BP AMOCO P.L.C., ) a Corporation, ) ) Docket No
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS: Robert Pitofsky, Chairman Sheila F. Anthony Mozelle W. Thompson Orson Swindle Thomas B. Leary ______________________________ ) In the matter of ) ) BP AMOCO P.L.C., ) a corporation, ) ) Docket No. C-3938 and ) ) ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY ) a corporation. ) ______________________________) COMPLAINT Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act, and by virtue of the authority vested in it by said Acts, the Federal Trade Commission, having reason to believe that BP Amoco p.l.c. ("BP Amoco”) and Atlantic Richfield Company (“ARCO”) have entered into an agreement in violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 45, and that the terms of such agreement, were they to be implemented, would result in a violation of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 18, and it appearing to the Commission that a proceeding in respect thereof would be in the public interest, hereby issues its complaint, stating its charges as follows: I. Respondent BP Amoco p.l.c. 1. Respondent BP Amoco is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the United Kingdom with its office and principal place of business located at Brittanic House, 1 Finsbury Circus, London EC2M 7BA, England. BP Amoco’s principal offices in the United States are located at 200 East Randolph Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601 2. Respondent BP Amoco is, and at all times relevant herein has been, engaged in the exploration, development, and production of crude oil on the Alaska North Slope, and the sale of that crude oil to refinery customers located in the states of Alaska, Hawaii, California, and Washington, and elsewhere.
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