably condemns the New Zealand geographic scene to a colourless future of bland mediocrity.  Making place name changes such as these may, I believe, set a precedent such that the Board could then be deluged with requests for name changes from any number of ethnic, religious or interest groups. .

These names are part of our history. Unless you wish to rewrite that history I respectfully submit they be left untouched.

Yours sincerely

Grant Hughes

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 12:32pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I suppourt the existing name. Changing it, in my opinion, is an attempt to re-write history. It's no different to ISIS destroying monuments to things that it doesn't like. Just because we're currently ruled by SJW's doesn't mean we have to bow to them every time. Where will it stop? Do the proponents of change have the slightest idea of the enormous number of potentially "offensive" placenames in NZ?? Leave our Placenames as they are.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2013

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 12:33pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I suppourt the existing name. Changing it, in my opinion, is an attempt to re-write history. It's no different to ISIS destroying monuments to things that it doesn't like. Just because we're currently ruled by SJW's doesn't mean we have to bow to them every time. Where will it stop? Do the proponents of change have the slightest idea of the enormous number of potentially "offensive" placenames in NZ?? Leave our Placenames as they are.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2014

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 12:33pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I suppourt the existing name. Changing it, in my opinion, is an attempt to re-write history. It's no different to ISIS destroying monuments to things that it doesn't like. Just because we're currently ruled by SJW's doesn't mean we have to bow to them every time. Where will it stop? Do the proponents of change have the slightest idea of the enormous number of potentially "offensive" placenames in NZ?? Leave our Placenames as they are.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2015

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 2:36pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I think the name is fine as it is now.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2016

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 2:37pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I think the name is fine as it is now.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2017

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 2:38pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I think the name is fine as it is now.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2018

To the Secretary NZ Geographic Board

Dear Madam / Sir,

Niggerhead, Nigger Hill, Nigger Stream

I have read in the online press about the proposed name changes for the above three names of features located in Lake Sumner Conservation Park, Canterbury. I would like to submit the following for your consideration:

Niggerhead is a traditional settler name for the tussock grass Carex secta which is a common, in places dominant, plant in swampy places throughout Aotearoa. The Māori name most often used for this species is pūkio. Other Māori names are makura, pūrei, pūreirei and pūrekireki, the latter three being dialectical variants of the same word.

It would thus seem that there is enough choice of names without varying the meaning or resorting to entirely dissimilar plant species such as tawhai or tawai (both meaning silver beech, Nothofagus menziesii) and kānuka (white tea-tree, Kunzea ericoides).

The name Steelhead Stream must be deprecated as it refers to Oncorhynchus mykiss, a subspecies of the rainbow trout, which is a non-native species obviously unwanted in a conservation area.

It would further seem that the names Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream derive from the plant name Niggerhead. No separate or distinct origin for those names is plausible. My suggestion is thus that, if the current names are found offensive (something entirely disputable of course,) to replace the names with Pūkio, Pūkio Hill and Pūkio Stream respectively.

Finally, at the risk of being found frivolous, I would like to submit that there are geographical names in close proximity within the Conservation area far more offensive to the zealous, though not so offensive that they might cause your Board to consider name changes. One case in point is Pussy Stream, another is Macs Knob, though the latter may originally have been meant as a compliment.

Kind regards,


29/10/2015 Sam Colebaker

Please retain all three names as renaming them will cause alot of geographic websites to become out of date.


RE Nigger Head Nigger Stream Nigger Hill

Please leave these names as is, including the term Nigger.

“Nigger” is a shortened form of the word negro or person from Nigeria.

What is wrong with that? It is only derogatory if it is in the mind of the speaker to use it that way, and any word can be used in a derogatory sense if we choose.

The world has become entirely too PC.

Lets keep the world an interesting place and include some character in our terminology.

To tell the truth I am totally sick of Maori names that most people including Maori do not understand.

Same goes for Wanganui and Whanganui – it is a Maori name – OK, accepted. But the Maori did not have a written alphabet so how does discussion arise as to whether it has an “H” in the name. they didn’t have an “H”

Mt Taranaki – I along with many others preferred Egmont.

Stick with the current names including Nigger in the 3 names mentioned above.

Lets have some character that the non-maori-speaking (99.8%) of people understand and that most tourists can relate to as well.

Thanks – all the best.



I have just viewed an item on TV3 relating to the proposed re-naming of three geographical place names in Canterbury. I despair at the share idiocy of the of the adoption of PC as a reason for such action. These place names were affixed to these areas long before there was any adverse connotation attached to the word "nigger". Whether or not some poor deluded individual can claim to be offended by these names I believe that because of the reason I mentioned earlier, that historically, when these areas were named there was no concern locally or internationally as to the PC association with the word any thought of changing the names should be ignored until such time as a referendum supports such a change.

Regards. Tony Fleete.


What a bunch of narrow-minded bigots you really are. The word nigger has been around longer than most of you and at age 85 longer than I. There is nothing derogatory about the word and it is used most often by the very people to whom it refers...... niggers! The word itself is derived from Niger where most slaves were collected and like many other words was corrupted to nigger. The changing of the names is merely a knee-jerk reaction to the pitiful wailing of bleeding-hearts and do-gooders and should be scotched. PC usually means politically correct but in my mind it is merely an abbreviation of Puerile Cretins. Why, oh, why do you have to suck up to those who are too pathetic to see that change for change's sake is ridiculous. Get a life - just as those asking for the change should do. As far as it goes I have always, from childhood, called a black negro a nigger and will always do so in spite of the "Thought Police". Anyone who calls an Aboriginal or Maori a nigger does so through ignorance. I never have and never will since it is not relevant.

Robert H Mercer.


For goodness sake leave the “Nigger” names as they are. Up until recently I would think there was no worry with this word, until the PC Brigade got their teeth into it. Spelling, as in the word Tokomairaro is different.

It’s bad enough that the word Nigger, which was the name of the dog belonging to the famous Dambuster Leader Guy Gibson, is/has to be changed just to be PC. One should not be allowed to change historical names just to satisfy the PC Brigade. This is ridiculous.

For the record: I do not agree to the change of the word Nigger in the South Island area as is being suggested.

Please record this to the appropriate group.



As I have said this is part of Our NZ history. We do not need to change any names in NZ you are just pandering to the PC handwringing brigade.Just leave them as they are. But I guess you will do what you usually do rely on Apathy and change them by stealth as you have done in the past like WHANGANUI and I see you are getting Aotearoa pretty well entrenched now. You guys have conveniently forgotten when European settlers arrived in NZ Maori never had a written Language ,it was written for them by a European. Most of us thinking Kiwis have actually had a gutsful of your group and many other PC Wankers dividing our country and causing Racial Division that was never there 25 years ago thanks to people like Doug Graham,Geoffrey Palmer and your panel ,but I guess it keeps you in a job that us poor raped and pillaged taxpayers have to pay for .

Greg Cuttance


Dear Sirs,

I attach a revised submission opposing the proposal to alter three recorded names from:

 Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills  Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream  Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill

Please consider this submission instead of my earlier one of 29 October 2015.

Thank you,


“Sed ego qui scripsi hanc historiam aut uerius fabulam quibusdam fidem in hac historia aut fabula non accommodo. Quaedam enim ibi sunt praestrigia demonum, quaedam autem figmenta poetica, quaedam similia uero, quaedam non, quaedam ad delectationem stultorum.” – Colophon to Táin Bó Cúalnge in the Book of Leinster

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 9:32pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:

==Your details== Name: daniel henderson Email: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: i think nigger hill is a perfectly fine name, it does not need to be changed

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2023

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 9:34pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:

==Your details== Name: daniel henderson Email: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: i think nigger stream is a perfectly fine name, it does not need to be changed

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2024

Submitted on Thursday, 29 October 2015 - 9:36pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:

==Your details== Name: daniel henderson Email: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: i think niggerhead is a perfectly fine name that does not need to be changed

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2025


I wish to submit an opinion on the Board's proposal to rename certain sites in the South Island, viz. Niggerhead, Nigger Hill, and Nigger Stream. This has, I understand, come about because a member of the public has lodged an objection to these place names, on the basis that they are "in poor taste, offensive, discriminatory and derogatory", and, presumably, anachronistically racist.

I oppose such a renaming proposal, on the following grounds:

These names are historically significant, and form part of the fabric of this country's heritage. To arbitrarily replace them would be to deny that history, and to betray the memory and legacy of those pioneers who created the names. There is no evidence, that I am aware of, that those names were created out of malice, and we therefore ought to honour them in the spirit in which they were conferred.

The fact that a person finds these names offensive cannot be given any weight; I say this because offence is never given, but only taken. To take offence is a volitional act; it is a type of resentment, umbrage, anger or similar hurt: all of these reactions can be tempered by reason (hence, for example, the success of anger management programmes), and it is tempting therefore to suggest that there are some people who not only elect to feel offended, but also derive perverse satisfaction from doing so. To pander to them is to begin down an undesirably slippery slope towards appeasement at any price.

Our country is a young one. It must preserve every vestige of quirkiness, individuality, and inconsistency that it can muster: only in this way will it be able to slowly mature into a nation that has a distinct character. After all, it is precisely such anomalies that lend a country its ethos. We cannot, and should not, attempt to delete every conceivable flaw in its sociopolitical matrix.

I appreciate that alternative, apparently innocuous names have been suggested for the three names in question, but who is to say whether or not those represent fair consensus on the part of the rest of us? Are we to hold a national referendum to test this? Or is the objector going to have his/her preference accepted as of right? Or, again, are we to see the 'politically correct' (but, arguably, ethnically biased) solution of turning the naming issue over to the local iwi?

Please leave things as they are.

Dr Graham Cliff *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* 2015-10-30

Hi there,

RE: the three place names proposed to be renamed (Niggerhead, Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream).

I am not in favor of changing the names. I propose to keep the names as they are.

The place names are a part of the history of the South Island and are an insight into a bygone era.

From my understanding it is not known whether these three place names relate to indigenous Maori or other ethnicities. Equally, we do not know whether the place names were intended as racist or were intended as a mark of respect or remembrance, or for another reason entirely (perhaps humor or satire?). Either way, I do not believe it matters, as the names still give some insight into the cultural differences that once did exist within our country - we cannot deny that.

My G/G/G Grandfather, Arthur Dudley Dobson, who's name was given to the National Park, was not a racist man. In fact, he relied heavily upon the wealth of knowledge and vast skills of local Maori while he traveled around surveying the South Island. I believe that whoever named Niggerhead, Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream is unlikely to have had inappropriate intentions.

There are still lessons that we can learn from the past - lessons about culture, indifference and race relations. I believe that changing place names and "painting over history" is denying future generations the valuable lessons of hindsight.

Who are we to change history?

Kind Regards,

Zeb Paterson



Thanks for the quick reply. I'm happy to reconfirm my submission.


24/10/2015 6:39pm Don't change the namesin North Canterbury

Dear LINZ:

This is a note to request that you don't change the names Niggerhead, Nigger Hill, and Nigger Stream. Such names make a unique and colourful contribution to New Zealand history. If some people find that offensive, it should be kept in mind that such things are in fact part of history, and shouldn't be expunged from the record.




Glen Goulter

I agree the place name nigger head should be replaced. I propose it should be renamed ' nigger bluff' thankyou

From: Joel Williams *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Sent: Friday, 23 October 2015 4:30 p.m. To: nzgbsubmissions Subject: Steelhead Stream proposal

To whom it may concern, I've read the proposal to change the name of Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream based on the idea that steelhead is a species of trout.

As far as I'm aware and as easily found information indicates, steelhead is a term used to describe rainbow trout that are anadromous, like the Chinook salmon runs we have in the South Island.

Some populations of the rainbow trout subspecies that New Zealand stocks are descended from are known to be anadromous in their natural habitat. When they do they are considered steelhead and the populations of the same subspecies that spend their lives in freshwater are just called rainbow trout.

In New Zealand their are no populations of anadromous rainbow trout. Therefore to call the stream Steelhead Stream would be a bit of a misnomer as none of the rainbow trout that would reside/spawn in that stream (in fact the whole river system) would be considered steelhead.

Perhaps a better option would be to check with Fish and Game to see if Chinook salmon use the stream to spawn and then it could be called Chinook Stream. Or the name could be changed to Rainbow Stream, which would be more correct based on the life cycle of the rainbow trout that live in the area.

Sincerely, Joel Williams.

Submitted on Thursday, 5 November 2015 - 11:58am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I do not support the proposal to rename Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream as steelhead trout do not exist in New Zealand. It is correct that the rainbow trout stock introduced to New Zealand came from the migratory rainbow trout stock from and these migratory rainbow trout are called steelhead trout in the USA. However, no migratory populations of rainbow trout have developed in New Zealand so we have no steelhead trout. Rather all rainbow trout are fully freshwater resident and none are known to migrate to and from the sea as steelhead trout do. Therefore, renaming Nigger Stream as Steelhead Stream does not give the stream the name of a resident freshwater fish rather this name is the name of different life history version of rainbow trout only found in the USA. Freshwater fish records for Nigger Stream (see the New Zealand Freshwater Fish database) record three native fish present - alpine galaxias (Galaxias paucipondylus) Canterbury galaxias (Galaxias vulgaris) and upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps) present in the stream. If the stream is to be renamed then I would support the use of a native fish name from one of these three species. Maori have a variety of names for freshwater fish and it should be possible for Ngai Tahu to provide a name for fish such as the two galaxiids. Maori names for small galaxiid fish include 'puhi', 'roowai', 'rakahore" and 'paangoungou" and 'toitio" is a name used for bully species - although generally common bully not upland bully. I would recommend tht Ngai tahu are approached and requested to provide a suitable native fish name. THe use of a native efish name would be consistent with the sue of native plant names for the other "nigger" place names being proposed for renaming. Finally, brown and rainbow trout are known as major predators of native fish and a significant cause of decline for many native fish species. To name the stream after a fish that cause significant harm to native species could be considered that same as naming a forest Possum or Ferret Forest. Using a native fish name can also promote to the general public the value of our streams for supporting a range of indigenous fish rather that introduced sports fish.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2042


I would like the names to remain as they are. I do not feel they are disrespectfull The world is going mad trying to be PC. It is only wrong to some because they are the ones who are thinking wrong. Place names are many and varied. Has anyone researched why these places were named Nigger? Will teetotalers want Whisky creek renamed, Canibal gorge... plus lots and lots more about our country if you want to take a clinical look.

I had a dog called Darkie because he was black and loved him. My children had a labrador they called Blackie. I also had a lovely comforting as a child. My was Blackadder I have a cousin named Gay and a friend Dick. Not one of these names are offensive to me but I expect no girls will now be named Gay. History is history leave it be. Sincerely Linda Skelton

Submitted on Friday, 6 November 2015 - 10:21am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Steelhead trout are the diadromous (i.e. sea-run) form of rainbow trout and sea-run rainbow do not exist in New Zealand (see for example McDowall 1978 New Zealand Freshwater Fishes, p95). Rainbow trout are present in the catchment, but it is an introduced species which is distributed throughout the country and is not particularly significant in this context.

"Nigger" in the current name is an abbreviation from the well-established although now politically-incorrect common name for Carex secta (niggerhead). Carex secta is abundant along the margin of this stream and it is appropriate that the stream name should in some way reflect that. If it must be changed, then I suggest it should be changed either to Niggerhead or else to the Maori name for C. secta.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2046

Submitted on Thursday, 19 November 2015 - 7:07pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Nigger hill has very little kanuka on it. Hills and streams etc have in the past been named after people associated with Mt White. Bell Hill named after Ron Bell past manager who I believes ashes are spread there would be more appropriate than Kanuka hill.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2085

Submitted on Thursday, 19 November 2015 - 7:26pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Nigger Stream renamed to Marshall Stream after Ray Marshall previous manager keeping with the tradition of naming hills streams etc after people associated with Mt White Station.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2086

Submitted on Monday, 30 November 2015 - 1:05pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: This objection applies not just to the "renaming" of Kanuka Hills but ALSO to the proposed renaming of Steelhead Stream and Tawhai Hill. I do not find the word "nigger" either objectionable or offensive, as some people seem to. The word, when used correctly, refers to a native Afro/American person, and is frequently used by them, especially adult males when conversing between themselves. For someone to object to the use of the word in New Zealand indicates a lack of understanding of how the word is used by those to whom it correctly applies. For example, if someone used the word to me, or about me, then it would indicate an almost total lack of understanding of just to whom the word refers. I would not be offended, just curious as to the intelligence of the user of the word - perhaps they were colour-blind (pun intended.) Further, the word has a direct reference to WWI and WWII and to try and strike it from the record books of history is to offer an injustice to the military personnel who clearly used the word in a descriptive manner - and NOT a derogatory one. First, nigger was the name of one of the only 4 horses that left NZ to fight with our troops in the during WWI - and returned home to Aotearoa to retire in peace, his duty done. Given the passage of time, how do we know now that the use of the horse's name in the 'naming' of any of these 3 geographical features were not in some way connected with this brave horse? And insofar as WWII is concerned. nigger was the codeword transmitted by the leader of "The Dambusters" raid during WWII, the word being the name of the Squadron leader's dog - and transmitted to signify the success of the raid. (NB - a very recently deceased pilot who flew on that raid was a Neew Zealander.) Irrespective of the relevance of the word or not, you cannot change the course of history by obliterating word/s from the language. As the preamble to your website says "...naming NZ places and features preserves our culture and heritage, and builds a common understanding of 'where.' Place names are also important land marks of the history, culture and identity of our nation..."As an aside, and in conclusion, and with regard to the current Whanganui/Wanganui debate it was "Wanganui" which first appeared in print in New Zealand, and NOT "Whanganui" - courtesy of the travel diaries of Edward WAKEFIELD. Thus 'history' would appear to be in the side of the "Wa's" and not the "Wha's."

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. Thank you.


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To whom this may concern

I understand it is proposed to replace the names Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream in the Esk River catchment with more acceptable and appropriate names. I fully support this proposal, notwithstanding that I wrote a report with a colleague Dr Peter Johnson titled: Nigger Stream, Esk Valley. Botanical report on wetlands and bog pine shrublands. Unpublished DSIR Vegetation Report No. 641, 28 pp. 1988. ( this report is available on request from the Landcare Research Library Archives at Lincoln). I am sure my former DSIR co-author Peter Johnson would also support the proposed name changes, but he could be consulted for his opinion. This brings me to a consideration of an appropriate replacement name for Nigger Stream. One name suggested in the background information I have seen is “Steelhead Stream,” after an introduced or exotic freshwater trout. In my opinion, a botanical name would be far more appropriate in view of the significance of the site, centred on the Mounds of Misery, as the most outstanding habitat in the country of the endangered endemic shrub Hebe armstrongii, together with abundant shrubs of the endemic bog pine, Halocarpus bidwillii, and many other indigenous plant species, in an association often referred to as “Wilderness” vegetation. This site is bordered by the Arthurs Park National Park and Lochinvar Forest Conservation land, and is located within the Mt White high country station. This unique landscape is not formally protected as far as I know. Two prominent hills bordering the site are named Big Flora and Little Flora and are separated from each other by the Flora Stream, highlighting the significant plant life of the site. I suggest that a most suitable replacement name for Nigger Stream would be Hebe Stream and I recommend this name for consideration in subsequent discussions. I hold several colour photographs of this site should you find them useful.



Thank you for your response to my submission. To assist the New Zealand Geographic Board, I forward the link and password below to my unpublished botanical report with co-author Peter Johnson which I referred to in my submission. In particular, I wish to draw attention to the Introduction (p.1) that sets out the study area ; the significance of vegetation for conservation (pp. 28-29); the list of plants (p.30) where 10 species of Hebe are recorded; Fig 2 (p.35) showing the location of study sites; and Fig 8 (p.41) showing plants of Hebe armstrongii on “Hebe island”. My 35mm slide collection of colour photographs, taken in 1986, would need to be scanned to be helpful but I don’t think they would provide additional information and guidance. Illustrations of Hebe armstrongii are available on several web sites, eg. New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. I should also note the solitary natural hybrid of H. armstrongii with one of the other hebes present which I found in the study site in 1986. This hybrid, subsequently named Hebe ‘ Karo Golden Esk’, is now regarded as a valuable cultivated plant, and is illustrated in colour (Plate 2.12) in the book “The cultivation of New Zealand trees and shrubs” by L. Metcalf (2011). I would be pleased to provide further information re my submission if required.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Molloy.


Hi I Am making a submission AGAINST the proposal to change the following names Niggerhead, Nigger Hill and Nigger Stream. I am Against this because these places have always been known by these names since 1856/1864/1910 and I see no reason to change these names. Given the remote locations of these places these names have little exposure and pose little/no offense to the people which travel to these places. Being one of the closest residents to the places I think that the names should say the way they are currently.

Your sincerely Karl van Slooten *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Submitted on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 - 10:44pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: My objection to renaming Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream comes from the fact that Steelhead rainbow trout do not exist as such in NZ. Although rainbow trout were sourced from American steelhead stock they do not exhibit andromous behviour here which is how the American steelheads got their name, i.e., the colour of their heads when entering rivers after spending a large proportion of their lives at sea. NZ rainbow trout are purely freshwater dwellers although a North Island guiding company advertises steelhead trout fishing by claiming that the rainbow trout in the rivers that feed L.Taupo use the lake as they would the ocean, however, this is more an advertising ploy to entice overseas anglers. I therefore find it rather strange that you would want to call this stream "steelhead" when NZ rainbow trout do not exhibit andromous behaviour. If you must use an introduced piscine name for this stream there are two other Salmo species in Canterbury (apart from brown and rainbow trout and quinnat salmon)that you could consider. The Mackinaw trout (Salvelinus namaycush) is a rare fish found only in Lake Pearson and the Brook Char (Salvelinus fontinalis) although widely spread has a low prevalence. At least they have a presence here. Better still would be to call the stream after some native fish. How about galaxias,longfin or mudfish stream? I am sure there are many more appropriate than "steelhead". Also, as Nigger is now politically incorrect even though niggerhead was probably named after the burned leaves of the swamp tussock, Carex secta, it would behove the Board to consider other politically incorrect place names. A quick look at my Freshmap found "chink" used x4 times, "" x13, "wog" x1, "Hori" x2 and "Jap" x2 - all names that now imply racial slur. I say this with tongue-in-cheek but change it for one and you should change it for all to be consistant. Thankyou for considering my submission.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2204

Submitted on Monday, 18 January 2016 - 2:13pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: My submission is quite simple. I cannot understand why the name needs to be changed. It has probably been known by this name since time immemorable and appears to have raised no objection until recent times. Was a complaint made, or does someone in the department has the task of perusing maps to ascertain if names are offensive. In my view, if this name, and the others are changed, it is yet another case of political correctness gone over the top.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2220

Submitted on Monday, 18 January 2016 - 2:16pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: The same comments apply to this submission as to my email concerning Kanuku Hills.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2221

Submitted on Monday, 18 January 2016 - 2:21pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: My submissions for Kanuku Hills and Steelhead Stream remain pertinent for this proposal.

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2222


I am unsure why a member of the public complained that the names "being in poor taste, offensive, discriminatory and derogatory,” says NZGB Secretary Wendy Shaw."

Has this person that complained or Land information New Zealand not taken the trouble to find out how many years these places have been called that and the reason why? It could be very offensive to that history to now after how long, change them to the words you are proposing. But Im sure the decision has already been made to change them even before hearing any submissions! Im not sure what is the Obsession with anything that is renamed or named and is related to a Govt department that it has to be a Maori name? There seems to be very little that is ever named in English! that just happens to be our main language that is spoken in the country of New Zealand.

Plus are you or the person that complained not aware that the word "Nigger" is very commonly use these days in Music by the the very people that it refers to? So its getting used more and more, Not less like you are trying to achieve.



Sorry I will clarify that for you .... I oppose any name change to the three names ... And in this case I did note they had given one of the three an English name, something I have noticed is not normal for you guys as its more often than not Maori names to everything!




Having read the report of the proposal to change these names, I am of the opinion that, in view of their very longstanding use on official maps, there is no need to alter the existing names which are all likely to have been named after the common name for a plant. In my opinion they are not offensive.

Therefore I object to the proposal and am in favour of retaining the existing names.




Good morning,

Please see attached correspondence relating to the proposed name changes to Kānuka Hill, Tawhai Hill, and Steelhead Stream

- I object to the proposal to alter these place names.

Kind regards,


What a dangerous precedent to set. Proposing a change to a historic place name as it is now being used as an ethnic slur. Having read the background to the proposal I am blown away that we are only talking of the coincidence of the place name sharing the same spelling and no other past association that would justify offence in any way. If this is the sole reason for the proposed change, I would expect, and I will publicly propose, that LINZ consider all historic places names that now share the spelling of all current (and apparently future) ethnic slurs (over 150 examples of these are provided below)

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity#European


Af (Rhodesia) African to a white Rhodesian (Rhodie).[1] Ape (U.S.) a black person.[2] Béni-oui-oui Mostly used during the French colonization of Algeria as a derogatory term to describe Algerian .[3] Bluegum An offensive slur used by some for an African-American perceived as being lazy and who refuses to work.[4] Boogie a black person (film noire) "The boogies lowered the boom on Beaver Canal".[5] Buck a black person, also used to describe Native . Buffie a black person.[6] Burrhead / Burr-head / Burr head (U.S.) a black person (referencing stereotypical hair type).[7] (U.S.) a Black person. Once generally accepted as inoffensive, this word is now considered disrespectful by some. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People continues to use its full name unapologetically. Some black Americans have reclaimed this word and softened it in the expression "a ." Coon (U.S. & U.K) a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracoos, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale. (1837).[8] Crow a black person,[9] spec. a black woman. Eggplant (U.S.) A black person. Notable for appearing in the 1979 film, The Jerk.[10] Fuzzies (U.K.) A black person. In the 1964 film classic, "Zulu", the British officer played by Michael Caine refers to the Zulus as "fuzzies".[11] Gable a black person.[6] Golliwogg (UK Commonwealth) a dark-skinned person, after Florence Kate Upton's children's book character [12] Jigaboo, jiggabo, jijjiboo, zigabo, jig, jigg, jiggy, jigga (U.S. & UK) a black person (JB) with stereotypical black features (dark , wide nose, etc.) Used to refer to mannerisms that resemble dancing. Jim Crow (U.S.) a black person; also the name for the segregation laws prevalent in much of the United States until the of the 1950s and 1960s.[13] Jim Fish (South ) a black person[14] Jungle bunny (US and UK) a black person.[15] , kaffer, kaffir, , kaffre () a. a black person. Considered very offensive. Epithet used to describe a Negro (originally) or a person of North-African origin (more recently). Mammy Domestic servant of African descent, generally good-natured, often overweight, and loud.[16] Mosshead a black person.[6] Munt (among whites in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia) a black person from muntu, the singular of Bantu[17] Nig-nog (UK & U.S.) a black person.[18] Nigger / nigra / / niggah / nigguh (U.S., UK) An offensive term for a black person. From the word negro which means the color black in numerous languages. Diminutive appellations include "Nigg" and "Nigz." Over time, the terms "Nigga" and "Niggaz" (plural) have come to be frequently used between some African- Americans without the negative associations of "Nigger." Niglet / nigglet a black child Nigra / negra / niggra / nigrah / nigruh (U.S.) offensive for a black person [first used in the early 1900s][19] a term – generally considered derogatory – that in English usage refers to black children, or a caricature of them which is widely considered racist. Porch monkey a black person,[20] Powder burn a black person.[6] Quashie a black person.[6] (U.S.) a derogatory term for an African American, Black, or sometimes a South Asian person.[16][21] Smoked Irish / smoked Irishman (U.S.) 19th century term for Blacks (intended to insult both Blacks and Irish).[6] Sooty a black person [originated in the U.S. in the 1950s][22] Spade A black person.[23] recorded since 1928 (OED), from the playing cards . Spook a black person. Tar baby (UK; U.S.; and N.Z.) a black child.[24] Teapot (British) a black person. [1800s][25] Thicklips a black person.[6]

Aboriginal Australians

Abo/Abbo (AUS) Australian Aboriginal person. Originally, this was simply an informal term for Aborigine, and was in fact used by Aboriginal people themselves until it started to be considered offensive in the 1950s. In remoter areas, Aboriginal people still often refer to themselves (quite neutrally) as (and whites as Whitefellas). Although Abo is still considered quite offensive by many, the pejorative boong is now more commonly used when the intent is deliberately to offend, as that word's status as an insult is unequivocal.[26] Boong / bong / bung (Aus) Australian aboriginal.[27] Boong, pronounced with ʊ (like the vowel in bull), is related to the slang word bung, meaning dead; infected; or dysfunctional. From bung, to go bung "Originally to die, then to break down, go bankrupt, cease to function [Ab. bong dead]".[28] Highly offensive. [First used in 1847 by JD Lang, Cooksland, 430][29] Coon an Aboriginal person. [30] Gin an Aboriginal woman.[31] Lubra an Aboriginal woman.[32]

Middle Eastern

Brownie Someone of , Indian, and Arab, rarely used as someone of Native American or Pacific Island descent.[33] Camel jockey an Arab. Sand nigger person who dwells in deserts of Saudi Arabia or African continent. Towelhead / Raghead A Muslim, Arab, Sikh, or member of any group that traditionally wears headdress such as a , keffiyeh or headscarf.

East Asian

Celestial (Aust.) Chinese people, used in the late 1900s, a reference to their coming from the "Celestial Empire" (i.e. ). Charlie (U.S.) A term used by American troops during the as a shorthand term for communist guerrillas: it was shortened from "Victor Charlie," the radio code designation for Viet Cong, or VC.[34] Chinaman (U.S. and English) Chinese person, used in old American west when discrimination against Chinese was common.[35] Possibly coined by early from a translation of "Zhong Guo Ren" which is literally "China" and "Person." In contrast to "Frenchman" or "Irishman" which are generally considered neutral, non-insulting terms, "Chinaman" is considered offensive especially in the U.S. due to the virulent anti-Asian racism of the period in which the term came into popular usage (mid-1800s) and tends to generate objections in contemporary usage. Can be comparable to referring to a Black person as "a Negro", today. In 20th century politics, "Chinaman" had a specific, unintentionally insulting meaning. A junior politician or government worker's political patron was referred to as their "Chinaman" (or "chinaman" without the initial capital) regardless of their actual ethnic heritage or gender.[36] The term "chinaman", without the initial capital, is also regularly used in cricket in a non-ethnic sense to refer to a left-handed bowler who uses a wrist spin action. Chink (U.S.) a derogatory term used towards people of perceived East or Southeast Asian descent. Until the 1980s a U.S. school used the term as a sports mascot.[37] Jap (Predominantly U.S.) Offensive. Shortened from the word "Japanese", used derogatorily towards the group. a derogatory term for East Asians, used especially for enemy soldiers.[38] Its use as an ethnic slur has been traced to U.S. Marines serving in the Philippines in the early 20th century.[38] The earliest recorded use is dated 1920.[39] Widely popularized by the Korean war and Vietnam War (1965– 73). Oriental (Predominantly U.S., used elsewhere) Refers to an East Asian person (of the Orient) and/or their ethnicity; sometimes considered offensive.[40][41][42] Yellow, Yellowman, or Yellowwoman designating or pertaining to an East Asian person, in reference to those who have a yellowish skin color.[43] Offensive word for a Japanese person. From "Nippon", first used in World War II.[44] American/Hispanic

Spic, spick, spik, spig, or spigotty A person of Hispanic descent. First recorded use in 1915. Theories include from "no spik English" (and spiggoty from the Chicano no speak-o t'e English), but common belief is that it is an abbreviation of "Hispanic". Also used for someone who speaks the . Brownie Someone of Hispanic, Indian, and Arab, rarely used as someone of Native American or Pacific Island descent.[33] A Latino person. Originally applied specifically to Mexican migrant workers who had crossed the Rio Grande border river illegally to find work in the United States, its meaning has since broadened. Greaseball (U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent.[45] Term for Mexican, but can be used for in general because of the idea that all Hispanics are the same. (U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent. Can also be used to describe members of the 1950s subculture which were stereotyped to be a part of. Tacohead a Mexican person. This phrase is uttered by Willem Dafoe's character (Charlie) in the film Born on the Fourth of July.[46]


Chocko (Aus) a person of Mediterranean, Southern European, or Middle Eastern descent. [47][48] Dago In the U.S., refers specifically to Italians. In UK and Commonwealth, may refer to Italians, , Portuguese, and potentially Greek peoples, possibly derived from the Spanish name "Diego." Greaseball, Greaser In the U.S. especially, "greaseball" generally refers to a person of Italian descent, while "greaser," though it may be used as a shortening of "greaseball" to refer to Italians, has been more often applied to Hispanic Americans or Mexican Americans. However, "greaseball" and, to a lesser extent, "greaser," can also refer to any person of Mediterranean/Southern European descent or Hispanic descent, including , Spaniards, and the Portuguese, as well as Latin Americans.[49][50] (Ger) Used in 1960s Germany to refer to Southern European and Mediterranean immigrants, increasingly used exclusively for Turkish people. Métèque (Fr) Mediterranean or Middle Eastern immigrant, especially Italians.[51] Wog (Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant - Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, Lebanese, , Croatians and Serbians.

South Asian/Indian

American-Born Confused Desi, or ABCD (Asian Indians in U.S.): used for American-born South Asians including Indian/ Pakistani/ Bangladeshi (mainly Indians as Indians are the largest number of "South Asians") who are confused about their cultural identity. This is often used humorously without any derogatory meaning. Chee-chee a Eurasian half-, probably from chi-chi fie!, literally, dirt.[52] Paki A racist term that is often applied to people of Pakistani or South Asian descent. Its origins are commonly traced back to about 30 years ago, when British hooligans used the term Paki-bashing to refer to the gang beating of ethnic minorities.[citation needed] Curry Muncher used in Australia, Africa, New Zealand, and , it is a person of Asian Indian origin.[53] , Hadji, Haji Used to refer to Iraqis, Arabs, Afghans, or Middle Eastern and South in general. Derived from the honorific Al-Hajji, the title given to a Muslim who has completed the ( to ) Term for used in . Brownie Someone of Hispanic, Indian, and Arab, rarely used as someone of Native American or Pacific Island descent.[33]


Bule (Indonesia) ; literally, "albino", but used in the same way that "colored" might be used to refer to a black person to mean any white person.[54] Charlie Mildly derogatory term used by , mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, to refer to a white person (from 's play, For Mister Charlie).[55] or coon-ass (U.S.) a Cajun; may be derived from the French conasse. May be used among themselves. Not considered to be derogatory in most circumstances. (U.S.) Derogatory term for whites, particularly from the American South.[56] (The Americas) Non-Hispanic U.S. national. Hence Gringolandia, the United States; not always a pejorative term, unless used with intent to offend.[57] Gubba (AUS) Aboriginal (Koori) term for white people[58] – derived from Governor / Gubbanah , gwailo, or kwai lo (鬼佬) ( and South China) A White man. Gwei means "ghost." The color white is associated with ghosts in China. A lo is a regular guy (i.e. a fellow, a chap, or a bloke). Once a mark of , the word was promoted by Maoists and is now in general, informal use.[59] (U.S.) Offensive term for a white person. () Usually not offensive, can be derogatory if intended to offend. Used by modern-day to refer to anyone of European descent whether native born or not. Use has spread to many other islands of the Pacific and is known in modern pop culture.[60] Mangia cake / cake () A derogatory term used by Italian Canadians to disdainfully describe those of Anglo-Saxon descent (from Italian, literally 'cake eater'). One suggestion is that this term originated from the perception of Italian immigrants that Canadian bread is sweet as cake in comparison to the rustic bread eaten by Italians.[61] Medigan / Amedigan (U.S.) Similar to "mangia cake." A term used by to refer to Americans of White Anglo Saxon Protestant descent, Americans with no discernible ethnicity, or non-Italian Americans in general. Comes from Southern Italian pronunciation of the Italian word "americano." [62][63][64][65][66][67] Ofay (US) a white person, unknown etymology.[7][68] Arkie A person from the State of , used during the to describe farmers from Arkansas looking for work else where. A person from the State of , used during the great depression to describe farmers from Oklahoma looking for work else where. (U.S.) a white person (southerner). This word was coined in the 19th century by Southern blacks to describe poor whites.[69]

Native American

Timber Nigger a Native American person, term used by whites in the U.S.[70] a Native American person, originated by Natives to describe themselves as different from the "white man" and sometimes used now as an offensive term[71] (Red) Indian only considered offensive by few, termed by Columbus due to the fact he thought he arrived in , and met their natives and their reddish skin tone.[citation needed] Prairie Nigger used to describe Native Americans in the Great Plains.[72] Injun a corrupted version of the word "Indian". Brownie Someone of Hispanic, Indian, and Arab, rarely used as someone of Native American or Pacific Island descent.[33] Chug (Canada) refers to an individual of aboriginal descent.[73] See Chugach for the native people. (US and CAN) a female Native American.[74] Derived from lower East Coast Algonquian (Massachuset: ussqua),[75] which originally meant "young woman", but which took on strong negative connotations in the late 20th century. (The equivalent derisive for a male is "buck", and for a child, "papoose".)

Pacific Islanders

Boonga / boong / bunga / boonie (New Zealand) a [alteration of boong].[76] Brownie Someone of Hispanic, Indian, and Arab, rarely used as someone of Native American or Pacific Island descent.[33] Hori (New Zealand), an offensive term for a Māori (from the formerly common Maorified version of the English name George).[77]

Individual ethnicities


Merkin Internet slang for inhabitant of the United States of America.[78] and Yank First applied by the Dutch colonists of New Amsterdam to Connecticuters and other residents of New , possibly from Dutch Janke ("Johnny") or from Jan Kees ("John Cheese").[79] Uncontracted, "Yankee" remains in use in the American South in reference to Northerners; contracted, "Yank" is employed internationally by speakers of in informal reference to all Americans (first recorded 1778[79]). Seppo and Septic From Cockney rhyming slang, using the unrhymed word of "septic tank" in reference to "Yank" above.

Northerners (America) Yankee and Yank First applied by the Dutch colonists of New Amsterdam to Connecticuters and other residents of , possibly from Dutch Janke ("Johnny") or from Jan Kees ("John Cheese").[79] Uncontracted, "Yankee" remains in use in the American South in reference to Northerners; contracted, "Yank" is employed internationally by speakers of British English in informal reference to all Americans (first recorded 1778[79]).

White Southerners (America)

Cracker (U.S.) Derogatory term for whites, particularly from the American South.[56] Rebel A reference to the Souths recession or "rebellion" from the rest of the American Union. Reb A corruption of the word ethnic slur "Rebel". "Rebel" is a reference to the Souths recession or "rebellion" from the rest of the American Union. Usually an insult to rural people or Southerners. Usually used to describe rural people or Southerners. It originated as a term for farmers living in The . An insult to describe the mainly white population of people who share a rural or southern lifestyle. An insult to describe a mainly white southern population, stereotyped to live in trailer parks. Hick An insult to describe the mainly white population of people who share a rural or southern lifestyle. Bumpkin, Country Bumpkin, and Hillbilly Bumpkin An insult to describe the mainly white population of people who share a rural or southern lifestyle. Good Ol' Boy A term used to describe Southerners, typically white supremacist southerners. Peckerwood In the 1940s, the abbreviated version "wood" entered California prison slang, originally meaning an Okie mainly from the San Joaquin Valley. This has caused the symbol of the woodpecker to be used by white power and other pro-white groups. It is used as a slur against southerners today.


Main article: Alternative names for the British A predominantly North American and Australian slang nickname for Britons, especially those from England.

Main article: List of terms used for Germans Since World War II, Kraut has, in the English language, come to be used as a derogatory term for a German. This is probably based on sauerkraut, which is popular in various South-German cuisines but traditionally not prepared in North Germany. Piefke The Austrian ethnic slur for a German is Piefke. Like its Bavarian counterpart Saupreiß (literally: sow-Prussian) the term Piefke historically characterized the people of Prussia only.[80] Marmeladinger The term Marmeladinger (from Southern German/Austrian "Marmelade" = jam [cook.]) has its origin in the trenches of . While Austrian infantry rations included butter and lard as spread German troops had to make do with cheaper "Marmelade" as ersatz which they disdainfully called "Heldenbutter" (Hero's butter) or "Hindenburgfett".[81] Boches Apheresis of the word alboche, which in turn is a blend of allemand (French for German) and caboche (slang for head). Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers.[82] Chleuh From the name of the Chleuh, a North African ethnicity — a term with racial connotations. It also denotes the absence of words beginning in Schl- in French. It was used mainly in World War II, but is also used now in a less offensive way. Mof In Dutch the most common term for the German people, after the regular/official one, is "mof". It is regarded as a derogative term, used exclusively for Germans and reflected Dutch resentment of the German occupation of the Netherlands during the Second World War.[83]


Bog-trotter or Bog Irish Derogatory term for the Irish derived from Irish practice of peat farming.[84][85] Mick Derogatory term for an Irishman in the U.S. and U.K. Like Mickey, Mike, and Mikey, Mick is a common abbreviation or nickname for Micheal (in English) or Mícheál (its equivalent in Irish), which are common names for Irish males (such as Mick McCarthy).[86][87] Paddy Derogatory term for an Irish man, derived from a nickname for Pádraig, a common Irish name for males after St. Patrick, the patron saint of . The term is not always intended to be derogatory - for instance, it was used by Taoiseach-in-waiting Enda Kenny in February 2011.[88] Prod Abbreviation for 'Protestant', especially Protestants, often used alongside '', in expressions such as 'both and Prods'; like other such abbreviations everywhere, it is often used for convenience, or as a friendly nickname, or as self-description, usually without any offense being intended, and usually without any offense being taken. Taig derived from the Irish Gaelic forename , often used to describe Catholics in Northern Ireland. It often has implications of Republican sympathy. It is often used alongside 'Prod', in expressions such as 'both Taigs and Prods'. Snout Offensive term used in Northern Ireland to describe Protestants of British descent living in Northern Ireland.[89]


Dago (U.S.) A person of Italian descent. Ginzo (U.S.) an Italian-American.[90] An Italian male, especially an Italian thug or mafioso. Greaseball (U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent.[91] Greaser (U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent. Can also be used to describe members of the 1950s subculture which Italians were stereotyped to be a part of. (US) An Italian-American male. Usually offensive. Derives from the Italian given name, Guido. Used mostly in the Northeastern United States as a for working-class urban Italian-Americans.[92] Guinea (U.S.) someone of Italian descent. (Derives from "Guinea Negro," was called because of some Italians who had dark complexions) Wog (Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant Anglo- Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, Lebanese, Arabs, Croatians and Serbians. (U.S.) A racial term for anyone of Italian descent, derived from the Italian dialectism, "," close to "dude, swaggerer" and other informal appellations, a greeting among male Neapolitans.[93][94] With Out Passport/Papers or Working On Pavement are popular alternative etymologies for the slur, supposedly derived from Italians that arrived to North America as immigrants without papers and worked in construction and blue collar work. These are dismissed as folk etymology or backronyms by etymologists.

Lebanese Lebo (Chiefly Aus) Someone of Lebanese descent, usually a Lebanese Australian. Wog (Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant Anglo- Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Originally used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, and Macedonians, expanded to include Mediterranean people of the Middle East or Levantine, including the Lebanese.


Bulgaroskopian () Used by Greeks when referring to the Macedonians in an attempt to deny self-identification [95][96] Macedonist () A derogatory term used by to identify Macedonians [97] Pseudomacedonian (Greece) Used by Greeks to refer to the Macedonians in an attempt to deny self-identification [98] Skopjan or Skopjian, Skopiana or Skopianika (Greece) A term used by Greeks to refer to Macedonians in an attempt to deny self-identification[96][99][100][101][102][103][104][105]


Russki, Russkie Sometimes disparaging when used by foreigners for "Russian",[106] although in the , it is a neutral term which simply means an ethnic Russian as opposed to a citizen of the Russian Federation. Comrade, Commie Terms used for Communists are sometimes used for , since Russians are stereotyped as Communists, because Russia was once a Communist state.


Canucks A term used for Canadians, not considered very insulting.

Crossed Ethnicities


Mulatto (Origin Americas) is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent. The term is generally considered archaic by some and inadvertently derogatory, especially in the African-American community. The term is widely used in and Caribbean usually without suggesting any insult. Historically in the American South, the term mulatto was applied also at times to persons with an admixture of Native Americans, and African Americans in general. In early American history, the term mulatto was also used to refer to persons of Native American and European ancestry. (U.S. minorities) term for an African-American, Latino, or Asian who panders to white people; a "sellout" (from the title character of 's Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Oreo Africans that practice white culture, called this because they are "black on the outside, white on the inside" according to users of the term. Aunt Jemima / Aunt Jane / Aunt Mary / Aunt Sally / Aunt Thomasina (U.S. Blacks) a black woman who "kisses up" to whites, a "sellout," female counterpart of Uncle Tom (see also "Coconut" below).[107] Taken from the popular syrup of the same name, where "Aunt Jemima" is represented as a black woman.[108] Afro-Saxon (North America) A young white male devotee of black pop culture.[109] Ann A white woman to a black person, or a black woman who acts too much like a white one. While Miss Ann, also just plain Ann, is a derisive reference to the white woman, by extension it is applied to any black woman who puts on airs and tries to act like Miss Ann.[110] , Wegro is a slang term for a white person who allophilically emulates mannerisms, slangs and fashions stereotypically associated with urban African Americans; especially in relation to hip hop culture. Rhineland Bastard was a derogatory term used in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany to describe Afro-German children of mixed German and African parentage, who were fathered by Africans serving as French colonial troops occupying the Rhineland after World War I.

Native American-African

Mulatto (Origin Americas) Mulatto is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent. The term is generally considered archaic by some and inadvertently derogatory, especially in the African-American community. The term is widely used in Latin America and Caribbean usually without suggesting any insult. Historically in the American South, the term mulatto was applied also at times to persons with an admixture of Native Americans, and African Americans in general. In early American history, the term mulatto was also used to refer to persons of Native American and European ancestry. are racial terms used in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires and occasionally today to identify individuals in the Americas who are of mixed African and Amerindian ancestry (the analogous English term, considered a slur, is sambo). Lobos In , Black Native Americans are known as lobos (literally meaning wolves), they formed a sizeable minority in the past.

Native American-European

Mulatto (Origin Americas) Mulatto is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent. The term is generally considered archaic by some and inadvertently derogatory, especially in the African-American community. The term is widely used in Latin America and Caribbean usually without suggesting any insult. Historically in the American South, the term mulatto was applied also at times to persons with an admixture of Native Americans, and African Americans in general. In early American history, the term mulatto was also used to refer to persons of Native American and European ancestry. Apple (North America) a Native American who is "red on the outside, white on the inside." Used primarily by other Native Americans to indicate someone who has lost touch with their cultural identity. First used in the 1970s.[111]

South Asian-European

American-Born Confused Desi, or ABCD (Asian Indians in U.S.): used for American-born South Asians including Indian/ Pakistani/ Bangladeshi (mainly Indians as Indians are the largest number of "South Asians") who are confused about their cultural identity. This is often used humorously without any derogatory meaning.

East Asian-European

Banana (North America; UK; ) an East or Southeast Asian person living in a Western country (e.g., an East Asian American) who is yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Used primarily by East or Southeast Asians to indicate someone who has lost touch with the cultural identity of his or her parents.[112]

Pacific Islander/Latin American/South Asian/African-European

Coconut (US) a person of Hispanic descent who is accused of acting 'white'.[113] (US/SA) a black person who is accused of "trying to be white".[114][115] (UK) a brown person of South Asian descent who has assimilated into Western culture.[116][117][118] (New Zealand/Australia) a Pacific Islander. Named after the coconut, the nut from the coconut palm; in the American sense, it derives from the fact that a coconut is brown on the outside and white on the inside (see also "Oreo" above).[119]

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 9:07am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Please see attached

==Supporting evidence== Please attach any further information that supports your proposal: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2268

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 9:07am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Please see attached

==Supporting evidence== Please attach any further information that supports your proposal: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2269

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 9:08am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: Please see attached

==Supporting evidence== Please attach any further information that supports your proposal: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2270


Land Information NZ spokesman Chas Te Runa said there had been more than 25 submissions against each of the three proposals.

But he said the quantity of the objections wasn't really what mattered and the board deciding on the changes would be looking at the reasons instead.

"If 100 people just say `I don't like this name', that's not what the board is after. The board is after why," he said.

To whom it may concern


Because the intent isn't to insult. The intent is to name a location. And historically, that's what it was called. That's what it is known by. And there is no need to change it, especially as nigger isn't a bad word in a New Zealand historic context.

What next? Hori Bay? Hori Bay Road? At least that could be considered more relative to our own situation.

In that case, can I also pitch in a name change for Len Brown Place?

Further, it is inconsistent with the Board's general approach where they try to go back to original names rather than later ones. Mt Egmont becomes Mt Taranaki again, for example.

My Maori isn't that flash (read: non-existent), but I suspect that there are going to be quite a number of "objectionable" Maori names on streets, locations, streams, bays and hills that are equally "inappropriate".

So let's leave Nigger related locations as they are. And reflect on our history as it is reflected in our geography and place names, instead of hide it from future generations.



Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 3:48pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: It is not helpful to only remember the nice bits of our past. Remembering what we did can help prevent us repeat our mistakes.

==Supporting evidence==

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2367

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 3:47pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: It is not helpful to only remember the nice bits of our past. Remembering what we did can help prevent us repeat our mistakes.

==Supporting evidence==

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2366

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 3:46pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Nigger Hill to Kānuka Hills. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: It is not helpful to only remember the nice bits of our past. Remembering what we did can help prevent us repeat our mistakes.

==Supporting evidence==

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13401/submission/2365

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 4:47pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*Submitted values are:

==Your details== Name: Lawrie Kevin Cairns Email: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Postal address: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*

==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I object to the proposal to alter Niggerhead to Tawhai Hill. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: The historical use of the Niggerhead name has primarily been related to the unique plant (Carex secta) -sometimes referred to as Pukio.. From the material I attach to support this submission it can be shown that the common usage of Niggerhead as a descriptive name never seemed to have the negative connotations that are suggested to go with the name.. Over time the name just related to the plant -and suggested that the local topography was swampy. I would prefer to keep the name - as I am sure most map users would never have given it a second thought - and would just visualize the plant. However if a name change is to take place - Then one of the names connected to the Carex secta -such as PUKIO should be used to keep the connection that the original surveyor or cartographer intended. Even CAREX SECTA should not be ruled out - (a mountain not to far away has the Latin name of MONS SEX MILLIA) I also believe the name retained in the Geodetic Database for A8HG should remain as Trig H Niggerhead - as old survey records will retain the name. I attach copies and source material form old survey Fieldbook -as shown in the Book -Kairuri - The Field Guide to Alpine Plants (J T Salmon) and a screenshot from a Plant Nursery that sells the plants using Niggerhead - Pukio naming . I have worked with maps over a significant time - started with Dept of Lands & Survey in 1962 - then with Dosli & Terralink.. as Sureyor/Technician - doing map checking (verification) in the field - from Mile to an Inch series to Topo 50.. I beleive the descriptive and historic names add a lot to the wonderful map resources of NZ - and names should be carefully preserved - taking into account the context they have been used in -over significant periods.

==Supporting evidence== Please attach any further information that supports your proposal: see below

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The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13402/submission/2410


Please leave the three names as they are. I have written to you on this before but maybe not on this link. My great grandfather was a full blooded Jamaican who arrived in Canterbury sometime in the late 1880’s and had 13 children and a multitude of direct descendants. The proposal is prissy woolly headed nonsense partly i suspect to address Maori issues. I think “Steeleye” are a native of North America and would have arrived after us Niggers!!! Leave well alone and perhaps seek productive employment.

Yours hopefully

Maurice Burney

Submitted on Friday, 29 January 2016 - 4:47pm Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Submitted values are:

Your name: Matt Your email: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Your phone number: ==fieldset2==

Subject of your enquiry: Other Query/comments: Do not change nigger hill nigger stream and niggerhead place names in north canterbury, they have historical relevance and is just ludicrous!!

How would you like your name changed!!!!!!!

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/291/submission/2409

Submitted on Saturday, 2 January 2016 - 7:59am Submitted by anonymous user: *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED* Submitted values are:


==What is your submission== Please make your submission by selecting one of the following options and providing reasons for your choice: I support the proposal to alter Nigger Stream to Steelhead Stream. You must provide reasons for your choice below. If you object to the proposal, you may also suggest another name or support the existing name.: I suggest a Maori name of Ngai Tahu significance.

==Supporting evidence==

==Send my submission==

The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://www.linz.govt.nz/node/13403/submission/2182

Sun 31/01/2016 10:34 a.m.

I am highly offended that this would even be given any consideration.

These place names are part of our history given by those who pioneered this land so that we live in the comfort and economy of today.

As I read 'Stuff news page" I was gobsmacked that this name change was proposed by one person. Who the hell do they think they are?

Darky creek and Nigger Hill should remain.

Don't you dare consider changing our history.

Generations will never now how to find the places they have been told about.

Researching our history will be for ever changed.

Pioneers routes will be lost because some racist faction decide it is offence to them.


With the hope that common sense will prevail .

Debbie Bell

Sat 30/01/2016 4:59 p.m.

I appose changing these name as a cultural and historical attack on our colonial heritage, I request the name stay as they are.

Alter existing recorded names • Kānuka Hills – alteration from ‘Nigger Hill’ in North Canterbury • Maunga Kākaramea – alteration from ‘Maungakakaramea’ and ‘Rainbow Mountain’ near Rotorua • Steelhead Stream – alteration from ‘Nigger Stream’ in North Canterbury • Tawhai Hill – alteration from ‘Niggerhead’ in North Canterbury • Tokomairaro River – spelling correction from ‘Tokomairiro River’ in South Otago • Tokomairaro River East Branch – spelling correction from ‘Tokomairiro River East Branch’ in South Otago • Tokomairaro River West Branch – spelling correction from ‘Tokomairiro River West Branch’ in South Otago.

Thank You M Bunce

Mon 1/02/2016 4:35 p.m.

I see no need to change the names of those three places. They were named at a time different to ours and it is history. Why should sections of the community be bale to change something because it has now become offensive to a small section. Regards B.Fynn *REDACTED*REDACTED*REDACTED*